2024-02-18 20:47:15 +01:00

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Program łamie szyfr cezara używając analizy częstotliwości wystepowania znaków w języku.


The program shows success rates in cracking cesar ciphers

Example of long plaintext in Polish: Cześć, oto przykładowy tekst po Polsku ze znakami interpunkcyjnymi;,/$!? i kropkami..

Encrypted text with key 5: fbizgśźśuwbąńódhśaąźińyźuśuśoyńżbibrdńdpmmrźiwużrńfąnrąpmmńwśuńdpm

Result of ciphertext-only attack: cześćotoprzykładowytekstpopolskuzeznakamiinterpunkcyjnymiikropkami


Example of long plaintext in English: Once upon a time I decrypt some texts.

Encrypted text with key 9: xwlndyxwjcrvnrmnlahycbxvncngcb

Result of ciphertext-only attack: onceuponatimeidecryptsometexts


Now I will check how short of a word can be decrypted using this frequency analyzer.

100 3-letters long English words. Decryption succes rate: 13%

100 4-letters long English words. Decryption succes rate: 27%

100 5-letters long English words. Decryption succes rate: 23%

150 6-letters long English words. Decryption succes rate: 49%

200 7-letters long English words. Decryption succes rate: 45%

200 8-letters long English words. Decryption succes rate: 52%

200 9-letters long English words. Decryption succes rate: 63%