
59 lines
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from typing import Union, List
from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import *
import json
class PeselToolkit:
def check_pesel_validity(pesel:Union[int,str])->bool:
pesel =str(pesel)
if len(pesel)<11: return False
def get_checksum(pesel:str)->bool:
weights = [9,7,3,1,9,7,3,1,9,7,0]
checksum = sum([weights[i] * int(n) for i,n in enumerate(pesel)])%10
return checksum
if get_checksum(pesel) != int(pesel[-1]): return False
def check_dates(pesel:str)->bool:
year = int(pesel[:2])
month = int(pesel[2:4])
day = int(pesel[4:6])
if not (month>0 and (month<=12 or (month>20 and month<=32) or (month>40 and month<=52) or (month>60 and month<=72) or (month>80 and month<=92))):
return False
if day>31 or day<1: return False
return True
if not check_dates(pesel): return False
return True
class Person:
def __hash__(self):
if (self.pesel[0]=='0'):return int("999999"+self.pesel)
return int(self.pesel)
class PeselStorage:
def __init__(self):
self.set = set()
def append(self,name:str, pesel:Union[int,str]):
if not PeselToolkit.check_pesel_validity(str(pesel)):
raise AttributeError("pesel is invalid")
def get_pesel_of(self, name:str)->int:
#lepiej pytonicznie [x for x in self.set if x.name==name][0]
return list(filter(lambda d: d.name == name, self.set))[0].pesel
def get_all_persons(self):
return list(map(lambda d: d.name, self.set))
def remove_all_names(self):
#self.set = set([Person("", x.pesel) for x in self.set])
self.set = map(lambda d: Person("",d.pesel),self.set)
def dump(self, filename:str):
with open(filename, "w+") as f:
json.dump(list(self.set), f)