120 lines
4.2 KiB
120 lines
4.2 KiB
from __future__ import annotations
import copy
import math
from typing import Callable, Union
from queue import Queue, PriorityQueue
from app.board import Board
from config import *
from app.graphsearch import Node, Graphsearch
class PriorityItem:
def __init__(self, node: Node, priority: float):
self.node = node
self.priority = priority
def __lt__(self, other: PriorityItem):
return self.priority < other.priority
class AStar(Graphsearch):
def convert_queue_of_priority_items_to_list(q: Queue[PriorityItem], *args) -> list:
items = []
[items.append((i.node.get_x(), i.node.get_y(), i.node.get_direction(), *args)) for i in q.queue]
return items
def convert_queue_of_priority_items_with_priority_to_list(q: Queue[PriorityItem], *args) -> list:
items = []
[items.append((i.node.get_x(), i.node.get_y(), i.node.get_direction(), i.priority, *args)) for i in q.queue]
return items
def replace_node_in_fringe_queue(fringe: PriorityQueue[PriorityItem], state) -> None:
tmp_queue = Queue()
while not fringe.empty():
item = fringe.get()
if state == item.node.transform_node_to_tuple():
while not tmp_queue.empty():
def replace_nodes(fringe: PriorityQueue[PriorityItem], priority: float, state: tuple[int, int, float]):
fringe_items = AStar.convert_queue_of_priority_items_with_priority_to_list(fringe)
for s in fringe_items:
if s[:-1] == state[:-1]:
if s[-1] > priority:
# s[-1] is priority (last element of state tuple)
# remove and add node to fringe - PriorityQueue
AStar.replace_node_in_fringe_queue(fringe, state[:-1])
def g(board: Board, node: Node) -> float:
"""cost function"""
result = 0
while node.get_node() is not None:
field = board.get_field(node.get_x(), node.get_y())
result += field.get_value()
node = node.get_node()
return result
def h(destination: tuple[int, int], node: Node) -> float:
"""heuristic function"""
return round(math.sqrt(abs(destination[0] - node.get_x())**2 + abs(destination[0] - node.get_y())**2), 2)
def f(board: Board, destination: tuple[int, int], node: Node) -> float:
"""evaluation function"""
return AStar.g(board, node) + AStar.h(destination, node)
def goaltest_by_coords(destination: tuple[int, int], item: Node) -> bool:
# print(item)
# print(destination)
if destination[0] == item.get_x() and destination[1] == item.get_y():
return True
return False
def search_solution(fringe: PriorityQueue, explored: Queue, destination: tuple[int, int], istate: Node,
succ: Callable[[Node, Board], list],
goaltest: Callable[[tuple[int, int], Node], bool], board: Board) -> Union[bool, list]:
print(f"Start A*")
fringe.put(PriorityItem(istate, 0))
while True:
if fringe.empty():
return False
item = fringe.get()
if goaltest(destination, item.node):
return AStar.get_all_moves(item.node)
copied_item = copy.deepcopy(item)
for (action, state) in succ(copied_item.node, board):
# print(state)
fringe_items = AStar.convert_queue_of_priority_items_to_list(fringe)
explored_items = AStar.convert_queue_of_priority_items_to_list(explored)
n = Node(item.node, *state, *action)
priority = AStar.f(board, destination, n)
# print(priority)
if state[:-1] not in fringe_items and state[:-1] not in explored_items:
fringe.put(PriorityItem(n, priority))
elif state[:-1] in fringe_items:
AStar.replace_nodes(fringe, priority, state[:-1])