algorytm astar v1.1

This commit is contained in:
s444349 2020-04-25 23:03:25 +02:00
parent 1b1451452c
commit a19449a1c4
2 changed files with 12 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -1,20 +1,21 @@
import heapq
def heurystyka(a, b):
return abs((b[0] - a[0])) + abs((b[1] - a[1]))
def heurystyka(obiekty, a, b):
heur = abs((b[0] - a[0])) + abs((b[1] - a[1]))
if obiekty["plansza"][b[0], b[1]].jestDomem is True:
heur += 2
return heur
def astar(start, cel):
import game
obiekty = game.utworzObiekty()
def astar(obiekty, start, cel):
sasiedzi = [(0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0)]
close_set = set()
came_from = {}
gscore = {start: 0}
fscore = {start: heurystyka(start, cel)}
fscore = {start: heurystyka(obiekty, start, cel)}
oheap = []
dodatkowy_koszt = 0
heapq.heappush(oheap, (fscore[start], start))
while oheap:
current = heapq.heappop(oheap)[1]
@ -27,22 +28,19 @@ def astar(start, cel):
for i, j in sasiedzi:
sasiad = current[0] + i, current[1] + j
tentative_g_score = gscore[current] + heurystyka(current, sasiad)
if 14 < sasiad[0] or sasiad[0] < 0:
elif 14 < sasiad[1] or sasiad[1] < 0:
elif 6 <= sasiad[0] <= 7 and 10 <= sasiad[1] <= 11:
elif 4 < sasiad[0] and 4 < sasiad[1]:
elif 4 > sasiad[0] and 4 > sasiad[1]:
tentative_g_score = gscore[current] + heurystyka(obiekty, current, sasiad)
if sasiad in close_set and tentative_g_score >= gscore.get(sasiad, 0):
if tentative_g_score < gscore.get(sasiad, 0) or sasiad not in [i[1] for i in oheap]:
came_from[sasiad] = current
gscore[sasiad] = tentative_g_score
fscore[sasiad] = tentative_g_score + heurystyka(sasiad, cel)
fscore[sasiad] = tentative_g_score + heurystyka(obiekty, sasiad, cel)
heapq.heappush(oheap, (fscore[sasiad], sasiad))
return False

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@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ def game():
#start = obiekty["plansza"][0, 14]
#koniec = obiekty["plansza"][14, 0]
print(astar.astar((0, 14), (14, 0)))
print(astar.astar(obiekty, (0, 14), (14, 0)))
#print(len(astar.astar(start, koniec)))