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2019-12-22 21:51:47 +01:00
# encoding: utf-8
"""Series-related objects."""
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
from pptx.chart.datalabel import DataLabels
from pptx.chart.marker import Marker
from pptx.chart.point import BubblePoints, CategoryPoints, XyPoints
from pptx.compat import Sequence
from pptx.dml.chtfmt import ChartFormat
from pptx.oxml.ns import qn
from pptx.util import lazyproperty
class _BaseSeries(object):
Base class for |BarSeries| and other series classes.
def __init__(self, ser):
super(_BaseSeries, self).__init__()
self._element = ser
self._ser = ser
def format(self):
The |ChartFormat| instance for this series, providing access to shape
properties such as fill and line.
return ChartFormat(self._ser)
def index(self):
The zero-based integer index of this series as reported in its
`c:ser/c:idx` element.
return self._element.idx.val
def name(self):
The string label given to this series, appears as the title of the
column for this series in the Excel worksheet. It also appears as the
label for this series in the legend.
names = self._element.xpath("./c:tx//c:pt/c:v/text()")
name = names[0] if names else ""
return name
class _BaseCategorySeries(_BaseSeries):
"""Base class for |BarSeries| and other category chart series classes."""
def data_labels(self):
"""|DataLabels| object controlling data labels for this series."""
return DataLabels(self._ser.get_or_add_dLbls())
def points(self):
The |CategoryPoints| object providing access to individual data
points in this series.
return CategoryPoints(self._ser)
def values(self):
Read-only. A sequence containing the float values for this series, in
the order they appear on the chart.
def iter_values():
val = self._element.val
if val is None:
for idx in range(val.ptCount_val):
yield val.pt_v(idx)
return tuple(iter_values())
class _MarkerMixin(object):
Mixin class providing `.marker` property for line-type chart series. The
line-type charts are Line, XY, and Radar.
def marker(self):
The |Marker| instance for this series, providing access to data point
marker properties such as fill and line. Setting these properties
determines the appearance of markers for all points in this series
that are not overridden by settings at the point level.
return Marker(self._ser)
class AreaSeries(_BaseCategorySeries):
A data point series belonging to an area plot.
class BarSeries(_BaseCategorySeries):
"""A data point series belonging to a bar plot."""
def invert_if_negative(self):
|True| if a point having a value less than zero should appear with a
fill different than those with a positive value. |False| if the fill
should be the same regardless of the bar's value. When |True|, a bar
with a solid fill appears with white fill; in a bar with gradient
fill, the direction of the gradient is reversed, e.g. dark -> light
instead of light -> dark. The term "invert" here should be understood
to mean "invert the *direction* of the *fill gradient*".
invertIfNegative = self._element.invertIfNegative
if invertIfNegative is None:
return True
return invertIfNegative.val
def invert_if_negative(self, value):
invertIfNegative = self._element.get_or_add_invertIfNegative()
invertIfNegative.val = value
class LineSeries(_BaseCategorySeries, _MarkerMixin):
A data point series belonging to a line plot.
def smooth(self):
Read/write boolean specifying whether to use curve smoothing to
form the line connecting the data points in this series into
a continuous curve. If |False|, a series of straight line segments
are used to connect the points.
smooth = self._element.smooth
if smooth is None:
return True
return smooth.val
def smooth(self, value):
self._element.get_or_add_smooth().val = value
class PieSeries(_BaseCategorySeries):
A data point series belonging to a pie plot.
class RadarSeries(_BaseCategorySeries, _MarkerMixin):
A data point series belonging to a radar plot.
class XySeries(_BaseSeries, _MarkerMixin):
A data point series belonging to an XY (scatter) plot.
def iter_values(self):
Generate each float Y value in this series, in the order they appear
on the chart. A value of `None` represents a missing Y value
(corresponding to a blank Excel cell).
yVal = self._element.yVal
if yVal is None:
for idx in range(yVal.ptCount_val):
yield yVal.pt_v(idx)
def points(self):
The |XyPoints| object providing access to individual data points in
this series.
return XyPoints(self._ser)
def values(self):
Read-only. A sequence containing the float values for this series, in
the order they appear on the chart.
return tuple(self.iter_values())
class BubbleSeries(XySeries):
A data point series belonging to a bubble plot.
def points(self):
The |BubblePoints| object providing access to individual data point
objects used to discover and adjust the formatting and data labels of
a data point.
return BubblePoints(self._ser)
class SeriesCollection(Sequence):
A sequence of |Series| objects.
def __init__(self, parent_elm):
# *parent_elm* can be either a c:plotArea or xChart element
super(SeriesCollection, self).__init__()
self._element = parent_elm
def __getitem__(self, index):
ser = self._element.sers[index]
return _SeriesFactory(ser)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._element.sers)
def _SeriesFactory(ser):
Return an instance of the appropriate subclass of _BaseSeries based on the
xChart element *ser* appears in.
xChart_tag = ser.getparent().tag
SeriesCls = {
qn("c:areaChart"): AreaSeries,
qn("c:barChart"): BarSeries,
qn("c:bubbleChart"): BubbleSeries,
qn("c:doughnutChart"): PieSeries,
qn("c:lineChart"): LineSeries,
qn("c:pieChart"): PieSeries,
qn("c:radarChart"): RadarSeries,
qn("c:scatterChart"): XySeries,
except KeyError:
raise NotImplementedError(
"series class for %s not yet implemented" % xChart_tag
return SeriesCls(ser)