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2023-07-07 19:37:37 +02:00
__MACOSX Add final version 2023-07-05 19:06:09 +02:00
dependencies Add final version 2023-07-05 19:06:09 +02:00
image_detector Add final version 2023-07-05 19:06:09 +02:00
LED_color_detector Add final version 2023-07-05 19:06:09 +02:00
model_VGG16_LED_color_bigger_scene2 Add final version 2023-07-05 19:06:09 +02:00
VGG16_led_detector Add final version 2023-07-05 19:06:09 +02:00
.gitignore Add final version 2023-07-05 19:06:09 +02:00
api.yml Add final version 2023-07-05 19:06:09 +02:00
conda_env.yml Add final version 2023-07-05 19:06:09 +02:00
Coppelia-finalScene.ttt Add coppelia scene 2023-07-05 19:14:10 +02:00
main.py Add final version 2023-07-05 19:06:09 +02:00
model_VGG16_LED_color_bigger_scene2_v2.zip Add final version 2023-07-05 19:06:09 +02:00
README.md Add final version 2023-07-05 19:06:09 +02:00

Flask API

To create conda env just run:

conda env create conda_env.yml

And then select newly created env in your IDE.

To run API in project folder run this command:

export FLASK_APP=main.py

After that you are ready to deploy API:

flask run --without-threads

Supported requests:

  • API_address/detectRobot1?img=...

    • response model:
        "0": ["color", int(width), int(x)]
    • when no objects were detected response is:
          "0": []
  • API_address/detectRat1?img=...

    • response model:
        "0": [int(width), int(x)]
    • when no objects were detected response is:
          "0": []

Przed uruchomieniem

Skopiuj pliki z folderu dependencies do folderu /CoppeliaRobotics/CoppeliaSimEdu/lua