2019-12-22 21:51:47 +01:00

697 lines
25 KiB

# Worksheet - A class for writing Excel Worksheets.
# Copyright 2013-2019, John McNamara, jmcnamara@cpan.org
import re
import datetime
from warnings import warn
range_parts = re.compile(r'(\$?)([A-Z]{1,3})(\$?)(\d+)')
def xl_rowcol_to_cell(row, col, row_abs=False, col_abs=False):
Convert a zero indexed row and column cell reference to a A1 style string.
row: The cell row. Int.
col: The cell column. Int.
row_abs: Optional flag to make the row absolute. Bool.
col_abs: Optional flag to make the column absolute. Bool.
A1 style string.
if row < 0:
warn("Row number %d must be >= 0" % row)
return None
if col < 0:
warn("Col number %d must be >= 0" % col)
return None
row += 1 # Change to 1-index.
row_abs = '$' if row_abs else ''
col_str = xl_col_to_name(col, col_abs)
return col_str + row_abs + str(row)
def xl_rowcol_to_cell_fast(row, col):
Optimized version of the xl_rowcol_to_cell function. Only used internally.
row: The cell row. Int.
col: The cell column. Int.
A1 style string.
if col in COL_NAMES:
col_str = COL_NAMES[col]
col_str = xl_col_to_name(col)
COL_NAMES[col] = col_str
return col_str + str(row + 1)
def xl_col_to_name(col, col_abs=False):
Convert a zero indexed column cell reference to a string.
col: The cell column. Int.
col_abs: Optional flag to make the column absolute. Bool.
Column style string.
col_num = col
if col_num < 0:
warn("Col number %d must be >= 0" % col_num)
return None
col_num += 1 # Change to 1-index.
col_str = ''
col_abs = '$' if col_abs else ''
while col_num:
# Set remainder from 1 .. 26
remainder = col_num % 26
if remainder == 0:
remainder = 26
# Convert the remainder to a character.
col_letter = chr(ord('A') + remainder - 1)
# Accumulate the column letters, right to left.
col_str = col_letter + col_str
# Get the next order of magnitude.
col_num = int((col_num - 1) / 26)
return col_abs + col_str
def xl_cell_to_rowcol(cell_str):
Convert a cell reference in A1 notation to a zero indexed row and column.
cell_str: A1 style string.
row, col: Zero indexed cell row and column indices.
if not cell_str:
return 0, 0
match = range_parts.match(cell_str)
col_str = match.group(2)
row_str = match.group(4)
# Convert base26 column string to number.
expn = 0
col = 0
for char in reversed(col_str):
col += (ord(char) - ord('A') + 1) * (26 ** expn)
expn += 1
# Convert 1-index to zero-index
row = int(row_str) - 1
col -= 1
return row, col
def xl_cell_to_rowcol_abs(cell_str):
Convert an absolute cell reference in A1 notation to a zero indexed
row and column, with True/False values for absolute rows or columns.
cell_str: A1 style string.
row, col, row_abs, col_abs: Zero indexed cell row and column indices.
if not cell_str:
return 0, 0, False, False
match = range_parts.match(cell_str)
col_abs = match.group(1)
col_str = match.group(2)
row_abs = match.group(3)
row_str = match.group(4)
if col_abs:
col_abs = True
col_abs = False
if row_abs:
row_abs = True
row_abs = False
# Convert base26 column string to number.
expn = 0
col = 0
for char in reversed(col_str):
col += (ord(char) - ord('A') + 1) * (26 ** expn)
expn += 1
# Convert 1-index to zero-index
row = int(row_str) - 1
col -= 1
return row, col, row_abs, col_abs
def xl_range(first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col):
Convert zero indexed row and col cell references to a A1:B1 range string.
first_row: The first cell row. Int.
first_col: The first cell column. Int.
last_row: The last cell row. Int.
last_col: The last cell column. Int.
A1:B1 style range string.
range1 = xl_rowcol_to_cell(first_row, first_col)
range2 = xl_rowcol_to_cell(last_row, last_col)
if range1 is None or range2 is None:
warn("Row and column numbers must be >= 0")
return None
return range1 + ':' + range2
def xl_range_abs(first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col):
Convert zero indexed row and col cell references to a $A$1:$B$1 absolute
range string.
first_row: The first cell row. Int.
first_col: The first cell column. Int.
last_row: The last cell row. Int.
last_col: The last cell column. Int.
$A$1:$B$1 style range string.
range1 = xl_rowcol_to_cell(first_row, first_col, True, True)
range2 = xl_rowcol_to_cell(last_row, last_col, True, True)
if range1 is None or range2 is None:
warn("Row and column numbers must be >= 0")
return None
return range1 + ':' + range2
def xl_range_formula(sheetname, first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col):
Convert worksheet name and zero indexed row and col cell references to
a Sheet1!A1:B1 range formula string.
sheetname: The worksheet name. String.
first_row: The first cell row. Int.
first_col: The first cell column. Int.
last_row: The last cell row. Int.
last_col: The last cell column. Int.
A1:B1 style range string.
cell_range = xl_range_abs(first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col)
sheetname = quote_sheetname(sheetname)
return sheetname + '!' + cell_range
def quote_sheetname(sheetname):
Convert a worksheet name to a quoted name if it contains spaces or
special characters.
sheetname: The worksheet name. String.
A quoted worksheet string.
# TODO. Possibly extend this to quote sheetnames that look like ranges.
if not sheetname.isalnum() and not sheetname.startswith("'"):
# Double quote any single quotes.
sheetname = sheetname.replace("'", "''")
# Singe quote the sheet name.
sheetname = "'%s'" % sheetname
return sheetname
def xl_color(color):
# Used in conjunction with the XlsxWriter *color() methods to convert
# a color name into an RGB formatted string. These colors are for
# backward compatibility with older versions of Excel.
named_colors = {
'black': '#000000',
'blue': '#0000FF',
'brown': '#800000',
'cyan': '#00FFFF',
'gray': '#808080',
'green': '#008000',
'lime': '#00FF00',
'magenta': '#FF00FF',
'navy': '#000080',
'orange': '#FF6600',
'pink': '#FF00FF',
'purple': '#800080',
'red': '#FF0000',
'silver': '#C0C0C0',
'white': '#FFFFFF',
'yellow': '#FFFF00',
if color in named_colors:
color = named_colors[color]
if not re.match('#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}', color):
warn("Color '%s' isn't a valid Excel color" % color)
# Convert the RGB color to the Excel ARGB format.
return "FF" + color.lstrip('#').upper()
def get_rgb_color(color):
# Convert the user specified color to an RGB color.
rgb_color = xl_color(color)
# Remove leading FF from RGB color for charts.
rgb_color = re.sub(r'^FF', '', rgb_color)
return rgb_color
def get_sparkline_style(style_id):
styles = [
{'series': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
'negative': {'theme': "5"},
'markers': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
'first': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "0.39997558519241921"},
'last': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "0.39997558519241921"},
'high': {'theme': "4"},
'low': {'theme': "4"},
}, # 0
{'series': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
'negative': {'theme': "5"},
'markers': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
'first': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "0.39997558519241921"},
'last': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "0.39997558519241921"},
'high': {'theme': "4"},
'low': {'theme': "4"},
}, # 1
{'series': {'theme': "5", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
'negative': {'theme': "6"},
'markers': {'theme': "5", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
'first': {'theme': "5", 'tint': "0.39997558519241921"},
'last': {'theme': "5", 'tint': "0.39997558519241921"},
'high': {'theme': "5"},
'low': {'theme': "5"},
}, # 2
{'series': {'theme': "6", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
'negative': {'theme': "7"},
'markers': {'theme': "6", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
'first': {'theme': "6", 'tint': "0.39997558519241921"},
'last': {'theme': "6", 'tint': "0.39997558519241921"},
'high': {'theme': "6"},
'low': {'theme': "6"},
}, # 3
{'series': {'theme': "7", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
'negative': {'theme': "8"},
'markers': {'theme': "7", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
'first': {'theme': "7", 'tint': "0.39997558519241921"},
'last': {'theme': "7", 'tint': "0.39997558519241921"},
'high': {'theme': "7"},
'low': {'theme': "7"},
}, # 4
{'series': {'theme': "8", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
'negative': {'theme': "9"},
'markers': {'theme': "8", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
'first': {'theme': "8", 'tint': "0.39997558519241921"},
'last': {'theme': "8", 'tint': "0.39997558519241921"},
'high': {'theme': "8"},
'low': {'theme': "8"},
}, # 5
{'series': {'theme': "9", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
'negative': {'theme': "4"},
'markers': {'theme': "9", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
'first': {'theme': "9", 'tint': "0.39997558519241921"},
'last': {'theme': "9", 'tint': "0.39997558519241921"},
'high': {'theme': "9"},
'low': {'theme': "9"},
}, # 6
{'series': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'negative': {'theme': "5"},
'markers': {'theme': "5", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'first': {'theme': "5", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'last': {'theme': "5", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'high': {'theme': "5", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'low': {'theme': "5", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
}, # 7
{'series': {'theme': "5", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'negative': {'theme': "6"},
'markers': {'theme': "6", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'first': {'theme': "6", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'last': {'theme': "6", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'high': {'theme': "6", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'low': {'theme': "6", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
}, # 8
{'series': {'theme': "6", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'negative': {'theme': "7"},
'markers': {'theme': "7", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'first': {'theme': "7", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'last': {'theme': "7", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'high': {'theme': "7", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'low': {'theme': "7", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
}, # 9
{'series': {'theme': "7", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'negative': {'theme': "8"},
'markers': {'theme': "8", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'first': {'theme': "8", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'last': {'theme': "8", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'high': {'theme': "8", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'low': {'theme': "8", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
}, # 10
{'series': {'theme': "8", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'negative': {'theme': "9"},
'markers': {'theme': "9", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'first': {'theme': "9", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'last': {'theme': "9", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'high': {'theme': "9", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'low': {'theme': "9", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
}, # 11
{'series': {'theme': "9", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'negative': {'theme': "4"},
'markers': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'first': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'last': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'high': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'low': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
}, # 12
{'series': {'theme': "4"},
'negative': {'theme': "5"},
'markers': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'first': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'last': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'high': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'low': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
}, # 13
{'series': {'theme': "5"},
'negative': {'theme': "6"},
'markers': {'theme': "5", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'first': {'theme': "5", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'last': {'theme': "5", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'high': {'theme': "5", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'low': {'theme': "5", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
}, # 14
{'series': {'theme': "6"},
'negative': {'theme': "7"},
'markers': {'theme': "6", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'first': {'theme': "6", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'last': {'theme': "6", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'high': {'theme': "6", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'low': {'theme': "6", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
}, # 15
{'series': {'theme': "7"},
'negative': {'theme': "8"},
'markers': {'theme': "7", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'first': {'theme': "7", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'last': {'theme': "7", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'high': {'theme': "7", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'low': {'theme': "7", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
}, # 16
{'series': {'theme': "8"},
'negative': {'theme': "9"},
'markers': {'theme': "8", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'first': {'theme': "8", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'last': {'theme': "8", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'high': {'theme': "8", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'low': {'theme': "8", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
}, # 17
{'series': {'theme': "9"},
'negative': {'theme': "4"},
'markers': {'theme': "9", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'first': {'theme': "9", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'last': {'theme': "9", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'high': {'theme': "9", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'low': {'theme': "9", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
}, # 18
{'series': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "0.39997558519241921"},
'negative': {'theme': "0", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
'markers': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "0.79998168889431442"},
'first': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'last': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'high': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
'low': {'theme': "4", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
}, # 19
{'series': {'theme': "5", 'tint': "0.39997558519241921"},
'negative': {'theme': "0", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
'markers': {'theme': "5", 'tint': "0.79998168889431442"},
'first': {'theme': "5", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'last': {'theme': "5", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'high': {'theme': "5", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
'low': {'theme': "5", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
}, # 20
{'series': {'theme': "6", 'tint': "0.39997558519241921"},
'negative': {'theme': "0", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
'markers': {'theme': "6", 'tint': "0.79998168889431442"},
'first': {'theme': "6", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'last': {'theme': "6", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'high': {'theme': "6", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
'low': {'theme': "6", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
}, # 21
{'series': {'theme': "7", 'tint': "0.39997558519241921"},
'negative': {'theme': "0", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
'markers': {'theme': "7", 'tint': "0.79998168889431442"},
'first': {'theme': "7", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'last': {'theme': "7", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'high': {'theme': "7", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
'low': {'theme': "7", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
}, # 22
{'series': {'theme': "8", 'tint': "0.39997558519241921"},
'negative': {'theme': "0", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
'markers': {'theme': "8", 'tint': "0.79998168889431442"},
'first': {'theme': "8", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'last': {'theme': "8", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'high': {'theme': "8", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
'low': {'theme': "8", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
}, # 23
{'series': {'theme': "9", 'tint': "0.39997558519241921"},
'negative': {'theme': "0", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
'markers': {'theme': "9", 'tint': "0.79998168889431442"},
'first': {'theme': "9", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'last': {'theme': "9", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'high': {'theme': "9", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
'low': {'theme': "9", 'tint': "-0.499984740745262"},
}, # 24
{'series': {'theme': "1", 'tint': "0.499984740745262"},
'negative': {'theme': "1", 'tint': "0.249977111117893"},
'markers': {'theme': "1", 'tint': "0.249977111117893"},
'first': {'theme': "1", 'tint': "0.249977111117893"},
'last': {'theme': "1", 'tint': "0.249977111117893"},
'high': {'theme': "1", 'tint': "0.249977111117893"},
'low': {'theme': "1", 'tint': "0.249977111117893"},
}, # 25
{'series': {'theme': "1", 'tint': "0.34998626667073579"},
'negative': {'theme': "0", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'markers': {'theme': "0", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'first': {'theme': "0", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'last': {'theme': "0", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'high': {'theme': "0", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
'low': {'theme': "0", 'tint': "-0.249977111117893"},
}, # 26
{'series': {'rgb': "FF323232"},
'negative': {'rgb': "FFD00000"},
'markers': {'rgb': "FFD00000"},
'first': {'rgb': "FFD00000"},
'last': {'rgb': "FFD00000"},
'high': {'rgb': "FFD00000"},
'low': {'rgb': "FFD00000"},
}, # 27
{'series': {'rgb': "FF000000"},
'negative': {'rgb': "FF0070C0"},
'markers': {'rgb': "FF0070C0"},
'first': {'rgb': "FF0070C0"},
'last': {'rgb': "FF0070C0"},
'high': {'rgb': "FF0070C0"},
'low': {'rgb': "FF0070C0"},
}, # 28
{'series': {'rgb': "FF376092"},
'negative': {'rgb': "FFD00000"},
'markers': {'rgb': "FFD00000"},
'first': {'rgb': "FFD00000"},
'last': {'rgb': "FFD00000"},
'high': {'rgb': "FFD00000"},
'low': {'rgb': "FFD00000"},
}, # 29
{'series': {'rgb': "FF0070C0"},
'negative': {'rgb': "FF000000"},
'markers': {'rgb': "FF000000"},
'first': {'rgb': "FF000000"},
'last': {'rgb': "FF000000"},
'high': {'rgb': "FF000000"},
'low': {'rgb': "FF000000"},
}, # 30
{'series': {'rgb': "FF5F5F5F"},
'negative': {'rgb': "FFFFB620"},
'markers': {'rgb': "FFD70077"},
'first': {'rgb': "FF5687C2"},
'last': {'rgb': "FF359CEB"},
'high': {'rgb': "FF56BE79"},
'low': {'rgb': "FFFF5055"},
}, # 31
{'series': {'rgb': "FF5687C2"},
'negative': {'rgb': "FFFFB620"},
'markers': {'rgb': "FFD70077"},
'first': {'rgb': "FF777777"},
'last': {'rgb': "FF359CEB"},
'high': {'rgb': "FF56BE79"},
'low': {'rgb': "FFFF5055"},
}, # 32
{'series': {'rgb': "FFC6EFCE"},
'negative': {'rgb': "FFFFC7CE"},
'markers': {'rgb': "FF8CADD6"},
'first': {'rgb': "FFFFDC47"},
'last': {'rgb': "FFFFEB9C"},
'high': {'rgb': "FF60D276"},
'low': {'rgb': "FFFF5367"},
}, # 33
{'series': {'rgb': "FF00B050"},
'negative': {'rgb': "FFFF0000"},
'markers': {'rgb': "FF0070C0"},
'first': {'rgb': "FFFFC000"},
'last': {'rgb': "FFFFC000"},
'high': {'rgb': "FF00B050"},
'low': {'rgb': "FFFF0000"},
}, # 34
{'series': {'theme': "3"},
'negative': {'theme': "9"},
'markers': {'theme': "8"},
'first': {'theme': "4"},
'last': {'theme': "5"},
'high': {'theme': "6"},
'low': {'theme': "7"},
}, # 35
{'series': {'theme': "1"},
'negative': {'theme': "9"},
'markers': {'theme': "8"},
'first': {'theme': "4"},
'last': {'theme': "5"},
'high': {'theme': "6"},
'low': {'theme': "7"},
}, # 36
return styles[style_id]
def supported_datetime(dt):
# Determine is an argument is a supported datetime object.
return(isinstance(dt, (datetime.datetime,
def remove_datetime_timezone(dt_obj, remove_timezone):
# Excel doesn't support timezones in datetimes/times so we remove the
# tzinfo from the object if the user has specified that option in the
# constructor.
if remove_timezone:
dt_obj = dt_obj.replace(tzinfo=None)
if dt_obj.tzinfo:
raise TypeError(
"Excel doesn't support timezones in datetimes. "
"Set the tzinfo in the datetime/time object to None or "
"use the 'remove_timezone' Workbook() option")
return dt_obj
def datetime_to_excel_datetime(dt_obj, date_1904, remove_timezone):
# Convert a datetime object to an Excel serial date and time. The integer
# part of the number stores the number of days since the epoch and the
# fractional part stores the percentage of the day.
date_type = dt_obj
if date_1904:
# Excel for Mac date epoch.
epoch = datetime.datetime(1904, 1, 1)
# Default Excel epoch.
epoch = datetime.datetime(1899, 12, 31)
# We handle datetime .datetime, .date and .time objects but convert
# them to datetime.datetime objects and process them in the same way.
if isinstance(dt_obj, datetime.datetime):
dt_obj = remove_datetime_timezone(dt_obj, remove_timezone)
delta = dt_obj - epoch
elif isinstance(dt_obj, datetime.date):
dt_obj = datetime.datetime.fromordinal(dt_obj.toordinal())
delta = dt_obj - epoch
elif isinstance(dt_obj, datetime.time):
dt_obj = datetime.datetime.combine(epoch, dt_obj)
dt_obj = remove_datetime_timezone(dt_obj, remove_timezone)
delta = dt_obj - epoch
elif isinstance(dt_obj, datetime.timedelta):
delta = dt_obj
raise TypeError("Unknown or unsupported datetime type")
# Convert a Python datetime.datetime value to an Excel date number.
excel_time = (delta.days
+ (float(delta.seconds)
+ float(delta.microseconds) / 1E6)
/ (60 * 60 * 24))
# The following is a workaround for the fact that in Excel a time only
# value is represented as 1899-12-31+time whereas in datetime.datetime()
# it is 1900-1-1+time so we need to subtract the 1 day difference.
if (isinstance(date_type, datetime.datetime)
and dt_obj.isocalendar() == (1900, 1, 1)):
excel_time -= 1
# Account for Excel erroneously treating 1900 as a leap year.
if not date_1904 and excel_time > 59:
excel_time += 1
return excel_time