2019-12-22 21:51:47 +01:00

504 lines
12 KiB

# encoding: utf-8
"""Common shape-related oxml objects."""
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
from pptx.dml.fill import CT_GradientFillProperties
from pptx.enum.shapes import PP_PLACEHOLDER
from pptx.oxml.ns import qn
from pptx.oxml.simpletypes import (
from pptx.oxml.xmlchemy import (
from pptx.util import Emu
class BaseShapeElement(BaseOxmlElement):
Provides common behavior for shape element classes like CT_Shape,
CT_Picture, etc.
def cx(self):
return self._get_xfrm_attr("cx")
def cx(self, value):
self._set_xfrm_attr("cx", value)
def cy(self):
return self._get_xfrm_attr("cy")
def cy(self, value):
self._set_xfrm_attr("cy", value)
def flipH(self):
return bool(self._get_xfrm_attr("flipH"))
def flipH(self, value):
self._set_xfrm_attr("flipH", value)
def flipV(self):
return bool(self._get_xfrm_attr("flipV"))
def flipV(self, value):
self._set_xfrm_attr("flipV", value)
def get_or_add_xfrm(self):
Return the ``<a:xfrm>`` grandchild element, newly-added if not
present. This version works for ``<p:sp>``, ``<p:cxnSp>``, and
``<p:pic>`` elements, others will need to override.
return self.spPr.get_or_add_xfrm()
def has_ph_elm(self):
True if this shape element has a ``<p:ph>`` descendant, indicating it
is a placeholder shape. False otherwise.
return self.ph is not None
def ph(self):
The ``<p:ph>`` descendant element if there is one, None otherwise.
ph_elms = self.xpath("./*[1]/p:nvPr/p:ph")
if len(ph_elms) == 0:
return None
return ph_elms[0]
def ph_idx(self):
Integer value of placeholder idx attribute. Raises |ValueError| if
shape is not a placeholder.
ph = self.ph
if ph is None:
raise ValueError("not a placeholder shape")
return ph.idx
def ph_orient(self):
Placeholder orientation, e.g. 'vert'. Raises |ValueError| if shape is
not a placeholder.
ph = self.ph
if ph is None:
raise ValueError("not a placeholder shape")
return ph.orient
def ph_sz(self):
Placeholder size, e.g. ST_PlaceholderSize.HALF, None if shape has no
``<p:ph>`` descendant.
ph = self.ph
if ph is None:
raise ValueError("not a placeholder shape")
return ph.sz
def ph_type(self):
Placeholder type, e.g. ST_PlaceholderType.TITLE ('title'), none if
shape has no ``<p:ph>`` descendant.
ph = self.ph
if ph is None:
raise ValueError("not a placeholder shape")
return ph.type
def rot(self):
Float representing degrees this shape is rotated clockwise.
xfrm = self.xfrm
if xfrm is None:
return 0.0
return xfrm.rot
def rot(self, value):
self.get_or_add_xfrm().rot = value
def shape_id(self):
Integer id of this shape
return self._nvXxPr.cNvPr.id
def shape_name(self):
Name of this shape
return self._nvXxPr.cNvPr.name
def txBody(self):
Child ``<p:txBody>`` element, None if not present
return self.find(qn("p:txBody"))
def x(self):
return self._get_xfrm_attr("x")
def x(self, value):
self._set_xfrm_attr("x", value)
def xfrm(self):
The ``<a:xfrm>`` grandchild element or |None| if not found. This
version works for ``<p:sp>``, ``<p:cxnSp>``, and ``<p:pic>``
elements, others will need to override.
return self.spPr.xfrm
def y(self):
return self._get_xfrm_attr("y")
def y(self, value):
self._set_xfrm_attr("y", value)
def _nvXxPr(self):
Required non-visual shape properties element for this shape. Actual
name depends on the shape type, e.g. ``<p:nvPicPr>`` for picture
return self.xpath("./*[1]")[0]
def _get_xfrm_attr(self, name):
xfrm = self.xfrm
if xfrm is None:
return None
return getattr(xfrm, name)
def _set_xfrm_attr(self, name, value):
xfrm = self.get_or_add_xfrm()
setattr(xfrm, name, value)
class CT_ApplicationNonVisualDrawingProps(BaseOxmlElement):
``<p:nvPr>`` element
ph = ZeroOrOne(
class CT_LineProperties(BaseOxmlElement):
"""Custom element class for <a:ln> element"""
_tag_seq = (
eg_lineFillProperties = ZeroOrOneChoice(
prstDash = ZeroOrOne("a:prstDash", successors=_tag_seq[5:])
custDash = ZeroOrOne("a:custDash", successors=_tag_seq[6:])
del _tag_seq
w = OptionalAttribute("w", ST_LineWidth, default=Emu(0))
def eg_fillProperties(self):
Required to fulfill the interface used by dml.fill.
return self.eg_lineFillProperties
def prstDash_val(self):
"""Return value of `val` attribute of `a:prstDash` child.
Return |None| if not present.
prstDash = self.prstDash
if prstDash is None:
return None
return prstDash.val
def prstDash_val(self, val):
prstDash = self.get_or_add_prstDash()
prstDash.val = val
class CT_NonVisualDrawingProps(BaseOxmlElement):
``<p:cNvPr>`` custom element class.
_tag_seq = ("a:hlinkClick", "a:hlinkHover", "a:extLst")
hlinkClick = ZeroOrOne("a:hlinkClick", successors=_tag_seq[1:])
hlinkHover = ZeroOrOne("a:hlinkHover", successors=_tag_seq[2:])
id = RequiredAttribute("id", ST_DrawingElementId)
name = RequiredAttribute("name", XsdString)
del _tag_seq
class CT_Placeholder(BaseOxmlElement):
``<p:ph>`` custom element class.
type = OptionalAttribute("type", PP_PLACEHOLDER, default=PP_PLACEHOLDER.OBJECT)
orient = OptionalAttribute("orient", ST_Direction, default=ST_Direction.HORZ)
sz = OptionalAttribute("sz", ST_PlaceholderSize, default=ST_PlaceholderSize.FULL)
idx = OptionalAttribute("idx", XsdUnsignedInt, default=0)
class CT_Point2D(BaseOxmlElement):
Custom element class for <a:off> element.
x = RequiredAttribute("x", ST_Coordinate)
y = RequiredAttribute("y", ST_Coordinate)
class CT_PositiveSize2D(BaseOxmlElement):
Custom element class for <a:ext> element.
cx = RequiredAttribute("cx", ST_PositiveCoordinate)
cy = RequiredAttribute("cy", ST_PositiveCoordinate)
class CT_ShapeProperties(BaseOxmlElement):
"""Custom element class for `p:spPr` element.
Shared by `p:sp`, `p:cxnSp`, and `p:pic` elements as well as a few more
obscure ones.
_tag_seq = (
xfrm = ZeroOrOne("a:xfrm", successors=_tag_seq[1:])
custGeom = ZeroOrOne("a:custGeom", successors=_tag_seq[2:])
prstGeom = ZeroOrOne("a:prstGeom", successors=_tag_seq[3:])
eg_fillProperties = ZeroOrOneChoice(
ln = ZeroOrOne("a:ln", successors=_tag_seq[10:])
effectLst = ZeroOrOne("a:effectLst", successors=_tag_seq[11:])
del _tag_seq
def cx(self):
Shape width as an instance of Emu, or None if not present.
cx_str_lst = self.xpath("./a:xfrm/a:ext/@cx")
if not cx_str_lst:
return None
return Emu(cx_str_lst[0])
def cy(self):
Shape height as an instance of Emu, or None if not present.
cy_str_lst = self.xpath("./a:xfrm/a:ext/@cy")
if not cy_str_lst:
return None
return Emu(cy_str_lst[0])
def x(self):
The offset of the left edge of the shape from the left edge of the
slide, as an instance of Emu. Corresponds to the value of the
`./xfrm/off/@x` attribute. None if not present.
x_str_lst = self.xpath("./a:xfrm/a:off/@x")
if not x_str_lst:
return None
return Emu(x_str_lst[0])
def y(self):
The offset of the top of the shape from the top of the slide, as an
instance of Emu. None if not present.
y_str_lst = self.xpath("./a:xfrm/a:off/@y")
if not y_str_lst:
return None
return Emu(y_str_lst[0])
def _new_gradFill(self):
return CT_GradientFillProperties.new_gradFill()
class CT_Transform2D(BaseOxmlElement):
"""`a:xfrm` custom element class.
NOTE: this is a composite including CT_GroupTransform2D, which appears
with the `a:xfrm` tag in a group shape (including a slide `p:spTree`).
_tag_seq = ("a:off", "a:ext", "a:chOff", "a:chExt")
off = ZeroOrOne("a:off", successors=_tag_seq[1:])
ext = ZeroOrOne("a:ext", successors=_tag_seq[2:])
chOff = ZeroOrOne("a:chOff", successors=_tag_seq[3:])
chExt = ZeroOrOne("a:chExt", successors=_tag_seq[4:])
del _tag_seq
rot = OptionalAttribute("rot", ST_Angle, default=0.0)
flipH = OptionalAttribute("flipH", XsdBoolean, default=False)
flipV = OptionalAttribute("flipV", XsdBoolean, default=False)
def x(self):
off = self.off
if off is None:
return None
return off.x
def x(self, value):
off = self.get_or_add_off()
off.x = value
def y(self):
off = self.off
if off is None:
return None
return off.y
def y(self, value):
off = self.get_or_add_off()
off.y = value
def cx(self):
ext = self.ext
if ext is None:
return None
return ext.cx
def cx(self, value):
ext = self.get_or_add_ext()
ext.cx = value
def cy(self):
ext = self.ext
if ext is None:
return None
return ext.cy
def cy(self, value):
ext = self.get_or_add_ext()
ext.cy = value
def _new_ext(self):
ext = OxmlElement("a:ext")
ext.cx = 0
ext.cy = 0
return ext
def _new_off(self):
off = OxmlElement("a:off")
off.x = 0
off.y = 0
return off