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2019-12-22 21:51:47 +01:00
"""Stubs for patching HTTP and HTTPS requests"""
import logging
import six
from six.moves.http_client import HTTPConnection, HTTPSConnection, HTTPResponse
from six import BytesIO
from vcr.request import Request
from vcr.errors import CannotOverwriteExistingCassetteException
from . import compat
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class VCRFakeSocket(object):
A socket that doesn't do anything!
Used when playing back cassettes, when there
is no actual open socket.
def close(self):
def settimeout(self, *args, **kwargs):
def fileno(self):
This is kinda crappy. requests will watch
this descriptor and make sure it's not closed.
Return file descriptor 0 since that's stdin.
return 0 # wonder how bad this is....
def parse_headers(header_list):
Convert headers from our serialized dict with lists for keys to a
header_string = b""
for key, values in header_list.items():
for v in values:
header_string += key.encode("utf-8") + b":" + v.encode("utf-8") + b"\r\n"
return compat.get_httpmessage(header_string)
def serialize_headers(response):
out = {}
for key, values in compat.get_headers(response.msg):
out.setdefault(key, [])
return out
class VCRHTTPResponse(HTTPResponse):
Stub response class that gets returned instead of a HTTPResponse
def __init__(self, recorded_response):
self.fp = None
self.recorded_response = recorded_response
self.reason = recorded_response["status"]["message"]
self.status = self.code = recorded_response["status"]["code"]
self.version = None
self._content = BytesIO(self.recorded_response["body"]["string"])
self._closed = False
headers = self.recorded_response["headers"]
# Since we are loading a response that has already been serialized, our
# response is no longer chunked. That means we don't want any
# libraries trying to process a chunked response. By removing the
# transfer-encoding: chunked header, this should cause the downstream
# libraries to process this as a non-chunked response.
te_key = [h for h in headers.keys() if h.upper() == "TRANSFER-ENCODING"]
if te_key:
del headers[te_key[0]]
self.headers = self.msg = parse_headers(headers)
self.length = compat.get_header(self.msg, "content-length") or None
def closed(self):
# in python3, I can't change the value of self.closed. So I'
# twiddling self._closed and using this property to shadow the real
# self.closed from the superclas
return self._closed
def read(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self._content.read(*args, **kwargs)
def readall(self):
return self._content.readall()
def readinto(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self._content.readinto(*args, **kwargs)
def readline(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self._content.readline(*args, **kwargs)
def readlines(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self._content.readlines(*args, **kwargs)
def seekable(self):
return self._content.seekable()
def tell(self):
return self._content.tell()
def isatty(self):
return self._content.isatty()
def seek(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self._content.seek(*args, **kwargs)
def close(self):
self._closed = True
return True
def getcode(self):
return self.status
def isclosed(self):
return self.closed
def info(self):
return parse_headers(self.recorded_response["headers"])
def getheaders(self):
message = parse_headers(self.recorded_response["headers"])
return list(compat.get_header_items(message))
def getheader(self, header, default=None):
values = [v for (k, v) in self.getheaders() if k.lower() == header.lower()]
if values:
return ", ".join(values)
return default
def readable(self):
return self._content.readable()
class VCRConnection(object):
# A reference to the cassette that's currently being patched in
cassette = None
def _port_postfix(self):
Returns empty string for the default port and ':port' otherwise
port = self.real_connection.port
default_port = {"https": 443, "http": 80}[self._protocol]
return ":{}".format(port) if port != default_port else ""
def _uri(self, url):
"""Returns request absolute URI"""
if url and not url.startswith("/"):
# Then this must be a proxy request.
return url
uri = "{}://{}{}{}".format(self._protocol, self.real_connection.host, self._port_postfix(), url)
log.debug("Absolute URI: %s", uri)
return uri
def _url(self, uri):
"""Returns request selector url from absolute URI"""
prefix = "{}://{}{}".format(self._protocol, self.real_connection.host, self._port_postfix())
return uri.replace(prefix, "", 1)
def request(self, method, url, body=None, headers=None, *args, **kwargs):
"""Persist the request metadata in self._vcr_request"""
self._vcr_request = Request(method=method, uri=self._uri(url), body=body, headers=headers or {})
log.debug("Got {}".format(self._vcr_request))
# Note: The request may not actually be finished at this point, so
# I'm not sending the actual request until getresponse(). This
# allows me to compare the entire length of the response to see if it
# exists in the cassette.
self._sock = VCRFakeSocket()
def putrequest(self, method, url, *args, **kwargs):
httplib gives you more than one way to do it. This is a way
to start building up a request. Usually followed by a bunch
of putheader() calls.
self._vcr_request = Request(method=method, uri=self._uri(url), body="", headers={})
log.debug("Got {}".format(self._vcr_request))
def putheader(self, header, *values):
self._vcr_request.headers[header] = values
def send(self, data):
This method is called after request(), to add additional data to the
body of the request. So if that happens, let's just append the data
onto the most recent request in the cassette.
self._vcr_request.body = self._vcr_request.body + data if self._vcr_request.body else data
def close(self):
# Note: the real connection will only close if it's open, so
# no need to check that here.
def endheaders(self, message_body=None):
Normally, this would actually send the request to the server.
We are not sending the request until getting the response,
so bypass this part and just append the message body, if any.
if message_body is not None:
self._vcr_request.body = message_body
def getresponse(self, _=False, **kwargs):
"""Retrieve the response"""
# Check to see if the cassette has a response for this request. If so,
# then return it
if self.cassette.can_play_response_for(self._vcr_request):
log.info("Playing response for {} from cassette".format(self._vcr_request))
response = self.cassette.play_response(self._vcr_request)
return VCRHTTPResponse(response)
if self.cassette.write_protected and self.cassette.filter_request(self._vcr_request):
raise CannotOverwriteExistingCassetteException(
cassette=self.cassette, failed_request=self._vcr_request
# Otherwise, we should send the request, then get the response
# and return it.
log.info("{} not in cassette, sending to real server".format(self._vcr_request))
# This is imported here to avoid circular import.
# TODO(@IvanMalison): Refactor to allow normal import.
from vcr.patch import force_reset
with force_reset():
# get the response
response = self.real_connection.getresponse()
# put the response into the cassette
response = {
"status": {"code": response.status, "message": response.reason},
"headers": serialize_headers(response),
"body": {"string": response.read()},
self.cassette.append(self._vcr_request, response)
return VCRHTTPResponse(response)
def set_debuglevel(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.real_connection.set_debuglevel(*args, **kwargs)
def connect(self, *args, **kwargs):
httplib2 uses this. Connects to the server I'm assuming.
Only pass to the baseclass if we don't have a recorded response
and are not write-protected.
if hasattr(self, "_vcr_request") and self.cassette.can_play_response_for(self._vcr_request):
# We already have a response we are going to play, don't
# actually connect
if self.cassette.write_protected:
# Cassette is write-protected, don't actually connect
from vcr.patch import force_reset
with force_reset():
return self.real_connection.connect(*args, **kwargs)
self._sock = VCRFakeSocket()
def sock(self):
if self.real_connection.sock:
return self.real_connection.sock
return self._sock
def sock(self, value):
if self.real_connection.sock:
self.real_connection.sock = value
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if six.PY3:
kwargs.pop("strict", None) # apparently this is gone in py3
# need to temporarily reset here because the real connection
# inherits from the thing that we are mocking out. Take out
# the reset if you want to see what I mean :)
from vcr.patch import force_reset
with force_reset():
self.real_connection = self._baseclass(*args, **kwargs)
self._sock = None
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
We need to define this because any attributes that are set on the
VCRConnection need to be propogated to the real connection.
For example, urllib3 will set certain attributes on the connection,
such as 'ssl_version'. These attributes need to get set on the real
connection to have the correct and expected behavior.
TODO: Separately setting the attribute on the two instances is not
ideal. We should switch to a proxying implementation.
setattr(self.real_connection, name, value)
except AttributeError:
# raised if real_connection has not been set yet, such as when
# we're setting the real_connection itself for the first time
super(VCRConnection, self).__setattr__(name, value)
def __getattr__(self, name):
Send requests for weird attributes up to the real connection
(counterpart to __setattr above)
if self.__dict__.get("real_connection"):
# check in case real_connection has not been set yet, such as when
# we're setting the real_connection itself for the first time
return getattr(self.real_connection, name)
return super(VCRConnection, self).__getattr__(name)
for k, v in HTTPConnection.__dict__.items():
if isinstance(v, staticmethod):
setattr(VCRConnection, k, v)
class VCRHTTPConnection(VCRConnection):
"""A Mocked class for HTTP requests"""
_baseclass = HTTPConnection
_protocol = "http"
class VCRHTTPSConnection(VCRConnection):
"""A Mocked class for HTTPS requests"""
_baseclass = HTTPSConnection
_protocol = "https"
is_verified = True