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# Copyright 2022 The JAX Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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"""A JIT-compatible library for QDWH-based singular value decomposition.
QDWH is short for QR-based dynamically weighted Halley iteration. The Halley
iteration implemented through QR decmopositions is numerically stable and does
not require solving a linear system involving the iteration matrix or
computing its inversion. This is desirable for multicore and heterogeneous
computing systems.
Nakatsukasa, Yuji, and Nicholas J. Higham.
"Stable and efficient spectral divide and conquer algorithms for the symmetric
eigenvalue decomposition and the SVD." SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 35,
no. 3 (2013): A1325-A1349.
Nakatsukasa, Yuji, Zhaojun Bai, and François Gygi.
"Optimizing Halley's iteration for computing the matrix polar decomposition."
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 31, no. 5 (2010): 2700-2720.
import functools
from typing import Any, Sequence, Union
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax import lax
from jax._src import core
@functools.partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(1, 2))
def _zero_svd(a: Any,
full_matrices: bool,
compute_uv: bool = True) -> Union[Any, Sequence[Any]]:
"""SVD on matrix of all zeros."""
m, n = a.shape
k = min(m, n)
s = jnp.zeros(shape=(k,), dtype=a.real.dtype)
if compute_uv:
if full_matrices:
u = jnp.eye(m, m, dtype=a.dtype)
vh = jnp.eye(n, n, dtype=a.dtype)
u = jnp.eye(m, k, dtype=a.dtype)
vh = jnp.eye(k, n, dtype=a.dtype)
return (u, s, vh)
return s
@functools.partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(1, 2, 3))
def _svd_tall_and_square_input(
a: Any, hermitian: bool, compute_uv: bool, max_iterations: int
) -> Union[Any, Sequence[Any]]:
"""Singular value decomposition for m x n matrix and m >= n.
a: A matrix of shape `m x n` with `m >= n`.
hermitian: True if `a` is Hermitian.
compute_uv: Whether to compute also `u` and `v` in addition to `s`.
max_iterations: The predefined maximum number of iterations of QDWH.
A 3-tuple (`u`, `s`, `v`), where `u` is a unitary matrix of shape `m x n`,
`s` is vector of length `n` containing the singular values in the descending
order, `v` is a unitary matrix of shape `n x n`, and
`a = (u * s) @ v.T.conj()`. For `compute_uv=False`, only `s` is returned.
u, h, _, _ = lax.linalg.qdwh(a, is_hermitian=hermitian,
# TODO: Uses `eigvals_only=True` if `compute_uv=False`.
v, s = lax.linalg.eigh(h)
# Flips the singular values in descending order.
s_out = jnp.flip(s)
if not compute_uv:
return s_out
# Reorders eigenvectors.
v_out = jnp.fliplr(v)
u_out = u @ v_out
# Makes correction if computed `u` from qdwh is not unitary.
# Section 5.5 of Nakatsukasa, Yuji, and Nicholas J. Higham. "Stable and
# efficient spectral divide and conquer algorithms for the symmetric
# eigenvalue decomposition and the SVD." SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
# 35, no. 3 (2013): A1325-A1349.
def correct_rank_deficiency(u_out):
u_out, r = lax.linalg.qr(u_out, full_matrices=False)
u_out = u_out @ jnp.diag(lax.sign(jnp.diag(r)))
return u_out
eps = float(jnp.finfo(a.dtype).eps)
u_out = lax.cond(s[0] < a.shape[1] * eps * s_out[0],
lambda u_out: u_out,
return (u_out, s_out, v_out)
@functools.partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(1, 2, 3, 4))
def _qdwh_svd(a: Any,
full_matrices: bool,
compute_uv: bool = True,
hermitian: bool = False,
max_iterations: int = 10) -> Union[Any, Sequence[Any]]:
"""Singular value decomposition.
a: A matrix of shape `m x n`.
full_matrices: If True, `u` and `vh` have the shapes `m x m` and `n x n`,
respectively. If False, the shapes are `m x k` and `k x n`, respectively,
where `k = min(m, n)`.
compute_uv: Whether to compute also `u` and `v` in addition to `s`.
hermitian: True if `a` is Hermitian.
max_iterations: The predefined maximum number of iterations of QDWH.
A 3-tuple (`u`, `s`, `vh`), where `u` and `vh` are unitary matrices,
`s` is vector of length `k` containing the singular values in the
non-increasing order, and `k = min(m, n)`. The shapes of `u` and `vh`
depend on the value of `full_matrices`. For `compute_uv=False`,
only `s` is returned.
m, n = a.shape
is_flip = False
if m < n:
a = a.T.conj()
m, n = a.shape
is_flip = True
reduce_to_square = False
if full_matrices:
q_full, a_full = lax.linalg.qr(a, full_matrices=True)
q = q_full[:, :n]
u_out_null = q_full[:, n:]
a = a_full[:n, :]
reduce_to_square = True
# The constant `1.15` comes from Yuji Nakatsukasa's implementation
if m > 1.15 * n:
q, a = lax.linalg.qr(a, full_matrices=False)
reduce_to_square = True
if not compute_uv:
with jax.default_matmul_precision('float32'):
return _svd_tall_and_square_input(a, hermitian, compute_uv,
with jax.default_matmul_precision('float32'):
u_out, s_out, v_out = _svd_tall_and_square_input(
a, hermitian, compute_uv, max_iterations)
if reduce_to_square:
u_out = q @ u_out
if full_matrices:
u_out = jnp.hstack((u_out, u_out_null))
if is_flip:
return(v_out, s_out, u_out.T.conj())
return (u_out, s_out, v_out.T.conj())
@functools.partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(1, 2, 3, 4))
def svd(a: Any,
full_matrices: bool,
compute_uv: bool = True,
hermitian: bool = False,
max_iterations: int = 10) -> Union[Any, Sequence[Any]]:
"""Singular value decomposition.
a: A matrix of shape `m x n`.
full_matrices: If True, `u` and `vh` have the shapes `m x m` and `n x n`,
respectively. If False, the shapes are `m x k` and `k x n`, respectively,
where `k = min(m, n)`.
compute_uv: Whether to compute also `u` and `v` in addition to `s`.
hermitian: True if `a` is Hermitian.
max_iterations: The predefined maximum number of iterations of QDWH.
A 3-tuple (`u`, `s`, `vh`), where `u` and `vh` are unitary matrices,
`s` is vector of length `k` containing the singular values in the
non-increasing order, and `k = min(m, n)`. The shapes of `u` and `vh`
depend on the value of `full_matrices`. For `compute_uv=False`,
only `s` is returned.
full_matrices = core.concrete_or_error(
bool, full_matrices, 'The `full_matrices` argument must be statically '
'specified to use `svd` within JAX transformations.')
compute_uv = core.concrete_or_error(
bool, compute_uv, 'The `compute_uv` argument must be statically '
'specified to use `svd` within JAX transformations.')
hermitian = core.concrete_or_error(
bool, hermitian, 'The `hermitian` argument must be statically '
'specified to use `qdwh` within JAX transformations.')
max_iterations = core.concrete_or_error(
int, max_iterations, 'The `max_iterations` argument must be statically '
'specified to use `qdwh` within JAX transformations.')
# QDWH algorithm fails at zero-matrix `A` and produces all NaNs, which can
# be seen from a dynamically weighted Halley (DWH) iteration:
# X_{k+1} = X_k(a_k I + b_k {X_k}^H X_k)(I + c_k {X_k}^H X_k)^{1} and
# X_0 = A/alpha, where alpha = ||A||_2, the triplet (a_k, b_k, c_k) are
# weighting parameters, and X_k denotes the k^{th} iterate.
return jax.lax.cond(jnp.all(a == 0),
functools.partial(_zero_svd, full_matrices=full_matrices,
functools.partial(_qdwh_svd, full_matrices=full_matrices,