2019-12-22 21:51:47 +01:00

279 lines
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# encoding: utf-8
"""lxml custom element classes for shape-tree-related XML elements."""
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
from pptx.enum.shapes import MSO_CONNECTOR_TYPE
from pptx.oxml import parse_xml
from pptx.oxml.ns import nsdecls, qn
from pptx.oxml.shapes.autoshape import CT_Shape
from pptx.oxml.shapes.connector import CT_Connector
from pptx.oxml.shapes.graphfrm import CT_GraphicalObjectFrame
from pptx.oxml.shapes.picture import CT_Picture
from pptx.oxml.shapes.shared import BaseShapeElement
from pptx.oxml.xmlchemy import BaseOxmlElement, OneAndOnlyOne, ZeroOrOne
from pptx.util import Emu
class CT_GroupShape(BaseShapeElement):
Used for the shape tree (``<p:spTree>``) element as well as the group
shape (``<p:grpSp>``) element.
nvGrpSpPr = OneAndOnlyOne("p:nvGrpSpPr")
grpSpPr = OneAndOnlyOne("p:grpSpPr")
_shape_tags = (
def add_autoshape(self, id_, name, prst, x, y, cx, cy):
Append a new ``<p:sp>`` shape to the group/shapetree having the
properties specified in call.
sp = CT_Shape.new_autoshape_sp(id_, name, prst, x, y, cx, cy)
self.insert_element_before(sp, "p:extLst")
return sp
def add_cxnSp(self, id_, name, type_member, x, y, cx, cy, flipH, flipV):
Append a new ``<p:cxnSp>`` shape to the group/shapetree having the
properties specified in call.
prst = MSO_CONNECTOR_TYPE.to_xml(type_member)
cxnSp = CT_Connector.new_cxnSp(id_, name, prst, x, y, cx, cy, flipH, flipV)
self.insert_element_before(cxnSp, "p:extLst")
return cxnSp
def add_freeform_sp(self, x, y, cx, cy):
"""Append a new freeform `p:sp` with specified position and size."""
shape_id = self._next_shape_id
name = "Freeform %d" % (shape_id - 1,)
sp = CT_Shape.new_freeform_sp(shape_id, name, x, y, cx, cy)
self.insert_element_before(sp, "p:extLst")
return sp
def add_grpSp(self):
"""Return `p:grpSp` element newly appended to this shape tree.
The element contains no sub-shapes, is positioned at (0, 0), and has
width and height of zero.
shape_id = self._next_shape_id
name = "Group %d" % (shape_id - 1,)
grpSp = CT_GroupShape.new_grpSp(shape_id, name)
self.insert_element_before(grpSp, "p:extLst")
return grpSp
def add_pic(self, id_, name, desc, rId, x, y, cx, cy):
Append a ``<p:pic>`` shape to the group/shapetree having properties
as specified in call.
pic = CT_Picture.new_pic(id_, name, desc, rId, x, y, cx, cy)
self.insert_element_before(pic, "p:extLst")
return pic
def add_placeholder(self, id_, name, ph_type, orient, sz, idx):
Append a newly-created placeholder ``<p:sp>`` shape having the
specified placeholder properties.
sp = CT_Shape.new_placeholder_sp(id_, name, ph_type, orient, sz, idx)
self.insert_element_before(sp, "p:extLst")
return sp
def add_table(self, id_, name, rows, cols, x, y, cx, cy):
Append a ``<p:graphicFrame>`` shape containing a table as specified
in call.
graphicFrame = CT_GraphicalObjectFrame.new_table_graphicFrame(
id_, name, rows, cols, x, y, cx, cy
self.insert_element_before(graphicFrame, "p:extLst")
return graphicFrame
def add_textbox(self, id_, name, x, y, cx, cy):
Append a newly-created textbox ``<p:sp>`` shape having the specified
position and size.
sp = CT_Shape.new_textbox_sp(id_, name, x, y, cx, cy)
self.insert_element_before(sp, "p:extLst")
return sp
def chExt(self):
"""Descendent `p:grpSpPr/a:xfrm/a:chExt` element."""
return self.grpSpPr.get_or_add_xfrm().get_or_add_chExt()
def chOff(self):
"""Descendent `p:grpSpPr/a:xfrm/a:chOff` element."""
return self.grpSpPr.get_or_add_xfrm().get_or_add_chOff()
def get_or_add_xfrm(self):
Return the ``<a:xfrm>`` grandchild element, newly-added if not
return self.grpSpPr.get_or_add_xfrm()
def iter_ph_elms(self):
Generate each placeholder shape child element in document order.
for e in self.iter_shape_elms():
if e.has_ph_elm:
yield e
def iter_shape_elms(self):
Generate each child of this ``<p:spTree>`` element that corresponds
to a shape, in the sequence they appear in the XML.
for elm in self.iterchildren():
if elm.tag in self._shape_tags:
yield elm
def max_shape_id(self):
"""Maximum int value assigned as @id in this slide.
This is generally a shape-id, but ids can be assigned to other
objects so we just check all @id values anywhere in the document
(XML id-values have document scope).
In practice, its minimum value is 1 because the spTree element itself
is always assigned id="1".
id_str_lst = self.xpath("//@id")
used_ids = [int(id_str) for id_str in id_str_lst if id_str.isdigit()]
return max(used_ids) if used_ids else 0
def new_grpSp(cls, id_, name):
"""Return new "loose" `p:grpSp` element having *id_* and *name*."""
xml = (
"<p:grpSp %s>\n"
" <p:nvGrpSpPr>\n"
' <p:cNvPr id="%%d" name="%%s"/>\n'
" <p:cNvGrpSpPr/>\n"
" <p:nvPr/>\n"
" </p:nvGrpSpPr>\n"
" <p:grpSpPr>\n"
" <a:xfrm>\n"
' <a:off x="0" y="0"/>\n'
' <a:ext cx="0" cy="0"/>\n'
' <a:chOff x="0" y="0"/>\n'
' <a:chExt cx="0" cy="0"/>\n'
" </a:xfrm>\n"
" </p:grpSpPr>\n"
"</p:grpSp>" % nsdecls("a", "p", "r")
) % (id_, name)
grpSp = parse_xml(xml)
return grpSp
def recalculate_extents(self):
"""Adjust x, y, cx, and cy to incorporate all contained shapes.
This would typically be called when a contained shape is added,
removed, or its position or size updated.
This method is recursive "upwards" since a change in a group shape
can change the position and size of its containing group.
if not self.tag == qn("p:grpSp"):
x, y, cx, cy = self._child_extents
self.chOff.x = self.x = x
self.chOff.y = self.y = y
self.chExt.cx = self.cx = cx
self.chExt.cy = self.cy = cy
def xfrm(self):
The ``<a:xfrm>`` grandchild element or |None| if not found
return self.grpSpPr.xfrm
def _child_extents(self):
"""(x, y, cx, cy) tuple representing net position and size.
The values are formed as a composite of the contained child shapes.
child_shape_elms = list(self.iter_shape_elms())
if not child_shape_elms:
return Emu(0), Emu(0), Emu(0), Emu(0)
min_x = min([xSp.x for xSp in child_shape_elms])
min_y = min([xSp.y for xSp in child_shape_elms])
max_x = max([(xSp.x + xSp.cx) for xSp in child_shape_elms])
max_y = max([(xSp.y + xSp.cy) for xSp in child_shape_elms])
x = min_x
y = min_y
cx = max_x - min_x
cy = max_y - min_y
return x, y, cx, cy
def _next_shape_id(self):
"""Return unique shape id suitable for use with a new shape element.
The returned id is the next available positive integer drawing object
id in shape tree, starting from 1 and making use of any gaps in
numbering. In practice, the minimum id is 2 because the spTree
element itself is always assigned id="1".
id_str_lst = self.xpath("//@id")
used_ids = [int(id_str) for id_str in id_str_lst if id_str.isdigit()]
for n in range(1, len(used_ids) + 2):
if n not in used_ids:
return n
class CT_GroupShapeNonVisual(BaseShapeElement):
``<p:nvGrpSpPr>`` element.
cNvPr = OneAndOnlyOne("p:cNvPr")
class CT_GroupShapeProperties(BaseOxmlElement):
"""p:grpSpPr element """
_tag_seq = (
xfrm = ZeroOrOne("a:xfrm", successors=_tag_seq[1:])
effectLst = ZeroOrOne("a:effectLst", successors=_tag_seq[8:])
del _tag_seq