
641 KiB
Raw Blame History

%pip install --user kaggle 
%pip install --user pandas
%pip install --user scikit-learn
%pip install --user matplotlib
%pip install --user geopandas
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
import pandas as pd
!kaggle datasets download -d nasa/meteorite-landings
!unzip -o meteorite-landings.zip -d data
Archive:  meteorite-landings.zip
  inflating: data/meteorite-landings.csv  

Czyszczenie zbioru

data = pd.read_csv("data/meteorite-landings.csv")
name id nametype recclass mass fall year reclat reclong GeoLocation
0 Aachen 1 Valid L5 21.0 Fell 1880.0 50.77500 6.08333 (50.775000, 6.083330)
1 Aarhus 2 Valid H6 720.0 Fell 1951.0 56.18333 10.23333 (56.183330, 10.233330)
2 Abee 6 Valid EH4 107000.0 Fell 1952.0 54.21667 -113.00000 (54.216670, -113.000000)
3 Acapulco 10 Valid Acapulcoite 1914.0 Fell 1976.0 16.88333 -99.90000 (16.883330, -99.900000)
4 Achiras 370 Valid L6 780.0 Fell 1902.0 -33.16667 -64.95000 (-33.166670, -64.950000)
5 Adhi Kot 379 Valid EH4 4239.0 Fell 1919.0 32.10000 71.80000 (32.100000, 71.800000)
6 Adzhi-Bogdo (stone) 390 Valid LL3-6 910.0 Fell 1949.0 44.83333 95.16667 (44.833330, 95.166670)
7 Agen 392 Valid H5 30000.0 Fell 1814.0 44.21667 0.61667 (44.216670, 0.616670)
8 Aguada 398 Valid L6 1620.0 Fell 1930.0 -31.60000 -65.23333 (-31.600000, -65.233330)
9 Aguila Blanca 417 Valid L 1440.0 Fell 1920.0 -30.86667 -64.55000 (-30.866670, -64.550000)

Podział na podzbiory

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
meteorite_train, meteorite_test = train_test_split(data, test_size=0.2, random_state=1)
meteorite_train, meteorite_val = train_test_split(meteorite_train, test_size=0.25, random_state=1)


Wielkości zbiorów

print(f'wielkość zbioru: {data.shape}')
print(f'wielkość zbioru treningowego: {meteorite_train.shape}')
print(f'wielkość zbioru testującego: {meteorite_test.shape}')
print(f'wielkość zbioru walidacyjnego: {meteorite_val.shape}')
wielkość zbioru: (45716, 10)
wielkość zbioru treningowego: (27429, 10)
wielkość zbioru testującego: (9144, 10)
wielkość zbioru walidacyjnego: (9143, 10)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 45716 entries, 0 to 45715
Data columns (total 10 columns):
 #   Column       Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------       --------------  -----  
 0   name         45716 non-null  object 
 1   id           45716 non-null  int64  
 2   nametype     45716 non-null  object 
 3   recclass     45716 non-null  object 
 4   mass         45585 non-null  float64
 5   fall         45716 non-null  object 
 6   year         45428 non-null  float64
 7   reclat       38401 non-null  float64
 8   reclong      38401 non-null  float64
 9   GeoLocation  38401 non-null  object 
dtypes: float64(4), int64(1), object(5)
memory usage: 3.5+ MB

Masa meteorytu

print(f'Średnia masa: {data["mass"].mean()}')
print(f'Maksymalna masa: {data["mass"].max()}')
print(f'Minimalna masa: {data["mass"].min()}')
Średnia masa: 13278.078548601516
Maksymalna masa: 60000000.0
Minimalna masa: 0.0
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.hist(data["mass"], color= "tan", log= True, edgecolor="black")
plt.title('Distribution of Meteorite Masses')
data.loc[data['mass'] == 0]
name id nametype recclass mass fall year reclat reclong GeoLocation
12627 Gove 52859 Relict Relict iron 0.0 Found 1979.0 -12.26333 136.83833 (-12.263330, 136.838330)
25551 Miller Range 090478 55953 Valid CO3 0.0 Found 2009.0 0.00000 0.00000 (0.000000, 0.000000)
31060 Österplana 048 56147 Relict Relict OC 0.0 Found 2004.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31061 Österplana 049 56148 Relict Relict OC 0.0 Found 2012.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31062 Österplana 050 56149 Relict Relict OC 0.0 Found 2003.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31063 Österplana 051 56150 Relict Relict OC 0.0 Found 2006.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31064 Österplana 052 56151 Relict Relict OC 0.0 Found 2006.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31065 Österplana 053 56152 Relict Relict OC 0.0 Found 2002.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31066 Österplana 054 56153 Relict Relict OC 0.0 Found 2005.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31067 Österplana 055 56154 Relict Relict OC 0.0 Found 2008.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31068 Österplana 056 56155 Relict Relict OC 0.0 Found 2008.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31069 Österplana 057 56156 Relict Relict OC 0.0 Found 2009.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31070 Österplana 058 56157 Relict Relict OC 0.0 Found 2009.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31071 Österplana 059 56158 Relict Relict OC 0.0 Found 2009.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31072 Österplana 060 56159 Relict Relict OC 0.0 Found 2009.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31073 Österplana 061 56160 Relict Relict OC 0.0 Found 2009.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31074 Österplana 062 56161 Relict Relict OC 0.0 Found 2010.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31075 Österplana 063 56162 Relict Relict OC 0.0 Found 2010.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31076 Österplana 064 56163 Relict Relict OC 0.0 Found 2011.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)

Wygląda na to, że odnaleziono dużo meteorytów z masą równą 0 w tym samym miejscu.
Po researchu, okazało się, że to nie są niepoprawne wartości. W Szwecji, znaleziono skamieniałe meteoryty, które są bardzo stare (setki miliony lat), przez co nie ma możliwości obliczenia ich masy. Źródła:


Found    44609
Fell      1107
Name: count, dtype: int64
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
plt.bar(["Fell","Found"], data["fall"].value_counts(), color=["lightblue", "lightgreen"], edgecolor= ["darkblue", "darkgreen"])

Klasa meteorytu

class_count = data['recclass'].nunique()
print(f'Liczba klas meteorytow: {class_count}')
top_10 = data['recclass'].value_counts().head(10)
print("10 najpopularniejszych klas:")
Liczba klas meteorytow: 466
10 najpopularniejszych klas:
L6      8285
H5      7142
L5      4796
H6      4528
H4      4211
LL5     2766
LL6     2043
L4      1253
H4/5     428
CM2      416
Name: count, dtype: int64


import geopandas as gpd
from shapely.geometry import Point

loc_crs = {'init': 'epsg:4326'}
loc_geom = [Point(xy) for xy in zip(data['reclong'], data['reclat'])]
geo_df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(data, crs=loc_crs, geometry=loc_geom)

world = gpd.read_file(gpd.datasets.get_path('naturalearth_lowres'))
geo_df.plot(ax=world.plot(figsize=(20, 10)), marker='x', color='red', markersize=15)
j:\.AppData\Python\Python310\site-packages\pyproj\crs\crs.py:141: FutureWarning: '+init=<authority>:<code>' syntax is deprecated. '<authority>:<code>' is the preferred initialization method. When making the change, be mindful of axis order changes: https://pyproj4.github.io/pyproj/stable/gotchas.html#axis-order-changes-in-proj-6
  in_crs_string = _prepare_from_proj_string(in_crs_string)
C:\Users\s464914\AppData\Local\temp\ipykernel_5176\2086382282.py:8: FutureWarning: The geopandas.dataset module is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can get the original 'naturalearth_lowres' data from https://www.naturalearthdata.com/downloads/110m-cultural-vectors/.
  world = gpd.read_file(gpd.datasets.get_path('naturalearth_lowres'))
<Axes: >

Normalizacja danych

from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

scaler = StandardScaler()

meteorite_train['mass'] = scaler.fit_transform(meteorite_train[['mass']])
meteorite_test['mass'] = scaler.fit_transform(meteorite_test[['mass']])
meteorite_val['mass'] = scaler.fit_transform(meteorite_val[['mass']])

data['mass'] = scaler.fit_transform(data[['mass']])

0       -0.023056
1       -0.021841
2        0.163000
3       -0.019764
4       -0.021736
45711   -0.022794
45712   -0.023013
45713   -0.023087
45714   -0.019324
45715   -0.022745
Name: mass, Length: 45716, dtype: float64

Czyszczenie zbioru

name           45716
id             45716
nametype           2
recclass         466
mass           12576
fall               2
year             268
reclat         12738
reclong        14640
GeoLocation    17100
dtype: int64
name              0
id                0
nametype          0
recclass          0
mass            131
fall              0
year            288
reclat         7315
reclong        7315
GeoLocation    7315
dtype: int64

Według dokumentacji:
reclant - szerokość geograficzna
reclong - długość geograficzna

filtered_data = data.loc[data['reclat'].isnull() & data['reclong'].isnull() & data['GeoLocation'].isnull()]
(7315, 10)

Wnioski: Miejsca, w których brakuje zarówno szerokości geograficznej, jak i długości geograficznej, zazwyczaj nie posiadają również informacji o całej geolokacji. Z uwagi na powiązanie tych trzech parametrów, zamiast próbować uzupełniać brakujące dane, wiersze zawierające braki w tych trzech obszarach zostaną usunięte.

data = data.dropna(subset=['reclat'])
meteorite_train = meteorite_train.dropna(subset=['reclat'])
meteorite_test = meteorite_test.dropna(subset=['reclat'])
meteorite_val = meteorite_val.dropna(subset=['reclat'])

name             0
id               0
nametype         0
recclass         0
mass           119
fall             0
year           175
reclat           0
reclong          0
GeoLocation      0
dtype: int64

Według dokumentacji:

  • a few entries here contain date information that was incorrectly parsed into the NASA database. As a spot check: any date that is before 860 CE or after 2016 are incorrect; these should actually be BCE years. There may be other errors and we are looking for a way to identify them.
  • a few entries have latitude and longitude of 0N/0E (off the western coast of Africa, where it would be quite difficult to recover meteorites). Many of these were actually discovered in Antarctica, but exact coordinates were not given. 0N/0E locations should probably be treated as NA.
data.loc[(data['year'] > 2016) | (data['year'] < 860)]
name id nametype recclass mass fall year reclat reclong GeoLocation
16356 Havana 11857 Valid Iron, IAB complex NaN Found 301.0 40.33333 -90.05000 (40.333330, -90.050000)
30679 Northwest Africa 7701 57150 Valid CK6 -0.022997 Found 2101.0 0.00000 0.00000 (0.000000, 0.000000)
38188 Ur 24125 Valid Iron NaN Found 2501.0 30.90000 46.01667 (30.900000, 46.016670)
38301 Wietrzno-Bobrka 24259 Valid Iron -0.022439 Found 601.0 49.41667 21.70000 (49.416670, 21.700000)
data.loc[(data['reclat'] == 0) & (data['reclong'] == 0)]
name id nametype recclass mass fall year reclat reclong GeoLocation
37 Northwest Africa 5815 50693 Valid L5 -0.022646 Found NaN 0.0 0.0 (0.000000, 0.000000)
596 Mason Gully 53653 Valid H5 -0.023050 Fell 2010.0 0.0 0.0 (0.000000, 0.000000)
1648 Allan Hills 09004 52119 Valid Howardite -0.022707 Found 2009.0 0.0 0.0 (0.000000, 0.000000)
1649 Allan Hills 09005 55797 Valid L5 -0.022880 Found 2009.0 0.0 0.0 (0.000000, 0.000000)
1650 Allan Hills 09006 55798 Valid H5 -0.022912 Found 2009.0 0.0 0.0 (0.000000, 0.000000)
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
45655 Yamato 984144 40764 Valid H6 -0.023028 Found 1998.0 0.0 0.0 (0.000000, 0.000000)
45656 Yamato 984145 40765 Valid L6 -0.022998 Found 1998.0 0.0 0.0 (0.000000, 0.000000)
45657 Yamato 984146 40766 Valid H3 -0.023059 Found 1998.0 0.0 0.0 (0.000000, 0.000000)
45658 Yamato 984147 40767 Valid LL6 -0.022886 Found 1998.0 0.0 0.0 (0.000000, 0.000000)
45659 Yamato 984148 40768 Valid L5 -0.023085 Found 1998.0 0.0 0.0 (0.000000, 0.000000)

6214 rows × 10 columns

incorrect_years_index  = data.loc[(data['year'] > 2016) | (data['year'] < 860)].index
incorrect_location_index  = data.loc[(data['reclat'] == 0) & (data['reclong'] == 0)].index

incorrect_years_index_train  = meteorite_train.loc[(meteorite_train['year'] > 2016) | (meteorite_train['year'] < 860)].index
incorrect_location_index_train  = meteorite_train.loc[(meteorite_train['reclat'] == 0) & (meteorite_train['reclong'] == 0)].index

incorrect_years_index_test  = meteorite_test.loc[(meteorite_test['year'] > 2016) | (meteorite_test['year'] < 860)].index
incorrect_location_index_test  = meteorite_test.loc[(meteorite_test['reclat'] == 0) & (meteorite_test['reclong'] == 0)].index

incorrect_years_index_val  = meteorite_val.loc[(meteorite_val['year'] > 2016) | (meteorite_val['year'] < 860)].index
incorrect_location_index_val  = meteorite_val.loc[(meteorite_val['reclat'] == 0) & (meteorite_val['reclong'] == 0)].index

data.drop(incorrect_years_index.union(incorrect_location_index), inplace=True)
meteorite_test.drop(incorrect_years_index_test.union(incorrect_location_index_test), inplace=True)
meteorite_train.drop(incorrect_years_index_train.union(incorrect_location_index_train), inplace=True)
meteorite_val.drop(incorrect_years_index_val.union(incorrect_location_index_val), inplace=True)
name             0
id               0
nametype         0
recclass         0
mass           117
fall             0
year           147
reclat           0
reclong          0
GeoLocation      0
dtype: int64

We wcześniejszych obserwacjach zostało zauważone, że wszystkie meteoryty odnalezione w Szwecji, Österplana mają niską mase przez brak możliwości jej obliczenia. Dlatego wszystkie meteoryty odnalezione w tym miejscu z masą Null zostaną dopisane do tej grupy przypisując im mase 0

data.loc[(data['mass'].isnull()) & (data['name'].str.startswith('Österplana'))]
name id nametype recclass mass fall year reclat reclong GeoLocation
31014 Österplana 002 44802 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 1993.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31015 Österplana 003 44803 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 1993.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31016 Österplana 004 44804 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 1994.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31017 Österplana 005 44805 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 1990.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31018 Österplana 006 44806 Relict Relict OC NaN Found NaN 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31019 Österplana 007 44807 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 1993.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31020 Österplana 008 44808 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 1995.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31021 Österplana 009 44809 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 1996.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31022 Österplana 010 44810 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 1995.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31023 Österplana 011 44811 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 1997.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31024 Österplana 012 44812 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 1996.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31025 Österplana 013 44813 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 1996.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31026 Österplana 014 44814 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 1996.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31027 Österplana 015 44815 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 1996.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31028 Österplana 016 44816 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 1996.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31029 Österplana 017 44817 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 1997.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31030 Österplana 018 44818 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 1996.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31031 Österplana 019 44819 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 1997.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31032 Österplana 020 44820 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 1997.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31033 Österplana 021 44821 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 1997.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31034 Österplana 022 44822 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 1999.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31035 Österplana 023 44823 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 1999.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31036 Österplana 024 44824 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 1999.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31037 Österplana 025 44825 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 2000.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31038 Österplana 026 44826 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 2000.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31039 Österplana 027 44827 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 2000.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31040 Österplana 028 44828 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 2000.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31041 Österplana 029 44829 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 1998.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31042 Österplana 030 44830 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 1994.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31043 Österplana 031 44831 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 1998.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31044 Österplana 032 44832 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 2000.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31045 Österplana 033 44833 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 2000.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31046 Österplana 034 44834 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 1998.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31047 Österplana 035 44835 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 1996.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31048 Österplana 036 44836 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 1996.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31049 Österplana 037 44837 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 1998.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31050 Österplana 038 44838 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 1999.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31051 Österplana 039 44839 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 2000.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31052 Österplana 040 44840 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 2000.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31053 Österplana 041 44841 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 1996.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31054 Österplana 042 44842 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 2000.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31055 Österplana 043 44843 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 2002.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31056 Österplana 044 44844 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 2002.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31057 Österplana 045 44845 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 2002.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31058 Österplana 046 44846 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 2002.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
31059 Österplana 047 44847 Relict Relict OC NaN Found 2002.0 58.58333 13.43333 (58.583330, 13.433330)
data.loc[(data['mass'].isnull()) & (data['name'].str.startswith('Österplana')), 'mass'] = 0
meteorite_test.loc[(meteorite_test['mass'].isnull()) & (meteorite_test['name'].str.startswith('Österplana')), 'mass'] = 0
meteorite_train.loc[(meteorite_train['mass'].isnull()) & (meteorite_train['name'].str.startswith('Österplana')), 'mass'] = 0
meteorite_val.loc[(meteorite_val['mass'].isnull()) & (meteorite_val['name'].str.startswith('Österplana')), 'mass'] = 0

Reszta zostanie usunięta, tak samo z latami

data.dropna(subset=['mass', 'year'], inplace=True)
meteorite_train.dropna(subset=['mass', 'year'], inplace=True)
meteorite_test.dropna(subset=['mass', 'year'], inplace=True)
meteorite_val.dropna(subset=['mass', 'year'], inplace=True)
name           0
id             0
nametype       0
recclass       0
mass           0
fall           0
year           0
reclat         0
reclong        0
GeoLocation    0
dtype: int64
loc_geom = [Point(xy) for xy in zip(data['reclong'], data['reclat'])]
geo_df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(data, crs=loc_crs, geometry=loc_geom)

world = gpd.read_file(gpd.datasets.get_path('naturalearth_lowres'))
geo_df.plot(ax=world.plot(figsize=(20, 10)), marker='x', color='red', markersize=15)
j:\.AppData\Python\Python310\site-packages\pyproj\crs\crs.py:141: FutureWarning: '+init=<authority>:<code>' syntax is deprecated. '<authority>:<code>' is the preferred initialization method. When making the change, be mindful of axis order changes: https://pyproj4.github.io/pyproj/stable/gotchas.html#axis-order-changes-in-proj-6
  in_crs_string = _prepare_from_proj_string(in_crs_string)
C:\Users\s464914\AppData\Local\temp\ipykernel_5176\3992296465.py:4: FutureWarning: The geopandas.dataset module is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can get the original 'naturalearth_lowres' data from https://www.naturalearthdata.com/downloads/110m-cultural-vectors/.
  world = gpd.read_file(gpd.datasets.get_path('naturalearth_lowres'))
<Axes: >