2024-01-30 21:08:55 +01:00

834 KiB
Raw Blame History


Wykonali: Wojciech Lidwin, Witold Woch

!pip install transformers[torch]==4.34.1 tokenizers==0.14.1 sentencepiece==0.1.99 datasets==2.14.7 evaluate==0.4.1 sacrebleu==2.3.2
Requirement already satisfied: transformers[torch]==4.34.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (4.34.1)
Requirement already satisfied: tokenizers==0.14.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (0.14.1)
Requirement already satisfied: sentencepiece==0.1.99 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (0.1.99)
Requirement already satisfied: datasets==2.14.7 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (2.14.7)
Requirement already satisfied: evaluate==0.4.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (0.4.1)
Requirement already satisfied: sacrebleu==2.3.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (2.3.2)
Requirement already satisfied: filelock in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from transformers[torch]==4.34.1) (3.13.1)
Requirement already satisfied: huggingface-hub<1.0,>=0.16.4 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from transformers[torch]==4.34.1) (0.17.3)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.17 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from transformers[torch]==4.34.1) (1.23.5)
Requirement already satisfied: packaging>=20.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from transformers[torch]==4.34.1) (23.2)
Requirement already satisfied: pyyaml>=5.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from transformers[torch]==4.34.1) (6.0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: regex!=2019.12.17 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from transformers[torch]==4.34.1) (2023.6.3)
Requirement already satisfied: requests in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from transformers[torch]==4.34.1) (2.31.0)
Requirement already satisfied: safetensors>=0.3.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from transformers[torch]==4.34.1) (0.4.1)
Requirement already satisfied: tqdm>=4.27 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from transformers[torch]==4.34.1) (4.66.1)
Requirement already satisfied: torch!=1.12.0,>=1.10 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from transformers[torch]==4.34.1) (2.1.0+cu121)
Requirement already satisfied: accelerate>=0.20.3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from transformers[torch]==4.34.1) (0.26.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pyarrow>=8.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from datasets==2.14.7) (10.0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pyarrow-hotfix in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from datasets==2.14.7) (0.6)
Requirement already satisfied: dill<0.3.8,>=0.3.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from datasets==2.14.7) (0.3.7)
Requirement already satisfied: pandas in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from datasets==2.14.7) (1.5.3)
Requirement already satisfied: xxhash in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from datasets==2.14.7) (3.4.1)
Requirement already satisfied: multiprocess in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from datasets==2.14.7) (0.70.15)
Requirement already satisfied: fsspec[http]<=2023.10.0,>=2023.1.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from datasets==2.14.7) (2023.6.0)
Requirement already satisfied: aiohttp in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from datasets==2.14.7) (3.9.1)
Requirement already satisfied: responses<0.19 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from evaluate==0.4.1) (0.18.0)
Requirement already satisfied: portalocker in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from sacrebleu==2.3.2) (2.8.2)
Requirement already satisfied: tabulate>=0.8.9 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from sacrebleu==2.3.2) (0.9.0)
Requirement already satisfied: colorama in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from sacrebleu==2.3.2) (0.4.6)
Requirement already satisfied: lxml in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from sacrebleu==2.3.2) (4.9.4)
Requirement already satisfied: psutil in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from accelerate>=0.20.3->transformers[torch]==4.34.1) (5.9.5)
Requirement already satisfied: attrs>=17.3.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from aiohttp->datasets==2.14.7) (23.2.0)
Requirement already satisfied: multidict<7.0,>=4.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from aiohttp->datasets==2.14.7) (6.0.4)
Requirement already satisfied: yarl<2.0,>=1.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from aiohttp->datasets==2.14.7) (1.9.4)
Requirement already satisfied: frozenlist>=1.1.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from aiohttp->datasets==2.14.7) (1.4.1)
Requirement already satisfied: aiosignal>=1.1.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from aiohttp->datasets==2.14.7) (1.3.1)
Requirement already satisfied: async-timeout<5.0,>=4.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from aiohttp->datasets==2.14.7) (4.0.3)
Requirement already satisfied: typing-extensions>= in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from huggingface-hub<1.0,>=0.16.4->transformers[torch]==4.34.1) (4.5.0)
Requirement already satisfied: charset-normalizer<4,>=2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests->transformers[torch]==4.34.1) (3.3.2)
Requirement already satisfied: idna<4,>=2.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests->transformers[torch]==4.34.1) (3.6)
Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<3,>=1.21.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests->transformers[torch]==4.34.1) (2.0.7)
Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests->transformers[torch]==4.34.1) (2023.11.17)
Requirement already satisfied: sympy in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from torch!=1.12.0,>=1.10->transformers[torch]==4.34.1) (1.12)
Requirement already satisfied: networkx in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from torch!=1.12.0,>=1.10->transformers[torch]==4.34.1) (3.2.1)
Requirement already satisfied: jinja2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from torch!=1.12.0,>=1.10->transformers[torch]==4.34.1) (3.1.3)
Requirement already satisfied: triton==2.1.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from torch!=1.12.0,>=1.10->transformers[torch]==4.34.1) (2.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.8.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pandas->datasets==2.14.7) (2.8.2)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2020.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pandas->datasets==2.14.7) (2023.3.post1)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.8.1->pandas->datasets==2.14.7) (1.16.0)
Requirement already satisfied: MarkupSafe>=2.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from jinja2->torch!=1.12.0,>=1.10->transformers[torch]==4.34.1) (2.1.4)
Requirement already satisfied: mpmath>=0.19 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from sympy->torch!=1.12.0,>=1.10->transformers[torch]==4.34.1) (1.3.0)
!rm -rf data
!mkdir data
INFO:__main__:Loaded dataset ag_news: DatasetDict({
    train: Dataset({
        features: ['text', 'label'],
        num_rows: 120000
    test: Dataset({
        features: ['text', 'label'],
        num_rows: 7600
INFO:__main__:Train: 120000
INFO:__main__:Label 1:   1900
INFO:__main__:Label 2:   1900
INFO:__main__:Label 3:   1900
INFO:__main__:Label 4:   1900
INFO:__main__:Valid:   3800
INFO:__main__:Test :   3800
INFO:__main__:Saving into: data/train.json
INFO:__main__:Saved limited (5000) version in: data/train-5k.json
INFO:__main__:Saving into: data/s2s-train.json
INFO:__main__:Saved limited (5000) version in: data/s2s-train-5k.json
INFO:__main__:Saving into: data/valid.json
INFO:__main__:Saved limited (5000) version in: data/valid-5k.json
INFO:__main__:Saving into: data/s2s-valid.json
INFO:__main__:Saved limited (5000) version in: data/s2s-valid-5k.json
INFO:__main__:Saving into: data/test.json
INFO:__main__:Saved limited (5000) version in: data/test-5k.json
INFO:__main__:Saving into: data/s2s-test.json
INFO:__main__:Saved limited (5000) version in: data/s2s-test-5k.json
Tue Jan 30 17:15:48 2024       
| NVIDIA-SMI 535.104.05             Driver Version: 535.104.05   CUDA Version: 12.2     |
| GPU  Name                 Persistence-M | Bus-Id        Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC |
| Fan  Temp   Perf          Pwr:Usage/Cap |         Memory-Usage | GPU-Util  Compute M. |
|                                         |                      |               MIG M. |
|   0  Tesla T4                       Off | 00000000:00:04.0 Off |                    0 |
| N/A   37C    P8               9W /  70W |      0MiB / 15360MiB |      0%      Default |
|                                         |                      |                  N/A |
| Processes:                                                                            |
|  GPU   GI   CI        PID   Type   Process name                            GPU Memory |
|        ID   ID                                                             Usage      |
|  No running processes found                                                           |

Baseline - RoBERTa

!python \
  --cache_dir .cache_training \
  --model_name_or_path roberta-base \
  --train_file data/train-5k.json  \
  --validation_file data/valid-5k.json \
  --test_file data/test-5k.json \
  --per_device_train_batch_size 8 \
  --per_device_eval_batch_size 8 \
  --do_train \
  --do_eval \
  --do_predict \
  --max_seq_length 128 \
  --learning_rate 2e-5 \
  --num_train_epochs 1 \
  --save_strategy steps \
  --save_steps 1000 \
  --save_total_limit 5 \
  --logging_strategy steps \
  --logging_steps 50 \
  --eval_steps 1000 \
  --evaluation_strategy steps \
  --metric_for_best_model 'accuracy' \
  --greater_is_better 'True' \
  --load_best_model_at_end 'True' \
  --report_to 'none' \
  --output_dir out/ag_news/roberta
2024-01-30 16:13:02.731473: E external/local_xla/xla/stream_executor/cuda/] Unable to register cuDNN factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuDNN when one has already been registered
2024-01-30 16:13:02.731525: E external/local_xla/xla/stream_executor/cuda/] Unable to register cuFFT factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuFFT when one has already been registered
2024-01-30 16:13:02.732859: E external/local_xla/xla/stream_executor/cuda/] Unable to register cuBLAS factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuBLAS when one has already been registered
2024-01-30 16:13:04.107851: W tensorflow/compiler/tf2tensorrt/utils/] TF-TRT Warning: Could not find TensorRT
01/30/2024 16:13:06 - WARNING - __main__ - Process rank: 0, device: cuda:0, n_gpu: 1distributed training: False, 16-bits training: False
01/30/2024 16:13:06 - INFO - __main__ - Training/evaluation parameters TrainingArguments(
fsdp_config={'min_num_params': 0, 'xla': False, 'xla_fsdp_grad_ckpt': False},
01/30/2024 16:13:06 - INFO - __main__ - Checkpoint detected, resuming training at out/ag_news/roberta/checkpoint-625. To avoid this behavior, change the `--output_dir` or add `--overwrite_output_dir` to train from scratch.
01/30/2024 16:13:06 - INFO - __main__ - load a local file for train: data/train-5k.json
01/30/2024 16:13:06 - INFO - __main__ - load a local file for validation: data/valid-5k.json
01/30/2024 16:13:06 - INFO - __main__ - load a local file for test: data/test-5k.json
Using custom data configuration default-66787d84b69b27ff
01/30/2024 16:13:07 - INFO - datasets.builder - Using custom data configuration default-66787d84b69b27ff
Loading Dataset Infos from /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/datasets/packaged_modules/json
01/30/2024 16:13:07 - INFO - - Loading Dataset Infos from /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/datasets/packaged_modules/json
Overwrite dataset info from restored data version if exists.
01/30/2024 16:13:07 - INFO - datasets.builder - Overwrite dataset info from restored data version if exists.
Loading Dataset info from .cache_training/json/default-66787d84b69b27ff/0.0.0/8bb11242116d547c741b2e8a1f18598ffdd40a1d4f2a2872c7a28b697434bc96
01/30/2024 16:13:07 - INFO - - Loading Dataset info from .cache_training/json/default-66787d84b69b27ff/0.0.0/8bb11242116d547c741b2e8a1f18598ffdd40a1d4f2a2872c7a28b697434bc96
Found cached dataset json (/content/.cache_training/json/default-66787d84b69b27ff/0.0.0/8bb11242116d547c741b2e8a1f18598ffdd40a1d4f2a2872c7a28b697434bc96)
01/30/2024 16:13:07 - INFO - datasets.builder - Found cached dataset json (/content/.cache_training/json/default-66787d84b69b27ff/0.0.0/8bb11242116d547c741b2e8a1f18598ffdd40a1d4f2a2872c7a28b697434bc96)
Loading Dataset info from /content/.cache_training/json/default-66787d84b69b27ff/0.0.0/8bb11242116d547c741b2e8a1f18598ffdd40a1d4f2a2872c7a28b697434bc96
01/30/2024 16:13:07 - INFO - - Loading Dataset info from /content/.cache_training/json/default-66787d84b69b27ff/0.0.0/8bb11242116d547c741b2e8a1f18598ffdd40a1d4f2a2872c7a28b697434bc96
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:07,248 >> loading configuration file config.json from cache at .cache_training/models--roberta-base/snapshots/bc2764f8af2e92b6eb5679868df33e224075ca68/config.json
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:07,249 >> Model config RobertaConfig {
  "_name_or_path": "roberta-base",
  "architectures": [
  "attention_probs_dropout_prob": 0.1,
  "bos_token_id": 0,
  "classifier_dropout": null,
  "eos_token_id": 2,
  "hidden_act": "gelu",
  "hidden_dropout_prob": 0.1,
  "hidden_size": 768,
  "id2label": {
    "0": "LABEL_0",
    "1": "LABEL_1",
    "2": "LABEL_2",
    "3": "LABEL_3"
  "initializer_range": 0.02,
  "intermediate_size": 3072,
  "label2id": {
    "LABEL_0": 0,
    "LABEL_1": 1,
    "LABEL_2": 2,
    "LABEL_3": 3
  "layer_norm_eps": 1e-05,
  "max_position_embeddings": 514,
  "model_type": "roberta",
  "num_attention_heads": 12,
  "num_hidden_layers": 12,
  "pad_token_id": 1,
  "position_embedding_type": "absolute",
  "transformers_version": "4.34.1",
  "type_vocab_size": 1,
  "use_cache": true,
  "vocab_size": 50265

[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:07,331 >> Could not locate the tokenizer configuration file, will try to use the model config instead.
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:07,415 >> loading configuration file config.json from cache at .cache_training/models--roberta-base/snapshots/bc2764f8af2e92b6eb5679868df33e224075ca68/config.json
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:07,415 >> Model config RobertaConfig {
  "_name_or_path": "roberta-base",
  "architectures": [
  "attention_probs_dropout_prob": 0.1,
  "bos_token_id": 0,
  "classifier_dropout": null,
  "eos_token_id": 2,
  "hidden_act": "gelu",
  "hidden_dropout_prob": 0.1,
  "hidden_size": 768,
  "initializer_range": 0.02,
  "intermediate_size": 3072,
  "layer_norm_eps": 1e-05,
  "max_position_embeddings": 514,
  "model_type": "roberta",
  "num_attention_heads": 12,
  "num_hidden_layers": 12,
  "pad_token_id": 1,
  "position_embedding_type": "absolute",
  "transformers_version": "4.34.1",
  "type_vocab_size": 1,
  "use_cache": true,
  "vocab_size": 50265

[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:07,595 >> loading file vocab.json from cache at .cache_training/models--roberta-base/snapshots/bc2764f8af2e92b6eb5679868df33e224075ca68/vocab.json
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:07,595 >> loading file merges.txt from cache at .cache_training/models--roberta-base/snapshots/bc2764f8af2e92b6eb5679868df33e224075ca68/merges.txt
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:07,595 >> loading file tokenizer.json from cache at .cache_training/models--roberta-base/snapshots/bc2764f8af2e92b6eb5679868df33e224075ca68/tokenizer.json
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:07,595 >> loading file added_tokens.json from cache at None
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:07,595 >> loading file special_tokens_map.json from cache at None
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:07,595 >> loading file tokenizer_config.json from cache at None
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:07,596 >> loading configuration file config.json from cache at .cache_training/models--roberta-base/snapshots/bc2764f8af2e92b6eb5679868df33e224075ca68/config.json
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:07,596 >> Model config RobertaConfig {
  "_name_or_path": "roberta-base",
  "architectures": [
  "attention_probs_dropout_prob": 0.1,
  "bos_token_id": 0,
  "classifier_dropout": null,
  "eos_token_id": 2,
  "hidden_act": "gelu",
  "hidden_dropout_prob": 0.1,
  "hidden_size": 768,
  "initializer_range": 0.02,
  "intermediate_size": 3072,
  "layer_norm_eps": 1e-05,
  "max_position_embeddings": 514,
  "model_type": "roberta",
  "num_attention_heads": 12,
  "num_hidden_layers": 12,
  "pad_token_id": 1,
  "position_embedding_type": "absolute",
  "transformers_version": "4.34.1",
  "type_vocab_size": 1,
  "use_cache": true,
  "vocab_size": 50265

01/30/2024 16:13:07 - INFO - __main__ - Using implementation from class: AutoModelForSequenceClassification
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:07,690 >> loading weights file model.safetensors from cache at .cache_training/models--roberta-base/snapshots/bc2764f8af2e92b6eb5679868df33e224075ca68/model.safetensors
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:08,811 >> Some weights of the model checkpoint at roberta-base were not used when initializing RobertaForSequenceClassification: ['lm_head.dense.weight', 'lm_head.dense.bias', 'lm_head.bias', 'lm_head.layer_norm.bias', 'lm_head.layer_norm.weight']
- This IS expected if you are initializing RobertaForSequenceClassification from the checkpoint of a model trained on another task or with another architecture (e.g. initializing a BertForSequenceClassification model from a BertForPreTraining model).
- This IS NOT expected if you are initializing RobertaForSequenceClassification from the checkpoint of a model that you expect to be exactly identical (initializing a BertForSequenceClassification model from a BertForSequenceClassification model).
[WARNING|] 2024-01-30 16:13:08,811 >> Some weights of RobertaForSequenceClassification were not initialized from the model checkpoint at roberta-base and are newly initialized: ['classifier.dense.weight', 'classifier.out_proj.bias', 'classifier.out_proj.weight', 'classifier.dense.bias']
You should probably TRAIN this model on a down-stream task to be able to use it for predictions and inference.
Running tokenizer on dataset:   0% 0/4999 [00:00<?, ? examples/s]Caching processed dataset at /content/.cache_training/json/default-66787d84b69b27ff/0.0.0/8bb11242116d547c741b2e8a1f18598ffdd40a1d4f2a2872c7a28b697434bc96/cache-24d3ce3114d183e9.arrow
01/30/2024 16:13:09 - INFO - datasets.arrow_dataset - Caching processed dataset at /content/.cache_training/json/default-66787d84b69b27ff/0.0.0/8bb11242116d547c741b2e8a1f18598ffdd40a1d4f2a2872c7a28b697434bc96/cache-24d3ce3114d183e9.arrow
Running tokenizer on dataset: 100% 4999/4999 [00:00<00:00, 5439.32 examples/s]
Running tokenizer on dataset:   0% 0/4999 [00:00<?, ? examples/s]Caching processed dataset at /content/.cache_training/json/default-66787d84b69b27ff/0.0.0/8bb11242116d547c741b2e8a1f18598ffdd40a1d4f2a2872c7a28b697434bc96/cache-8ff50dc453c34d10.arrow
01/30/2024 16:13:09 - INFO - datasets.arrow_dataset - Caching processed dataset at /content/.cache_training/json/default-66787d84b69b27ff/0.0.0/8bb11242116d547c741b2e8a1f18598ffdd40a1d4f2a2872c7a28b697434bc96/cache-8ff50dc453c34d10.arrow
Running tokenizer on dataset: 100% 4999/4999 [00:00<00:00, 5573.00 examples/s]
Running tokenizer on dataset:   0% 0/4999 [00:00<?, ? examples/s]Caching processed dataset at /content/.cache_training/json/default-66787d84b69b27ff/0.0.0/8bb11242116d547c741b2e8a1f18598ffdd40a1d4f2a2872c7a28b697434bc96/cache-475f6a18c035ca09.arrow
01/30/2024 16:13:10 - INFO - datasets.arrow_dataset - Caching processed dataset at /content/.cache_training/json/default-66787d84b69b27ff/0.0.0/8bb11242116d547c741b2e8a1f18598ffdd40a1d4f2a2872c7a28b697434bc96/cache-475f6a18c035ca09.arrow
Running tokenizer on dataset: 100% 4999/4999 [00:00<00:00, 5732.86 examples/s]
01/30/2024 16:13:11 - INFO - __main__ - Sample 912 of the training set: {'label': 0, 'text': "Phelps to Take on Thorpe in Busy Night ATHENS, Greece - Michael Phelps, still smarting after America's upset loss to South Africa in the 400 freestyle relay, returned to the pool Monday and qualified fastest for the Olympic 200-meter butterfly. Phelps' quest to break Mark Spitz's record of seven gold medals at the 1972 Munich Games was dashed with the Americans' bronze medal in the relay Sunday night...", 'input_ids': [0, 510, 44590, 7, 4624, 15, 13111, 2379, 11, 6926, 219, 4172, 83, 3732, 12743, 6, 4644, 111, 988, 23217, 6, 202, 2793, 154, 71, 730, 18, 4904, 872, 7, 391, 1327, 11, 5, 3675, 7619, 13986, 12937, 6, 1835, 7, 5, 3716, 302, 8, 6048, 6273, 13, 5, 3336, 1878, 12, 15139, 24317, 4, 23217, 108, 9794, 7, 1108, 1190, 2064, 4494, 18, 638, 9, 707, 1637, 10214, 23, 5, 15002, 10489, 3100, 21, 30683, 19, 5, 1791, 108, 9768, 5279, 11, 5, 12937, 395, 363, 734, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], 'attention_mask': [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}.
01/30/2024 16:13:11 - INFO - __main__ - Sample 204 of the training set: {'label': 3, 'text': 'AOL to Sell Cheap PCs to Minorities and Seniors  NEW YORK (Reuters) - America Online on Thursday said it  plans to sell a low-priced PC targeting low-income and minority  households who agree to sign up for a year of dialup Internet  service.', 'input_ids': [0, 250, 3384, 7, 12292, 35963, 21535, 7, 21315, 2192, 8, 2211, 10327, 1437, 5178, 4180, 36, 1251, 43, 111, 730, 5855, 15, 296, 26, 24, 1437, 708, 7, 1331, 10, 614, 12, 18288, 4985, 5551, 614, 12, 7214, 8, 5688, 1437, 8195, 54, 2854, 7, 1203, 62, 13, 10, 76, 9, 11481, 658, 3742, 1437, 544, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], 'attention_mask': [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}.
01/30/2024 16:13:11 - INFO - __main__ - Sample 2253 of the training set: {'label': 1, 'text': 'Warriors, Mavs close on five-player trade The Warriors and Mavericks are close to completing a five-player trade that would bring forwards Eduardo Najera and Christian Laettner to Golden State and send centers Erick Dampier, Evan Eschmeyer and guard Dan Dickau to Dallas, an NBA source aware of ...', 'input_ids': [0, 20096, 41410, 6, 256, 1469, 29, 593, 15, 292, 12, 23233, 721, 20, 4223, 8, 17492, 32, 593, 7, 8796, 10, 292, 12, 23233, 721, 14, 74, 836, 14346, 18451, 6782, 13322, 3843, 8, 2412, 1587, 2645, 1396, 7, 3274, 331, 8, 2142, 5228, 4594, 1758, 211, 3914, 906, 6, 9771, 7065, 611, 27272, 8, 2510, 2503, 8639, 1180, 7, 3160, 6, 41, 2762, 1300, 2542, 9, 1666, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], 'attention_mask': [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}.
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:12,577 >> Loading model from out/ag_news/roberta/checkpoint-625.
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:13,218 >> The following columns in the training set don't have a corresponding argument in `RobertaForSequenceClassification.forward` and have been ignored: text. If text are not expected by `RobertaForSequenceClassification.forward`,  you can safely ignore this message.
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:16,511 >> ***** Running training *****
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:16,511 >>   Num examples = 4,999
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:16,511 >>   Num Epochs = 1
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:16,511 >>   Instantaneous batch size per device = 8
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:16,511 >>   Total train batch size (w. parallel, distributed & accumulation) = 8
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:16,511 >>   Gradient Accumulation steps = 1
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:16,511 >>   Total optimization steps = 625
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:16,512 >>   Number of trainable parameters = 124,648,708
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:16,513 >>   Continuing training from checkpoint, will skip to saved global_step
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:16,513 >>   Continuing training from epoch 1
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:16,513 >>   Continuing training from global step 625
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:16,513 >>   Will skip the first 1 epochs then the first 0 batches in the first epoch.
  0% 0/625 [00:00<?, ?it/s][INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:16,515 >> 

Training completed. Do not forget to share your model on =)

[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:16,515 >> Loading best model from out/ag_news/roberta/checkpoint-625 (score: 0.9236842105263158).
{'train_runtime': 0.4074, 'train_samples_per_second': 12270.018, 'train_steps_per_second': 1534.059, 'train_loss': 0.0, 'epoch': 1.0}
  0% 0/625 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:16,921 >> Saving model checkpoint to out/ag_news/roberta
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:16,922 >> Configuration saved in out/ag_news/roberta/config.json
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:18,385 >> Model weights saved in out/ag_news/roberta/pytorch_model.bin
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:18,386 >> tokenizer config file saved in out/ag_news/roberta/tokenizer_config.json
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:18,386 >> Special tokens file saved in out/ag_news/roberta/special_tokens_map.json
***** train metrics *****
  epoch                    =        1.0
  train_loss               =        0.0
  train_runtime            = 0:00:00.40
  train_samples            =       4999
  train_samples_per_second =  12270.018
  train_steps_per_second   =   1534.059
01/30/2024 16:13:18 - INFO - __main__ - *** Evaluate ***
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:18,434 >> The following columns in the evaluation set don't have a corresponding argument in `RobertaForSequenceClassification.forward` and have been ignored: text. If text are not expected by `RobertaForSequenceClassification.forward`,  you can safely ignore this message.
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:18,436 >> ***** Running Evaluation *****
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:18,436 >>   Num examples = 4999
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:18,436 >>   Batch size = 8
100% 625/625 [00:33<00:00, 18.75it/s]
***** eval metrics *****
  epoch                   =        1.0
  eval_accuracy           =     0.9034
  eval_loss               =     0.3685
  eval_runtime            = 0:00:33.90
  eval_samples            =       4999
  eval_samples_per_second =    147.433
  eval_steps_per_second   =     18.433
01/30/2024 16:13:52 - INFO - __main__ - *** Predict ***
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:52,345 >> The following columns in the test set don't have a corresponding argument in `RobertaForSequenceClassification.forward` and have been ignored: text. If text are not expected by `RobertaForSequenceClassification.forward`,  you can safely ignore this message.
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:52,347 >> ***** Running Prediction *****
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:52,347 >>   Num examples = 4999
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:13:52,347 >>   Batch size = 8
100% 625/625 [00:34<00:00, 18.00it/s]
01/30/2024 16:14:27 - INFO - __main__ - ***** Predict results None *****
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:14:27,249 >> Dropping the following result as it does not have all the necessary fields:
{'task': {'name': 'Text Classification', 'type': 'text-classification'}, 'metrics': [{'name': 'Accuracy', 'type': 'accuracy', 'value': 0.9033806761352271}]}

Score: 0.9034

Baseline - GPT2

!python \
  --cache_dir .cache_training \
  --model_name_or_path gpt2 \
  --train_file data/train-5k.json  \
  --validation_file data/valid-5k.json \
  --test_file data/test-5k.json \
  --per_device_train_batch_size 8 \
  --per_device_eval_batch_size 8 \
  --do_train \
  --do_eval \
  --do_predict \
  --max_seq_length 128 \
  --learning_rate 2e-5 \
  --num_train_epochs 1 \
  --save_strategy steps \
  --save_steps 1000 \
  --save_total_limit 5 \
  --logging_strategy steps \
  --logging_steps 50 \
  --eval_steps 1000 \
  --evaluation_strategy steps \
  --metric_for_best_model 'accuracy' \
  --greater_is_better 'True' \
  --load_best_model_at_end 'True' \
  --report_to 'none' \
  --output_dir out/ag_news/gpt2
2024-01-30 16:28:52.376937: E external/local_xla/xla/stream_executor/cuda/] Unable to register cuDNN factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuDNN when one has already been registered
2024-01-30 16:28:52.377003: E external/local_xla/xla/stream_executor/cuda/] Unable to register cuFFT factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuFFT when one has already been registered
2024-01-30 16:28:52.378983: E external/local_xla/xla/stream_executor/cuda/] Unable to register cuBLAS factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuBLAS when one has already been registered
2024-01-30 16:28:53.791328: W tensorflow/compiler/tf2tensorrt/utils/] TF-TRT Warning: Could not find TensorRT
01/30/2024 16:28:56 - WARNING - __main__ - Process rank: 0, device: cuda:0, n_gpu: 1distributed training: False, 16-bits training: False
01/30/2024 16:28:56 - INFO - __main__ - Training/evaluation parameters TrainingArguments(
fsdp_config={'min_num_params': 0, 'xla': False, 'xla_fsdp_grad_ckpt': False},
01/30/2024 16:28:56 - INFO - __main__ - load a local file for train: data/train-5k.json
01/30/2024 16:28:56 - INFO - __main__ - load a local file for validation: data/valid-5k.json
01/30/2024 16:28:56 - INFO - __main__ - load a local file for test: data/test-5k.json
Using custom data configuration default-7d308a4fe02c1bdf
01/30/2024 16:28:56 - INFO - datasets.builder - Using custom data configuration default-7d308a4fe02c1bdf
Loading Dataset Infos from /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/datasets/packaged_modules/json
01/30/2024 16:28:56 - INFO - - Loading Dataset Infos from /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/datasets/packaged_modules/json
Overwrite dataset info from restored data version if exists.
01/30/2024 16:28:56 - INFO - datasets.builder - Overwrite dataset info from restored data version if exists.
Loading Dataset info from .cache_training/json/default-7d308a4fe02c1bdf/0.0.0/8bb11242116d547c741b2e8a1f18598ffdd40a1d4f2a2872c7a28b697434bc96
01/30/2024 16:28:56 - INFO - - Loading Dataset info from .cache_training/json/default-7d308a4fe02c1bdf/0.0.0/8bb11242116d547c741b2e8a1f18598ffdd40a1d4f2a2872c7a28b697434bc96
Found cached dataset json (/content/.cache_training/json/default-7d308a4fe02c1bdf/0.0.0/8bb11242116d547c741b2e8a1f18598ffdd40a1d4f2a2872c7a28b697434bc96)
01/30/2024 16:28:56 - INFO - datasets.builder - Found cached dataset json (/content/.cache_training/json/default-7d308a4fe02c1bdf/0.0.0/8bb11242116d547c741b2e8a1f18598ffdd40a1d4f2a2872c7a28b697434bc96)
Loading Dataset info from /content/.cache_training/json/default-7d308a4fe02c1bdf/0.0.0/8bb11242116d547c741b2e8a1f18598ffdd40a1d4f2a2872c7a28b697434bc96
01/30/2024 16:28:56 - INFO - - Loading Dataset info from /content/.cache_training/json/default-7d308a4fe02c1bdf/0.0.0/8bb11242116d547c741b2e8a1f18598ffdd40a1d4f2a2872c7a28b697434bc96
Downloading config.json: 100% 665/665 [00:00<00:00, 3.90MB/s]
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:28:56,816 >> loading configuration file config.json from cache at .cache_training/models--gpt2/snapshots/11c5a3d5811f50298f278a704980280950aedb10/config.json
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:28:56,817 >> Model config GPT2Config {
  "_name_or_path": "gpt2",
  "activation_function": "gelu_new",
  "architectures": [
  "attn_pdrop": 0.1,
  "bos_token_id": 50256,
  "embd_pdrop": 0.1,
  "eos_token_id": 50256,
  "id2label": {
    "0": "LABEL_0",
    "1": "LABEL_1",
    "2": "LABEL_2",
    "3": "LABEL_3"
  "initializer_range": 0.02,
  "label2id": {
    "LABEL_0": 0,
    "LABEL_1": 1,
    "LABEL_2": 2,
    "LABEL_3": 3
  "layer_norm_epsilon": 1e-05,
  "model_type": "gpt2",
  "n_ctx": 1024,
  "n_embd": 768,
  "n_head": 12,
  "n_inner": null,
  "n_layer": 12,
  "n_positions": 1024,
  "reorder_and_upcast_attn": false,
  "resid_pdrop": 0.1,
  "scale_attn_by_inverse_layer_idx": false,
  "scale_attn_weights": true,
  "summary_activation": null,
  "summary_first_dropout": 0.1,
  "summary_proj_to_labels": true,
  "summary_type": "cls_index",
  "summary_use_proj": true,
  "task_specific_params": {
    "text-generation": {
      "do_sample": true,
      "max_length": 50
  "transformers_version": "4.34.1",
  "use_cache": true,
  "vocab_size": 50257

[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:28:56,874 >> Could not locate the tokenizer configuration file, will try to use the model config instead.
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:28:56,930 >> loading configuration file config.json from cache at .cache_training/models--gpt2/snapshots/11c5a3d5811f50298f278a704980280950aedb10/config.json
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:28:56,930 >> Model config GPT2Config {
  "_name_or_path": "gpt2",
  "activation_function": "gelu_new",
  "architectures": [
  "attn_pdrop": 0.1,
  "bos_token_id": 50256,
  "embd_pdrop": 0.1,
  "eos_token_id": 50256,
  "initializer_range": 0.02,
  "layer_norm_epsilon": 1e-05,
  "model_type": "gpt2",
  "n_ctx": 1024,
  "n_embd": 768,
  "n_head": 12,
  "n_inner": null,
  "n_layer": 12,
  "n_positions": 1024,
  "reorder_and_upcast_attn": false,
  "resid_pdrop": 0.1,
  "scale_attn_by_inverse_layer_idx": false,
  "scale_attn_weights": true,
  "summary_activation": null,
  "summary_first_dropout": 0.1,
  "summary_proj_to_labels": true,
  "summary_type": "cls_index",
  "summary_use_proj": true,
  "task_specific_params": {
    "text-generation": {
      "do_sample": true,
      "max_length": 50
  "transformers_version": "4.34.1",
  "use_cache": true,
  "vocab_size": 50257

Downloading vocab.json: 100% 1.04M/1.04M [00:00<00:00, 11.1MB/s]
Downloading merges.txt: 100% 456k/456k [00:00<00:00, 35.1MB/s]
Downloading tokenizer.json: 100% 1.36M/1.36M [00:00<00:00, 41.2MB/s]
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:28:57,541 >> loading file vocab.json from cache at .cache_training/models--gpt2/snapshots/11c5a3d5811f50298f278a704980280950aedb10/vocab.json
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:28:57,541 >> loading file merges.txt from cache at .cache_training/models--gpt2/snapshots/11c5a3d5811f50298f278a704980280950aedb10/merges.txt
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:28:57,541 >> loading file tokenizer.json from cache at .cache_training/models--gpt2/snapshots/11c5a3d5811f50298f278a704980280950aedb10/tokenizer.json
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:28:57,541 >> loading file added_tokens.json from cache at None
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:28:57,542 >> loading file special_tokens_map.json from cache at None
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:28:57,542 >> loading file tokenizer_config.json from cache at None
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:28:57,542 >> loading configuration file config.json from cache at .cache_training/models--gpt2/snapshots/11c5a3d5811f50298f278a704980280950aedb10/config.json
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:28:57,543 >> Model config GPT2Config {
  "_name_or_path": "gpt2",
  "activation_function": "gelu_new",
  "architectures": [
  "attn_pdrop": 0.1,
  "bos_token_id": 50256,
  "embd_pdrop": 0.1,
  "eos_token_id": 50256,
  "initializer_range": 0.02,
  "layer_norm_epsilon": 1e-05,
  "model_type": "gpt2",
  "n_ctx": 1024,
  "n_embd": 768,
  "n_head": 12,
  "n_inner": null,
  "n_layer": 12,
  "n_positions": 1024,
  "reorder_and_upcast_attn": false,
  "resid_pdrop": 0.1,
  "scale_attn_by_inverse_layer_idx": false,
  "scale_attn_weights": true,
  "summary_activation": null,
  "summary_first_dropout": 0.1,
  "summary_proj_to_labels": true,
  "summary_type": "cls_index",
  "summary_use_proj": true,
  "task_specific_params": {
    "text-generation": {
      "do_sample": true,
      "max_length": 50
  "transformers_version": "4.34.1",
  "use_cache": true,
  "vocab_size": 50257

01/30/2024 16:28:57 - INFO - __main__ - Using implementation from class: AutoModelForSequenceClassification
Downloading model.safetensors: 100% 548M/548M [00:03<00:00, 150MB/s]
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:29:01,464 >> loading weights file model.safetensors from cache at .cache_training/models--gpt2/snapshots/11c5a3d5811f50298f278a704980280950aedb10/model.safetensors
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:29:02,713 >> All model checkpoint weights were used when initializing GPT2ForSequenceClassification.

[WARNING|] 2024-01-30 16:29:02,713 >> Some weights of GPT2ForSequenceClassification were not initialized from the model checkpoint at gpt2 and are newly initialized: ['score.weight']
You should probably TRAIN this model on a down-stream task to be able to use it for predictions and inference.
01/30/2024 16:29:02 - INFO - __main__ - Set PAD token to EOS: <|endoftext|>
Running tokenizer on dataset:   0% 0/4999 [00:00<?, ? examples/s]Caching processed dataset at /content/.cache_training/json/default-7d308a4fe02c1bdf/0.0.0/8bb11242116d547c741b2e8a1f18598ffdd40a1d4f2a2872c7a28b697434bc96/cache-c435d5d2007f3e84.arrow
01/30/2024 16:29:02 - INFO - datasets.arrow_dataset - Caching processed dataset at /content/.cache_training/json/default-7d308a4fe02c1bdf/0.0.0/8bb11242116d547c741b2e8a1f18598ffdd40a1d4f2a2872c7a28b697434bc96/cache-c435d5d2007f3e84.arrow
Running tokenizer on dataset: 100% 4999/4999 [00:01<00:00, 3520.52 examples/s]
Running tokenizer on dataset:   0% 0/3800 [00:00<?, ? examples/s]Caching processed dataset at /content/.cache_training/json/default-7d308a4fe02c1bdf/0.0.0/8bb11242116d547c741b2e8a1f18598ffdd40a1d4f2a2872c7a28b697434bc96/cache-5dd7bcde9742fffd.arrow
01/30/2024 16:29:04 - INFO - datasets.arrow_dataset - Caching processed dataset at /content/.cache_training/json/default-7d308a4fe02c1bdf/0.0.0/8bb11242116d547c741b2e8a1f18598ffdd40a1d4f2a2872c7a28b697434bc96/cache-5dd7bcde9742fffd.arrow
Running tokenizer on dataset: 100% 3800/3800 [00:01<00:00, 3698.70 examples/s]
Running tokenizer on dataset:   0% 0/3800 [00:00<?, ? examples/s]Caching processed dataset at /content/.cache_training/json/default-7d308a4fe02c1bdf/0.0.0/8bb11242116d547c741b2e8a1f18598ffdd40a1d4f2a2872c7a28b697434bc96/cache-fecd00c4d9ddc01d.arrow
01/30/2024 16:29:05 - INFO - datasets.arrow_dataset - Caching processed dataset at /content/.cache_training/json/default-7d308a4fe02c1bdf/0.0.0/8bb11242116d547c741b2e8a1f18598ffdd40a1d4f2a2872c7a28b697434bc96/cache-fecd00c4d9ddc01d.arrow
Running tokenizer on dataset: 100% 3800/3800 [00:00<00:00, 5723.04 examples/s]
01/30/2024 16:29:05 - INFO - __main__ - Sample 912 of the training set: {'label': 0, 'text': "Phelps to Take on Thorpe in Busy Night ATHENS, Greece - Michael Phelps, still smarting after America's upset loss to South Africa in the 400 freestyle relay, returned to the pool Monday and qualified fastest for the Olympic 200-meter butterfly. Phelps' quest to break Mark Spitz's record of seven gold medals at the 1972 Munich Games was dashed with the Americans' bronze medal in the relay Sunday night...", 'input_ids': [47, 35194, 284, 7214, 319, 13002, 431, 287, 5869, 88, 5265, 317, 4221, 16938, 11, 10315, 532, 3899, 40587, 11, 991, 4451, 278, 706, 2253, 338, 9247, 2994, 284, 2520, 5478, 287, 262, 7337, 2030, 10992, 24248, 11, 4504, 284, 262, 5933, 3321, 290, 10617, 14162, 329, 262, 11514, 939, 12, 27231, 35113, 13, 40587, 6, 1235, 284, 2270, 2940, 1338, 4224, 338, 1700, 286, 3598, 3869, 28057, 379, 262, 16101, 22418, 5776, 373, 37901, 351, 262, 3399, 6, 22101, 18279, 287, 262, 24248, 3502, 1755, 986, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256], 'attention_mask': [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}.
01/30/2024 16:29:05 - INFO - __main__ - Sample 204 of the training set: {'label': 3, 'text': 'AOL to Sell Cheap PCs to Minorities and Seniors  NEW YORK (Reuters) - America Online on Thursday said it  plans to sell a low-priced PC targeting low-income and minority  households who agree to sign up for a year of dialup Internet  service.', 'input_ids': [32, 3535, 284, 25688, 41087, 21869, 284, 15367, 871, 290, 2311, 12706, 220, 12682, 28154, 357, 12637, 8, 532, 2253, 7467, 319, 3635, 531, 340, 220, 3352, 284, 3677, 257, 1877, 12, 30883, 4217, 10822, 1877, 12, 12519, 290, 9137, 220, 12503, 508, 4236, 284, 1051, 510, 329, 257, 614, 286, 5980, 929, 4455, 220, 2139, 13, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256], 'attention_mask': [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}.
01/30/2024 16:29:05 - INFO - __main__ - Sample 2253 of the training set: {'label': 1, 'text': 'Warriors, Mavs close on five-player trade The Warriors and Mavericks are close to completing a five-player trade that would bring forwards Eduardo Najera and Christian Laettner to Golden State and send centers Erick Dampier, Evan Eschmeyer and guard Dan Dickau to Dallas, an NBA source aware of ...', 'input_ids': [13195, 8657, 11, 337, 615, 82, 1969, 319, 1936, 12, 7829, 3292, 383, 12090, 290, 36002, 389, 1969, 284, 14339, 257, 1936, 12, 7829, 3292, 326, 561, 2222, 22052, 40766, 13109, 37135, 8607, 290, 4302, 4689, 3087, 1008, 284, 8407, 1812, 290, 3758, 10399, 5256, 624, 360, 696, 959, 11, 21523, 8678, 354, 48794, 290, 4860, 6035, 11740, 559, 284, 8533, 11, 281, 7403, 2723, 3910, 286, 2644, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256, 50256], 'attention_mask': [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}.
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:29:07,064 >> The following columns in the training set don't have a corresponding argument in `GPT2ForSequenceClassification.forward` and have been ignored: text. If text are not expected by `GPT2ForSequenceClassification.forward`,  you can safely ignore this message.
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:29:07,071 >> ***** Running training *****
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:29:07,071 >>   Num examples = 4,999
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:29:07,071 >>   Num Epochs = 1
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:29:07,071 >>   Instantaneous batch size per device = 8
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:29:07,071 >>   Total train batch size (w. parallel, distributed & accumulation) = 8
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:29:07,071 >>   Gradient Accumulation steps = 1
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:29:07,071 >>   Total optimization steps = 625
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:29:07,072 >>   Number of trainable parameters = 124,442,880
{'loss': 1.8808, 'learning_rate': 1.8400000000000003e-05, 'epoch': 0.08}
{'loss': 0.7918, 'learning_rate': 1.6800000000000002e-05, 'epoch': 0.16}
{'loss': 0.5693, 'learning_rate': 1.5200000000000002e-05, 'epoch': 0.24}
{'loss': 0.4976, 'learning_rate': 1.3600000000000002e-05, 'epoch': 0.32}
{'loss': 0.407, 'learning_rate': 1.2e-05, 'epoch': 0.4}
{'loss': 0.442, 'learning_rate': 1.04e-05, 'epoch': 0.48}
{'loss': 0.3428, 'learning_rate': 8.8e-06, 'epoch': 0.56}
{'loss': 0.3003, 'learning_rate': 7.2000000000000005e-06, 'epoch': 0.64}
{'loss': 0.3472, 'learning_rate': 5.600000000000001e-06, 'epoch': 0.72}
{'loss': 0.3984, 'learning_rate': 4.000000000000001e-06, 'epoch': 0.8}
{'loss': 0.2805, 'learning_rate': 2.4000000000000003e-06, 'epoch': 0.88}
{'loss': 0.2875, 'learning_rate': 8.000000000000001e-07, 'epoch': 0.96}
{'loss': 0.1236, 'learning_rate': 0.0, 'epoch': 1.0}
100% 625/625 [02:13<00:00,  4.63it/s][INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:31:20,978 >> The following columns in the evaluation set don't have a corresponding argument in `GPT2ForSequenceClassification.forward` and have been ignored: text. If text are not expected by `GPT2ForSequenceClassification.forward`,  you can safely ignore this message.
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:31:20,980 >> ***** Running Evaluation *****
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:31:20,980 >>   Num examples = 3800
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:31:20,980 >>   Batch size = 8

  0% 0/475 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
  1% 3/475 [00:00<00:20, 23.45it/s]
  1% 6/475 [00:00<00:25, 18.25it/s]
  2% 8/475 [00:00<00:27, 17.21it/s]
  2% 10/475 [00:00<00:27, 16.77it/s]
  3% 12/475 [00:00<00:28, 16.46it/s]
  3% 14/475 [00:00<00:28, 16.33it/s]
  3% 16/475 [00:00<00:28, 16.18it/s]
  4% 18/475 [00:01<00:28, 16.08it/s]
  4% 20/475 [00:01<00:28, 16.00it/s]
  5% 22/475 [00:01<00:28, 16.02it/s]
  5% 24/475 [00:01<00:28, 16.07it/s]
  5% 26/475 [00:01<00:28, 16.00it/s]
  6% 28/475 [00:01<00:28, 15.90it/s]
  6% 30/475 [00:01<00:27, 15.90it/s]
  7% 32/475 [00:01<00:27, 15.94it/s]
  7% 34/475 [00:02<00:27, 15.97it/s]
  8% 36/475 [00:02<00:27, 15.98it/s]
  8% 38/475 [00:02<00:27, 15.85it/s]
  8% 40/475 [00:02<00:27, 15.89it/s]
  9% 42/475 [00:02<00:27, 15.95it/s]
  9% 44/475 [00:02<00:26, 16.02it/s]
 10% 46/475 [00:02<00:26, 15.97it/s]
 10% 48/475 [00:02<00:26, 15.90it/s]
 11% 50/475 [00:03<00:26, 15.90it/s]
 11% 52/475 [00:03<00:26, 15.97it/s]
 11% 54/475 [00:03<00:26, 15.96it/s]
 12% 56/475 [00:03<00:26, 15.91it/s]
 12% 58/475 [00:03<00:26, 15.87it/s]
 13% 60/475 [00:03<00:26, 15.76it/s]
 13% 62/475 [00:03<00:26, 15.77it/s]
 13% 64/475 [00:03<00:26, 15.60it/s]
 14% 66/475 [00:04<00:26, 15.69it/s]
 14% 68/475 [00:04<00:25, 15.76it/s]
 15% 70/475 [00:04<00:25, 15.66it/s]
 15% 72/475 [00:04<00:25, 15.68it/s]
 16% 74/475 [00:04<00:25, 15.68it/s]
 16% 76/475 [00:04<00:25, 15.65it/s]
 16% 78/475 [00:04<00:25, 15.57it/s]
 17% 80/475 [00:04<00:25, 15.61it/s]
 17% 82/475 [00:05<00:25, 15.62it/s]
 18% 84/475 [00:05<00:24, 15.66it/s]
 18% 86/475 [00:05<00:25, 15.56it/s]
 19% 88/475 [00:05<00:24, 15.67it/s]
 19% 90/475 [00:05<00:24, 15.74it/s]
 19% 92/475 [00:05<00:24, 15.81it/s]
 20% 94/475 [00:05<00:24, 15.80it/s]
 20% 96/475 [00:06<00:23, 15.90it/s]
 21% 98/475 [00:06<00:23, 15.92it/s]
 21% 100/475 [00:06<00:23, 15.89it/s]
 21% 102/475 [00:06<00:23, 15.93it/s]
 22% 104/475 [00:06<00:23, 15.97it/s]
 22% 106/475 [00:06<00:23, 16.04it/s]
 23% 108/475 [00:06<00:22, 16.10it/s]
 23% 110/475 [00:06<00:22, 16.09it/s]
 24% 112/475 [00:07<00:22, 15.98it/s]
 24% 114/475 [00:07<00:22, 15.98it/s]
 24% 116/475 [00:07<00:22, 15.99it/s]
 25% 118/475 [00:07<00:22, 16.05it/s]
 25% 120/475 [00:07<00:22, 16.09it/s]
 26% 122/475 [00:07<00:21, 16.14it/s]
 26% 124/475 [00:07<00:21, 16.05it/s]
 27% 126/475 [00:07<00:21, 16.02it/s]
 27% 128/475 [00:08<00:21, 16.00it/s]
 27% 130/475 [00:08<00:21, 15.99it/s]
 28% 132/475 [00:08<00:21, 16.04it/s]
 28% 134/475 [00:08<00:21, 16.08it/s]
 29% 136/475 [00:08<00:21, 16.02it/s]
 29% 138/475 [00:08<00:21, 15.98it/s]
 29% 140/475 [00:08<00:20, 16.00it/s]
 30% 142/475 [00:08<00:20, 16.09it/s]
 30% 144/475 [00:08<00:20, 16.14it/s]
 31% 146/475 [00:09<00:20, 16.14it/s]
 31% 148/475 [00:09<00:20, 16.15it/s]
 32% 150/475 [00:09<00:20, 16.10it/s]
 32% 152/475 [00:09<00:20, 16.03it/s]
 32% 154/475 [00:09<00:20, 16.01it/s]
 33% 156/475 [00:09<00:19, 16.03it/s]
 33% 158/475 [00:09<00:19, 16.07it/s]
 34% 160/475 [00:09<00:19, 16.13it/s]
 34% 162/475 [00:10<00:19, 16.09it/s]
 35% 164/475 [00:10<00:19, 16.05it/s]
 35% 166/475 [00:10<00:19, 15.99it/s]
 35% 168/475 [00:10<00:19, 16.06it/s]
 36% 170/475 [00:10<00:18, 16.08it/s]
 36% 172/475 [00:10<00:18, 16.13it/s]
 37% 174/475 [00:10<00:18, 16.17it/s]
 37% 176/475 [00:10<00:18, 16.13it/s]
 37% 178/475 [00:11<00:18, 16.08it/s]
 38% 180/475 [00:11<00:18, 16.03it/s]
 38% 182/475 [00:11<00:18, 16.03it/s]
 39% 184/475 [00:11<00:18, 16.08it/s]
 39% 186/475 [00:11<00:17, 16.13it/s]
 40% 188/475 [00:11<00:17, 16.22it/s]
 40% 190/475 [00:11<00:17, 16.22it/s]
 40% 192/475 [00:11<00:17, 16.27it/s]
 41% 194/475 [00:12<00:17, 16.21it/s]
 41% 196/475 [00:12<00:17, 16.13it/s]
 42% 198/475 [00:12<00:17, 16.07it/s]
 42% 200/475 [00:12<00:17, 16.04it/s]
 43% 202/475 [00:12<00:16, 16.07it/s]
 43% 204/475 [00:12<00:16, 16.14it/s]
 43% 206/475 [00:12<00:16, 16.16it/s]
 44% 208/475 [00:12<00:16, 16.09it/s]
 44% 210/475 [00:13<00:16, 16.08it/s]
 45% 212/475 [00:13<00:16, 16.12it/s]
 45% 214/475 [00:13<00:16, 16.08it/s]
 45% 216/475 [00:13<00:16, 16.06it/s]
 46% 218/475 [00:13<00:15, 16.08it/s]
 46% 220/475 [00:13<00:15, 16.16it/s]
 47% 222/475 [00:13<00:15, 16.17it/s]
 47% 224/475 [00:13<00:15, 16.14it/s]
 48% 226/475 [00:14<00:15, 16.13it/s]
 48% 228/475 [00:14<00:15, 16.13it/s]
 48% 230/475 [00:14<00:15, 16.16it/s]
 49% 232/475 [00:14<00:15, 16.11it/s]
 49% 234/475 [00:14<00:14, 16.13it/s]
 50% 236/475 [00:14<00:14, 16.19it/s]
 50% 238/475 [00:14<00:14, 16.19it/s]
 51% 240/475 [00:14<00:14, 16.19it/s]
 51% 242/475 [00:15<00:14, 16.17it/s]
 51% 244/475 [00:15<00:14, 16.12it/s]
 52% 246/475 [00:15<00:14, 16.11it/s]
 52% 248/475 [00:15<00:14, 16.08it/s]
 53% 250/475 [00:15<00:14, 16.04it/s]
 53% 252/475 [00:15<00:14, 15.86it/s]
 53% 254/475 [00:15<00:13, 15.87it/s]
 54% 256/475 [00:15<00:13, 15.91it/s]
 54% 258/475 [00:16<00:13, 15.99it/s]
 55% 260/475 [00:16<00:13, 16.05it/s]
 55% 262/475 [00:16<00:13, 15.96it/s]
 56% 264/475 [00:16<00:13, 15.86it/s]
 56% 266/475 [00:16<00:13, 15.85it/s]
 56% 268/475 [00:16<00:13, 15.78it/s]
 57% 270/475 [00:16<00:12, 15.81it/s]
 57% 272/475 [00:16<00:12, 15.79it/s]
 58% 274/475 [00:17<00:12, 15.81it/s]
 58% 276/475 [00:17<00:12, 15.97it/s]
 59% 278/475 [00:17<00:12, 16.08it/s]
 59% 280/475 [00:17<00:12, 16.16it/s]
 59% 282/475 [00:17<00:11, 16.10it/s]
 60% 284/475 [00:17<00:11, 16.05it/s]
 60% 286/475 [00:17<00:11, 16.08it/s]
 61% 288/475 [00:17<00:11, 16.10it/s]
 61% 290/475 [00:18<00:11, 16.11it/s]
 61% 292/475 [00:18<00:11, 16.21it/s]
 62% 294/475 [00:18<00:11, 16.24it/s]
 62% 296/475 [00:18<00:11, 16.26it/s]
 63% 298/475 [00:18<00:10, 16.27it/s]
 63% 300/475 [00:18<00:10, 16.21it/s]
 64% 302/475 [00:18<00:10, 16.14it/s]
 64% 304/475 [00:18<00:10, 16.09it/s]
 64% 306/475 [00:19<00:10, 16.08it/s]
 65% 308/475 [00:19<00:10, 16.13it/s]
 65% 310/475 [00:19<00:10, 16.17it/s]
 66% 312/475 [00:19<00:10, 16.25it/s]
 66% 314/475 [00:19<00:09, 16.25it/s]
 67% 316/475 [00:19<00:09, 16.26it/s]
 67% 318/475 [00:19<00:09, 16.21it/s]
 67% 320/475 [00:19<00:09, 16.17it/s]
 68% 322/475 [00:20<00:09, 16.16it/s]
 68% 324/475 [00:20<00:09, 16.14it/s]
 69% 326/475 [00:20<00:09, 16.14it/s]
 69% 328/475 [00:20<00:09, 16.22it/s]
 69% 330/475 [00:20<00:08, 16.24it/s]
 70% 332/475 [00:20<00:08, 16.23it/s]
 70% 334/475 [00:20<00:08, 16.29it/s]
 71% 336/475 [00:20<00:08, 16.33it/s]
 71% 338/475 [00:21<00:08, 16.32it/s]
 72% 340/475 [00:21<00:08, 16.29it/s]
 72% 342/475 [00:21<00:08, 16.21it/s]
 72% 344/475 [00:21<00:08, 16.16it/s]
 73% 346/475 [00:21<00:07, 16.17it/s]
 73% 348/475 [00:21<00:07, 16.17it/s]
 74% 350/475 [00:21<00:07, 16.19it/s]
 74% 352/475 [00:21<00:07, 16.26it/s]
 75% 354/475 [00:22<00:07, 16.26it/s]
 75% 356/475 [00:22<00:07, 16.30it/s]
 75% 358/475 [00:22<00:07, 16.27it/s]
 76% 360/475 [00:22<00:07, 16.20it/s]
 76% 362/475 [00:22<00:07, 16.14it/s]
 77% 364/475 [00:22<00:06, 16.09it/s]
 77% 366/475 [00:22<00:06, 16.11it/s]
 77% 368/475 [00:22<00:06, 16.09it/s]
 78% 370/475 [00:23<00:06, 16.19it/s]
 78% 372/475 [00:23<00:06, 16.25it/s]
 79% 374/475 [00:23<00:06, 16.33it/s]
 79% 376/475 [00:23<00:06, 16.36it/s]
 80% 378/475 [00:23<00:05, 16.36it/s]
 80% 380/475 [00:23<00:05, 16.38it/s]
 80% 382/475 [00:23<00:05, 16.34it/s]
 81% 384/475 [00:23<00:05, 16.32it/s]
 81% 386/475 [00:23<00:05, 16.24it/s]
 82% 388/475 [00:24<00:05, 16.16it/s]
 82% 390/475 [00:24<00:05, 16.17it/s]
 83% 392/475 [00:24<00:05, 16.16it/s]
 83% 394/475 [00:24<00:05, 16.17it/s]
 83% 396/475 [00:24<00:04, 16.25it/s]
 84% 398/475 [00:24<00:04, 16.23it/s]
 84% 400/475 [00:24<00:04, 16.30it/s]
 85% 402/475 [00:24<00:04, 16.33it/s]
 85% 404/475 [00:25<00:04, 16.38it/s]
 85% 406/475 [00:25<00:04, 16.41it/s]
 86% 408/475 [00:25<00:04, 16.37it/s]
 86% 410/475 [00:25<00:03, 16.34it/s]
 87% 412/475 [00:25<00:03, 16.39it/s]
 87% 414/475 [00:25<00:03, 16.37it/s]
 88% 416/475 [00:25<00:03, 16.43it/s]
 88% 418/475 [00:25<00:03, 16.43it/s]
 88% 420/475 [00:26<00:03, 16.41it/s]
 89% 422/475 [00:26<00:03, 16.40it/s]
 89% 424/475 [00:26<00:03, 16.34it/s]
 90% 426/475 [00:26<00:03, 16.22it/s]
 90% 428/475 [00:26<00:02, 16.15it/s]
 91% 430/475 [00:26<00:02, 16.18it/s]
 91% 432/475 [00:26<00:02, 16.19it/s]
 91% 434/475 [00:26<00:02, 16.22it/s]
 92% 436/475 [00:27<00:02, 16.32it/s]
 92% 438/475 [00:27<00:02, 16.34it/s]
 93% 440/475 [00:27<00:02, 16.26it/s]
 93% 442/475 [00:27<00:02, 16.21it/s]
 93% 444/475 [00:27<00:01, 16.03it/s]
 94% 446/475 [00:27<00:01, 15.97it/s]
 94% 448/475 [00:27<00:01, 15.95it/s]
 95% 450/475 [00:27<00:01, 15.96it/s]
 95% 452/475 [00:28<00:01, 15.82it/s]
 96% 454/475 [00:28<00:01, 15.84it/s]
 96% 456/475 [00:28<00:01, 15.89it/s]
 96% 458/475 [00:28<00:01, 15.99it/s]
 97% 460/475 [00:28<00:00, 16.05it/s]
 97% 462/475 [00:28<00:00, 16.05it/s]
 98% 464/475 [00:28<00:00, 15.92it/s]
 98% 466/475 [00:28<00:00, 15.84it/s]
 99% 468/475 [00:29<00:00, 15.88it/s]
 99% 470/475 [00:29<00:00, 16.06it/s]
 99% 472/475 [00:29<00:00, 16.17it/s]
{'eval_loss': 0.19872112572193146, 'eval_accuracy': 0.9457894736842105, 'eval_runtime': 29.5805, 'eval_samples_per_second': 128.463, 'eval_steps_per_second': 16.058, 'epoch': 1.0}
100% 625/625 [02:43<00:00,  4.63it/s]
100% 475/475 [00:29<00:00, 16.27it/s]
                                     [INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:31:50,561 >> Saving model checkpoint to out/ag_news/gpt2/checkpoint-625
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:31:50,563 >> Configuration saved in out/ag_news/gpt2/checkpoint-625/config.json
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:31:56,825 >> Model weights saved in out/ag_news/gpt2/checkpoint-625/pytorch_model.bin
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:31:56,826 >> tokenizer config file saved in out/ag_news/gpt2/checkpoint-625/tokenizer_config.json
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:31:56,826 >> Special tokens file saved in out/ag_news/gpt2/checkpoint-625/special_tokens_map.json
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:32:00,616 >> 

Training completed. Do not forget to share your model on =)

[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:32:00,617 >> Loading best model from out/ag_news/gpt2/checkpoint-625 (score: 0.9457894736842105).
{'train_runtime': 174.1586, 'train_samples_per_second': 28.704, 'train_steps_per_second': 3.589, 'train_loss': 0.5285616569519043, 'epoch': 1.0}
100% 625/625 [02:54<00:00,  3.59it/s]
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:32:01,232 >> Saving model checkpoint to out/ag_news/gpt2
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:32:01,234 >> Configuration saved in out/ag_news/gpt2/config.json
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:32:02,805 >> Model weights saved in out/ag_news/gpt2/pytorch_model.bin
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:32:02,806 >> tokenizer config file saved in out/ag_news/gpt2/tokenizer_config.json
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:32:02,806 >> Special tokens file saved in out/ag_news/gpt2/special_tokens_map.json
***** train metrics *****
  epoch                    =        1.0
  train_loss               =     0.5286
  train_runtime            = 0:02:54.15
  train_samples            =       4999
  train_samples_per_second =     28.704
  train_steps_per_second   =      3.589
01/30/2024 16:32:02 - INFO - __main__ - *** Evaluate ***
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:32:02,857 >> The following columns in the evaluation set don't have a corresponding argument in `GPT2ForSequenceClassification.forward` and have been ignored: text. If text are not expected by `GPT2ForSequenceClassification.forward`,  you can safely ignore this message.
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:32:02,858 >> ***** Running Evaluation *****
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:32:02,858 >>   Num examples = 3800
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:32:02,859 >>   Batch size = 8
100% 475/475 [00:29<00:00, 16.16it/s]
***** eval metrics *****
  epoch                   =        1.0
  eval_accuracy           =     0.9458
  eval_loss               =     0.1987
  eval_runtime            = 0:00:29.47
  eval_samples            =       3800
  eval_samples_per_second =     128.91
  eval_steps_per_second   =     16.114
01/30/2024 16:32:32 - INFO - __main__ - *** Predict ***
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:32:32,339 >> The following columns in the test set don't have a corresponding argument in `GPT2ForSequenceClassification.forward` and have been ignored: text. If text are not expected by `GPT2ForSequenceClassification.forward`,  you can safely ignore this message.
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:32:32,341 >> ***** Running Prediction *****
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:32:32,341 >>   Num examples = 3800
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:32:32,341 >>   Batch size = 8
100% 475/475 [00:29<00:00, 15.94it/s]
01/30/2024 16:33:02 - INFO - __main__ - ***** Predict results None *****
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:33:02,551 >> Dropping the following result as it does not have all the necessary fields:
{'task': {'name': 'Text Classification', 'type': 'text-classification'}, 'metrics': [{'name': 'Accuracy', 'type': 'accuracy', 'value': 0.9457894736842105}]}

Score: 0.9458

Baseline - T5

!python \
  --cache_dir .cache_training \
  --model_name_or_path addy88/sst5-sentence-t5-base \
  --train_file data/train-5k.json  \
  --validation_file data/valid-5k.json \
  --per_device_train_batch_size 8 \
  --per_device_eval_batch_size 8 \
  --do_train \
  --do_eval \
  --max_seq_length 128 \
  --learning_rate 2e-5 \
  --num_train_epochs 1 \
  --save_strategy steps \
  --save_steps 1000 \
  --save_total_limit 5 \
  --logging_strategy steps \
  --logging_steps 50 \
  --eval_steps 1000 \
  --evaluation_strategy steps \
  --metric_for_best_model 'accuracy' \
  --greater_is_better 'True' \
  --load_best_model_at_end 'True' \
  --report_to 'none' \
  --output_dir out/ag_news/t5
2024-01-30 16:49:46.713216: E external/local_xla/xla/stream_executor/cuda/] Unable to register cuDNN factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuDNN when one has already been registered
2024-01-30 16:49:46.713262: E external/local_xla/xla/stream_executor/cuda/] Unable to register cuFFT factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuFFT when one has already been registered
2024-01-30 16:49:46.714675: E external/local_xla/xla/stream_executor/cuda/] Unable to register cuBLAS factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuBLAS when one has already been registered
2024-01-30 16:49:48.185926: W tensorflow/compiler/tf2tensorrt/utils/] TF-TRT Warning: Could not find TensorRT
01/30/2024 16:49:50 - WARNING - __main__ - Process rank: 0, device: cuda:0, n_gpu: 1distributed training: False, 16-bits training: False
01/30/2024 16:49:50 - INFO - __main__ - Training/evaluation parameters TrainingArguments(
fsdp_config={'min_num_params': 0, 'xla': False, 'xla_fsdp_grad_ckpt': False},
01/30/2024 16:49:50 - INFO - __main__ - Checkpoint detected, resuming training at out/ag_news/t5/checkpoint-625. To avoid this behavior, change the `--output_dir` or add `--overwrite_output_dir` to train from scratch.
01/30/2024 16:49:50 - INFO - __main__ - load a local file for train: data/train-5k.json
01/30/2024 16:49:50 - INFO - __main__ - load a local file for validation: data/valid-5k.json
Using custom data configuration default-8b0f65a9805014a2
01/30/2024 16:49:50 - INFO - datasets.builder - Using custom data configuration default-8b0f65a9805014a2
Loading Dataset Infos from /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/datasets/packaged_modules/json
01/30/2024 16:49:50 - INFO - - Loading Dataset Infos from /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/datasets/packaged_modules/json
Overwrite dataset info from restored data version if exists.
01/30/2024 16:49:50 - INFO - datasets.builder - Overwrite dataset info from restored data version if exists.
Loading Dataset info from .cache_training/json/default-8b0f65a9805014a2/0.0.0/8bb11242116d547c741b2e8a1f18598ffdd40a1d4f2a2872c7a28b697434bc96
01/30/2024 16:49:50 - INFO - - Loading Dataset info from .cache_training/json/default-8b0f65a9805014a2/0.0.0/8bb11242116d547c741b2e8a1f18598ffdd40a1d4f2a2872c7a28b697434bc96
Found cached dataset json (/content/.cache_training/json/default-8b0f65a9805014a2/0.0.0/8bb11242116d547c741b2e8a1f18598ffdd40a1d4f2a2872c7a28b697434bc96)
01/30/2024 16:49:51 - INFO - datasets.builder - Found cached dataset json (/content/.cache_training/json/default-8b0f65a9805014a2/0.0.0/8bb11242116d547c741b2e8a1f18598ffdd40a1d4f2a2872c7a28b697434bc96)
Loading Dataset info from /content/.cache_training/json/default-8b0f65a9805014a2/0.0.0/8bb11242116d547c741b2e8a1f18598ffdd40a1d4f2a2872c7a28b697434bc96
01/30/2024 16:49:51 - INFO - - Loading Dataset info from /content/.cache_training/json/default-8b0f65a9805014a2/0.0.0/8bb11242116d547c741b2e8a1f18598ffdd40a1d4f2a2872c7a28b697434bc96
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:49:51,132 >> loading configuration file config.json from cache at .cache_training/models--addy88--sst5-sentence-t5-base/snapshots/a7bba5e7b7be71e37931380237dcbedb56180015/config.json
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:49:51,133 >> Model config T5Config {
  "_name_or_path": "addy88/sst5-sentence-t5-base",
  "architectures": [
  "classifier_dropout": 0.0,
  "d_ff": 3072,
  "d_kv": 64,
  "d_model": 768,
  "decoder_start_token_id": 0,
  "dense_act_fn": "relu",
  "dropout_rate": 0.1,
  "eos_token_id": 1,
  "feed_forward_proj": "relu",
  "id2label": {
    "0": "LABEL_0",
    "1": "LABEL_1",
    "2": "LABEL_2",
    "3": "LABEL_3"
  "initializer_factor": 1.0,
  "is_encoder_decoder": true,
  "is_gated_act": false,
  "label2id": {
    "LABEL_0": 0,
    "LABEL_1": 1,
    "LABEL_2": 2,
    "LABEL_3": 3
  "layer_norm_epsilon": 1e-06,
  "model_type": "t5",
  "n_positions": 512,
  "num_decoder_layers": 12,
  "num_heads": 12,
  "num_layers": 12,
  "output_past": true,
  "pad_token_id": 0,
  "relative_attention_max_distance": 128,
  "relative_attention_num_buckets": 32,
  "task_specific_params": {
    "summarization": {
      "early_stopping": true,
      "length_penalty": 2.0,
      "max_length": 200,
      "min_length": 30,
      "no_repeat_ngram_size": 3,
      "num_beams": 4,
      "prefix": "summarize: "
    "translation_en_to_de": {
      "early_stopping": true,
      "max_length": 300,
      "num_beams": 4,
      "prefix": "translate English to German: "
    "translation_en_to_fr": {
      "early_stopping": true,
      "max_length": 300,
      "num_beams": 4,
      "prefix": "translate English to French: "
    "translation_en_to_ro": {
      "early_stopping": true,
      "max_length": 300,
      "num_beams": 4,
      "prefix": "translate English to Romanian: "
  "torch_dtype": "float32",
  "transformers_version": "4.34.1",
  "use_cache": true,
  "vocab_size": 32128

[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:49:51,182 >> loading file spiece.model from cache at .cache_training/models--addy88--sst5-sentence-t5-base/snapshots/a7bba5e7b7be71e37931380237dcbedb56180015/spiece.model
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:49:51,183 >> loading file tokenizer.json from cache at .cache_training/models--addy88--sst5-sentence-t5-base/snapshots/a7bba5e7b7be71e37931380237dcbedb56180015/tokenizer.json
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:49:51,183 >> loading file added_tokens.json from cache at None
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:49:51,183 >> loading file special_tokens_map.json from cache at .cache_training/models--addy88--sst5-sentence-t5-base/snapshots/a7bba5e7b7be71e37931380237dcbedb56180015/special_tokens_map.json
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:49:51,183 >> loading file tokenizer_config.json from cache at .cache_training/models--addy88--sst5-sentence-t5-base/snapshots/a7bba5e7b7be71e37931380237dcbedb56180015/tokenizer_config.json
01/30/2024 16:49:51 - INFO - __main__ - Using implementation from class: AutoModelForSequenceClassification
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:49:51,298 >> loading weights file pytorch_model.bin from cache at .cache_training/models--addy88--sst5-sentence-t5-base/snapshots/a7bba5e7b7be71e37931380237dcbedb56180015/pytorch_model.bin
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:49:56,031 >> All model checkpoint weights were used when initializing T5ForSequenceClassification.

[WARNING|] 2024-01-30 16:49:56,032 >> Some weights of T5ForSequenceClassification were not initialized from the model checkpoint at addy88/sst5-sentence-t5-base and are newly initialized: ['decoder.block.9.layer.2.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.block.1.layer.1.EncDecAttention.v.weight', 'decoder.block.3.layer.0.SelfAttention.v.weight', 'decoder.block.2.layer.1.EncDecAttention.o.weight', 'decoder.block.4.layer.0.SelfAttention.q.weight', 'decoder.block.4.layer.0.SelfAttention.o.weight', 'decoder.block.11.layer.2.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.block.6.layer.1.EncDecAttention.k.weight', 'decoder.block.8.layer.1.EncDecAttention.q.weight', 'decoder.block.9.layer.0.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.block.3.layer.0.SelfAttention.q.weight', 'decoder.block.0.layer.2.DenseReluDense.wi.weight', 'decoder.block.2.layer.1.EncDecAttention.k.weight', 'decoder.block.8.layer.1.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.block.7.layer.0.SelfAttention.o.weight', 'decoder.block.6.layer.2.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.block.7.layer.1.EncDecAttention.q.weight', 'classification_head.out_proj.weight', 'decoder.block.4.layer.0.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.block.0.layer.0.SelfAttention.relative_attention_bias.weight', 'decoder.block.10.layer.0.SelfAttention.v.weight', 'decoder.block.2.layer.0.SelfAttention.o.weight', 'decoder.block.8.layer.2.DenseReluDense.wi.weight', 'decoder.block.1.layer.0.SelfAttention.q.weight', 'decoder.block.4.layer.0.SelfAttention.k.weight', 'decoder.block.11.layer.0.SelfAttention.k.weight', 'decoder.block.4.layer.2.DenseReluDense.wo.weight', 'decoder.block.11.layer.0.SelfAttention.o.weight', 'decoder.block.0.layer.0.SelfAttention.q.weight', 'decoder.block.7.layer.0.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.block.2.layer.2.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.block.5.layer.0.SelfAttention.v.weight', 'decoder.block.8.layer.1.EncDecAttention.k.weight', 'decoder.block.10.layer.2.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.block.5.layer.0.SelfAttention.o.weight', 'decoder.block.0.layer.1.EncDecAttention.q.weight', 'decoder.block.2.layer.0.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.block.11.layer.1.EncDecAttention.q.weight', 'decoder.block.9.layer.1.EncDecAttention.q.weight', 'decoder.block.10.layer.0.SelfAttention.q.weight', 'classification_head.dense.bias', 'decoder.block.3.layer.2.DenseReluDense.wo.weight', 'decoder.block.5.layer.1.EncDecAttention.v.weight', 'decoder.block.3.layer.1.EncDecAttention.v.weight', 'decoder.block.11.layer.1.EncDecAttention.o.weight', 'decoder.block.3.layer.2.DenseReluDense.wi.weight', 'decoder.block.1.layer.0.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.block.1.layer.1.EncDecAttention.o.weight', 'decoder.block.9.layer.0.SelfAttention.k.weight', 'decoder.block.5.layer.0.SelfAttention.k.weight', 'classification_head.out_proj.bias', 'decoder.block.3.layer.1.EncDecAttention.k.weight', 'decoder.block.8.layer.0.SelfAttention.q.weight', 'decoder.block.4.layer.2.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.block.11.layer.0.SelfAttention.q.weight', 'decoder.block.10.layer.2.DenseReluDense.wo.weight', 'decoder.block.4.layer.1.EncDecAttention.o.weight', 'decoder.block.1.layer.0.SelfAttention.k.weight', 'decoder.block.3.layer.0.SelfAttention.o.weight', 'decoder.block.11.layer.0.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.block.4.layer.1.EncDecAttention.v.weight', 'decoder.block.0.layer.1.EncDecAttention.k.weight', 'decoder.block.10.layer.0.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.block.1.layer.2.DenseReluDense.wi.weight', 'decoder.block.6.layer.1.EncDecAttention.v.weight', 'decoder.block.8.layer.0.SelfAttention.v.weight', 'decoder.block.6.layer.0.SelfAttention.v.weight', 'decoder.block.10.layer.1.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.block.8.layer.0.SelfAttention.k.weight', 'decoder.block.5.layer.0.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.block.2.layer.1.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.block.6.layer.2.DenseReluDense.wo.weight', 'decoder.block.10.layer.1.EncDecAttention.o.weight', 'decoder.block.0.layer.0.SelfAttention.v.weight', 'decoder.block.9.layer.0.SelfAttention.o.weight', 'decoder.block.5.layer.1.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.block.6.layer.0.SelfAttention.k.weight', 'classification_head.dense.weight', 'decoder.block.3.layer.2.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.block.4.layer.1.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.block.4.layer.1.EncDecAttention.q.weight', 'decoder.block.2.layer.1.EncDecAttention.v.weight', 'decoder.block.8.layer.1.EncDecAttention.v.weight', 'decoder.block.1.layer.1.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.block.0.layer.0.SelfAttention.o.weight', 'decoder.block.2.layer.0.SelfAttention.k.weight', 'decoder.block.9.layer.1.EncDecAttention.v.weight', 'decoder.block.1.layer.0.SelfAttention.o.weight', 'decoder.block.0.layer.0.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.block.2.layer.0.SelfAttention.q.weight', 'decoder.block.3.layer.1.EncDecAttention.o.weight', 'decoder.block.7.layer.0.SelfAttention.v.weight', 'decoder.block.5.layer.0.SelfAttention.q.weight', 'decoder.block.0.layer.1.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.block.0.layer.2.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.block.8.layer.2.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.block.1.layer.0.SelfAttention.v.weight', 'decoder.block.7.layer.2.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.block.6.layer.0.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.block.10.layer.0.SelfAttention.k.weight', 'decoder.block.7.layer.1.EncDecAttention.v.weight', 'decoder.block.7.layer.1.EncDecAttention.k.weight', 'decoder.block.5.layer.1.EncDecAttention.o.weight', 'decoder.block.9.layer.0.SelfAttention.v.weight', 'decoder.block.11.layer.0.SelfAttention.v.weight', 'decoder.block.1.layer.1.EncDecAttention.k.weight', 'decoder.block.4.layer.2.DenseReluDense.wi.weight', 'decoder.block.9.layer.2.DenseReluDense.wo.weight', 'decoder.block.10.layer.2.DenseReluDense.wi.weight', 'decoder.block.0.layer.1.EncDecAttention.v.weight', 'decoder.block.10.layer.1.EncDecAttention.q.weight', 'decoder.block.6.layer.1.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.block.8.layer.2.DenseReluDense.wo.weight', 'decoder.block.4.layer.0.SelfAttention.v.weight', 'decoder.block.10.layer.1.EncDecAttention.k.weight', 'decoder.block.2.layer.0.SelfAttention.v.weight', 'decoder.block.6.layer.0.SelfAttention.o.weight', 'decoder.block.9.layer.0.SelfAttention.q.weight', 'decoder.block.7.layer.0.SelfAttention.q.weight', 'decoder.block.11.layer.2.DenseReluDense.wi.weight', 'decoder.block.9.layer.1.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.block.10.layer.1.EncDecAttention.v.weight', 'decoder.block.5.layer.1.EncDecAttention.q.weight', 'decoder.block.1.layer.2.DenseReluDense.wo.weight', 'decoder.block.8.layer.0.SelfAttention.o.weight', 'decoder.block.8.layer.0.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.block.9.layer.2.DenseReluDense.wi.weight', 'decoder.block.0.layer.2.DenseReluDense.wo.weight', 'decoder.block.1.layer.2.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.block.2.layer.1.EncDecAttention.q.weight', 'decoder.block.11.layer.1.EncDecAttention.k.weight', 'decoder.block.5.layer.2.DenseReluDense.wo.weight', 'decoder.block.6.layer.1.EncDecAttention.q.weight', 'decoder.block.11.layer.2.DenseReluDense.wo.weight', 'decoder.block.1.layer.1.EncDecAttention.q.weight', 'decoder.block.6.layer.2.DenseReluDense.wi.weight', 'decoder.block.2.layer.2.DenseReluDense.wo.weight', 'decoder.block.3.layer.1.EncDecAttention.q.weight', 'decoder.block.11.layer.1.EncDecAttention.v.weight', 'decoder.block.3.layer.1.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.block.7.layer.1.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.block.7.layer.2.DenseReluDense.wi.weight', 'decoder.block.10.layer.0.SelfAttention.o.weight', 'decoder.block.7.layer.2.DenseReluDense.wo.weight', 'decoder.block.0.layer.0.SelfAttention.k.weight', 'decoder.block.7.layer.0.SelfAttention.k.weight', 'decoder.block.7.layer.1.EncDecAttention.o.weight', 'decoder.block.11.layer.1.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.block.5.layer.1.EncDecAttention.k.weight', 'decoder.block.6.layer.0.SelfAttention.q.weight', 'decoder.block.3.layer.0.SelfAttention.k.weight', 'decoder.block.4.layer.1.EncDecAttention.k.weight', 'decoder.block.6.layer.1.EncDecAttention.o.weight', 'decoder.final_layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.block.3.layer.0.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.block.8.layer.1.EncDecAttention.o.weight', 'decoder.block.2.layer.2.DenseReluDense.wi.weight', 'decoder.block.5.layer.2.layer_norm.weight', 'decoder.block.9.layer.1.EncDecAttention.k.weight', 'decoder.block.0.layer.1.EncDecAttention.o.weight', 'decoder.block.5.layer.2.DenseReluDense.wi.weight', 'decoder.block.9.layer.1.EncDecAttention.o.weight']
You should probably TRAIN this model on a down-stream task to be able to use it for predictions and inference.
Loading cached processed dataset at /content/.cache_training/json/default-8b0f65a9805014a2/0.0.0/8bb11242116d547c741b2e8a1f18598ffdd40a1d4f2a2872c7a28b697434bc96/cache-0a57e223ef0395a6.arrow
01/30/2024 16:49:56 - INFO - datasets.arrow_dataset - Loading cached processed dataset at /content/.cache_training/json/default-8b0f65a9805014a2/0.0.0/8bb11242116d547c741b2e8a1f18598ffdd40a1d4f2a2872c7a28b697434bc96/cache-0a57e223ef0395a6.arrow
Running tokenizer on dataset:   0% 0/3800 [00:00<?, ? examples/s]Caching processed dataset at /content/.cache_training/json/default-8b0f65a9805014a2/0.0.0/8bb11242116d547c741b2e8a1f18598ffdd40a1d4f2a2872c7a28b697434bc96/cache-e38045fe399c0ad6.arrow
01/30/2024 16:49:56 - INFO - datasets.arrow_dataset - Caching processed dataset at /content/.cache_training/json/default-8b0f65a9805014a2/0.0.0/8bb11242116d547c741b2e8a1f18598ffdd40a1d4f2a2872c7a28b697434bc96/cache-e38045fe399c0ad6.arrow
Running tokenizer on dataset: 100% 3800/3800 [00:00<00:00, 4772.10 examples/s]
01/30/2024 16:49:56 - INFO - __main__ - Sample 912 of the training set: {'label': 0, 'text': "Phelps to Take on Thorpe in Busy Night ATHENS, Greece - Michael Phelps, still smarting after America's upset loss to South Africa in the 400 freestyle relay, returned to the pool Monday and qualified fastest for the Olympic 200-meter butterfly. Phelps' quest to break Mark Spitz's record of seven gold medals at the 1972 Munich Games was dashed with the Americans' bronze medal in the relay Sunday night...", 'input_ids': [276, 15061, 7, 12, 2321, 30, 10632, 855, 16, 5703, 63, 5190, 3, 24786, 18433, 6, 12263, 3, 18, 2457, 276, 15061, 7, 6, 341, 2592, 53, 227, 1371, 31, 7, 13423, 1453, 12, 1013, 2648, 16, 8, 4837, 339, 4084, 16010, 6, 3666, 12, 8, 2201, 2089, 11, 4717, 10391, 21, 8, 11548, 2382, 18, 4401, 23337, 5, 276, 15061, 7, 31, 13118, 12, 1733, 2185, 2526, 5615, 31, 7, 1368, 13, 2391, 2045, 9365, 7, 44, 8, 16583, 22402, 5880, 47, 211, 88, 26, 28, 8, 5452, 31, 13467, 9365, 16, 8, 16010, 1771, 706, 233, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'attention_mask': [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}.
01/30/2024 16:49:56 - INFO - __main__ - Sample 204 of the training set: {'label': 3, 'text': 'AOL to Sell Cheap PCs to Minorities and Seniors  NEW YORK (Reuters) - America Online on Thursday said it  plans to sell a low-priced PC targeting low-income and minority  households who agree to sign up for a year of dialup Internet  service.', 'input_ids': [71, 5194, 12, 16922, 13193, 2104, 7, 12, 20650, 2197, 11, 5523, 7, 8747, 3, 476, 2990, 439, 41, 18844, 61, 3, 18, 1371, 1777, 30, 2721, 243, 34, 1390, 12, 1789, 3, 9, 731, 18, 102, 4920, 26, 2104, 13972, 731, 18, 15759, 11, 16392, 15802, 113, 2065, 12, 1320, 95, 21, 3, 9, 215, 13, 10362, 413, 1284, 313, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'attention_mask': [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}.
01/30/2024 16:49:56 - INFO - __main__ - Sample 2253 of the training set: {'label': 1, 'text': 'Warriors, Mavs close on five-player trade The Warriors and Mavericks are close to completing a five-player trade that would bring forwards Eduardo Najera and Christian Laettner to Golden State and send centers Erick Dampier, Evan Eschmeyer and guard Dan Dickau to Dallas, an NBA source aware of ...', 'input_ids': [24499, 6, 1534, 208, 7, 885, 30, 874, 18, 20846, 1668, 37, 24499, 11, 1534, 162, 5206, 7, 33, 885, 12, 3, 8828, 3, 9, 874, 18, 20846, 1668, 24, 133, 830, 1039, 7, 31176, 32, 1823, 12488, 9, 11, 2826, 325, 15, 17, 17, 687, 12, 7100, 1015, 11, 1299, 6881, 6964, 157, 10939, 8343, 6, 22743, 262, 860, 526, 7975, 11, 4879, 2744, 21269, 402, 12, 9628, 6, 46, 14512, 1391, 2718, 13, 3, 233, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'attention_mask': [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}.
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:49:57,792 >> Loading model from out/ag_news/t5/checkpoint-625.
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:49:58,900 >> The following columns in the training set don't have a corresponding argument in `T5ForSequenceClassification.forward` and have been ignored: text. If text are not expected by `T5ForSequenceClassification.forward`,  you can safely ignore this message.
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:50:06,149 >> ***** Running training *****
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:50:06,149 >>   Num examples = 4,999
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:50:06,149 >>   Num Epochs = 1
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:50:06,149 >>   Instantaneous batch size per device = 8
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:50:06,149 >>   Total train batch size (w. parallel, distributed & accumulation) = 8
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:50:06,149 >>   Gradient Accumulation steps = 1
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:50:06,149 >>   Total optimization steps = 625
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:50:06,244 >>   Number of trainable parameters = 223,497,220
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:50:06,246 >>   Continuing training from checkpoint, will skip to saved global_step
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:50:06,246 >>   Continuing training from epoch 1
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:50:06,246 >>   Continuing training from global step 625
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:50:06,246 >>   Will skip the first 1 epochs then the first 0 batches in the first epoch.
  0% 0/625 [00:00<?, ?it/s][INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:50:06,249 >> 

Training completed. Do not forget to share your model on =)

[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:50:06,249 >> Loading best model from out/ag_news/t5/checkpoint-625 (score: 0.9178947368421052).
{'train_runtime': 0.853, 'train_samples_per_second': 5860.246, 'train_steps_per_second': 732.677, 'train_loss': 0.0, 'epoch': 1.0}
  0% 0/625 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:50:07,099 >> Saving model checkpoint to out/ag_news/t5
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:50:07,100 >> Configuration saved in out/ag_news/t5/config.json
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:50:10,146 >> Model weights saved in out/ag_news/t5/pytorch_model.bin
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:50:10,148 >> tokenizer config file saved in out/ag_news/t5/tokenizer_config.json
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:50:10,148 >> Special tokens file saved in out/ag_news/t5/special_tokens_map.json
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:50:10,150 >> Copy vocab file to out/ag_news/t5/spiece.model
***** train metrics *****
  epoch                    =        1.0
  train_loss               =        0.0
  train_runtime            = 0:00:00.85
  train_samples            =       4999
  train_samples_per_second =   5860.246
  train_steps_per_second   =    732.677
01/30/2024 16:50:10 - INFO - __main__ - *** Evaluate ***
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:50:10,195 >> The following columns in the evaluation set don't have a corresponding argument in `T5ForSequenceClassification.forward` and have been ignored: text. If text are not expected by `T5ForSequenceClassification.forward`,  you can safely ignore this message.
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:50:10,196 >> ***** Running Evaluation *****
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:50:10,196 >>   Num examples = 3800
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:50:10,197 >>   Batch size = 8
100% 475/475 [01:10<00:00,  6.78it/s]
***** eval metrics *****
  epoch                   =        1.0
  eval_accuracy           =     0.9179
  eval_loss               =     0.2999
  eval_runtime            = 0:01:11.42
  eval_samples            =       3800
  eval_samples_per_second =     53.206
  eval_steps_per_second   =      6.651
[INFO|] 2024-01-30 16:51:21,837 >> Dropping the following result as it does not have all the necessary fields:
{'task': {'name': 'Text Classification', 'type': 'text-classification'}, 'metrics': [{'name': 'Accuracy', 'type': 'accuracy', 'value': 0.9178947368421052}]}

Score: 0.9179


import torch
from transformers import pipeline, AutoConfig, AutoTokenizer, AutoModel, AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoModelForMaskedLM, AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM
from datasets import load_dataset

dataset = load_dataset("ag_news")
def get_pipeline(pipeline_type: str, model_name: str, model_type: str, torch_dtype: torch.dtype="auto", device_map="auto"):
    if model_type == 'clm':
        class_type = AutoModelForCausalLM
    elif model_type == 'mlm':
        class_type = AutoModelForMaskedLM
    elif model_type == 's2s':
        class_type = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM
    model = class_type.from_pretrained(model_name, low_cpu_mem_usage=True, torch_dtype=torch_dtype, device_map=device_map)
    tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)

    return pipeline(pipeline_type, model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer)

def generate_text_simple(model_pipeline, text: str, max_new_tokens: int = 20, is_prompt: bool = False):
  generated_text = model_pipeline(text, do_sample=False, max_new_tokens=max_new_tokens)[0]["generated_text"]
  if is_prompt and generated_text.startswith(text):
    generated_text = generated_text[len(text):].strip()
  return generated_text

lm_pipeline = get_pipeline('text2text-generation', 'google/flan-t5-large', 's2s')

test_dataset_flan_t5 =["test"], range(1500))
dataset_with_prompt = []
for example in test_dataset_flan_t5:
  temp_val = example["text"]
  dataset_with_prompt.append({"text": f"Classify the given text: {temp_val}. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category."
  , 'label': example["label"]})
correct = 0
for prompt in dataset_with_prompt:
   answer = generate_text_simple(lm_pipeline, prompt['text'])
   print(f'prompt: {prompt["text"]}')
   print(f'Correct answer: {prompt["label"]}, Flan-T5: {answer}')
    if int(answer) == int(prompt["label"]):
        correct +=1
   except ValueError:

accuracy = correct/len(dataset_with_prompt)
prompt: Classify the given text: Fears for T N pension after talks Unions representing workers at Turner   Newall say they are 'disappointed' after talks with stricken parent firm Federal Mogul.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: The Race is On: Second Private Team Sets Launch Date for Human Spaceflight ( - TORONTO, Canada -- A second\team of rocketeers competing for the  #36;10 million Ansari X Prize, a contest for\privately funded suborbital space flight, has officially announced the first\launch date for its manned rocket.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Ky. Company Wins Grant to Study Peptides (AP) AP - A company founded by a chemistry researcher at the University of Louisville won a grant to develop a method of producing better peptides, which are short chains of amino acids, the building blocks of proteins.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Prediction Unit Helps Forecast Wildfires (AP) AP - It's barely dawn when Mike Fitzpatrick starts his shift with a blur of colorful maps, figures and endless charts, but already he knows what the day will bring. Lightning will strike in places he expects. Winds will pick up, moist places will dry and flames will roar.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Calif. Aims to Limit Farm-Related Smog (AP) AP - Southern California's smog-fighting agency went after emissions of the bovine variety Friday, adopting the nation's first rules to reduce air pollution from dairy cow manure.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Open Letter Against British Copyright Indoctrination in Schools The British Department for Education and Skills (DfES) recently launched a "Music Manifesto" campaign, with the ostensible intention of educating the next generation of British musicians. Unfortunately, they also teamed up with the music industry (EMI, and various artists) to make this popular. EMI has apparently negotiated their end well, so that children in our schools will now be indoctrinated about the illegality of downloading music.The ignorance and audacity of this got to me a little, so I wrote an open letter to the DfES about it. Unfortunately, it's pedantic, as I suppose you have to be when writing to goverment representatives. But I hope you find it useful, and perhaps feel inspired to do something similar, if or when the same thing has happened in your area.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Loosing the War on Terrorism \\\\"Sven Jaschan, self-confessed author of the Netsky and Sasser viruses, is\responsible for 70 percent of virus infections in 2004, according to a six-month\virus roundup published Wednesday by antivirus company Sophos."\\\\"The 18-year-old Jaschan was taken into custody in Germany in May by police who\said he had admitted programming both the Netsky and Sasser worms, something\experts at Microsoft confirmed. (A Microsoft antivirus reward program led to the\teenager's arrest.) During the five months preceding Jaschan's capture, there\were at least 25 variants of Netsky and one of the port-scanning network worm\Sasser."\\\\"Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant at Sophos, said it was staggeri ...\\\\. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: FOAFKey: FOAF, PGP, Key Distribution, and Bloom Filters \\\\FOAF/LOAF  and bloom filters have a lot of interesting properties for social\network and whitelist distribution.\\\\I think we can go one level higher though and include GPG/OpenPGP key\fingerpring distribution in the FOAF file for simple web-of-trust based key\distribution.\\\\What if we used FOAF and included the PGP key fingerprint(s) for identities?\This could mean a lot.  You include the PGP key fingerprints within the FOAF\file of your direct friends and then include a bloom filter of the PGP key\fingerprints of your entire whitelist (the source FOAF file would of course need\to be encrypted ).\\\\Your whitelist would be populated from the social network as your client\discovered new identit ...\\\\. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: E-mail scam targets police chief Wiltshire Police warns about "phishing" after its fraud squad chief was targeted.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Card fraud unit nets 36,000 cards In its first two years, the UK's dedicated card fraud unit, has recovered 36,000 stolen cards and 171 arrests - and estimates it saved 65m.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 2
/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/transformers/pipelines/ UserWarning: You seem to be using the pipelines sequentially on GPU. In order to maximize efficiency please use a dataset
prompt: Classify the given text: Group to Propose New High-Speed Wireless Format  LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A group of technology companies  including Texas Instruments Inc. <TXN.N>, STMicroelectronics  <STM.PA> and Broadcom Corp. <BRCM.O>, on Thursday said they  will propose a new wireless networking standard up to 10 times  the speed of the current generation.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Apple Launches Graphics Software, Video Bundle  LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Apple Computer Inc.<AAPL.O> on  Tuesday began shipping a new program designed to let users  create real-time motion graphics and unveiled a discount  video-editing software bundle featuring its flagship Final Cut  Pro software.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Dutch Retailer Beats Apple to Local Download Market  AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Free Record Shop, a Dutch music  retail chain, beat Apple Computer Inc. to market on Tuesday  with the launch of a new download service in Europe's latest  battleground for digital song services.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Super ant colony hits Australia A giant 100km colony of ants  which has been discovered in Melbourne, Australia, could threaten local insect species.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Socialites unite dolphin groups Dolphin groups, or "pods", rely on socialites to keep them from collapsing, scientists claim.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Teenage T. rex's monster growth Tyrannosaurus rex achieved its massive size due to an enormous growth spurt during its adolescent years.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Scientists Discover Ganymede has a Lumpy Interior Jet Propulsion Lab -- Scientists have discovered irregular lumps beneath the icy surface of Jupiter's largest moon, Ganymede. These irregular masses may be rock formations, supported by Ganymede's icy shell for billions of years.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Mars Rovers Relay Images Through Mars Express European Space Agency -- ESAs Mars Express has relayed pictures from one of NASA's Mars rovers for the first time, as part of a set of interplanetary networking demonstrations.     The demonstrations pave the way for future Mars missions to draw on joint interplanetary networking capabilities.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Rocking the Cradle of Life When did life begin? One evidential clue stems from the fossil records in Western Australia, although whether these layered sediments are biological or chemical has spawned a spirited debate. Oxford researcher, Nicola McLoughlin, describes some of the issues in contention.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Storage, servers bruise HP earnings update Earnings per share rise compared with a year ago, but company misses analysts' expectations by a long shot.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: IBM to hire even more new workers By the end of the year, the computing giant plans to have its biggest headcount since 1991.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Sun's Looking Glass Provides 3D View Developers get early code for new operating system 'skin' still being crafted.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: IBM Chips May Someday Heal Themselves New technology applies electrical fuses to help identify and repair faults.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Some People Not Eligible to Get in on Google IPO Google has billed its IPO as a way for everyday people to get in on the process, denying Wall Street the usual stranglehold it's had on IPOs. Public bidding, a minimum of just five shares, an open process with 28 underwriters - all this pointed to a new level of public participation. But this isn't the case.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Rivals Try to Turn Tables on Charles Schwab By MICHAEL LIEDTKE     SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- With its low prices and iconoclastic attitude, discount stock broker Charles Schwab Corp. (SCH) represented an annoying stone in Wall Street's wing-tipped shoes for decades.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: News: Sluggish movement on power grid cyber security Industry cyber security standards fail to reach some of the most vulnerable components of the power grid.\. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Giddy Phelps Touches Gold for First Time Michael Phelps won the gold medal in the 400 individual medley and set a world record in a time of 4 minutes 8.26 seconds.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Tougher rules won't soften Law's game FOXBOROUGH -- Looking at his ridiculously developed upper body, with huge biceps and hardly an ounce of fat, it's easy to see why Ty Law, arguably the best cornerback in football, chooses physical play over finesse. That's not to imply that he's lacking a finesse component, because he can shut down his side of the field much as Deion Sanders .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Shoppach doesn't appear ready to hit the next level With the weeks dwindling until Jason Varitek enters free agency, the Red Sox continue to carefully monitor Kelly Shoppach , their catcher of the future, in his climb toward the majors. The Sox like most of what they have seen at Triple A Pawtucket from Shoppach, though it remains highly uncertain whether he can make the adjustments at the plate .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Mighty Ortiz makes sure Sox can rest easy Just imagine what David Ortiz could do on a good night's rest. Ortiz spent the night before last with his baby boy, D'Angelo, who is barely 1 month old. He had planned on attending the Red Sox' Family Day at Fenway Park yesterday morning, but he had to sleep in. After all, Ortiz had a son at home, and he .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: They've caught his eye In  quot;helping themselves, quot; Ricky Bryant, Chas Gessner, Michael Jennings, and David Patten did nothing Friday night to make Bill Belichick's decision on what to do with his receivers any easier.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Indians Mount Charge The Cleveland Indians pulled within one game of the AL Central lead by beating the Minnesota Twins, 7-1, Saturday night with home runs by Travis Hafner and Victor Martinez.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Sister of man who died in Vancouver police custody slams chief (Canadian Press) Canadian Press - VANCOUVER (CP) - The sister of a man who died after a violent confrontation with police has demanded the city's chief constable resign for defending the officer involved.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Man Sought  #36;50M From McGreevey, Aides Say (AP) AP - The man who claims Gov. James E. McGreevey sexually harassed him was pushing for a cash settlement of up to  #36;50 million before the governor decided to announce that he was gay and had an extramarital affair, sources told The Associated Press.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Explosions Echo Throughout Najaf NAJAF, Iraq - Explosions and gunfire rattled through the city of Najaf as U.S. troops in armored vehicles and tanks rolled back into the streets here Sunday, a day after the collapse of talks - and with them a temporary cease-fire - intended to end the fighting in this holy city.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Frail Pope Celebrates Mass at Lourdes LOURDES, France - A frail Pope John Paul II, breathing heavily and gasping at times, celebrated an open-air Mass on Sunday for several hundred thousand pilgrims, many in wheelchairs, at a shrine to the Virgin Mary that is associated with miraculous cures.    At one point he said "help me" in Polish while struggling through his homily in French.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Venezuela Prepares for Chavez Recall Vote Supporters and rivals warn of possible fraud; government says Chavez's defeat could produce turmoil in world oil market.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: 1994 Law Designed to Preserve Guard Jobs (AP) AP - A 1994 law strengthened job protections for National Guard and Reserve troops called to active duty. Here are major provisions of the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA).. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Iran Warns Its Missiles Can Hit Anywhere in Israel  TEHRAN (Reuters) - A senior Iranian military official said  Sunday Israel and the United States would not dare attack Iran  since it could strike back anywhere in Israel with its latest  missiles, news agencies reported.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Afghan Army Dispatched to Calm Violence KABUL, Afghanistan - Government troops intervened in Afghanistan's latest outbreak of deadly fighting between warlords, flying from the capital to the far west on U.S. and NATO airplanes to retake an air base contested in the violence, officials said Sunday.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Johnson Helps D-Backs End Nine-Game Slide (AP) AP - Randy Johnson took a four-hitter into the ninth inning to help the Arizona Diamondbacks end a nine-game losing streak Sunday, beating Steve Trachsel and the New York Mets 2-0.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Retailers Vie for Back-To-School Buyers (Reuters) Reuters - Apparel retailers are hoping their\back-to-school fashions will make the grade among\style-conscious teens and young adults this fall, but it could\be a tough sell, with students and parents keeping a tighter\hold on their wallets.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Politics an Afterthought Amid Hurricane (AP) AP - If Hurricane Charley had struck three years ago, President Bush's tour through the wreckage of this coastal city would have been just the sort of post-disaster visit that other presidents have made to the scenes of storms, earthquakes, floods and fires.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Spam suspension hits shares ( - Shares in, a leading US-listed Chinese internet portal, fell more than 10 per cent on Friday after China's biggest mobile phone network operator imposed a one-year suspension on its multimedia messaging services because of customers being sent spam.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Erstad's Double Lifts Angels to Win (AP) AP - Darin Erstad doubled in the go-ahead run in the eighth inning, lifting the Anaheim Angels to a 3-2 victory over the Detroit Tigers on Sunday. The win pulled Anaheim within a percentage point of Boston and Texas in the AL wild-card race.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Drew Out of Braves' Lineup After Injury (AP) AP - Outfielder J.D. Drew missed the Atlanta Braves' game against the St. Louis Cardinals on Sunday night with a sore right quadriceps.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Venezuelans Flood Polls, Voting Extended  CARACAS, Venezuela (Reuters) - Venezuelans voted in huge  numbers on Sunday in a historic referendum on whether to recall  left-wing President Hugo Chavez and electoral authorities  prolonged voting well into the night.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Dell Exits Low-End China Consumer PC Market  HONG KONG (Reuters) - Dell Inc. <DELL.O>, the world's  largest PC maker, said on Monday it has left the low-end  consumer PC market in China and cut its overall growth target  for the country this year due to stiff competition in the  segment.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: China Says Taiwan Spy Also Operated in U.S. - Media  BEIJING (Reuters) - Beijing on Monday accused a  Chinese-American arrested for spying for Taiwan of building an  espionage network in the United States, and said he could go on  trial very soon.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Another Major Non-Factor Another major, another disappointment for Tiger Woods, the No. 1 ranked player in the world who has not won a major championship since his triumph at the 2002 U.S. Open.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: US fighter squadron to be deployed in South Korea next month (AFP) AFP - A squadron of US Air Force F-15E fighters based in Alaska will fly to South Korea next month for temporary deployment aimed at enhancing US firepower on the Korean peninsula, US authorities said.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Johnson Back to His Best as D-Backs End Streak  NEW YORK (Reuters) - Randy Johnson struck out 14 batters in  8 1/3 innings to help the Arizona Diamondbacks end a nine-game  losing streak with a 2-0 win over the host New York Mets in the  National League Sunday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Restive Maldives eases curfew after rounding up dissidents (AFP) AFP - A curfew in the capital of the Maldives was eased but parliament sessions were put off indefinitely and emergency rule continued following last week's riots, officials and residents said.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Vodafone hires Citi for Cesky bid ( - The U.K. mobile giant wants to find a way to disentagle the Czech wireless and fixed-line businesses.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Dollar Briefly Hits 4-Wk Low Vs Euro  LONDON (Reuters) - The dollar dipped to a four-week low  against the euro on Monday before rising slightly on  profit-taking, but steep oil prices and weak U.S. data  continued to fan worries about the health of the world's  largest economy.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Promoting a Shared Vision As Michael Kaleko kept running into people who were getting older and having more vision problems, he realized he could do something about it.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: India's Tata expands regional footprint via NatSteel buyout (AFP) AFP - India's Tata Iron and Steel Company Ltd. took a strategic step to expand its Asian footprint with the announcement it will buy the Asia-Pacific steel operations of Singapore's NatSteel Ltd.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Delegates Urge Cleric to Pull Out of Najaf BAGHDAD, Iraq - Delegates at Iraq's National Conference called on radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr to abandon his uprising against U.S. and Iraqi troops and pull his fighters out of a holy shrine in Najaf.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Treasuries Slip as Stocks Rally  NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury debt prices slipped on  Monday, though traders characterized the move as profit-taking  rather than any fundamental change in sentiment.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Dollar Rises Vs Euro on Asset Flows Data  NEW YORK (Reuters) - The dollar extended gains against the  euro on Monday after a report on flows into U.S. assets showed  enough of a rise in foreign investments to offset the current  account gap for the month.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Sutton Adds Haas, Cink to Ryder Cup Team  MILWAUKEE (Sports Network) - U.S. Ryder Cup captain Hal  Sutton finalized his team on Monday when he announced the  selections of Jay Haas and Stewart Cink as his captain's picks.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Haas and Cink Selected for Ryder Cup Team Jay Haas joined Stewart Cink as the two captain's picks for a U.S. team that will try to regain the cup from Europe next month.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Natalie Coughlin Wins 100M Backstroke (AP) AP - American Natalie Coughlin won Olympic gold in the 100-meter backstroke Monday night. Coughlin, the only woman ever to swim under 1 minute in the event, finished first in 1 minute, 0.37 seconds. Kirsty Coventry of Zimbabwe, who swims at Auburn University in Alabama, earned the silver in 1:00.50. Laure Manaudou of France took bronze in 1:00.88.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Oracle Overhauls Sales-Side Apps for CRM Suite (NewsFactor) NewsFactor - Oracle (Nasdaq: ORCL) has revamped its sales-side CRM applications in version 11i.10 of its sales, marketing, partner relationship management and e-commerce application.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: UN launches 210-million-dollar appeal for flood-hit Bangladesh (AFP) AFP - The United Nations launched an appeal here for 210 million dollars to help flood victims facing "grave" food shortages after two-thirds of Bangladesh was submerged, destroying crops and killing more than 700 people.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Indian state rolls out wireless broadband Government in South Indian state of Kerala sets up wireless kiosks as part of initiative to bridge digital divide.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Hurricane Survivors Wait for Water, Gas PUNTA GORDA, Fla. - Urban rescue teams, insurance adjusters and National Guard troops scattered across Florida Monday to help victims of Hurricane Charley and deliver water and other supplies to thousands of people left homeless.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Jackson Squares Off With Prosecutor SANTA MARIA, Calif. - Fans of Michael Jackson erupted in cheers Monday as the pop star emerged from a double-decker tour bus and went into court for a showdown with the prosecutor who has pursued him for years on child molestation charges.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Bobcats Trade Drobnjak to Hawks for Pick (AP) AP - The Charlotte Bobcats traded center Predrag Drobnjak to the Atlanta Hawks on Monday for a second round pick in the 2005 NBA draft.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Suspect charged in abduction, sexual assault of 11-year-old girl (Canadian Press) Canadian Press - LANGLEY, B.C. (CP) - Police have arrested a man in the kidnapping and sexual assault of an 11-year-old girl that frightened this suburban Vancouver community last week.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: China's Red Flag Linux to focus on enterprise Red Flag Software Co., the company behind China's leading Linux client distribution, plans to focus more on its server operating system and enterprise customers, the company's acting president said.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: AOL Properties Sign Girafa For Thumbnail Search Images AOL Properties Sign Girafa For Thumbnail Search Images\\\\ Inc. announced today that the CompuServe, Netscape, AIM and ICQ properties of America Online, Inc., have signed an agreement with Girafa to use Girafa's thumbnail search images as an integrated part of their search results.\\\\Using Girafa's thumbnail search service, search users can .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Cassini Spies Two Little Saturn Moons (AP) AP - NASA's Cassini spacecraft has spied two new little moons around satellite-rich Saturn, the space agency said Monday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: On front line of AIDS in Russia An industrial city northwest of Moscow struggles as AIDS hits a broader population.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Nobel Laureate Decries Stem Cell Limits (AP) AP - A Nobel laureate in medicine said Monday the Bush administration's limits on funding for embryonic stem cell research effectively have stopped the clock on American scientists' efforts to develop treatments for a host of chronic, debilitating diseases.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Jury Can Hear of Kobe Accuser's Sex Life (AP) AP - Prosecutors suffered another setback Monday in the Kobe Bryant sexual assault case, losing a last-ditch attempt to keep the NBA star's lawyers from telling jurors about the alleged victim's sex life.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: North Korea Talks Still On, China Tells Downer (Reuters) Reuters - China has said no date has been set for\working-level talks on the North Korean nuclear crisis and gave\no indication that the meeting has been canceled, Australian\Foreign Minister Alexander Downer said on Tuesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Griffin to Anchor D-Line The Redskins expect huge things from 300-pound Cornelius Griffin, who was signed to aid the team's weakest unit - the defensive line.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Last American defector in North Korea agrees to tell story (AFP) AFP - The last surviving American defector to communist North Korea wants to tell his story to put a human face on the Stalinist state which he believes is unfairly vilified abroad, British film-makers said.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Live: Olympics day four Richard Faulds and Stephen Parry are going for gold for Great Britain on day four in Athens.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Kerry Widens Lead in California, Poll Finds (Reuters) Reuters - Democratic challenger John Kerry\has a commanding lead over President Bush in California of 54\percent to 38 percent among likely voters, a poll released on\Tuesday found.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Capacity Crowds at Beach Volleyball Rock the Joint  ATHENS (Reuters) - At the beach volleyball, the 2004  Olympics is a sell-out, foot-stomping success.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Dollar Near Recent Lows, Awaits ZEW/CPI  LONDON (Reuters) - The dollar held steady near this week's  four-week low against the euro on Tuesday with investors  awaiting a German investor confidence survey and U.S. consumer  inflation numbers to shed light on the direction.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Intel to delay product aimed for high-definition TVs SAN FRANCISCO -- In the latest of a series of product delays, Intel Corp. has postponed the launch of a video display chip it had previously planned to introduce by year end, putting off a showdown with Texas Instruments Inc. in the fast-growing market for high-definition television displays.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Venezuela vote keeps Chavez as president CARACAS -- Venezuelans voted resoundingly to keep firebrand populist Hugo Chavez as their president in a victory that drew noisy reactions yesterday from both sides in the streets. International observers certified the results as clean and accurate.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Jailing of HK democrat in China 'politically motivated' (AFP) AFP - Hong Kong democrats accused China of jailing one of their members on trumped-up prostitution charges in a bid to disgrace a political movement Beijing has been feuding with for seven years.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Kmart Swings to Profit in 2Q; Stock Surges (AP) AP - Shares of Kmart Holding Corp. surged 17 percent Monday after the discount retailer reported a profit for the second quarter and said chairman and majority owner Edward Lampert is now free to invest the company's  #36;2.6 billion in surplus cash.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Fischer's Fiancee: Marriage Plans Genuine (AP) AP - Former chess champion Bobby Fischer's announcement thathe is engaged to a Japanese woman could win him sympathy among Japanese officials and help him avoid deportation to the United States, his fiancee and one of his supporters said Tuesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: U.S. Misses Cut in Olympic 100 Free ATHENS, Greece - Top American sprinters Jason Lezak and Ian Crocker missed the cut in the Olympic 100-meter freestyle preliminaries Tuesday, a stunning blow for a country that had always done well in the event.    Pieter van den Hoogenband of the Netherlands and Australian Ian Thorpe advanced to the evening semifinal a day after dueling teenager Michael Phelps in the 200 freestyle, won by Thorpe.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Consumers Would Pay In Phone Proposal A proposal backed by a coalition of telephone carriers would cut billions of dollars in fees owed by long-distance companies to regional phone giants but would allow the regional companies to make up some of the difference by raising monthly phone bills for millions of consumers. <FONT face="verdana,MS Sans Serif,arial,helvetica" size="-2"\ color="#666666"><B>-The Washington Post</B></FONT>. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: U.S. Brokers Cease-fire in Western Afghanistan  KABUL (Reuters) - The United States has brokered a  cease-fire between a renegade Afghan militia leader and the  embattled governor of the western province of Herat,  Washington's envoy to Kabul said Tuesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Sneaky Credit Card Tactics Keep an eye on your credit card issuers -- they may be about to raise your rates.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Intel Delays Launch of Projection TV Chip In another product postponement, semiconductor giant Intel Corp. said it won't be offering a chip for projection TVs by the end of 2004 as it had announced earlier this year.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Fund pessimism grows NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - Money managers are growing more pessimistic about the economy, corporate profits and US stock market returns, according to a monthly survey by Merrill Lynch released Tuesday. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Kederis proclaims innocence Olympic champion Kostas Kederis today left hospital ahead of his date with IOC inquisitors claiming his innocence and vowing:  quot;After the crucifixion comes the resurrection. quot; .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Eriksson doesn #39;t feel any extra pressure following scandal NEWCASTLE, England (AP) - England coach Sven-Goran Eriksson said Tuesday he isn #39;t under any extra pressure in the aftermath of a scandal that damaged the Football Association #39;s reputation. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Injured Heskey to miss England friendly NEWCASTLE, England (AP) - Striker Emile Heskey has pulled out of the England squad ahead of Wednesday #39;s friendly against Ukraine because of a tight hamstring, the Football Association said Tuesday. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Staples Profit Up, to Enter China Market  NEW YORK (Reuters) - Staples Inc. <A HREF=" target=/stocks/quickinfo/fullquote">SPLS.O</A>, the top U.S.  office products retailer, on Tuesday reported a 39 percent jump  in quarterly profit, raised its full-year forecast and said it  plans to enter the fast-growing Chinese market, sending its  shares higher.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Delegation Is Delayed Before Reaching Najaf AGHDAD, Iraq, Aug. 17  A delegation of Iraqis was delayed for security reasons today but still intended to visit Najaf to try to convince a rebellious Shiite cleric and his militia to evacuate a shrine in the holy city and end .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Consumer Prices Down, Industry Output Up  WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. consumer prices dropped in July  for the first time in eight months as a sharp run up in energy  costs reversed, the government said in a report that suggested  a slow rate of interest rate hikes is likely.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Olympic history for India, UAE An Indian army major shot his way to his country #39;s first ever individual Olympic silver medal on Tuesday, while in the same event an member of Dubai #39;s ruling family became the first ever medallist from the United Arab Emirates. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Home Depot Likes High Oil Rising fuel prices, a bugbear for most of the retail sector, are helping Home Depot (HD:NYSE - news - research), the remodeling giant that reported a surge in second-quarter earnings Tuesday and guided the rest of the year higher. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: China cracks down on  quot;phone sex quot; services BEIJING, Aug. 17 (Xinhuanet) -- China is carrying out a nationwide campaign to crack down on  quot;phone sex quot; services, paralleling another sweeping operation against Internet pornography, Minister of Information Industry Wang Xudong said here Tuesday. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Surviving Biotech's Downturns Charly Travers offers advice on withstanding the volatility of the biotech sector.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Mr Downer shoots his mouth off Just what Alexander Downer was thinking when he declared on radio last Friday that  quot;they could fire a missile from North Korea to Sydney quot; is unclear. The provocative remark, just days before his arrival yesterday on his second visit to the North Korean .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Edwards Banned from Games - Source  ATHENS (Reuters) - World 100 meters champion Torri Edwards  will miss the Athens Olympics after her appeal against a  two-year drugs ban was dismissed on Tuesday, a source told  Reuters.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Stocks Climb on Drop in Consumer Prices NEW YORK - Stocks rose for a second straight session Tuesday as a drop in consumer prices allowed investors to put aside worries about inflation, at least for the short term.    With gasoline prices falling to eight-month lows, the Consumer Price Index registered a small drop in July, giving consumers a respite from soaring energy prices.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Iliadis, Tanimoto win judo golds Ilias Iliadis of Greece thrilled the home crowd Tuesday, beating Roman Gontyuk of Ukraine to win the gold medal in the 81-kilogram class. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Sudan vows to restore order to Darfur but calls for African peacekeepers (AFP) AFP - Sudan will take the lead in restoring order to its rebellious Darfur region but needs the support of African peacekeepers and humanitarian aid, Foreign Minister Mustafa Osman Ismail said.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: TGn Sync Proposes New WLAN Standard The battle over home entertainment networking is heating up as a coalition proposes yet another standard for the IEEE #39;s consideration. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Yahoo! Ups Ante for Small Businesses Web giant Yahoo! is gambling that price cuts on its domain name registration and Web hosting products will make it more competitive with discounters in the space -- which means that small businesses looking to move online get a sweeter deal through .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: IBM Buys Two Danish Services Firms IBM said Tuesday it has acquired a pair of Danish IT services firms as part of its effort to broaden its presence in Scandinavia. As a result of the moves, IBM will add about 3,700 IT staffers to its global head count. Financial terms of .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Motorola and HP in Linux tie-up Motorola plans to sell mobile phone network equipment that uses Linux-based code, a step forward in network gear makers #39; efforts to rally around a standard. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Microsoft Pushes Off SP2 Release Microsoft will delay the release of its SP2 update for another week to fix software glitches. But not everyone is quite so eager to install the SP2 update for Windows XP. In fact, many companies have demanded the ability to prevent their .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Cassini Space Probe Spots Two New Saturn Moons (Reuters) Reuters - Two new moons were spotted around\Saturn by the Cassini space probe, raising the total to 33\moons for the ringed planet, NASA said on Monday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Buckeyes have lots to replace but are brimming with optimism There are remarkable similarities between the 2004 Ohio State Buckeyes and those that won the national championship just two years ago. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: IBM adds midrange server to eServer lineup The new IBM Power5 eServer i5 550 also features higher performance and new virtualization capabilities that allow it to run multiple operating systems at once on separate partitions.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: iPod Comparison Newsday #146;s Stephen Williams reports on seeing Sony #146;s NW-HD1 audio player in a store:  #147; #145;How #146;s it compare to the iPod? #146; I asked a salesman.  #145;Battery life is a lot longer, up to 30 hours, #146; he said.  #145;The LCD readout is kind of dim, #146; I said.   #146;Battery life is a lot longer, #146; he said.  #145;I understand it can #146;t play MP3 files, #146; I said.  #145;Battery life is a lot longer, #146; he said. #148; Aug 17. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Mills Grabs \$1B Portfolio; Taubman Likely to Lose Contracts Mills Corp. agreed to purchase a 50 percent interest in nine malls owned by General Motors Asset Management Corp. for just over \$1 billion, creating a new joint venture between the groups. The deal will extend .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Women stumble to silver ATHENS -- The mistakes were so minor. Carly Patterson #39;s foot scraping the lower of the uneven bars. Courtney Kupets #39; tumbling pass that ended here instead of there. Mohini Bhardwaj #39;s slight stumble on the beam. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Oil prices bubble to record high The price of oil has continued its sharp rise overnight, closing at a record high. The main contract in New York, light sweet crude for delivery next month, has closed at a record \$US46.75 a barrel - up 70 cents on yesterday #39;s close. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Notable quotes Tuesday at the Athens Olympics  quot;It hurt like hell. I could see (Thorpe) coming up. But when I was breathing, I saw my team going crazy -- and that really kept me going. quot; .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: AMD Ships Notebook Chips It wasn #39;t the first to go small, and it won #39;t be the biggest producer, but AMD #39;s (Quote, Chart) 64-bit 90-nanometer (nm) chips are expected to make waves in the semiconductor pool. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: UK charges 8 in terror plot linked to alert in US LONDON, AUGUST 17: Britain charged eight terror suspects on Tuesday with conspiracy to commit murder and said one had plans that could be used in striking US buildings that were the focus of security scares this month. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: IBM Seeks To Have SCO Claims Dismissed (NewsFactor) NewsFactor - IBM (NYSE: IBM) has -- again -- sought to have the pending legal claims by The SCO Group dismissed. According to a motion it filed in a U.S. district court, IBM argues that SCO has no evidence to support its claims that it appropriated confidential source code from Unix System V and placed it in Linux.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: SUVs: Live And Let Die NEW YORK - The newly released traffic crash fatality data have something for everyone in the debate about the safety of sport utility vehicles. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Security scare as intruder dives in A CANADIAN husband #39;s love for his wife has led to a tightening of security at all Olympic venues in Athens. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Team USA barely wins, but struggles not all players #39; fault Now that everybody in and around USA Basketball has breathed a huge sigh of relief, let #39;s not get carried away. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: UPI NewsTrack Sports -- The United States men #39;s basketball team capped off a big day for the USA by fighting off Greece for a vital win, 77-71.  quot;They played with heart, quot; said Coach Larry Brown.  quot;That #39;s all you can ask. quot; .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Peace delegation leaves Najaf empty-handed as fighting continues BAGHDAD, Iraq - A national political conference #39;s bid to end the fighting in the Shiite Muslim holy city of Najaf appeared to have failed Tuesday. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Georgian president calls for international conference on South Ossetia TBILISI, Georgia  Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili appealed to world leaders Tuesday to convene an international conference on the conflict in breakaway South Ossetia, where daily exchanges of gunfire threaten to spark .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Shelling, shooting resumes in breakaway Georgian region (AFP) AFP - Georgian and South Ossetian forces overnight accused each other of trying to storm the other side's positions in Georgia's breakaway region of South Ossetia, as four Georgian soldiers were reported to be wounded.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Youkilis, McCarty placed on 15-day disabled list BOSTON -- It was another busy day on the medical front for the Red Sox, as a series of roster moves were announced prior to Tuesday night #39;s game against the Blue Jays. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Kerry-Kerrey Confusion Trips Up Campaign (AP) AP - John Kerry, Bob Kerrey. It's easy to get confused.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Former Florida Swimming Coach Dies at 83 (AP) AP - William H. Harlan, the retired University of Florida swimming coach who led the Gators to eight conference titles, died Tuesday, school officials said. He was 83.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: US Men Have Right Touch in Relay Duel Against Australia THENS, Aug. 17 - So Michael Phelps is not going to match the seven gold medals won by Mark Spitz. And it is too early to tell if he will match Aleksandr Dityatin, the Soviet gymnast who won eight total medals in 1980. But those were not the .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Schrder adopts Russian orphan Three-year-old Victoria, from St Petersburg, has been living at the Schrders #39; family home in Hanover in northern Germany for several weeks. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Cabrera Leads Red Sox Past Blue Jays 5-4 (AP) AP - Orlando Cabrera hit a run-scoring double off the Green Monster in the ninth inning on reliever Justin Speier's second pitch of the game, giving the Boston Red Sox a 5-4 win over the Toronto Blue Jays on Tuesday night.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: United Arab Emirates trap shooter secures nation #39;s first Olympic gold Sheik Ahmed bin Hashr Al-Maktoum earned the first-ever Olympic medal for the United Arab Emirates when he took home the gold medal in men #39;s double trap shooting on Tuesday in Athens. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Sharon orders 1,000 homes in West Bank Israel announced plans for 1,000 houses in the West Bank yesterday, accelerating the expansion of the settlements. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: So. Cal Player Investigated in Sex Assault (AP) AP - At least one member of the top-ranked Southern California football team is under investigation for sexual assault, the Los Angeles Police Department said Tuesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Bush Promotes His Plan for Missile Defense System President Bush, in Pennsylvania, said that opponents of a missile defense system were putting the nation's security at risk.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: China Sighs in Relief as Yao Scores High BEIJING (Reuters) - China breathed a measured sigh of relief after the skills of its basketball giant Yao Ming dwarfed New Zealand to sweep his team nearer to their goal of reaching the Athens Olympics semi-finals. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Israelis OK new homes in West Bank A leaked Israeli plan to build 1,000 new Jewish settler homes in the West Bank yesterday sent Bush administration officials scrambling for a response in the sensitive period before November #39;s presidential election. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Britain accuses 8 of terror plot LONDON - British police charged eight terrorist suspects yesterday with conspiring to commit murder and use radioactive materials, toxic gases, chemicals or explosives to cause  quot;fear or injury. quot; .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Israel kills 5 in strike at Hamas activist Islamic group #39;s armed wing, the Izz el-Deen al-Qassam Brigades. Doctors said he suffered leg wounds. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Zambrano Out Early; So Are Mets ENVER, Aug. 17 - Victor Zambrano came to the Mets with radical movement on his pitches, fixable flaws in his delivery and a curious sore spot lingering around his right elbow. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Dollar Stuck, CPI Offers Little Direction  TOKYO (Reuters) - The dollar moved in tight ranges on  Wednesday as most investors shrugged off lower-than-expected  U.S. inflation data and stuck to the view the U.S. Federal  Reserve would continue raising rates.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: St. Louis Cardinals News Right-hander Matt Morris threw seven solid innings, but the Cardinals needed a bases-loaded walk to second baseman Tony Womack and a grand slam from new right fielder Larry Walker to key a six-run eighth inning for a .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Greek sprinters arrive at IOC hearing ATHENS (Reuters) - Greek sprinters Costas Kenteris and Katerina Thanou have arrived at an Athens hotel for an International Olympic Committee (IOC) hearing into their missed doped tests, a saga that has shamed and angered the Olympic host .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Flop in the ninth inning sinks Jays BOSTON -- The Toronto Blue Jays have had worse hitting games this season against lesser pitchers than Pedro Martinez. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Fresh Fighting Shatters Short-Lived Ceasefire Deal Renewed clashes in South Ossetia, which resulted in death of two Georgian soldiers, erupted late on August 17, several hours after the South Ossetian and Georgian officials agreed on ceasefire. As a result Tbilisi has already announced that it will not .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Hamm hopes to get on a roll Paul Hamm takes another shot at history tonight, when he'll try to become the first American to win the Olympic men's all-around in gymnastics.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Karzai Promises Afghans Security for Election (Reuters) Reuters - Afghanistan's President Hamid Karzai\promised Afghans greater security when they go to vote in the\country's first ever democratic election during an independence\day speech on Wednesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Google Lowers Its IPO Price Range SAN JOSE, Calif. - In a sign that Google Inc.'s initial public offering isn't as popular as expected, the company lowered its estimated price range to between \$85 and \$95 per share, down from the earlier prediction of \$108 and \$135 per share.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Future Doctors, Crossing Borders Students at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine learn that diet and culture shape health in East Harlem.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Oil Sets New Record \$47 on Iraq Threat  LONDON (Reuters) - Oil prices surged to a new high of \$47 a  barrel on Wednesday after a new threat by rebel militia against  Iraqi oil facilities and as the United States said inflation  had stayed in check despite rising energy costs.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Greek sprinters quit to end Games scandal ATHENS (Reuters) - Greece #39;s two top athletes have pulled out of the Athens Olympics and apologised to the Greek people for a scandal over missed dope tests that has tarnished the Games #39; return to their birthplace. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Phelps Eyes Fourth Gold  ATHENS (Reuters) - A weary Michael Phelps targeted his  fourth Olympic gold medal in Athens, turning his attention on  Wednesday to the 200 meters individual medley and settling for  the second-fastest overall time in the heats.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Israel Kills 5 in Attempt to Assassinate Hamas Man  GAZA (Reuters) - A senior Hamas leader survived an Israeli  assassination attempt in the Gaza Strip Wednesday but at least  five other Palestinians were killed in the explosion that tore  through his home.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Giants win 6th straight, but Schmidt is injured SAN FRANCISCO -- With the first doubleheader at SBC Park set to go off, today already stood to be a long workday for the Giants. It will come on the heels of an even longer night. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: SEC may put end to quid pro quo ( - The Securities and Exchange Commission is expected to vote Wednesday to prohibit mutual fund companies from funneling stock trades to brokerage firms that agree to promote their funds to investors.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Real targets iPod with download price cut RealNetworks has kicked off what it claims is the biggest online music sale in history. For a limited time, every song in the firm #39;s RealPlayer Music Store can be downloaded for 49 cents, with most albums available for \$4.99. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Philippine Rebels Free Troops, Talks in Doubt  PRESENTACION, Philippines (Reuters) - Philippine communist  rebels freed Wednesday two soldiers they had held as "prisoners  of war" for more than five months, saying they wanted to  rebuild confidence in peace talks with the government.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: British Terror Suspects Make First Court Appearance  LONDON (Reuters) - British terror suspects charged in a  plot linked to security alerts at financial targets in New  York, New Jersey and Washington made their first court  appearance Wednesday inside a high security prison.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: UPDATE: China Mobile 1H Net Up 7.8 On Subscriber Growth HONG KONG (Dow Jones)--China Mobile (Hong Kong) Ltd. (CHL), the listed unit of China #39;s biggest cellular phone operator, posted Wednesday a 7.8 rise in first-half net profit on a 23 increase in its subscriber base. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Monsanto Says Justice Dept Closes Inquiry  NEW YORK (Reuters) - Monsanto Co. <A HREF=" target=/stocks/quickinfo/fullquote">MON.N</A> on Wednesday said  the U.S. Justice Department has closed an inquiry into  potential antitrust issues regarding a key ingredient used in  its Roundup herbicide.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Cox Communications forms committee to advise on buyout Cox Communications Inc. #39;s board of directors has formed a special committee of independent directors to consider Cox Enterprises Inc. #39;s proposal to take the company private in a \$8 billion stock buyout. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Afghan women make brief Olympic debut Afghan women made a short-lived debut in the Olympic Games on Wednesday as 18-year-old judo wildcard Friba Razayee was defeated after 45 seconds of her first match in the under-70kg middleweight. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: North Korea peace efforts in peril THE international effort to end the North Korean nuclear crisis appears at risk of unravelling, despite Foreign Minister Alexander Downer #39;s high-profile mission to the secretive Stalinist state. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: 10 features for a perfect browser   There are some  great  browsers  out there. But they all seem to have some slight niggles, different for  each, that make it hard for me to kick back and enjoy them.        While there are some projects out there to make browsers more useful for  some specialised purposes  or by bolting on handy  extensions, wouldn't it be great if these people could come up with a  standardised set of nice features like these? A lot of browsers may support  one or two, but I'll bet none have them all.  . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Cops Test Handheld Fingerprint Reader Several Minnesota police departments are field testing a handheld device that scans a suspect's fingerprint and digitally checks it against Minnesota's criminal history and fingerprint database.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Ross Stores Profit Plummets 40 Percent (AP) AP - Discount retailer Ross Stores Inc. Wednesday said its profit fell about 40 percent in the latest quarter due to problems with a new computer system that limited the company's ability to respond to changes in customer demand.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Small computers can have multiple personalities, too BOSTON The jury is still out on whether a computer can ever truly be intelligent, but there is no question that it can have multiple personalities. It #39;s just a matter of software. We usually think of the processor chip as the brains of a computer. The .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Rebel threat on the roads leaves Katmandu isolated KATMANDU, Nepal The Nepali capital was largely cut off from the rest of the country on Wednesday after Maoist rebels threatened to attack any vehicles traveling on main roads, in a virtual blockade of Katmandu to press their demands for the release of .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Immigrants settled in big cities, but less likely to find work: StatsCan (Canadian Press) Canadian Press - OTTAWA (CP) - Most of the nearly two million immigrants who arrived in Canada during the 1990s settled in one of the country's 27 census metropolitan areas, but still found it harder to find work than natural-born citizens, Statistics Canada reported Wednesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Sun postpones September user show Sun Microsystems Inc. has decided to postpone its September SunNetwork 2004 San Francisco user conference, and is contemplating merging the event with its JavaOne 2005 developer conference, scheduled for the end of June 2005.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Olympics: Emotional Zijlaard-van Moorsel defends time trial title ATHENS : Dutch cycling great Leontien Zijlaard-van Moorsel emotionally defended her Olympic time trial gold medal here. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Oracle launches Business Integlligence 10g Oracle introduced a new BI platform yesterday, Business Intelligence 10g that rolls up into one solution all of their BI tools. However, more interesting than the nitty-gritty details of what is included is the back story taking place at the same time.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Dutch cyclist defends Olympic gold AMSTERDAM  Cyclist Leontien Zijlaard-Van Moorsel won the first gold medal for the Netherlands at the Athens Olympic Games on Wednesday. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Kroger's Profit Up; Price Cuts Weigh  NEW YORK (Reuters) - Kroger Co., the top U.S. grocer, on  Tuesday posted a 29 percent rise in quarterly profit due to  cost controls, but price cuts to lure shoppers caused earnings  to miss Wall Street estimates and shares fell.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Expanding West Major League Soccer's two expansion teams, Real Salt Lake and Club Deportivo Chivas USA, will join the Western Conference for the 2005 season.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Pacers Activate Foster From Injured List (AP) AP - The Indiana Pacers activated center Jeff Foster from the injured list Tuesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Microsoft finalises three-year government deal Hot on the heels of its 10-year strategic partnership with the London Borough of Newham, Microsoft is close to signing a new broad three-year public sector agreement with the government. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Airlines Agree to Cut Flights at Chicago O'Hare  CHICAGO (Reuters) - U.S. airlines have agreed to limit  flights into Chicago's O'Hare International Airport to 88  arrivals per hour between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. in an effort to cut  congestion that has slowed the whole U.S. aviation system,  federal officials said on Wednesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Russia ready to contribute to settlement of South Ossetia conflict: Putin MOSCOW, Aug. 18 (Xinhuanet) -- Russian President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday that Russia is ready to contribute to a settlement of conflict between Georgia and its separatist province of South Ossetia. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: NASA confident of debris solution Six months before NASA plans to return the shuttle to space, officials think they #39;ve essentially solved the problem that doomed Columbia in 2003 -- debris coming off its fuel . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Burundi Police Forcibly Disperse Tutsi Protest Police in Burundi #39;s capital, Bujumbura, used tear gas to break up a demonstration Wednesday held to protest the massacre of Congolese Tutsi refugees. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Veterans Committee counts for little The Hall of Fame released the latest Veterans Committee ballot yesterday. As you might (or might not) remember, there #39;s a (nearly) new committee in town.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Drive maker files counterclaims in patent suit Cornice blasts Seagate's suit over patents for tiny hard drives used in portable gadgets.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: HP moves network scanning software into beta CHICAGO - Hewlett-Packard(HP) has moved its Active Counter Measures network security software into beta tests with a select group of European and North American customers in hopes of readying the product for a 2005 release, an HP executive said at the HP World conference here in Chicago Wednesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Martin announces major overhaul of key staff in Prime Minister's Office (Canadian Press) Canadian Press - OTTAWA (CP) - Paul Martin announced a major overhaul of his senior staff Wednesday, with several close confidants and one ex-cabinet minister handed major roles in the Prime Minister's Office in a post-election shakeup.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Kerry assails Bush troop withdrawal plan (AFP) AFP - Democratic White House hopeful Senator John Kerry warned that President George W. Bush's plan to withdraw 70,000 troops from Europe and Asia would hinder the war on terrorism and embolden North Korea.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Iraq cleric 'to end Najaf revolt' Shia cleric Moqtada Sadr reportedly agrees to end an uprising in the holy Iraqi city of Najaf.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Medtronic Quarterly Earnings Rise  CHICAGO (Reuters) - Medtronic Inc. <A HREF=" target=/stocks/quickinfo/fullquote">MDT.N</A> on Wednesday  said its quarterly earnings rose amid brisk demand for devices  that manage irregular heart beats and products used to treat  the spine.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Airlines Agree to Cuts at O'Hare Federal officials today announced plans to temporarily cut 37 flights operating at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport to help reduce the delay problems that ripple across the country.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Stock Prices Climb Ahead of Google IPO NEW YORK - Investors shrugged off rising crude futures Wednesday to capture well-priced shares, sending the Nasdaq composite index up 1.6 percent ahead of Google Inc.'s much-anticipated initial public offering of stock.    In afternoon trading, the Dow Jones industrial average gained 67.10, or 0.7 percent, to 10,039.93.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Today in Athens Leontien Zijlaard-van Moorsel of the Netherlands wipes a tear after winning the gold medal in the women #39;s road cycling individual time trial at the Vouliagmeni Olympic Centre in Athens on Wednesday. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Medtronic Quarterly Net Up  CHICAGO (Reuters) - Medtronic Inc. <A HREF=" target=/stocks/quickinfo/fullquote">MDT.N</A> on Wednesday  said its quarterly earnings rose on brisk demand for devices  that manage irregular heart beats and products used to treat  the spine.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Greek sprinters quit Games ATHENS (Reuters) - Greece #39;s top two sprinters have quit the Olympic Games after submitting their country to six days of embarrassment in a hide-and-seek contest with anti-doping enforcers. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Strong Family Equals Strong Education Single mothers, poverty were big factors in school performance    HealthDayNews -- American teenagers who live with poor single mothers are more likely to get into trouble at school and have poor marks and are less likely to think they'll go to college, says a Rice University study.    Holly Heard, an assistant professor of sociology, analyzed data from thousands of teens who took part in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: NetRatings survey shows broadband users now a majority in US AUGUST 18, 2004 (IDG NEWS SERVICE) - A majority of US home Internet users now have broadband, according to a survey by NetRatings Inc. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Stunt pilots to save sun dust IT PROMISES to be a scene worthy of a science fiction spectacular. A space probe carrying primordial material scooped from outer space starts to plunge towards our planet. But before it can strike, a helicopter flown by a Hollywood stunt .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: U.S. Forces Kill 50 Sadr Militia in Baghdad Suburb  BAGHDAD (Reuters) - U.S. forces killed more than 50 Shi'ite  militiamen on Wednesday in a significant advance into a Baghdad  suburb that is a powerbase for radical cleric Moqtada al-Sadr,  the military said.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Owners Seek Best Ballpark Deal for Expos (AP) AP - Trying to get the best possible ballpark deal for the Montreal Expos, major league baseball instructed its lawyers to press ahead with negotiations involving four of the areas bidding for the team.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Crowd Inspires Greek Beach Volleyballers; U.S. Duo Ousted  ATHENS (Reuters) - A roaring crowd helped inspire Greece's  top women's beach volleyball team to trounce China on Wednesday  and reach the next round.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Boro Captain Warns of Duo #39;s Threat Gareth Southgate has warned Barclays Premiership defences to be wary of Middlesbroughs back-to-form strikers Mark Viduka and Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Intuit Posts Wider Loss After Charge (Reuters) Reuters - Intuit Inc. (INTU.O), maker of\the No. 1 U.S. tax presentation software TurboTax, on Wednesday\posted a wider quarterly loss after taking a goodwill\impairment charge during its seasonally weaker fourth quarter.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Hamilton Wins Cycling Time Trial Event THENS, Aug. 18  Tyler Hamilton had bruises splotched all over his back, painful souvenirs of a Tour de France gone terribly wrong. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Alaska Wildfires Grow to Record 5 Million Acres (Reuters) Reuters - Wildfires have scorched over\5 million acres in Alaska as of Tuesday, forestry officials\said, a new record that signals possible changes in climate\conditions and the composition of the vast forests.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Britain #39;s Olympic medal total takes sudden turn for the better Great Britain #39;s performances in the Olympic Games made a dramatic and unexpected improvement yesterday as they won a silver and three bronze medals. They were also guaranteed at least a silver medal in badminton #39;s mixed doubles. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Putin faults Georgia on  #39;90s tactics in 2 regions TBILISI, Georgia The separatist conflicts in Georgia resulted from the  quot;foolish quot; move by Georgia to strip South Ossetia and Abkhazia of their autonomous status during the Soviet collapse, President Vladimir Putin of Russia was quoted as saying on .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Avalanche Sign Damphousse to One-Year Deal (AP) AP - The Colorado Avalanche prepared for the potential loss of several key front-line players, signing former San Jose Sharks captain Vincent Damphousse to a one-year,  #36;2 million contract Wednesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Government gives partial clearance to Bangla tour The Government today gave a partial go-ahead for the Indian cricket team #39;s tour of Bangladesh for the first Test match beginning on Thursday but its security delegation will go to Chittagong, the other venue, to make an assessment of the threat perception . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Viduka Brace Helps Boro To Win After a spell without scoring, Mark Viduka grabbed two goals as Middlesbrough beat Manchester City 3-2. Boro went ahead when Viduka took Stewart Downings pass, brought it sweetly under control and chipped it over onrushing City keeper David James.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Hurricane center #39;s projection on Charley not far off, data show FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. - (KRT) - Despite criticism that it should have better anticipated Hurricane Charley #39;s rapid intensification and quick turn, the National Hurricane Center #39;s forecast wasn #39;t that far off, a preliminary post-mortem shows. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: UPDATE 1-J amp;J in talks to buy Guidant - sources Health care and consumer products maker Johnson  amp; Johnson (JNJ.N: Quote, Profile, Research) is in negotiations to acquire medical-device maker Guidant Corp.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: AMP shrugs off British debacle Australian insurer AMP returned to the black in the first half of the year with net profits of A\$378m (150m) after a disastrous foray into Britain pushed it A\$2.16 billion into the red last year. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Lloyds TSB cashes in on VoIP Lloyds TSB is gearing up to roll out one of the largest converged networks in Europe, a 500m 70,000 phone VoIP infrastructure linking all the bank #39;s branches and cash points.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: British athletics appoint psychologist for 2008 Olympics British athletics chiefs have appointed sports psychologist David Collins as Performance Director to produce medal winners at the 2008 Beijing Olympics.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Olympic Daily Preview - Thursday, August 19 Athens, Greece (Sports Network) - Wednesday night it was Paul Hamm #39;s turn to shine for the United States, as he won the gold medal in the men #39;s all-around competition. Will Thursday produce a sweep for the US at the Olympics? .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Arafat urges reforms to rectify his  #39;mistakes #39; YASSER Arafat, the Palestinian president, made a rare acknowledgement of mistakes under his rule yesterday and urged reforms to end corruption. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Selling Houston Warts and All, Especially Warts Descriptions of urban afflictions and images of giant mosquitoes and cockroaches to convey a sense of how Houston is nevertheless beloved by many residents.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Brazil beats Haiti in goodwill soccer game The boys from Brazil beat Haiti #39;s national soccer team Wednesday in a friendly goodwill game 6-0. The game was the brainchild of Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who was on hand in the Haitian capital for the historical match. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Credit Suisse to merge CSFB unit into parent Credit Suisse Group announced plans to merge its Credit Suisse First Boston Securities unit with the rest of the company #39;s operations and cut as many as 300 jobs.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Holiday-Shopping Season Remains Sluggish (Reuters) Reuters - U.S. shoppers have kept a tight grip\on their wallets this holiday season with indices on Tuesday\showing sluggish sales in the second week of the  season.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: UN to begin second airlift of Vietnamese Montagnards (AFP) AFP - The second major airlift of Vietnamese Montagnards who fled to Cambodia's remote jungles after April anti-government protests will begin at the weekend.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Tennis: Roddick and Williams ousted ATHENS Shell-shocked Americans Andy Roddick and Venus Williams joined already-beaten men #39;s top seed Roger Federer in the favourites #39;exodus from the Olympic tennis tournament on Wednesday. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Insurer lowers hurricane estimate Hurricane Charley, the worst storm to hit the US in over a decade, will cost insurers just \$7.4bn, one insurance expert estimates.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Nepal Seeks Talks to End Rebel Blockade of Capital  KATHMANDU (Reuters) - The fear of attack kept most vehicles  off roads leading to Nepal's capital for a second day on  Thursday as authorities sought talks to end a siege called by  Maoist insurgents.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Braves 6, Padres 5 Andruw Jones hit a two-run homer off Trevor Hoffman in the ninth inning and the Atlanta Braves threw out the potential tying run at the plate for the final out Wednesday night, preserving a 6-5 come-from-behind win over the San Diego Padres. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Scandal won #39;t go away ATHENS -- It was telling yesterday that the majority of the dozens of journalists who asked questions and attended a news conference into a Greek doping scandal were mostly Canadian. Question after question came from Canadians. We were all there, I think, .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Hundreds laid off at Fleet offices Bank of America Corp. yesterday laid off hundreds of workers at Fleet bank branches across the Northeast as the North Carolina bank began to implement its brand of .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: NetApp CEO: No Storage Spending Shortfall (TechWeb) TechWeb - Customers are decoupling storage from server purchases, which explains why EMC and NetApp earnings were up and why Sun and HP were flat or down, Warmenhoven says.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Justices to debate mail-order wine Being freelance wine critics may sound like a sweet gig, but Ray and Eleanor Heald have soured on it. Because their home state, Michigan, blocks direct shipments from out-of-state . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Stanford's Cubit Hired As W. Mich. Coach (AP) AP - Stanford offensive coordinator Bill Cubit was hired Tuesday as head coach at Western Michigan.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Oil prices surge to a new high WASHINGTON -- The price of oil charged to a new high above \$47 a barrel yesterday amid nagging concerns about instability in Iraq, the uncertain fate of Russian petroleum giant Yukos, and the world's limited supply cushion.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: A shot in the arm for all OLYMPIA, Greece -- A brilliant idea, taking the shot put back to the birthplace of the Olympic Games, proving, if nothing else, that everything old really can become new again. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Bomb found near Berlusconi #39;s villa Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi (left) goes for a walk with British Prime Minister Tony Blair and his wife Cherie Blair at Berlusconi #39;s villa, Monday. AP .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: After Wait, Google Set for Market Debut  NEW YORK (Reuters) - Shares of Google Inc. will make their  Nasdaq stock market debut on Thursday after the year's most  anticipated initial public offering priced far below initial  estimates, raising \$1.67 billion.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Bill Clinton Helps Launch Search Engine Former president Bill Clinton on Monday helped launch a new Internet search company backed by the Chinese government which says its technology uses artificial intelligence to produce better results than Google Inc.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Harris #39; three-run double in ninth sinks Gagne LOS ANGELES - Paul Lo Duca never got to moonwalk to home plate, though he did skip gleefully to the dugout moments after facing former batterymate Eric Gagne for the first time. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Ali gives Iraq fighting chance The back of his shirt told the story last night at the Peristeri Olympic Boxing Hall.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Survey: Napster, iTunes beat other download brands (MacCentral) MacCentral - Market research company Ipsos-Insight on Tuesday announced the results of TEMPO, a quarterly survey of digital music behaviors. According to the report, consumers aged 12 and older in the United States were as likely to be aware of Apple Computer Inc.'s iTunes Music Store and Napster 2.0 when it came to recognizing digital music download brands -- each music service registered 20 percent of what TEMPO refers to as "top-of-mind" awareness.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Qantas says record profit not big enough Australia #39;s flagship carrier Qantas Airways has reported a record annual net profit but warned oil prices threatened its performance, increasing the chance of a hike in ticket price surcharges to offset its fuel bill. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: State, drug chains reach agreement The state of Maine, Rite Aid Corp., and Community Pharmacy LP have agreed to a consent decree placing conditions on the sale of five Community Pharmacy stores to Rite Aid.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Most US homes have broadband connections While the total number of home internet users has reached a plateau in the US, those who do use the internet are adopting broadband at a rapid pace, according to Marc Ryan, senior director of analysis at the audience measurement company. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Bluetooth flying bot creates buzz The latest tiny flying robot that could help in search and rescue or surveillance has been unveiled in Japan.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Caterpillar snaps up another remanufacturer of engines PEORIA - Caterpillar Inc. said Wednesday it will acquire a South Carolina remanufacturer of engines and automatic transmissions, increasing its US employment base by 500 people. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Kidnappers threaten to kill western journalist The kidnappers of an American-French journalist in Iraq have threatened to execute him within 48 hours unless US forces withdraw from the holy city of Najaf. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Qantas wants better tax treatment MARK COLVIN: Qantas might have posted yet another record profit, but the national carrier #39;s boss, Geoff Dixon, claims earnings are being hampered by unfair subsidies for international carriers allowed to fly in and out of Australia. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: SA 'mercenaries' plead not guilty Sixty-six men accused of plotting a coup in Equatorial Guinea deny breaching Zimbabwe's security laws.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Olympics: Hansen still strong enough to take bronze Every ounce of his energy was expended, leaving an empty fuel tank. But, even in a depleted state, Brendan Hansen found a way to bolster his ever-growing swimming legacy. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Oil Hits New High Over \$48 as Iraq Violence Flares  LONDON (Reuters) - Oil prices struck a fresh record above  \$48 a barrel on Thursday, spurred higher by renewed violence in  Iraq and fresh evidence that strong demand growth in China and  India has not been slowed yet by higher energy costs.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Economic Indicators Declined in July A closely watched measure of future economic activity fell in July for the second consecutive month, reinforcing evidence that the nation's financial recovery is slackening.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Explorers Find Ancient City in Remote Peru Jungle (Reuters) Reuters - An ancient walled city complex\inhabited some 1,300 years ago by a culture later conquered by\the Incas has been discovered deep in Peru's Amazon jungle,\explorers said on Tuesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Colgate to Cut 4,400 Jobs, Shut Plants  NEW YORK (Reuters) - Colgate-Palmolive Co. <A HREF=" target=/stocks/quickinfo/fullquote">CL.N</A> will cut  about 4,400 jobs, or 12 percent of its work force, and close  nearly a third of its factories under a restructuring, the  consumer products company said on Tuesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Drugstore Offers New Wave of Disposable Cameras  NEW YORK (Reuters) - Pharmacy chain CVS Corp. on Thursday  said it would offer the world's first disposable digital camera  with a bright color viewing screen that allows consumers to  instantly preview pictures.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Ciena Posts a Loss, Forecasts Flat Sales <p></p><p> By Deborah Cohen</p><p> CHICAGO (Reuters) - Telecommunications equipment makerCiena Corp. <CIEN.O> on Thursday reported a wider loss for thefiscal third quarter due to slack demand and forecast sales inthe current quarter would be little changed from the thirdquarter.</p>. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: U.S. Broadband Penetration Tops 51 By ANICK JESDANUN    NEW YORK (AP) -- The number of Americans who get on the Internet via high-speed lines has now equaled the number using dial-up connections.    July measurements from Nielsen/NetRatings placed the broadband audience at 51 percent of the U.S.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: American Aaron Peirsol Wins Gold on Appeal  ATHENS (Reuters) - Aaron Peirsol won his second gold medal  at the Athens Olympics Thursday after winning an appeal against  his disqualification from the men's 200 meter backstroke.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Abu Ghraib report 'spreads blame' A report on the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal will blame at least two dozen more people, say US officials.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Ecuadorean Lawsuit Vs Texaco Boils Down to Science (Reuters) Reuters - After a decade\of court battles, lawyers on Wednesday took a lawsuit by\Ecuadorean Indians accusing U.S. oil firm ChevronTexaco Corp..\of polluting the Amazon jungle into the field.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Priceline, Ramada to Make Sites More Accessible to Blind In one of the first enforcement actions of the Americans with Disabilities Act on the Internet, two major travel services have agreed to make sites more accessible to the blind and visually impaired.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Atlantis "Evidence" Found in Spain, Ireland In 360 B.C. the Greek philosopher Plato described an island he called Atlantis. Now contradicting new evidence claims the fabled city-state was based on a real place.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Groups Eager to Meet With Bush, Kerry (AP) AP - Organizations representing the nation's 3 million scientists, engineers and doctors have invited both presidential candidates to have a word with them  #151; online.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Carly Patterson Wins the Women's All-Round  ATHENS (Reuters) - Carly Patterson upstaged Russian diva  Svetlana Khorkina to become the first American in 20 years to  seize the women's Olympic gymnastics all-round gold medal on  Thursday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Court: File-swapping software not liable for copyright violations The makers of two leading file-sharing programs are not legally liable for the songs, movies and other copyright works swapped online by their users, a federal appeals court ruled Thursday in a stinging blow to the entertainment industry. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Olympics: Olympic weightlifting reels as six more lifters fail drug tests ATHENS : Weightlifting was reeling from the latest crisis to hit the perennially drug-tainted sport here as six more athletes were kicked out of the Olympics for failing dope tests. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Colts' Carthon Hopes to Follow Dad in NFL (AP) AP - Ran Carthon tried to avoid playing football after seeing the pain it inflicted on his father, Maurice. Bloodlines, his friends and reality forced a changed of heart.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: LPGA's Nabisco to Change Dates in 2006 (AP) AP - The Kraft Nabisco Championship will be played one week later than usual starting in 2006, preventing the LPGA Tour's first major from getting lost among other big sporting events.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Georgian Troops Leave South Ossetia The soldiers withdrew from the heights above the Ossetian of capital of Tskhinvali Thursday, turning the area over to peacekeepers. Georgia says three of its soldiers were killed in earlier fighting, while Ossetian authorities say three civilians died .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Ohio Sues Best Buy, Alleging Used Sales (AP) AP - Ohio authorities sued Best Buy Co. Inc. on Thursday, alleging the electronics retailer engaged in unfair and deceptive business practices.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Cisco Flaw Leaves Router Vulnerable to Attack Cisco Systems issued a security advisory warning that some networks using its routers may be vulnerable to denial-of-service attacks. Devices running Internetwork Operating System and enabled for the open shortest path first (OSPF) .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Sprint is chock full of potential heros It would be nice to see this week #39;s 100-meter sprint as simply the best footrace of all time. We could witness four sub-10-second sprints for the first time ever. It would be nice to watch with raised eyebrows instead of furrowed ones. It .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Scientists Study the Hudson River (AP) AP - Scientists are plunking a series of high-tech sensors into the Hudson River in an effort to unravel mysteries of the murky waterway.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Study to Examine Effects of Ship Waste (AP) AP - A team of scientists is traveling a 600-mile stretch of the Inside Passage this month to study the effects of cruise ship waste and other contaminants in Southeast Alaska waters.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Cink Leads NEC Invitational by One Shot (AP) AP - Free from the burden of trying to make the Ryder Cup team, Stewart Cink looked at ease Thursday on a marathon day at the NEC Invitational that ended with his name atop the leaderboard.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Briefly: China interest in key Yukos unit China is interested in participating in the bidding for Yuganskneftegaz, the top oil-producing subsidiary of the Russian oil giant Yukos, a Chinese economic official was quoted as saying in a report Thursday by the Russian news agency Interfax. The .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Apple recalls 28,000 batteries APPLE has issued a safety recall for 28,000 batteries for its Powerbook notebooks, saying they posed a potential fire hazard. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Best Buy a Bad Deal? Attorney General Jim Petro is suing Best Buy, alleging the electronics retailer has engaged in unfair and deceptive business practices. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Liu brings China 4th gold in weightlifting at Athens Games ATHENS, Aug. 19 (Xinhuanet) -- Chinese Hercules Liu Chunhong Thursday lifted three world records on her way to winning the women #39;s 69kg gold medal at the Athens Olympics, the fourth of the power sport competition for China. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Battling Davenport through Lindsay Davenport continued her dominant recent run and reached the last eight of the Cincinnati Open with a 4-6 6-4 6-1 win over Lilia Osterloh. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Genesis Spacecraft Prepares to Return to Earth with a Piece of the Sun In a dramatic ending that marks a beginning in scientific research, NASA's Genesis spacecraft is set to swing by Earth and jettison a sample return capsule filled with particles of the Sun that may ultimately tell us more about the genesis of our solar system.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Badminton pair want more Nathan Robertson says there is no reason why he and badminton partner Gail Emms should not win the next Olympics.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Darfur warring parties to meet in Nigeria for peace talks (AFP) AFP - Sudan's government and its foes in the Darfur region's rebel movements will meet on Monday for peace talks which mark a last chance for African diplomacy to solve the crisis before the United Nations steps in.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Iraq Oil Exports Still Halved After Basra HQ Attack  BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq continued to export oil at one  million barrels per day on Friday after an attack on the South  Oil Company headquarters took sabotage operations to a new  level, an official at the state-owned entity said.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: US unemployment claims slip but picture still murky NEW YORKFewer Americans lined up to claim first-time jobless benefits last week but analysts said the modest decline said very little about the current state of the labour market. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Vt. sues over importing drugs Vermont's Republican governor challenged the Bush administration's prescription drug policy in federal court yesterday, marking the first time a state has chosen a legal avenue in the expanding battle over Canadian imports.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: For starters, Giants #39; Manning on mark Manning had a decent debut as a starter, but Delhomme overshadowed the No. 1 pick in the NFL Draft by throwing for a touchdown and running for another in the Carolina Panthers #39; 27-20 exhibition victory last night over .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Clemens deal is waived off CHICAGO -- The Red Sox were ready to welcome Roger Clemens back to Boston. His uniform number (21) was available. Pedro Martinez , who has expressed the utmost respect for Clemens, almost certainly would have made some room for the Rocket near the locker Clemens long used and Martinez now occupies. Curt Schilling would have been thrilled to pitch with .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Life without numbers in a unique Amazon tribe 11=2. Mathematics doesn #39;t get any more basic than this, but even 11 would stump the brightest minds among the Piraha tribe of the Amazon. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: P2P Services in the Clear In a major setback for the music and movie industries, a federal appeals court upholds a lower court's decision in the infamous Grokster case, ruling peer-to-peer services Morpheus and Grokster are not liable for the copyright infringement of their users. By Katie Dean.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Swap Your PC, or Your President The producer of ads featuring PC users who switched to Macs is applying the same tactic to political commercials. This time, he'll focus on former backers of President Bush, recruited online, who've changed their political allegiance. By Louise Witt.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Agassi cruises into Washington Open ATP quarter-finals WASHINGTON, Aug. 19 (Xinhuanet) -- Andre Agassi cruised into quarter-finals in Washington Open tennis with a 6-4, 6-2 victory over Kristian Pless of Denmark here on Thursday night. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Producer sues for Rings profits Hollywood producer Saul Zaentz sues the producers of The Lord of the Rings for \$20m in royalties.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: 30,000 More Sudanese Threaten to Cross to Chad -UN (Reuters) Reuters - Some 30,000 Sudanese, victims of fresh\attacks by Arab militia inside Darfur, have threatened to cross\into Chad, the U.N. refugee agency warned on Friday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Google scores first-day bump of 18 ( - Even a big first-day jump in shares of Google (GOOG) couldn't quiet debate over whether the Internet search engine's contentious auction was a hit or a flop.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Carly Patterson Wins Gymnastics All-Around Gold  ATHENS (Reuters) - Carly Patterson upstaged Russian diva  Svetlana Khorkina to become the first American in 20 years to  win the women's Olympic gymnastics all-round gold medal on  Thursday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: ChevronTexaco hit with \$40.3M ruling Montana jury orders oil firm to pay up over gas pipeline leak from 1955; company plans to appeal. NEW YORK (Reuters) - A Montana jury ordered ChevronTexaco Corp., the number two US oil company, to pay \$40.3 million for environmental damage from a gasoline .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: 3 US boxers punched out of Games Athens -- Vanes Martirosyan became the second American to bow out of the Olympic boxing tournament Thursday when he was defeated 20-11 by Lorenzo Aragon of Cuba in their welterweight bout at 152 pounds. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Before-the Bell; Rouse Co. Shares Jump  <A HREF=" target=/stocks/quickinfo/fullquote">RSE.N</A> jumped before the bell after General Growth  Properties Inc. <A HREF=" target=/stocks/quickinfo/fullquote">GGP.N</A>, the No. 2 U.S. shopping mall owner, on  Friday said it would buy Rouse for \$7.2 billion.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Services make big gains in Japan Tertiary index comes in at almost double expectations, drives up yen and helps Nikkei overcome oil. LONDON (Reuters) - The yen hit a four-week high against the dollar Friday as stronger-than-expected Japanese service sector data raised optimism about the .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Google shares bounce up 18 in trading debut In the stock #39;s first day of trading, investors bought, sold and flipped shares at a furious pace, with the price ending just above \$100 - 18 percent higher than where it started. It was, in other words, everything the company #39;s founders, Sergy Brin and .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Stocks Lower as Oil Prices Steam Higher With the much-ballyhooed initial public offering of Google behind them and oil chugging to a new record high, investors took a step back today.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Don #39;t expect Tiger to relinquish his top ranking without a fight They #39;re calling Ohio a  quot;battleground state, quot; one of the two or three places likely to decide November #39;s presidential election. On local TV, the Bush and Kerry ads air so frequently that it #39;s easy to forget it #39;s Bob Costas who actually runs the country. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Understanding Google AdWords Understanding Google AdWords\\\\Unlike many search engines Google, to its credit, clearly denotes search listings that are paid placement. In fact, Google AdWords appear in a separate section down the left side of the screen.\\\\Google AdWords provide an inexpensive advertising venue for businesses to advertise products or services to a targeted .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Service packs, senators and civil liberties <strong>Letters:</strong> The bulging postbag gives up its secrets. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Saints Revoke Waiver Claim on Derek Ross (AP) AP - One day after placing a waiver claim on troubled cornerback Derek Ross, the Saints did an about-face and released the former Ohio State standout after he missed a scheduled flight to New Orleans on Wednesday night.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Hooker Furniture Puts Investors First Closing a factory is never popular, but it's the right thing to do.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Clicking on Profits The latest data from the US Department of Commerce further bolsters what we have all suspected: E-commerce sales are increasing. Not only might one suspect that consumer confidence has been bolstered since last year, there .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: French Take Gold, Bronze in Single Kayak ATHENS, Greece - Winning on whitewater runs in the family for Frenchman Benoit Peschier, though an Olympic gold is something new. Peschier paddled his one-man kayak aggressively but penalty free in both his semifinal and final runs on the manmade Olympic .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Dogs in Training to Sniff Out Cancer Experts have trained unwanted dogs into supersniffers that can detect drugs or bombs. Now they're focusing on a new threat #151;prostate cancer.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Antidepressants to Reflect Suicide Risk  WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Food and Drug  Administration plans to update antidepressant labels to reflect  studies that suggest a link between the drugs and suicide in  youths, but remains cautious about the strength of such ties,   according to documents released on Friday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: UAL and Its Creditors Agree to 30-Day Extension UAL's United Airlines will have a 30-day extention on the period in which it can file an exclusive bankruptcy reorganization plan.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Mood Mixed Among Darfur Rebels Ahead of Talks CORCHA CAMP, Sudan (Reuters) - A Sudanese rebel commander in a camp in Darfur tells his troops he is hoping for peace. But just a few hours march away, young men say they are convinced Sudan wants to drive them off the land. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Crude Price Spike May Send Gas Higher (AP) AP - Amid soaring crude oil prices, gasoline costs have been dropping. But don't expect that to last, economists say.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Amazon Snaps Up China's Largest Web Retailer (NewsFactor) NewsFactor - (Nasdaq: AMZN) has said it will buy Limited -- a British Virgin Islands company that operates the largest Internet retail Web site in China -- for US #36;75 million.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Swimming: Phelps Wins Gold, Pulls Out of Relay  ATHENS (Reuters) - Michael Phelps, who has won five gold  medals in the Olympic pool, said Friday he was pulling out of  Saturday's 4x100 meter medley relay final to give team mate Ian  Crocker the chance to swim.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Court Won't Halt Arch Coal's Triton Bid (Reuters) Reuters - A U.S. appeals court ruled on Friday\that Arch Coal Inc. (ACI.N) may proceed with its bid to buy the\assets of rival Triton Coal Co. LLC, denying an emergency\request by the Federal Trade Commission to block the deal, a\spokesman for the agency said.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Treasury Prices Take a Breather Today  NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury prices paused for breath  on Tuesday after a blistering two-session rally ran out of  steam, though analysts still saw room to the upside given the  large short-base in the market.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Sadr Militiamen Still in Control of Iraq Shrine  NAJAF, Iraq (Reuters) - Rebel Shi'ite fighters appeared  still to be in control of the Imam Ali mosque in the Iraqi city  Najaf early on Saturday, but the whereabouts of their leader,  the fiery cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, were unknown.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Liverpool completes signings of Alonso, Garcia LIVERPOOL, England (AP) -- Spanish pair Xabi Alonso from Real Sociedad and Luis Garcia from Barcelona signed five-year contracts with Liverpool on Friday. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Report: Consumers tuning in to plasma TVs First-quarter shipments of plasma televisions in the United States more than doubled from the previous year, according to research firm iSuppli. Prices fell by nearly \$1,000 over the same period. . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Seven seize ATHENS -- He was behind at the start. He was behind at the turn. He was behind for 99.99 of the 100 meters. His head was behind Ian Crocker's head at the finish. And yet somehow last night, Michael Phelps won again -- for the fourth and final time in an individual race at these Olympics.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: One in four servers to run Linux by 2008 In a report, the research firm painted a bright future for the open source operating system, claiming that shipments of servers running Linux -- and revenues from those shipments -- will rise significantly over the next five years.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Republican Convention Light on Stars (AP) AP - The Republicans will have one sure Hollywood star for their convention  #151; California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger  #151; along with performers to keep the country music fans happy. But they'll be hard-pressed to match the Democratic convention's appeal to young voters led by Ben Affleck.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Italian PM #39;s transplant confirmed After days of speculation sparked by the white bandanna worn by Mr Berlusconi on holiday in Sardinia, Piero Rosati said the results of the operation would show in a couple of months.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Apple Recalls Flaming 15-inch PowerBook G4 Battery The affected batteries could overheat, posing a fire hazard. Apple received four reports of these batteries overheating. No injuries have been reported.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Samsung plans to invest Won25,000bn in chips Samsung Electronics, the world #39;s second largest computer chip manufacturer, yesterday said that it would invest Won25,000bn (\$24bn) in its semiconductor business by 2010 to generate . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Rosetta Mission Sniffing a Comet The European Rosetta mission will sample a comet as it tries to harpoon and hook onto its surface. A specially designed oven will cook the comet in analogy to sniffing for recognizable elements.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: More gold for Britain as Wiggins strikes Bradley Wiggins has given Britain their second Olympic cycling gold medal in two days, winning the men #39;s 4-km individual pursuit.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Soldiers Kill Palestinian Near Gaza-Israel Fence Israeli soldiers shot and killed a Palestinian as he approached a security fence between Israel and the Gaza Strip, Israeli military sources said on Saturday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Militia, Shiite Leaders Bicker Over Shrine NAJAF, Iraq - Militants loyal to radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr kept their hold on a revered shrine, and clashes flared in Najaf on Saturday, raising fears that a resolution to the crisis in the holy city could collapse amid bickering between Shiite leaders.    The clashes between U.S.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Strongwoman hoists 100th gold for Chinese delegation Tang Gonghong lifted a world record to claim in Athens the 100th Olympic gold for China since its participation in 1984 Olympic Games on Saturday when . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: West Mulls Boundries for African Fighting (AP) AP - As the month-end deadline nears for Sudan to disarm the mostly Arab pro-government militias in Darfur, the United Nations and Western powers are in a dilemma over how far to go to stop the killing in an African country.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Chavez victory confirmed Caracas, Venezuela - The results of an audit support the official vote count showing that President Hugo Chavez won this month #39;s recall referendum in Venezuela, the head of the Organization of American States said Saturday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Wall St.'s Nest Egg - the Housing Sector  NEW YORK (Reuters) - If there were any doubts that we're  still living in the era of the stay-at-home economy, the rows  of empty seats at the Athens Olympics should help erase them.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Lithuanians deliver NBA stars another Olympic basketball dunking (AFP) AFP - Lithuania defeated the United States 94-90 in an Olympic men's basketball preliminary round game, only the fourth loss in 115 Olympic starts for the defending champions.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Source: Dolphins, Bears on Verge of Deal (AP) AP - The Chicago Bears agreed Saturday to trade receiver Marty Booker to the Miami Dolphins for unsigned Adewale Ogunleye  #151; if the Bears can reach a contract agreement with the Pro Bowl defensive end, a source close to the negotiations said.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Video Game Makers Go Hollywood. Uh-Oh. OVIE producers are often criticized for running at the sight of original ideas, preferring instead to milk plays, books, news events, toys and even video games for their screenplays.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Cricket-Lara mulls over future after England whitewash LONDON (AFP) - Brian Lara said he will take stock before deciding on his future as West Indies captain following his side #39;s 10-wicket defeat to England in the fourth and final Test.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Pakistani troops raid two terrorist hideouts PAKISTANI troops backed by artillery and aircraft attacked two suspected terrorist hideouts near the rugged Afghan border yesterday, killing and wounding a number of militants, Pakistan army and security officials said.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Fleisher Surges Clear Bruce Fleisher carded a seven-under-par 65 to take a three-shot lead after the second round of the Greater Hickory Classic in North Carolina.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Glory Comes Amid Empty Seats and Closed Shutters HERE in Old Europe, people install shutters outside their windows to keep out the heat, the pollution, the daylight, the noise. They also lock the shutters tight when they go away on holiday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Amazon to Buy Chinese Retailer Internet retailer Inc. said on Thursday that it will buy Ltd., which runs some of China #39;s biggest retail Web sites, for about \$75 million to gain entry into China #39;s fast-growing market.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: 2Q Profit Up Sharply Software developer Inc. posted a sharp rise in second-quarter profit on better-than-expected revenue during its first quarter as a public company, but investors shunned the stock in late trading . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Jerkens makes right call with Society Selection Trainer Allen Jerkens hemmed and hawed this past week over running Society Selection in Saturday #39;s Grade 1 Alabama at Saratoga.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Unknown Nesterenko Makes World Headlines (Reuters) Reuters - Belarus' Yuliya Nesterenko won the top\women's athletics gold medal at the Olympics on Saturday,\triumphing over a field stripped of many big names because of\doping woes to win the 100 meters.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Ready to Bet on Alternative Energy? Well, Think Again When oil prices rise, public interest in alternative energy often does, too. But the logic is evidently escaping Wall Street.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Athletics 5, Devil Rays 0 Barry Zito scattered four hits over eight shutout innings, leading the AL West-leading Oakland Athletics past the Tampa Bay Devil Rays 5-0 on Saturday night.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Fatah hopes Barghouti would take back candidacy Fatah, the mainstream Palestinian movement, hopes that its former West Bank leader Marwan Barghouti would take back his candidacy for the Jan. 9 presidential election.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Blasts hit Bangladesh party rally A series of grenade blasts has rocked an opposition party rally in the Bangladesh capital, Dhaka, killing at least 13 people. There were seven or eight explosions at the Awami League headquarters, as leader Sheikh Hasina addressed a crowd.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Belarus #39; Nesterenko fastest in women #39;s 100m first round Belarus #39; Yuliya Nesterenko became the fastest woman to qualify for the women #39;s 100 meters second round at the Olympic Games here on Friday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Around the world The bombing of a UN election office in Afghanistan that injured six policemen drew calls from a UN union Friday for a withdrawal of staffers from the embattled nation.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Greek weightlifter awaits verdict Greek weightlifter Leonidas Sampanis will find out on Sunday if he is to be stripped of his medal.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Work done, Phelps basks in gold glor And on the eighth day, Michael Phelps actually got to rest. After swimming some 18 races in Olympic competition, Phelps was a mere spectator last night, watching his teammates cap a terrific week for the US swim team.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: China confronts lack of pipelines China will spend about \$3.4 billion over two to three years laying thousands of miles of oil pipelines to help secure its energy supply in the face of soaring prices and demand.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Lane drives in winning run in ninth Jason Lane took an unusual post-game batting practice with hitting coach Gary Gaetti after a disappointing performance Friday night.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Games hammered with controversy The International Gymnastics Federation suspended three judges yesterday for a mistake they made in scoring the men #39;s all-around final, but said results would not be changed and Paul Hamm of the United States would keep his gold medal.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Admirers look to 2008 But as far as swim greats Rowdy Gaines and John Naber are concerned, what Phelps did in Athens exceeded what Spitz did in Munich in 1972.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Arson attack on Jewish centre in Paris (AFP) AFP - A Jewish social centre in central Paris was destroyed by fire overnight in an anti-Semitic arson attack, city authorities said.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Colgate to cut workforce CONSUMER goods maker Colgate-Palmolive said today it would cut about 12 per cent of its 37,000-person work force and close a third of its factories worldwide as part of a four-year restructuring.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: A Founding Father? Give the guy some credit. Tung Chee-hwa, Hong Kong #39;s embattled Chief Executive, gets precious little of it from his people these daysand heaps of . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Three People Killed at Afghan Checkpoint  KABUL (Reuters) - A man and two women were shot dead by  Afghan and U.S.-led troops after their vehicle ran through a  checkpoint on Saturday, a U.S. military statement said.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: PRESS START FOR NOSTALGIA Like Led Zeppelin #39;s  #39; #39;Stairway to Heaven #39; #39; and Lynyrd Skynyrd #39;s  #39; #39;Freebird, #39; #39; classic video games like Frogger and Pong can bring back an entire era.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Emmons loses gold medal after aiming at wrong target American shooter Matt Emmons fired at the wrong target on his final shot Sunday, blowing a commanding lead in the Olympic 50-meter three-position rifle event and allowing Jia Zhanbo of China to take the gold.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Oil prices look set to dominate The price of oil looks set to grab headlines as analysts forecast that its record-breaking run may well continue.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Putin Visits Chechnya Ahead of Election (AP) AP - Russian President Vladimir Putin made an unannounced visit to Chechnya on Sunday, laying flowers at the grave of the war-ravaged region's assassinated president a week before elections for a new leader.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: U.S. Softball Team Wins, Closes in on Gold ATHENS, Greece - Right now, the Americans aren't just a Dream Team - they're more like the Perfect Team. Lisa Fernandez pitched a three-hitter Sunday and Crystl Bustos drove in two runs as the Americans rolled to their eighth shutout in eight days, 5-0 over Australia, putting them into the gold medal game.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: More Newcastle United Stories Legendary Real Madrid defender Goyo Benito believes the arrival of Jonathan Woodgate at the Santiago Bernabeu will help bring an avalanche of titles to Real Madrid.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Munch masterpiece 'The Scream' stolen from Oslo museum (AFP) AFP - A version of Edvard Munch's masterpiece "The Scream" and another famous painting by the great Norwegian artist were stolen from an Oslo museum by armed and hooded robbers, police said.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Men Set for Sizzling Duel in 100 Meters ATHENS, Greece - The preliminaries in the 100 meters were perhaps just a sample of what's to come Sunday, when a talented group of qualifiers - including Americans Shawn Crawford, Justin Gatlin and defending champion Maurice Greene - will try to turn their competition into the fastest show at the Athens Games.    Five men broke 10 seconds in qualifying Saturday, led by Crawford's time of 9.89.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Ulmer storms to gold New Zealand #39;s Sarah Ulmer stormed to gold in the women #39;s individual pursuit in a new world record time. Ulmer, fourth in Sydney four years ago, beat Australia #39;s Katie Mactier in a time of three minutes 24.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Goal-happy Ajax and Feyenoord maintain perfect starts Champions Ajax Amsterdam came from behind to thrash NAC Breda 6-2 on Sunday while Feyenoord hit four past Willem II Tilburg to regain the early lead in the Dutch first division.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Agency reports climate change major problem Rising sea levels, disappearing glaciers in the Alps and more deadly heat waves are coming for Europeans because of global warming, Europes environmental agency warned Wednesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Cycling: Ulmer #39;s scorching times in secret rides New Zealand #39;s star cyclist, Sarah Ulmer, last week rode under world record time twice in an hour during a secret training session in France.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Arsenal matches record of 42 league games without a loss on Sunday Arsenal rallied for three second-half goals in 11 minutes on Sunday to beat Middlesbrough 5-3, matching a 25-year-old record of 42 league games without a loss in the top-flight of English soccer.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Will High Oil Prices Lead to Recession? (AP) AP - High oil prices, which have been a factor in virtually all U.S. recessions over the past three decades, are surging again this year. And the higher crude oil prices climb, the more risk energy costs pose to what, until recently, many expected to be a banner year for the U.S. economy.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Labor: Anti-Peres meetings scheduled for Sunday Labor members have scheduled two  #39;rebel #39; anti-Peres conferences for Sunday, one to be headed by MK Matan Vilnai and the second by MK Binyamin Ben-Eliezer.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: U.S. Gymnasts Win 3 Medals; Hamm Angry (AP) AP - Terin Humphrey and Annia Hatch got silver. Courtney Kupets got bronze. And Paul Hamm got mad. The United States upped its gymnastics medal haul to seven Sunday night, the most since the Americans won 16 at the boycotted Los Angeles Games in 1984. And they might not be finished yet.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Noguchi Wins Marathon BULLETIN<br>BC-OLY--Women's Marathon RUN,0058<br>BULLETIN<br>    ATHENS, Greece (AP)  --  Mizuki Noguchi of Japan won the marathon Sunday in 2 hours, 26 minutes, 20 seconds.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: More Evidence for Past Water on Mars Summary - (Aug 22, 2004) NASA #39;s Spirit rover has dug up plenty of evidence on slopes of  quot;Columbia Hills quot; that water once covered the area.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Gatlin Sprints from Unknown to Olympic Gold  ATHENS (Reuters) - American Justin Gatlin roared from  virtual unknown to win the blue ribband Olympic men's 100  meters race on Sunday, upstaging more illustrious rivals in a  pulsating final.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Indexes in Japan fall short of hype Japanese stocks have failed to measure up to an assessment made in April by Merrill Lynch #39;s chief global strategist, David Bowers, who said Japan was  quot;very much everyone #39;s favorite equity market.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: GAME DAY RECAP Sunday, August 22 Aramis Ramirez hit a three-run homer, Moises Alou also homered and the Chicago Cubs beat the Houston Astros 11-6 on Sunday in the testy conclusion of a three-game series between the NL Central rivals.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: HOUSTON (Ticker) -- Kerry Wood got plenty of run support but didn #39;t stick around long enough to take advantage of it. Wood was ejected in the fifth inning for hitting Jeff Kent as the Cubs posted an 11-6 victory over the Astros.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Exhausted Massu Outlasts Fish for Gold  ATHENS (Reuters) - An exhausted Nicolas Massu reeled in  Mardy Fish in five tortuous sets on Sunday to win Chile their  second gold medal at an Olympic Games less than 24 hours after  helping them to their first.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Three people killed at Afghan checkpoint A man and two women were shot dead by Afghan and US-led troops after their vehicle ran through a checkpoint on Saturday, a US military statement said.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Karzai set for visit to Pakistan Afghan President Hamid Karzai is to visit Pakistan to discuss fighting terror and boosting trade.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Senate Republican Unveils Plan for Intelligence The plan would give the proposed national director responsibility for intelligence-gathering of the C.I.A. and the Pentagon.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Davenport wins in Cincinnati American Lindsay Davenport captured her fourth consecutive title, beating second seed Vera Zvonareva 6-3, 6-2 in the final of the \$US170,000 WTA Cincinnati Open on Sunday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Afghan-Coalition Soldiers Kill 3, Wound 2 at Checkpoint Coalition forces in Afghanistan say that three people were killed and two others critically wounded when their pickup truck tried to run a checkpoint in the province of Ghazni.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: U.S. Plane Attacks Najaf Rebels as Tanks Near Shrine  NAJAF, Iraq (Reuters) - A U.S. AC-130 gunship attacked  Shi'ite militia positions in the holy Iraqi city of Najaf early  on Monday after tanks reinforced the siege of a shrine at the  center of a nearly three-week insurgency.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Soldiers face Abu Ghraib hearings Four US soldiers charged with abusing Iraqi prisoners  are set to face pre-trial hearings in Germany.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Colin Jackson: Hard lessons learnt in the human laboratory Yesterday #39;s Olympics treated us to the two extremes of athletics, the endurance race which tests the body to its limits, and the heavyweight showdown, the sprint, which is in the mind.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Cink surfaces as Donald sinks Stewart Cink, who needed only to play around par to convert a five-stroke lead after 54 holes into a win, did just that in the NEC Invitational at Firestone yesterday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Wiretapping on the Net: Who pays? NEW YORK At first glance, it might seem like the simple extension of a standard tool in the fight against the bad guys. But in fact, wiretapping Internet phones to monitor criminals and terrorists is costly . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Red Sox Rally to Beat White Sox 6-5 (AP) AP - Manny Ramirez and David Ortiz homered on consecutive pitches to start the eighth inning Sunday night and the streaking Boston Red Sox beat the Chicago White Sox 6-5 for their sixth straight win.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Nortel Downsizes Again Aug. 23, 2004 ( Problem-plagued Nortel Networks Corp. announced plans Thursday, Aug. 19, to eliminate an additional 3,500 jobs and fire seven more senior executives as the company labors to reinvent . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Prototype copter-cam: Here, there, everywhere It can only remain aloft for three minutes but weighs less than an empty soft drink can -- and it can take and transmit pictures in flight.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Cink Justifies Sutton #39;s Faith Three weeks away from the Ryder Cup, American Stewart Cink hopes he has silenced at least some of his critics - if indeed they exist.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Plane crashes into Venezuelan mountain killing 25 : A military plane crashed into a mountain in Central Venezuela, killing 25 people, including five children, the Air Force rescue team said in a statement.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Africa brings Sudanese parties to the table as UN sanctions loom (AFP) AFP - The African Union will bring Sudan's warring government and rebel armies into talks with regional power-brokers aimed at heading off a mounting humanitarian crisis in the province of Darfur.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Taiwan votes on leaner parliament A vote is due to be held in Taiwan on plans to halve the number of seats in the island's famously heated legislature.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Nikkei briefly regains 11,000 level TOKYO - Japan #39;s benchmark Nikkei stock index briefly recovered to the 11,000 level Monday morning on widespread buying prompted by advances in US shares last Friday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: HK walks out of 68-month deflation cycle, official Hong Kong Financial Secretary Henry Tang said he believed Hong Kong has walked out of the consumer price deflation cycle that lingered for 68 months, according to the consumer price index trend in the past few years.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Oil prices In terms of dollar value, of all the products in the world, nothing is traded more than oil. Crude oil traded above 47 dollars a barrel for the first time this week.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Chavez rejects CD as opposition Venezuela #39;s President Hugo Chavez has announced that he will no longer recognize the Democratic Coordination or CD as the opposition coalition.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: ROUNDUP: Franchitti overcomes pit mishap for IRL win FOUNTAIN, Colo. -- Dario Franchitti shook off a potentially dangerous pit mishap to win the IRL #39;s Honda 225 Sunday at Pikes Peak International Raceway.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Productivity Growth Slowest in 2 Years (AP) AP - The productivity of America's workers grew at a 1.8 percent annual rate in the third quarter, the slowest pace in nearly two years, the government reported Tuesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Roundup: Pleasantly Perfect takes Pacific Classic Favored Pleasantly Perfect took charge down the stretch to win by a length in the 14th running of the \$1 million Pacific Classic yesterday at Del Mar. Pleasantly . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: War crimes hearings to begin for 4 at Guantanamo US NAVAL BASE GUANTANAMO BAY, Cuba -- Four suspected Al Qaeda fighters will be formally charged with war crimes this week as the US military opens the first legal hearings for foreign prisoners captured during the war in Afghanistan and held at a remote US Navy base in Cuba.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Maoists attack Nepal district HQ More than 1,000 Maoists launched a violent assault on a district headquarters in Nepal #39;s northwestern mountains, officials said Sunday, as angry traders rallied on the streets of Kathmandu to protest a crippling rebel blockade of the capital, now also hit . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Downer dismisses  #39;sexed up #39; Iraq warning claims SYDNEY : Foreign Minister Alexander Downer dismissed newspaper claims the Australian government was repeatedly warned its support for the Iraq war would impede the fight against terrorism.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Hamm should support Yang Paul Hamm needs a new marketing strategy. Either that, or he needs a clue. One harmless gesture separates him from lionization in America and canonization in South Korea, and . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: US women avoid disaster, advance ATHENS -- Preliminary-round elimination would have been a disaster for the United States women. Desperate for a victory, the Americans avoided embarrassment by finally playing like a gold medal contender -- and like a team.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Australia Airline Announces Fuel Surcharge Australian budget airline Virgin Blue announced Monday it will increase the fuel surcharge it adds to ticket prices from Aug. 26 because of soaring oil prices.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: ARM agrees to buy Artisan Components for \$903 mn LONDON, August 23 (New Ratings) - ARM Holdings (ARM.ETR) has agreed to buy Artisan Components Inc (ARTI), a US-based provider of integrated circuit designing solutions, for about \$913 million (503.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: North Korea Says the Tyrant is Bush, not Kim North Korea says it sees no reason to join a working-level meeting with the United States to prepare for further six-party talks on the communist state #39;s nuclear weapons development.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Terreblanche challenges SA arrest White supremacist Eugene Terreblanche is detained after allegedly breaking the terms of his parole.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Radcliffe withdrawal not due to injury World record holder Paula Radcliffe #39;s tearful withdrawal from the women #39;s Olympic marathon yesterday was not due to injury, the British team says.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Dollar Bounces; Eye on Data, Greenspan  LONDON (Reuters) - The dollar bounced off recent four-week  lows against the euro and yen on Monday in thin August trade  with investors focusing on U.S. data and a speech by the  Federal Reserve chief later in the week.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Stopping spam at the source New antispam technology standards are on the way that promise to hit spammers where it hurts the most--their wallets. At issue is the ability to authenticate the original source of e-mail messages, a major . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: New Fat-Busting Microwave Oven Unveiled  TOKYO (Reuters) - Eyeing up that juicy steak but worried  about your waistline? Japanese electronics maker Sharp Corp.  <A HREF=" qtype=sym infotype=info qcat=news">6753.T</A> says it has developed a new fat-busting microwave oven  that can melt some of your worries away.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Israel OKs More West Bank Settlement Homes JERUSALEM Aug. 23, 2004 - Israel announced plans Monday to build hundreds of new housing units in the West Bank, following an apparent US policy shift on settlements that the Palestinians warned  quot;will destroy the peace process.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Kmart to Sell 18 Stores to Home Depot  NEW YORK (Reuters) - Retailer Kmart Holdings Corp. <A HREF=" target=/stocks/quickinfo/fullquote">KMRT.O</A>  on Monday said it finalized a deal to sell 18 of its stores to  Home Depot Inc. <A HREF=" target=/stocks/quickinfo/fullquote">HD.N</A> for \$271 million.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Rules for Overtime Pay To Take Effect Monday Employers and workers are confused by eligibility and classification of the new regulations.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Students crazy about iPod follow the music to Apple laptops ( - Apple's trendy iPod digital music player, which has revitalized the company, is giving laptop sales a boost during back-to-school season.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Stunt pilots to snag a falling NASA craft NASA #39;s three-year effort to bring some genuine star dust back to Earth is set for a dramatic finale Sept. 8 when Hollywood helicopter pilots will attempt a midair retrieval . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Trial of Accused US Vigilantes Resumes KABUL, Afghanistan Aug. 23, 2004 - A defense lawyer for one of three Americans accused of torturing a dozen Afghan prisoners in a private jail showed a video in court Monday of Afghanistan #39;s former education . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Sports: Graham says he sent the syringe ATHENS, Greece Track coach Trevor Graham admits he was the person who triggered the BALCO investigation. Graham says he #39;s the one who anonymously sent a syringe of THG to the US Anti-Doping Agency.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Seattle Mariners Minor League Report - August 23rd TACOMA RAINIERS - The Rainiers just missed a perfect week when they suffered their only setback on Sunday August 22nd, a 13-6 loss to the Portland Beavers.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Southwest Airlines to Cut 88 Flights (Reuters) Reuters - Southwest Airlines Inc. (LUV.N), the\largest U.S. discount carrier, on Monday said it will eliminate\88 scheduled flights in order to boost revenue by freeing up\planes for more lucrative markets.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Seattle Times business columnist admits plagiarism, resigns A business columnist has resigned from the Seattle Times after admitting he plagiarized the work of other journalists, said the newspaper.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Does Nick Carr matter? Strategybusiness concludes that a controversial new book on the strategic value of information technology is flawed--but correct.\. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Students Pay More for Beer Than Books British students spend about \$1.8 billion on drink every year, nearly three times as much as they cough up for books, a survey released on Monday showed.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Leeds students figure high on working curve Undergraduates in the city earn more than 90 a week on average, just behind Glasgow, Cambridge and Cardiff. Their hard-earned cash is likely to be spent on looking good and socialising, the . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Windows Upgrade Causing Campus Headaches Microsoft Corp. #39;s decision to release a major upgrade for its flagship operating system in the same month that hundreds of thousands of students are reporting to college campuses across the . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Intel cuts Pentium 4 prices The newest P4 chips drop in price by 18 percent to 35 percent; a host of other chips are cheaper now as well.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Northrop Grumman Gets \$408 Million Pact Defense contractor Northrop Grumman Corp. on Monday said it received a 10-year, \$408 million Army contract to provide simulated battle command training support to Army corps commanders - the latest award in . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Record biz hammers  #39;ostrich #39; downloaders The music industry in the US is making great strides in its campaign against people it says have illegally downloaded music, with courts awarding huge settlements in many cases.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Sign-Up Reopened for House Race in La. (AP) AP - A state judge ruled Monday that the sign-up period should be reopened for the Nov. 2 election in Louisiana's 5th Congressional District, where incumbent Rep. Rodney Alexander infuriated Democrats by switching to the Republican Party minutes before the qualifying deadline.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Oil price down as Iraq fears ease The price of oil has fallen as fears about interruptions to supplies being pumped out of Iraq eased slightly.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Israel Accelerates Settlement Drive As Sharon Pushes On With Gaza <b>...</b> The Israeli government was accelerating its settlement program Monday with plans to build hundreds of new homes in the West Bank, bolstered by a US softening of opposition to new construction projects.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Obesity Solution: Nuke It Eying that juicy steak but worried about your waistline? Sharp says it has developed a new fat-busting microwave oven that can melt some of your worries away.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: E-commerce still booming Online retail sales continue to show significant growth, according to the latest figures released by the US Department of Commerce.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Lycos offers people and discussion search Terra Lycos SA introduced two search tools on its Lycos U.S. Internet site on Monday as part of a recently announced strategy to focus on services that allow users to connect with others.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Oil Eases as Iraq Resumes Exports <p>\</p><p> By Andrew Mitchell</p><p> LONDON (Reuters) - High-flying oil prices eased for a\second session on Monday as Iraq resumed exports from both its\northern and southern outlets after lengthy disruption, despite\fierce fighting in the holy city of Najaf.</p>. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Botswana miners 'face dismissal' Botswana's giant Debswana diamond mining firm says it will sack workers who carry on with an illegal stoppage.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: U.S. Men's Hoops Team Finally Gets a Rout ATHENS, Greece - The Americans got a taste of what it was like in the good ol' days. They finally played an opponent they were able to beat easily, routing Angola 89-53 Monday in their final preliminary game of the Olympic men's basketball tournament.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Congo Ex-Rebel Group Pulls Out of Government (Reuters) Reuters - The former main rebel group during\Congo's civil war pulled out of a power-sharing transitional\government on Monday, dealing a major blow to the country's\already fragile peace process.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Blue Chips Unchanged, Wal-Mart Weighs  NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. blue chips were near the  unchanged mark on Monday as a disappointing sales forecast from  retailer Wal-Mart Stores Inc. <A HREF=" target=/stocks/quickinfo/fullquote">WMT.N</A> dampened sentiment,  offsetting the benefit of easing oil prices.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Wiretaps may mute Nextel rivals Fed up with technical excuses, FBI wants carriers to support eavesdropping capabilities for push-to-talk technology now.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Partnership Connects Wi-Fi Users In The Sky Wi-Fi is going sky-high thanks to a deal forged between enterprise Internet service provider iPass and Connexion by Boeing. Under the deal, iPass #39;s 528,000-plus Wi-Fi enterprise customers will . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Wariner Succeeds Johnson as 400 Meter Champion  ATHENS (Reuters) - American 400 meters champion Jeremy  Wariner succeeded Michael Johnson as the Olympic gold medallist  Monday with a personal best of 44.00 seconds.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Observers insist: no proof of fraud in Venezuelan referendum. Independent observers confirmed that the random auditing of results from the recall referendum (Sunday August 15) against Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez show there are no indications of fraud as claimed by the opposition.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: EDS Is Charter Member of Siebel BPO Alliance (NewsFactor) NewsFactor - Siebel Systems (Nasdaq: SEBL) has named EDS as the charter partner in Siebels' new business process outsourcing (BPO) global strategic-alliance program. The agreement expands the relationship between EDS and Siebel to provide a set of high-value managed products and service offerings targeted at the BPO and customer relationship management (CRM) marketplaces.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Chicago OKs Cubs to Play at Wrigley Field (AP) AP - The city gave the Chicago Cubs the go-ahead to play ball at Wrigley Field on Monday night after the stadium passed another round of inspections of repair work done on its crumbling upper deck.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Philippine President Says Country Faces Fiscal Crisis Philippine president Gloria Arroyo warned that her country is in the midst of a fiscal crisis. A report by economists at the University of the Philippines said the country faces economic collapse . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: US men #39;s basketball routs Angola Athens, Greece (Sports Network) - Tim Duncan led a balanced American attack with 15 points and seven rebounds, as the United States men #39;s basketball team completed the preliminary round with a resounding 89-53 victory over winless Angola.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Patterson gets silver on balance beam Athens, Greece (Sports Network) - American Carly Patterson, the women #39;s all- around champion at the Summer Games, added another medal on Monday night with a silver in the balance beam competition.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: New Russian-US Team to Leave for ISS in October MOSCOW (AFP) -- A new Russian-US team for the International Space Station (ISS) will take off from the Baikonur space station in the former Soviet republic of Kazakhstan in October, Russian space officials said.       The three-person team, due to be approved on Thursday, will leave for the ISS on board a Russian Soyuz TMA-5 spacecraft, Russia's Federal Space Agency, Roskosmos said on its website.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Gatlin sprints from unknown to 100m gold Reuters Athens Aug 23: American Justin Gatlin roared from virtual unknown to win the blue ribband Olympic mens 100 metres race yesterday, upstaging defending champion Maurice Greene and other more illustrious rivals.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Panama Recalls Ambassador From Cuba (AP) AP - Panama recalled its ambassador from Cuba on Monday after the Cuban government threatened to break off relations in a dispute over four anti-Fidel Castro exiles imprisoned in Panama.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Obesity Raises Risk for 9 Different Types of Cancer By LAURAN NEERGAARD    WASHINGTON (AP) -- Heart disease and diabetes get all the attention, but expanding waistlines increase the risk for at least nine types of cancer, too. And with the obesity epidemic showing no signs of waning, specialists say they need to better understand how fat cells fuels cancer growth so they might fight back.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Credit Card Delinquencies at a 4-Year Low  NEW YORK (Reuters) - Americans paid their credit card bills  on time at a record high level in June, sending credit card  delinquencies to their lowest level in four years, Moody's  Investors Service said on Monday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Deal has S2io champing at the gigabit OTTAWA -- A local firm that says it can help shrink backup times at large data centres is growing its business thanks to an alliance with Sun Microsystems Inc.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Microsoft: Use Script to Block Windows XP SP2 Updates Microsoft has offered up yet another way for businesses to block the automatic update of Windows XP to the big-deal Service Pack 2 (SP2) upgrade.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Marathon meltdown THE winner smiled and then vomited. The roaring favourite collapsed and couldn #39;t finish. The Australian contemplated surrender, staggered on and didn #39;t regret it.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Panama-Cuba 'pardon' row worsens Panama recalls its Havana ambassador after Cuba threatened to cut ties if jailed anti-Castro activists are pardoned.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Cisco Buys IP Platform Maker Network equipment giant Cisco Systems (Quote, Chart) is buying IP platform specialist P-Cube for \$200 million in cash and stock. P-Cube #39;s technology helps telecom carriers, cable operators and ISPs manage . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Arafat Meets With Gaza Critic A former Palestinian security minister who could be key to keeping order among rival factions in Gaza after an Israeli pullout held a fence-mending meeting Monday with President Yasser Arafat, officials said.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: New Overtime Rules Take Effect New Bush administration rules that scale back overtime eligibility for white-collar workers took effect on Monday over protests that they would slash paychecks at a time of economic uncertainty.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Japanese joy and British tears IT WAS the night of the longest race and the shortest, a night of distress for Britain #39;s Paula Radcliffe and delight for America #39;s Justin Gatlin.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: SAP Gets \$35 Million Post Office Pact SAP has landed a \$35 million deal to help the US Postal Service overhaul its human resources systems. According to sources close to the deal, the agreement includes a \$21 million consulting component, and . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: US beats Germany 2-1 in OT, to face Brazil in women #39;s soccer final Heather O #39;Reilly, minutes after missing a wide open net, scored in the ninth minute of overtime Monday to give the United States a 2-1 victory over World Cup champion Germany and a place in Thursday #39;s gold-medal game.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Intel drops prices on computer chips SAN FRANCISCO - Intel Corp. has cut prices on its computer chips by as much as 35 percent, though analysts on Monday said the cuts were probably unrelated to swelling inventories of the world #39;s largest chip maker.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Israel Announces West Bank Housing Plans (AP) AP - Israel announced plans Monday for 500 new housing units in the West Bank, after an apparent U.S. policy shift that has infuriated the Palestinians. The Palestinians oppose all Jewish settlement in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, lands where they hope to establish an independent state.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Dollar Holds Gains, Fed Comments Help  TOKYO (Reuters) - The dollar held on to the previous day's  gain on Tuesday, supported by a retreat in oil prices and  upbeat comments on the U.S. economy from Federal Reserve  officials.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: SAP Awarded \$35 Million Postal Service Contract The postal service, which employs more than a third of the civilian employees of the federal government, chose SAP after a multi-year evaluation, it said.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Dark arts of spin evident in phoney war for Abbey THE phoney war over the fate of Abbey grinds on. Along the way, on all sides, it is producing its predictable crop of knowing winks and destabilising nudges.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Controversial US Overtime Rules Take Effect New overtime rules have taken effect in the United States that the government says will strengthen workers #39; rights, but opponents say will significantly reduce workers #39; pay.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text:  #39;Marathon mouse #39; doubles stamina Scientists in the United States have genetically engineered mice which can run twice as far as normal before becoming exhausted. The researchers say their finding could lead to drugs or gene . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: SAS Braathens to cut Gatwick, Geneva flights blackhawk writes  quot;SAS Braathens, the Norwegian unit of Scandinavian airline SAS, will cut Oslo routes to Geneva and London Gatwick in the first step of a plan to eliminate 10 routes.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: CAO executives hand over passports Executives at the collapsed China Aviation Oil Singapore have voluntarily handed over their passports to Singapore #39;s police, a spokesman said Tuesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Dickens Departs Tony Dickens resigns as head coach at Northwestern six months after leading the Wildcats to the Maryland 4A boys basketball title.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Dollar Keeps Gains as Market Awaits Data  TOKYO (Reuters) - The dollar idled on Tuesday after gaining  the previous day, as many investors held off building positions  ahead of economic data from the United States.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Audit finds no fraud in Venezuelan recall vote CARACAS : An audit of last Sunday #39;s recall vote in Venezuela, which favored keeping President Hugo Chavez in office, found no evidence of fraud, as the opposition had charged, electoral officials said.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Chargers, Rivers Agree to Deal The San Diego Chargers finally reached a contract agreement last night with quarterback Philip Rivers. Rivers, the fourth overall choice in April #39;s draft, agreed to a six-year deal worth about \$40 million, including . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Chiefs #39; offense too much for Rams in 24-7 victory The NFL #39;s highest-scoring offense is averaging two touchdowns every three possessions during the preseason. If Kansas City #39;s woeful defense can get its act together, too, the Chiefs could be in for big things.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Marathoning mice could have Olympian effects on obesity A molecular switch known to regulate fat metabolism appears to prevent obesity and turns laboratory mice into marathon runners, a Salk Institute study has found.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Dominant US captures gold with 79th straight win The US softball team completed its scorched-earth run through the Olympics on Monday with a 5-1 win over Australia, America #39;s third straight gold medal.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Johnson  amp; Johnson bids for rival NEW YORK Johnson  amp; Johnson is in advanced negotiations to acquire Guidant, one of the largest US makers of devices to treat heart and circulatory illnesses, according to executives close to the talks.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Yukos warns it oil output is lagging Beleaguered Russian energy giant Yukos has warned that it will not produce as much oil as expected this year. It blames bailiffs who are draining its bank accounts to pay its potentially ruinous tax bill.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Pressure points ATHENS -- The booing went on for nearly 10 minutes while Paul Hamm, chalked up and ready, waited beneath the horizontal bar last night.  quot;Wow, quot; Hamm told his twin brother Morgan.  quot;I've never seen this before. quot;. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Unions protest as overtime rules take effect WASHINGTON -- Hundreds of workers rallied on the steps of the Labor Department yesterday to protest the implementation of new rules they say will cause as many as 6 million Americans to lose their overtime pay. But the Bush administration officials who crafted the complex regulations insisted more workers will actually qualify for extra pay under the plan, which almost .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Serb denies siege terror charges A Bosnian Serb general accused of organising the siege of Sarajevo pleads not guilty to war crimes charges.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: 11th-hour highlights too late NBC's prime-time Olympic coverage is taped and shaped, the television version of a Reader's Digest condensed book. We get all the US highlights, the big news stories, and a well-edited drama building to the 11 p.m. hour. It's a formula that's been proven to hold an audience and pull ratings. The big downside: You have to stay up until midnight .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: No IE? No Can See One thing that #39;s always irritated those who don #39;t choose to use Internet Explorer is finding a website that requires IE. Such complaints seem to have grown all the more passionate now security concerns are driving more users to consider IE alternatives.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Iran shuts reformist websites WEBSITES CLOSE to Iran #39;s leading reformist party have been blocked by religious hardliners in the police bureau of public morals.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Zambrano right at home No one has been more dominating against National League hitters at home than Cubs starter Carlos Zambrano. And Zambrano looked as if he would be at his finest Monday night at Wrigley Field.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Torre Calls a Meeting, and the Yanks Respond Joe Torre gathered the Yankees before Monday night #39;s game at Jacobs Field and imparted a simple message: put aside the struggles of the past week.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Kerry Dispute Revives Memory of Delta War (AP) AP - The controversy over the Vietnam war record of Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry has trained a fresh light on one of that conflict's lesser-known episodes  #151; the operations of America's "Brown Water Navy" in rivers, canals and mangrove swamps of the Mekong Delta.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Japan to Deport Ex-Chess Champion Bobby Fischer (Reuters) Reuters - Japan issued a deportation order on\Tuesday against former world chess champion Bobby Fischer, who\is wanted in the United States for defying sanctions on\Yugoslavia, an immigration official said.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: N.Korea Hurls Abuse at Bush, Calls Him Human Trash  SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea hurled invective at President  Bush for a second day on Tuesday, calling him a political idiot  and human trash, and said six-party talks on Pyongyang's  nuclear ambitions appeared doomed.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Nairobi police disperse Maasai Police in Kenya disperse Maasai protesters in the capital who are seeking the return of leased colonial land.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Arctic team finds ship remains A team retracing the route of a group of Victorian Arctic explorers have found parts of their 172-year-old ship.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Toy store profits R back up TOY retailer Toys R Us has posted a second-quarter profit, over- turning the loss it made over the same period the year before. The New Jersey-based group, which is considering quitting the toys business, turned . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Vonage Calls on Linksys for VoIP Linksys will provide broadband-to-phone adapters and, eventually, Wi-Fi equipment.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Vonage Calls on Linksys for VoIP (PC World) PC World - Linksys will provide broadband-to-phone adapters and, eventually, Wi-Fi equipment.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Mich. Elephant Gets Therapy for Arthritis ROYAL OAK, Mich. - Like any patient, Wanda needs positive reinforcement to wrestle through her physical therapy.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Intel slashes Itanium prices as Madison looms Intel has slashed prices across the board as it prepares to get behind new processor lines due this autumn. The Itanium server line has seen cuts of over 30 per cent, while prices for Intel #39;s fastest business . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Straw: No British troops to Darfur British Foreign Minister Jack Straw said his country does not plan to deploy forces to Darfur in western Sudan but will provide technical assistance.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Iraqi Guardsmen Ring Najaf Shrine US and Iraqi forces battled militants in Najaf on Tuesday and Iraqi National Guardsmen advanced to within 200 yards of the holy city #39;s Imam Ali Shrine compound, where insurgents loyal to radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr have been holed up for weeks.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Gregg: I will help to close deal EVERTON chairman Bill Kenwright #39;s plans for a Russian revolution at Goodison Park may have thawed the cold war with director Paul Gregg.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Straw: Sudan Must Help Displaced People (AP) AP - British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, touring a sprawling desert camp housing 40,000 displaced people from the troubled western Darfur region, urged the Sudanese government to do more to make it safe for the frightened refugees to return home.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Japanese Bank Makes Hostile Bid in Takeover Battle The biggest-ever takeover battle in Japan got even bigger today as Sumitomo Mitsui sought to disrupt a rival's expansion plans with a \$29 billion hostile bid for UFJ.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Martian Weather Blamed for Loss of Beagle 2 Description: An investigation into the loss of Britain #39;s Beagle 2 spacecraft last December suggests the cause may have been unusual Martian weather.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Prodigy Adu Learns His Trade at DC United  WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Teenager Freddy Adu, America's most  talked about soccer player, has hardly set the league alight  with his skills in his first season.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Japan #39;s SMFG in \$29B bid for UFJ Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc. laid out a \$29 billion bid for UFJ Holdings on Tuesday, challenging a rival offer by Mitsubishi Tokyo Financial Group to form the world #39;s biggest bank.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Sex toys find niche market in church-influenced Philippines (AFP) AFP - In this predominantly Roman Catholic country where prostitution is illegal and the church still wields considerable influence on the nation's morals, it is a brave person who goes into business selling sex toys.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Director Leaves Hollinger Inc. Board Hollinger Inc., th #39;e Toronto-based holding company controlled by disgraced media baron Conrad Black, lost an independent director Tuesday when a former general in Canada #39;s armed forces resigned from its board.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: US not involved in Afghan vigilante trial-official An Afghan court was following proper procedures in its trial of three US men accused of torture and kidnapping and the United States would exert no influence on next week #39;s verdict, a US official said on Tuesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: British Minister Sees 'Show Camp' in Sudan (Reuters) Reuters - Two rows of well-spaced\mattresses with brightly colored covers are laid out in a straw\hut, and the smiling nurse in surgical gloves gives an\injection to a crying baby held by his mother.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Bin Laden Driver Charged at Guantanamo GUANTANAMO BAY NAVAL BASE, Cuba - Osama bin Laden's chauffeur was officially charged Tuesday in the first U.S. military tribunal since World War II, appearing at a pretrial hearing where his lawyer challenged the process as unfair.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Cisco Reaches High And Low NEW YORK - Cisco Systems is aggressively trying to build its presence in key growth markets, and it #39;s using both new products and new acquisitions to do it.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text:  #39;Somebody please save my dad #39; Nick du Toit #39;s wife and stepdaughter are distraught that there is nothing they can do to help him. On Monday his stepdaughter, Marilise Bezuidenhout, was forced to convey the news of his possible death sentence . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Update 1: Passengers Stranded by Canceled Flights Thousands of disgruntled vacationers were stranded at Heathrow Airport Tuesday after British Airways canceled scores of flights because of staff shortages and technical hitches.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Journalist purportedly kidnapped by militants A group calling itself  quot;The Islamic Army in Iraq quot; said Italy must withdraw its 3,000 troops -- or the safety of a missing Italian journalist can #39;t be guaranteed.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Discus Champion Thrown Out of Games  ATHENS (Reuters) - Hungarian Olympic discus champion Robert  Fazekas will lose his gold medal and be expelled from the Games  after breaking doping rules, the International Olympic  Committee (IOC) said Tuesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Cisco to acquire P-Cube for \$200M SAN JOSE, Calif.Cisco Systems Inc. said it has agreed to acquire P-Cube for \$200 million in stock and cash to enable service providers to further control and manage such advanced Internet Protocol services . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Cisco and Microsoft Partner for CRM 8/24/2004 -- Cisco Systems yesterday announced a new Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Communications Connector for Microsofts CRM offering.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Apple Tops in Customer Satisfaction Dell comes in a close second, while Gateway shows improvement, study says.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Sabre, NWA Trade Barbs Over Ticketing Fee AUGUST 25, 2004 -- The Sabre Travel Network yesterday responded quickly to Northwest Airlines #39; decision to impose a fee on all domestic tickets issued through global distribution systems, firing back with its own policy changes and concluding the . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: United #39;s pension dilemma United Airlines says it likely will end funding for employee pension plans, a move that would be the largest ever default by a US company and could lead to a taxpayer-funded bailout rivaling the savings-and-loan fiasco of the 1980s.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Linksys, Netgear prep soho VoIP kit WLAN kit makers Linksys and Netgear have rolled out consumer and small-business oriented wireless access points with integrated Voice over IP (VoIP) support.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Tiny telescope detects a giant planet A tiny telescope has spotted a giant planet circling a faraway star, using a technique that could open a new phase of planetary discovery, scientists say.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Gardner Loses Quest for Repeat Wrestling Gold US heavyweight Rulon Gardner lost his Olympic title Wednesday after being beaten in the semi-final stage of the 120kg Greco-Roman wrestling event by Georgiy Tsurtsumia of Kazakhstan.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Playboy Posts Unused Google Excerpt to Web Site (Reuters) Reuters - Playboy magazine on Tuesday\posted to its Web site an unpublished portion from its\interview with Google's founders, which raised regulatory\eyebrows not for what it revealed, but for its timing -- just\before the Internet search engine's much-anticipated initial\public offering.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Williams' Status at USC Still Unresolved (AP) AP - Standout receiver Mike Williams is all but certain not to play Saturday night when top-ranked Southern California opens its season because of continuing delays in the school's appeal process to the NCAA. After that, who knows? USC has applied to the NCAA for a progress-toward-degree waiver and reinstatement of Williams' eligibility.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Kerry Pledges to Create Higher-Paying Jobs (AP) AP - John Kerry headed to closely divided Pennsylvania and Wisconsin to tell voters he could produce better, higher-paying jobs from the White House than President Bush has.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: GOP Platform Plan Seeks Gay Marriage Ban (AP) AP - Republican leaders are pushing for a constitutional ban on gay marriage in the GOP platform, opening a new point of contention between social conservatives and outnumbered but vocal factions fighting to give the party's statement of principles a more moderate tone.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: EPA: U.S. Waterways Contain Polluted Fish (AP) AP - One of every three lakes in the United States, and nearly one-quarter of the nation's rivers contain enough pollution that people should limit or avoid eating fish caught there.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Selig Welcomes Government Help In Steroids Scandal NEW YORK -- Baseball commissioner Bud Selig said Monday he would accept government intervention on steroid testing if the players #39; association refuses to change the current rules, which run for two more years.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Barents Sea Under Threat from Fishing, Oil (Reuters) Reuters - The Arctic Barents Sea is\under threat from overfishing, oil and gas exploration and\Soviet-era radioactive waste, the U.N. Environment Program said\on Tuesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Will This Idea Fly? Charge Some Travelers \$10 for Showing Up Northwest Airlines said it would begin charging a \$10 fee for issuing a ticket at its airport check-in desks.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: A man with a plan ATHENS -- Four years ago in Sydney, after the US gymnasts had gone medal-free at the Olympics for the first time in 28 years, federation president Bob Colarossi was sitting at a table, explaining that the turnaround already had begun. The women had moved from sixth to fourth in the world in one year, the men from sixth to fifth. .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: ASCAP Shakes Down Burning Man for Music Royalties LOS ANGELES, CA -- Officials from ASCAP today indicated they intend to pursue music royalties from the organizers of Burning Man, an artist's gathering and celebration held over the Labor Day holiday near Reno, NV.   The unconventional event, held annually since 1986, has never paid fees for any of the music played at the event, says ASCAP.  "We intend to pursue all available avenues to get this issue resolved," said Tony Wilcox, ASCAP spokesperson.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Branson: Virgin Billionaire Eyes China Telecom Deal Can you hear him now: Virgin Group Chairman Richard Branson said in Hong Kong that his company has earmarked \$300 million for a cell phone joint venture in China.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Second Prisoner Abuse Report Expected WASHINGTON - Inattention to prisoner issues by senior U.S. military leaders in Iraq and at the Pentagon was a key factor in the abuse scandal at Abu Ghraib prison, but there is no evidence they ordered any mistreatment, an independent panel concluded.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Cleric Returns to Broker Najaf Peace Deal NAJAF, Iraq - Iraq's most powerful Shiite cleric returned home from Britain on Wednesday to help broker an end to nearly three weeks of fighting in Najaf and is calling on his followers to join him in a march to reclaim the holy city, his spokesmen and witnesses said.    Grand Ayatollah Ali Husseini al-Sistani return came as heavy fighting persisted in Najaf's Old City.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Police Tear Gas, Arrest Protesters in Bangladesh Baton-wielding riot police fired tear gas and rounded up dozens of demonstrators in Bangladesh on Tuesday during a general strike called to protest a weekend grenade attack that killed 20 people and wounded hundreds at an opposition political rally.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Careening Indians Fall Slumping Cleveland lost a three-run lead while Derek Jeter homered and stole two ninth-inning bases as New York sent the Indians to their ninth consecutive loss, 5-4, Tuesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Internosis Will Relocate To Greenbelt in October  Internosis Inc., an information technology company in Arlington, plans to move its headquarters to Greenbelt in October. The relocation will bring 170 jobs to Prince George's County.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Microsoft offers SP2 compatibility guide Security-focused Windows XP update can be tough on applications. Guidelines are meant to help professionals "test and mitigate.". There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Site security gets a recount at Rock the Vote Grassroots movement to register younger voters leaves publishing tools accessible to outsiders.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Sony reveals some specs for PSP handheld The PlayStation Portable is going to have one complex processor running the show for games and multimedia.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Study: Apple, Dell lead PC customer satisfaction index The PC industry is doing a better job this year of satisfying its U.S. customers, and better technical support and easier-to-use hardware seem to have made a difference, according to the American Customer Satisfaction Index.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: UN organizes open-source software day across Asia The United Nations, through its International Open Source Network (IOSN) will organize the first annual Software Freedom Day on Saturday in an effort to educate Asian users about the benefits of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) and encourage its wider use in the region.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: European Union Extends Review of Microsoft Deal By PAUL GEITNER    BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) -- Software giant Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) and the media and entertainment powerhouse Time Warner Inc.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Darfur: 4-Point Draft Agenda Adopted in Abuja A tentative step was taken yesterday in the quest to finding lasting peace in the crisis torn Dafur region of Sudan when the Abuja peace talks unanimously adopted a four-point draft agenda.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: UPDATE 2-TD, Banknorth in talks on possible deal Toronto Dominion Bank (TD.TO: Quote, Profile, Research) said on Wednesday that it is in talks with US-based Banknorth Group (BNK.N: Quote, Profile, Research) about a possible deal, in line with the Canadian bank #39;s push for . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Jamaican Government to Provide Free Internet Access in Poor <b>...</b> Jamaica #39;s government on Tuesday announced a US\$5 million (Jamaican \$308 million) plan to provide free Internet access in poor communities across the island.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: A new Golden Girl It took only 49.41 seconds for Tonique Williams-Darling to etch her name in the annals of Bahamian history. Williams-Darling crossed the finish line . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: India's Tata makes powerful debut Shares  in Indian software services giant Tata Consultancy close 16 higher on their market debut, raising \$1.2bn for the company.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Sudanese rebels agree to take part in peace talks in Abuja ABUJA, Aug 25, 2004 (dpa) -- Rebel groups agreed Wednesday to participate in peace talks with the Sudanese government being held in the Nigerian capital of Abuja after coming under pressure to disarm and accept confinement to camps in the country #39;s . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Dragging the Net for Cyber Criminals In an attempt to stem the growing tide of online scams, identity theft and the proliferation of junk e-mail, the Justice Department and state law enforcement officials have initiated what seems to be the largest dragnet yet against spammers, so-called "phishers" and other Internet con artists. <FONT face="verdana,MS Sans Serif,arial,helvetica" size="-2" color="#666666"><B></B></FONT>. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: EU to probe Microsoft-Time Warner buy The decision is a setback for the two companies and their plan to acquire ContentGuard, a digital rights management firm.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Allen Wins Triathlon Kate Allen of Austria wins the triathlon with a late surge Wednesday, passing more than half of the field in the final leg and edging Loretta Harrop of Australia at the finish line.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Is Google the Next Netscape? Is Google the Next Netscape?\\\\To draw a parallel between Netscape  #038; Google in their fight against Microsoft, it is necessary to examine the various similarities between the two situations and see if the tactics that worked then will work now. \. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: GM pulls Guy Ritchie car ad after protest Protests from seven safety groups have prompted General Motors to pull a television ad that shows a young boy driving a Corvette sports car so recklessly that it goes airborne, officials of the automaker say.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Tiny telescope #39;s big discovery opens new doors WASHINGTON - A tiny telescope has spotted a giant planet circling a faraway star, using a technique that could open a new phase of planetary discovery.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: News: US cracks down on spam mountain John Ashcroft, the attorney General of the US, is expected to announce on Thursday dozens of lawsuits against alleged spammers following a low key campaign against the practise across the US.\. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Bryant Prosecutors Say Some Data Tainted DENVER - Crucial DNA evidence tested by defense experts in the Kobe Bryant sexual assault case might have been contaminated, prosecutors said in a court filing released Wednesday, just two days before jury selection is to begin.    Prosecutors said they had found contamination in DNA "control" samples intended to ensure testing was accurate.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Poultry Stocks See Mixed Recovery Despite a weak third-quarter earnings report that sent its shares plunging 24 percent Tuesday, poultry producer Sanderson Farms Inc.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Brazil Tops Spain for Men's Gold in Beach Volleyball  ATHENS (Reuters) - Ricardo Santos and Emanuel Rego beat  Spain's Javier Bosma and Pablo Herrera 21-16, 21-15 on  Wednesday to bag Brazil's first men's Olympic beach volleyball  gold medal.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: NTT DoCoMo, Motorola tie up on 3G handsets NTT DoCoMo will release a handset compatible with non-Japanese cellular networks and with its own 3G (third generation) mobile network early next year.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Vonage Awash in Venture Capital VoIP (define) upstart Vonage has quickly amassed another \$105 million from venture capitalists and is looking to Latin America and Asia to accelerate an already torrid growth rate.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: UN says Afghan vote can legitimise postwar scene (AFP) AFP - Afghanistan has a chance for real political legitimacy when voters go to the polls in the country's first post-Taliban presidential election, the UN's envoy to the nation said.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Bryant Prosecutors Question Defense DNA Evidence  DENVER (Reuters) - Prosecutors in the rape case against  U.S. basketball star Kobe Bryant are questioning the validity  of DNA evidence crucial to the defense's case, saying data  appeared to have been manipulated and might have to be thrown  out.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Best Software overhauls Act  Best Softwarelaunched this week an overhaul of its Act contact management software, adding to the product line a second version with more scalability and advanced functionality.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: MOM 2005 Released to Manufacturing Microsoft on Wednesday announced the release to manufacturing of Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) 2005 and MOM 2005 Workgroup Edition, a new edition that the company previously called MOM 2005 Express.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Pittman misses out Fani Halkia (1980), of Greece, clears a hurdle en route to winning a gold medal ahead of fifth place finisher Jana Pittman, of Australia.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Jones Advances in Long Jump; Johnson Out ATHENS, Greece - Marion Jones made her Athens debut in virtual anonymity, quietly advancing to the long jump final. Allen Johnson had the attention of everyone in the stadium, for all the wrong reasons.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Ford to Repair Faulty Heated Seats in Focus Cars Ford Motor Co. said on Wednesday it will fix malfunctioning heated seats in 33,000 Focus cars, two-thirds of which were sold in Canada.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Gartner: Q2 server shipments rise on Sun, Dell strength Server shipments and revenue increased in the second quarter, with low-cost servers based on Linux or the Windows operating system growing faster than their Unix counterparts, according to research firm Gartner Inc.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: US raids Net song swappers US agents have raided the homes of five people who allegedly traded hundreds of thousands of songs, movies and other copyrighted material over the Internet, Attorney General John Ashcroft says.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Dell May Soon Unveil More Consumer Goods -Analyst (Reuters) Reuters - Dell Inc. (DELL.O), the world's\largest PC maker, could announce an expanded selection of its\consumer electronics line in the next several weeks, a retail\industry analyst said on Wednesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Coke Loses Quiznos Sandwich Account Quiznos Sub, the third-largest US sandwich chain, said on Wednesday it signed a deal to serve PepsiCo Inc. (PEP.N: Quote, Profile, Research) drinks in its US outlets, ending a 23-year relationship with Coca-Cola Co.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Israeli army set to unveil stink bomb JERUSALEM: The Israeli army is set to unveil a new weapon designed to get under the noses of Palestinians - a massive stink bomb. A report in the Maariv daily on Wednesday said that the military, which has . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Northwest sues Sabre over ticket fees Northwest Airlines Corp. filed suit against Sabre Travel Network in the US District Court for the District of Minnesota alleging that Sabre instituted measures that will make it more difficult for the carrier to sell tickets.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: News: FBI seizes computers in first-ever criminal action against P2P network The Associated Press By Curt Anderson. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Kuwait assures help on hostages NEW DELHI, Aug. 25. - Kuwait has promised to leave no stone unturned to ensure the safe return of the three Indians who were taken hostage in Iraq.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: MmO2 Announces 3G Mobile Data Network Launch Customers will be able to download film clips, audio and video, interactive multiplayer games, multimedia music tracks,  quot;push-to-watch quot; services, as well as access large e-mail attachments.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Republicans Endorse Ban on Gay Marriage NEW YORK - Republicans endorsed an uncompromising position against gay unions Wednesday in a manifesto that contrasts with Vice President Dick Cheney's supportive comments about gay rights and the moderate face the party will show at next week's national convention.    A panel made up largely of conservative delegates approved platform language that calls for a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage and opposes legal recognition of any sort for gay civil unions.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Microsoft expands mainframe pitch Company is upgrading current support and service program to draw more mainframe customers.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: U.S. Justice Department Cracks Down Internet Crime The FBI seized computers, software and equipment as part of an investigation into illegal sharing of copyrighted movies, music and games over an Internet "peer-to-peer" network, Attorney General John Ashcroft announced Wednesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: UPDATE: NZ Auckland Airport FY Net Surges On Travel Boom WELLINGTON (Dow Jones)--New Zealand #39;s Auckland International Airport Ltd. (AIA.NZ) Thursday posted double digit annual profit growth, buoyed by a surge in passenger travel, and said it expects to meet market consensus for the 2005 fiscal year earnings.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Mich. Rep. to Head Intelligence Panel (AP) AP - Republican Rep. Peter Hoekstra of Michigan was picked Wednesday to head the House Intelligence Committee amid a heated election-year debate over how to carry out a major overhaul of the nation's intelligence system.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Belarus Bank Denies Money Laundering Charge A bank in Belarus has denied US charges that it laundered money for former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. Infobank, in a statement, said it has strictly followed international agreements related to the fight against illegal transactions.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Singapore Air plans \$7.35B Boeing order Singapore Airlines plans to buy up to 31 Boeing long-range 777-300ER planes worth about \$7.35 billion, the carrier said Wednesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Global server sales on the rise Sales of server systems rose 7.7 percent globally in the second quarter to \$11.55 billion as demand for Information Technology remained strong after a three year downturn, market research firm Gartner said in a statement.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Oil Prices Alter Direction After a month-long rally that repeatedly pushed prices to new highs, the cost of a barrel slumped for the fourth day, leaving the price \$10 higher than year-ago rate.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Warner to Start for Giants This Week (AP) AP - Kurt Warner will start at quarterback for the New York Giants this week, although his competition with rookie Eli Manning for the regular-season job continues.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Pinochet Immunity Weighed by Chile Court (AP) AP - Lawyers pressed Chile's Supreme Court on Wednesday to uphold a lower court decision stripping retired Gen. Augusto Pinochet of immunity from prosecution, saying the former dictator should face justice for past human rights abuses.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Lawyer for Bush Quits Over Links to Kerry's Foes The quick resignation suggests that the Bush campaign, which has repeatedly said it has no ties to the Swift boat veterans group, is eager to put the issue behind it.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Toyota reports a silicon carbide breakthrough Move over silicon chips, there is a new semiconductor king on the horizon. Silicon carbide #39;s (SiC) potential has been known since the 1950 #39;s, but the properties that make is attractive also make it hard to work with.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: MLB, Va. Officials Meet Chicago White Sox owner Jerry Reinsdorf led a team of negotiators from Major League Baseball in a three-hour meeting Wednesday with the leaders of the Virginia Baseball Stadium Authority.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: AL Wrap: Ortiz Fuels Red Sox Fire as Blue Jays Go Down (Reuters) Reuters - David Ortiz thumped two homers and\drove in four runs to fire the Boston Red Sox to an 11-5 win\over the Toronto Blue Jays in the American League Wednesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: AL Wrap: Ortiz Fuels Red Sox Fire as Blue Jays Go Down  TORONTO (Reuters) - David Ortiz thumped two homers and  drove in four runs to fire the Boston Red Sox to an 11-5 win  over the Toronto Blue Jays in the American League Wednesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: China warns Singapore officials against future visits to Taiwan (AFP) AFP - China has warned Singapore officials against visiting Taiwan again after a "private and unofficial" trip by the city-state's new leader just weeks before he took office strained ties with Beijing.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Sistani Urges Supporters to Wait at Najaf Gates  BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq's top Shi'ite cleric Grand  Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani urged his supporters converging on  Najaf on Thursday not to enter the battered holy city until he  arrived, a senior aide said.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Rain threatens triangular final (AFP) AFP - Organisers were left banking on the Dutch weather to spare Saturday's final of the triangular cricket tournament after deciding against altering the fixture schedule in a bid to beat the rain that has marred this warm-up event for next month's ICC Champions Trophy in England.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Pakistan down India to ensure top six finish (AFP) AFP - Pakistan defeated arch-rivals India 3-0 here to ensure they stand among the top six in the Olympic men's field hockey competition.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Singapore Air expands fleet with US\$3.7B Boeing order Singapore Airlines Ltd., Asia #39;s most profitable carrier, is betting new planes will help it lure passengers from Emirates and Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: White House Shifts Its Focus on Climate The administration issued a report indicating that emissions of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases were the only likely explanation for global warming.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Bush Makes Fourth Trip of Year to N.M. (AP) AP - The ranks of independent voters in New Mexico have grown by nearly 20,000 in the last 10 months, a prize pulling President Bush and rival John Kerry to the state again and again.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Charges reduced for Iraq jail MP MANNHEIM, Germany -- A US military policewoman accused in the Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal had the charges against her reduced yesterday as a set of pretrial hearings wrapped up at an American base in Germany.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: An insurer sees the light Snoopy has left the building. Well, almost. MetLife Inc. , the insurance giant that employs Charlie Brown's dog in ads, is close to completing a deal to sell its State Street Research and Management investment arm to BlackRock Inc. for about \$400 million. Everyone involved will be better off for it.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: GM pulls Corvette ad with underage driver DETROIT -- General Motors Corp. has withdrawn a Corvette commercial that shows a young boy driving wildly through city streets after safety advocates complained, the company said yesterday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: A mixed economic bag in July Factory orders in July for costly manufactured goods recorded the biggest gain in four months. New home sales, meanwhile, slid, according to a pair of reports . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Keck telescope confirms important exoplanet discovery Hawaii #39;s Keck Observatory has confirmed the existence of a Jupiter-sized planet orbiting a distant star, the first one spotted by a network of astronomers using telescopes no larger than the ones you can buy in stores.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Civil servants in net porn probe More than 200 staff at the Department of Work and Pensions have been disciplined for downloading porn at work.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: World #39;s smallest digital camera with zoom lens Come September, Japanese electronics giant Casio Computer will launch the world #39;s smallest digital camera with a zoom lens. Casio #39;s palm-sized Exilim camera is much smaller than others as, for the first time, it uses a ceramic lens.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Iraq Mortar Attack Kills 25, Sistani Heads to Najaf  NAJAF, Iraq (Reuters) - A mortar attack on a packed mosque  in the town of Kufa on Thursday killed at least 25 people as  Iraq's most influential Shi'ite cleric headed to the nearby  holy city of Najaf to try to end a bloody three-week uprising.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Dream Team Leads Spain 44-42 at Halftime ATHENS, Greece - As expected, the U.S. men's basketball team had its hands full in a quarterfinal game against Spain on Thursday.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Nokia, Pointsec team on mobile data security Enterprises seeking higher security for their growing number of mobile devices may be interested in new encryption technology that Nokia Corp. is deploying in its smart phone products.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: BlackRock Buys State Street Research  NEW YORK (Reuters) - BlackRock Inc. <A HREF=" target=/stocks/quickinfo/fullquote">BLK.N</A>, one of the  largest U.S. fixed income managers, on Thursday said it will  buy its far smaller competitor State Street Research    Management Co., marking the biggest takeover in the asset  management business this year.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Six-month deal for Hoddle at Wolves The 47-year-old former England coach was unveiled at a press conference, bringing to an end Wolves #39; month-long search for a successor to Dave Jones.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Microsoft Expands Windows Update Release Microsoft Corp. is starting to ramp up distribution of its massive security update for the Windows XP operating system, but analysts say they still expect the company to move at a relatively slow pace to avoid widespread glitches.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: British sailors bag bronze Britain's Chris Draper and Simon Hiscocks win bronze in a tense final 49er race on the Saronic Gulf.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Understanding Search Engine Models Understanding Search Engine Models\\\\To understand search engines and search engine marketing, one must first understand the search engine model. There are two fundamentally different types of search engine back ends: site directories and spidering search engines. Site directory databases are built by a person manually inputting data about websites. Most .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Electronic Jihad Internet Attack Rumored For Today Electronic Jihad Internet Attack Rumored For Today\\\\Is the Electronic Jihad attack happening today or is it just stirred up rumors? Yevgeny Kaspersky has raised concerns of a major attack on the internet today. Kaspersky has been widely quoted as saying that there would be a major online attack against Israeli .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Freddie Mac: Investment Portfolio Grew  NEW YORK (Reuters) - Freddie Mac <A HREF=" target=/stocks/quickinfo/fullquote">FRE.N</A> said on Thursday  its mortgage investments, or retained portfolio, grew at an  annualized rate of 20.8 percent in July, compared with a 19.4  percent increase in June.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Science Magazine: Asia Farmers Sucking Continent Dry (Reuters) Reuters - Asian farmers drilling millions of\pump-operated wells in an ever-deeper search for water are\threatening to suck the continent's underground reserves dry, a\science magazine warned on Wednesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Report: Intel Logs Big Gains In Flash Market Intel #39;s share of the booming flash market jumped 40.8 percent in the second quarter, according to market-research firm iSuppli Corp.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Morocco #39;s El Guerrouj Olympic champion Morocco #39;s Hicham El Guerrouj won in Athens Tuesday an Olympic title in the 1500m race after two failed attempts in Sydney and Atlanta.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: McClaren happy with striking duo Middlesbrough boss Steve McClaren believes Mark Viduka and Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink could forge one of the most dangerous strike partnerships in the Barclays Premiership.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Iraq group to free 3 Indians, 4 others of Kuwait firm - TV (Reuters) Reuters - Iraqi kidnappers of seven employees of a Kuwaiti company said in a video statement on Thursday they would release the captives once their employer halted operations in Iraq, Al Arabiya television reported.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: BlackRock to buy State Street Research from MetLife NEW YORK, August 26 (New Ratings) - BlackRock Inc (BLK.NYS), a leading US-based fixed-income asset management company, has reportedly agreed to buy State Street Research  amp; Management Company, a unit of MetLife Inc, for \$375 million in a cash and stock . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Casio Shows Off Slim, Trim Digicams New Exilim models include the thinnest version yet, featuring a new ceramic lens.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: U.N. Urges Funds to Curb African Locusts (AP) AP - With swarms of locusts threatening crops in a number of African countries, a U.N. agency appealed for an additional  #36;70 million in assistance Thursday to prevent the upsurge from becoming a full-scale plague.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Nepal blockade 'blow to tourism' Nepal tour operators say tourists cancelled millions of  dollars of bookings due to the rebel blockade of Kathmandu.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Manchester United cruise into Champions League Manchester United eased into the Champions League group phase with a comfortable 3-0 victory over Dinamo Bucharest at Old Trafford on Wednesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Intel Gives Centrino Chip Line a Wireless Upgrade (Reuters) Reuters - Intel Corp. (INTC.O) on Thursday\said it has upgraded the wireless networking capabilities of\its Centrino line of notebook computer chips to allow broader\network access with improved security.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Panama pardons Castro 'plotters' Four men accused of planning to kill Cuba's Fidel Castro have been pardoned by Panama's president.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Pinochet loses immunity: Your reaction The Supreme Court in Chile has ruled that the former dictator General Pinochet should have his immunity from prosecution removed. A lawsuit was brought by relatives of alleged victims of the military regime Operation Condor.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Rangers Sign Weekes, Bolster Goaltending (AP) AP - Goaltender Kevin Weekes signed Thursday with the New York Rangers, who expect the unrestricted free agent to compete for the No. 1 job with Mike Dunham.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Glaxo Settles Paxil 'Suicide Pill' Suit  NEW YORK (Reuters) - GlaxoSmithKline Plc <A HREF=" target=/stocks/quickinfo/fullquote">GSK.L</A> has agreed  to release all clinical studies of its drugs to settle a  lawsuit that accused it of withholding negative information  about the antidepressant Paxil, the New York Attorney General's  office said on Thursday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Spears' Fiance to Star in Her New Video NEW YORK - Britney Spears' former backup dancer and current fiance Kevin Federline can add another title to his resume: co-star.    On Wednesday, a Jive Records publicist confirmed Federline is featured in Spears' upcoming "My Prerogative" video, set to debut in mid-September.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Dollar General earnings up 19 percent CHICAGO (CBS.MW) - Discount retailer Dollar General reported a 19 percent rise in fiscal second-quarter earnings, helped by higher sales and lower charges.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: No Evidence Of Abuse At Guantanamo, says Australian Foreign <b>...</b> Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer says a US investigation has rejected allegations that Australian terror suspect David Hicks was abused while in US custody in Afghanistan and Cuba.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: British police arrest radical cleric Abu Hamza (AFP) AFP - Radical Islamic cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri, already detained in London on an extradition request from the United States, was arrested under suspicion of committing or preparing terrorism acts within Britain.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Olympics: High-Flying Holm Aims to Defy Science (Reuters) Reuters - Sweden's gold medal-winning high\jumper Stefan Holm reckons he can leap even higher but\scientists say he and other athletes were already close to the\limit of what they can achieve.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Japan Won't Have U.S. Beef Anytime Soon (Reuters) Reuters - Japan's lucrative market for U.S.\beef, ruptured by mad cow disease worries, is likely to remain\closed for the rest of this year, U.S. meat industry officials\said on Thursday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Nigeria gives Shell \$1.5 billion eco-bill The Shell oil company has been handed a \$1.5 billion bill for ecological compensation in the Niger delta by the government of Nigeria.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Texas School to Offer Women's Gaming Scholarship (Reuters) Reuters - As part of a drive to attract more\women into the male-dominated video game industry, a program\for aspiring game developers at Southern Methodist University\will offer a women-only scholarship, organizers said on\Thursday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Dell adds new switch to lineup Dell has upgraded its PowerConnect line with the addition of the PowerConnect 5324, a 24-port managed gigabit layer 2 switch.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: 103 arrests for Internet fraud, related crimes since June: US (AFP) AFP - US authorities arrested at least 103 suspects and filed 117 criminal complaints since June 1 in a crackdown on various forms of online fraud, Attorney General John Ashcroft said.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Microsoft Reprimanded for Misleading Linux Ad (NewsFactor) NewsFactor - The United Kingdom's advertising watchdog group, the Advertising Standards Association, has found that complaints lodged against a Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) magazine ad that stated that Linux was more expensive than Windows were valid.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: IBM To Amp Integration with Venetica Buy (NewsFactor) NewsFactor - IBM (NYSE: IBM) has said it will purchase Venetica, a privately held firm that provides content-integration software to unstructured data sources.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Carter finishes fourth in 400 hurdles James Carter of Baltimore finished fourth in the finals of the 400-meter hurdles today, missing out on a medal. Felix Sanchez, of the Dominican Republic, won the gold medal.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: London oil drops to \$40 a barrel The cost of a barrel of oil in London has dipped below \$40 as energy prices have continued to slide. The price of Brent crude in London fell to a three-week low of \$39.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: TiVo loss widens SAN FRANCISCO (CBS.MW) - TiVo said its second-quarter loss widened from a year earlier on higher customer acquisition costs. Free!. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Athletics: Dominant Phillips takes long jump gold ATHENS - Dwight Phillips of the United States completed a hat-trick of global long jump titles when he crushed the field with his opening leap in Thursday #39;s final to win Olympic gold.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Jury Selection to Begin in Kobe Bryant Rape Trial  EAGLE, Colo. (Reuters) - Jury selection begins in the Kobe  Bryant rape case on Friday when hundreds of potential jurors  fill out a questionnaire to help determine if they can sit in  judgment in a trial involving race, sex and celebrity.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Vioxx Faces Challenges from Insurers, Lawyers Merck  amp; Co. faces a dual threat from health insurers and patients #39; lawyers, after a US study suggested its Vioxx arthritis drug carries a greater risk than rival medicines.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: U.N. Agency Sees No Rapid Development of El Nino (Reuters) Reuters - Fears of a new El Nino, a phenomenon\that brings extreme weather patterns, are unfounded despite\unusual ocean temperatures which often herald the devastating\weather anomaly, the World Meteorological Organization said\Thursday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Visit to a Potemkin village Gongzhong does not resemble any Tibetan village in Tibet. It is a village more from Epcot Center in Walt Disney World.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Let basketball As the US men #39;s basketball team limps into the Olympic medal round, the focus has been on the team #39;s lousy outside shooting.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Anglers Have Big Impact on Fish Numbers -- Study Recreational anglers may be responsible for landing nearly 25 percent of over-fished salt water species caught off US coasts, a study released on Thursday suggests.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Israeli army demolishes 13 Palestinian homes GAZA CITY: The Israeli army demolished 13 Palestinian houses during an incursion in the southern Gaza Strip town of Rafah on Thursday, Palestinian security sources and witnesses said.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Nigerian Senate approves \$1.5 bln claim on Shell LAGOS - Nigeria #39;s Senate has passed a resolution asking Shell #39;s Nigerian unit to pay \$1.5 billion in compensation to oilfield communities for pollution, a Senate spokesman said.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Goosen takes lead in the BMW Open Retief Goosen, a two-time US Open champion, grabbed the first-round lead in the BMW Open in Nord Eichenried, Germany, with a 6-under-par 66, while Colin Montgomerie improved his European Ryder Cup chances by finishing one stroke back on Thursday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Hewitt cruises to quarterfinals Former Wimbledon and US Open winner Lleyton Hewitt cruised to a 6-1, 6-4 victory over Michael Llodra on Thursday to advance to the quarterfinals of the TD Waterhouse Cup.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: US edge out Brazil for gold The United States beat Brazil 2-1 in extra time to win the women's Olympic football tournament.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Breast scans 'fail' in some women Some women with breast cancer are less likely to have their tumours picked up by scans, say experts.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Yemeni Poet Says He Is al-Qaida Member GUANTANAMO BAY NAVAL BASE, Cuba Aug. 26, 2004 - In a dramatic turn that silenced defense lawyers, a Yemeni poet accused of crafting terrorist propaganda argued on Thursday to represent himself before a US . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Changing of the Guard in US Track and Field Description: NPR #39;s Steve Inskeep talks with USA Today sports columnist Christine Brennan about the latest news in track and field at the Athens Olympics.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Govt. to Test New Air Passenger Screening Program The US government unveiled plans on Thursday for a revised computer-based program using personal information to identify airline passengers who may pose a threat to air travel.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Chile Court Strips Pinochet of Immunity (AP) AP - Chile's Supreme Court stripped Gen. Augusto Pinochet of immunity from prosecution Thursday in a ruling that revived hopes of his foes that he might stand trial on charges of human rights abuses during his rule.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Amelie's final footsteps retraced Detectives have staged a reconstruction of the final steps of murdered French student Amelie Delagrange.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Bush, Kerry Bow to McCain's Wishes on Ads NEW YORK - President Bush and Sen. John Kerry bowed to the wishes of popular maverick John McCain on Thursday, as the president embraced the Republican senator's legal fight against big-money special interest groups airing negative ads and the Democratic nominee scrapped a commercial that featured McCain.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Thatcher case twist as list of alleged coup backers vanishes THE Thatcher saga took a dramatic twist last night when it emerged a key witness in the police investigation has disappeared, taking with him a list of wealthy individuals who supposedly bankrolled an alleged coup attempt in oil-rich Equatorial Guinea.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: PeopleSoft customers reassured Oracle Corp. President Charles Phillips on Monday said PeopleSoft Inc. customers have become more comfortable with the prospect of a merger between the two software firms even as the proposed transaction awaits a critical ruling from a Delaware court.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Torch passed on winning goal ATHENS -- America #39;s gold-medal soccer players don #39;t just say goodbye; they say hello.  quot;The thing I love, quot; retiring captain Julie Foudy said,  quot;is that Tarpley and Wambach scored.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Union leaders held under ESMA on Day 6 of strike New Delhi, August 26: The sixth day of the truckers strike on Thursday saw 12 more truckers being arrested under the Essential Services Maintenance Act (ESMA)in the Capital.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: DreamWorks Officer Quits DreamWorks SKG, the studio that created the  quot;Shrek #39; #39; films, said yesterday that Helene Hahn would step down as chief operating officer.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Vote 2004 - a guide to the primary Get ready for the primary with the Herald-Tribunes special news section profiling all the federal, state and local candidates in races in Tuesdays election.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Jets, Pennington Talk The New York Jets and quarterback Chad Pennington are looking to finalize a contract extension by next Wednesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: AL Wrap: Oakland's Durazo Piles on Misery for Baltimore (Reuters) Reuters - Erubiel Durazo's three-run homer in\the second inning helped the Oakland Athletics remain top of\the American League (AL) West with a 9-4 win over the reeling\Baltimore Orioles Thursday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: AL Wrap: Oakland's Durazo Piles on Misery for Baltimore  NEW YORK (Reuters) - Erubiel Durazo's three-run homer in  the second inning helped the Oakland Athletics remain top of  the American League (AL) West with a 9-4 win over the reeling  Baltimore Orioles Thursday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Sports: Braves 6 Rockies 4 ATLANTA Mike Hampton hit an RBI single and Atlanta stretched its lead in the NL East by winning its fourth in a row 6-to-4 over Colorado.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Islamic group holding lorry drivers demands firm quit Iraq (AFP) AFP - A group calling itself the Secret Islamic Army (SIA) will release seven hostages it has been holding for more than a month as soon as their Kuwaiti company says it will no longer operate in Iraq, the SIA announced.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Iraq's Sadr Orders Fighters to Lay Down Weapons  NAJAF, Iraq (Reuters) - Rebel Iraqi cleric Moqtada al-Sadr  on Friday ordered his men inside Najaf's Imam Ali mosque to lay  down their weapons and join thousands of Shi'ite pilgrims  outside the shrine.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Guo tucks away gold for China China #39;s Guo Jingjing easily won the women #39;s 3-meter springboard last night, and Wu Minxia made it a 1-2 finish for the world #39;s diving superpower, taking the silver.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Taiwan Rescuers Dig Out 7 Bodies Buried in Landslide  TAIPEI (Reuters) - Taiwan rescue workers dug out seven  bodies from mud and rock in a mountain village that was hit by  a devastating landslide triggered by Typhoon Aere, but eight  still remained buried, officials said on Friday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Camarillo #39;s Homer Lifts Mexico SOUTH WILLIAMSPORT, Pa., Aug. 26 -- Alan Camarillo #39;s first homer of the series came at a perfect time for Mexico. Camarillo hit a three-run homer in the 10th inning on Thursday to propel Guadalupe, Mexico, into . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Troops close Gaza roads after rockets fired at Israel JERUSALEM -- Israeli forces blocked main roads in Gaza yesterday after rockets were fired at an Israeli town, and troops tore down houses in a refugee camp on the Egyptian border, foreshadowing more unrest after Israel #39;s announced planned pullout next year . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Exec, wife give Stanford \$43.5 million SAN FRANCISCO (CBS.MW) -- Berkshire Hathaway vice-chairman Charles Munger and his wife Nancy Munger on Thursday donated \$43.5 million to Stanford University and its law school.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Athens - a \$12bn bill THE world sighed with relief when Greeks kept their promise to deliver some of the world #39;s finest sport venues in time for the Athens Olympics.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: HP Unveils Cavalcade of Consumer Products (PC World) PC World - First TVs, new printers, long-lasting inks, and projectors are targeted\ at living room and office.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Bush Faces Heavy Pre-RNC Travel Schedule (AP) AP - President Bush charges into the final runup to the Republican National Convention with a heavy campaign schedule in key states he needs to carry in November.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Anticipation nation LINCOLN, Neb. -- Carly Simon got it right a generation ago.AN-TI-CI-PA-TION. She wasn't singing about college football, but out here in the heartland of America, as Husker Nation prepares for a new season, the sense of anticipation is enormous.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: A great catch? Lobsters How does he like lobster? Boiled, steamed, broiled, baked, grilled? Newburg? Bahar Uttam prefers his with a capital L -- Lobsters -- and sees them frolicking on a tennis court rather than laid out on a plate. In Uttam's mind lurks a tasty dish for the town's sporting crowd, one that could satisfy the five-year hunger of tennis junkies, a .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Bureaucracy Pins Rocket to Earth The da Vinci Project, a Toronto group planning to launch a homemade, manned spacecraft in October, is having trouble getting its paperwork off the ground. Canadian regulators are leery of approving the launch. And then there's the matter of finding insurance. By Dan Brekke.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Dominicans' Swift Step Into Crisis SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic -- When Sandro Batista smashed his banana truck into a tree in April, leaving him with two hideously shattered legs and a broken arm, his orthopedic surgeon sent his sister shopping.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: HP Moves Deeper Into Consumer Electronics Personal computer giant Hewlett-Packard Co. is stepping deeper than ever into the consumer electronics arena with its fall product lineup - so don't be surprised if you hear about "HP TV" along with "HDTV" when shopping for your next television.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Sprint, SBC Announce Wi-Fi Roaming Pact Customers of Sprint Corp. and SBC Communications Inc. will be able to use both companies' wireless Internet connections with less hassle under a reciprocal deal announced Friday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Stock Futures Flat Before GDP, Fed Speech  NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. stock futures were nearly  unchanged on Friday as investors awaited key data on the  economy that could determine the market's early direction.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Interbrew wins shareholder vote to buy AmBev LONDON, August 27 (New Ratings) - Belgian brewing giant, Interbrew SA (ITK.ETR), has received the approval of its shareholders for its proposed acquisition of the Brazilian brewer, AmBev.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Update 1: Thai Airways Orders 6 Airbus Superjumbos Thai Airways has agreed to buy six Airbus A380s, becoming the 13th airline to order the new  quot;superjumbo, quot; the European aircraft maker said Friday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Jacobson Lifts Ryder Cup Hopes with Sparkling 65  MUNICH (Reuters) - Sweden's Fredrik Jacobson made his bid  for a last-gasp Ryder Cup spot with a spectacular  seven-under-par 65 in the BMW International Open second round  on Friday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: CSKA sponsor rejects criticism RUSSIAN oil giant Sibneft today rejected any suggestion of a conflict of interest existing between Chelsea and CSKA Moscow who are due to meet in the Champions League.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Astronaut Candidates Practice Survival Skills By SARA LEITCH     BRUNSWICK, Maine (AP) -- Astronauts spend years training before they can lift off into space. They learn to operate shuttles, perform experiments in zero-gravity, and eat bugs if they must.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: RealNetworks Gets in Content Business (AP) AP - RealNetworks Inc. survived the dot-com collapse and an assault from Microsoft Corp. Now it's trying to remake itself into a provider of paid Internet content.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: United States 66, Russia 62 Frustrated by fouls, turnovers and a feisty opponent, the United States desperately looked for help. Then along came Sheryl Swoopes to set things right.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Paula #39;s going for gold PAULA RADCLIFFE has decided she WILL run in tonight #39;s 10,000m race at the Athens Olympics. Today #39;s dramatic decision comes just days after Britain #39;s star long-distance runner was left weeping at the roadside after pulling up in the Olympic marathon.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: US economic growth slips to 2.8 Annual US economic growth fell to 2.8 in the second quarter of 2004, marking a slowdown from the 3 estimated a month ago.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Explosive Remnants Found in Russian Jet Wreckage One of two Russian airliners that crashed nearly simultaneously was brought down by a terrorist act, officials said Friday, after finding traces of explosives in the plane's wreckage. A Web site connected to Islamic militants claimed the action was connected to Russia's fight against Chechen separatists.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Who cares about Kerry? It's Bush we can't stand, say Vietnamese (AFP) AFP - The question of whether presidential candidate John Kerry was a coward or a leader during the Vietnam War might be raging in the United States, but on the streets of Hanoi people hope for just one result from the American election -- the exit of George W. Bush.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Spike Lee Wins Cybersquatting Case Against Porn Site Movie director Spike Lee has won his\cybersquatting case against a Philippines-based operator who\misused the domain name to redirect surfers to a pornographic\Web Site, arbitrators ruled Friday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Socially Responsible Funds on a Tear Don't be too impressed -- great returns don't always mean much.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: At least 25 bodies at Sadr #39;s religious court NAJAF, Iraq : At least 25 charred and bloated bodies were discovered in the basement of a religious court set up by rebel cleric Moqtada Sadr in Najaf #39;s Old City, police said.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Nepal rejects UN mediation Nepalese Prime Minister has rejected the UN offer of mediating in talks with Maoist rebels. But Sher Bahadur Deuba has not ruled out an expanded role for India to resolve the conflict in the Himalayan kingdom.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: USOC letter to FIG I write in response to your letter of August 26, 2004, which you asked the United States Olympic Committee to forward to Olympic gold medalist Paul Hamm of the United States of America.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Japanese Utility Plans IPO in October (AP) AP - Electric Power Development Co., a former state-run utility, said Friday it is planning an initial public offering on the Tokyo Stock Exchange in October, a deal that could be the country's biggest new stock listing in six years.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Now It's Official: Economy Shrunk  WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. economy slowed more sharply  in the second quarter than first thought as oil prices rose and  the trade gap swelled, the government said on Friday in a  report that confirmed momentum faltered in the spring.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Now It #39;s Official: Economy Shrunk The US economy slowed more sharply in the second quarter than first thought as oil prices rose and the trade gap swelled, the government said on Friday in a report that confirmed momentum faltered in the spring.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Now It's Official: U.S. Growth Slowed  WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. economy slowed more sharply  in the second quarter than first thought as oil prices rose and  the trade gap swelled, the government said on Friday in a  report that confirmed momentum faltered in the spring.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Microsoft corrals changes for Longhorn With SP2 out the door, Microsoft turns sights to Longhorn--which won't look quite as expected.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Nonnative Goats Bunking at Yellowstone (AP) AP - A new study shows mountain goats are taking hold in Yellowstone National Park, but park officials aren't sure how to handle the presence of the nonnative animals.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Less Turbulence Ahead for Airbus, Boeing EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson and his US counterpart, Robert Zoellick, aim for a truce in the latest transatlantic row over government aid for aviation rivals Boeing and Airbus.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Bon-Ton's Succession Success The transition atop the department store company looks like a pleasant non-story.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Friday Focus: Running in the rain Rain is forecast for Saturday in Spa. Here's what the team will do to cope.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Procter  amp; Gamble: A soap opera success By Davis Dyer, Frederick Dalzell. By Robert Slater. In the 1830s, William Procter, a storekeeper and candle maker, and James Gamble, a soap maker, happened to marry two sisters in Cincinnati, Olivia and Elizabeth Ann Norris.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Paisley #39;s decision over disarmament awaited Northern Ireland #39;s politicians have an anxious wait as the Reverend Ian Paisley decides whether to endorse an historic deal with Sinn Fein.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: VeriSign #39;s Antitrust Claim Against ICANN Dismissed  quot;VeriSign #39;s contentions are deficient, quot; Judge Howard Matz wrote in the 16-page decision setting aside the antitrust claims against ICANN.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Rooney going nowhere unless price is right: Moyes England striker on his way. Or is he? Will it be St James #39; Park or Old Trafford? Or will he remain at Goodison? Although Wayne Rooney today handed in a transfer request, and set in motion his seemingly inevitable . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Triathlon: Double for Kiwis in toughest of events NEW ZEALAND scored an unprecedented Olympic double in the men #39;s triathlon yesterday when Hamish Carter no cigar for guessing his roots beat his compatriot, reigning world champion Bevan Docherty, by 7.87 seconds, writes Doug Gillon.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Modified US space shuttle ready to fly next spring NASA said Thursday it had corrected flaws that caused the destruction of the space shuttle Columbia in February 2003 and that a modified shuttle would be ready to resume flights sometime next Spring.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Report: Explosion Kills 2 Near Chechyna (AP) AP - An explosion rocked a police building in the restive Dagestan region adjacent to Chechnya on Friday, and initial reports indicated two people were killed, the Interfax news agency said.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Flying Cars Reportedly Still Decades Away (AP) AP - It's a frustrated commuter's escapist fantasy: literally lifting your car out of a clogged highway and soaring through the skies, landing just in time to motor into your driveway.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: HP to tempt holiday shoppers with sights and sounds The computer-hardware giant, best known for products such as PCs and printers, on Friday laid out its plan to become a brand-name in consumer electronics products such as flat-screen TVs, music players and the devices that move content between them.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Thai Airways orders six Airbus superjumbos Thai Airways International plans to buy six Airbus A380 double-decker aircraft that will be delivered in 2008 and 2009. The airline is also ordering two additional A340 aircraft.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Shareholders Toast Brewers' Merger  BRUSSELS/SAO PAULO (Reuters) - Shareholders gave their  blessing on Friday for Belgium's Interbrew <A HREF=" target=/stocks/quickinfo/fullquote">INTB.BR</A> to buy  Brazil's AmBev <A HREF=" target=/stocks/quickinfo/fullquote">AMBV4.SA</A><ABV.N> in a \$9.7 billion deal that  will create the world's largest brewer.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Argentina Beats U.S. Men's Basketball Team Argentina defeated the United States team of National Basketball Association stars 89-81 here Friday in the Olympic semi-finals, dethroning the three-time defending champions.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: US Space Agency Improves Shuttle Safety, Management The US space agency, NASA, continues work on improving the safety of the space shuttle, before the fleet of orbiters resumes its visits to the international space station next year.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: 'Dream Team' Out of Gold Race After Loss to Argentina  ATHENS (Reuters) - The U.S. men's basketball team was  beaten by Argentina Friday, denying it an Olympic gold medal  for the first time since 1992 when NBA players started  competing.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: GOP Urge Bush to Turn Attention From Iraq (AP) AP - Nervous Republicans are urging President Bush to unveil a robust second-term agenda at his convention next week to shift voters' focus from the unpopular war in Iraq and other issues that are a distraction to his re-election drive. Some contend the party should ditch the GOP-fueled controversy over rival John Kerry's combat record in Vietnam.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: A Canadian Invasion A few weeks ago, in a story on Nortel (NYSE: NT), I asked people to submit a Canadian joke to me. This is as good a place as any to reveal the winner.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: American Champion Tim Mack Wins Pole Vault Gold American champion Tim Mack won the Olympic pole vault title on Friday with a Games record 5.95 meters after an engrossing duel with teammate Toby Stevenson.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Khan urged to stay amateur British boxing sensation Amir Khan is being urged to shun a big-money move to the professional ranks, whether he wins or loses his shot at Olympic gold on Sunday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: FBI Suspects Israel Has Spy in Pentagon -- CBS News  WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The FBI believes there is an Israeli  spy at the very highest level of the Pentagon, CBS News  reported on Friday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: IBM puts grids to work at U.S. Open IBM will put a collection of its On Demand-related products and technologies to this test next week at the U.S. Open tennis championships, implementing a grid-based infrastructure capable of running multiple workloads including two not associated with the tournament.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Sudan remains defiant as time starts to run out BRITAIN has warned Sudan that it still has a lot of work to do to satisfy the international community that it is tackling what the United Nations has described as the worlds worst humanitarian crisis.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Lebanon political drama plays out Syrian scipt The stage is Beirut and the actors are Lebanese; but the audience knows the drama surrounding selection of the countrys president is being produced in Lebanons powerful neighbour Syria.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: HP brand to inject new life into ink The company splashes a new name on the inks to be used in its photo printers.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: UPDATE 1-Rookie Johnson shares Buick lead with Funk Rookie Zach Johnson produced the day #39;s joint best score, a five-under-par 65, to join Fred Funk at the top of the leaderboard after the second round of the \$4.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: UK growth at fastest pace in nearly 4 years Britain #39;s economy accelerated to the fastest annual pace in nearly four years in the second quarter as manufacturing emerged from a slump and consumers ratcheted up spending, the government said Friday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Next Version of Windows for PC's to Ship in 2006 To meet its timetable, Microsoft has scaled back its technological ambitions for the product, code-named Longhorn.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Siemens Says Cellphone Flaw May Hurt Users and Its Profit Siemens, the world #39;s fourth-largest maker of mobile phones, said Friday that a software flaw that can create a piercing ring in its newest phone models might hurt earnings in its handset division.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Microsoft promises new OS for 2006 Microsoft says it plans to broadly release the long-awaited update to its flagship Windows operating system, dubbed  #39;Longhorn #39;, in 2006.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Yemeni Ambassador to United Nations Dies (AP) AP - Abdullah Saleh al-Ashtal, who served as Yemen's ambassador to the United Nations for nearly 30 years, died in New York on Thursday after a long illness, Yemen's Foreign Ministry and its U.N. Mission said Friday. He was 66.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Schumacher in uncharted territory MICHAEL Schumacher doesn #39;t need to win the Belgian Grand Prix on Sunday to nail his unprecedented seventh Formula One drivers title.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Top-ranked Illinois flyin #39; high When the Illinois men #39;s basketball team moved to No. 1 in The Associated Press and ESPN/USA Today Top 25 polls on Monday afternoon, it was a special moment for the program and the players.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Daly penciled in for Deutsche Bank John Daly provided a nice surprise for local golf fans yesterday when he committed to play in next week #39;s Deutsche Bank Championship at TPC of Boston in Norton.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Revelations on "children overboard" incident put pressure on Australian PM (AFP) AFP - Australian Prime Minister John Howard was fighting to maintain his credibility after official transcripts backed up critics' claims about what he knew of a controversial 2001 sea rescue of boatpeople.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Short Jump, Bad Handoff End Jones #39; Games ATHENS, Greece - For Marion Jones, Sydney must seem far more than half a world away. Those Olympics were some dreamland where she ruled track and field with a golden touch and a sweet smile, winning five medals . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: DATA VIEW: HK Exports Slow In July, But Momentum Intact HONG KONG (Dow Jones)--Hong Kong #39;s export expansion slowed a touch in July, as expected, but still continued at double-digit rates thanks to high trade volume with mainland China.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Fired-up Baggaley takes silver Australia #39;s Nathan Baggaley was over the moon after winning the silver medal in the Olympic kayaking K1 500 event today. Double world champion Baggaley fired from the start and took an early lead but faded . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Profiling Shaukat Aziz: economic reformist-turned-PM Shaukat Aziz, taking over as Pakistan #39;s 23rd prime minister on Saturday, is a former private banker credited with infusing new life into an almost bankrupt economy.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: NCAA Wrong To Close Book On Williams Top-ranked and defending co-national champion USC opens its season tonight against Virginia Tech. Tampa #39;s Mike Williams, the best football player not in the NFL - now officially the best college football player . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Change on the money One day after National Hockey League executive vice president and chief legal officer Bill Daly accused the NHL Players Association of engaging  quot;in a charade quot; with regards to negotiating a collective bargaining agreement -- and believes the start of the 2004-05 season is in jeopardy because the union wants to keep status quo -- Bruins owner Jeremy Jacobs said there's .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Eritreans deported by Libya hijack a plane KHARTOUM, Sudan -- Armed with knives, Eritrean deportees hijacked a plane that left Libya carrying about 80 fellow Eritreans and forced it to land yesterday in the Sudanese capital before surrendering to security forces, officials said.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Bush administration shifts stance on the cause of warming NEW YORK In a striking shift in the way the Bush administration has portrayed the science of climate change, a new report to Congress focuses on federal research indicating that emissions of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases are the only likely . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Hamm flap, Dream Team just wrong ATHENS, Greece -- Look at it this way: At least the US basketball team won #39;t be asked to give back its gold medal. On a day that was Olympic in scope both for its shock value and its intrinsic weirdness, the . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Microsoft #39;s big fix: Security patch now on the market For the past few years, viruses have attacked Microsoft #39;s operating system, Web browser or e-mail programs seemingly on a weekly basis.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Second seed Dementieva hammered in New Haven The French Open runner-up, who had progressed to the last four with ease, was completely out of sorts as seventh seed Bovina wrapped up victory in only 56 minutes.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Yemen Jails 5 Over Limburg, US Envoy Murder Plot A Yemeni court jailed five al Qaeda supporters for 10 years Saturday for the bombing of the French supertanker Limburg and sentenced to death another militant who plotted to kill the US ambassador to the Arab state.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Facing Arrest, Uma Bharti Quits as Madhya Pradesh Chief BHOPAL (PTI) - Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Uma Bharti has been forced out of office after four days of political drama as the issue of tainted ministers came back to haunt the Bharatiya Janata Party.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Far from fun and Games for Jones ATHENS, Greece -- So other than your anemic, fifth-place finish in the long jump and the missed baton pass in the 400-meter relay for a big fat  quot;Did Not Finish, #39; #39; how did your day go, Marion Jones?. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Swing and a Miss for Asteroid An asteroid the size of a large storage shed came within 4,100 miles of Earth this spring, making it the closest near miss ever recorded, US astronomers said this week.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: US team stumbles Marion Jones, the queen of Sydney who finished those 2000 Olympics with a record five track-and-field medals, ended her next Olympics much differently Friday -- out of medals and in tears.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Yemen Sentences 15 Militants on Terror Charges A court in Yemen has sentenced one man to death and 14 others to prison terms for a series of attacks and terrorist plots in 2002, including the bombing of a French oil tanker.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Shaukat Aziz gets vote of confidence ISLAMABAD: Newly-elected known as finance wizard Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz has secured vote of confidence form the national assembly.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Australia win Olympic hockey gold ATHENS, Aug 27: Australia won the Olympic men #39;s hockey tournament for the first time in history on Friday, beating the Netherlands 2-1 with a golden goal.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: GOP Jamboree Could Briefly Lift Stocks  NEW YORK (Reuters) - Fasten your seatbelts. The Republicans  are coming to town. If things go smoothly at the Republican  National Convention, the stock market could get a brief boost  next week, experts say.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Bea Arthur for President Bea Arthur sparked a security scare at Logan Airport in Boston this week when she tried to board a Cape Air flight with a pocketknife in her handbag.    The "Golden Girls" star, now 81, was flagged by a Transportation Security Administration agent, who discovered the knife - a strict no-no following 9/11.    "She started yelling that it wasn't hers and said 'The terrorists put it there,' " a fellow passenger said. "She kept yelling about the 'terrorists, the terrorists, the terrorists.' "    After the blade was confiscated, Arthur took a keyring from her bag and told the agent it belonged to the "terrorists," before throwing it at them.  - via There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: At Least 24 Killed Morocco Bush Crash (AP) AP - A bus, truck and taxi collided in a mountainous region of western Morocco Saturday, killing 24 people and injuring about 20 others, the official MAP news agency reported.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: The Digital Transition If my car died tomorrow, I'd have a lot less angst picking its successor than I would if my TV conked out. <FONT face="verdana,MS Sans Serif,arial,helvetica" size="-2"\ color="#666666"><B>-Rob Pegoraro</B></FONT>. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Sudanese rebels squabble with government over ceasefire violations (AFP) AFP - Sudanese rebels walked away from African Union peace talks to hold a 24-hour boycott in protest at alleged government attacks on civilians in the war-torn western province of Darfur.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Olympics-U.S. Women Show Men How to Win Gold  ATHENS (Reuters) - The U.S. women's basketball team showed  their men how to win gold Saturday as around 70,000 spectators  flocked to the Olympic stadium for a hectic athletics program  on the penultimate night of the Athens Games.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Hard Drive: SP Your XP, RSN Don #39;t have Windows XP? Listen up anyway, because there #39;s a lesson to learn, not to mention sly put downs you can use to annoy your Windows-XP-using-friends so they #39;ll finally break down and admit . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: In Western Iraq, Fundamentalists Hold U.S. Forces at Bay Falluja and Ramadi, and much of Anbar Province, are now controlled by militias, with U.S. troops confined to outside bases.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: The Hunt for a Hybrid The Aug. 23 front-page article on the Toyota Prius vs. the Honda Civic implied that the main reason people prefer the Prius was its  quot;geek-chic look quot; and the image buyers want.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Al-Sadr #39;s militia keeps fighting in Baghdad US forces and radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr #39;s militia battled Saturday in Baghdad even as the truce that ended the bloody fighting between US-Iraqi troops and the militia forces in Najaf held for a second day.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Britain Edges U.S. for 400M Relay Gold (AP) AP - Stymied by a sloppy handoff in the middle of the race, the United States lost to Great Britain by a hundredth of a second Saturday night in the 400-meter relay  #151; a race the American men usually dominate.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: US suspends helicopter flights after Japan crash (AFP) AFP - The United States suspended flights of CH-53D military helicopters in Japan, bowing to protests over a crash in an Okinawa university campus.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Bovina wins Pilot Pen tournament Elena Bovina of Russia outlasted Nathalie Dechy of France 6-2, 2-6, 7-5 and won the Pilot Pen tennis tournament Saturday. Bovina, seeded seventh, won her third WTA title.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Hewitt reaches final on Long Island Commack, NY (Sports Network) - Second-seeded Lleyton Hewitt reached Sunday #39;s final at the \$380,000 TD Waterhouse Cup -- a final US Open tune-up.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Hurricane Watch Issued for Gaston Off S.C. COLUMBIA, S.C. - A hurricane watch was issued for the South Carolina coast Saturday as forecasters predicted Tropical Storm Gaston would make landfall near Charleston on Sunday night.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Kerry Says He's in a 'Fighting Mood' (AP) AP - Democratic Sen. John Kerry said Saturday he's in "fighting mood" with two months to go to the presidential as his allies defended him from questions about his valor in Vietnam.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text:  #39;We walk a fine line, #39; says the boss whose airline tripped up After one of the most embarrassing weeks in British Airways #39; history, the recriminations begin tomorrow. Rod Eddington, the airline #39;s gregarious Australian chief executive, says he will mount a full investigation . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: GlobeTrotter: Mandrake-based 40GB Linux Mobile Desktop joestar writes  quot;Mandrakesoft  amp; LaCie have just launched  quot;GlobeTrotter quot;, a ultra-compact 40 GB bootable USB hard-drive pre-loaded with Mandrakelinux 10.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Health Highlights: Aug. 28, 2004 A new drug that fights a form of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a leading cause of blindness in the elderly, won applause if not approval from a panel of advisors to the US Food and Drug Administration.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Hewitt advances to Long Island final Lleyton Hewitt is one match away from winning his second consecutive ATP title, with the Australian reaching the final of the TD Waterhouse Cup at Long Island.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Soldiers face death after refusing to bomb Darfur Fifteen armed men in blue uniforms guard the metal stairs leading to the Sudanese court. Among the people massed at the bottom, only those who look official and scream loud . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Bovina ends two-year wait Seventh-seeded Russian Elena Bovina won her first title in two years by beating France #39;s Nathalie Dechy 6-2 2-6 7-5 in the final of the Pilot Pen tournament.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: UN, ending mission, says some human rights improvement Sudan's Darfur region (Canadian Press) Canadian Press - AL-FASHER, Sudan (AP) - Security has improved inside camps in Sudan's violence-torn Darfur region, but displaced villagers still face attacks and abuse when leave the camps, a United Nations team said Saturday, wrapping up a mission that could determine whether Sudan is hit with international sanctions.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: File-Sharers, the Eyes of Justice Are Upon You President Bush likes to project the swashbuckling image, but this week it was the folks over at the Justice Department who formed the posse to go after the evildoers -- the ones on the Internet.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Mobile phone  #39;deafness #39; risk News:- Defects in Siemens 65 series mobile phones could cause deafness, says the company.  quot;In extreme cases, this volume could lead to hearing damage.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Pakistani PM-elect takes parliament confidence vote Pakistani Prime Minister- elect Shaukat Aziz Saturday secured vote of confidence in the National Assembly (NA), the powerful lower house of the parliament,a requirement under the country #39;s constitution.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: TOMPKINS: Young Brit who fought here has shot at gold Great Britain #39;s Amir Khan, who looked so impressive in winning the 132-pound championship at the Junior International Invitational Boxing Championships here last summer, has a chance for an Olympic gold medal in the lightweight division today.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Pakistan province focuses on prayers, curbing vice (Reuters) Reuters - Cinemas are barred from hoisting movie bill-boards and shopkeepers are afraid to display posters featuring women in the historic northern Pakistani city of Peshawar.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Apology, refund from cruise line In a move almost unheard of in its industry, Norwegian Cruise Line has apologized for service problems during the Pride of Aloha #39;s first two months of sailing around Hawaii, and is refunding a portion of the service charge to everyone who has cruised on . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Smith saves United LONDON, Aug. 28. - Alan Smith scored a late equaliser for Manchester United today as the side tied 1-1 at Blackburn. Sir Alex Fergusons side looked headed for their second Premier League defeat of the . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Sunday: A fierce battle between US forces and Shiite militants <b>...</b> Tuesday: A Shiite insurgency appeared to be weakening as Iraqi forces moved to within 200 yards of the Imam Ali Shrine. Wednesday: Iraq #39;s top Shiite cleric returned home with a peace initiative demanding an end to the fighting in Najaf.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Terror is below radar in Russia It took 2 days for Russia #39;s security service to announce what virtually everyone else believed from the moment two domestic passenger airlines plunged to earth simultaneously . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Australian PM calls election on Oct. 9 Australian Prime Minister John Howard on Sunday announced that the next federal election will be held on October 9. He told a press conference here that voters will decide . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: We owe Athens an apology ATHENS -- The Games of the XXVIII Olympiad -- the great disaster that wasn #39;t -- come to an emotional end this afternoon and, really, the world owes Athens an apology.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Legendary double for El Guerrouj In a historic 5,000-meter race, Hicham El Guerrouj of Morocco, who won gold at 1,500 meters last week, outkicked Kenenisa Bekele of Ethiopia in . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Hamm not looking back Controversial Olympic gold medalist Paul Hamm is back in the United States and ready to move on. Hamm, in Worcester for the Rock  amp; Roll . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Northwest fee increase has agents crying foul The airline said it will begin paying only \$5 of the \$12.50 cost of booking a Northwest ticket through a global distribution system such as Sabre or Galileo starting Wednesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Sanderson doesn't let gold out of his grasp ATHENS -- Cael Sanderson didn't look too comfortable on the medal stand last night. As the national anthem was played, he went from taking the winners' wreath off his head to putting it back on, to taking it off again and holding it across his chest.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Chechens Vote for New Leader, 'Bomber' Kills Self  ZNAMENSKOYE, Russia (Reuters) - Chechens voted Sunday for a  new president in a tense election, but many doubted the  Moscow-backed police officer who was set to win would manage to  stamp out rebellion in the turbulent region.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: US Sprinter Pulled From Relay for Marijuana Violation Less than two hours before the Olympic men #39;s 400-meter relay semifinal on Friday, the United States Coach George Williams pulled John Capel from the race after being told by . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Five facts about France #39;s Muslim headscarf ban - The French parliament passed the law in March to ban  quot;conspicuous symbols quot; of faith from its state school system. Guidelines for applying the law identified Muslim headscarves, Jewish skullcaps and large . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Saboteurs Blow Up Oil Pipeline in Iraq (AP) AP - Saboteurs blew up a pipeline in southern Iraq on Sunday in the latest attack targeting the country's crucial oil industry, a senior oil official said.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Vote near, Saudis push to modernize RIYADH, Saudi Arabia -- Even as Saudi Arabia struggles internally with violent extremists and externally with its image as the country that produced most of the attackers of Sept. 11, 2001, the desert kingdom's rulers are moving on multiple fronts to modernize and moderate their nation.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: French Govt., Muslims Appeal for Reporters' Release  PARIS (Reuters) - France's government and leaders of its  Muslim minority urged Iraqi militants Sunday to free two French  journalists they were holding hostage in a bid to force Paris  to revoke its ban on Muslim headscarves in schools.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Spilled Oil, Gas Ignite in Iraq's South Rumaila Field  BASRA, Iraq (Reuters) - Oil and gas spilled during recent  sabotage attacks on Iraq's southern oil pipelines ignited  Sunday and firefighters battled to douse the flames.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Conn. Man, 70, Oldest to Swim Channel LONDON - A retired Connecticut pilot has become the oldest person to swim the English Channel. George Brunstad, 70, left Dover, England, Saturday morning heading for the French Coast.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Schumacher Clinches Seventh Season Title (AP) AP - Michael Schumacher clinched an unprecedented seventh Formula One drivers' title at the Belgian Grand Prix on Sunday, despite not winning for just the second time in 14 races this season.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: US Bells Do Video on Path Blazed by Small Telcos The three largest US local telephone corporations made a splash this summer with plans to sell video services on their voice and data lines in a few years.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: SEC gives a slap on the wrist After last week #39;s settlement with San Francisco investment adviser Garrett Van Wagoner, you have to wonder how serious the Securities and Exchange Commission is about protecting mutual fund shareholders.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Helm #39;s perfect 10 And the two-and-a-half back somersaults with one and a half twists in a pike position turned out to be his ticket to a silver medal.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Tropical Storm Slams Into Coastal S.C. CHARLESTON, S.C. - Tropical Storm Gaston blasted the South Carolina coast with rain and near-hurricane strength wind early Sunday, flooding roads and knocking out power to at least 75,000 homes.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Our mobile margins will fall: Telstra TELSTRA chief financial officer John Stanhope has admitted Telstra #39;s margins in its \$4.5 billion a year mobile phone business will shrink this year in the face of increased price competition and the growing cost of acquiring new customers.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: UPDATE 1-Thompson earns Celtic a record win over Rangers Scottish champions Celtic secured a record seventh successive win over Glasgow rivals Rangers on Sunday with a 1-0 victory courtesy of midfielder Alan Thompson #39;s venomous late strike.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Pakistan not for open-ended arms race: spokesman A Pakistani Foreign Office spokesman Sunday said Islamabad does not favor an open-ended arms race in South Asia, according to the official Associated Press of Pakistan (APP).. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Montgomerie, Donald named as Ryder Cup wildcards European Ryder Cup captain Bernhard Langer named Britons Colin Montgomerie and Luke Donald as his wildcard picks on Sunday for next month #39;s match against the United States.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Arsenal #39;s winning ways a joy Legendary Nottingham Forest manager Brian Clough said last week that losing Forest #39;s 42-game unbeaten record to Arsenal stuck in the craw  quot;because nobody likes them quot;, but surely that is not true.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Thousands Hit NYC Streets; Cheney Arrives NEW YORK - Tens of thousands of demonstrators marched past the Madison Square Garden site of the Republican National Convention on Sunday, chanting, blowing whistles and carrying anti-war banners as delegates gathered to nominate President Bush for a second term.    On the eve of the convention, the demonstrators packed the street from sidewalk to sidewalk for 20 blocks as they slowly filed past.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Windows Tip: Scheduled Tasks written by Greg Melton on Monday <b>...</b> If you always forget to scan for viruses, update virus protection, run Disk Defragmenter, or run any other system tool, look to the Task Scheduler for help.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Sudan peace talks resume Peace talks between Darfur rebels and the Sudanese Government have resumed after a 24-hour boycott by rebels who accused Khartoum of violating a ceasefire by killing 75 civilians in six villages.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Dyke reopens WMD row Former BBC chief Greg Dyke has reopened the row over Tony Blair #39;s decision to go to war with Iraq. Dyke was forced to resign from his post, along with former BBC chairman Gavyn Davies, last January after Lord . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Moderate Republicans Criticize Bush (AP) AP - A group of moderate Republicans, many long out of office, called on President Bush and the Republican party to "come back to the mainstream" on the eve of the Republican National Convention.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Closing Ceremonies Host city Athens bid a final farewell to the athletes and guests of the 2004 Summer Games with a spectacular party under a full moon.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: China launches science satellite China launched an experimental satellite into orbit Sunday, atop a Long March 2C carrier rocket; reported Xinhua, China #39;s government-run news agency.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Sheffield day to day with sprained left ankle New York Yankees right fielder Gary Sheffield missed Sunday #39;s against the Toronto Blue Jays with a sprained left ankle. Sheffield is listed as day to day.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: PM Hails Successful Launch Of Agni II NEW DELHI, AUG 29: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Sunday congratulated the scientists and engineers for the successful launch of the Agni II missile.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Italian Wins Marathon... US Finishes Second Italian Stefano Baldini has won the men #39;s marathon in a time of 2:10:54. Naturalized American Meb Keflezighi was a surprise runnerup with Brazil #39;s Vanderlei Lima finishing third.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Warner Will Start for Giants in Opener Eli Manning remains the New York Giants' quarterback of the future. For now, the job belongs to Kurt Warner.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: A  #39;new Greece #39; beams after success of Games As Greeks get a boost, it remains unclear if success will mean higher stature in Europe. By Peter Ford  Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Jimenez wins BMW Open with final-round 66 Spain #39;s Miguel Angel Jimenez won the BMW Open, his fourth title on the European tour this season, and Colin Montgomerie was one of six golfers to claim Ryder Cup berths Sunday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Jays power up to take finale Contrary to popular belief, the power never really snapped back at SkyDome on Sunday. The lights came on after an hour delay, but it took some extra time for the batting orders to provide some extra wattage.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Hewitt, Davenport Top US Open Standings (AP) AP - Lleyton Hewitt and Lindsay Davenport could earn up to  #36;500,000 extra at the U.S. Open because they finished atop the inaugural US Open Series standings.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Microsoft revamps its plans for Longhorn Microsoft is shaking up its plans for the next version of Windows to get the software off the drawing board and into PCs by the end of 2006.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: SEVEN KILLED IN KABUL BLOODSHED At least seven people have been killed in a bomb blast in central Kabul - the second deadly explosion in Afghanistan over the weekend.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Canada, US fail to resolve beef trade dispute Canada and the United States have failed to reach an agreement on resuming US imports of Canadian live cattle, local press reported Sunday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Angels' Glaus Activated From DL (AP) AP - Troy Glaus was activated from the 60-day disabled list Sunday by the Anaheim Angels and was back in the lineup against the Minnesota Twins.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Ankiel solid in rehab start, unsure about future More that three years since he threw his last pitch for the St. Louis Cardinals, Ankiel gave up one unearned run and one hit in six innings Sunday for Triple-A Memphis in what could be his final start in the minors.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: GOP Jamboree May Give Stocks Brief Lift  NEW YORK (Reuters) - Fasten your seatbelts. The Republicans  are in town. If things go smoothly at the Republican National  Convention, the stock market could get a brief boost this week,  experts say.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Tokyo Stocks Flat, Focus on Data  TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese stocks were flat in mid-morning  trade on Monday with confidence in the domestic economic  outlook failing to offset profit-taking that hit recent gainers  such as insurers and real estate stocks.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: China Launches Mapping Satellite (AP) AP - China on Sunday launched a satellite that will carry out land surveying and other scientific projects for several days and return to Earth, government media reported.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Federal-Mogul May Sell Turner  amp; Newall Assets, Independent Says Federal-Mogul Corp., the bankrupt US engineering company, may sell its UK-based Turner  amp; Newall Plc after the UK division #39;s independent pension trustee rejected a \$130 million cash offer . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: GI #39;s in Talks With Rebels of Sadr Stronghold in Baghdad The American military met for five hours on Sunday with representatives of the rebellious cleric Moktada al-Sadr in the volatile Baghdad Shiite neighborhood of Sadr . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Allawi Meets Militants, Pushes Amnesty Iraq's interim prime minister said that he had held private meetings with representatives of insurgent groups from Fallujah, Ramadi and Samarra to  persuade them to accept a government amnesty offer.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: El Guerrouj, Holmes book spots in Olympic Pantheon Britain #39;s Kelly Holmes and Morocco #39;s Hicham El Guerrouj earned their places among Olympic athletic legends here on Saturday as they won their second golds of the Games.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Beijing gears up for 2008 Although the Beijing Olympics is still four years away, the Chinese capital is already gearing up to host the event. The city of over 12 million is refurbishing ancient landmarks in . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Warner Gets the Nod The first pick in the NFL draft last April will be the first QB off the bench for the Giants as Eli Manning lost the competition for the starting job to veteran Kurt Warner.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: New Namath Book Is Fact, Not Fiction If you read the recent excerpt of "Namath" in Sports Illustrated and were put off by the apparent focus on the iconic Broadway Joe's personal life, be comforted in the knowledge that Mark Kriegel's 441-page biography includes plenty of football, too. The book is exhaustively researched and includes telling anecdotes from Beaver Falls, Pa., to Tuscaloosa, Ala., to New York.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Mr. Chang, Strike a Pose Halfway around the world, standing virtually in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, the incomparable Timmy Chang is just days away from throwing his first pass of the season. From my tattered sofa, I will be watching him. I want you to watch him, too.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: ROGER #39;S READY Roger Federer says he #39;s ready to erase the image as being too soft to win in New York. The world #39;s No. 1 player from Switzerland has played three US Opens and lost in the fourth round each time.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Still no beef resolution after latest talks NEW YORK, (Aug. 30, 2004) - Cattle farmers and haulers finally looking for a quick end to a 15-month ban on live cattle exports to the US are out of luck after Canadian Agriculture Minister Andy Mitchell . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: For Now, Unwired Means Unlisted. That May Change. In October, most major cellphone carriers plan to start compiling a publicly accessible listing of wireless phone numbers.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Women #39;s basketball team finds special place in Chancellor #39;s heart The medal ceremony had ended. Van Chancellor had already shed a few tears, but he had held his emotions together through all the hugs and dancing, even through the victory . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: New Pakistan cabinet may be sworn in today Islamabad, :A new Cabinet in Pakistan is likely to be sworn in on Monday, two days after Finance Minister Shaukat Aziz was made the country #39;s 23rd Prime Minister.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Infocus: Deploying Network Access Quarantine Control, Part 2 This article discusses Network Access Quarantine Control in Windows Server 2003, which allows administrators to quarantine mobile users and verify their security posture before giving them full access to the network. Part 2 of 2.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Scaffold collapse survivors improving One of the men who survived Friday #39;s fatal scaffold collapse is in guarded condition at Detroit Receiving Hospital and the two other survivors were released on Sunday, a hospital spokeswoman said.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Pollsters refuse to write off Australian PM despite lag in polls (AFP) AFP - Opinion polls give Australia's opposition Labor Party a big lead over Prime Minister John Howard's conservative government as campaigning begins for October 9 elections, but analysts say the real race is still too close to call.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Santander accelerates Abbey bid Santander says it aims to complete its takeover of UK mortgage lender Abbey one month sooner than originally planned.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: A blazing start for Beijing Greece tried to pass the Olympics baton off to Beijing on Sunday night, but it was a tough job. The Chinese are way ahead of the curve already.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Wakefield goes deep this time When it comes to giving up long balls, Red Sox pitcher Tim Wakefield has a short memory. Just three weeks after he surrendered a club-record six home . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Hot pursuit Times like these make grown men talk to televisions.  quot;C'mon, guys, get the darn out, quot; Pedro Martinez shouted at a big screen in the Red Sox clubhouse yesterday as he watched the Blue Jays try to finish off the Yankees with two outs and the potential winning run at the plate in the ninth inning in Toronto.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: On TV -- from the Internet  SAN MATEO, Calif. -- The promise of Internet-based video has long been hamstrung by copyright and piracy worries, slow dial-up connections, technical challenges, and consumer disdain for watching blotchy videos on their home computers.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Youngster Khan taken to school The sensation of the Olympic boxing tournament learned yesterday that there #39;s no substitute for experience. At least not in the ring.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Challenger disappoints with writedown The Kerry Packer-backed Challenger Financial Services Group has reported its first net loss since incorporating, impacted by a massive writedown of goodwill.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Corporate Failures Hurt Pension Guaranty Group Description: A flurry of corporate bankruptcies in the past few years leaves a public agency strapped for cash: the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Bellhorn makes plenty of noise: Big Second baseman Mark Bellhorn stats, news issued the closing statement in the Red Sox stats, schedule #39; four-game sweep of the Detroit Tigers yesterday at Fenway Park.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Intel in new chip breakthrough Intel creates a more powerful memory chip without increasing its size, confounding the firm's critics.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Going ballistic: Agni-II test fired NEW DELHI: Indias quest to develop a solid missile defence took a step forward today when it successfully test-fired the surface-to-surface Agni-II missile, which can cover targets in the 2000-2500 kms-range, from the Integrated Test Range (ITR) at . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Nigerian troops set off on AU peace mission to Darfur (AFP) AFP - A 155-strong company of Nigerian infantry flew out of Abuja, heading for the war-torn western Sudanese region of Darfur to join an African Union force protecting ceasefire monitors.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: UPDATE: Sons Of Gwalia In Administration On Hedging Debt PERTH (Dow Jones)--Sons of Gwalia Ltd. (SGW.AU), Australia #39;s second-biggest gold producer, has fallen into administration over aA\$348 million hedge book liability.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Carnival crowds likely to top 1m As the Notting Hill Carnival enters its final day, police say they are pleased with how it has gone so far. About 250,000 people took to the streets on Sunday - more than double the first day last year - to celebrate 40 years of the west London event.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Typhoon Chaba Kills Four in Japan Powerful Typhoon Chaba has plowed into southern Japan, sweeping at least four people to their deaths and injuring more than 30 as it knocked out power to thousands.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Vietnam Marks Independence with Pardons for Prisoners  HANOI (Reuters) - Vietnam has released nearly 9,000  prisoners, including 10 inmates whose cases it says had drawn  international attention, as part of traditional pardons granted  ahead of independence celebrations on September 2.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Mining concern names outside managers SYDNEY Sons of Gwalia, the world #39;s leading supplier of tantalum, appointed outside managers on Monday after failing to reach agreement with creditors.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Minister Lee Says Uncertainty Deepens Economic Lethargy Deputy Prime Minister and Finance-Economy Minister Lee Hun-jai said Monday the nation #39;s current economic lethargy is due to unsubstantiated uncertainty #39; #39; about the future, which in turn weakens the confidence of market players.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Robson  #39; Massively Disappointed #39; at Newcastle Exit Departing Newcastle boss Sir Bobby Robson has spoken of his regret at not being able to complete his mission after being relieved of his duties today.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Atlas Copco to Sell Electric Tool Business Swedish engineering company Atlas Copco said Monday it will sell its electric tool business to Hong Kong-based Techtronic Industries Co.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Sadr Aide Tells Iraq Militia to Cease Fire -TV A top aide to Iraq #39;s rebel Shi #39;ite leader Muqtada al-Sadr Monday called on the Mehdi Army militia to cease fire across Iraq and said Sadr was preparing to announce plans for a major political program.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: 96 Processors Under Your Desktop Roland Piquepaille writes  quot;A small Santa Clara-based company, Orion Multisystems, today unveils a new concept in computing,  #39;cluster workstations.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Defrocked Priest Gets Suspended Sentence for Marathon Attack A defrocked Irish priest who attacked the leader during yesterdays Olympic marathon was given a one year suspended sentence in Athens today.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: UPDATE:Sinopec 1H Pft Up 51; To Raise Refining Capacity HONG KONG (Dow Jones)--China Petroleum  amp; Chemical Corp. (SNP), the country #39;s second-largest oil and gas producer, Monday reported a 51 jump in first-half earnings and said it plans to boost its refining capacity by about one-fifth over three years.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Rebound in US consumer spending US consumer spending rebounded in July, a sign the economy may be emerging from an early summer decline. Consumer spending rose 0.8 last month, boosted by car and retail sales.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Israeli Held Meetings With U.S. Analyst (AP) AP - A senior Israeli diplomat in Washington has met with a Pentagon analyst being investigated by the FBI on suspicion he passed classified information to Israel, Israeli officials confirmed Monday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Regional House Price Declines Possible  WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. housing industry economists on  Monday cautioned that rapid house price gains in some areas of  the country may not be sustainable.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Intel Shrinks Transistor Size By 30 pinkUZI writes  quot;Intel will announce that it has crammed 500 million transistors on to a single memory chip, shrinking them in size by 30.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: US Airways Up on Labor Talks US Airways #39; (UAIR:Nasdaq - news - research) shares jumped almost 20 on news that management and pilots were back at the table, trying to hammer out an agreement on work concessions to save the company.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Bryant Makes First Appearance at Trial (AP) AP - NBA star Kobe Bryant arrived at his sexual assault trial Monday as attorneys in the case who spent the weekend poring over questionnaires prepared to question potential jurors individually.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Language of goals what counts for tongue-tied Ronnie and Michael England striker Michael Owen said his lack of Spanish and Ronaldo #39;s lack of English did not hinder celebrations of the Brazilian #39;s matchwinner for Real Madrid in Sunday #39;s 1-0 win at Mallorca.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Oil Drops Below \$42 a Barrel  NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. oil prices fell more than \$1 on  Monday on continued profit-taking as producer-group OPEC eyed  increases in the coming months in its tight spare capacity,  countering worries over stumbling Iraqi oil exports.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Al-Sadr Calls on Militia to Stop Fighting BAGHDAD, Iraq - Rebel Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr called for his followers across Iraq to end fighting against U.S. and Iraqi forces and is planning to join the political process in the coming days, an al-Sadr aide said Monday.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Regional Home Price Drop Possible  WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. housing industry economists on  Monday cautioned that rapid house price gains in some areas of  the country may not be sustainable.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Man U. and Everton play to scoreless draw Manchester, England (Sports Network) - Manchester United #39;s struggle continued on Monday when they failed to score in a 0-0 tie with Everton at Old Trafford.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: GOP Sharpens Attacks As Convention Opens NEW YORK (AP) -- Sen. John McCain said Monday it was fair game to criticize Democrat John Kerry's anti-war protests three decades ago, firing an opening salvo as Republicans at their national convention sought to portray President Bush as a strong wartime leader.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: 11 Dead in a Car Bomb in Kabul KABUL (Masnet  amp; News Agencies) - At least eleven people, including two US citizens, were killed when a truck bomb exploded in downtown Kabul in the second deadly blast to strike Afghanistan over the weekend.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Microsoft spends 1bn to keep out the hackers The growing threat of hackers and viruses has prompted Microsoft to roll out a billion- dollar upgrade of its Windows computer operating system to strengthen security.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Juniper Takes Security to Endpoints Juniper Networks (Quote, Chart) has launched a new initiative designed to improve interoperability of popular third-party antivirus and firewall measures with its own Secure Socket Layer (define) Virtual Private Network (define) appliances.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Stocks Dip on Consumer Income Report News (AP) AP - An unsettling report on consumer incomes set off a spate of profit-taking on Wall Street Monday as investors worried that a tepid economy would erode companies' third-quarter earnings. Another drop in oil prices failed to shake the gloom from the market.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: SEC Probes United Rentals, Shares Drop  CHICAGO (Reuters) - U.S. securities regulators are  investigating United Rentals Inc. <A HREF=" target=/stocks/quickinfo/fullquote">URI.N</A> and have subpoenaed  some accounting records, the company said on Monday, sending  its shares down 21.5 percent.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: New Chechen Leader Vows Peace, Poll Criticized  GROZNY, Russia (Reuters) - Chechnya's new leader vowed on  Monday to rebuild the shattered region and crush extremists,  after winning an election condemned by rights groups as a  stage-managed show and by Washington as seriously flawed.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Africa takes tough stand on coups The arrest of Margaret Thatcher's son last week is the latest example of a crackdown on overthrows.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Generals May Pay a Price for Iraq Abuse WASHINGTON - The Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal could effectively end the careers of four Army generals who are linked indirectly to the misconduct but face no criminal charges.    The four are singled out for varying degrees of criticism - mixed with instances of praise - in two comprehensive investigative reports released last week.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Survey: IT spending to grow modestly next year CIO confidence is up in third quarter, according to Forrester poll.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Coming to a TV near you: Ads for desktop Linux Linspire CEO points out that recent TV ads serve as indication of acceptance in mainstream populace.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: FOOTBALL: RAE KNEE SCAN HAS MCLEISH IN A SWEAT ALEX RAE was in hospital yesterday for a scan on his injured knee after playing through the pain barrier in Sunday #39;s Old Firm clash.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Iraqi oil exports slump: report NEAR daily attacks on pipelines and pumping stations had pushed down Iraq #39;s oil exports to their lowest point in nearly a year, Britain #39;s Financial Times newspaper reported today.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Australia #39;s Seven FY Net Jumps 59 To A\$93.3M -2- SYDNEY (Dow Jones)--Australian television broadcaster Seven Network Ltd. (SEV) said Tuesday net profit jumped 59 to A\$93.3 million for the fiscal year ended June 26, boosted by profit proceeds from the sell down of its stake in B Digital.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Parts pinch shuts down Ford plant Workers at the Ford plant in Hapeville are getting a second unexpected day off during the dog days of summer. The company has stopped assembly-line production at the plant today because of a continued parts shortage, a Ford official said.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Orion Debuts Cluster Workstation Orion Multisystems, a new company founded by former Transmeta (Quote, Chart) executives, debuted a family of workstations Monday that think and act like a cluster of servers.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: AT amp;T Embraces Voice-over-Internet Telephony AT amp;T is attracted to Voice over IP because Internet telephony is cheaper to offer to businesses and consumers and requires less upfront investment than the old copper wire and traditional switching networks.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Off-day would have been welcomed by Sox After another disappointing road trip - the White Sox were 3-4 on a swing through Detroit and Cleveland - a day off sure would look enticing.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Maker of Twinkies Delays Filing Annual Report, Hires Turnaround <b>...</b> KANSAS CITY, Mo., Aug. 30 -- Twinkie maker Interstate Bakeries Corp. on Monday delayed filing its annual report for the second time, a move that dragged shares lower by more than 42 percent on speculation about the company #39;s ongoing viability.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: MND confirms China pulling troops from drill The Ministry of Defense confirmed yesterday that China #39;s military had withdrawn most of its troops from Dongshan Island where it was to hold an annual war game, but would not say if the action indicated Beijing was calling off the maneuvers that simulate . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: A Better Solution for Israel The hysterical tone of Daniel Seidemann #39;s plea to the next US administration to save Israel from itself serves no useful purpose op-ed, Aug. 26.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Braves Rally to Defeat Giants 7-6 (AP) AP - Even with a big lead in the NL East, the Atlanta Braves aren't taking anything for granted.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Bryant Jury Selection Behind Closed Doors (AP) AP - Prospective jurors in the Kobe Bryant rape case were asked their feelings on racial prejudice, interracial relationships, marital infidelity and justice for the rich and famous in an 82-item questionnaire released Monday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: IT seeing steady but slow growth: Forrester projects 7 percent <b>...</b> Tech companies waiting for a big resurgence in spending on computer hardware, software, networks and staff better plan to wait about four more years, Forrester Research projected yesterday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Japan should outsource more The Japanese information services industry clocked up sales of 13,703.9 billion yen in fiscal 2001, according to a report on selected service industries for 2001 released by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI).. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: White Sox Edge Phillies Joe Borchard wows the crowd with the longest homer in the 14-year history of U.S. Cellular Field as the White Sox edge the Phillies 9-8.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: ANOTHER VOICE Sugary drinks bad for you Many studies have linked the consumption of nondiet soda and fruit juices with added sugars to obesity and attendant risks of diabetes.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Testaverde accepts Parcells #39; nomination Who would have thought that the Dallas Cowboys #39; offense would be the least of coach Bill Parcells problems? After cutting their starting quarterback in training camp, signing a controversial . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Australia Police to Trap Cyberspace Pedophiles (Reuters) Reuters - Australian police acting as part of an\international "cyber cop" network will be able to trap\pedophiles who use the Internet to "groom" or lure children for\sex, under new laws passed by parliament on Tuesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Marlins keep pace in wild-card race The Mets #39; objective, Fred Wilpon said last winter and into the spring, was to play meaningful games late into the season. The owner was confident his revamped team could compete for first place . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Milosevic opens his defense case, starting second half of his <b>...</b> Former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic opened his long-delayed defense at the Yugoslav war crimes tribunal Tuesday, describing the battles of his Serbian people as self defense against internal rebellions and external attacks by Islamic warriors.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Injury brings Brown down Troy Brown didn't play any defense against Carolina in Saturday night's exhibition game. Thing is, he didn't play much offense or special teams, either.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Starting today, funds' stances on proxies are matter of record Every year, public companies put a number of questions before their stockholders for a vote. Investors weigh in on whether to reelect company directors, reappoint auditors, and approve or kill plans to give big stock option packages to senior executives.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Hall of Shame   Hall of Fame We spotlight people and products that pester us...and the heroes saving us from annoyances.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Athens coverage a winner for NBC NBC and its family of cable networks flooded American households with nearly nonstop coverage of the Athens Olympics, and the strategy - along with strong performances by the US teams in swimming and gymnastics -roduced not only a ratings increase . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Alitalia union may accept job cuts A top Italian labor leader says his union could consider job cuts at Alitalia to prevent the airline #39;s collapse, as workers at the flag carrier clamored for details of its cost-cutting rescue plan.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: FCC asks high court to rule on broadband ( - The federal government is challenging an appeals court ruling that, officials fear, would stifle the expansion of cable broadband services by burdening the providers with new regulations.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: UBS pays 265 million dollars for Schwab capital markets business (AFP) AFP - Swiss banking group UBS said that it had paid 265 million dollars (219 million euros) to buy SoundView, the capital markets division of online broker Charles Schwab to strengthen its position on the US Nasdaq market.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Longhorn announcements barely a blimp on IT radar While developers are naturally curious over tweaks to the Longhorn road map, many IT administrators barely take notice. Enterprise IT customers typically lag at least . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Novell reshuffles biz for Linux focus Novell is reorganising its business to focus on two key areas - Linux and identity management. The networking software firm #39;s Nterprise and Linux operations will be folded into a Platform and Application Services group CRN reports.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: British Minister to Visit North Korea in September The British government has announced plans to send a top Foreign Office representative to North Korea in September. Junior Minister for East Asia Bill Rammell will become the first British minister to visit . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Broncos Running Back Out for Entire Season (AP) AP - Denver Broncos running back Mike Anderson will miss the entire season because of a groin injury sustained last weekend in an exhibition game against Houston.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Apple unveils super thin iMac in Paris (AFP) AFP - Apple Computers launched the newest version of its iMac model, which at two inches thick, is the world's thinnest desktop computer, the company said.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Conditions Worsen in Darfur, U.N. Agencies Say (Reuters) Reuters - Conditions for 1.2 million Sudanese\displaced in Darfur continue to worsen amid violent attacks,\spreading disease, and heavy rains which wreak havoc with aid\convoys, United Nations agencies said on Tuesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Australian employee of Canadian oil company reportedly abducted in Yemen (Canadian Press) Canadian Press - CANBERRA, Australia (AP) - Diplomats investigated Tuesday a report that an Australian oil engineer had been abducted in Yemen by armed tribesmen, but a conflicting report from Yemen said there was no kidnapping.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: EU, Japan Win WTO Approval to Impose Duties on US (Update2) The European Union, Japan and Brazil won World Trade Organization backing to impose tariffs on US imports after Congress failed to end illegal corporate subsidies worth \$850 million since 2001.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Study: CEOs rewarded for outsourcing NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - The CEOs of the top 50 US companies that sent service jobs overseas pulled down far more pay than their counterparts at other large companies last year, a study said Tuesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Hartford Sees \$91 Mln in Charley Losses  NEW YORK (Reuters) - Hartford Financial Services Group Inc.  <A HREF=" target=/stocks/quickinfo/fullquote">HIG.N</A> on Tuesday became the latest insurer to issue a profit  warning tied to Hurricane Charley, the strongest storm to hit  Florida in a dozen years.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Roundup: Illini men rise to top of AP poll, win game There was little celebrating when Illinois men #39;s players found out they were ranked No. 1 in the nation yesterday afternoon. There was a game to play at night.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Maddux Wins No. 302, Baker Wins No. 1,000 Greg Maddux pitched the Chicago Cubs into the lead in the NL wild-card race and gave Dusty Baker a win to remember. Maddux threw seven shutout innings for his 302nd career win, Baker got his 1,000th victory as a manager and Chicago beat the Montreal Expos 5-2 on Monday night.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Apple's New iMac Computer Is All Display  PARIS (Reuters) - Apple Computer unveiled, after a  two-month delay, its new iMac desktop computer on Tuesday which  integrates disk drives and processors into a flat display less  than two inches thick.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: New iMac packs computer into flat screen PARIS Apple Computer engineered another design coup on Tuesday, unveiling a new iMac here that incorporates all of the personal computer #39;s innards into a flat-panel screen that balances on an aluminum stand.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: UPDATE 3-Albertsons hit by California strike; shares fall Albertsons Inc. (ABS.N: Quote, Profile, Research) , the No. 2 US grocer, on Tuesday reported a substantial drop in its quarterly profit as heavy promotions . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Samsung readies Philips #39; near-field communications for cellphones MANHASSET, NY - Philips Electronics and Samsung Electronics have entered into a deal that will enable Samsung to deploy cellular devices using Philips #39; near-field communications chip and technology.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Putin Says Plane Crashes Involved Terrorists Linked to Al-Qaeda Russian President Vladimir Putin today said the explosions that brought down two airliners in Russia a week ago were the work of terrorists linked to the al- Qaeda terrorist network.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Hurricane Frances Nears NE Caribbean (AP) AP - Hurricane Frances strengthened as it churned near islands of the northeastern Caribbean with ferocious winds expected to graze Puerto Rico on Tuesday before the storm plows on toward the Bahamas and the southeastern United States.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Kansas City Royals Team Report - August 31 (Sports Network) - The Kansas City Royals try to get back on the winning track this evening when they continue their three-game series with the Detroit Tigers at Kauffman Stadium.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Montreal Expos Team Report - August 31 (Sports Network) - The Montreal Expos were handed a setback in Monday #39;s opener at Olympic Stadium. Greg Maddux threw seven shutout innings and went 2-for-3 with an RBI at the plate to lead the Cubs to a 5-2 victory.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Japanese electronics giants in LCD joint venture Hitachi, Toshiba and Matsushita Electric have formed a joint venture to manufacture large liquid-crystal displays for flat-screen televisions, escalating competition for a piece of the digital living room.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Microsoft to delay advanced search technology from Longhorn Microsoft said Friday that it is delaying the release of a new data-storage technology, named WinFS, from the next version of Windows, code-named Longhorn, in order to deliver the operating system by 2006.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Darfur conditions worsen rebels struggle to make headway in talks aiming to ease the conflict in the Darfur region. sanctions on Sudan, by saying Moscow opposed sanctions.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Beyond solar system, planets that look familiar The universe looked a little more familiar and friendlier on Tuesday. The roll call of planets beyond the solar system swelled significantly with the announcement of a trio of newly discovered worlds much . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Credit Suisse to Combine US Unit Credit Suisse Group, Switzerland #39;s second-largest bank, said Tuesday it will combine its US-based Credit Suisse First Boston investment unit with its retail and private banking business within two years.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Spammers use sender authentication too, study says The technology hasn't been widely adopted, but spammers are taking it up at a faster rate than legitimate e-mailers.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: SafeGuard Offers Easy Hard-Drive Protection Upgraded version of this encryption app adds plenty of tools for networked users.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Francis Nixes Hurricanes' Front Office Job (AP) AP - Ron Francis turned down a front-office job with the Carolina Hurricanes and is still deciding whether he wants to continue his playing career.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Disgraced Greek Sprinters Drug Tested by WADA  ATHENS (Reuters) - Greek sprinters Costas Kenteris and  Katerina Thanou have been dope tested by doctors from the World  Anti-Doping Agency, an official said Tuesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Skype Telephony Now Available for the Mac Skype for Windows, Skype for Pocket PC and Skype for Linux -- Skype for Mac OS X is free. Skype users can control their online presence and . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Killings shock, humiliate Nepalese Protesters in Kathmandu have expressed disbelief and frustration after learning of the deaths of 12 Nepalese hostages in Iraq. Nepal #39;s ambassador to Qatar, Somananda Suman, confirmed . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Gaddafi to Compensate Libyan Jews for Lost Homes (Reuters) Reuters - Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, easing\his country's way back into the international fold, on Tuesday\became the first Arab leader to promise compensation for Jews\who were forced from their homes due to religious tension.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Microsoft To Ship Longhorn in 2006 Without WinFS Microsoft will ship its next Windows client code-named Longhorn in 2006 as originally promised -- but without the next-generation file system known as WinFS.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Veritas Keeps Reaching into Its Wallet By acquiring KVault, which makes e-mail-archiving software, it aims to erode EMC #39;s lead and rebuild investors #39; confidence.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: NL Wrap: Edmonds Double Strike Lifts Cards Over Padres  NEW YORK (Reuters) - Jim Edmonds belted two solo homers to  lead the host St Louis Cardinals to an easy 9-3 win over the  San Diego Padres in National League action at Busch Stadium  Tuesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: A Year of Charges, Reforms for Funds NEW YORK -- Just a year ago this week, New York Attorney General Eliot L. Spitzer shook the financial services industry -- and investor confidence -- by revealing that four big-name mutual fund companies had cut secret deals allowing a New Jersey hedge fund to profit from short-term trading at the expense of ordinary investors.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Moscow Rail Station Evacuated on Bomb Threat, Interfax Says Moscow police are conducting a partial evacuation at the Kursk railway station in central Moscow as they search for explosives after receiving an anonymous phone call from a man threatening . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Iraq #39;s Chalabi escapes attempt on his life Gunmen opened fire Wednesday on a convoy carrying former Iraqi Governing Council member Ahmad Chalabi in an apparent assassination attempt that wounded two of his bodyguards, Chalabi #39;s spokesman said.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Blu-ray group mandates Microsoft codec for BD-ROM The Blu-ray Disc Association (BRDA) has selected Microsoft #39;s VC-9 video codec for future BD-ROM content, the organisation said today.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Mariners riding the Ichiro wave Ichiro Suzuki singled three times last night to etch out a spot in history and to send the Toronto Blue Jays a little deeper into oblivion.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Wharf marks debut with wickets In-form Alex Wharf made an impressive start to his international career this morning with wickets in his first two overs against India at Trent Bridge.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Roddick blisters junior champ By the time his match with Andy Roddick was over, Jenkins had felt the full fury of Roddick #39;s jet blast. Roddick had nailed a 152-mph serve at him, the fastest serve in Open history and one . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: AMD dual-core demo pips Intel, IBM AMD has demonstrated the company #39;s first dual-core microprocessors. Dual-core processors offer improved performance over single-core chips, especially in multithreaded applications.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Gunmen ambush Chalabi #39;s convoy, wound 2 BAGHDAD - Gunmen ambushed the convoy of former Iraqi governing council president Ahmed Chalabi on Wednesday, wounding two of his bodyguards, aides said.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Albertsons #39; 2Q Profit Falls 36 Percent Persistent economic sluggishness and continued fallout from the Southern California labor dispute slashed second quarter profits 36 percent for Albertsons Inc.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Problem device bypassed trials The catheter that triggered three safety recalls by Boston Scientific Corp. of its best-selling Taxus coronary stent after being linked to three deaths and 47 injuries had not been subjected to the rigors of a human clinical trial, FDA records show.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: CRM Vendor Entellium Adopts Open-Source Strategy (TechWeb) TechWeb - Availability of Entellium's code could speed development of industry-specific CRM products.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Suicide bomber kills at least 10 in Moscow MOSCOW -- A woman strapped with explosives blew herself up outside a busy Moscow subway station yesterday night, killing at least 10 people and wounding more than 50 in the second terrorist attack to hit Russia in a week.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Old Rumors of Gay Sex Prove Powerful on Web Va. GOP members chose Del. Thelma Drake (Norfolk) to replace Rep. Edward L. Schrock after he resigned amidst allegations Schrock indulged in or solicited gay sex.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Monster Mashes Attract Masses Kaiju Big Battel -- a multimedia event in which costumed combatants spew toxic ooze on audience members -- is growing in popularity. There are already dedicated websites and a DVD series. Coming next: a book and TV pilot. By Xeni Jardin.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Scottish  amp; Southern wraps up a 3bn deal over distribution <b>...</b> SCOTTISH  amp; Southern Energy yesterday called time on its 18-month acquisition spree after confirming a 3.1 billion swoop for two gas distribution networks.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Manchester United the only team for me, says Rooney Teenage striker Wayne Rooney says Manchester United were the only team he wanted to join once they he knew the club were interested in him.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Three jockeys, one trainer arrested LONDON -- British police arrested 16 people, including three jockeys and a trainer, Wednesday as part of a major crackdown on corruption in horse racing.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Ooh la la, Apple unveils new iMac ( - Attempting to capitalize on iPod mania, Apple Computer Tuesday unveiled a fast new version of the iMac that it all but touted as a smart accessory for the sexy music players.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Verizon, Bain Near Canada Directory Deal  NEW YORK (Reuters) - Verizon Communications Inc. <A HREF=" target=/stocks/quickinfo/fullquote">VZ.N</A> is  near an agreement to sell its Canadian telephone directory  business to private equity firm Bain Capital, the New York Post  said on Wednesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: China's Lenovo in talks with 'major IT firm' for acquisition (AFP) AFP - China's largest manufacturer of personal computers Lenovo Group said it is in negotiations with a major information technology company, believed to be US-based IBM.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: RESEARCH ALERT-First Albany ups SuperGen to  quot;buy quot; on drug deal First Albany Capital on Wednesday raised SuperGen Inc. #39;s (SUPG.O: Quote, Profile, Research) stock rating to  quot;buy quot; from  quot;neutral, quot; following its cancer-drug deal with MGI Pharma Inc.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Alien Contact More Likely by  quot;Mail quot; Than Radio, Study Says Researchers behind the study speculate that other life-forms may have already sent us messages, perhaps even as organic material embedded in asteroids that have struck Earth.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Oracle Moves To Monthly Patch Schedule An alert posted on the company #39;s Web site outlined the patches that should be posted to fix numerous security holes in a number of applications.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Internet Explorer Wins the Battle There #39;s a remarkable graph on Google #39;s Zeitgeist site showing the meteoric rise of Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 use and equally catastrophic decline of all other competing browsers.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Compete against your friends, SI experts and celebrities in this <b>...</b> OWINGS MILLS, Maryland (Ticker) --  quot;Prime Time quot; has decided this is the right time to return to the NFL. Deion Sanders, regarded as perhaps the most electrifying cornerback in league history, arrived here . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Paris Tourists Search for Key to 'Da Vinci Code' (Reuters) Reuters - A funny thing happened on the way to the\Mona Lisa. Visitors to the Louvre museum in Paris, home of the\world's most famous painting, started quizzing tour guides\about Dan Brown's best-selling novel "The Da Vinci Code.". There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: U.S. Factory Growth Eases  NEW YORK (Reuters) - Expansion in the U.S. factory sector  slowed in August as higher costs for energy and raw materials  squeezed manufacturers, a report showed on Wednesday, but  analysts said growth remained relatively robust.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: China Reports Births of Two Giant Pandas (AP) AP - For pandas, it's practically a baby boom. Two giant pandas were born this week, and mothers and cubs were doing fine, the official Xinhua News Agency reported Wednesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: D #39;Urso suspended by FA The Football Association has handed referee Andy D #39;Urso a 28-day suspension following his failure to give Barry Ferguson his marching orders against Southampton on August 21.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Israel seals off Gaza Strip The Israeli army sealed off Gaza Strip Wednesday by shutting down Erez Crossing and the Industrial Zone and prevented Palestinians from leaving.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Need for carbon sink technologies Climate scientists tell a conference that greater efforts should be made to pull CO2 from the atmosphere.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Share-deal ban signals MGM deal MOVIE studio Metro-Goldwyn Meyer has reportedly banned some of its staff from buying or selling its shares, stoking speculation that a multibillion-dollar takeover of the group could be days away, with Time Warner the favoured candidate.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Dell Debuts Color Laser Printers Three new models are designed for businesses and home office users.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Crude oil prices soar on drop in US oil inventories Crude oil futures surged Wednesday as the US Energy Department reported US oil supplies fell more than expected. Crude oil for October delivery rose 1.68 dollars to 43.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Taiwan #39;s Acer picks a European as president TAIPEI Acer, the Taiwan computer company, named Gianfranco Lanci of Italy as its president on Wednesday, an appointment that signals the company #39;s ambitions to expand its global market share.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Companies Moving Cautiously on Microsoft #39;s SP2 Update  quot;Whether companies roll out Windows XP immediately or replace their older operating systems with Windows XP when purchasing new PCs, companies now have to ensure XP SP2 compliancy by determining . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Milosevic Startled: No Applause It was to have been Slobodan Milosevic #39;s day of dignity, the day on which the former Serbian leader would, with certain drama, lay out his defense strategy in his trial . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Google shares down ahead of first lockup expiry Shares in newly public Google Inc. fell 2 percent on Wednesday as investors braced for the expiration of a lockup period that has kept insiders at the Web search company from selling stock.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Philip Morris, plaintiffs fighting again SPRINGFIELD, Ill. Philip Morris and lawyers who won a ten-(B)billion-dollar judgment against the company are fighting again. The cigarette maker on Monday asked the Illinois Supreme Court to disqualify a Chicago . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Aether Declines Higher Bid for Unit ( - Aether Systems Inc., a Maryland wireless data company that is selling off its operating units, said yesterday it received a  #36;30 million offer for a division it had already agreed to sell to another buyer for  #36;25 million.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Scientists to Study Dairy Going Organic (AP) AP - Cornell researchers will watch five upstate New York dairy herds to learn about the problems and challenges of converting from conventional to organic farming.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: 29 escapees from North seek refuge at school in Beijing BEIJING -- Twenty-nine people believed to be North Korean entered the Japanese school in Beijing on Wednesday morning to seek asylum in a country other than China, according to Foreign Ministry officials in Tokyo.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Orioles 8, Devil Rays 0 Javy Lopez drove in four runs, Daniel Cabrera became the first rookie to win 10 games this season, and the Baltimore Orioles held the Tampa Bay Devil Rays to two hits in an 8-0 victory.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Europeans Eat Less of Dangerous Fatty Foods By PAUL GEITNER    BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) -- Europeans eat less of the most dangerous, cholesterol-raising fats than Americans do and the amount is decreasing, according to a report released Wednesday by the European Food Safety Authority.    Scientists at the European Food Safety authority declined to say whether the EU should follow the United States' lead and require special labels on margarine, chips, cookies, fries and other potential sources of trans fatty acids.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Samsung Says It Will Expand Chip Factories The Samsung Electronics Company, the Korean electronics giant, said Monday that it would invest \$23.7 billion in new chip production lines over the next six years.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: SAP software exposes shipper's financial errors The installation of SAP financial software at a major London-based container transport firm exposed flaws in the company's accounting systems and processes, forcing it to restate its earnings.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: VeriSign sues ICANN in state court VeriSign is asking a California court to order the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers to butt out of its business.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Mexican columnist murdered A prominent Mexican journalist known for his reports on organised  crime is killed on the US border.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: O's Stuff Devil Rays Javy Lopez drives in four runs, Daniel Cabrera becomes the first rookie to win 10 games this season, and the Orioles hold Tampa Bay to two hits in an 8-0 victory Wednesday night.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Republican Convention Dogged by Relentless Protests (Reuters) Reuters - Five thousand people protesting high\job losses formed a 3 mile unemployment line in Manhattan on\Wednesday and AIDS activists disrupted a Republican meeting on\the third day of the party's convention to nominate the\president to a second term in office.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Make hotels just like home HOTEL operators, take note: Todays hotel guests are making a nonsense of room-pricing strategies with their aggressive, Internet-aided discount-hunting.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Strong Hurricane Roars Over Bahamas Toward Florida (Reuters) Reuters - Hurricane Frances battered the\southeastern Bahamas islands with 140 mph winds on Wednesday as\it roared toward the United States and put millions of people\on alert along Florida's heavily populated east coast.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Update 8: Ford, GM Set Production Cuts on Sales Drop Another disappointing sales month at General Motors Corp. and Ford Motor Co. led the nation #39;s two largest automakers to cut planned vehicle production in the fourth quarter, which could hurt profits.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Apple Unwraps New IMac G5s PARIS -- Apple Computer will begin shipping its new IMac G5 desktop computer worldwide in mid-September, the company #39;s top marketing executive says.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Sneaky Sharing (PC World) PC World - Despite well-publicized wins by piracy foes, illegal digital music and movie trading continues to flourish in underground havens.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Hague Court Imposes Defense Counsel on Milosevic  THE HAGUE (Reuters) - Judges at The Hague tribunal on  Thursday imposed a defense counsel on former Yugoslav President  Slobodan Milosevic to avoid further delays in his war crimes  trial.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: It #39;s got to be Cole on the left Football365 #39;s top pundit looks ahead to England #39;s international double-header and calls for Joe Cole to be given the nod on the left... Of the three left-sided options available to Sven-Goran Eriksson on Saturday, I would personally go for Joe Cole.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Court imposes lawyer on Milosevic The UN tribunal in The Hague says it will impose a defence lawyer on former Yugoslav leader Slobodan Milosevic.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Not a big hit everywhere Bill Ryan is spending the last days of the summer traveling across Canada and the United States to pitch big shareholders on the complicated plan to sell 51 percent of his Banknorth Group Inc. to Toronto-Dominion Bank .. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Software Service Aims to Outfox Caller ID A new computerized service enables customers to create phony outbound phone numbers in order to mask their telephone identities.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: As French school year begins, Iraq crisis tests head scarf ban PARIS -- School doors open for 12 million French children today, but there is far more at stake this year than back-to-school jitters.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: 12 nations agree to locust battle plan DAKAR, Senegal -- Residents burned tires and children took to the streets with sticks in Senegal's capital yesterday to fight an invasion of locusts, as 12 West African nations agreed on a battle plan.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: He's caught up in hurricane There was the \$5 million Deutsche Bank Championship to prepare for and the Ryder Cup is a few weeks away, but the first order of business for Jim Furyk yesterday was to make sure his wife and children were headed for safety.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: A serving of football EFL style Can't wait to see the Super Bowl champion New England Patriots look to continue their 15-game winning streak when they host the Indianapolis Colts next Thursday? Gridiron junkies will whet their appetite tomorrow at 7 p.m. at Battis Field in Middleborough, where the Middleboro Cobras and Brockton Buccaneers will tangle for Eastern Football League supremacy.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Locals lift Irish squad in Europe tourney Tim Brett and Matt Shinney are lacrosse aficionados and fervent players. Brett, 27, who is a manager at a hotel in Charlestown, and Shinney, 23, a student at Bridgewater State College, are self-described lacrosse  quot;weekend warriors. quot;. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Phone fight against home violence A campaign begins to collect old mobile phones and convert them into alarms for women who are attacked in the home.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Israeli forces raid Gaza refugee camp Israeli forces destroyed two five-story apartment buildings in a Gaza refugee camp early Thursday after evacuating thousands of Palestinians from a neighborhood, said residents and the military.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Napster Offers Music to Go This service leverages new Windows Media 10 technologies to enable Napster subscribers to download music to portable devices, a technology called Janus.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Casagrande and Golbano out of Vuelta Italy #39;s Francesco Casagrande and Carlos Golbano of Spain have been declared unfit to start the Tour of Spain following pre-race blood tests.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Japanese Prime Minister Inspects Four Northern Islands under <b>...</b> On September 2, Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi (right) inspects four northern islands that are under territorial dispute with Russia.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Red Hat replaces CFO Red Hat on Thursday named Charles Peters Jr. as executive vice president and chief financial officer. Peters replaces Kevin Thompson, who unexpectedly announced his resignation in June, a few days before the . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Federated sales decline in August A slow August snapped an eight-month winning streak for Federated Department Stores Inc., which reported its first drop in sales since November.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: French Students Face New Head Scarf Ban PARIS - Millions of French students returned to school Thursday as a new law that bans Islamic head scarves from classrooms went into effect amid demands by Islamic radicals holding two French hostages in Iraq that the law be scrapped.    Muslim leaders in France, who had largely opposed the law, urged calm for the return to class.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Scotch Whisky eyes Asian and Eastern European markets (AFP) AFP - A favourite tipple among connoisseurs the world over, whisky is treated with almost religious reverence on the Hebridean island of Islay, home to seven of Scotland's single malt distilleries.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Mobile phone sales hit second-quarter record: Gartner (AFP) AFP - Global sales of mobile telephones hit a record 156 million in the second quarter, a study published by the US research group Gartner showed.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: British Bug Splat Survey Springs Surprise (Reuters) Reuters - The results of one of the stranger\environmental surveys to be conducted in Britain are in -- and\there's a surprise.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Specialty Retail Tales Not every specialty retailer is cut from the same mold -- some are just moldy.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Smith setback for Windies West Indies have been forced to make a second change to their Champions Trophy squad because of injury. Dwayne Smith is suffering from a shoulder problem and has been replaced by Ryan Hinds.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Orange tells customers to Talk Now European carrier Orange is rolling out its own Push To Talk service ahead of efforts to create a standardized PTT system. European mobile carrier Orange has announced . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Microsoft's Tune Like Many Others Cue the music: Microsoft has officially thrown its headphones into the ring in the contest to bring legal music downloads to the masses. <FONT face="verdana,MS Sans Serif,arial,helvetica" size="-2"\ color="#666666"><B></B></FONT>. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: RNC Protesters Using Text Messages to Plan "Multiple reports of provocateurs setting trash fires in midtown," read one text message sent to 400-plus mobile phones this week through a service called Ruckus RNC 2004 Text Alerts.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Red Hat replaces CFO Charles Peters Jr. is taking over as the company deals with the aftereffects of restating its earnings for the past three fiscal years.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Appeals court faults Oracle in shareholder suit Judges send case back to lower court to sort out allegations of improper bookkeeping and "suspicious" stock sales.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Microsoft Japan to give away over one million XP SP2 CDs TOKYO -- Microsoft Corp.'s Japanese arm will begin giving away more than a million CD-ROMs of the company's latest security update, Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) from 27,500 locations during September and October, the company said on Thursday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Sun to enter content switch market Sun Microsystems Inc. plans later this month to unveil its first ever content switch: a load-balancing and SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) acceleration switch based on the Nauticus N2000 products that the Santa Clara, California, company acquired in January of this year.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: US Airways shares up on possible pilots pact Shares of US Airways Group Inc. rose more than 9 Thursday morning after the airline #39;s pilots union said it may agree on a plan to cut wages and benefits.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Microsoft to make foray into online music ( - Microsoft makes its long-anticipated entry into the online music market today, marking the first serious challenge to Apple Computer's popular iTunes service.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: LeapFrog's Greener Pastures (The Motley Fool) The Motley Fool - If you've ever had the entrepreneurial bug dig its teeth into you, odds are that you might take heart anytime a company's founder steps down and moves on. Granted, sometimes you have instances like Gateway's (NYSE: GTW - News) Ted Waitt and Apple's (Nasdaq: AAPL - News) Steve Jobs in which the originators come back to lead their companies, but that's rarely the case.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Davenport Advances at U.S. Open NEW YORK - Lindsay Davenport's summer of success stayed on course Thursday when the fifth-seeded former U.S. Open champion defeated Arantxa Parra Santonja 6-4, 6-2 and advanced to the third round of the season's final Grand Slam event.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Media speculate on successor as England coach prepares to step <b>...</b> With Sir Clive Woodward seemingly on his way to soccer, England #39;s rugby team is looking for a new coach to follow up last year #39;s World Cup triumph.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: UPDATE 1-Jimenez, Garcia, Donald make Langer a happy man Miguel Angel Jimenez and Sergio Garcia warmed up for this month #39;s Ryder Cup with sparkling starts at the European Masters on Thursday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Some Dire Talk From Yukos Lifts Oil Prices OSCOW, Sept. 2- World oil prices rose on Thursday after Russia #39;s largest oil producer, Yukos, said a court ruling  quot;paralyzes #39; #39; the company #39;s operations.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Megawati kicks off 36th ASEAN economic meeting JAKARTA (Agencies): President Megawati Soekarnoputri opened high-level economic talks between members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) on Friday with a warning to ASEAN leaders that they must stay the course on their agreed . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Microsoft bends on Sender ID SOFTWARE FIRM Microsoft seems to have agreed to bend to the will of the open source community on its anti-spam technology sender ID.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Fossil Pushes Upright Walking Back 2 Million Years, Study Says  quot;Dating the beginnings of bipedalism is very important in the human story because, for many experts, it would mark a clear divergence from the ancestral/ape pattern and show that the human lineage had really begun, quot; said Chris Stringer, director of the . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Semiconductor Manufacturing to Boost Capacity by Half (Update2) Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp., China #39;s biggest supplier of made-to-order chips, said its factory capacity will rise by more than half in the second half as the company brings more plants on line.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: The Playlist: What's Wrong With Digital Music Stores? (PC World) PC World - Though digital music has come a long way, today's online music stores still have significant problems. Here's my fix-it wish list.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Counting the Hops ( - Like Network Appliance, many top tech firms are snapping up Linux programmers, hoping to influence the way the operating system evolves. The trick is to hire programmers closest to Linux creator Linus Torvalds. Torvalds oversees Linux development, but he delegates pieces of the system to the 25 or so code maintainers,like Trond Myklebust at NetApp.Maintainers in turn break their projects into smaller pieces, overseen by submaintainers.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Congress Members Seek Officer's Dismissal (AP) AP - A group of congressional Democrats is asking President Bush to dismiss a senior military intelligence officer who made church speeches that included inflammatory religious remarks while discussing the war on terrorism.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: French Hostage Transfer Sparks Release Hopes  PARIS (Reuters) - Hopes of a swift end to the French  hostage crisis rose early Friday, after the Le Figaro newspaper  that employs one of the two captives said the men were now  being held by Iraqi guerrillas willing to negotiate their  release.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: South Korea Seeks to Play Down Nuclear Disclosure  SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea said on Friday it did not  expect a shock declaration that government scientists enriched  uranium four years ago to upset international efforts to end  North Korea's nuclear ambitions.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: After Steep Drop, Price of Oil Rises The freefall in oil prices ended Monday on a spate of ominous developments, including a deadly attack on a US consulate in Saudi Arabia and reports that OPEC might cut production this week.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Ex-teller wins bias case against Citizens A former part-time teller and Mexican immigrant won more than \$100,000 after the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination determined Citizens Bank discriminated against her when it bypassed her for a full-time job in favor of a less experienced white co-worker.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Seoul allies calm on nuclear shock South Korea's key allies play down a shock admission its scientists experimented to enrich uranium.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Freed trio get warm Delhi welcome Three Indian truck drivers held hostage in Iraq arrive back in Delhi, where large crowds greet them.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Oil prices rise on fears about Yukos production Oil prices briefly bolted above \$45 a barrel yesterday, then retreated toward \$44, in a volatile day of trading after Russian oil giant Yukos said its output could suffer because of a court ruling that froze some of its assets.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: The Bahamas - the real medal winner of the Athens Olympics A different way of calculating the medal standings brings some interesting results.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Third Month of Slow Sales for Retailers The August start of the back-to-school shopping season was a disappointment for major retailers.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: South Koreans Say Secret Work Refined Uranium South Korea admitted that a group of its nuclear scientists secretly produced a small amount of near-weapons grade uranium.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Del Monte Needs 9Lives The leading private and branded food and pet products marketer is spending to revamp its image.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Utes Pile It On Alex Smith throws for three touchdowns, rushes for two more and finishes with 435 yards of offense, and No. 20 Utah backs up its first preseason ranking with a 41-21 win over Texas A M.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: High court hears dispute over Michigan interstate wine sales The Supreme Court is considering whether Michigan and other states may bar people from buying wine directly from out-of-state suppliers, a big-money question that could lead to sweeping changes in how alcoholic beverages are regulated . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Apple faithful's apathy to blame for Napsterized schools <strong>Opinion</strong> Impotent with iPod pride. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Nepal capital under curfew for 3rd day; violators ordered to be <b>...</b> A shoot-on-sight curfew imposed to prevent riots and violent protests over the killing of 12 Nepalese workers in Iraq entered its third day Friday, while officials said they were trying to recover the bodies of the slain hostages.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Md. Board Meeting Worries Democrats Republican-dominated election board met behind closed doors in deliberations that Democrats feared were aimed at ousting Elections Administrator Linda H. Lamone.<BR>\<FONT face="verdana,MS Sans Serif,arial,helvetica" size="-2"\ color="#666666"><B>-The Washington Post</B></FONT>. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: IBM and Intel to open up blade specifications With today's expected announcement, hardware vendors will get access to the BladeCenter specifications by signing a seven-page licensing agreement, which grants users the right to license the specifications for certain types of products.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Columnists: Simple and Secure isn't so Simple Simple to code does not always mean simple for the user. And simple for the user is often not easy to code.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Policeman Shot Dead in Saudi Battle One Saudi policeman was killed and three others were wounded in clashes with militants in a town northeast of Riyadh. A number of suspects were arrested in the battles, officials said.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: EU foreign ministers hope to break deadlock over ASEM summit The European Union said Friday it  quot;hoped to reach a conclusion quot; at a meeting of foreign ministers on the participation of military-ruled Myanmar in an upcoming summit of Asian and European nations.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: First Albany cuts target for Intel, keeps  #39;buy #39; rating NEW YORK (CBS.MW) -- First Albany lowered its stock price target for Intel (INTC) to \$24 from \$30 following the chip sector bellwether #39;s lowered third-quarter revenue and margin outlook.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Lynch triumphs at Redcar Fergal Lynch had a good win at Redcar as he returned to action yesterday along with champion jockey Kieren Fallon, fellow rider Darren Williams and trainer Karl Burke, after their shock . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: 9 in a row! Red Sox sweep Angels The Red Sox take control of the American League wild-card race with a 4-3 win over the Angels. It was Boston #39;s ninth straight win -- a season high.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: The Russians are back St. Paul, Minn.Outclassed and completely humiliated by the Russians here last night, the reeling and desperate Americans are planning wholesale lineup changes to get back on track in the World Cup.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: US economy generated 144,000 jobs in August (AFP) AFP - The US economy generated 144,000 jobs in August, the Labour Department said, in a sign that the labour market was improving slightly after two sluggish months.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Yukos faces tax arrears of \$4bn MOSCOW: Russias tax ministry said on Friday that it had raised its back tax claims against oil major Yukos by a fifth for 01, to 119.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Argentine court acquits bombing suspects An Argentine court acquitted five suspects in the 1994 bombing of a Jewish community center that killed 85 people, La Nacion newspaper reported Friday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: IBM recalls 225,000 laptop adapters The adapters can overheat and cause damage to the circuit board, according to a safety agency. WASHINGTON: IBM will recall about 225,000 AC power adapters for several models of its laptop computer because . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Big Blue veteran heads to EMC EMC has hired a former IBM veteran to be its chief technology officer, in what appears to be the latest step in EMC #39;s evolution from a data storage hardware specialist to a more comprehensive computing company.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: No miracle this time That miracle, of course, took place in Lake Placid, NY, during the 1980 Winter Olympics. Thanks to the likes of Jim Craig, Mike Eruzione, Ken Morrow and the rest of the US hockey team, the mighty Soviet Union . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Kerry Vows to Tell Truth as President (Reuters) Reuters - Democrat John Kerry on Friday\dismissed the Republican convention as "bitter and insulting"\and promised to be a U.S. president who would tell Americans\the truth.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Intel Outlook May Portend PC Weakness  NEW YORK (Reuters) - Intel Corp's <A HREF=" target=/stocks/quickinfo/fullquote">INTC.O</A> sharp cut in its  revenue outlook dragged down shares of personal computer makers  on Friday, on fears that the chipmaker's problems could signal  weak PC markets, analysts said.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Indian inflation peaks on imports Indian inflation hits its highest level in more than three years, boosted by increasing energy and food costs.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Judge: Geico can sue Google, Overture over ads A federal judge in Virginia has ruled that a trademark infringement suit filed by the Government Employees Insurance Co. (GEICO) against Internet search giants Google Inc. and Overture Services Inc. can proceed.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Did Apple Offer Sony an ITunes Deal? Update: A partnership may be crucial for long-term success, one industry insider says.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: USA : Textile industry to renew request to place embargo on <b>...</b> The US textile industry officials would plead for blocking Chinese imports to the Bush administration this month. Earlier this year, the White House had rejected a similar request made by 130 Republican and Democratic members of Congress.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: NASA braces for Frances Thousands of automobiles clogged Florida #39;s highways during the largest evacuation in state history as residents anticipated the arrival of Hurricane Frances.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: LSU, Oklahoma play openers on Saturday Louisiana State beat Oklahoma in the Bowl Championship Series title game in the Sugar Bowl last January. Both teams play their openers on Saturday in the first full weekend of the college football season.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Gerrard only a 50-50 chance VIENNA - England midfielder Steven Gerrard is a major doubt to face Austria in today #39;s opening 2006 World Cup qualifier. Gerrard has failed to shake off a groin injury suffered in training on Thursday and . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Israeli Troops Kill Two Palestinians (AP) AP - Israeli troops killed two Palestinians in two separate incidents Friday, and Israeli helicopters fired three missiles at a Gaza warehouse the army said was used for making weapons.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Continental won #39;t make pension contributions this year Continental Airlines announced today it will not make any contributions to its pension plan this year, citing as reasons the ongoing uncertainty of the industry #39;s economic environment and the record high cost of jet fuel.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Napster tests  quot;on-the-go quot; subscription service Napster announced yesterday that it is testing a new subscription service model that would add portable devices to the list of its subscription service #39;s supported devices.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: A different ball game Two interesting stories this week. One - Manchester United #39;s signing of Wayne Rooney - exciting if rather predictable; another - Southampton #39;s apparent intent to hire England rugby union coach Sir Clive Woodward - surprising and, to many, baffling.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: President, PM Review Dialogue Process With India ISLAMABAD, Pakistan : Sep 04 (PID) - President General Pervez Musharraf and Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz attended a meeting on Friday to review the progress of the composite dialogue between India and Pakistan delineates a strategy to carry the process . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: MLB: Houston 8, Pittsburgh 6 Carlos Beltran went two for four with a homer and scored three times Friday night as Houston downed Pittsburgh, 8-6. Craig Biggio, Jose Vizcaino and Jeff Bagwell also homered for . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Attack on UN vehicle kills one in southern Afghanistan KANDAHAR, Afghanistan : An Afghan man died and five people were hurt in a bomb attack on a UN vehicle in Afghanistan, officials said, in the second deadly blast in a week as the country prepares for next month #39;s polls.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Mauresmo cruises to straight-set victory NEW YORK  No. 2 women #39;s seed Amelie Mauresmo of France advanced to the fourth round of the US Open, defeating No. 31 seed Maria Vento-Kabchi 6-2, 6-0 Friday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: It #39;s not in the cards Jose Lima bounced back in grand style Friday night from one of his worst outings of the season and an eight-day layoff, limiting the National League #39;s most feared lineup to two . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Protesters greet Taiwan president during brief visit Tensions between Taiwan and China landed on Seattle #39;s doorstep last night when Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian visited Seattle under tight security, greeted by demonstrators both for and against Taiwan independence.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Livewire: Fantasy Sports Leagues Thrive Online (Reuters) Reuters - Take 15 million armchair athletes,\add a steady stream of statistics and mix in a healthy dollop\of trash talk. Post it all on the Internet and you've got a  #36;3\billion industry built around imaginary sports teams.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Yankees, Brown go down swinging Kevin Brown's frustrating season finally reached a boiling point, and now his hot temper could cost the New York Yankees at the most important time. Brown broke his non-pitching hand when he punched a wall in the clubhouse last night during a 3-1 loss to the Baltimore Orioles that cut New York's lead in the AL East .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Medicare Premiums to Rise Record 17 Pct. WASHINGTON - Medicare premiums for doctor visits are going up a record \$11.60 a month next year. The Bush administration says the increase reflects a strengthened Medicare, while Democrats complain that seniors are being unfairly socked.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: AT amp;T Wireless Moves to Sell Canada Asset T amp;T Wireless Services Inc., the third-largest United States mobile phone company, reached an agreement yesterday with Rogers Communications Inc.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Symonds century lifts Australia LONDON, England -- Andrew Symonds rode his luck to score the second one-day century of his career as Australia scored 269-6 from their 50 overs against Pakistan at Lord #39;s.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Federer back in Open #39;s fourth round with masterful performance For most tennis players, having about the same number of clean winners as unforced errors translates into a pretty good performance.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Two Palestinians kiled in a night raid against a warehouse in Gaza Israeli military helicopters yesterday evening bombarded by missiles a building in one of the refugee camps in the downtown of Gaza, while two Palestinians were killed and other three injured in the sector by the Israeli bullets.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Colo. Town Relieved by Bryant Decision (AP) AP - It was the surest sign that the Kobe Bryant case was leaving town for good after a 14-month occupation: A rancher obtained permission to tear down CNN's 15-by-20-foot camera platform near the courthouse.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: French captives #39; fate mulled BAGHDAD, Iraq - An Islamic militant group that claimed to have kidnapped two French journalists said it would soon decide their fate, according to a message posted on a Web site Friday, and an Iraqi negotiator called the chance for their release  quot;excellent . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Alert shuts Los Angeles airport Parts of Los Angeles international airport are temporarily closed down amid reports of a security breach.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Bush cuts down the middle on broccoli question (AFP) AFP - Facing a issue that once tripped up his father, US President George W. Bush told adoring supporters that he likes broccoli. Part of it, anyway.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Job numbers give candidates room to debate WASHINGTON - Employers stepped up hiring in August, expanding payrolls by 144,000 and lowering the unemployment rate to 5.4 percent.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: No. 19 Iowa Dominates Kent St., 39-7 (AP) AP - Drew Tate threw two touchdowns in his first start and No. 19 Iowa turned in a dominating defensive performance to beat Kent State 39-7 in the season opener Saturday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Quick Duff puts Kerr #39;s men into fast lane Brian Kerr took his Ireland squad to the dogs last Wednesday, but the evening spent watching greyhounds race was not solely about relaxation.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Email this to a friend Print this story Never content with the simple things in life, Microsoft is apparently on a mobile media crusade with the deceptively unassuming announcement of the companies MSN Music service.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Stocks dip after Intel cuts forecast STOCKS in the United States fell - led by technology shares - after the world #39;s biggest semiconductor maker Intel cut its revenue forecast because of slowing demand for personal computers and mobile phones.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Hezbollah rejects abolition call The leader of militant Lebanese group Hezbollah rejects a UN call for the organisation to be disbanded.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Pierce hunts down Sharapova Maria Sharapova, the 17-year-old Wimbledon champion, was eliminated in the third round at the US Open yesterday by the 27th seed, Mary Pierce, who used to be known as  quot;The . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Singh Takes Two-Shot Lead, Woods Tied for Second  NORTON, Massachusetts (Reuters) - Fiji's Vijay Singh  fashioned an eight-under par 63 Saturday to take a two-shot  second-round lead on 131 in the Deutsche Bank Championship.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Biffle Bests Mears Greg Biffle wins a nearly race-long duel with Casey Mears, pulling away over the last two laps to win the NASCAR Busch Series race Saturday at California Speedway.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Wal-Mart Anchors Windows Media Mall The world #39;s largest software company has teamed with the world #39;s largest retailer to help kick off the latest version of Windows Media Player.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: KERR CRUISES INTO LEAD Cristie Kerr carded a nine-under-par 63 to take a four-stroke lead after the third round of the State Farm Classic in Illinois. Kerr entered the day four shots behind Christina Kim but showed the youngster that Tour veterans must never be underestimated.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: In Internet Calling, Skype Is Living Up to the Hype Skype is the easiest, fastest and cheapest way for individual customers to use their computers with broadband connections as telephones.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: The Next Shock: Not Oil, but Debt The American economic ship, which has weathered the recent run-up in crude oil prices, may be more vulnerable to sudden surges in the price of money.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Motorists Submitting to High Gas Prices (AP) AP - Americans appear to be getting used to paying more to drive  #151; even if it means they have less money to buy other things. For example, Wal-Mart Stores Inc., the world's largest retailer, blamed disappointing sales in August on the fact that shoppers spent more just getting to and from its stores.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Judge orders inspector to look at Hollinger dealings A Canadian judge has ordered that a court-appointed inspector be assigned to take a close look at the business dealings of Hollinger Inc, the Conrad Black-controlled company said on Friday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Pfizer to settle asbestos claims NEW YORK (DowJonesAP) - Pfizer (PFE) said Friday it has agreed to pay \$430 million to settle all lawsuits against it alleging injury from insulation products made by a subsidiary.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Apache Balks At Microsoft #39;s Licensing Demands For Anti-Spam <b>...</b> com. The Apache Software Foundation, developers of the popular open-source Apache web server, said on Thursday that it wouldn #39;t support the proposed anti-spam standard Sender ID, because the licensing terms set by Microsoft Corp.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: ASEAN moves closer to single market with  #39;road map #39;, global trade <b>...</b> JAKARTA : ASEAN finance ministers ended a meeting which saw Southeast Asia edge closer to a Europe-style single market, laying out a  quot;road map quot; for integration and opening doors to wider global trade.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Canada, Finland rule pools Martin Brodeur made 27 saves, and Brad Richards, Kris Draper, and Joe Sakic scored to help Canada beat Russia, 3-1, last night in Toronto, giving the Canadians a 3-0 record in round-robin play of the World Cup of Hockey.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Smith lifts Missouri with all-around effort COLUMBIA, Mo. -- Brad Smith threw for 233 yards and three touchdowns and ran for 63 yards and another score to help No. 18 Missouri rout Arkansas State, 52-20, last night in the season opener for both teams.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: UConn passes first test Dan Orlovsky threw for 382 yards and tied his school record with five touchdown passes to lead Connecticut to a 52-14 win over Murray State yesterday in East Hartford.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Tigers celebrating after Beavers don #39;t get their kicks Freshman Alexis Serna is down on the field kneeling, pounding the Tiger Stadium turf. He wanted to hide. But couldn #39;t find a place.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Russian school death toll tops 340 The death toll in the Russian schoolhouse siege soared to more than 340 yesterday, and the horrifying human cost is likely to keep climbing.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Sharapova ousted They were 78 feet and a generation apart. On one end of the Arthur Ashe Stadium court stood Maria Sharapova, the 17-year-old Wimbledon champion with a future as bright as her usual smile.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Tom Ridge sets all-age record in winning World Trotting Derby Tom Ridge set an all-age record of 1 minute 50.2 seconds in winning the \$530,000 World Trotting Derby at the DuQuoin (Ill.) State Fair yesterday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Little guy earns big victory at Open NEW YORK -- Olivier Rochus didn't know quite how to react. First the arms went hesitantly up in the air. Then there was a little half-fist pump, a triumphant bellow, and a smile that could have lit a path through the darkest storm. Then Rochus, a 23-year-old Belgian who prior to this year had never won a match at the .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Checking changes Toward the end of the month if resources are a little tight, there are times when Krista Bergstrom admits she writes a check or two for more than is left in her account.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Sales aren #39;t making the grade Retailers in Michigan delighted when students returned to the classroom, but the back-to-school sales haven #39;t generated the kind of dollars many projected.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Rossi:  #39;I #39;m fairly happy #39; Valentino Rossi, who on Thursday pledged his future to Yamaha, entered the final qualifying session with the fastest time to date, but with the morning rain having washed the circuit clean, the Italian was unable to challenge Makoto Tamada for the pole.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Pope Prays for Beslan School Dead at Italy Mass  LORETO, Italy (Reuters) - Pope John Paul prayed for the  victims of the "inhumane violence" of Russia's Beslan school  tragedy as he said Mass on Sunday before 200,000 people in  central Italy.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Kerr happy with Irish win Republic of Ireland manager Brian Kerr said he was delighted with the 3-0 win over Cyprus after so many players had pulled out of his squad.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Microsoft Sees Open-Source Threat Looming Ever Larger Microsoft Corp. is facing growing pressure from open-source software across every segment of its businessa competitive threat that could have significant consequences for its financial future going forward . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Global sales of mobile phones hit record levels PARIS Global cellphone sales rose to record levels in the second quarter as Nokia clawed back some of its lost market share, according to figures released Thursday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: In the end, goofs sink Jays TORONTO -- All the early miscues belonged to the Oakland Athletics but the ones that mattered the most, in the eighth and ninth innings, were made by the Toronto Blue Jays.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: France Hopeful for Hostages, Fatwa Demands Release (Reuters) Reuters - France remained hopeful on Sunday that\two French hostages in Iraq would be freed and a religious\fatwa issued in Iraq demanded their release.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Saddam, Aides to Go on Trial Within Weeks - Daoud Iraq #39;s toppled leader Saddam Hussein and his top aides will go on trial within weeks, Iraqi Minister of State Kasim Daoud said on Sunday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: The Lowdown on Downloading Music The digital music space is changing, with more songs and a growing number of places to download music legally. Realizing that the time was ripe to see how we were doing, I took some song recommendations and sat down to see what I could download.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Guidant, J amp;J reportedly are in merger talks Johnson  amp; Johnson is in advanced negotiations to acquire Guidant, an Indianapolis-based medical device maker, for more than \$24 billion, executives close to the talks said Monday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Iraq Govt. Seeks to Confirm if Saddam Aide Held  BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq's government was scrambling on  Sunday to confirm whether the most wanted Saddam Hussein aide  still on the run had been captured, as confident statements  that he had been seized gave way to doubt and confusion.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Hurricanes Bring Environmental Renewal (AP) AP - Along with their destructive force, hurricanes can have beneficial effects as part of the rhythm of nature. Storms that erode beaches, uproot trees and flatten wildlife habitats may also refresh waterways, revive dry areas and bulk up barrier islands with redistributed sand.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Bush takes a double-digit lead as Kerry campaign struggles to regroup (AFP) AFP - George W. Bush took a double-digit lead in what had been a neck-and-neck presidential election contest, prompting Democratic challenger John Kerry to refocus his campaign on bread-and-butter economic issues, where the Republican incumbent president is considered vulnerable.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Lord #39;s smiles on India once more India bowled England all out for 181 to win the third one-day international of the NatWest Challenge at Lord #39;s by 23 runs. England would have gone into the second innings confident.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Chicago Bears Cut Bryan Robinson LAKE FOREST, Ill. -- Veteran defensive lineman Bryan Robinson (pictured) was among 21 players cut Sunday as the Chicago Bears pared their roster to 53.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Cycling: Petacchi wins second stage in Spain MADRID : Alessandro Petacchi showed why he is considered one of the world #39;s top sprinters when coming out on top in a mass dash to the line in the second stage of the Tour of Spain.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: PM and Latham target Sydney Prime Minister John Howard and Opposition Leader Mark Latham will target key marginal seats around Sydney as the election campaign hits its second week.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Frances Knocks Out Power, Floods Florida FORT PIERCE, Fla. - Hurricane Frances' wind and water whacked swaths of southern Florida with fire-hose force Sunday, submerging entire roadways and tearing off rooftops even as the storm weakened and crawled inland with heavy rain in its wake.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: World briefs LONDON - A man wielding a machete and a knife attacked two security guards at the building housing the headquarters of the British domestic intelligence service MI5 on Friday, police said.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Yankees' Brown Has Successful Surgery Kevin Brown had successful surgery on his broken left hand Sunday and vowed to pitch again for the Yankees this season.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: S.Africa Cancels Thatcher Meeting with Eq. Guinea South Africa has canceled a meeting with prosecutors from Equatorial Guinea who had hoped to interview Mark Thatcher on his suspected links to a coup plot in the oil-rich country, officials said on Sunday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Bangladesh seeks US intelligence cooperation Bangladesh is willing to sign a protocol with the United States to set up a joint working group like India and Pakistan did to enhance Dhaka #39;s capability to effectively deal with future terrorist acts in the country.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Titans Release No. 3 QB Jason Gesser (AP) AP - The Tennessee Titans released Jason Gesser, their third quarterback, on Sunday and plan to replace him with a veteran.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Jets: Abraham is likely to miss 3 games Though coach Herman Edwards ruled defensive end John Abraham out for only this Sunday #39;s game against the Steelers with a sprained lateral collateral ligament in his right knee, he #39;ll be . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Astros 10, Pirates 5 HOUSTON Mike Lamb went four-for-five with a homer and four RB-Is to lead the Houston Astros to their ninth straight win with a 10-to-five victory over the Pittsburgh Pirates today.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Labor situation deserves honest talk For a moment last week, President Bush escaped the White House spin chamber and was the plainspoken man much of the nation came to like four years ago.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Saddam #39;s top aide al-Douri arrested File photo taken on March 1, 2003 shows Izzat Ibrahim at the Arab Summit in Sharm-el-Sheikh, Egypt. Ibrahim, the second most powerful man of the former Iraqi regime, was captured on Sept.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Jags Cut Compton, Maddox (AP) AP - Veteran offensive lineman Mike Compton and rookie defensive tackle Anthony Maddox were among the 12 players cut by the Jacksonville Jaguars on Sunday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Former Saddam Deputy Arrested in Iraq (AP) AP - Iraqi authorities claimed on Sunday to have captured Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri, the most wanted member of Saddam Hussein's ousted dictatorship, but there was confusion over the report, as the Iraqi defense minister said word of his arrest was "baseless.". There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Couch, Gildon, Levens Among NFL Cuts (AP) AP - Tim Couch's stay in Green Bay was short and unproductive.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Tokyo Stocks Higher, Lifted by Survey  TOKYO (Reuters) - Tokyo stocks rose by mid-morning on  Monday with a broad range of issues getting a lift from a key  survey that boosted optimism on Japan's economic outlook, with  expectations rising that growth figures will be revised up.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: British industry at best in 10 years Manufacturing industry is enjoying its strongest performance for almost 10 years, according to a survey by the Engineering Employers Federation.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Porn producers face severe punishment Those who are engaged in the profit-oriented production and dissemination of pornographic materials through the Internet, mobile communication terminals and  quot;phone-sex quot; services in China are subject to punishment as severe as life imprisonment, according . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: CRICKET: Kaspa has selectors in a bind MICHAEL Kasprowicz has put national selectors into a difficult situation with a five-wicket burst that has enhanced Australia #39;s hopes of snatching a maiden Champions Trophy in London this month.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Tokyo Stocks Higher at Late Morning (AP) AP - Tokyo stocks rose moderately Monday morning on bargain hunting following Friday's losses. The U.S. dollar was up against the Japanese yen.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Under Attack, Director Says Hollinger's Black Misled Him Richard N. Perle, a director at the media company Hollinger International who was criticized in an internal report, says he was duped by its former chief, Conrad M. Black.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: French minister returns empty handed Leaving behind two French reporters still held hostage in Iraq, France #39;s foreign minister headed home from the Middle East but said they were still believed to be alive and that efforts to free them would continue.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Possible playoff preview A #39;s take a hit in Toronto but come home <b>...</b> If the playoffs opened right now, instead of next month, the A #39;s would face the Red Sox in the first round -- again. Boston bounced Oakland out of the postseason in five games last year, coming back from a 2-0 deficit to do so.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: COL FB: Tennessee 42, UNLV 17 Freshman Brent Schaeffer threw for one touchdown and ran for another Sunday as the 14th-ranked Tennessee Volunteers defeated the UNLV Rebels, 42-17.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Is It Time For Steroid Testing In High Schools? SALINAS, Calif. -- Baseball commissioner Bud Selig said in meetings Monday that he would accept government intervention on steroid testing if the players #39; association refuses to change the current rules, which run for two more years.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Update 4: Tokyo Stocks Fall, US Dollar Climbs Tokyo share prices fell steeply Friday, led by technology stocks after a disappointing report from US chip giant Intel. The US dollar was up against the Japanese yen.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: West Japan on Guard for Aftershocks After Quakes  TOKYO (Reuters) - Residents of western Japan were warned of  possible aftershocks on Monday after two strong earthquakes the  previous day but authorities said the tremors were not directly  linked to a cycle of major seismic activity that hits the  region every century or so.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Monti gives Abbey takeover green light European Competition Commissioner Mario Monti has given the green light to the UK8.75bn takeover bid by Spain #39;s Santander for the UK #39;s Abbey National.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Anwar launches bid to clear name Lawyers for Anwar Ibrahim, the former deputy prime minister of Malaysia, have launched a bid to clear his name. Mr Anwar was freed from jail on Thursday, after a conviction for sodomy was quashed by a Malaysian court.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Nikkei hits 5-week closing high on upbeat capital spending data TOKYO - Japan #39;s benchmark Nikkei stock index hit a five-week closing high Monday on upbeat capital spending figures for the April-June quarter by Japanese companies.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: India and Pakistan wind up talks, deadlock on Kashmir (AFP) AFP - The foreign ministers of India and Pakistan held a closing round of talks amid reports of progress on peripheral issues, but the nuclear rivals remained deadlocked on Kashmir.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Public warning over letter bombs The discovery of 10 letter bombs has prompted a police warning to the public to exercise caution. Bedfordshire Police said none of the improvised devices - containing lighter fluid - had ignited, despite the fact that some had been opened.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Pornsters face life in China smut crackdown China is stepping up its hard line against internet pornography by threatening life imprisonment for anyoner caught peddling porn.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Russia Mourns Hostage Deaths, Putin Criticized  BESLAN, Russia (Reuters) - Russia on Monday mourned the  deaths of hundreds of children and adults in its worst hostage  drama as criticism mounted over the way President Vladimir  Putin and his security forces handled the crisis.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: South American World Cup Qualifiers: Brazil Ease Past Bolivia An impressive first-half display from Brazil saw the Selecao defeat Bolivia 3-1 to move back to the top of the South American World Cup qualifying group.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Toyota to open south China plant Japan carmaker Toyota enters a joint venture to produce saloon cars in southern China.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: So Long XMLHack! \\\\"It's been a lot of fun writing XMLhack since 1999, but it's time for us to take\a rest."\\\\"XMLhack has always been run by volunteers writing in their spare time, and now\most of us have so little of that precious commodity it's infeasible to keep the\site going at anything like the rate we want it to be."\\\\"As editor, I'd like to extend my grateful thanks to all the contributors over\time, a list of whom you can see on the contributors page. My special thanks go\to Simon St.Laurent, my co-conspirator from the start."\\\\So long guys!\\\\I've been a subscriber to XMLHack for probably > 3 years now.  They were one of\the earlier blog-like sites to have RSS in what I'd call a 'modern' and rich\f ...\\\\. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Next gen games prove a challenge Making games for the future consoles is going to take a lot of time and money, a games conference is told.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: 2 charged after Chicago area pals are slain in NC tragedy Ever since they met in fourth grade, Brett Johnson Harman and Kevin McCann were as close as brothers.  quot;They had the same mannerisms, the same kind of humor, and they even looked alike, quot; said McCann #39;s father, Dennis McCann.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: EU: Coke Anti-Trust Deal Not Set in Stone  BRUSSELS (Reuters) - A proposed settlement between  Coca-Cola Co. and the European Commission to end a long-running  antitrust case over fizzy drinks is not yet set in stone, the  European Union's executive said on Monday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: French Internet provider Wanadoo will build Dutch broadband network (AFP) AFP - The French Internet provider Wanadoo will construct its own broadband network in the Netherlands and hopes to reach 55 percent of Dutch homes, a spokesman told the Financieele Dagblad.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Service Sector Hit By High Oil Costs Confidence in service firms has been hit by rising oil prices and interest rates but manufacturers have seen the best rate of orders for nine years, two surveys show.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Has Your Broadband Had Its Fiber? Falling costs, new technology, and competition, with a nudge from regulatory changes, are bringing fiber closer to homes in the US just a few years after the idea seemed all but written off.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: No Sign Yet of Predicted Big California Earthquake (Reuters) Reuters - The clock is running out on a\highly publicized prediction that a major earthquake will rip\through Southern California by Sunday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Donald runs into Ryder form Luke Donald says his win in the European Masters on Sunday bodes well for his upcoming Ryder Cup debut. Donald was one of European captain Bernhard Langer #39;s two picks for the match, which takes place at Oakland Hills, Michigan from 17-19 September.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: US Marines Die In Fallujah Car Bombing BAGHDAD, Iraq -- A US military official in Iraq said seven American marines have been killed Monday in a car-bomb explosion. Several other Marines have been wounded in the attack.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Funds: What Makes a Fund a Winner? (Reuters) Reuters - (Clint Willis is a freelance writer who covers mutual funds\for Reuters. Any opinions in the column are solely those of Mr.\Willis.). There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Coca-Cola closer to settling EU antitrust case NEW YORK, September 3 (New Ratings) - The European Union has reportedly made significant progress in settling its prolonged antitrust case against The Coca-Cola Co (KO.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Softbank's hopes on mobile services dashed ( - Softbank's hopes of starting a mobile phone service were dealt a blow on Monday after the Japanese telecoms regulator decided not to allocate bandwidth to new entrants for the time being.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Coca-Cola Makes Very Good #39; Bid to End Probe, EU Says (Update2) Coca-Cola Co. moved closer to settling a five-year European Commission antitrust probe after regulators said an offer from the world #39;s biggest soft-drink maker to revamp its sales practices is very good.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Sox rookie Diaz dials it up against Ichiro, Mariners The Felix Diaz who struggled mightily for most of the time he has spent at the major league level this season was nowhere to be found Sunday afternoon, and that was a most pleasant development as far as the White Sox were concerned.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Iraq Group Sets Ransom, Deadline for French Release (Reuters) Reuters - A statement posted on a Web site\purportedly by an Iraqi group which said it was holding two\French hostages set a  #36;5 million ransom on Monday and issued a\48-hour deadline for its demands to be met.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Supah Blitz captures Del Mar BC Handicap After spending the first 29 starts of his career mostly confined to the East Coast, Supah Blitz found out what everyone eventually does - it #39;s much better at Del Mar. In his . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Japanese baseball players set to strike Japanese baseball players will strike for the first time if owners proceed with a proposed merger of two teams, the players #39; union said Monday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: From overtime rules to job losses from outsourcing overseas to <b>...</b> Labor Day is one of those terms, like driveway and parkway, that means the opposite of what it seems to mean. Honoring the nation #39;s workers, Labor Day is not for working but for picnics.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Super powers make move on September BUOYED by ever-increasing crowd figures and television ratings, rugby union yesterday announced a significant expansion of the southern hemisphere season which includes an assault on the traditional September AFL and NRL finals series.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Red Sox, Schilling roll on BOSTON - The Boston Red Sox put themselves in great position for a run at the AL East-leading New York Yankees with a great homestand.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: PM edges ahead in latest poll JOHN Howard #39;s plea for voters to trust him with the economy is paying early dividends, an exclusive Herald Sun poll shows. The Coalition has moved ahead of Labor by 52 per cent to 48 per cent as the Prime Minister #39;s interest rates campaign takes hold.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Retailers Looking to Move Plasma TV's (AP) AP - Hanging stockings by the chimney with care? Retailers hope that St. Nicholas soon will be there  #151; to hang a 42-inch plasma-screen TV.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Cazenove faces scrutiny over merger talks Cazenove, the Queen #39;s broker, will tomorrow be under pressure to divulge the state of merger talks at its annual shareholder meeting, with US giants circling the firm.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Oil Tip-Toes Higher, Watches Stocks, OPEC (Reuters) Reuters - U.S. oil prices edged higher for the\second day in a row on Tuesday amid calls within OPEC to crack\down on excess output at this week's meeting.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Bush Backers in Wisconsin Say He Is Decisive in War (Reuters) Reuters - The Iraq war and concerns about\terrorism may determine the outcome of the upcoming election,\and they appear to have bolstered support for President Bush in\at least one Republican bastion in the swing state of\Wisconsin.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Iraqi Kidnappers of French Reporters Demand Ransom (Update1) The Iraqi kidnappers of two French reporters who have been missing since Aug. 20 today demanded a \$5 million ransom as a condition for their release, according to a statement posted on an Islamic Web site.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Capsule to bring the Sun down to Earth A space capsule set to plunge into Earth #39;s atmosphere with a piece of the Sun this Wednesday has spawned additional projects ranging from spacecraft design to the detection of dangerous asteroids.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Slovaks and Czechs reject French minister #39;s suggestion over EU <b>...</b> The Slovak and Czech governments Monday rejected a proposal by French Finance Minister Nicolas Sarkozy to axe structural funds for new EU members whose taxes were lower than the European average.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Button defends F1 decision Britain #39;s Jenson Button has justified his decision to leave BAR for Williams as the dispute over his future moves towards a conclusion.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Reds pick up Miley #39;s option for 2005 Reds general manager Dan O #39;Brien said Sunday what he has hinted at for the last month or so: Dave Miley and his staff will be back for 2005.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Streaking Astros Clock Reds 11-5 (AP) AP - Astros pitcher Brandon Backe hit his first career homer, a two-run shot, and allowed one run in seven innings to keep Houston in the thick of the NL wild-card chase with an 11-5 rout of the Cincinnati Reds on Monday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Maid sues Sony Pictures exec News- James Jackson, vp of legal affairs for Sony Pictures Entertainment, filed for bankruptcy protection just days before a lawsuit accusing him and his wife of involuntary servitude, false imprisonment, invasion of privacy, negligence and . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Blast kills seven US Marines in Iraq A massive car bomb exploded on the outskirts of the Iraqi city of Fallujah, killing seven United States Marines and wounding several others, a US military official said.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Clinton Has Successful Quadruple Bypass NEW YORK - Bill Clinton underwent a successful quadruple heart bypass operation Monday to relieve severely clogged arteries that doctors said put the former president at grave risk of suffering a heart attack.    Clinton is expected to make a full recovery, but doctors said he was fortunate to have checked himself into the hospital when he did.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Microsoft: scan for spyware before downloading SP2 Microsoft last week warned Windows XP users to scour their systems for spyware before downloading Service Pack 2. An Associated Press report quoted Microsoft executives saying some spyware could cause computers to freeze upon installation.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: No Kashmir Breakthrough NEW DELHI, 7 September 2004 - India and Pakistan stuck to their guns on the Kashmir issue as the foreign ministers of the two countries concluded their talks yesterday on what was described as a positive note.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Golf's New No. 1 Tiger Woods's reign as the world's top player ends at 264 weeks as Vijay Singh has seized the No. 1 spot after beating Woods to win the Deutsche Bank on Monday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Intel lauds milestone in shrinking chips Contradicting fears that the semiconductor industry #39;s pace of development is slowing, Intel Corp has announced that it has achieved a milestone in shrinking the size of transistors that will power its next-generation chips.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Philippines mourns dead in Russian school siege The Philippines Saturday expressed quot;deepest sympathy quot; to the families of the dead in the Russian school siege on Friday, in which 322 people were killed when Russian troops stormed . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: CBA to purchase local lender #39;s share Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) said yesterday it was in talks with the Jinan City Commercial Bank (JNCCB) about buying a stake in the regional lender.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Singh knocks Woods from No. 1 with victory at TPC of Boston For it to happen on Labor Day became a perfectly fitting reward for Vijay Singh, golf #39;s most noted laborer. The man from Fiji who closes practices ranges for a living opened a new door in world golf Monday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Caribbean Braces for Another Hurricane (AP) AP - Islanders scrambled to put up storm shutters and stock up on supplies as the fourth major hurricane of the season churned closer to the Caribbean, packing sustained winds of 105 mph.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Summer Box Office Hits a High, Despite Lows In a summer when many of the studios' biggest bets failed to pay off, it was familiarity in the form of sequels and low-budget comedies that resonated with movie audiences.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Pump prices may dip after Labor Day Pump prices have been climbing in advance of Labor Day, as they often do before the last major drive-away weekend of the summer. The average price for self-serve regular . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Irish Union Airs Fears Over Natl Australia Bank Units DUBLIN (Dow Jones)--Ireland #39;s banking union said Monday it #39;ll write to the Irish Competition Authority and European Commission expressing concern over the prospective sell-off of National Australia Bank Ltd.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Once Again, Mets Sputter Toward End of a Season year ago, the Mets were going nowhere when they swept the first-place Atlanta Braves in a three-game series at Shea Stadium on the first three days of September.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Petronas pursues China LNG supply opportunities Petroliam Nasional Bhd., or Petronas, Malaysias national oil and gas firm, is in discussions with Chinas State-owned oil and gas firms for potential liquefied natural . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Russia Says Attack Was To Ignite Regional War The guerrillas who took over a school in southern Russia argued heatedly over whether to abandon the siege in the moments leading up to the firestorm of explosions and shooting that killed hundreds, Russian officials said Monday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: INTERVIEW: Australia #39;s QBE Consolidates European Units SYDNEY (Dow Jones)--Seeking to cut costs and encouraged by UK regulatory changes, Australia #39;s QBE Insurance group Ltd. (QBE.AU) Tuesday said it will merge its Lloyd #39;s division with other European operations.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Dell cuts prices on many corporate products Dell on Monday said it had cut prices by as much as fifth for a range of products aimed at US corporate customers, as the computer maker passed along savings from cheaper components.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: NL Wrap: Backe Pitches, Hits Astros to Win Over Reds Brandon Backe pitched seven innings and clubbed a two-run homer, the first of his major league career, to earn the Houston Astros an 11-5 triumph over the Cincinnati Reds in the National League Monday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Longhorns face steeper competition against Razorbacks The University of Texas football team is coming off a 65-0 victory over the North Texas Eagles. Texas dominated every facet of the game against the Eagles.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Yankees Win Controversial Game Against Devil Rays  NEW YORK (Reuters) - Alex Rodriguez drove in three runs and  Orlando Hernandez pitched seven strong innings to guide the New  York Yankees past the Tampa Bay Devil Rays 7-4 in the American  League Monday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Vijay around, Tiger not yet out of woods The sun was setting when Vijay Singh, Fijian golfer of Indian origin, birdied the 18th here, and it seemed like a sign that Tiger Woods days as the worlds number one player may be fading.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Intel To Start Tech Forum with New Chips Intel is expected to kick off its semi-annual developer forum Tuesday by demonstrating a new dual-core processor, something rival AMD showed off last week.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Jet could go on market soon to battle Boeing 7E7 Airbus plans to challenge Boeing Co. by offering a new aircraft as early as year-end, its chief executive says. The Toulouse, France-based plane maker is  quot;reflecting quot; on whether to introduce an all-new plane . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Rugby-Lions accept extra match on 2005 New Zealand tour The British and Irish Lions have accepted an extra match on their tour of New Zealand next year. The Lions will now play the traditionally strong Auckland provincial . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Chargers to start Brees in Houston, beyond com. The San Diego Chargers announced on Monday that Drew Brees will start the 2004 opener against the Houston Texans at Reliant Stadium.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Hurricane loss 'less than feared' Hurricane Frances could cause \$3-6bn in insured losses in the US, less than experts first predicted.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Thousands to attend Moscow anti-terror rally Over 100,000 people are expected to attend an anti-terrorism rally in Moscow following the Beslan school massacre. The rally, being held outside the Kremlin, is taking place on the second day of official morning . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Drug makers target counterfeits Big pharmaceutical companies are testing new tracking technology they hope will help them spot counterfeit drugs before they reach consumers' medicine cabinets.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Working Long Hours? Take a Massage Break, Courtesy of Your Boss Companies across the country are offering yoga and meditation classes to help employees relax, reduce stress and recharge.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Cairn Energy sees profits slide British oil and gas firm Cairn Energy has seen profits drop 40, but reports strong reserves in its Indian oil fields.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: UK broadband usage doubles in past six months New research from NOP, shows that more of the UK Internet population are progressing to broadband - with usage at 41 per cent up from 27 per cent just six months ago, and an increase in females using the internet.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Beer and drugs hit manufacturing output Factory output fell unexpectedly in July for the second month in a row -- the first back-to-back decline in nearly two years -- as the production of beer and pharmaceuticals plummeted.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Israel to close Erez industrial zone before March Israel would start liquidating the Erez industrial zone in the northern Gaza Strip before launching the first stage of the disengagement plan in March 2005,local newspaper Ha #39;aretz reported on Tuesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: PC Screen Price-Fall to Slow in Fourth Quarter (Reuters) Reuters - Prices of computer screens are expected\to fall by less than 5 percent in the fourth quarter as the\market stabilizes on hopes of a pick-up in demand during the\Christmas season, a U.S.-based research firm said on Tuesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Clashes in Baghdad Slum Kill 22 Iraqis, U.S. Soldier  BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi fighters battled U.S. troops in a  Baghdad slum district Tuesday, raising the death toll to 22  Iraqis and one U.S. soldier and threatening to wreck a  cease-fire called by rebel Shi'ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Fierce Clashes in Iraq Kill 34 People BAGHDAD, Iraq - U.S. forces battled insurgents loyal to Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr in the Baghdad slum of Sadr City on Tuesday, in clashes that left at least 34 people dead, including one American soldier, and 193 people injured, U.S.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: 14 Palestinian Militants Killed in Gaza GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip Sept. 7, 2004 - Israeli helicopters attacked a Hamas training camp early Tuesday, killing at least 14 militants and wounding 30 others in one of the deadliest airstrikes since fighting broke out four years ago.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Genesis Set for Return to Earth Meteors are unpredictable. You never know, not exactly, when one will streak across the sky. Not so on Wednesday, September 8th. At precisely 8:52:46 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), northwest of Bend, Oregon, a fireball will appear: a white-hot dot of light, brighter than the planet Venus, gliding across the blue morning sky.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: US Open Tennis: Henin-Hardenne falls to Petrova and blunders NEW YORK The rivalry match at the United States Open fizzled, but the mismatch sizzled. After Lindsay Davenport defeated Venus Williams, 7-5, 6-4, in a match that was ho-hum until the last game, Nadia Petrova . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Soldier charged with murder A British soldier has been charged with the murder of a civilian in Iraq, police said. Trooper Kevin Lee Williams, 21, from the 2nd Royal Tank Regiment, is due to appear at Bow Street Magistrates Court.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: King Singh ... at last! The No. 1 golfer in the world is on his way to Glen Abbey for this week #39;s Canadian Open. No, Tiger Woods hasn #39;t changed his plans.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Survey: Surge in layoffs, hiring Challenger survey finds most job cuts in 6 months; seasonal hiring by retailers lifts new jobs. NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - Employers increased both hiring and layoff plans in August, according to a survey released Tuesday by an outplacement firm.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Kremlin rules out public inquiry on Beslan LONDON President Vladimir Putin of Russia has ruled out a public inquiry into the Beslan school siege and snarled at those who think he should do business with Chechen militants, two British newspapers said Tuesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Tribe challenges American origins Some of the earliest settlers of America may have been from Australia, southern Asia, and the Pacific, not northern Asia, research suggests.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Hurricane Ivan again growing in strength, Caribbean islands <b>...</b> Islanders scrambled to put up storm shutters and buy water as hurricane Ivan churned toward Barbados just days after hurricane Frances tore across the Caribbean and through Florida.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: SAN DIEGO (Ticker) -- A late rally gave the San Diego Padres a rare win over the St. Louis Cardinals. Ryan Klesko delivered a go-ahead RBI single to start a four-run outburst in the bottom of the eighth inning as San Diego posted a 7-3 victory over St.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Pfizer: Exubera Does Well in Trials Drug makers Pfizer Inc. and Sanofi-Aventis on Tuesday posted positive results from mid-stage trials of an inhaled insulin product for diabetics.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: CPS to buy additional \$160 million stake in nuclear plant City Public Service (CPS) has reached an agreement with American Electric Power #39;s Texas subsidiary to buy an additional 12 percent equity stake in the South Texas Project for \$160 million.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Florida weather may help Israeli citrus industry As sunshine state licks its wounds from Hurricane Frances, Gan Shmuel could reap the benefits. The most important news for Florida #39;s 2.8 million residents this week has not been from the Republican . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Iran ready to test Shahab-3 missile again: defense minister TEHRAN (IRNA) -- Defense Minister Ali Shamkhani stressed that Iran #39;s recent test of the Shahab-3 missile was successful, saying his ministry is ready to test it again  #39;in the presence of observers #39;.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Sidebar: Oracle Adds Software for Managing Supplier Contracts SEPTEMBER 06, 2004 (COMPUTERWORLD) - As part of an ongoing upgrade of its E-Business Suite 11i business applications, Oracle Corp.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Briefly: Top McAfee exec to step down roundup Plus:  Samsung to put hard drives in phones...IDC says external disk storage up...Lawmakers to vote on spyware, piracy bills.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Fierce Clashes in Iraq Kill 36; 203 Hurt US troops battled Shiite militiamen loyal to rebel cleric Muqtada al-Sadr in the Baghdad slum of Sadr City on Tuesday in fierce fighting that killed 36 people, including . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Florida deaths blamed on Hurricane Frances State and local officials Tuesday said nine people have died in Florida because of Hurricane Frances. The following describes those deaths: - A 15-year-old grandson and a former son . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: UPDATE 4-US Airways appeals directly to pilots on givebacks US Airways Group Inc. (UAIR.O: Quote, Profile, Research) issued a general appeal on Tuesday to the carrier #39;s 3,000 pilots after their union #39;s leaders rejected . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: US Airways, Pilots Union Near Agreement US Airways is seeking \$800 million in concessions from employee unions as it attempts to avoid filing Chapter 11. The Air Line Pilots Association will present its proposal on the evening of . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Pass defense lags behind Forget about No. 1 rankings. Another number will be tested this week when USC plays Colorado State. It #39;s a triple digit that bothered USC coach Pete Carroll each time he heard it last season.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Congressman Spratt wants Fed to US Representative John Spratt of South Carolina said the Federal Reserve should go lightly #39; #39; on raising the benchmark interest rate because of the economy.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Cubs, Marlins to make up Frances series with two doubleheaders The Chicago Cubs and Florida Marlins will play two doubleheaders to make up the three-game series that was wiped out last weekend in Miami by Hurricane Frances.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Spaceport Mum on Frances Shuttle Delays (AP) AP - The director of the hurricane-ravaged Kennedy Space Center refused to speculate Tuesday whether the damage will thwart plans to resume shuttle flights next spring, but his words offered little hope of an on-time launch.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Bienvenue, Carrefour Lesser-known French retailer turns in a strong first half. Investors, take notice.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: HDS aims virtual Lightning at EMC, IBM Discovers virtualisation just as everyone else is trying to forget it. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Lexmark recalls 40,000 printers Lexmark International Inc. recalled 39,431 printers from the market on Tuesday, according to a statement by Consumer Product Safety Commission.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: ROBBO USHERS IN NEW ERA Andy Robinson, currently the caretaker of England #39;s only World Cup holding major sports team, is the future, barring a particularly bleak autumn.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Czech Republic Crushes Sweden 6-1 (AP) AP - Milan Hejduk scored two goals as the Czech Republic routed Sweden 6-1 Tuesday night in the quarterfinals of the World Cup of Hockey.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Campaigning Begins for Afghan Election (AP) AP - Afghanistan's historic election campaign got under way Tuesday, pitting 17 hopefuls against interim leader Hamid Karzai in the race to become the impoverished country's first popularly elected president.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: US Stocks Rise; Oil, Gold Fall A decline in the price of oil helped lift US stocks to their highest level in two-months on Tuesday. The dollar declined against its major rivals as investors took profits . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Samsung plans to launch mobile phone with stamp-sized hard disc  2004-09-07  Samsung Electronics, the world #39;s third-largest handset maker, recently announced its plans to launch the first mobile phone with a stamp-sized hard disc drive that would expand the memory capacity by 15 times.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Netflix and TiVo Joining Forces Online Home entertainment trendsetters Netflix Inc. (NFLX) and TiVo Inc. (TIVO) hope to link up on a service that will use high-speed Internet connections to pipe DVD-quality movies into the homes of their mutual subscribers.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Nevada Implements 1st Touch-Screen Voting Machines With Paper-Trail By RACHEL KONRAD     CARSON CITY, Nev. (AP) -- In what could become a model for other states, Nevada voters on Tuesday became the first in the nation to cast ballots in a statewide election on computers that printed paper records of electronic ballots.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: OPEC Can Raise Output Capacity by 1 Mln Barrels/Day (Update1) The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, which supplies a third of the world #39;s crude oil, can raise production capacity by 1 million barrels a day by year-end, OPEC President Purnomo Yusgiantoro said.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: CBS Realigns Entertainment Divisions eslie Moonves, the co-president of Viacom, yesterday realigned the management of the company #39;s CBS entertainment division and Paramount television production studio, promising smoother and greater interaction between the two.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Asian Stocks Lower, Greenspan Awaited  SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Asian stocks edged lower on Wednesday  as profit taking set in after two days of gains and the dollar  firmed ahead of comments from Fed chief Alan Greenspan that are  expected to cement the case for further U.S. rate rises.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Former Banker Quattrone Faces Sentencing  NEW YORK (Reuters) - Frank Quattrone, a former star  investment banker who once earned \$120 million in a year, will  be sentenced on Wednesday for obstructing a federal  investigation into some of the most popular stock offerings of  the 1990s.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: For Bush, Kerry, Iraq Is More Than a War (AP) AP - President Bush and Sen. John Kerry are using Iraq to advance their negative campaign tactics as the U.S. military death toll in Iraq tops 1,000. War, it seems, is just another excuse to call the other guy names.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Cheney: Kerry 'Wrong Choice' for President (AP) AP - Vice President Dick Cheney said Tuesday that the nation faces the threat of another terrorist attack if voters make the "wrong choice" on Election Day, suggesting that Sen. John Kerry would follow a pre-Sept. 11 policy of reacting defensively.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Study: Athletic success doesn #39;t pay off in donations Success in big-time sports has little, if any, effect on a college #39;s alumni donations or the academic quality of its applicants, according to a study made under the direction of the Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: The Discreet Charm of the Very Bourgeois Toy Store? F.A.O. Schwarz may be shuttered and dark, but its catalog is somersaulting back in the direction of well-heeled children and the adults who indulge them.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Marlins Streak By Mets A four-day layoff fails to cool off the Marlins, who extend their winning streak to eight games by beating the Mets, 7-3.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Matsushita Unveils DVD Recorders, Eyes Higher Share  TOKYO (Reuters) - Panasonic brand products maker Matsushita  Electric Industrial unveiled five new DVD recorders on  Wednesday and said it was aiming to boost its share of the  domestic market to over 40 percent from around 35 percent.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: CBS #39;s Moonves Gives Loyalists a Piece of the Eye #39;s Pie Viacom co-president and CBS Chairman Leslie Moonves officially whacked the head of the media conglom #39;s television studio yesterday, and divvied up the job among loyal CBS staffers.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Nokia Shrinks 'Brick' Handset to Tap New Markets (Reuters) Reuters - Nokia, the world's biggest handset\maker, unveiled on Wednesday a miniature version of its\equivalent of the Swiss Army knife it hopes will lure women and\less-techie business people.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Space Capsule Heading Back to Earth A space capsule holding atoms collected from solar wind was en route to a tricky rendezvous with Earth, offering scientists the first material NASA has brought back from space in nearly three decades.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Insurance firms can take hit Florida insurance companies can cover the losses of Hurricanes Charley and Frances, even if a few small insurers fail, the state #39;s chief financial officer said Tuesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Vijay follows in Tiger #39;s footsteps Tiger Woods has put himself in some peculiar positions this year. He has struggled just to make the cut. Tee shots have ricocheted off corporate tents and small children.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: NASA's Shuttle Hangar Badly Damaged by Storm The gigantic hangar where the space shuttle is prepared for its missions sustained much more damage from Hurricane Frances than initially believed.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Bob Evans, Who Helped I.B.M. Transform Data Processing, Dies at 77 Bob O. Evans led the development of a new class of mainframe computers - the famous 360's - helping turn I.B.M. into a data-processing power.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Capriati unnerves Serena It was just about a year ago that Jennifer Capriati had this very same feeling. There she was, in Arthur Ashe Stadium, the lights glaring, more than 20,000 fans screaming. Only the opponent was different, as Capriati faced Justine Henin-Hardenne, serving for what would become one of the most important matches of her career. But that night, .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: 46 Killed, 270 Injured In Iraqi Violence Baghdad, Sept. 8 (NNN): Bloody clashes on Tuesday between US forces and Shia militiamen left more than 46 persons, including six US soldiers, dead across Iraq during the past 24 hours, officials said here on Wednesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Royals pain for Tigers; KC wins season series For all their rejuvenation, the Tigers have lost the season series to the Kansas City Royals, who own the American League #39;s worst record and don #39;t have a winning mark against another AL club.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: The servers cannot take the strain, captain! A San Francisco startup plans to boldly go where no game developer has gone before with an online game based on the cult TV series  quot;Star Trek.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Heineken Profit Dips But Repeats Outlook  AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Dutch brewer Heineken posted a 4.5  percent fall in core profit for the first half on Wednesday, at  the low end of expectations as a weak dollar and sluggish  markets hurt business.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Gibbs Won #39;t Take a Pass on This Soon after Joe Gibbs ended his 11-year retirement from football and reunited his distinguished offensive coaching staff this winter, a call went out to the NFL offices in New York.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: WTO Hits EU Again Over Sugar Sales  GENEVA (Reuters) - The World Trade Organization (WTO) has  again declared some European Union sugar exports illegal,  dealing a new blow to the bloc's lavish system of farm  subsidies, a trade source close to the case said Wednesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Crude Oil Falls as Purmono Says OPEC Can Boost Output Capacity Crude oil fell as OPEC President Purnomo Yusgiantoro said the group may raise its spare production capacity to as much as 2.5 million barrels a day by the end of this year, reducing concern about shortages.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Cash America shuffles assets, sets special dividend WASHINGTON (CBS.MW) -- Cash America International (PWN) said it #39;s reached a deal to acquire privately owned SuperPawn, operator of a 41-store chain of pawn shops in the US including 21 locations in Las Vegas.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Intel silent on Jayhawk replacement SAN FRANCISCO -- Intel Corp. on Tuesday provided a few more details about future plans for its enterprise server processors, but the company maintained its silence on its plans for an upcoming dual-core Xeon processor, which it has promised as the next major follow-up to the Nocona chip it launched in August.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Movies in a snap: Netflix and TiVo discuss downloads Bee Staff Writer. The high-tech ground is shifting underfoot again, amid rumblings of a new Silicon Valley alliance that would let owners of TiVo Inc.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Serena falls to Capriati after chair ump #39;s miscue Unfairly, unbelievably, Serena Williams was robbed of a point by an umpire #39;s mistake at the US Open, just like her sister was at Wimbledon.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: NASA space capsule crashes into desert The Genesis space capsule, which had orbited the sun for more than three years in an attempt to find clues to the origin of the solar system, crashed to Earth on Wednesday after its parachute failed to deploy.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Hyundai signs deal for China truck plant Hyundai Motor Co. said yesterday that it has signed an agreement with a Chinese company, Jianghuai Automobile Corp., to build a commercial vehicle and engine plant in China #39;s Anhui province.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: France Mulls Hostage Crisis, Confusion Over Ransom  DUBAI/PARIS (Reuters) - The French government held crisis  talks on the fate of two French journalists held hostage in  Iraq Wednesday amid growing uncertainty over whether their  kidnappers had demanded a ransom and two-day deadline.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Stocks Flat After Greenspan Testimony  NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. stocks were flat on Wednesday  after Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said the economy  had recovered from its soft patch and a number of companies  warned about their earnings.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Pension Agency Raises Top Annual Benefit 2.8  The federal agency that protects private sector pension plans announced yesterday that the maximum annual benefit for plans taken over in 2005 will be \$45,614 for workers who wait until age 65 to retire.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Intel executive: EM64T has set back Itanium SAN FRANCISCO -- Intel Corp.'s decision to begin shipping versions of x86 processors that are capable of 64-bit computing has slowed down the adoption of the company's high-end Itanium processors, a senior executive acknowledged Tuesday during a question and answer session at the Intel Developer Forum (IDF) in San Francisco.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Attacks on Disney's Eisner Abate On Friday, the former Disney directors who led a shareholder rebellion aimed at the ouster of Disney's chief executive and other directors this year said they had dropped plans to run a slate of directors at next year's shareholders meeting.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Sybase releases free Express database for Linux In a bid to expand the customer base for its database software, Sybase Inc. released on Tuesday a free, limited version of its software for deployment on Linux systems.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Hall had Penn State executing well against Akron, but BC will be <b>...</b> In recent years, Penn State critics have pointed to its offensive game plan as the source of the team #39;s problems. It was too rigid at times, they said, too reckless at others.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Greenspan: Economy Regaining Traction  WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. economy is pulling out of  its recent soft patch and appears to be picking up steam,  Federal Reserve chief Alan Greenspan said on Wednesday in  remarks economists saw as cementing a September rate rise.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Stocks Drop After Greenspan Testimony NEW YORK - Investors were unmoved by Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan's improved assessment of the economy, with stocks falling narrowly Wednesday in light trading.    While Greenspan said the economy has "regained some traction" after the summer's slowdown, he echoed Wall Street's concerns over energy prices, which have fallen from record highs in recent weeks but stubbornly remain above \$40 per barrel.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Subsidy ruling a sweet victory for sugar producers The Federal Government has hailed a World Trade Organisation ruling that European subsidies for sugar producers are in breach of international trade rules.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Motorola Aims to Sharpen Design Edge In a 26th-floor office suite overlooking Lake Michigan, some 40 industrial designers, mechanical engineers and specialists in fields ranging from anthropology to musicology . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: The Week: No. 1 at Last water running over a rock, wind ripping across a sand dune, the ocean washing up against the shore. Whatever the image, for the last three years Vijay Singh has been the . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Groups Offers Beer for Blood Donations (AP) AP - Some in Michigan who roll up their sleeves to donate blood will get a racetrack T-shirt, hat and pin. Sponsors in San Diego have given away whale-watching trips. On Wednesday, the Cleveland Regional Transit Authority handed out vouchers for a pint of any beverage, including beer, in exchange for a pint of blood.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Cadence poaches another Intel server staffer <strong>IDF Fall '04</strong> Malhotra rejoins St. Fister. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Royal Wedding Lures International Media To Brunei Bandar Seri Begawan - Bruneis Royal Wedding between His Royal Highness the Crown Prince Haji Al-Mutahdee Billah and Yang Mulia Dayangku Sarah binti Pengiran Salleh Ab Rahaman has attracted some 170 foreign journalists to the Sultanate.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Amvescap reorganizes after settling The chairman of Amvescap said Wednesday that the company planned to wrap its US mutual fund businesses into one following a \$450 million settlement with regulators over improper trading.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Hampton Start Is Pushed Back Again (AP) AP - Atlanta left-hander Mike Hampton was not able to pitch for the Braves on Wednesday, still bothered by a stiff neck that kept him out of his scheduled start Monday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: England stars refuse to face media despite World Cup soccer <b>...</b> England #39;s soccer team refused to face the media after their 2-1 World Cup qualifying victory in Poland on Wednesday in protest at negative publicity they received after Saturday #39;s 2-2 tie with Austria.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Discoverer of DNA Fingerprinting Has Concerns About Technology One morning 20 years ago, Alec Jeffreys stumbled upon DNA fingerprinting, identifying the patterns of genetic material that are unique to almost every individual. The discovery revolutionized everything from criminal investigations to family law.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Germany, Brazil draw Germany and Brazil fought out a 1-1 friendly international draw in their first meeting since the 2002 World Cup final. The visitors opened the scoring on nine minutes thanks to a Ronaldinho free kick, but . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Martin signals new flexibility to reach health deal with provinces (Canadian Press) Canadian Press - KELOWNA, B.C. (CP) - The federal government will seek a flexible medicare-reform agreement that could include individual deals with provinces, Prime Minister Paul Martin said Wednesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Israeli Forces Thrust Into Northern Gaza (Reuters) Reuters - Israeli forces thrust into the outskirts\of the Jabalya refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip on\Thursday in what the military said was an effort to stop\Palestinians firing rockets into Israel.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Delta Aims to Cut Jobs 12, Drop a Hub and Reduce Pay elta Air Lines announced yesterday that it would cut 12 percent of its work force over the next 18 months and said a bankruptcy filing would be  quot;a real possibility quot; as soon as the end . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Ex-WorldCom CEO Wants Witness Immunity (Reuters) Reuters - Lawyers for former WorldCom  Chief\Executive Bernard Ebbers are seeking immunity for two witnesses\who they believe could clear their client of fraud charges\related to the company's  #36;11 billion accounting scandal,\according to court papers filed on Wednesday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: New Rules for Rematch of Colts and Patriots Indianapolis' loss to New England in the A.F.C. championship game in January will have an impact on officiating as the N.F.L. begins the 2004 season Thursday night.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: For BlackBerry Users, a New Way to Write While popular among financial-industry types, the BlackBerry is practically unknown to everyone else. RIM hopes to change that with its new model.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Intel conference: Power shift As Intel pursues a new path with improved multi-core chips, AMD says its already one step ahead. Intel told the world this week that there is no race to market the next generation of microchips.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Microsoft intros new mice, keyboards Microsoft announced on Wednesday five new mice and keyboards: Wireless Optical Desktop, which comes with a wireless mouse and keyboard; Wireless Notebook Optical Mouse; Digital Media Pro Keyboard; and Standard Wireless Optical Mouse.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: After Waiting a Long Time, Davenport Keeps It Short he weather played havoc with the United States Open schedule yesterday, but it did not affect Lindsay Davenport #39;s game. In front of a sparse crowd of no more than several hundred people at . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Two Britons shot dead near death railway bridge (AFP) AFP - Two Britons were shot dead by unknown gunmen near the famous Bridge over the River Kwai in western Thailand, police said.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: British Airways to shed Qantas londonBritish Airways Plc, Europe #39;s second-biggest airline, will sell its 18 per cent stake in Qantas Airways Ltd. worth 427 million or about \$980 million (Canadian) to cut debt ahead of possible acquisitions in Europe.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Molson chief airs doubts The CEO of Molson Inc. raised doubts about his company #39;s deal with Adolph Coors Co., telling a Canadian newspaper he doesn #39;t know whether his shareholders will OK the merger, even though it #39;s  quot;the best deal.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Bonds's Excuse Has the Scent of Snake Oil, Not Arthritis Balm Barry Bonds's ignorance of the substances obtained by his trainer from Balco is more childish than a youngster's excuse that "the dog ate my homework.". There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Court hears Ovitz bid to escape suit WILMINGTON, Del. -- A Delaware corporate law judge Wednesday heard a plea from attorneys for former Walt Disney Co. president Michael Ovitz that asks to remove Ovitz from the list of defendants in a shareholder . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Egypt steps back on Gaza plan over Israeli attacks Egypt took a step back from plans to help the Palestinians prepare for an Israeli withdrawal from Gaza on Wednesday, saying it could not play its role in full as long as Israeli attacks on Palestinians continue.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Wind-Aided Delay May Be Plus for Pitt (AP) AP - The rainy remnants of Hurricane Frances forced Pittsburgh to practice inside in advance of its delayed season opener.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Honey, did you remember to call the DVD recorder? The machine has a 400GB hard disk drive, is capable of zapping video elsewhere in a home, and is designed to let consumers program recording remotely over the Internet--including via cell phones.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: China's worst floods in a century kill at least 172, injure thousands BEIJING -- China's Sichuan province faced the threat of epidemics yesterday after the worst flooding in a century killed at least 172 people and left scores missing, while water levels at the huge Three Gorges Dam swelled.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Hurricanes May Affect Florida Politics TALLAHASSEE, Fla. - Two devastating hurricanes have given President Bush something his political advisers couldn't dream up: the chance to play comforter in chief in a battleground state he is determined to win again.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Panis to Retire from Formula One at End of 2004  LONDON (Reuters) - France's Olivier Panis will retire from  Formula One at the end of the 2004 season, his team Toyota said  on Thursday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Dream team In March, when his free agency tour stopped here, five-time Pro Bowl safety John Lynch got a glimpse of the formula that has the New England Patriots poised to establish an NFL record for consecutive victories and become just the second team to win three Super Bowls in four years. Lynch ultimately signed a few days later with .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Trying to recapture glory days With two Super Bowl wins in the last three years, the Patriots have enjoyed the greatest stretch in franchise history, and they've been lauded for doing it with team play. Here are examples of when the other sports franchises in town distinguished themselves in similar fashion.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Chip shots NO LONG GAME: It had figured to be a whirlwind tour for John Daly -- from Germany to the Deutsche Bank Championship in our neck of the woods, then onward to the other side of the world to defend his Korean Open title. But his late commitment to the Deutsche Bank and the unusual Monday finish apparently wore him out. .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Transactions BASEBALL Atlanta (NL): Recalled P Roman Colon from Greenville (Southern League). Cincinnati (NL): Announced INF Brandon Larson accepted his outright assignment to Louisville (IL). Tampa Bay (AL): Released 1B-DH Randall Simon; recalled OF Midre Cummings from Durham (IL).. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Santander sells stake in Royal Bank of Scotland LONDON, September 9 (New Ratings) - Santander Central Hispano (BSD2.FSE) has indicated that it is selling a 2.51 stake in Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc, in an attempt to seek regulatory approval to acquire UKs Abbey National Plc.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Update 1: Philippine Shares End Up 0.7 Percent Philippine shares finished higher for the seventh straight session Thursday on follow-through buying anchored by improved investor sentiment, traders said.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Stocks Higher on Drop in Jobless Claims A sharp drop in initial unemployment claims and bullish forecasts from Nokia and Texas Instruments sent stocks slightly higher in early trading Thursday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Self-sustaining killer robot creates a stink It may eat flies and stink to high heaven, but if this robot works, it will be an important step towards making robots fully autonomous.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Longhorn to put squeeze on gadgets SAN FRANCISCO--Windows makes it easy to quickly download files to iPods and other portable storage devices--a little too easy in the minds of many IT managers.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Singh rules world that is yet to embrace him On Monday, the newly crowned No. 1 walked into a room to face the world #39;s golfing media, having just shot down Tiger Woods in the final round of the Deutsche Bank Championship near Boston.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: US Treasuries cut early gains on jobless drop US Treasury debt prices cut early gains but remained narrowly higher after the government said that new claims for jobless insurance fell in the latest week.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Stocks Higher on Drop in Jobless Claims A sharp drop in initial unemployment claims and bullish forecasts from Nokia and Texas Instruments sent stocks higher in early trading Thursday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Major teams bounce back in World Cup soccer qualifiers LONDON: After a mixed bag of results in the weekend #39;s soccer qualifiers, Europe #39;s major countries asserted their authority this morning with France, England and Italy all winning away.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Inzaghi fit for start of season AC Milan striker Filippo Inzaghi is fit for the start of the Serie A season after recovering from an ankle injury, the club said on Thursday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Quattrone gets 18 months in prison Frank Quattrone, who rose to investment banking stardom during the boom, was sentenced to 18 months in a federal prison camp in Lompoc, Calif.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: P G Backs Profit Forecast, Shares Down (Reuters) Reuters - Procter   Gamble Co.  on Thursday\backed its quarterly profit outlook, helped by sales of new\products and continued gains in developing markets.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Groups Petition U.S. on China Policies (AP) AP - A group of industry, farm and labor groups, seeking to put pressure on the Bush administration before the presidential election, petitioned the government on Thursday to file an unfair trade practices case against China.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: San Antonio (15-3) at Chicago (2-12) 8:30 pm EST CHICAGO (Ticker) -- Two teams heading in opposite directions meet Monday at the United Center when the San Antonio Spurs visit the Chicago Bulls.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Explosives Found Hidden in Closed Russian Cinema  ST PETERSBURG, Russia (Reuters) - Police have found  explosives, detonators and a gun in a cinema in Russia's second  city St Petersburg which was closed for renovation, the  Interior Ministry said on Thursday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Blast Hits Australian Embassy in Jakarta A large explosion was set off early Thursday outside the Australian Embassy in Jakarta's financial district, killing at least eight people and wounding more than 150, officials said. Police said the blast appeared to have been a suicide attack using a car bomb.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: IBM to use dual-core Opteron Big Blue will use AMD's chip in a high-performance server but isn't yet planning a general-purpose Opteron system.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: German teenager indicted over Sasser worm Prosecutors in Verden, Germany, indicted an 18-year-old student on Wednesday for allegedly creating the Sasser worm that crashed hundreds of thousands of computers worldwide after spreading at lighting speed over the Internet.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Teenager Charged With Creating Sasser Informants, seeking a reward from Microsoft, led police to the German student.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Google Toolbar Using Browser Keywords Function Google Toolbar Using Keywords Function\\\\Looks like Google is trying to assure placement within the browser one step at a time. The latest update of the Google toolbar includes "browse by keyword," meaing if I type in "how do I kill this hangover" into my IE URL field, I will get .... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: German teenager charged with creating Sasser virus German student, Sven Jaschan, has been formally charged with computer sabotage, data manipulation and disruption of public systems by German prosecutors.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Mortgage Rates Across the US Climb Mortgage rates around the country went up this week, although 30-year mortgages still were below 6 percent for a sixth straight week.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Applebee #39;s predicts earnings, units rise Company sees doubling of units to at least 3,000; predicts 17 earnings rise over next 3 to 5 years. LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Restaurant chain Applebee #39;s International Inc.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Health Insurance Costs Soar, Workers Hit (Reuters) Reuters - Health insurance premiums rose five\times faster than U.S. workers' salaries this year, according\to a survey released on Thursday that also showed slippage in\the percentage of American workers covered by employer health\plans.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: DAILY DIGEST RealNetworks Inc. has sold about 3 million songs online during a three- week, half-price sale designed to promote an alternative to Apple Computer Inc.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Robot eats flies to make power A ROBOT that will generate its own power by eating flies is being developed by British scientists. The idea is to produce electricity by catching flies and digesting them in special fuel cells that will break . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Shanghai Readies for Rockets-Kings Game (AP) AP - Built in the days of Mao Zedong's 1966-76 Cultural Revolution, Shanghai's rundown city gymnasium is getting the full NBA treatment for next month's exhibition game between the Sacramento Kings and the Houston Rockets.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Charting East Asias milestones IT is a special honour for me to be speaking before such a distinguished gathering, including my illustrious predecessor and his colleagues from Korea and Japan who are all well-known for their visionary ideas and as proponents of East Asian cooperation.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Dinosaurs May Have Been Doting Parents -Report (Reuters) Reuters - Dinosaurs may not all have been the\terrifying creatures portrayed in blockbuster films but could\have had a more caring, loving nature.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: RealNetworks Ends Download 49-Cent Promo  SEATTLE (Reuters) - RealNetworks Inc. <A HREF=" target=/stocks/quickinfo/fullquote">RNWK.O</A> is ending  its 49 cent-per-song music download service but will keep the  promotional prices in place for top 10 songs, the Internet  media and software company said on Thursday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: IBM Aims New DB2 at Rivals IBM (Quote, Chart) announced its first major database refresh in almost two years with new features from the company #39;s autonomic computing vault.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Predators sign 2003 first-round pick ----- NASHVILLE, Tennessee (Ticker) - The Nashville Predators signed defenseman Ryan Suter, their first-round pick in the 2003 draft, on Thursday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: A Taste of Yum! Wins the World Over Strong international sales growth and solid U.S. comps propel the company's stock to its highest price ever.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Putin Responds to Terror The Russian president puts some blame on his international critics -- and supports president Bush. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Intel calls for Internet overhaul The Net needs a new layer of abilities that will deal with imminent problems of capacity, security and reliability, Intel's CTO says.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Spam on the menu at annual virus conference BOSTON - Computer viruses and worms will have to share the stage with a new challenger for the attention of attendees at a conference of antivirus researchers: spam e-mail.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Jakarta Embassy Blast Kills 9, Hurts 173 JAKARTA, Indonesia - Suspected Muslim militants detonated a car bomb Thursday outside the Australian Embassy in Jakarta, killing nine people and wounding 173 in a bloody strike at a key U.S. ally in the war in Iraq.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: IBM #39;s New eServer Supports AMD Dual-Core IBM (Quote, Chart) is looking to get a leg up on the competition with the October 15 launch of eServer 326, a rack-mounted server that supports AMD #39;s (Quote, Chart) upcoming dual-core 64-bit processor.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Florida Starts To Recover in the Wake of Hurricane Frances President Bush will travel to Florida Wednesday to survey damage from Hurricane Frances. He sent a letter to Congress asking for \$2 billion to help with recovery efforts.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: British couple shot dead in Thailand A Thai policeman was today being hunted after being accused of killing a British couple near a popular tourist destination last night.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Indiana University suffers during PeopleSoft rollout Problems during the rollout of a PeopleSoft financial aid software module at the Indiana University system caused problems for about 3,000 students just as classes were set to start.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Bank sits tight on rates as house price inflation eases off By Malcolm Moore, Economics Correspondent (Filed: 10/09/2004). The Bank of England held interest rates at 4.75pc yesterday after a series of recent surveys showed the housing market was slowing down.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Update 1: Foreign Drug Stocks in Spotlight Foreign drug stocks were in the spotlight Thursday with Food and Drug Administration news pulling the sector down. AstraZeneca PLC took a drubbing on the eve of its FDA advisory panel meeting for its orally . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Dependent species risk extinction The global extinction crisis is worse than thought, because thousands of  quot;affiliated quot; species also at risk do not figure in calculations.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: CIA accused over Iraq detainees US army generals tell a Senate committee that dozens of detainees may have been held in secret in Iraq.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Quincy Carter being released by the Cowboys NEW YORK -- Tim Henman #39;s quarterfinal victory at the US Open was a microcosm of his career - long and brilliant in spurts, with an expected disappointment on the horizon.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Bush Declares Genocide in Sudan's Darfur (Reuters) Reuters - The United States declared on\Thursday that the violence in Sudan's Darfur region amounted to\genocide and urged the world to back an expanded African\peacekeeping force to halt the bloodshed.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Alcoa Warns Earnings to Miss Forecasts (Reuters) Reuters - Alcoa Inc. , the world's largest\aluminum producer, on Thursday warned that third-quarter\results would fall far short of Wall Street expectations, hurt\by plant shutdowns, restructuring costs and weakness in some\markets.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Broadband Providers Monitor Philly's Plans To Offer Citywide Wi-Fi (Investor's Business Daily) Investor's Business Daily - With Philadelphia's recent proposal to install a citywide broadband wireless network, will there be brotherly love between the city and its broadband service providers?. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Bud Selig Has Skin Cancer Surgery NEW YORK -- Baseball commissioner Bud Selig had surgery Monday to remove a cancerous lesion from his forehead. The lesion was detected last month during Selig #39;s annual physical, and a biopsy confirmed that it contained melanoma, a form of skin cancer.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Pakistan bombs suspected al-Qaida camp Ayman al- Zawahiri, second in command of al-Qaida, said last night that the US faced defeat in Iraq and Afghanistan. In a videotape broadcast by the Arab satellite television station al-Jazeera, he said:  quot;The . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Scientists Stumped by Dead Croakers (AP) AP - Thousands of croakers have washed ashore at beaches along the Atlantic coast in recent days, the latest mass deaths of the popular sport fish.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Bin Laden Deputy: U.S. Will Be Defeated (AP) AP - Osama bin Laden's chief deputy proclaimed the United States will ultimately be defeated in Iraq and Afghanistan in a videotape broadcast Thursday that appeared to be a rallying call for al-Qaida ahead of the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: FCC Finds US Broadband Deployment Is Accelerating US broadband deployment is accelerating as underserved rural and inner city areas gain greater access to new services, according to a government report.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Ivan devastates Grenada ST. GEORGE #39;S, Grenada - Hurricane Ivan took aim yesterday at Jamaica after killing 23 people in five countries and devastating Grenada.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Two Charged in S. African Nuclear Trafficking Case JOHANNESBURG, Sept. 9 -- A German man and his colleague appeared in court Thursday on charges of violating South Africa #39;s ban against nuclear proliferation, according to news reports.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Georgia Receivers Try to Make Their Mark (AP) AP - It's taken four years and then some. Through injuries, timid play, occasional doubts and flashes of brilliance, everyone at Georgia has waited for Fred Gibson and Reggie Brown to fulfill their enormous potential.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Colts Lead Pats Early in Third Quarter FOXBORO, Mass. - Peyton Manning reached the 25,000-yard passing mark faster than anyone but Dan Marino, and the Indianapolis Colts shredded the New England Patriots for a 17-13 halftime lead Thursday night.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: GAME DAY RECAP Thursday, September 09 Bobby Madritsch pitched eight shutout innings and the Seattle Mariners ended a seven-game losing streak Thursday night with a 7-1 victory over Boston, dropping the Red Sox 3 games behind the first-place New York Yankees in the AL East.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: There #39;s a lot on the line for drivers at Richmond this weekend RICHMOND, Va. - Its the 26th race of the Nextel Cup season, and for the first time in the sports history, a season will end before, well, the season.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Oil Firm After 4 Percent Jump Oil prices held firm on Friday after leaping almost \$2 a day earlier on news US crude stocks sank to a five-month low last week and distillate fuels barely grew ahead of winter.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Patriots Begin Title Defense with Narrow Win Over Colts The New England Patriots began their quest for successive Super Bowl titles with a tight 27-24 win over the Indianapolis Colts in the opening game of the NFL season in Foxboro Thursday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Skype releases Pocket PC software Software allows users of personal digital assistants to make free calls using Wi-Fi networks.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Skirmish outside Gaza camp kills 5 GAZA CITY -- Palestinian gunmen and Israeli troops fought pitched battles Thursday on the outskirts of the largest refugee camp in the Gaza Strip, with schoolchildren scampering through sandy alleyways just yards from the fighting.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Roddick bounced Andy Roddick of the United States ran into a bold, bigger version of himself at the US Open, and 6-foot-6 Joachim Johansson of Sweden sent the defending champion home.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Oxygen Generator on Space Station Fails The main oxygen generator for the International Space Station has failed, and the two astronauts on board will tap into an attached cargo ship's air supply this weekend.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Jakarta bombing blamed on Malaysian fugitives The Indonesian police asserted Friday it would intensify the hunt of two Malaysian fugitives Azahari and Noordin Moh Top believed to be responsible for the Thursday #39;s bombing at the Australian embassy.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Stocks on the edge NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - Wall Street took a wait-and-see approach to the final day of the trading week, looking for more information on inflation, trade, oil and a report of Michael Eisner #39;s 2006 departure from Disney.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Grenada In Crisis - Friday 10, September-2004 DESPAIR is setting in among the 80 000 homeless Grenadians who, ravaged and traumatised by the damage done to them by Hurricane Ivan, exist each day with no food, no water and no hope.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: For openers, a great weekend Chances are the state of Massachusetts will never crown a high school football state champion. But for those who might covet such an idea, the 2004 season kicks off tonight with about as close as you'll ever get to such a matchup when two of the top squads in Central Mass. meet two of the top-ranked squads in Eastern Mass.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Changes to Nigeria union bill The Nigerian senate passes a bill  to curb the power of the trade unions, but amends the no-strike clause.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: CEO Eisner to Step Down in Sept 2006 -WSJ  NEW YORK (Reuters) - Michael Eisner plans to step down as  Walt Disney Co.'s chief executive when his contract expires in  September 2006, the Wall Street Journal said on Friday.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: WordsWorth Books files Chapter 11 WordsWorth Books, a Harvard Square institution for 29 years, yesterday filed for bankruptcy protection, as its owners seek a buyer or investor to help the independent bookseller compete with giant rivals like There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Japan GDP Hurts Yen, U.S. Trade Data Eyed  LONDON (Reuters) - The yen fell against other major  currencies on Friday on a surprising downward revision to  Japanese growth, while the dollar hit three-week lows against  the euro on worries about the U.S. trade deficit.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Alcoa Shares Fall Most Since April in Europe After Forecast Shares of Alcoa Inc., the world #39;s biggest aluminum producer, fell the most in almost five months in Europe after the company said third-quarter profit from continuing operations will be below analysts #39; estimates.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Jim Mora #39;s lucky star Falcons need a healthy Michael Vick This is what #39;s known as lucking into it. Jim Mora gets his first head coaching job at any level, with the Atlanta Falcons, and finds Michael Vick waiting for him.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Intel sees big changes to the net The internet will have to be changed to stop it reaching breaking point, according to chip giant Intel... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: P2P company wants RIAA to face the music The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) is being given a taste of its own medicine by peer-to-peer (P2P) company Altnet, which has launched a civil suit against the trade body alleging patent infringement.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: US Open keeps it in the family It will be a long way from West Lakes when Lleyton Hewitt takes on his younger sister #39;s boyfriend. Robert Lusetich reports. IT is a US Open semi-final that has been previewed many times before -- in Adelaide.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Atlanta police arrest Braves player on DUI charge ATLANTA - Atlanta Braves shortsop Rafael Furcal has been arrested on charges of driving under the influence. Jail officials say Furcal was booked into the Atlanta city jail at 6:25 am on charges of DUI, speeding and reckless driving.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: SportsNetwork Game Preview (Sports Network) - The Kansas City Royals host the opener of a three-game series against the Tampa Bay Devil Rays tonight, just one day after playing a very strange doubleheader.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Darfur Rebels Urge Nigeria To Intervene, Kickstart Sudan Peace <b>...</b> Rebel leaders from Sudan #39;s Darfur region called on Thursday on Nigeria to intervene and kickstart African Union-sponsored talks on the crisis in the west of Sudan . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: New Brussels blow for Turkey #39;s EU hopes EU farm commissioner Franz Fischler on Friday became the latest Brussels critic to raise doubts over Turkey #39;s hopes of joining the bloc, as wrangling over Ankara #39;s EU bid heats up.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: 9/10/04 - INDIA-PAKISTAN DIALOGUE The foreign ministers of India and Pakistan have concluded another round of peace talks. The talks in Indias capital, New Delhi, set the stage for an expected meeting at the United Nations later this month . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 0
prompt: Classify the given text: Atlanta police arrest Braves player on DUI charge ATLANTA - An Atlanta Braves player is in the Atlanta Jail today after being arrested on a charge of driving under the influence. Members of the DUI Task Force arrested shortstop Rafael Furcal about 4:20 am . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Telescope snaps distant 'planet' The first direct image of a planet circling another star may have been obtained by a US-European team of astronomers.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 0, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Insurers Eye Ivan the Terrible How will companies and investors fare if the storm spawns moderate damage?. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 2, Flan-T5: 2
prompt: Classify the given text: Rummenigge - parise for Bayern coach. (Getty Images) Felix Magath #39;s rigorous new training regime at Bayern Munich has been praised by club chairman Karl-Heinz Rummenigge. Magath #39;s approach had been criticised by some of his players, and Bayern have made a slow . There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 1, Flan-T5: 1
prompt: Classify the given text: Web Sites Keep Tabs on Campaign Giving As a Washington journalist during the 90s, I made frequent treks to the Federal Election Commission to inspect cabinets full of campaign-finance reports to find out who was giving to whom.. There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Light at Night Might Be a Cancer Risk By Ed Edelson, HealthDay Reporter    HealthDayNews -- Could electric light pose a cancer threat?    It might seem like the wildest of paranoid beliefs, but a growing number of scientists suspect it might be true. The reason: Turning on the lights after dark may affect a small number of "clock genes" that play a major role in controlling how cells live, die and function, these researchers suggest.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 3
prompt: Classify the given text: Study Suggests Bloodletting May Actually Work By LAURAN NEERGAARD    WASHINGTON (AP) -- Could that ancient practice of bleeding patients really have done some good? A scientist says new research on how germs thrive in the body suggests it just may have - for some people.    Bacteria need iron to cause infections.... There are four categories available: 0 World, 1 Sports, 2 Business, and 3 Sci/Tech. The expected output is the number assigned to the category.
Correct answer: 3, Flan-T5: 2

Score: 0.8913