
31 lines
814 B

## Programowanie funkcyjne 2024/SL
By: Szymon Szczubkowski 473558 & Kacper Topolski 473613
The app requires cabal to run.
Its purpose is to generate a chart of yesterday, today and tomorrow's temperature.
The output should be present under ./plot/weather.svg
![temperature chart](./plot/weather.svg)
### Run via:
`cabal run`
to get the needed dependencies.
### Dependencies
This project makes use of the following dependencies (specified in `profun.cabal`):
* http-client (for API requests)
* http-client-tls (for API requests)
* http-conduit (for API requests)
* aeson (JSON parsing)
* Chart (for generating plot)
* Chart-diagrams (for generating plot)
* bytestring (for ByteString type)
* utf8-string (for conversion from String to ByteString)
* time (for getting date)
* process (for opening svg file)