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2019-12-22 21:51:47 +01:00
# encoding: utf-8
"""Slide-related custom element classes, including those for masters."""
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
from pptx.oxml import parse_from_template, parse_xml
from pptx.oxml.dml.fill import CT_GradientFillProperties
from pptx.oxml.ns import nsdecls
from pptx.oxml.simpletypes import XsdString
from pptx.oxml.xmlchemy import (
class _BaseSlideElement(BaseOxmlElement):
Base class for the six slide types, providing common methods.
def spTree(self):
Return required `p:cSld/p:spTree` grandchild.
return self.cSld.spTree
class CT_Background(BaseOxmlElement):
"""`p:bg` element."""
# ---these two are actually a choice, not a sequence, but simpler for
# ---present purposes this way.
_tag_seq = ("p:bgPr", "p:bgRef")
bgPr = ZeroOrOne("p:bgPr", successors=())
bgRef = ZeroOrOne("p:bgRef", successors=())
del _tag_seq
def add_noFill_bgPr(self):
"""Return a new `p:bgPr` element with noFill properties."""
xml = (
"<p:bgPr %s>\n"
" <a:noFill/>\n"
" <a:effectLst/>\n"
"</p:bgPr>" % nsdecls("a", "p")
bgPr = parse_xml(xml)
return bgPr
class CT_BackgroundProperties(BaseOxmlElement):
"""`p:bgPr` element."""
_tag_seq = (
eg_fillProperties = ZeroOrOneChoice(
del _tag_seq
def _new_gradFill(self):
"""Override default to add default gradient subtree."""
return CT_GradientFillProperties.new_gradFill()
class CT_CommonSlideData(BaseOxmlElement):
"""`p:cSld` element."""
_tag_seq = ("p:bg", "p:spTree", "p:custDataLst", "p:controls", "p:extLst")
bg = ZeroOrOne("p:bg", successors=_tag_seq[1:])
spTree = OneAndOnlyOne("p:spTree")
del _tag_seq
name = OptionalAttribute("name", XsdString, default="")
def get_or_add_bgPr(self):
"""Return `p:bg/p:bgPr` grandchild.
If no such grandchild is present, any existing `p:bg` child is first
removed and a new default `p:bg` with noFill settings is added.
bg = self.bg
if bg is None or bg.bgPr is None:
return self.bg.bgPr
def _change_to_noFill_bg(self):
"""Establish a `p:bg` child with no-fill settings.
Any existing `p:bg` child is first removed.
bg = self.get_or_add_bg()
return bg
class CT_NotesMaster(_BaseSlideElement):
``<p:notesMaster>`` element, root of a notes master part
_tag_seq = ("p:cSld", "p:clrMap", "p:hf", "p:notesStyle", "p:extLst")
cSld = OneAndOnlyOne("p:cSld")
del _tag_seq
def new_default(cls):
Return a new ``<p:notesMaster>`` element based on the built-in
default template.
return parse_from_template("notesMaster")
class CT_NotesSlide(_BaseSlideElement):
``<p:notes>`` element, root of a notes slide part
_tag_seq = ("p:cSld", "p:clrMapOvr", "p:extLst")
cSld = OneAndOnlyOne("p:cSld")
del _tag_seq
def new(cls):
Return a new ``<p:notes>`` element based on the default template.
Note that the template does not include placeholders, which must be
subsequently cloned from the notes master.
return parse_from_template("notes")
class CT_Slide(_BaseSlideElement):
"""`p:sld` element, root element of a slide part (XML document)."""
_tag_seq = ("p:cSld", "p:clrMapOvr", "p:transition", "p:timing", "p:extLst")
cSld = OneAndOnlyOne("p:cSld")
clrMapOvr = ZeroOrOne("p:clrMapOvr", successors=_tag_seq[2:])
timing = ZeroOrOne("p:timing", successors=_tag_seq[4:])
del _tag_seq
def new(cls):
"""Return new `p:sld` element configured as base slide shape."""
return parse_xml(cls._sld_xml())
def bg(self):
"""Return `p:bg` grandchild or None if not present."""
return self.cSld.bg
def get_or_add_childTnLst(self):
"""Return parent element for a new `p:video` child element.
The `p:video` element causes play controls to appear under a video
shape (pic shape containing video). There can be more than one video
shape on a slide, which causes the precondition to vary. It needs to
handle the case when there is no `p:sld/p:timing` element and when
that element already exists. If the case isn't simple, it just nukes
what's there and adds a fresh one. This could theoretically remove
desired existing timing information, but there isn't any evidence
available to me one way or the other, so I've taken the simple
childTnLst = self._childTnLst
if childTnLst is None:
childTnLst = self._add_childTnLst()
return childTnLst
def _add_childTnLst(self):
"""Add `./p:timing/p:tnLst/p:par/p:cTn/p:childTnLst` descendant.
Any existing `p:timing` child element is ruthlessly removed and
timing = parse_xml(self._childTnLst_timing_xml())
return timing.xpath("./p:tnLst/p:par/p:cTn/p:childTnLst")[0]
def _childTnLst(self):
"""Return `./p:timing/p:tnLst/p:par/p:cTn/p:childTnLst` descendant.
Return None if that element is not present.
childTnLsts = self.xpath("./p:timing/p:tnLst/p:par/p:cTn/p:childTnLst")
if not childTnLsts:
return None
return childTnLsts[0]
def _childTnLst_timing_xml():
return (
"<p:timing %s>\n"
" <p:tnLst>\n"
" <p:par>\n"
' <p:cTn id="1" dur="indefinite" restart="never" nodeType="'
" <p:childTnLst/>\n"
" </p:cTn>\n"
" </p:par>\n"
" </p:tnLst>\n"
"</p:timing>" % nsdecls("p")
def _sld_xml():
return (
"<p:sld %s>\n"
" <p:cSld>\n"
" <p:spTree>\n"
" <p:nvGrpSpPr>\n"
' <p:cNvPr id="1" name=""/>\n'
" <p:cNvGrpSpPr/>\n"
" <p:nvPr/>\n"
" </p:nvGrpSpPr>\n"
" <p:grpSpPr/>\n"
" </p:spTree>\n"
" </p:cSld>\n"
" <p:clrMapOvr>\n"
" <a:masterClrMapping/>\n"
" </p:clrMapOvr>\n"
"</p:sld>" % nsdecls("a", "p", "r")
class CT_SlideLayout(_BaseSlideElement):
``<p:sldLayout>`` element, root of a slide layout part
_tag_seq = ("p:cSld", "p:clrMapOvr", "p:transition", "p:timing", "p:hf", "p:extLst")
cSld = OneAndOnlyOne("p:cSld")
del _tag_seq
class CT_SlideLayoutIdList(BaseOxmlElement):
``<p:sldLayoutIdLst>`` element, child of ``<p:sldMaster>`` containing
references to the slide layouts that inherit from the slide master.
sldLayoutId = ZeroOrMore("p:sldLayoutId")
class CT_SlideLayoutIdListEntry(BaseOxmlElement):
``<p:sldLayoutId>`` element, child of ``<p:sldLayoutIdLst>`` containing
a reference to a slide layout.
rId = RequiredAttribute("r:id", XsdString)
class CT_SlideMaster(_BaseSlideElement):
``<p:sldMaster>`` element, root of a slide master part
_tag_seq = (
cSld = OneAndOnlyOne("p:cSld")
sldLayoutIdLst = ZeroOrOne("p:sldLayoutIdLst", successors=_tag_seq[3:])
del _tag_seq
class CT_SlideTiming(BaseOxmlElement):
"""`p:timing` element, specifying animations and timed behaviors."""
_tag_seq = ("p:tnLst", "p:bldLst", "p:extLst")
tnLst = ZeroOrOne("p:tnLst", successors=_tag_seq[1:])
del _tag_seq
class CT_TimeNodeList(BaseOxmlElement):
"""`p:tnLst` or `p:childTnList` element."""
def add_video(self, shape_id):
"""Add a new `p:video` child element for movie having *shape_id*."""
video_xml = (
"<p:video %s>\n"
' <p:cMediaNode vol="80000">\n'
' <p:cTn id="%d" fill="hold" display="0">\n'
" <p:stCondLst>\n"
' <p:cond delay="indefinite"/>\n'
" </p:stCondLst>\n"
" </p:cTn>\n"
" <p:tgtEl>\n"
' <p:spTgt spid="%d"/>\n'
" </p:tgtEl>\n"
" </p:cMediaNode>\n"
"</p:video>\n" % (nsdecls("p"), self._next_cTn_id, shape_id)
video = parse_xml(video_xml)
def _next_cTn_id(self):
"""Return the next available unique ID (int) for p:cTn element."""
cTn_id_strs = self.xpath("/p:sld/p:timing//p:cTn/@id")
ids = [int(id_str) for id_str in cTn_id_strs]
return max(ids) + 1
class CT_TLMediaNodeVideo(BaseOxmlElement):
"""`p:video` element, specifying video media details."""
_tag_seq = ("p:cMediaNode",)
cMediaNode = OneAndOnlyOne("p:cMediaNode")
del _tag_seq