rozbudowa intefacu oraz poprawa sefvera, zmiana sposobu pokazywania boiska tak zeby sie skalowal
@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ const App = () => {
<div className='relative z-0 bg-lightgreen'>
<div className='relative z-0 bg-lightgreen'>
<div className='bg-hero-pattern bg-cover bg-no-repeat'>
<div className='bg-hero-pattern bg-cover bg-no-repeat'>
<Navbar />
<div className='relative z-0'>
<div className='relative z-0 w-full'>
Normal file
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Before Width: | Height: | Size: 7.8 KiB |
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Before Width: | Height: | Size: 4.8 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 21 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 11 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 909 KiB |
@ -1,62 +1,8 @@
import logo from "./logo.svg";
import logo from "./logo.svg";
import backend from "./backend.png";
import backend from "./backend.png";
import creator from "./creator.png";
import mobile from "./mobile.png";
import web from "./web.png";
import github from "./github.png";
import menu from "./menu.svg";
import close from "./close.svg";
import css from "./tech/css.png";
import docker from "./tech/docker.png";
import figma from "./tech/figma.png";
import git from "./tech/git.png";
import html from "./tech/html.png";
import javascript from "./tech/javascript.png";
import mongodb from "./tech/mongodb.png";
import nodejs from "./tech/nodejs.png";
import reactjs from "./tech/reactjs.png";
import redux from "./tech/redux.png";
import tailwind from "./tech/tailwind.png";
import typescript from "./tech/typescript.png";
import threejs from "./tech/threejs.svg";
import meta from "./company/meta.png";
import shopify from "./company/shopify.png";
import starbucks from "./company/starbucks.png";
import tesla from "./company/tesla.png";
import carrent from "./carrent.png";
import jobit from "./jobit.png";
import tripguide from "./tripguide.png";
export {
export {
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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
<svg width="20" height="12" viewBox="0 0 20 12" fill="#FFF" xmlns="">
<path d="M9 2L19 2C19.2652 2 19.5196 1.89464 19.7071 1.70711C19.8946 1.51957 20 1.26522 20 1C20 0.734784 19.8946 0.480429 19.7071 0.292892C19.5196 0.105356 19.2652 0 19 0L9 0C8.73478 0 8.48043 0.105356 8.29289 0.292892C8.10536 0.480429 8 0.734784 8 1C8 1.26522 8.10536 1.51957 8.29289 1.70711C8.48043 1.89464 8.73478 2 9 2ZM19 10L1 10C0.734784 10 0.480429 10.1054 0.292892 10.2929C0.105356 10.4804 0 10.7348 0 11C0 11.2652 0.105356 11.5196 0.292892 11.7071C0.480429 11.8946 0.734784 12 1 12L19 12C19.2652 12 19.5196 11.8946 19.7071 11.7071C19.8946 11.5196 20 11.2652 20 11C20 10.7348 19.8946 10.4804 19.7071 10.2929C19.5196 10.1054 19.2652 10 19 10V10ZM1 7L19 7C19.2652 7 19.5196 6.89464 19.7071 6.70711C19.8946 6.51957 20 6.26522 20 6C20 5.73478 19.8946 5.48043 19.7071 5.29289C19.5196 5.10536 19.2652 5 19 5L1 5C0.734784 5 0.480429 5.10536 0.292892 5.29289C0.105356 5.48043 0 5.73478 0 6C0 6.26522 0.105356 6.51957 0.292892 6.70711C0.480429 6.89464 0.734784 7 1 7Z" fill="#FFFFFF"/>
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1.1 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 22 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 5.3 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 5.4 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 4.6 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 3.4 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 5.2 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 3.7 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 7.9 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 6.4 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 4.0 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 7.6 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 5.1 KiB |
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
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<svg fill="none" stroke-linecap="square" stroke-miterlimit="10" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 226.77 226.77" xmlns="">
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<path d="m84.91 125.03-10.724-43.465 43.008 12.346z"/>
<path d="m63.458 38.153 10.724 43.465-43.008-12.346z"/>
<path d="m149.47 62.93 10.724 43.465-43.008-12.346z"/>
<path d="m84.915 125.06 10.724 43.465-43.008-12.346z"/>
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 677 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 3.4 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 3.3 MiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 58 KiB |
@ -2,8 +2,6 @@ import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { styles } from "../style";
import { styles } from "../style";
import { ComputersCanvas } from "./canvas";
import { ComputersCanvas } from "./canvas";
import { Link } from "react-router-dom";
import { Link } from "react-router-dom";
import { navLinks } from "../constants";
import { logo, menu, close } from "../assets";
const Hero = () => {
const Hero = () => {
@ -23,7 +21,7 @@ const Hero = () => {
let active_bbt = "bbt1";
let active_bbt = "bbt1";
let number_of_defenders = 0;
let number_of_defenders = 0;
let number_of_strikers = 0;
let number_of_strikers = 0;
let idCounter = 0;
var shooterX = 0;
var shooterX = 0;
var shooterY = 0;
var shooterY = 0;
var eX = " ";
var eX = " ";
@ -37,7 +35,6 @@ const Hero = () => {
document.getElementById("bbt3").style.background = "#99FFCC";
document.getElementById("bbt3").style.background = "#99FFCC";
document.getElementById("bbt4").style.background = "#99FFCC";
document.getElementById("bbt4").style.background = "#99FFCC";
document.getElementById(a).style.background = "#00CC66";
document.getElementById(a).style.background = "#00CC66";
active_bbt = a
active_bbt = a
function changeLeg(a){
function changeLeg(a){
@ -130,6 +127,46 @@ const Hero = () => {
number_of_strikers = 0
number_of_strikers = 0
//funkcja dodaje zawodnika do listy zawodnikow. zmienne x oraz y to wspolrzedne a position
// to pozycja zawodnika 0 - strzelec, 1 - bramkarz, 2 - broniacy, 3 napastnik
// ball - to odnosnik do punktu na boisku
function addPlayer(x,y, possition, ball){
//Zmiana stylu w zaleznosci czy zawodnik jest obronca/napastnikiem iyp.
var pName = "Strzelec"
var pColor = "white"
var bColor = "rgb(16, 46, 29)"
if(possition == 1){
var pName = "Bramkarz"
var pColor = "white"
var bColor = "rgb(16, 46, 29)"
}else if(possition == 2){
var pName = "Napastnik"
var pColor = "white"
var bColor = "rgb(16, 46, 29)"
}else if (possition ==3){
var pName = "Obrońca"
var pColor = "white"
var bColor = "rgb(16, 46, 29)"
var player = document.createElement('div');
player.className = 'player';
| = "inherit"
var list = document.getElementById("list")
var tekst = document.createElement('div')
| = "10px";
tekst.innerHTML = pName;
// Wysłanie zapytania do serwera
// Wysłanie zapytania do serwera
const [data,setData] = useState([{}])
const [data,setData] = useState([{}])
function sentQuestion() {
function sentQuestion() {
@ -159,7 +196,6 @@ const Hero = () => {
shooterX = (x * 105)/600
shooterX = (x * 105)/600
shooterY = ((400 - y) * 69)/ 400
shooterY = ((400 - y) * 69)/ 400
// Przypadek kiedy zaznaczamy strzelca
// Przypadek kiedy zaznaczamy strzelca
if(active_bbt == "bbt1"){
if(active_bbt == "bbt1"){
let existingBall = document.querySelector('.football');
let existingBall = document.querySelector('.football');
@ -169,6 +205,8 @@ const Hero = () => {
ball.className = 'football';
ball.className = 'football';
|||||| = x + 'px';
| = x + 'px';
|||||| = y + 'px';
| = y + 'px';
| = "ball_" + new Date().getTime().toString()
} else {
} else {
alert('Możesz dodać tylko jedną piłkę!');
alert('Możesz dodać tylko jedną piłkę!');
@ -182,6 +220,7 @@ const Hero = () => {
ball.className = 'goalkeeper';
ball.className = 'goalkeeper';
|||||| = x + 'px';
| = x + 'px';
|||||| = y + 'px';
| = y + 'px';
} else {
} else {
alert('Możesz dodać tylko jednego bramkarza!');
alert('Możesz dodać tylko jednego bramkarza!');
@ -195,6 +234,7 @@ const Hero = () => {
||||||| = x + 'px';
| = x + 'px';
|||||| = y + 'px';
| = y + 'px';
number_of_defenders = number_of_defenders + 1} else {alert("zbyt duza liczba obronców")}
number_of_defenders = number_of_defenders + 1} else {alert("zbyt duza liczba obronców")}
}else if(active_bbt == "bbt4"){
}else if(active_bbt == "bbt4"){
// Przypadek kiedy zaznaczamy napastnika
// Przypadek kiedy zaznaczamy napastnika
@ -204,6 +244,7 @@ const Hero = () => {
||||||| = x + 'px';
| = x + 'px';
|||||| = y + 'px';
| = y + 'px';
number_of_strikers = number_of_strikers + 1
number_of_strikers = number_of_strikers + 1
}else{alert("zbyt duza liczba obroncow")}}
}else{alert("zbyt duza liczba obroncow")}}
@ -243,7 +284,7 @@ const Hero = () => {
/*zwracany komponent zawierajacy boisko*/
/*zwracany komponent zawierajacy boisko*/
return (
return (
<div className="container">
<div className="container">
{/* Listy zwijane */}
{/* Listy zwijane */}
@ -264,13 +305,6 @@ const Hero = () => {
{/* old version */}
{/* <div className="ChoosingPlayer">
<button className="cho-shooter" id = "bbt5">Noga Prawa</button>
<button className="cho-goalkeeper"id = "bbt6">Noga Lewa</button>
<button className="cho-defence" id = "bbt7">Głowa</button>
<button className="cho-atack" id = "bbt8">Inna</button>
</div> */}
<div className="dropdown">
<div className="dropdown">
<button onClick={toggleDropdown} className="dropbtn">Technika strzału</button>
<button onClick={toggleDropdown} className="dropbtn">Technika strzału</button>
@ -280,6 +314,7 @@ const Hero = () => {
<a href="#"> Wolej </a>
<a href="#"> Wolej </a>
<a href="#"> Półwolej </a>
<a href="#"> Półwolej </a>
<a href="#"> Lob </a>
<a href="#"> Lob </a>
<a href="#"> Szczupak </a>
<a href="#"> Szczupak </a>
<a href="#"> Kopnięcie z góry </a>
<a href="#"> Kopnięcie z góry </a>
<a href="#"> Piętka </a>
<a href="#"> Piętka </a>
@ -327,31 +362,14 @@ const Hero = () => {
<div className="main-content" id = "field">
<div className="main-content" id = "field">
<div className="player-list" id = "list">
<div className="field" id="footballField">
<div className="field" id="footballField">
<div className="field-pic"></div>
<span className="left">
<span className="halfway-line"></span>
<span className="centre-circle"></span>
<span className="centre-mark"></span>
<span className="penalty-area"></span>
<span className="penalty-mark"></span>
<span className="penalty-arc"></span>
<span className="goal-area"></span>
<span className="corner-arc"></span>
<span className="right">
<span className="halfway-line"></span>
<span className="centre-circle"></span>
<span className="centre-mark"></span>
<span className="penalty-area"></span>
<span className="penalty-mark"></span>
<span className="penalty-arc"></span>
<span className="goal-area"></span>
<span className="corner-arc"></span>
@ -386,7 +404,7 @@ const Hero = () => {
@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { Link } from "react-router-dom";
import { Link } from "react-router-dom";
import { styles } from "../style";
import { styles } from "../style";
import { navLinks } from "../constants";
import { logo, menu, close } from "../assets";
import { logo} from "../assets";
const Navbar = () => {
const Navbar = () => {
const [active, setActive] = useState("");
const [active, setActive] = useState("");
@ -48,20 +48,6 @@ const Navbar = () => {
<ul className='list-none hidden sm:flex flex-row gap-10'>
{ => (
active === nav.title ? "text-white" : "text-secondary"
} hover:text-white text-[18px] font-medium cursor-pointer`}
onClick={() => setActive(nav.title)}
<a href={`#${}`}>{nav.title}</a>
@ -1,257 +1,7 @@
import {
import {
} from "../assets";
} from "../assets";
export const navLinks = [
export { };
const services = [
title: "Web Developer",
icon: web,
title: "React Native Developer",
icon: mobile,
title: "Backend Developer",
icon: backend,
title: "Content Creator",
icon: creator,
const technologies = [
name: "HTML 5",
icon: html,
name: "CSS 3",
icon: css,
name: "JavaScript",
icon: javascript,
name: "TypeScript",
icon: typescript,
name: "React JS",
icon: reactjs,
name: "Redux Toolkit",
icon: redux,
name: "Tailwind CSS",
icon: tailwind,
name: "Node JS",
icon: nodejs,
name: "MongoDB",
icon: mongodb,
name: "Three JS",
icon: threejs,
name: "git",
icon: git,
name: "figma",
icon: figma,
name: "docker",
icon: docker,
const experiences = [
title: "React.js Developer",
company_name: "Starbucks",
icon: starbucks,
iconBg: "#383E56",
date: "March 2020 - April 2021",
points: [
"Developing and maintaining web applications using React.js and other related technologies.",
"Collaborating with cross-functional teams including designers, product managers, and other developers to create high-quality products.",
"Implementing responsive design and ensuring cross-browser compatibility.",
"Participating in code reviews and providing constructive feedback to other developers.",
title: "React Native Developer",
company_name: "Tesla",
icon: tesla,
iconBg: "#E6DEDD",
date: "Jan 2021 - Feb 2022",
points: [
"Developing and maintaining web applications using React.js and other related technologies.",
"Collaborating with cross-functional teams including designers, product managers, and other developers to create high-quality products.",
"Implementing responsive design and ensuring cross-browser compatibility.",
"Participating in code reviews and providing constructive feedback to other developers.",
title: "Web Developer",
company_name: "Shopify",
icon: shopify,
iconBg: "#383E56",
date: "Jan 2022 - Jan 2023",
points: [
"Developing and maintaining web applications using React.js and other related technologies.",
"Collaborating with cross-functional teams including designers, product managers, and other developers to create high-quality products.",
"Implementing responsive design and ensuring cross-browser compatibility.",
"Participating in code reviews and providing constructive feedback to other developers.",
title: "Full stack Developer",
company_name: "Meta",
icon: meta,
iconBg: "#E6DEDD",
date: "Jan 2023 - Present",
points: [
"Developing and maintaining web applications using React.js and other related technologies.",
"Collaborating with cross-functional teams including designers, product managers, and other developers to create high-quality products.",
"Implementing responsive design and ensuring cross-browser compatibility.",
"Participating in code reviews and providing constructive feedback to other developers.",
const testimonials = [
"I thought it was impossible to make a website as beautiful as our product, but Rick proved me wrong.",
name: "Sara Lee",
designation: "CFO",
company: "Acme Co",
image: "",
"I've never met a web developer who truly cares about their clients' success like Rick does.",
name: "Chris Brown",
designation: "COO",
company: "DEF Corp",
image: "",
"After Rick optimized our website, our traffic increased by 50%. We can't thank them enough!",
name: "Lisa Wang",
designation: "CTO",
company: "456 Enterprises",
image: "",
const projects = [
name: "Car Rent",
"Web-based platform that allows users to search, book, and manage car rentals from various providers, providing a convenient and efficient solution for transportation needs.",
tags: [
name: "react",
color: "blue-text-gradient",
name: "mongodb",
color: "green-text-gradient",
name: "tailwind",
color: "pink-text-gradient",
image: carrent,
source_code_link: "",
name: "Job IT",
"Web application that enables users to search for job openings, view estimated salary ranges for positions, and locate available jobs based on their current location.",
tags: [
name: "react",
color: "blue-text-gradient",
name: "restapi",
color: "green-text-gradient",
name: "scss",
color: "pink-text-gradient",
image: jobit,
source_code_link: "",
name: "Trip Guide",
"A comprehensive travel booking platform that allows users to book flights, hotels, and rental cars, and offers curated recommendations for popular destinations.",
tags: [
name: "nextjs",
color: "blue-text-gradient",
name: "supabase",
color: "green-text-gradient",
name: "css",
color: "pink-text-gradient",
image: tripguide,
source_code_link: "",
export { services, technologies, experiences, testimonials, projects };
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
@tailwind components;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
@tailwind utilities;
display: block; /* Może być inline-block, jeśli preferujesz */
display: block; /* Może być inline-block, jeśli preferujesz */
margin: 20px auto; /* Centralnie i z marginesem */
margin: 20px auto; /* Centralnie i z marginesem */
@ -30,12 +29,26 @@
.container {
.container {
display: flex;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
align-items: baseline;
justify-content: space-between;
justify-content: space-between;
align-items: center;
position: relative;
position: relative;
font-size: 7px;
font-size: 7px;
margin: 50 px;
margin: 5px;
width: 100%;
height: inherit;
width: inherit;
.field-pic img{
max-width: 100%;
max-height: 100%;
.container span {
.container span {
display: block;
display: block;
@ -44,21 +57,29 @@
display: flex;
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
justify-content: space-between;
align-items: center;
align-items: center;
width: 100%;
width: inherit;
height: 8vh;
background-color: rgb(16, 46, 29);
--line: 0.3em solid white;
border: var(--line);
.field {
.field {
--line: 0.3em solid white;
--line: 0.3em solid white;
border: var(--line);
border: var(--line);
position: relative;
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
overflow: hidden;
width: inherit;
width: 50vw;
height: inherit;
height: calc(50vw*68/105);
z-index: 1;
z-index: 1;
margin: 0;
margin: 0;
background-image: url("img_tree.gif");
width: 120em;
background-color: #cccccc;
height: 80em;
justify-content: space-between;
justify-content: space-between;
@ -72,13 +93,19 @@
background-color: #f0f0f0; /* Example background color */
background-color: #f0f0f0; /* Example background color */
z-index: 1000; /* Ensure it stays on top of other content */
z-index: 1000; /* Ensure it stays on top of other content */
background-color: rgb(61, 38, 38);
width: 10vw;
height: calc(50vw*68/105);
.top-bar {
.top-bar {
display: flex;
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
justify-content: space-between;
align-items: center;
align-items: center;
padding: 10px;
padding: 10px;
width: 100%; /* Dostosuj szerokość zgodnie z potrzebami */
width: 60vw; /* Dostosuj szerokość zgodnie z potrzebami */
/* Możesz dodać dodatkowe style, jak tło, obramowanie itp. */
/* Możesz dodać dodatkowe style, jak tło, obramowanie itp. */
z-index: 2;
z-index: 2;
@ -88,106 +115,9 @@
justify-content: space-between; /* Rozmieszcza przyciski równomiernie */
justify-content: space-between; /* Rozmieszcza przyciski równomiernie */
align-items: center;
align-items: center;
padding: 10px;
padding: 10px;
width: 100%; /* Dostosuj szerokość zgodnie z potrzebami */
width: 50vw; /* Dostosuj szerokość zgodnie z potrzebami */
/* Możesz dodać dodatkowe style, jak tło, obramowanie itp. */
/* Możesz dodać dodatkowe style, jak tło, obramowanie itp. */
.halfway-line {
width: 60em;
height: 80em;
border-right: var(--line);
.penalty-arc {
width: 20em;
height: 20em;
border: var(--line);
border-radius: 50%;
position: absolute;
top: 30em;
.centre-circle {
left: calc((120em - 20em - 0.3em) / 2);
.centre-mark {
width: 2em;
height: 2em;
background-color: white;
border-radius: 50%;
position: absolute;
top: calc(80em / 2 - 1em);
left: calc(120em / 2 - 1em + 0.3em / 2);
.penalty-mark {
width: 2em;
height: 2em;
background-color: white;
border-radius: 50%;
position: absolute;
top: calc(80em / 2 - 1em);
left: calc(12em - 2em / 2);
.penalty-area {
width: 18em;
height: 44em;
border: var(--line);
position: absolute;
top: calc((80em - 44em) / 2);
left: -0.3em;
background-color: green;
.penalty-arc {
left: calc(12em - 20em / 2);
z-index: -1;
.goal-area {
width: 6em;
height: 20em;
border: var(--line);
position: absolute;
top: calc((80em - 20em) / 2);
left: -0.3em;
.corner-arc {
border: 1px solid blue;
position: absolute;
.corner-arc::before {
content: '';
position: absolute;
width: 5em;
height: 5em;
border: 0.3em solid white;
border-radius: 50%;
.corner-arc::before {
top: 0;
left: 0;
.corner-arc::after {
bottom: 0;
right: 0;
.right {
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
left: 50%;
transform: rotateY(180deg);
.football {
.football {
width: 2em;
width: 2em;
height: 2em;
height: 2em;