forked from s434786/DINO_SCRUM
2.6 KiB
2.6 KiB
API Endpoints
POST /api/product/change-quantity
"id": Int,
"change": Int
"id": Int,
"name": String,
"price": Float,
"quantity": Int,
"quantityMax": Int,
"imageLink": String
Edit quantity and return the product.
GET /api/get-all
Return all products sorted by id.
GET /api/get-all?page=X&size=Y
Return page X with size Y of all products sorted by id.
GET /api/get-all?page=X&size=Y&sorted=Z
Return page X with size Y of all products sorted by Z field.
GET /api/get-all?sorted=Z
Return all products sorted by Z.
"content": [
"id": Int,
"name": String,
"price": Float,
"quantity": Int,
"quantityMax": Int,
"imageLink": String
"pageable": {
"sort": {
"sorted": Boolean,
"unsorted": Boolean,
"empty": Boolean
"offset": Int,
"pageSize": Int,
"pageNumber": Int,
"unpaged": Boolean,
"paged": Boolean
"totalPages": Int,
"totalElements": Int,
"last": Boolean,
"size": Int,
"number": Int,
"numberOfElements": Int,
"first": Boolean,
"sort": {
"sorted": Boolean,
"unsorted": Boolean,
"empty": Boolean
"empty": Boolean
GET /api/get-price-of-all
"price-of-all": Float
Return price of all products.
POST /api/product/add
"id": Int,
"name": String,
"price": Float,
"quantity": Int,
"quantityMax": Int,
"imageLink": String
"id": Int,
"name": String,
"price": Float,
"quantity": Int,
"quantityMax": Int,
"imageLink": String
Create and return a new product.
DELETE /api/delete-product
"id": Int
Delete product with id.
GET /api/product/get-by-id
"id": Int
"id": Int,
"name": String,
"price": Float,
"quantity": Int,
"quantityMax": Int,
"imageLink": String
Return product with id.
POST /api/product/update/{id}
Id is require, other field could be null.
"id": Int,
"name": String,
"price": Float,
"quantity": Int,
"quantityMax": Int,
"imageLink": String
"id": Int,
"name": String,
"price": Float,
"quantity": Int,
"quantityMax": Int,
"imageLink": String
Return updated product.