232 lines
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232 lines
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import collections
from functools import partial
import string
import numpy as np
import pytest
import pandas as pd
from pandas import Series
import pandas._testing as tm
from pandas.core import ops
import pandas.core.common as com
from pandas.util.version import Version
def test_get_callable_name():
getname = com.get_callable_name
def fn(x):
return x
lambda_ = lambda x: x
part1 = partial(fn)
part2 = partial(part1)
class somecall:
def __call__(self):
# This shouldn't actually get called below; somecall.__init__
# should.
raise NotImplementedError
assert getname(fn) == "fn"
assert getname(lambda_)
assert getname(part1) == "fn"
assert getname(part2) == "fn"
assert getname(somecall()) == "somecall"
assert getname(1) is None
def test_any_none():
assert com.any_none(1, 2, 3, None)
assert not com.any_none(1, 2, 3, 4)
def test_all_not_none():
assert com.all_not_none(1, 2, 3, 4)
assert not com.all_not_none(1, 2, 3, None)
assert not com.all_not_none(None, None, None, None)
def test_random_state():
import numpy.random as npr
# Check with seed
state = com.random_state(5)
assert state.uniform() == npr.RandomState(5).uniform()
# Check with random state object
state2 = npr.RandomState(10)
assert com.random_state(state2).uniform() == npr.RandomState(10).uniform()
# check with no arg random state
assert com.random_state() is np.random
# check array-like
# GH32503
state_arr_like = npr.randint(0, 2**31, size=624, dtype="uint32")
assert (
== npr.RandomState(state_arr_like).uniform()
# Check BitGenerators
# GH32503
assert (
== npr.RandomState(npr.MT19937(3)).uniform()
assert (
== npr.RandomState(npr.PCG64(11)).uniform()
# Error for floats or strings
msg = (
"random_state must be an integer, array-like, a BitGenerator, Generator, "
"a numpy RandomState, or None"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
"left, right, expected",
(Series([1], name="x"), Series([2], name="x"), "x"),
(Series([1], name="x"), Series([2], name="y"), None),
(Series([1]), Series([2], name="x"), None),
(Series([1], name="x"), Series([2]), None),
(Series([1], name="x"), [2], "x"),
([1], Series([2], name="y"), "y"),
# matching NAs
(Series([1], name=np.nan), pd.Index([], name=np.nan), np.nan),
(Series([1], name=np.nan), pd.Index([], name=pd.NaT), None),
(Series([1], name=pd.NA), pd.Index([], name=pd.NA), pd.NA),
# tuple name GH#39757
Series([1], name=np.int64(1)),
pd.Index([], name=(np.int64(1), np.int64(2))),
Series([1], name=(np.int64(1), np.int64(2))),
pd.Index([], name=(np.int64(1), np.int64(2))),
(np.int64(1), np.int64(2)),
Series([1], name=(np.float64("nan"), np.int64(2))),
pd.Index([], name=(np.float64("nan"), np.int64(2))),
(np.float64("nan"), np.int64(2)),
reason="Not checking for matching NAs inside tuples."
def test_maybe_match_name(left, right, expected):
res = ops.common._maybe_match_name(left, right)
assert res is expected or res == expected
def test_standardize_mapping():
# No uninitialized defaultdicts
msg = r"to_dict\(\) only accepts initialized defaultdicts"
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
# No non-mapping subtypes, instance
msg = "unsupported type: <class 'list'>"
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
# No non-mapping subtypes, class
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
fill = {"bad": "data"}
assert com.standardize_mapping(fill) == dict
# Convert instance to type
assert com.standardize_mapping({}) == dict
dd = collections.defaultdict(list)
assert isinstance(com.standardize_mapping(dd), partial)
def test_git_version():
# GH 21295
git_version = pd.__git_version__
assert len(git_version) == 40
assert all(c in string.hexdigits for c in git_version)
def test_version_tag():
version = Version(pd.__version__)
version > Version("0.0.1")
except TypeError:
raise ValueError(
"No git tags exist, please sync tags between upstream and your repo"
"obj", [(obj,) for obj in pd.__dict__.values() if callable(obj)]
def test_serializable(obj):
# GH 35611
unpickled = tm.round_trip_pickle(obj)
assert type(obj) == type(unpickled)
class TestIsBoolIndexer:
def test_non_bool_array_with_na(self):
# in particular, this should not raise
arr = np.array(["A", "B", np.nan], dtype=object)
assert not com.is_bool_indexer(arr)
def test_list_subclass(self):
# GH#42433
class MyList(list):
val = MyList(["a"])
assert not com.is_bool_indexer(val)
val = MyList([True])
assert com.is_bool_indexer(val)
def test_frozenlist(self):
# GH#42461
data = {"col1": [1, 2], "col2": [3, 4]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data=data)
frozen = df.index.names[1:]
assert not com.is_bool_indexer(frozen)
result = df[frozen]
expected = df[[]]
tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("with_exception", [True, False])
def test_temp_setattr(with_exception):
# GH#45954
ser = Series(dtype=object)
ser.name = "first"
# Raise a ValueError in either case to satisfy pytest.raises
match = "Inside exception raised" if with_exception else "Outside exception raised"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=match):
with com.temp_setattr(ser, "name", "second"):
assert ser.name == "second"
if with_exception:
raise ValueError("Inside exception raised")
raise ValueError("Outside exception raised")
assert ser.name == "first"