feature: added dataset

This commit is contained in:
Ulad 2023-06-15 20:22:20 +02:00
parent ccf7d13b12
commit 7eaf166f2a
6155 changed files with 40433 additions and 5138 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
# The Python Imaging Library
# $Id$
# bitmap distribution font (bdf) file parser
# history:
# 1996-05-16 fl created (as bdf2pil)
# 1997-08-25 fl converted to FontFile driver
# 2001-05-25 fl removed bogus __init__ call
# 2002-11-20 fl robustification (from Kevin Cazabon, Dmitry Vasiliev)
# 2003-04-22 fl more robustification (from Graham Dumpleton)
# Copyright (c) 1997-2003 by Secret Labs AB.
# Copyright (c) 1997-2003 by Fredrik Lundh.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
Parse X Bitmap Distribution Format (BDF)
from . import FontFile, Image
bdf_slant = {
"R": "Roman",
"I": "Italic",
"O": "Oblique",
"RI": "Reverse Italic",
"RO": "Reverse Oblique",
"OT": "Other",
bdf_spacing = {"P": "Proportional", "M": "Monospaced", "C": "Cell"}
def bdf_char(f):
# skip to STARTCHAR
while True:
s = f.readline()
if not s:
return None
if s[:9] == b"STARTCHAR":
id = s[9:].strip().decode("ascii")
# load symbol properties
props = {}
while True:
s = f.readline()
if not s or s[:6] == b"BITMAP":
i = s.find(b" ")
props[s[:i].decode("ascii")] = s[i + 1 : -1].decode("ascii")
# load bitmap
bitmap = []
while True:
s = f.readline()
if not s or s[:7] == b"ENDCHAR":
bitmap = b"".join(bitmap)
# The word BBX
# followed by the width in x (BBw), height in y (BBh),
# and x and y displacement (BBxoff0, BByoff0)
# of the lower left corner from the origin of the character.
width, height, x_disp, y_disp = [int(p) for p in props["BBX"].split()]
# The word DWIDTH
# followed by the width in x and y of the character in device pixels.
dwx, dwy = [int(p) for p in props["DWIDTH"].split()]
bbox = (
(dwx, dwy),
(x_disp, -y_disp - height, width + x_disp, -y_disp),
(0, 0, width, height),
im = Image.frombytes("1", (width, height), bitmap, "hex", "1")
except ValueError:
# deal with zero-width characters
im = Image.new("1", (width, height))
return id, int(props["ENCODING"]), bbox, im
class BdfFontFile(FontFile.FontFile):
"""Font file plugin for the X11 BDF format."""
def __init__(self, fp):
s = fp.readline()
if s[:13] != b"STARTFONT 2.1":
msg = "not a valid BDF file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
props = {}
comments = []
while True:
s = fp.readline()
if not s or s[:13] == b"ENDPROPERTIES":
i = s.find(b" ")
props[s[:i].decode("ascii")] = s[i + 1 : -1].decode("ascii")
if s[:i] in [b"COMMENT", b"COPYRIGHT"]:
if s.find(b"LogicalFontDescription") < 0:
comments.append(s[i + 1 : -1].decode("ascii"))
while True:
c = bdf_char(fp)
if not c:
id, ch, (xy, dst, src), im = c
if 0 <= ch < len(self.glyph):
self.glyph[ch] = xy, dst, src, im

View File

@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
Blizzard Mipmap Format (.blp)
Jerome Leclanche <jerome@leclan.ch>
The contents of this file are hereby released in the public domain (CC0)
Full text of the CC0 license:
BLP1 files, used mostly in Warcraft III, are not fully supported.
All types of BLP2 files used in World of Warcraft are supported.
The BLP file structure consists of a header, up to 16 mipmaps of the
Texture sizes must be powers of two, though the two dimensions do
not have to be equal; 512x256 is valid, but 512x200 is not.
The first mipmap (mipmap #0) is the full size image; each subsequent
mipmap halves both dimensions. The final mipmap should be 1x1.
BLP files come in many different flavours:
* JPEG-compressed (type == 0) - only supported for BLP1.
* RAW images (type == 1, encoding == 1). Each mipmap is stored as an
array of 8-bit values, one per pixel, left to right, top to bottom.
Each value is an index to the palette.
* DXT-compressed (type == 1, encoding == 2):
- DXT1 compression is used if alpha_encoding == 0.
- An additional alpha bit is used if alpha_depth == 1.
- DXT3 compression is used if alpha_encoding == 1.
- DXT5 compression is used if alpha_encoding == 7.
import os
import struct
from enum import IntEnum
from io import BytesIO
from . import Image, ImageFile
from ._deprecate import deprecate
class Format(IntEnum):
JPEG = 0
class Encoding(IntEnum):
DXT = 2
class AlphaEncoding(IntEnum):
DXT1 = 0
DXT3 = 1
DXT5 = 7
def __getattr__(name):
for enum, prefix in {
Format: "BLP_FORMAT_",
Encoding: "BLP_ENCODING_",
AlphaEncoding: "BLP_ALPHA_ENCODING_",
if name.startswith(prefix):
name = name[len(prefix) :]
if name in enum.__members__:
deprecate(f"{prefix}{name}", 10, f"{enum.__name__}.{name}")
return enum[name]
msg = f"module '{__name__}' has no attribute '{name}'"
raise AttributeError(msg)
def unpack_565(i):
return ((i >> 11) & 0x1F) << 3, ((i >> 5) & 0x3F) << 2, (i & 0x1F) << 3
def decode_dxt1(data, alpha=False):
input: one "row" of data (i.e. will produce 4*width pixels)
blocks = len(data) // 8 # number of blocks in row
ret = (bytearray(), bytearray(), bytearray(), bytearray())
for block in range(blocks):
# Decode next 8-byte block.
idx = block * 8
color0, color1, bits = struct.unpack_from("<HHI", data, idx)
r0, g0, b0 = unpack_565(color0)
r1, g1, b1 = unpack_565(color1)
# Decode this block into 4x4 pixels
# Accumulate the results onto our 4 row accumulators
for j in range(4):
for i in range(4):
# get next control op and generate a pixel
control = bits & 3
bits = bits >> 2
a = 0xFF
if control == 0:
r, g, b = r0, g0, b0
elif control == 1:
r, g, b = r1, g1, b1
elif control == 2:
if color0 > color1:
r = (2 * r0 + r1) // 3
g = (2 * g0 + g1) // 3
b = (2 * b0 + b1) // 3
r = (r0 + r1) // 2
g = (g0 + g1) // 2
b = (b0 + b1) // 2
elif control == 3:
if color0 > color1:
r = (2 * r1 + r0) // 3
g = (2 * g1 + g0) // 3
b = (2 * b1 + b0) // 3
r, g, b, a = 0, 0, 0, 0
if alpha:
ret[j].extend([r, g, b, a])
ret[j].extend([r, g, b])
return ret
def decode_dxt3(data):
input: one "row" of data (i.e. will produce 4*width pixels)
blocks = len(data) // 16 # number of blocks in row
ret = (bytearray(), bytearray(), bytearray(), bytearray())
for block in range(blocks):
idx = block * 16
block = data[idx : idx + 16]
# Decode next 16-byte block.
bits = struct.unpack_from("<8B", block)
color0, color1 = struct.unpack_from("<HH", block, 8)
(code,) = struct.unpack_from("<I", block, 12)
r0, g0, b0 = unpack_565(color0)
r1, g1, b1 = unpack_565(color1)
for j in range(4):
high = False # Do we want the higher bits?
for i in range(4):
alphacode_index = (4 * j + i) // 2
a = bits[alphacode_index]
if high:
high = False
a >>= 4
high = True
a &= 0xF
a *= 17 # We get a value between 0 and 15
color_code = (code >> 2 * (4 * j + i)) & 0x03
if color_code == 0:
r, g, b = r0, g0, b0
elif color_code == 1:
r, g, b = r1, g1, b1
elif color_code == 2:
r = (2 * r0 + r1) // 3
g = (2 * g0 + g1) // 3
b = (2 * b0 + b1) // 3
elif color_code == 3:
r = (2 * r1 + r0) // 3
g = (2 * g1 + g0) // 3
b = (2 * b1 + b0) // 3
ret[j].extend([r, g, b, a])
return ret
def decode_dxt5(data):
input: one "row" of data (i.e. will produce 4 * width pixels)
blocks = len(data) // 16 # number of blocks in row
ret = (bytearray(), bytearray(), bytearray(), bytearray())
for block in range(blocks):
idx = block * 16
block = data[idx : idx + 16]
# Decode next 16-byte block.
a0, a1 = struct.unpack_from("<BB", block)
bits = struct.unpack_from("<6B", block, 2)
alphacode1 = bits[2] | (bits[3] << 8) | (bits[4] << 16) | (bits[5] << 24)
alphacode2 = bits[0] | (bits[1] << 8)
color0, color1 = struct.unpack_from("<HH", block, 8)
(code,) = struct.unpack_from("<I", block, 12)
r0, g0, b0 = unpack_565(color0)
r1, g1, b1 = unpack_565(color1)
for j in range(4):
for i in range(4):
# get next control op and generate a pixel
alphacode_index = 3 * (4 * j + i)
if alphacode_index <= 12:
alphacode = (alphacode2 >> alphacode_index) & 0x07
elif alphacode_index == 15:
alphacode = (alphacode2 >> 15) | ((alphacode1 << 1) & 0x06)
else: # alphacode_index >= 18 and alphacode_index <= 45
alphacode = (alphacode1 >> (alphacode_index - 16)) & 0x07
if alphacode == 0:
a = a0
elif alphacode == 1:
a = a1
elif a0 > a1:
a = ((8 - alphacode) * a0 + (alphacode - 1) * a1) // 7
elif alphacode == 6:
a = 0
elif alphacode == 7:
a = 255
a = ((6 - alphacode) * a0 + (alphacode - 1) * a1) // 5
color_code = (code >> 2 * (4 * j + i)) & 0x03
if color_code == 0:
r, g, b = r0, g0, b0
elif color_code == 1:
r, g, b = r1, g1, b1
elif color_code == 2:
r = (2 * r0 + r1) // 3
g = (2 * g0 + g1) // 3
b = (2 * b0 + b1) // 3
elif color_code == 3:
r = (2 * r1 + r0) // 3
g = (2 * g1 + g0) // 3
b = (2 * b1 + b0) // 3
ret[j].extend([r, g, b, a])
return ret
class BLPFormatError(NotImplementedError):
def _accept(prefix):
return prefix[:4] in (b"BLP1", b"BLP2")
class BlpImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile):
Blizzard Mipmap Format
format = "BLP"
format_description = "Blizzard Mipmap Format"
def _open(self):
self.magic = self.fp.read(4)
self.fp.seek(5, os.SEEK_CUR)
(self._blp_alpha_depth,) = struct.unpack("<b", self.fp.read(1))
self.fp.seek(2, os.SEEK_CUR)
self._size = struct.unpack("<II", self.fp.read(8))
if self.magic in (b"BLP1", b"BLP2"):
decoder = self.magic.decode()
msg = f"Bad BLP magic {repr(self.magic)}"
raise BLPFormatError(msg)
self.mode = "RGBA" if self._blp_alpha_depth else "RGB"
self.tile = [(decoder, (0, 0) + self.size, 0, (self.mode, 0, 1))]
class _BLPBaseDecoder(ImageFile.PyDecoder):
_pulls_fd = True
def decode(self, buffer):
except struct.error as e:
msg = "Truncated BLP file"
raise OSError(msg) from e
return -1, 0
def _read_blp_header(self):
(self._blp_compression,) = struct.unpack("<i", self._safe_read(4))
(self._blp_encoding,) = struct.unpack("<b", self._safe_read(1))
(self._blp_alpha_depth,) = struct.unpack("<b", self._safe_read(1))
(self._blp_alpha_encoding,) = struct.unpack("<b", self._safe_read(1))
self.fd.seek(1, os.SEEK_CUR) # mips
self.size = struct.unpack("<II", self._safe_read(8))
if isinstance(self, BLP1Decoder):
# Only present for BLP1
(self._blp_encoding,) = struct.unpack("<i", self._safe_read(4))
self.fd.seek(4, os.SEEK_CUR) # subtype
self._blp_offsets = struct.unpack("<16I", self._safe_read(16 * 4))
self._blp_lengths = struct.unpack("<16I", self._safe_read(16 * 4))
def _safe_read(self, length):
return ImageFile._safe_read(self.fd, length)
def _read_palette(self):
ret = []
for i in range(256):
b, g, r, a = struct.unpack("<4B", self._safe_read(4))
except struct.error:
ret.append((b, g, r, a))
return ret
def _read_bgra(self, palette):
data = bytearray()
_data = BytesIO(self._safe_read(self._blp_lengths[0]))
while True:
(offset,) = struct.unpack("<B", _data.read(1))
except struct.error:
b, g, r, a = palette[offset]
d = (r, g, b)
if self._blp_alpha_depth:
d += (a,)
return data
class BLP1Decoder(_BLPBaseDecoder):
def _load(self):
if self._blp_compression == Format.JPEG:
elif self._blp_compression == 1:
if self._blp_encoding in (4, 5):
palette = self._read_palette()
data = self._read_bgra(palette)
msg = f"Unsupported BLP encoding {repr(self._blp_encoding)}"
raise BLPFormatError(msg)
msg = f"Unsupported BLP compression {repr(self._blp_encoding)}"
raise BLPFormatError(msg)
def _decode_jpeg_stream(self):
from .JpegImagePlugin import JpegImageFile
(jpeg_header_size,) = struct.unpack("<I", self._safe_read(4))
jpeg_header = self._safe_read(jpeg_header_size)
self._safe_read(self._blp_offsets[0] - self.fd.tell()) # What IS this?
data = self._safe_read(self._blp_lengths[0])
data = jpeg_header + data
data = BytesIO(data)
image = JpegImageFile(data)
if image.mode == "CMYK":
decoder_name, extents, offset, args = image.tile[0]
image.tile = [(decoder_name, extents, offset, (args[0], "CMYK"))]
r, g, b = image.convert("RGB").split()
image = Image.merge("RGB", (b, g, r))
class BLP2Decoder(_BLPBaseDecoder):
def _load(self):
palette = self._read_palette()
if self._blp_compression == 1:
# Uncompressed or DirectX compression
if self._blp_encoding == Encoding.UNCOMPRESSED:
data = self._read_bgra(palette)
elif self._blp_encoding == Encoding.DXT:
data = bytearray()
if self._blp_alpha_encoding == AlphaEncoding.DXT1:
linesize = (self.size[0] + 3) // 4 * 8
for yb in range((self.size[1] + 3) // 4):
for d in decode_dxt1(
self._safe_read(linesize), alpha=bool(self._blp_alpha_depth)
data += d
elif self._blp_alpha_encoding == AlphaEncoding.DXT3:
linesize = (self.size[0] + 3) // 4 * 16
for yb in range((self.size[1] + 3) // 4):
for d in decode_dxt3(self._safe_read(linesize)):
data += d
elif self._blp_alpha_encoding == AlphaEncoding.DXT5:
linesize = (self.size[0] + 3) // 4 * 16
for yb in range((self.size[1] + 3) // 4):
for d in decode_dxt5(self._safe_read(linesize)):
data += d
msg = f"Unsupported alpha encoding {repr(self._blp_alpha_encoding)}"
raise BLPFormatError(msg)
msg = f"Unknown BLP encoding {repr(self._blp_encoding)}"
raise BLPFormatError(msg)
msg = f"Unknown BLP compression {repr(self._blp_compression)}"
raise BLPFormatError(msg)
class BLPEncoder(ImageFile.PyEncoder):
_pushes_fd = True
def _write_palette(self):
data = b""
palette = self.im.getpalette("RGBA", "RGBA")
for i in range(256):
r, g, b, a = palette[i * 4 : (i + 1) * 4]
data += struct.pack("<4B", b, g, r, a)
return data
def encode(self, bufsize):
palette_data = self._write_palette()
offset = 20 + 16 * 4 * 2 + len(palette_data)
data = struct.pack("<16I", offset, *((0,) * 15))
w, h = self.im.size
data += struct.pack("<16I", w * h, *((0,) * 15))
data += palette_data
for y in range(h):
for x in range(w):
data += struct.pack("<B", self.im.getpixel((x, y)))
return len(data), 0, data
def _save(im, fp, filename, save_all=False):
if im.mode != "P":
msg = "Unsupported BLP image mode"
raise ValueError(msg)
magic = b"BLP1" if im.encoderinfo.get("blp_version") == "BLP1" else b"BLP2"
fp.write(struct.pack("<i", 1)) # Uncompressed or DirectX compression
fp.write(struct.pack("<b", Encoding.UNCOMPRESSED))
fp.write(struct.pack("<b", 1 if im.palette.mode == "RGBA" else 0))
fp.write(struct.pack("<b", 0)) # alpha encoding
fp.write(struct.pack("<b", 0)) # mips
fp.write(struct.pack("<II", *im.size))
if magic == b"BLP1":
fp.write(struct.pack("<i", 5))
fp.write(struct.pack("<i", 0))
ImageFile._save(im, fp, [("BLP", (0, 0) + im.size, 0, im.mode)])
Image.register_open(BlpImageFile.format, BlpImageFile, _accept)
Image.register_extension(BlpImageFile.format, ".blp")
Image.register_decoder("BLP1", BLP1Decoder)
Image.register_decoder("BLP2", BLP2Decoder)
Image.register_save(BlpImageFile.format, _save)
Image.register_encoder("BLP", BLPEncoder)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# BMP file handler
# Windows (and OS/2) native bitmap storage format.
# history:
# 1995-09-01 fl Created
# 1996-04-30 fl Added save
# 1997-08-27 fl Fixed save of 1-bit images
# 1998-03-06 fl Load P images as L where possible
# 1998-07-03 fl Load P images as 1 where possible
# 1998-12-29 fl Handle small palettes
# 2002-12-30 fl Fixed load of 1-bit palette images
# 2003-04-21 fl Fixed load of 1-bit monochrome images
# 2003-04-23 fl Added limited support for BI_BITFIELDS compression
# Copyright (c) 1997-2003 by Secret Labs AB
# Copyright (c) 1995-2003 by Fredrik Lundh
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
import os
from . import Image, ImageFile, ImagePalette
from ._binary import i16le as i16
from ._binary import i32le as i32
from ._binary import o8
from ._binary import o16le as o16
from ._binary import o32le as o32
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Read BMP file
# bits => mode, rawmode
1: ("P", "P;1"),
4: ("P", "P;4"),
8: ("P", "P"),
16: ("RGB", "BGR;15"),
24: ("RGB", "BGR"),
32: ("RGB", "BGRX"),
def _accept(prefix):
return prefix[:2] == b"BM"
def _dib_accept(prefix):
return i32(prefix) in [12, 40, 64, 108, 124]
# =============================================================================
# Image plugin for the Windows BMP format.
# =============================================================================
class BmpImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile):
"""Image plugin for the Windows Bitmap format (BMP)"""
# ------------------------------------------------------------- Description
format_description = "Windows Bitmap"
format = "BMP"
# -------------------------------------------------- BMP Compression values
COMPRESSIONS = {"RAW": 0, "RLE8": 1, "RLE4": 2, "BITFIELDS": 3, "JPEG": 4, "PNG": 5}
for k, v in COMPRESSIONS.items():
vars()[k] = v
def _bitmap(self, header=0, offset=0):
"""Read relevant info about the BMP"""
read, seek = self.fp.read, self.fp.seek
if header:
# read bmp header size @offset 14 (this is part of the header size)
file_info = {"header_size": i32(read(4)), "direction": -1}
# -------------------- If requested, read header at a specific position
# read the rest of the bmp header, without its size
header_data = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, file_info["header_size"] - 4)
# -------------------------------------------------- IBM OS/2 Bitmap v1
# ----- This format has different offsets because of width/height types
if file_info["header_size"] == 12:
file_info["width"] = i16(header_data, 0)
file_info["height"] = i16(header_data, 2)
file_info["planes"] = i16(header_data, 4)
file_info["bits"] = i16(header_data, 6)
file_info["compression"] = self.RAW
file_info["palette_padding"] = 3
# --------------------------------------------- Windows Bitmap v2 to v5
# v3, OS/2 v2, v4, v5
elif file_info["header_size"] in (40, 64, 108, 124):
file_info["y_flip"] = header_data[7] == 0xFF
file_info["direction"] = 1 if file_info["y_flip"] else -1
file_info["width"] = i32(header_data, 0)
file_info["height"] = (
i32(header_data, 4)
if not file_info["y_flip"]
else 2**32 - i32(header_data, 4)
file_info["planes"] = i16(header_data, 8)
file_info["bits"] = i16(header_data, 10)
file_info["compression"] = i32(header_data, 12)
# byte size of pixel data
file_info["data_size"] = i32(header_data, 16)
file_info["pixels_per_meter"] = (
i32(header_data, 20),
i32(header_data, 24),
file_info["colors"] = i32(header_data, 28)
file_info["palette_padding"] = 4
self.info["dpi"] = tuple(x / 39.3701 for x in file_info["pixels_per_meter"])
if file_info["compression"] == self.BITFIELDS:
if len(header_data) >= 52:
for idx, mask in enumerate(
["r_mask", "g_mask", "b_mask", "a_mask"]
file_info[mask] = i32(header_data, 36 + idx * 4)
# 40 byte headers only have the three components in the
# bitfields masks, ref:
# https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd183376(v=vs.85).aspx
# See also
# https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow/issues/1293
# There is a 4th component in the RGBQuad, in the alpha
# location, but it is listed as a reserved component,
# and it is not generally an alpha channel
file_info["a_mask"] = 0x0
for mask in ["r_mask", "g_mask", "b_mask"]:
file_info[mask] = i32(read(4))
file_info["rgb_mask"] = (
file_info["rgba_mask"] = (
msg = f"Unsupported BMP header type ({file_info['header_size']})"
raise OSError(msg)
# ------------------ Special case : header is reported 40, which
# ---------------------- is shorter than real size for bpp >= 16
self._size = file_info["width"], file_info["height"]
# ------- If color count was not found in the header, compute from bits
file_info["colors"] = (
if file_info.get("colors", 0)
else (1 << file_info["bits"])
if offset == 14 + file_info["header_size"] and file_info["bits"] <= 8:
offset += 4 * file_info["colors"]
# ---------------------- Check bit depth for unusual unsupported values
self.mode, raw_mode = BIT2MODE.get(file_info["bits"], (None, None))
if self.mode is None:
msg = f"Unsupported BMP pixel depth ({file_info['bits']})"
raise OSError(msg)
# ---------------- Process BMP with Bitfields compression (not palette)
decoder_name = "raw"
if file_info["compression"] == self.BITFIELDS:
32: [
(0xFF0000, 0xFF00, 0xFF, 0x0),
(0xFF000000, 0xFF0000, 0xFF00, 0x0),
(0xFF000000, 0xFF0000, 0xFF00, 0xFF),
(0xFF, 0xFF00, 0xFF0000, 0xFF000000),
(0xFF0000, 0xFF00, 0xFF, 0xFF000000),
(0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0),
24: [(0xFF0000, 0xFF00, 0xFF)],
16: [(0xF800, 0x7E0, 0x1F), (0x7C00, 0x3E0, 0x1F)],
(32, (0xFF0000, 0xFF00, 0xFF, 0x0)): "BGRX",
(32, (0xFF000000, 0xFF0000, 0xFF00, 0x0)): "XBGR",
(32, (0xFF000000, 0xFF0000, 0xFF00, 0xFF)): "ABGR",
(32, (0xFF, 0xFF00, 0xFF0000, 0xFF000000)): "RGBA",
(32, (0xFF0000, 0xFF00, 0xFF, 0xFF000000)): "BGRA",
(32, (0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)): "BGRA",
(24, (0xFF0000, 0xFF00, 0xFF)): "BGR",
(16, (0xF800, 0x7E0, 0x1F)): "BGR;16",
(16, (0x7C00, 0x3E0, 0x1F)): "BGR;15",
if file_info["bits"] in SUPPORTED:
if (
file_info["bits"] == 32
and file_info["rgba_mask"] in SUPPORTED[file_info["bits"]]
raw_mode = MASK_MODES[(file_info["bits"], file_info["rgba_mask"])]
self.mode = "RGBA" if "A" in raw_mode else self.mode
elif (
file_info["bits"] in (24, 16)
and file_info["rgb_mask"] in SUPPORTED[file_info["bits"]]
raw_mode = MASK_MODES[(file_info["bits"], file_info["rgb_mask"])]
msg = "Unsupported BMP bitfields layout"
raise OSError(msg)
msg = "Unsupported BMP bitfields layout"
raise OSError(msg)
elif file_info["compression"] == self.RAW:
if file_info["bits"] == 32 and header == 22: # 32-bit .cur offset
raw_mode, self.mode = "BGRA", "RGBA"
elif file_info["compression"] in (self.RLE8, self.RLE4):
decoder_name = "bmp_rle"
msg = f"Unsupported BMP compression ({file_info['compression']})"
raise OSError(msg)
# --------------- Once the header is processed, process the palette/LUT
if self.mode == "P": # Paletted for 1, 4 and 8 bit images
# ---------------------------------------------------- 1-bit images
if not (0 < file_info["colors"] <= 65536):
msg = f"Unsupported BMP Palette size ({file_info['colors']})"
raise OSError(msg)
padding = file_info["palette_padding"]
palette = read(padding * file_info["colors"])
greyscale = True
indices = (
(0, 255)
if file_info["colors"] == 2
else list(range(file_info["colors"]))
# ----------------- Check if greyscale and ignore palette if so
for ind, val in enumerate(indices):
rgb = palette[ind * padding : ind * padding + 3]
if rgb != o8(val) * 3:
greyscale = False
# ------- If all colors are grey, white or black, ditch palette
if greyscale:
self.mode = "1" if file_info["colors"] == 2 else "L"
raw_mode = self.mode
self.mode = "P"
self.palette = ImagePalette.raw(
"BGRX" if padding == 4 else "BGR", palette
# ---------------------------- Finally set the tile data for the plugin
self.info["compression"] = file_info["compression"]
args = [raw_mode]
if decoder_name == "bmp_rle":
args.append(file_info["compression"] == self.RLE4)
args.append(((file_info["width"] * file_info["bits"] + 31) >> 3) & (~3))
self.tile = [
(0, 0, file_info["width"], file_info["height"]),
offset or self.fp.tell(),
def _open(self):
"""Open file, check magic number and read header"""
# read 14 bytes: magic number, filesize, reserved, header final offset
head_data = self.fp.read(14)
# choke if the file does not have the required magic bytes
if not _accept(head_data):
msg = "Not a BMP file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
# read the start position of the BMP image data (u32)
offset = i32(head_data, 10)
# load bitmap information (offset=raster info)
class BmpRleDecoder(ImageFile.PyDecoder):
_pulls_fd = True
def decode(self, buffer):
rle4 = self.args[1]
data = bytearray()
x = 0
while len(data) < self.state.xsize * self.state.ysize:
pixels = self.fd.read(1)
byte = self.fd.read(1)
if not pixels or not byte:
num_pixels = pixels[0]
if num_pixels:
# encoded mode
if x + num_pixels > self.state.xsize:
# Too much data for row
num_pixels = max(0, self.state.xsize - x)
if rle4:
first_pixel = o8(byte[0] >> 4)
second_pixel = o8(byte[0] & 0x0F)
for index in range(num_pixels):
if index % 2 == 0:
data += first_pixel
data += second_pixel
data += byte * num_pixels
x += num_pixels
if byte[0] == 0:
# end of line
while len(data) % self.state.xsize != 0:
data += b"\x00"
x = 0
elif byte[0] == 1:
# end of bitmap
elif byte[0] == 2:
# delta
bytes_read = self.fd.read(2)
if len(bytes_read) < 2:
right, up = self.fd.read(2)
data += b"\x00" * (right + up * self.state.xsize)
x = len(data) % self.state.xsize
# absolute mode
if rle4:
# 2 pixels per byte
byte_count = byte[0] // 2
bytes_read = self.fd.read(byte_count)
for byte_read in bytes_read:
data += o8(byte_read >> 4)
data += o8(byte_read & 0x0F)
byte_count = byte[0]
bytes_read = self.fd.read(byte_count)
data += bytes_read
if len(bytes_read) < byte_count:
x += byte[0]
# align to 16-bit word boundary
if self.fd.tell() % 2 != 0:
self.fd.seek(1, os.SEEK_CUR)
rawmode = "L" if self.mode == "L" else "P"
self.set_as_raw(bytes(data), (rawmode, 0, self.args[-1]))
return -1, 0
# =============================================================================
# Image plugin for the DIB format (BMP alias)
# =============================================================================
class DibImageFile(BmpImageFile):
format = "DIB"
format_description = "Windows Bitmap"
def _open(self):
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Write BMP file
SAVE = {
"1": ("1", 1, 2),
"L": ("L", 8, 256),
"P": ("P", 8, 256),
"RGB": ("BGR", 24, 0),
"RGBA": ("BGRA", 32, 0),
def _dib_save(im, fp, filename):
_save(im, fp, filename, False)
def _save(im, fp, filename, bitmap_header=True):
rawmode, bits, colors = SAVE[im.mode]
except KeyError as e:
msg = f"cannot write mode {im.mode} as BMP"
raise OSError(msg) from e
info = im.encoderinfo
dpi = info.get("dpi", (96, 96))
# 1 meter == 39.3701 inches
ppm = tuple(map(lambda x: int(x * 39.3701 + 0.5), dpi))
stride = ((im.size[0] * bits + 7) // 8 + 3) & (~3)
header = 40 # or 64 for OS/2 version 2
image = stride * im.size[1]
if im.mode == "1":
palette = b"".join(o8(i) * 4 for i in (0, 255))
elif im.mode == "L":
palette = b"".join(o8(i) * 4 for i in range(256))
elif im.mode == "P":
palette = im.im.getpalette("RGB", "BGRX")
colors = len(palette) // 4
palette = None
# bitmap header
if bitmap_header:
offset = 14 + header + colors * 4
file_size = offset + image
if file_size > 2**32 - 1:
msg = "File size is too large for the BMP format"
raise ValueError(msg)
b"BM" # file type (magic)
+ o32(file_size) # file size
+ o32(0) # reserved
+ o32(offset) # image data offset
# bitmap info header
o32(header) # info header size
+ o32(im.size[0]) # width
+ o32(im.size[1]) # height
+ o16(1) # planes
+ o16(bits) # depth
+ o32(0) # compression (0=uncompressed)
+ o32(image) # size of bitmap
+ o32(ppm[0]) # resolution
+ o32(ppm[1]) # resolution
+ o32(colors) # colors used
+ o32(colors) # colors important
fp.write(b"\0" * (header - 40)) # padding (for OS/2 format)
if palette:
ImageFile._save(im, fp, [("raw", (0, 0) + im.size, 0, (rawmode, stride, -1))])
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Registry
Image.register_open(BmpImageFile.format, BmpImageFile, _accept)
Image.register_save(BmpImageFile.format, _save)
Image.register_extension(BmpImageFile.format, ".bmp")
Image.register_mime(BmpImageFile.format, "image/bmp")
Image.register_decoder("bmp_rle", BmpRleDecoder)
Image.register_open(DibImageFile.format, DibImageFile, _dib_accept)
Image.register_save(DibImageFile.format, _dib_save)
Image.register_extension(DibImageFile.format, ".dib")
Image.register_mime(DibImageFile.format, "image/bmp")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
# The Python Imaging Library
# $Id$
# BUFR stub adapter
# Copyright (c) 1996-2003 by Fredrik Lundh
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
from . import Image, ImageFile
_handler = None
def register_handler(handler):
Install application-specific BUFR image handler.
:param handler: Handler object.
global _handler
_handler = handler
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Image adapter
def _accept(prefix):
return prefix[:4] == b"BUFR" or prefix[:4] == b"ZCZC"
class BufrStubImageFile(ImageFile.StubImageFile):
format = "BUFR"
format_description = "BUFR"
def _open(self):
offset = self.fp.tell()
if not _accept(self.fp.read(4)):
msg = "Not a BUFR file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
# make something up
self.mode = "F"
self._size = 1, 1
loader = self._load()
if loader:
def _load(self):
return _handler
def _save(im, fp, filename):
if _handler is None or not hasattr(_handler, "save"):
msg = "BUFR save handler not installed"
raise OSError(msg)
_handler.save(im, fp, filename)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Registry
Image.register_open(BufrStubImageFile.format, BufrStubImageFile, _accept)
Image.register_save(BufrStubImageFile.format, _save)
Image.register_extension(BufrStubImageFile.format, ".bufr")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# a class to read from a container file
# History:
# 1995-06-18 fl Created
# 1995-09-07 fl Added readline(), readlines()
# Copyright (c) 1997-2001 by Secret Labs AB
# Copyright (c) 1995 by Fredrik Lundh
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
import io
class ContainerIO:
A file object that provides read access to a part of an existing
file (for example a TAR file).
def __init__(self, file, offset, length):
Create file object.
:param file: Existing file.
:param offset: Start of region, in bytes.
:param length: Size of region, in bytes.
self.fh = file
self.pos = 0
self.offset = offset
self.length = length
# Always false.
def isatty(self):
return False
def seek(self, offset, mode=io.SEEK_SET):
Move file pointer.
:param offset: Offset in bytes.
:param mode: Starting position. Use 0 for beginning of region, 1
for current offset, and 2 for end of region. You cannot move
the pointer outside the defined region.
if mode == 1:
self.pos = self.pos + offset
elif mode == 2:
self.pos = self.length + offset
self.pos = offset
# clamp
self.pos = max(0, min(self.pos, self.length))
self.fh.seek(self.offset + self.pos)
def tell(self):
Get current file pointer.
:returns: Offset from start of region, in bytes.
return self.pos
def read(self, n=0):
Read data.
:param n: Number of bytes to read. If omitted or zero,
read until end of region.
:returns: An 8-bit string.
if n:
n = min(n, self.length - self.pos)
n = self.length - self.pos
if not n: # EOF
return b"" if "b" in self.fh.mode else ""
self.pos = self.pos + n
return self.fh.read(n)
def readline(self):
Read a line of text.
:returns: An 8-bit string.
s = b"" if "b" in self.fh.mode else ""
newline_character = b"\n" if "b" in self.fh.mode else "\n"
while True:
c = self.read(1)
if not c:
s = s + c
if c == newline_character:
return s
def readlines(self):
Read multiple lines of text.
:returns: A list of 8-bit strings.
lines = []
while True:
s = self.readline()
if not s:
return lines

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# Windows Cursor support for PIL
# notes:
# uses BmpImagePlugin.py to read the bitmap data.
# history:
# 96-05-27 fl Created
# Copyright (c) Secret Labs AB 1997.
# Copyright (c) Fredrik Lundh 1996.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
from . import BmpImagePlugin, Image
from ._binary import i16le as i16
from ._binary import i32le as i32
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def _accept(prefix):
return prefix[:4] == b"\0\0\2\0"
# Image plugin for Windows Cursor files.
class CurImageFile(BmpImagePlugin.BmpImageFile):
format = "CUR"
format_description = "Windows Cursor"
def _open(self):
offset = self.fp.tell()
# check magic
s = self.fp.read(6)
if not _accept(s):
msg = "not a CUR file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
# pick the largest cursor in the file
m = b""
for i in range(i16(s, 4)):
s = self.fp.read(16)
if not m:
m = s
elif s[0] > m[0] and s[1] > m[1]:
m = s
if not m:
msg = "No cursors were found"
raise TypeError(msg)
# load as bitmap
self._bitmap(i32(m, 12) + offset)
# patch up the bitmap height
self._size = self.size[0], self.size[1] // 2
d, e, o, a = self.tile[0]
self.tile[0] = d, (0, 0) + self.size, o, a
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
Image.register_open(CurImageFile.format, CurImageFile, _accept)
Image.register_extension(CurImageFile.format, ".cur")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# DCX file handling
# DCX is a container file format defined by Intel, commonly used
# for fax applications. Each DCX file consists of a directory
# (a list of file offsets) followed by a set of (usually 1-bit)
# PCX files.
# History:
# 1995-09-09 fl Created
# 1996-03-20 fl Properly derived from PcxImageFile.
# 1998-07-15 fl Renamed offset attribute to avoid name clash
# 2002-07-30 fl Fixed file handling
# Copyright (c) 1997-98 by Secret Labs AB.
# Copyright (c) 1995-96 by Fredrik Lundh.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
from . import Image
from ._binary import i32le as i32
from .PcxImagePlugin import PcxImageFile
MAGIC = 0x3ADE68B1 # QUIZ: what's this value, then?
def _accept(prefix):
return len(prefix) >= 4 and i32(prefix) == MAGIC
# Image plugin for the Intel DCX format.
class DcxImageFile(PcxImageFile):
format = "DCX"
format_description = "Intel DCX"
_close_exclusive_fp_after_loading = False
def _open(self):
# Header
s = self.fp.read(4)
if not _accept(s):
msg = "not a DCX file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
# Component directory
self._offset = []
for i in range(1024):
offset = i32(self.fp.read(4))
if not offset:
self._fp = self.fp
self.frame = None
self.n_frames = len(self._offset)
self.is_animated = self.n_frames > 1
def seek(self, frame):
if not self._seek_check(frame):
self.frame = frame
self.fp = self._fp
def tell(self):
return self.frame
Image.register_open(DcxImageFile.format, DcxImageFile, _accept)
Image.register_extension(DcxImageFile.format, ".dcx")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
A Pillow loader for .dds files (S3TC-compressed aka DXTC)
Jerome Leclanche <jerome@leclan.ch>
The contents of this file are hereby released in the public domain (CC0)
Full text of the CC0 license:
import struct
from io import BytesIO
from . import Image, ImageFile
from ._binary import o32le as o32
# Magic ("DDS ")
DDS_MAGIC = 0x20534444
# DDS flags
DDSD_DEPTH = 0x800000
# DDS caps
DDSCAPS2_VOLUME = 0x200000
# Pixel Format
DDPF_RGB = 0x40
# dds.h
# DXT1
DXT1_FOURCC = 0x31545844
# DXT3
DXT3_FOURCC = 0x33545844
# DXT5
DXT5_FOURCC = 0x35545844
# dxgiformat.h
class DdsImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile):
format = "DDS"
format_description = "DirectDraw Surface"
def _open(self):
if not _accept(self.fp.read(4)):
msg = "not a DDS file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
(header_size,) = struct.unpack("<I", self.fp.read(4))
if header_size != 124:
msg = f"Unsupported header size {repr(header_size)}"
raise OSError(msg)
header_bytes = self.fp.read(header_size - 4)
if len(header_bytes) != 120:
msg = f"Incomplete header: {len(header_bytes)} bytes"
raise OSError(msg)
header = BytesIO(header_bytes)
flags, height, width = struct.unpack("<3I", header.read(12))
self._size = (width, height)
self.mode = "RGBA"
pitch, depth, mipmaps = struct.unpack("<3I", header.read(12))
struct.unpack("<11I", header.read(44)) # reserved
# pixel format
pfsize, pfflags = struct.unpack("<2I", header.read(8))
fourcc = header.read(4)
(bitcount,) = struct.unpack("<I", header.read(4))
masks = struct.unpack("<4I", header.read(16))
if pfflags & DDPF_LUMINANCE:
# Texture contains uncompressed L or LA data
if pfflags & DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS:
self.mode = "LA"
self.mode = "L"
self.tile = [("raw", (0, 0) + self.size, 0, (self.mode, 0, 1))]
elif pfflags & DDPF_RGB:
# Texture contains uncompressed RGB data
masks = {mask: ["R", "G", "B", "A"][i] for i, mask in enumerate(masks)}
rawmode = ""
if pfflags & DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS:
rawmode += masks[0xFF000000]
self.mode = "RGB"
rawmode += masks[0xFF0000] + masks[0xFF00] + masks[0xFF]
self.tile = [("raw", (0, 0) + self.size, 0, (rawmode[::-1], 0, 1))]
data_start = header_size + 4
n = 0
if fourcc == b"DXT1":
self.pixel_format = "DXT1"
n = 1
elif fourcc == b"DXT3":
self.pixel_format = "DXT3"
n = 2
elif fourcc == b"DXT5":
self.pixel_format = "DXT5"
n = 3
elif fourcc == b"ATI1":
self.pixel_format = "BC4"
n = 4
self.mode = "L"
elif fourcc == b"ATI2":
self.pixel_format = "BC5"
n = 5
self.mode = "RGB"
elif fourcc == b"BC5S":
self.pixel_format = "BC5S"
n = 5
self.mode = "RGB"
elif fourcc == b"DX10":
data_start += 20
# ignoring flags which pertain to volume textures and cubemaps
(dxgi_format,) = struct.unpack("<I", self.fp.read(4))
self.pixel_format = "BC5"
n = 5
self.mode = "RGB"
elif dxgi_format == DXGI_FORMAT_BC5_SNORM:
self.pixel_format = "BC5S"
n = 5
self.mode = "RGB"
elif dxgi_format == DXGI_FORMAT_BC6H_UF16:
self.pixel_format = "BC6H"
n = 6
self.mode = "RGB"
elif dxgi_format == DXGI_FORMAT_BC6H_SF16:
self.pixel_format = "BC6HS"
n = 6
self.mode = "RGB"
self.pixel_format = "BC7"
n = 7
elif dxgi_format == DXGI_FORMAT_BC7_UNORM_SRGB:
self.pixel_format = "BC7"
self.info["gamma"] = 1 / 2.2
n = 7
elif dxgi_format in (
self.tile = [("raw", (0, 0) + self.size, 0, ("RGBA", 0, 1))]
if dxgi_format == DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB:
self.info["gamma"] = 1 / 2.2
msg = f"Unimplemented DXGI format {dxgi_format}"
raise NotImplementedError(msg)
msg = f"Unimplemented pixel format {repr(fourcc)}"
raise NotImplementedError(msg)
self.tile = [
("bcn", (0, 0) + self.size, data_start, (n, self.pixel_format))
def load_seek(self, pos):
def _save(im, fp, filename):
if im.mode not in ("RGB", "RGBA", "L", "LA"):
msg = f"cannot write mode {im.mode} as DDS"
raise OSError(msg)
rawmode = im.mode
masks = [0xFF0000, 0xFF00, 0xFF]
if im.mode in ("L", "LA"):
pixel_flags = DDPF_LUMINANCE
pixel_flags = DDPF_RGB
rawmode = rawmode[::-1]
if im.mode in ("LA", "RGBA"):
pixel_flags |= DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS
bitcount = len(masks) * 8
while len(masks) < 4:
+ o32(124) # header size
+ o32(
) # flags
+ o32(im.height)
+ o32(im.width)
+ o32((im.width * bitcount + 7) // 8) # pitch
+ o32(0) # depth
+ o32(0) # mipmaps
+ o32(0) * 11 # reserved
+ o32(32) # pfsize
+ o32(pixel_flags) # pfflags
+ o32(0) # fourcc
+ o32(bitcount) # bitcount
+ b"".join(o32(mask) for mask in masks) # rgbabitmask
+ o32(DDSCAPS_TEXTURE) # dwCaps
+ o32(0) # dwCaps2
+ o32(0) # dwCaps3
+ o32(0) # dwCaps4
+ o32(0) # dwReserved2
if im.mode == "RGBA":
r, g, b, a = im.split()
im = Image.merge("RGBA", (a, r, g, b))
ImageFile._save(im, fp, [("raw", (0, 0) + im.size, 0, (rawmode, 0, 1))])
def _accept(prefix):
return prefix[:4] == b"DDS "
Image.register_open(DdsImageFile.format, DdsImageFile, _accept)
Image.register_save(DdsImageFile.format, _save)
Image.register_extension(DdsImageFile.format, ".dds")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# EPS file handling
# History:
# 1995-09-01 fl Created (0.1)
# 1996-05-18 fl Don't choke on "atend" fields, Ghostscript interface (0.2)
# 1996-08-22 fl Don't choke on floating point BoundingBox values
# 1996-08-23 fl Handle files from Macintosh (0.3)
# 2001-02-17 fl Use 're' instead of 'regex' (Python 2.1) (0.4)
# 2003-09-07 fl Check gs.close status (from Federico Di Gregorio) (0.5)
# 2014-05-07 e Handling of EPS with binary preview and fixed resolution
# resizing
# Copyright (c) 1997-2003 by Secret Labs AB.
# Copyright (c) 1995-2003 by Fredrik Lundh
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
import io
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
from . import Image, ImageFile
from ._binary import i32le as i32
from ._deprecate import deprecate
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
split = re.compile(r"^%%([^:]*):[ \t]*(.*)[ \t]*$")
field = re.compile(r"^%[%!\w]([^:]*)[ \t]*$")
gs_windows_binary = None
if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
import shutil
for binary in ("gswin32c", "gswin64c", "gs"):
if shutil.which(binary) is not None:
gs_windows_binary = binary
gs_windows_binary = False
def has_ghostscript():
if gs_windows_binary:
return True
if not sys.platform.startswith("win"):
subprocess.check_call(["gs", "--version"], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)
return True
except OSError:
# No Ghostscript
return False
def Ghostscript(tile, size, fp, scale=1, transparency=False):
"""Render an image using Ghostscript"""
# Unpack decoder tile
decoder, tile, offset, data = tile[0]
length, bbox = data
# Hack to support hi-res rendering
scale = int(scale) or 1
# orig_size = size
# orig_bbox = bbox
size = (size[0] * scale, size[1] * scale)
# resolution is dependent on bbox and size
res = (
72.0 * size[0] / (bbox[2] - bbox[0]),
72.0 * size[1] / (bbox[3] - bbox[1]),
out_fd, outfile = tempfile.mkstemp()
infile_temp = None
if hasattr(fp, "name") and os.path.exists(fp.name):
infile = fp.name
in_fd, infile_temp = tempfile.mkstemp()
infile = infile_temp
# Ignore length and offset!
# Ghostscript can read it
# Copy whole file to read in Ghostscript
with open(infile_temp, "wb") as f:
# fetch length of fp
fp.seek(0, io.SEEK_END)
fsize = fp.tell()
# ensure start position
# go back
lengthfile = fsize
while lengthfile > 0:
s = fp.read(min(lengthfile, 100 * 1024))
if not s:
lengthfile -= len(s)
device = "pngalpha" if transparency else "ppmraw"
# Build Ghostscript command
command = [
"-q", # quiet mode
"-g%dx%d" % size, # set output geometry (pixels)
"-r%fx%f" % res, # set input DPI (dots per inch)
"-dBATCH", # exit after processing
"-dNOPAUSE", # don't pause between pages
"-dSAFER", # safe mode
f"-sOutputFile={outfile}", # output file
# adjust for image origin
f"{-bbox[0]} {-bbox[1]} translate",
infile, # input file
# showpage (see https://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=698272)
if gs_windows_binary is not None:
if not gs_windows_binary:
msg = "Unable to locate Ghostscript on paths"
raise OSError(msg)
command[0] = gs_windows_binary
# push data through Ghostscript
startupinfo = None
if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO()
startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
subprocess.check_call(command, startupinfo=startupinfo)
out_im = Image.open(outfile)
if infile_temp:
except OSError:
im = out_im.im.copy()
return im
class PSFile:
Wrapper for bytesio object that treats either CR or LF as end of line.
This class is no longer used internally, but kept for backwards compatibility.
def __init__(self, fp):
action="If you need the functionality of this class "
"you will need to implement it yourself.",
self.fp = fp
self.char = None
def seek(self, offset, whence=io.SEEK_SET):
self.char = None
self.fp.seek(offset, whence)
def readline(self):
s = [self.char or b""]
self.char = None
c = self.fp.read(1)
while (c not in b"\r\n") and len(c):
c = self.fp.read(1)
self.char = self.fp.read(1)
# line endings can be 1 or 2 of \r \n, in either order
if self.char in b"\r\n":
self.char = None
return b"".join(s).decode("latin-1")
def _accept(prefix):
return prefix[:4] == b"%!PS" or (len(prefix) >= 4 and i32(prefix) == 0xC6D3D0C5)
# Image plugin for Encapsulated PostScript. This plugin supports only
# a few variants of this format.
class EpsImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile):
"""EPS File Parser for the Python Imaging Library"""
format = "EPS"
format_description = "Encapsulated Postscript"
mode_map = {1: "L", 2: "LAB", 3: "RGB", 4: "CMYK"}
def _open(self):
(length, offset) = self._find_offset(self.fp)
# go to offset - start of "%!PS"
self.mode = "RGB"
self._size = None
byte_arr = bytearray(255)
bytes_mv = memoryview(byte_arr)
bytes_read = 0
reading_comments = True
def check_required_header_comments():
if "PS-Adobe" not in self.info:
msg = 'EPS header missing "%!PS-Adobe" comment'
raise SyntaxError(msg)
if "BoundingBox" not in self.info:
msg = 'EPS header missing "%%BoundingBox" comment'
raise SyntaxError(msg)
while True:
byte = self.fp.read(1)
if byte == b"":
# if we didn't read a byte we must be at the end of the file
if bytes_read == 0:
elif byte in b"\r\n":
# if we read a line ending character, ignore it and parse what
# we have already read. if we haven't read any other characters,
# continue reading
if bytes_read == 0:
# ASCII/hexadecimal lines in an EPS file must not exceed
# 255 characters, not including line ending characters
if bytes_read >= 255:
# only enforce this for lines starting with a "%",
# otherwise assume it's binary data
if byte_arr[0] == ord("%"):
msg = "not an EPS file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
if reading_comments:
reading_comments = False
# reset bytes_read so we can keep reading
# data until the end of the line
bytes_read = 0
byte_arr[bytes_read] = byte[0]
bytes_read += 1
if reading_comments:
# Load EPS header
# if this line doesn't start with a "%",
# or does start with "%%EndComments",
# then we've reached the end of the header/comments
if byte_arr[0] != ord("%") or bytes_mv[:13] == b"%%EndComments":
reading_comments = False
s = str(bytes_mv[:bytes_read], "latin-1")
m = split.match(s)
except re.error as e:
msg = "not an EPS file"
raise SyntaxError(msg) from e
if m:
k, v = m.group(1, 2)
self.info[k] = v
if k == "BoundingBox":
# Note: The DSC spec says that BoundingBox
# fields should be integers, but some drivers
# put floating point values there anyway.
box = [int(float(i)) for i in v.split()]
self._size = box[2] - box[0], box[3] - box[1]
self.tile = [
("eps", (0, 0) + self.size, offset, (length, box))
except Exception:
m = field.match(s)
if m:
k = m.group(1)
if k[:8] == "PS-Adobe":
self.info["PS-Adobe"] = k[9:]
self.info[k] = ""
elif s[0] == "%":
# handle non-DSC PostScript comments that some
# tools mistakenly put in the Comments section
msg = "bad EPS header"
raise OSError(msg)
elif bytes_mv[:11] == b"%ImageData:":
# Check for an "ImageData" descriptor
# https://www.adobe.com/devnet-apps/photoshop/fileformatashtml/#50577413_pgfId-1035096
# Values:
# columns
# rows
# bit depth (1 or 8)
# mode (1: L, 2: LAB, 3: RGB, 4: CMYK)
# number of padding channels
# block size (number of bytes per row per channel)
# binary/ascii (1: binary, 2: ascii)
# data start identifier (the image data follows after a single line
# consisting only of this quoted value)
image_data_values = byte_arr[11:bytes_read].split(None, 7)
columns, rows, bit_depth, mode_id = [
int(value) for value in image_data_values[:4]
if bit_depth == 1:
self.mode = "1"
elif bit_depth == 8:
self.mode = self.mode_map[mode_id]
except ValueError:
self._size = columns, rows
bytes_read = 0
if not self._size:
self._size = 1, 1 # errors if this isn't set. why (1,1)?
msg = "cannot determine EPS bounding box"
raise OSError(msg)
def _find_offset(self, fp):
s = fp.read(4)
if s == b"%!PS":
# for HEAD without binary preview
fp.seek(0, io.SEEK_END)
length = fp.tell()
offset = 0
elif i32(s) == 0xC6D3D0C5:
# FIX for: Some EPS file not handled correctly / issue #302
# EPS can contain binary data
# or start directly with latin coding
# more info see:
# https://web.archive.org/web/20160528181353/http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/en/ps/5002.EPSF_Spec.pdf
s = fp.read(8)
offset = i32(s)
length = i32(s, 4)
msg = "not an EPS file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
return length, offset
def load(self, scale=1, transparency=False):
# Load EPS via Ghostscript
if self.tile:
self.im = Ghostscript(self.tile, self.size, self.fp, scale, transparency)
self.mode = self.im.mode
self._size = self.im.size
self.tile = []
return Image.Image.load(self)
def load_seek(self, *args, **kwargs):
# we can't incrementally load, so force ImageFile.parser to
# use our custom load method by defining this method.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def _save(im, fp, filename, eps=1):
"""EPS Writer for the Python Imaging Library."""
# make sure image data is available
# determine PostScript image mode
if im.mode == "L":
operator = (8, 1, b"image")
elif im.mode == "RGB":
operator = (8, 3, b"false 3 colorimage")
elif im.mode == "CMYK":
operator = (8, 4, b"false 4 colorimage")
msg = "image mode is not supported"
raise ValueError(msg)
if eps:
# write EPS header
fp.write(b"%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0\n")
fp.write(b"%%Creator: PIL 0.1 EpsEncode\n")
# fp.write("%%CreationDate: %s"...)
fp.write(b"%%%%BoundingBox: 0 0 %d %d\n" % im.size)
fp.write(b"%%Pages: 1\n")
fp.write(b"%%Page: 1 1\n")
fp.write(b"%%ImageData: %d %d " % im.size)
fp.write(b'%d %d 0 1 1 "%s"\n' % operator)
# image header
fp.write(b"10 dict begin\n")
fp.write(b"/buf %d string def\n" % (im.size[0] * operator[1]))
fp.write(b"%d %d scale\n" % im.size)
fp.write(b"%d %d 8\n" % im.size) # <= bits
fp.write(b"[%d 0 0 -%d 0 %d]\n" % (im.size[0], im.size[1], im.size[1]))
fp.write(b"{ currentfile buf readhexstring pop } bind\n")
fp.write(operator[2] + b"\n")
if hasattr(fp, "flush"):
ImageFile._save(im, fp, [("eps", (0, 0) + im.size, 0, None)])
fp.write(b"grestore end\n")
if hasattr(fp, "flush"):
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
Image.register_open(EpsImageFile.format, EpsImageFile, _accept)
Image.register_save(EpsImageFile.format, _save)
Image.register_extensions(EpsImageFile.format, [".ps", ".eps"])
Image.register_mime(EpsImageFile.format, "application/postscript")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# EXIF tags
# Copyright (c) 2003 by Secret Labs AB
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
This module provides constants and clear-text names for various
well-known EXIF tags.
from enum import IntEnum
class Base(IntEnum):
# possibly incomplete
InteropIndex = 0x0001
ProcessingSoftware = 0x000B
NewSubfileType = 0x00FE
SubfileType = 0x00FF
ImageWidth = 0x0100
ImageLength = 0x0101
BitsPerSample = 0x0102
Compression = 0x0103
PhotometricInterpretation = 0x0106
Thresholding = 0x0107
CellWidth = 0x0108
CellLength = 0x0109
FillOrder = 0x010A
DocumentName = 0x010D
ImageDescription = 0x010E
Make = 0x010F
Model = 0x0110
StripOffsets = 0x0111
Orientation = 0x0112
SamplesPerPixel = 0x0115
RowsPerStrip = 0x0116
StripByteCounts = 0x0117
MinSampleValue = 0x0118
MaxSampleValue = 0x0119
XResolution = 0x011A
YResolution = 0x011B
PlanarConfiguration = 0x011C
PageName = 0x011D
FreeOffsets = 0x0120
FreeByteCounts = 0x0121
GrayResponseUnit = 0x0122
GrayResponseCurve = 0x0123
T4Options = 0x0124
T6Options = 0x0125
ResolutionUnit = 0x0128
PageNumber = 0x0129
TransferFunction = 0x012D
Software = 0x0131
DateTime = 0x0132
Artist = 0x013B
HostComputer = 0x013C
Predictor = 0x013D
WhitePoint = 0x013E
PrimaryChromaticities = 0x013F
ColorMap = 0x0140
HalftoneHints = 0x0141
TileWidth = 0x0142
TileLength = 0x0143
TileOffsets = 0x0144
TileByteCounts = 0x0145
SubIFDs = 0x014A
InkSet = 0x014C
InkNames = 0x014D
NumberOfInks = 0x014E
DotRange = 0x0150
TargetPrinter = 0x0151
ExtraSamples = 0x0152
SampleFormat = 0x0153
SMinSampleValue = 0x0154
SMaxSampleValue = 0x0155
TransferRange = 0x0156
ClipPath = 0x0157
XClipPathUnits = 0x0158
YClipPathUnits = 0x0159
Indexed = 0x015A
JPEGTables = 0x015B
OPIProxy = 0x015F
JPEGProc = 0x0200
JpegIFOffset = 0x0201
JpegIFByteCount = 0x0202
JpegRestartInterval = 0x0203
JpegLosslessPredictors = 0x0205
JpegPointTransforms = 0x0206
JpegQTables = 0x0207
JpegDCTables = 0x0208
JpegACTables = 0x0209
YCbCrCoefficients = 0x0211
YCbCrSubSampling = 0x0212
YCbCrPositioning = 0x0213
ReferenceBlackWhite = 0x0214
XMLPacket = 0x02BC
RelatedImageFileFormat = 0x1000
RelatedImageWidth = 0x1001
RelatedImageLength = 0x1002
Rating = 0x4746
RatingPercent = 0x4749
ImageID = 0x800D
CFARepeatPatternDim = 0x828D
BatteryLevel = 0x828F
Copyright = 0x8298
ExposureTime = 0x829A
FNumber = 0x829D
ImageResources = 0x8649
ExifOffset = 0x8769
InterColorProfile = 0x8773
ExposureProgram = 0x8822
SpectralSensitivity = 0x8824
GPSInfo = 0x8825
ISOSpeedRatings = 0x8827
OECF = 0x8828
Interlace = 0x8829
TimeZoneOffset = 0x882A
SelfTimerMode = 0x882B
SensitivityType = 0x8830
StandardOutputSensitivity = 0x8831
RecommendedExposureIndex = 0x8832
ISOSpeed = 0x8833
ISOSpeedLatitudeyyy = 0x8834
ISOSpeedLatitudezzz = 0x8835
ExifVersion = 0x9000
DateTimeOriginal = 0x9003
DateTimeDigitized = 0x9004
OffsetTime = 0x9010
OffsetTimeOriginal = 0x9011
OffsetTimeDigitized = 0x9012
ComponentsConfiguration = 0x9101
CompressedBitsPerPixel = 0x9102
ShutterSpeedValue = 0x9201
ApertureValue = 0x9202
BrightnessValue = 0x9203
ExposureBiasValue = 0x9204
MaxApertureValue = 0x9205
SubjectDistance = 0x9206
MeteringMode = 0x9207
LightSource = 0x9208
Flash = 0x9209
FocalLength = 0x920A
Noise = 0x920D
ImageNumber = 0x9211
SecurityClassification = 0x9212
ImageHistory = 0x9213
TIFFEPStandardID = 0x9216
MakerNote = 0x927C
UserComment = 0x9286
SubsecTime = 0x9290
SubsecTimeOriginal = 0x9291
SubsecTimeDigitized = 0x9292
AmbientTemperature = 0x9400
Humidity = 0x9401
Pressure = 0x9402
WaterDepth = 0x9403
Acceleration = 0x9404
CameraElevationAngle = 0x9405
XPTitle = 0x9C9B
XPComment = 0x9C9C
XPAuthor = 0x9C9D
XPKeywords = 0x9C9E
XPSubject = 0x9C9F
FlashPixVersion = 0xA000
ColorSpace = 0xA001
ExifImageWidth = 0xA002
ExifImageHeight = 0xA003
RelatedSoundFile = 0xA004
ExifInteroperabilityOffset = 0xA005
FlashEnergy = 0xA20B
SpatialFrequencyResponse = 0xA20C
FocalPlaneXResolution = 0xA20E
FocalPlaneYResolution = 0xA20F
FocalPlaneResolutionUnit = 0xA210
SubjectLocation = 0xA214
ExposureIndex = 0xA215
SensingMethod = 0xA217
FileSource = 0xA300
SceneType = 0xA301
CFAPattern = 0xA302
CustomRendered = 0xA401
ExposureMode = 0xA402
WhiteBalance = 0xA403
DigitalZoomRatio = 0xA404
FocalLengthIn35mmFilm = 0xA405
SceneCaptureType = 0xA406
GainControl = 0xA407
Contrast = 0xA408
Saturation = 0xA409
Sharpness = 0xA40A
DeviceSettingDescription = 0xA40B
SubjectDistanceRange = 0xA40C
ImageUniqueID = 0xA420
CameraOwnerName = 0xA430
BodySerialNumber = 0xA431
LensSpecification = 0xA432
LensMake = 0xA433
LensModel = 0xA434
LensSerialNumber = 0xA435
CompositeImage = 0xA460
CompositeImageCount = 0xA461
CompositeImageExposureTimes = 0xA462
Gamma = 0xA500
PrintImageMatching = 0xC4A5
DNGVersion = 0xC612
DNGBackwardVersion = 0xC613
UniqueCameraModel = 0xC614
LocalizedCameraModel = 0xC615
CFAPlaneColor = 0xC616
CFALayout = 0xC617
LinearizationTable = 0xC618
BlackLevelRepeatDim = 0xC619
BlackLevel = 0xC61A
BlackLevelDeltaH = 0xC61B
BlackLevelDeltaV = 0xC61C
WhiteLevel = 0xC61D
DefaultScale = 0xC61E
DefaultCropOrigin = 0xC61F
DefaultCropSize = 0xC620
ColorMatrix1 = 0xC621
ColorMatrix2 = 0xC622
CameraCalibration1 = 0xC623
CameraCalibration2 = 0xC624
ReductionMatrix1 = 0xC625
ReductionMatrix2 = 0xC626
AnalogBalance = 0xC627
AsShotNeutral = 0xC628
AsShotWhiteXY = 0xC629
BaselineExposure = 0xC62A
BaselineNoise = 0xC62B
BaselineSharpness = 0xC62C
BayerGreenSplit = 0xC62D
LinearResponseLimit = 0xC62E
CameraSerialNumber = 0xC62F
LensInfo = 0xC630
ChromaBlurRadius = 0xC631
AntiAliasStrength = 0xC632
ShadowScale = 0xC633
DNGPrivateData = 0xC634
MakerNoteSafety = 0xC635
CalibrationIlluminant1 = 0xC65A
CalibrationIlluminant2 = 0xC65B
BestQualityScale = 0xC65C
RawDataUniqueID = 0xC65D
OriginalRawFileName = 0xC68B
OriginalRawFileData = 0xC68C
ActiveArea = 0xC68D
MaskedAreas = 0xC68E
AsShotICCProfile = 0xC68F
AsShotPreProfileMatrix = 0xC690
CurrentICCProfile = 0xC691
CurrentPreProfileMatrix = 0xC692
ColorimetricReference = 0xC6BF
CameraCalibrationSignature = 0xC6F3
ProfileCalibrationSignature = 0xC6F4
AsShotProfileName = 0xC6F6
NoiseReductionApplied = 0xC6F7
ProfileName = 0xC6F8
ProfileHueSatMapDims = 0xC6F9
ProfileHueSatMapData1 = 0xC6FA
ProfileHueSatMapData2 = 0xC6FB
ProfileToneCurve = 0xC6FC
ProfileEmbedPolicy = 0xC6FD
ProfileCopyright = 0xC6FE
ForwardMatrix1 = 0xC714
ForwardMatrix2 = 0xC715
PreviewApplicationName = 0xC716
PreviewApplicationVersion = 0xC717
PreviewSettingsName = 0xC718
PreviewSettingsDigest = 0xC719
PreviewColorSpace = 0xC71A
PreviewDateTime = 0xC71B
RawImageDigest = 0xC71C
OriginalRawFileDigest = 0xC71D
SubTileBlockSize = 0xC71E
RowInterleaveFactor = 0xC71F
ProfileLookTableDims = 0xC725
ProfileLookTableData = 0xC726
OpcodeList1 = 0xC740
OpcodeList2 = 0xC741
OpcodeList3 = 0xC74E
NoiseProfile = 0xC761
"""Maps EXIF tags to tag names."""
TAGS = {
**{i.value: i.name for i in Base},
0x920C: "SpatialFrequencyResponse",
0x9214: "SubjectLocation",
0x9215: "ExposureIndex",
0x828E: "CFAPattern",
0x920B: "FlashEnergy",
0x9216: "TIFF/EPStandardID",
class GPS(IntEnum):
GPSVersionID = 0
GPSLatitudeRef = 1
GPSLatitude = 2
GPSLongitudeRef = 3
GPSLongitude = 4
GPSAltitudeRef = 5
GPSAltitude = 6
GPSTimeStamp = 7
GPSSatellites = 8
GPSStatus = 9
GPSMeasureMode = 10
GPSSpeedRef = 12
GPSSpeed = 13
GPSTrackRef = 14
GPSTrack = 15
GPSImgDirectionRef = 16
GPSImgDirection = 17
GPSMapDatum = 18
GPSDestLatitudeRef = 19
GPSDestLatitude = 20
GPSDestLongitudeRef = 21
GPSDestLongitude = 22
GPSDestBearingRef = 23
GPSDestBearing = 24
GPSDestDistanceRef = 25
GPSDestDistance = 26
GPSProcessingMethod = 27
GPSAreaInformation = 28
GPSDateStamp = 29
GPSDifferential = 30
GPSHPositioningError = 31
"""Maps EXIF GPS tags to tag names."""
GPSTAGS = {i.value: i.name for i in GPS}
class Interop(IntEnum):
InteropIndex = 1
InteropVersion = 2
RelatedImageFileFormat = 4096
RelatedImageWidth = 4097
RleatedImageHeight = 4098
class IFD(IntEnum):
Exif = 34665
GPSInfo = 34853
Makernote = 37500
Interop = 40965
IFD1 = -1
class LightSource(IntEnum):
Unknown = 0
Daylight = 1
Fluorescent = 2
Tungsten = 3
Flash = 4
Fine = 9
Cloudy = 10
Shade = 11
DaylightFluorescent = 12
DayWhiteFluorescent = 13
CoolWhiteFluorescent = 14
WhiteFluorescent = 15
StandardLightA = 17
StandardLightB = 18
StandardLightC = 19
D55 = 20
D65 = 21
D75 = 22
D50 = 23
ISO = 24
Other = 255

View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
# The Python Imaging Library
# $Id$
# FITS file handling
# Copyright (c) 1998-2003 by Fredrik Lundh
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
import math
from . import Image, ImageFile
def _accept(prefix):
return prefix[:6] == b"SIMPLE"
class FitsImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile):
format = "FITS"
format_description = "FITS"
def _open(self):
headers = {}
while True:
header = self.fp.read(80)
if not header:
msg = "Truncated FITS file"
raise OSError(msg)
keyword = header[:8].strip()
if keyword == b"END":
value = header[8:].split(b"/")[0].strip()
if value.startswith(b"="):
value = value[1:].strip()
if not headers and (not _accept(keyword) or value != b"T"):
msg = "Not a FITS file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
headers[keyword] = value
naxis = int(headers[b"NAXIS"])
if naxis == 0:
msg = "No image data"
raise ValueError(msg)
elif naxis == 1:
self._size = 1, int(headers[b"NAXIS1"])
self._size = int(headers[b"NAXIS1"]), int(headers[b"NAXIS2"])
number_of_bits = int(headers[b"BITPIX"])
if number_of_bits == 8:
self.mode = "L"
elif number_of_bits == 16:
self.mode = "I"
# rawmode = "I;16S"
elif number_of_bits == 32:
self.mode = "I"
elif number_of_bits in (-32, -64):
self.mode = "F"
# rawmode = "F" if number_of_bits == -32 else "F;64F"
offset = math.ceil(self.fp.tell() / 2880) * 2880
self.tile = [("raw", (0, 0) + self.size, offset, (self.mode, 0, -1))]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Registry
Image.register_open(FitsImageFile.format, FitsImageFile, _accept)
Image.register_extensions(FitsImageFile.format, [".fit", ".fits"])

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# The Python Imaging Library
# $Id$
# FITS stub adapter
# Copyright (c) 1998-2003 by Fredrik Lundh
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
from . import FitsImagePlugin, Image, ImageFile
from ._deprecate import deprecate
_handler = None
def register_handler(handler):
Install application-specific FITS image handler.
:param handler: Handler object.
global _handler
_handler = handler
action="FITS images can now be read without "
"a handler through FitsImagePlugin instead",
# Override FitsImagePlugin with this handler
# for backwards compatibility
except ValueError:
FITSStubImageFile.format, FITSStubImageFile, FitsImagePlugin._accept
class FITSStubImageFile(ImageFile.StubImageFile):
format = FitsImagePlugin.FitsImageFile.format
format_description = FitsImagePlugin.FitsImageFile.format_description
def _open(self):
offset = self.fp.tell()
im = FitsImagePlugin.FitsImageFile(self.fp)
self._size = im.size
self.mode = im.mode
self.tile = []
loader = self._load()
if loader:
def _load(self):
return _handler
def _save(im, fp, filename):
msg = "FITS save handler not installed"
raise OSError(msg)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Registry
Image.register_save(FITSStubImageFile.format, _save)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# FLI/FLC file handling.
# History:
# 95-09-01 fl Created
# 97-01-03 fl Fixed parser, setup decoder tile
# 98-07-15 fl Renamed offset attribute to avoid name clash
# Copyright (c) Secret Labs AB 1997-98.
# Copyright (c) Fredrik Lundh 1995-97.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
import os
from . import Image, ImageFile, ImagePalette
from ._binary import i16le as i16
from ._binary import i32le as i32
from ._binary import o8
# decoder
def _accept(prefix):
return (
len(prefix) >= 6
and i16(prefix, 4) in [0xAF11, 0xAF12]
and i16(prefix, 14) in [0, 3] # flags
# Image plugin for the FLI/FLC animation format. Use the <b>seek</b>
# method to load individual frames.
class FliImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile):
format = "FLI"
format_description = "Autodesk FLI/FLC Animation"
_close_exclusive_fp_after_loading = False
def _open(self):
s = self.fp.read(128)
if not (_accept(s) and s[20:22] == b"\x00\x00"):
msg = "not an FLI/FLC file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
# frames
self.n_frames = i16(s, 6)
self.is_animated = self.n_frames > 1
# image characteristics
self.mode = "P"
self._size = i16(s, 8), i16(s, 10)
# animation speed
duration = i32(s, 16)
magic = i16(s, 4)
if magic == 0xAF11:
duration = (duration * 1000) // 70
self.info["duration"] = duration
# look for palette
palette = [(a, a, a) for a in range(256)]
s = self.fp.read(16)
self.__offset = 128
if i16(s, 4) == 0xF100:
# prefix chunk; ignore it
self.__offset = self.__offset + i32(s)
s = self.fp.read(16)
if i16(s, 4) == 0xF1FA:
# look for palette chunk
number_of_subchunks = i16(s, 6)
chunk_size = None
for _ in range(number_of_subchunks):
if chunk_size is not None:
self.fp.seek(chunk_size - 6, os.SEEK_CUR)
s = self.fp.read(6)
chunk_type = i16(s, 4)
if chunk_type in (4, 11):
self._palette(palette, 2 if chunk_type == 11 else 0)
chunk_size = i32(s)
if not chunk_size:
palette = [o8(r) + o8(g) + o8(b) for (r, g, b) in palette]
self.palette = ImagePalette.raw("RGB", b"".join(palette))
# set things up to decode first frame
self.__frame = -1
self._fp = self.fp
self.__rewind = self.fp.tell()
def _palette(self, palette, shift):
# load palette
i = 0
for e in range(i16(self.fp.read(2))):
s = self.fp.read(2)
i = i + s[0]
n = s[1]
if n == 0:
n = 256
s = self.fp.read(n * 3)
for n in range(0, len(s), 3):
r = s[n] << shift
g = s[n + 1] << shift
b = s[n + 2] << shift
palette[i] = (r, g, b)
i += 1
def seek(self, frame):
if not self._seek_check(frame):
if frame < self.__frame:
for f in range(self.__frame + 1, frame + 1):
def _seek(self, frame):
if frame == 0:
self.__frame = -1
self.__offset = 128
# ensure that the previous frame was loaded
if frame != self.__frame + 1:
msg = f"cannot seek to frame {frame}"
raise ValueError(msg)
self.__frame = frame
# move to next frame
self.fp = self._fp
s = self.fp.read(4)
if not s:
raise EOFError
framesize = i32(s)
self.decodermaxblock = framesize
self.tile = [("fli", (0, 0) + self.size, self.__offset, None)]
self.__offset += framesize
def tell(self):
return self.__frame
# registry
Image.register_open(FliImageFile.format, FliImageFile, _accept)
Image.register_extensions(FliImageFile.format, [".fli", ".flc"])

View File

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
# The Python Imaging Library
# $Id$
# base class for raster font file parsers
# history:
# 1997-06-05 fl created
# 1997-08-19 fl restrict image width
# Copyright (c) 1997-1998 by Secret Labs AB
# Copyright (c) 1997-1998 by Fredrik Lundh
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
import os
from . import Image, _binary
WIDTH = 800
def puti16(fp, values):
"""Write network order (big-endian) 16-bit sequence"""
for v in values:
if v < 0:
v += 65536
class FontFile:
"""Base class for raster font file handlers."""
bitmap = None
def __init__(self):
self.info = {}
self.glyph = [None] * 256
def __getitem__(self, ix):
return self.glyph[ix]
def compile(self):
"""Create metrics and bitmap"""
if self.bitmap:
# create bitmap large enough to hold all data
h = w = maxwidth = 0
lines = 1
for glyph in self:
if glyph:
d, dst, src, im = glyph
h = max(h, src[3] - src[1])
w = w + (src[2] - src[0])
if w > WIDTH:
lines += 1
w = src[2] - src[0]
maxwidth = max(maxwidth, w)
xsize = maxwidth
ysize = lines * h
if xsize == 0 and ysize == 0:
return ""
self.ysize = h
# paste glyphs into bitmap
self.bitmap = Image.new("1", (xsize, ysize))
self.metrics = [None] * 256
x = y = 0
for i in range(256):
glyph = self[i]
if glyph:
d, dst, src, im = glyph
xx = src[2] - src[0]
# yy = src[3] - src[1]
x0, y0 = x, y
x = x + xx
if x > WIDTH:
x, y = 0, y + h
x0, y0 = x, y
x = xx
s = src[0] + x0, src[1] + y0, src[2] + x0, src[3] + y0
self.bitmap.paste(im.crop(src), s)
self.metrics[i] = d, dst, s
def save(self, filename):
"""Save font"""
# font data
self.bitmap.save(os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + ".pbm", "PNG")
# font metrics
with open(os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + ".pil", "wb") as fp:
fp.write(f";;;;;;{self.ysize};\n".encode("ascii")) # HACK!!!
for id in range(256):
m = self.metrics[id]
if not m:
puti16(fp, [0] * 10)
puti16(fp, m[0] + m[1] + m[2])

View File

@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# FlashPix support for PIL
# History:
# 97-01-25 fl Created (reads uncompressed RGB images only)
# Copyright (c) Secret Labs AB 1997.
# Copyright (c) Fredrik Lundh 1997.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
import olefile
from . import Image, ImageFile
from ._binary import i32le as i32
# we map from colour field tuples to (mode, rawmode) descriptors
# opacity
(0x00007FFE,): ("A", "L"),
# monochrome
(0x00010000,): ("L", "L"),
(0x00018000, 0x00017FFE): ("RGBA", "LA"),
# photo YCC
(0x00020000, 0x00020001, 0x00020002): ("RGB", "YCC;P"),
(0x00028000, 0x00028001, 0x00028002, 0x00027FFE): ("RGBA", "YCCA;P"),
# standard RGB (NIFRGB)
(0x00030000, 0x00030001, 0x00030002): ("RGB", "RGB"),
(0x00038000, 0x00038001, 0x00038002, 0x00037FFE): ("RGBA", "RGBA"),
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def _accept(prefix):
return prefix[:8] == olefile.MAGIC
# Image plugin for the FlashPix images.
class FpxImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile):
format = "FPX"
format_description = "FlashPix"
def _open(self):
# read the OLE directory and see if this is a likely
# to be a FlashPix file
self.ole = olefile.OleFileIO(self.fp)
except OSError as e:
msg = "not an FPX file; invalid OLE file"
raise SyntaxError(msg) from e
if self.ole.root.clsid != "56616700-C154-11CE-8553-00AA00A1F95B":
msg = "not an FPX file; bad root CLSID"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
def _open_index(self, index=1):
# get the Image Contents Property Set
prop = self.ole.getproperties(
[f"Data Object Store {index:06d}", "\005Image Contents"]
# size (highest resolution)
self._size = prop[0x1000002], prop[0x1000003]
size = max(self.size)
i = 1
while size > 64:
size = size / 2
i += 1
self.maxid = i - 1
# mode. instead of using a single field for this, flashpix
# requires you to specify the mode for each channel in each
# resolution subimage, and leaves it to the decoder to make
# sure that they all match. for now, we'll cheat and assume
# that this is always the case.
id = self.maxid << 16
s = prop[0x2000002 | id]
colors = []
bands = i32(s, 4)
if bands > 4:
msg = "Invalid number of bands"
raise OSError(msg)
for i in range(bands):
# note: for now, we ignore the "uncalibrated" flag
colors.append(i32(s, 8 + i * 4) & 0x7FFFFFFF)
self.mode, self.rawmode = MODES[tuple(colors)]
# load JPEG tables, if any
self.jpeg = {}
for i in range(256):
id = 0x3000001 | (i << 16)
if id in prop:
self.jpeg[i] = prop[id]
self._open_subimage(1, self.maxid)
def _open_subimage(self, index=1, subimage=0):
# setup tile descriptors for a given subimage
stream = [
f"Data Object Store {index:06d}",
f"Resolution {subimage:04d}",
"Subimage 0000 Header",
fp = self.ole.openstream(stream)
# skip prefix
# header stream
s = fp.read(36)
size = i32(s, 4), i32(s, 8)
# tilecount = i32(s, 12)
tilesize = i32(s, 16), i32(s, 20)
# channels = i32(s, 24)
offset = i32(s, 28)
length = i32(s, 32)
if size != self.size:
msg = "subimage mismatch"
raise OSError(msg)
# get tile descriptors
fp.seek(28 + offset)
s = fp.read(i32(s, 12) * length)
x = y = 0
xsize, ysize = size
xtile, ytile = tilesize
self.tile = []
for i in range(0, len(s), length):
x1 = min(xsize, x + xtile)
y1 = min(ysize, y + ytile)
compression = i32(s, i + 8)
if compression == 0:
(x, y, x1, y1),
i32(s, i) + 28,
elif compression == 1:
# FIXME: the fill decoder is not implemented
(x, y, x1, y1),
i32(s, i) + 28,
(self.rawmode, s[12:16]),
elif compression == 2:
internal_color_conversion = s[14]
jpeg_tables = s[15]
rawmode = self.rawmode
if internal_color_conversion:
# The image is stored as usual (usually YCbCr).
if rawmode == "RGBA":
# For "RGBA", data is stored as YCbCrA based on
# negative RGB. The following trick works around
# this problem :
jpegmode, rawmode = "YCbCrK", "CMYK"
jpegmode = None # let the decoder decide
# The image is stored as defined by rawmode
jpegmode = rawmode
(x, y, x1, y1),
i32(s, i) + 28,
(rawmode, jpegmode),
# FIXME: jpeg tables are tile dependent; the prefix
# data must be placed in the tile descriptor itself!
if jpeg_tables:
self.tile_prefix = self.jpeg[jpeg_tables]
msg = "unknown/invalid compression"
raise OSError(msg)
x = x + xtile
if x >= xsize:
x, y = 0, y + ytile
if y >= ysize:
break # isn't really required
self.stream = stream
self.fp = None
def load(self):
if not self.fp:
self.fp = self.ole.openstream(self.stream[:2] + ["Subimage 0000 Data"])
return ImageFile.ImageFile.load(self)
def close(self):
def __exit__(self, *args):
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
Image.register_open(FpxImageFile.format, FpxImageFile, _accept)
Image.register_extension(FpxImageFile.format, ".fpx")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
A Pillow loader for .ftc and .ftu files (FTEX)
Jerome Leclanche <jerome@leclan.ch>
The contents of this file are hereby released in the public domain (CC0)
Full text of the CC0 license:
Independence War 2: Edge Of Chaos - Texture File Format - 16 October 2001
The textures used for 3D objects in Independence War 2: Edge Of Chaos are in a
packed custom format called FTEX. This file format uses file extensions FTC
and FTU.
* FTC files are compressed textures (using standard texture compression).
* FTU files are not compressed.
Texture File Format
The FTC and FTU texture files both use the same format. This
has the following structure:
{header} = {
* The "magic" number is "FTEX".
* "width" and "height" are the dimensions of the texture.
* "mipmap_count" is the number of mipmaps in the texture.
* "format_count" is the number of texture formats (different versions of the
same texture) in this file.
{format_directory} = format_count * { u32:format, u32:where }
The format value is 0 for DXT1 compressed textures and 1 for 24-bit RGB
uncompressed textures.
The texture data for a format starts at the position "where" in the file.
Each set of texture data in the file has the following structure:
{data} = format_count * { u32:mipmap_size, mipmap_size * { u8 } }
* "mipmap_size" is the number of bytes in that mip level. For compressed
textures this is the size of the texture data compressed with DXT1. For 24 bit
uncompressed textures, this is 3 * width * height. Following this are the image
bytes for that mipmap level.
Note: All data is stored in little-Endian (Intel) byte order.
import struct
from enum import IntEnum
from io import BytesIO
from . import Image, ImageFile
from ._deprecate import deprecate
class Format(IntEnum):
DXT1 = 0
def __getattr__(name):
for enum, prefix in {Format: "FORMAT_"}.items():
if name.startswith(prefix):
name = name[len(prefix) :]
if name in enum.__members__:
deprecate(f"{prefix}{name}", 10, f"{enum.__name__}.{name}")
return enum[name]
msg = f"module '{__name__}' has no attribute '{name}'"
raise AttributeError(msg)
class FtexImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile):
format = "FTEX"
format_description = "Texture File Format (IW2:EOC)"
def _open(self):
if not _accept(self.fp.read(4)):
msg = "not an FTEX file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
struct.unpack("<i", self.fp.read(4)) # version
self._size = struct.unpack("<2i", self.fp.read(8))
mipmap_count, format_count = struct.unpack("<2i", self.fp.read(8))
self.mode = "RGB"
# Only support single-format files.
# I don't know of any multi-format file.
assert format_count == 1
format, where = struct.unpack("<2i", self.fp.read(8))
(mipmap_size,) = struct.unpack("<i", self.fp.read(4))
data = self.fp.read(mipmap_size)
if format == Format.DXT1:
self.mode = "RGBA"
self.tile = [("bcn", (0, 0) + self.size, 0, 1)]
elif format == Format.UNCOMPRESSED:
self.tile = [("raw", (0, 0) + self.size, 0, ("RGB", 0, 1))]
msg = f"Invalid texture compression format: {repr(format)}"
raise ValueError(msg)
self.fp = BytesIO(data)
def load_seek(self, pos):
def _accept(prefix):
return prefix[:4] == MAGIC
Image.register_open(FtexImageFile.format, FtexImageFile, _accept)
Image.register_extensions(FtexImageFile.format, [".ftc", ".ftu"])

View File

@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
# The Python Imaging Library
# load a GIMP brush file
# History:
# 96-03-14 fl Created
# 16-01-08 es Version 2
# Copyright (c) Secret Labs AB 1997.
# Copyright (c) Fredrik Lundh 1996.
# Copyright (c) Eric Soroos 2016.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
# See https://github.com/GNOME/gimp/blob/mainline/devel-docs/gbr.txt for
# format documentation.
# This code Interprets version 1 and 2 .gbr files.
# Version 1 files are obsolete, and should not be used for new
# brushes.
# Version 2 files are saved by GIMP v2.8 (at least)
# Version 3 files have a format specifier of 18 for 16bit floats in
# the color depth field. This is currently unsupported by Pillow.
from . import Image, ImageFile
from ._binary import i32be as i32
def _accept(prefix):
return len(prefix) >= 8 and i32(prefix, 0) >= 20 and i32(prefix, 4) in (1, 2)
# Image plugin for the GIMP brush format.
class GbrImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile):
format = "GBR"
format_description = "GIMP brush file"
def _open(self):
header_size = i32(self.fp.read(4))
if header_size < 20:
msg = "not a GIMP brush"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
version = i32(self.fp.read(4))
if version not in (1, 2):
msg = f"Unsupported GIMP brush version: {version}"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
width = i32(self.fp.read(4))
height = i32(self.fp.read(4))
color_depth = i32(self.fp.read(4))
if width <= 0 or height <= 0:
msg = "not a GIMP brush"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
if color_depth not in (1, 4):
msg = f"Unsupported GIMP brush color depth: {color_depth}"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
if version == 1:
comment_length = header_size - 20
comment_length = header_size - 28
magic_number = self.fp.read(4)
if magic_number != b"GIMP":
msg = "not a GIMP brush, bad magic number"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
self.info["spacing"] = i32(self.fp.read(4))
comment = self.fp.read(comment_length)[:-1]
if color_depth == 1:
self.mode = "L"
self.mode = "RGBA"
self._size = width, height
self.info["comment"] = comment
# Image might not be small
# Data is an uncompressed block of w * h * bytes/pixel
self._data_size = width * height * color_depth
def load(self):
if not self.im:
self.im = Image.core.new(self.mode, self.size)
return Image.Image.load(self)
# registry
Image.register_open(GbrImageFile.format, GbrImageFile, _accept)
Image.register_extension(GbrImageFile.format, ".gbr")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# GD file handling
# History:
# 1996-04-12 fl Created
# Copyright (c) 1997 by Secret Labs AB.
# Copyright (c) 1996 by Fredrik Lundh.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
.. note::
This format cannot be automatically recognized, so the
class is not registered for use with :py:func:`PIL.Image.open()`. To open a
gd file, use the :py:func:`PIL.GdImageFile.open()` function instead.
.. warning::
implementation is provided for convenience and demonstrational
purposes only.
from . import ImageFile, ImagePalette, UnidentifiedImageError
from ._binary import i16be as i16
from ._binary import i32be as i32
class GdImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile):
Image plugin for the GD uncompressed format. Note that this format
is not supported by the standard :py:func:`PIL.Image.open()` function. To use
this plugin, you have to import the :py:mod:`PIL.GdImageFile` module and
use the :py:func:`PIL.GdImageFile.open()` function.
format = "GD"
format_description = "GD uncompressed images"
def _open(self):
# Header
s = self.fp.read(1037)
if not i16(s) in [65534, 65535]:
msg = "Not a valid GD 2.x .gd file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
self.mode = "L" # FIXME: "P"
self._size = i16(s, 2), i16(s, 4)
true_color = s[6]
true_color_offset = 2 if true_color else 0
# transparency index
tindex = i32(s, 7 + true_color_offset)
if tindex < 256:
self.info["transparency"] = tindex
self.palette = ImagePalette.raw(
"XBGR", s[7 + true_color_offset + 4 : 7 + true_color_offset + 4 + 256 * 4]
self.tile = [
(0, 0) + self.size,
7 + true_color_offset + 4 + 256 * 4,
("L", 0, 1),
def open(fp, mode="r"):
Load texture from a GD image file.
:param fp: GD file name, or an opened file handle.
:param mode: Optional mode. In this version, if the mode argument
is given, it must be "r".
:returns: An image instance.
:raises OSError: If the image could not be read.
if mode != "r":
msg = "bad mode"
raise ValueError(msg)
return GdImageFile(fp)
except SyntaxError as e:
msg = "cannot identify this image file"
raise UnidentifiedImageError(msg) from e

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
# Python Imaging Library
# $Id$
# stuff to read (and render) GIMP gradient files
# History:
# 97-08-23 fl Created
# Copyright (c) Secret Labs AB 1997.
# Copyright (c) Fredrik Lundh 1997.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
Stuff to translate curve segments to palette values (derived from
the corresponding code in GIMP, written by Federico Mena Quintero.
See the GIMP distribution for more information.)
from math import log, pi, sin, sqrt
from ._binary import o8
EPSILON = 1e-10
"""""" # Enable auto-doc for data member
def linear(middle, pos):
if pos <= middle:
if middle < EPSILON:
return 0.0
return 0.5 * pos / middle
pos = pos - middle
middle = 1.0 - middle
if middle < EPSILON:
return 1.0
return 0.5 + 0.5 * pos / middle
def curved(middle, pos):
return pos ** (log(0.5) / log(max(middle, EPSILON)))
def sine(middle, pos):
return (sin((-pi / 2.0) + pi * linear(middle, pos)) + 1.0) / 2.0
def sphere_increasing(middle, pos):
return sqrt(1.0 - (linear(middle, pos) - 1.0) ** 2)
def sphere_decreasing(middle, pos):
return 1.0 - sqrt(1.0 - linear(middle, pos) ** 2)
SEGMENTS = [linear, curved, sine, sphere_increasing, sphere_decreasing]
"""""" # Enable auto-doc for data member
class GradientFile:
gradient = None
def getpalette(self, entries=256):
palette = []
ix = 0
x0, x1, xm, rgb0, rgb1, segment = self.gradient[ix]
for i in range(entries):
x = i / (entries - 1)
while x1 < x:
ix += 1
x0, x1, xm, rgb0, rgb1, segment = self.gradient[ix]
w = x1 - x0
if w < EPSILON:
scale = segment(0.5, 0.5)
scale = segment((xm - x0) / w, (x - x0) / w)
# expand to RGBA
r = o8(int(255 * ((rgb1[0] - rgb0[0]) * scale + rgb0[0]) + 0.5))
g = o8(int(255 * ((rgb1[1] - rgb0[1]) * scale + rgb0[1]) + 0.5))
b = o8(int(255 * ((rgb1[2] - rgb0[2]) * scale + rgb0[2]) + 0.5))
a = o8(int(255 * ((rgb1[3] - rgb0[3]) * scale + rgb0[3]) + 0.5))
# add to palette
palette.append(r + g + b + a)
return b"".join(palette), "RGBA"
class GimpGradientFile(GradientFile):
"""File handler for GIMP's gradient format."""
def __init__(self, fp):
if fp.readline()[:13] != b"GIMP Gradient":
msg = "not a GIMP gradient file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
line = fp.readline()
# GIMP 1.2 gradient files don't contain a name, but GIMP 1.3 files do
if line.startswith(b"Name: "):
line = fp.readline().strip()
count = int(line)
gradient = []
for i in range(count):
s = fp.readline().split()
w = [float(x) for x in s[:11]]
x0, x1 = w[0], w[2]
xm = w[1]
rgb0 = w[3:7]
rgb1 = w[7:11]
segment = SEGMENTS[int(s[11])]
cspace = int(s[12])
if cspace != 0:
msg = "cannot handle HSV colour space"
raise OSError(msg)
gradient.append((x0, x1, xm, rgb0, rgb1, segment))
self.gradient = gradient

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
# Python Imaging Library
# $Id$
# stuff to read GIMP palette files
# History:
# 1997-08-23 fl Created
# 2004-09-07 fl Support GIMP 2.0 palette files.
# Copyright (c) Secret Labs AB 1997-2004. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) Fredrik Lundh 1997-2004.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
import re
from ._binary import o8
class GimpPaletteFile:
"""File handler for GIMP's palette format."""
rawmode = "RGB"
def __init__(self, fp):
self.palette = [o8(i) * 3 for i in range(256)]
if fp.readline()[:12] != b"GIMP Palette":
msg = "not a GIMP palette file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
for i in range(256):
s = fp.readline()
if not s:
# skip fields and comment lines
if re.match(rb"\w+:|#", s):
if len(s) > 100:
msg = "bad palette file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
v = tuple(map(int, s.split()[:3]))
if len(v) != 3:
msg = "bad palette entry"
raise ValueError(msg)
self.palette[i] = o8(v[0]) + o8(v[1]) + o8(v[2])
self.palette = b"".join(self.palette)
def getpalette(self):
return self.palette, self.rawmode

View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
# The Python Imaging Library
# $Id$
# GRIB stub adapter
# Copyright (c) 1996-2003 by Fredrik Lundh
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
from . import Image, ImageFile
_handler = None
def register_handler(handler):
Install application-specific GRIB image handler.
:param handler: Handler object.
global _handler
_handler = handler
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Image adapter
def _accept(prefix):
return prefix[:4] == b"GRIB" and prefix[7] == 1
class GribStubImageFile(ImageFile.StubImageFile):
format = "GRIB"
format_description = "GRIB"
def _open(self):
offset = self.fp.tell()
if not _accept(self.fp.read(8)):
msg = "Not a GRIB file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
# make something up
self.mode = "F"
self._size = 1, 1
loader = self._load()
if loader:
def _load(self):
return _handler
def _save(im, fp, filename):
if _handler is None or not hasattr(_handler, "save"):
msg = "GRIB save handler not installed"
raise OSError(msg)
_handler.save(im, fp, filename)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Registry
Image.register_open(GribStubImageFile.format, GribStubImageFile, _accept)
Image.register_save(GribStubImageFile.format, _save)
Image.register_extension(GribStubImageFile.format, ".grib")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
# The Python Imaging Library
# $Id$
# HDF5 stub adapter
# Copyright (c) 2000-2003 by Fredrik Lundh
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
from . import Image, ImageFile
_handler = None
def register_handler(handler):
Install application-specific HDF5 image handler.
:param handler: Handler object.
global _handler
_handler = handler
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Image adapter
def _accept(prefix):
return prefix[:8] == b"\x89HDF\r\n\x1a\n"
class HDF5StubImageFile(ImageFile.StubImageFile):
format = "HDF5"
format_description = "HDF5"
def _open(self):
offset = self.fp.tell()
if not _accept(self.fp.read(8)):
msg = "Not an HDF file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
# make something up
self.mode = "F"
self._size = 1, 1
loader = self._load()
if loader:
def _load(self):
return _handler
def _save(im, fp, filename):
if _handler is None or not hasattr(_handler, "save"):
msg = "HDF5 save handler not installed"
raise OSError(msg)
_handler.save(im, fp, filename)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Registry
Image.register_open(HDF5StubImageFile.format, HDF5StubImageFile, _accept)
Image.register_save(HDF5StubImageFile.format, _save)
Image.register_extensions(HDF5StubImageFile.format, [".h5", ".hdf"])

View File

@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# macOS icns file decoder, based on icns.py by Bob Ippolito.
# history:
# 2004-10-09 fl Turned into a PIL plugin; removed 2.3 dependencies.
# 2020-04-04 Allow saving on all operating systems.
# Copyright (c) 2004 by Bob Ippolito.
# Copyright (c) 2004 by Secret Labs.
# Copyright (c) 2004 by Fredrik Lundh.
# Copyright (c) 2014 by Alastair Houghton.
# Copyright (c) 2020 by Pan Jing.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
import io
import os
import struct
import sys
from PIL import Image, ImageFile, PngImagePlugin, features
enable_jpeg2k = features.check_codec("jpg_2000")
if enable_jpeg2k:
from PIL import Jpeg2KImagePlugin
MAGIC = b"icns"
def nextheader(fobj):
return struct.unpack(">4sI", fobj.read(HEADERSIZE))
def read_32t(fobj, start_length, size):
# The 128x128 icon seems to have an extra header for some reason.
(start, length) = start_length
sig = fobj.read(4)
if sig != b"\x00\x00\x00\x00":
msg = "Unknown signature, expecting 0x00000000"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
return read_32(fobj, (start + 4, length - 4), size)
def read_32(fobj, start_length, size):
Read a 32bit RGB icon resource. Seems to be either uncompressed or
an RLE packbits-like scheme.
(start, length) = start_length
pixel_size = (size[0] * size[2], size[1] * size[2])
sizesq = pixel_size[0] * pixel_size[1]
if length == sizesq * 3:
# uncompressed ("RGBRGBGB")
indata = fobj.read(length)
im = Image.frombuffer("RGB", pixel_size, indata, "raw", "RGB", 0, 1)
# decode image
im = Image.new("RGB", pixel_size, None)
for band_ix in range(3):
data = []
bytesleft = sizesq
while bytesleft > 0:
byte = fobj.read(1)
if not byte:
byte = byte[0]
if byte & 0x80:
blocksize = byte - 125
byte = fobj.read(1)
for i in range(blocksize):
blocksize = byte + 1
bytesleft -= blocksize
if bytesleft <= 0:
if bytesleft != 0:
msg = f"Error reading channel [{repr(bytesleft)} left]"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
band = Image.frombuffer("L", pixel_size, b"".join(data), "raw", "L", 0, 1)
im.im.putband(band.im, band_ix)
return {"RGB": im}
def read_mk(fobj, start_length, size):
# Alpha masks seem to be uncompressed
start = start_length[0]
pixel_size = (size[0] * size[2], size[1] * size[2])
sizesq = pixel_size[0] * pixel_size[1]
band = Image.frombuffer("L", pixel_size, fobj.read(sizesq), "raw", "L", 0, 1)
return {"A": band}
def read_png_or_jpeg2000(fobj, start_length, size):
(start, length) = start_length
sig = fobj.read(12)
if sig[:8] == b"\x89PNG\x0d\x0a\x1a\x0a":
im = PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile(fobj)
return {"RGBA": im}
elif (
sig[:4] == b"\xff\x4f\xff\x51"
or sig[:4] == b"\x0d\x0a\x87\x0a"
or sig == b"\x00\x00\x00\x0cjP \x0d\x0a\x87\x0a"
if not enable_jpeg2k:
msg = (
"Unsupported icon subimage format (rebuild PIL "
"with JPEG 2000 support to fix this)"
raise ValueError(msg)
# j2k, jpc or j2c
jp2kstream = fobj.read(length)
f = io.BytesIO(jp2kstream)
im = Jpeg2KImagePlugin.Jpeg2KImageFile(f)
if im.mode != "RGBA":
im = im.convert("RGBA")
return {"RGBA": im}
msg = "Unsupported icon subimage format"
raise ValueError(msg)
class IcnsFile:
(512, 512, 2): [(b"ic10", read_png_or_jpeg2000)],
(512, 512, 1): [(b"ic09", read_png_or_jpeg2000)],
(256, 256, 2): [(b"ic14", read_png_or_jpeg2000)],
(256, 256, 1): [(b"ic08", read_png_or_jpeg2000)],
(128, 128, 2): [(b"ic13", read_png_or_jpeg2000)],
(128, 128, 1): [
(b"ic07", read_png_or_jpeg2000),
(b"it32", read_32t),
(b"t8mk", read_mk),
(64, 64, 1): [(b"icp6", read_png_or_jpeg2000)],
(32, 32, 2): [(b"ic12", read_png_or_jpeg2000)],
(48, 48, 1): [(b"ih32", read_32), (b"h8mk", read_mk)],
(32, 32, 1): [
(b"icp5", read_png_or_jpeg2000),
(b"il32", read_32),
(b"l8mk", read_mk),
(16, 16, 2): [(b"ic11", read_png_or_jpeg2000)],
(16, 16, 1): [
(b"icp4", read_png_or_jpeg2000),
(b"is32", read_32),
(b"s8mk", read_mk),
def __init__(self, fobj):
fobj is a file-like object as an icns resource
# signature : (start, length)
self.dct = dct = {}
self.fobj = fobj
sig, filesize = nextheader(fobj)
if not _accept(sig):
msg = "not an icns file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
while i < filesize:
sig, blocksize = nextheader(fobj)
if blocksize <= 0:
msg = "invalid block header"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
blocksize -= HEADERSIZE
dct[sig] = (i, blocksize)
fobj.seek(blocksize, io.SEEK_CUR)
i += blocksize
def itersizes(self):
sizes = []
for size, fmts in self.SIZES.items():
for fmt, reader in fmts:
if fmt in self.dct:
return sizes
def bestsize(self):
sizes = self.itersizes()
if not sizes:
msg = "No 32bit icon resources found"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
return max(sizes)
def dataforsize(self, size):
Get an icon resource as {channel: array}. Note that
the arrays are bottom-up like windows bitmaps and will likely
need to be flipped or transposed in some way.
dct = {}
for code, reader in self.SIZES[size]:
desc = self.dct.get(code)
if desc is not None:
dct.update(reader(self.fobj, desc, size))
return dct
def getimage(self, size=None):
if size is None:
size = self.bestsize()
if len(size) == 2:
size = (size[0], size[1], 1)
channels = self.dataforsize(size)
im = channels.get("RGBA", None)
if im:
return im
im = channels.get("RGB").copy()
except KeyError:
return im
# Image plugin for Mac OS icons.
class IcnsImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile):
PIL image support for Mac OS .icns files.
Chooses the best resolution, but will possibly load
a different size image if you mutate the size attribute
before calling 'load'.
The info dictionary has a key 'sizes' that is a list
of sizes that the icns file has.
format = "ICNS"
format_description = "Mac OS icns resource"
def _open(self):
self.icns = IcnsFile(self.fp)
self.mode = "RGBA"
self.info["sizes"] = self.icns.itersizes()
self.best_size = self.icns.bestsize()
self.size = (
self.best_size[0] * self.best_size[2],
self.best_size[1] * self.best_size[2],
def size(self):
return self._size
def size(self, value):
info_size = value
if info_size not in self.info["sizes"] and len(info_size) == 2:
info_size = (info_size[0], info_size[1], 1)
if (
info_size not in self.info["sizes"]
and len(info_size) == 3
and info_size[2] == 1
simple_sizes = [
(size[0] * size[2], size[1] * size[2]) for size in self.info["sizes"]
if value in simple_sizes:
info_size = self.info["sizes"][simple_sizes.index(value)]
if info_size not in self.info["sizes"]:
msg = "This is not one of the allowed sizes of this image"
raise ValueError(msg)
self._size = value
def load(self):
if len(self.size) == 3:
self.best_size = self.size
self.size = (
self.best_size[0] * self.best_size[2],
self.best_size[1] * self.best_size[2],
px = Image.Image.load(self)
if self.im is not None and self.im.size == self.size:
# Already loaded
return px
# This is likely NOT the best way to do it, but whatever.
im = self.icns.getimage(self.best_size)
# If this is a PNG or JPEG 2000, it won't be loaded yet
px = im.load()
self.im = im.im
self.mode = im.mode
self.size = im.size
return px
def _save(im, fp, filename):
Saves the image as a series of PNG files,
that are then combined into a .icns file.
if hasattr(fp, "flush"):
sizes = {
b"ic07": 128,
b"ic08": 256,
b"ic09": 512,
b"ic10": 1024,
b"ic11": 32,
b"ic12": 64,
b"ic13": 256,
b"ic14": 512,
provided_images = {im.width: im for im in im.encoderinfo.get("append_images", [])}
size_streams = {}
for size in set(sizes.values()):
image = (
if size in provided_images
else im.resize((size, size))
temp = io.BytesIO()
image.save(temp, "png")
size_streams[size] = temp.getvalue()
entries = []
for type, size in sizes.items():
stream = size_streams[size]
{"type": type, "size": HEADERSIZE + len(stream), "stream": stream}
# Header
file_length = HEADERSIZE # Header
file_length += HEADERSIZE + 8 * len(entries) # TOC
file_length += sum(entry["size"] for entry in entries)
fp.write(struct.pack(">i", file_length))
fp.write(b"TOC ")
fp.write(struct.pack(">i", HEADERSIZE + len(entries) * HEADERSIZE))
for entry in entries:
fp.write(struct.pack(">i", entry["size"]))
# Data
for entry in entries:
fp.write(struct.pack(">i", entry["size"]))
if hasattr(fp, "flush"):
def _accept(prefix):
return prefix[:4] == MAGIC
Image.register_open(IcnsImageFile.format, IcnsImageFile, _accept)
Image.register_extension(IcnsImageFile.format, ".icns")
Image.register_save(IcnsImageFile.format, _save)
Image.register_mime(IcnsImageFile.format, "image/icns")
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("Syntax: python3 IcnsImagePlugin.py [file]")
with open(sys.argv[1], "rb") as fp:
imf = IcnsImageFile(fp)
for size in imf.info["sizes"]:
imf.size = size
imf.save("out-%s-%s-%s.png" % size)
with Image.open(sys.argv[1]) as im:
if sys.platform == "windows":

View File

@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# Windows Icon support for PIL
# History:
# 96-05-27 fl Created
# Copyright (c) Secret Labs AB 1997.
# Copyright (c) Fredrik Lundh 1996.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
# This plugin is a refactored version of Win32IconImagePlugin by Bryan Davis
# <casadebender@gmail.com>.
# https://code.google.com/archive/p/casadebender/wikis/Win32IconImagePlugin.wiki
# Icon format references:
# * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ICO_(file_format)
# * https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms997538.aspx
import warnings
from io import BytesIO
from math import ceil, log
from . import BmpImagePlugin, Image, ImageFile, PngImagePlugin
from ._binary import i16le as i16
from ._binary import i32le as i32
from ._binary import o8
from ._binary import o16le as o16
from ._binary import o32le as o32
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
_MAGIC = b"\0\0\1\0"
def _save(im, fp, filename):
fp.write(_MAGIC) # (2+2)
bmp = im.encoderinfo.get("bitmap_format") == "bmp"
sizes = im.encoderinfo.get(
[(16, 16), (24, 24), (32, 32), (48, 48), (64, 64), (128, 128), (256, 256)],
frames = []
provided_ims = [im] + im.encoderinfo.get("append_images", [])
width, height = im.size
for size in sorted(set(sizes)):
if size[0] > width or size[1] > height or size[0] > 256 or size[1] > 256:
for provided_im in provided_ims:
if provided_im.size != size:
if bmp:
bits = BmpImagePlugin.SAVE[provided_im.mode][1]
bits_used = [bits]
for other_im in provided_ims:
if other_im.size != size:
bits = BmpImagePlugin.SAVE[other_im.mode][1]
if bits not in bits_used:
# Another image has been supplied for this size
# with a different bit depth
# TODO: invent a more convenient method for proportional scalings
frame = provided_im.copy()
frame.thumbnail(size, Image.Resampling.LANCZOS, reducing_gap=None)
fp.write(o16(len(frames))) # idCount(2)
offset = fp.tell() + len(frames) * 16
for frame in frames:
width, height = frame.size
# 0 means 256
fp.write(o8(width if width < 256 else 0)) # bWidth(1)
fp.write(o8(height if height < 256 else 0)) # bHeight(1)
bits, colors = BmpImagePlugin.SAVE[frame.mode][1:] if bmp else (32, 0)
fp.write(o8(colors)) # bColorCount(1)
fp.write(b"\0") # bReserved(1)
fp.write(b"\0\0") # wPlanes(2)
fp.write(o16(bits)) # wBitCount(2)
image_io = BytesIO()
if bmp:
frame.save(image_io, "dib")
if bits != 32:
and_mask = Image.new("1", size)
and_mask, image_io, [("raw", (0, 0) + size, 0, ("1", 0, -1))]
frame.save(image_io, "png")
image_bytes = image_io.read()
if bmp:
image_bytes = image_bytes[:8] + o32(height * 2) + image_bytes[12:]
bytes_len = len(image_bytes)
fp.write(o32(bytes_len)) # dwBytesInRes(4)
fp.write(o32(offset)) # dwImageOffset(4)
current = fp.tell()
offset = offset + bytes_len
def _accept(prefix):
return prefix[:4] == _MAGIC
class IcoFile:
def __init__(self, buf):
Parse image from file-like object containing ico file data
# check magic
s = buf.read(6)
if not _accept(s):
msg = "not an ICO file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
self.buf = buf
self.entry = []
# Number of items in file
self.nb_items = i16(s, 4)
# Get headers for each item
for i in range(self.nb_items):
s = buf.read(16)
icon_header = {
"width": s[0],
"height": s[1],
"nb_color": s[2], # No. of colors in image (0 if >=8bpp)
"reserved": s[3],
"planes": i16(s, 4),
"bpp": i16(s, 6),
"size": i32(s, 8),
"offset": i32(s, 12),
# See Wikipedia
for j in ("width", "height"):
if not icon_header[j]:
icon_header[j] = 256
# See Wikipedia notes about color depth.
# We need this just to differ images with equal sizes
icon_header["color_depth"] = (
or (
icon_header["nb_color"] != 0
and ceil(log(icon_header["nb_color"], 2))
or 256
icon_header["dim"] = (icon_header["width"], icon_header["height"])
icon_header["square"] = icon_header["width"] * icon_header["height"]
self.entry = sorted(self.entry, key=lambda x: x["color_depth"])
# ICO images are usually squares
# self.entry = sorted(self.entry, key=lambda x: x['width'])
self.entry = sorted(self.entry, key=lambda x: x["square"])
def sizes(self):
Get a list of all available icon sizes and color depths.
return {(h["width"], h["height"]) for h in self.entry}
def getentryindex(self, size, bpp=False):
for i, h in enumerate(self.entry):
if size == h["dim"] and (bpp is False or bpp == h["color_depth"]):
return i
return 0
def getimage(self, size, bpp=False):
Get an image from the icon
return self.frame(self.getentryindex(size, bpp))
def frame(self, idx):
Get an image from frame idx
header = self.entry[idx]
data = self.buf.read(8)
if data[:8] == PngImagePlugin._MAGIC:
# png frame
im = PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile(self.buf)
# XOR + AND mask bmp frame
im = BmpImagePlugin.DibImageFile(self.buf)
# change tile dimension to only encompass XOR image
im._size = (im.size[0], int(im.size[1] / 2))
d, e, o, a = im.tile[0]
im.tile[0] = d, (0, 0) + im.size, o, a
# figure out where AND mask image starts
bpp = header["bpp"]
if 32 == bpp:
# 32-bit color depth icon image allows semitransparent areas
# PIL's DIB format ignores transparency bits, recover them.
# The DIB is packed in BGRX byte order where X is the alpha
# channel.
# Back up to start of bmp data
# extract every 4th byte (eg. 3,7,11,15,...)
alpha_bytes = self.buf.read(im.size[0] * im.size[1] * 4)[3::4]
# convert to an 8bpp grayscale image
mask = Image.frombuffer(
"L", # 8bpp
im.size, # (w, h)
alpha_bytes, # source chars
"raw", # raw decoder
("L", 0, -1), # 8bpp inverted, unpadded, reversed
# get AND image from end of bitmap
w = im.size[0]
if (w % 32) > 0:
# bitmap row data is aligned to word boundaries
w += 32 - (im.size[0] % 32)
# the total mask data is
# padded row size * height / bits per char
total_bytes = int((w * im.size[1]) / 8)
and_mask_offset = header["offset"] + header["size"] - total_bytes
mask_data = self.buf.read(total_bytes)
# convert raw data to image
mask = Image.frombuffer(
"1", # 1 bpp
im.size, # (w, h)
mask_data, # source chars
"raw", # raw decoder
("1;I", int(w / 8), -1), # 1bpp inverted, padded, reversed
# now we have two images, im is XOR image and mask is AND image
# apply mask image as alpha channel
im = im.convert("RGBA")
return im
# Image plugin for Windows Icon files.
class IcoImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile):
PIL read-only image support for Microsoft Windows .ico files.
By default the largest resolution image in the file will be loaded. This
can be changed by altering the 'size' attribute before calling 'load'.
The info dictionary has a key 'sizes' that is a list of the sizes available
in the icon file.
Handles classic, XP and Vista icon formats.
When saving, PNG compression is used. Support for this was only added in
Windows Vista. If you are unable to view the icon in Windows, convert the
image to "RGBA" mode before saving.
This plugin is a refactored version of Win32IconImagePlugin by Bryan Davis
format = "ICO"
format_description = "Windows Icon"
def _open(self):
self.ico = IcoFile(self.fp)
self.info["sizes"] = self.ico.sizes()
self.size = self.ico.entry[0]["dim"]
def size(self):
return self._size
def size(self, value):
if value not in self.info["sizes"]:
msg = "This is not one of the allowed sizes of this image"
raise ValueError(msg)
self._size = value
def load(self):
if self.im is not None and self.im.size == self.size:
# Already loaded
return Image.Image.load(self)
im = self.ico.getimage(self.size)
# if tile is PNG, it won't really be loaded yet
self.im = im.im
self.pyaccess = None
self.mode = im.mode
if im.size != self.size:
warnings.warn("Image was not the expected size")
index = self.ico.getentryindex(self.size)
sizes = list(self.info["sizes"])
sizes[index] = im.size
self.info["sizes"] = set(sizes)
self.size = im.size
def load_seek(self):
# Flag the ImageFile.Parser so that it
# just does all the decode at the end.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
Image.register_open(IcoImageFile.format, IcoImageFile, _accept)
Image.register_save(IcoImageFile.format, _save)
Image.register_extension(IcoImageFile.format, ".ico")
Image.register_mime(IcoImageFile.format, "image/x-icon")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# IFUNC IM file handling for PIL
# history:
# 1995-09-01 fl Created.
# 1997-01-03 fl Save palette images
# 1997-01-08 fl Added sequence support
# 1997-01-23 fl Added P and RGB save support
# 1997-05-31 fl Read floating point images
# 1997-06-22 fl Save floating point images
# 1997-08-27 fl Read and save 1-bit images
# 1998-06-25 fl Added support for RGB+LUT images
# 1998-07-02 fl Added support for YCC images
# 1998-07-15 fl Renamed offset attribute to avoid name clash
# 1998-12-29 fl Added I;16 support
# 2001-02-17 fl Use 're' instead of 'regex' (Python 2.1) (0.7)
# 2003-09-26 fl Added LA/PA support
# Copyright (c) 1997-2003 by Secret Labs AB.
# Copyright (c) 1995-2001 by Fredrik Lundh.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
import os
import re
from . import Image, ImageFile, ImagePalette
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Standard tags
COMMENT = "Comment"
DATE = "Date"
EQUIPMENT = "Digitalization equipment"
FRAMES = "File size (no of images)"
LUT = "Lut"
NAME = "Name"
SCALE = "Scale (x,y)"
SIZE = "Image size (x*y)"
MODE = "Image type"
TAGS = {
DATE: 0,
LUT: 0,
NAME: 0,
SIZE: 0,
MODE: 0,
OPEN = {
# ifunc93/p3cfunc formats
"0 1 image": ("1", "1"),
"L 1 image": ("1", "1"),
"Greyscale image": ("L", "L"),
"Grayscale image": ("L", "L"),
"RGB image": ("RGB", "RGB;L"),
"RLB image": ("RGB", "RLB"),
"RYB image": ("RGB", "RLB"),
"B1 image": ("1", "1"),
"B2 image": ("P", "P;2"),
"B4 image": ("P", "P;4"),
"X 24 image": ("RGB", "RGB"),
"L 32 S image": ("I", "I;32"),
"L 32 F image": ("F", "F;32"),
# old p3cfunc formats
"RGB3 image": ("RGB", "RGB;T"),
"RYB3 image": ("RGB", "RYB;T"),
# extensions
"LA image": ("LA", "LA;L"),
"PA image": ("LA", "PA;L"),
"RGBA image": ("RGBA", "RGBA;L"),
"RGBX image": ("RGBX", "RGBX;L"),
"CMYK image": ("CMYK", "CMYK;L"),
"YCC image": ("YCbCr", "YCbCr;L"),
# ifunc95 extensions
for i in ["8", "8S", "16", "16S", "32", "32F"]:
OPEN[f"L {i} image"] = ("F", f"F;{i}")
OPEN[f"L*{i} image"] = ("F", f"F;{i}")
for i in ["16", "16L", "16B"]:
OPEN[f"L {i} image"] = (f"I;{i}", f"I;{i}")
OPEN[f"L*{i} image"] = (f"I;{i}", f"I;{i}")
for i in ["32S"]:
OPEN[f"L {i} image"] = ("I", f"I;{i}")
OPEN[f"L*{i} image"] = ("I", f"I;{i}")
for i in range(2, 33):
OPEN[f"L*{i} image"] = ("F", f"F;{i}")
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Read IM directory
split = re.compile(rb"^([A-Za-z][^:]*):[ \t]*(.*)[ \t]*$")
def number(s):
return int(s)
except ValueError:
return float(s)
# Image plugin for the IFUNC IM file format.
class ImImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile):
format = "IM"
format_description = "IFUNC Image Memory"
_close_exclusive_fp_after_loading = False
def _open(self):
# Quick rejection: if there's not an LF among the first
# 100 bytes, this is (probably) not a text header.
if b"\n" not in self.fp.read(100):
msg = "not an IM file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
n = 0
# Default values
self.info[MODE] = "L"
self.info[SIZE] = (512, 512)
self.info[FRAMES] = 1
self.rawmode = "L"
while True:
s = self.fp.read(1)
# Some versions of IFUNC uses \n\r instead of \r\n...
if s == b"\r":
if not s or s == b"\0" or s == b"\x1A":
# FIXME: this may read whole file if not a text file
s = s + self.fp.readline()
if len(s) > 100:
msg = "not an IM file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
if s[-2:] == b"\r\n":
s = s[:-2]
elif s[-1:] == b"\n":
s = s[:-1]
m = split.match(s)
except re.error as e:
msg = "not an IM file"
raise SyntaxError(msg) from e
if m:
k, v = m.group(1, 2)
# Don't know if this is the correct encoding,
# but a decent guess (I guess)
k = k.decode("latin-1", "replace")
v = v.decode("latin-1", "replace")
# Convert value as appropriate
if k in [FRAMES, SCALE, SIZE]:
v = v.replace("*", ",")
v = tuple(map(number, v.split(",")))
if len(v) == 1:
v = v[0]
elif k == MODE and v in OPEN:
v, self.rawmode = OPEN[v]
# Add to dictionary. Note that COMMENT tags are
# combined into a list of strings.
if k == COMMENT:
if k in self.info:
self.info[k] = [v]
self.info[k] = v
if k in TAGS:
n += 1
msg = "Syntax error in IM header: " + s.decode("ascii", "replace")
raise SyntaxError(msg)
if not n:
msg = "Not an IM file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
# Basic attributes
self._size = self.info[SIZE]
self.mode = self.info[MODE]
# Skip forward to start of image data
while s and s[:1] != b"\x1A":
s = self.fp.read(1)
if not s:
msg = "File truncated"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
if LUT in self.info:
# convert lookup table to palette or lut attribute
palette = self.fp.read(768)
greyscale = 1 # greyscale palette
linear = 1 # linear greyscale palette
for i in range(256):
if palette[i] == palette[i + 256] == palette[i + 512]:
if palette[i] != i:
linear = 0
greyscale = 0
if self.mode in ["L", "LA", "P", "PA"]:
if greyscale:
if not linear:
self.lut = list(palette[:256])
if self.mode in ["L", "P"]:
self.mode = self.rawmode = "P"
elif self.mode in ["LA", "PA"]:
self.mode = "PA"
self.rawmode = "PA;L"
self.palette = ImagePalette.raw("RGB;L", palette)
elif self.mode == "RGB":
if not greyscale or not linear:
self.lut = list(palette)
self.frame = 0
self.__offset = offs = self.fp.tell()
self._fp = self.fp # FIXME: hack
if self.rawmode[:2] == "F;":
# ifunc95 formats
# use bit decoder (if necessary)
bits = int(self.rawmode[2:])
if bits not in [8, 16, 32]:
self.tile = [("bit", (0, 0) + self.size, offs, (bits, 8, 3, 0, -1))]
except ValueError:
if self.rawmode in ["RGB;T", "RYB;T"]:
# Old LabEye/3PC files. Would be very surprised if anyone
# ever stumbled upon such a file ;-)
size = self.size[0] * self.size[1]
self.tile = [
("raw", (0, 0) + self.size, offs, ("G", 0, -1)),
("raw", (0, 0) + self.size, offs + size, ("R", 0, -1)),
("raw", (0, 0) + self.size, offs + 2 * size, ("B", 0, -1)),
# LabEye/IFUNC files
self.tile = [("raw", (0, 0) + self.size, offs, (self.rawmode, 0, -1))]
def n_frames(self):
return self.info[FRAMES]
def is_animated(self):
return self.info[FRAMES] > 1
def seek(self, frame):
if not self._seek_check(frame):
self.frame = frame
if self.mode == "1":
bits = 1
bits = 8 * len(self.mode)
size = ((self.size[0] * bits + 7) // 8) * self.size[1]
offs = self.__offset + frame * size
self.fp = self._fp
self.tile = [("raw", (0, 0) + self.size, offs, (self.rawmode, 0, -1))]
def tell(self):
return self.frame
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Save IM files
SAVE = {
# mode: (im type, raw mode)
"1": ("0 1", "1"),
"L": ("Greyscale", "L"),
"LA": ("LA", "LA;L"),
"P": ("Greyscale", "P"),
"PA": ("LA", "PA;L"),
"I": ("L 32S", "I;32S"),
"I;16": ("L 16", "I;16"),
"I;16L": ("L 16L", "I;16L"),
"I;16B": ("L 16B", "I;16B"),
"F": ("L 32F", "F;32F"),
"RGB": ("RGB", "RGB;L"),
"RGBA": ("RGBA", "RGBA;L"),
"RGBX": ("RGBX", "RGBX;L"),
"CMYK": ("CMYK", "CMYK;L"),
"YCbCr": ("YCC", "YCbCr;L"),
def _save(im, fp, filename):
image_type, rawmode = SAVE[im.mode]
except KeyError as e:
msg = f"Cannot save {im.mode} images as IM"
raise ValueError(msg) from e
frames = im.encoderinfo.get("frames", 1)
fp.write(f"Image type: {image_type} image\r\n".encode("ascii"))
if filename:
# Each line must be 100 characters or less,
# or: SyntaxError("not an IM file")
# 8 characters are used for "Name: " and "\r\n"
# Keep just the filename, ditch the potentially overlong path
name, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))
name = "".join([name[: 92 - len(ext)], ext])
fp.write(f"Name: {name}\r\n".encode("ascii"))
fp.write(("Image size (x*y): %d*%d\r\n" % im.size).encode("ascii"))
fp.write(f"File size (no of images): {frames}\r\n".encode("ascii"))
if im.mode in ["P", "PA"]:
fp.write(b"Lut: 1\r\n")
fp.write(b"\000" * (511 - fp.tell()) + b"\032")
if im.mode in ["P", "PA"]:
im_palette = im.im.getpalette("RGB", "RGB;L")
colors = len(im_palette) // 3
palette = b""
for i in range(3):
palette += im_palette[colors * i : colors * (i + 1)]
palette += b"\x00" * (256 - colors)
fp.write(palette) # 768 bytes
ImageFile._save(im, fp, [("raw", (0, 0) + im.size, 0, (rawmode, 0, -1))])
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Registry
Image.register_open(ImImageFile.format, ImImageFile)
Image.register_save(ImImageFile.format, _save)
Image.register_extension(ImImageFile.format, ".im")

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@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# standard channel operations
# History:
# 1996-03-24 fl Created
# 1996-08-13 fl Added logical operations (for "1" images)
# 2000-10-12 fl Added offset method (from Image.py)
# Copyright (c) 1997-2000 by Secret Labs AB
# Copyright (c) 1996-2000 by Fredrik Lundh
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
from . import Image
def constant(image, value):
"""Fill a channel with a given grey level.
:rtype: :py:class:`~PIL.Image.Image`
return Image.new("L", image.size, value)
def duplicate(image):
"""Copy a channel. Alias for :py:meth:`PIL.Image.Image.copy`.
:rtype: :py:class:`~PIL.Image.Image`
return image.copy()
def invert(image):
Invert an image (channel). ::
out = MAX - image
:rtype: :py:class:`~PIL.Image.Image`
return image._new(image.im.chop_invert())
def lighter(image1, image2):
Compares the two images, pixel by pixel, and returns a new image containing
the lighter values. ::
out = max(image1, image2)
:rtype: :py:class:`~PIL.Image.Image`
return image1._new(image1.im.chop_lighter(image2.im))
def darker(image1, image2):
Compares the two images, pixel by pixel, and returns a new image containing
the darker values. ::
out = min(image1, image2)
:rtype: :py:class:`~PIL.Image.Image`
return image1._new(image1.im.chop_darker(image2.im))
def difference(image1, image2):
Returns the absolute value of the pixel-by-pixel difference between the two
images. ::
out = abs(image1 - image2)
:rtype: :py:class:`~PIL.Image.Image`
return image1._new(image1.im.chop_difference(image2.im))
def multiply(image1, image2):
Superimposes two images on top of each other.
If you multiply an image with a solid black image, the result is black. If
you multiply with a solid white image, the image is unaffected. ::
out = image1 * image2 / MAX
:rtype: :py:class:`~PIL.Image.Image`
return image1._new(image1.im.chop_multiply(image2.im))
def screen(image1, image2):
Superimposes two inverted images on top of each other. ::
out = MAX - ((MAX - image1) * (MAX - image2) / MAX)
:rtype: :py:class:`~PIL.Image.Image`
return image1._new(image1.im.chop_screen(image2.im))
def soft_light(image1, image2):
Superimposes two images on top of each other using the Soft Light algorithm
:rtype: :py:class:`~PIL.Image.Image`
return image1._new(image1.im.chop_soft_light(image2.im))
def hard_light(image1, image2):
Superimposes two images on top of each other using the Hard Light algorithm
:rtype: :py:class:`~PIL.Image.Image`
return image1._new(image1.im.chop_hard_light(image2.im))
def overlay(image1, image2):
Superimposes two images on top of each other using the Overlay algorithm
:rtype: :py:class:`~PIL.Image.Image`
return image1._new(image1.im.chop_overlay(image2.im))
def add(image1, image2, scale=1.0, offset=0):
Adds two images, dividing the result by scale and adding the
offset. If omitted, scale defaults to 1.0, and offset to 0.0. ::
out = ((image1 + image2) / scale + offset)
:rtype: :py:class:`~PIL.Image.Image`
return image1._new(image1.im.chop_add(image2.im, scale, offset))
def subtract(image1, image2, scale=1.0, offset=0):
Subtracts two images, dividing the result by scale and adding the offset.
If omitted, scale defaults to 1.0, and offset to 0.0. ::
out = ((image1 - image2) / scale + offset)
:rtype: :py:class:`~PIL.Image.Image`
return image1._new(image1.im.chop_subtract(image2.im, scale, offset))
def add_modulo(image1, image2):
"""Add two images, without clipping the result. ::
out = ((image1 + image2) % MAX)
:rtype: :py:class:`~PIL.Image.Image`
return image1._new(image1.im.chop_add_modulo(image2.im))
def subtract_modulo(image1, image2):
"""Subtract two images, without clipping the result. ::
out = ((image1 - image2) % MAX)
:rtype: :py:class:`~PIL.Image.Image`
return image1._new(image1.im.chop_subtract_modulo(image2.im))
def logical_and(image1, image2):
"""Logical AND between two images.
Both of the images must have mode "1". If you would like to perform a
logical AND on an image with a mode other than "1", try
:py:meth:`~PIL.ImageChops.multiply` instead, using a black-and-white mask
as the second image. ::
out = ((image1 and image2) % MAX)
:rtype: :py:class:`~PIL.Image.Image`
return image1._new(image1.im.chop_and(image2.im))
def logical_or(image1, image2):
"""Logical OR between two images.
Both of the images must have mode "1". ::
out = ((image1 or image2) % MAX)
:rtype: :py:class:`~PIL.Image.Image`
return image1._new(image1.im.chop_or(image2.im))
def logical_xor(image1, image2):
"""Logical XOR between two images.
Both of the images must have mode "1". ::
out = ((bool(image1) != bool(image2)) % MAX)
:rtype: :py:class:`~PIL.Image.Image`
return image1._new(image1.im.chop_xor(image2.im))
def blend(image1, image2, alpha):
"""Blend images using constant transparency weight. Alias for
:rtype: :py:class:`~PIL.Image.Image`
return Image.blend(image1, image2, alpha)
def composite(image1, image2, mask):
"""Create composite using transparency mask. Alias for
:rtype: :py:class:`~PIL.Image.Image`
return Image.composite(image1, image2, mask)
def offset(image, xoffset, yoffset=None):
"""Returns a copy of the image where data has been offset by the given
distances. Data wraps around the edges. If ``yoffset`` is omitted, it
is assumed to be equal to ``xoffset``.
:param image: Input image.
:param xoffset: The horizontal distance.
:param yoffset: The vertical distance. If omitted, both
distances are set to the same value.
:rtype: :py:class:`~PIL.Image.Image`
if yoffset is None:
yoffset = xoffset
return image._new(image.im.offset(xoffset, yoffset))

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@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
# The Python Imaging Library
# $Id$
# map CSS3-style colour description strings to RGB
# History:
# 2002-10-24 fl Added support for CSS-style color strings
# 2002-12-15 fl Added RGBA support
# 2004-03-27 fl Fixed remaining int() problems for Python 1.5.2
# 2004-07-19 fl Fixed gray/grey spelling issues
# 2009-03-05 fl Fixed rounding error in grayscale calculation
# Copyright (c) 2002-2004 by Secret Labs AB
# Copyright (c) 2002-2004 by Fredrik Lundh
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
import re
from . import Image
def getrgb(color):
Convert a color string to an RGB or RGBA tuple. If the string cannot be
parsed, this function raises a :py:exc:`ValueError` exception.
.. versionadded:: 1.1.4
:param color: A color string
:return: ``(red, green, blue[, alpha])``
if len(color) > 100:
msg = "color specifier is too long"
raise ValueError(msg)
color = color.lower()
rgb = colormap.get(color, None)
if rgb:
if isinstance(rgb, tuple):
return rgb
colormap[color] = rgb = getrgb(rgb)
return rgb
# check for known string formats
if re.match("#[a-f0-9]{3}$", color):
return int(color[1] * 2, 16), int(color[2] * 2, 16), int(color[3] * 2, 16)
if re.match("#[a-f0-9]{4}$", color):
return (
int(color[1] * 2, 16),
int(color[2] * 2, 16),
int(color[3] * 2, 16),
int(color[4] * 2, 16),
if re.match("#[a-f0-9]{6}$", color):
return int(color[1:3], 16), int(color[3:5], 16), int(color[5:7], 16)
if re.match("#[a-f0-9]{8}$", color):
return (
int(color[1:3], 16),
int(color[3:5], 16),
int(color[5:7], 16),
int(color[7:9], 16),
m = re.match(r"rgb\(\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*\)$", color)
if m:
return int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2)), int(m.group(3))
m = re.match(r"rgb\(\s*(\d+)%\s*,\s*(\d+)%\s*,\s*(\d+)%\s*\)$", color)
if m:
return (
int((int(m.group(1)) * 255) / 100.0 + 0.5),
int((int(m.group(2)) * 255) / 100.0 + 0.5),
int((int(m.group(3)) * 255) / 100.0 + 0.5),
m = re.match(
r"hsl\(\s*(\d+\.?\d*)\s*,\s*(\d+\.?\d*)%\s*,\s*(\d+\.?\d*)%\s*\)$", color
if m:
from colorsys import hls_to_rgb
rgb = hls_to_rgb(
float(m.group(1)) / 360.0,
float(m.group(3)) / 100.0,
float(m.group(2)) / 100.0,
return (
int(rgb[0] * 255 + 0.5),
int(rgb[1] * 255 + 0.5),
int(rgb[2] * 255 + 0.5),
m = re.match(
r"hs[bv]\(\s*(\d+\.?\d*)\s*,\s*(\d+\.?\d*)%\s*,\s*(\d+\.?\d*)%\s*\)$", color
if m:
from colorsys import hsv_to_rgb
rgb = hsv_to_rgb(
float(m.group(1)) / 360.0,
float(m.group(2)) / 100.0,
float(m.group(3)) / 100.0,
return (
int(rgb[0] * 255 + 0.5),
int(rgb[1] * 255 + 0.5),
int(rgb[2] * 255 + 0.5),
m = re.match(r"rgba\(\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*\)$", color)
if m:
return int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2)), int(m.group(3)), int(m.group(4))
msg = f"unknown color specifier: {repr(color)}"
raise ValueError(msg)
def getcolor(color, mode):
Same as :py:func:`~PIL.ImageColor.getrgb`, but converts the RGB value to a
greyscale value if ``mode`` is not color or a palette image. If the string
cannot be parsed, this function raises a :py:exc:`ValueError` exception.
.. versionadded:: 1.1.4
:param color: A color string
:param mode: Convert result to this mode
:return: ``(graylevel[, alpha]) or (red, green, blue[, alpha])``
# same as getrgb, but converts the result to the given mode
color, alpha = getrgb(color), 255
if len(color) == 4:
color, alpha = color[:3], color[3]
if Image.getmodebase(mode) == "L":
r, g, b = color
# ITU-R Recommendation 601-2 for nonlinear RGB
# scaled to 24 bits to match the convert's implementation.
color = (r * 19595 + g * 38470 + b * 7471 + 0x8000) >> 16
if mode[-1] == "A":
return color, alpha
if mode[-1] == "A":
return color + (alpha,)
return color
colormap = {
# X11 colour table from https://drafts.csswg.org/css-color-4/, with
# gray/grey spelling issues fixed. This is a superset of HTML 4.0
# colour names used in CSS 1.
"aliceblue": "#f0f8ff",
"antiquewhite": "#faebd7",
"aqua": "#00ffff",
"aquamarine": "#7fffd4",
"azure": "#f0ffff",
"beige": "#f5f5dc",
"bisque": "#ffe4c4",
"black": "#000000",
"blanchedalmond": "#ffebcd",
"blue": "#0000ff",
"blueviolet": "#8a2be2",
"brown": "#a52a2a",
"burlywood": "#deb887",
"cadetblue": "#5f9ea0",
"chartreuse": "#7fff00",
"chocolate": "#d2691e",
"coral": "#ff7f50",
"cornflowerblue": "#6495ed",
"cornsilk": "#fff8dc",
"crimson": "#dc143c",
"cyan": "#00ffff",
"darkblue": "#00008b",
"darkcyan": "#008b8b",
"darkgoldenrod": "#b8860b",
"darkgray": "#a9a9a9",
"darkgrey": "#a9a9a9",
"darkgreen": "#006400",
"darkkhaki": "#bdb76b",
"darkmagenta": "#8b008b",
"darkolivegreen": "#556b2f",
"darkorange": "#ff8c00",
"darkorchid": "#9932cc",
"darkred": "#8b0000",
"darksalmon": "#e9967a",
"darkseagreen": "#8fbc8f",
"darkslateblue": "#483d8b",
"darkslategray": "#2f4f4f",
"darkslategrey": "#2f4f4f",
"darkturquoise": "#00ced1",
"darkviolet": "#9400d3",
"deeppink": "#ff1493",
"deepskyblue": "#00bfff",
"dimgray": "#696969",
"dimgrey": "#696969",
"dodgerblue": "#1e90ff",
"firebrick": "#b22222",
"floralwhite": "#fffaf0",
"forestgreen": "#228b22",
"fuchsia": "#ff00ff",
"gainsboro": "#dcdcdc",
"ghostwhite": "#f8f8ff",
"gold": "#ffd700",
"goldenrod": "#daa520",
"gray": "#808080",
"grey": "#808080",
"green": "#008000",
"greenyellow": "#adff2f",
"honeydew": "#f0fff0",
"hotpink": "#ff69b4",
"indianred": "#cd5c5c",
"indigo": "#4b0082",
"ivory": "#fffff0",
"khaki": "#f0e68c",
"lavender": "#e6e6fa",
"lavenderblush": "#fff0f5",
"lawngreen": "#7cfc00",
"lemonchiffon": "#fffacd",
"lightblue": "#add8e6",
"lightcoral": "#f08080",
"lightcyan": "#e0ffff",
"lightgoldenrodyellow": "#fafad2",
"lightgreen": "#90ee90",
"lightgray": "#d3d3d3",
"lightgrey": "#d3d3d3",
"lightpink": "#ffb6c1",
"lightsalmon": "#ffa07a",
"lightseagreen": "#20b2aa",
"lightskyblue": "#87cefa",
"lightslategray": "#778899",
"lightslategrey": "#778899",
"lightsteelblue": "#b0c4de",
"lightyellow": "#ffffe0",
"lime": "#00ff00",
"limegreen": "#32cd32",
"linen": "#faf0e6",
"magenta": "#ff00ff",
"maroon": "#800000",
"mediumaquamarine": "#66cdaa",
"mediumblue": "#0000cd",
"mediumorchid": "#ba55d3",
"mediumpurple": "#9370db",
"mediumseagreen": "#3cb371",
"mediumslateblue": "#7b68ee",
"mediumspringgreen": "#00fa9a",
"mediumturquoise": "#48d1cc",
"mediumvioletred": "#c71585",
"midnightblue": "#191970",
"mintcream": "#f5fffa",
"mistyrose": "#ffe4e1",
"moccasin": "#ffe4b5",
"navajowhite": "#ffdead",
"navy": "#000080",
"oldlace": "#fdf5e6",
"olive": "#808000",
"olivedrab": "#6b8e23",
"orange": "#ffa500",
"orangered": "#ff4500",
"orchid": "#da70d6",
"palegoldenrod": "#eee8aa",
"palegreen": "#98fb98",
"paleturquoise": "#afeeee",
"palevioletred": "#db7093",
"papayawhip": "#ffefd5",
"peachpuff": "#ffdab9",
"peru": "#cd853f",
"pink": "#ffc0cb",
"plum": "#dda0dd",
"powderblue": "#b0e0e6",
"purple": "#800080",
"rebeccapurple": "#663399",
"red": "#ff0000",
"rosybrown": "#bc8f8f",
"royalblue": "#4169e1",
"saddlebrown": "#8b4513",
"salmon": "#fa8072",
"sandybrown": "#f4a460",
"seagreen": "#2e8b57",
"seashell": "#fff5ee",
"sienna": "#a0522d",
"silver": "#c0c0c0",
"skyblue": "#87ceeb",
"slateblue": "#6a5acd",
"slategray": "#708090",
"slategrey": "#708090",
"snow": "#fffafa",
"springgreen": "#00ff7f",
"steelblue": "#4682b4",
"tan": "#d2b48c",
"teal": "#008080",
"thistle": "#d8bfd8",
"tomato": "#ff6347",
"turquoise": "#40e0d0",
"violet": "#ee82ee",
"wheat": "#f5deb3",
"white": "#ffffff",
"whitesmoke": "#f5f5f5",
"yellow": "#ffff00",
"yellowgreen": "#9acd32",

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@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
# The Python Imaging Library
# $Id$
# WCK-style drawing interface operations
# History:
# 2003-12-07 fl created
# 2005-05-15 fl updated; added to PIL as ImageDraw2
# 2005-05-15 fl added text support
# 2005-05-20 fl added arc/chord/pieslice support
# Copyright (c) 2003-2005 by Secret Labs AB
# Copyright (c) 2003-2005 by Fredrik Lundh
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
(Experimental) WCK-style drawing interface operations
.. seealso:: :py:mod:`PIL.ImageDraw`
import warnings
from . import Image, ImageColor, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImagePath
from ._deprecate import deprecate
class Pen:
"""Stores an outline color and width."""
def __init__(self, color, width=1, opacity=255):
self.color = ImageColor.getrgb(color)
self.width = width
class Brush:
"""Stores a fill color"""
def __init__(self, color, opacity=255):
self.color = ImageColor.getrgb(color)
class Font:
"""Stores a TrueType font and color"""
def __init__(self, color, file, size=12):
# FIXME: add support for bitmap fonts
self.color = ImageColor.getrgb(color)
self.font = ImageFont.truetype(file, size)
class Draw:
(Experimental) WCK-style drawing interface
def __init__(self, image, size=None, color=None):
if not hasattr(image, "im"):
image = Image.new(image, size, color)
self.draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
self.image = image
self.transform = None
def flush(self):
return self.image
def render(self, op, xy, pen, brush=None):
# handle color arguments
outline = fill = None
width = 1
if isinstance(pen, Pen):
outline = pen.color
width = pen.width
elif isinstance(brush, Pen):
outline = brush.color
width = brush.width
if isinstance(brush, Brush):
fill = brush.color
elif isinstance(pen, Brush):
fill = pen.color
# handle transformation
if self.transform:
xy = ImagePath.Path(xy)
# render the item
if op == "line":
self.draw.line(xy, fill=outline, width=width)
getattr(self.draw, op)(xy, fill=fill, outline=outline)
def settransform(self, offset):
"""Sets a transformation offset."""
(xoffset, yoffset) = offset
self.transform = (1, 0, xoffset, 0, 1, yoffset)
def arc(self, xy, start, end, *options):
Draws an arc (a portion of a circle outline) between the start and end
angles, inside the given bounding box.
.. seealso:: :py:meth:`PIL.ImageDraw.ImageDraw.arc`
self.render("arc", xy, start, end, *options)
def chord(self, xy, start, end, *options):
Same as :py:meth:`~PIL.ImageDraw2.Draw.arc`, but connects the end points
with a straight line.
.. seealso:: :py:meth:`PIL.ImageDraw.ImageDraw.chord`
self.render("chord", xy, start, end, *options)
def ellipse(self, xy, *options):
Draws an ellipse inside the given bounding box.
.. seealso:: :py:meth:`PIL.ImageDraw.ImageDraw.ellipse`
self.render("ellipse", xy, *options)
def line(self, xy, *options):
Draws a line between the coordinates in the ``xy`` list.
.. seealso:: :py:meth:`PIL.ImageDraw.ImageDraw.line`
self.render("line", xy, *options)
def pieslice(self, xy, start, end, *options):
Same as arc, but also draws straight lines between the end points and the
center of the bounding box.
.. seealso:: :py:meth:`PIL.ImageDraw.ImageDraw.pieslice`
self.render("pieslice", xy, start, end, *options)
def polygon(self, xy, *options):
Draws a polygon.
The polygon outline consists of straight lines between the given
coordinates, plus a straight line between the last and the first
.. seealso:: :py:meth:`PIL.ImageDraw.ImageDraw.polygon`
self.render("polygon", xy, *options)
def rectangle(self, xy, *options):
Draws a rectangle.
.. seealso:: :py:meth:`PIL.ImageDraw.ImageDraw.rectangle`
self.render("rectangle", xy, *options)
def text(self, xy, text, font):
Draws the string at the given position.
.. seealso:: :py:meth:`PIL.ImageDraw.ImageDraw.text`
if self.transform:
xy = ImagePath.Path(xy)
self.draw.text(xy, text, font=font.font, fill=font.color)
def textsize(self, text, font):
.. deprecated:: 9.2.0
Return the size of the given string, in pixels.
.. seealso:: :py:meth:`PIL.ImageDraw.ImageDraw.textsize`
deprecate("textsize", 10, "textbbox or textlength")
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning)
return self.draw.textsize(text, font=font.font)
def textbbox(self, xy, text, font):
Returns bounding box (in pixels) of given text.
:return: ``(left, top, right, bottom)`` bounding box
.. seealso:: :py:meth:`PIL.ImageDraw.ImageDraw.textbbox`
if self.transform:
xy = ImagePath.Path(xy)
return self.draw.textbbox(xy, text, font=font.font)
def textlength(self, text, font):
Returns length (in pixels) of given text.
This is the amount by which following text should be offset.
.. seealso:: :py:meth:`PIL.ImageDraw.ImageDraw.textlength`
return self.draw.textlength(text, font=font.font)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# image enhancement classes
# For a background, see "Image Processing By Interpolation and
# Extrapolation", Paul Haeberli and Douglas Voorhies. Available
# at http://www.graficaobscura.com/interp/index.html
# History:
# 1996-03-23 fl Created
# 2009-06-16 fl Fixed mean calculation
# Copyright (c) Secret Labs AB 1997.
# Copyright (c) Fredrik Lundh 1996.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
from . import Image, ImageFilter, ImageStat
class _Enhance:
def enhance(self, factor):
Returns an enhanced image.
:param factor: A floating point value controlling the enhancement.
Factor 1.0 always returns a copy of the original image,
lower factors mean less color (brightness, contrast,
etc), and higher values more. There are no restrictions
on this value.
:rtype: :py:class:`~PIL.Image.Image`
return Image.blend(self.degenerate, self.image, factor)
class Color(_Enhance):
"""Adjust image color balance.
This class can be used to adjust the colour balance of an image, in
a manner similar to the controls on a colour TV set. An enhancement
factor of 0.0 gives a black and white image. A factor of 1.0 gives
the original image.
def __init__(self, image):
self.image = image
self.intermediate_mode = "L"
if "A" in image.getbands():
self.intermediate_mode = "LA"
self.degenerate = image.convert(self.intermediate_mode).convert(image.mode)
class Contrast(_Enhance):
"""Adjust image contrast.
This class can be used to control the contrast of an image, similar
to the contrast control on a TV set. An enhancement factor of 0.0
gives a solid grey image. A factor of 1.0 gives the original image.
def __init__(self, image):
self.image = image
mean = int(ImageStat.Stat(image.convert("L")).mean[0] + 0.5)
self.degenerate = Image.new("L", image.size, mean).convert(image.mode)
if "A" in image.getbands():
class Brightness(_Enhance):
"""Adjust image brightness.
This class can be used to control the brightness of an image. An
enhancement factor of 0.0 gives a black image. A factor of 1.0 gives the
original image.
def __init__(self, image):
self.image = image
self.degenerate = Image.new(image.mode, image.size, 0)
if "A" in image.getbands():
class Sharpness(_Enhance):
"""Adjust image sharpness.
This class can be used to adjust the sharpness of an image. An
enhancement factor of 0.0 gives a blurred image, a factor of 1.0 gives the
original image, and a factor of 2.0 gives a sharpened image.
def __init__(self, image):
self.image = image
self.degenerate = image.filter(ImageFilter.SMOOTH)
if "A" in image.getbands():

View File

@ -0,0 +1,773 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# base class for image file handlers
# history:
# 1995-09-09 fl Created
# 1996-03-11 fl Fixed load mechanism.
# 1996-04-15 fl Added pcx/xbm decoders.
# 1996-04-30 fl Added encoders.
# 1996-12-14 fl Added load helpers
# 1997-01-11 fl Use encode_to_file where possible
# 1997-08-27 fl Flush output in _save
# 1998-03-05 fl Use memory mapping for some modes
# 1999-02-04 fl Use memory mapping also for "I;16" and "I;16B"
# 1999-05-31 fl Added image parser
# 2000-10-12 fl Set readonly flag on memory-mapped images
# 2002-03-20 fl Use better messages for common decoder errors
# 2003-04-21 fl Fall back on mmap/map_buffer if map is not available
# 2003-10-30 fl Added StubImageFile class
# 2004-02-25 fl Made incremental parser more robust
# Copyright (c) 1997-2004 by Secret Labs AB
# Copyright (c) 1995-2004 by Fredrik Lundh
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
import io
import itertools
import struct
import sys
from . import Image
from ._util import is_path
MAXBLOCK = 65536
SAFEBLOCK = 1024 * 1024
"""Whether or not to load truncated image files. User code may change this."""
-1: "image buffer overrun error",
-2: "decoding error",
-3: "unknown error",
-8: "bad configuration",
-9: "out of memory error",
Dict of known error codes returned from :meth:`.PyDecoder.decode`,
:meth:`.PyEncoder.encode` :meth:`.PyEncoder.encode_to_pyfd` and
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Helpers
def raise_oserror(error):
msg = Image.core.getcodecstatus(error)
except AttributeError:
msg = ERRORS.get(error)
if not msg:
msg = f"decoder error {error}"
msg += " when reading image file"
raise OSError(msg)
def _tilesort(t):
# sort on offset
return t[2]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# ImageFile base class
class ImageFile(Image.Image):
"""Base class for image file format handlers."""
def __init__(self, fp=None, filename=None):
self._min_frame = 0
self.custom_mimetype = None
self.tile = None
""" A list of tile descriptors, or ``None`` """
self.readonly = 1 # until we know better
self.decoderconfig = ()
self.decodermaxblock = MAXBLOCK
if is_path(fp):
# filename
self.fp = open(fp, "rb")
self.filename = fp
self._exclusive_fp = True
# stream
self.fp = fp
self.filename = filename
# can be overridden
self._exclusive_fp = None
except (
IndexError, # end of data
TypeError, # end of data (ord)
KeyError, # unsupported mode
EOFError, # got header but not the first frame
) as v:
raise SyntaxError(v) from v
if not self.mode or self.size[0] <= 0 or self.size[1] <= 0:
msg = "not identified by this driver"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
except BaseException:
# close the file only if we have opened it this constructor
if self._exclusive_fp:
def get_format_mimetype(self):
if self.custom_mimetype:
return self.custom_mimetype
if self.format is not None:
return Image.MIME.get(self.format.upper())
def __setstate__(self, state):
self.tile = []
def verify(self):
"""Check file integrity"""
# raise exception if something's wrong. must be called
# directly after open, and closes file when finished.
if self._exclusive_fp:
self.fp = None
def load(self):
"""Load image data based on tile list"""
if self.tile is None:
msg = "cannot load this image"
raise OSError(msg)
pixel = Image.Image.load(self)
if not self.tile:
return pixel
self.map = None
use_mmap = self.filename and len(self.tile) == 1
# As of pypy 2.1.0, memory mapping was failing here.
use_mmap = use_mmap and not hasattr(sys, "pypy_version_info")
readonly = 0
# look for read/seek overrides
read = self.load_read
# don't use mmap if there are custom read/seek functions
use_mmap = False
except AttributeError:
read = self.fp.read
seek = self.load_seek
use_mmap = False
except AttributeError:
seek = self.fp.seek
if use_mmap:
# try memory mapping
decoder_name, extents, offset, args = self.tile[0]
if (
decoder_name == "raw"
and len(args) >= 3
and args[0] == self.mode
and args[0] in Image._MAPMODES
# use mmap, if possible
import mmap
with open(self.filename) as fp:
self.map = mmap.mmap(fp.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ)
if offset + self.size[1] * args[1] > self.map.size():
# buffer is not large enough
raise OSError
self.im = Image.core.map_buffer(
self.map, self.size, decoder_name, offset, args
readonly = 1
# After trashing self.im,
# we might need to reload the palette data.
if self.palette:
self.palette.dirty = 1
except (AttributeError, OSError, ImportError):
self.map = None
err_code = -3 # initialize to unknown error
if not self.map:
# sort tiles in file order
# FIXME: This is a hack to handle TIFF's JpegTables tag.
prefix = self.tile_prefix
except AttributeError:
prefix = b""
# Remove consecutive duplicates that only differ by their offset
self.tile = [
for _, tiles in itertools.groupby(
self.tile, lambda tile: (tile[0], tile[1], tile[3])
for decoder_name, extents, offset, args in self.tile:
decoder = Image._getdecoder(
self.mode, decoder_name, args, self.decoderconfig
decoder.setimage(self.im, extents)
if decoder.pulls_fd:
err_code = decoder.decode(b"")[1]
b = prefix
while True:
s = read(self.decodermaxblock)
except (IndexError, struct.error) as e:
# truncated png/gif
msg = "image file is truncated"
raise OSError(msg) from e
if not s: # truncated jpeg
msg = (
"image file is truncated "
f"({len(b)} bytes not processed)"
raise OSError(msg)
b = b + s
n, err_code = decoder.decode(b)
if n < 0:
b = b[n:]
# Need to cleanup here to prevent leaks
self.tile = []
self.readonly = readonly
if self._exclusive_fp and self._close_exclusive_fp_after_loading:
self.fp = None
if not self.map and not LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES and err_code < 0:
# still raised if decoder fails to return anything
return Image.Image.load(self)
def load_prepare(self):
# create image memory if necessary
if not self.im or self.im.mode != self.mode or self.im.size != self.size:
self.im = Image.core.new(self.mode, self.size)
# create palette (optional)
if self.mode == "P":
def load_end(self):
# may be overridden
# may be defined for contained formats
# def load_seek(self, pos):
# pass
# may be defined for blocked formats (e.g. PNG)
# def load_read(self, bytes):
# pass
def _seek_check(self, frame):
if (
frame < self._min_frame
# Only check upper limit on frames if additional seek operations
# are not required to do so
or (
not (hasattr(self, "_n_frames") and self._n_frames is None)
and frame >= self.n_frames + self._min_frame
msg = "attempt to seek outside sequence"
raise EOFError(msg)
return self.tell() != frame
class StubImageFile(ImageFile):
Base class for stub image loaders.
A stub loader is an image loader that can identify files of a
certain format, but relies on external code to load the file.
def _open(self):
msg = "StubImageFile subclass must implement _open"
raise NotImplementedError(msg)
def load(self):
loader = self._load()
if loader is None:
msg = f"cannot find loader for this {self.format} file"
raise OSError(msg)
image = loader.load(self)
assert image is not None
# become the other object (!)
self.__class__ = image.__class__
self.__dict__ = image.__dict__
return image.load()
def _load(self):
"""(Hook) Find actual image loader."""
msg = "StubImageFile subclass must implement _load"
raise NotImplementedError(msg)
class Parser:
Incremental image parser. This class implements the standard
feed/close consumer interface.
incremental = None
image = None
data = None
decoder = None
offset = 0
finished = 0
def reset(self):
(Consumer) Reset the parser. Note that you can only call this
method immediately after you've created a parser; parser
instances cannot be reused.
assert self.data is None, "cannot reuse parsers"
def feed(self, data):
(Consumer) Feed data to the parser.
:param data: A string buffer.
:exception OSError: If the parser failed to parse the image file.
# collect data
if self.finished:
if self.data is None:
self.data = data
self.data = self.data + data
# parse what we have
if self.decoder:
if self.offset > 0:
# skip header
skip = min(len(self.data), self.offset)
self.data = self.data[skip:]
self.offset = self.offset - skip
if self.offset > 0 or not self.data:
n, e = self.decoder.decode(self.data)
if n < 0:
# end of stream
self.data = None
self.finished = 1
if e < 0:
# decoding error
self.image = None
# end of image
self.data = self.data[n:]
elif self.image:
# if we end up here with no decoder, this file cannot
# be incrementally parsed. wait until we've gotten all
# available data
# attempt to open this file
with io.BytesIO(self.data) as fp:
im = Image.open(fp)
except OSError:
# traceback.print_exc()
pass # not enough data
flag = hasattr(im, "load_seek") or hasattr(im, "load_read")
if flag or len(im.tile) != 1:
# custom load code, or multiple tiles
self.decode = None
# initialize decoder
d, e, o, a = im.tile[0]
im.tile = []
self.decoder = Image._getdecoder(im.mode, d, a, im.decoderconfig)
self.decoder.setimage(im.im, e)
# calculate decoder offset
self.offset = o
if self.offset <= len(self.data):
self.data = self.data[self.offset :]
self.offset = 0
self.image = im
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, *args):
def close(self):
(Consumer) Close the stream.
:returns: An image object.
:exception OSError: If the parser failed to parse the image file either
because it cannot be identified or cannot be
# finish decoding
if self.decoder:
# get rid of what's left in the buffers
self.data = self.decoder = None
if not self.finished:
msg = "image was incomplete"
raise OSError(msg)
if not self.image:
msg = "cannot parse this image"
raise OSError(msg)
if self.data:
# incremental parsing not possible; reopen the file
# not that we have all data
with io.BytesIO(self.data) as fp:
self.image = Image.open(fp)
return self.image
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def _save(im, fp, tile, bufsize=0):
"""Helper to save image based on tile list
:param im: Image object.
:param fp: File object.
:param tile: Tile list.
:param bufsize: Optional buffer size
if not hasattr(im, "encoderconfig"):
im.encoderconfig = ()
# FIXME: make MAXBLOCK a configuration parameter
# It would be great if we could have the encoder specify what it needs
# But, it would need at least the image size in most cases. RawEncode is
# a tricky case.
bufsize = max(MAXBLOCK, bufsize, im.size[0] * 4) # see RawEncode.c
fh = fp.fileno()
_encode_tile(im, fp, tile, bufsize, fh)
except (AttributeError, io.UnsupportedOperation) as exc:
_encode_tile(im, fp, tile, bufsize, None, exc)
if hasattr(fp, "flush"):
def _encode_tile(im, fp, tile, bufsize, fh, exc=None):
for e, b, o, a in tile:
if o > 0:
encoder = Image._getencoder(im.mode, e, a, im.encoderconfig)
encoder.setimage(im.im, b)
if encoder.pushes_fd:
errcode = encoder.encode_to_pyfd()[1]
if exc:
# compress to Python file-compatible object
while True:
errcode, data = encoder.encode(bufsize)[1:]
if errcode:
# slight speedup: compress to real file object
errcode = encoder.encode_to_file(fh, bufsize)
if errcode < 0:
msg = f"encoder error {errcode} when writing image file"
raise OSError(msg) from exc
def _safe_read(fp, size):
Reads large blocks in a safe way. Unlike fp.read(n), this function
doesn't trust the user. If the requested size is larger than
SAFEBLOCK, the file is read block by block.
:param fp: File handle. Must implement a <b>read</b> method.
:param size: Number of bytes to read.
:returns: A string containing <i>size</i> bytes of data.
Raises an OSError if the file is truncated and the read cannot be completed
if size <= 0:
return b""
if size <= SAFEBLOCK:
data = fp.read(size)
if len(data) < size:
msg = "Truncated File Read"
raise OSError(msg)
return data
data = []
remaining_size = size
while remaining_size > 0:
block = fp.read(min(remaining_size, SAFEBLOCK))
if not block:
remaining_size -= len(block)
if sum(len(d) for d in data) < size:
msg = "Truncated File Read"
raise OSError(msg)
return b"".join(data)
class PyCodecState:
def __init__(self):
self.xsize = 0
self.ysize = 0
self.xoff = 0
self.yoff = 0
def extents(self):
return self.xoff, self.yoff, self.xoff + self.xsize, self.yoff + self.ysize
class PyCodec:
def __init__(self, mode, *args):
self.im = None
self.state = PyCodecState()
self.fd = None
self.mode = mode
def init(self, args):
Override to perform codec specific initialization
:param args: Array of args items from the tile entry
:returns: None
self.args = args
def cleanup(self):
Override to perform codec specific cleanup
:returns: None
def setfd(self, fd):
Called from ImageFile to set the Python file-like object
:param fd: A Python file-like object
:returns: None
self.fd = fd
def setimage(self, im, extents=None):
Called from ImageFile to set the core output image for the codec
:param im: A core image object
:param extents: a 4 tuple of (x0, y0, x1, y1) defining the rectangle
for this tile
:returns: None
# following c code
self.im = im
if extents:
(x0, y0, x1, y1) = extents
(x0, y0, x1, y1) = (0, 0, 0, 0)
if x0 == 0 and x1 == 0:
self.state.xsize, self.state.ysize = self.im.size
self.state.xoff = x0
self.state.yoff = y0
self.state.xsize = x1 - x0
self.state.ysize = y1 - y0
if self.state.xsize <= 0 or self.state.ysize <= 0:
msg = "Size cannot be negative"
raise ValueError(msg)
if (
self.state.xsize + self.state.xoff > self.im.size[0]
or self.state.ysize + self.state.yoff > self.im.size[1]
msg = "Tile cannot extend outside image"
raise ValueError(msg)
class PyDecoder(PyCodec):
Python implementation of a format decoder. Override this class and
add the decoding logic in the :meth:`decode` method.
See :ref:`Writing Your Own File Codec in Python<file-codecs-py>`
_pulls_fd = False
def pulls_fd(self):
return self._pulls_fd
def decode(self, buffer):
Override to perform the decoding process.
:param buffer: A bytes object with the data to be decoded.
:returns: A tuple of ``(bytes consumed, errcode)``.
If finished with decoding return -1 for the bytes consumed.
Err codes are from :data:`.ImageFile.ERRORS`.
raise NotImplementedError()
def set_as_raw(self, data, rawmode=None):
Convenience method to set the internal image from a stream of raw data
:param data: Bytes to be set
:param rawmode: The rawmode to be used for the decoder.
If not specified, it will default to the mode of the image
:returns: None
if not rawmode:
rawmode = self.mode
d = Image._getdecoder(self.mode, "raw", rawmode)
d.setimage(self.im, self.state.extents())
s = d.decode(data)
if s[0] >= 0:
msg = "not enough image data"
raise ValueError(msg)
if s[1] != 0:
msg = "cannot decode image data"
raise ValueError(msg)
class PyEncoder(PyCodec):
Python implementation of a format encoder. Override this class and
add the decoding logic in the :meth:`encode` method.
See :ref:`Writing Your Own File Codec in Python<file-codecs-py>`
_pushes_fd = False
def pushes_fd(self):
return self._pushes_fd
def encode(self, bufsize):
Override to perform the encoding process.
:param bufsize: Buffer size.
:returns: A tuple of ``(bytes encoded, errcode, bytes)``.
If finished with encoding return 1 for the error code.
Err codes are from :data:`.ImageFile.ERRORS`.
raise NotImplementedError()
def encode_to_pyfd(self):
If ``pushes_fd`` is ``True``, then this method will be used,
and ``encode()`` will only be called once.
:returns: A tuple of ``(bytes consumed, errcode)``.
Err codes are from :data:`.ImageFile.ERRORS`.
if not self.pushes_fd:
return 0, -8 # bad configuration
bytes_consumed, errcode, data = self.encode(0)
if data:
return bytes_consumed, errcode
def encode_to_file(self, fh, bufsize):
:param fh: File handle.
:param bufsize: Buffer size.
:returns: If finished successfully, return 0.
Otherwise, return an error code. Err codes are from
errcode = 0
while errcode == 0:
status, errcode, buf = self.encode(bufsize)
if status > 0:
return errcode

View File

@ -0,0 +1,549 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# standard filters
# History:
# 1995-11-27 fl Created
# 2002-06-08 fl Added rank and mode filters
# 2003-09-15 fl Fixed rank calculation in rank filter; added expand call
# Copyright (c) 1997-2003 by Secret Labs AB.
# Copyright (c) 1995-2002 by Fredrik Lundh.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
import functools
class Filter:
class MultibandFilter(Filter):
class BuiltinFilter(MultibandFilter):
def filter(self, image):
if image.mode == "P":
msg = "cannot filter palette images"
raise ValueError(msg)
return image.filter(*self.filterargs)
class Kernel(BuiltinFilter):
Create a convolution kernel. The current version only
supports 3x3 and 5x5 integer and floating point kernels.
In the current version, kernels can only be applied to
"L" and "RGB" images.
:param size: Kernel size, given as (width, height). In the current
version, this must be (3,3) or (5,5).
:param kernel: A sequence containing kernel weights.
:param scale: Scale factor. If given, the result for each pixel is
divided by this value. The default is the sum of the
kernel weights.
:param offset: Offset. If given, this value is added to the result,
after it has been divided by the scale factor.
name = "Kernel"
def __init__(self, size, kernel, scale=None, offset=0):
if scale is None:
# default scale is sum of kernel
scale = functools.reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, kernel)
if size[0] * size[1] != len(kernel):
msg = "not enough coefficients in kernel"
raise ValueError(msg)
self.filterargs = size, scale, offset, kernel
class RankFilter(Filter):
Create a rank filter. The rank filter sorts all pixels in
a window of the given size, and returns the ``rank``'th value.
:param size: The kernel size, in pixels.
:param rank: What pixel value to pick. Use 0 for a min filter,
``size * size / 2`` for a median filter, ``size * size - 1``
for a max filter, etc.
name = "Rank"
def __init__(self, size, rank):
self.size = size
self.rank = rank
def filter(self, image):
if image.mode == "P":
msg = "cannot filter palette images"
raise ValueError(msg)
image = image.expand(self.size // 2, self.size // 2)
return image.rankfilter(self.size, self.rank)
class MedianFilter(RankFilter):
Create a median filter. Picks the median pixel value in a window with the
given size.
:param size: The kernel size, in pixels.
name = "Median"
def __init__(self, size=3):
self.size = size
self.rank = size * size // 2
class MinFilter(RankFilter):
Create a min filter. Picks the lowest pixel value in a window with the
given size.
:param size: The kernel size, in pixels.
name = "Min"
def __init__(self, size=3):
self.size = size
self.rank = 0
class MaxFilter(RankFilter):
Create a max filter. Picks the largest pixel value in a window with the
given size.
:param size: The kernel size, in pixels.
name = "Max"
def __init__(self, size=3):
self.size = size
self.rank = size * size - 1
class ModeFilter(Filter):
Create a mode filter. Picks the most frequent pixel value in a box with the
given size. Pixel values that occur only once or twice are ignored; if no
pixel value occurs more than twice, the original pixel value is preserved.
:param size: The kernel size, in pixels.
name = "Mode"
def __init__(self, size=3):
self.size = size
def filter(self, image):
return image.modefilter(self.size)
class GaussianBlur(MultibandFilter):
"""Blurs the image with a sequence of extended box filters, which
approximates a Gaussian kernel. For details on accuracy see
:param radius: Standard deviation of the Gaussian kernel.
name = "GaussianBlur"
def __init__(self, radius=2):
self.radius = radius
def filter(self, image):
return image.gaussian_blur(self.radius)
class BoxBlur(MultibandFilter):
"""Blurs the image by setting each pixel to the average value of the pixels
in a square box extending radius pixels in each direction.
Supports float radius of arbitrary size. Uses an optimized implementation
which runs in linear time relative to the size of the image
for any radius value.
:param radius: Size of the box in one direction. Radius 0 does not blur,
returns an identical image. Radius 1 takes 1 pixel
in each direction, i.e. 9 pixels in total.
name = "BoxBlur"
def __init__(self, radius):
if radius < 0:
msg = "radius must be >= 0"
raise ValueError(msg)
self.radius = radius
def filter(self, image):
return image.box_blur(self.radius)
class UnsharpMask(MultibandFilter):
"""Unsharp mask filter.
See Wikipedia's entry on `digital unsharp masking`_ for an explanation of
the parameters.
:param radius: Blur Radius
:param percent: Unsharp strength, in percent
:param threshold: Threshold controls the minimum brightness change that
will be sharpened
.. _digital unsharp masking: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unsharp_masking#Digital_unsharp_masking
""" # noqa: E501
name = "UnsharpMask"
def __init__(self, radius=2, percent=150, threshold=3):
self.radius = radius
self.percent = percent
self.threshold = threshold
def filter(self, image):
return image.unsharp_mask(self.radius, self.percent, self.threshold)
class BLUR(BuiltinFilter):
name = "Blur"
# fmt: off
filterargs = (5, 5), 16, 0, (
1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 0, 0, 0, 1,
1, 0, 0, 0, 1,
1, 0, 0, 0, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
# fmt: on
class CONTOUR(BuiltinFilter):
name = "Contour"
# fmt: off
filterargs = (3, 3), 1, 255, (
-1, -1, -1,
-1, 8, -1,
-1, -1, -1,
# fmt: on
class DETAIL(BuiltinFilter):
name = "Detail"
# fmt: off
filterargs = (3, 3), 6, 0, (
0, -1, 0,
-1, 10, -1,
0, -1, 0,
# fmt: on
class EDGE_ENHANCE(BuiltinFilter):
name = "Edge-enhance"
# fmt: off
filterargs = (3, 3), 2, 0, (
-1, -1, -1,
-1, 10, -1,
-1, -1, -1,
# fmt: on
class EDGE_ENHANCE_MORE(BuiltinFilter):
name = "Edge-enhance More"
# fmt: off
filterargs = (3, 3), 1, 0, (
-1, -1, -1,
-1, 9, -1,
-1, -1, -1,
# fmt: on
class EMBOSS(BuiltinFilter):
name = "Emboss"
# fmt: off
filterargs = (3, 3), 1, 128, (
-1, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0,
# fmt: on
class FIND_EDGES(BuiltinFilter):
name = "Find Edges"
# fmt: off
filterargs = (3, 3), 1, 0, (
-1, -1, -1,
-1, 8, -1,
-1, -1, -1,
# fmt: on
class SHARPEN(BuiltinFilter):
name = "Sharpen"
# fmt: off
filterargs = (3, 3), 16, 0, (
-2, -2, -2,
-2, 32, -2,
-2, -2, -2,
# fmt: on
class SMOOTH(BuiltinFilter):
name = "Smooth"
# fmt: off
filterargs = (3, 3), 13, 0, (
1, 1, 1,
1, 5, 1,
1, 1, 1,
# fmt: on
class SMOOTH_MORE(BuiltinFilter):
name = "Smooth More"
# fmt: off
filterargs = (5, 5), 100, 0, (
1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 5, 5, 5, 1,
1, 5, 44, 5, 1,
1, 5, 5, 5, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
# fmt: on
class Color3DLUT(MultibandFilter):
"""Three-dimensional color lookup table.
Transforms 3-channel pixels using the values of the channels as coordinates
in the 3D lookup table and interpolating the nearest elements.
This method allows you to apply almost any color transformation
in constant time by using pre-calculated decimated tables.
.. versionadded:: 5.2.0
:param size: Size of the table. One int or tuple of (int, int, int).
Minimal size in any dimension is 2, maximum is 65.
:param table: Flat lookup table. A list of ``channels * size**3``
float elements or a list of ``size**3`` channels-sized
tuples with floats. Channels are changed first,
then first dimension, then second, then third.
Value 0.0 corresponds lowest value of output, 1.0 highest.
:param channels: Number of channels in the table. Could be 3 or 4.
Default is 3.
:param target_mode: A mode for the result image. Should have not less
than ``channels`` channels. Default is ``None``,
which means that mode wouldn't be changed.
name = "Color 3D LUT"
def __init__(self, size, table, channels=3, target_mode=None, **kwargs):
if channels not in (3, 4):
msg = "Only 3 or 4 output channels are supported"
raise ValueError(msg)
self.size = size = self._check_size(size)
self.channels = channels
self.mode = target_mode
# Hidden flag `_copy_table=False` could be used to avoid extra copying
# of the table if the table is specially made for the constructor.
copy_table = kwargs.get("_copy_table", True)
items = size[0] * size[1] * size[2]
wrong_size = False
numpy = None
if hasattr(table, "shape"):
import numpy
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
if numpy and isinstance(table, numpy.ndarray):
if copy_table:
table = table.copy()
if table.shape in [
(items * channels,),
(items, channels),
(size[2], size[1], size[0], channels),
table = table.reshape(items * channels)
wrong_size = True
if copy_table:
table = list(table)
# Convert to a flat list
if table and isinstance(table[0], (list, tuple)):
table, raw_table = [], table
for pixel in raw_table:
if len(pixel) != channels:
msg = (
"The elements of the table should "
f"have a length of {channels}."
raise ValueError(msg)
if wrong_size or len(table) != items * channels:
msg = (
"The table should have either channels * size**3 float items "
"or size**3 items of channels-sized tuples with floats. "
f"Table should be: {channels}x{size[0]}x{size[1]}x{size[2]}. "
f"Actual length: {len(table)}"
raise ValueError(msg)
self.table = table
def _check_size(size):
_, _, _ = size
except ValueError as e:
msg = "Size should be either an integer or a tuple of three integers."
raise ValueError(msg) from e
except TypeError:
size = (size, size, size)
size = [int(x) for x in size]
for size_1d in size:
if not 2 <= size_1d <= 65:
msg = "Size should be in [2, 65] range."
raise ValueError(msg)
return size
def generate(cls, size, callback, channels=3, target_mode=None):
"""Generates new LUT using provided callback.
:param size: Size of the table. Passed to the constructor.
:param callback: Function with three parameters which correspond
three color channels. Will be called ``size**3``
times with values from 0.0 to 1.0 and should return
a tuple with ``channels`` elements.
:param channels: The number of channels which should return callback.
:param target_mode: Passed to the constructor of the resulting
lookup table.
size_1d, size_2d, size_3d = cls._check_size(size)
if channels not in (3, 4):
msg = "Only 3 or 4 output channels are supported"
raise ValueError(msg)
table = [0] * (size_1d * size_2d * size_3d * channels)
idx_out = 0
for b in range(size_3d):
for g in range(size_2d):
for r in range(size_1d):
table[idx_out : idx_out + channels] = callback(
r / (size_1d - 1), g / (size_2d - 1), b / (size_3d - 1)
idx_out += channels
return cls(
(size_1d, size_2d, size_3d),
def transform(self, callback, with_normals=False, channels=None, target_mode=None):
"""Transforms the table values using provided callback and returns
a new LUT with altered values.
:param callback: A function which takes old lookup table values
and returns a new set of values. The number
of arguments which function should take is
``self.channels`` or ``3 + self.channels``
if ``with_normals`` flag is set.
Should return a tuple of ``self.channels`` or
``channels`` elements if it is set.
:param with_normals: If true, ``callback`` will be called with
coordinates in the color cube as the first
three arguments. Otherwise, ``callback``
will be called only with actual color values.
:param channels: The number of channels in the resulting lookup table.
:param target_mode: Passed to the constructor of the resulting
lookup table.
if channels not in (None, 3, 4):
msg = "Only 3 or 4 output channels are supported"
raise ValueError(msg)
ch_in = self.channels
ch_out = channels or ch_in
size_1d, size_2d, size_3d = self.size
table = [0] * (size_1d * size_2d * size_3d * ch_out)
idx_in = 0
idx_out = 0
for b in range(size_3d):
for g in range(size_2d):
for r in range(size_1d):
values = self.table[idx_in : idx_in + ch_in]
if with_normals:
values = callback(
r / (size_1d - 1),
g / (size_2d - 1),
b / (size_3d - 1),
values = callback(*values)
table[idx_out : idx_out + ch_out] = values
idx_in += ch_in
idx_out += ch_out
return type(self)(
target_mode=target_mode or self.mode,
def __repr__(self):
r = [
f"{self.__class__.__name__} from {self.table.__class__.__name__}",
if self.mode:
return "<{}>".format(" ".join(r))
def filter(self, image):
from . import Image
return image.color_lut_3d(
self.mode or image.mode,

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
# The Python Imaging Library
# $Id$
# screen grabber
# History:
# 2001-04-26 fl created
# 2001-09-17 fl use builtin driver, if present
# 2002-11-19 fl added grabclipboard support
# Copyright (c) 2001-2002 by Secret Labs AB
# Copyright (c) 2001-2002 by Fredrik Lundh
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
from . import Image
def grab(bbox=None, include_layered_windows=False, all_screens=False, xdisplay=None):
if xdisplay is None:
if sys.platform == "darwin":
fh, filepath = tempfile.mkstemp(".png")
args = ["screencapture"]
if bbox:
left, top, right, bottom = bbox
args += ["-R", f"{left},{top},{right-left},{bottom-top}"]
subprocess.call(args + ["-x", filepath])
im = Image.open(filepath)
if bbox:
im_resized = im.resize((right - left, bottom - top))
return im_resized
return im
elif sys.platform == "win32":
offset, size, data = Image.core.grabscreen_win32(
include_layered_windows, all_screens
im = Image.frombytes(
# RGB, 32-bit line padding, origin lower left corner
(size[0] * 3 + 3) & -4,
if bbox:
x0, y0 = offset
left, top, right, bottom = bbox
im = im.crop((left - x0, top - y0, right - x0, bottom - y0))
return im
elif shutil.which("gnome-screenshot"):
fh, filepath = tempfile.mkstemp(".png")
subprocess.call(["gnome-screenshot", "-f", filepath])
im = Image.open(filepath)
if bbox:
im_cropped = im.crop(bbox)
return im_cropped
return im
# use xdisplay=None for default display on non-win32/macOS systems
if not Image.core.HAVE_XCB:
msg = "Pillow was built without XCB support"
raise OSError(msg)
size, data = Image.core.grabscreen_x11(xdisplay)
im = Image.frombytes("RGB", size, data, "raw", "BGRX", size[0] * 4, 1)
if bbox:
im = im.crop(bbox)
return im
def grabclipboard():
if sys.platform == "darwin":
fh, filepath = tempfile.mkstemp(".jpg")
commands = [
'set theFile to (open for access POSIX file "'
+ filepath
+ '" with write permission)',
" write (the clipboard as JPEG picture) to theFile",
"end try",
"close access theFile",
script = ["osascript"]
for command in commands:
script += ["-e", command]
im = None
if os.stat(filepath).st_size != 0:
im = Image.open(filepath)
return im
elif sys.platform == "win32":
fmt, data = Image.core.grabclipboard_win32()
if fmt == "file": # CF_HDROP
import struct
o = struct.unpack_from("I", data)[0]
if data[16] != 0:
files = data[o:].decode("utf-16le").split("\0")
files = data[o:].decode("mbcs").split("\0")
return files[: files.index("")]
if isinstance(data, bytes):
import io
data = io.BytesIO(data)
if fmt == "png":
from . import PngImagePlugin
return PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile(data)
elif fmt == "DIB":
from . import BmpImagePlugin
return BmpImagePlugin.DibImageFile(data)
return None
if shutil.which("wl-paste"):
args = ["wl-paste"]
elif shutil.which("xclip"):
args = ["xclip", "-selection", "clipboard", "-t", "image/png", "-o"]
msg = "wl-paste or xclip is required for ImageGrab.grabclipboard() on Linux"
raise NotImplementedError(msg)
fh, filepath = tempfile.mkstemp()
subprocess.call(args, stdout=fh)
im = Image.open(filepath)
return im

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@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
# The Python Imaging Library
# $Id$
# a simple math add-on for the Python Imaging Library
# History:
# 1999-02-15 fl Original PIL Plus release
# 2005-05-05 fl Simplified and cleaned up for PIL 1.1.6
# 2005-09-12 fl Fixed int() and float() for Python 2.4.1
# Copyright (c) 1999-2005 by Secret Labs AB
# Copyright (c) 2005 by Fredrik Lundh
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
import builtins
from . import Image, _imagingmath
def _isconstant(v):
return isinstance(v, (int, float))
class _Operand:
"""Wraps an image operand, providing standard operators"""
def __init__(self, im):
self.im = im
def __fixup(self, im1):
# convert image to suitable mode
if isinstance(im1, _Operand):
# argument was an image.
if im1.im.mode in ("1", "L"):
return im1.im.convert("I")
elif im1.im.mode in ("I", "F"):
return im1.im
msg = f"unsupported mode: {im1.im.mode}"
raise ValueError(msg)
# argument was a constant
if _isconstant(im1) and self.im.mode in ("1", "L", "I"):
return Image.new("I", self.im.size, im1)
return Image.new("F", self.im.size, im1)
def apply(self, op, im1, im2=None, mode=None):
im1 = self.__fixup(im1)
if im2 is None:
# unary operation
out = Image.new(mode or im1.mode, im1.size, None)
op = getattr(_imagingmath, op + "_" + im1.mode)
except AttributeError as e:
msg = f"bad operand type for '{op}'"
raise TypeError(msg) from e
_imagingmath.unop(op, out.im.id, im1.im.id)
# binary operation
im2 = self.__fixup(im2)
if im1.mode != im2.mode:
# convert both arguments to floating point
if im1.mode != "F":
im1 = im1.convert("F")
if im2.mode != "F":
im2 = im2.convert("F")
if im1.size != im2.size:
# crop both arguments to a common size
size = (min(im1.size[0], im2.size[0]), min(im1.size[1], im2.size[1]))
if im1.size != size:
im1 = im1.crop((0, 0) + size)
if im2.size != size:
im2 = im2.crop((0, 0) + size)
out = Image.new(mode or im1.mode, im1.size, None)
op = getattr(_imagingmath, op + "_" + im1.mode)
except AttributeError as e:
msg = f"bad operand type for '{op}'"
raise TypeError(msg) from e
_imagingmath.binop(op, out.im.id, im1.im.id, im2.im.id)
return _Operand(out)
# unary operators
def __bool__(self):
# an image is "true" if it contains at least one non-zero pixel
return self.im.getbbox() is not None
def __abs__(self):
return self.apply("abs", self)
def __pos__(self):
return self
def __neg__(self):
return self.apply("neg", self)
# binary operators
def __add__(self, other):
return self.apply("add", self, other)
def __radd__(self, other):
return self.apply("add", other, self)
def __sub__(self, other):
return self.apply("sub", self, other)
def __rsub__(self, other):
return self.apply("sub", other, self)
def __mul__(self, other):
return self.apply("mul", self, other)
def __rmul__(self, other):
return self.apply("mul", other, self)
def __truediv__(self, other):
return self.apply("div", self, other)
def __rtruediv__(self, other):
return self.apply("div", other, self)
def __mod__(self, other):
return self.apply("mod", self, other)
def __rmod__(self, other):
return self.apply("mod", other, self)
def __pow__(self, other):
return self.apply("pow", self, other)
def __rpow__(self, other):
return self.apply("pow", other, self)
# bitwise
def __invert__(self):
return self.apply("invert", self)
def __and__(self, other):
return self.apply("and", self, other)
def __rand__(self, other):
return self.apply("and", other, self)
def __or__(self, other):
return self.apply("or", self, other)
def __ror__(self, other):
return self.apply("or", other, self)
def __xor__(self, other):
return self.apply("xor", self, other)
def __rxor__(self, other):
return self.apply("xor", other, self)
def __lshift__(self, other):
return self.apply("lshift", self, other)
def __rshift__(self, other):
return self.apply("rshift", self, other)
# logical
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.apply("eq", self, other)
def __ne__(self, other):
return self.apply("ne", self, other)
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.apply("lt", self, other)
def __le__(self, other):
return self.apply("le", self, other)
def __gt__(self, other):
return self.apply("gt", self, other)
def __ge__(self, other):
return self.apply("ge", self, other)
# conversions
def imagemath_int(self):
return _Operand(self.im.convert("I"))
def imagemath_float(self):
return _Operand(self.im.convert("F"))
# logical
def imagemath_equal(self, other):
return self.apply("eq", self, other, mode="I")
def imagemath_notequal(self, other):
return self.apply("ne", self, other, mode="I")
def imagemath_min(self, other):
return self.apply("min", self, other)
def imagemath_max(self, other):
return self.apply("max", self, other)
def imagemath_convert(self, mode):
return _Operand(self.im.convert(mode))
ops = {}
for k, v in list(globals().items()):
if k[:10] == "imagemath_":
ops[k[10:]] = v
def eval(expression, _dict={}, **kw):
Evaluates an image expression.
:param expression: A string containing a Python-style expression.
:param options: Values to add to the evaluation context. You
can either use a dictionary, or one or more keyword
:return: The evaluated expression. This is usually an image object, but can
also be an integer, a floating point value, or a pixel tuple,
depending on the expression.
# build execution namespace
args = ops.copy()
for k, v in list(args.items()):
if hasattr(v, "im"):
args[k] = _Operand(v)
compiled_code = compile(expression, "<string>", "eval")
def scan(code):
for const in code.co_consts:
if type(const) == type(compiled_code):
for name in code.co_names:
if name not in args and name != "abs":
msg = f"'{name}' not allowed"
raise ValueError(msg)
out = builtins.eval(expression, {"__builtins": {"abs": abs}}, args)
return out.im
except AttributeError:
return out

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@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# standard mode descriptors
# History:
# 2006-03-20 fl Added
# Copyright (c) 2006 by Secret Labs AB.
# Copyright (c) 2006 by Fredrik Lundh.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
import sys
# mode descriptor cache
_modes = None
class ModeDescriptor:
"""Wrapper for mode strings."""
def __init__(self, mode, bands, basemode, basetype, typestr):
self.mode = mode
self.bands = bands
self.basemode = basemode
self.basetype = basetype
self.typestr = typestr
def __str__(self):
return self.mode
def getmode(mode):
"""Gets a mode descriptor for the given mode."""
global _modes
if not _modes:
# initialize mode cache
modes = {}
endian = "<" if sys.byteorder == "little" else ">"
for m, (basemode, basetype, bands, typestr) in {
# core modes
# Bits need to be extended to bytes
"1": ("L", "L", ("1",), "|b1"),
"L": ("L", "L", ("L",), "|u1"),
"I": ("L", "I", ("I",), endian + "i4"),
"F": ("L", "F", ("F",), endian + "f4"),
"P": ("P", "L", ("P",), "|u1"),
"RGB": ("RGB", "L", ("R", "G", "B"), "|u1"),
"RGBX": ("RGB", "L", ("R", "G", "B", "X"), "|u1"),
"RGBA": ("RGB", "L", ("R", "G", "B", "A"), "|u1"),
"CMYK": ("RGB", "L", ("C", "M", "Y", "K"), "|u1"),
"YCbCr": ("RGB", "L", ("Y", "Cb", "Cr"), "|u1"),
# UNDONE - unsigned |u1i1i1
"LAB": ("RGB", "L", ("L", "A", "B"), "|u1"),
"HSV": ("RGB", "L", ("H", "S", "V"), "|u1"),
# extra experimental modes
"RGBa": ("RGB", "L", ("R", "G", "B", "a"), "|u1"),
"BGR;15": ("RGB", "L", ("B", "G", "R"), "|u1"),
"BGR;16": ("RGB", "L", ("B", "G", "R"), "|u1"),
"BGR;24": ("RGB", "L", ("B", "G", "R"), "|u1"),
"LA": ("L", "L", ("L", "A"), "|u1"),
"La": ("L", "L", ("L", "a"), "|u1"),
"PA": ("RGB", "L", ("P", "A"), "|u1"),
modes[m] = ModeDescriptor(m, bands, basemode, basetype, typestr)
# mapping modes
for i16mode, typestr in {
# I;16 == I;16L, and I;32 == I;32L
"I;16": "<u2",
"I;16S": "<i2",
"I;16L": "<u2",
"I;16LS": "<i2",
"I;16B": ">u2",
"I;16BS": ">i2",
"I;16N": endian + "u2",
"I;16NS": endian + "i2",
"I;32": "<u4",
"I;32B": ">u4",
"I;32L": "<u4",
"I;32S": "<i4",
"I;32BS": ">i4",
"I;32LS": "<i4",
modes[i16mode] = ModeDescriptor(i16mode, ("I",), "L", "L", typestr)
# set global mode cache atomically
_modes = modes
return _modes[mode]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
# A binary morphology add-on for the Python Imaging Library
# History:
# 2014-06-04 Initial version.
# Copyright (c) 2014 Dov Grobgeld <dov.grobgeld@gmail.com>
import re
from . import Image, _imagingmorph
LUT_SIZE = 1 << 9
# fmt: off
6, 3, 0,
7, 4, 1,
8, 5, 2,
2, 1, 0,
5, 4, 3,
8, 7, 6,
# fmt: on
class LutBuilder:
"""A class for building a MorphLut from a descriptive language
The input patterns is a list of a strings sequences like these::
(whitespaces including linebreaks are ignored). The option 4
describes a series of symmetry operations (in this case a
4-rotation), the pattern is described by:
- . or X - Ignore
- 1 - Pixel is on
- 0 - Pixel is off
The result of the operation is described after "->" string.
The default is to return the current pixel value, which is
returned if no other match is found.
- 4 - 4 way rotation
- N - Negate
- 1 - Dummy op for no other operation (an op must always be given)
- M - Mirroring
lb = LutBuilder(patterns = ["4:(... .1. 111)->1"])
lut = lb.build_lut()
def __init__(self, patterns=None, op_name=None):
if patterns is not None:
self.patterns = patterns
self.patterns = []
self.lut = None
if op_name is not None:
known_patterns = {
"corner": ["1:(... ... ...)->0", "4:(00. 01. ...)->1"],
"dilation4": ["4:(... .0. .1.)->1"],
"dilation8": ["4:(... .0. .1.)->1", "4:(... .0. ..1)->1"],
"erosion4": ["4:(... .1. .0.)->0"],
"erosion8": ["4:(... .1. .0.)->0", "4:(... .1. ..0)->0"],
"edge": [
"1:(... ... ...)->0",
"4:(.0. .1. ...)->1",
"4:(01. .1. ...)->1",
if op_name not in known_patterns:
msg = "Unknown pattern " + op_name + "!"
raise Exception(msg)
self.patterns = known_patterns[op_name]
def add_patterns(self, patterns):
self.patterns += patterns
def build_default_lut(self):
symbols = [0, 1]
m = 1 << 4 # pos of current pixel
self.lut = bytearray(symbols[(i & m) > 0] for i in range(LUT_SIZE))
def get_lut(self):
return self.lut
def _string_permute(self, pattern, permutation):
"""string_permute takes a pattern and a permutation and returns the
string permuted according to the permutation list.
assert len(permutation) == 9
return "".join(pattern[p] for p in permutation)
def _pattern_permute(self, basic_pattern, options, basic_result):
"""pattern_permute takes a basic pattern and its result and clones
the pattern according to the modifications described in the $options
parameter. It returns a list of all cloned patterns."""
patterns = [(basic_pattern, basic_result)]
# rotations
if "4" in options:
res = patterns[-1][1]
for i in range(4):
(self._string_permute(patterns[-1][0], ROTATION_MATRIX), res)
# mirror
if "M" in options:
n = len(patterns)
for pattern, res in patterns[:n]:
patterns.append((self._string_permute(pattern, MIRROR_MATRIX), res))
# negate
if "N" in options:
n = len(patterns)
for pattern, res in patterns[:n]:
# Swap 0 and 1
pattern = pattern.replace("0", "Z").replace("1", "0").replace("Z", "1")
res = 1 - int(res)
patterns.append((pattern, res))
return patterns
def build_lut(self):
"""Compile all patterns into a morphology lut.
TBD :Build based on (file) morphlut:modify_lut
patterns = []
# Parse and create symmetries of the patterns strings
for p in self.patterns:
m = re.search(r"(\w*):?\s*\((.+?)\)\s*->\s*(\d)", p.replace("\n", ""))
if not m:
msg = 'Syntax error in pattern "' + p + '"'
raise Exception(msg)
options = m.group(1)
pattern = m.group(2)
result = int(m.group(3))
# Get rid of spaces
pattern = pattern.replace(" ", "").replace("\n", "")
patterns += self._pattern_permute(pattern, options, result)
# compile the patterns into regular expressions for speed
for i, pattern in enumerate(patterns):
p = pattern[0].replace(".", "X").replace("X", "[01]")
p = re.compile(p)
patterns[i] = (p, pattern[1])
# Step through table and find patterns that match.
# Note that all the patterns are searched. The last one
# caught overrides
for i in range(LUT_SIZE):
# Build the bit pattern
bitpattern = bin(i)[2:]
bitpattern = ("0" * (9 - len(bitpattern)) + bitpattern)[::-1]
for p, r in patterns:
if p.match(bitpattern):
self.lut[i] = [0, 1][r]
return self.lut
class MorphOp:
"""A class for binary morphological operators"""
def __init__(self, lut=None, op_name=None, patterns=None):
"""Create a binary morphological operator"""
self.lut = lut
if op_name is not None:
self.lut = LutBuilder(op_name=op_name).build_lut()
elif patterns is not None:
self.lut = LutBuilder(patterns=patterns).build_lut()
def apply(self, image):
"""Run a single morphological operation on an image
Returns a tuple of the number of changed pixels and the
morphed image"""
if self.lut is None:
msg = "No operator loaded"
raise Exception(msg)
if image.mode != "L":
msg = "Image mode must be L"
raise ValueError(msg)
outimage = Image.new(image.mode, image.size, None)
count = _imagingmorph.apply(bytes(self.lut), image.im.id, outimage.im.id)
return count, outimage
def match(self, image):
"""Get a list of coordinates matching the morphological operation on
an image.
Returns a list of tuples of (x,y) coordinates
of all matching pixels. See :ref:`coordinate-system`."""
if self.lut is None:
msg = "No operator loaded"
raise Exception(msg)
if image.mode != "L":
msg = "Image mode must be L"
raise ValueError(msg)
return _imagingmorph.match(bytes(self.lut), image.im.id)
def get_on_pixels(self, image):
"""Get a list of all turned on pixels in a binary image
Returns a list of tuples of (x,y) coordinates
of all matching pixels. See :ref:`coordinate-system`."""
if image.mode != "L":
msg = "Image mode must be L"
raise ValueError(msg)
return _imagingmorph.get_on_pixels(image.im.id)
def load_lut(self, filename):
"""Load an operator from an mrl file"""
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
self.lut = bytearray(f.read())
if len(self.lut) != LUT_SIZE:
self.lut = None
msg = "Wrong size operator file!"
raise Exception(msg)
def save_lut(self, filename):
"""Save an operator to an mrl file"""
if self.lut is None:
msg = "No operator loaded"
raise Exception(msg)
with open(filename, "wb") as f:
def set_lut(self, lut):
"""Set the lut from an external source"""
self.lut = lut

View File

@ -0,0 +1,621 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# standard image operations
# History:
# 2001-10-20 fl Created
# 2001-10-23 fl Added autocontrast operator
# 2001-12-18 fl Added Kevin's fit operator
# 2004-03-14 fl Fixed potential division by zero in equalize
# 2005-05-05 fl Fixed equalize for low number of values
# Copyright (c) 2001-2004 by Secret Labs AB
# Copyright (c) 2001-2004 by Fredrik Lundh
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
import functools
import operator
import re
from . import Image, ImagePalette
# helpers
def _border(border):
if isinstance(border, tuple):
if len(border) == 2:
left, top = right, bottom = border
elif len(border) == 4:
left, top, right, bottom = border
left = top = right = bottom = border
return left, top, right, bottom
def _color(color, mode):
if isinstance(color, str):
from . import ImageColor
color = ImageColor.getcolor(color, mode)
return color
def _lut(image, lut):
if image.mode == "P":
# FIXME: apply to lookup table, not image data
msg = "mode P support coming soon"
raise NotImplementedError(msg)
elif image.mode in ("L", "RGB"):
if image.mode == "RGB" and len(lut) == 256:
lut = lut + lut + lut
return image.point(lut)
msg = "not supported for this image mode"
raise OSError(msg)
# actions
def autocontrast(image, cutoff=0, ignore=None, mask=None, preserve_tone=False):
Maximize (normalize) image contrast. This function calculates a
histogram of the input image (or mask region), removes ``cutoff`` percent of the
lightest and darkest pixels from the histogram, and remaps the image
so that the darkest pixel becomes black (0), and the lightest
becomes white (255).
:param image: The image to process.
:param cutoff: The percent to cut off from the histogram on the low and
high ends. Either a tuple of (low, high), or a single
number for both.
:param ignore: The background pixel value (use None for no background).
:param mask: Histogram used in contrast operation is computed using pixels
within the mask. If no mask is given the entire image is used
for histogram computation.
:param preserve_tone: Preserve image tone in Photoshop-like style autocontrast.
.. versionadded:: 8.2.0
:return: An image.
if preserve_tone:
histogram = image.convert("L").histogram(mask)
histogram = image.histogram(mask)
lut = []
for layer in range(0, len(histogram), 256):
h = histogram[layer : layer + 256]
if ignore is not None:
# get rid of outliers
h[ignore] = 0
except TypeError:
# assume sequence
for ix in ignore:
h[ix] = 0
if cutoff:
# cut off pixels from both ends of the histogram
if not isinstance(cutoff, tuple):
cutoff = (cutoff, cutoff)
# get number of pixels
n = 0
for ix in range(256):
n = n + h[ix]
# remove cutoff% pixels from the low end
cut = n * cutoff[0] // 100
for lo in range(256):
if cut > h[lo]:
cut = cut - h[lo]
h[lo] = 0
h[lo] -= cut
cut = 0
if cut <= 0:
# remove cutoff% samples from the high end
cut = n * cutoff[1] // 100
for hi in range(255, -1, -1):
if cut > h[hi]:
cut = cut - h[hi]
h[hi] = 0
h[hi] -= cut
cut = 0
if cut <= 0:
# find lowest/highest samples after preprocessing
for lo in range(256):
if h[lo]:
for hi in range(255, -1, -1):
if h[hi]:
if hi <= lo:
# don't bother
scale = 255.0 / (hi - lo)
offset = -lo * scale
for ix in range(256):
ix = int(ix * scale + offset)
if ix < 0:
ix = 0
elif ix > 255:
ix = 255
return _lut(image, lut)
def colorize(image, black, white, mid=None, blackpoint=0, whitepoint=255, midpoint=127):
Colorize grayscale image.
This function calculates a color wedge which maps all black pixels in
the source image to the first color and all white pixels to the
second color. If ``mid`` is specified, it uses three-color mapping.
The ``black`` and ``white`` arguments should be RGB tuples or color names;
optionally you can use three-color mapping by also specifying ``mid``.
Mapping positions for any of the colors can be specified
(e.g. ``blackpoint``), where these parameters are the integer
value corresponding to where the corresponding color should be mapped.
These parameters must have logical order, such that
``blackpoint <= midpoint <= whitepoint`` (if ``mid`` is specified).
:param image: The image to colorize.
:param black: The color to use for black input pixels.
:param white: The color to use for white input pixels.
:param mid: The color to use for midtone input pixels.
:param blackpoint: an int value [0, 255] for the black mapping.
:param whitepoint: an int value [0, 255] for the white mapping.
:param midpoint: an int value [0, 255] for the midtone mapping.
:return: An image.
# Initial asserts
assert image.mode == "L"
if mid is None:
assert 0 <= blackpoint <= whitepoint <= 255
assert 0 <= blackpoint <= midpoint <= whitepoint <= 255
# Define colors from arguments
black = _color(black, "RGB")
white = _color(white, "RGB")
if mid is not None:
mid = _color(mid, "RGB")
# Empty lists for the mapping
red = []
green = []
blue = []
# Create the low-end values
for i in range(0, blackpoint):
# Create the mapping (2-color)
if mid is None:
range_map = range(0, whitepoint - blackpoint)
for i in range_map:
red.append(black[0] + i * (white[0] - black[0]) // len(range_map))
green.append(black[1] + i * (white[1] - black[1]) // len(range_map))
blue.append(black[2] + i * (white[2] - black[2]) // len(range_map))
# Create the mapping (3-color)
range_map1 = range(0, midpoint - blackpoint)
range_map2 = range(0, whitepoint - midpoint)
for i in range_map1:
red.append(black[0] + i * (mid[0] - black[0]) // len(range_map1))
green.append(black[1] + i * (mid[1] - black[1]) // len(range_map1))
blue.append(black[2] + i * (mid[2] - black[2]) // len(range_map1))
for i in range_map2:
red.append(mid[0] + i * (white[0] - mid[0]) // len(range_map2))
green.append(mid[1] + i * (white[1] - mid[1]) // len(range_map2))
blue.append(mid[2] + i * (white[2] - mid[2]) // len(range_map2))
# Create the high-end values
for i in range(0, 256 - whitepoint):
# Return converted image
image = image.convert("RGB")
return _lut(image, red + green + blue)
def contain(image, size, method=Image.Resampling.BICUBIC):
Returns a resized version of the image, set to the maximum width and height
within the requested size, while maintaining the original aspect ratio.
:param image: The image to resize and crop.
:param size: The requested output size in pixels, given as a
(width, height) tuple.
:param method: Resampling method to use. Default is
See :ref:`concept-filters`.
:return: An image.
im_ratio = image.width / image.height
dest_ratio = size[0] / size[1]
if im_ratio != dest_ratio:
if im_ratio > dest_ratio:
new_height = round(image.height / image.width * size[0])
if new_height != size[1]:
size = (size[0], new_height)
new_width = round(image.width / image.height * size[1])
if new_width != size[0]:
size = (new_width, size[1])
return image.resize(size, resample=method)
def pad(image, size, method=Image.Resampling.BICUBIC, color=None, centering=(0.5, 0.5)):
Returns a resized and padded version of the image, expanded to fill the
requested aspect ratio and size.
:param image: The image to resize and crop.
:param size: The requested output size in pixels, given as a
(width, height) tuple.
:param method: Resampling method to use. Default is
See :ref:`concept-filters`.
:param color: The background color of the padded image.
:param centering: Control the position of the original image within the
padded version.
(0.5, 0.5) will keep the image centered
(0, 0) will keep the image aligned to the top left
(1, 1) will keep the image aligned to the bottom
:return: An image.
resized = contain(image, size, method)
if resized.size == size:
out = resized
out = Image.new(image.mode, size, color)
if resized.palette:
if resized.width != size[0]:
x = round((size[0] - resized.width) * max(0, min(centering[0], 1)))
out.paste(resized, (x, 0))
y = round((size[1] - resized.height) * max(0, min(centering[1], 1)))
out.paste(resized, (0, y))
return out
def crop(image, border=0):
Remove border from image. The same amount of pixels are removed
from all four sides. This function works on all image modes.
.. seealso:: :py:meth:`~PIL.Image.Image.crop`
:param image: The image to crop.
:param border: The number of pixels to remove.
:return: An image.
left, top, right, bottom = _border(border)
return image.crop((left, top, image.size[0] - right, image.size[1] - bottom))
def scale(image, factor, resample=Image.Resampling.BICUBIC):
Returns a rescaled image by a specific factor given in parameter.
A factor greater than 1 expands the image, between 0 and 1 contracts the
:param image: The image to rescale.
:param factor: The expansion factor, as a float.
:param resample: Resampling method to use. Default is
See :ref:`concept-filters`.
:returns: An :py:class:`~PIL.Image.Image` object.
if factor == 1:
return image.copy()
elif factor <= 0:
msg = "the factor must be greater than 0"
raise ValueError(msg)
size = (round(factor * image.width), round(factor * image.height))
return image.resize(size, resample)
def deform(image, deformer, resample=Image.Resampling.BILINEAR):
Deform the image.
:param image: The image to deform.
:param deformer: A deformer object. Any object that implements a
``getmesh`` method can be used.
:param resample: An optional resampling filter. Same values possible as
in the PIL.Image.transform function.
:return: An image.
return image.transform(
image.size, Image.Transform.MESH, deformer.getmesh(image), resample
def equalize(image, mask=None):
Equalize the image histogram. This function applies a non-linear
mapping to the input image, in order to create a uniform
distribution of grayscale values in the output image.
:param image: The image to equalize.
:param mask: An optional mask. If given, only the pixels selected by
the mask are included in the analysis.
:return: An image.
if image.mode == "P":
image = image.convert("RGB")
h = image.histogram(mask)
lut = []
for b in range(0, len(h), 256):
histo = [_f for _f in h[b : b + 256] if _f]
if len(histo) <= 1:
step = (functools.reduce(operator.add, histo) - histo[-1]) // 255
if not step:
n = step // 2
for i in range(256):
lut.append(n // step)
n = n + h[i + b]
return _lut(image, lut)
def expand(image, border=0, fill=0):
Add border to the image
:param image: The image to expand.
:param border: Border width, in pixels.
:param fill: Pixel fill value (a color value). Default is 0 (black).
:return: An image.
left, top, right, bottom = _border(border)
width = left + image.size[0] + right
height = top + image.size[1] + bottom
color = _color(fill, image.mode)
if image.palette:
palette = ImagePalette.ImagePalette(palette=image.getpalette())
if isinstance(color, tuple):
color = palette.getcolor(color)
palette = None
out = Image.new(image.mode, (width, height), color)
if palette:
out.paste(image, (left, top))
return out
def fit(image, size, method=Image.Resampling.BICUBIC, bleed=0.0, centering=(0.5, 0.5)):
Returns a resized and cropped version of the image, cropped to the
requested aspect ratio and size.
This function was contributed by Kevin Cazabon.
:param image: The image to resize and crop.
:param size: The requested output size in pixels, given as a
(width, height) tuple.
:param method: Resampling method to use. Default is
See :ref:`concept-filters`.
:param bleed: Remove a border around the outside of the image from all
four edges. The value is a decimal percentage (use 0.01 for
one percent). The default value is 0 (no border).
Cannot be greater than or equal to 0.5.
:param centering: Control the cropping position. Use (0.5, 0.5) for
center cropping (e.g. if cropping the width, take 50% off
of the left side, and therefore 50% off the right side).
(0.0, 0.0) will crop from the top left corner (i.e. if
cropping the width, take all of the crop off of the right
side, and if cropping the height, take all of it off the
bottom). (1.0, 0.0) will crop from the bottom left
corner, etc. (i.e. if cropping the width, take all of the
crop off the left side, and if cropping the height take
none from the top, and therefore all off the bottom).
:return: An image.
# by Kevin Cazabon, Feb 17/2000
# kevin@cazabon.com
# https://www.cazabon.com
# ensure centering is mutable
centering = list(centering)
if not 0.0 <= centering[0] <= 1.0:
centering[0] = 0.5
if not 0.0 <= centering[1] <= 1.0:
centering[1] = 0.5
if not 0.0 <= bleed < 0.5:
bleed = 0.0
# calculate the area to use for resizing and cropping, subtracting
# the 'bleed' around the edges
# number of pixels to trim off on Top and Bottom, Left and Right
bleed_pixels = (bleed * image.size[0], bleed * image.size[1])
live_size = (
image.size[0] - bleed_pixels[0] * 2,
image.size[1] - bleed_pixels[1] * 2,
# calculate the aspect ratio of the live_size
live_size_ratio = live_size[0] / live_size[1]
# calculate the aspect ratio of the output image
output_ratio = size[0] / size[1]
# figure out if the sides or top/bottom will be cropped off
if live_size_ratio == output_ratio:
# live_size is already the needed ratio
crop_width = live_size[0]
crop_height = live_size[1]
elif live_size_ratio >= output_ratio:
# live_size is wider than what's needed, crop the sides
crop_width = output_ratio * live_size[1]
crop_height = live_size[1]
# live_size is taller than what's needed, crop the top and bottom
crop_width = live_size[0]
crop_height = live_size[0] / output_ratio
# make the crop
crop_left = bleed_pixels[0] + (live_size[0] - crop_width) * centering[0]
crop_top = bleed_pixels[1] + (live_size[1] - crop_height) * centering[1]
crop = (crop_left, crop_top, crop_left + crop_width, crop_top + crop_height)
# resize the image and return it
return image.resize(size, method, box=crop)
def flip(image):
Flip the image vertically (top to bottom).
:param image: The image to flip.
:return: An image.
return image.transpose(Image.Transpose.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)
def grayscale(image):
Convert the image to grayscale.
:param image: The image to convert.
:return: An image.
return image.convert("L")
def invert(image):
Invert (negate) the image.
:param image: The image to invert.
:return: An image.
lut = []
for i in range(256):
lut.append(255 - i)
return image.point(lut) if image.mode == "1" else _lut(image, lut)
def mirror(image):
Flip image horizontally (left to right).
:param image: The image to mirror.
:return: An image.
return image.transpose(Image.Transpose.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
def posterize(image, bits):
Reduce the number of bits for each color channel.
:param image: The image to posterize.
:param bits: The number of bits to keep for each channel (1-8).
:return: An image.
lut = []
mask = ~(2 ** (8 - bits) - 1)
for i in range(256):
lut.append(i & mask)
return _lut(image, lut)
def solarize(image, threshold=128):
Invert all pixel values above a threshold.
:param image: The image to solarize.
:param threshold: All pixels above this greyscale level are inverted.
:return: An image.
lut = []
for i in range(256):
if i < threshold:
lut.append(255 - i)
return _lut(image, lut)
def exif_transpose(image):
If an image has an EXIF Orientation tag, other than 1, return a new image
that is transposed accordingly. The new image will have the orientation
data removed.
Otherwise, return a copy of the image.
:param image: The image to transpose.
:return: An image.
exif = image.getexif()
orientation = exif.get(0x0112)
method = {
2: Image.Transpose.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT,
3: Image.Transpose.ROTATE_180,
4: Image.Transpose.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM,
5: Image.Transpose.TRANSPOSE,
6: Image.Transpose.ROTATE_270,
7: Image.Transpose.TRANSVERSE,
8: Image.Transpose.ROTATE_90,
if method is not None:
transposed_image = image.transpose(method)
transposed_exif = transposed_image.getexif()
if 0x0112 in transposed_exif:
del transposed_exif[0x0112]
if "exif" in transposed_image.info:
transposed_image.info["exif"] = transposed_exif.tobytes()
elif "Raw profile type exif" in transposed_image.info:
"Raw profile type exif"
] = transposed_exif.tobytes().hex()
elif "XML:com.adobe.xmp" in transposed_image.info:
for pattern in (
transposed_image.info["XML:com.adobe.xmp"] = re.sub(
pattern, "", transposed_image.info["XML:com.adobe.xmp"]
return transposed_image
return image.copy()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# image palette object
# History:
# 1996-03-11 fl Rewritten.
# 1997-01-03 fl Up and running.
# 1997-08-23 fl Added load hack
# 2001-04-16 fl Fixed randint shadow bug in random()
# Copyright (c) 1997-2001 by Secret Labs AB
# Copyright (c) 1996-1997 by Fredrik Lundh
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
import array
from . import GimpGradientFile, GimpPaletteFile, ImageColor, PaletteFile
from ._deprecate import deprecate
class ImagePalette:
Color palette for palette mapped images
:param mode: The mode to use for the palette. See:
:ref:`concept-modes`. Defaults to "RGB"
:param palette: An optional palette. If given, it must be a bytearray,
an array or a list of ints between 0-255. The list must consist of
all channels for one color followed by the next color (e.g. RGBRGBRGB).
Defaults to an empty palette.
def __init__(self, mode="RGB", palette=None, size=0):
self.mode = mode
self.rawmode = None # if set, palette contains raw data
self.palette = palette or bytearray()
self.dirty = None
if size != 0:
deprecate("The size parameter", 10, None)
if size != len(self.palette):
msg = "wrong palette size"
raise ValueError(msg)
def palette(self):
return self._palette
def palette(self, palette):
self._colors = None
self._palette = palette
def colors(self):
if self._colors is None:
mode_len = len(self.mode)
self._colors = {}
for i in range(0, len(self.palette), mode_len):
color = tuple(self.palette[i : i + mode_len])
if color in self._colors:
self._colors[color] = i // mode_len
return self._colors
def colors(self, colors):
self._colors = colors
def copy(self):
new = ImagePalette()
new.mode = self.mode
new.rawmode = self.rawmode
if self.palette is not None:
new.palette = self.palette[:]
new.dirty = self.dirty
return new
def getdata(self):
Get palette contents in format suitable for the low-level
``im.putpalette`` primitive.
.. warning:: This method is experimental.
if self.rawmode:
return self.rawmode, self.palette
return self.mode, self.tobytes()
def tobytes(self):
"""Convert palette to bytes.
.. warning:: This method is experimental.
if self.rawmode:
msg = "palette contains raw palette data"
raise ValueError(msg)
if isinstance(self.palette, bytes):
return self.palette
arr = array.array("B", self.palette)
return arr.tobytes()
# Declare tostring as an alias for tobytes
tostring = tobytes
def getcolor(self, color, image=None):
"""Given an rgb tuple, allocate palette entry.
.. warning:: This method is experimental.
if self.rawmode:
msg = "palette contains raw palette data"
raise ValueError(msg)
if isinstance(color, tuple):
if self.mode == "RGB":
if len(color) == 4:
if color[3] != 255:
msg = "cannot add non-opaque RGBA color to RGB palette"
raise ValueError(msg)
color = color[:3]
elif self.mode == "RGBA":
if len(color) == 3:
color += (255,)
return self.colors[color]
except KeyError as e:
# allocate new color slot
if not isinstance(self.palette, bytearray):
self._palette = bytearray(self.palette)
index = len(self.palette) // 3
special_colors = ()
if image:
special_colors = (
while index in special_colors:
index += 1
if index >= 256:
if image:
# Search for an unused index
for i, count in reversed(list(enumerate(image.histogram()))):
if count == 0 and i not in special_colors:
index = i
if index >= 256:
msg = "cannot allocate more than 256 colors"
raise ValueError(msg) from e
self.colors[color] = index
if index * 3 < len(self.palette):
self._palette = (
self.palette[: index * 3]
+ bytes(color)
+ self.palette[index * 3 + 3 :]
self._palette += bytes(color)
self.dirty = 1
return index
msg = f"unknown color specifier: {repr(color)}"
raise ValueError(msg)
def save(self, fp):
"""Save palette to text file.
.. warning:: This method is experimental.
if self.rawmode:
msg = "palette contains raw palette data"
raise ValueError(msg)
if isinstance(fp, str):
fp = open(fp, "w")
fp.write("# Palette\n")
fp.write(f"# Mode: {self.mode}\n")
for i in range(256):
for j in range(i * len(self.mode), (i + 1) * len(self.mode)):
fp.write(f" {self.palette[j]}")
except IndexError:
fp.write(" 0")
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Internal
def raw(rawmode, data):
palette = ImagePalette()
palette.rawmode = rawmode
palette.palette = data
palette.dirty = 1
return palette
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Factories
def make_linear_lut(black, white):
lut = []
if black == 0:
for i in range(256):
lut.append(white * i // 255)
raise NotImplementedError # FIXME
return lut
def make_gamma_lut(exp):
lut = []
for i in range(256):
lut.append(int(((i / 255.0) ** exp) * 255.0 + 0.5))
return lut
def negative(mode="RGB"):
palette = list(range(256 * len(mode)))
return ImagePalette(mode, [i // len(mode) for i in palette])
def random(mode="RGB"):
from random import randint
palette = []
for i in range(256 * len(mode)):
palette.append(randint(0, 255))
return ImagePalette(mode, palette)
def sepia(white="#fff0c0"):
bands = [make_linear_lut(0, band) for band in ImageColor.getrgb(white)]
return ImagePalette("RGB", [bands[i % 3][i // 3] for i in range(256 * 3)])
def wedge(mode="RGB"):
palette = list(range(256 * len(mode)))
return ImagePalette(mode, [i // len(mode) for i in palette])
def load(filename):
# FIXME: supports GIMP gradients only
with open(filename, "rb") as fp:
for paletteHandler in [
lut = paletteHandler(fp).getpalette()
if lut:
except (SyntaxError, ValueError):
# import traceback
# traceback.print_exc()
msg = "cannot load palette"
raise OSError(msg)
return lut # data, rawmode

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# The Python Imaging Library
# $Id$
# path interface
# History:
# 1996-11-04 fl Created
# 2002-04-14 fl Added documentation stub class
# Copyright (c) Secret Labs AB 1997.
# Copyright (c) Fredrik Lundh 1996.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
from . import Image
Path = Image.core.path

View File

@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# a simple Qt image interface.
# history:
# 2006-06-03 fl: created
# 2006-06-04 fl: inherit from QImage instead of wrapping it
# 2006-06-05 fl: removed toimage helper; move string support to ImageQt
# 2013-11-13 fl: add support for Qt5 (aurelien.ballier@cyclonit.com)
# Copyright (c) 2006 by Secret Labs AB
# Copyright (c) 2006 by Fredrik Lundh
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
import sys
from io import BytesIO
from . import Image
from ._deprecate import deprecate
from ._util import is_path
qt_versions = [
["6", "PyQt6"],
["side6", "PySide6"],
["5", "PyQt5"],
["side2", "PySide2"],
# If a version has already been imported, attempt it first
qt_versions.sort(key=lambda qt_version: qt_version[1] in sys.modules, reverse=True)
for qt_version, qt_module in qt_versions:
if qt_module == "PyQt6":
from PyQt6.QtCore import QBuffer, QIODevice
from PyQt6.QtGui import QImage, QPixmap, qRgba
elif qt_module == "PySide6":
from PySide6.QtCore import QBuffer, QIODevice
from PySide6.QtGui import QImage, QPixmap, qRgba
elif qt_module == "PyQt5":
from PyQt5.QtCore import QBuffer, QIODevice
from PyQt5.QtGui import QImage, QPixmap, qRgba
deprecate("Support for PyQt5", 10, "PyQt6 or PySide6")
elif qt_module == "PySide2":
from PySide2.QtCore import QBuffer, QIODevice
from PySide2.QtGui import QImage, QPixmap, qRgba
deprecate("Support for PySide2", 10, "PyQt6 or PySide6")
except (ImportError, RuntimeError):
qt_is_installed = True
qt_is_installed = False
qt_version = None
def rgb(r, g, b, a=255):
"""(Internal) Turns an RGB color into a Qt compatible color integer."""
# use qRgb to pack the colors, and then turn the resulting long
# into a negative integer with the same bitpattern.
return qRgba(r, g, b, a) & 0xFFFFFFFF
def fromqimage(im):
:param im: QImage or PIL ImageQt object
buffer = QBuffer()
if qt_version == "6":
qt_openmode = QIODevice.OpenModeFlag
except AttributeError:
qt_openmode = QIODevice.OpenMode
qt_openmode = QIODevice
# preserve alpha channel with png
# otherwise ppm is more friendly with Image.open
if im.hasAlphaChannel():
im.save(buffer, "png")
im.save(buffer, "ppm")
b = BytesIO()
return Image.open(b)
def fromqpixmap(im):
return fromqimage(im)
# buffer = QBuffer()
# buffer.open(QIODevice.ReadWrite)
# # im.save(buffer)
# # What if png doesn't support some image features like animation?
# im.save(buffer, 'ppm')
# bytes_io = BytesIO()
# bytes_io.write(buffer.data())
# buffer.close()
# bytes_io.seek(0)
# return Image.open(bytes_io)
def align8to32(bytes, width, mode):
converts each scanline of data from 8 bit to 32 bit aligned
bits_per_pixel = {"1": 1, "L": 8, "P": 8, "I;16": 16}[mode]
# calculate bytes per line and the extra padding if needed
bits_per_line = bits_per_pixel * width
full_bytes_per_line, remaining_bits_per_line = divmod(bits_per_line, 8)
bytes_per_line = full_bytes_per_line + (1 if remaining_bits_per_line else 0)
extra_padding = -bytes_per_line % 4
# already 32 bit aligned by luck
if not extra_padding:
return bytes
new_data = []
for i in range(len(bytes) // bytes_per_line):
bytes[i * bytes_per_line : (i + 1) * bytes_per_line]
+ b"\x00" * extra_padding
return b"".join(new_data)
def _toqclass_helper(im):
data = None
colortable = None
exclusive_fp = False
# handle filename, if given instead of image name
if hasattr(im, "toUtf8"):
# FIXME - is this really the best way to do this?
im = str(im.toUtf8(), "utf-8")
if is_path(im):
im = Image.open(im)
exclusive_fp = True
qt_format = QImage.Format if qt_version == "6" else QImage
if im.mode == "1":
format = qt_format.Format_Mono
elif im.mode == "L":
format = qt_format.Format_Indexed8
colortable = []
for i in range(256):
colortable.append(rgb(i, i, i))
elif im.mode == "P":
format = qt_format.Format_Indexed8
colortable = []
palette = im.getpalette()
for i in range(0, len(palette), 3):
colortable.append(rgb(*palette[i : i + 3]))
elif im.mode == "RGB":
# Populate the 4th channel with 255
im = im.convert("RGBA")
data = im.tobytes("raw", "BGRA")
format = qt_format.Format_RGB32
elif im.mode == "RGBA":
data = im.tobytes("raw", "BGRA")
format = qt_format.Format_ARGB32
elif im.mode == "I;16" and hasattr(qt_format, "Format_Grayscale16"): # Qt 5.13+
im = im.point(lambda i: i * 256)
format = qt_format.Format_Grayscale16
if exclusive_fp:
msg = f"unsupported image mode {repr(im.mode)}"
raise ValueError(msg)
size = im.size
__data = data or align8to32(im.tobytes(), size[0], im.mode)
if exclusive_fp:
return {"data": __data, "size": size, "format": format, "colortable": colortable}
if qt_is_installed:
class ImageQt(QImage):
def __init__(self, im):
An PIL image wrapper for Qt. This is a subclass of PyQt's QImage
:param im: A PIL Image object, or a file name (given either as
Python string or a PyQt string object).
im_data = _toqclass_helper(im)
# must keep a reference, or Qt will crash!
# All QImage constructors that take data operate on an existing
# buffer, so this buffer has to hang on for the life of the image.
# Fixes https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow/issues/1370
self.__data = im_data["data"]
if im_data["colortable"]:
def toqimage(im):
return ImageQt(im)
def toqpixmap(im):
# # This doesn't work. For now using a dumb approach.
# im_data = _toqclass_helper(im)
# result = QPixmap(im_data["size"][0], im_data["size"][1])
# result.loadFromData(im_data["data"])
qimage = toqimage(im)
return QPixmap.fromImage(qimage)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# sequence support classes
# history:
# 1997-02-20 fl Created
# Copyright (c) 1997 by Secret Labs AB.
# Copyright (c) 1997 by Fredrik Lundh.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
class Iterator:
This class implements an iterator object that can be used to loop
over an image sequence.
You can use the ``[]`` operator to access elements by index. This operator
will raise an :py:exc:`IndexError` if you try to access a nonexistent
:param im: An image object.
def __init__(self, im):
if not hasattr(im, "seek"):
msg = "im must have seek method"
raise AttributeError(msg)
self.im = im
self.position = getattr(self.im, "_min_frame", 0)
def __getitem__(self, ix):
return self.im
except EOFError as e:
raise IndexError from e # end of sequence
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
self.position += 1
return self.im
except EOFError as e:
raise StopIteration from e
def all_frames(im, func=None):
Applies a given function to all frames in an image or a list of images.
The frames are returned as a list of separate images.
:param im: An image, or a list of images.
:param func: The function to apply to all of the image frames.
:returns: A list of images.
if not isinstance(im, list):
im = [im]
ims = []
for imSequence in im:
current = imSequence.tell()
ims += [im_frame.copy() for im_frame in Iterator(imSequence)]
return [func(im) for im in ims] if func else ims

View File

@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# im.show() drivers
# History:
# 2008-04-06 fl Created
# Copyright (c) Secret Labs AB 2008.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
from shlex import quote
from PIL import Image
from ._deprecate import deprecate
_viewers = []
def register(viewer, order=1):
The :py:func:`register` function is used to register additional viewers::
from PIL import ImageShow
ImageShow.register(MyViewer()) # MyViewer will be used as a last resort
ImageShow.register(MySecondViewer(), 0) # MySecondViewer will be prioritised
ImageShow.register(ImageShow.XVViewer(), 0) # XVViewer will be prioritised
:param viewer: The viewer to be registered.
:param order:
Zero or a negative integer to prepend this viewer to the list,
a positive integer to append it.
if issubclass(viewer, Viewer):
viewer = viewer()
except TypeError:
pass # raised if viewer wasn't a class
if order > 0:
_viewers.insert(0, viewer)
def show(image, title=None, **options):
Display a given image.
:param image: An image object.
:param title: Optional title. Not all viewers can display the title.
:param \**options: Additional viewer options.
:returns: ``True`` if a suitable viewer was found, ``False`` otherwise.
for viewer in _viewers:
if viewer.show(image, title=title, **options):
return True
return False
class Viewer:
"""Base class for viewers."""
# main api
def show(self, image, **options):
The main function for displaying an image.
Converts the given image to the target format and displays it.
if not (
image.mode in ("1", "RGBA")
or (self.format == "PNG" and image.mode in ("I;16", "LA"))
base = Image.getmodebase(image.mode)
if image.mode != base:
image = image.convert(base)
return self.show_image(image, **options)
# hook methods
format = None
"""The format to convert the image into."""
options = {}
"""Additional options used to convert the image."""
def get_format(self, image):
"""Return format name, or ``None`` to save as PGM/PPM."""
return self.format
def get_command(self, file, **options):
Returns the command used to display the file.
Not implemented in the base class.
raise NotImplementedError
def save_image(self, image):
"""Save to temporary file and return filename."""
return image._dump(format=self.get_format(image), **self.options)
def show_image(self, image, **options):
"""Display the given image."""
return self.show_file(self.save_image(image), **options)
def show_file(self, path=None, **options):
Display given file.
Before Pillow 9.1.0, the first argument was ``file``. This is now deprecated,
and will be removed in Pillow 10.0.0 (2023-07-01). ``path`` should be used
if path is None:
if "file" in options:
deprecate("The 'file' argument", 10, "'path'")
path = options.pop("file")
msg = "Missing required argument: 'path'"
raise TypeError(msg)
os.system(self.get_command(path, **options)) # nosec
return 1
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
class WindowsViewer(Viewer):
"""The default viewer on Windows is the default system application for PNG files."""
format = "PNG"
options = {"compress_level": 1, "save_all": True}
def get_command(self, file, **options):
return (
f'start "Pillow" /WAIT "{file}" '
"&& ping -n 4 >NUL "
f'&& del /f "{file}"'
if sys.platform == "win32":
class MacViewer(Viewer):
"""The default viewer on macOS using ``Preview.app``."""
format = "PNG"
options = {"compress_level": 1, "save_all": True}
def get_command(self, file, **options):
# on darwin open returns immediately resulting in the temp
# file removal while app is opening
command = "open -a Preview.app"
command = f"({command} {quote(file)}; sleep 20; rm -f {quote(file)})&"
return command
def show_file(self, path=None, **options):
Display given file.
Before Pillow 9.1.0, the first argument was ``file``. This is now deprecated,
and will be removed in Pillow 10.0.0 (2023-07-01). ``path`` should be used
if path is None:
if "file" in options:
deprecate("The 'file' argument", 10, "'path'")
path = options.pop("file")
msg = "Missing required argument: 'path'"
raise TypeError(msg)
subprocess.call(["open", "-a", "Preview.app", path])
executable = sys.executable or shutil.which("python3")
if executable:
"import os, sys, time; time.sleep(20); os.remove(sys.argv[1])",
return 1
if sys.platform == "darwin":
class UnixViewer(Viewer):
format = "PNG"
options = {"compress_level": 1, "save_all": True}
def get_command(self, file, **options):
command = self.get_command_ex(file, **options)[0]
return f"({command} {quote(file)}"
class XDGViewer(UnixViewer):
The freedesktop.org ``xdg-open`` command.
def get_command_ex(self, file, **options):
command = executable = "xdg-open"
return command, executable
def show_file(self, path=None, **options):
Display given file.
Before Pillow 9.1.0, the first argument was ``file``. This is now deprecated,
and will be removed in Pillow 10.0.0 (2023-07-01). ``path`` should be used
if path is None:
if "file" in options:
deprecate("The 'file' argument", 10, "'path'")
path = options.pop("file")
msg = "Missing required argument: 'path'"
raise TypeError(msg)
subprocess.Popen(["xdg-open", path])
return 1
class DisplayViewer(UnixViewer):
The ImageMagick ``display`` command.
This viewer supports the ``title`` parameter.
def get_command_ex(self, file, title=None, **options):
command = executable = "display"
if title:
command += f" -title {quote(title)}"
return command, executable
def show_file(self, path=None, **options):
Display given file.
Before Pillow 9.1.0, the first argument was ``file``. This is now deprecated,
and ``path`` should be used instead.
if path is None:
if "file" in options:
deprecate("The 'file' argument", 10, "'path'")
path = options.pop("file")
msg = "Missing required argument: 'path'"
raise TypeError(msg)
args = ["display"]
title = options.get("title")
if title:
args += ["-title", title]
return 1
class GmDisplayViewer(UnixViewer):
"""The GraphicsMagick ``gm display`` command."""
def get_command_ex(self, file, **options):
executable = "gm"
command = "gm display"
return command, executable
def show_file(self, path=None, **options):
Display given file.
Before Pillow 9.1.0, the first argument was ``file``. This is now deprecated,
and ``path`` should be used instead.
if path is None:
if "file" in options:
deprecate("The 'file' argument", 10, "'path'")
path = options.pop("file")
msg = "Missing required argument: 'path'"
raise TypeError(msg)
subprocess.Popen(["gm", "display", path])
return 1
class EogViewer(UnixViewer):
"""The GNOME Image Viewer ``eog`` command."""
def get_command_ex(self, file, **options):
executable = "eog"
command = "eog -n"
return command, executable
def show_file(self, path=None, **options):
Display given file.
Before Pillow 9.1.0, the first argument was ``file``. This is now deprecated,
and ``path`` should be used instead.
if path is None:
if "file" in options:
deprecate("The 'file' argument", 10, "'path'")
path = options.pop("file")
msg = "Missing required argument: 'path'"
raise TypeError(msg)
subprocess.Popen(["eog", "-n", path])
return 1
class XVViewer(UnixViewer):
The X Viewer ``xv`` command.
This viewer supports the ``title`` parameter.
def get_command_ex(self, file, title=None, **options):
# note: xv is pretty outdated. most modern systems have
# imagemagick's display command instead.
command = executable = "xv"
if title:
command += f" -name {quote(title)}"
return command, executable
def show_file(self, path=None, **options):
Display given file.
Before Pillow 9.1.0, the first argument was ``file``. This is now deprecated,
and ``path`` should be used instead.
if path is None:
if "file" in options:
deprecate("The 'file' argument", 10, "'path'")
path = options.pop("file")
msg = "Missing required argument: 'path'"
raise TypeError(msg)
args = ["xv"]
title = options.get("title")
if title:
args += ["-name", title]
return 1
if sys.platform not in ("win32", "darwin"): # unixoids
if shutil.which("xdg-open"):
if shutil.which("display"):
if shutil.which("gm"):
if shutil.which("eog"):
if shutil.which("xv"):
class IPythonViewer(Viewer):
"""The viewer for IPython frontends."""
def show_image(self, image, **options):
return 1
from IPython.display import display as ipython_display
except ImportError:
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("Syntax: python3 ImageShow.py imagefile [title]")
with Image.open(sys.argv[1]) as im:
print(show(im, *sys.argv[2:]))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# global image statistics
# History:
# 1996-04-05 fl Created
# 1997-05-21 fl Added mask; added rms, var, stddev attributes
# 1997-08-05 fl Added median
# 1998-07-05 hk Fixed integer overflow error
# Notes:
# This class shows how to implement delayed evaluation of attributes.
# To get a certain value, simply access the corresponding attribute.
# The __getattr__ dispatcher takes care of the rest.
# Copyright (c) Secret Labs AB 1997.
# Copyright (c) Fredrik Lundh 1996-97.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
import functools
import math
import operator
class Stat:
def __init__(self, image_or_list, mask=None):
if mask:
self.h = image_or_list.histogram(mask)
self.h = image_or_list.histogram()
except AttributeError:
self.h = image_or_list # assume it to be a histogram list
if not isinstance(self.h, list):
msg = "first argument must be image or list"
raise TypeError(msg)
self.bands = list(range(len(self.h) // 256))
def __getattr__(self, id):
"""Calculate missing attribute"""
if id[:4] == "_get":
raise AttributeError(id)
# calculate missing attribute
v = getattr(self, "_get" + id)()
setattr(self, id, v)
return v
def _getextrema(self):
"""Get min/max values for each band in the image"""
def minmax(histogram):
n = 255
x = 0
for i in range(256):
if histogram[i]:
n = min(n, i)
x = max(x, i)
return n, x # returns (255, 0) if there's no data in the histogram
v = []
for i in range(0, len(self.h), 256):
return v
def _getcount(self):
"""Get total number of pixels in each layer"""
v = []
for i in range(0, len(self.h), 256):
v.append(functools.reduce(operator.add, self.h[i : i + 256]))
return v
def _getsum(self):
"""Get sum of all pixels in each layer"""
v = []
for i in range(0, len(self.h), 256):
layer_sum = 0.0
for j in range(256):
layer_sum += j * self.h[i + j]
return v
def _getsum2(self):
"""Get squared sum of all pixels in each layer"""
v = []
for i in range(0, len(self.h), 256):
sum2 = 0.0
for j in range(256):
sum2 += (j**2) * float(self.h[i + j])
return v
def _getmean(self):
"""Get average pixel level for each layer"""
v = []
for i in self.bands:
v.append(self.sum[i] / self.count[i])
return v
def _getmedian(self):
"""Get median pixel level for each layer"""
v = []
for i in self.bands:
s = 0
half = self.count[i] // 2
b = i * 256
for j in range(256):
s = s + self.h[b + j]
if s > half:
return v
def _getrms(self):
"""Get RMS for each layer"""
v = []
for i in self.bands:
v.append(math.sqrt(self.sum2[i] / self.count[i]))
return v
def _getvar(self):
"""Get variance for each layer"""
v = []
for i in self.bands:
n = self.count[i]
v.append((self.sum2[i] - (self.sum[i] ** 2.0) / n) / n)
return v
def _getstddev(self):
"""Get standard deviation for each layer"""
v = []
for i in self.bands:
return v
Global = Stat # compatibility

View File

@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# a Tk display interface
# History:
# 96-04-08 fl Created
# 96-09-06 fl Added getimage method
# 96-11-01 fl Rewritten, removed image attribute and crop method
# 97-05-09 fl Use PyImagingPaste method instead of image type
# 97-05-12 fl Minor tweaks to match the IFUNC95 interface
# 97-05-17 fl Support the "pilbitmap" booster patch
# 97-06-05 fl Added file= and data= argument to image constructors
# 98-03-09 fl Added width and height methods to Image classes
# 98-07-02 fl Use default mode for "P" images without palette attribute
# 98-07-02 fl Explicitly destroy Tkinter image objects
# 99-07-24 fl Support multiple Tk interpreters (from Greg Couch)
# 99-07-26 fl Automatically hook into Tkinter (if possible)
# 99-08-15 fl Hook uses _imagingtk instead of _imaging
# Copyright (c) 1997-1999 by Secret Labs AB
# Copyright (c) 1996-1997 by Fredrik Lundh
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
import tkinter
from io import BytesIO
from . import Image
from ._deprecate import deprecate
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check for Tkinter interface hooks
_pilbitmap_ok = None
def _pilbitmap_check():
global _pilbitmap_ok
if _pilbitmap_ok is None:
im = Image.new("1", (1, 1))
_pilbitmap_ok = 1
except tkinter.TclError:
_pilbitmap_ok = 0
return _pilbitmap_ok
def _get_image_from_kw(kw):
source = None
if "file" in kw:
source = kw.pop("file")
elif "data" in kw:
source = BytesIO(kw.pop("data"))
if source:
return Image.open(source)
def _pyimagingtkcall(command, photo, id):
tk = photo.tk
tk.call(command, photo, id)
except tkinter.TclError:
# activate Tkinter hook
# may raise an error if it cannot attach to Tkinter
from . import _imagingtk
tk.call(command, photo, id)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# PhotoImage
class PhotoImage:
A Tkinter-compatible photo image. This can be used
everywhere Tkinter expects an image object. If the image is an RGBA
image, pixels having alpha 0 are treated as transparent.
The constructor takes either a PIL image, or a mode and a size.
Alternatively, you can use the ``file`` or ``data`` options to initialize
the photo image object.
:param image: Either a PIL image, or a mode string. If a mode string is
used, a size must also be given.
:param size: If the first argument is a mode string, this defines the size
of the image.
:keyword file: A filename to load the image from (using
:keyword data: An 8-bit string containing image data (as loaded from an
image file).
def __init__(self, image=None, size=None, **kw):
# Tk compatibility: file or data
if image is None:
image = _get_image_from_kw(kw)
if hasattr(image, "mode") and hasattr(image, "size"):
# got an image instead of a mode
mode = image.mode
if mode == "P":
# palette mapped data
mode = image.palette.mode
except AttributeError:
mode = "RGB" # default
size = image.size
kw["width"], kw["height"] = size
mode = image
image = None
if mode not in ["1", "L", "RGB", "RGBA"]:
mode = Image.getmodebase(mode)
self.__mode = mode
self.__size = size
self.__photo = tkinter.PhotoImage(**kw)
self.tk = self.__photo.tk
if image:
def __del__(self):
name = self.__photo.name
self.__photo.name = None
self.__photo.tk.call("image", "delete", name)
except Exception:
pass # ignore internal errors
def __str__(self):
Get the Tkinter photo image identifier. This method is automatically
called by Tkinter whenever a PhotoImage object is passed to a Tkinter
:return: A Tkinter photo image identifier (a string).
return str(self.__photo)
def width(self):
Get the width of the image.
:return: The width, in pixels.
return self.__size[0]
def height(self):
Get the height of the image.
:return: The height, in pixels.
return self.__size[1]
def paste(self, im, box=None):
Paste a PIL image into the photo image. Note that this can
be very slow if the photo image is displayed.
:param im: A PIL image. The size must match the target region. If the
mode does not match, the image is converted to the mode of
the bitmap image.
:param box: Deprecated. This parameter will be removed in Pillow 10
if box is not None:
deprecate("The box parameter", 10, None)
# convert to blittable
image = im.im
if image.isblock() and im.mode == self.__mode:
block = image
block = image.new_block(self.__mode, im.size)
image.convert2(block, image) # convert directly between buffers
_pyimagingtkcall("PyImagingPhoto", self.__photo, block.id)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# BitmapImage
class BitmapImage:
A Tkinter-compatible bitmap image. This can be used everywhere Tkinter
expects an image object.
The given image must have mode "1". Pixels having value 0 are treated as
transparent. Options, if any, are passed on to Tkinter. The most commonly
used option is ``foreground``, which is used to specify the color for the
non-transparent parts. See the Tkinter documentation for information on
how to specify colours.
:param image: A PIL image.
def __init__(self, image=None, **kw):
# Tk compatibility: file or data
if image is None:
image = _get_image_from_kw(kw)
self.__mode = image.mode
self.__size = image.size
if _pilbitmap_check():
# fast way (requires the pilbitmap booster patch)
kw["data"] = f"PIL:{image.im.id}"
self.__im = image # must keep a reference
# slow but safe way
kw["data"] = image.tobitmap()
self.__photo = tkinter.BitmapImage(**kw)
def __del__(self):
name = self.__photo.name
self.__photo.name = None
self.__photo.tk.call("image", "delete", name)
except Exception:
pass # ignore internal errors
def width(self):
Get the width of the image.
:return: The width, in pixels.
return self.__size[0]
def height(self):
Get the height of the image.
:return: The height, in pixels.
return self.__size[1]
def __str__(self):
Get the Tkinter bitmap image identifier. This method is automatically
called by Tkinter whenever a BitmapImage object is passed to a Tkinter
:return: A Tkinter bitmap image identifier (a string).
return str(self.__photo)
def getimage(photo):
"""Copies the contents of a PhotoImage to a PIL image memory."""
im = Image.new("RGBA", (photo.width(), photo.height()))
block = im.im
_pyimagingtkcall("PyImagingPhotoGet", photo, block.id)
return im
def _show(image, title):
"""Helper for the Image.show method."""
class UI(tkinter.Label):
def __init__(self, master, im):
if im.mode == "1":
self.image = BitmapImage(im, foreground="white", master=master)
self.image = PhotoImage(im, master=master)
super().__init__(master, image=self.image, bg="black", bd=0)
if not tkinter._default_root:
msg = "tkinter not initialized"
raise OSError(msg)
top = tkinter.Toplevel()
if title:
UI(top, image).pack()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# transform wrappers
# History:
# 2002-04-08 fl Created
# Copyright (c) 2002 by Secret Labs AB
# Copyright (c) 2002 by Fredrik Lundh
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
from . import Image
class Transform(Image.ImageTransformHandler):
def __init__(self, data):
self.data = data
def getdata(self):
return self.method, self.data
def transform(self, size, image, **options):
# can be overridden
method, data = self.getdata()
return image.transform(size, method, data, **options)
class AffineTransform(Transform):
Define an affine image transform.
This function takes a 6-tuple (a, b, c, d, e, f) which contain the first
two rows from an affine transform matrix. For each pixel (x, y) in the
output image, the new value is taken from a position (a x + b y + c,
d x + e y + f) in the input image, rounded to nearest pixel.
This function can be used to scale, translate, rotate, and shear the
original image.
See :py:meth:`~PIL.Image.Image.transform`
:param matrix: A 6-tuple (a, b, c, d, e, f) containing the first two rows
from an affine transform matrix.
method = Image.Transform.AFFINE
class ExtentTransform(Transform):
Define a transform to extract a subregion from an image.
Maps a rectangle (defined by two corners) from the image to a rectangle of
the given size. The resulting image will contain data sampled from between
the corners, such that (x0, y0) in the input image will end up at (0,0) in
the output image, and (x1, y1) at size.
This method can be used to crop, stretch, shrink, or mirror an arbitrary
rectangle in the current image. It is slightly slower than crop, but about
as fast as a corresponding resize operation.
See :py:meth:`~PIL.Image.Image.transform`
:param bbox: A 4-tuple (x0, y0, x1, y1) which specifies two points in the
input image's coordinate system. See :ref:`coordinate-system`.
method = Image.Transform.EXTENT
class QuadTransform(Transform):
Define a quad image transform.
Maps a quadrilateral (a region defined by four corners) from the image to a
rectangle of the given size.
See :py:meth:`~PIL.Image.Image.transform`
:param xy: An 8-tuple (x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) which contain the
upper left, lower left, lower right, and upper right corner of the
source quadrilateral.
method = Image.Transform.QUAD
class MeshTransform(Transform):
Define a mesh image transform. A mesh transform consists of one or more
individual quad transforms.
See :py:meth:`~PIL.Image.Image.transform`
:param data: A list of (bbox, quad) tuples.
method = Image.Transform.MESH

View File

@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# a Windows DIB display interface
# History:
# 1996-05-20 fl Created
# 1996-09-20 fl Fixed subregion exposure
# 1997-09-21 fl Added draw primitive (for tzPrint)
# 2003-05-21 fl Added experimental Window/ImageWindow classes
# 2003-09-05 fl Added fromstring/tostring methods
# Copyright (c) Secret Labs AB 1997-2003.
# Copyright (c) Fredrik Lundh 1996-2003.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
from . import Image
class HDC:
Wraps an HDC integer. The resulting object can be passed to the
:py:meth:`~PIL.ImageWin.Dib.draw` and :py:meth:`~PIL.ImageWin.Dib.expose`
def __init__(self, dc):
self.dc = dc
def __int__(self):
return self.dc
class HWND:
Wraps an HWND integer. The resulting object can be passed to the
:py:meth:`~PIL.ImageWin.Dib.draw` and :py:meth:`~PIL.ImageWin.Dib.expose`
methods, instead of a DC.
def __init__(self, wnd):
self.wnd = wnd
def __int__(self):
return self.wnd
class Dib:
A Windows bitmap with the given mode and size. The mode can be one of "1",
"L", "P", or "RGB".
If the display requires a palette, this constructor creates a suitable
palette and associates it with the image. For an "L" image, 128 greylevels
are allocated. For an "RGB" image, a 6x6x6 colour cube is used, together
with 20 greylevels.
To make sure that palettes work properly under Windows, you must call the
``palette`` method upon certain events from Windows.
:param image: Either a PIL image, or a mode string. If a mode string is
used, a size must also be given. The mode can be one of "1",
"L", "P", or "RGB".
:param size: If the first argument is a mode string, this
defines the size of the image.
def __init__(self, image, size=None):
if hasattr(image, "mode") and hasattr(image, "size"):
mode = image.mode
size = image.size
mode = image
image = None
if mode not in ["1", "L", "P", "RGB"]:
mode = Image.getmodebase(mode)
self.image = Image.core.display(mode, size)
self.mode = mode
self.size = size
if image:
def expose(self, handle):
Copy the bitmap contents to a device context.
:param handle: Device context (HDC), cast to a Python integer, or an
HDC or HWND instance. In PythonWin, you can use
``CDC.GetHandleAttrib()`` to get a suitable handle.
if isinstance(handle, HWND):
dc = self.image.getdc(handle)
result = self.image.expose(dc)
self.image.releasedc(handle, dc)
result = self.image.expose(handle)
return result
def draw(self, handle, dst, src=None):
Same as expose, but allows you to specify where to draw the image, and
what part of it to draw.
The destination and source areas are given as 4-tuple rectangles. If
the source is omitted, the entire image is copied. If the source and
the destination have different sizes, the image is resized as
if not src:
src = (0, 0) + self.size
if isinstance(handle, HWND):
dc = self.image.getdc(handle)
result = self.image.draw(dc, dst, src)
self.image.releasedc(handle, dc)
result = self.image.draw(handle, dst, src)
return result
def query_palette(self, handle):
Installs the palette associated with the image in the given device
This method should be called upon **QUERYNEWPALETTE** and
**PALETTECHANGED** events from Windows. If this method returns a
non-zero value, one or more display palette entries were changed, and
the image should be redrawn.
:param handle: Device context (HDC), cast to a Python integer, or an
HDC or HWND instance.
:return: A true value if one or more entries were changed (this
indicates that the image should be redrawn).
if isinstance(handle, HWND):
handle = self.image.getdc(handle)
result = self.image.query_palette(handle)
self.image.releasedc(handle, handle)
result = self.image.query_palette(handle)
return result
def paste(self, im, box=None):
Paste a PIL image into the bitmap image.
:param im: A PIL image. The size must match the target region.
If the mode does not match, the image is converted to the
mode of the bitmap image.
:param box: A 4-tuple defining the left, upper, right, and
lower pixel coordinate. See :ref:`coordinate-system`. If
None is given instead of a tuple, all of the image is
if self.mode != im.mode:
im = im.convert(self.mode)
if box:
self.image.paste(im.im, box)
def frombytes(self, buffer):
Load display memory contents from byte data.
:param buffer: A buffer containing display data (usually
data returned from :py:func:`~PIL.ImageWin.Dib.tobytes`)
return self.image.frombytes(buffer)
def tobytes(self):
Copy display memory contents to bytes object.
:return: A bytes object containing display data.
return self.image.tobytes()
class Window:
"""Create a Window with the given title size."""
def __init__(self, title="PIL", width=None, height=None):
self.hwnd = Image.core.createwindow(
title, self.__dispatcher, width or 0, height or 0
def __dispatcher(self, action, *args):
return getattr(self, "ui_handle_" + action)(*args)
def ui_handle_clear(self, dc, x0, y0, x1, y1):
def ui_handle_damage(self, x0, y0, x1, y1):
def ui_handle_destroy(self):
def ui_handle_repair(self, dc, x0, y0, x1, y1):
def ui_handle_resize(self, width, height):
def mainloop(self):
class ImageWindow(Window):
"""Create an image window which displays the given image."""
def __init__(self, image, title="PIL"):
if not isinstance(image, Dib):
image = Dib(image)
self.image = image
width, height = image.size
super().__init__(title, width=width, height=height)
def ui_handle_repair(self, dc, x0, y0, x1, y1):
self.image.draw(dc, (x0, y0, x1, y1))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# IM Tools support for PIL
# history:
# 1996-05-27 fl Created (read 8-bit images only)
# 2001-02-17 fl Use 're' instead of 'regex' (Python 2.1) (0.2)
# Copyright (c) Secret Labs AB 1997-2001.
# Copyright (c) Fredrik Lundh 1996-2001.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
import re
from . import Image, ImageFile
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
field = re.compile(rb"([a-z]*) ([^ \r\n]*)")
# Image plugin for IM Tools images.
class ImtImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile):
format = "IMT"
format_description = "IM Tools"
def _open(self):
# Quick rejection: if there's not a LF among the first
# 100 bytes, this is (probably) not a text header.
buffer = self.fp.read(100)
if b"\n" not in buffer:
msg = "not an IM file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
xsize = ysize = 0
while True:
if buffer:
s = buffer[:1]
buffer = buffer[1:]
s = self.fp.read(1)
if not s:
if s == b"\x0C":
# image data begins
self.tile = [
(0, 0) + self.size,
self.fp.tell() - len(buffer),
(self.mode, 0, 1),
# read key/value pair
if b"\n" not in buffer:
buffer += self.fp.read(100)
lines = buffer.split(b"\n")
s += lines.pop(0)
buffer = b"\n".join(lines)
if len(s) == 1 or len(s) > 100:
if s[0] == ord(b"*"):
continue # comment
m = field.match(s)
if not m:
k, v = m.group(1, 2)
if k == b"width":
xsize = int(v)
self._size = xsize, ysize
elif k == b"height":
ysize = int(v)
self._size = xsize, ysize
elif k == b"pixel" and v == b"n8":
self.mode = "L"
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
Image.register_open(ImtImageFile.format, ImtImageFile)
# no extension registered (".im" is simply too common)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# IPTC/NAA file handling
# history:
# 1995-10-01 fl Created
# 1998-03-09 fl Cleaned up and added to PIL
# 2002-06-18 fl Added getiptcinfo helper
# Copyright (c) Secret Labs AB 1997-2002.
# Copyright (c) Fredrik Lundh 1995.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
import os
import tempfile
from . import Image, ImageFile
from ._binary import i8
from ._binary import i16be as i16
from ._binary import i32be as i32
from ._binary import o8
COMPRESSION = {1: "raw", 5: "jpeg"}
PAD = o8(0) * 4
# Helpers
def i(c):
return i32((PAD + c)[-4:])
def dump(c):
for i in c:
print("%02x" % i8(i), end=" ")
# Image plugin for IPTC/NAA datastreams. To read IPTC/NAA fields
# from TIFF and JPEG files, use the <b>getiptcinfo</b> function.
class IptcImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile):
format = "IPTC"
format_description = "IPTC/NAA"
def getint(self, key):
return i(self.info[key])
def field(self):
# get a IPTC field header
s = self.fp.read(5)
if not len(s):
return None, 0
tag = s[1], s[2]
# syntax
if s[0] != 0x1C or tag[0] < 1 or tag[0] > 9:
msg = "invalid IPTC/NAA file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
# field size
size = s[3]
if size > 132:
msg = "illegal field length in IPTC/NAA file"
raise OSError(msg)
elif size == 128:
size = 0
elif size > 128:
size = i(self.fp.read(size - 128))
size = i16(s, 3)
return tag, size
def _open(self):
# load descriptive fields
while True:
offset = self.fp.tell()
tag, size = self.field()
if not tag or tag == (8, 10):
if size:
tagdata = self.fp.read(size)
tagdata = None
if tag in self.info:
if isinstance(self.info[tag], list):
self.info[tag] = [self.info[tag], tagdata]
self.info[tag] = tagdata
# mode
layers = i8(self.info[(3, 60)][0])
component = i8(self.info[(3, 60)][1])
if (3, 65) in self.info:
id = i8(self.info[(3, 65)][0]) - 1
id = 0
if layers == 1 and not component:
self.mode = "L"
elif layers == 3 and component:
self.mode = "RGB"[id]
elif layers == 4 and component:
self.mode = "CMYK"[id]
# size
self._size = self.getint((3, 20)), self.getint((3, 30))
# compression
compression = COMPRESSION[self.getint((3, 120))]
except KeyError as e:
msg = "Unknown IPTC image compression"
raise OSError(msg) from e
# tile
if tag == (8, 10):
self.tile = [
("iptc", (compression, offset), (0, 0, self.size[0], self.size[1]))
def load(self):
if len(self.tile) != 1 or self.tile[0][0] != "iptc":
return ImageFile.ImageFile.load(self)
type, tile, box = self.tile[0]
encoding, offset = tile
# Copy image data to temporary file
o_fd, outfile = tempfile.mkstemp(text=False)
o = os.fdopen(o_fd)
if encoding == "raw":
# To simplify access to the extracted file,
# prepend a PPM header
o.write("P5\n%d %d\n255\n" % self.size)
while True:
type, size = self.field()
if type != (8, 10):
while size > 0:
s = self.fp.read(min(size, 8192))
if not s:
size -= len(s)
with Image.open(outfile) as _im:
self.im = _im.im
except OSError:
Image.register_open(IptcImageFile.format, IptcImageFile)
Image.register_extension(IptcImageFile.format, ".iim")
def getiptcinfo(im):
Get IPTC information from TIFF, JPEG, or IPTC file.
:param im: An image containing IPTC data.
:returns: A dictionary containing IPTC information, or None if
no IPTC information block was found.
import io
from . import JpegImagePlugin, TiffImagePlugin
data = None
if isinstance(im, IptcImageFile):
# return info dictionary right away
return im.info
elif isinstance(im, JpegImagePlugin.JpegImageFile):
# extract the IPTC/NAA resource
photoshop = im.info.get("photoshop")
if photoshop:
data = photoshop.get(0x0404)
elif isinstance(im, TiffImagePlugin.TiffImageFile):
# get raw data from the IPTC/NAA tag (PhotoShop tags the data
# as 4-byte integers, so we cannot use the get method...)
data = im.tag.tagdata[TiffImagePlugin.IPTC_NAA_CHUNK]
except (AttributeError, KeyError):
if data is None:
return None # no properties
# create an IptcImagePlugin object without initializing it
class FakeImage:
im = FakeImage()
im.__class__ = IptcImageFile
# parse the IPTC information chunk
im.info = {}
im.fp = io.BytesIO(data)
except (IndexError, KeyError):
pass # expected failure
return im.info

View File

@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
# The Python Imaging Library
# $Id$
# JPEG2000 file handling
# History:
# 2014-03-12 ajh Created
# 2021-06-30 rogermb Extract dpi information from the 'resc' header box
# Copyright (c) 2014 Coriolis Systems Limited
# Copyright (c) 2014 Alastair Houghton
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
import io
import os
import struct
from . import Image, ImageFile, _binary
class BoxReader:
A small helper class to read fields stored in JPEG2000 header boxes
and to easily step into and read sub-boxes.
def __init__(self, fp, length=-1):
self.fp = fp
self.has_length = length >= 0
self.length = length
self.remaining_in_box = -1
def _can_read(self, num_bytes):
if self.has_length and self.fp.tell() + num_bytes > self.length:
# Outside box: ensure we don't read past the known file length
return False
if self.remaining_in_box >= 0:
# Inside box contents: ensure read does not go past box boundaries
return num_bytes <= self.remaining_in_box
return True # No length known, just read
def _read_bytes(self, num_bytes):
if not self._can_read(num_bytes):
msg = "Not enough data in header"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
data = self.fp.read(num_bytes)
if len(data) < num_bytes:
msg = f"Expected to read {num_bytes} bytes but only got {len(data)}."
raise OSError(msg)
if self.remaining_in_box > 0:
self.remaining_in_box -= num_bytes
return data
def read_fields(self, field_format):
size = struct.calcsize(field_format)
data = self._read_bytes(size)
return struct.unpack(field_format, data)
def read_boxes(self):
size = self.remaining_in_box
data = self._read_bytes(size)
return BoxReader(io.BytesIO(data), size)
def has_next_box(self):
if self.has_length:
return self.fp.tell() + self.remaining_in_box < self.length
return True
def next_box_type(self):
# Skip the rest of the box if it has not been read
if self.remaining_in_box > 0:
self.fp.seek(self.remaining_in_box, os.SEEK_CUR)
self.remaining_in_box = -1
# Read the length and type of the next box
lbox, tbox = self.read_fields(">I4s")
if lbox == 1:
lbox = self.read_fields(">Q")[0]
hlen = 16
hlen = 8
if lbox < hlen or not self._can_read(lbox - hlen):
msg = "Invalid header length"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
self.remaining_in_box = lbox - hlen
return tbox
def _parse_codestream(fp):
"""Parse the JPEG 2000 codestream to extract the size and component
count from the SIZ marker segment, returning a PIL (size, mode) tuple."""
hdr = fp.read(2)
lsiz = _binary.i16be(hdr)
siz = hdr + fp.read(lsiz - 2)
lsiz, rsiz, xsiz, ysiz, xosiz, yosiz, _, _, _, _, csiz = struct.unpack_from(
ssiz = [None] * csiz
xrsiz = [None] * csiz
yrsiz = [None] * csiz
for i in range(csiz):
ssiz[i], xrsiz[i], yrsiz[i] = struct.unpack_from(">BBB", siz, 36 + 3 * i)
size = (xsiz - xosiz, ysiz - yosiz)
if csiz == 1:
if (yrsiz[0] & 0x7F) > 8:
mode = "I;16"
mode = "L"
elif csiz == 2:
mode = "LA"
elif csiz == 3:
mode = "RGB"
elif csiz == 4:
mode = "RGBA"
mode = None
return size, mode
def _res_to_dpi(num, denom, exp):
"""Convert JPEG2000's (numerator, denominator, exponent-base-10) resolution,
calculated as (num / denom) * 10^exp and stored in dots per meter,
to floating-point dots per inch."""
if denom != 0:
return (254 * num * (10**exp)) / (10000 * denom)
def _parse_jp2_header(fp):
"""Parse the JP2 header box to extract size, component count,
color space information, and optionally DPI information,
returning a (size, mode, mimetype, dpi) tuple."""
# Find the JP2 header box
reader = BoxReader(fp)
header = None
mimetype = None
while reader.has_next_box():
tbox = reader.next_box_type()
if tbox == b"jp2h":
header = reader.read_boxes()
elif tbox == b"ftyp":
if reader.read_fields(">4s")[0] == b"jpx ":
mimetype = "image/jpx"
size = None
mode = None
bpc = None
nc = None
dpi = None # 2-tuple of DPI info, or None
while header.has_next_box():
tbox = header.next_box_type()
if tbox == b"ihdr":
height, width, nc, bpc = header.read_fields(">IIHB")
size = (width, height)
if nc == 1 and (bpc & 0x7F) > 8:
mode = "I;16"
elif nc == 1:
mode = "L"
elif nc == 2:
mode = "LA"
elif nc == 3:
mode = "RGB"
elif nc == 4:
mode = "RGBA"
elif tbox == b"res ":
res = header.read_boxes()
while res.has_next_box():
tres = res.next_box_type()
if tres == b"resc":
vrcn, vrcd, hrcn, hrcd, vrce, hrce = res.read_fields(">HHHHBB")
hres = _res_to_dpi(hrcn, hrcd, hrce)
vres = _res_to_dpi(vrcn, vrcd, vrce)
if hres is not None and vres is not None:
dpi = (hres, vres)
if size is None or mode is None:
msg = "Malformed JP2 header"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
return size, mode, mimetype, dpi
# Image plugin for JPEG2000 images.
class Jpeg2KImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile):
format = "JPEG2000"
format_description = "JPEG 2000 (ISO 15444)"
def _open(self):
sig = self.fp.read(4)
if sig == b"\xff\x4f\xff\x51":
self.codec = "j2k"
self._size, self.mode = _parse_codestream(self.fp)
sig = sig + self.fp.read(8)
if sig == b"\x00\x00\x00\x0cjP \x0d\x0a\x87\x0a":
self.codec = "jp2"
header = _parse_jp2_header(self.fp)
self._size, self.mode, self.custom_mimetype, dpi = header
if dpi is not None:
self.info["dpi"] = dpi
if self.fp.read(12).endswith(b"jp2c\xff\x4f\xff\x51"):
msg = "not a JPEG 2000 file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
if self.size is None or self.mode is None:
msg = "unable to determine size/mode"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
self._reduce = 0
self.layers = 0
fd = -1
length = -1
fd = self.fp.fileno()
length = os.fstat(fd).st_size
except Exception:
fd = -1
pos = self.fp.tell()
self.fp.seek(0, io.SEEK_END)
length = self.fp.tell()
except Exception:
length = -1
self.tile = [
(0, 0) + self.size,
(self.codec, self._reduce, self.layers, fd, length),
def _parse_comment(self):
hdr = self.fp.read(2)
length = _binary.i16be(hdr)
self.fp.seek(length - 2, os.SEEK_CUR)
while True:
marker = self.fp.read(2)
if not marker:
typ = marker[1]
if typ in (0x90, 0xD9):
# Start of tile or end of codestream
hdr = self.fp.read(2)
length = _binary.i16be(hdr)
if typ == 0x64:
# Comment
self.info["comment"] = self.fp.read(length - 2)[2:]
self.fp.seek(length - 2, os.SEEK_CUR)
def reduce(self):
# https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow/issues/4343 found that the
# new Image 'reduce' method was shadowed by this plugin's 'reduce'
# property. This attempts to allow for both scenarios
return self._reduce or super().reduce
def reduce(self, value):
self._reduce = value
def load(self):
if self.tile and self._reduce:
power = 1 << self._reduce
adjust = power >> 1
self._size = (
int((self.size[0] + adjust) / power),
int((self.size[1] + adjust) / power),
# Update the reduce and layers settings
t = self.tile[0]
t3 = (t[3][0], self._reduce, self.layers, t[3][3], t[3][4])
self.tile = [(t[0], (0, 0) + self.size, t[2], t3)]
return ImageFile.ImageFile.load(self)
def _accept(prefix):
return (
prefix[:4] == b"\xff\x4f\xff\x51"
or prefix[:12] == b"\x00\x00\x00\x0cjP \x0d\x0a\x87\x0a"
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Save support
def _save(im, fp, filename):
# Get the keyword arguments
info = im.encoderinfo
if filename.endswith(".j2k") or info.get("no_jp2", False):
kind = "j2k"
kind = "jp2"
offset = info.get("offset", None)
tile_offset = info.get("tile_offset", None)
tile_size = info.get("tile_size", None)
quality_mode = info.get("quality_mode", "rates")
quality_layers = info.get("quality_layers", None)
if quality_layers is not None and not (
isinstance(quality_layers, (list, tuple))
and all(
isinstance(quality_layer, (int, float))
for quality_layer in quality_layers
msg = "quality_layers must be a sequence of numbers"
raise ValueError(msg)
num_resolutions = info.get("num_resolutions", 0)
cblk_size = info.get("codeblock_size", None)
precinct_size = info.get("precinct_size", None)
irreversible = info.get("irreversible", False)
progression = info.get("progression", "LRCP")
cinema_mode = info.get("cinema_mode", "no")
mct = info.get("mct", 0)
signed = info.get("signed", False)
comment = info.get("comment")
if isinstance(comment, str):
comment = comment.encode()
plt = info.get("plt", False)
fd = -1
if hasattr(fp, "fileno"):
fd = fp.fileno()
except Exception:
fd = -1
im.encoderconfig = (
ImageFile._save(im, fp, [("jpeg2k", (0, 0) + im.size, 0, kind)])
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Registry stuff
Image.register_open(Jpeg2KImageFile.format, Jpeg2KImageFile, _accept)
Image.register_save(Jpeg2KImageFile.format, _save)
Jpeg2KImageFile.format, [".jp2", ".j2k", ".jpc", ".jpf", ".jpx", ".j2c"]
Image.register_mime(Jpeg2KImageFile.format, "image/jp2")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,850 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# JPEG (JFIF) file handling
# See "Digital Compression and Coding of Continuous-Tone Still Images,
# Part 1, Requirements and Guidelines" (CCITT T.81 / ISO 10918-1)
# History:
# 1995-09-09 fl Created
# 1995-09-13 fl Added full parser
# 1996-03-25 fl Added hack to use the IJG command line utilities
# 1996-05-05 fl Workaround Photoshop 2.5 CMYK polarity bug
# 1996-05-28 fl Added draft support, JFIF version (0.1)
# 1996-12-30 fl Added encoder options, added progression property (0.2)
# 1997-08-27 fl Save mode 1 images as BW (0.3)
# 1998-07-12 fl Added YCbCr to draft and save methods (0.4)
# 1998-10-19 fl Don't hang on files using 16-bit DQT's (0.4.1)
# 2001-04-16 fl Extract DPI settings from JFIF files (0.4.2)
# 2002-07-01 fl Skip pad bytes before markers; identify Exif files (0.4.3)
# 2003-04-25 fl Added experimental EXIF decoder (0.5)
# 2003-06-06 fl Added experimental EXIF GPSinfo decoder
# 2003-09-13 fl Extract COM markers
# 2009-09-06 fl Added icc_profile support (from Florian Hoech)
# 2009-03-06 fl Changed CMYK handling; always use Adobe polarity (0.6)
# 2009-03-08 fl Added subsampling support (from Justin Huff).
# Copyright (c) 1997-2003 by Secret Labs AB.
# Copyright (c) 1995-1996 by Fredrik Lundh.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
import array
import io
import math
import os
import struct
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import warnings
from . import Image, ImageFile
from ._binary import i16be as i16
from ._binary import i32be as i32
from ._binary import o8
from ._binary import o16be as o16
from ._deprecate import deprecate
from .JpegPresets import presets
# Parser
def Skip(self, marker):
n = i16(self.fp.read(2)) - 2
ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, n)
def APP(self, marker):
# Application marker. Store these in the APP dictionary.
# Also look for well-known application markers.
n = i16(self.fp.read(2)) - 2
s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, n)
app = "APP%d" % (marker & 15)
self.app[app] = s # compatibility
self.applist.append((app, s))
if marker == 0xFFE0 and s[:4] == b"JFIF":
# extract JFIF information
self.info["jfif"] = version = i16(s, 5) # version
self.info["jfif_version"] = divmod(version, 256)
# extract JFIF properties
jfif_unit = s[7]
jfif_density = i16(s, 8), i16(s, 10)
except Exception:
if jfif_unit == 1:
self.info["dpi"] = jfif_density
self.info["jfif_unit"] = jfif_unit
self.info["jfif_density"] = jfif_density
elif marker == 0xFFE1 and s[:5] == b"Exif\0":
if "exif" not in self.info:
# extract EXIF information (incomplete)
self.info["exif"] = s # FIXME: value will change
self._exif_offset = self.fp.tell() - n + 6
elif marker == 0xFFE2 and s[:5] == b"FPXR\0":
# extract FlashPix information (incomplete)
self.info["flashpix"] = s # FIXME: value will change
elif marker == 0xFFE2 and s[:12] == b"ICC_PROFILE\0":
# Since an ICC profile can be larger than the maximum size of
# a JPEG marker (64K), we need provisions to split it into
# multiple markers. The format defined by the ICC specifies
# one or more APP2 markers containing the following data:
# Identifying string ASCII "ICC_PROFILE\0" (12 bytes)
# Marker sequence number 1, 2, etc (1 byte)
# Number of markers Total of APP2's used (1 byte)
# Profile data (remainder of APP2 data)
# Decoders should use the marker sequence numbers to
# reassemble the profile, rather than assuming that the APP2
# markers appear in the correct sequence.
elif marker == 0xFFED and s[:14] == b"Photoshop 3.0\x00":
# parse the image resource block
offset = 14
photoshop = self.info.setdefault("photoshop", {})
while s[offset : offset + 4] == b"8BIM":
offset += 4
# resource code
code = i16(s, offset)
offset += 2
# resource name (usually empty)
name_len = s[offset]
# name = s[offset+1:offset+1+name_len]
offset += 1 + name_len
offset += offset & 1 # align
# resource data block
size = i32(s, offset)
offset += 4
data = s[offset : offset + size]
if code == 0x03ED: # ResolutionInfo
data = {
"XResolution": i32(data, 0) / 65536,
"DisplayedUnitsX": i16(data, 4),
"YResolution": i32(data, 8) / 65536,
"DisplayedUnitsY": i16(data, 12),
photoshop[code] = data
offset += size
offset += offset & 1 # align
except struct.error:
break # insufficient data
elif marker == 0xFFEE and s[:5] == b"Adobe":
self.info["adobe"] = i16(s, 5)
# extract Adobe custom properties
adobe_transform = s[11]
except IndexError:
self.info["adobe_transform"] = adobe_transform
elif marker == 0xFFE2 and s[:4] == b"MPF\0":
# extract MPO information
self.info["mp"] = s[4:]
# offset is current location minus buffer size
# plus constant header size
self.info["mpoffset"] = self.fp.tell() - n + 4
# If DPI isn't in JPEG header, fetch from EXIF
if "dpi" not in self.info and "exif" in self.info:
exif = self.getexif()
resolution_unit = exif[0x0128]
x_resolution = exif[0x011A]
dpi = float(x_resolution[0]) / x_resolution[1]
except TypeError:
dpi = x_resolution
if math.isnan(dpi):
raise ValueError
if resolution_unit == 3: # cm
# 1 dpcm = 2.54 dpi
dpi *= 2.54
self.info["dpi"] = dpi, dpi
except (TypeError, KeyError, SyntaxError, ValueError, ZeroDivisionError):
# SyntaxError for invalid/unreadable EXIF
# KeyError for dpi not included
# ZeroDivisionError for invalid dpi rational value
# ValueError or TypeError for dpi being an invalid float
self.info["dpi"] = 72, 72
def COM(self, marker):
# Comment marker. Store these in the APP dictionary.
n = i16(self.fp.read(2)) - 2
s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, n)
self.info["comment"] = s
self.app["COM"] = s # compatibility
self.applist.append(("COM", s))
def SOF(self, marker):
# Start of frame marker. Defines the size and mode of the
# image. JPEG is colour blind, so we use some simple
# heuristics to map the number of layers to an appropriate
# mode. Note that this could be made a bit brighter, by
# looking for JFIF and Adobe APP markers.
n = i16(self.fp.read(2)) - 2
s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, n)
self._size = i16(s, 3), i16(s, 1)
self.bits = s[0]
if self.bits != 8:
msg = f"cannot handle {self.bits}-bit layers"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
self.layers = s[5]
if self.layers == 1:
self.mode = "L"
elif self.layers == 3:
self.mode = "RGB"
elif self.layers == 4:
self.mode = "CMYK"
msg = f"cannot handle {self.layers}-layer images"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
if marker in [0xFFC2, 0xFFC6, 0xFFCA, 0xFFCE]:
self.info["progressive"] = self.info["progression"] = 1
if self.icclist:
# fixup icc profile
self.icclist.sort() # sort by sequence number
if self.icclist[0][13] == len(self.icclist):
profile = []
for p in self.icclist:
icc_profile = b"".join(profile)
icc_profile = None # wrong number of fragments
self.info["icc_profile"] = icc_profile
self.icclist = []
for i in range(6, len(s), 3):
t = s[i : i + 3]
# 4-tuples: id, vsamp, hsamp, qtable
self.layer.append((t[0], t[1] // 16, t[1] & 15, t[2]))
def DQT(self, marker):
# Define quantization table. Note that there might be more
# than one table in each marker.
# FIXME: The quantization tables can be used to estimate the
# compression quality.
n = i16(self.fp.read(2)) - 2
s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, n)
while len(s):
v = s[0]
precision = 1 if (v // 16 == 0) else 2 # in bytes
qt_length = 1 + precision * 64
if len(s) < qt_length:
msg = "bad quantization table marker"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
data = array.array("B" if precision == 1 else "H", s[1:qt_length])
if sys.byteorder == "little" and precision > 1:
data.byteswap() # the values are always big-endian
self.quantization[v & 15] = [data[i] for i in zigzag_index]
s = s[qt_length:]
# JPEG marker table
0xFFC0: ("SOF0", "Baseline DCT", SOF),
0xFFC1: ("SOF1", "Extended Sequential DCT", SOF),
0xFFC2: ("SOF2", "Progressive DCT", SOF),
0xFFC3: ("SOF3", "Spatial lossless", SOF),
0xFFC4: ("DHT", "Define Huffman table", Skip),
0xFFC5: ("SOF5", "Differential sequential DCT", SOF),
0xFFC6: ("SOF6", "Differential progressive DCT", SOF),
0xFFC7: ("SOF7", "Differential spatial", SOF),
0xFFC8: ("JPG", "Extension", None),
0xFFC9: ("SOF9", "Extended sequential DCT (AC)", SOF),
0xFFCA: ("SOF10", "Progressive DCT (AC)", SOF),
0xFFCB: ("SOF11", "Spatial lossless DCT (AC)", SOF),
0xFFCC: ("DAC", "Define arithmetic coding conditioning", Skip),
0xFFCD: ("SOF13", "Differential sequential DCT (AC)", SOF),
0xFFCE: ("SOF14", "Differential progressive DCT (AC)", SOF),
0xFFCF: ("SOF15", "Differential spatial (AC)", SOF),
0xFFD0: ("RST0", "Restart 0", None),
0xFFD1: ("RST1", "Restart 1", None),
0xFFD2: ("RST2", "Restart 2", None),
0xFFD3: ("RST3", "Restart 3", None),
0xFFD4: ("RST4", "Restart 4", None),
0xFFD5: ("RST5", "Restart 5", None),
0xFFD6: ("RST6", "Restart 6", None),
0xFFD7: ("RST7", "Restart 7", None),
0xFFD8: ("SOI", "Start of image", None),
0xFFD9: ("EOI", "End of image", None),
0xFFDA: ("SOS", "Start of scan", Skip),
0xFFDB: ("DQT", "Define quantization table", DQT),
0xFFDC: ("DNL", "Define number of lines", Skip),
0xFFDD: ("DRI", "Define restart interval", Skip),
0xFFDE: ("DHP", "Define hierarchical progression", SOF),
0xFFDF: ("EXP", "Expand reference component", Skip),
0xFFE0: ("APP0", "Application segment 0", APP),
0xFFE1: ("APP1", "Application segment 1", APP),
0xFFE2: ("APP2", "Application segment 2", APP),
0xFFE3: ("APP3", "Application segment 3", APP),
0xFFE4: ("APP4", "Application segment 4", APP),
0xFFE5: ("APP5", "Application segment 5", APP),
0xFFE6: ("APP6", "Application segment 6", APP),
0xFFE7: ("APP7", "Application segment 7", APP),
0xFFE8: ("APP8", "Application segment 8", APP),
0xFFE9: ("APP9", "Application segment 9", APP),
0xFFEA: ("APP10", "Application segment 10", APP),
0xFFEB: ("APP11", "Application segment 11", APP),
0xFFEC: ("APP12", "Application segment 12", APP),
0xFFED: ("APP13", "Application segment 13", APP),
0xFFEE: ("APP14", "Application segment 14", APP),
0xFFEF: ("APP15", "Application segment 15", APP),
0xFFF0: ("JPG0", "Extension 0", None),
0xFFF1: ("JPG1", "Extension 1", None),
0xFFF2: ("JPG2", "Extension 2", None),
0xFFF3: ("JPG3", "Extension 3", None),
0xFFF4: ("JPG4", "Extension 4", None),
0xFFF5: ("JPG5", "Extension 5", None),
0xFFF6: ("JPG6", "Extension 6", None),
0xFFF7: ("JPG7", "Extension 7", None),
0xFFF8: ("JPG8", "Extension 8", None),
0xFFF9: ("JPG9", "Extension 9", None),
0xFFFA: ("JPG10", "Extension 10", None),
0xFFFB: ("JPG11", "Extension 11", None),
0xFFFC: ("JPG12", "Extension 12", None),
0xFFFD: ("JPG13", "Extension 13", None),
0xFFFE: ("COM", "Comment", COM),
def _accept(prefix):
# Magic number was taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JPEG
return prefix[:3] == b"\xFF\xD8\xFF"
# Image plugin for JPEG and JFIF images.
class JpegImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile):
format = "JPEG"
format_description = "JPEG (ISO 10918)"
def _open(self):
s = self.fp.read(3)
if not _accept(s):
msg = "not a JPEG file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
s = b"\xFF"
# Create attributes
self.bits = self.layers = 0
# JPEG specifics (internal)
self.layer = []
self.huffman_dc = {}
self.huffman_ac = {}
self.quantization = {}
self.app = {} # compatibility
self.applist = []
self.icclist = []
while True:
i = s[0]
if i == 0xFF:
s = s + self.fp.read(1)
i = i16(s)
# Skip non-0xFF junk
s = self.fp.read(1)
if i in MARKER:
name, description, handler = MARKER[i]
if handler is not None:
handler(self, i)
if i == 0xFFDA: # start of scan
rawmode = self.mode
if self.mode == "CMYK":
rawmode = "CMYK;I" # assume adobe conventions
self.tile = [("jpeg", (0, 0) + self.size, 0, (rawmode, ""))]
# self.__offset = self.fp.tell()
s = self.fp.read(1)
elif i == 0 or i == 0xFFFF:
# padded marker or junk; move on
s = b"\xff"
elif i == 0xFF00: # Skip extraneous data (escaped 0xFF)
s = self.fp.read(1)
msg = "no marker found"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
def load_read(self, read_bytes):
internal: read more image data
For premature EOF and LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES adds EOI marker
so libjpeg can finish decoding
s = self.fp.read(read_bytes)
if not s and ImageFile.LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES and not hasattr(self, "_ended"):
# Premature EOF.
# Pretend file is finished adding EOI marker
self._ended = True
return b"\xFF\xD9"
return s
def draft(self, mode, size):
if len(self.tile) != 1:
# Protect from second call
if self.decoderconfig:
d, e, o, a = self.tile[0]
scale = 1
original_size = self.size
if a[0] == "RGB" and mode in ["L", "YCbCr"]:
self.mode = mode
a = mode, ""
if size:
scale = min(self.size[0] // size[0], self.size[1] // size[1])
for s in [8, 4, 2, 1]:
if scale >= s:
e = (
(e[2] - e[0] + s - 1) // s + e[0],
(e[3] - e[1] + s - 1) // s + e[1],
self._size = ((self.size[0] + s - 1) // s, (self.size[1] + s - 1) // s)
scale = s
self.tile = [(d, e, o, a)]
self.decoderconfig = (scale, 0)
box = (0, 0, original_size[0] / scale, original_size[1] / scale)
return self.mode, box
def load_djpeg(self):
# ALTERNATIVE: handle JPEGs via the IJG command line utilities
f, path = tempfile.mkstemp()
if os.path.exists(self.filename):
subprocess.check_call(["djpeg", "-outfile", path, self.filename])
msg = "Invalid Filename"
raise ValueError(msg)
with Image.open(path) as _im:
self.im = _im.im
except OSError:
self.mode = self.im.mode
self._size = self.im.size
self.tile = []
def _getexif(self):
return _getexif(self)
def _getmp(self):
return _getmp(self)
def getxmp(self):
Returns a dictionary containing the XMP tags.
Requires defusedxml to be installed.
:returns: XMP tags in a dictionary.
for segment, content in self.applist:
if segment == "APP1":
marker, xmp_tags = content.rsplit(b"\x00", 1)
if marker == b"http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/":
return self._getxmp(xmp_tags)
return {}
def _getexif(self):
if "exif" not in self.info:
return None
return self.getexif()._get_merged_dict()
def _getmp(self):
# Extract MP information. This method was inspired by the "highly
# experimental" _getexif version that's been in use for years now,
# itself based on the ImageFileDirectory class in the TIFF plugin.
# The MP record essentially consists of a TIFF file embedded in a JPEG
# application marker.
data = self.info["mp"]
except KeyError:
return None
file_contents = io.BytesIO(data)
head = file_contents.read(8)
endianness = ">" if head[:4] == b"\x4d\x4d\x00\x2a" else "<"
# process dictionary
from . import TiffImagePlugin
info = TiffImagePlugin.ImageFileDirectory_v2(head)
mp = dict(info)
except Exception as e:
msg = "malformed MP Index (unreadable directory)"
raise SyntaxError(msg) from e
# it's an error not to have a number of images
quant = mp[0xB001]
except KeyError as e:
msg = "malformed MP Index (no number of images)"
raise SyntaxError(msg) from e
# get MP entries
mpentries = []
rawmpentries = mp[0xB002]
for entrynum in range(0, quant):
unpackedentry = struct.unpack_from(
f"{endianness}LLLHH", rawmpentries, entrynum * 16
labels = ("Attribute", "Size", "DataOffset", "EntryNo1", "EntryNo2")
mpentry = dict(zip(labels, unpackedentry))
mpentryattr = {
"DependentParentImageFlag": bool(mpentry["Attribute"] & (1 << 31)),
"DependentChildImageFlag": bool(mpentry["Attribute"] & (1 << 30)),
"RepresentativeImageFlag": bool(mpentry["Attribute"] & (1 << 29)),
"Reserved": (mpentry["Attribute"] & (3 << 27)) >> 27,
"ImageDataFormat": (mpentry["Attribute"] & (7 << 24)) >> 24,
"MPType": mpentry["Attribute"] & 0x00FFFFFF,
if mpentryattr["ImageDataFormat"] == 0:
mpentryattr["ImageDataFormat"] = "JPEG"
msg = "unsupported picture format in MPO"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
mptypemap = {
0x000000: "Undefined",
0x010001: "Large Thumbnail (VGA Equivalent)",
0x010002: "Large Thumbnail (Full HD Equivalent)",
0x020001: "Multi-Frame Image (Panorama)",
0x020002: "Multi-Frame Image: (Disparity)",
0x020003: "Multi-Frame Image: (Multi-Angle)",
0x030000: "Baseline MP Primary Image",
mpentryattr["MPType"] = mptypemap.get(mpentryattr["MPType"], "Unknown")
mpentry["Attribute"] = mpentryattr
mp[0xB002] = mpentries
except KeyError as e:
msg = "malformed MP Index (bad MP Entry)"
raise SyntaxError(msg) from e
# Next we should try and parse the individual image unique ID list;
# we don't because I've never seen this actually used in a real MPO
# file and so can't test it.
return mp
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# stuff to save JPEG files
"1": "L",
"L": "L",
"RGB": "RGB",
"RGBX": "RGB",
"CMYK": "CMYK;I", # assume adobe conventions
"YCbCr": "YCbCr",
# fmt: off
zigzag_index = (
0, 1, 5, 6, 14, 15, 27, 28,
2, 4, 7, 13, 16, 26, 29, 42,
3, 8, 12, 17, 25, 30, 41, 43,
9, 11, 18, 24, 31, 40, 44, 53,
10, 19, 23, 32, 39, 45, 52, 54,
20, 22, 33, 38, 46, 51, 55, 60,
21, 34, 37, 47, 50, 56, 59, 61,
35, 36, 48, 49, 57, 58, 62, 63,
samplings = {
(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1): 0,
(2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1): 1,
(2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1): 2,
# fmt: on
def convert_dict_qtables(qtables):
deprecate("convert_dict_qtables", 10, action="Conversion is no longer needed")
return qtables
def get_sampling(im):
# There's no subsampling when images have only 1 layer
# (grayscale images) or when they are CMYK (4 layers),
# so set subsampling to the default value.
# NOTE: currently Pillow can't encode JPEG to YCCK format.
# If YCCK support is added in the future, subsampling code will have
# to be updated (here and in JpegEncode.c) to deal with 4 layers.
if not hasattr(im, "layers") or im.layers in (1, 4):
return -1
sampling = im.layer[0][1:3] + im.layer[1][1:3] + im.layer[2][1:3]
return samplings.get(sampling, -1)
def _save(im, fp, filename):
if im.width == 0 or im.height == 0:
msg = "cannot write empty image as JPEG"
raise ValueError(msg)
rawmode = RAWMODE[im.mode]
except KeyError as e:
msg = f"cannot write mode {im.mode} as JPEG"
raise OSError(msg) from e
info = im.encoderinfo
dpi = [round(x) for x in info.get("dpi", (0, 0))]
quality = info.get("quality", -1)
subsampling = info.get("subsampling", -1)
qtables = info.get("qtables")
if quality == "keep":
quality = -1
subsampling = "keep"
qtables = "keep"
elif quality in presets:
preset = presets[quality]
quality = -1
subsampling = preset.get("subsampling", -1)
qtables = preset.get("quantization")
elif not isinstance(quality, int):
msg = "Invalid quality setting"
raise ValueError(msg)
if subsampling in presets:
subsampling = presets[subsampling].get("subsampling", -1)
if isinstance(qtables, str) and qtables in presets:
qtables = presets[qtables].get("quantization")
if subsampling == "4:4:4":
subsampling = 0
elif subsampling == "4:2:2":
subsampling = 1
elif subsampling == "4:2:0":
subsampling = 2
elif subsampling == "4:1:1":
# For compatibility. Before Pillow 4.3, 4:1:1 actually meant 4:2:0.
# Set 4:2:0 if someone is still using that value.
subsampling = 2
elif subsampling == "keep":
if im.format != "JPEG":
msg = "Cannot use 'keep' when original image is not a JPEG"
raise ValueError(msg)
subsampling = get_sampling(im)
def validate_qtables(qtables):
if qtables is None:
return qtables
if isinstance(qtables, str):
lines = [
for line in qtables.splitlines()
for num in line.split("#", 1)[0].split()
except ValueError as e:
msg = "Invalid quantization table"
raise ValueError(msg) from e
qtables = [lines[s : s + 64] for s in range(0, len(lines), 64)]
if isinstance(qtables, (tuple, list, dict)):
if isinstance(qtables, dict):
qtables = [
qtables[key] for key in range(len(qtables)) if key in qtables
elif isinstance(qtables, tuple):
qtables = list(qtables)
if not (0 < len(qtables) < 5):
msg = "None or too many quantization tables"
raise ValueError(msg)
for idx, table in enumerate(qtables):
if len(table) != 64:
raise TypeError
table = array.array("H", table)
except TypeError as e:
msg = "Invalid quantization table"
raise ValueError(msg) from e
qtables[idx] = list(table)
return qtables
if qtables == "keep":
if im.format != "JPEG":
msg = "Cannot use 'keep' when original image is not a JPEG"
raise ValueError(msg)
qtables = getattr(im, "quantization", None)
qtables = validate_qtables(qtables)
extra = info.get("extra", b"")
icc_profile = info.get("icc_profile")
if icc_profile:
markers = []
while icc_profile:
icc_profile = icc_profile[MAX_DATA_BYTES_IN_MARKER:]
i = 1
for marker in markers:
size = o16(2 + ICC_OVERHEAD_LEN + len(marker))
extra += (
+ size
+ o8(i)
+ o8(len(markers))
+ marker
i += 1
comment = info.get("comment", im.info.get("comment"))
# "progressive" is the official name, but older documentation
# says "progression"
# FIXME: issue a warning if the wrong form is used (post-1.1.7)
progressive = info.get("progressive", False) or info.get("progression", False)
optimize = info.get("optimize", False)
exif = info.get("exif", b"")
if isinstance(exif, Image.Exif):
exif = exif.tobytes()
if len(exif) > MAX_BYTES_IN_MARKER:
msg = "EXIF data is too long"
raise ValueError(msg)
# get keyword arguments
im.encoderconfig = (
info.get("smooth", 0),
info.get("streamtype", 0),
# if we optimize, libjpeg needs a buffer big enough to hold the whole image
# in a shot. Guessing on the size, at im.size bytes. (raw pixel size is
# channels*size, this is a value that's been used in a django patch.
# https://github.com/matthewwithanm/django-imagekit/issues/50
bufsize = 0
if optimize or progressive:
# CMYK can be bigger
if im.mode == "CMYK":
bufsize = 4 * im.size[0] * im.size[1]
# keep sets quality to -1, but the actual value may be high.
elif quality >= 95 or quality == -1:
bufsize = 2 * im.size[0] * im.size[1]
bufsize = im.size[0] * im.size[1]
# The EXIF info needs to be written as one block, + APP1, + one spare byte.
# Ensure that our buffer is big enough. Same with the icc_profile block.
bufsize = max(ImageFile.MAXBLOCK, bufsize, len(exif) + 5, len(extra) + 1)
ImageFile._save(im, fp, [("jpeg", (0, 0) + im.size, 0, rawmode)], bufsize)
def _save_cjpeg(im, fp, filename):
# ALTERNATIVE: handle JPEGs via the IJG command line utilities.
tempfile = im._dump()
subprocess.check_call(["cjpeg", "-outfile", filename, tempfile])
except OSError:
# Factory for making JPEG and MPO instances
def jpeg_factory(fp=None, filename=None):
im = JpegImageFile(fp, filename)
mpheader = im._getmp()
if mpheader[45057] > 1:
# It's actually an MPO
from .MpoImagePlugin import MpoImageFile
# Don't reload everything, just convert it.
im = MpoImageFile.adopt(im, mpheader)
except (TypeError, IndexError):
# It is really a JPEG
except SyntaxError:
"Image appears to be a malformed MPO file, it will be "
"interpreted as a base JPEG file"
return im
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Registry stuff
Image.register_open(JpegImageFile.format, jpeg_factory, _accept)
Image.register_save(JpegImageFile.format, _save)
Image.register_extensions(JpegImageFile.format, [".jfif", ".jpe", ".jpg", ".jpeg"])
Image.register_mime(JpegImageFile.format, "image/jpeg")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
JPEG quality settings equivalent to the Photoshop settings.
Can be used when saving JPEG files.
The following presets are available by default:
``web_low``, ``web_medium``, ``web_high``, ``web_very_high``, ``web_maximum``,
``low``, ``medium``, ``high``, ``maximum``.
More presets can be added to the :py:data:`presets` dict if needed.
To apply the preset, specify::
To apply only the quantization table::
To apply only the subsampling setting::
im.save("image_name.jpg", quality="web_high")
Subsampling is the practice of encoding images by implementing less resolution
for chroma information than for luma information.
(ref.: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chroma_subsampling)
Possible subsampling values are 0, 1 and 2 that correspond to 4:4:4, 4:2:2 and
You can get the subsampling of a JPEG with the
:func:`.JpegImagePlugin.get_sampling` function.
In JPEG compressed data a JPEG marker is used instead of an EXIF tag.
(ref.: https://exiv2.org/tags.html)
Quantization tables
They are values use by the DCT (Discrete cosine transform) to remove
*unnecessary* information from the image (the lossy part of the compression).
(ref.: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantization_matrix#Quantization_matrices,
You can get the quantization tables of a JPEG with::
This will return a dict with a number of lists. You can pass this dict
directly as the qtables argument when saving a JPEG.
The quantization table format in presets is a list with sublists. These formats
are interchangeable.
Libjpeg ref.:
# fmt: off
presets = {
'web_low': {'subsampling': 2, # "4:2:0"
'quantization': [
[20, 16, 25, 39, 50, 46, 62, 68,
16, 18, 23, 38, 38, 53, 65, 68,
25, 23, 31, 38, 53, 65, 68, 68,
39, 38, 38, 53, 65, 68, 68, 68,
50, 38, 53, 65, 68, 68, 68, 68,
46, 53, 65, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68,
62, 65, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68,
68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68],
[21, 25, 32, 38, 54, 68, 68, 68,
25, 28, 24, 38, 54, 68, 68, 68,
32, 24, 32, 43, 66, 68, 68, 68,
38, 38, 43, 53, 68, 68, 68, 68,
54, 54, 66, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68,
68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68,
68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68,
68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68]
'web_medium': {'subsampling': 2, # "4:2:0"
'quantization': [
[16, 11, 11, 16, 23, 27, 31, 30,
11, 12, 12, 15, 20, 23, 23, 30,
11, 12, 13, 16, 23, 26, 35, 47,
16, 15, 16, 23, 26, 37, 47, 64,
23, 20, 23, 26, 39, 51, 64, 64,
27, 23, 26, 37, 51, 64, 64, 64,
31, 23, 35, 47, 64, 64, 64, 64,
30, 30, 47, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64],
[17, 15, 17, 21, 20, 26, 38, 48,
15, 19, 18, 17, 20, 26, 35, 43,
17, 18, 20, 22, 26, 30, 46, 53,
21, 17, 22, 28, 30, 39, 53, 64,
20, 20, 26, 30, 39, 48, 64, 64,
26, 26, 30, 39, 48, 63, 64, 64,
38, 35, 46, 53, 64, 64, 64, 64,
48, 43, 53, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64]
'web_high': {'subsampling': 0, # "4:4:4"
'quantization': [
[6, 4, 4, 6, 9, 11, 12, 16,
4, 5, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 12,
4, 5, 5, 6, 10, 12, 14, 19,
6, 6, 6, 11, 12, 15, 19, 28,
9, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 27, 31,
11, 10, 12, 15, 20, 27, 31, 31,
12, 12, 14, 19, 27, 31, 31, 31,
16, 12, 19, 28, 31, 31, 31, 31],
[7, 7, 13, 24, 26, 31, 31, 31,
7, 12, 16, 21, 31, 31, 31, 31,
13, 16, 17, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31,
24, 21, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31,
26, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31,
31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31,
31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31,
31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31]
'web_very_high': {'subsampling': 0, # "4:4:4"
'quantization': [
[2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9,
2, 2, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12,
3, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 12, 12,
4, 4, 5, 7, 10, 12, 12, 12,
5, 5, 7, 9, 12, 12, 12, 12,
6, 6, 9, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12],
[3, 3, 5, 9, 13, 15, 15, 15,
3, 4, 6, 11, 14, 12, 12, 12,
5, 6, 9, 14, 12, 12, 12, 12,
9, 11, 14, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
13, 14, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
15, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
15, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
15, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12]
'web_maximum': {'subsampling': 0, # "4:4:4"
'quantization': [
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3,
1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3,
1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3,
1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3],
[1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3,
1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3,
1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,
2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,
2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,
3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,
3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,
3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3]
'low': {'subsampling': 2, # "4:2:0"
'quantization': [
[18, 14, 14, 21, 30, 35, 34, 17,
14, 16, 16, 19, 26, 23, 12, 12,
14, 16, 17, 21, 23, 12, 12, 12,
21, 19, 21, 23, 12, 12, 12, 12,
30, 26, 23, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
35, 23, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
34, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
17, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12],
[20, 19, 22, 27, 20, 20, 17, 17,
19, 25, 23, 14, 14, 12, 12, 12,
22, 23, 14, 14, 12, 12, 12, 12,
27, 14, 14, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
20, 14, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
20, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
17, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
17, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12]
'medium': {'subsampling': 2, # "4:2:0"
'quantization': [
[12, 8, 8, 12, 17, 21, 24, 17,
8, 9, 9, 11, 15, 19, 12, 12,
8, 9, 10, 12, 19, 12, 12, 12,
12, 11, 12, 21, 12, 12, 12, 12,
17, 15, 19, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
21, 19, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
24, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
17, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12],
[13, 11, 13, 16, 20, 20, 17, 17,
11, 14, 14, 14, 14, 12, 12, 12,
13, 14, 14, 14, 12, 12, 12, 12,
16, 14, 14, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
20, 14, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
20, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
17, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
17, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12]
'high': {'subsampling': 0, # "4:4:4"
'quantization': [
[6, 4, 4, 6, 9, 11, 12, 16,
4, 5, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 12,
4, 5, 5, 6, 10, 12, 12, 12,
6, 6, 6, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12,
9, 8, 10, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
11, 10, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
16, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12],
[7, 7, 13, 24, 20, 20, 17, 17,
7, 12, 16, 14, 14, 12, 12, 12,
13, 16, 14, 14, 12, 12, 12, 12,
24, 14, 14, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
20, 14, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
20, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
17, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
17, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12]
'maximum': {'subsampling': 0, # "4:4:4"
'quantization': [
[2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9,
2, 2, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12,
3, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 12, 12,
4, 4, 5, 7, 10, 12, 12, 12,
5, 5, 7, 9, 12, 12, 12, 12,
6, 6, 9, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12],
[3, 3, 5, 9, 13, 15, 15, 15,
3, 4, 6, 10, 14, 12, 12, 12,
5, 6, 9, 14, 12, 12, 12, 12,
9, 10, 14, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
13, 14, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
15, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
15, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
15, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12]
# fmt: on

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# Basic McIdas support for PIL
# History:
# 1997-05-05 fl Created (8-bit images only)
# 2009-03-08 fl Added 16/32-bit support.
# Thanks to Richard Jones and Craig Swank for specs and samples.
# Copyright (c) Secret Labs AB 1997.
# Copyright (c) Fredrik Lundh 1997.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
import struct
from . import Image, ImageFile
def _accept(s):
return s[:8] == b"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x04"
# Image plugin for McIdas area images.
class McIdasImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile):
format = "MCIDAS"
format_description = "McIdas area file"
def _open(self):
# parse area file directory
s = self.fp.read(256)
if not _accept(s) or len(s) != 256:
msg = "not an McIdas area file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
self.area_descriptor_raw = s
self.area_descriptor = w = [0] + list(struct.unpack("!64i", s))
# get mode
if w[11] == 1:
mode = rawmode = "L"
elif w[11] == 2:
# FIXME: add memory map support
mode = "I"
rawmode = "I;16B"
elif w[11] == 4:
# FIXME: add memory map support
mode = "I"
rawmode = "I;32B"
msg = "unsupported McIdas format"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
self.mode = mode
self._size = w[10], w[9]
offset = w[34] + w[15]
stride = w[15] + w[10] * w[11] * w[14]
self.tile = [("raw", (0, 0) + self.size, offset, (rawmode, stride, 1))]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# registry
Image.register_open(McIdasImageFile.format, McIdasImageFile, _accept)
# no default extension

View File

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# Microsoft Image Composer support for PIL
# Notes:
# uses TiffImagePlugin.py to read the actual image streams
# History:
# 97-01-20 fl Created
# Copyright (c) Secret Labs AB 1997.
# Copyright (c) Fredrik Lundh 1997.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
import olefile
from . import Image, TiffImagePlugin
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def _accept(prefix):
return prefix[:8] == olefile.MAGIC
# Image plugin for Microsoft's Image Composer file format.
class MicImageFile(TiffImagePlugin.TiffImageFile):
format = "MIC"
format_description = "Microsoft Image Composer"
_close_exclusive_fp_after_loading = False
def _open(self):
# read the OLE directory and see if this is a likely
# to be a Microsoft Image Composer file
self.ole = olefile.OleFileIO(self.fp)
except OSError as e:
msg = "not an MIC file; invalid OLE file"
raise SyntaxError(msg) from e
# find ACI subfiles with Image members (maybe not the
# best way to identify MIC files, but what the... ;-)
self.images = []
for path in self.ole.listdir():
if path[1:] and path[0][-4:] == ".ACI" and path[1] == "Image":
# if we didn't find any images, this is probably not
# an MIC file.
if not self.images:
msg = "not an MIC file; no image entries"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
self.frame = None
self._n_frames = len(self.images)
self.is_animated = self._n_frames > 1
if len(self.images) > 1:
self._category = Image.CONTAINER
def seek(self, frame):
if not self._seek_check(frame):
filename = self.images[frame]
except IndexError as e:
msg = "no such frame"
raise EOFError(msg) from e
self.fp = self.ole.openstream(filename)
self.frame = frame
def tell(self):
return self.frame
def close(self):
def __exit__(self, *args):
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
Image.register_open(MicImageFile.format, MicImageFile, _accept)
Image.register_extension(MicImageFile.format, ".mic")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# MPEG file handling
# History:
# 95-09-09 fl Created
# Copyright (c) Secret Labs AB 1997.
# Copyright (c) Fredrik Lundh 1995.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
from . import Image, ImageFile
from ._binary import i8
# Bitstream parser
class BitStream:
def __init__(self, fp):
self.fp = fp
self.bits = 0
self.bitbuffer = 0
def next(self):
return i8(self.fp.read(1))
def peek(self, bits):
while self.bits < bits:
c = self.next()
if c < 0:
self.bits = 0
self.bitbuffer = (self.bitbuffer << 8) + c
self.bits += 8
return self.bitbuffer >> (self.bits - bits) & (1 << bits) - 1
def skip(self, bits):
while self.bits < bits:
self.bitbuffer = (self.bitbuffer << 8) + i8(self.fp.read(1))
self.bits += 8
self.bits = self.bits - bits
def read(self, bits):
v = self.peek(bits)
self.bits = self.bits - bits
return v
# Image plugin for MPEG streams. This plugin can identify a stream,
# but it cannot read it.
class MpegImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile):
format = "MPEG"
format_description = "MPEG"
def _open(self):
s = BitStream(self.fp)
if s.read(32) != 0x1B3:
msg = "not an MPEG file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
self.mode = "RGB"
self._size = s.read(12), s.read(12)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Registry stuff
Image.register_open(MpegImageFile.format, MpegImageFile)
Image.register_extensions(MpegImageFile.format, [".mpg", ".mpeg"])
Image.register_mime(MpegImageFile.format, "video/mpeg")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# MPO file handling
# See "Multi-Picture Format" (CIPA DC-007-Translation 2009, Standard of the
# Camera & Imaging Products Association)
# The multi-picture object combines multiple JPEG images (with a modified EXIF
# data format) into a single file. While it can theoretically be used much like
# a GIF animation, it is commonly used to represent 3D photographs and is (as
# of this writing) the most commonly used format by 3D cameras.
# History:
# 2014-03-13 Feneric Created
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
import itertools
import os
import struct
from . import (
from ._binary import i16be as i16
from ._binary import o32le
# def _accept(prefix):
# return JpegImagePlugin._accept(prefix)
def _save(im, fp, filename):
JpegImagePlugin._save(im, fp, filename)
def _save_all(im, fp, filename):
append_images = im.encoderinfo.get("append_images", [])
if not append_images:
animated = im.is_animated
except AttributeError:
animated = False
if not animated:
_save(im, fp, filename)
mpf_offset = 28
offsets = []
for imSequence in itertools.chain([im], append_images):
for im_frame in ImageSequence.Iterator(imSequence):
if not offsets:
# APP2 marker
im_frame.encoderinfo["extra"] = (
b"\xFF\xE2" + struct.pack(">H", 6 + 82) + b"MPF\0" + b" " * 82
exif = im_frame.encoderinfo.get("exif")
if isinstance(exif, Image.Exif):
exif = exif.tobytes()
im_frame.encoderinfo["exif"] = exif
if exif:
mpf_offset += 4 + len(exif)
JpegImagePlugin._save(im_frame, fp, filename)
im_frame.save(fp, "JPEG")
offsets.append(fp.tell() - offsets[-1])
ifd = TiffImagePlugin.ImageFileDirectory_v2()
ifd[0xB000] = b"0100"
ifd[0xB001] = len(offsets)
mpentries = b""
data_offset = 0
for i, size in enumerate(offsets):
if i == 0:
mptype = 0x030000 # Baseline MP Primary Image
mptype = 0x000000 # Undefined
mpentries += struct.pack("<LLLHH", mptype, size, data_offset, 0, 0)
if i == 0:
data_offset -= mpf_offset
data_offset += size
ifd[0xB002] = mpentries
fp.write(b"II\x2A\x00" + o32le(8) + ifd.tobytes(8))
fp.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
# Image plugin for MPO images.
class MpoImageFile(JpegImagePlugin.JpegImageFile):
format = "MPO"
format_description = "MPO (CIPA DC-007)"
_close_exclusive_fp_after_loading = False
def _open(self):
self.fp.seek(0) # prep the fp in order to pass the JPEG test
def _after_jpeg_open(self, mpheader=None):
self._initial_size = self.size
self.mpinfo = mpheader if mpheader is not None else self._getmp()
self.n_frames = self.mpinfo[0xB001]
self.__mpoffsets = [
mpent["DataOffset"] + self.info["mpoffset"] for mpent in self.mpinfo[0xB002]
self.__mpoffsets[0] = 0
# Note that the following assertion will only be invalid if something
# gets broken within JpegImagePlugin.
assert self.n_frames == len(self.__mpoffsets)
del self.info["mpoffset"] # no longer needed
self.is_animated = self.n_frames > 1
self._fp = self.fp # FIXME: hack
self._fp.seek(self.__mpoffsets[0]) # get ready to read first frame
self.__frame = 0
self.offset = 0
# for now we can only handle reading and individual frame extraction
self.readonly = 1
def load_seek(self, pos):
def seek(self, frame):
if not self._seek_check(frame):
self.fp = self._fp
self.offset = self.__mpoffsets[frame]
self.fp.seek(self.offset + 2) # skip SOI marker
segment = self.fp.read(2)
if not segment:
msg = "No data found for frame"
raise ValueError(msg)
self._size = self._initial_size
if i16(segment) == 0xFFE1: # APP1
n = i16(self.fp.read(2)) - 2
self.info["exif"] = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, n)
mptype = self.mpinfo[0xB002][frame]["Attribute"]["MPType"]
if mptype.startswith("Large Thumbnail"):
exif = self.getexif().get_ifd(ExifTags.IFD.Exif)
if 40962 in exif and 40963 in exif:
self._size = (exif[40962], exif[40963])
elif "exif" in self.info:
del self.info["exif"]
self.tile = [("jpeg", (0, 0) + self.size, self.offset, (self.mode, ""))]
self.__frame = frame
def tell(self):
return self.__frame
def adopt(jpeg_instance, mpheader=None):
Transform the instance of JpegImageFile into
an instance of MpoImageFile.
After the call, the JpegImageFile is extended
to be an MpoImageFile.
This is essentially useful when opening a JPEG
file that reveals itself as an MPO, to avoid
double call to _open.
jpeg_instance.__class__ = MpoImageFile
return jpeg_instance
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Registry stuff
# Note that since MPO shares a factory with JPEG, we do not need to do a
# separate registration for it here.
# Image.register_open(MpoImageFile.format,
# JpegImagePlugin.jpeg_factory, _accept)
Image.register_save(MpoImageFile.format, _save)
Image.register_save_all(MpoImageFile.format, _save_all)
Image.register_extension(MpoImageFile.format, ".mpo")
Image.register_mime(MpoImageFile.format, "image/mpo")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# MSP file handling
# This is the format used by the Paint program in Windows 1 and 2.
# History:
# 95-09-05 fl Created
# 97-01-03 fl Read/write MSP images
# 17-02-21 es Fixed RLE interpretation
# Copyright (c) Secret Labs AB 1997.
# Copyright (c) Fredrik Lundh 1995-97.
# Copyright (c) Eric Soroos 2017.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
# More info on this format: https://archive.org/details/gg243631
# Page 313:
# Figure 205. Windows Paint Version 1: "DanM" Format
# Figure 206. Windows Paint Version 2: "LinS" Format. Used in Windows V2.03
# See also: https://www.fileformat.info/format/mspaint/egff.htm
import io
import struct
from . import Image, ImageFile
from ._binary import i16le as i16
from ._binary import o16le as o16
# read MSP files
def _accept(prefix):
return prefix[:4] in [b"DanM", b"LinS"]
# Image plugin for Windows MSP images. This plugin supports both
# uncompressed (Windows 1.0).
class MspImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile):
format = "MSP"
format_description = "Windows Paint"
def _open(self):
# Header
s = self.fp.read(32)
if not _accept(s):
msg = "not an MSP file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
# Header checksum
checksum = 0
for i in range(0, 32, 2):
checksum = checksum ^ i16(s, i)
if checksum != 0:
msg = "bad MSP checksum"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
self.mode = "1"
self._size = i16(s, 4), i16(s, 6)
if s[:4] == b"DanM":
self.tile = [("raw", (0, 0) + self.size, 32, ("1", 0, 1))]
self.tile = [("MSP", (0, 0) + self.size, 32, None)]
class MspDecoder(ImageFile.PyDecoder):
# The algo for the MSP decoder is from
# https://www.fileformat.info/format/mspaint/egff.htm
# cc-by-attribution -- That page references is taken from the
# Encyclopedia of Graphics File Formats and is licensed by
# O'Reilly under the Creative Common/Attribution license
# For RLE encoded files, the 32byte header is followed by a scan
# line map, encoded as one 16bit word of encoded byte length per
# line.
# NOTE: the encoded length of the line can be 0. This was not
# handled in the previous version of this encoder, and there's no
# mention of how to handle it in the documentation. From the few
# examples I've seen, I've assumed that it is a fill of the
# background color, in this case, white.
# Pseudocode of the decoder:
# Read a BYTE value as the RunType
# If the RunType value is zero
# Read next byte as the RunCount
# Read the next byte as the RunValue
# Write the RunValue byte RunCount times
# If the RunType value is non-zero
# Use this value as the RunCount
# Read and write the next RunCount bytes literally
# e.g.:
# 0x00 03 ff 05 00 01 02 03 04
# would yield the bytes:
# 0xff ff ff 00 01 02 03 04
# which are then interpreted as a bit packed mode '1' image
_pulls_fd = True
def decode(self, buffer):
img = io.BytesIO()
blank_line = bytearray((0xFF,) * ((self.state.xsize + 7) // 8))
rowmap = struct.unpack_from(
f"<{self.state.ysize}H", self.fd.read(self.state.ysize * 2)
except struct.error as e:
msg = "Truncated MSP file in row map"
raise OSError(msg) from e
for x, rowlen in enumerate(rowmap):
if rowlen == 0:
row = self.fd.read(rowlen)
if len(row) != rowlen:
msg = f"Truncated MSP file, expected {rowlen} bytes on row {x}"
raise OSError(msg)
idx = 0
while idx < rowlen:
runtype = row[idx]
idx += 1
if runtype == 0:
(runcount, runval) = struct.unpack_from("Bc", row, idx)
img.write(runval * runcount)
idx += 2
runcount = runtype
img.write(row[idx : idx + runcount])
idx += runcount
except struct.error as e:
msg = f"Corrupted MSP file in row {x}"
raise OSError(msg) from e
self.set_as_raw(img.getvalue(), ("1", 0, 1))
return -1, 0
Image.register_decoder("MSP", MspDecoder)
# write MSP files (uncompressed only)
def _save(im, fp, filename):
if im.mode != "1":
msg = f"cannot write mode {im.mode} as MSP"
raise OSError(msg)
# create MSP header
header = [0] * 16
header[0], header[1] = i16(b"Da"), i16(b"nM") # version 1
header[2], header[3] = im.size
header[4], header[5] = 1, 1
header[6], header[7] = 1, 1
header[8], header[9] = im.size
checksum = 0
for h in header:
checksum = checksum ^ h
header[12] = checksum # FIXME: is this the right field?
# header
for h in header:
# image body
ImageFile._save(im, fp, [("raw", (0, 0) + im.size, 32, ("1", 0, 1))])
# registry
Image.register_open(MspImageFile.format, MspImageFile, _accept)
Image.register_save(MspImageFile.format, _save)
Image.register_extension(MspImageFile.format, ".msp")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
# The Python Imaging Library
# $Id$
# Simple PostScript graphics interface
# History:
# 1996-04-20 fl Created
# 1999-01-10 fl Added gsave/grestore to image method
# 2005-05-04 fl Fixed floating point issue in image (from Eric Etheridge)
# Copyright (c) 1997-2005 by Secret Labs AB. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 1996 by Fredrik Lundh.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
import sys
from . import EpsImagePlugin
# Simple PostScript graphics interface.
class PSDraw:
Sets up printing to the given file. If ``fp`` is omitted,
``sys.stdout.buffer`` or ``sys.stdout`` is assumed.
def __init__(self, fp=None):
if not fp:
fp = sys.stdout.buffer
except AttributeError:
fp = sys.stdout
self.fp = fp
def begin_document(self, id=None):
"""Set up printing of a document. (Write PostScript DSC header.)"""
# FIXME: incomplete
b"/showpage { } def\n"
# self.fp.write(ERROR_PS) # debugging!
self.isofont = {}
def end_document(self):
"""Ends printing. (Write PostScript DSC footer.)"""
self.fp.write(b"%%EndDocument\nrestore showpage\n%%End\n")
if hasattr(self.fp, "flush"):
def setfont(self, font, size):
Selects which font to use.
:param font: A PostScript font name
:param size: Size in points.
font = bytes(font, "UTF-8")
if font not in self.isofont:
# reencode font
self.fp.write(b"/PSDraw-%s ISOLatin1Encoding /%s E\n" % (font, font))
self.isofont[font] = 1
# rough
self.fp.write(b"/F0 %d /PSDraw-%s F\n" % (size, font))
def line(self, xy0, xy1):
Draws a line between the two points. Coordinates are given in
PostScript point coordinates (72 points per inch, (0, 0) is the lower
left corner of the page).
self.fp.write(b"%d %d %d %d Vl\n" % (*xy0, *xy1))
def rectangle(self, box):
Draws a rectangle.
:param box: A tuple of four integers, specifying left, bottom, width and
self.fp.write(b"%d %d M 0 %d %d Vr\n" % box)
def text(self, xy, text):
Draws text at the given position. You must use
:py:meth:`~PIL.PSDraw.PSDraw.setfont` before calling this method.
text = bytes(text, "UTF-8")
text = b"\\(".join(text.split(b"("))
text = b"\\)".join(text.split(b")"))
xy += (text,)
self.fp.write(b"%d %d M (%s) S\n" % xy)
def image(self, box, im, dpi=None):
"""Draw a PIL image, centered in the given box."""
# default resolution depends on mode
if not dpi:
if im.mode == "1":
dpi = 200 # fax
dpi = 100 # greyscale
# image size (on paper)
x = im.size[0] * 72 / dpi
y = im.size[1] * 72 / dpi
# max allowed size
xmax = float(box[2] - box[0])
ymax = float(box[3] - box[1])
if x > xmax:
y = y * xmax / x
x = xmax
if y > ymax:
x = x * ymax / y
y = ymax
dx = (xmax - x) / 2 + box[0]
dy = (ymax - y) / 2 + box[1]
self.fp.write(b"gsave\n%f %f translate\n" % (dx, dy))
if (x, y) != im.size:
# EpsImagePlugin._save prints the image at (0,0,xsize,ysize)
sx = x / im.size[0]
sy = y / im.size[1]
self.fp.write(b"%f %f scale\n" % (sx, sy))
EpsImagePlugin._save(im, self.fp, None, 0)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# PostScript driver
# EDROFF.PS -- PostScript driver for Edroff 2
# History:
# 94-01-25 fl: created (edroff 2.04)
# Copyright (c) Fredrik Lundh 1994.
EDROFF_PS = b"""\
/S { show } bind def
/P { moveto show } bind def
/M { moveto } bind def
/X { 0 rmoveto } bind def
/Y { 0 exch rmoveto } bind def
/E { findfont
dup maxlength dict begin
1 index /FID ne { def } { pop pop } ifelse
} forall
/Encoding exch def
dup /FontName exch def
currentdict end definefont pop
} bind def
/F { findfont exch scalefont dup setfont
[ exch /setfont cvx ] cvx bind def
} bind def
# VDI.PS -- PostScript driver for VDI meta commands
# History:
# 94-01-25 fl: created (edroff 2.04)
# Copyright (c) Fredrik Lundh 1994.
VDI_PS = b"""\
/Vm { moveto } bind def
/Va { newpath arcn stroke } bind def
/Vl { moveto lineto stroke } bind def
/Vc { newpath 0 360 arc closepath } bind def
/Vr { exch dup 0 rlineto
exch dup 0 exch rlineto
exch neg 0 rlineto
0 exch neg rlineto
setgray fill } bind def
/Tm matrix def
/Ve { Tm currentmatrix pop
translate scale newpath 0 0 .5 0 360 arc closepath
Tm setmatrix
} bind def
/Vf { currentgray exch setgray fill setgray } bind def
# ERROR.PS -- Error handler
# History:
# 89-11-21 fl: created (pslist 1.10)
ERROR_PS = b"""\
/landscape false def
/errorBUF 200 string def
/errorNL { currentpoint 10 sub exch pop 72 exch moveto } def
errordict begin /handleerror {
initmatrix /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont
newpath 72 720 moveto $error begin /newerror false def
(PostScript Error) show errorNL errorNL
(Error: ) show
/errorname load errorBUF cvs show errorNL errorNL
(Command: ) show
/command load dup type /stringtype ne { errorBUF cvs } if show
errorNL errorNL
(VMstatus: ) show
vmstatus errorBUF cvs show ( bytes available, ) show
errorBUF cvs show ( bytes used at level ) show
errorBUF cvs show errorNL errorNL
(Operand stargck: ) show errorNL /ostargck load {
dup type /stringtype ne { errorBUF cvs } if 72 0 rmoveto show errorNL
} forall errorNL
(Execution stargck: ) show errorNL /estargck load {
dup type /stringtype ne { errorBUF cvs } if 72 0 rmoveto show errorNL
} forall
end showpage
} def end

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
# Python Imaging Library
# $Id$
# stuff to read simple, teragon-style palette files
# History:
# 97-08-23 fl Created
# Copyright (c) Secret Labs AB 1997.
# Copyright (c) Fredrik Lundh 1997.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
from ._binary import o8
class PaletteFile:
"""File handler for Teragon-style palette files."""
rawmode = "RGB"
def __init__(self, fp):
self.palette = [(i, i, i) for i in range(256)]
while True:
s = fp.readline()
if not s:
if s[:1] == b"#":
if len(s) > 100:
msg = "bad palette file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
v = [int(x) for x in s.split()]
[i, r, g, b] = v
except ValueError:
[i, r] = v
g = b = r
if 0 <= i <= 255:
self.palette[i] = o8(r) + o8(g) + o8(b)
self.palette = b"".join(self.palette)
def getpalette(self):
return self.palette, self.rawmode

View File

@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# Image plugin for Palm pixmap images (output only).
from . import Image, ImageFile
from ._binary import o8
from ._binary import o16be as o16b
# fmt: off
_Palm8BitColormapValues = (
(255, 255, 255), (255, 204, 255), (255, 153, 255), (255, 102, 255),
(255, 51, 255), (255, 0, 255), (255, 255, 204), (255, 204, 204),
(255, 153, 204), (255, 102, 204), (255, 51, 204), (255, 0, 204),
(255, 255, 153), (255, 204, 153), (255, 153, 153), (255, 102, 153),
(255, 51, 153), (255, 0, 153), (204, 255, 255), (204, 204, 255),
(204, 153, 255), (204, 102, 255), (204, 51, 255), (204, 0, 255),
(204, 255, 204), (204, 204, 204), (204, 153, 204), (204, 102, 204),
(204, 51, 204), (204, 0, 204), (204, 255, 153), (204, 204, 153),
(204, 153, 153), (204, 102, 153), (204, 51, 153), (204, 0, 153),
(153, 255, 255), (153, 204, 255), (153, 153, 255), (153, 102, 255),
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(0, 153, 0), (0, 102, 0), (0, 51, 0), (17, 17, 17),
(34, 34, 34), (68, 68, 68), (85, 85, 85), (119, 119, 119),
(136, 136, 136), (170, 170, 170), (187, 187, 187), (221, 221, 221),
(238, 238, 238), (192, 192, 192), (128, 0, 0), (128, 0, 128),
(0, 128, 0), (0, 128, 128), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0),
(0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0),
(0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0),
(0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0),
(0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0),
(0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0),
(0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0))
# fmt: on
# so build a prototype image to be used for palette resampling
def build_prototype_image():
image = Image.new("L", (1, len(_Palm8BitColormapValues)))
palettedata = ()
for colormapValue in _Palm8BitColormapValues:
palettedata += colormapValue
palettedata += (0, 0, 0) * (256 - len(_Palm8BitColormapValues))
return image
Palm8BitColormapImage = build_prototype_image()
# OK, we now have in Palm8BitColormapImage,
# a "P"-mode image with the right palette
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
_FLAGS = {"custom-colormap": 0x4000, "is-compressed": 0x8000, "has-transparent": 0x2000}
_COMPRESSION_TYPES = {"none": 0xFF, "rle": 0x01, "scanline": 0x00}
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# (Internal) Image save plugin for the Palm format.
def _save(im, fp, filename):
if im.mode == "P":
# we assume this is a color Palm image with the standard colormap,
# unless the "info" dict has a "custom-colormap" field
rawmode = "P"
bpp = 8
version = 1
elif im.mode == "L":
if im.encoderinfo.get("bpp") in (1, 2, 4):
# this is 8-bit grayscale, so we shift it to get the high-order bits,
# and invert it because
# Palm does greyscale from white (0) to black (1)
bpp = im.encoderinfo["bpp"]
im = im.point(
lambda x, shift=8 - bpp, maxval=(1 << bpp) - 1: maxval - (x >> shift)
elif im.info.get("bpp") in (1, 2, 4):
# here we assume that even though the inherent mode is 8-bit grayscale,
# only the lower bpp bits are significant.
# We invert them to match the Palm.
bpp = im.info["bpp"]
im = im.point(lambda x, maxval=(1 << bpp) - 1: maxval - (x & maxval))
msg = f"cannot write mode {im.mode} as Palm"
raise OSError(msg)
# we ignore the palette here
im.mode = "P"
rawmode = "P;" + str(bpp)
version = 1
elif im.mode == "1":
# monochrome -- write it inverted, as is the Palm standard
rawmode = "1;I"
bpp = 1
version = 0
msg = f"cannot write mode {im.mode} as Palm"
raise OSError(msg)
# make sure image data is available
# write header
cols = im.size[0]
rows = im.size[1]
rowbytes = int((cols + (16 // bpp - 1)) / (16 // bpp)) * 2
transparent_index = 0
compression_type = _COMPRESSION_TYPES["none"]
flags = 0
if im.mode == "P" and "custom-colormap" in im.info:
flags = flags & _FLAGS["custom-colormap"]
colormapsize = 4 * 256 + 2
colormapmode = im.palette.mode
colormap = im.getdata().getpalette()
colormapsize = 0
if "offset" in im.info:
offset = (rowbytes * rows + 16 + 3 + colormapsize) // 4
offset = 0
fp.write(o16b(cols) + o16b(rows) + o16b(rowbytes) + o16b(flags))
fp.write(o16b(0)) # reserved by Palm
# now write colormap if necessary
if colormapsize > 0:
for i in range(256):
if colormapmode == "RGB":
o8(colormap[3 * i])
+ o8(colormap[3 * i + 1])
+ o8(colormap[3 * i + 2])
elif colormapmode == "RGBA":
o8(colormap[4 * i])
+ o8(colormap[4 * i + 1])
+ o8(colormap[4 * i + 2])
# now convert data to raw form
ImageFile._save(im, fp, [("raw", (0, 0) + im.size, 0, (rawmode, rowbytes, 1))])
if hasattr(fp, "flush"):
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
Image.register_save("Palm", _save)
Image.register_extension("Palm", ".palm")
Image.register_mime("Palm", "image/palm")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# PCD file handling
# History:
# 96-05-10 fl Created
# 96-05-27 fl Added draft mode (128x192, 256x384)
# Copyright (c) Secret Labs AB 1997.
# Copyright (c) Fredrik Lundh 1996.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
from . import Image, ImageFile
# Image plugin for PhotoCD images. This plugin only reads the 768x512
# image from the file; higher resolutions are encoded in a proprietary
# encoding.
class PcdImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile):
format = "PCD"
format_description = "Kodak PhotoCD"
def _open(self):
# rough
s = self.fp.read(2048)
if s[:4] != b"PCD_":
msg = "not a PCD file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
orientation = s[1538] & 3
self.tile_post_rotate = None
if orientation == 1:
self.tile_post_rotate = 90
elif orientation == 3:
self.tile_post_rotate = -90
self.mode = "RGB"
self._size = 768, 512 # FIXME: not correct for rotated images!
self.tile = [("pcd", (0, 0) + self.size, 96 * 2048, None)]
def load_end(self):
if self.tile_post_rotate:
# Handle rotated PCDs
self.im = self.im.rotate(self.tile_post_rotate)
self._size = self.im.size
# registry
Image.register_open(PcdImageFile.format, PcdImageFile)
Image.register_extension(PcdImageFile.format, ".pcd")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
# The Python Imaging Library
# $Id$
# portable compiled font file parser
# history:
# 1997-08-19 fl created
# 2003-09-13 fl fixed loading of unicode fonts
# Copyright (c) 1997-2003 by Secret Labs AB.
# Copyright (c) 1997-2003 by Fredrik Lundh.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
import io
from . import FontFile, Image
from ._binary import i8
from ._binary import i16be as b16
from ._binary import i16le as l16
from ._binary import i32be as b32
from ._binary import i32le as l32
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# declarations
PCF_MAGIC = 0x70636601 # "\x01fcp"
PCF_METRICS = 1 << 2
PCF_BITMAPS = 1 << 3
PCF_SWIDTHS = 1 << 6
lambda bits: ((bits + 7) >> 3),
lambda bits: ((bits + 15) >> 3) & ~1,
lambda bits: ((bits + 31) >> 3) & ~3,
lambda bits: ((bits + 63) >> 3) & ~7,
def sz(s, o):
return s[o : s.index(b"\0", o)]
class PcfFontFile(FontFile.FontFile):
"""Font file plugin for the X11 PCF format."""
name = "name"
def __init__(self, fp, charset_encoding="iso8859-1"):
self.charset_encoding = charset_encoding
magic = l32(fp.read(4))
if magic != PCF_MAGIC:
msg = "not a PCF file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
count = l32(fp.read(4))
self.toc = {}
for i in range(count):
type = l32(fp.read(4))
self.toc[type] = l32(fp.read(4)), l32(fp.read(4)), l32(fp.read(4))
self.fp = fp
self.info = self._load_properties()
metrics = self._load_metrics()
bitmaps = self._load_bitmaps(metrics)
encoding = self._load_encoding()
# create glyph structure
for ch, ix in enumerate(encoding):
if ix is not None:
) = metrics[ix]
self.glyph[ch] = (
(width, 0),
(left, descent - ysize, xsize + left, descent),
(0, 0, xsize, ysize),
def _getformat(self, tag):
format, size, offset = self.toc[tag]
fp = self.fp
format = l32(fp.read(4))
if format & 4:
i16, i32 = b16, b32
i16, i32 = l16, l32
return fp, format, i16, i32
def _load_properties(self):
# font properties
properties = {}
fp, format, i16, i32 = self._getformat(PCF_PROPERTIES)
nprops = i32(fp.read(4))
# read property description
p = []
for i in range(nprops):
p.append((i32(fp.read(4)), i8(fp.read(1)), i32(fp.read(4))))
if nprops & 3:
fp.seek(4 - (nprops & 3), io.SEEK_CUR) # pad
data = fp.read(i32(fp.read(4)))
for k, s, v in p:
k = sz(data, k)
if s:
v = sz(data, v)
properties[k] = v
return properties
def _load_metrics(self):
# font metrics
metrics = []
fp, format, i16, i32 = self._getformat(PCF_METRICS)
append = metrics.append
if (format & 0xFF00) == 0x100:
# "compressed" metrics
for i in range(i16(fp.read(2))):
left = i8(fp.read(1)) - 128
right = i8(fp.read(1)) - 128
width = i8(fp.read(1)) - 128
ascent = i8(fp.read(1)) - 128
descent = i8(fp.read(1)) - 128
xsize = right - left
ysize = ascent + descent
append((xsize, ysize, left, right, width, ascent, descent, 0))
# "jumbo" metrics
for i in range(i32(fp.read(4))):
left = i16(fp.read(2))
right = i16(fp.read(2))
width = i16(fp.read(2))
ascent = i16(fp.read(2))
descent = i16(fp.read(2))
attributes = i16(fp.read(2))
xsize = right - left
ysize = ascent + descent
append((xsize, ysize, left, right, width, ascent, descent, attributes))
return metrics
def _load_bitmaps(self, metrics):
# bitmap data
bitmaps = []
fp, format, i16, i32 = self._getformat(PCF_BITMAPS)
nbitmaps = i32(fp.read(4))
if nbitmaps != len(metrics):
msg = "Wrong number of bitmaps"
raise OSError(msg)
offsets = []
for i in range(nbitmaps):
bitmap_sizes = []
for i in range(4):
# byteorder = format & 4 # non-zero => MSB
bitorder = format & 8 # non-zero => MSB
padindex = format & 3
bitmapsize = bitmap_sizes[padindex]
data = fp.read(bitmapsize)
pad = BYTES_PER_ROW[padindex]
mode = "1;R"
if bitorder:
mode = "1"
for i in range(nbitmaps):
xsize, ysize = metrics[i][:2]
b, e = offsets[i : i + 2]
Image.frombytes("1", (xsize, ysize), data[b:e], "raw", mode, pad(xsize))
return bitmaps
def _load_encoding(self):
fp, format, i16, i32 = self._getformat(PCF_BDF_ENCODINGS)
first_col, last_col = i16(fp.read(2)), i16(fp.read(2))
first_row, last_row = i16(fp.read(2)), i16(fp.read(2))
i16(fp.read(2)) # default
nencoding = (last_col - first_col + 1) * (last_row - first_row + 1)
# map character code to bitmap index
encoding = [None] * min(256, nencoding)
encoding_offsets = [i16(fp.read(2)) for _ in range(nencoding)]
for i in range(first_col, len(encoding)):
encoding_offset = encoding_offsets[
if encoding_offset != 0xFFFF:
encoding[i] = encoding_offset
except UnicodeDecodeError:
# character is not supported in selected encoding
return encoding

View File

@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# PCX file handling
# This format was originally used by ZSoft's popular PaintBrush
# program for the IBM PC. It is also supported by many MS-DOS and
# Windows applications, including the Windows PaintBrush program in
# Windows 3.
# history:
# 1995-09-01 fl Created
# 1996-05-20 fl Fixed RGB support
# 1997-01-03 fl Fixed 2-bit and 4-bit support
# 1999-02-03 fl Fixed 8-bit support (broken in 1.0b1)
# 1999-02-07 fl Added write support
# 2002-06-09 fl Made 2-bit and 4-bit support a bit more robust
# 2002-07-30 fl Seek from to current position, not beginning of file
# 2003-06-03 fl Extract DPI settings (info["dpi"])
# Copyright (c) 1997-2003 by Secret Labs AB.
# Copyright (c) 1995-2003 by Fredrik Lundh.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
import io
import logging
from . import Image, ImageFile, ImagePalette
from ._binary import i16le as i16
from ._binary import o8
from ._binary import o16le as o16
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _accept(prefix):
return prefix[0] == 10 and prefix[1] in [0, 2, 3, 5]
# Image plugin for Paintbrush images.
class PcxImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile):
format = "PCX"
format_description = "Paintbrush"
def _open(self):
# header
s = self.fp.read(128)
if not _accept(s):
msg = "not a PCX file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
# image
bbox = i16(s, 4), i16(s, 6), i16(s, 8) + 1, i16(s, 10) + 1
if bbox[2] <= bbox[0] or bbox[3] <= bbox[1]:
msg = "bad PCX image size"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
logger.debug("BBox: %s %s %s %s", *bbox)
# format
version = s[1]
bits = s[3]
planes = s[65]
provided_stride = i16(s, 66)
"PCX version %s, bits %s, planes %s, stride %s",
self.info["dpi"] = i16(s, 12), i16(s, 14)
if bits == 1 and planes == 1:
mode = rawmode = "1"
elif bits == 1 and planes in (2, 4):
mode = "P"
rawmode = "P;%dL" % planes
self.palette = ImagePalette.raw("RGB", s[16:64])
elif version == 5 and bits == 8 and planes == 1:
mode = rawmode = "L"
# FIXME: hey, this doesn't work with the incremental loader !!!
self.fp.seek(-769, io.SEEK_END)
s = self.fp.read(769)
if len(s) == 769 and s[0] == 12:
# check if the palette is linear greyscale
for i in range(256):
if s[i * 3 + 1 : i * 3 + 4] != o8(i) * 3:
mode = rawmode = "P"
if mode == "P":
self.palette = ImagePalette.raw("RGB", s[1:])
elif version == 5 and bits == 8 and planes == 3:
mode = "RGB"
rawmode = "RGB;L"
msg = "unknown PCX mode"
raise OSError(msg)
self.mode = mode
self._size = bbox[2] - bbox[0], bbox[3] - bbox[1]
# Don't trust the passed in stride.
# Calculate the approximate position for ourselves.
# CVE-2020-35653
stride = (self._size[0] * bits + 7) // 8
# While the specification states that this must be even,
# not all images follow this
if provided_stride != stride:
stride += stride % 2
bbox = (0, 0) + self.size
logger.debug("size: %sx%s", *self.size)
self.tile = [("pcx", bbox, self.fp.tell(), (rawmode, planes * stride))]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# save PCX files
SAVE = {
# mode: (version, bits, planes, raw mode)
"1": (2, 1, 1, "1"),
"L": (5, 8, 1, "L"),
"P": (5, 8, 1, "P"),
"RGB": (5, 8, 3, "RGB;L"),
def _save(im, fp, filename):
version, bits, planes, rawmode = SAVE[im.mode]
except KeyError as e:
msg = f"Cannot save {im.mode} images as PCX"
raise ValueError(msg) from e
# bytes per plane
stride = (im.size[0] * bits + 7) // 8
# stride should be even
stride += stride % 2
# Stride needs to be kept in sync with the PcxEncode.c version.
# Ideally it should be passed in in the state, but the bytes value
# gets overwritten.
"PcxImagePlugin._save: xwidth: %d, bits: %d, stride: %d",
# under windows, we could determine the current screen size with
# "Image.core.display_mode()[1]", but I think that's overkill...
screen = im.size
dpi = 100, 100
# PCX header
+ o8(version)
+ o8(1)
+ o8(bits)
+ o16(0)
+ o16(0)
+ o16(im.size[0] - 1)
+ o16(im.size[1] - 1)
+ o16(dpi[0])
+ o16(dpi[1])
+ b"\0" * 24
+ b"\xFF" * 24
+ b"\0"
+ o8(planes)
+ o16(stride)
+ o16(1)
+ o16(screen[0])
+ o16(screen[1])
+ b"\0" * 54
assert fp.tell() == 128
ImageFile._save(im, fp, [("pcx", (0, 0) + im.size, 0, (rawmode, bits * planes))])
if im.mode == "P":
# colour palette
palette = im.im.getpalette("RGB", "RGB")
palette += b"\x00" * (768 - len(palette))
fp.write(palette) # 768 bytes
elif im.mode == "L":
# greyscale palette
for i in range(256):
fp.write(o8(i) * 3)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# registry
Image.register_open(PcxImageFile.format, PcxImageFile, _accept)
Image.register_save(PcxImageFile.format, _save)
Image.register_extension(PcxImageFile.format, ".pcx")
Image.register_mime(PcxImageFile.format, "image/x-pcx")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# PDF (Acrobat) file handling
# History:
# 1996-07-16 fl Created
# 1997-01-18 fl Fixed header
# 2004-02-21 fl Fixes for 1/L/CMYK images, etc.
# 2004-02-24 fl Fixes for 1 and P images.
# Copyright (c) 1997-2004 by Secret Labs AB. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 1996-1997 by Fredrik Lundh.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
# Image plugin for PDF images (output only).
import io
import math
import os
import time
from . import Image, ImageFile, ImageSequence, PdfParser, __version__, features
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# object ids:
# 1. catalogue
# 2. pages
# 3. image
# 4. page
# 5. page contents
def _save_all(im, fp, filename):
_save(im, fp, filename, save_all=True)
# (Internal) Image save plugin for the PDF format.
def _save(im, fp, filename, save_all=False):
is_appending = im.encoderinfo.get("append", False)
if is_appending:
existing_pdf = PdfParser.PdfParser(f=fp, filename=filename, mode="r+b")
existing_pdf = PdfParser.PdfParser(f=fp, filename=filename, mode="w+b")
dpi = im.encoderinfo.get("dpi")
if dpi:
x_resolution = dpi[0]
y_resolution = dpi[1]
x_resolution = y_resolution = im.encoderinfo.get("resolution", 72.0)
info = {
"title": None
if is_appending
else os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0],
"author": None,
"subject": None,
"keywords": None,
"creator": None,
"producer": None,
"creationDate": None if is_appending else time.gmtime(),
"modDate": None if is_appending else time.gmtime(),
for k, default in info.items():
v = im.encoderinfo.get(k) if k in im.encoderinfo else default
if v:
existing_pdf.info[k[0].upper() + k[1:]] = v
# make sure image data is available
existing_pdf.write_comment(f"created by Pillow {__version__} PDF driver")
# pages
ims = [im]
if save_all:
append_images = im.encoderinfo.get("append_images", [])
for append_im in append_images:
append_im.encoderinfo = im.encoderinfo.copy()
number_of_pages = 0
image_refs = []
page_refs = []
contents_refs = []
for im in ims:
im_number_of_pages = 1
if save_all:
im_number_of_pages = im.n_frames
except AttributeError:
# Image format does not have n_frames.
# It is a single frame image
number_of_pages += im_number_of_pages
for i in range(im_number_of_pages):
# catalog and list of pages
page_number = 0
for im_sequence in ims:
im_pages = ImageSequence.Iterator(im_sequence) if save_all else [im_sequence]
for im in im_pages:
# FIXME: Should replace ASCIIHexDecode with RunLengthDecode
# (packbits) or LZWDecode (tiff/lzw compression). Note that
# PDF 1.2 also supports Flatedecode (zip compression).
bits = 8
params = None
decode = None
# Get image characteristics
width, height = im.size
if im.mode == "1":
if features.check("libtiff"):
filter = "CCITTFaxDecode"
bits = 1
params = PdfParser.PdfArray(
"K": -1,
"BlackIs1": True,
"Columns": width,
"Rows": height,
filter = "DCTDecode"
colorspace = PdfParser.PdfName("DeviceGray")
procset = "ImageB" # grayscale
elif im.mode == "L":
filter = "DCTDecode"
# params = f"<< /Predictor 15 /Columns {width-2} >>"
colorspace = PdfParser.PdfName("DeviceGray")
procset = "ImageB" # grayscale
elif im.mode == "P":
filter = "ASCIIHexDecode"
palette = im.getpalette()
colorspace = [
procset = "ImageI" # indexed color
elif im.mode == "RGB":
filter = "DCTDecode"
colorspace = PdfParser.PdfName("DeviceRGB")
procset = "ImageC" # color images
elif im.mode == "RGBA":
filter = "JPXDecode"
colorspace = PdfParser.PdfName("DeviceRGB")
procset = "ImageC" # color images
elif im.mode == "CMYK":
filter = "DCTDecode"
colorspace = PdfParser.PdfName("DeviceCMYK")
procset = "ImageC" # color images
decode = [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0]
msg = f"cannot save mode {im.mode}"
raise ValueError(msg)
# image
op = io.BytesIO()
if filter == "ASCIIHexDecode":
ImageFile._save(im, op, [("hex", (0, 0) + im.size, 0, im.mode)])
elif filter == "CCITTFaxDecode":
# use a single strip
strip_size=math.ceil(im.width / 8) * im.height,
elif filter == "DCTDecode":
Image.SAVE["JPEG"](im, op, filename)
elif filter == "JPXDecode":
Image.SAVE["JPEG2000"](im, op, filename)
elif filter == "FlateDecode":
ImageFile._save(im, op, [("zip", (0, 0) + im.size, 0, im.mode)])
elif filter == "RunLengthDecode":
ImageFile._save(im, op, [("packbits", (0, 0) + im.size, 0, im.mode)])
msg = f"unsupported PDF filter ({filter})"
raise ValueError(msg)
stream = op.getvalue()
if filter == "CCITTFaxDecode":
stream = stream[8:]
filter = PdfParser.PdfArray([PdfParser.PdfName(filter)])
filter = PdfParser.PdfName(filter)
Width=width, # * 72.0 / x_resolution,
Height=height, # * 72.0 / y_resolution,
# page
ProcSet=[PdfParser.PdfName("PDF"), PdfParser.PdfName(procset)],
width * 72.0 / x_resolution,
height * 72.0 / y_resolution,
# page contents
page_contents = b"q %f 0 0 %f 0 0 cm /image Do Q\n" % (
width * 72.0 / x_resolution,
height * 72.0 / y_resolution,
existing_pdf.write_obj(contents_refs[page_number], stream=page_contents)
page_number += 1
# trailer
if hasattr(fp, "flush"):
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
Image.register_save("PDF", _save)
Image.register_save_all("PDF", _save_all)
Image.register_extension("PDF", ".pdf")
Image.register_mime("PDF", "application/pdf")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,999 @@
import calendar
import codecs
import collections
import mmap
import os
import re
import time
import zlib
# see Text String Type on page 86 and D.3 PDFDocEncoding Character Set
# on page 656
def encode_text(s):
return codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE + s.encode("utf_16_be")
PDFDocEncoding = {
0x16: "\u0017",
0x18: "\u02D8",
0x19: "\u02C7",
0x1A: "\u02C6",
0x1B: "\u02D9",
0x1C: "\u02DD",
0x1D: "\u02DB",
0x1E: "\u02DA",
0x1F: "\u02DC",
0x80: "\u2022",
0x81: "\u2020",
0x82: "\u2021",
0x83: "\u2026",
0x84: "\u2014",
0x85: "\u2013",
0x86: "\u0192",
0x87: "\u2044",
0x88: "\u2039",
0x89: "\u203A",
0x8A: "\u2212",
0x8B: "\u2030",
0x8C: "\u201E",
0x8D: "\u201C",
0x8E: "\u201D",
0x8F: "\u2018",
0x90: "\u2019",
0x91: "\u201A",
0x92: "\u2122",
0x93: "\uFB01",
0x94: "\uFB02",
0x95: "\u0141",
0x96: "\u0152",
0x97: "\u0160",
0x98: "\u0178",
0x99: "\u017D",
0x9A: "\u0131",
0x9B: "\u0142",
0x9C: "\u0153",
0x9D: "\u0161",
0x9E: "\u017E",
0xA0: "\u20AC",
def decode_text(b):
if b[: len(codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE)] == codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE:
return b[len(codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE) :].decode("utf_16_be")
return "".join(PDFDocEncoding.get(byte, chr(byte)) for byte in b)
class PdfFormatError(RuntimeError):
"""An error that probably indicates a syntactic or semantic error in the
PDF file structure"""
def check_format_condition(condition, error_message):
if not condition:
raise PdfFormatError(error_message)
class IndirectReference(
collections.namedtuple("IndirectReferenceTuple", ["object_id", "generation"])
def __str__(self):
return "%s %s R" % self
def __bytes__(self):
return self.__str__().encode("us-ascii")
def __eq__(self, other):
return (
other.__class__ is self.__class__
and other.object_id == self.object_id
and other.generation == self.generation
def __ne__(self, other):
return not (self == other)
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.object_id, self.generation))
class IndirectObjectDef(IndirectReference):
def __str__(self):
return "%s %s obj" % self
class XrefTable:
def __init__(self):
self.existing_entries = {} # object ID => (offset, generation)
self.new_entries = {} # object ID => (offset, generation)
self.deleted_entries = {0: 65536} # object ID => generation
self.reading_finished = False
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if self.reading_finished:
self.new_entries[key] = value
self.existing_entries[key] = value
if key in self.deleted_entries:
del self.deleted_entries[key]
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.new_entries[key]
except KeyError:
return self.existing_entries[key]
def __delitem__(self, key):
if key in self.new_entries:
generation = self.new_entries[key][1] + 1
del self.new_entries[key]
self.deleted_entries[key] = generation
elif key in self.existing_entries:
generation = self.existing_entries[key][1] + 1
self.deleted_entries[key] = generation
elif key in self.deleted_entries:
generation = self.deleted_entries[key]
msg = (
"object ID " + str(key) + " cannot be deleted because it doesn't exist"
raise IndexError(msg)
def __contains__(self, key):
return key in self.existing_entries or key in self.new_entries
def __len__(self):
return len(
| set(self.new_entries.keys())
| set(self.deleted_entries.keys())
def keys(self):
return (
set(self.existing_entries.keys()) - set(self.deleted_entries.keys())
) | set(self.new_entries.keys())
def write(self, f):
keys = sorted(set(self.new_entries.keys()) | set(self.deleted_entries.keys()))
deleted_keys = sorted(set(self.deleted_entries.keys()))
startxref = f.tell()
while keys:
# find a contiguous sequence of object IDs
prev = None
for index, key in enumerate(keys):
if prev is None or prev + 1 == key:
prev = key
contiguous_keys = keys[:index]
keys = keys[index:]
contiguous_keys = keys
keys = None
f.write(b"%d %d\n" % (contiguous_keys[0], len(contiguous_keys)))
for object_id in contiguous_keys:
if object_id in self.new_entries:
f.write(b"%010d %05d n \n" % self.new_entries[object_id])
this_deleted_object_id = deleted_keys.pop(0)
object_id == this_deleted_object_id,
f"expected the next deleted object ID to be {object_id}, "
f"instead found {this_deleted_object_id}",
next_in_linked_list = deleted_keys[0]
except IndexError:
next_in_linked_list = 0
b"%010d %05d f \n"
% (next_in_linked_list, self.deleted_entries[object_id])
return startxref
class PdfName:
def __init__(self, name):
if isinstance(name, PdfName):
self.name = name.name
elif isinstance(name, bytes):
self.name = name
self.name = name.encode("us-ascii")
def name_as_str(self):
return self.name.decode("us-ascii")
def __eq__(self, other):
return (
isinstance(other, PdfName) and other.name == self.name
) or other == self.name
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.name)
def __repr__(self):
return f"PdfName({repr(self.name)})"
def from_pdf_stream(cls, data):
return cls(PdfParser.interpret_name(data))
allowed_chars = set(range(33, 127)) - {ord(c) for c in "#%/()<>[]{}"}
def __bytes__(self):
result = bytearray(b"/")
for b in self.name:
if b in self.allowed_chars:
result.extend(b"#%02X" % b)
return bytes(result)
class PdfArray(list):
def __bytes__(self):
return b"[ " + b" ".join(pdf_repr(x) for x in self) + b" ]"
class PdfDict(collections.UserDict):
def __setattr__(self, key, value):
if key == "data":
collections.UserDict.__setattr__(self, key, value)
self[key.encode("us-ascii")] = value
def __getattr__(self, key):
value = self[key.encode("us-ascii")]
except KeyError as e:
raise AttributeError(key) from e
if isinstance(value, bytes):
value = decode_text(value)
if key.endswith("Date"):
if value.startswith("D:"):
value = value[2:]
relationship = "Z"
if len(value) > 17:
relationship = value[14]
offset = int(value[15:17]) * 60
if len(value) > 20:
offset += int(value[18:20])
format = "%Y%m%d%H%M%S"[: len(value) - 2]
value = time.strptime(value[: len(format) + 2], format)
if relationship in ["+", "-"]:
offset *= 60
if relationship == "+":
offset *= -1
value = time.gmtime(calendar.timegm(value) + offset)
return value
def __bytes__(self):
out = bytearray(b"<<")
for key, value in self.items():
if value is None:
value = pdf_repr(value)
out.extend(b" ")
return bytes(out)
class PdfBinary:
def __init__(self, data):
self.data = data
def __bytes__(self):
return b"<%s>" % b"".join(b"%02X" % b for b in self.data)
class PdfStream:
def __init__(self, dictionary, buf):
self.dictionary = dictionary
self.buf = buf
def decode(self):
filter = self.dictionary.Filter
except AttributeError:
return self.buf
if filter == b"FlateDecode":
expected_length = self.dictionary.DL
except AttributeError:
expected_length = self.dictionary.Length
return zlib.decompress(self.buf, bufsize=int(expected_length))
msg = f"stream filter {repr(self.dictionary.Filter)} unknown/unsupported"
raise NotImplementedError(msg)
def pdf_repr(x):
if x is True:
return b"true"
elif x is False:
return b"false"
elif x is None:
return b"null"
elif isinstance(x, (PdfName, PdfDict, PdfArray, PdfBinary)):
return bytes(x)
elif isinstance(x, (int, float)):
return str(x).encode("us-ascii")
elif isinstance(x, time.struct_time):
return b"(D:" + time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ", x).encode("us-ascii") + b")"
elif isinstance(x, dict):
return bytes(PdfDict(x))
elif isinstance(x, list):
return bytes(PdfArray(x))
elif isinstance(x, str):
return pdf_repr(encode_text(x))
elif isinstance(x, bytes):
# XXX escape more chars? handle binary garbage
x = x.replace(b"\\", b"\\\\")
x = x.replace(b"(", b"\\(")
x = x.replace(b")", b"\\)")
return b"(" + x + b")"
return bytes(x)
class PdfParser:
"""Based on
Supports PDF up to 1.4
def __init__(self, filename=None, f=None, buf=None, start_offset=0, mode="rb"):
if buf and f:
msg = "specify buf or f or filename, but not both buf and f"
raise RuntimeError(msg)
self.filename = filename
self.buf = buf
self.f = f
self.start_offset = start_offset
self.should_close_buf = False
self.should_close_file = False
if filename is not None and f is None:
self.f = f = open(filename, mode)
self.should_close_file = True
if f is not None:
self.buf = buf = self.get_buf_from_file(f)
self.should_close_buf = True
if not filename and hasattr(f, "name"):
self.filename = f.name
self.cached_objects = {}
if buf:
self.file_size_total = self.file_size_this = 0
self.root = PdfDict()
self.root_ref = None
self.info = PdfDict()
self.info_ref = None
self.page_tree_root = {}
self.pages = []
self.orig_pages = []
self.pages_ref = None
self.last_xref_section_offset = None
self.trailer_dict = {}
self.xref_table = XrefTable()
self.xref_table.reading_finished = True
if f:
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
return False # do not suppress exceptions
def start_writing(self):
def close_buf(self):
except AttributeError:
self.buf = None
def close(self):
if self.should_close_buf:
if self.f is not None and self.should_close_file:
self.f = None
def seek_end(self):
self.f.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
def write_header(self):
def write_comment(self, s):
self.f.write(f"% {s}\n".encode())
def write_catalog(self):
self.root_ref = self.next_object_id(self.f.tell())
self.pages_ref = self.next_object_id(0)
self.write_obj(self.root_ref, Type=PdfName(b"Catalog"), Pages=self.pages_ref)
return self.root_ref
def rewrite_pages(self):
pages_tree_nodes_to_delete = []
for i, page_ref in enumerate(self.orig_pages):
page_info = self.cached_objects[page_ref]
del self.xref_table[page_ref.object_id]
if page_ref not in self.pages:
# the page has been deleted
# make dict keys into strings for passing to write_page
stringified_page_info = {}
for key, value in page_info.items():
# key should be a PdfName
stringified_page_info[key.name_as_str()] = value
stringified_page_info["Parent"] = self.pages_ref
new_page_ref = self.write_page(None, **stringified_page_info)
for j, cur_page_ref in enumerate(self.pages):
if cur_page_ref == page_ref:
# replace the page reference with the new one
self.pages[j] = new_page_ref
# delete redundant Pages tree nodes from xref table
for pages_tree_node_ref in pages_tree_nodes_to_delete:
while pages_tree_node_ref:
pages_tree_node = self.cached_objects[pages_tree_node_ref]
if pages_tree_node_ref.object_id in self.xref_table:
del self.xref_table[pages_tree_node_ref.object_id]
pages_tree_node_ref = pages_tree_node.get(b"Parent", None)
self.orig_pages = []
def write_xref_and_trailer(self, new_root_ref=None):
if new_root_ref:
self.root_ref = new_root_ref
if self.info:
self.info_ref = self.write_obj(None, self.info)
start_xref = self.xref_table.write(self.f)
num_entries = len(self.xref_table)
trailer_dict = {b"Root": self.root_ref, b"Size": num_entries}
if self.last_xref_section_offset is not None:
trailer_dict[b"Prev"] = self.last_xref_section_offset
if self.info:
trailer_dict[b"Info"] = self.info_ref
self.last_xref_section_offset = start_xref
+ bytes(PdfDict(trailer_dict))
+ b"\nstartxref\n%d\n%%%%EOF" % start_xref
def write_page(self, ref, *objs, **dict_obj):
if isinstance(ref, int):
ref = self.pages[ref]
if "Type" not in dict_obj:
dict_obj["Type"] = PdfName(b"Page")
if "Parent" not in dict_obj:
dict_obj["Parent"] = self.pages_ref
return self.write_obj(ref, *objs, **dict_obj)
def write_obj(self, ref, *objs, **dict_obj):
f = self.f
if ref is None:
ref = self.next_object_id(f.tell())
self.xref_table[ref.object_id] = (f.tell(), ref.generation)
stream = dict_obj.pop("stream", None)
if stream is not None:
dict_obj["Length"] = len(stream)
if dict_obj:
for obj in objs:
if stream is not None:
return ref
def del_root(self):
if self.root_ref is None:
del self.xref_table[self.root_ref.object_id]
del self.xref_table[self.root[b"Pages"].object_id]
def get_buf_from_file(f):
if hasattr(f, "getbuffer"):
return f.getbuffer()
elif hasattr(f, "getvalue"):
return f.getvalue()
return mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ)
except ValueError: # cannot mmap an empty file
return b""
def read_pdf_info(self):
self.file_size_total = len(self.buf)
self.file_size_this = self.file_size_total - self.start_offset
self.root_ref = self.trailer_dict[b"Root"]
self.info_ref = self.trailer_dict.get(b"Info", None)
self.root = PdfDict(self.read_indirect(self.root_ref))
if self.info_ref is None:
self.info = PdfDict()
self.info = PdfDict(self.read_indirect(self.info_ref))
check_format_condition(b"Type" in self.root, "/Type missing in Root")
self.root[b"Type"] == b"Catalog", "/Type in Root is not /Catalog"
check_format_condition(b"Pages" in self.root, "/Pages missing in Root")
isinstance(self.root[b"Pages"], IndirectReference),
"/Pages in Root is not an indirect reference",
self.pages_ref = self.root[b"Pages"]
self.page_tree_root = self.read_indirect(self.pages_ref)
self.pages = self.linearize_page_tree(self.page_tree_root)
# save the original list of page references
# in case the user modifies, adds or deletes some pages
# and we need to rewrite the pages and their list
self.orig_pages = self.pages[:]
def next_object_id(self, offset=None):
# TODO: support reuse of deleted objects
reference = IndirectReference(max(self.xref_table.keys()) + 1, 0)
except ValueError:
reference = IndirectReference(1, 0)
if offset is not None:
self.xref_table[reference.object_id] = (offset, 0)
return reference
delimiter = rb"[][()<>{}/%]"
delimiter_or_ws = rb"[][()<>{}/%\000\011\012\014\015\040]"
whitespace = rb"[\000\011\012\014\015\040]"
whitespace_or_hex = rb"[\000\011\012\014\015\0400-9a-fA-F]"
whitespace_optional = whitespace + b"*"
whitespace_mandatory = whitespace + b"+"
# No "\012" aka "\n" or "\015" aka "\r":
whitespace_optional_no_nl = rb"[\000\011\014\040]*"
newline_only = rb"[\r\n]+"
newline = whitespace_optional_no_nl + newline_only + whitespace_optional_no_nl
re_trailer_end = re.compile(
+ rb"trailer"
+ whitespace_optional
+ rb"<<(.*>>)"
+ newline
+ rb"startxref"
+ newline
+ rb"([0-9]+)"
+ newline
+ rb"%%EOF"
+ whitespace_optional
+ rb"$",
re_trailer_prev = re.compile(
+ rb"trailer"
+ whitespace_optional
+ rb"<<(.*?>>)"
+ newline
+ rb"startxref"
+ newline
+ rb"([0-9]+)"
+ newline
+ rb"%%EOF"
+ whitespace_optional,
def read_trailer(self):
search_start_offset = len(self.buf) - 16384
if search_start_offset < self.start_offset:
search_start_offset = self.start_offset
m = self.re_trailer_end.search(self.buf, search_start_offset)
check_format_condition(m, "trailer end not found")
# make sure we found the LAST trailer
last_match = m
while m:
last_match = m
m = self.re_trailer_end.search(self.buf, m.start() + 16)
if not m:
m = last_match
trailer_data = m.group(1)
self.last_xref_section_offset = int(m.group(2))
self.trailer_dict = self.interpret_trailer(trailer_data)
self.xref_table = XrefTable()
if b"Prev" in self.trailer_dict:
def read_prev_trailer(self, xref_section_offset):
trailer_offset = self.read_xref_table(xref_section_offset=xref_section_offset)
m = self.re_trailer_prev.search(
self.buf[trailer_offset : trailer_offset + 16384]
check_format_condition(m, "previous trailer not found")
trailer_data = m.group(1)
int(m.group(2)) == xref_section_offset,
"xref section offset in previous trailer doesn't match what was expected",
trailer_dict = self.interpret_trailer(trailer_data)
if b"Prev" in trailer_dict:
re_whitespace_optional = re.compile(whitespace_optional)
re_name = re.compile(
+ rb"/([!-$&'*-.0-;=?-Z\\^-z|~]+)(?="
+ delimiter_or_ws
+ rb")"
re_dict_start = re.compile(whitespace_optional + rb"<<")
re_dict_end = re.compile(whitespace_optional + rb">>" + whitespace_optional)
def interpret_trailer(cls, trailer_data):
trailer = {}
offset = 0
while True:
m = cls.re_name.match(trailer_data, offset)
if not m:
m = cls.re_dict_end.match(trailer_data, offset)
m and m.end() == len(trailer_data),
"name not found in trailer, remaining data: "
+ repr(trailer_data[offset:]),
key = cls.interpret_name(m.group(1))
value, offset = cls.get_value(trailer_data, m.end())
trailer[key] = value
b"Size" in trailer and isinstance(trailer[b"Size"], int),
"/Size not in trailer or not an integer",
b"Root" in trailer and isinstance(trailer[b"Root"], IndirectReference),
"/Root not in trailer or not an indirect reference",
return trailer
re_hashes_in_name = re.compile(rb"([^#]*)(#([0-9a-fA-F]{2}))?")
def interpret_name(cls, raw, as_text=False):
name = b""
for m in cls.re_hashes_in_name.finditer(raw):
if m.group(3):
name += m.group(1) + bytearray.fromhex(m.group(3).decode("us-ascii"))
name += m.group(1)
if as_text:
return name.decode("utf-8")
return bytes(name)
re_null = re.compile(whitespace_optional + rb"null(?=" + delimiter_or_ws + rb")")
re_true = re.compile(whitespace_optional + rb"true(?=" + delimiter_or_ws + rb")")
re_false = re.compile(whitespace_optional + rb"false(?=" + delimiter_or_ws + rb")")
re_int = re.compile(
whitespace_optional + rb"([-+]?[0-9]+)(?=" + delimiter_or_ws + rb")"
re_real = re.compile(
+ rb"([-+]?([0-9]+\.[0-9]*|[0-9]*\.[0-9]+))(?="
+ delimiter_or_ws
+ rb")"
re_array_start = re.compile(whitespace_optional + rb"\[")
re_array_end = re.compile(whitespace_optional + rb"]")
re_string_hex = re.compile(
whitespace_optional + rb"<(" + whitespace_or_hex + rb"*)>"
re_string_lit = re.compile(whitespace_optional + rb"\(")
re_indirect_reference = re.compile(
+ rb"([-+]?[0-9]+)"
+ whitespace_mandatory
+ rb"([-+]?[0-9]+)"
+ whitespace_mandatory
+ rb"R(?="
+ delimiter_or_ws
+ rb")"
re_indirect_def_start = re.compile(
+ rb"([-+]?[0-9]+)"
+ whitespace_mandatory
+ rb"([-+]?[0-9]+)"
+ whitespace_mandatory
+ rb"obj(?="
+ delimiter_or_ws
+ rb")"
re_indirect_def_end = re.compile(
whitespace_optional + rb"endobj(?=" + delimiter_or_ws + rb")"
re_comment = re.compile(
rb"(" + whitespace_optional + rb"%[^\r\n]*" + newline + rb")*"
re_stream_start = re.compile(whitespace_optional + rb"stream\r?\n")
re_stream_end = re.compile(
whitespace_optional + rb"endstream(?=" + delimiter_or_ws + rb")"
def get_value(cls, data, offset, expect_indirect=None, max_nesting=-1):
if max_nesting == 0:
return None, None
m = cls.re_comment.match(data, offset)
if m:
offset = m.end()
m = cls.re_indirect_def_start.match(data, offset)
if m:
int(m.group(1)) > 0,
"indirect object definition: object ID must be greater than 0",
int(m.group(2)) >= 0,
"indirect object definition: generation must be non-negative",
expect_indirect is None
or expect_indirect
== IndirectReference(int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2))),
"indirect object definition different than expected",
object, offset = cls.get_value(data, m.end(), max_nesting=max_nesting - 1)
if offset is None:
return object, None
m = cls.re_indirect_def_end.match(data, offset)
check_format_condition(m, "indirect object definition end not found")
return object, m.end()
not expect_indirect, "indirect object definition not found"
m = cls.re_indirect_reference.match(data, offset)
if m:
int(m.group(1)) > 0,
"indirect object reference: object ID must be greater than 0",
int(m.group(2)) >= 0,
"indirect object reference: generation must be non-negative",
return IndirectReference(int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2))), m.end()
m = cls.re_dict_start.match(data, offset)
if m:
offset = m.end()
result = {}
m = cls.re_dict_end.match(data, offset)
while not m:
key, offset = cls.get_value(data, offset, max_nesting=max_nesting - 1)
if offset is None:
return result, None
value, offset = cls.get_value(data, offset, max_nesting=max_nesting - 1)
result[key] = value
if offset is None:
return result, None
m = cls.re_dict_end.match(data, offset)
offset = m.end()
m = cls.re_stream_start.match(data, offset)
if m:
stream_len = int(result[b"Length"])
except (TypeError, KeyError, ValueError) as e:
msg = "bad or missing Length in stream dict (%r)" % result.get(
b"Length", None
raise PdfFormatError(msg) from e
stream_data = data[m.end() : m.end() + stream_len]
m = cls.re_stream_end.match(data, m.end() + stream_len)
check_format_condition(m, "stream end not found")
offset = m.end()
result = PdfStream(PdfDict(result), stream_data)
result = PdfDict(result)
return result, offset
m = cls.re_array_start.match(data, offset)
if m:
offset = m.end()
result = []
m = cls.re_array_end.match(data, offset)
while not m:
value, offset = cls.get_value(data, offset, max_nesting=max_nesting - 1)
if offset is None:
return result, None
m = cls.re_array_end.match(data, offset)
return result, m.end()
m = cls.re_null.match(data, offset)
if m:
return None, m.end()
m = cls.re_true.match(data, offset)
if m:
return True, m.end()
m = cls.re_false.match(data, offset)
if m:
return False, m.end()
m = cls.re_name.match(data, offset)
if m:
return PdfName(cls.interpret_name(m.group(1))), m.end()
m = cls.re_int.match(data, offset)
if m:
return int(m.group(1)), m.end()
m = cls.re_real.match(data, offset)
if m:
# XXX Decimal instead of float???
return float(m.group(1)), m.end()
m = cls.re_string_hex.match(data, offset)
if m:
# filter out whitespace
hex_string = bytearray(
b for b in m.group(1) if b in b"0123456789abcdefABCDEF"
if len(hex_string) % 2 == 1:
# append a 0 if the length is not even - yes, at the end
return bytearray.fromhex(hex_string.decode("us-ascii")), m.end()
m = cls.re_string_lit.match(data, offset)
if m:
return cls.get_literal_string(data, m.end())
# return None, offset # fallback (only for debugging)
msg = "unrecognized object: " + repr(data[offset : offset + 32])
raise PdfFormatError(msg)
re_lit_str_token = re.compile(
escaped_chars = {
b"n": b"\n",
b"r": b"\r",
b"t": b"\t",
b"b": b"\b",
b"f": b"\f",
b"(": b"(",
b")": b")",
b"\\": b"\\",
ord(b"n"): b"\n",
ord(b"r"): b"\r",
ord(b"t"): b"\t",
ord(b"b"): b"\b",
ord(b"f"): b"\f",
ord(b"("): b"(",
ord(b")"): b")",
ord(b"\\"): b"\\",
def get_literal_string(cls, data, offset):
nesting_depth = 0
result = bytearray()
for m in cls.re_lit_str_token.finditer(data, offset):
result.extend(data[offset : m.start()])
if m.group(1):
elif m.group(2):
result.append(int(m.group(2)[1:], 8))
elif m.group(3):
elif m.group(5):
elif m.group(6):
nesting_depth += 1
elif m.group(7):
if nesting_depth == 0:
return bytes(result), m.end()
nesting_depth -= 1
offset = m.end()
msg = "unfinished literal string"
raise PdfFormatError(msg)
re_xref_section_start = re.compile(whitespace_optional + rb"xref" + newline)
re_xref_subsection_start = re.compile(
+ rb"([0-9]+)"
+ whitespace_mandatory
+ rb"([0-9]+)"
+ whitespace_optional
+ newline_only
re_xref_entry = re.compile(rb"([0-9]{10}) ([0-9]{5}) ([fn])( \r| \n|\r\n)")
def read_xref_table(self, xref_section_offset):
subsection_found = False
m = self.re_xref_section_start.match(
self.buf, xref_section_offset + self.start_offset
check_format_condition(m, "xref section start not found")
offset = m.end()
while True:
m = self.re_xref_subsection_start.match(self.buf, offset)
if not m:
subsection_found, "xref subsection start not found"
subsection_found = True
offset = m.end()
first_object = int(m.group(1))
num_objects = int(m.group(2))
for i in range(first_object, first_object + num_objects):
m = self.re_xref_entry.match(self.buf, offset)
check_format_condition(m, "xref entry not found")
offset = m.end()
is_free = m.group(3) == b"f"
generation = int(m.group(2))
if not is_free:
new_entry = (int(m.group(1)), generation)
i not in self.xref_table or self.xref_table[i] == new_entry,
"xref entry duplicated (and not identical)",
self.xref_table[i] = new_entry
return offset
def read_indirect(self, ref, max_nesting=-1):
offset, generation = self.xref_table[ref[0]]
generation == ref[1],
f"expected to find generation {ref[1]} for object ID {ref[0]} in xref "
f"table, instead found generation {generation} at offset {offset}",
value = self.get_value(
offset + self.start_offset,
self.cached_objects[ref] = value
return value
def linearize_page_tree(self, node=None):
if node is None:
node = self.page_tree_root
node[b"Type"] == b"Pages", "/Type of page tree node is not /Pages"
pages = []
for kid in node[b"Kids"]:
kid_object = self.read_indirect(kid)
if kid_object[b"Type"] == b"Page":
return pages

View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# PIXAR raster support for PIL
# history:
# 97-01-29 fl Created
# notes:
# This is incomplete; it is based on a few samples created with
# Photoshop 2.5 and 3.0, and a summary description provided by
# Greg Coats <gcoats@labiris.er.usgs.gov>. Hopefully, "L" and
# "RGBA" support will be added in future versions.
# Copyright (c) Secret Labs AB 1997.
# Copyright (c) Fredrik Lundh 1997.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
from . import Image, ImageFile
from ._binary import i16le as i16
# helpers
def _accept(prefix):
return prefix[:4] == b"\200\350\000\000"
# Image plugin for PIXAR raster images.
class PixarImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile):
format = "PIXAR"
format_description = "PIXAR raster image"
def _open(self):
# assuming a 4-byte magic label
s = self.fp.read(4)
if not _accept(s):
msg = "not a PIXAR file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
# read rest of header
s = s + self.fp.read(508)
self._size = i16(s, 418), i16(s, 416)
# get channel/depth descriptions
mode = i16(s, 424), i16(s, 426)
if mode == (14, 2):
self.mode = "RGB"
# FIXME: to be continued...
# create tile descriptor (assuming "dumped")
self.tile = [("raw", (0, 0) + self.size, 1024, (self.mode, 0, 1))]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
Image.register_open(PixarImageFile.format, PixarImageFile, _accept)
Image.register_extension(PixarImageFile.format, ".pxr")

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# PPM support for PIL
# History:
# 96-03-24 fl Created
# 98-03-06 fl Write RGBA images (as RGB, that is)
# Copyright (c) Secret Labs AB 1997-98.
# Copyright (c) Fredrik Lundh 1996.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
from . import Image, ImageFile
from ._binary import i16be as i16
from ._binary import o8
from ._binary import o32le as o32
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
b_whitespace = b"\x20\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d"
# standard
b"P1": "1",
b"P2": "L",
b"P3": "RGB",
b"P4": "1",
b"P5": "L",
b"P6": "RGB",
# extensions
b"P0CMYK": "CMYK",
# PIL extensions (for test purposes only)
b"PyP": "P",
b"PyRGBA": "RGBA",
b"PyCMYK": "CMYK",
def _accept(prefix):
return prefix[0:1] == b"P" and prefix[1] in b"0123456y"
# Image plugin for PBM, PGM, and PPM images.
class PpmImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile):
format = "PPM"
format_description = "Pbmplus image"
def _read_magic(self):
magic = b""
# read until whitespace or longest available magic number
for _ in range(6):
c = self.fp.read(1)
if not c or c in b_whitespace:
magic += c
return magic
def _read_token(self):
token = b""
while len(token) <= 10: # read until next whitespace or limit of 10 characters
c = self.fp.read(1)
if not c:
elif c in b_whitespace: # token ended
if not token:
# skip whitespace at start
elif c == b"#":
# ignores rest of the line; stops at CR, LF or EOF
while self.fp.read(1) not in b"\r\n":
token += c
if not token:
# Token was not even 1 byte
msg = "Reached EOF while reading header"
raise ValueError(msg)
elif len(token) > 10:
msg = f"Token too long in file header: {token.decode()}"
raise ValueError(msg)
return token
def _open(self):
magic_number = self._read_magic()
mode = MODES[magic_number]
except KeyError:
msg = "not a PPM file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
if magic_number in (b"P1", b"P4"):
self.custom_mimetype = "image/x-portable-bitmap"
elif magic_number in (b"P2", b"P5"):
self.custom_mimetype = "image/x-portable-graymap"
elif magic_number in (b"P3", b"P6"):
self.custom_mimetype = "image/x-portable-pixmap"
maxval = None
decoder_name = "raw"
if magic_number in (b"P1", b"P2", b"P3"):
decoder_name = "ppm_plain"
for ix in range(3):
token = int(self._read_token())
if ix == 0: # token is the x size
xsize = token
elif ix == 1: # token is the y size
ysize = token
if mode == "1":
self.mode = "1"
rawmode = "1;I"
self.mode = rawmode = mode
elif ix == 2: # token is maxval
maxval = token
if not 0 < maxval < 65536:
msg = "maxval must be greater than 0 and less than 65536"
raise ValueError(msg)
if maxval > 255 and mode == "L":
self.mode = "I"
if decoder_name != "ppm_plain":
# If maxval matches a bit depth, use the raw decoder directly
if maxval == 65535 and mode == "L":
rawmode = "I;16B"
elif maxval != 255:
decoder_name = "ppm"
args = (rawmode, 0, 1) if decoder_name == "raw" else (rawmode, maxval)
self._size = xsize, ysize
self.tile = [(decoder_name, (0, 0, xsize, ysize), self.fp.tell(), args)]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
class PpmPlainDecoder(ImageFile.PyDecoder):
_pulls_fd = True
def _read_block(self):
return self.fd.read(ImageFile.SAFEBLOCK)
def _find_comment_end(self, block, start=0):
a = block.find(b"\n", start)
b = block.find(b"\r", start)
return min(a, b) if a * b > 0 else max(a, b) # lowest nonnegative index (or -1)
def _ignore_comments(self, block):
if self._comment_spans:
# Finish current comment
while block:
comment_end = self._find_comment_end(block)
if comment_end != -1:
# Comment ends in this block
# Delete tail of comment
block = block[comment_end + 1 :]
# Comment spans whole block
# So read the next block, looking for the end
block = self._read_block()
# Search for any further comments
self._comment_spans = False
while True:
comment_start = block.find(b"#")
if comment_start == -1:
# No comment found
comment_end = self._find_comment_end(block, comment_start)
if comment_end != -1:
# Comment ends in this block
# Delete comment
block = block[:comment_start] + block[comment_end + 1 :]
# Comment continues to next block(s)
block = block[:comment_start]
self._comment_spans = True
return block
def _decode_bitonal(self):
This is a separate method because in the plain PBM format, all data tokens are
exactly one byte, so the inter-token whitespace is optional.
data = bytearray()
total_bytes = self.state.xsize * self.state.ysize
while len(data) != total_bytes:
block = self._read_block() # read next block
if not block:
# eof
block = self._ignore_comments(block)
tokens = b"".join(block.split())
for token in tokens:
if token not in (48, 49):
msg = b"Invalid token for this mode: %s" % bytes([token])
raise ValueError(msg)
data = (data + tokens)[:total_bytes]
invert = bytes.maketrans(b"01", b"\xFF\x00")
return data.translate(invert)
def _decode_blocks(self, maxval):
data = bytearray()
max_len = 10
out_byte_count = 4 if self.mode == "I" else 1
out_max = 65535 if self.mode == "I" else 255
bands = Image.getmodebands(self.mode)
total_bytes = self.state.xsize * self.state.ysize * bands * out_byte_count
half_token = False
while len(data) != total_bytes:
block = self._read_block() # read next block
if not block:
if half_token:
block = bytearray(b" ") # flush half_token
# eof
block = self._ignore_comments(block)
if half_token:
block = half_token + block # stitch half_token to new block
half_token = False
tokens = block.split()
if block and not block[-1:].isspace(): # block might split token
half_token = tokens.pop() # save half token for later
if len(half_token) > max_len: # prevent buildup of half_token
msg = (
b"Token too long found in data: %s" % half_token[: max_len + 1]
raise ValueError(msg)
for token in tokens:
if len(token) > max_len:
msg = b"Token too long found in data: %s" % token[: max_len + 1]
raise ValueError(msg)
value = int(token)
if value > maxval:
msg = f"Channel value too large for this mode: {value}"
raise ValueError(msg)
value = round(value / maxval * out_max)
data += o32(value) if self.mode == "I" else o8(value)
if len(data) == total_bytes: # finished!
return data
def decode(self, buffer):
self._comment_spans = False
if self.mode == "1":
data = self._decode_bitonal()
rawmode = "1;8"
maxval = self.args[-1]
data = self._decode_blocks(maxval)
rawmode = "I;32" if self.mode == "I" else self.mode
self.set_as_raw(bytes(data), rawmode)
return -1, 0
class PpmDecoder(ImageFile.PyDecoder):
_pulls_fd = True
def decode(self, buffer):
data = bytearray()
maxval = self.args[-1]
in_byte_count = 1 if maxval < 256 else 2
out_byte_count = 4 if self.mode == "I" else 1
out_max = 65535 if self.mode == "I" else 255
bands = Image.getmodebands(self.mode)
while len(data) < self.state.xsize * self.state.ysize * bands * out_byte_count:
pixels = self.fd.read(in_byte_count * bands)
if len(pixels) < in_byte_count * bands:
# eof
for b in range(bands):
value = (
pixels[b] if in_byte_count == 1 else i16(pixels, b * in_byte_count)
value = min(out_max, round(value / maxval * out_max))
data += o32(value) if self.mode == "I" else o8(value)
rawmode = "I;32" if self.mode == "I" else self.mode
self.set_as_raw(bytes(data), rawmode)
return -1, 0
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def _save(im, fp, filename):
if im.mode == "1":
rawmode, head = "1;I", b"P4"
elif im.mode == "L":
rawmode, head = "L", b"P5"
elif im.mode == "I":
rawmode, head = "I;16B", b"P5"
elif im.mode in ("RGB", "RGBA"):
rawmode, head = "RGB", b"P6"
msg = f"cannot write mode {im.mode} as PPM"
raise OSError(msg)
fp.write(head + b"\n%d %d\n" % im.size)
if head == b"P6":
elif head == b"P5":
if rawmode == "L":
ImageFile._save(im, fp, [("raw", (0, 0) + im.size, 0, (rawmode, 0, 1))])
# ALTERNATIVE: save via builtin debug function
# im._dump(filename)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
Image.register_open(PpmImageFile.format, PpmImageFile, _accept)
Image.register_save(PpmImageFile.format, _save)
Image.register_decoder("ppm", PpmDecoder)
Image.register_decoder("ppm_plain", PpmPlainDecoder)
Image.register_extensions(PpmImageFile.format, [".pbm", ".pgm", ".ppm", ".pnm"])
Image.register_mime(PpmImageFile.format, "image/x-portable-anymap")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
# The Python Imaging Library
# $Id$
# Adobe PSD 2.5/3.0 file handling
# History:
# 1995-09-01 fl Created
# 1997-01-03 fl Read most PSD images
# 1997-01-18 fl Fixed P and CMYK support
# 2001-10-21 fl Added seek/tell support (for layers)
# Copyright (c) 1997-2001 by Secret Labs AB.
# Copyright (c) 1995-2001 by Fredrik Lundh
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
import io
from . import Image, ImageFile, ImagePalette
from ._binary import i8
from ._binary import i16be as i16
from ._binary import i32be as i32
from ._binary import si16be as si16
# (photoshop mode, bits) -> (pil mode, required channels)
(0, 1): ("1", 1),
(0, 8): ("L", 1),
(1, 8): ("L", 1),
(2, 8): ("P", 1),
(3, 8): ("RGB", 3),
(4, 8): ("CMYK", 4),
(7, 8): ("L", 1), # FIXME: multilayer
(8, 8): ("L", 1), # duotone
(9, 8): ("LAB", 3),
# --------------------------------------------------------------------.
# read PSD images
def _accept(prefix):
return prefix[:4] == b"8BPS"
# Image plugin for Photoshop images.
class PsdImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile):
format = "PSD"
format_description = "Adobe Photoshop"
_close_exclusive_fp_after_loading = False
def _open(self):
read = self.fp.read
# header
s = read(26)
if not _accept(s) or i16(s, 4) != 1:
msg = "not a PSD file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
psd_bits = i16(s, 22)
psd_channels = i16(s, 12)
psd_mode = i16(s, 24)
mode, channels = MODES[(psd_mode, psd_bits)]
if channels > psd_channels:
msg = "not enough channels"
raise OSError(msg)
if mode == "RGB" and psd_channels == 4:
mode = "RGBA"
channels = 4
self.mode = mode
self._size = i32(s, 18), i32(s, 14)
# color mode data
size = i32(read(4))
if size:
data = read(size)
if mode == "P" and size == 768:
self.palette = ImagePalette.raw("RGB;L", data)
# image resources
self.resources = []
size = i32(read(4))
if size:
# load resources
end = self.fp.tell() + size
while self.fp.tell() < end:
read(4) # signature
id = i16(read(2))
name = read(i8(read(1)))
if not (len(name) & 1):
read(1) # padding
data = read(i32(read(4)))
if len(data) & 1:
read(1) # padding
self.resources.append((id, name, data))
if id == 1039: # ICC profile
self.info["icc_profile"] = data
# layer and mask information
self.layers = []
size = i32(read(4))
if size:
end = self.fp.tell() + size
size = i32(read(4))
if size:
_layer_data = io.BytesIO(ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, size))
self.layers = _layerinfo(_layer_data, size)
self.n_frames = len(self.layers)
self.is_animated = self.n_frames > 1
# image descriptor
self.tile = _maketile(self.fp, mode, (0, 0) + self.size, channels)
# keep the file open
self._fp = self.fp
self.frame = 1
self._min_frame = 1
def seek(self, layer):
if not self._seek_check(layer):
# seek to given layer (1..max)
name, mode, bbox, tile = self.layers[layer - 1]
self.mode = mode
self.tile = tile
self.frame = layer
self.fp = self._fp
return name, bbox
except IndexError as e:
msg = "no such layer"
raise EOFError(msg) from e
def tell(self):
# return layer number (0=image, 1..max=layers)
return self.frame
def _layerinfo(fp, ct_bytes):
# read layerinfo block
layers = []
def read(size):
return ImageFile._safe_read(fp, size)
ct = si16(read(2))
# sanity check
if ct_bytes < (abs(ct) * 20):
msg = "Layer block too short for number of layers requested"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
for _ in range(abs(ct)):
# bounding box
y0 = i32(read(4))
x0 = i32(read(4))
y1 = i32(read(4))
x1 = i32(read(4))
# image info
mode = []
ct_types = i16(read(2))
types = list(range(ct_types))
if len(types) > 4:
for _ in types:
type = i16(read(2))
if type == 65535:
m = "A"
m = "RGBA"[type]
read(4) # size
# figure out the image mode
if mode == ["R"]:
mode = "L"
elif mode == ["B", "G", "R"]:
mode = "RGB"
elif mode == ["A", "B", "G", "R"]:
mode = "RGBA"
mode = None # unknown
# skip over blend flags and extra information
read(12) # filler
name = ""
size = i32(read(4)) # length of the extra data field
if size:
data_end = fp.tell() + size
length = i32(read(4))
if length:
fp.seek(length - 16, io.SEEK_CUR)
length = i32(read(4))
if length:
fp.seek(length, io.SEEK_CUR)
length = i8(read(1))
if length:
# Don't know the proper encoding,
# Latin-1 should be a good guess
name = read(length).decode("latin-1", "replace")
layers.append((name, mode, (x0, y0, x1, y1)))
# get tiles
for i, (name, mode, bbox) in enumerate(layers):
tile = []
for m in mode:
t = _maketile(fp, m, bbox, 1)
if t:
layers[i] = name, mode, bbox, tile
return layers
def _maketile(file, mode, bbox, channels):
tile = None
read = file.read
compression = i16(read(2))
xsize = bbox[2] - bbox[0]
ysize = bbox[3] - bbox[1]
offset = file.tell()
if compression == 0:
# raw compression
tile = []
for channel in range(channels):
layer = mode[channel]
if mode == "CMYK":
layer += ";I"
tile.append(("raw", bbox, offset, layer))
offset = offset + xsize * ysize
elif compression == 1:
# packbits compression
i = 0
tile = []
bytecount = read(channels * ysize * 2)
offset = file.tell()
for channel in range(channels):
layer = mode[channel]
if mode == "CMYK":
layer += ";I"
tile.append(("packbits", bbox, offset, layer))
for y in range(ysize):
offset = offset + i16(bytecount, i)
i += 2
if offset & 1:
read(1) # padding
return tile
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# registry
Image.register_open(PsdImageFile.format, PsdImageFile, _accept)
Image.register_extension(PsdImageFile.format, ".psd")
Image.register_mime(PsdImageFile.format, "image/vnd.adobe.photoshop")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
# The Python Imaging Library
# Pillow fork
# Python implementation of the PixelAccess Object
# Copyright (c) 1997-2009 by Secret Labs AB. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 1995-2009 by Fredrik Lundh.
# Copyright (c) 2013 Eric Soroos
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution
# Notes:
# * Implements the pixel access object following Access.c
# * Taking only the tuple form, which is used from python.
# * Fill.c uses the integer form, but it's still going to use the old
# Access.c implementation.
import logging
import sys
from cffi import FFI
defs = """
struct Pixel_RGBA {
unsigned char r,g,b,a;
struct Pixel_I16 {
unsigned char l,r;
ffi = FFI()
except ImportError as ex:
# Allow error import for doc purposes, but error out when accessing
# anything in core.
from ._util import DeferredError
FFI = ffi = DeferredError(ex)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class PyAccess:
def __init__(self, img, readonly=False):
vals = dict(img.im.unsafe_ptrs)
self.readonly = readonly
self.image8 = ffi.cast("unsigned char **", vals["image8"])
self.image32 = ffi.cast("int **", vals["image32"])
self.image = ffi.cast("unsigned char **", vals["image"])
self.xsize, self.ysize = img.im.size
self._img = img
# Keep pointer to im object to prevent dereferencing.
self._im = img.im
if self._im.mode in ("P", "PA"):
self._palette = img.palette
# Debugging is polluting test traces, only useful here
# when hacking on PyAccess
# logger.debug("%s", vals)
def _post_init(self):
def __setitem__(self, xy, color):
Modifies the pixel at x,y. The color is given as a single
numerical value for single band images, and a tuple for
multi-band images
:param xy: The pixel coordinate, given as (x, y). See
:param color: The pixel value.
if self.readonly:
msg = "Attempt to putpixel a read only image"
raise ValueError(msg)
(x, y) = xy
if x < 0:
x = self.xsize + x
if y < 0:
y = self.ysize + y
(x, y) = self.check_xy((x, y))
if (
self._im.mode in ("P", "PA")
and isinstance(color, (list, tuple))
and len(color) in [3, 4]
# RGB or RGBA value for a P or PA image
if self._im.mode == "PA":
alpha = color[3] if len(color) == 4 else 255
color = color[:3]
color = self._palette.getcolor(color, self._img)
if self._im.mode == "PA":
color = (color, alpha)
return self.set_pixel(x, y, color)
def __getitem__(self, xy):
Returns the pixel at x,y. The pixel is returned as a single
value for single band images or a tuple for multiple band
:param xy: The pixel coordinate, given as (x, y). See
:returns: a pixel value for single band images, a tuple of
pixel values for multiband images.
(x, y) = xy
if x < 0:
x = self.xsize + x
if y < 0:
y = self.ysize + y
(x, y) = self.check_xy((x, y))
return self.get_pixel(x, y)
putpixel = __setitem__
getpixel = __getitem__
def check_xy(self, xy):
(x, y) = xy
if not (0 <= x < self.xsize and 0 <= y < self.ysize):
msg = "pixel location out of range"
raise ValueError(msg)
return xy
class _PyAccess32_2(PyAccess):
"""PA, LA, stored in first and last bytes of a 32 bit word"""
def _post_init(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.pixels = ffi.cast("struct Pixel_RGBA **", self.image32)
def get_pixel(self, x, y):
pixel = self.pixels[y][x]
return pixel.r, pixel.a
def set_pixel(self, x, y, color):
pixel = self.pixels[y][x]
# tuple
pixel.r = min(color[0], 255)
pixel.a = min(color[1], 255)
class _PyAccess32_3(PyAccess):
"""RGB and friends, stored in the first three bytes of a 32 bit word"""
def _post_init(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.pixels = ffi.cast("struct Pixel_RGBA **", self.image32)
def get_pixel(self, x, y):
pixel = self.pixels[y][x]
return pixel.r, pixel.g, pixel.b
def set_pixel(self, x, y, color):
pixel = self.pixels[y][x]
# tuple
pixel.r = min(color[0], 255)
pixel.g = min(color[1], 255)
pixel.b = min(color[2], 255)
pixel.a = 255
class _PyAccess32_4(PyAccess):
"""RGBA etc, all 4 bytes of a 32 bit word"""
def _post_init(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.pixels = ffi.cast("struct Pixel_RGBA **", self.image32)
def get_pixel(self, x, y):
pixel = self.pixels[y][x]
return pixel.r, pixel.g, pixel.b, pixel.a
def set_pixel(self, x, y, color):
pixel = self.pixels[y][x]
# tuple
pixel.r = min(color[0], 255)
pixel.g = min(color[1], 255)
pixel.b = min(color[2], 255)
pixel.a = min(color[3], 255)
class _PyAccess8(PyAccess):
"""1, L, P, 8 bit images stored as uint8"""
def _post_init(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.pixels = self.image8
def get_pixel(self, x, y):
return self.pixels[y][x]
def set_pixel(self, x, y, color):
# integer
self.pixels[y][x] = min(color, 255)
except TypeError:
# tuple
self.pixels[y][x] = min(color[0], 255)
class _PyAccessI16_N(PyAccess):
"""I;16 access, native bitendian without conversion"""
def _post_init(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.pixels = ffi.cast("unsigned short **", self.image)
def get_pixel(self, x, y):
return self.pixels[y][x]
def set_pixel(self, x, y, color):
# integer
self.pixels[y][x] = min(color, 65535)
except TypeError:
# tuple
self.pixels[y][x] = min(color[0], 65535)
class _PyAccessI16_L(PyAccess):
"""I;16L access, with conversion"""
def _post_init(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.pixels = ffi.cast("struct Pixel_I16 **", self.image)
def get_pixel(self, x, y):
pixel = self.pixels[y][x]
return pixel.l + pixel.r * 256
def set_pixel(self, x, y, color):
pixel = self.pixels[y][x]
color = min(color, 65535)
except TypeError:
color = min(color[0], 65535)
pixel.l = color & 0xFF # noqa: E741
pixel.r = color >> 8
class _PyAccessI16_B(PyAccess):
"""I;16B access, with conversion"""
def _post_init(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.pixels = ffi.cast("struct Pixel_I16 **", self.image)
def get_pixel(self, x, y):
pixel = self.pixels[y][x]
return pixel.l * 256 + pixel.r
def set_pixel(self, x, y, color):
pixel = self.pixels[y][x]
color = min(color, 65535)
except Exception:
color = min(color[0], 65535)
pixel.l = color >> 8 # noqa: E741
pixel.r = color & 0xFF
class _PyAccessI32_N(PyAccess):
"""Signed Int32 access, native endian"""
def _post_init(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.pixels = self.image32
def get_pixel(self, x, y):
return self.pixels[y][x]
def set_pixel(self, x, y, color):
self.pixels[y][x] = color
class _PyAccessI32_Swap(PyAccess):
"""I;32L/B access, with byteswapping conversion"""
def _post_init(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.pixels = self.image32
def reverse(self, i):
orig = ffi.new("int *", i)
chars = ffi.cast("unsigned char *", orig)
chars[0], chars[1], chars[2], chars[3] = chars[3], chars[2], chars[1], chars[0]
return ffi.cast("int *", chars)[0]
def get_pixel(self, x, y):
return self.reverse(self.pixels[y][x])
def set_pixel(self, x, y, color):
self.pixels[y][x] = self.reverse(color)
class _PyAccessF(PyAccess):
"""32 bit float access"""
def _post_init(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.pixels = ffi.cast("float **", self.image32)
def get_pixel(self, x, y):
return self.pixels[y][x]
def set_pixel(self, x, y, color):
# not a tuple
self.pixels[y][x] = color
except TypeError:
# tuple
self.pixels[y][x] = color[0]
mode_map = {
"1": _PyAccess8,
"L": _PyAccess8,
"P": _PyAccess8,
"I;16N": _PyAccessI16_N,
"LA": _PyAccess32_2,
"La": _PyAccess32_2,
"PA": _PyAccess32_2,
"RGB": _PyAccess32_3,
"LAB": _PyAccess32_3,
"HSV": _PyAccess32_3,
"YCbCr": _PyAccess32_3,
"RGBA": _PyAccess32_4,
"RGBa": _PyAccess32_4,
"RGBX": _PyAccess32_4,
"CMYK": _PyAccess32_4,
"F": _PyAccessF,
"I": _PyAccessI32_N,
if sys.byteorder == "little":
mode_map["I;16"] = _PyAccessI16_N
mode_map["I;16L"] = _PyAccessI16_N
mode_map["I;16B"] = _PyAccessI16_B
mode_map["I;32L"] = _PyAccessI32_N
mode_map["I;32B"] = _PyAccessI32_Swap
mode_map["I;16"] = _PyAccessI16_L
mode_map["I;16L"] = _PyAccessI16_L
mode_map["I;16B"] = _PyAccessI16_N
mode_map["I;32L"] = _PyAccessI32_Swap
mode_map["I;32B"] = _PyAccessI32_N
def new(img, readonly=False):
access_type = mode_map.get(img.mode, None)
if not access_type:
logger.debug("PyAccess Not Implemented: %s", img.mode)
return None
return access_type(img, readonly)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# QOI support for PIL
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
import os
from . import Image, ImageFile
from ._binary import i32be as i32
from ._binary import o8
def _accept(prefix):
return prefix[:4] == b"qoif"
class QoiImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile):
format = "QOI"
format_description = "Quite OK Image"
def _open(self):
if not _accept(self.fp.read(4)):
msg = "not a QOI file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
self._size = tuple(i32(self.fp.read(4)) for i in range(2))
channels = self.fp.read(1)[0]
self.mode = "RGB" if channels == 3 else "RGBA"
self.fp.seek(1, os.SEEK_CUR) # colorspace
self.tile = [("qoi", (0, 0) + self._size, self.fp.tell(), None)]
class QoiDecoder(ImageFile.PyDecoder):
_pulls_fd = True
def _add_to_previous_pixels(self, value):
self._previous_pixel = value
r, g, b, a = value
hash_value = (r * 3 + g * 5 + b * 7 + a * 11) % 64
self._previously_seen_pixels[hash_value] = value
def decode(self, buffer):
self._previously_seen_pixels = {}
self._previous_pixel = None
self._add_to_previous_pixels(b"".join(o8(i) for i in (0, 0, 0, 255)))
data = bytearray()
bands = Image.getmodebands(self.mode)
while len(data) < self.state.xsize * self.state.ysize * bands:
byte = self.fd.read(1)[0]
if byte == 0b11111110: # QOI_OP_RGB
value = self.fd.read(3) + o8(255)
elif byte == 0b11111111: # QOI_OP_RGBA
value = self.fd.read(4)
op = byte >> 6
if op == 0: # QOI_OP_INDEX
op_index = byte & 0b00111111
value = self._previously_seen_pixels.get(op_index, (0, 0, 0, 0))
elif op == 1: # QOI_OP_DIFF
value = (
(self._previous_pixel[0] + ((byte & 0b00110000) >> 4) - 2)
% 256,
(self._previous_pixel[1] + ((byte & 0b00001100) >> 2) - 2)
% 256,
(self._previous_pixel[2] + (byte & 0b00000011) - 2) % 256,
value += (self._previous_pixel[3],)
elif op == 2: # QOI_OP_LUMA
second_byte = self.fd.read(1)[0]
diff_green = (byte & 0b00111111) - 32
diff_red = ((second_byte & 0b11110000) >> 4) - 8
diff_blue = (second_byte & 0b00001111) - 8
value = tuple(
(self._previous_pixel[i] + diff_green + diff) % 256
for i, diff in enumerate((diff_red, 0, diff_blue))
value += (self._previous_pixel[3],)
elif op == 3: # QOI_OP_RUN
run_length = (byte & 0b00111111) + 1
value = self._previous_pixel
if bands == 3:
value = value[:3]
data += value * run_length
value = b"".join(o8(i) for i in value)
if bands == 3:
value = value[:3]
data += value
return -1, 0
Image.register_open(QoiImageFile.format, QoiImageFile, _accept)
Image.register_decoder("qoi", QoiDecoder)
Image.register_extension(QoiImageFile.format, ".qoi")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# SGI image file handling
# See "The SGI Image File Format (Draft version 0.97)", Paul Haeberli.
# <ftp://ftp.sgi.com/graphics/SGIIMAGESPEC>
# History:
# 2017-22-07 mb Add RLE decompression
# 2016-16-10 mb Add save method without compression
# 1995-09-10 fl Created
# Copyright (c) 2016 by Mickael Bonfill.
# Copyright (c) 2008 by Karsten Hiddemann.
# Copyright (c) 1997 by Secret Labs AB.
# Copyright (c) 1995 by Fredrik Lundh.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
import os
import struct
from . import Image, ImageFile
from ._binary import i16be as i16
from ._binary import o8
def _accept(prefix):
return len(prefix) >= 2 and i16(prefix) == 474
(1, 1, 1): "L",
(1, 2, 1): "L",
(2, 1, 1): "L;16B",
(2, 2, 1): "L;16B",
(1, 3, 3): "RGB",
(2, 3, 3): "RGB;16B",
(1, 3, 4): "RGBA",
(2, 3, 4): "RGBA;16B",
# Image plugin for SGI images.
class SgiImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile):
format = "SGI"
format_description = "SGI Image File Format"
def _open(self):
headlen = 512
s = self.fp.read(headlen)
if not _accept(s):
msg = "Not an SGI image file"
raise ValueError(msg)
# compression : verbatim or RLE
compression = s[2]
# bpc : 1 or 2 bytes (8bits or 16bits)
bpc = s[3]
# dimension : 1, 2 or 3 (depending on xsize, ysize and zsize)
dimension = i16(s, 4)
# xsize : width
xsize = i16(s, 6)
# ysize : height
ysize = i16(s, 8)
# zsize : channels count
zsize = i16(s, 10)
# layout
layout = bpc, dimension, zsize
# determine mode from bits/zsize
rawmode = ""
rawmode = MODES[layout]
except KeyError:
if rawmode == "":
msg = "Unsupported SGI image mode"
raise ValueError(msg)
self._size = xsize, ysize
self.mode = rawmode.split(";")[0]
if self.mode == "RGB":
self.custom_mimetype = "image/rgb"
# orientation -1 : scanlines begins at the bottom-left corner
orientation = -1
# decoder info
if compression == 0:
pagesize = xsize * ysize * bpc
if bpc == 2:
self.tile = [
("SGI16", (0, 0) + self.size, headlen, (self.mode, 0, orientation))
self.tile = []
offset = headlen
for layer in self.mode:
("raw", (0, 0) + self.size, offset, (layer, 0, orientation))
offset += pagesize
elif compression == 1:
self.tile = [
("sgi_rle", (0, 0) + self.size, headlen, (rawmode, orientation, bpc))
def _save(im, fp, filename):
if im.mode != "RGB" and im.mode != "RGBA" and im.mode != "L":
msg = "Unsupported SGI image mode"
raise ValueError(msg)
# Get the keyword arguments
info = im.encoderinfo
# Byte-per-pixel precision, 1 = 8bits per pixel
bpc = info.get("bpc", 1)
if bpc not in (1, 2):
msg = "Unsupported number of bytes per pixel"
raise ValueError(msg)
# Flip the image, since the origin of SGI file is the bottom-left corner
orientation = -1
# Define the file as SGI File Format
magic_number = 474
# Run-Length Encoding Compression - Unsupported at this time
rle = 0
# Number of dimensions (x,y,z)
dim = 3
# X Dimension = width / Y Dimension = height
x, y = im.size
if im.mode == "L" and y == 1:
dim = 1
elif im.mode == "L":
dim = 2
# Z Dimension: Number of channels
z = len(im.mode)
if dim == 1 or dim == 2:
z = 1
# assert we've got the right number of bands.
if len(im.getbands()) != z:
msg = f"incorrect number of bands in SGI write: {z} vs {len(im.getbands())}"
raise ValueError(msg)
# Minimum Byte value
pinmin = 0
# Maximum Byte value (255 = 8bits per pixel)
pinmax = 255
# Image name (79 characters max, truncated below in write)
img_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]
img_name = img_name.encode("ascii", "ignore")
# Standard representation of pixel in the file
colormap = 0
fp.write(struct.pack(">h", magic_number))
fp.write(struct.pack(">H", dim))
fp.write(struct.pack(">H", x))
fp.write(struct.pack(">H", y))
fp.write(struct.pack(">H", z))
fp.write(struct.pack(">l", pinmin))
fp.write(struct.pack(">l", pinmax))
fp.write(struct.pack("4s", b"")) # dummy
fp.write(struct.pack("79s", img_name)) # truncates to 79 chars
fp.write(struct.pack("s", b"")) # force null byte after img_name
fp.write(struct.pack(">l", colormap))
fp.write(struct.pack("404s", b"")) # dummy
rawmode = "L"
if bpc == 2:
rawmode = "L;16B"
for channel in im.split():
fp.write(channel.tobytes("raw", rawmode, 0, orientation))
if hasattr(fp, "flush"):
class SGI16Decoder(ImageFile.PyDecoder):
_pulls_fd = True
def decode(self, buffer):
rawmode, stride, orientation = self.args
pagesize = self.state.xsize * self.state.ysize
zsize = len(self.mode)
for band in range(zsize):
channel = Image.new("L", (self.state.xsize, self.state.ysize))
self.fd.read(2 * pagesize), "raw", "L;16B", stride, orientation
self.im.putband(channel.im, band)
return -1, 0
# registry
Image.register_decoder("SGI16", SGI16Decoder)
Image.register_open(SgiImageFile.format, SgiImageFile, _accept)
Image.register_save(SgiImageFile.format, _save)
Image.register_mime(SgiImageFile.format, "image/sgi")
Image.register_extensions(SgiImageFile.format, [".bw", ".rgb", ".rgba", ".sgi"])
# End of file

View File

@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# SPIDER image file handling
# History:
# 2004-08-02 Created BB
# 2006-03-02 added save method
# 2006-03-13 added support for stack images
# Copyright (c) 2004 by Health Research Inc. (HRI) RENSSELAER, NY 12144.
# Copyright (c) 2004 by William Baxter.
# Copyright (c) 2004 by Secret Labs AB.
# Copyright (c) 2004 by Fredrik Lundh.
# Image plugin for the Spider image format. This format is used
# by the SPIDER software, in processing image data from electron
# microscopy and tomography.
# SpiderImagePlugin.py
# The Spider image format is used by SPIDER software, in processing
# image data from electron microscopy and tomography.
# Spider home page:
# https://spider.wadsworth.org/spider_doc/spider/docs/spider.html
# Details about the Spider image format:
# https://spider.wadsworth.org/spider_doc/spider/docs/image_doc.html
import os
import struct
import sys
from PIL import Image, ImageFile
def isInt(f):
i = int(f)
if f - i == 0:
return 1
return 0
except (ValueError, OverflowError):
return 0
iforms = [1, 3, -11, -12, -21, -22]
# There is no magic number to identify Spider files, so just check a
# series of header locations to see if they have reasonable values.
# Returns no. of bytes in the header, if it is a valid Spider header,
# otherwise returns 0
def isSpiderHeader(t):
h = (99,) + t # add 1 value so can use spider header index start=1
# header values 1,2,5,12,13,22,23 should be integers
for i in [1, 2, 5, 12, 13, 22, 23]:
if not isInt(h[i]):
return 0
# check iform
iform = int(h[5])
if iform not in iforms:
return 0
# check other header values
labrec = int(h[13]) # no. records in file header
labbyt = int(h[22]) # total no. of bytes in header
lenbyt = int(h[23]) # record length in bytes
if labbyt != (labrec * lenbyt):
return 0
# looks like a valid header
return labbyt
def isSpiderImage(filename):
with open(filename, "rb") as fp:
f = fp.read(92) # read 23 * 4 bytes
t = struct.unpack(">23f", f) # try big-endian first
hdrlen = isSpiderHeader(t)
if hdrlen == 0:
t = struct.unpack("<23f", f) # little-endian
hdrlen = isSpiderHeader(t)
return hdrlen
class SpiderImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile):
format = "SPIDER"
format_description = "Spider 2D image"
_close_exclusive_fp_after_loading = False
def _open(self):
# check header
n = 27 * 4 # read 27 float values
f = self.fp.read(n)
self.bigendian = 1
t = struct.unpack(">27f", f) # try big-endian first
hdrlen = isSpiderHeader(t)
if hdrlen == 0:
self.bigendian = 0
t = struct.unpack("<27f", f) # little-endian
hdrlen = isSpiderHeader(t)
if hdrlen == 0:
msg = "not a valid Spider file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
except struct.error as e:
msg = "not a valid Spider file"
raise SyntaxError(msg) from e
h = (99,) + t # add 1 value : spider header index starts at 1
iform = int(h[5])
if iform != 1:
msg = "not a Spider 2D image"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
self._size = int(h[12]), int(h[2]) # size in pixels (width, height)
self.istack = int(h[24])
self.imgnumber = int(h[27])
if self.istack == 0 and self.imgnumber == 0:
# stk=0, img=0: a regular 2D image
offset = hdrlen
self._nimages = 1
elif self.istack > 0 and self.imgnumber == 0:
# stk>0, img=0: Opening the stack for the first time
self.imgbytes = int(h[12]) * int(h[2]) * 4
self.hdrlen = hdrlen
self._nimages = int(h[26])
# Point to the first image in the stack
offset = hdrlen * 2
self.imgnumber = 1
elif self.istack == 0 and self.imgnumber > 0:
# stk=0, img>0: an image within the stack
offset = hdrlen + self.stkoffset
self.istack = 2 # So Image knows it's still a stack
msg = "inconsistent stack header values"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
if self.bigendian:
self.rawmode = "F;32BF"
self.rawmode = "F;32F"
self.mode = "F"
self.tile = [("raw", (0, 0) + self.size, offset, (self.rawmode, 0, 1))]
self._fp = self.fp # FIXME: hack
def n_frames(self):
return self._nimages
def is_animated(self):
return self._nimages > 1
# 1st image index is zero (although SPIDER imgnumber starts at 1)
def tell(self):
if self.imgnumber < 1:
return 0
return self.imgnumber - 1
def seek(self, frame):
if self.istack == 0:
msg = "attempt to seek in a non-stack file"
raise EOFError(msg)
if not self._seek_check(frame):
self.stkoffset = self.hdrlen + frame * (self.hdrlen + self.imgbytes)
self.fp = self._fp
# returns a byte image after rescaling to 0..255
def convert2byte(self, depth=255):
(minimum, maximum) = self.getextrema()
m = 1
if maximum != minimum:
m = depth / (maximum - minimum)
b = -m * minimum
return self.point(lambda i, m=m, b=b: i * m + b).convert("L")
# returns a ImageTk.PhotoImage object, after rescaling to 0..255
def tkPhotoImage(self):
from PIL import ImageTk
return ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.convert2byte(), palette=256)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Image series
# given a list of filenames, return a list of images
def loadImageSeries(filelist=None):
"""create a list of :py:class:`~PIL.Image.Image` objects for use in a montage"""
if filelist is None or len(filelist) < 1:
imglist = []
for img in filelist:
if not os.path.exists(img):
print(f"unable to find {img}")
with Image.open(img) as im:
im = im.convert2byte()
except Exception:
if not isSpiderImage(img):
print(img + " is not a Spider image file")
im.info["filename"] = img
return imglist
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# For saving images in Spider format
def makeSpiderHeader(im):
nsam, nrow = im.size
lenbyt = nsam * 4 # There are labrec records in the header
labrec = int(1024 / lenbyt)
if 1024 % lenbyt != 0:
labrec += 1
labbyt = labrec * lenbyt
nvalues = int(labbyt / 4)
if nvalues < 23:
return []
hdr = []
for i in range(nvalues):
# NB these are Fortran indices
hdr[1] = 1.0 # nslice (=1 for an image)
hdr[2] = float(nrow) # number of rows per slice
hdr[3] = float(nrow) # number of records in the image
hdr[5] = 1.0 # iform for 2D image
hdr[12] = float(nsam) # number of pixels per line
hdr[13] = float(labrec) # number of records in file header
hdr[22] = float(labbyt) # total number of bytes in header
hdr[23] = float(lenbyt) # record length in bytes
# adjust for Fortran indexing
hdr = hdr[1:]
# pack binary data into a string
return [struct.pack("f", v) for v in hdr]
def _save(im, fp, filename):
if im.mode[0] != "F":
im = im.convert("F")
hdr = makeSpiderHeader(im)
if len(hdr) < 256:
msg = "Error creating Spider header"
raise OSError(msg)
# write the SPIDER header
rawmode = "F;32NF" # 32-bit native floating point
ImageFile._save(im, fp, [("raw", (0, 0) + im.size, 0, (rawmode, 0, 1))])
def _save_spider(im, fp, filename):
# get the filename extension and register it with Image
ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1]
Image.register_extension(SpiderImageFile.format, ext)
_save(im, fp, filename)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
Image.register_open(SpiderImageFile.format, SpiderImageFile)
Image.register_save(SpiderImageFile.format, _save_spider)
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("Syntax: python3 SpiderImagePlugin.py [infile] [outfile]")
filename = sys.argv[1]
if not isSpiderImage(filename):
print("input image must be in Spider format")
with Image.open(filename) as im:
print("image: " + str(im))
print("format: " + str(im.format))
print("size: " + str(im.size))
print("mode: " + str(im.mode))
print("max, min: ", end=" ")
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
outfile = sys.argv[2]
# perform some image operation
im = im.transpose(Image.Transpose.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
f"saving a flipped version of {os.path.basename(filename)} "
f"as {outfile} "
im.save(outfile, SpiderImageFile.format)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# Sun image file handling
# History:
# 1995-09-10 fl Created
# 1996-05-28 fl Fixed 32-bit alignment
# 1998-12-29 fl Import ImagePalette module
# 2001-12-18 fl Fixed palette loading (from Jean-Claude Rimbault)
# Copyright (c) 1997-2001 by Secret Labs AB
# Copyright (c) 1995-1996 by Fredrik Lundh
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
from . import Image, ImageFile, ImagePalette
from ._binary import i32be as i32
def _accept(prefix):
return len(prefix) >= 4 and i32(prefix) == 0x59A66A95
# Image plugin for Sun raster files.
class SunImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile):
format = "SUN"
format_description = "Sun Raster File"
def _open(self):
# The Sun Raster file header is 32 bytes in length
# and has the following format:
# typedef struct _SunRaster
# {
# DWORD MagicNumber; /* Magic (identification) number */
# DWORD Width; /* Width of image in pixels */
# DWORD Height; /* Height of image in pixels */
# DWORD Depth; /* Number of bits per pixel */
# DWORD Length; /* Size of image data in bytes */
# DWORD Type; /* Type of raster file */
# DWORD ColorMapType; /* Type of color map */
# DWORD ColorMapLength; /* Size of the color map in bytes */
s = self.fp.read(32)
if not _accept(s):
msg = "not an SUN raster file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
offset = 32
self._size = i32(s, 4), i32(s, 8)
depth = i32(s, 12)
# data_length = i32(s, 16) # unreliable, ignore.
file_type = i32(s, 20)
palette_type = i32(s, 24) # 0: None, 1: RGB, 2: Raw/arbitrary
palette_length = i32(s, 28)
if depth == 1:
self.mode, rawmode = "1", "1;I"
elif depth == 4:
self.mode, rawmode = "L", "L;4"
elif depth == 8:
self.mode = rawmode = "L"
elif depth == 24:
if file_type == 3:
self.mode, rawmode = "RGB", "RGB"
self.mode, rawmode = "RGB", "BGR"
elif depth == 32:
if file_type == 3:
self.mode, rawmode = "RGB", "RGBX"
self.mode, rawmode = "RGB", "BGRX"
msg = "Unsupported Mode/Bit Depth"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
if palette_length:
if palette_length > 1024:
msg = "Unsupported Color Palette Length"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
if palette_type != 1:
msg = "Unsupported Palette Type"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
offset = offset + palette_length
self.palette = ImagePalette.raw("RGB;L", self.fp.read(palette_length))
if self.mode == "L":
self.mode = "P"
rawmode = rawmode.replace("L", "P")
# 16 bit boundaries on stride
stride = ((self.size[0] * depth + 15) // 16) * 2
# file type: Type is the version (or flavor) of the bitmap
# file. The following values are typically found in the Type
# field:
# 0000h Old
# 0001h Standard
# 0002h Byte-encoded
# 0003h RGB format
# 0004h TIFF format
# 0005h IFF format
# FFFFh Experimental
# Old and standard are the same, except for the length tag.
# byte-encoded is run-length-encoded
# RGB looks similar to standard, but RGB byte order
# TIFF and IFF mean that they were converted from T/IFF
# Experimental means that it's something else.
# (https://www.fileformat.info/format/sunraster/egff.htm)
if file_type in (0, 1, 3, 4, 5):
self.tile = [("raw", (0, 0) + self.size, offset, (rawmode, stride))]
elif file_type == 2:
self.tile = [("sun_rle", (0, 0) + self.size, offset, rawmode)]
msg = "Unsupported Sun Raster file type"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
# registry
Image.register_open(SunImageFile.format, SunImageFile, _accept)
Image.register_extension(SunImageFile.format, ".ras")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# read files from within a tar file
# History:
# 95-06-18 fl Created
# 96-05-28 fl Open files in binary mode
# Copyright (c) Secret Labs AB 1997.
# Copyright (c) Fredrik Lundh 1995-96.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
import io
from . import ContainerIO
class TarIO(ContainerIO.ContainerIO):
"""A file object that provides read access to a given member of a TAR file."""
def __init__(self, tarfile, file):
Create file object.
:param tarfile: Name of TAR file.
:param file: Name of member file.
self.fh = open(tarfile, "rb")
while True:
s = self.fh.read(512)
if len(s) != 512:
msg = "unexpected end of tar file"
raise OSError(msg)
name = s[:100].decode("utf-8")
i = name.find("\0")
if i == 0:
msg = "cannot find subfile"
raise OSError(msg)
if i > 0:
name = name[:i]
size = int(s[124:135], 8)
if file == name:
self.fh.seek((size + 511) & (~511), io.SEEK_CUR)
# Open region
super().__init__(self.fh, self.fh.tell(), size)
# Context manager support
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, *args):
def close(self):

View File

@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# TGA file handling
# History:
# 95-09-01 fl created (reads 24-bit files only)
# 97-01-04 fl support more TGA versions, including compressed images
# 98-07-04 fl fixed orientation and alpha layer bugs
# 98-09-11 fl fixed orientation for runlength decoder
# Copyright (c) Secret Labs AB 1997-98.
# Copyright (c) Fredrik Lundh 1995-97.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
import warnings
from . import Image, ImageFile, ImagePalette
from ._binary import i16le as i16
from ._binary import o8
from ._binary import o16le as o16
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Read RGA file
# map imagetype/depth to rawmode
(1, 8): "P",
(3, 1): "1",
(3, 8): "L",
(3, 16): "LA",
(2, 16): "BGR;5",
(2, 24): "BGR",
(2, 32): "BGRA",
# Image plugin for Targa files.
class TgaImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile):
format = "TGA"
format_description = "Targa"
def _open(self):
# process header
s = self.fp.read(18)
id_len = s[0]
colormaptype = s[1]
imagetype = s[2]
depth = s[16]
flags = s[17]
self._size = i16(s, 12), i16(s, 14)
# validate header fields
if (
colormaptype not in (0, 1)
or self.size[0] <= 0
or self.size[1] <= 0
or depth not in (1, 8, 16, 24, 32)
msg = "not a TGA file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
# image mode
if imagetype in (3, 11):
self.mode = "L"
if depth == 1:
self.mode = "1" # ???
elif depth == 16:
self.mode = "LA"
elif imagetype in (1, 9):
self.mode = "P"
elif imagetype in (2, 10):
self.mode = "RGB"
if depth == 32:
self.mode = "RGBA"
msg = "unknown TGA mode"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
# orientation
orientation = flags & 0x30
self._flip_horizontally = orientation in [0x10, 0x30]
if orientation in [0x20, 0x30]:
orientation = 1
elif orientation in [0, 0x10]:
orientation = -1
msg = "unknown TGA orientation"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
self.info["orientation"] = orientation
if imagetype & 8:
self.info["compression"] = "tga_rle"
if id_len:
self.info["id_section"] = self.fp.read(id_len)
if colormaptype:
# read palette
start, size, mapdepth = i16(s, 3), i16(s, 5), s[7]
if mapdepth == 16:
self.palette = ImagePalette.raw(
"BGR;15", b"\0" * 2 * start + self.fp.read(2 * size)
elif mapdepth == 24:
self.palette = ImagePalette.raw(
"BGR", b"\0" * 3 * start + self.fp.read(3 * size)
elif mapdepth == 32:
self.palette = ImagePalette.raw(
"BGRA", b"\0" * 4 * start + self.fp.read(4 * size)
# setup tile descriptor
rawmode = MODES[(imagetype & 7, depth)]
if imagetype & 8:
# compressed
self.tile = [
(0, 0) + self.size,
(rawmode, orientation, depth),
self.tile = [
(0, 0) + self.size,
(rawmode, 0, orientation),
except KeyError:
pass # cannot decode
def load_end(self):
if self._flip_horizontally:
self.im = self.im.transpose(Image.Transpose.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Write TGA file
SAVE = {
"1": ("1", 1, 0, 3),
"L": ("L", 8, 0, 3),
"LA": ("LA", 16, 0, 3),
"P": ("P", 8, 1, 1),
"RGB": ("BGR", 24, 0, 2),
"RGBA": ("BGRA", 32, 0, 2),
def _save(im, fp, filename):
rawmode, bits, colormaptype, imagetype = SAVE[im.mode]
except KeyError as e:
msg = f"cannot write mode {im.mode} as TGA"
raise OSError(msg) from e
if "rle" in im.encoderinfo:
rle = im.encoderinfo["rle"]
compression = im.encoderinfo.get("compression", im.info.get("compression"))
rle = compression == "tga_rle"
if rle:
imagetype += 8
id_section = im.encoderinfo.get("id_section", im.info.get("id_section", ""))
id_len = len(id_section)
if id_len > 255:
id_len = 255
id_section = id_section[:255]
warnings.warn("id_section has been trimmed to 255 characters")
if colormaptype:
palette = im.im.getpalette("RGB", "BGR")
colormaplength, colormapentry = len(palette) // 3, 24
colormaplength, colormapentry = 0, 0
if im.mode in ("LA", "RGBA"):
flags = 8
flags = 0
orientation = im.encoderinfo.get("orientation", im.info.get("orientation", -1))
if orientation > 0:
flags = flags | 0x20
+ o8(colormaptype)
+ o8(imagetype)
+ o16(0) # colormapfirst
+ o16(colormaplength)
+ o8(colormapentry)
+ o16(0)
+ o16(0)
+ o16(im.size[0])
+ o16(im.size[1])
+ o8(bits)
+ o8(flags)
if id_section:
if colormaptype:
if rle:
im, fp, [("tga_rle", (0, 0) + im.size, 0, (rawmode, orientation))]
im, fp, [("raw", (0, 0) + im.size, 0, (rawmode, 0, orientation))]
# write targa version 2 footer
fp.write(b"\000" * 8 + b"TRUEVISION-XFILE." + b"\000")
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Registry
Image.register_open(TgaImageFile.format, TgaImageFile)
Image.register_save(TgaImageFile.format, _save)
Image.register_extensions(TgaImageFile.format, [".tga", ".icb", ".vda", ".vst"])
Image.register_mime(TgaImageFile.format, "image/x-tga")

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,560 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# TIFF tags
# This module provides clear-text names for various well-known
# TIFF tags. the TIFF codec works just fine without it.
# Copyright (c) Secret Labs AB 1999.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
# This module provides constants and clear-text names for various
# well-known TIFF tags.
from collections import namedtuple
class TagInfo(namedtuple("_TagInfo", "value name type length enum")):
__slots__ = []
def __new__(cls, value=None, name="unknown", type=None, length=None, enum=None):
return super().__new__(cls, value, name, type, length, enum or {})
def cvt_enum(self, value):
# Using get will call hash(value), which can be expensive
# for some types (e.g. Fraction). Since self.enum is rarely
# used, it's usually better to test it first.
return self.enum.get(value, value) if self.enum else value
def lookup(tag, group=None):
:param tag: Integer tag number
:param group: Which :py:data:`~PIL.TiffTags.TAGS_V2_GROUPS` to look in
.. versionadded:: 8.3.0
:returns: Taginfo namedtuple, From the ``TAGS_V2`` info if possible,
otherwise just populating the value and name from ``TAGS``.
If the tag is not recognized, "unknown" is returned for the name
if group is not None:
info = TAGS_V2_GROUPS[group].get(tag) if group in TAGS_V2_GROUPS else None
info = TAGS_V2.get(tag)
return info or TagInfo(tag, TAGS.get(tag, "unknown"))
# Map tag numbers to tag info.
# id: (Name, Type, Length, enum_values)
# The length here differs from the length in the tiff spec. For
# numbers, the tiff spec is for the number of fields returned. We
# agree here. For string-like types, the tiff spec uses the length of
# field in bytes. In Pillow, we are using the number of expected
# fields, in general 1 for string-like types.
BYTE = 1
LONG = 4
FLOAT = 11
IFD = 13
LONG8 = 16
TAGS_V2 = {
254: ("NewSubfileType", LONG, 1),
255: ("SubfileType", SHORT, 1),
256: ("ImageWidth", LONG, 1),
257: ("ImageLength", LONG, 1),
258: ("BitsPerSample", SHORT, 0),
259: (
"Uncompressed": 1,
"CCITT 1d": 2,
"Group 3 Fax": 3,
"Group 4 Fax": 4,
"LZW": 5,
"JPEG": 6,
"PackBits": 32773,
262: (
"WhiteIsZero": 0,
"BlackIsZero": 1,
"RGB": 2,
"RGB Palette": 3,
"Transparency Mask": 4,
"CMYK": 5,
"YCbCr": 6,
"CieLAB": 8,
"CFA": 32803, # TIFF/EP, Adobe DNG
"LinearRaw": 32892, # Adobe DNG
263: ("Threshholding", SHORT, 1),
264: ("CellWidth", SHORT, 1),
265: ("CellLength", SHORT, 1),
266: ("FillOrder", SHORT, 1),
269: ("DocumentName", ASCII, 1),
270: ("ImageDescription", ASCII, 1),
271: ("Make", ASCII, 1),
272: ("Model", ASCII, 1),
273: ("StripOffsets", LONG, 0),
274: ("Orientation", SHORT, 1),
277: ("SamplesPerPixel", SHORT, 1),
278: ("RowsPerStrip", LONG, 1),
279: ("StripByteCounts", LONG, 0),
280: ("MinSampleValue", SHORT, 0),
281: ("MaxSampleValue", SHORT, 0),
282: ("XResolution", RATIONAL, 1),
283: ("YResolution", RATIONAL, 1),
284: ("PlanarConfiguration", SHORT, 1, {"Contiguous": 1, "Separate": 2}),
285: ("PageName", ASCII, 1),
286: ("XPosition", RATIONAL, 1),
287: ("YPosition", RATIONAL, 1),
288: ("FreeOffsets", LONG, 1),
289: ("FreeByteCounts", LONG, 1),
290: ("GrayResponseUnit", SHORT, 1),
291: ("GrayResponseCurve", SHORT, 0),
292: ("T4Options", LONG, 1),
293: ("T6Options", LONG, 1),
296: ("ResolutionUnit", SHORT, 1, {"none": 1, "inch": 2, "cm": 3}),
297: ("PageNumber", SHORT, 2),
301: ("TransferFunction", SHORT, 0),
305: ("Software", ASCII, 1),
306: ("DateTime", ASCII, 1),
315: ("Artist", ASCII, 1),
316: ("HostComputer", ASCII, 1),
317: ("Predictor", SHORT, 1, {"none": 1, "Horizontal Differencing": 2}),
318: ("WhitePoint", RATIONAL, 2),
319: ("PrimaryChromaticities", RATIONAL, 6),
320: ("ColorMap", SHORT, 0),
321: ("HalftoneHints", SHORT, 2),
322: ("TileWidth", LONG, 1),
323: ("TileLength", LONG, 1),
324: ("TileOffsets", LONG, 0),
325: ("TileByteCounts", LONG, 0),
330: ("SubIFDs", LONG, 0),
332: ("InkSet", SHORT, 1),
333: ("InkNames", ASCII, 1),
334: ("NumberOfInks", SHORT, 1),
336: ("DotRange", SHORT, 0),
337: ("TargetPrinter", ASCII, 1),
338: ("ExtraSamples", SHORT, 0),
339: ("SampleFormat", SHORT, 0),
340: ("SMinSampleValue", DOUBLE, 0),
341: ("SMaxSampleValue", DOUBLE, 0),
342: ("TransferRange", SHORT, 6),
347: ("JPEGTables", UNDEFINED, 1),
# obsolete JPEG tags
512: ("JPEGProc", SHORT, 1),
513: ("JPEGInterchangeFormat", LONG, 1),
514: ("JPEGInterchangeFormatLength", LONG, 1),
515: ("JPEGRestartInterval", SHORT, 1),
517: ("JPEGLosslessPredictors", SHORT, 0),
518: ("JPEGPointTransforms", SHORT, 0),
519: ("JPEGQTables", LONG, 0),
520: ("JPEGDCTables", LONG, 0),
521: ("JPEGACTables", LONG, 0),
529: ("YCbCrCoefficients", RATIONAL, 3),
530: ("YCbCrSubSampling", SHORT, 2),
531: ("YCbCrPositioning", SHORT, 1),
532: ("ReferenceBlackWhite", RATIONAL, 6),
700: ("XMP", BYTE, 0),
33432: ("Copyright", ASCII, 1),
33723: ("IptcNaaInfo", UNDEFINED, 1),
34377: ("PhotoshopInfo", BYTE, 0),
# FIXME add more tags here
34665: ("ExifIFD", LONG, 1),
34675: ("ICCProfile", UNDEFINED, 1),
34853: ("GPSInfoIFD", LONG, 1),
36864: ("ExifVersion", UNDEFINED, 1),
37724: ("ImageSourceData", UNDEFINED, 1),
40965: ("InteroperabilityIFD", LONG, 1),
41730: ("CFAPattern", UNDEFINED, 1),
# MPInfo
45056: ("MPFVersion", UNDEFINED, 1),
45057: ("NumberOfImages", LONG, 1),
45058: ("MPEntry", UNDEFINED, 1),
45059: ("ImageUIDList", UNDEFINED, 0), # UNDONE, check
45060: ("TotalFrames", LONG, 1),
45313: ("MPIndividualNum", LONG, 1),
45569: ("PanOrientation", LONG, 1),
45570: ("PanOverlap_H", RATIONAL, 1),
45571: ("PanOverlap_V", RATIONAL, 1),
45572: ("BaseViewpointNum", LONG, 1),
45573: ("ConvergenceAngle", SIGNED_RATIONAL, 1),
45574: ("BaselineLength", RATIONAL, 1),
45575: ("VerticalDivergence", SIGNED_RATIONAL, 1),
45576: ("AxisDistance_X", SIGNED_RATIONAL, 1),
45577: ("AxisDistance_Y", SIGNED_RATIONAL, 1),
45578: ("AxisDistance_Z", SIGNED_RATIONAL, 1),
45579: ("YawAngle", SIGNED_RATIONAL, 1),
45580: ("PitchAngle", SIGNED_RATIONAL, 1),
45581: ("RollAngle", SIGNED_RATIONAL, 1),
40960: ("FlashPixVersion", UNDEFINED, 1),
50741: ("MakerNoteSafety", SHORT, 1, {"Unsafe": 0, "Safe": 1}),
50780: ("BestQualityScale", RATIONAL, 1),
50838: ("ImageJMetaDataByteCounts", LONG, 0), # Can be more than one
50839: ("ImageJMetaData", UNDEFINED, 1), # see Issue #2006
# ExifIFD
34665: {
36864: ("ExifVersion", UNDEFINED, 1),
40960: ("FlashPixVersion", UNDEFINED, 1),
40965: ("InteroperabilityIFD", LONG, 1),
41730: ("CFAPattern", UNDEFINED, 1),
34853: {
0: ("GPSVersionID", BYTE, 4),
1: ("GPSLatitudeRef", ASCII, 2),
2: ("GPSLatitude", RATIONAL, 3),
3: ("GPSLongitudeRef", ASCII, 2),
4: ("GPSLongitude", RATIONAL, 3),
5: ("GPSAltitudeRef", BYTE, 1),
6: ("GPSAltitude", RATIONAL, 1),
7: ("GPSTimeStamp", RATIONAL, 3),
8: ("GPSSatellites", ASCII, 0),
9: ("GPSStatus", ASCII, 2),
10: ("GPSMeasureMode", ASCII, 2),
11: ("GPSDOP", RATIONAL, 1),
12: ("GPSSpeedRef", ASCII, 2),
13: ("GPSSpeed", RATIONAL, 1),
14: ("GPSTrackRef", ASCII, 2),
15: ("GPSTrack", RATIONAL, 1),
16: ("GPSImgDirectionRef", ASCII, 2),
17: ("GPSImgDirection", RATIONAL, 1),
18: ("GPSMapDatum", ASCII, 0),
19: ("GPSDestLatitudeRef", ASCII, 2),
20: ("GPSDestLatitude", RATIONAL, 3),
21: ("GPSDestLongitudeRef", ASCII, 2),
22: ("GPSDestLongitude", RATIONAL, 3),
23: ("GPSDestBearingRef", ASCII, 2),
24: ("GPSDestBearing", RATIONAL, 1),
25: ("GPSDestDistanceRef", ASCII, 2),
26: ("GPSDestDistance", RATIONAL, 1),
27: ("GPSProcessingMethod", UNDEFINED, 0),
28: ("GPSAreaInformation", UNDEFINED, 0),
29: ("GPSDateStamp", ASCII, 11),
30: ("GPSDifferential", SHORT, 1),
# InteroperabilityIFD
40965: {1: ("InteropIndex", ASCII, 1), 2: ("InteropVersion", UNDEFINED, 1)},
# Legacy Tags structure
# these tags aren't included above, but were in the previous versions
TAGS = {
347: "JPEGTables",
700: "XMP",
# Additional Exif Info
32932: "Wang Annotation",
33434: "ExposureTime",
33437: "FNumber",
33445: "MD FileTag",
33446: "MD ScalePixel",
33447: "MD ColorTable",
33448: "MD LabName",
33449: "MD SampleInfo",
33450: "MD PrepDate",
33451: "MD PrepTime",
33452: "MD FileUnits",
33550: "ModelPixelScaleTag",
33723: "IptcNaaInfo",
33918: "INGR Packet Data Tag",
33919: "INGR Flag Registers",
33920: "IrasB Transformation Matrix",
33922: "ModelTiepointTag",
34264: "ModelTransformationTag",
34377: "PhotoshopInfo",
34735: "GeoKeyDirectoryTag",
34736: "GeoDoubleParamsTag",
34737: "GeoAsciiParamsTag",
34850: "ExposureProgram",
34852: "SpectralSensitivity",
34855: "ISOSpeedRatings",
34856: "OECF",
34864: "SensitivityType",
34865: "StandardOutputSensitivity",
34866: "RecommendedExposureIndex",
34867: "ISOSpeed",
34868: "ISOSpeedLatitudeyyy",
34869: "ISOSpeedLatitudezzz",
34908: "HylaFAX FaxRecvParams",
34909: "HylaFAX FaxSubAddress",
34910: "HylaFAX FaxRecvTime",
36864: "ExifVersion",
36867: "DateTimeOriginal",
36868: "DateTimeDigitized",
37121: "ComponentsConfiguration",
37122: "CompressedBitsPerPixel",
37724: "ImageSourceData",
37377: "ShutterSpeedValue",
37378: "ApertureValue",
37379: "BrightnessValue",
37380: "ExposureBiasValue",
37381: "MaxApertureValue",
37382: "SubjectDistance",
37383: "MeteringMode",
37384: "LightSource",
37385: "Flash",
37386: "FocalLength",
37396: "SubjectArea",
37500: "MakerNote",
37510: "UserComment",
37520: "SubSec",
37521: "SubSecTimeOriginal",
37522: "SubsecTimeDigitized",
40960: "FlashPixVersion",
40961: "ColorSpace",
40962: "PixelXDimension",
40963: "PixelYDimension",
40964: "RelatedSoundFile",
40965: "InteroperabilityIFD",
41483: "FlashEnergy",
41484: "SpatialFrequencyResponse",
41486: "FocalPlaneXResolution",
41487: "FocalPlaneYResolution",
41488: "FocalPlaneResolutionUnit",
41492: "SubjectLocation",
41493: "ExposureIndex",
41495: "SensingMethod",
41728: "FileSource",
41729: "SceneType",
41730: "CFAPattern",
41985: "CustomRendered",
41986: "ExposureMode",
41987: "WhiteBalance",
41988: "DigitalZoomRatio",
41989: "FocalLengthIn35mmFilm",
41990: "SceneCaptureType",
41991: "GainControl",
41992: "Contrast",
41993: "Saturation",
41994: "Sharpness",
41995: "DeviceSettingDescription",
41996: "SubjectDistanceRange",
42016: "ImageUniqueID",
42032: "CameraOwnerName",
42033: "BodySerialNumber",
42034: "LensSpecification",
42035: "LensMake",
42036: "LensModel",
42037: "LensSerialNumber",
42113: "GDAL_NODATA",
42240: "Gamma",
50215: "Oce Scanjob Description",
50216: "Oce Application Selector",
50217: "Oce Identification Number",
50218: "Oce ImageLogic Characteristics",
# Adobe DNG
50706: "DNGVersion",
50707: "DNGBackwardVersion",
50708: "UniqueCameraModel",
50709: "LocalizedCameraModel",
50710: "CFAPlaneColor",
50711: "CFALayout",
50712: "LinearizationTable",
50713: "BlackLevelRepeatDim",
50714: "BlackLevel",
50715: "BlackLevelDeltaH",
50716: "BlackLevelDeltaV",
50717: "WhiteLevel",
50718: "DefaultScale",
50719: "DefaultCropOrigin",
50720: "DefaultCropSize",
50721: "ColorMatrix1",
50722: "ColorMatrix2",
50723: "CameraCalibration1",
50724: "CameraCalibration2",
50725: "ReductionMatrix1",
50726: "ReductionMatrix2",
50727: "AnalogBalance",
50728: "AsShotNeutral",
50729: "AsShotWhiteXY",
50730: "BaselineExposure",
50731: "BaselineNoise",
50732: "BaselineSharpness",
50733: "BayerGreenSplit",
50734: "LinearResponseLimit",
50735: "CameraSerialNumber",
50736: "LensInfo",
50737: "ChromaBlurRadius",
50738: "AntiAliasStrength",
50740: "DNGPrivateData",
50778: "CalibrationIlluminant1",
50779: "CalibrationIlluminant2",
50784: "Alias Layer Metadata",
def _populate():
for k, v in TAGS_V2.items():
# Populate legacy structure.
TAGS[k] = v[0]
if len(v) == 4:
for sk, sv in v[3].items():
TAGS[(k, sv)] = sk
TAGS_V2[k] = TagInfo(k, *v)
for group, tags in TAGS_V2_GROUPS.items():
for k, v in tags.items():
tags[k] = TagInfo(k, *v)
# Map type numbers to type names -- defined in ImageFileDirectory.
TYPES = {}
# was:
# TYPES = {
# 1: "byte",
# 2: "ascii",
# 3: "short",
# 4: "long",
# 5: "rational",
# 6: "signed byte",
# 7: "undefined",
# 8: "signed short",
# 9: "signed long",
# 10: "signed rational",
# 11: "float",
# 12: "double",
# }
# These tags are handled by default in libtiff, without
# adding to the custom dictionary. From tif_dir.c, searching for
# case TIFFTAG in the _TIFFVSetField function:
# Line: item.
# 364: case TIFFTAG_SUBIFD:
# Following pseudo-tags are also handled by default in libtiff:
# some of these are not in our TAGS_V2 dict and were included from tiff.h
# This list also exists in encode.c
# as above
269, # this has been in our tests forever, and works
LIBTIFF_CORE.remove(255) # We don't have support for subfiletypes
LIBTIFF_CORE.remove(322) # We don't have support for writing tiled images with libtiff
LIBTIFF_CORE.remove(323) # Tiled images
LIBTIFF_CORE.remove(333) # Ink Names either
# Note to advanced users: There may be combinations of these
# parameters and values that when added properly, will work and
# produce valid tiff images that may work in your application.
# It is safe to add and remove tags from this set from Pillow's point
# of view so long as you test against libtiff.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# WAL file handling
# History:
# 2003-04-23 fl created
# Copyright (c) 2003 by Fredrik Lundh.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
This reader is based on the specification available from:
and has been tested with a few sample files found using google.
.. note::
This format cannot be automatically recognized, so the reader
is not registered for use with :py:func:`PIL.Image.open()`.
To open a WAL file, use the :py:func:`PIL.WalImageFile.open()` function instead.
from . import Image, ImageFile
from ._binary import i32le as i32
class WalImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile):
format = "WAL"
format_description = "Quake2 Texture"
def _open(self):
self.mode = "P"
# read header fields
header = self.fp.read(32 + 24 + 32 + 12)
self._size = i32(header, 32), i32(header, 36)
# load pixel data
offset = i32(header, 40)
# strings are null-terminated
self.info["name"] = header[:32].split(b"\0", 1)[0]
next_name = header[56 : 56 + 32].split(b"\0", 1)[0]
if next_name:
self.info["next_name"] = next_name
def load(self):
if not self.im:
self.im = Image.core.new(self.mode, self.size)
self.frombytes(self.fp.read(self.size[0] * self.size[1]))
return Image.Image.load(self)
def open(filename):
Load texture from a Quake2 WAL texture file.
By default, a Quake2 standard palette is attached to the texture.
To override the palette, use the :py:func:`PIL.Image.Image.putpalette()` method.
:param filename: WAL file name, or an opened file handle.
:returns: An image instance.
return WalImageFile(filename)
quake2palette = (
# default palette taken from piffo 0.93 by Hans Häggström

View File

@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
from io import BytesIO
from . import Image, ImageFile
from . import _webp
except ImportError:
_VALID_WEBP_MODES = {"RGBX": True, "RGBA": True, "RGB": True}
b"VP8 ": "RGB",
b"VP8X": "RGBA",
b"VP8L": "RGBA", # lossless
def _accept(prefix):
is_riff_file_format = prefix[:4] == b"RIFF"
is_webp_file = prefix[8:12] == b"WEBP"
is_valid_vp8_mode = prefix[12:16] in _VP8_MODES_BY_IDENTIFIER
if is_riff_file_format and is_webp_file and is_valid_vp8_mode:
return (
"image file could not be identified because WEBP support not installed"
return True
class WebPImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile):
format = "WEBP"
format_description = "WebP image"
__loaded = 0
__logical_frame = 0
def _open(self):
if not _webp.HAVE_WEBPANIM:
# Legacy mode
data, width, height, self.mode, icc_profile, exif = _webp.WebPDecode(
if icc_profile:
self.info["icc_profile"] = icc_profile
if exif:
self.info["exif"] = exif
self._size = width, height
self.fp = BytesIO(data)
self.tile = [("raw", (0, 0) + self.size, 0, self.mode)]
self.n_frames = 1
self.is_animated = False
# Use the newer AnimDecoder API to parse the (possibly) animated file,
# and access muxed chunks like ICC/EXIF/XMP.
self._decoder = _webp.WebPAnimDecoder(self.fp.read())
# Get info from decoder
width, height, loop_count, bgcolor, frame_count, mode = self._decoder.get_info()
self._size = width, height
self.info["loop"] = loop_count
bg_a, bg_r, bg_g, bg_b = (
(bgcolor >> 24) & 0xFF,
(bgcolor >> 16) & 0xFF,
(bgcolor >> 8) & 0xFF,
bgcolor & 0xFF,
self.info["background"] = (bg_r, bg_g, bg_b, bg_a)
self.n_frames = frame_count
self.is_animated = self.n_frames > 1
self.mode = "RGB" if mode == "RGBX" else mode
self.rawmode = mode
self.tile = []
# Attempt to read ICC / EXIF / XMP chunks from file
icc_profile = self._decoder.get_chunk("ICCP")
exif = self._decoder.get_chunk("EXIF")
xmp = self._decoder.get_chunk("XMP ")
if icc_profile:
self.info["icc_profile"] = icc_profile
if exif:
self.info["exif"] = exif
if xmp:
self.info["xmp"] = xmp
# Initialize seek state
def _getexif(self):
if "exif" not in self.info:
return None
return self.getexif()._get_merged_dict()
def getxmp(self):
Returns a dictionary containing the XMP tags.
Requires defusedxml to be installed.
:returns: XMP tags in a dictionary.
return self._getxmp(self.info["xmp"]) if "xmp" in self.info else {}
def seek(self, frame):
if not self._seek_check(frame):
# Set logical frame to requested position
self.__logical_frame = frame
def _reset(self, reset=True):
if reset:
self.__physical_frame = 0
self.__loaded = -1
self.__timestamp = 0
def _get_next(self):
# Get next frame
ret = self._decoder.get_next()
self.__physical_frame += 1
# Check if an error occurred
if ret is None:
self._reset() # Reset just to be safe
msg = "failed to decode next frame in WebP file"
raise EOFError(msg)
# Compute duration
data, timestamp = ret
duration = timestamp - self.__timestamp
self.__timestamp = timestamp
# libwebp gives frame end, adjust to start of frame
timestamp -= duration
return data, timestamp, duration
def _seek(self, frame):
if self.__physical_frame == frame:
return # Nothing to do
if frame < self.__physical_frame:
self._reset() # Rewind to beginning
while self.__physical_frame < frame:
self._get_next() # Advance to the requested frame
def load(self):
if self.__loaded != self.__logical_frame:
# We need to load the image data for this frame
data, timestamp, duration = self._get_next()
self.info["timestamp"] = timestamp
self.info["duration"] = duration
self.__loaded = self.__logical_frame
# Set tile
if self.fp and self._exclusive_fp:
self.fp = BytesIO(data)
self.tile = [("raw", (0, 0) + self.size, 0, self.rawmode)]
return super().load()
def tell(self):
if not _webp.HAVE_WEBPANIM:
return super().tell()
return self.__logical_frame
def _save_all(im, fp, filename):
encoderinfo = im.encoderinfo.copy()
append_images = list(encoderinfo.get("append_images", []))
# If total frame count is 1, then save using the legacy API, which
# will preserve non-alpha modes
total = 0
for ims in [im] + append_images:
total += getattr(ims, "n_frames", 1)
if total == 1:
_save(im, fp, filename)
background = (0, 0, 0, 0)
if "background" in encoderinfo:
background = encoderinfo["background"]
elif "background" in im.info:
background = im.info["background"]
if isinstance(background, int):
# GifImagePlugin stores a global color table index in
# info["background"]. So it must be converted to an RGBA value
palette = im.getpalette()
if palette:
r, g, b = palette[background * 3 : (background + 1) * 3]
background = (r, g, b, 255)
background = (background, background, background, 255)
duration = im.encoderinfo.get("duration", im.info.get("duration", 0))
loop = im.encoderinfo.get("loop", 0)
minimize_size = im.encoderinfo.get("minimize_size", False)
kmin = im.encoderinfo.get("kmin", None)
kmax = im.encoderinfo.get("kmax", None)
allow_mixed = im.encoderinfo.get("allow_mixed", False)
verbose = False
lossless = im.encoderinfo.get("lossless", False)
quality = im.encoderinfo.get("quality", 80)
method = im.encoderinfo.get("method", 0)
icc_profile = im.encoderinfo.get("icc_profile") or ""
exif = im.encoderinfo.get("exif", "")
if isinstance(exif, Image.Exif):
exif = exif.tobytes()
xmp = im.encoderinfo.get("xmp", "")
if allow_mixed:
lossless = False
# Sensible keyframe defaults are from gif2webp.c script
if kmin is None:
kmin = 9 if lossless else 3
if kmax is None:
kmax = 17 if lossless else 5
# Validate background color
if (
not isinstance(background, (list, tuple))
or len(background) != 4
or not all(0 <= v < 256 for v in background)
msg = f"Background color is not an RGBA tuple clamped to (0-255): {background}"
raise OSError(msg)
# Convert to packed uint
bg_r, bg_g, bg_b, bg_a = background
background = (bg_a << 24) | (bg_r << 16) | (bg_g << 8) | (bg_b << 0)
# Setup the WebP animation encoder
enc = _webp.WebPAnimEncoder(
# Add each frame
frame_idx = 0
timestamp = 0
cur_idx = im.tell()
for ims in [im] + append_images:
# Get # of frames in this image
nfr = getattr(ims, "n_frames", 1)
for idx in range(nfr):
# Make sure image mode is supported
frame = ims
rawmode = ims.mode
if ims.mode not in _VALID_WEBP_MODES:
alpha = (
"A" in ims.mode
or "a" in ims.mode
or (ims.mode == "P" and "A" in ims.im.getpalettemode())
rawmode = "RGBA" if alpha else "RGB"
frame = ims.convert(rawmode)
if rawmode == "RGB":
# For faster conversion, use RGBX
rawmode = "RGBX"
# Append the frame to the animation encoder
frame.tobytes("raw", rawmode),
# Update timestamp and frame index
if isinstance(duration, (list, tuple)):
timestamp += duration[frame_idx]
timestamp += duration
frame_idx += 1
# Force encoder to flush frames
enc.add(None, round(timestamp), 0, 0, "", lossless, quality, 0)
# Get the final output from the encoder
data = enc.assemble(icc_profile, exif, xmp)
if data is None:
msg = "cannot write file as WebP (encoder returned None)"
raise OSError(msg)
def _save(im, fp, filename):
lossless = im.encoderinfo.get("lossless", False)
quality = im.encoderinfo.get("quality", 80)
icc_profile = im.encoderinfo.get("icc_profile") or ""
exif = im.encoderinfo.get("exif", b"")
if isinstance(exif, Image.Exif):
exif = exif.tobytes()
if exif.startswith(b"Exif\x00\x00"):
exif = exif[6:]
xmp = im.encoderinfo.get("xmp", "")
method = im.encoderinfo.get("method", 4)
exact = 1 if im.encoderinfo.get("exact") else 0
if im.mode not in _VALID_WEBP_LEGACY_MODES:
alpha = (
"A" in im.mode
or "a" in im.mode
or (im.mode == "P" and "transparency" in im.info)
im = im.convert("RGBA" if alpha else "RGB")
data = _webp.WebPEncode(
if data is None:
msg = "cannot write file as WebP (encoder returned None)"
raise OSError(msg)
Image.register_open(WebPImageFile.format, WebPImageFile, _accept)
Image.register_save(WebPImageFile.format, _save)
Image.register_save_all(WebPImageFile.format, _save_all)
Image.register_extension(WebPImageFile.format, ".webp")
Image.register_mime(WebPImageFile.format, "image/webp")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
# The Python Imaging Library
# $Id$
# WMF stub codec
# history:
# 1996-12-14 fl Created
# 2004-02-22 fl Turned into a stub driver
# 2004-02-23 fl Added EMF support
# Copyright (c) Secret Labs AB 1997-2004. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) Fredrik Lundh 1996.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
# WMF/EMF reference documentation:
# https://winprotocoldoc.blob.core.windows.net/productionwindowsarchives/MS-WMF/[MS-WMF].pdf
# http://wvware.sourceforge.net/caolan/index.html
# http://wvware.sourceforge.net/caolan/ora-wmf.html
from . import Image, ImageFile
from ._binary import i16le as word
from ._binary import si16le as short
from ._binary import si32le as _long
_handler = None
def register_handler(handler):
Install application-specific WMF image handler.
:param handler: Handler object.
global _handler
_handler = handler
if hasattr(Image.core, "drawwmf"):
# install default handler (windows only)
class WmfHandler:
def open(self, im):
im.mode = "RGB"
self.bbox = im.info["wmf_bbox"]
def load(self, im):
im.fp.seek(0) # rewind
return Image.frombytes(
Image.core.drawwmf(im.fp.read(), im.size, self.bbox),
(im.size[0] * 3 + 3) & -4,
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Read WMF file
def _accept(prefix):
return (
prefix[:6] == b"\xd7\xcd\xc6\x9a\x00\x00" or prefix[:4] == b"\x01\x00\x00\x00"
# Image plugin for Windows metafiles.
class WmfStubImageFile(ImageFile.StubImageFile):
format = "WMF"
format_description = "Windows Metafile"
def _open(self):
self._inch = None
# check placable header
s = self.fp.read(80)
if s[:6] == b"\xd7\xcd\xc6\x9a\x00\x00":
# placeable windows metafile
# get units per inch
self._inch = word(s, 14)
# get bounding box
x0 = short(s, 6)
y0 = short(s, 8)
x1 = short(s, 10)
y1 = short(s, 12)
# normalize size to 72 dots per inch
self.info["dpi"] = 72
size = (
(x1 - x0) * self.info["dpi"] // self._inch,
(y1 - y0) * self.info["dpi"] // self._inch,
self.info["wmf_bbox"] = x0, y0, x1, y1
# sanity check (standard metafile header)
if s[22:26] != b"\x01\x00\t\x00":
msg = "Unsupported WMF file format"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
elif s[:4] == b"\x01\x00\x00\x00" and s[40:44] == b" EMF":
# enhanced metafile
# get bounding box
x0 = _long(s, 8)
y0 = _long(s, 12)
x1 = _long(s, 16)
y1 = _long(s, 20)
# get frame (in 0.01 millimeter units)
frame = _long(s, 24), _long(s, 28), _long(s, 32), _long(s, 36)
size = x1 - x0, y1 - y0
# calculate dots per inch from bbox and frame
xdpi = 2540.0 * (x1 - y0) / (frame[2] - frame[0])
ydpi = 2540.0 * (y1 - y0) / (frame[3] - frame[1])
self.info["wmf_bbox"] = x0, y0, x1, y1
if xdpi == ydpi:
self.info["dpi"] = xdpi
self.info["dpi"] = xdpi, ydpi
msg = "Unsupported file format"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
self.mode = "RGB"
self._size = size
loader = self._load()
if loader:
def _load(self):
return _handler
def load(self, dpi=None):
if dpi is not None and self._inch is not None:
self.info["dpi"] = dpi
x0, y0, x1, y1 = self.info["wmf_bbox"]
self._size = (
(x1 - x0) * self.info["dpi"] // self._inch,
(y1 - y0) * self.info["dpi"] // self._inch,
return super().load()
def _save(im, fp, filename):
if _handler is None or not hasattr(_handler, "save"):
msg = "WMF save handler not installed"
raise OSError(msg)
_handler.save(im, fp, filename)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Registry stuff
Image.register_open(WmfStubImageFile.format, WmfStubImageFile, _accept)
Image.register_save(WmfStubImageFile.format, _save)
Image.register_extensions(WmfStubImageFile.format, [".wmf", ".emf"])

View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# XV Thumbnail file handler by Charles E. "Gene" Cash
# (gcash@magicnet.net)
# see xvcolor.c and xvbrowse.c in the sources to John Bradley's XV,
# available from ftp://ftp.cis.upenn.edu/pub/xv/
# history:
# 98-08-15 cec created (b/w only)
# 98-12-09 cec added color palette
# 98-12-28 fl added to PIL (with only a few very minor modifications)
# To do:
# FIXME: make save work (this requires quantization support)
from . import Image, ImageFile, ImagePalette
from ._binary import o8
_MAGIC = b"P7 332"
# standard color palette for thumbnails (RGB332)
for r in range(8):
for g in range(8):
for b in range(4):
o8((r * 255) // 7) + o8((g * 255) // 7) + o8((b * 255) // 3)
def _accept(prefix):
return prefix[:6] == _MAGIC
# Image plugin for XV thumbnail images.
class XVThumbImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile):
format = "XVThumb"
format_description = "XV thumbnail image"
def _open(self):
# check magic
if not _accept(self.fp.read(6)):
msg = "not an XV thumbnail file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
# Skip to beginning of next line
# skip info comments
while True:
s = self.fp.readline()
if not s:
msg = "Unexpected EOF reading XV thumbnail file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
if s[0] != 35: # ie. when not a comment: '#'
# parse header line (already read)
s = s.strip().split()
self.mode = "P"
self._size = int(s[0]), int(s[1])
self.palette = ImagePalette.raw("RGB", PALETTE)
self.tile = [("raw", (0, 0) + self.size, self.fp.tell(), (self.mode, 0, 1))]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
Image.register_open(XVThumbImageFile.format, XVThumbImageFile, _accept)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# XBM File handling
# History:
# 1995-09-08 fl Created
# 1996-11-01 fl Added save support
# 1997-07-07 fl Made header parser more tolerant
# 1997-07-22 fl Fixed yet another parser bug
# 2001-02-17 fl Use 're' instead of 'regex' (Python 2.1) (0.4)
# 2001-05-13 fl Added hotspot handling (based on code from Bernhard Herzog)
# 2004-02-24 fl Allow some whitespace before first #define
# Copyright (c) 1997-2004 by Secret Labs AB
# Copyright (c) 1996-1997 by Fredrik Lundh
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
import re
from . import Image, ImageFile
# XBM header
xbm_head = re.compile(
rb"\s*#define[ \t]+.*_width[ \t]+(?P<width>[0-9]+)[\r\n]+"
b"#define[ \t]+.*_height[ \t]+(?P<height>[0-9]+)[\r\n]+"
b"#define[ \t]+[^_]*_x_hot[ \t]+(?P<xhot>[0-9]+)[\r\n]+"
b"#define[ \t]+[^_]*_y_hot[ \t]+(?P<yhot>[0-9]+)[\r\n]+"
def _accept(prefix):
return prefix.lstrip()[:7] == b"#define"
# Image plugin for X11 bitmaps.
class XbmImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile):
format = "XBM"
format_description = "X11 Bitmap"
def _open(self):
m = xbm_head.match(self.fp.read(512))
if not m:
msg = "not a XBM file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
xsize = int(m.group("width"))
ysize = int(m.group("height"))
if m.group("hotspot"):
self.info["hotspot"] = (int(m.group("xhot")), int(m.group("yhot")))
self.mode = "1"
self._size = xsize, ysize
self.tile = [("xbm", (0, 0) + self.size, m.end(), None)]
def _save(im, fp, filename):
if im.mode != "1":
msg = f"cannot write mode {im.mode} as XBM"
raise OSError(msg)
fp.write(f"#define im_width {im.size[0]}\n".encode("ascii"))
fp.write(f"#define im_height {im.size[1]}\n".encode("ascii"))
hotspot = im.encoderinfo.get("hotspot")
if hotspot:
fp.write(f"#define im_x_hot {hotspot[0]}\n".encode("ascii"))
fp.write(f"#define im_y_hot {hotspot[1]}\n".encode("ascii"))
fp.write(b"static char im_bits[] = {\n")
ImageFile._save(im, fp, [("xbm", (0, 0) + im.size, 0, None)])
Image.register_open(XbmImageFile.format, XbmImageFile, _accept)
Image.register_save(XbmImageFile.format, _save)
Image.register_extension(XbmImageFile.format, ".xbm")
Image.register_mime(XbmImageFile.format, "image/xbm")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# XPM File handling
# History:
# 1996-12-29 fl Created
# 2001-02-17 fl Use 're' instead of 'regex' (Python 2.1) (0.7)
# Copyright (c) Secret Labs AB 1997-2001.
# Copyright (c) Fredrik Lundh 1996-2001.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
import re
from . import Image, ImageFile, ImagePalette
from ._binary import o8
# XPM header
xpm_head = re.compile(b'"([0-9]*) ([0-9]*) ([0-9]*) ([0-9]*)')
def _accept(prefix):
return prefix[:9] == b"/* XPM */"
# Image plugin for X11 pixel maps.
class XpmImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile):
format = "XPM"
format_description = "X11 Pixel Map"
def _open(self):
if not _accept(self.fp.read(9)):
msg = "not an XPM file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
# skip forward to next string
while True:
s = self.fp.readline()
if not s:
msg = "broken XPM file"
raise SyntaxError(msg)
m = xpm_head.match(s)
if m:
self._size = int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2))
pal = int(m.group(3))
bpp = int(m.group(4))
if pal > 256 or bpp != 1:
msg = "cannot read this XPM file"
raise ValueError(msg)
# load palette description
palette = [b"\0\0\0"] * 256
for _ in range(pal):
s = self.fp.readline()
if s[-2:] == b"\r\n":
s = s[:-2]
elif s[-1:] in b"\r\n":
s = s[:-1]
c = s[1]
s = s[2:-2].split()
for i in range(0, len(s), 2):
if s[i] == b"c":
# process colour key
rgb = s[i + 1]
if rgb == b"None":
self.info["transparency"] = c
elif rgb[:1] == b"#":
# FIXME: handle colour names (see ImagePalette.py)
rgb = int(rgb[1:], 16)
palette[c] = (
o8((rgb >> 16) & 255) + o8((rgb >> 8) & 255) + o8(rgb & 255)
# unknown colour
msg = "cannot read this XPM file"
raise ValueError(msg)
# missing colour key
msg = "cannot read this XPM file"
raise ValueError(msg)
self.mode = "P"
self.palette = ImagePalette.raw("RGB", b"".join(palette))
self.tile = [("raw", (0, 0) + self.size, self.fp.tell(), ("P", 0, 1))]
def load_read(self, bytes):
# load all image data in one chunk
xsize, ysize = self.size
s = [None] * ysize
for i in range(ysize):
s[i] = self.fp.readline()[1 : xsize + 1].ljust(xsize)
return b"".join(s)
# Registry
Image.register_open(XpmImageFile.format, XpmImageFile, _accept)
Image.register_extension(XpmImageFile.format, ".xpm")
Image.register_mime(XpmImageFile.format, "image/xpm")

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@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
"""Pillow (Fork of the Python Imaging Library)
Pillow is the friendly PIL fork by Jeffrey A. Clark (Alex) and contributors.
Pillow is forked from PIL 1.1.7.
PIL is the Python Imaging Library by Fredrik Lundh and contributors.
Copyright (c) 1999 by Secret Labs AB.
Use PIL.__version__ for this Pillow version.
from . import _version
# VERSION was removed in Pillow 6.0.0.
# PILLOW_VERSION was removed in Pillow 9.0.0.
# Use __version__ instead.
__version__ = _version.__version__
del _version
_plugins = [
class UnidentifiedImageError(OSError):
Raised in :py:meth:`PIL.Image.open` if an image cannot be opened and identified.
If a PNG image raises this error, setting :data:`.ImageFile.LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES`
to true may allow the image to be opened after all. The setting will ignore missing
data and checksum failures.

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
from .features import pilinfo

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