This commit is contained in:
jbiesek 2022-04-28 09:21:32 +02:00
parent cfeae8327b
commit da2c86892d
3 changed files with 185 additions and 117 deletions

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@ -28,40 +28,50 @@ class Instance:
def set_tank_capacity(self, fuel_units):
self.tank_capacity = fuel_units
def move(self):
def move(self, action):
key_pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed()
height = settings.Pygame.height()
width = settings.Pygame.width()
tile_size = settings.Field.size()
if key_pressed[pygame.K_UP] and self.direction == 'west' and self.rect.x > 0:
if key_pressed[pygame.K_UP] and self.direction == 4 and self.rect.x > 0 and action is None:
self.rect.x -= tile_size
elif key_pressed[pygame.K_UP] and self.direction == 'east' and self.rect.x < width - tile_size:
elif key_pressed[pygame.K_UP] and self.direction == 2 and self.rect.x < width - tile_size and action is None:
self.rect.x += tile_size
elif key_pressed[pygame.K_UP] and self.direction == 'north' and self.rect.y > 0:
elif key_pressed[pygame.K_UP] and self.direction == 1 and self.rect.y > 0 and action is None:
self.rect.y -= tile_size
elif key_pressed[pygame.K_UP] and self.direction == 'south' and self.rect.y < height - tile_size:
elif key_pressed[pygame.K_UP] and self.direction == 3 and self.rect.y < height - tile_size and action is None:
self.rect.y += tile_size
elif action == 'f' and self.direction == 4 and self.rect.x > 0:
self.rect.x -= tile_size
elif action == 'f' and self.direction == 2 and self.rect.x < width - tile_size:
self.rect.x += tile_size
elif action == 'f' and self.direction == 1 and self.rect.y > 0:
self.rect.y -= tile_size
elif action == 'f' and self.direction == 3 and self.rect.y < height - tile_size:
self.rect.y += tile_size
elif key_pressed[pygame.K_SPACE]:
return 'open_window'
return 'none'
def rotate(self):
def rotate(self, action):
key_pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if key_pressed[pygame.K_LEFT] and self.direction == 'east':
self.direction = 'north'
elif key_pressed[pygame.K_LEFT] and self.direction == 'north':
self.direction = 'west'
elif key_pressed[pygame.K_LEFT] and self.direction == 'west':
self.direction = 'south'
elif key_pressed[pygame.K_LEFT] and self.direction == 'south':
self.direction = 'east'
elif key_pressed[pygame.K_RIGHT] and self.direction == 'north':
self.direction = 'east'
elif key_pressed[pygame.K_RIGHT] and self.direction == 'west':
self.direction = 'north'
elif key_pressed[pygame.K_RIGHT] and self.direction == 'south':
self.direction = 'west'
elif key_pressed[pygame.K_RIGHT] and self.direction == 'east':
self.direction = 'south'
if key_pressed[pygame.K_LEFT] and self.direction == 2 or action == 'l' and self.direction == 2:
self.direction = 1
elif key_pressed[pygame.K_LEFT] and self.direction == 1 or action == 'l' and self.direction == 1:
self.direction = 4
elif key_pressed[pygame.K_LEFT] and self.direction == 4 or action == 'l' and self.direction == 4:
self.direction = 3
elif key_pressed[pygame.K_LEFT] and self.direction == 3 or action == 'l' and self.direction == 3:
self.direction = 2
elif key_pressed[pygame.K_RIGHT] and self.direction == 1 or action == 'r' and self.direction == 1:
self.direction = 2
elif key_pressed[pygame.K_RIGHT] and self.direction == 4 or action == 'r' and self.direction == 4:
self.direction = 1
elif key_pressed[pygame.K_RIGHT] and self.direction == 3 or action == 'r' and self.direction == 3:
self.direction = 4
elif key_pressed[pygame.K_RIGHT] and self.direction == 2 or action == 'r' and self.direction == 2:
self.direction = 3
return 'none'

View File

@ -1,100 +1,151 @@
import copy
import settings
import math
from collections import defaultdict
class Instance:
def __init__(self):
self.graph = defaultdict(list)
self.directions_dict = defaultdict(list)
class State:
def __init__(self, direction, x, y):
self.direction = direction
self.x = x
self.y = y
def config(self, fields):
adjacency_list = self.__generate_graph()
nodes_to_visit = self.generate_target_fields(fields)
shortest_path_bfs = self.generate_shortest_path_for_all_targets_bfs(nodes_to_visit)
def get_direction(self):
return self.direction
print("Adjacency list: " + str(dict(adjacency_list)))
print("List of targets: " + str(nodes_to_visit))
print("The shortest path found by bfs algorithm: " + str(shortest_path_bfs))
def set_direction(self, direction):
self.direction = direction
def generate_shortest_path_for_all_targets_bfs(self, nodes_to_visit):
shortest_bfs_path = []
start_node = 0
def get_x(self):
return self.x
for target_node in nodes_to_visit:
shortest_bfs_path.extend(self.__shortest_path_bfs(start_node, target_node)[1:])
start_node = target_node
def set_x(self, x):
self.x = x
return shortest_bfs_path
def get_y(self):
return self.y
# private
def __add_edge(self, u, v):
def set_y(self, y):
self.y = y
def __generate_graph(self):
width = settings.Field.horizontal_count()
height = settings.Field.vertical_count()
for i in range(height):
for j in range(width):
point = i * width + j
point_left = i * width + j - 1
point_left_column = point_left - width * i
point_right = i * width + j + 1
point_right_column = point_right % width
point_up = (i - 1) * width + j
point_up_row = math.floor(point_up / width)
point_down = (i + 1) * width + j
point_down_row = math.floor(point_down / width)
class Node:
def __init__(self, action, direction, parent, x, y):
self.action = action
self.direction = direction
self.parent = parent
self.x = x
self.y = y
if point_left_column >= 0:
self.__add_edge(point, point_left)
if point_right_column > 0:
self.__add_edge(point, point_right)
if point_up_row >= 0:
self.__add_edge(point, point_up)
if point_down_row < height:
self.__add_edge(point, point_down)
def get_action(self):
return self.action
return self.graph
def set_action(self, action):
self.action = action
def __shortest_path_bfs(self, start_node, target_node):
path_list = [[start_node]]
path_index = 0
visited_nodes = {start_node}
def get_direction(self):
return self.direction
if start_node == target_node:
return path_list[0]
def set_direction(self, direction):
self.direction = direction
while path_index < len(path_list):
current_path = path_list[path_index]
prev_node = current_path[-1]
next_nodes = self.graph[prev_node]
def get_parent(self):
return self.parent
if target_node in next_nodes:
return current_path
def set_parent(self, parent):
self.parent = parent
for next_node in next_nodes:
if not next_node in visited_nodes:
new_path = current_path[:]
def get_x(self):
return self.x
path_index += 1
def set_x(self, x):
self.x = x
def get_y(self):
return self.y
def set_y(self, y):
self.y = y
def goal_test(goaltest,elem):
if elem.get_x() == goaltest[0] and elem.get_y() == goaltest[1]:
return True
return False
# static
def generate_target_fields(fields):
width = settings.Field.horizontal_count()
height = settings.Field.vertical_count()
fields_to_visit = []
for i in range(height):
for j in range(width):
point = i * width + j
if fields[j][i] == 'dirt':
return fields_to_visit
def graphsearch(explored, fringe, goaltest, istate, succ):
node = Node(None, istate.get_direction(), None, istate.get_x(),
while True:
if not fringe:
return False
elem = fringe.pop(0)
temp = copy.copy(elem)
if goal_test(goaltest,
elem) is True:
return get_moves_list(elem)
for (action, state) in succ(
fringe_tuple = []
explored_tuple = []
for x in fringe:
fringe_tuple.append((x.get_direction(), x.get_x(), x.get_y()))
for x in explored:
explored_tuple.append((x.get_direction(), x.get_x(), x.get_y()))
if state not in fringe_tuple and state not in explored_tuple:
x = Node(action, state[0], elem, state[1],
def get_moves_list(node):
moves_list = []
while (node.get_parent() != None):
node = node.get_parent()
return moves_list
def succ(node):
actions_list = []
direction = copy.copy(node.get_direction())
if direction == 1:
direction = 4
direction = direction - 1
actions_list.append(("l", (direction, node.get_x(), node.get_y())))
direction = copy.copy(node.get_direction())
if direction == 4:
direction = 1
direction = direction + 1
actions_list.append(("r", (direction, node.get_x(), node.get_y())))
temp_move_south = node.get_y() + 1
temp_move_west = node.get_x() - 1
temp_move_east = node.get_x() + 1
temp_move_north = node.get_y() - 1
if is_move_allowed(node) == "x + 1":
actions_list.append(("f", (node.get_direction(), temp_move_east, node.get_y())))
elif is_move_allowed(node) == "y - 1":
actions_list.append(("f", (node.get_direction(), node.get_x(), temp_move_north)))
elif is_move_allowed(node) == "y + 1":
actions_list.append(("f", (node.get_direction(), node.get_x(), temp_move_south)))
elif is_move_allowed(node) == "x - 1":
actions_list.append(("f", (node.get_direction(), temp_move_west, node.get_y())))
return actions_list
def is_move_allowed(node):
if node.get_direction() == 2 and node.get_x() + 1 < settings.Pygame.width():
return "x + 1"
elif node.get_direction() == 1 and node.get_y() - 1 >= 0:
return "y - 1"
elif node.get_direction() == 3 and node.get_y() + 1 < settings.Pygame.height():
return "y + 1"
elif node.get_direction() == 4 and node.get_x() - 1 >= 0:
return "x - 1"
return False

View File

@ -6,8 +6,7 @@ import settings
import common
import agent
import math
import time
possibleFields = {
'dirt': field.Dirt(),
@ -32,13 +31,13 @@ def randomize_map():
for j in range(height):
# k = random.choice(list(possibleFields.keys()))
x = random.uniform(0, 100)
if x < 80:
if x < 4:
elif 80 < x < 90:
elif 4 < x < 55:
elif 90 < x < 100:
elif 55 < x < 100:
@ -88,19 +87,19 @@ def draw_window(agent, fields):
for i in range(settings.Field.horizontal_count()):
for j in range(settings.Field.vertical_count()):
window.blit(fields[i][j], (i * settings.Field.size(), j * settings.Field.size()))
if agent.direction == 'east':
if agent.direction == 2:
AGENT_IMG = pygame.image.load('./assets/tracktor/tractor_east.png')
AGENT = pygame.transform.scale(AGENT_IMG, (settings.Field.size(), settings.Field.size()))
window.blit(AGENT, (rect.x, rect.y))
elif agent.direction == 'west':
elif agent.direction == 4:
AGENT_IMG = pygame.image.load('./assets/tracktor/tractor_west.png')
AGENT = pygame.transform.scale(AGENT_IMG, (settings.Field.size(), settings.Field.size()))
window.blit(AGENT, (rect.x, rect.y))
elif agent.direction == 'north':
elif agent.direction == 1:
AGENT_IMG = pygame.image.load('./assets/tracktor/tractor_north.png')
AGENT = pygame.transform.scale(AGENT_IMG, (settings.Field.size(), settings.Field.size()))
window.blit(AGENT, (rect.x, rect.y))
elif agent.direction == 'south':
elif agent.direction == 3:
AGENT_IMG = pygame.image.load('./assets/tracktor/tractor_south.png')
AGENT = pygame.transform.scale(AGENT_IMG, (settings.Field.size(), settings.Field.size()))
window.blit(AGENT, (rect.x, rect.y))
@ -108,8 +107,7 @@ def draw_window(agent, fields):
common = common.Instance()
agent = agent.Instance(1000, 'east')
graph = graph.Instance()
agent = agent.Instance(1000, 2)
def main():
@ -122,22 +120,31 @@ def main():
fields, fields_2 = randomize_map()
state = graph.State(2, 0, 0)
move_list = (graph.graphsearch([], [], [10,10] , state, graph.succ))
x = True
while common.get('game_running'):
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
common.set('game_running', False)
if common.get('state_imgShown'):
read_img(agent, fields)
draw_window(agent, fields)
if x:
for action in move_list:
if action == 'l' or action == 'r':
elif action == 'f':
draw_window(agent, fields)
x = False