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!kaggle datasets download -d datasnaek/chess
Warning: Your Kaggle API key is readable by other users on this system! To fix this, you can run 'chmod 600 /home/pogoda/.kaggle/kaggle.json' Downloading chess.zip to /home/pogoda/dev/IUM 100%|██████████████████████████████████████| 2.77M/2.77M [00:00<00:00, 9.89MB/s] 100%|██████████████████████████████████████| 2.77M/2.77M [00:00<00:00, 9.05MB/s]
!unzip -o chess.zip
Archive: chess.zip inflating: games.csv
!head -n 5 games.csv
id,rated,created_at,last_move_at,turns,victory_status,winner,increment_code,white_id,white_rating,black_id,black_rating,moves,opening_eco,opening_name,opening_ply TZJHLljE,FALSE,1.50421E+12,1.50421E+12,13,outoftime,white,15+2,bourgris,1500,a-00,1191,d4 d5 c4 c6 cxd5 e6 dxe6 fxe6 Nf3 Bb4+ Nc3 Ba5 Bf4,D10,Slav Defense: Exchange Variation,5 l1NXvwaE,TRUE,1.50413E+12,1.50413E+12,16,resign,black,5+10,a-00,1322,skinnerua,1261,d4 Nc6 e4 e5 f4 f6 dxe5 fxe5 fxe5 Nxe5 Qd4 Nc6 Qe5+ Nxe5 c4 Bb4+,B00,Nimzowitsch Defense: Kennedy Variation,4 mIICvQHh,TRUE,1.50413E+12,1.50413E+12,61,mate,white,5+10,ischia,1496,a-00,1500,e4 e5 d3 d6 Be3 c6 Be2 b5 Nd2 a5 a4 c5 axb5 Nc6 bxc6 Ra6 Nc4 a4 c3 a3 Nxa3 Rxa3 Rxa3 c4 dxc4 d5 cxd5 Qxd5 exd5 Be6 Ra8+ Ke7 Bc5+ Kf6 Bxf8 Kg6 Bxg7 Kxg7 dxe6 Kh6 exf7 Nf6 Rxh8 Nh5 Bxh5 Kg5 Rxh7 Kf5 Qf3+ Ke6 Bg4+ Kd6 Rh6+ Kc5 Qe3+ Kb5 c4+ Kb4 Qc3+ Ka4 Bd1#,C20,King's Pawn Game: Leonardis Variation,3 kWKvrqYL,TRUE,1.50411E+12,1.50411E+12,61,mate,white,20+0,daniamurashov,1439,adivanov2009,1454,d4 d5 Nf3 Bf5 Nc3 Nf6 Bf4 Ng4 e3 Nc6 Be2 Qd7 O-O O-O-O Nb5 Nb4 Rc1 Nxa2 Ra1 Nb4 Nxa7+ Kb8 Nb5 Bxc2 Bxc7+ Kc8 Qd2 Qc6 Na7+ Kd7 Nxc6 bxc6 Bxd8 Kxd8 Qxb4 e5 Qb8+ Ke7 dxe5 Be4 Ra7+ Ke6 Qe8+ Kf5 Qxf7+ Nf6 Nh4+ Kg5 g3 Ng4 Qf4+ Kh5 Qxg4+ Kh6 Qf4+ g5 Qf6+ Bg6 Nxg6 Bg7 Qxg7#,D02,Queen's Pawn Game: Zukertort Variation,3
id - identyfikator gry
rated - czy gra rankingowa
created_at - timestamp utworzenia gry
last_move_at - timestamp ostatniego ruchu
turns - liczba posunięć
victory_status - sposób zakończenia rozgrywki
winner - wygrany gracz
increment_code - czas na partię i dodawany czas
white_id - id grającego białymi
white_ranking - ranking grającego białymi
black_id - id grającego czarnymi
black_ranking - ranking grającego czarnymi
moves - lista wykonanych posunięć
opening_eco - kod otwarcia
opening_name - nazwa otwarcia
opening_ply - liczba książkowych posunięć
import pandas as pd
id | rated | created_at | last_move_at | turns | victory_status | winner | increment_code | white_id | white_rating | black_id | black_rating | moves | opening_eco | opening_name | opening_ply | |
0 | TZJHLljE | False | 1.504210e+12 | 1.504210e+12 | 13 | outoftime | white | 15+2 | bourgris | 1500 | a-00 | 1191 | d4 d5 c4 c6 cxd5 e6 dxe6 fxe6 Nf3 Bb4+ Nc3 Ba5... | D10 | Slav Defense: Exchange Variation | 5 |
1 | l1NXvwaE | True | 1.504130e+12 | 1.504130e+12 | 16 | resign | black | 5+10 | a-00 | 1322 | skinnerua | 1261 | d4 Nc6 e4 e5 f4 f6 dxe5 fxe5 fxe5 Nxe5 Qd4 Nc6... | B00 | Nimzowitsch Defense: Kennedy Variation | 4 |
2 | mIICvQHh | True | 1.504130e+12 | 1.504130e+12 | 61 | mate | white | 5+10 | ischia | 1496 | a-00 | 1500 | e4 e5 d3 d6 Be3 c6 Be2 b5 Nd2 a5 a4 c5 axb5 Nc... | C20 | King's Pawn Game: Leonardis Variation | 3 |
3 | kWKvrqYL | True | 1.504110e+12 | 1.504110e+12 | 61 | mate | white | 20+0 | daniamurashov | 1439 | adivanov2009 | 1454 | d4 d5 Nf3 Bf5 Nc3 Nf6 Bf4 Ng4 e3 Nc6 Be2 Qd7 O... | D02 | Queen's Pawn Game: Zukertort Variation | 3 |
4 | 9tXo1AUZ | True | 1.504030e+12 | 1.504030e+12 | 95 | mate | white | 30+3 | nik221107 | 1523 | adivanov2009 | 1469 | e4 e5 Nf3 d6 d4 Nc6 d5 Nb4 a3 Na6 Nc3 Be7 b4 N... | C41 | Philidor Defense | 5 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
20053 | EfqH7VVH | True | 1.499791e+12 | 1.499791e+12 | 24 | resign | white | 10+10 | belcolt | 1691 | jamboger | 1220 | d4 f5 e3 e6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 b6 Be2 Bb7 O-O Be7 Ne5... | A80 | Dutch Defense | 2 |
20054 | WSJDhbPl | True | 1.499698e+12 | 1.499699e+12 | 82 | mate | black | 10+0 | jamboger | 1233 | farrukhasomiddinov | 1196 | d4 d6 Bf4 e5 Bg3 Nf6 e3 exd4 exd4 d5 c3 Bd6 Bd... | A41 | Queen's Pawn | 2 |
20055 | yrAas0Kj | True | 1.499698e+12 | 1.499698e+12 | 35 | mate | white | 10+0 | jamboger | 1219 | schaaksmurf3 | 1286 | d4 d5 Bf4 Nc6 e3 Nf6 c3 e6 Nf3 Be7 Bd3 O-O Nbd... | D00 | Queen's Pawn Game: Mason Attack | 3 |
20056 | b0v4tRyF | True | 1.499696e+12 | 1.499697e+12 | 109 | resign | white | 10+0 | marcodisogno | 1360 | jamboger | 1227 | e4 d6 d4 Nf6 e5 dxe5 dxe5 Qxd1+ Kxd1 Nd5 c4 Nb... | B07 | Pirc Defense | 4 |
20057 | N8G2JHGG | True | 1.499643e+12 | 1.499644e+12 | 78 | mate | black | 10+0 | jamboger | 1235 | ffbob | 1339 | d4 d5 Bf4 Na6 e3 e6 c3 Nf6 Nf3 Bd7 Nbd2 b5 Bd3... | D00 | Queen's Pawn Game: Mason Attack | 3 |
20058 rows × 16 columns
id | rated | created_at | last_move_at | turns | victory_status | winner | increment_code | white_id | white_rating | black_id | black_rating | moves | opening_eco | opening_name | opening_ply | |
count | 20058 | 20058 | 2.005800e+04 | 2.005800e+04 | 20058.000000 | 20058 | 20058 | 20058 | 20058 | 20058.000000 | 20058 | 20058.000000 | 20058 | 20058 | 20058 | 20058.000000 |
unique | 19113 | 2 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 4 | 3 | 400 | 9438 | NaN | 9331 | NaN | 18920 | 365 | 1477 | NaN |
top | XRuQPSzH | True | NaN | NaN | NaN | resign | white | 10+0 | taranga | NaN | taranga | NaN | e4 e5 | A00 | Van't Kruijs Opening | NaN |
freq | 5 | 16155 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 11147 | 10001 | 7721 | 72 | NaN | 82 | NaN | 27 | 1007 | 368 | NaN |
mean | NaN | NaN | 1.483617e+12 | 1.483618e+12 | 60.465999 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 1596.631868 | NaN | 1588.831987 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 4.816981 |
std | NaN | NaN | 2.850151e+10 | 2.850140e+10 | 33.570585 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 291.253376 | NaN | 291.036126 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 2.797152 |
min | NaN | NaN | 1.376772e+12 | 1.376772e+12 | 1.000000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 784.000000 | NaN | 789.000000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 1.000000 |
25% | NaN | NaN | 1.477548e+12 | 1.477548e+12 | 37.000000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 1398.000000 | NaN | 1391.000000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 3.000000 |
50% | NaN | NaN | 1.496010e+12 | 1.496010e+12 | 55.000000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 1567.000000 | NaN | 1562.000000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 4.000000 |
75% | NaN | NaN | 1.503170e+12 | 1.503170e+12 | 79.000000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 1793.000000 | NaN | 1784.000000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 6.000000 |
max | NaN | NaN | 1.504493e+12 | 1.504494e+12 | 349.000000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 2700.000000 | NaN | 2723.000000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 28.000000 |
Usunięcie id, czasu rozpoczęcia i zakończenia partii oraz id białych i czarnych oraz listy ruchów
chess.to_csv("chess.csv", index=False)
Średnia, minimum, maksimum, odchylenia standardowe, medianę wartości poszczególnych parametrów
rated | turns | victory_status | winner | increment_code | white_rating | black_rating | opening_eco | opening_name | opening_ply | |
count | 20058 | 20058.000000 | 20058 | 20058 | 20058 | 20058.000000 | 20058.000000 | 20058 | 20058 | 20058.000000 |
unique | 2 | NaN | 4 | 3 | 400 | NaN | NaN | 365 | 1477 | NaN |
top | True | NaN | resign | white | 10+0 | NaN | NaN | A00 | Van't Kruijs Opening | NaN |
freq | 16155 | NaN | 11147 | 10001 | 7721 | NaN | NaN | 1007 | 368 | NaN |
mean | NaN | 60.465999 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 1596.631868 | 1588.831987 | NaN | NaN | 4.816981 |
std | NaN | 33.570585 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 291.253376 | 291.036126 | NaN | NaN | 2.797152 |
min | NaN | 1.000000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 784.000000 | 789.000000 | NaN | NaN | 1.000000 |
25% | NaN | 37.000000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 1398.000000 | 1391.000000 | NaN | NaN | 3.000000 |
50% | NaN | 55.000000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 1567.000000 | 1562.000000 | NaN | NaN | 4.000000 |
75% | NaN | 79.000000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 1793.000000 | 1784.000000 | NaN | NaN | 6.000000 |
max | NaN | 349.000000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 2700.000000 | 2723.000000 | NaN | NaN | 28.000000 |
!head -n -1 games.csv | shuf > chess.csv.shuf
!wc -l chess.csv
20059 chess.csv
!head -n 2006 chess.csv.shuf > test.csv
!head -n 4012 chess.csv.shuf | tail -n 2006 > dev.csv
!tail -n +4013 chess.csv.shuf > train.csv
Wielkość zbiorów
!wc -l *.csv
20059 chess.csv 2006 dev.csv 20059 games.csv 2006 test.csv 16046 train.csv 60176 total