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Just another repo of Python scripts
- 01_remove_all_pyc.md: remove all .pyc files from a git repo
- 02_find_all_links.py: get all links from a webpage
- 03_simple_twitter_manager.py: accessing the Twitter API, example functions
- 04_rename_with_slice.py: rename group of files, within a single directory, using slice
- 05_load_json_without_dupes.py: load json, convert to dict, raise error if there is a duplicate key
- 06_execution_time.py: class used for timing execution of code
- 07_benchmark_permissions_loading_django.py: benchmark loading of permissions in Django
- 08_basic_email_web_crawler.py: web crawler for grabbing emails from a website
- 09_basic_link_web_crawler.py: web crawler for grabbing links from a website
- 10_find_files_recursively.py: recursively grab files from a directory
- 11_optimize_images_with_wand.py: recursively grab images from a directory, then optimize them for the web
- 12_csv_split.py: Splits a CSV file into multiple files based on command line arguments.
- 13_random_name_generator.py: random name generator
- 14_html_to_markdown.sh: Convert all html files in a single directory to markdown
- 15_check_my_environment.py: Pass in a config file based on your environment.
- 16_jinja_quick_load.py: Render a quick Jinja2 template
- 17_rewrite_git_history.md: Backdating/Rewriting Git history (use at your own risk)
- 18_zipper.py: Zip contents of a directory, adding a timestamp to the filename
- 19_tsv-to-csv.py: Convert TSV to CSV
- 20_restore_file_from_git.py: Restore file from Git History
- 21_twitter_bot.py: Twitter Bot
- 22_git_tag.py: Create Git Tag based on a commit
- 23_flask_session_test.py: Just a simple app to see if the sessions are working
- 24_sql2csv.py: SQL to CSV.
- 25_ip2geolocation.py: Given a CSV file with an ip address (see sample - 25_sample_csv.csv), return the geolocation based on the ip.