17 KiB
import IPython
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from skimage import data
from skimage.color import rgb2gray
from skimage import img_as_ubyte,img_as_float
from numpy.linalg import svd
from PIL import Image
# change the cell width
from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
display(HTML("<style>.container { width:80% !important; }</style>"))
#This line is required to display visualizations in the browser
%matplotlib inline
SVD and Image compression
Now we will explore how to apply Singular Value Decomposition of a matrix to the problem of image compression. SVD decomposes a rectangular matrix $M$ to a three parts. $M=U\Sigma V^T$ -
- $U$ - matrix of left singular vectors in the columns
- $\Sigma$ - diagonal matrix with singular values
- $V$ - matrix of right singular vectors in the columns
SVD in effect involves reconstructing the original matrix as a linear combination of several rank one matrices. A rank one matrix can be expressed as a outer product of two column vectors.
$M=\sigma_1u_1v_1^T+\sigma_2u_2v_2^T+\sigma_3u_3v_3^T+\sigma_3u_3v_3^T+....$ . A matrix of rank r will have r terms of these.
Here $\sigma_1,\sigma_2,\sigma_3 ...$ are singular values. $u_1,u_2,u_3 ...$ and $v_1,v_2,v_3 ...$ are left and right singular vectors respectively.
Image compression using SVD involves taking advantage of the fact that very few of the singular values are large. Although images from the real world are of full rank, they have low effective rank which means that only few of the singular values of the SVD of images will be large.
skimage image processing library
We will use skimage image processing library (from sci-kit family of packages) for working with images in python. skimage has a module called data which makes available a set of images for exploration. We will load some images and convert them into a gray scale format. These images are stored in a python dict object gray_images.
gray_images = {
"coin": data.coins(),
svd in python
We will use numpy.linalg
library's svd
function to compute svd of a matrix in python. The svd function returns U,s,V .
U has left singular vectors in the columns
s is rank 1 numpy array with singular values
V has right singular vectors in the rows -equivalent to $V^T$ in traditional linear algebra literature
The reconstructed approximation of the original matrix is done using a subset of singular vectors as below in the
function . We use numpy array slicing to select k singular vectors and values. Instead of storing $m\times n$ values for the original image, we can now store $k(m+n)+k$ valuesreconst_matrix = np.dot(U[:,:k],np.dot(np.diag(s[:k]),V[:k,:]))
def compress_svd(image,k):
Perform svd decomposition and truncated (using k singular values/vectors) reconstruction
reconstructed matrix reconst_matrix, array of singular values s
U,s,V = svd(image,full_matrices=False)
reconst_matrix = np.dot(U[:,:k],np.dot(np.diag(s[:k]),V[:k,:]))
return reconst_matrix,s
Compress gray scale images
The function compress_show_gray_images
below takes in the image name (img_name) and number of singular values/vectors(k) to be used in the compressed reconstruction. It also plots the singular values and the image.
def compress_show_gray_images(img_name,k):
compresses gray scale images and display the reconstructed image.
Also displays a plot of singular values
original_shape = image.shape
reconst_img,s = compress_svd(image,k)
fig,axes = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(8,5))
compression_ratio =100.0* (k*(original_shape[0] + original_shape[1])+k)/(original_shape[0]*original_shape[1])
axes[1].set_title("compression ratio={:.2f}".format(compression_ratio)+"%")
Use the below interactive widget to explore how the quality of the reconstructed image varies with $k$
def compute_k_max(img_name):
utility function for calculating max value of the slider range
img = gray_images[img_name]
m,n = img.shape
return m*n/(m+n+1)
#set up the widgets
import ipywidgets as widgets
list_widget = widgets.Dropdown(options=list(gray_images.keys()))
int_slider_widget = widgets.IntSlider(min=1,max=compute_k_max('cat'))
def update_k_max(*args):
int_slider_widget.max = compute_k_max(img_name)
# Print matrices
def print_matrices(img_name, k):
original_shape = image.shape
print(f"Input image dimensions. Width:{original_shape[1]} Height:{original_shape[0]}")
U,s,V = svd(image,full_matrices=False)
print(f"Shape of U matrix: {U[:,:k].shape}")
print(f"U MATRIX: {U[:,:k]}")
print('*' * 100)
print(f"Shape of S matrix: {s[:k].shape}")
print(f"S MATRIX: {np.diag(s[:k])}")
print('*' * 100)
print(f"Shape of V matrix: {V[:k,:].shape}")
print(f"V MATRIX: {V[:k,:]}")
interact(print_matrices, img_name=list_widget, k=int_slider_widget)
Load color images
color_images = {
"koala": img_as_float(Image.open('koala.jpeg')),
"orange": img_as_float(Image.open('orange.jpeg'))
Compress color images
Color images are represented in python as 3 dimensional numpy arrays - the third dimension to represent the color values (red,green blue). However, svd method is applicable to two dimensional matrices. So we have to find a way to convert the 3 dimensional array to 2 dimensional arrays, apply svd and reconstruct it back as a 3 dimensional array . There are two ways to do it. We will show both these methods below .
- reshape method
- Layer method
Reshape method to compress a color image
This method involves flattening the third dimension of the image array into the second dimension using numpy's reshape method .
image_reshaped = image.reshape((original_shape[0],original_shape[1]*3))
The svd decomposition is applied on the resulting reshaped array and reconstructed with the desired number of singular values/vectors. The image array is reshaped back to the three dimensions by another call to reshape method.
image_reconst = image_reconst.reshape(original_shape)
def compress_show_color_images_reshape(img_name,k):
compress and display the reconstructed color image using the reshape method
image = color_images[img_name]
original_shape = image.shape
image_reshaped = image.reshape((original_shape[0],original_shape[1]*3))
image_reconst,_ = compress_svd(image_reshaped,k)
image_reconst = image_reconst.reshape(original_shape)
compression_ratio =100.0* (k*(original_shape[0] + 3*original_shape[1])+k)/(original_shape[0]*original_shape[1]*original_shape[2])
plt.title("compression ratio={:.2f}".format(compression_ratio)+"%")
Here is the interactive widget to explore image compression of color images using the reshape method. By dragging the slider to vary $k$, observe how image quality varies. Also, we can explore different images by selecting through the drop down widget.
def compute_k_max_color_images(img_name):
image = color_images[img_name]
original_shape = image.shape
return (original_shape[0]*original_shape[1]*original_shape[2])//(original_shape[0] + 3*original_shape[1] + 1)
list_widget = widgets.Dropdown(options=list(color_images.keys()))
int_slider_widget = widgets.IntSlider(min=1,max=compute_k_max_color_images('cat'))
def update_k_max_color(*args):
int_slider_widget.max = compute_k_max_color_images(img_name)
interact(print_matrices, img_name=list_widget, k=int_slider_widget)
Layers method to compress color images
In the function compress_show_color_images_layer
, we treat a color image as a stack of 3 seperate two dimensional images (Red,blue and green layers) . We apply the truncated svd reconstruction on each two dimensional layer seperately.
image_reconst_layers = [compress_svd(image[:,:,i],k)[0] for i in range(3)]
And we put back the reconstructed layers together.
image_reconst = np.zeros(image.shape)
for i in range(3):
image_reconst[:,:,i] = image_reconst_layers[i]
def compress_show_color_images_layer(img_name,k):
compress and display the reconstructed color image using the layer method
image = color_images[img_name]
original_shape = image.shape
image_reconst_layers = [compress_svd(image[:,:,i],k)[0] for i in range(3)]
image_reconst = np.zeros(image.shape)
for i in range(3):
image_reconst[:,:,i] = image_reconst_layers[i]
compression_ratio =100.0*3* (k*(original_shape[0] + original_shape[1])+k)/(original_shape[0]*original_shape[1]*original_shape[2])
plt.title("compression ratio={:.2f}".format(compression_ratio)+"%")
plt.imshow(image_reconst, vmin=0, vmax=255)
Here is the widget to explore layers method of compressing color images.
def compute_k_max_color_images_layers(img_name):
image = color_images[img_name]
original_shape = image.shape
return (original_shape[0]*original_shape[1]*original_shape[2])// (3*(original_shape[0] + original_shape[1] + 1))
list_widget = widgets.Dropdown(options=list(color_images.keys()))
int_slider_widget = widgets.IntSlider(min=1,max=compute_k_max_color_images_layers('cat'))
def update_k_max_color_layers(*args):
int_slider_widget.max = compute_k_max_color_images_layers(img_name)