2020-02-29 19:47:01 +05:30

213 KiB
Raw Permalink Blame History

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!git clone
Cloning into 'open-data'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 760, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (760/760), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (367/367), done.
remote: Total 9482 (delta 640), reused 504 (delta 384), pack-reused 8722
Receiving objects: 100% (9482/9482), 991.55 MiB | 26.66 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (8387/8387), done.
Checking out files: 100% (1648/1648), done.

#change this cell to change season and player name
season = '2009/2010'
ssn = '5503'
length = int(20)
import os
import json
from import json_normalize
import codecs
import pandas as pd
import codecs
main_df = pd.DataFrame(data=None)
path_match = "/content/open-data/data/events/" #location for play by play events
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(r'/content/open-data/data/matches'):
     for file in files:
        with open(os.path.join(root, file), "r") as auto:
            with + str('/') + file,encoding='utf-8') as data_file:
                data = json.load(data_file)
                df = pd.DataFrame(data=None)
                df = json_normalize(data, sep = "_")
            #for x in df.competition_country_name:
            #    if x == 'Spain':
            #        print(df.match_id)
            for i in range(len(df)):
                if df.iloc[i]['competition_country_name'] == 'Spain'  and df.iloc[i]['season_season_name'] == season :
                    match_no = df.iloc[i]['match_id'] #gets match with Spain as country
                    match_no = str(match_no) # from int to str 
                    with + match_no + str(r'.json'),encoding="utf8") as event_file: #open the respective file
                        df_match = json.load(event_file)
                        df_match2 = pd.DataFrame(data=None)
                        df_match2 = json_normalize(df_match,sep="_")    
                    main_df = main_df.append(df_match2,ignore_index=True,sort=False)                    
messi_df = main_df.query('type_id == 30 & player_id == 5503')
messi_df = messi_df[['location','pass_end_location','pass_height_name','pass_type_name','pass_body_part_name']]
location pass_end_location pass_height_name pass_type_name pass_body_part_name
29 [29.5, 55.8] [33.1, 48.1] Low Pass NaN Left Foot
99 [64.7, 72.8] [57.2, 74.5] Ground Pass NaN Left Foot
111 [64.4, 73.7] [54.1, 42.1] Ground Pass NaN Left Foot
140 [80.6, 33.0] [73.3, 43.8] Ground Pass NaN Right Foot
155 [97.9, 46.4] [115.5, 53.8] Ground Pass NaN Left Foot
def draw_pitch(ax):
    # focus on only half of the pitch
    #Pitch Outline & Centre Line
    Pitch = Rectangle([0,0], width = 120, height = 80, fill = False)
    #Left, Right Penalty Area and midline
    LeftPenalty = Rectangle([0,22.3], width = 14.6, height = 35.3, fill = False)
    RightPenalty = Rectangle([105.4,22.3], width = 14.6, height = 35.3, fill = False)
    midline = ConnectionPatch([60,0], [60,80], "data", "data")

    #Left, Right 6-yard Box
    LeftSixYard = Rectangle([0,32], width = 4.9, height = 16, fill = False)
    RightSixYard = Rectangle([115.1,32], width = 4.9, height = 16, fill = False)

    #Prepare Circles
    centreCircle = plt.Circle((60,40),8.1, fill = False)
    centreSpot = plt.Circle((60,40),0.71)
    #Penalty spots and Arcs around penalty boxes
    leftPenSpot = plt.Circle((9.7,40),0.71)
    rightPenSpot = plt.Circle((110.3,40),0.71)
    leftArc = Arc((9.7,40),height=16.2,width=16.2,angle=0,theta1=310,theta2=50)
    rightArc = Arc((110.3,40),height=16.2,width=16.2,angle=0,theta1=130,theta2=230)
    element = [Pitch, LeftPenalty, RightPenalty, midline, LeftSixYard, RightSixYard, centreCircle, 
               centreSpot, rightPenSpot, leftPenSpot, leftArc, rightArc]
    for i in element:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Arc, Rectangle, ConnectionPatch
from matplotlib.offsetbox import  OffsetImage

fig=plt.figure() #set up the figures
fig.set_size_inches(7, 5)
draw_pitch(ax) #overlay our different objects on the pitch
plt.ylim(-2, 82)
plt.xlim(-2, 122)

for i in range(len(messi_df)):
    # annotate draw an arrow from a current position to pass_end_location
    ax.annotate("", xy = (messi_df.iloc[i]['pass_end_location'][0], messi_df.iloc[i]['pass_end_location'][1]), xycoords = 'data',
               xytext = (messi_df.iloc[i]['location'][0], messi_df.iloc[i]['location'][1]), textcoords = 'data',
               arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->",connectionstyle="arc3", color = "blue"),)
for i in range(len(assist)):
    # annotate draw an arrow from a current position to pass_end_location
    ax.annotate("", xy = (assist.iloc[i]['pass_end_location'][0], assist.iloc[i]['pass_end_location'][1]), xycoords = 'data',
               xytext = (assist.iloc[i]['location'][0], assist.iloc[i]['location'][1]), textcoords = 'data',
               arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->",connectionstyle="arc3", color = "red"),)
messi_df[['X','Y']] = pd.DataFrame(messi_df.location.values.tolist(), index= messi_df.index)
messi_df[['endX','endY']] = pd.DataFrame(messi_df.pass_end_location.values.tolist(), index= messi_df.index)
location pass_end_location pass_height_name pass_type_name pass_body_part_name X Y endX endY
29 [29.5, 55.8] [33.1, 48.1] Low Pass NaN Left Foot 29.5 55.8 33.1 48.1
99 [64.7, 72.8] [57.2, 74.5] Ground Pass NaN Left Foot 64.7 72.8 57.2 74.5
111 [64.4, 73.7] [54.1, 42.1] Ground Pass NaN Left Foot 64.4 73.7 54.1 42.1
140 [80.6, 33.0] [73.3, 43.8] Ground Pass NaN Right Foot 80.6 33.0 73.3 43.8
155 [97.9, 46.4] [115.5, 53.8] Ground Pass NaN Left Foot 97.9 46.4 115.5 53.8
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
127962 [69.9, 56.5] [75.1, 73.7] Ground Pass NaN Left Foot 69.9 56.5 75.1 73.7
127969 [85.4, 60.7] [90.3, 62.4] Ground Pass NaN Right Foot 85.4 60.7 90.3 62.4
128096 [75.3, 47.8] [93.0, 45.7] Ground Pass NaN Right Foot 75.3 47.8 93.0 45.7
128221 [87.9, 26.6] [81.4, 37.8] Ground Pass NaN Left Foot 87.9 26.6 81.4 37.8
128301 [83.7, 43.2] [91.3, 64.7] Ground Pass NaN Left Foot 83.7 43.2 91.3 64.7

1642 rows × 9 columns

from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
import numpy as np
# Create training data for clustering
training_data = []
training_data = messi_df[['X','Y','endX','endY']].to_numpy()
cluster_model = KMeans(n_clusters=25).fit(training_data)
cluster_df = pd.DataFrame(data=cluster_model.cluster_centers_,columns= ['X','Y','endX','endY'])
X Y endX endY
0 69.526437 73.794253 61.916092 70.040230
1 91.892045 33.001136 104.770455 24.712500
2 56.681333 40.832000 50.676000 40.288000
3 86.620000 48.557778 96.874444 34.186667
4 78.813235 36.172059 83.302941 49.801471
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Arc, Rectangle, ConnectionPatch
from matplotlib.offsetbox import  OffsetImage'classic')
fig=plt.figure() #set up the figures
fig.set_size_inches(16, 9)
draw_pitch(ax) #overlay our different objects on the pitch
plt.ylim(-2, 82)
plt.xlim(-2, 122)
y_cary_end = 0
y_loc = 0
for i in range(len(cluster_df)):
    # annotate draw an arrow from a current position to pass_end_location
    ax.annotate("", xy = (cluster_df.iloc[i]['endX'], cluster_df.iloc[i]['endY']), xycoords = 'data',
               xytext = (cluster_df.iloc[i].X, cluster_df.iloc[i].Y), textcoords = 'data',
               arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->",connectionstyle="arc3", color = "seagreen"),)
for i in range(len(assist)):
    # annotate draw an arrow from a current position to pass_end_location
    ax.annotate("", xy = (assist.iloc[i]['pass_end_location'][0], assist.iloc[i]['pass_end_location'][1]), xycoords = 'data',
               xytext = (assist.iloc[i]['location'][0], assist.iloc[i]['location'][1]), textcoords = 'data',
               arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="fancy",connectionstyle="arc3", color = "red"),)