2019-12-22 21:51:47 +01:00

43 lines
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class CannotOverwriteExistingCassetteException(Exception):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.cassette = kwargs["cassette"]
self.failed_request = kwargs["failed_request"]
message = self._get_message(kwargs["cassette"], kwargs["failed_request"])
super(CannotOverwriteExistingCassetteException, self).__init__(message)
def _get_message(cassette, failed_request):
"""Get the final message related to the exception"""
# Get the similar requests in the cassette that
# have match the most with the request.
best_matches = cassette.find_requests_with_most_matches(failed_request)
if best_matches:
# Build a comprehensible message to put in the exception.
best_matches_msg = "Found {} similar requests with {} different matcher(s) :\n".format(
len(best_matches), len(best_matches[0][2])
for idx, best_match in enumerate(best_matches, start=1):
request, succeeded_matchers, failed_matchers_assertion_msgs = best_match
best_matches_msg += (
"\n%s - (%r).\n"
"Matchers succeeded : %s\n"
"Matchers failed :\n" % (idx, request, succeeded_matchers)
for failed_matcher, assertion_msg in failed_matchers_assertion_msgs:
best_matches_msg += "%s - assertion failure :\n" "%s\n" % (failed_matcher, assertion_msg)
best_matches_msg = "No similar requests, that have not been played, found."
return (
"Can't overwrite existing cassette (%r) in "
"your current record mode (%r).\n"
"No match for the request (%r) was found.\n"
"%s" % (cassette._path, cassette.record_mode, failed_request, best_matches_msg)
class UnhandledHTTPRequestError(KeyError):
"""Raised when a cassette does not contain the request we want."""