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2019-12-22 21:51:47 +01:00
# Copyright 2012-2013, Andrey Kislyuk and argcomplete contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License. See https://github.com/kislyuk/argcomplete for more info.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import os
import subprocess
from .compat import str, sys_encoding
def _call(*args, **kwargs):
return subprocess.check_output(*args, **kwargs).decode(sys_encoding).splitlines()
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
return []
class ChoicesCompleter(object):
def __init__(self, choices):
self.choices = choices
def _convert(self, choice):
if isinstance(choice, bytes):
choice = choice.decode(sys_encoding)
if not isinstance(choice, str):
choice = str(choice)
return choice
def __call__(self, **kwargs):
return (self._convert(c) for c in self.choices)
EnvironCompleter = ChoicesCompleter(os.environ)
class FilesCompleter(object):
File completer class, optionally takes a list of allowed extensions
def __init__(self, allowednames=(), directories=True):
# Fix if someone passes in a string instead of a list
if isinstance(allowednames, (str, bytes)):
allowednames = [allowednames]
self.allowednames = [x.lstrip("*").lstrip(".") for x in allowednames]
self.directories = directories
def __call__(self, prefix, **kwargs):
completion = []
if self.allowednames:
if self.directories:
files = _call(["bash", "-c", "compgen -A directory -- '{p}'".format(p=prefix)])
completion += [f + "/" for f in files]
for x in self.allowednames:
completion += _call(["bash", "-c", "compgen -A file -X '!*.{0}' -- '{p}'".format(x, p=prefix)])
completion += _call(["bash", "-c", "compgen -A file -- '{p}'".format(p=prefix)])
anticomp = _call(["bash", "-c", "compgen -A directory -- '{p}'".format(p=prefix)])
completion = list(set(completion) - set(anticomp))
if self.directories:
completion += [f + "/" for f in anticomp]
return completion
class _FilteredFilesCompleter(object):
def __init__(self, predicate):
Create the completer
A predicate accepts as its only argument a candidate path and either
accepts it or rejects it.
assert predicate, "Expected a callable predicate"
self.predicate = predicate
def __call__(self, prefix, **kwargs):
Provide completions on prefix
target_dir = os.path.dirname(prefix)
names = os.listdir(target_dir or ".")
return # empty iterator
incomplete_part = os.path.basename(prefix)
# Iterate on target_dir entries and filter on given predicate
for name in names:
if not name.startswith(incomplete_part):
candidate = os.path.join(target_dir, name)
if not self.predicate(candidate):
yield candidate + "/" if os.path.isdir(candidate) else candidate
class DirectoriesCompleter(_FilteredFilesCompleter):
def __init__(self):
_FilteredFilesCompleter.__init__(self, predicate=os.path.isdir)
class SuppressCompleter(object):
A completer used to suppress the completion of specific arguments
def __init__(self):
def suppress(self):
Decide if the completion should be suppressed
return True