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2019-12-22 21:51:47 +01:00
# encoding: utf-8
"""ImagePart and related objects."""
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import hashlib
import os
from PIL import Image as PIL_Image
except ImportError:
import Image as PIL_Image
from ..compat import BytesIO, is_string
from ..opc.package import Part
from ..opc.spec import image_content_types
from ..util import lazyproperty
class ImagePart(Part):
An image part, generally having a partname matching the regex
def __init__(self, partname, content_type, blob, package, filename=None):
super(ImagePart, self).__init__(partname, content_type, blob, package)
self._filename = filename
def load(cls, partname, content_type, blob, package):
return cls(partname, content_type, blob, package)
def new(cls, package, image):
Return a new |ImagePart| instance containing *image*, which is an
|Image| object.
partname = package.next_image_partname(image.ext)
return cls(partname, image.content_type, image.blob, package, image.filename)
def desc(self):
The filename associated with this image, either the filename of
the original image or a generic name of the form ``image.ext``
where ``ext`` is appropriate to the image file format, e.g.
``'jpg'``. An image created using a path will have that filename; one
created with a file-like object will have a generic name.
# return generic filename if original filename is unknown
if self._filename is None:
return "image.%s" % self.ext
return self._filename
def ext(self):
Return file extension for this image e.g. ``'png'``.
return self.partname.ext
def image(self):
An |Image| object containing the image in this image part.
return Image(self.blob, self.desc)
def scale(self, scaled_cx, scaled_cy):
Return scaled image dimensions in EMU based on the combination of
parameters supplied. If *scaled_cx* and *scaled_cy* are both |None|,
the native image size is returned. If neither *scaled_cx* nor
*scaled_cy* is |None|, their values are returned unchanged. If
a value is provided for either *scaled_cx* or *scaled_cy* and the
other is |None|, the missing value is calculated such that the
image's aspect ratio is preserved.
image_cx, image_cy = self._native_size
if scaled_cx is None and scaled_cy is None:
scaled_cx = image_cx
scaled_cy = image_cy
elif scaled_cx is None:
scaling_factor = float(scaled_cy) / float(image_cy)
scaled_cx = int(round(image_cx * scaling_factor))
elif scaled_cy is None:
scaling_factor = float(scaled_cx) / float(image_cx)
scaled_cy = int(round(image_cy * scaling_factor))
return scaled_cx, scaled_cy
def sha1(self):
The SHA1 hash digest for the image binary of this image part, like:
return hashlib.sha1(self._blob).hexdigest()
def _dpi(self):
A (horz_dpi, vert_dpi) 2-tuple (ints) representing the dots-per-inch
property of this image.
image = Image.from_blob(self.blob)
return image.dpi
def _native_size(self):
A (width, height) 2-tuple representing the native dimensions of the
image in EMU, calculated based on the image DPI value, if present,
assuming 72 dpi as a default.
EMU_PER_INCH = 914400
horz_dpi, vert_dpi = self._dpi
width_px, height_px = self._px_size
width = EMU_PER_INCH * width_px / horz_dpi
height = EMU_PER_INCH * height_px / vert_dpi
return width, height
def _px_size(self):
A (width, height) 2-tuple representing the dimensions of this image
in pixels.
image = Image.from_blob(self.blob)
return image.size
class Image(object):
Immutable value object representing an image such as a JPEG, PNG, or GIF.
def __init__(self, blob, filename):
super(Image, self).__init__()
self._blob = blob
self._filename = filename
def from_blob(cls, blob, filename=None):
Return a new |Image| object loaded from the image binary in *blob*.
return cls(blob, filename)
def from_file(cls, image_file):
Return a new |Image| object loaded from *image_file*, which can be
either a path (string) or a file-like object.
if is_string(image_file):
# treat image_file as a path
with open(image_file, "rb") as f:
blob = f.read()
filename = os.path.basename(image_file)
# assume image_file is a file-like object
# ---reposition file cursor if it has one---
if callable(getattr(image_file, "seek")):
blob = image_file.read()
filename = None
return cls.from_blob(blob, filename)
def blob(self):
The binary image bytestream of this image.
return self._blob
def content_type(self):
MIME-type of this image, e.g. ``'image/jpeg'``.
return image_content_types[self.ext]
def dpi(self):
A (horz_dpi, vert_dpi) 2-tuple specifying the dots-per-inch
resolution of this image. A default value of (72, 72) is used if the
dpi is not specified in the image file.
def int_dpi(dpi):
Return an integer dots-per-inch value corresponding to *dpi*. If
*dpi* is |None|, a non-numeric type, less than 1 or greater than
2048, 72 is returned.
int_dpi = int(round(float(dpi)))
if int_dpi < 1 or int_dpi > 2048:
int_dpi = 72
except (TypeError, ValueError):
int_dpi = 72
return int_dpi
def normalize_pil_dpi(pil_dpi):
Return a (horz_dpi, vert_dpi) 2-tuple corresponding to *pil_dpi*,
the value for the 'dpi' key in the ``info`` dict of a PIL image.
If the 'dpi' key is not present or contains an invalid value,
``(72, 72)`` is returned.
if isinstance(pil_dpi, tuple):
return (int_dpi(pil_dpi[0]), int_dpi(pil_dpi[1]))
return (72, 72)
return normalize_pil_dpi(self._pil_props[2])
def ext(self):
Canonical file extension for this image e.g. ``'png'``. The returned
extension is all lowercase and is the canonical extension for the
content type of this image, regardless of what extension may have
been used in its filename, if any.
ext_map = {
"BMP": "bmp",
"GIF": "gif",
"JPEG": "jpg",
"PNG": "png",
"TIFF": "tiff",
"WMF": "wmf",
format = self._format
if format not in ext_map:
tmpl = "unsupported image format, expected one of: %s, got '%s'"
raise ValueError(tmpl % (ext_map.keys(), format))
return ext_map[format]
def filename(self):
The filename from the path from which this image was loaded, if
loaded from the filesystem. |None| if no filename was used in
loading, such as when loaded from an in-memory stream.
return self._filename
def sha1(self):
SHA1 hash digest of the image blob
return hashlib.sha1(self._blob).hexdigest()
def size(self):
A (width, height) 2-tuple specifying the dimensions of this image in
return self._pil_props[1]
def _format(self):
The PIL Image format of this image, e.g. 'PNG'.
return self._pil_props[0]
def _pil_props(self):
A tuple containing useful image properties extracted from this image
using Pillow (Python Imaging Library, or 'PIL').
stream = BytesIO(self._blob)
pil_image = PIL_Image.open(stream)
format = pil_image.format
width_px, height_px = pil_image.size
dpi = pil_image.info.get("dpi")
return (format, (width_px, height_px), dpi)