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2019-12-22 21:51:47 +01:00
# encoding: utf-8
Base and meta classes that enable declarative definition of custom element
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
import re
from lxml import etree
from . import oxml_parser
from ..compat import Unicode
from ..exc import InvalidXmlError
from .ns import NamespacePrefixedTag, _nsmap, qn
from ..util import lazyproperty
def OxmlElement(nsptag_str, nsmap=None):
Return a 'loose' lxml element having the tag specified by *nsptag_str*.
*nsptag_str* must contain the standard namespace prefix, e.g. 'a:tbl'.
The resulting element is an instance of the custom element class for this
tag name if one is defined.
nsptag = NamespacePrefixedTag(nsptag_str)
nsmap = nsmap if nsmap is not None else nsptag.nsmap
return oxml_parser.makeelement(nsptag.clark_name, nsmap=nsmap)
def serialize_for_reading(element):
Serialize *element* to human-readable XML suitable for tests. No XML
xml = etree.tostring(element, encoding="unicode", pretty_print=True)
return XmlString(xml)
class XmlString(Unicode):
Provides string comparison override suitable for serialized XML that is
useful for tests.
# ' <w:xyz xmlns:a="http://ns/decl/a" attr_name="val">text</w:xyz>'
# | | || |
# +----------+------------------------------------------++-----------+
# front attrs | text
# close
_xml_elm_line_patt = re.compile(r"( *</?[\w:]+)(.*?)(/?>)([^<]*</[\w:]+>)?")
def __eq__(self, other):
lines = self.splitlines()
lines_other = other.splitlines()
if len(lines) != len(lines_other):
return False
for line, line_other in zip(lines, lines_other):
if not self._eq_elm_strs(line, line_other):
return False
return True
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def _attr_seq(self, attrs):
Return a sequence of attribute strings parsed from *attrs*. Each
attribute string is stripped of whitespace on both ends.
attrs = attrs.strip()
attr_lst = attrs.split()
return sorted(attr_lst)
def _eq_elm_strs(self, line, line_2):
Return True if the element in *line_2* is XML equivalent to the
element in *line*.
front, attrs, close, text = self._parse_line(line)
front_2, attrs_2, close_2, text_2 = self._parse_line(line_2)
if front != front_2:
return False
if self._attr_seq(attrs) != self._attr_seq(attrs_2):
return False
if close != close_2:
return False
if text != text_2:
return False
return True
def _parse_line(self, line):
Return front, attrs, close, text 4-tuple result of parsing XML element
string *line*.
match = self._xml_elm_line_patt.match(line)
front, attrs, close, text = [match.group(n) for n in range(1, 5)]
return front, attrs, close, text
class MetaOxmlElement(type):
Metaclass for BaseOxmlElement
def __init__(cls, clsname, bases, clsdict):
dispatchable = (
for key, value in clsdict.items():
if isinstance(value, dispatchable):
value.populate_class_members(cls, key)
class BaseAttribute(object):
Base class for OptionalAttribute and RequiredAttribute, providing common
def __init__(self, attr_name, simple_type):
super(BaseAttribute, self).__init__()
self._attr_name = attr_name
self._simple_type = simple_type
def populate_class_members(self, element_cls, prop_name):
Add the appropriate methods to *element_cls*.
self._element_cls = element_cls
self._prop_name = prop_name
def _add_attr_property(self):
Add a read/write ``{prop_name}`` property to the element class that
returns the interpreted value of this attribute on access and changes
the attribute value to its ST_* counterpart on assignment.
property_ = property(self._getter, self._setter, None)
# assign unconditionally to overwrite element name definition
setattr(self._element_cls, self._prop_name, property_)
def _clark_name(self):
if ":" in self._attr_name:
return qn(self._attr_name)
return self._attr_name
class OptionalAttribute(BaseAttribute):
Defines an optional attribute on a custom element class. An optional
attribute returns a default value when not present for reading. When
assigned |None|, the attribute is removed.
def __init__(self, attr_name, simple_type, default=None):
super(OptionalAttribute, self).__init__(attr_name, simple_type)
self._default = default
def _docstring(self):
Return the string to use as the ``__doc__`` attribute of the property
for this attribute.
return (
"%s type-converted value of ``%s`` attribute, or |None| (or spec"
"ified default value) if not present. Assigning the default valu"
"e causes the attribute to be removed from the element."
% (self._simple_type.__name__, self._attr_name)
def _getter(self):
Return a function object suitable for the "get" side of the attribute
property descriptor.
def get_attr_value(obj):
attr_str_value = obj.get(self._clark_name)
if attr_str_value is None:
return self._default
return self._simple_type.from_xml(attr_str_value)
get_attr_value.__doc__ = self._docstring
return get_attr_value
def _setter(self):
Return a function object suitable for the "set" side of the attribute
property descriptor.
def set_attr_value(obj, value):
if value == self._default:
if self._clark_name in obj.attrib:
del obj.attrib[self._clark_name]
str_value = self._simple_type.to_xml(value)
obj.set(self._clark_name, str_value)
return set_attr_value
class RequiredAttribute(BaseAttribute):
Defines a required attribute on a custom element class. A required
attribute is assumed to be present for reading, so does not have
a default value; its actual value is always used. If missing on read,
an |InvalidXmlError| is raised. It also does not remove the attribute if
|None| is assigned. Assigning |None| raises |TypeError| or |ValueError|,
depending on the simple type of the attribute.
def _getter(self):
Return a function object suitable for the "get" side of the attribute
property descriptor.
def get_attr_value(obj):
attr_str_value = obj.get(self._clark_name)
if attr_str_value is None:
raise InvalidXmlError(
"required '%s' attribute not present on element %s"
% (self._attr_name, obj.tag)
return self._simple_type.from_xml(attr_str_value)
get_attr_value.__doc__ = self._docstring
return get_attr_value
def _docstring(self):
Return the string to use as the ``__doc__`` attribute of the property
for this attribute.
return "%s type-converted value of ``%s`` attribute." % (
def _setter(self):
Return a function object suitable for the "set" side of the attribute
property descriptor.
def set_attr_value(obj, value):
str_value = self._simple_type.to_xml(value)
obj.set(self._clark_name, str_value)
return set_attr_value
class _BaseChildElement(object):
Base class for the child element classes corresponding to varying
cardinalities, such as ZeroOrOne and ZeroOrMore.
def __init__(self, nsptagname, successors=()):
super(_BaseChildElement, self).__init__()
self._nsptagname = nsptagname
self._successors = successors
def populate_class_members(self, element_cls, prop_name):
Baseline behavior for adding the appropriate methods to
self._element_cls = element_cls
self._prop_name = prop_name
def _add_adder(self):
Add an ``_add_x()`` method to the element class for this child
def _add_child(obj, **attrs):
new_method = getattr(obj, self._new_method_name)
child = new_method()
for key, value in attrs.items():
setattr(child, key, value)
insert_method = getattr(obj, self._insert_method_name)
return child
_add_child.__doc__ = (
"Add a new ``<%s>`` child element unconditionally, inserted in t"
"he correct sequence." % self._nsptagname
self._add_to_class(self._add_method_name, _add_child)
def _add_creator(self):
Add a ``_new_{prop_name}()`` method to the element class that creates
a new, empty element of the correct type, having no attributes.
creator = self._creator
creator.__doc__ = (
'Return a "loose", newly created ``<%s>`` element having no attri'
"butes, text, or children." % self._nsptagname
self._add_to_class(self._new_method_name, creator)
def _add_getter(self):
Add a read-only ``{prop_name}`` property to the element class for
this child element.
property_ = property(self._getter, None, None)
# assign unconditionally to overwrite element name definition
setattr(self._element_cls, self._prop_name, property_)
def _add_inserter(self):
Add an ``_insert_x()`` method to the element class for this child
def _insert_child(obj, child):
obj.insert_element_before(child, *self._successors)
return child
_insert_child.__doc__ = (
"Return the passed ``<%s>`` element after inserting it as a chil"
"d in the correct sequence." % self._nsptagname
self._add_to_class(self._insert_method_name, _insert_child)
def _add_list_getter(self):
Add a read-only ``{prop_name}_lst`` property to the element class to
retrieve a list of child elements matching this type.
prop_name = "%s_lst" % self._prop_name
property_ = property(self._list_getter, None, None)
setattr(self._element_cls, prop_name, property_)
def _add_method_name(self):
return "_add_%s" % self._prop_name
def _add_to_class(self, name, method):
Add *method* to the target class as *name*, unless *name* is already
defined on the class.
if hasattr(self._element_cls, name):
setattr(self._element_cls, name, method)
def _creator(self):
Return a function object that creates a new, empty element of the
right type, having no attributes.
def new_child_element(obj):
return OxmlElement(self._nsptagname)
return new_child_element
def _getter(self):
Return a function object suitable for the "get" side of the property
descriptor. This default getter returns the child element with
matching tag name or |None| if not present.
def get_child_element(obj):
return obj.find(qn(self._nsptagname))
get_child_element.__doc__ = (
"``<%s>`` child element or |None| if not present." % self._nsptagname
return get_child_element
def _insert_method_name(self):
return "_insert_%s" % self._prop_name
def _list_getter(self):
Return a function object suitable for the "get" side of a list
property descriptor.
def get_child_element_list(obj):
return obj.findall(qn(self._nsptagname))
get_child_element_list.__doc__ = (
"A list containing each of the ``<%s>`` child elements, in the o"
"rder they appear." % self._nsptagname
return get_child_element_list
def _remove_method_name(self):
return "_remove_%s" % self._prop_name
def _new_method_name(self):
return "_new_%s" % self._prop_name
class Choice(_BaseChildElement):
Defines a child element belonging to a group, only one of which may
appear as a child.
def nsptagname(self):
return self._nsptagname
def populate_class_members(self, element_cls, group_prop_name, successors):
Add the appropriate methods to *element_cls*.
self._element_cls = element_cls
self._group_prop_name = group_prop_name
self._successors = successors
def _add_get_or_change_to_method(self):
Add a ``get_or_change_to_x()`` method to the element class for this
child element.
def get_or_change_to_child(obj):
child = getattr(obj, self._prop_name)
if child is not None:
return child
remove_group_method = getattr(obj, self._remove_group_method_name)
add_method = getattr(obj, self._add_method_name)
child = add_method()
return child
get_or_change_to_child.__doc__ = (
"Return the ``<%s>`` child, replacing any other group element if" " found."
) % self._nsptagname
self._add_to_class(self._get_or_change_to_method_name, get_or_change_to_child)
def _prop_name(self):
Calculate property name from tag name, e.g. a:schemeClr -> schemeClr.
if ":" in self._nsptagname:
start = self._nsptagname.index(":") + 1
start = 0
return self._nsptagname[start:]
def _get_or_change_to_method_name(self):
return "get_or_change_to_%s" % self._prop_name
def _remove_group_method_name(self):
return "_remove_%s" % self._group_prop_name
class OneAndOnlyOne(_BaseChildElement):
Defines a required child element for MetaOxmlElement.
def __init__(self, nsptagname):
super(OneAndOnlyOne, self).__init__(nsptagname, None)
def populate_class_members(self, element_cls, prop_name):
Add the appropriate methods to *element_cls*.
super(OneAndOnlyOne, self).populate_class_members(element_cls, prop_name)
def _getter(self):
Return a function object suitable for the "get" side of the property
def get_child_element(obj):
child = obj.find(qn(self._nsptagname))
if child is None:
raise InvalidXmlError(
"required ``<%s>`` child element not present" % self._nsptagname
return child
get_child_element.__doc__ = (
"Required ``<%s>`` child element." % self._nsptagname
return get_child_element
class OneOrMore(_BaseChildElement):
Defines a repeating child element for MetaOxmlElement that must appear at
least once.
def populate_class_members(self, element_cls, prop_name):
Add the appropriate methods to *element_cls*.
super(OneOrMore, self).populate_class_members(element_cls, prop_name)
delattr(element_cls, prop_name)
def _add_public_adder(self):
Add a public ``add_x()`` method to the parent element class.
def add_child(obj):
private_add_method = getattr(obj, self._add_method_name)
child = private_add_method()
return child
add_child.__doc__ = (
"Add a new ``<%s>`` child element unconditionally, inserted in t"
"he correct sequence." % self._nsptagname
self._add_to_class(self._public_add_method_name, add_child)
def _public_add_method_name(self):
add_childElement() is public API for a repeating element, allowing
new elements to be added to the sequence. May be overridden to
provide a friendlier API to clients having domain appropriate
parameter names for required attributes.
return "add_%s" % self._prop_name
class ZeroOrMore(_BaseChildElement):
Defines an optional repeating child element for MetaOxmlElement.
def populate_class_members(self, element_cls, prop_name):
Add the appropriate methods to *element_cls*.
super(ZeroOrMore, self).populate_class_members(element_cls, prop_name)
delattr(element_cls, prop_name)
class ZeroOrOne(_BaseChildElement):
Defines an optional child element for MetaOxmlElement.
def populate_class_members(self, element_cls, prop_name):
Add the appropriate methods to *element_cls*.
super(ZeroOrOne, self).populate_class_members(element_cls, prop_name)
def _add_get_or_adder(self):
Add a ``get_or_add_x()`` method to the element class for this
child element.
def get_or_add_child(obj):
child = getattr(obj, self._prop_name)
if child is None:
add_method = getattr(obj, self._add_method_name)
child = add_method()
return child
get_or_add_child.__doc__ = (
"Return the ``<%s>`` child element, newly added if not present."
) % self._nsptagname
self._add_to_class(self._get_or_add_method_name, get_or_add_child)
def _add_remover(self):
Add a ``_remove_x()`` method to the element class for this child
def _remove_child(obj):
_remove_child.__doc__ = (
"Remove all ``<%s>`` child elements."
) % self._nsptagname
self._add_to_class(self._remove_method_name, _remove_child)
def _get_or_add_method_name(self):
return "get_or_add_%s" % self._prop_name
class ZeroOrOneChoice(_BaseChildElement):
Correspondes to an ``EG_*`` element group where at most one of its
members may appear as a child.
def __init__(self, choices, successors=()):
self._choices = choices
self._successors = successors
def populate_class_members(self, element_cls, prop_name):
Add the appropriate methods to *element_cls*.
super(ZeroOrOneChoice, self).populate_class_members(element_cls, prop_name)
for choice in self._choices:
element_cls, self._prop_name, self._successors
def _add_choice_getter(self):
Add a read-only ``{prop_name}`` property to the element class that
returns the present member of this group, or |None| if none are
property_ = property(self._choice_getter, None, None)
# assign unconditionally to overwrite element name definition
setattr(self._element_cls, self._prop_name, property_)
def _add_group_remover(self):
Add a ``_remove_eg_x()`` method to the element class for this choice
def _remove_choice_group(obj):
for tagname in self._member_nsptagnames:
_remove_choice_group.__doc__ = (
"Remove the current choice group child element if present."
self._add_to_class(self._remove_choice_group_method_name, _remove_choice_group)
def _choice_getter(self):
Return a function object suitable for the "get" side of the property
def get_group_member_element(obj):
return obj.first_child_found_in(*self._member_nsptagnames)
get_group_member_element.__doc__ = (
"Return the child element belonging to this element group, or "
"|None| if no member child is present."
return get_group_member_element
def _member_nsptagnames(self):
Sequence of namespace-prefixed tagnames, one for each of the member
elements of this choice group.
return [choice.nsptagname for choice in self._choices]
def _remove_choice_group_method_name(self):
return "_remove_%s" % self._prop_name
class _OxmlElementBase(etree.ElementBase):
Provides common behavior for oxml element classes
def child_tagnames_after(cls, tagname):
Return a sequence containing the namespace prefixed child tagnames,
e.g. 'a:prstGeom', that occur after *tagname* in this element.
return cls.child_tagnames.tagnames_after(tagname)
def delete(self):
Remove this element from the XML tree.
def first_child_found_in(self, *tagnames):
Return the first child found with tag in *tagnames*, or None if
not found.
for tagname in tagnames:
child = self.find(qn(tagname))
if child is not None:
return child
return None
def insert_element_before(self, elm, *tagnames):
successor = self.first_child_found_in(*tagnames)
if successor is not None:
return elm
def remove_all(self, tagname):
Remove all child elements having *tagname*.
matching = self.findall(qn(tagname))
for child in matching:
def remove_if_present(self, *tagnames):
Remove all child elements having tagname in *tagnames*.
for tagname in tagnames:
element = self.find(qn(tagname))
if element is not None:
def xml(self):
Return XML string for this element, suitable for testing purposes.
Pretty printed for readability and without an XML declaration at the
return serialize_for_reading(self)
def xpath(self, xpath_str):
Override of ``lxml`` _Element.xpath() method to provide standard Open
XML namespace mapping in centralized location.
return super(BaseOxmlElement, self).xpath(xpath_str, namespaces=_nsmap)
BaseOxmlElement = MetaOxmlElement(
"BaseOxmlElement", (etree.ElementBase,), dict(_OxmlElementBase.__dict__)