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2019-12-22 21:51:47 +01:00
# Natural Language Toolkit: PanLex Corpus Reader
# Copyright (C) 2001-2019 NLTK Project
# Author: David Kamholz <kamholz@panlex.org>
# URL: <http://nltk.org/>
# For license information, see LICENSE.TXT
CorpusReader for PanLex Lite, a stripped down version of PanLex distributed
as an SQLite database. See the README.txt in the panlex_lite corpus directory
for more information on PanLex Lite.
import os
import sqlite3
from nltk.corpus.reader.api import CorpusReader
class PanLexLiteCorpusReader(CorpusReader):
SELECT dnx2.mn, dnx2.uq, dnx2.ap, dnx2.ui, ex2.tt, ex2.lv
FROM dnx
JOIN ex ON (ex.ex = dnx.ex)
JOIN dnx dnx2 ON (dnx2.mn = dnx.mn)
JOIN ex ex2 ON (ex2.ex = dnx2.ex)
WHERE dnx.ex != dnx2.ex AND ex.tt = ? AND ex.lv = ?
SELECT s.tt, sum(s.uq) AS trq FROM (
SELECT ex2.tt, max(dnx.uq) AS uq
FROM dnx
JOIN ex ON (ex.ex = dnx.ex)
JOIN dnx dnx2 ON (dnx2.mn = dnx.mn)
JOIN ex ex2 ON (ex2.ex = dnx2.ex)
WHERE dnx.ex != dnx2.ex AND ex.lv = ? AND ex.tt = ? AND ex2.lv = ?
GROUP BY ex2.tt, dnx.ui
) s
ORDER BY trq DESC, s.tt
def __init__(self, root):
self._c = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(root, 'db.sqlite')).cursor()
self._uid_lv = {}
self._lv_uid = {}
for row in self._c.execute('SELECT uid, lv FROM lv'):
self._uid_lv[row[0]] = row[1]
self._lv_uid[row[1]] = row[0]
def language_varieties(self, lc=None):
Return a list of PanLex language varieties.
:param lc: ISO 639 alpha-3 code. If specified, filters returned varieties
by this code. If unspecified, all varieties are returned.
:return: the specified language varieties as a list of tuples. The first
element is the language variety's seven-character uniform identifier,
and the second element is its default name.
:rtype: list(tuple)
if lc is None:
return self._c.execute('SELECT uid, tt FROM lv ORDER BY uid').fetchall()
return self._c.execute(
'SELECT uid, tt FROM lv WHERE lc = ? ORDER BY uid', (lc,)
def meanings(self, expr_uid, expr_tt):
Return a list of meanings for an expression.
:param expr_uid: the expression's language variety, as a seven-character
uniform identifier.
:param expr_tt: the expression's text.
:return: a list of Meaning objects.
:rtype: list(Meaning)
expr_lv = self._uid_lv[expr_uid]
mn_info = {}
for i in self._c.execute(self.MEANING_Q, (expr_tt, expr_lv)):
mn = i[0]
uid = self._lv_uid[i[5]]
if not mn in mn_info:
mn_info[mn] = {
'uq': i[1],
'ap': i[2],
'ui': i[3],
'ex': {expr_uid: [expr_tt]},
if not uid in mn_info[mn]['ex']:
mn_info[mn]['ex'][uid] = []
return [Meaning(mn, mn_info[mn]) for mn in mn_info]
def translations(self, from_uid, from_tt, to_uid):
Return a list of translations for an expression into a single language
:param from_uid: the source expression's language variety, as a
seven-character uniform identifier.
:param from_tt: the source expression's text.
:param to_uid: the target language variety, as a seven-character
uniform identifier.
:return a list of translation tuples. The first element is the expression
text and the second element is the translation quality.
:rtype: list(tuple)
from_lv = self._uid_lv[from_uid]
to_lv = self._uid_lv[to_uid]
return self._c.execute(self.TRANSLATION_Q, (from_lv, from_tt, to_lv)).fetchall()
class Meaning(dict):
Represents a single PanLex meaning. A meaning is a translation set derived
from a single source.
def __init__(self, mn, attr):
super(Meaning, self).__init__(**attr)
self['mn'] = mn
def id(self):
:return: the meaning's id.
:rtype: int
return self['mn']
def quality(self):
:return: the meaning's source's quality (0=worst, 9=best).
:rtype: int
return self['uq']
def source(self):
:return: the meaning's source id.
:rtype: int
return self['ap']
def source_group(self):
:return: the meaning's source group id.
:rtype: int
return self['ui']
def expressions(self):
:return: the meaning's expressions as a dictionary whose keys are language
variety uniform identifiers and whose values are lists of expression
:rtype: dict
return self['ex']