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2019-12-22 21:51:47 +01:00
# encoding: utf-8
Slide and related objects.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
from .chart import ChartPart
from ..opc.constants import CONTENT_TYPE as CT, RELATIONSHIP_TYPE as RT
from ..opc.package import XmlPart
from ..opc.packuri import PackURI
from ..oxml.slide import CT_NotesMaster, CT_NotesSlide, CT_Slide
from ..oxml.theme import CT_OfficeStyleSheet
from ..slide import NotesMaster, NotesSlide, Slide, SlideLayout, SlideMaster
from ..util import lazyproperty
class BaseSlidePart(XmlPart):
Base class for slide parts, e.g. slide, slideLayout, slideMaster,
notesSlide, notesMaster, and handoutMaster.
def get_image(self, rId):
Return an |Image| object containing the image related to this slide
by *rId*. Raises |KeyError| if no image is related by that id, which
would generally indicate a corrupted .pptx file.
return self.related_parts[rId].image
def get_or_add_image_part(self, image_file):
Return an ``(image_part, rId)`` 2-tuple corresponding to an
|ImagePart| object containing the image in *image_file*, and related
to this slide with the key *rId*. If either the image part or
relationship already exists, they are reused, otherwise they are
newly created.
image_part = self._package.get_or_add_image_part(image_file)
rId = self.relate_to(image_part, RT.IMAGE)
return image_part, rId
def name(self):
Internal name of this slide.
return self._element.cSld.name
class NotesMasterPart(BaseSlidePart):
Notes master part. Corresponds to package file
def create_default(cls, package):
Create and return a default notes master part, including creating the
new theme it requires.
notes_master_part = cls._new(package)
theme_part = cls._new_theme_part(package)
notes_master_part.relate_to(theme_part, RT.THEME)
return notes_master_part
def notes_master(self):
Return the |NotesMaster| object that proxies this notes master part.
return NotesMaster(self._element, self)
def _new(cls, package):
Create and return a standalone, default notes master part based on
the built-in template (without any related parts, such as theme).
partname = PackURI("/ppt/notesMasters/notesMaster1.xml")
content_type = CT.PML_NOTES_MASTER
notesMaster = CT_NotesMaster.new_default()
return NotesMasterPart(partname, content_type, notesMaster, package)
def _new_theme_part(cls, package):
Create and return a default theme part suitable for use with a notes
partname = package.next_partname("/ppt/theme/theme%d.xml")
content_type = CT.OFC_THEME
theme = CT_OfficeStyleSheet.new_default()
return XmlPart(partname, content_type, theme, package)
class NotesSlidePart(BaseSlidePart):
Notes slide part. Contains the slide notes content and the layout for the
slide handout page. Corresponds to package file
def new(cls, package, slide_part):
Create and return a new notes slide part based on the notes master
and related to both the notes master part and *slide_part*. If no
notes master is present, create one based on the default template.
notes_master_part = package.presentation_part.notes_master_part
notes_slide_part = cls._add_notes_slide_part(
package, slide_part, notes_master_part
notes_slide = notes_slide_part.notes_slide
return notes_slide_part
def notes_master(self):
Return the |NotesMaster| object this notes slide inherits from.
notes_master_part = self.part_related_by(RT.NOTES_MASTER)
return notes_master_part.notes_master
def notes_slide(self):
Return the |NotesSlide| object that proxies this notes slide part.
return NotesSlide(self._element, self)
def _add_notes_slide_part(cls, package, slide_part, notes_master_part):
Create and return a new notes slide part that is fully related, but
has no shape content (i.e. placeholders not cloned).
partname = package.next_partname("/ppt/notesSlides/notesSlide%d.xml")
content_type = CT.PML_NOTES_SLIDE
notes = CT_NotesSlide.new()
notes_slide_part = NotesSlidePart(partname, content_type, notes, package)
notes_slide_part.relate_to(notes_master_part, RT.NOTES_MASTER)
notes_slide_part.relate_to(slide_part, RT.SLIDE)
return notes_slide_part
class SlidePart(BaseSlidePart):
Slide part. Corresponds to package files ppt/slides/slide[1-9][0-9]*.xml.
def new(cls, partname, package, slide_layout_part):
Return a newly-created blank slide part having *partname* and related
to *slide_layout_part*.
sld = CT_Slide.new()
slide_part = cls(partname, CT.PML_SLIDE, sld, package)
slide_part.relate_to(slide_layout_part, RT.SLIDE_LAYOUT)
return slide_part
def add_chart_part(self, chart_type, chart_data):
Return the rId of a new |ChartPart| object containing a chart of
*chart_type*, displaying *chart_data*, and related to the slide
contained in this part.
chart_part = ChartPart.new(chart_type, chart_data, self.package)
rId = self.relate_to(chart_part, RT.CHART)
return rId
def get_or_add_video_media_part(self, video):
"""Return rIds for media and video relationships to media part.
A new |MediaPart| object is created if it does not already exist
(such as would occur if the same video appeared more than once in
a presentation). Two relationships to the media part are created,
one each with MEDIA and VIDEO relationship types. The need for two
appears to be for legacy support for an earlier (pre-Office 2010)
PowerPoint media embedding strategy.
media_part = self._package.get_or_add_media_part(video)
media_rId = self.relate_to(media_part, RT.MEDIA)
video_rId = self.relate_to(media_part, RT.VIDEO)
return media_rId, video_rId
def has_notes_slide(self):
Return True if this slide has a notes slide, False otherwise. A notes
slide is created by the :attr:`notes_slide` property when one doesn't
exist; use this property to test for a notes slide without the
possible side-effect of creating one.
except KeyError:
return False
return True
def notes_slide(self):
The |NotesSlide| instance associated with this slide. If the slide
does not have a notes slide, a new one is created. The same single
instance is returned on each call.
notes_slide_part = self.part_related_by(RT.NOTES_SLIDE)
except KeyError:
notes_slide_part = self._add_notes_slide_part()
return notes_slide_part.notes_slide
def slide(self):
The |Slide| object representing this slide part.
return Slide(self._element, self)
def slide_id(self):
Return the slide identifier stored in the presentation part for this
slide part.
presentation_part = self.package.presentation_part
return presentation_part.slide_id(self)
def slide_layout(self):
|SlideLayout| object the slide in this part inherits from.
slide_layout_part = self.part_related_by(RT.SLIDE_LAYOUT)
return slide_layout_part.slide_layout
def _add_notes_slide_part(self):
Return a newly created |NotesSlidePart| object related to this slide
part. Caller is responsible for ensuring this slide doesn't already
have a notes slide part.
notes_slide_part = NotesSlidePart.new(self.package, self)
self.relate_to(notes_slide_part, RT.NOTES_SLIDE)
return notes_slide_part
class SlideLayoutPart(BaseSlidePart):
Slide layout part. Corresponds to package files
def slide_layout(self):
The |SlideLayout| object representing this part.
return SlideLayout(self._element, self)
def slide_master(self):
Slide master from which this slide layout inherits properties.
return self.part_related_by(RT.SLIDE_MASTER).slide_master
class SlideMasterPart(BaseSlidePart):
Slide master part. Corresponds to package files
def related_slide_layout(self, rId):
Return the |SlideLayout| object of the related |SlideLayoutPart|
corresponding to relationship key *rId*.
return self.related_parts[rId].slide_layout
def slide_master(self):
The |SlideMaster| object representing this part.
return SlideMaster(self._element, self)