2019-12-22 21:51:47 +01:00

595 lines
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# encoding: utf-8
The :mod:`pptx.packaging` module coheres around the concerns of reading and
writing presentations to and from a .pptx file.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from pptx.util import lazyproperty
from .constants import RELATIONSHIP_TYPE as RT
from .oxml import CT_Relationships, serialize_part_xml
from ..oxml import parse_xml
from .packuri import PACKAGE_URI, PackURI
from .pkgreader import PackageReader
from .pkgwriter import PackageWriter
class OpcPackage(object):
Main API class for |python-opc|. A new instance is constructed by calling
the :meth:`open` class method with a path to a package file or file-like
object containing one.
def __init__(self):
super(OpcPackage, self).__init__()
def after_unmarshal(self):
Called by loading code after all parts and relationships have been
loaded, to afford the opportunity for any required post-processing.
This one does nothing other than catch the call if a subclass
def iter_parts(self):
Generate exactly one reference to each of the parts in the package by
performing a depth-first traversal of the rels graph.
def walk_parts(source, visited=list()):
for rel in source.rels.values():
if rel.is_external:
part = rel.target_part
if part in visited:
yield part
new_source = part
for part in walk_parts(new_source, visited):
yield part
for part in walk_parts(self):
yield part
def iter_rels(self):
Generate exactly one reference to each relationship in the package by
performing a depth-first traversal of the rels graph.
def walk_rels(source, visited=None):
visited = [] if visited is None else visited
for rel in source.rels.values():
yield rel
if rel.is_external:
part = rel.target_part
if part in visited:
new_source = part
for rel in walk_rels(new_source, visited):
yield rel
for rel in walk_rels(self):
yield rel
def load_rel(self, reltype, target, rId, is_external=False):
Return newly added |_Relationship| instance of *reltype* between this
part and *target* with key *rId*. Target mode is set to
``RTM.EXTERNAL`` if *is_external* is |True|. Intended for use during
load from a serialized package, where the rId is well known. Other
methods exist for adding a new relationship to the package during
return self.rels.add_relationship(reltype, target, rId, is_external)
def main_document_part(self):
Return a reference to the main document part for this package.
Examples include a document part for a WordprocessingML package, a
presentation part for a PresentationML package, or a workbook part
for a SpreadsheetML package.
return self.part_related_by(RT.OFFICE_DOCUMENT)
def next_partname(self, tmpl):
Return a |PackURI| instance representing the next available partname
matching *tmpl*, which is a printf (%)-style template string
containing a single replacement item, a '%d' to be used to insert the
integer portion of the partname. Example: '/ppt/slides/slide%d.xml'
partnames = [part.partname for part in self.iter_parts()]
for n in range(1, len(partnames) + 2):
candidate_partname = tmpl % n
if candidate_partname not in partnames:
return PackURI(candidate_partname)
raise Exception("ProgrammingError: ran out of candidate_partnames")
def open(cls, pkg_file):
Return an |OpcPackage| instance loaded with the contents of
pkg_reader = PackageReader.from_file(pkg_file)
package = cls()
Unmarshaller.unmarshal(pkg_reader, package, PartFactory)
return package
def part_related_by(self, reltype):
Return part to which this package has a relationship of *reltype*.
Raises |KeyError| if no such relationship is found and |ValueError|
if more than one such relationship is found.
return self.rels.part_with_reltype(reltype)
def parts(self):
Return a list containing a reference to each of the parts in this
return [part for part in self.iter_parts()]
def relate_to(self, part, reltype):
Return rId key of relationship to *part*, from the existing
relationship if there is one, otherwise a newly created one.
rel = self.rels.get_or_add(reltype, part)
return rel.rId
def rels(self):
Return a reference to the |RelationshipCollection| holding the
relationships for this package.
return RelationshipCollection(PACKAGE_URI.baseURI)
def save(self, pkg_file):
Save this package to *pkg_file*, where *file* can be either a path to
a file (a string) or a file-like object.
for part in self.parts:
PackageWriter.write(pkg_file, self.rels, self.parts)
class Part(object):
Base class for package parts. Provides common properties and methods, but
intended to be subclassed in client code to implement specific part
def __init__(self, partname, content_type, blob=None, package=None):
super(Part, self).__init__()
self._partname = partname
self._content_type = content_type
self._blob = blob
self._package = package
# load/save interface to OpcPackage ------------------------------
def after_unmarshal(self):
Entry point for post-unmarshaling processing, for example to parse
the part XML. May be overridden by subclasses without forwarding call
to super.
# don't place any code here, just catch call if not overridden by
# subclass
def before_marshal(self):
Entry point for pre-serialization processing, for example to finalize
part naming if necessary. May be overridden by subclasses without
forwarding call to super.
# don't place any code here, just catch call if not overridden by
# subclass
def blob(self):
Contents of this package part as a sequence of bytes. May be text or
binary. Intended to be overridden by subclasses. Default behavior is
to return load blob.
return self._blob
def blob(self, bytes_):
Note that not all subclasses use the part blob as their blob source.
In particular, the |XmlPart| subclass uses its `self._element` to
serialize a blob on demand. This works find for binary parts though.
self._blob = bytes_
def content_type(self):
Content type of this part.
return self._content_type
def load(cls, partname, content_type, blob, package):
return cls(partname, content_type, blob, package)
def load_rel(self, reltype, target, rId, is_external=False):
Return newly added |_Relationship| instance of *reltype* between this
part and *target* with key *rId*. Target mode is set to
``RTM.EXTERNAL`` if *is_external* is |True|. Intended for use during
load from a serialized package, where the rId is well known. Other
methods exist for adding a new relationship to a part when
manipulating a part.
return self.rels.add_relationship(reltype, target, rId, is_external)
def package(self):
|OpcPackage| instance this part belongs to.
return self._package
def partname(self):
|PackURI| instance holding partname of this part, e.g.
return self._partname
def partname(self, partname):
if not isinstance(partname, PackURI):
tmpl = "partname must be instance of PackURI, got '%s'"
raise TypeError(tmpl % type(partname).__name__)
self._partname = partname
# relationship management interface for child objects ------------
def drop_rel(self, rId):
Remove the relationship identified by *rId* if its reference count
is less than 2. Relationships with a reference count of 0 are
implicit relationships.
if self._rel_ref_count(rId) < 2:
del self.rels[rId]
def part_related_by(self, reltype):
Return part to which this part has a relationship of *reltype*.
Raises |KeyError| if no such relationship is found and |ValueError|
if more than one such relationship is found. Provides ability to
resolve implicitly related part, such as Slide -> SlideLayout.
return self.rels.part_with_reltype(reltype)
def relate_to(self, target, reltype, is_external=False):
Return rId key of relationship of *reltype* to *target*, from an
existing relationship if there is one, otherwise a newly created one.
if is_external:
return self.rels.get_or_add_ext_rel(reltype, target)
rel = self.rels.get_or_add(reltype, target)
return rel.rId
def related_parts(self):
Dictionary mapping related parts by rId, so child objects can resolve
explicit relationships present in the part XML, e.g. sldIdLst to a
specific |Slide| instance.
return self.rels.related_parts
def rels(self):
|RelationshipCollection| instance holding the relationships for this
return RelationshipCollection(self._partname.baseURI)
def target_ref(self, rId):
Return URL contained in target ref of relationship identified by
rel = self.rels[rId]
return rel.target_ref
def _rel_ref_count(self, rId):
Return the count of references in this part's XML to the relationship
identified by *rId*.
rIds = self._element.xpath("//@r:id")
return len([_rId for _rId in rIds if _rId == rId])
class XmlPart(Part):
Base class for package parts containing an XML payload, which is most of
them. Provides additional methods to the |Part| base class that take care
of parsing and reserializing the XML payload and managing relationships
to other parts.
def __init__(self, partname, content_type, element, package=None):
super(XmlPart, self).__init__(partname, content_type, package=package)
self._element = element
def blob(self):
return serialize_part_xml(self._element)
def load(cls, partname, content_type, blob, package):
element = parse_xml(blob)
return cls(partname, content_type, element, package)
def part(self):
Part of the parent protocol, "children" of the document will not know
the part that contains them so must ask their parent object. That
chain of delegation ends here for child objects.
return self
class PartFactory(object):
Provides a way for client code to specify a subclass of |Part| to be
constructed by |Unmarshaller| based on its content type.
part_type_for = {}
default_part_type = Part
def __new__(cls, partname, content_type, blob, package):
PartClass = cls._part_cls_for(content_type)
return PartClass.load(partname, content_type, blob, package)
def _part_cls_for(cls, content_type):
Return the custom part class registered for *content_type*, or the
default part class if no custom class is registered for
if content_type in cls.part_type_for:
return cls.part_type_for[content_type]
return cls.default_part_type
class RelationshipCollection(dict):
Collection object for |_Relationship| instances, having list semantics.
def __init__(self, baseURI):
super(RelationshipCollection, self).__init__()
self._baseURI = baseURI
self._target_parts_by_rId = {}
def add_relationship(self, reltype, target, rId, is_external=False):
Return a newly added |_Relationship| instance.
rel = _Relationship(rId, reltype, target, self._baseURI, is_external)
self[rId] = rel
if not is_external:
self._target_parts_by_rId[rId] = target
return rel
def get_or_add(self, reltype, target_part):
Return relationship of *reltype* to *target_part*, newly added if not
already present in collection.
rel = self._get_matching(reltype, target_part)
if rel is None:
rId = self._next_rId
rel = self.add_relationship(reltype, target_part, rId)
return rel
def get_or_add_ext_rel(self, reltype, target_ref):
Return rId of external relationship of *reltype* to *target_ref*,
newly added if not already present in collection.
rel = self._get_matching(reltype, target_ref, is_external=True)
if rel is None:
rId = self._next_rId
rel = self.add_relationship(reltype, target_ref, rId, is_external=True)
return rel.rId
def part_with_reltype(self, reltype):
Return target part of rel with matching *reltype*, raising |KeyError|
if not found and |ValueError| if more than one matching relationship
is found.
rel = self._get_rel_of_type(reltype)
return rel.target_part
def related_parts(self):
dict mapping rIds to target parts for all the internal relationships
in the collection.
return self._target_parts_by_rId
def xml(self):
Serialize this relationship collection into XML suitable for storage
as a .rels file in an OPC package.
rels_elm = CT_Relationships.new()
for rel in self.values():
rels_elm.add_rel(rel.rId, rel.reltype, rel.target_ref, rel.is_external)
return rels_elm.xml
def _get_matching(self, reltype, target, is_external=False):
Return relationship of matching *reltype*, *target*, and
*is_external* from collection, or None if not found.
def matches(rel, reltype, target, is_external):
if rel.reltype != reltype:
return False
if rel.is_external != is_external:
return False
rel_target = rel.target_ref if rel.is_external else rel.target_part
if rel_target != target:
return False
return True
for rel in self.values():
if matches(rel, reltype, target, is_external):
return rel
return None
def _get_rel_of_type(self, reltype):
Return single relationship of type *reltype* from the collection.
Raises |KeyError| if no matching relationship is found. Raises
|ValueError| if more than one matching relationship is found.
matching = [rel for rel in self.values() if rel.reltype == reltype]
if len(matching) == 0:
tmpl = "no relationship of type '%s' in collection"
raise KeyError(tmpl % reltype)
if len(matching) > 1:
tmpl = "multiple relationships of type '%s' in collection"
raise ValueError(tmpl % reltype)
return matching[0]
def _next_rId(self):
Next available rId in collection, starting from 'rId1' and making use
of any gaps in numbering, e.g. 'rId2' for rIds ['rId1', 'rId3'].
for n in range(1, len(self) + 2):
rId_candidate = "rId%d" % n # like 'rId19'
if rId_candidate not in self:
return rId_candidate
class Unmarshaller(object):
Hosts static methods for unmarshalling a package from a |PackageReader|
def unmarshal(pkg_reader, package, part_factory):
Construct graph of parts and realized relationships based on the
contents of *pkg_reader*, delegating construction of each part to
*part_factory*. Package relationships are added to *pkg*.
parts = Unmarshaller._unmarshal_parts(pkg_reader, package, part_factory)
Unmarshaller._unmarshal_relationships(pkg_reader, package, parts)
for part in parts.values():
def _unmarshal_parts(pkg_reader, package, part_factory):
Return a dictionary of |Part| instances unmarshalled from
*pkg_reader*, keyed by partname. Side-effect is that each part in
*pkg_reader* is constructed using *part_factory*.
parts = {}
for partname, content_type, blob in pkg_reader.iter_sparts():
parts[partname] = part_factory(partname, content_type, blob, package)
return parts
def _unmarshal_relationships(pkg_reader, package, parts):
Add a relationship to the source object corresponding to each of the
relationships in *pkg_reader* with its target_part set to the actual
target part in *parts*.
for source_uri, srel in pkg_reader.iter_srels():
source = package if source_uri == "/" else parts[source_uri]
target = (
srel.target_ref if srel.is_external else parts[srel.target_partname]
source.load_rel(srel.reltype, target, srel.rId, srel.is_external)
class _Relationship(object):
Value object for relationship to part.
def __init__(self, rId, reltype, target, baseURI, external=False):
super(_Relationship, self).__init__()
self._rId = rId
self._reltype = reltype
self._target = target
self._baseURI = baseURI
self._is_external = bool(external)
def is_external(self):
return self._is_external
def reltype(self):
return self._reltype
def rId(self):
return self._rId
def target_part(self):
if self._is_external:
raise ValueError(
"target_part property on _Relationship is undef"
"ined when target mode is External"
return self._target
def target_ref(self):
if self._is_external:
return self._target
return self._target.partname.relative_ref(self._baseURI)