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2019-12-22 21:51:47 +01:00
# encoding: utf-8
Series-related oxml objects.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
from .datalabel import CT_DLbls
from ..simpletypes import XsdUnsignedInt
from ..xmlchemy import (
class CT_AxDataSource(BaseOxmlElement):
``<c:cat>`` custom element class used in category charts to specify
category labels and hierarchy.
multiLvlStrRef = ZeroOrOne("c:multiLvlStrRef", successors=())
def lvls(self):
Return a list containing the `c:lvl` descendent elements in document
order. These will only be present when the required single child
is a `c:multiLvlStrRef` element. Returns an empty list when no
`c:lvl` descendent elements are present.
return self.xpath(".//c:lvl")
class CT_DPt(BaseOxmlElement):
``<c:dPt>`` custom element class, containing visual properties for a data
_tag_seq = (
idx = OneAndOnlyOne("c:idx")
marker = ZeroOrOne("c:marker", successors=_tag_seq[3:])
spPr = ZeroOrOne("c:spPr", successors=_tag_seq[6:])
del _tag_seq
def new_dPt(cls):
Return a newly created "loose" `c:dPt` element containing its default
dPt = OxmlElement("c:dPt")
return dPt
class CT_Lvl(BaseOxmlElement):
``<c:lvl>`` custom element class used in multi-level categories to
specify a level of hierarchy.
pt = ZeroOrMore("c:pt", successors=())
class CT_NumDataSource(BaseOxmlElement):
``<c:yVal>`` custom element class used in XY and bubble charts, and
perhaps others.
numRef = OneAndOnlyOne("c:numRef")
def ptCount_val(self):
Return the value of `./c:numRef/c:numCache/c:ptCount/@val`,
specifying how many `c:pt` elements are in this numeric data cache.
Returns 0 if no `c:ptCount` element is present, as this is the least
disruptive way to degrade when no cached point data is available.
This situation is not expected, but is valid according to the schema.
results = self.xpath(".//c:ptCount/@val")
return int(results[0]) if results else 0
def pt_v(self, idx):
Return the Y value for data point *idx* in this cache, or None if no
value is present for that data point.
results = self.xpath(".//c:pt[@idx=%d]" % idx)
return results[0].value if results else None
class CT_SeriesComposite(BaseOxmlElement):
``<c:ser>`` custom element class. Note there are several different series
element types in the schema, such as ``CT_LineSer`` and ``CT_BarSer``,
but they all share the same tag name. This class acts as a composite and
depends on the caller not to do anything invalid for a series belonging
to a particular plot type.
_tag_seq = (
idx = OneAndOnlyOne("c:idx")
order = OneAndOnlyOne("c:order")
tx = ZeroOrOne("c:tx", successors=_tag_seq[3:])
spPr = ZeroOrOne("c:spPr", successors=_tag_seq[4:])
invertIfNegative = ZeroOrOne("c:invertIfNegative", successors=_tag_seq[5:])
marker = ZeroOrOne("c:marker", successors=_tag_seq[7:])
dPt = ZeroOrMore("c:dPt", successors=_tag_seq[9:])
dLbls = ZeroOrOne("c:dLbls", successors=_tag_seq[10:])
cat = ZeroOrOne("c:cat", successors=_tag_seq[13:])
val = ZeroOrOne("c:val", successors=_tag_seq[14:])
xVal = ZeroOrOne("c:xVal", successors=_tag_seq[15:])
yVal = ZeroOrOne("c:yVal", successors=_tag_seq[16:])
smooth = ZeroOrOne("c:smooth", successors=_tag_seq[18:])
bubbleSize = ZeroOrOne("c:bubbleSize", successors=_tag_seq[19:])
del _tag_seq
def bubbleSize_ptCount_val(self):
Return the number of bubble size values as reflected in the `val`
attribute of `./c:bubbleSize//c:ptCount`, or 0 if not present.
vals = self.xpath("./c:bubbleSize//c:ptCount/@val")
if not vals:
return 0
return int(vals[0])
def cat_ptCount_val(self):
Return the number of categories as reflected in the `val` attribute
of `./c:cat//c:ptCount`, or 0 if not present.
vals = self.xpath("./c:cat//c:ptCount/@val")
if not vals:
return 0
return int(vals[0])
def get_dLbl(self, idx):
Return the `c:dLbl` element representing the label for the data point
at offset *idx* in this series, or |None| if not present.
dLbls = self.dLbls
if dLbls is None:
return None
return dLbls.get_dLbl_for_point(idx)
def get_or_add_dLbl(self, idx):
Return the `c:dLbl` element representing the label of the point at
offset *idx* in this series, newly created if not yet present.
dLbls = self.get_or_add_dLbls()
return dLbls.get_or_add_dLbl_for_point(idx)
def get_or_add_dPt_for_point(self, idx):
Return the `c:dPt` child representing the visual properties of the
data point at index *idx*.
matches = self.xpath('c:dPt[c:idx[@val="%d"]]' % idx)
if matches:
return matches[0]
dPt = self._add_dPt()
dPt.idx.val = idx
return dPt
def xVal_ptCount_val(self):
Return the number of X values as reflected in the `val` attribute of
`./c:xVal//c:ptCount`, or 0 if not present.
vals = self.xpath("./c:xVal//c:ptCount/@val")
if not vals:
return 0
return int(vals[0])
def yVal_ptCount_val(self):
Return the number of Y values as reflected in the `val` attribute of
`./c:yVal//c:ptCount`, or 0 if not present.
vals = self.xpath("./c:yVal//c:ptCount/@val")
if not vals:
return 0
return int(vals[0])
def _new_dLbls(self):
"""Override metaclass method that creates `c:dLbls` element."""
return CT_DLbls.new_dLbls()
def _new_dPt(self):
Overrides the metaclass generated method to get `c:dPt` with minimal
return CT_DPt.new_dPt()
class CT_StrVal_NumVal_Composite(BaseOxmlElement):
``<c:pt>`` element, can be either CT_StrVal or CT_NumVal complex type.
Using this class for both, differentiating as needed.
v = OneAndOnlyOne("c:v")
idx = RequiredAttribute("idx", XsdUnsignedInt)
def value(self):
The float value of the text in the required ``<c:v>`` child.
return float(self.v.text)