Przeszukiwanie-stanów-A_star #2

s481832 merged 12 commits from Przeszukiwanie-stanów-A_star into master 2024-05-08 12:00:16 +02:00
42 changed files with 488 additions and 207 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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.vscode/settings.json vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"python.analysis.extraPaths": [

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import pygame
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from abc import abstractmethod
class Animal:
def __init__(self, x, y,name, image, food_image, food, environment, adult=False,):
@ -14,29 +14,31 @@ class Animal:
self.environment = environment #hot/cold/medium
def draw(self, screen, grid_size):
self.image = pygame.transform.scale(self.image, (grid_size, grid_size))
if self.adult:
# If adult, draw like AdultAnimal
# Jeśli zwierzę jest dorosłe, skaluj obrazek na większy rozmiar
new_width = grid_size * 2
new_height = grid_size * 2
scaled_image = pygame.transform.scale(self.image, (new_width, new_height))
screen.blit(scaled_image, (self.x * grid_size, self.y * grid_size))
# If not adult, draw like normal Animal
screen.blit(self.image, (self.x * grid_size, self.y * grid_size))
# Jeśli zwierzę nie jest dorosłe, skaluj obrazek na rozmiar jednej kratki
scaled_image = pygame.transform.scale(self.image, (grid_size, grid_size))
screen.blit(scaled_image, (self.x * grid_size, self.y * grid_size))
def draw_exclamation(self, screen, grid_size, x, y):
exclamation_image = pygame.image.load('images/exclamation.png')
exclamation_image = pygame.transform.scale(exclamation_image, (grid_size,grid_size))
screen.blit(exclamation_image, (x*grid_size, y*grid_size - grid_size))
exclamation_image = pygame.transform.scale(exclamation_image, (int(grid_size * 0.45), int(grid_size * 0.45)))
screen.blit(exclamation_image, (x * grid_size, y * grid_size))
def draw_food(self, screen, grid_size, x, y):
scale = 0.45
food_image = pygame.image.load(self.food_image)
food_image = pygame.transform.scale(food_image, (grid_size,grid_size))
screen.blit(food_image, (x*grid_size, y*grid_size + grid_size))
y = y + 1
scale = 0.7
food_image = pygame.transform.scale(food_image, (int(grid_size * scale), int(grid_size * scale)))
screen.blit(food_image, (x * grid_size, (y + 1) * grid_size - int(grid_size * scale)))
def feed(self):
@ -44,4 +46,4 @@ class Animal:
def getting_hungry(self):

Animals/animals.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
from elephant import Elephant
from giraffe import Giraffe
from penguin import Penguin
from parrot import Parrot
from bear import Bear
def create_animals():
giraffe1 = Giraffe(0, 0, adult=True)
giraffe2 = Giraffe(0, 0, adult=True)
giraffe3 = Giraffe(0, 0, adult=True)
giraffe4 = Giraffe(0, 0)
giraffe5 = Giraffe(0, 0)
bear1 = Bear(0, 0, adult=True)
bear2 = Bear(0, 0, adult=True)
bear3 = Bear(0, 0)
bear4 = Bear(0, 0)
bear5 = Bear(0, 0)
penguin1 = Penguin(0, 0)
penguin2 = Penguin(0, 0)
penguin3 = Penguin(0, 0)
penguin4 = Penguin(0, 0)
elephant1 = Elephant(0, 0, adult=True)
elephant2 = Elephant(0, 0, adult=True)
elephant3 = Elephant(0, 0)
elephant4 = Elephant(0, 0)
elephant5 = Elephant(0, 0)
parrot1 = Parrot(0, 0)
parrot2 = Parrot(0, 0)
parrot3 = Parrot(0, 0)
parrot4 = Parrot(0, 0)
parrot5 = Parrot(0, 0)
Animals = [giraffe1, giraffe2, giraffe3, giraffe4, giraffe5,
bear1, bear2, bear3, bear4, bear5,
elephant1, elephant2, elephant3, elephant4, elephant5,
penguin1, penguin2, penguin3, penguin4,
parrot1, parrot2, parrot3, parrot4, parrot5]
return Animals
def draw_Animals(Animals, const):
for Animal in Animals:
Animal.draw(const.screen, const.GRID_SIZE)
if Animal.feed() == 'True':
Animal.draw_exclamation(const.screen, const.GRID_SIZE, Animal.x, Animal.y)

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@ -2,8 +2,6 @@ from animal import Animal
import pygame
from datetime import datetime
class Bear(Animal):
def __init__(self, x, y, adult=False):
Bear_image = pygame.image.load('images/bear.png')

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

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@ -1,34 +1,66 @@
import pygame
from state_space_search import is_border, is_obstacle
class Agent:
def __init__(self, x, y, image_path, grid_size):
self.x = x
self.y = y
def __init__(self, istate, image_path, grid_size):
self.istate = istate
self.x, self.y, self.direction = istate
self.grid_size = grid_size
self.image = pygame.image.load(image_path)
self.image= pygame.image.load(image_path)
self.image = pygame.transform.scale(self.image, (grid_size, grid_size))
def draw(self, screen):
def draw(self, screen, grid_size):
# Obróć obrazek zgodnie z kierunkiem
if self.direction == 'E':
self.image= pygame.image.load('images/agent4.png')
elif self.direction == 'S':
self.image= pygame.image.load('images/agent1.png')
elif self.direction == 'W':
self.image= pygame.image.load('images/agent3.png')
else: # direction == 'N'
self.image= pygame.image.load('images/agent2.png')
self.image = pygame.transform.scale(self.image, (grid_size, grid_size))
screen.blit(self.image, (self.x * self.grid_size, self.y * self.grid_size))
def move(self, dx, dy):
self.x += dx
self.y += dy
def handle_event(self, event, grid_height,grid_width, animals, blocked_fields):
def handle_event(self, event, max_x, max_y, animals, obstacles):
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_UP and self.y > 0 and (self.x, self.y-1) not in blocked_fields:
self.move(0, -1)
elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN and self.y < grid_height - 1 and (self.x, self.y+1) not in blocked_fields:
self.move(0, 1)
elif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT and self.x > 0 and (self.x-1, self.y) not in blocked_fields:
self.move(-1, 0)
elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT and self.x < grid_width - 1 and (self.x+1, self.y) not in blocked_fields:
self.move(1, 0)
if event.key == pygame.K_UP:
self.move('Go Forward', max_x, max_y, obstacles, animals)
elif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
self.move('Turn Left', max_x, max_y, obstacles, animals)
elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
self.move('Turn Right', max_x, max_y, obstacles, animals)
def move(self, action, max_x, max_y, obstacles, animals, goal):
if action == 'Go Forward':
new_x, new_y = self.x, self.y
if self.direction == 'N':
new_y -= 1
elif self.direction == 'E':
new_x += 1
elif self.direction == 'S':
new_y += 1
elif self.direction == 'W':
new_x -= 1
# Sprawdź, czy nowe położenie mieści się w granicach kraty i nie jest przeszkodą
if is_border(new_x, new_y, max_x, max_y) and not(is_obstacle(new_x, new_y, obstacles)):
self.x, self.y = new_x, new_y
elif action == 'Turn Left':
self.direction = {'N': 'W', 'W': 'S', 'S': 'E', 'E': 'N'}[self.direction]
elif action == 'Turn Right':
self.direction = {'N': 'E', 'E': 'S', 'S': 'W', 'W': 'N'}[self.direction]
self.istate = (self.x, self.y, self.direction)
feed_animal(self, animals, goal)
def feed_animal(self, animals, goal):
goal_x, goal_y = goal
if self.x == goal_x and self.y == goal_y:
for animal in animals:
if self.x == animal.x and self.y == animal.y:
if animal.feed()== 'True':
if animal.x == goal_x and animal.y == goal_y:
if animal.feed() == 'True':
animal._feed = 0
print(animal.name,"fed with",animal.food)
print(animal.name, "fed with", animal.food)

constants.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
import pygame
class Constants:
def __init__(self):
self.BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
self.RED = (255, 0, 0)
self.GRID_SIZE = 50
self.GRID_WIDTH = 30
self.GRID_HEIGHT = 15
self.background_image = pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load('images/tło.jpg'), self.WINDOW_SIZE)
def init_pygame(const):
const.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(const.WINDOW_SIZE)

draw.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
import pygame
def draw_goal(const, goal):
x, y = goal
rect = (x * const.GRID_SIZE, y * const.GRID_SIZE, const.GRID_SIZE, const.GRID_SIZE)
pygame.draw.rect(const.screen, const.RED, rect)
def draw_grid(const):
for y in range(0, const.GRID_HEIGHT * const.GRID_SIZE, const.GRID_SIZE):
for x in range(0, const.GRID_WIDTH * const.GRID_SIZE, const.GRID_SIZE):
rect = pygame.Rect(x, y, const.GRID_SIZE, const.GRID_SIZE)
pygame.draw.rect(const.screen, const.BLACK, rect, 1)

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@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
import pygame
class Enclosure:
def __init__(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, gate, type, imageH, imageV, imageGate):
def __init__(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, gate1, gate2, type, imageH, imageV, imageGate):
self.x1 = x1 - 1
self.y1 = y1 - 1
#(x1,y1) - wierzchołek przekątnej
# (x1,y1) - wierzchołek przekątnej
self.x2 = x2 - 1
self.y2 = y2 - 1
#(x2,y2) - 2 wierzchołek przekątnej
self.gate = gate
# (x2,y2) - 2 wierzchołek przekątnej
self.gate1 = gate1
self.gate2 = gate2
self.type = type
self.imageH = imageH
self.imageV = imageV
@ -16,64 +18,57 @@ class Enclosure:
def gatebuild(self, screen, grid_size):
self.imageGate = pygame.transform.scale(self.imageGate, (grid_size, grid_size))
gate_x, gate_y = self.gate
rect = pygame.Rect(gate_x * grid_size, gate_y * grid_size, grid_size, grid_size)
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (0, 0, 0), rect) # Fill the area with
screen.blit(self.imageGate, (gate_x * grid_size, gate_y * grid_size))
gate_x1, gate_y1 = self.gate1
gate_x2, gate_y2 = self.gate2
gate_x1 -= 1
gate_y1 -= 1
gate_x2 -= 1
gate_y2 -= 1
rect1 = pygame.Rect(gate_x1 * grid_size, gate_y1 * grid_size, grid_size, grid_size)
rect2 = pygame.Rect(gate_x2 * grid_size, gate_y2 * grid_size, grid_size, grid_size)
screen.blit(self.imageGate, (gate_x1 * grid_size, gate_y1 * grid_size))
screen.blit(self.imageGate, (gate_x2 * grid_size, gate_y2 * grid_size))
def gateopen(self, blocked):
gate_x, gate_y = self.gate
gate_x -= 1
gate_y -= 1
if (gate_x, gate_y) in blocked:
blocked.remove((gate_x, gate_y))
def draw(self,screen, grid_size , blocked_fields):
def draw(self, screen, grid_size):
self.imageH = pygame.transform.scale(self.imageH, (grid_size, grid_size))
self.imageV = pygame.transform.scale(self.imageV, (grid_size, grid_size))
gate_x1, gate_y1 = self.gate1
gate_x2, gate_y2 = self.gate2
gate_x1 -= 1
gate_y1 -= 1
gate_x2 -= 1
gate_y2 -= 1
if self.x1 < self.x2:
for i in range(self.x1, self.x2+1):
screen.blit(self.imageH, (i * grid_size, self.y1 * grid_size))
blocked_fields.add((i, self.y1))
screen.blit(self.imageH, (i * grid_size, self.y2 * grid_size))
blocked_fields.add((i, self.y2))
if self.y1 < self.y2:
for j in range(self.y1, self.y2+1):
screen.blit(self.imageH, (self.x1 * grid_size, j * grid_size))
blocked_fields.add((self.x1, j))
screen.blit(self.imageH, (self.x2 * grid_size, j * grid_size))
blocked_fields.add((self.x2, j))
if self.y1 > self.y2:
for j in range(self.y2, self.y1+1):
screen.blit(self.imageH, (self.x1 * grid_size, j * grid_size))
blocked_fields.add((self.x1, j))
screen.blit(self.imageH, (self.x2 * grid_size, j * grid_size))
blocked_fields.add((self.x2, j))
if self.x1 > self.x2:
for i in range(self.x2, self.x1+1):
screen.blit(self.imageH, (i * grid_size, self.y1 * grid_size))
blocked_fields.add((i, self.y1))
screen.blit(self.imageH, (i * grid_size, self.y2 * grid_size))
blocked_fields.add((i, self.y2))
if self.y1 < self.y2:
for j in range(self.y1, self.y2+1):
screen.blit(self.imageH, (self.x1 * grid_size, j * grid_size))
blocked_fields.add((self.x1, j))
screen.blit(self.imageH, (self.x2 * grid_size, j * grid_size))
blocked_fields.add((self.x2, j))
if self.y1 > self.y2:
for j in range(self.y2, self.y1+1):
screen.blit(self.imageH, (self.x1 * grid_size, j * grid_size))
blocked_fields.add((self.x1, j))
screen.blit(self.imageH, (self.x2 * grid_size, j * grid_size))
blocked_fields.add((self.x2, j))
for i in range(self.x1, self.x2 + 1):
if (i, self.y1) != (gate_x1, gate_y1) and (i, self.y1) != (gate_x2, gate_y2):
screen.blit(self.imageH, (i * grid_size, self.y1 * grid_size))
if (i, self.y2) != (gate_x1, gate_y1) and (i, self.y2) != (gate_x2, gate_y2):
screen.blit(self.imageH, (i * grid_size, self.y2 * grid_size))
for j in range(self.y1, self.y2 + 1):
if (self.x1, j) != (gate_x1, gate_y1) and (self.x1, j) != (gate_x2, gate_y2):
screen.blit(self.imageV, (self.x1 * grid_size, j * grid_size))
if (self.x2, j) != (gate_x1, gate_y1) and (self.x2, j) != (gate_x2, gate_y2):
screen.blit(self.imageV, (self.x2 * grid_size, j * grid_size))
def create_enclosures():
fenceH = pygame.image.load('images/fenceHor.png')
fenceV = pygame.image.load('images/fenceVer.png')
gate = pygame.image.load('images/gate.png')
en1 = Enclosure(0, 5, 9, 11, (9, 6), (4, 11), "hot", fenceH, fenceV, gate) # Lewa klatka
en2 = Enclosure(13, 0, 29, 3, (16, 3), (27, 3), 'medium', fenceH, fenceV, gate) # Górna klatka
en3 = Enclosure(11, 5, 16, 11, (12, 5), (16, 8), 'cold', fenceH, fenceV, gate) # Środkowa klatka
en4 = Enclosure(19, 5, 31, 11, (23, 5), (25, 11), 'hot', fenceH, fenceV, gate) # Prawa klatka
en5 = Enclosure(4, 13, 28, 16, (12, 13), (20, 13), 'cold', fenceH, fenceV, gate) # Dolna klatka
Enclosures = [en1, en2, en3, en4, en5]
return Enclosures
def draw_enclosures(Enclosures, const):
for enclosure in Enclosures:
enclosure.draw(const.screen, const.GRID_SIZE)
def draw_gates(Enclosures, const):
for enclosure in Enclosures:
enclosure.gatebuild(const.screen, const.GRID_SIZE)

images/agent1.png Normal file

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images/agent2.png Normal file

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images/agent3.png Normal file

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images/agent4.png Normal file

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(image error) Size: 248 KiB

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images/bush.png Normal file

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(image error) Size: 222 KiB

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(image error) Size: 64 KiB

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images/puddle.png Normal file

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@ -1,117 +1,116 @@
import random
import pygame
import sys
from elephant import Elephant
from giraffe import Giraffe
from penguin import Penguin
from parrot import Parrot
from bear import Bear
import sys
from animals import create_animals, draw_Animals
from agent import Agent
from enclosure import Enclosure
from enclosure import create_enclosures, draw_enclosures, draw_gates
from spawner import Spawner
from state_space_search import graphsearch, generate_cost_map
from terrain_obstacle import create_obstacles, draw_Terrain_Obstacles
from constants import Constants, init_pygame
from draw import draw_goal, draw_grid
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(WINDOW_SIZE)
const = Constants()
pygame.display.set_caption("Mini Zoo")
background_image = pygame.image.load('images/tło.jpg')
background_image = pygame.transform.scale(background_image, WINDOW_SIZE)
fenceH = pygame.image.load('images/fenceHor.png')
fenceV = pygame.image.load('images/fenceVer.png')
gate = pygame.image.load('images/gate.png')
fences = set()
obstacles = set()
animals_position = set()
terrain_obstacles_position = set()
an1 = Parrot(16, 2)
an2 = Penguin(8, 6)
an3 = Bear(14, 9)
old_an2 = Giraffe(18,4, adult=True)
old_an1 = Elephant(4, 7, adult=True)
an4 = Elephant(4,3)
Animals = [an1, an2, an3, an4, old_an1, old_an2]
en1 = Enclosure(1,5,9,11,(9,6),"medium", fenceH, fenceV, gate)
en2 = Enclosure(29,3, 13,1,(16,3), 'medium', fenceH, fenceV, gate)
en3 = Enclosure(11,5, 16,11, (12,5),'cold', fenceH, fenceV, gate)
en4 = Enclosure(19,11, 30,5, (25,5),'hot', fenceH, fenceV, gate)
en5 = Enclosure(4,13, 28,15, (16,13),'cold', fenceH, fenceV, gate)
Enclosures = [en1, en2, en3, en4, en5]
def draw_grid():
for y in range(0, GRID_HEIGHT * GRID_SIZE, GRID_SIZE):
for x in range(0, GRID_WIDTH * GRID_SIZE, GRID_SIZE):
rect = pygame.Rect(x, y, GRID_SIZE, GRID_SIZE)
pygame.draw.rect(screen, BLACK, rect, 1)
def draw_enclosures():
for enclosure in Enclosures:
enclosure.draw(screen, GRID_SIZE, fences)
def draw_gates():
for enclosure in Enclosures:
enclosure.gatebuild(screen, GRID_SIZE)
def opengates():
for enclosure in Enclosures:
def draw_Animals():
for Animal in Animals:
Animal.draw(screen, GRID_SIZE)
if Animal.feed() == 'True':
Animal.draw_exclamation(screen, GRID_SIZE, Animal.x, Animal.y)
Animals = create_animals()
Enclosures = create_enclosures()
Terrain_Obstacles = create_obstacles()
def spawn_all_animals():
for Animal in Animals:
spawner1 = Spawner(Animal, Enclosures)
spawner1.spawn_animal(fences, animals_position)
spawner1 = Spawner(Animal)
spawner1.spawn_animal(obstacles, animals_position, Enclosures)
def spawn_obstacles():
for terrain_obstacle in Terrain_Obstacles:
spawner2 = Spawner(terrain_obstacle)
spawner2.spawn_terrain_obstacles(obstacles, animals_position, terrain_obstacles_position, const.GRID_WIDTH, const.GRID_HEIGHT)
def generate_obstacles():
for en in Enclosures:
# Pobierz współrzędne bramy
gate_x, gate_y = en.gate1
gate_x -= 1
gate_y -= 1
gate_x2, gate_y2 = en.gate2
gate_x2 -= 1
gate_y2 -= 1
# Dodaj lewy brzeg prostokąta
for y in range(en.y1, en.y2 + 1):
if (en.x1, y) != (gate_x, gate_y) and (en.x1, y) != (gate_x2, gate_y2):
obstacles.add((en.x1, y))
# Dodaj prawy brzeg prostokąta
for y in range(en.y1, en.y2 + 1):
if (en.x2, y) != (gate_x, gate_y) and (en.x2, y) != (gate_x2, gate_y2):
obstacles.add((en.x2, y))
# Dodaj górny brzeg prostokąta
for x in range(en.x1+1, en.x2):
if (x, en.y1) != (gate_x, gate_y) and (x, en.y1) != (gate_x2, gate_y2):
obstacles.add((x, en.y1))
# Dodaj dolny brzeg prostokąta
for x in range(en.x1+1, en.x2):
if (x, en.y2) != (gate_x, gate_y) and (x, en.y2) != (gate_x2, gate_y2):
obstacles.add((x, en.y2))
return obstacles
def main():
agent = Agent(0, 0, 'images/avatar.png', GRID_SIZE)
initial_state = (0, 0, 'S')
agent = Agent(initial_state, 'images/agent1.png', const.GRID_SIZE)
obstacles = generate_obstacles()
actions = []
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
spawned = False
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
agent.handle_event(event, GRID_HEIGHT, GRID_WIDTH, Animals, fences)
agent.handle_event(event, const.GRID_WIDTH, const.GRID_HEIGHT, Animals, obstacles)
const.screen.blit(const.background_image, (0, 0))
draw_enclosures(Enclosures, const)
draw_gates(Enclosures, const)
if not spawned:
cost_map = generate_cost_map(Animals, Terrain_Obstacles)
for animal in Animals:
animal._feed = 2 # Ustawienie, aby zwierzę było głodne
spawned = True
draw_Animals(Animals, const)
draw_Terrain_Obstacles(Terrain_Obstacles, const)
agent.draw(const.screen, const.GRID_SIZE)
if actions:
action = actions.pop(0)
agent.move(action, const.GRID_WIDTH, const.GRID_HEIGHT, obstacles, Animals, goal)
animal = random.choice(Animals)
goal = (animal.x, animal.y)
draw_goal(const, goal)
actions = graphsearch(agent.istate, goal, const.GRID_WIDTH, const.GRID_HEIGHT, obstacles, cost_map)
if __name__ == "__main__":

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@ -1,44 +1,53 @@
import random
class Spawner:
def __init__(self, animal, enclosures):
self.animal = animal
self.enclosures = enclosures
def __init__(self, entity):
self.entity = entity
def spawn_animal(self, blocked, taken, enclosures):
self.enclosures = [enclosure for enclosure in enclosures if enclosure.type == self.entity.environment]
# Wyrażenie listowe filtrujące tylko te wybiegi, które pasują do środowiska zwierzęcia
enclosure = random.choice(self.enclosures)
def spawn_animal(self, blocked, taken):
possibilities = self.enclosures
fitting = []
for option in possibilities:
if option.type == self.animal.environment:
enclosure = random.choice(fitting)
while True:
if enclosure.x1 < enclosure.x2:
self.animal.x = random.randint(enclosure.x1, enclosure.x2)
if enclosure.y1 < enclosure.y2:
self.animal.y = random.randint(enclosure.y1, enclosure.y2)
if enclosure.y1 > enclosure.y2:
self.animal.y = random.randint(enclosure.y2, enclosure.y1)
if enclosure.x1 > enclosure.x2:
self.animal.x = random.randint(enclosure.x2, enclosure.x1)
if enclosure.y1 < enclosure.y2:
self.animal.y = random.randint(enclosure.y1, enclosure.y2)
if enclosure.y1 > enclosure.y2:
self.animal.y = random.randint(enclosure.y2, enclosure.y1)
if self.check(blocked, taken):
if self.entity.adult:
self.entity.x = random.randint(enclosure.x1+1, enclosure.x2-2)
self.entity.y = random.randint(enclosure.y1+1, enclosure.y2-2)
self.entity.x = random.randint(enclosure.x1+1, enclosure.x2)
self.entity.y = random.randint(enclosure.y1+1, enclosure.y2)
if self.check(blocked | {(8,5),(3,10),(15,2),(26,2),(11,4),(15,7),(22,4),(24,10),(11,12),(19,12)}, taken):
def spawn_terrain_obstacles(self, blocked1, blocked2, taken, grid_width, grid_height):
blocked1 = blocked1 | {(8,5),(3,10),(15,2),(26,2),(11,4),(15,7),(22,4),(24,10),(11,12),(19,12)}
while True:
self.entity.x = random.randint(0, grid_width - 1)
self.entity.y = random.randint(0, grid_height - 1)
y = self.entity.y
x = self.entity.x
if (x, y) not in blocked1 and (x, y) not in blocked2 and (x, y) not in taken:
taken.add((self.entity.x, self.entity.y))
def check(self, blocked, taken):
x = self.animal.x
y = self.animal.y
x = self.entity.x
y = self.entity.y
if (x,y) in blocked or (x,y) in taken:
return False
return True
if self.entity.adult:
adult_fields = [(x, y), (x+1,y), (x,y+1), (x+1,y+1)] # Duże zwierze zajmuje 4 pola
if any(field in taken for field in adult_fields): # Jeśli stawiane zwierze jest dorosłe i jakiekolwiek pole jest zajęte, to nie można postawić zwierzęcia
return False
for field in adult_fields: # Dodaj wszystkie pola zajęte przez duże zwierzę
return True

state_space_search.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
from queue import PriorityQueue
def is_border(x, y, max_x, max_y):
return 0 <= x < max_x and 0 <= y < max_y
def is_obstacle(x, y, obstacles):
return (x, y) in obstacles
def succ(current_state, max_x, max_y, obstacles):
successors = []
x, y, direction = current_state
# Akcja: Do przodu
direction_x, direction_y = {'N': (0, -1), 'E': (1, 0), 'S': (0, 1), 'W': (-1, 0)}[direction] # Słownik przesunięć w zależności od kierunku
new_x, new_y = x + direction_x, y + direction_y
if is_border(new_x, new_y, max_x, max_y) and not(is_obstacle(new_x, new_y, obstacles)):
successors.append(((new_x, new_y, direction), 'Go Forward'))
# Akcja: Obrót w lewo
left_turns = {'N': 'W', 'W': 'S', 'S': 'E', 'E': 'N'} # Słownik kierunków po obrocie w lewo
successors.append(((x, y, left_turns[direction]), 'Turn Left'))
# Akcja: Obrót w prawo
right_turns = {'N': 'E', 'E': 'S', 'S': 'W', 'W': 'N'} # Słownik kierunków po obrocie w prawo
successors.append(((x, y, right_turns[direction]), 'Turn Right'))
return successors
def graphsearch(istate, goal, max_x, max_y, obstacles, cost_map):
fringe = PriorityQueue()
explored = set()
fringe.put((0, (istate, None , None)))
while not fringe.empty():
_, node = fringe.get()
state, _, _ = node
if goaltest(state, goal):
return build_action_sequence(node)
successors = succ(state, max_x, max_y, obstacles)
for new_state, action in successors:
new_node = (new_state, node, action)
p_new_state = current_cost(node, cost_map) + heuristic(state, goal)
if not is_state_in_queue(new_state, fringe) and new_state not in explored:
fringe.put((p_new_state, new_node))
elif is_state_in_queue(new_state, fringe):
for i, (p_existing_state, (existing_state, _, _)) in enumerate(fringe.queue):
if existing_state == new_state and p_existing_state > p_new_state:
fringe.queue[i] = (p_new_state, new_node)
return False
def is_state_in_queue(state, queue):
for _, (s, _, _) in queue.queue:
if s == state:
return True
return False
def build_action_sequence(node):
actions = []
while node[1] is not None: # Dopóki nie dojdziemy do korzenia
_, parent, action = node
node = parent
return actions
def goaltest(state, goal):
x, y, _ = state
goal_x, goal_y = goal
return (x,y) == (goal_x, goal_y)
def current_cost(node, cost_map):
cost = 0
while node[1] is not None: # Dopóki nie dojdziemy do korzenia
_, parent, action = node
# Dodaj koszt pola z mapy kosztów tylko jeśli akcja to "Forward"
if action == 'Go Forward':
state, _, _ = node
cost += cost_map.get(state[:2], DEFAULT_COST_VALUE) # Pobiera koszt przejścia przez dane pole, a jeśli koszt nie jest zdefiniowany to bierze wartość domyślną
if action == 'Turn Right' or action == 'Turn Left':
node = parent # Przejdź do rodzica
return cost
def heuristic(state, goal):
x, y, _ = state
goal_x, goal_y = goal
return abs(x - goal_x) + abs(y - goal_y) # Odległość Manhattana do celu
def generate_cost_map(Animals, Terrain_Obstacles, cost_map={}):
adult_animal_cost = 15 # Default : 15
baby_animal_cost = 10 # Default : 10
puddle_cost = 50 # Default : 50
bush_cost = 20 # Default : 20
for animal in Animals:
if animal.adult:
cost_map[(animal.x + 1, animal.y + 1)] = adult_animal_cost
cost_map[(animal.x + 1, animal.y)] = adult_animal_cost
cost_map[(animal.x, animal.y + 1)] = adult_animal_cost
cost_map[(animal.x, animal.y)] = adult_animal_cost
cost_map[(animal.x, animal.y)] = baby_animal_cost
for terrain_obstacle in Terrain_Obstacles:
if terrain_obstacle.type == 'puddle':
cost_map[(terrain_obstacle.x , terrain_obstacle.y )] = puddle_cost
cost_map[(terrain_obstacle.x , terrain_obstacle.y )] = bush_cost
return cost_map

terrain_obstacle.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
import pygame
class Terrain_Obstacle:
def __init__(self, x, y, type , image):
self.x = x - 1
self.y = y - 1
self.type = type
self.image = image
def draw(self, screen, grid_size):
scaled_image = pygame.transform.scale(self.image, (grid_size, grid_size))
screen.blit(scaled_image, (self.x * grid_size, self.y * grid_size))
def create_obstacles():
puddle_image = pygame.image.load('images/puddle.png')
bush_image = pygame.image.load('images/bush.png')
puddle1 = Terrain_Obstacle(0,0,'puddle', puddle_image)
puddle2 = Terrain_Obstacle(0,0,'puddle', puddle_image)
puddle3 = Terrain_Obstacle(0,0,'puddle', puddle_image)
puddle4 = Terrain_Obstacle(0,0,'puddle', puddle_image)
puddle5 = Terrain_Obstacle(0,0,'puddle', puddle_image)
puddle6 = Terrain_Obstacle(0,0,'puddle', puddle_image)
puddle7 = Terrain_Obstacle(0,0,'puddle', puddle_image)
bush1 = Terrain_Obstacle(0,0,'bush', bush_image)
bush2 = Terrain_Obstacle(0,0,'bush', bush_image)
bush3 = Terrain_Obstacle(0,0,'bush', bush_image)
bush4 = Terrain_Obstacle(0,0,'bush', bush_image)
bush5 = Terrain_Obstacle(0,0,'bush', bush_image)
Terrain_Obstacles = [puddle1, puddle2, puddle3, puddle4, puddle5, puddle6, puddle7, bush1, bush2, bush3, bush4, bush5]
return Terrain_Obstacles
def draw_Terrain_Obstacles(Terrain_Obstacles, const):
for terrain_obstacle in Terrain_Obstacles:
terrain_obstacle.draw(const.screen, const.GRID_SIZE)