2019-12-22 21:51:47 +01:00

259 lines
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# encoding: utf-8
"""lxml custom element classes for picture-related XML elements."""
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
from .. import parse_xml
from ..ns import nsdecls
from .shared import BaseShapeElement
from ..xmlchemy import BaseOxmlElement, OneAndOnlyOne
class CT_Picture(BaseShapeElement):
``<p:pic>`` element, which represents a picture shape (an image placement
on a slide).
nvPicPr = OneAndOnlyOne("p:nvPicPr")
blipFill = OneAndOnlyOne("p:blipFill")
spPr = OneAndOnlyOne("p:spPr")
def blip_rId(self):
"""Value of `p:blipFill/a:blip/@r:embed`.
Returns |None| if not present.
blip = self.blipFill.blip
if blip is not None and blip.rEmbed is not None:
return blip.rEmbed
return None
def crop_to_fit(self, image_size, view_size):
Set cropping values in `p:blipFill/a:srcRect` such that an image of
*image_size* will stretch to exactly fit *view_size* when its aspect
ratio is preserved.
self.blipFill.crop(self._fill_cropping(image_size, view_size))
def get_or_add_ln(self):
Return the <a:ln> grandchild element, newly added if not present.
return self.spPr.get_or_add_ln()
def ln(self):
``<a:ln>`` grand-child element or |None| if not present
return self.spPr.ln
def new_ph_pic(cls, id_, name, desc, rId):
Return a new `p:pic` placeholder element populated with the supplied
return parse_xml(cls._pic_ph_tmpl() % (id_, name, desc, rId))
def new_pic(cls, id_, name, desc, rId, left, top, width, height):
Return a new ``<p:pic>`` element tree configured with the supplied
xml = cls._pic_tmpl() % (id_, name, desc, rId, left, top, width, height)
pic = parse_xml(xml)
return pic
def new_video_pic(
cls, shape_id, shape_name, video_rId, media_rId, poster_frame_rId, x, y, cx, cy
"""Return a new `p:pic` populated with the specified video."""
return parse_xml(
% (
def srcRect_b(self):
"""Value of `p:blipFill/a:srcRect/@b` or 0.0 if not present."""
return self._srcRect_x("b")
def srcRect_b(self, value):
self.blipFill.get_or_add_srcRect().b = value
def srcRect_l(self):
"""Value of `p:blipFill/a:srcRect/@l` or 0.0 if not present."""
return self._srcRect_x("l")
def srcRect_l(self, value):
self.blipFill.get_or_add_srcRect().l = value # noqa
def srcRect_r(self):
"""Value of `p:blipFill/a:srcRect/@r` or 0.0 if not present."""
return self._srcRect_x("r")
def srcRect_r(self, value):
self.blipFill.get_or_add_srcRect().r = value
def srcRect_t(self):
"""Value of `p:blipFill/a:srcRect/@t` or 0.0 if not present."""
return self._srcRect_x("t")
def srcRect_t(self, value):
self.blipFill.get_or_add_srcRect().t = value
def _fill_cropping(self, image_size, view_size):
Return a (left, top, right, bottom) 4-tuple containing the cropping
values required to display an image of *image_size* in *view_size*
when stretched proportionately. Each value is a percentage expressed
as a fraction of 1.0, e.g. 0.425 represents 42.5%. *image_size* and
*view_size* are each (width, height) pairs.
def aspect_ratio(width, height):
return width / height
ar_view = aspect_ratio(*view_size)
ar_image = aspect_ratio(*image_size)
if ar_view < ar_image: # image too wide
crop = (1.0 - (ar_view / ar_image)) / 2.0
return (crop, 0.0, crop, 0.0)
if ar_view > ar_image: # image too tall
crop = (1.0 - (ar_image / ar_view)) / 2.0
return (0.0, crop, 0.0, crop)
return (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
def _pic_ph_tmpl(cls):
return (
"<p:pic %s>\n"
" <p:nvPicPr>\n"
' <p:cNvPr id="%%d" name="%%s" descr="%%s"/>\n'
" <p:cNvPicPr>\n"
' <a:picLocks noGrp="1" noChangeAspect="1"/>\n'
" </p:cNvPicPr>\n"
" <p:nvPr/>\n"
" </p:nvPicPr>\n"
" <p:blipFill>\n"
' <a:blip r:embed="%%s"/>\n'
" <a:stretch>\n"
" <a:fillRect/>\n"
" </a:stretch>\n"
" </p:blipFill>\n"
" <p:spPr/>\n"
"</p:pic>" % nsdecls("p", "a", "r")
def _pic_tmpl(cls):
return (
"<p:pic %s>\n"
" <p:nvPicPr>\n"
' <p:cNvPr id="%%d" name="%%s" descr="%%s"/>\n'
" <p:cNvPicPr>\n"
' <a:picLocks noChangeAspect="1"/>\n'
" </p:cNvPicPr>\n"
" <p:nvPr/>\n"
" </p:nvPicPr>\n"
" <p:blipFill>\n"
' <a:blip r:embed="%%s"/>\n'
" <a:stretch>\n"
" <a:fillRect/>\n"
" </a:stretch>\n"
" </p:blipFill>\n"
" <p:spPr>\n"
" <a:xfrm>\n"
' <a:off x="%%d" y="%%d"/>\n'
' <a:ext cx="%%d" cy="%%d"/>\n'
" </a:xfrm>\n"
' <a:prstGeom prst="rect">\n'
" <a:avLst/>\n"
" </a:prstGeom>\n"
" </p:spPr>\n"
"</p:pic>" % nsdecls("a", "p", "r")
def _pic_video_tmpl(cls):
return (
"<p:pic %s>\n"
" <p:nvPicPr>\n"
' <p:cNvPr id="%%d" name="%%s">\n'
' <a:hlinkClick r:id="" action="ppaction://media"/>\n'
" </p:cNvPr>\n"
" <p:cNvPicPr>\n"
' <a:picLocks noChangeAspect="1"/>\n'
" </p:cNvPicPr>\n"
" <p:nvPr>\n"
' <a:videoFile r:link="%%s"/>\n'
" <p:extLst>\n"
' <p:ext uri="{DAA4B4D4-6D71-4841-9C94-3DE7FCFB9230}">\n'
' <p14:media xmlns:p14="http://schemas.microsoft.com/of'
'fice/powerpoint/2010/main" r:embed="%%s"/>\n'
" </p:ext>\n"
" </p:extLst>\n"
" </p:nvPr>\n"
" </p:nvPicPr>\n"
" <p:blipFill>\n"
' <a:blip r:embed="%%s"/>\n'
" <a:stretch>\n"
" <a:fillRect/>\n"
" </a:stretch>\n"
" </p:blipFill>\n"
" <p:spPr>\n"
" <a:xfrm>\n"
' <a:off x="%%d" y="%%d"/>\n'
' <a:ext cx="%%d" cy="%%d"/>\n'
" </a:xfrm>\n"
' <a:prstGeom prst="rect">\n'
" <a:avLst/>\n"
" </a:prstGeom>\n"
" </p:spPr>\n"
"</p:pic>" % nsdecls("a", "p", "r")
def _srcRect_x(self, attr_name):
Value of `p:blipFill/a:srcRect/@{attr_name}` or 0.0 if not present.
srcRect = self.blipFill.srcRect
if srcRect is None:
return 0.0
return getattr(srcRect, attr_name)
class CT_PictureNonVisual(BaseOxmlElement):
``<p:nvPicPr>`` element, containing non-visual properties for a picture
cNvPr = OneAndOnlyOne("p:cNvPr")
nvPr = OneAndOnlyOne("p:nvPr")