2019-12-22 21:51:47 +01:00

255 lines
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# encoding: utf-8
"""Chart data-label related oxml objects."""
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
from pptx.enum.chart import XL_DATA_LABEL_POSITION
from pptx.oxml import parse_xml
from pptx.oxml.ns import nsdecls
from pptx.oxml.text import CT_TextBody
from pptx.oxml.xmlchemy import (
class CT_DLbl(BaseOxmlElement):
``<c:dLbl>`` element specifying the properties of the data label for an
individual data point.
_tag_seq = (
idx = OneAndOnlyOne("c:idx")
tx = ZeroOrOne("c:tx", successors=_tag_seq[3:])
spPr = ZeroOrOne("c:spPr", successors=_tag_seq[5:])
txPr = ZeroOrOne("c:txPr", successors=_tag_seq[6:])
dLblPos = ZeroOrOne("c:dLblPos", successors=_tag_seq[7:])
del _tag_seq
def get_or_add_rich(self):
Return the `c:rich` descendant representing the text frame of the
data label, newly created if not present. Any existing `c:strRef`
element is removed along with its contents.
tx = self.get_or_add_tx()
return tx.get_or_add_rich()
def get_or_add_tx_rich(self):
Return the `c:tx[c:rich]` subtree, newly created if not present.
tx = self.get_or_add_tx()
return tx
def idx_val(self):
The integer value of the `val` attribute on the required `c:idx`
return self.idx.val
def new_dLbl(cls):
"""Return a newly created "loose" `c:dLbl` element.
The `c:dLbl` element contains the same (fairly extensive) default
subtree added by PowerPoint when an individual data label is
customized in the UI. Note that the idx value must be set by the
client. Failure to set the idx value will likely result in any
changes not being visible and may result in a repair error on open.
return parse_xml(
"<c:dLbl %s>\n"
' <c:idx val="666"/>\n'
" <c:spPr/>\n"
" <c:txPr>\n"
" <a:bodyPr/>\n"
" <a:lstStyle/>\n"
" <a:p>\n"
" <a:pPr>\n"
" <a:defRPr/>\n"
" </a:pPr>\n"
" </a:p>\n"
" </c:txPr>\n"
' <c:showLegendKey val="0"/>\n'
' <c:showVal val="1"/>\n'
' <c:showCatName val="0"/>\n'
' <c:showSerName val="0"/>\n'
' <c:showPercent val="0"/>\n'
' <c:showBubbleSize val="0"/>\n'
"</c:dLbl>" % nsdecls("c", "a")
def remove_tx_rich(self):
Remove any `c:tx[c:rich]` child, or do nothing if not present.
matches = self.xpath("c:tx[c:rich]")
if not matches:
tx = matches[0]
def _new_txPr(self):
return CT_TextBody.new_txPr()
class CT_DLblPos(BaseOxmlElement):
``<c:dLblPos>`` element specifying the positioning of a data label with
respect to its data point.
val = RequiredAttribute("val", XL_DATA_LABEL_POSITION)
class CT_DLbls(BaseOxmlElement):
"""`c:dLbls` element specifying properties for a set of data labels."""
_tag_seq = (
dLbl = ZeroOrMore("c:dLbl", successors=_tag_seq[1:])
numFmt = ZeroOrOne("c:numFmt", successors=_tag_seq[2:])
txPr = ZeroOrOne("c:txPr", successors=_tag_seq[4:])
dLblPos = ZeroOrOne("c:dLblPos", successors=_tag_seq[5:])
showLegendKey = ZeroOrOne("c:showLegendKey", successors=_tag_seq[6:])
showVal = ZeroOrOne("c:showVal", successors=_tag_seq[7:])
showCatName = ZeroOrOne("c:showCatName", successors=_tag_seq[8:])
showSerName = ZeroOrOne("c:showSerName", successors=_tag_seq[9:])
showPercent = ZeroOrOne("c:showPercent", successors=_tag_seq[10:])
del _tag_seq
def defRPr(self):
``<a:defRPr>`` great-great-grandchild element, added with its
ancestors if not present.
txPr = self.get_or_add_txPr()
defRPr = txPr.defRPr
return defRPr
def get_dLbl_for_point(self, idx):
Return the `c:dLbl` child representing the label for the data point
at index *idx*.
matches = self.xpath('c:dLbl[c:idx[@val="%d"]]' % idx)
if matches:
return matches[0]
return None
def get_or_add_dLbl_for_point(self, idx):
Return the `c:dLbl` element representing the label of the point at
index *idx*.
matches = self.xpath('c:dLbl[c:idx[@val="%d"]]' % idx)
if matches:
return matches[0]
return self._insert_dLbl_in_sequence(idx)
def new_dLbls(cls):
"""Return a newly created "loose" `c:dLbls` element."""
return parse_xml(
"<c:dLbls %s>\n"
' <c:showLegendKey val="0"/>\n'
' <c:showVal val="0"/>\n'
' <c:showCatName val="0"/>\n'
' <c:showSerName val="0"/>\n'
' <c:showPercent val="0"/>\n'
' <c:showBubbleSize val="0"/>\n'
' <c:showLeaderLines val="1"/>\n'
"</c:dLbls>" % nsdecls("c")
def _insert_dLbl_in_sequence(self, idx):
Return a newly created `c:dLbl` element having `c:idx` child of *idx*
and inserted in numeric sequence among the `c:dLbl` children of this
new_dLbl = self._new_dLbl()
new_dLbl.idx.val = idx
dLbl = None
for dLbl in self.dLbl_lst:
if dLbl.idx_val > idx:
return new_dLbl
if dLbl is not None:
self.insert(0, new_dLbl)
return new_dLbl
def _new_dLbl(self):
return CT_DLbl.new_dLbl()
def _new_showCatName(self):
"""Return a new `c:showCatName` with value initialized.
This method is called by the metaclass-generated code whenever a new
`c:showCatName` element is required. In this case, it defaults to
`val=true`, which is not what we need so we override to make val
explicitly False.
return parse_xml('<c:showCatName %s val="0"/>' % nsdecls("c"))
def _new_showLegendKey(self):
return parse_xml('<c:showLegendKey %s val="0"/>' % nsdecls("c"))
def _new_showPercent(self):
return parse_xml('<c:showPercent %s val="0"/>' % nsdecls("c"))
def _new_showSerName(self):
return parse_xml('<c:showSerName %s val="0"/>' % nsdecls("c"))
def _new_showVal(self):
return parse_xml('<c:showVal %s val="0"/>' % nsdecls("c"))
def _new_txPr(self):
return CT_TextBody.new_txPr()