uses statsbomb data and finds carry by player and season and plots them filtered by final third position and a threshold length both filter values are modifiable
51 KiB
51 KiB
#change this cell to change season and player name
season = '2005/2006'
ssn = '0506'
length = int(20)
import os
import json
from pandas.io.json import json_normalize
import codecs
import pandas as pd
import codecs
main_df = pd.DataFrame(data=None)
path_match = """C:\\\\Users\\\\koushik.r\\\\Documents\\\\open-data-master\\\\\\\\data\\\\events\\\\""" #location for play by play events
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(r'C:\Users\koushik.r\Documents\open-data-master\data\matches'):
for file in files:
with open(os.path.join(root, file), "r") as auto:
with codecs.open(root + str('\\\\') + file,encoding='utf-8') as data_file:
data = json.load(data_file)
df = pd.DataFrame(data=None)
df = json_normalize(data, sep = "_")
#for x in df.competition_country_name:
# if x == 'Spain':
# print(df.match_id)
for i in range(len(df)):
if df.iloc[i]['competition_country_name'] == 'Spain' and df.iloc[i]['season_season_name'] == season :
match_no = df.iloc[i]['match_id'] #gets match with Spain as country
match_no = str(match_no) # from int to str
with codecs.open(path_match + match_no + str(r'.json'),encoding="utf8") as event_file: #open the respective file
df_match = json.load(event_file)
df_match2 = pd.DataFrame(data=None)
df_match2 = json_normalize(df_match,sep="_")
main_df = main_df.append(df_match2,ignore_index=True,sort=False)
Player = main_df.query('player_id == 5503 & type_id ==43 & play_pattern_id ==1 & duration >= 1.50')
player_name = Player.player_name.iloc[0]
Player = Player [['location','carry_end_location']]
from math import sqrt
distance= []
for i in range(len(Player)):
distance.append(sqrt((Player.iloc[i]['carry_end_location'][0] - Player.iloc[i]['location'][0])**2 + ((Player.iloc[i]['carry_end_location'][1] - Player.iloc[i]['location'][1])**2)))
#using distance formula above (sqrt((x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y1)^2))
Player['dribble_distance'] = distance
location | carry_end_location | dribble_distance | |
2791 | [81.9, 77.4] | [85.6, 66.6] | 11.416217 |
3160 | [78.7, 7.3] | [115.6, 22.8] | 40.023243 |
3765 | [45.5, 4.5] | [48.2, 6.4] | 3.301515 |
4811 | [43.1, 40.0] | [50.3, 28.4] | 13.652839 |
5012 | [77.0, 65.6] | [97.8, 53.3] | 24.164644 |
def draw_pitch(ax):
# focus on only half of the pitch
#Pitch Outline & Centre Line
Pitch = Rectangle([0,0], width = 120, height = 80, fill = False)
#Left, Right Penalty Area and midline
LeftPenalty = Rectangle([0,22.3], width = 14.6, height = 35.3, fill = False)
RightPenalty = Rectangle([105.4,22.3], width = 14.6, height = 35.3, fill = False)
midline = ConnectionPatch([60,0], [60,80], "data", "data")
#Left, Right 6-yard Box
LeftSixYard = Rectangle([0,32], width = 4.9, height = 16, fill = False)
RightSixYard = Rectangle([115.1,32], width = 4.9, height = 16, fill = False)
#Prepare Circles
centreCircle = plt.Circle((60,40),8.1,color="white", fill = False)
centreSpot = plt.Circle((60,40),0.71,color="white")
#Penalty spots and Arcs around penalty boxes
leftPenSpot = plt.Circle((9.7,40),0.71,color="white")
rightPenSpot = plt.Circle((110.3,40),0.71,color="white")
leftArc = Arc((9.7,40),height=16.2,width=16.2,angle=0,theta1=310,theta2=50,color="white")
rightArc = Arc((110.3,40),height=16.2,width=16.2,angle=0,theta1=130,theta2=230,color="white")
element = [Pitch, LeftPenalty, RightPenalty, midline, LeftSixYard, RightSixYard, centreCircle,
centreSpot, rightPenSpot, leftPenSpot, leftArc, rightArc]
for i in element:
"lines.color": "white",
"patch.edgecolor": "white",
"text.color": "black",
"axes.facecolor": "white",
"axes.edgecolor": "lightgray",
"axes.labelcolor": "white",
"xtick.color": "white",
"ytick.color": "white",
"grid.color": "lightgray",
"figure.facecolor": "black",
"figure.edgecolor": "black",
"savefig.facecolor": "black",
"savefig.edgecolor": "black"})'''
'plt.rcParams.update({\n "lines.color": "white",\n "patch.edgecolor": "white",\n "text.color": "black",\n "axes.facecolor": "white",\n "axes.edgecolor": "lightgray",\n "axes.labelcolor": "white",\n "xtick.color": "white",\n "ytick.color": "white",\n "grid.color": "lightgray",\n "figure.facecolor": "black",\n "figure.edgecolor": "black",\n "savefig.facecolor": "black",\n "savefig.edgecolor": "black"})'
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Arc, Rectangle, ConnectionPatch
from matplotlib.offsetbox import OffsetImage
fig=plt.figure() #set up the figures
fig.set_size_inches(16, 9)
draw_pitch(ax) #overlay our different objects on the pitch
plt.ylim(-2, 82)
plt.xlim(-2, 122)
y_cary_end = 0
y_loc = 0
for i in range(len(Player)):
# # y - y' = -2(y' +c) reflection
#mirror image of a point https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/1013230/how-to-find-coordinates-of-reflected-point
y_cary_end = -2*(Player.iloc[i]['carry_end_location'][1] - 40) + Player.iloc[i]['carry_end_location'][1]
y_loc = -2*(Player.iloc[i]['location'][1] - 40) + Player.iloc[i]['location'][1]
if Player.iloc[i]['carry_end_location'][0] >= 90 and Player.iloc[i]['dribble_distance'] >= length:
ax.annotate("", xy = (Player.iloc[i]['carry_end_location'][0],y_cary_end), xycoords = 'data',
xytext = (Player.iloc[i]['location'][0],y_loc ), textcoords = 'data',
arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->",connectionstyle="arc3", color = "blue"),)
ax.text(40, -5, 'dribbles '+ season, fontsize=14)
fname = 'C:\\\\Users\\\\koushik.r\\\\Desktop\\\\Messi data\\\\'+ player_name + str(' dribbles ')+ str(ssn)+'.png'