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2019-12-22 21:51:47 +01:00
# encoding: utf-8
lxml custom element class for CT_GraphicalObjectFrame XML element.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from .. import parse_xml
from ..chart.chart import CT_Chart
from ..ns import nsdecls
from .shared import BaseShapeElement
from ..simpletypes import XsdString
from ..table import CT_Table
from ..xmlchemy import BaseOxmlElement, OneAndOnlyOne, RequiredAttribute, ZeroOrOne
class CT_GraphicalObject(BaseOxmlElement):
``<a:graphic>`` element, which is the container for the reference to or
definition of the framed graphical object (table, chart, etc.).
graphicData = OneAndOnlyOne("a:graphicData")
def chart(self):
The ``<c:chart>`` grandchild element, or |None| if not present.
return self.graphicData.chart
class CT_GraphicalObjectData(BaseShapeElement):
``<p:graphicData>`` element, the direct container for a table, a chart,
or another graphical object.
chart = ZeroOrOne("c:chart")
tbl = ZeroOrOne("a:tbl")
uri = RequiredAttribute("uri", XsdString)
class CT_GraphicalObjectFrame(BaseShapeElement):
``<p:graphicFrame>`` element, which is a container for a table, a chart,
or another graphical object.
nvGraphicFramePr = OneAndOnlyOne("p:nvGraphicFramePr")
xfrm = OneAndOnlyOne("p:xfrm")
graphic = OneAndOnlyOne("a:graphic")
def chart(self):
The ``<c:chart>`` great-grandchild element, or |None| if not present.
return self.graphic.chart
def chart_rId(self):
The ``rId`` attribute of the ``<c:chart>`` great-grandchild element,
or |None| if not present.
chart = self.chart
if chart is None:
return None
return chart.rId
def get_or_add_xfrm(self):
Return the required ``<p:xfrm>`` child element. Overrides version on
return self.xfrm
def has_chart(self):
True if graphicFrame contains a chart, False otherwise.
return self.graphic.graphicData.uri == GRAPHIC_DATA_URI_CHART
def has_table(self):
True if graphicFrame contains a table, False otherwise.
return self.graphic.graphicData.uri == GRAPHIC_DATA_URI_TABLE
def new_chart_graphicFrame(cls, id_, name, rId, x, y, cx, cy):
Return a ``<p:graphicFrame>`` element tree populated with a chart
graphicFrame = CT_GraphicalObjectFrame.new_graphicFrame(id_, name, x, y, cx, cy)
graphicData = graphicFrame.graphic.graphicData
graphicData.uri = GRAPHIC_DATA_URI_CHART
return graphicFrame
def new_graphicFrame(cls, id_, name, x, y, cx, cy):
Return a new ``<p:graphicFrame>`` element tree suitable for
containing a table or chart. Note that a graphicFrame element is not
a valid shape until it contains a graphical object such as a table.
xml = cls._graphicFrame_tmpl() % (id_, name, x, y, cx, cy)
graphicFrame = parse_xml(xml)
return graphicFrame
def new_table_graphicFrame(cls, id_, name, rows, cols, x, y, cx, cy):
Return a ``<p:graphicFrame>`` element tree populated with a table
graphicFrame = cls.new_graphicFrame(id_, name, x, y, cx, cy)
graphicFrame.graphic.graphicData.uri = GRAPHIC_DATA_URI_TABLE
graphicFrame.graphic.graphicData.append(CT_Table.new_tbl(rows, cols, cx, cy))
return graphicFrame
def _graphicFrame_tmpl(cls):
return (
"<p:graphicFrame %s>\n"
" <p:nvGraphicFramePr>\n"
' <p:cNvPr id="%s" name="%s"/>\n'
" <p:cNvGraphicFramePr>\n"
' <a:graphicFrameLocks noGrp="1"/>\n'
" </p:cNvGraphicFramePr>\n"
" <p:nvPr/>\n"
" </p:nvGraphicFramePr>\n"
" <p:xfrm>\n"
' <a:off x="%s" y="%s"/>\n'
' <a:ext cx="%s" cy="%s"/>\n'
" </p:xfrm>\n"
" <a:graphic>\n"
" <a:graphicData/>\n"
" </a:graphic>\n"
% (nsdecls("a", "p"), "%d", "%s", "%d", "%d", "%d", "%d")
class CT_GraphicalObjectFrameNonVisual(BaseOxmlElement):
``<p:nvGraphicFramePr>`` element, container for the non-visual properties
of a graphic frame, such as name, id, etc.
cNvPr = OneAndOnlyOne("p:cNvPr")
nvPr = OneAndOnlyOne("p:nvPr")