2022-12-23 16:51:31 +01:00

1016 B

Book layout

Detect structure of given page.


Each clipping found in a corresponding PDF/DjVu file. Each clipping should be given as L:P/X0,Y0,X1,Y1:PROB, where:

L — (optional) label
P — DjVu page number (starting from 1, optional if one-page documents are assumed)
X0, Y0, X1, Y1 — clipping coordinates (in pixels)
PROB — (optional) probability

Directory structure

  • — this file
  • config.txt — configuration file
  • train/ — directory with training data
  • train/in.tsv — input data for the train set
  • train/expected.tsv — expected (reference) data for the train set
  • dev-0/ — directory with dev (test) data
  • dev-0/in.tsv — input data for the dev set
  • dev-0/expected.tsv — expected (reference) data for the dev set
  • test-A — directory with test data
  • test-A/in.tsv — input data for the test set
  • test-A/expected.tsv — expected (reference) data for the test set