
72 KiB
Raw Permalink Blame History

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import joblib
df_train = pd.read_csv('train/train.tsv', sep='\t', header=None)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 500)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
0 309000.0 do zamieszkania 390 zł spółdzielcze własnościowe 7113 https://www.otodom.pl/oferta/niezalezny-uklad-... 2 NaN 43.44 wtórny 4.0 blok NaN NaN Niezależny Układ W Nowoczesnym Wydaniu 1 NaN gazowe plastikowe NaN NaN NaN cegła Polecamy na sprzedaż dwupokojowe mieszkanie p... NaN telewizja kablowa, internet, meble, piwnica, g...
1 314900.0 do wykończenia NaN pełna własność 7392 https://www.otodom.pl/oferta/urokliwe-mieszkan... 2 NaN 42.60 pierwotny 2.0 blok NaN NaN Urokliwe mieszkanie 2 pokojowe Strzeszyn 1 NaN gazowe plastikowe NaN NaN NaN cegła Kameralne 2 pokojowe mieszkanie z aneksem kuc... NaN telewizja kablowa, internet, telefon, drzwi / ...
2 249000.0 do remontu 300 zł pełna własność 5621 https://www.otodom.pl/oferta/mieszkanie-do-rem... 2 NaN 44.30 wtórny 4.0 blok NaN NaN Mieszkanie do remontu ul. Klonowa, blisko tramwaj 2 NaN miejskie plastikowe 1960.0 NaN 2019-06-30 cegła Oferta bezpośrednio od właściciela - bez pośr... NaN telewizja kablowa, internet, telefon, domofon ...
3 419000.0 do zamieszkania 490 zł pełna własność 4761 https://www.otodom.pl/oferta/w-szeregowcu-4-po... 4 NaN 88 wtórny 3.0 szeregowiec NaN NaN W szeregowcu 4 pokoje z garażem 1 NaN gazowe plastikowe NaN NaN NaN cegła Drodzy Państwo Zapraszam do zapoznania się z ... NaN telewizja kablowa, internet, zmywarka, lodówka...
4 499000.0 NaN 850 zł NaN 6481 https://www.otodom.pl/oferta/komfortowe-przest... 3 NaN 77 wtórny 16.0 blok NaN NaN Komfortowe,Przestronne,3Pokoje, Armii Krajowej!!! 7 NaN NaN plastikowe NaN NaN NaN NaN Biuro Immohouse ma przyjemność proponować do ... NaN balkon, piwnica, winda

1,2,6, 8, 9 - to bedziemy w aplikacji używać

df_train = df_train.iloc[:, [0, 1, 2, 6, 8, 9]]
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 2547 entries, 0 to 2546
Data columns (total 6 columns):
 #   Column  Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------  --------------  -----  
 0   0       2547 non-null   float64
 1   1       1519 non-null   object 
 2   2       929 non-null    object 
 3   6       2547 non-null   object 
 4   8       2547 non-null   object 
 5   9       2547 non-null   object 
dtypes: float64(1), object(5)
memory usage: 119.5+ KB
df_train.rename(columns={0: "cena m", 1: "stan", 2: "czynsz", 6: "l pokoi", 8: "metraż", 9: "rynek"}, inplace=True)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 2547 entries, 0 to 2546
Data columns (total 6 columns):
 #   Column   Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------   --------------  -----  
 0   cena m   2547 non-null   float64
 1   stan     1519 non-null   object 
 2   czynsz   929 non-null    object 
 3   l pokoi  2547 non-null   object 
 4   metraż   2547 non-null   object 
 5   rynek    2547 non-null   object 
dtypes: float64(1), object(5)
memory usage: 119.5+ KB

Usunięcie kolumn, w których jest dużo pustych wartości

df_train.drop(columns = ['czynsz'], axis=1, inplace=True)
cena m stan l pokoi metraż rynek
0 309000.0 do zamieszkania 2 43.44 wtórny
1 314900.0 do wykończenia 2 42.60 pierwotny
2 249000.0 do remontu 2 44.30 wtórny
3 419000.0 do zamieszkania 4 88 wtórny
4 499000.0 NaN 3 77 wtórny

Uzupełnianie braków w danych

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 2547 entries, 0 to 2546
Data columns (total 5 columns):
 #   Column   Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------   --------------  -----  
 0   cena m   2547 non-null   float64
 1   stan     1519 non-null   object 
 2   l pokoi  2547 non-null   object 
 3   metraż   2547 non-null   object 
 4   rynek    2547 non-null   object 
dtypes: float64(1), object(4)
memory usage: 99.6+ KB
df_train['stan'].fillna('brak info', inplace=True)
df_train = df_train[df_train['metraż'] != "6 909"]
df_train = df_train[df_train['l pokoi'] != "więcej niż 10"]
df_train['l pokoi'] = pd.to_numeric(df_train['l pokoi'])
df_train['metraż'] = pd.to_numeric(df_train['metraż'])
X_train = df_train.drop(columns = ["cena m"])
y_train = df_train["cena m"]
number_cols = X_train.select_dtypes(exclude=[object]).columns
object_cols = X_train.select_dtypes(include=[object]).columns
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
ct = ColumnTransformer([
        (number_cols, StandardScaler()),
        (object_cols, OneHotEncoder())
from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge
scaler = StandardScaler()
encoder = OneHotEncoder()
# putting numeric columns to scaler and categorical to encoder
num_transformer = make_pipeline(scaler)
cat_transformer = make_pipeline(encoder)

# getting together our scaler and encoder with preprocessor
preprocessor = ColumnTransformer(
      transformers=[('num', num_transformer, number_cols),
                    ('cat', cat_transformer, object_cols)])
clf = Ridge(alpha=1.0)
model1 = make_pipeline(preprocessor, clf)
stan l pokoi metraż rynek
0 do zamieszkania 2 43.44 wtórny
1 do wykończenia 2 42.60 pierwotny
2 do remontu 2 44.30 wtórny
3 do zamieszkania 4 88.00 wtórny
4 brak info 3 77.00 wtórny
0       309000.0
1       314900.0
2       249000.0
3       419000.0
4       499000.0
2541    383680.0
2542    507600.0
2543    342400.0
2544    335000.0
2545    260000.0
Name: cena m, Length: 2540, dtype: float64

Model Ridge - regresja liniowa

model1.fit(X_train, y_train)
                                                  Index(['l pokoi', 'metraż'], dtype='object')),
                                                  Index(['stan', 'rynek'], dtype='object'))])),
                ('ridge', Ridge())])
In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
On GitHub, the HTML representation is unable to render, please try loading this page with nbviewer.org.
                                                  Index(['l pokoi', 'metraż'], dtype='object')),
                                                  Index(['stan', 'rynek'], dtype='object'))])),
                ('ridge', Ridge())])
                                 Index(['l pokoi', 'metraż'], dtype='object')),
                                 Index(['stan', 'rynek'], dtype='object'))])
Index(['l pokoi', 'metraż'], dtype='object')
Index(['stan', 'rynek'], dtype='object')
df_test = pd.read_csv('dev-0/in.tsv', sep='\t', header=None)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
0 do zamieszkania 250 zł pełna własność 6311 https://www.otodom.pl/oferta/idealne-mieszkani... 3 NaN 59.10 wtórny 4.0 blok NaN NaN idealne mieszkanie do zamieszkania od zaraz 2 NaN miejskie plastikowe NaN NaN NaN wielka płyta Zamieszkaj od zaraz idealna lokalizacja OFE... NaN telewizja kablowa, internet, telefon, domofon ...
1 do zamieszkania NaN pełna własność 7868 https://www.otodom.pl/oferta/2-pokoje-38m2-po-... 2 NaN 38.00 wtórny 12.0 blok NaN NaN 2 pokoje / 38m2 / po remoncie / Winogrady 4 NaN inne plastikowe NaN NaN NaN NaN Na sprzedaż mieszkanie dwupokojowe na osiedlu... NaN balkon
2 do zamieszkania 650 zł pełna własność 5717 https://www.otodom.pl/oferta/3-pokoje-na-jezyc... 3 NaN 63.84 wtórny 4.0 blok NaN NaN 3 pokoje na Jeżycach blisko Rusałki 4 NaN miejskie plastikowe 1958.0 NaN NaN cegła !! Oferta dostępna tylko u nas !! Polecam ofe... NaN telewizja kablowa, internet, telefon, piwnica,...
3 do zamieszkania 359 zł spółdzielcze własnościowe 7380 https://www.otodom.pl/oferta/uniwersytet-przyr... 4 NaN 50.00 wtórny 10.0 blok NaN NaN Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy - 4 pokoje - ROI 8-10% 10 NaN miejskie plastikowe 1975.0 NaN 2019-06-30 wielka płyta Oferta  bezpośrednio od właściciela  - bez po... NaN telewizja kablowa, internet, telefon, drzwi / ...
4 NaN NaN NaN 7373 https://www.otodom.pl/oferta/mieszkanie-blisko... 3 NaN 65.62 pierwotny 3.0 NaN NaN NaN Mieszkanie blisko centrum w kameralnej okolicy. 1 NaN NaN NaN 2020.0 NaN 2020-01-01 NaN MIESZKANIE 3-POKOJOWE O POW.65,62M2 Mieszkani... NaN garaż/miejsce parkingowe, taras, pom. użytkowe
y_test = pd.read_csv('dev-0/expected.tsv', sep='\t', header=None)
stan l pokoi metraż rynek
0 do zamieszkania 2 43.44 wtórny
1 do wykończenia 2 42.60 pierwotny
2 do remontu 2 44.30 wtórny
3 do zamieszkania 4 88.00 wtórny
4 brak info 3 77.00 wtórny
... ... ... ... ...
2541 do wykończenia 3 70.40 pierwotny
2542 do wykończenia 4 94.00 wtórny
2543 brak info 2 53.50 wtórny
2544 brak info 3 55.25 wtórny
2545 brak info 3 62.00 wtórny

2540 rows × 4 columns

df_test.rename(columns={0: "stan", 1: "czynsz", 5: "l pokoi", 7: "metraż", 8: "rynek"}, inplace=True)
Index([   'stan',  'czynsz',         2,         3,         4, 'l pokoi',
               6,  'metraż',   'rynek',         9,        10,        11,
              12,        13,        14,        15,        16,        17,
              18,        19,        20,        21,        22,        23,
df_test = df_test[['stan', 'l pokoi', 'metraż',  'rynek']] 
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 462 entries, 0 to 461
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column   Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------   --------------  -----  
 0   stan     275 non-null    object 
 1   l pokoi  462 non-null    int64  
 2   metraż   462 non-null    float64
 3   rynek    462 non-null    object 
dtypes: float64(1), int64(1), object(2)
memory usage: 14.6+ KB
df_test['stan'].fillna('brak info', inplace=True)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 462 entries, 0 to 461
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column   Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------   --------------  -----  
 0   stan     462 non-null    object 
 1   l pokoi  462 non-null    int64  
 2   metraż   462 non-null    float64
 3   rynek    462 non-null    object 
dtypes: float64(1), int64(1), object(2)
memory usage: 14.6+ KB
0      59.10
1      38.00
2      63.84
3      50.00
4      65.62
457    72.78
458    51.23
459    54.16
460    90.10
461    71.90
Name: metraż, Length: 462, dtype: float64
df_test.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 462 entries, 0 to 461
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column   Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------   --------------  -----  
 0   stan     462 non-null    object 
 1   l pokoi  462 non-null    int64  
 2   metraż   462 non-null    float64
 3   rynek    462 non-null    object 
dtypes: float64(1), int64(1), object(2)
memory usage: 14.6+ KB
                                                  Index(['l pokoi', 'metraż'], dtype='object')),
                                                  Index(['stan', 'rynek'], dtype='object'))])),
                ('ridge', Ridge())])
In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
On GitHub, the HTML representation is unable to render, please try loading this page with nbviewer.org.
                                                  Index(['l pokoi', 'metraż'], dtype='object')),
                                                  Index(['stan', 'rynek'], dtype='object'))])),
                ('ridge', Ridge())])
                                 Index(['l pokoi', 'metraż'], dtype='object')),
                                 Index(['stan', 'rynek'], dtype='object'))])
Index(['l pokoi', 'metraż'], dtype='object')
Index(['stan', 'rynek'], dtype='object')

Przykład - przewidywanie cen na danych testowych

array([ 407917.66889452,  285306.27863261,  444184.94702291,
        299459.05926666,  459271.83408962,  614055.95902743,
        311243.98561031,  361244.58944658,  329238.65906305,
        369470.84812889,  285350.13919824,  329238.65906305,
        420020.53940636,  399085.99304054,  368717.32379097,
        339834.65864991,  335512.74515277,  304524.88092914,
        367036.20209137,  286773.80808993,  354525.20168926,
        282085.35025252,  386303.76202814,  477660.29347794,
        407152.53644455,  490742.17175818,  529758.94244497,
        335044.40697838,  399501.21194489,  431641.29394143,
        331214.22563058,  334772.89329194,  404282.20491201,
        369968.98599038,  392538.22357404,  354476.13872373,
        531690.53563375,  428309.25045513,  298510.41733766,
        551966.54555785,  332974.0302655 ,  474293.99377424,
        247049.65613431,  383931.85143325,  546789.20856336,
        438766.28443053,  275556.44383868,  325403.7381088 ,
        319934.12593671,  277654.95413295,  294800.60980049,
        285306.27863261,  283776.01373268,  282811.35937324,
        511210.54963994,  327121.56879228,  335039.88788041,
        638797.47051695,  521922.40393947,  235305.67479634,
        238447.52001532,  465392.89368935,  272046.09327325,
        848434.43816552,  512546.27689188,  382253.07914128,
        781492.5027453 ,  531716.09929903,  442847.05008064,
        498968.43044048,  272108.82871587,  275556.44383868,
        307110.38376632,  373296.51037872,  320469.71865169,
        629040.94693472,  456886.14569235,  463535.64405524,
        356361.80264533,  387288.89243253,  249184.65490398,
        305443.0398691 ,  312129.77494706,  323562.90113092,
        286773.80808993,  338640.52949322,  265910.97279499,
        414803.86094421,  262352.30513363,  273562.29729465,
        959123.60494806,  476401.54226445,  463695.54142089,
        474293.99377424,  245933.92683679,  276309.90323886,
         95163.71086422,  410945.54601501,  377887.30507851,
        332477.49594204,  374627.25336918,  354168.19912956,
        369968.98599038,  311900.23521207,  275897.03611221,
        272224.40035237,  522497.33812211,  317135.7885512 ,
        317671.38126618,  357993.86137939,  352637.93422963,
        908358.15173798,  288551.8042999 ,  398779.94006055,
        279465.70834759,  310024.57586448,  367940.58322895,
        336039.07916333,  295296.8610478 ,  395408.55510658,
        289706.87506509,  461286.74212482,  959007.7502354 ,
        671918.16381992,  357151.93260828,  573837.44243868,
        286071.41108258,  453635.41762516,  294033.30766019,
        430106.50994353,  361819.52362922,  280070.72529348,
        820481.6050142 ,  349767.60269709,  364114.92097912,
        262468.15984629,  301183.86181458,  297937.65284535,
        285306.27863261,  393955.0865278 ,  666659.89980777,
        560179.02643777,  440551.36965458,  544315.22105819,
        460711.80794218,  281978.75424428,  380105.90610726,
        501187.31454538,  343001.78445802,  567830.35093743,
        262544.39001514,  332442.95664849,  703770.99332145,
        369470.84812889,  494101.3824478 ,  273562.29729465,
        180666.17730277,  452295.35099255,  331304.51667796,
        453635.41762516,  323108.3407589 ,  507194.68912278,
        326474.92353875,  334772.89329194,  335044.40697838,
        240054.29816025,  562052.51609502,  274404.22606576,
        375397.37008062,  253585.25133645,  311900.23521207,
        365811.99017143,  339834.65864991,  395408.55510658,
        567728.27402715,  336238.53613507,  490526.69290172,
        257086.66903124,  385858.46036054,  344082.22859239,
        533220.80053368,  295941.33661099,  220577.95997966,
        291229.76787478,  200262.6085879 ,  281213.62179431,
        338640.52949322,  267288.49428108,  439786.23720462,
        400076.14612753,  301183.86181458,  479730.95326697,
        319470.24429261,  470581.73347059,  336354.39084773,
        491317.10594082,  354168.19912956,  369551.88047185,
        435462.4370933 ,  514271.0794398 ,  331214.22563058,
        234999.90489251,  240207.32465024,  395408.55510658,
        305290.01337911,  265336.03861235,  349500.60810862,
        315911.57663126,  448585.54345538,  310063.91733215,
        414803.86094421,  521922.40393947,  768450.42872618,
        285306.27863261,  414228.92676157,  408188.43671135,
        262917.91567413,  530071.86630062,  284993.07170081,
        354168.19912956,  350852.56592942,  341174.72528252,
        174670.0129817 ,  346185.25798463,  308617.25469129,
        319206.16526408,  479496.61135786,  285306.27863261,
        338832.89745087,  238677.05975031,  300193.70872759,
        284350.94791532,  312129.77494706,  288864.94629397,
        447136.31089841,  468759.4764692 ,  311243.98561031,
        773841.17824564,  309069.24514719,  311818.91979295,
        303300.6690092 ,  249129.2915516 ,  317026.62262684,
        270578.56381593,  374826.77527865,  317632.03979852,
        218540.23357609,  336303.15819187,  364613.05884061,
        419438.51620964,  348842.0716669 ,  300494.95953345,
        245456.65579176,  632191.76778196,  342245.91071247,
        321241.94011573,  345941.94044726,  654441.17458326,
        594917.92628041,  403059.87960624,  295368.85519483,
        287144.48312671,  504057.36300177,  259834.05683704,
        356196.60189099,  671431.17127702,  221915.85692194,
        266766.67936848,  862139.34958591,  253061.54980967,
        278229.88831559,  360787.39659078,  819749.12524361,
        225938.68930354,  337453.4893506 ,  417419.08907647,
        433477.61182135,  428415.84646337,  369470.84812889,
        644948.32980378,  369778.78772305,  486728.1978552 ,
        220003.02579702,  372225.04187261,  533707.33028312,
        268312.96615313,  351337.20906469,  266766.67936848,
        433665.17760489,  291427.33823234,  681260.15179974,
        386155.25463611,  361819.52362922,  378283.64910587,
        312584.05224292,  262442.87925716,  347027.18675575,
        388599.15937804,  330653.06925032,  331214.22563058,
        392424.82162787,  581111.00288747,  510178.4226015 ,
        638681.61580429,  273562.29729465,  332934.68879784,
        370402.78487122,  251183.25797831,  454520.92388575,
        327814.99017136,  317446.36062915,  270745.3681083 ,
        568020.54920476, 1041637.53573378,  445984.0931255 ,
        246474.72195167,  353326.27035845,  456478.01580208,
        268245.71161255,  476014.4569415 ,  305276.23557673,
        590784.32443641,  441316.50210455,  265910.97279499,
        319470.24429261,  266451.36768408,  331214.22563058,
        327784.90740811,  319470.24429261,  244403.66193686,
        252780.99555724,  268449.97075841,  912139.95342218,
        430604.64780502,  536459.92048882, 1156407.40322869,
        395408.55510658,  221600.76337596,  327898.59243044,
        237907.12512623,  498752.66850787,  468835.9897142 ,
        350852.56592942,  300033.9934493 ,  232365.80188326,
        533897.52855045,  232365.80188326,  369329.42975094,
       -118069.19958188,  317722.33084589,  323601.95952243,
        369203.85354041,  268053.34365489, 1051697.65952951,
        254248.58995229,  303300.6690092 ,  273638.81053964,
        244461.9836068 ,  258111.42397945,  388332.16478956,
        429074.38290509,  536459.92048882,  800353.81940598,
        298918.26415178,  407917.66889452,  388332.16478956,
        414613.66267689, 1262607.50420783,  369329.42975094,
        319129.65201908,  334197.9591093 ,  286263.77904024,
        307993.25754312,  741174.54173005,  491064.17223088,
        298429.10191855,  292957.60313228,  315911.57663126,
        327478.85442812,  451544.27942111,  317135.7885512 ,
        724682.50318048,  509137.53807322,  361833.3014316 ,
        693810.21059336,  582168.1274389 ,  212609.37224369,
        260216.62306202,  710680.29626995,  264840.07044119,
        300877.52575844,  309268.70211893,  389929.9023685 ,
        464347.27192468,  347409.46990458,  693810.21059336,
        468363.13244184,  427977.91688601,  251373.45624563,
        427817.80138193,  352408.11141849,  728508.16543031,
        749166.7415794 ,  558648.76153784,  450512.15238267,
        571124.93957025,  592161.2797702 ,  418937.46278821,
        319398.53322173,  415378.79512685,  600960.30294481,
        263047.6131269 ,  364648.06092761,  325259.97032322,
        589476.22718124,  599471.54920288,  983410.6732152 ,
        405432.07327729,  442158.14779951,  491279.65108734,
        636692.27143438,  311900.23521207,  186643.53405465,
        454252.04268309,  348902.56302718,  335848.88089601,
        377701.62590915,  377701.62590915,  353370.41400023,
        376477.41398921,  560336.57202573,  556969.98924588,
        402990.3382257 ,  568449.1456857 ,  448323.35104102,
        517259.61509264,  688264.08517628,  606585.11129723,
       1137012.09739106,  327010.51625373,  361028.82751397,
        628428.55789859,  413554.08535898,  341098.21203752,
        401415.92968398,  455318.42593893, 1619425.93740436,
        451114.99963823,  267139.98688905,  342658.5597007 ,
        304976.87138504,  438573.91647287,  304976.87138504,
        392508.02366116,  458652.63911557,  547637.54304662,
        524873.76781497,  508805.98636568,  382751.50007893,
        366338.32418199,  645108.72838401,  532942.19783316])
Index(['stan', 'l pokoi', 'metraż', 'rynek'], dtype='object')
array(['wtórny', 'pierwotny'], dtype=object)

Saving the model to file

filename = 'ridge_model.sav'
joblib.dump(model1, filename)
df_test = pd.read_csv('test-A/in.tsv', sep='\t', header=None)
df_test.rename(columns={0: "stan", 1: "czynsz", 5: "l pokoi", 7: "metraż", 8: "rynek"}, inplace=True)
df_test = df_test[['stan', 'l pokoi', 'metraż',  'rynek']] 
df_test['stan'].fillna('brak info', inplace=True)
# df_test[df_test['l pokoi'] == "więcej niż 10"] = 10
df_test.loc[df_test['l pokoi'] == "więcej niż 10", 'l pokoi'] = 10
df_test = df_test[df_test['metraż'] != "6 909"]
df_test.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 418 entries, 0 to 417
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column   Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------   --------------  -----  
 0   stan     418 non-null    object 
 1   l pokoi  418 non-null    object 
 2   metraż   418 non-null    float64
 3   rynek    418 non-null    object 
dtypes: float64(1), object(3)
memory usage: 13.2+ KB
predictions = model1.predict(df_test)
prediction = pd.DataFrame(predictions, columns=['predictions']).to_csv('test-A/out.tsv', index=False, sep="\t")