2019-12-22 21:51:47 +01:00

55 lines
1.7 KiB

import logging
import struct
from extract_msg import constants
from extract_msg.utils import divide # , round_up
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# TODO move this function to utils.py:
def round_up(inp, mult):
Rounds :param inp: up to the nearest multiple of :param mult:.
return inp + (mult - inp) % mult
# Temporary class code to make references like `constants.CONSTANT` work:
class constants(object):
# Structs used by named.py
STNP_NAM = struct.Struct('<i')
STNP_ENT = struct.Struct('<IHH')
# TODO move these out of the class and into constants.py:
class Named(object):
def __init__(self, msg): # Temporarily uses the Message instance as the input
super(Named, self).__init__()
guid_stream = msg._getStream('__nameid_version1.0/__substg1.0_00020102')
entry_stream = msg._getStream('__nameid_version1.0/__substg1.0_00030102')
names_stream = msg._getStream('__nameid_version1.0/__substg1.0_00040102')
gl = len(guid_stream)
el = len(entry_stream)
nl = len(names_stream)
# TODO guid stream parsing
# TODO entry_stream parsing
entries = []
for x in divide(entry_stream, 8):
tmp = constants.STNP_ENT.unpack(x)
'id': tmp[0],
'pid': tmp[2],
'guid': tmp[1] >> 1,
'pkind': tmp[1] & 1,
names = []
pos = 0
while pos < nl:
l = constants.STNP_NAM.unpack(names_stream[pos:pos + 4])[0]
pos += 4
names.append(names_stream[pos:pos + l].decode('utf_16_le'))
pos += round_up(l, 4)