2019-12-22 21:51:47 +01:00

419 lines
13 KiB

# Shape - A class for to represent Excel XLSX shape objects.
# Copyright 2013-2019, John McNamara, jmcnamara@cpan.org
import copy
from warnings import warn
class Shape(object):
A class for to represent Excel XLSX shape objects.
# Public API.
def __init__(self, shape_type, name, options):
super(Shape, self).__init__()
self.name = name
self.shape_type = shape_type
self.connect = 0
self.drawing = 0
self.edit_as = ''
self.id = 0
self.text = ''
self.textlink = ''
self.stencil = 1
self.element = -1
self.start = None
self.start_index = None
self.end = None
self.end_index = None
self.adjustments = []
self.start_side = ''
self.end_side = ''
self.flip_h = 0
self.flip_v = 0
self.rotation = 0
self.text_rotation = 0
self.textbox = False
self.align = None
self.fill = None
self.font = None
self.format = None
self.line = None
self.url_rel_index = None
self.tip = None
# Private API.
def _set_options(self, options):
self.align = self._get_align_properties(options.get('align'))
self.fill = self._get_fill_properties(options.get('fill'))
self.font = self._get_font_properties(options.get('font'))
self.gradient = self._get_gradient_properties(options.get('gradient'))
self.line = self._get_line_properties(options.get('line'))
self.text_rotation = options.get('text_rotation', 0)
self.textlink = options.get('textlink', '')
if self.textlink.startswith('='):
self.textlink = self.textlink.lstrip('=')
if options.get('border'):
self.line = self._get_line_properties(options['border'])
# Gradient fill overrides solid fill.
if self.gradient:
self.fill = None
# Static methods for processing chart/shape style properties.
def _get_line_properties(line):
# Convert user line properties to the structure required internally.
if not line:
return {'defined': False}
# Copy the user defined properties since they will be modified.
line = copy.deepcopy(line)
dash_types = {
'solid': 'solid',
'round_dot': 'sysDot',
'square_dot': 'sysDash',
'dash': 'dash',
'dash_dot': 'dashDot',
'long_dash': 'lgDash',
'long_dash_dot': 'lgDashDot',
'long_dash_dot_dot': 'lgDashDotDot',
'dot': 'dot',
'system_dash_dot': 'sysDashDot',
'system_dash_dot_dot': 'sysDashDotDot',
# Check the dash type.
dash_type = line.get('dash_type')
if dash_type is not None:
if dash_type in dash_types:
line['dash_type'] = dash_types[dash_type]
warn("Unknown dash type '%s'" % dash_type)
line['defined'] = True
return line
def _get_fill_properties(fill):
# Convert user fill properties to the structure required internally.
if not fill:
return {'defined': False}
# Copy the user defined properties since they will be modified.
fill = copy.deepcopy(fill)
fill['defined'] = True
return fill
def _get_pattern_properties(pattern):
# Convert user defined pattern to the structure required internally.
if not pattern:
# Copy the user defined properties since they will be modified.
pattern = copy.deepcopy(pattern)
if not pattern.get('pattern'):
warn("Pattern must include 'pattern'")
if not pattern.get('fg_color'):
warn("Pattern must include 'fg_color'")
types = {
'percent_5': 'pct5',
'percent_10': 'pct10',
'percent_20': 'pct20',
'percent_25': 'pct25',
'percent_30': 'pct30',
'percent_40': 'pct40',
'percent_50': 'pct50',
'percent_60': 'pct60',
'percent_70': 'pct70',
'percent_75': 'pct75',
'percent_80': 'pct80',
'percent_90': 'pct90',
'light_downward_diagonal': 'ltDnDiag',
'light_upward_diagonal': 'ltUpDiag',
'dark_downward_diagonal': 'dkDnDiag',
'dark_upward_diagonal': 'dkUpDiag',
'wide_downward_diagonal': 'wdDnDiag',
'wide_upward_diagonal': 'wdUpDiag',
'light_vertical': 'ltVert',
'light_horizontal': 'ltHorz',
'narrow_vertical': 'narVert',
'narrow_horizontal': 'narHorz',
'dark_vertical': 'dkVert',
'dark_horizontal': 'dkHorz',
'dashed_downward_diagonal': 'dashDnDiag',
'dashed_upward_diagonal': 'dashUpDiag',
'dashed_horizontal': 'dashHorz',
'dashed_vertical': 'dashVert',
'small_confetti': 'smConfetti',
'large_confetti': 'lgConfetti',
'zigzag': 'zigZag',
'wave': 'wave',
'diagonal_brick': 'diagBrick',
'horizontal_brick': 'horzBrick',
'weave': 'weave',
'plaid': 'plaid',
'divot': 'divot',
'dotted_grid': 'dotGrid',
'dotted_diamond': 'dotDmnd',
'shingle': 'shingle',
'trellis': 'trellis',
'sphere': 'sphere',
'small_grid': 'smGrid',
'large_grid': 'lgGrid',
'small_check': 'smCheck',
'large_check': 'lgCheck',
'outlined_diamond': 'openDmnd',
'solid_diamond': 'solidDmnd',
# Check for valid types.
if not pattern['pattern'] in types:
warn("unknown pattern type '%s'" % pattern['pattern'])
pattern['pattern'] = types[pattern['pattern']]
# Specify a default background color.
pattern['bg_color'] = pattern.get('bg_color', '#FFFFFF')
return pattern
def _get_gradient_properties(gradient):
# Convert user defined gradient to the structure required internally.
if not gradient:
# Copy the user defined properties since they will be modified.
gradient = copy.deepcopy(gradient)
types = {
'linear': 'linear',
'radial': 'circle',
'rectangular': 'rect',
'path': 'shape'
# Check the colors array exists and is valid.
if 'colors' not in gradient or type(gradient['colors']) != list:
warn("Gradient must include colors list")
# Check the colors array has the required number of entries.
if not 2 <= len(gradient['colors']) <= 10:
warn("Gradient colors list must at least 2 values "
"and not more than 10")
if 'positions' in gradient:
# Check the positions array has the right number of entries.
if len(gradient['positions']) != len(gradient['colors']):
warn("Gradient positions not equal to number of colors")
# Check the positions are in the correct range.
for pos in gradient['positions']:
if not 0 <= pos <= 100:
warn("Gradient position must be in the range "
"0 <= position <= 100")
# Use the default gradient positions.
if len(gradient['colors']) == 2:
gradient['positions'] = [0, 100]
elif len(gradient['colors']) == 3:
gradient['positions'] = [0, 50, 100]
elif len(gradient['colors']) == 4:
gradient['positions'] = [0, 33, 66, 100]
warn("Must specify gradient positions")
angle = gradient.get('angle')
if angle:
if not 0 <= angle < 360:
warn("Gradient angle must be in the range "
"0 <= angle < 360")
gradient['angle'] = 90
# Check for valid types.
gradient_type = gradient.get('type')
if gradient_type is not None:
if gradient_type in types:
gradient['type'] = types[gradient_type]
warn("Unknown gradient type '%s" % gradient_type)
gradient['type'] = 'linear'
return gradient
def _get_font_properties(options):
# Convert user defined font values into private dict values.
if options is None:
options = {}
font = {
'name': options.get('name'),
'color': options.get('color'),
'size': options.get('size', 11),
'bold': options.get('bold'),
'italic': options.get('italic'),
'underline': options.get('underline'),
'pitch_family': options.get('pitch_family'),
'charset': options.get('charset'),
'baseline': options.get('baseline', -1),
'lang': options.get('lang', 'en-US'),
# Convert font size units.
if font['size']:
font['size'] = int(font['size'] * 100)
return font
def _get_font_style_attributes(font):
# _get_font_style_attributes.
attributes = []
if not font:
return attributes
if font.get('size'):
attributes.append(('sz', font['size']))
if font.get('bold') is not None:
attributes.append(('b', 0 + font['bold']))
if font.get('italic') is not None:
attributes.append(('i', 0 + font['italic']))
if font.get('underline') is not None:
attributes.append(('u', 'sng'))
if font.get('baseline') != -1:
attributes.append(('baseline', font['baseline']))
return attributes
def _get_font_latin_attributes(font):
# _get_font_latin_attributes.
attributes = []
if not font:
return attributes
if font['name'] is not None:
attributes.append(('typeface', font['name']))
if font['pitch_family'] is not None:
attributes.append(('pitchFamily', font['pitch_family']))
if font['charset'] is not None:
attributes.append(('charset', font['charset']))
return attributes
def _get_align_properties(align):
# Convert user defined align to the structure required internally.
if not align:
return {'defined': False}
# Copy the user defined properties since they will be modified.
align = copy.deepcopy(align)
if 'vertical' in align:
align_type = align['vertical']
align_types = {
'top': 'top',
'middle': 'middle',
'bottom': 'bottom',
if align_type in align_types:
align['vertical'] = align_types[align_type]
warn("Unknown alignment type '%s'" % align_type)
return {'defined': False}
if 'horizontal' in align:
align_type = align['horizontal']
align_types = {
'left': 'left',
'center': 'center',
'right': 'right',
if align_type in align_types:
align['horizontal'] = align_types[align_type]
warn("Unknown alignment type '%s'" % align_type)
return {'defined': False}
align['defined'] = True
return align