2019-12-22 21:51:47 +01:00

458 lines
13 KiB

# encoding: utf-8
lxml custom element classes for shape-related XML elements.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from pptx.enum.shapes import MSO_AUTO_SHAPE_TYPE, PP_PLACEHOLDER
from pptx.oxml import parse_xml
from pptx.oxml.ns import nsdecls
from pptx.oxml.shapes.shared import BaseShapeElement
from pptx.oxml.simpletypes import (
from pptx.oxml.text import CT_TextBody
from pptx.oxml.xmlchemy import (
class CT_AdjPoint2D(BaseOxmlElement):
"""`a:pt` custom element class."""
x = RequiredAttribute("x", ST_Coordinate)
y = RequiredAttribute("y", ST_Coordinate)
class CT_CustomGeometry2D(BaseOxmlElement):
"""`a:custGeom` custom element class."""
_tag_seq = ("a:avLst", "a:gdLst", "a:ahLst", "a:cxnLst", "a:rect", "a:pathLst")
pathLst = ZeroOrOne("a:pathLst", successors=_tag_seq[6:])
class CT_GeomGuide(BaseOxmlElement):
``<a:gd>`` custom element class, defining a "guide", corresponding to
a yellow diamond-shaped handle on an autoshape.
name = RequiredAttribute("name", XsdString)
fmla = RequiredAttribute("fmla", XsdString)
class CT_GeomGuideList(BaseOxmlElement):
``<a:avLst>`` custom element class
gd = ZeroOrMore("a:gd")
class CT_NonVisualDrawingShapeProps(BaseShapeElement):
``<p:cNvSpPr>`` custom element class
spLocks = ZeroOrOne("a:spLocks")
txBox = OptionalAttribute("txBox", XsdBoolean)
class CT_Path2D(BaseOxmlElement):
"""`a:path` custom element class."""
close = ZeroOrMore("a:close", successors=())
lnTo = ZeroOrMore("a:lnTo", successors=())
moveTo = ZeroOrMore("a:moveTo", successors=())
w = OptionalAttribute("w", ST_PositiveCoordinate)
h = OptionalAttribute("h", ST_PositiveCoordinate)
def add_close(self):
"""Return a newly created `a:close` element.
The new `a:close` element is appended to this `a:path` element.
return self._add_close()
def add_lnTo(self, x, y):
"""Return a newly created `a:lnTo` subtree with end point *(x, y)*.
The new `a:lnTo` element is appended to this `a:path` element.
lnTo = self._add_lnTo()
pt = lnTo._add_pt()
pt.x, pt.y = x, y
return lnTo
def add_moveTo(self, x, y):
"""Return a newly created `a:moveTo` subtree with point *(x, y)*.
The new `a:moveTo` element is appended to this `a:path` element.
moveTo = self._add_moveTo()
pt = moveTo._add_pt()
pt.x, pt.y = x, y
return moveTo
class CT_Path2DClose(BaseOxmlElement):
"""`a:close` custom element class."""
class CT_Path2DLineTo(BaseOxmlElement):
"""`a:lnTo` custom element class."""
pt = ZeroOrOne("a:pt", successors=())
class CT_Path2DList(BaseOxmlElement):
"""`a:pathLst` custom element class."""
path = ZeroOrMore("a:path", successors=())
def add_path(self, w, h):
"""Return a newly created `a:path` child element."""
path = self._add_path()
path.w, path.h = w, h
return path
class CT_Path2DMoveTo(BaseOxmlElement):
"""`a:moveTo` custom element class."""
pt = ZeroOrOne("a:pt", successors=())
class CT_PresetGeometry2D(BaseOxmlElement):
<a:prstGeom> custom element class
avLst = ZeroOrOne("a:avLst")
prst = RequiredAttribute("prst", MSO_AUTO_SHAPE_TYPE)
def gd_lst(self):
Sequence containing the ``gd`` element children of ``<a:avLst>``
child element, empty if none are present.
avLst = self.avLst
if avLst is None:
return []
return avLst.gd_lst
def rewrite_guides(self, guides):
Remove any ``<a:gd>`` element children of ``<a:avLst>`` and replace
them with ones having (name, val) in *guides*.
avLst = self._add_avLst()
for name, val in guides:
gd = avLst._add_gd()
gd.name = name
gd.fmla = "val %d" % val
class CT_Shape(BaseShapeElement):
``<p:sp>`` custom element class
nvSpPr = OneAndOnlyOne("p:nvSpPr")
spPr = OneAndOnlyOne("p:spPr")
txBody = ZeroOrOne("p:txBody", successors=("p:extLst",))
def add_path(self, w, h):
"""Reference to `a:custGeom` descendant or |None| if not present."""
custGeom = self.spPr.custGeom
if custGeom is None:
raise ValueError("shape must be freeform")
pathLst = custGeom.get_or_add_pathLst()
return pathLst.add_path(w=w, h=h)
def get_or_add_ln(self):
Return the <a:ln> grandchild element, newly added if not present.
return self.spPr.get_or_add_ln()
def has_custom_geometry(self):
"""True if this shape has custom geometry, i.e. is a freeform shape.
A shape has custom geometry if it has a `p:spPr/a:custGeom`
descendant (instead of `p:spPr/a:prstGeom`).
return self.spPr.custGeom is not None
def is_autoshape(self):
True if this shape is an auto shape. A shape is an auto shape if it
has a ``<a:prstGeom>`` element and does not have a txBox="1" attribute
on cNvSpPr.
prstGeom = self.prstGeom
if prstGeom is None:
return False
if self.nvSpPr.cNvSpPr.txBox is True:
return False
return True
def is_textbox(self):
True if this shape is a text box. A shape is a text box if it has a
``txBox`` attribute on cNvSpPr that resolves to |True|. The default
when the txBox attribute is missing is |False|.
if self.nvSpPr.cNvSpPr.txBox is True:
return True
return False
def ln(self):
``<a:ln>`` grand-child element or |None| if not present
return self.spPr.ln
def new_autoshape_sp(id_, name, prst, left, top, width, height):
Return a new ``<p:sp>`` element tree configured as a base auto shape.
tmpl = CT_Shape._autoshape_sp_tmpl()
xml = tmpl % (id_, name, left, top, width, height, prst)
sp = parse_xml(xml)
return sp
def new_freeform_sp(shape_id, name, x, y, cx, cy):
"""Return new `p:sp` element tree configured as freeform shape.
The returned shape has a `a:custGeom` subtree but no paths in its
path list.
tmpl = CT_Shape._freeform_sp_tmpl()
xml = tmpl % (shape_id, name, x, y, cx, cy)
sp = parse_xml(xml)
return sp
def new_placeholder_sp(id_, name, ph_type, orient, sz, idx):
Return a new ``<p:sp>`` element tree configured as a placeholder
tmpl = CT_Shape._ph_sp_tmpl()
xml = tmpl % (id_, name)
sp = parse_xml(xml)
ph = sp.nvSpPr.nvPr.get_or_add_ph()
ph.type = ph_type
ph.idx = idx
ph.orient = orient
ph.sz = sz
placeholder_types_that_have_a_text_frame = (
if ph_type in placeholder_types_that_have_a_text_frame:
return sp
def new_textbox_sp(id_, name, left, top, width, height):
Return a new ``<p:sp>`` element tree configured as a base textbox
tmpl = CT_Shape._textbox_sp_tmpl()
xml = tmpl % (id_, name, left, top, width, height)
sp = parse_xml(xml)
return sp
def prst(self):
Value of ``prst`` attribute of ``<a:prstGeom>`` element or |None| if
not present.
prstGeom = self.prstGeom
if prstGeom is None:
return None
return prstGeom.prst
def prstGeom(self):
Reference to ``<a:prstGeom>`` child element or |None| if this shape
doesn't have one, for example, if it's a placeholder shape.
return self.spPr.prstGeom
def _autoshape_sp_tmpl():
return (
"<p:sp %s>\n"
" <p:nvSpPr>\n"
' <p:cNvPr id="%s" name="%s"/>\n'
" <p:cNvSpPr/>\n"
" <p:nvPr/>\n"
" </p:nvSpPr>\n"
" <p:spPr>\n"
" <a:xfrm>\n"
' <a:off x="%s" y="%s"/>\n'
' <a:ext cx="%s" cy="%s"/>\n'
" </a:xfrm>\n"
' <a:prstGeom prst="%s">\n'
" <a:avLst/>\n"
" </a:prstGeom>\n"
" </p:spPr>\n"
" <p:style>\n"
' <a:lnRef idx="1">\n'
' <a:schemeClr val="accent1"/>\n'
" </a:lnRef>\n"
' <a:fillRef idx="3">\n'
' <a:schemeClr val="accent1"/>\n'
" </a:fillRef>\n"
' <a:effectRef idx="2">\n'
' <a:schemeClr val="accent1"/>\n'
" </a:effectRef>\n"
' <a:fontRef idx="minor">\n'
' <a:schemeClr val="lt1"/>\n'
" </a:fontRef>\n"
" </p:style>\n"
" <p:txBody>\n"
' <a:bodyPr rtlCol="0" anchor="ctr"/>\n'
" <a:lstStyle/>\n"
" <a:p>\n"
' <a:pPr algn="ctr"/>\n'
" </a:p>\n"
" </p:txBody>\n"
"</p:sp>" % (nsdecls("a", "p"), "%d", "%s", "%d", "%d", "%d", "%d", "%s")
def _freeform_sp_tmpl():
return (
"<p:sp %s>\n"
" <p:nvSpPr>\n"
' <p:cNvPr id="%s" name="%s"/>\n'
" <p:cNvSpPr/>\n"
" <p:nvPr/>\n"
" </p:nvSpPr>\n"
" <p:spPr>\n"
" <a:xfrm>\n"
' <a:off x="%s" y="%s"/>\n'
' <a:ext cx="%s" cy="%s"/>\n'
" </a:xfrm>\n"
" <a:custGeom>\n"
" <a:avLst/>\n"
" <a:gdLst/>\n"
" <a:ahLst/>\n"
" <a:cxnLst/>\n"
' <a:rect l="l" t="t" r="r" b="b"/>\n'
" <a:pathLst/>\n"
" </a:custGeom>\n"
" </p:spPr>\n"
" <p:style>\n"
' <a:lnRef idx="1">\n'
' <a:schemeClr val="accent1"/>\n'
" </a:lnRef>\n"
' <a:fillRef idx="3">\n'
' <a:schemeClr val="accent1"/>\n'
" </a:fillRef>\n"
' <a:effectRef idx="2">\n'
' <a:schemeClr val="accent1"/>\n'
" </a:effectRef>\n"
' <a:fontRef idx="minor">\n'
' <a:schemeClr val="lt1"/>\n'
" </a:fontRef>\n"
" </p:style>\n"
" <p:txBody>\n"
' <a:bodyPr rtlCol="0" anchor="ctr"/>\n'
" <a:lstStyle/>\n"
" <a:p>\n"
' <a:pPr algn="ctr"/>\n'
" </a:p>\n"
" </p:txBody>\n"
"</p:sp>" % (nsdecls("a", "p"), "%d", "%s", "%d", "%d", "%d", "%d")
def _new_txBody(self):
return CT_TextBody.new_p_txBody()
def _ph_sp_tmpl():
return (
"<p:sp %s>\n"
" <p:nvSpPr>\n"
' <p:cNvPr id="%s" name="%s"/>\n'
" <p:cNvSpPr>\n"
' <a:spLocks noGrp="1"/>\n'
" </p:cNvSpPr>\n"
" <p:nvPr/>\n"
" </p:nvSpPr>\n"
" <p:spPr/>\n"
"</p:sp>" % (nsdecls("a", "p"), "%d", "%s")
def _textbox_sp_tmpl():
return (
"<p:sp %s>\n"
" <p:nvSpPr>\n"
' <p:cNvPr id="%s" name="%s"/>\n'
' <p:cNvSpPr txBox="1"/>\n'
" <p:nvPr/>\n"
" </p:nvSpPr>\n"
" <p:spPr>\n"
" <a:xfrm>\n"
' <a:off x="%s" y="%s"/>\n'
' <a:ext cx="%s" cy="%s"/>\n'
" </a:xfrm>\n"
' <a:prstGeom prst="rect">\n'
" <a:avLst/>\n"
" </a:prstGeom>\n"
" <a:noFill/>\n"
" </p:spPr>\n"
" <p:txBody>\n"
' <a:bodyPr wrap="none">\n'
" <a:spAutoFit/>\n"
" </a:bodyPr>\n"
" <a:lstStyle/>\n"
" <a:p/>\n"
" </p:txBody>\n"
"</p:sp>" % (nsdecls("a", "p"), "%d", "%s", "%d", "%d", "%d", "%d")
class CT_ShapeNonVisual(BaseShapeElement):
``<p:nvSpPr>`` custom element class
cNvPr = OneAndOnlyOne("p:cNvPr")
cNvSpPr = OneAndOnlyOne("p:cNvSpPr")
nvPr = OneAndOnlyOne("p:nvPr")