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2019-12-22 21:51:47 +01:00
# encoding: utf-8
Simple type classes, providing validation and format translation for values
stored in XML element attributes. Naming generally corresponds to the simple
type in the associated XML schema.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
import numbers
from pptx.exc import InvalidXmlError
from pptx.util import Centipoints, Emu
class BaseSimpleType(object):
def from_xml(cls, str_value):
return cls.convert_from_xml(str_value)
def to_xml(cls, value):
str_value = cls.convert_to_xml(value)
return str_value
def validate_float(cls, value):
Note that int values are accepted.
if not isinstance(value, (int, float)):
raise TypeError("value must be a number, got %s" % type(value))
def validate_int(cls, value):
if not isinstance(value, numbers.Integral):
raise TypeError("value must be an integral type, got %s" % type(value))
def validate_float_in_range(cls, value, min_inclusive, max_inclusive):
if value < min_inclusive or value > max_inclusive:
raise ValueError(
"value must be in range %s to %s inclusive, got %s"
% (min_inclusive, max_inclusive, value)
def validate_int_in_range(cls, value, min_inclusive, max_inclusive):
if value < min_inclusive or value > max_inclusive:
raise ValueError(
"value must be in range %d to %d inclusive, got %d"
% (min_inclusive, max_inclusive, value)
def validate_string(cls, value):
if isinstance(value, str):
return value
if isinstance(value, basestring):
return value
except NameError: # means we're on Python 3
raise TypeError("value must be a string, got %s" % type(value))
class BaseFloatType(BaseSimpleType):
def convert_from_xml(cls, str_value):
return float(str_value)
def convert_to_xml(cls, value):
return str(float(value))
def validate(cls, value):
if not isinstance(value, (int, float)):
raise TypeError("value must be a number, got %s" % type(value))
class BaseIntType(BaseSimpleType):
def convert_from_percent_literal(cls, str_value):
int_str = str_value.replace("%", "")
return int(int_str)
def convert_from_xml(cls, str_value):
return int(str_value)
def convert_to_xml(cls, value):
return str(value)
def validate(cls, value):
class BaseStringType(BaseSimpleType):
def convert_from_xml(cls, str_value):
return str_value
def convert_to_xml(cls, value):
return value
def validate(cls, value):
class BaseStringEnumerationType(BaseStringType):
def validate(cls, value):
if value not in cls._members:
raise ValueError("must be one of %s, got '%s'" % (cls._members, value))
class XsdAnyUri(BaseStringType):
There's a regular expression this is supposed to meet but so far thinking
spending cycles on validating wouldn't be worth it for the number of
programming errors it would catch.
class XsdBoolean(BaseSimpleType):
def convert_from_xml(cls, str_value):
if str_value not in ("1", "0", "true", "false"):
raise InvalidXmlError(
"value must be one of '1', '0', 'true' or 'false', got '%s'" % str_value
return str_value in ("1", "true")
def convert_to_xml(cls, value):
return {True: "1", False: "0"}[value]
def validate(cls, value):
if value not in (True, False):
raise TypeError(
"only True or False (and possibly None) may be assigned, got"
" '%s'" % value
class XsdDouble(BaseFloatType):
class XsdId(BaseStringType):
String that must begin with a letter or underscore and cannot contain any
colons. Not fully validated because not used in external API.
class XsdInt(BaseIntType):
def validate(cls, value):
cls.validate_int_in_range(value, -2147483648, 2147483647)
class XsdLong(BaseIntType):
def validate(cls, value):
cls.validate_int_in_range(value, -9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807)
class XsdString(BaseStringType):
class XsdStringEnumeration(BaseStringEnumerationType):
Set of enumerated xsd:string values.
class XsdToken(BaseStringType):
xsd:string with whitespace collapsing, e.g. multiple spaces reduced to
one, leading and trailing space stripped.
class XsdTokenEnumeration(BaseStringEnumerationType):
xsd:string with whitespace collapsing, e.g. multiple spaces reduced to
one, leading and trailing space stripped.
class XsdUnsignedByte(BaseIntType):
def validate(cls, value):
cls.validate_int_in_range(value, 0, 255)
class XsdUnsignedInt(BaseIntType):
def validate(cls, value):
cls.validate_int_in_range(value, 0, 4294967295)
class XsdUnsignedShort(BaseIntType):
def validate(cls, value):
cls.validate_int_in_range(value, 0, 65535)
class ST_Angle(XsdInt):
Valid values for `rot` attribute on `<a:xfrm>` element. 60000ths of
a degree rotation.
def convert_from_xml(cls, str_value):
rot = int(str_value) % cls.THREE_SIXTY
return float(rot) / cls.DEGREE_INCREMENTS
def convert_to_xml(cls, value):
Convert signed angle float like -42.42 to int 60000 per degree,
normalized to positive value.
# modulo normalizes negative and >360 degree values
rot = int(round(value * cls.DEGREE_INCREMENTS)) % cls.THREE_SIXTY
return str(rot)
def validate(cls, value):
class ST_AxisUnit(XsdDouble):
Valid values for val attribute on c:majorUnit and others.
def validate(cls, value):
super(ST_AxisUnit, cls).validate(value)
if value <= 0.0:
raise ValueError("must be positive numeric value, got %s" % value)
class ST_BarDir(XsdStringEnumeration):
Valid values for <c:barDir val="?"> attribute
BAR = "bar"
COL = "col"
_members = (BAR, COL)
class ST_BubbleScale(BaseIntType):
String value is an integer in range 0-300, representing a percent,
optionally including a '%' suffix.
def convert_from_xml(cls, str_value):
if "%" in str_value:
return cls.convert_from_percent_literal(str_value)
return super(ST_BubbleScale, cls).convert_from_xml(str_value)
def validate(cls, value):
cls.validate_int_in_range(value, 0, 300)
class ST_ContentType(XsdString):
Has a pretty wicked regular expression it needs to match in the schema,
but figuring it's not worth the trouble or run time to identify
a programming error (as opposed to a user/runtime error).
class ST_Coordinate(BaseSimpleType):
def convert_from_xml(cls, str_value):
if "i" in str_value or "m" in str_value or "p" in str_value:
return ST_UniversalMeasure.convert_from_xml(str_value)
return Emu(int(str_value))
def convert_to_xml(cls, value):
return str(value)
def validate(cls, value):
class ST_Coordinate32(BaseSimpleType):
xsd:union of ST_Coordinate32Unqualified, ST_UniversalMeasure
def convert_from_xml(cls, str_value):
if "i" in str_value or "m" in str_value or "p" in str_value:
return ST_UniversalMeasure.convert_from_xml(str_value)
return ST_Coordinate32Unqualified.convert_from_xml(str_value)
def convert_to_xml(cls, value):
return ST_Coordinate32Unqualified.convert_to_xml(value)
def validate(cls, value):
class ST_Coordinate32Unqualified(XsdInt):
def convert_from_xml(cls, str_value):
return Emu(int(str_value))
class ST_CoordinateUnqualified(XsdLong):
def validate(cls, value):
cls.validate_int_in_range(value, -27273042329600, 27273042316900)
class ST_Direction(XsdTokenEnumeration):
Valid values for <p:ph orient=""> attribute
HORZ = "horz"
VERT = "vert"
_members = (HORZ, VERT)
class ST_DrawingElementId(XsdUnsignedInt):
class ST_Extension(XsdString):
Has a regular expression it needs to match in the schema, but figuring
it's not worth the trouble or run time to identify a programming error
(as opposed to a user/runtime error).
class ST_GapAmount(BaseIntType):
String value is an integer in range 0-500, representing a percent,
optionally including a '%' suffix.
def convert_from_xml(cls, str_value):
if "%" in str_value:
return cls.convert_from_percent_literal(str_value)
return super(ST_GapAmount, cls).convert_from_xml(str_value)
def validate(cls, value):
cls.validate_int_in_range(value, 0, 500)
class ST_Grouping(XsdStringEnumeration):
Valid values for <c:grouping val=""> attribute. Overloaded for use as
ST_BarGrouping using same tag name.
CLUSTERED = "clustered"
PERCENT_STACKED = "percentStacked"
STACKED = "stacked"
STANDARD = "standard"
class ST_HexColorRGB(BaseStringType):
def convert_to_xml(cls, value):
Keep alpha characters all uppercase just for consistency.
return value.upper()
def validate(cls, value):
# must be string ---------------
str_value = cls.validate_string(value)
# must be 6 chars long----------
if len(str_value) != 6:
raise ValueError(
"RGB string must be six characters long, got '%s'" % str_value
# must parse as hex int --------
int(str_value, 16)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(
"RGB string must be valid hex string, got '%s'" % str_value
class ST_LayoutMode(XsdStringEnumeration):
Valid values for `val` attribute on c:xMode and other elements of type
EDGE = "edge"
FACTOR = "factor"
_members = (EDGE, FACTOR)
class ST_LblOffset(XsdUnsignedShort):
Unsigned integer value between 0 and 1000 inclusive, with optional
percent character ('%') suffix.
def convert_from_xml(cls, str_value):
if str_value.endswith("%"):
return cls.convert_from_percent_literal(str_value)
return int(str_value)
def validate(cls, value):
cls.validate_int_in_range(value, 0, 1000)
class ST_LineWidth(XsdInt):
def convert_from_xml(cls, str_value):
return Emu(int(str_value))
def validate(cls, value):
super(ST_LineWidth, cls).validate(value)
if value < 0 or value > 20116800:
raise ValueError(
"value must be in range 0-20116800 inclusive (0-1584 points)"
", got %d" % value
class ST_MarkerSize(XsdUnsignedByte):
def validate(cls, value):
cls.validate_int_in_range(value, 2, 72)
class ST_Overlap(BaseIntType):
String value is an integer in range -100..100, representing a percent,
optionally including a '%' suffix.
def convert_from_xml(cls, str_value):
if "%" in str_value:
return cls.convert_from_percent_literal(str_value)
return super(ST_Overlap, cls).convert_from_xml(str_value)
def validate(cls, value):
cls.validate_int_in_range(value, -100, 100)
class ST_Percentage(BaseIntType):
"""Percentage value like 42000 or '42.0%'
Either an integer literal representing 1000ths of a percent
(e.g. "42000"), or a floating point literal with a '%' suffix
(e.g. "42.0%).
def convert_from_xml(cls, str_value):
if "%" in str_value:
return cls._convert_from_percent_literal(str_value)
return int(str_value) / 100000.0
def convert_to_xml(cls, value):
return str(int(round(value * 100000.0)))
def validate(cls, value):
cls.validate_float_in_range(value, -21474.83648, 21474.83647)
def _convert_from_percent_literal(cls, str_value):
float_part = str_value[:-1] # trim off '%' character
return float(float_part) / 100.0
class ST_PlaceholderSize(XsdTokenEnumeration):
Valid values for <p:ph> sz (size) attribute
FULL = "full"
HALF = "half"
QUARTER = "quarter"
_members = (FULL, HALF, QUARTER)
class ST_PositiveCoordinate(XsdLong):
def convert_from_xml(cls, str_value):
int_value = super(ST_PositiveCoordinate, cls).convert_from_xml(str_value)
return Emu(int_value)
def validate(cls, value):
cls.validate_int_in_range(value, 0, 27273042316900)
class ST_PositiveFixedAngle(ST_Angle):
"""Valid values for `a:lin@ang`.
60000ths of a degree rotation, constained to positive angles less than
360 degrees.
def convert_to_xml(cls, degrees):
"""Convert signed angle float like -427.42 to int 60000 per degree.
Value is normalized to a positive value less than 360 degrees.
if degrees < 0.0:
degrees %= -360
degrees += 360
elif degrees > 0.0:
degrees %= 360
return str(int(round(degrees * cls.DEGREE_INCREMENTS)))
class ST_PositiveFixedPercentage(ST_Percentage):
"""Percentage value between 0 and 100% like 42000 or '42.0%'
Either an integer literal representing 1000ths of a percent
(e.g. "42000"), or a floating point literal with a '%' suffix
(e.g. "42.0%). Value is constrained to range of 0% to 100%. The source
value is a float between 0.0 and 1.0.
def validate(cls, value):
cls.validate_float_in_range(value, 0.0, 1.0)
class ST_RelationshipId(XsdString):
class ST_SlideId(XsdUnsignedInt):
def validate(cls, value):
cls.validate_int_in_range(value, 256, 2147483647)
class ST_SlideSizeCoordinate(BaseIntType):
def convert_from_xml(cls, str_value):
return Emu(str_value)
def validate(cls, value):
if value < 914400 or value > 51206400:
raise ValueError(
"value must be in range(914400, 51206400) (1-56 inches), got"
" %d" % value
class ST_Style(XsdUnsignedByte):
def validate(cls, value):
cls.validate_int_in_range(value, 1, 48)
class ST_TargetMode(XsdString):
The valid values for the ``TargetMode`` attribute in a Relationship
element, either 'External' or 'Internal'.
def validate(cls, value):
if value not in ("External", "Internal"):
raise ValueError(
"must be one of 'Internal' or 'External', got '%s'" % value
class ST_TextFontScalePercentOrPercentString(BaseFloatType):
Valid values for the `fontScale` attribute of ``<a:normAutofit>``.
Translates to a float value.
def convert_from_xml(cls, str_value):
if str_value.endswith("%"):
return float(str_value[:-1]) # trim off '%' character
return int(str_value) / 1000.0
def convert_to_xml(cls, value):
return str(int(value * 1000.0))
def validate(cls, value):
if value < 1.0 or value > 100.0:
raise ValueError(
"value must be in range 1.0..100.0 (percent), got %s" % value
class ST_TextFontSize(BaseIntType):
def validate(cls, value):
cls.validate_int_in_range(value, 100, 400000)
class ST_TextIndentLevelType(BaseIntType):
def validate(cls, value):
cls.validate_int_in_range(value, 0, 8)
class ST_TextSpacingPercentOrPercentString(BaseFloatType):
def convert_from_xml(cls, str_value):
if str_value.endswith("%"):
return cls._convert_from_percent_literal(str_value)
return int(str_value) / 100000.0
def _convert_from_percent_literal(cls, str_value):
float_part = str_value[:-1] # trim off '%' character
percent_value = float(float_part)
lines_value = percent_value / 100.0
return lines_value
def convert_to_xml(cls, value):
1.75 -> '175000'
lines = value * 100000.0
return str(int(round(lines)))
def validate(cls, value):
cls.validate_float_in_range(value, 0.0, 132.0)
class ST_TextSpacingPoint(BaseIntType):
def convert_from_xml(cls, str_value):
Reads string integer centipoints, returns |Length| value.
return Centipoints(int(str_value))
def convert_to_xml(cls, value):
length = Emu(value) # just to make sure
return str(length.centipoints)
def validate(cls, value):
cls.validate_int_in_range(value, 0, 20116800)
class ST_TextTypeface(XsdString):
class ST_TextWrappingType(XsdTokenEnumeration):
Valid values for <a:bodyPr wrap=""> attribute
NONE = "none"
SQUARE = "square"
_members = (NONE, SQUARE)
class ST_UniversalMeasure(BaseSimpleType):
def convert_from_xml(cls, str_value):
float_part, units_part = str_value[:-2], str_value[-2:]
quantity = float(float_part)
multiplier = {
"mm": 36000,
"cm": 360000,
"in": 914400,
"pt": 12700,
"pc": 152400,
"pi": 152400,
emu_value = Emu(int(round(quantity * multiplier)))
return emu_value