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2019-12-22 21:51:47 +01:00
"""fuzzy searching allowing subsitutions and insertions, but no deletions"""
__all__ = [
import array
from fuzzysearch.common import Ngram, search_exact, Match
def _expand(subsequence, sequence, max_substitutions, max_insertions,
if not subsequence:
return (0, 0)
# Calculate the minimum number of substitutions required for each number
# of insertions between 0 and max_insertions.
# This is done using a "dynamic programming" algorithm.
n_subs = array.array('L', [0] * (max_insertions + 1))
for subseq_index, char in enumerate(subsequence):
n_subs[0] += (char != sequence[subseq_index])
for n_ins in range(1, max_insertions + 1):
n_subs[n_ins] = min(
n_subs[n_ins] + (char != sequence[subseq_index + n_ins]),
n_subs[n_ins - 1]
matches = [
(_n_subs, _n_ins) for (_n_ins, _n_subs) in enumerate(n_subs)
if _n_subs <= max_substitutions
and _n_ins + _n_subs <= max_l_dist
return [
match for (i, match) in enumerate(matches)
if i == 0 or match[0] < matches[i-1][0]
def find_near_matches_no_deletions_ngrams(subsequence, sequence, search_params):
"""search for near-matches of subsequence in sequence
This searches for near-matches, where the nearly-matching parts of the
sequence must meet the following limitations (relative to the subsequence):
* the maximum allowed number of character substitutions
* the maximum allowed number of new characters inserted
* no deletions are allowed
* the total number of substitutions, insertions and deletions
if not subsequence:
raise ValueError('Given subsequence is empty!')
max_substitutions, max_insertions, max_deletions, max_l_dist = search_params.unpacked
max_substitutions = min(max_substitutions, max_l_dist)
max_insertions = min(max_insertions, max_l_dist)
subseq_len = len(subsequence)
seq_len = len(sequence)
ngram_len = subseq_len // (max_substitutions + max_insertions + 1)
if ngram_len == 0:
raise ValueError(
"The subsequence's length must be greater than max_subs + max_ins!"
matches = []
matched_indexes = set()
for ngram_start in range(0, len(subsequence) - ngram_len + 1, ngram_len):
ngram_end = ngram_start + ngram_len
subseq_before = subsequence[:ngram_start]
subseq_before_reversed = subseq_before[::-1]
subseq_after = subsequence[ngram_end:]
start_index = max(0, ngram_start - max_insertions)
end_index = min(seq_len, seq_len - (subseq_len - ngram_end) + max_insertions)
for index in search_exact(
subsequence[ngram_start:ngram_end], sequence,
start_index, end_index,
if index - ngram_start in matched_indexes:
seq_after = sequence[index + ngram_len:index + subseq_len - ngram_start + max_insertions]
if seq_after.startswith(subseq_after):
matches_after = [(0, 0)]
matches_after = _expand(subseq_after, seq_after,
max_substitutions, max_insertions, max_l_dist)
if not matches_after:
_max_substitutions = max_substitutions - min(m[0] for m in matches_after)
_max_insertions = max_insertions - min(m[1] for m in matches_after)
_max_l_dist = max_l_dist - min(m[0] + m[1] for m in matches_after)
seq_before = sequence[index - ngram_start - _max_insertions:index]
if seq_before.endswith(subseq_before):
matches_before = [(0, 0)]
matches_before = _expand(
subseq_before_reversed, seq_before[::-1],
_max_substitutions, _max_insertions, _max_l_dist,
for (subs_before, ins_before) in matches_before:
for (subs_after, ins_after) in matches_after:
if (
subs_before + subs_after <= max_substitutions and
ins_before + ins_after <= max_insertions and
subs_before + subs_after + ins_before + ins_after <= max_l_dist
start=index - ngram_start - ins_before,
end=index - ngram_start + subseq_len + ins_after,
dist=subs_before + subs_after + ins_before + ins_after,
matched_indexes |= set(range(
index - ngram_start - ins_before,
index - ngram_start - ins_before + max_insertions + 1,
return sorted(matches, key=lambda match: match.start)