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642 lines
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""" manage PyTables query interface via Expressions """
from __future__ import annotations
import ast
from functools import partial
from typing import Any
import numpy as np
from pandas._libs.tslibs import (
from pandas._typing import npt
from pandas.errors import UndefinedVariableError
from pandas.core.dtypes.common import is_list_like
import pandas.core.common as com
from pandas.core.computation import (
scope as _scope,
from pandas.core.computation.common import ensure_decoded
from pandas.core.computation.expr import BaseExprVisitor
from pandas.core.computation.ops import is_term
from pandas.core.construction import extract_array
from pandas.core.indexes.base import Index
from pandas.io.formats.printing import (
class PyTablesScope(_scope.Scope):
__slots__ = ("queryables",)
queryables: dict[str, Any]
def __init__(
level: int,
queryables: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
) -> None:
super().__init__(level + 1, global_dict=global_dict, local_dict=local_dict)
self.queryables = queryables or {}
class Term(ops.Term):
env: PyTablesScope
def __new__(cls, name, env, side=None, encoding=None):
if isinstance(name, str):
klass = cls
klass = Constant
return object.__new__(klass)
def __init__(self, name, env: PyTablesScope, side=None, encoding=None) -> None:
super().__init__(name, env, side=side, encoding=encoding)
def _resolve_name(self):
# must be a queryables
if self.side == "left":
# Note: The behavior of __new__ ensures that self.name is a str here
if self.name not in self.env.queryables:
raise NameError(f"name {repr(self.name)} is not defined")
return self.name
# resolve the rhs (and allow it to be None)
return self.env.resolve(self.name, is_local=False)
except UndefinedVariableError:
return self.name
# read-only property overwriting read/write property
@property # type: ignore[misc]
def value(self):
return self._value
class Constant(Term):
def __init__(self, value, env: PyTablesScope, side=None, encoding=None) -> None:
assert isinstance(env, PyTablesScope), type(env)
super().__init__(value, env, side=side, encoding=encoding)
def _resolve_name(self):
return self._name
class BinOp(ops.BinOp):
_max_selectors = 31
op: str
queryables: dict[str, Any]
condition: str | None
def __init__(self, op: str, lhs, rhs, queryables: dict[str, Any], encoding) -> None:
super().__init__(op, lhs, rhs)
self.queryables = queryables
self.encoding = encoding
self.condition = None
def _disallow_scalar_only_bool_ops(self) -> None:
def prune(self, klass):
def pr(left, right):
"""create and return a new specialized BinOp from myself"""
if left is None:
return right
elif right is None:
return left
k = klass
if isinstance(left, ConditionBinOp):
if isinstance(right, ConditionBinOp):
k = JointConditionBinOp
elif isinstance(left, k):
return left
elif isinstance(right, k):
return right
elif isinstance(left, FilterBinOp):
if isinstance(right, FilterBinOp):
k = JointFilterBinOp
elif isinstance(left, k):
return left
elif isinstance(right, k):
return right
return k(
self.op, left, right, queryables=self.queryables, encoding=self.encoding
left, right = self.lhs, self.rhs
if is_term(left) and is_term(right):
res = pr(left.value, right.value)
elif not is_term(left) and is_term(right):
res = pr(left.prune(klass), right.value)
elif is_term(left) and not is_term(right):
res = pr(left.value, right.prune(klass))
elif not (is_term(left) or is_term(right)):
res = pr(left.prune(klass), right.prune(klass))
return res
def conform(self, rhs):
"""inplace conform rhs"""
if not is_list_like(rhs):
rhs = [rhs]
if isinstance(rhs, np.ndarray):
rhs = rhs.ravel()
return rhs
def is_valid(self) -> bool:
"""return True if this is a valid field"""
return self.lhs in self.queryables
def is_in_table(self) -> bool:
return True if this is a valid column name for generation (e.g. an
actual column in the table)
return self.queryables.get(self.lhs) is not None
def kind(self):
"""the kind of my field"""
return getattr(self.queryables.get(self.lhs), "kind", None)
def meta(self):
"""the meta of my field"""
return getattr(self.queryables.get(self.lhs), "meta", None)
def metadata(self):
"""the metadata of my field"""
return getattr(self.queryables.get(self.lhs), "metadata", None)
def generate(self, v) -> str:
"""create and return the op string for this TermValue"""
val = v.tostring(self.encoding)
return f"({self.lhs} {self.op} {val})"
def convert_value(self, v) -> TermValue:
convert the expression that is in the term to something that is
accepted by pytables
def stringify(value):
if self.encoding is not None:
return pprint_thing_encoded(value, encoding=self.encoding)
return pprint_thing(value)
kind = ensure_decoded(self.kind)
meta = ensure_decoded(self.meta)
if kind in ("datetime64", "datetime"):
if isinstance(v, (int, float)):
v = stringify(v)
v = ensure_decoded(v)
v = Timestamp(v).as_unit("ns")
if v.tz is not None:
v = v.tz_convert("UTC")
return TermValue(v, v._value, kind)
elif kind in ("timedelta64", "timedelta"):
if isinstance(v, str):
v = Timedelta(v)
v = Timedelta(v, unit="s")
v = v.as_unit("ns")._value
return TermValue(int(v), v, kind)
elif meta == "category":
metadata = extract_array(self.metadata, extract_numpy=True)
result: npt.NDArray[np.intp] | np.intp | int
if v not in metadata:
result = -1
result = metadata.searchsorted(v, side="left")
return TermValue(result, result, "integer")
elif kind == "integer":
v = int(float(v))
return TermValue(v, v, kind)
elif kind == "float":
v = float(v)
return TermValue(v, v, kind)
elif kind == "bool":
if isinstance(v, str):
v = v.strip().lower() not in [
v = bool(v)
return TermValue(v, v, kind)
elif isinstance(v, str):
# string quoting
return TermValue(v, stringify(v), "string")
raise TypeError(f"Cannot compare {v} of type {type(v)} to {kind} column")
def convert_values(self) -> None:
class FilterBinOp(BinOp):
filter: tuple[Any, Any, Index] | None = None
def __repr__(self) -> str:
if self.filter is None:
return "Filter: Not Initialized"
return pprint_thing(f"[Filter : [{self.filter[0]}] -> [{self.filter[1]}]")
def invert(self):
"""invert the filter"""
if self.filter is not None:
self.filter = (
return self
def format(self):
"""return the actual filter format"""
return [self.filter]
def evaluate(self):
if not self.is_valid:
raise ValueError(f"query term is not valid [{self}]")
rhs = self.conform(self.rhs)
values = list(rhs)
if self.is_in_table:
# if too many values to create the expression, use a filter instead
if self.op in ["==", "!="] and len(values) > self._max_selectors:
filter_op = self.generate_filter_op()
self.filter = (self.lhs, filter_op, Index(values))
return self
return None
# equality conditions
if self.op in ["==", "!="]:
filter_op = self.generate_filter_op()
self.filter = (self.lhs, filter_op, Index(values))
raise TypeError(
f"passing a filterable condition to a non-table indexer [{self}]"
return self
def generate_filter_op(self, invert: bool = False):
if (self.op == "!=" and not invert) or (self.op == "==" and invert):
return lambda axis, vals: ~axis.isin(vals)
return lambda axis, vals: axis.isin(vals)
class JointFilterBinOp(FilterBinOp):
def format(self):
raise NotImplementedError("unable to collapse Joint Filters")
def evaluate(self):
return self
class ConditionBinOp(BinOp):
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return pprint_thing(f"[Condition : [{self.condition}]]")
def invert(self):
"""invert the condition"""
# if self.condition is not None:
# self.condition = "~(%s)" % self.condition
# return self
raise NotImplementedError(
"cannot use an invert condition when passing to numexpr"
def format(self):
"""return the actual ne format"""
return self.condition
def evaluate(self):
if not self.is_valid:
raise ValueError(f"query term is not valid [{self}]")
# convert values if we are in the table
if not self.is_in_table:
return None
rhs = self.conform(self.rhs)
values = [self.convert_value(v) for v in rhs]
# equality conditions
if self.op in ["==", "!="]:
# too many values to create the expression?
if len(values) <= self._max_selectors:
vs = [self.generate(v) for v in values]
self.condition = f"({' | '.join(vs)})"
# use a filter after reading
return None
self.condition = self.generate(values[0])
return self
class JointConditionBinOp(ConditionBinOp):
def evaluate(self):
self.condition = f"({self.lhs.condition} {self.op} {self.rhs.condition})"
return self
class UnaryOp(ops.UnaryOp):
def prune(self, klass):
if self.op != "~":
raise NotImplementedError("UnaryOp only support invert type ops")
operand = self.operand
operand = operand.prune(klass)
if operand is not None and (
issubclass(klass, ConditionBinOp)
and operand.condition is not None
or not issubclass(klass, ConditionBinOp)
and issubclass(klass, FilterBinOp)
and operand.filter is not None
return operand.invert()
return None
class PyTablesExprVisitor(BaseExprVisitor):
const_type = Constant
term_type = Term
def __init__(self, env, engine, parser, **kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__(env, engine, parser)
for bin_op in self.binary_ops:
bin_node = self.binary_op_nodes_map[bin_op]
lambda node, bin_op=bin_op: partial(BinOp, bin_op, **kwargs),
def visit_UnaryOp(self, node, **kwargs):
if isinstance(node.op, (ast.Not, ast.Invert)):
return UnaryOp("~", self.visit(node.operand))
elif isinstance(node.op, ast.USub):
return self.const_type(-self.visit(node.operand).value, self.env)
elif isinstance(node.op, ast.UAdd):
raise NotImplementedError("Unary addition not supported")
def visit_Index(self, node, **kwargs):
return self.visit(node.value).value
def visit_Assign(self, node, **kwargs):
cmpr = ast.Compare(
ops=[ast.Eq()], left=node.targets[0], comparators=[node.value]
return self.visit(cmpr)
def visit_Subscript(self, node, **kwargs):
# only allow simple subscripts
value = self.visit(node.value)
slobj = self.visit(node.slice)
value = value.value
except AttributeError:
if isinstance(slobj, Term):
# In py39 np.ndarray lookups with Term containing int raise
slobj = slobj.value
return self.const_type(value[slobj], self.env)
except TypeError as err:
raise ValueError(
f"cannot subscript {repr(value)} with {repr(slobj)}"
) from err
def visit_Attribute(self, node, **kwargs):
attr = node.attr
value = node.value
ctx = type(node.ctx)
if ctx == ast.Load:
# resolve the value
resolved = self.visit(value)
# try to get the value to see if we are another expression
resolved = resolved.value
except AttributeError:
return self.term_type(getattr(resolved, attr), self.env)
except AttributeError:
# something like datetime.datetime where scope is overridden
if isinstance(value, ast.Name) and value.id == attr:
return resolved
raise ValueError(f"Invalid Attribute context {ctx.__name__}")
def translate_In(self, op):
return ast.Eq() if isinstance(op, ast.In) else op
def _rewrite_membership_op(self, node, left, right):
return self.visit(node.op), node.op, left, right
def _validate_where(w):
Validate that the where statement is of the right type.
The type may either be String, Expr, or list-like of Exprs.
w : String term expression, Expr, or list-like of Exprs.
where : The original where clause if the check was successful.
TypeError : An invalid data type was passed in for w (e.g. dict).
if not (isinstance(w, (PyTablesExpr, str)) or is_list_like(w)):
raise TypeError(
"where must be passed as a string, PyTablesExpr, "
"or list-like of PyTablesExpr"
return w
class PyTablesExpr(expr.Expr):
Hold a pytables-like expression, comprised of possibly multiple 'terms'.
where : string term expression, PyTablesExpr, or list-like of PyTablesExprs
queryables : a "kinds" map (dict of column name -> kind), or None if column
is non-indexable
encoding : an encoding that will encode the query terms
a PyTablesExpr object
"columns=['A', 'D']"
'index>df.index[3] & string="bar"'
'(index>df.index[3] & index<=df.index[6]) | string="bar"'
_visitor: PyTablesExprVisitor | None
env: PyTablesScope
expr: str
def __init__(
queryables: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
scope_level: int = 0,
) -> None:
where = _validate_where(where)
self.encoding = encoding
self.condition = None
self.filter = None
self.terms = None
self._visitor = None
# capture the environment if needed
local_dict: _scope.DeepChainMap[Any, Any] | None = None
if isinstance(where, PyTablesExpr):
local_dict = where.env.scope
_where = where.expr
elif is_list_like(where):
where = list(where)
for idx, w in enumerate(where):
if isinstance(w, PyTablesExpr):
local_dict = w.env.scope
w = _validate_where(w)
where[idx] = w
_where = " & ".join([f"({w})" for w in com.flatten(where)])
# _validate_where ensures we otherwise have a string
_where = where
self.expr = _where
self.env = PyTablesScope(scope_level + 1, local_dict=local_dict)
if queryables is not None and isinstance(self.expr, str):
self._visitor = PyTablesExprVisitor(
self.terms = self.parse()
def __repr__(self) -> str:
if self.terms is not None:
return pprint_thing(self.terms)
return pprint_thing(self.expr)
def evaluate(self):
"""create and return the numexpr condition and filter"""
self.condition = self.terms.prune(ConditionBinOp)
except AttributeError as err:
raise ValueError(
f"cannot process expression [{self.expr}], [{self}] "
"is not a valid condition"
) from err
self.filter = self.terms.prune(FilterBinOp)
except AttributeError as err:
raise ValueError(
f"cannot process expression [{self.expr}], [{self}] "
"is not a valid filter"
) from err
return self.condition, self.filter
class TermValue:
"""hold a term value the we use to construct a condition/filter"""
def __init__(self, value, converted, kind: str) -> None:
assert isinstance(kind, str), kind
self.value = value
self.converted = converted
self.kind = kind
def tostring(self, encoding) -> str:
"""quote the string if not encoded else encode and return"""
if self.kind == "string":
if encoding is not None:
return str(self.converted)
return f'"{self.converted}"'
elif self.kind == "float":
# python 2 str(float) is not always
# round-trippable so use repr()
return repr(self.converted)
return str(self.converted)
def maybe_expression(s) -> bool:
"""loose checking if s is a pytables-acceptable expression"""
if not isinstance(s, str):
return False
operations = PyTablesExprVisitor.binary_ops + PyTablesExprVisitor.unary_ops + ("=",)
# make sure we have an op at least
return any(op in s for op in operations)