2019-12-22 21:51:47 +01:00

355 lines
12 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This module is a port of the Textblob Averaged Perceptron Tagger
# Author: Matthew Honnibal <honnibal+gh@gmail.com>,
# Long Duong <longdt219@gmail.com> (NLTK port)
# URL: <https://github.com/sloria/textblob-aptagger>
# <http://nltk.org/>
# Copyright 2013 Matthew Honnibal
# NLTK modifications Copyright 2015 The NLTK Project
# This module is provided under the terms of the MIT License.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function, division
import random
from collections import defaultdict
import pickle
import logging
from nltk.tag.api import TaggerI
from nltk.data import find, load
from nltk.compat import python_2_unicode_compatible
import numpy as np
except ImportError:
PICKLE = "averaged_perceptron_tagger.pickle"
class AveragedPerceptron(object):
'''An averaged perceptron, as implemented by Matthew Honnibal.
See more implementation details here:
def __init__(self):
# Each feature gets its own weight vector, so weights is a dict-of-dicts
self.weights = {}
self.classes = set()
# The accumulated values, for the averaging. These will be keyed by
# feature/clas tuples
self._totals = defaultdict(int)
# The last time the feature was changed, for the averaging. Also
# keyed by feature/clas tuples
# (tstamps is short for timestamps)
self._tstamps = defaultdict(int)
# Number of instances seen
self.i = 0
def _softmax(self, scores):
s = np.fromiter(scores.values(), dtype=float)
exps = np.exp(s)
return exps / np.sum(exps)
def predict(self, features, return_conf=False):
'''Dot-product the features and current weights and return the best label.'''
scores = defaultdict(float)
for feat, value in features.items():
if feat not in self.weights or value == 0:
weights = self.weights[feat]
for label, weight in weights.items():
scores[label] += value * weight
# Do a secondary alphabetic sort, for stability
best_label = max(self.classes, key=lambda label: (scores[label], label))
# compute the confidence
conf = max(self._softmax(scores)) if return_conf == True else None
return best_label, conf
def update(self, truth, guess, features):
'''Update the feature weights.'''
def upd_feat(c, f, w, v):
param = (f, c)
self._totals[param] += (self.i - self._tstamps[param]) * w
self._tstamps[param] = self.i
self.weights[f][c] = w + v
self.i += 1
if truth == guess:
return None
for f in features:
weights = self.weights.setdefault(f, {})
upd_feat(truth, f, weights.get(truth, 0.0), 1.0)
upd_feat(guess, f, weights.get(guess, 0.0), -1.0)
def average_weights(self):
'''Average weights from all iterations.'''
for feat, weights in self.weights.items():
new_feat_weights = {}
for clas, weight in weights.items():
param = (feat, clas)
total = self._totals[param]
total += (self.i - self._tstamps[param]) * weight
averaged = round(total / self.i, 3)
if averaged:
new_feat_weights[clas] = averaged
self.weights[feat] = new_feat_weights
def save(self, path):
'''Save the pickled model weights.'''
with open(path, 'wb') as fout:
return pickle.dump(dict(self.weights), fout)
def load(self, path):
'''Load the pickled model weights.'''
self.weights = load(path)
class PerceptronTagger(TaggerI):
Greedy Averaged Perceptron tagger, as implemented by Matthew Honnibal.
See more implementation details here:
>>> from nltk.tag.perceptron import PerceptronTagger
Train the model
>>> tagger = PerceptronTagger(load=False)
>>> tagger.train([[('today','NN'),('is','VBZ'),('good','JJ'),('day','NN')],
... [('yes','NNS'),('it','PRP'),('beautiful','JJ')]])
>>> tagger.tag(['today','is','a','beautiful','day'])
[('today', 'NN'), ('is', 'PRP'), ('a', 'PRP'), ('beautiful', 'JJ'), ('day', 'NN')]
Use the pretrain model (the default constructor)
>>> pretrain = PerceptronTagger()
>>> pretrain.tag('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'.split())
[('The', 'DT'), ('quick', 'JJ'), ('brown', 'NN'), ('fox', 'NN'), ('jumps', 'VBZ'), ('over', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('lazy', 'JJ'), ('dog', 'NN')]
>>> pretrain.tag("The red cat".split())
[('The', 'DT'), ('red', 'JJ'), ('cat', 'NN')]
START = ['-START-', '-START2-']
END = ['-END-', '-END2-']
def __init__(self, load=True):
:param load: Load the pickled model upon instantiation.
self.model = AveragedPerceptron()
self.tagdict = {}
self.classes = set()
if load:
AP_MODEL_LOC = 'file:' + str(
find('taggers/averaged_perceptron_tagger/' + PICKLE)
def tag(self, tokens, return_conf=False, use_tagdict=True):
Tag tokenized sentences.
:params tokens: list of word
:type tokens: list(str)
prev, prev2 = self.START
output = []
context = self.START + [self.normalize(w) for w in tokens] + self.END
for i, word in enumerate(tokens):
tag, conf = (self.tagdict.get(word), 1.0) if use_tagdict == True else (None, None)
if not tag:
features = self._get_features(i, word, context, prev, prev2)
tag, conf = self.model.predict(features, return_conf)
output.append((word, tag, conf) if return_conf == True else (word, tag))
prev2 = prev
prev = tag
return output
def train(self, sentences, save_loc=None, nr_iter=5):
'''Train a model from sentences, and save it at ``save_loc``. ``nr_iter``
controls the number of Perceptron training iterations.
:param sentences: A list or iterator of sentences, where each sentence
is a list of (words, tags) tuples.
:param save_loc: If not ``None``, saves a pickled model in this location.
:param nr_iter: Number of training iterations.
# We'd like to allow ``sentences`` to be either a list or an iterator,
# the latter being especially important for a large training dataset.
# Because ``self._make_tagdict(sentences)`` runs regardless, we make
# it populate ``self._sentences`` (a list) with all the sentences.
# This saves the overheard of just iterating through ``sentences`` to
# get the list by ``sentences = list(sentences)``.
self._sentences = list() # to be populated by self._make_tagdict...
self.model.classes = self.classes
for iter_ in range(nr_iter):
c = 0
n = 0
for sentence in self._sentences:
words, tags = zip(*sentence)
prev, prev2 = self.START
context = self.START + [self.normalize(w) for w in words] + self.END
for i, word in enumerate(words):
guess = self.tagdict.get(word)
if not guess:
feats = self._get_features(i, word, context, prev, prev2)
guess,_ = self.model.predict(feats)
self.model.update(tags[i], guess, feats)
prev2 = prev
prev = guess
c += guess == tags[i]
n += 1
logging.info("Iter {0}: {1}/{2}={3}".format(iter_, c, n, _pc(c, n)))
# We don't need the training sentences anymore, and we don't want to
# waste space on them when we pickle the trained tagger.
self._sentences = None
# Pickle as a binary file
if save_loc is not None:
with open(save_loc, 'wb') as fout:
# changed protocol from -1 to 2 to make pickling Python 2 compatible
pickle.dump((self.model.weights, self.tagdict, self.classes), fout, 2)
def load(self, loc):
:param loc: Load a pickled model at location.
:type loc: str
self.model.weights, self.tagdict, self.classes = load(loc)
self.model.classes = self.classes
def normalize(self, word):
Normalization used in pre-processing.
- All words are lower cased
- Groups of digits of length 4 are represented as !YEAR;
- Other digits are represented as !DIGITS
:rtype: str
if '-' in word and word[0] != '-':
return '!HYPHEN'
elif word.isdigit() and len(word) == 4:
return '!YEAR'
elif word[0].isdigit():
return '!DIGITS'
return word.lower()
def _get_features(self, i, word, context, prev, prev2):
'''Map tokens into a feature representation, implemented as a
{hashable: int} dict. If the features change, a new model must be
def add(name, *args):
features[' '.join((name,) + tuple(args))] += 1
i += len(self.START)
features = defaultdict(int)
# It's useful to have a constant feature, which acts sort of like a prior
add('i suffix', word[-3:])
add('i pref1', word[0])
add('i-1 tag', prev)
add('i-2 tag', prev2)
add('i tag+i-2 tag', prev, prev2)
add('i word', context[i])
add('i-1 tag+i word', prev, context[i])
add('i-1 word', context[i - 1])
add('i-1 suffix', context[i - 1][-3:])
add('i-2 word', context[i - 2])
add('i+1 word', context[i + 1])
add('i+1 suffix', context[i + 1][-3:])
add('i+2 word', context[i + 2])
return features
def _make_tagdict(self, sentences):
Make a tag dictionary for single-tag words.
:param sentences: A list of list of (word, tag) tuples.
counts = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
for sentence in sentences:
for word, tag in sentence:
counts[word][tag] += 1
freq_thresh = 20
ambiguity_thresh = 0.97
for word, tag_freqs in counts.items():
tag, mode = max(tag_freqs.items(), key=lambda item: item[1])
n = sum(tag_freqs.values())
# Don't add rare words to the tag dictionary
# Only add quite unambiguous words
if n >= freq_thresh and (mode / n) >= ambiguity_thresh:
self.tagdict[word] = tag
def _pc(n, d):
return (n / d) * 100
def _load_data_conll_format(filename):
print('Read from file: ', filename)
with open(filename, 'rb') as fin:
sentences = []
sentence = []
for line in fin.readlines():
line = line.strip()
# print line
if len(line) == 0:
sentence = []
tokens = line.split('\t')
word = tokens[1]
tag = tokens[4]
sentence.append((word, tag))
return sentences
def _get_pretrain_model():
# Train and test on English part of ConLL data (WSJ part of Penn Treebank)
# Train: section 2-11
# Test : section 23
tagger = PerceptronTagger()
training = _load_data_conll_format('english_ptb_train.conll')
testing = _load_data_conll_format('english_ptb_test.conll')
print('Size of training and testing (sentence)', len(training), len(testing))
# Train and save the model
tagger.train(training, PICKLE)
print('Accuracy : ', tagger.evaluate(testing))
if __name__ == '__main__':
# _get_pretrain_model()