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Komputerowe wspomaganie tłumaczenia

4,5. Klasyfikacja tematyczna (terminologii ciąg dalszy) [laboratoria]

Rafał Jaworski (2021)

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Komputerowe wspomaganie tłumaczenia

Zajęcia 4 i 5 - klasyfikacja tematyczna (terminologii ciąg dalszy)

Na poprzednich zajęciach opracowaliśmy nasz własny ekstraktor terminologii. Mówiliśmy również, jak ważna jest ekstrakcja terminów specjalistycznych. Dziś zajmiemy się zagadnieniem, w jaki sposób wyciągnąć z tekstu terminy, które naprawdę są specjalistyczne.

Dlaczego nasze dotychczasowe rozwiązanie mogło nie spełniać tego warunku? Wykonajmy następujące ćwiczenie:

Ćwiczenie 1: Zgromadź korpus w języku angielskim składający się z co najmniej 100 dokumentów, z których każdy zawiera co najmniej 100 zdań. Wykorzystaj stronę Dobrze, aby dokumenty pochodziły z różnych dziedzin (np. prawo Unii Europejskiej, manuale programistyczne, medycyna). Ściągnięty korpus zapisz na swoim dysku lokalnym, nie załączaj go do niniejszego notatnika.

Taki korpus pozwoli nam zaobserwować, co się stanie, jeśli do ekstrakcji terminologii będziemy stosowali wyłącznie kryterium częstościowe. Aby wykonać odpowiedni eksperyment musimy uruchomić ekstraktor z poprzednich zajęć.

Ćwiczenie 2: Uruchom ekstraktor terminologii (wykrywacz rzeczowników) z poprzednich zajęć na każdym dokumencie z osobna. Jako wynik ekstraktora w każdym przypadku wypisz 5 najczęściej występujących rzeczowników. Wyniki działania komendy umieść w notatniku.

import spacy
def extract_terms(text):
    nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
    doc = nlp(text)
    tally = {}
    for token in doc:
        if token.pos_ != "NOUN":
        lemma = token.lemma_.lower()
        if lemma in tally:
            tally[lemma] += 1
            tally[lemma] = 1

    sorted_tally = dict(sorted(tally.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)[:6])
    return sorted_tally
{'country': 615, 'product': 609, 'year': 449, 'food': 340, 'market': 304}

Czy wyniki uzyskane w ten sposób to zawsze terminy specjalistyczne? Niestety może zdarzyć się, że w wynikach pojawią się rzeczowniki, które są po prostu częste w języku, a niekoniecznie charakterystyczne dla przetwarzanych przez nas tekstów. Aby wyniki ekstrakcji były lepsze, konieczne jest zastosowanie bardziej wyrafinowanych metod.

Jedną z tych metod jest znana z dyscypliny Information Retrieval technika zwana TF-IDF. Jej nazwa wywodzi się od Term Frequency Inverted Document Frequency. Według tej metody, dla każdego odnalezionego przez nas termu powinniśmy obliczyć czynnik TF-IDF, a następnie wyniki posortować malejąco po wartości tego czynnika.

Jak obliczyć czynnik TF-IDF? Czym jest TF, a czym jest IDF?

Zacznijmy od TF, bo ten czynnik już znamy. Jest to nic innego jak częstość wystąpienia terminu w tekście, który przetwarzamy. Idea TF-IDF skupia się na drugim czynniku - IDF. Słowo _inverted oznacza, że czynnik ten będzie odwrócony, czyli trafi do mianownika. W związku z tym TF-IDF to w istocie: $\frac{TF}{DF}$

Czym zatem jest document frequency? Jest to liczba dokumentów, w których wystąpił dany termin. Dokumenty w tym przypadku są rozumiane jako jednostki, na które podzielony jest korpus, nad którym pracujemy (dokładnie taki, jak korpus z ćwiczenia pierwszego).

Zastanówmy się nad sensem tego czynnika. Pamiętajmy, że naszym zadaniem jest ekstracja terminów z tylko jednego dokumentu na raz. Mamy jednak do dyspozycji wiele innych dokumentów, zawierających wiele innych słów i termów. Wartość TF-IDF jest tym większa, im częściej termin występuje w dokumencie, na którym dokonujemy ekstrakcji. Czynnik ten jednak zmniejsza się, jeśli słowo występuje w wielu różnych dokumentach. Zatem, popularne słowa będą miały wysoki czynnik DF i niski TF-IDF. Natomiast najwyższą wartość TF-IDF będą miały terminy, które są częste w przetwarzanym przez nas dokumencie, ale nie występują nigdzie indziej.

Ćwiczenie 3: Zaimplementuj czynnik TF-IDF i dokonaj ekstrakcji terminologii za jego pomocą, używając korpusu z ćwiczenia nr 1. Czy wyniki różnią się od tych uzyskanych tylko za pomocą TF?

from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
import numpy as np

def read_corpus(plik):
    with open(plik, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
        document =
    return documents

def calculate_tfidf(document):
    vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(stop_words='english')
    tfidf_matrix = vectorizer.fit_transform(document)
    return tfidf_matrix, vectorizer.get_feature_names_out()

def tfidf_extract(tfidf_matrix, feature_names, top_n=10):
    top_terms = {}
    row = np.squeeze(tfidf_matrix.toarray())
    indices = np.argsort(-row)[:top_n]
    terms = [feature_names[index] for index in indices if row[index] > 0]
    top_terms['Document'] = terms
    return top_terms
documents = read_corpus('korpusy/korpus')
tfidf_matrix, feature_names = calculate_tfidf(documents)
top_terms = extract_terms(tfidf_matrix, feature_names)

for doc_index, terms in top_terms.items():
    print(f"Dokument {doc_index}: {terms}")
Dokument 0: ['allocate', 'tasks', 'performance', 'debate', 'hope', 'parliament', 'course', 'community', 'possible', 'common']
Dokument 1: ['satisfy', 'does']
Dokument 2: ['party', 'unfortunately', 'reach', 'agreement', 'order']
Dokument 3: ['procedure', 'lisbon', 'discussion', 'treaty', 'parliament', 'provided', 'european']
Dokument 4: ['destroyed', 'discussions', 'tasks', 'words', 'carry', 'improved', 'reached', 'hope', 'agreement', 'resources']
Dokument 5: ['meat', 'greed', 'lust', 'weakness', 'revealed', 'horse', 'profit', 'forging', 'cost', 'face']
Dokument 6: ['examples', 'matter', 'shown', 'numerous', 'concerns', 'entire', 'world', 'trade', 'union', 'european']
Dokument 7: ['africa', 'forging', 'south', 'china', 'cases', 'apply']
Dokument 8: ['bizarre', 'detected', 'iceland', 'inspection', 'event', 'services']
Dokument 9: ['meat', 'investigators', 'examining', 'horse', 'dumplings']
Dokument 10: ['wrong', 'clearly', 'shows', 'example']
Dokument 11: ['problem', 'entire', 'union', 'european']
Dokument 12: ['occurrence', 'forging', 'mechanisms', 'successfully', 'reduce', 'food']
Dokument 13: ['guilty', 'punishing', 'crimes', 'laws', 'strict', 'appropriate', 'procedures', 'systems', 'control']
Dokument 14: ['behaviours', 'tolerated', 'especially', 'production', 'food']
Dokument 15: ['country', 'bad', 'firm', 'evidence', 'light', 'particular', 'given', 'popular', 'like', 'consumers']
Dokument 16: ['encountered', 'gaining', 'attitudes', 'confidence', 'relation', 'outside', 'community', 'half', 'consumers', 'billion']
Dokument 17: ['defame', 'likes', 'concrete', 'evidence', 'reason', 'providing', 'success', 'international', 'trade', 'high']
Dokument 18: ['note', 'recognized', 'veterinary', 'like', 'services', 'institutions', 'best', 'international']
Dokument 19: ['defamed', 'concrete', 'evidence', 'having']
Dokument 20: ['happened', 'undertaking', 'gone', 'regard', 'earlier', 'methods', 'actions', 'far', 'provided', 'use']
Dokument 21: ['repeated', 'attacks', 'eventually', 'convinced', 'reason', 'come']
Dokument 22: ['compete', 'taste', 'quality', 'products']
Dokument 23: ['choices', 'decide', 'ones', 'want', 'buy', 'variety', 'offer', 'consumers', 'food', 'products']
Dokument 24: ['assuring', 'pay', 'focus', 'want', 'buy', 'need', 'consumers']
Dokument 25: ['consent', 'forging', 'case', 'food']
Dokument 26: ['arduous', 'explained', 'weeks', 'lot', 'recent', 'case', 'difficult', 'work']
Dokument 27: ['confidence', 'understand', 'mechanisms', 'loss', 'led', 'need', 'consumers']
Dokument 28: ['incidents', 'criminals', 'honest', 'knowing', 'eliminating', 'manufacturers', 'prevent', 'effectively', 'able', 'future']
Dokument 29: ['new', 'strength', 'raising', 'spring', 'hope', 'live', 'beginning']
Dokument 30: ['spring', 'devoted', 'issue']
Dokument 31: ['resurrection', 'holy', 'holidays', 'taking', 'place', 'important', 'time', 'poland']
Dokument 32: ['ceremonies', 'rebirth', 'symbolic', 'reflected', 'customs', 'life']
Dokument 33: ['played', 'role', 'special', 'eggs']
Dokument 34: ['supreme', 'reigns', 'symbol', 'easter', 'meal', 'egg', 'tables', 'breakfast', 'life', 'important']
Dokument 35: ['nutritionist', 'meal', 'breakfast', 'day', 'know', 'need', 'important']
Dokument 36: ['menu', 'instance', 'type', 'geographical', 'different', 'area', 'work']
Dokument 37: ['thing', 'operate', 'body', 'day', 'provide', 'energy', 'common']
Dokument 38: ['grass', 'breakfast']
Dokument 39: ['portrayed', 'meal', 'art', 'important']
Dokument 40: ['manet', 'controversial', 'édouard', 'refers', 'grass', 'famous', 'breakfast', 'work']
Dokument 41: ['cream', 'encore', 'densely', 'curds', 'elder', 'heated', 'bard', 'concoction', 'thickened', 'floating']
Dokument 42: ['thuswise', 'judge', 'house', 'observed', 'breakfast']
Dokument 43: ['savouries', 'tongue', 'cured', 'fattened', 'zrazy', 'smoke', 'matured', 'chimney', 'juniper', 'platter']
Dokument 44: ['orzeszkowa', 'writers', 'iwaszkiewicz', 'descriptions', 'great']
Dokument 45: ['pretty', 'lavish', 'meal']
Dokument 46: ['consisted', 'breakfast', 'various', 'traditional', 'products', 'poland']
Dokument 47: ['tea', 'coffee', 'element', 'essential']
Dokument 48: ['bread', 'rolls', 'crescent', 'grains', 'wholemeal', 'white', 'fresh']
Dokument 49: ['lack', 'aromatic', 'table', 'butter']
Dokument 50: ['tureen', 'porridge', 'reigned', 'leader', 'soup', 'milk']
Dokument 51: ['salted', 'eaten', 'preserves', 'sweet', 'added', 'delicious', 'home']
Dokument 52: ['salted', 'eaten', 'sweet', 'eggs', 'dairy', 'popular', 'products']
Dokument 53: ['spring', 'cheese', 'radish', 'enjoyed', 'chives', 'cottage', 'popularity', 'chopped', 'mixed', 'cream']
Dokument 54: ['cubed', 'preferred', 'combine', 'fragrant', 'cucumber', 'finely', 'chopped', 'tomatoes', 'fresh', 'people']
Dokument 55: ['ham', 'pork', 'loin', 'thinly', 'sliced', 'neck', 'traditionally', 'sausages', 'roasted', 'meats']
Dokument 56: ['platters', 'thinly', 'sliced', 'sausages', 'various']
Dokument 57: ['mustard', 'horseradish', 'meats', 'addition']
Dokument 58: ['platter', 'ripening', 'slices', 'cheeses', 'different']
Dokument 59: ['fried', 'supplements', 'pure', 'sorts', 'chives', 'scrambled', 'bacon', 'tomatoes', 'butter', 'breakfast']
Dokument 60: ['forms', 'eggs', 'served']
Dokument 61: ['eggs', 'eaten', 'soft', 'scrambled', 'boiled', 'instead']
Dokument 62: ['honeys', 'jams', 'preserves', 'sweet', 'table', 'breakfast', 'like', 'great']
Dokument 63: ['breakfasts', 'rich', 'today']
Dokument 64: ['pity', 'haste', 'kills', 'celebration', 'pace', 'constant', 'meal', 'life']
Dokument 65: ['haste', 'slow', 'eating', 'idea', 'hope', 'return', 'breakfast', 'tradition', 'natural', 'good']
Dokument 66: ['breakfast', 'celebration', 'easter', 'eaten', 'tradition', 'largest', 'particular', 'polish']
Dokument 67: ['blessed', 'symbolizes', 'rebirth', 'sharing', 'started', 'egg', 'life', 'common', 'food']
Dokument 68: ['basket', 'consumed', 'sausage', 'bread', 'products']
Dokument 69: ['generous', 'exceptional', 'rich', 'breakfast', 'various', 'year', 'products']
Dokument 70: ['pates', 'aromatic', 'soups', 'range', 'delicious', 'served', 'milk', 'fish', 'meat', 'products']
Dokument 71: ['baba', 'leaded', 'ended', 'easter', 'feast', 'cakes', 'breakfast', 'cake', 'traditional']
Dokument 72: ['egg', 'ways']
Dokument 73: ['symbols', 'rites', 'cultures', 'oldest', 'eggs', 'different', 'used']
Dokument 74: ['beginning', 'symbolise', 'things', 'life']
Dokument 75: ['decorated', 'shells', 'beautifully', 'additionally', 'boiled', 'table', 'hard', 'eggs']
Dokument 76: ['decorations', 'depending', 'associated', 'tradition', 'different', 'region', 'country']
Dokument 77: ['peels', 'nice', 'brown', 'colour', 'cooked', 'onion', 'eggs', 'thanks']
Dokument 78: ['dyes', 'colouring', 'natural', 'used']
Dokument 79: ['names', 'easter', 'eggs', 'various', 'way', 'prepared']
Dokument 80: ['pisanki', 'kraszanki', 'called']
Dokument 81: ['handy', 'dyes', 'colours', 'platter', 'arranged', 'easter', 'ready', 'range', 'come', 'eggs']
Dokument 82: ['scratched', 'painted', 'patterns', 'old', 'tradition', 'eggs', 'according', 'different']
Dokument 83: ['platters', 'arranged', 'cut', 'boiled', 'table', 'hard', 'eggs', 'half']
Dokument 84: ['mayonnaise', 'slice', 'sprinkled', 'decorated', 'finely', 'radish', 'drop', 'chives', 'chopped']
Dokument 85: ['eggs', 'dishes']
Dokument 86: ['preparing', 'methods', 'various']
Dokument 87: ['scrambled', 'eggs', 'popular']
Dokument 88: ['melted', 'poured', 'pan', 'pepper', 'little', 'salt', 'mixed', 'butter', 'eggs']
Dokument 89: ['diced', 'chanterelle', 'varied', 'contain', 'tomatoes', 'fried', 'butter', 'mushrooms', 'dish']
Dokument 90: ['additions', 'invention', 'practically', 'limited', 'culinary']
Dokument 91: ['scratchings', 'finely', 'version', 'bacon', 'chopped', 'fried', 'sausage', 'smoked', 'raw']
Dokument 92: ['basis', 'omelette', 'whipped', 'formed', 'variety', 'eggs', 'dishes']
Dokument 93: ['invention', 'selection', 'played', 'ingredients', 'role', 'main', 'culinary']
Dokument 94: ['boil', 'soft', 'prepare', 'breakfast', 'eggs', 'way', 'popular', 'use']
Dokument 95: ['egg', 'cup', 'curdled', 'liquid', 'looks', 'yolk', 'amazing', 'placed', 'white', 'tastes']
Dokument 96: ['sunny', 'broken', 'simply', 'pan', 'egg']
Dokument 97: ['lunch', 'light', 'breakfast', 'dish', 'good']
Dokument 98: ['spilled', 'liquid', 'curdled', 'orange', 'looks', 'yolk', 'yellow', 'island', 'plate', 'white']
Dokument 99: ['uses', 'cuisine', 'eggs', 'polish']
Dokument 100: ['shells', 'require', 'stuffed', 'treatments', 'look', 'lot', 'eggs', 'served', 'great']
Dokument 101: ['skilfully', 'shell', 'cut', 'boiled', 'egg', 'damage', 'hard', 'case', 'half']
Dokument 102: ['peppers', 'yolk', 'finely', 'chopped', 'parsley', 'salt', 'egg', 'white', 'addition']
Dokument 103: ['mixing', 'shells', 'pan', 'placed', 'fried', 'half']
Dokument 104: ['salads', 'vegetable', 'types', 'eggs', 'example', 'different', 'used', 'fish']
Dokument 105: ['hard', 'quarters', 'imagine', 'immersed', 'typical', 'boiled', 'żurek', 'eggs', 'polish']
Dokument 106: ['loaf', 'adding', 'egg', 'common', 'meat']
Dokument 107: ['desserts']
Dokument 108: ['case', 'eggs']
Dokument 109: ['pastries', 'cakes', 'added']
Dokument 110: ['entirely', 'mention', 'point', 'tree', 'sękacz', 'famous', 'hard', 'cake', 'eggs', 'way']
Dokument 111: ['pages', 'article', 'special', 'following', 'food', 'polish']
Dokument 112: ['buttery', 'velvety', 'sponge', 'golden', 'aroma', 'colour', 'flavour', 'sweet', 'cake']
Dokument 113: ['podlachia', 'housewife', 'prussian', 'sign', 'delicacy', 'north', 'tree', 'sękacz', 'origin', 'cake']
Dokument 114: ['preferably', 'straight', 'farm', 'highest', 'quality', 'products']
Dokument 115: ['sejny', 'enhancers', 'voice', 'dyes', 'born', 'artificial', 'housewives', 'sękacz', 'say', 'land']
Dokument 116: ['kg', 'litre', 'pieces', 'flour', 'sour', 'content', 'fat', '40', 'cream', 'butter']
Dokument 117: ['sigh', 'lemon', 'quince', 'rarely', 'hear', 'distinctive', 'replaced', 'ask', 'flavour', 'sour']
Dokument 118: ['owes', 'properties', 'characteristic', 'method', 'sękacz', 'specific', 'production']
Dokument 119: ['horizontal', 'layers', 'roller', 'poured', 'baking', 'dough', 'used']
Dokument 120: ['timeconsuming', 'hours', 'minimum', 'consists', 'stages', 'baking', 'job', 'takes', 'process', 'people']
Dokument 121: ['creaming', 'vigorous', 'buttery', 'hours', 'consists', 'dough', 'preparation', 'butter', 'sugar']
Dokument 122: ['visible', 'point', 'person']
Dokument 123: ['alternately', 'typically', 'performed', 'step', 'people']
Dokument 124: ['minutes', 'yolks', 'mixing', 'specifically', 'extended', 'flour', 'dough', 'cream', 'added', 'ingredients']
Dokument 125: ['quince', 'point', 'added']
Dokument 126: ['heating', 'roller', 'preparation', 'stage', 'time']
Dokument 127: ['hearth', 'original', 'sękacz', 'baked']
Dokument 128: ['dough', 'coating', 'browned', 'evenly', 'rotating', 'layers', 'slowly', 'roller', 'person']
Dokument 129: ['electric', 'toasters', '1980s', 'replacing', 'commonly', 'gradually', 'method', 'traditional', 'used']
Dokument 130: ['stiff', 'whites', 'gently', 'whipped', 'baking', 'mixed', 'egg', 'dough', 'added', 'need']
Dokument 131: ['fluffy', 'rotating', 'sponge', 'layers', 'roller', 'poured', 'dough', 'result']
Dokument 132: ['hour', 'takes', 'usually']
Dokument 133: ['removed', 'gently', 'cool', 'pieces', 'roller', 'cut', 'enjoyed', 'completely', 'left', 'sękacz']
Dokument 134: ['size', 'roller', 'depends', 'preparation', 'cake', 'ingredients', 'used']
Dokument 135: ['cm', 'diameter', 'sejneński', 'height', 'roller', 'base', 'typical', '38', 'sękacz', 'baked']
Dokument 136: ['cm', 'cakes', 'sejeński', 'tall', 'height', 'tree', '75', 'sękacz', 'baked', 'largest']
Dokument 137: ['weighs', 'sejneński', 'kg', 'sękacz', 'average']
Dokument 138: ['got', 'twentieth', 'widely', 'probably', 'sejny', 'beginning', 'century', 'cake', 'known', 'region']
Dokument 139: ['elders', 'germansounding', 'bankuchen', 'prussian', 'adapted', 'speak', 'sejny', 'recipe', 'residents', 'sękacz']
Dokument 140: ['light', 'rings', 'resembling', 'interwoven', 'cone', 'inscribed', 'stripes', 'knots', 'sejneński', 'cutting']
Dokument 141: ['bankuchens', 'accounts', 'confirmed', 'generations', 'baking', 'north', 'sękacz', 'families', 'presence', 'come']
Dokument 142: ['photographs', 'proven', 'sejny', 'baking', 'sękacz', 'old', 'tradition']
Dokument 143: ['photograph', '1958', '1946', 'bankuchen', 'celebration', 'documents', 'oldest', 'baking', 'ones', 'sękacz']
Dokument 144: ['guides', '1980s', 'mentions', 'tourist', 'appeared', 'cakes', 'sękacz']
Dokument 145: ['1970s', 'polonized', 'baumkuchen', 'replacing', 'word', 'tourists', 'mid', 'tree', 'sękacz', 'cake']
Dokument 146: ['gatherings', 'celebrations', 'regular', 'sejny', 'sękacz', 'events', 'family', 'social', 'region']
Dokument 147: ['sponge', 'tourist', 'golden', 'sejny', 'delicacy', 'certainly', 'comes', 'land', 'offered', 'traditional']
Dokument 148: ['star', 'poland']
Dokument 149: ['pride', 'star', 'atelier', 'amaro', 'middle', 'march', 'year']
Dokument 150: ['unconventional', 'enchanted', 'inspectors', 'michelin', 'combinations', 'amazing', 'ideas', 'chef', 'cooking', 'style']
Dokument 151: ['masterpieces', 'creates', 'daily', 'wojciech', 'amaro', 'real', 'basis', 'culinary']
Dokument 152: ['uses', 'seasonal', 'best', 'products', 'polish']
Dokument 153: ['branched', 'masterpieces', 'gump', 'unparalleled', 'dinner', 'consisting', 'mushroom', 'final', 'tree', 'sękacz']
Dokument 154: ['unites', 'nations', 'food']
Dokument 155: ['week', 'presenting', 'berlin', 'green', 'aimed', 'nature', 'regional', 'local', 'year', 'products']
Dokument 156: ['plenty', 'exhibitors', 'stands', 'polish']
Dokument 157: ['kept', 'meats', 'entered', 'baked', 'list', 'presented', 'apples', 'goods', 'ministry', 'cheese']
Dokument 158: ['federal', 'trading', 'kalemba', 'stressed', 'concerned', 'far', 'republic', 'agri', 'main', 'germany']
Dokument 159: ['agrifood', 'exceeded', 'sales', 'germany', 'eur', 'billion', 'year', 'products']
Dokument 160: ['enjoyed', 'bakery', 'products', 'confectionery', 'greatest', 'preserves', 'juices', 'smoked', 'german', 'poultry']
Dokument 161: ['schmeckt', 'slogan', 'traditionally', 'polska', 'berlin', 'exhibition', 'held', 'fair', 'polish']
Dokument 162: ['tastes', 'poland']
Dokument 163: ['polish', 'strgeon', 'hit', 'stand', 'caviare', 'year']
Dokument 164: ['producer', 'caviare', 'know', 'people', 'poland']
Dokument 165: ['tons', 'delicacy', 'produce', 'year']
Dokument 166: ['restore', 'implementing', 'living', 'innovative', 'population', 'sea', 'baltic', 'conditions', 'natural', 'germany']
Dokument 167: ['berlin', 'presented', '100', 'companies', 'products', 'polish']
Dokument 168: ['delighted', 'products', 'original', 'guests', 'recipes', 'unique', 'according', 'fair', 'regional', 'traditional']
Dokument 169: ['cheese', 'mayonnaises', 'salads', 'blue', 'honeys', 'sauces', 'yoghurt', 'cottage', 'bakery', 'products']
Dokument 170: ['demonstrations', 'handicrafts', 'arranging', 'flower', 'tastings', 'folk', 'presentations', 'cooking', 'organized', 'proved']
Dokument 171: ['berlin', 'fruits', 'vegetables', 'polish']
Dokument 172: ['łódzkie', 'promoted', 'fair', 'region', 'products']
Dokument 173: ['horticultural', 'proven', 'attractiveness', 'visitors', 'number', 'products', 'polish']
Dokument 174: ['gurbiel', 'krystyna', 'fragrant', 'satisfaction', 'really', 'visiting', 'producing', 'fruits', 'reasons', 'deputy']
Dokument 175: ['tonnes', 'million', 'annually', 'fruits', 'added', 'produced', 'vegetables', 'poland']
Dokument 176: ['horticultural', 'fifth', 'italy', 'spain', 'terms', 'france', 'germany', 'country', 'production', 'union']
Dokument 177: ['attract', 'belongs', 'permanently', 'horticultural', 'customers', 'helped', 'opinion', 'developed', 'largest', 'home']
Dokument 178: ['560', 'bought', 'accounted', 'fruits', 'nearly', 'german', 'polish', 'exports', 'approximately', '20']
Dokument 179: ['logistica', 'confirmed', 'fast', 'organized', 'developing', 'increasing', 'representatives', 'groups', 'implementation', 'fair']
Dokument 180: ['organizations', 'groups', 'associate', '230', 'horticultural', 'marketed', 'nearly', 'close', 'operating', 'vegetable']
Dokument 181: ['action', 'future', 'world']
Dokument 182: ['world', 'nuremberg', 'biofach', 'theme', 'february', 'action', 'took', 'central', 'half', 'future']
Dokument 183: ['demonstrations', 'presentations', 'cooking', 'organized', 'numerous']
Dokument 184: ['enormous', 'enjoyed', 'popularity', 'visitors', 'polish', 'cuisine', 'dishes', 'fair', 'traditional', 'high']
Dokument 185: ['organic', 'association', 'producers', 'farmers', 'ekoland', 'ekołan', 'biopolska', 'cluster', 'ecology', 'augustów']
Dokument 186: ['biofach', 'leading', 'exhibition', 'event', 'fair', 'organic', 'world', 'products']
Dokument 187: ['thousand', 'gathers', 'annually', 'exhibitors', 'visitors', '40']
Dokument 188: ['views', 'new', 'trends', 'innovations', 'learn', 'brands', 'leading', 'exchange', '80', 'participation']
Dokument 189: ['copenhagen', 'food', 'polish']
Dokument 190: ['fruit', 'raved', 'preserves', 'fruits', 'juices', 'meats', 'vegetable', 'included', 'dairy', 'vegetables']
Dokument 191: ['distributors', 'scandinavian', 'establish', 'denmark', 'contacts', 'operating', 'representatives', 'opportunity', 'business', 'agri']
Dokument 192: ['chains', 'talks', 'retail', 'representative', 'danish', 'took', 'largest', 'place']
Dokument 193: ['denmark', 'wiśniewski', 'rafał', 'ambassador', 'food', 'image', 'creating', 'strengthening', 'stressed', 'polish']
Dokument 194: ['marketing', 'intensify', 'seeing', 'myths', 'dispel', 'ambassador', 'spreading', 'encouraged', 'denmark', 'recently']
Dokument 195: ['copenhagen', 'collaboration', 'embassy', 'department', 'organized', 'promotional', 'stand', 'polish', 'promotion', 'fair']
Dokument 196: ['bake', 'peace', 'let', 'bread', 'european']
Dokument 197: ['berilse', '25th', 'aigner', 'federal', 'anniversary', 'fall', 'consumer', '2014', 'initiative', 'protection']
Dokument 198: ['minister', 'peace', 'invited', 'stanisław', 'kalemba', 'brussels', 'bread', 'initiative', 'meeting', 'poland']
Dokument 199: ['communism', 'symbol', 'collapse', 'berlin', 'baked', 'bread', 'event', 'europe']
Dokument 200: ['falls', 'celebration', 'anniversary', 'event', '2014']
Dokument 201: ['minister', 'bag', 'aigner', 'symbolic', 'planted', 'slovenia', 'gave', 'path', 'sharing', 'romania']
Dokument 202: ['minister', 'bag', 'aigner', 'symbolic', 'planted', 'slovenia', 'gave', 'path', 'sharing', 'romania']
Dokument 203: ['peace', 'bread', 'forwarded', 'organizers', 'harvest', 'bake', 'gathered', 'common', 'used', 'european']
Dokument 204: ['initiative', 'inviting', 'thanking', 'peace', 'symbolic', 'stanisław', 'baking', 'kalemba', 'participate', 'importance']
Dokument 205: ['reunification', 'overthrow', 'communism', 'reminded', 'wall', 'fall', 'solidarity', 'freedom', 'initiated', 'berlin']
Dokument 206: ['cider', 'poland']
Dokument 207: ['win', 'preparing', 'leader', 'cider', 'apple', 'offer', 'markets', 'foreign', 'production', 'new']
Dokument 208: ['vintners', 'hungry', 'orchardists', 'profits', 'forward', 'commercial', 'looking', 'expected', 'success', 'polish']
Dokument 209: ['production', 'sejm', 'maliszewski', 'perry', 'pears', 'litres', 'tons', 'mirosław', 'growers', 'beverage']
Dokument 210: ['maliszewski', 'bases', 'weak', 'flavoured', 'optimism', 'considerable', 'popularity', 'alcoholic', 'beverages', 'regarding']
Dokument 211: ['healthier', 'perry', 'alcohols', 'growers', 'alternative', 'cider', 'strong', 'polish', 'president', 'according']
Dokument 212: ['moors', 'forbidden', 'ancient', 'owing', 'substitute', 'cider', 'wine', 'reached', 'times', 'known']
Dokument 213: ['beverage', 'alcohol', 'fermented', 'content', 'low', 'apple']
Dokument 214: ['calorific', 'beneficial', 'cider', 'having', 'low', 'human', 'health', 'value']
Dokument 215: ['tumours', 'ally', 'combat', 'antioxidants', 'polyphenols', 'abundance', 'heart', 'makes', 'diseases']
Dokument 216: ['invaluable', 'minerals', 'vitamins', 'source']
Dokument 217: ['hearts', 'subsequently', 'stomachs', 'probably', 'lead', 'cider', 'way', 'consumers', 'foreign', 'poles']
Dokument 218: ['semi', 'dry', 'sweet', 'journeys', 'ciders', 'canadian', 'british', 'american', 'secret', 'love']
Dokument 219: ['aperitif', 'alcohol', 'perfect', 'content', 'sweet', 'cider']
Dokument 220: ['outdoors', 'ideal', 'supplement', 'afford', 'salads', 'hot', 'champagne', 'enjoyed', 'expensive', 'summer']
Dokument 221: ['tarts', 'birthday', 'pastries', 'cakes', 'required', 'served']
Dokument 222: ['familiarise', 'bars', 'pancakes', 'broad', 'offering', 'visiting', 'cider', 'variety', 'increasing', 'taste']
Dokument 223: ['crepes', 'pancakes', 'sweet', 'cider', 'just', 'vegetables', 'meat']
Dokument 224: ['thirst', 'quench', 'walk', 'efficiently', 'semi', 'dry', 'summer', 'cider', 'long']
Dokument 225: ['fatten', 'beverage', 'favourite', 'advantage', 'beer', 'does', 'poles']
Dokument 226: ['semidry', 'accompany', 'saltwater', 'seafood', 'freshwater', 'alcohol', 'content', 'cider', 'served', 'fish']
Dokument 227: ['accentuate', 'rabbit', 'livers', 'stewed', 'venison', 'semi', 'dry', 'roasted', 'cider', 'sauce']
Dokument 228: ['dry', 'remember', 'cider', 'guests', 'offer', 'served', 'cheese']
Dokument 229: ['cheese', 'ambrosia', 'farmhouse', 'velvety', 'yellow', 'dry', 'cider', 'types', 'served', 'polish']
Dokument 230: ['cider', 'omnipresent', 'redundant', 'fatten', 'removing', 'digestion', 'emphasised', 'opposed', 'stimulates', 'weight']
Dokument 231: ['cider', 'struggling', 'tablespoon', 'obesity', 'advised', 'daily', 'consumed', 'hundreds', 'vinegar', 'doctors']
Dokument 232: ['tremendous', 'therapy', 'measured', 'brought', 'scale', 'results']
Dokument 233: ['exclusively', 'cider', 'benefits', 'poland']
Dokument 234: ['hatchery', 'grzmięca', 'sturgeon', 'polish']
Dokument 235: ['local', 'undulating', 'inconspicuous', 'brodnica', 'lake', 'district', 'kilometres', 'landscape', 'grzmięca', 'village']
Dokument 236: ['hatching', 'rearing', 'operating', 'centre', 'sturgeon', 'years']
Dokument 237: ['near', 'szczodro', 'verdicts', 'reverse', 'giżycko', 'pieczarki', 'wrocław', 'chance', 'history', 'centre']
Dokument 238: ['caviare', 'eggs', 'used', 'meat']
Dokument 239: ['fairy', 'tales', 'legends', 'appearance', 'character', 'sturgeon', 'main']
Dokument 240: ['1960s', 'disappeared', 'spawning', 'sturgeons', 'native', 'unfortunately', 'rivers', 'went', 'sea', 'baltic']
Dokument 241: ['overfishing', 'swimming', 'buildings', 'pollution', 'spawn', 'putting', 'preventing', 'kinds', 'rivers', 'job']
Dokument 242: ['1965', 'chełmno', 'vistula', 'caught', 'near', 'sturgeon', 'poland']
Dokument 243: ['specimen', 'measuring', '135', 'meters', 'weighing', 'kg', 'real']
Dokument 244: ['sturgeon', 'giant', '1996', 'coast', 'survived', 'appeared', 'wild', 'caught', 'estonia', 'hope']
Dokument 245: ['underwent', 'examination', 'thorough', 'samples', 'dna', 'obtained', 'testing']
Dokument 246: ['tested', 'caught', 'method', 'sea', 'baltic', 'sturgeon']
Dokument 247: ['unpleasant', 'surprise', 'unfortunately', 'results']
Dokument 248: ['dna', 'indicated', 'american', 'origin', 'fish']
Dokument 249: ['presumed', 'coincidence', 'presence', 'sea', 'baltic']
Dokument 250: ['restitution', 'challenge', 'huge', 'sturgeon']
Dokument 251: ['brodnica', 'zlotys', 'grzmięca', 'near', 'cost', 'built', 'centre', 'million']
Dokument 252: ['ecofund', 'zlotys', 'subsidy', 'environmental', 'water', 'added', 'management', 'fund', 'given', 'protection']
Dokument 253: ['purzycki', 'angling', 'owner', 'toruń', 'mirosław', 'branch', 'facility', 'played', 'association', 'major']
Dokument 254: ['restructuring', 'benefited', 'coming', 'modernisation', 'allocated', 'fisheries', 'centre', 'agency', 'money', 'programmes']
Dokument 255: ['peasant', 'palaces', 'cottages', 'aristocracy', 'hosted', 'sturgeons', 'centuries', 'tables', 'polish']
Dokument 256: ['hacked', 'slices', 'substantial', 'pieces', 'cut', 'size', 'sale', 'usually']
Dokument 257: ['tsar', 'petersburg', 'interestingly', 'court', 'surprise', 'sturgeons', 'probably', 'delicacy', 'st', 'vistula']
Dokument 258: ['sturgeon', 'restoring', 'breed', 'annually', 'fry', 'planned', 'rivers', '50', 'sea', 'baltic']
Dokument 259: ['restock', 'drawa', 'drwęca', 'sufficient', 'vistula', 'rivers', 'gradually', 'river', 'later']
Dokument 260: ['dam', 'włocławek', 'tributaries', 'upper', 'impossible', 'unfortunately', 'vistula', 'rivers', 'built', 'river']
Dokument 261: ['fertilized', 'spawners', 'canada', 'grzmięca', 'atlantic', 'imported', 'breeding', 'centres', 'sturgeon', 'eggs']
Dokument 262: ['swim', 'hatch', 'fry', 'sea', 'baltic']
Dokument 263: ['releasing', 'sexual', 'birth', 'spawn', 'maturity', 'sturgeons', 'longer', 'reach', 'return', 'order']
Dokument 264: ['waters', 'restoration', 'reproduction', 'talk', 'cycle', 'mean', 'return', 'turn', 'real', 'sturgeon']
Dokument 265: ['years', 'wait', 'meters', 'bred', 'grzmięca', 'moment', 'oldest', 'unfortunately', 'far', 'old']
Dokument 266: ['sex', 'determine', 'just', 'possible', 'young', 'time']
Dokument 267: ['die', 'repeatedly', 'salmons', 'spawn', 'spawning', 'starts', 'reproduction', 'unlike', 'cycle', 'atlantic']
Dokument 268: ['transmitters', 'telemetry', 'drwęca', 'implanted', 'chips', 'released', 'atlantic', 'sturgeons', 'river', 'far']
Dokument 269: ['swam', 'vistula', 'river', 'reached', 'sea', 'baltic', 'fish']
Dokument 270: ['doing', 'journey', 'trying', 'observed', 'population', 'sea', 'scientists']
Dokument 271: ['arkadiusz', 'mierzejewski', 'arise', 'grzmięca', 'enthusiasts', 'head', 'environment', 'return', 'achievements', 'try']
Dokument 272: ['voices', 'heard', 'oder', 'count', 'strongly', 'river', 'return', 'funding', 'sturgeon', 'need']
Dokument 273: ['neris', 'nemunas', 'considering', 'followed', 'rivers', 'return', 'lithuania', 'study', 'fish']
Dokument 274: ['work', 'express', 'helcom', 'hopes', 'neighbouring', 'waters', 'placed', 'return', 'list', 'possibility']
Dokument 275: ['vistula', 'sturgeon', 'dorado', 'el', 'bazaars', 'queen', 'commonly', 'bay', 'gdańsk', 'rivers']
Dokument 276: ['1897', 'kilograms', '130', 'mouth', 'caught', 'near', 'river', 'thousand', 'fish']
Dokument 277: ['gr', 'wałecki', '1864', 'pound', 'follows', 'described', 'chopped', 'june', '40', '24']
Dokument 278: ['pound', 'gr', 'rouble', 'variable', 'pounds', 'zł', 'item', 'zlotys', 'pike', 'weighing']
Dokument 279: ['pounds', 'eels', 'zł', 'weighing', 'chosen', 'living', 'individual', 'sold']
Dokument 280: ['gr', 'lots', 'pound', 'catfish', 'abundance', '36', 'depends', 'season', 'price', '24']
Dokument 281: ['extinction', 'twentieth', 'abundant', 'proves', 'expensive', 'began', 'account', 'beginning', 'century', 'sturgeon']
Dokument 282: ['supplying', 'engaged', 'japanese', 'china', 'leader', 'farming', 'currently', 'scale', 'sturgeon', 'markets']
Dokument 283: ['restoration', 'atlantic', 'sturgeon', 'poland']
Dokument 284: ['oxyrinchus', 'sturgeon', 'acipenser', 'mitchill', 'occurring', 'ages', 'atlantic', 'middle', 'naturally', 'early']
Dokument 285: ['spawning', 'specimens', 'streams', 'swam', 'migrated', 'tributaries', 'upper', 'oder', 'grounds', 'mature']
Dokument 286: ['baltic', 'hydrotechnical', 'extinct', 'deteriorating', 'twentieth', 'basin', 'atlantic', 'intensive', 'decline', 'declared']
Dokument 287: ['olsztyn', 'restitution', 'irs', 'inland', 'inspired', 'occurred', 'rivers', 'environmental', 'institute', 'century']
Dokument 288: ['operational', 'financed', 'fisheries', '2007', 'fish', 'programme', 'initially', 'sectoral', 'department', 'institute']
Dokument 289: ['fertilized', 'canada', 'hatching', 'atlantic', 'annually', 'imported', 'starting', 'material', 'sturgeon', 'eggs']
Dokument 290: ['extracted', 'photo', 'spawners', 'occurring', 'john', 'st', 'river', 'population', 'sturgeon', 'natural']
Dokument 291: ['breeding', 'sturgeon', 'irs', 'ecofund', 'hall', 'generated', 'experimental', 'fry', 'foundation', 'built']
Dokument 292: ['circuit', 'specialized', 'developmental', 'pool', 'equipped', 'photo', 'spawners', 'closed', 'hatching', 'bred']
Dokument 293: ['fish', 'ichthyological', 'behaviour', 'parallel', 'biotechnology', 'rearing', 'fry', 'improving', 'environment', 'conducted']
Dokument 294: ['basins', 'photo', 'oder', 'pilot', 'restocking', 'vistula', 'view', '2006', 'carried', 'end']
Dokument 295: ['hydrobiology', 'oder', 'basin', 'colleagues', 'berlin', 'institute', 'conducted', 'fisheries', 'work', 'cooperation']
Dokument 296: ['2500', '1600', '315', 'basin', 'released', 'pilot', 'restocking', 'weighing', 'fry', 'vistula']
Dokument 297: ['telemetry', 'behaviour', 'routes', 'understand', 'fry', 'objective', 'wild', 'learn', 'methods', 'aim']
Dokument 298: ['swimming', 'coastal', 'zone', 'evidenced', 'mouth', 'bay', 'grow', 'fry', 'rapidly', 'fishermen']
Dokument 299: ['estuaries', 'zone', 'gain', 'record', 'weight', 'fry', 'vistula', 'exceeded', '300', 'months']
Dokument 300: ['catching', 'distant', 'bay', 'sturgeons', 'gdańsk', 'obtained', 'cases', 'sea', 'baltic', 'areas']
Dokument 301: ['bornholm', 'island', 'restocking', 'nearby', 'weighing', 'kg', 'caught', 'sturgeon']
Dokument 302: ['koszalin', 'nets', 'coast', 'weighed', 'sturgeons', 'fishermen', 'kg', 'caught', 'near', 'largest']
Dokument 303: ['spawners', 'restocking', 'atlantic', 'fry', 'soon', 'obtained', 'sturgeon', 'eggs', 'used']
Dokument 304: ['kept', 'environmental', 'breeding', 'centres', 'selected', 'conditions', 'different', 'fish']
Dokument 305: ['photo', 'females', 'males', 'begin', 'weighing', 'mature', 'oldest', 'kg', 'coming', 'expected']
Dokument 306: ['fisheries', 'federation', 'restoration', 'inland', 'russian', 'organizations', 'signed', 'recovery', 'enhance', 'latvia']
Dokument 307: ['produced', 'results', 'cooperation']
Dokument 308: ['nemunas', 'tributaries', 'restocking', 'experimental', 'river', 'conducted', 'years']
Dokument 309: ['daugava', 'restocking', 'planned', 'river', '2013']
Dokument 310: ['survival', 'expanding', 'restocking', 'diversity', 'chance', 'allow', 'greater', 'population', 'baltic', 'sturgeon']
Dokument 311: ['waśkowski', 'profession', 'jerzy', 'continuously', 'arts', 'master', 'interview', '33', 'working', 'culinary']
Dokument 312: ['enthusiast', 'expert', 'field', 'cuisine', 'sturgeon', 'dishes', 'polish']
Dokument 313: ['ministers', 'poets', 'sejm', 'senate', 'speakers', 'presidents', 'actors', 'art', 'guests', 'prime']
Dokument 314: ['thirty', 'got', 'cuisines', 'combinations', 'nations', 'original', 'created', 'know', 'dishes', 'taste']
Dokument 315: ['reigned', 'restaurant', 'spring', 'opening', 'sturgeon', 'year']
Dokument 316: ['trying', 'rich', 'return', 'resources', 'caviare', 'sea', 'baltic', 'sturgeon', 'used', 'production']
Dokument 317: ['coming', 'domestic', 'caviare', 'sold', 'sturgeon', 'producers', '2004', 'market', 'polish']
Dokument 318: ['tons', '400', 'probably', 'amounts', 'tables', 'currently', 'sturgeon', 'popular', 'like', 'fish']
Dokument 319: ['1930s', 'waters', 'sea', 'excellent', 'baltic', 'sturgeon', 'conditions', 'development']
Dokument 320: ['killed', '1960s', '1950s', 'destroyed', 'catching', 'war', 'completely', 'ii', 'resources', 'population']
Dokument 321: ['sturgeon', 'sterlet', 'siberian', 'reemerged', 'beluga', '1990s', 'cross', 'russian', 'breed', 'early']
Dokument 322: ['complexes', 'consumption', 'grown', 'sale', 'fishing', 'fish']
Dokument 323: ['waters', 'restore', 'native', 'progress', 'rivers', 'species', 'currently', 'sea', 'baltic', 'sturgeon']
Dokument 324: ['popularity', 'certainly', 'contribute', 'consumers', 'increase', 'fish']
Dokument 325: ['special', 'fish']
Dokument 326: ['wonderful', 'shape', 'flavour', 'look', 'rich', 'history', 'sturgeon', 'unique', 'fish']
Dokument 327: ['kings', 'magnates', 'tsars', 'bargaining', 'host', 'tables', 'hope', 'product', 'poles']
Dokument 328: ['primarily', 'source', 'caviare', 'sturgeon']
Dokument 329: ['dozens', 'make', 'dishes', 'great', 'meat']
Dokument 330: ['best', 'taste']
Dokument 331: ['prepare', 'delicious', 'fish']
Dokument 332: ['eat', 'sturgeon', 'raw', 'way', 'meat']
Dokument 333: ['brandy', 'quail', 'poetry', 'yolk', 'pepper', 'gives', 'salt', 'combination', 'egg', 'flavour']
Dokument 334: ['beginning', 'just']
Dokument 335: ['sturgeon', 'slices', 'serve', 'fried', 'butter', 'soup']
Dokument 336: ['sawdust', 'prelude', 'pine', 'champagne', 'cooked', 'wine', 'sauce', 'smoked', 'course', 'sturgeon']
Dokument 337: ['sauces', 'kinds', 'tastes', 'sturgeon', 'great']
Dokument 338: ['sauce', 'aftertaste', 'lime', 'cognac', 'whipped', 'dill', 'soft', 'serve', 'horseradish', 'sweet']
Dokument 339: ['kinds', 'caviare', 'excellent', 'addition', 'dishes']
Dokument 340: ['clotted', 'sight', 'blinis', 'unforgettable', 'pancakes', 'combined', 'buckwheat', 'flour', 'cream', 'caviare']
Dokument 341: ['let', 'return', 'caviare']
Dokument 342: ['know']
Dokument 343: ['aphrodisiac', 'apart', 'fact']
Dokument 344: ['aphrodisiac', 'right', 'caviare']
Dokument 345: ['aphrodisiac', 'right', 'caviare']
Dokument 346: ['nutritional', 'values', 'product', 'taste', 'high']
Dokument 347: ['lecithin', 'acids', 'fatty', 'trace', 'grains', 'protein', 'proper', 'vitamins', 'contain', 'elements']
Dokument 348: ['beluga', 'grey', 'appreciate', 'colour', 'caviare', 'especially']
Dokument 349: ['noble', 'expensive']
Dokument 350: ['caviare', 'albino', 'grey', 'black', 'comes', 'white', 'excellent', 'sturgeon']
Dokument 351: ['stores', 'unfortunately', 'time']
Dokument 352: ['jacket', 'potatoes', 'butter', 'caviare', 'bread', 'served']
Dokument 353: ['filling', 'product']
Dokument 354: ['grams', 'appreciate', 'values', '50', 'just', 'taste']
Dokument 355: ['serving', 'connected', 'caviare', 'rules', 'specific']
Dokument 356: ['horn', 'spoon', 'pearl', 'jar', 'mother', 'straight', 'gold', 'rule', 'serve', 'caviare']
Dokument 357: ['bowls', 'surrounded', 'banquets', 'ice', 'cubes', 'crystal', 'exquisite', 'caviare', 'served']
Dokument 358: ['spoons', 'crystal', 'golden', 'use']
Dokument 359: ['golden']
Dokument 360: ['metal', 'spoons', 'suffer', 'silver', 'unique', 'natural', 'product', 'used', 'taste']
Dokument 361: ['counts', 'noble', 'product', 'quality']
Dokument 362: ['checked', 'firmness', 'tsars', 'freshness', 'talk', 'mind', 'comes', 'caviare', 'way']
Dokument 363: ['bead', 'thrown', 'jar', 'cherry', 'golden', 'size', 'caviare']
Dokument 364: ['ball', 'surface', 'meant', 'remained', 'caviare', 'highest', 'quality']
Dokument 365: ['compare', 'manufacturers', 'caviare', 'does', 'popular', 'production', 'quality', 'polish']
Dokument 366: ['canada', 'russia', 'caviare', 'biggest', 'producers']
Dokument 367: ['teeth', 'efficiently', 'cutting', 'quickly', 'taking', 'area', 'place', 'country', 'poland']
Dokument 368: ['caspian', 'disappearing', 'slowly', 'russian', 'comes', 'caviare', 'sea']
Dokument 369: ['restore', 'trying', 'production', 'poland']
Dokument 370: ['konin', 'vicinity', 'currently', 'caviare', 'produced', 'polish']
Dokument 371: ['caviare', 'does', 'like', 'taste', 'polish']
Dokument 372: ['wonderful', 'caviare', 'tastes', 'polish']
Dokument 373: ['delicate', 'salinity', 'attributed', 'amounts', 'flavour']
Dokument 374: ['tasty', 'healthy', 'natural']
Dokument 375: ['foremost', 'caviare', 'natural', 'product']
Dokument 376: ['longevity', 'caspian', 'enjoyed', 'fishermen', 'cooking', 'sea', 'basis', 'dishes', 'thanks']
Dokument 377: ['proof', 'caviare', 'excellent', 'healthy']
Dokument 378: ['enjoys', 'considerable', 'popularity', 'delicacy', 'worldwide', 'caviare', 'sturgeon']
Dokument 379: ['dainty', 'dishes']
Dokument 380: ['truffles', 'competes', 'oysters', 'livers', 'champagne', 'goose', 'products']
Dokument 381: ['savouring', 'price', 'worth', 'small', 'taste', 'quality']
Dokument 382: ['imagine', 'flavours', 'champagne', 'combination', 'caviare', 'french', 'better', 'polish']
Dokument 383: ['answer', 'question', 'opinion', 'caviare', 'best', 'taste', 'polish']
Dokument 384: ['conversation', 'thank']
Dokument 385: ['walther', 'orlen', 'wisła', 'lars', 'płock', 'coach', 'handball', 'interview', 'team', 'danish']
Dokument 386: ['denmark', 'dishes', 'like']
Dokument 387: ['wife', 'opinion', 'food', 'polish']
Dokument 388: ['vegetarian', 'wife', 'makes']
Dokument 389: ['mean', 'eat', 'does', 'meat']
Dokument 390: ['eat', 'meat']
Dokument 391: ['course']
Dokument 392: ['straightaway', 'feel', 'eating', 'want', 'say', 'buy', 'material', 'highest', 'like', 'meat']
Dokument 393: ['reliable', 'buy', 'source', 'meat']
Dokument 394: ['personal', 'organic', 'use', 'meat']
Dokument 395: ['buy', 'case', 'meat']
Dokument 396: ['places', 'example', 'market']
Dokument 397: []
Dokument 398: ['płock', 'stores', 'recommended', 'friends']
Dokument 399: ['buy', 'mainly', 'poultry']
Dokument 400: ['chicken', 'farms', 'example', 'organic', 'meat', 'products']
Dokument 401: ['think', 'general', 'good', 'quality', 'food', 'poland']
Dokument 402: ['keen', 'instance', 'fresh', 'vegetables', 'great']
Dokument 403: ['good', 'meat', 'quality', 'polish']
Dokument 404: ['talk', 'players', 'eating', 'good']
Dokument 405: ['handball', 'players', 'eat', 'important']
Dokument 406: ['attach', 'significance', 'fact', 'like', 'good', 'poles', 'food']
Dokument 407: ['oh', 'eaten', 'lot', 'breakfast', 'fresh', 'bread', 'like', 'polish']
Dokument 408: ['handball', 'players', 'diet', 'special']
Dokument 409: ['prescribed', 'handball', 'players', 'diet', 'special']
Dokument 410: ['players', 'eat', 'just']
Dokument 411: ['hamburgers', 'pizza', 'match', 'eat']
Dokument 412: ['digestible', 'easily', 'players', 'meals', 'eat']
Dokument 413: ['fatty', 'matches', 'sauces', 'avoid', 'red', 'meat']
Dokument 414: ['match', 'coach', 'menu', 'set', 'does', 'important']
Dokument 415: ['eat', 'match', 'players', 'meal']
Dokument 416: ['lots', 'pasta', 'piece', 'instance', 'salmon', 'fresh', 'eat', 'vegetables']
Dokument 417: ['carbohydrates', 'players', 'need']
Dokument 418: ['grocery', 'lars', 'płock', 'discount', 'shopping', 'wife', 'stores', 'danish', 'does']
Dokument 419: []
Dokument 420: ['discount', 'stores', 'denmark', 'operating', 'danish', 'supply', 'different', 'local']
Dokument 421: ['selection', 'small', 'use']
Dokument 422: ['retail', 'shops', 'instead', 'chain', 'polish']
Dokument 423: ['good', 'products']
Dokument 424: ['banal', 'hesitated', 'favourite', 'question', 'ask', 'dish', 'polish']
Dokument 425: ['fantastic', 'borscht', 'love', 'żurek', 'soups', 'white', 'course']
Dokument 426: ['similar', 'essence', 'cuisines', 'climate']
Dokument 427: ['feel', 'denmark', 'eat', 'home', 'like', 'food', 'polish']
Dokument 428: ['danes', 'sauces', 'potatoes', 'lot', 'eat', 'based', 'poles', 'meat']
Dokument 429: ['similar', 'tastes', 'like', 'culinary', 'thanks', 'food', 'polish']
Dokument 430: ['mette', 'dane', 'gjerskov', 'criticism', 'look', 'living', 'danish', 'does', 'agriculture', 'minister']
Dokument 431: ['sell', 'wants', 'problem', 'comes', 'fact']
Dokument 432: ['struggle', 'simply', 'markets']
Dokument 433: ['hard', 'competition', 'just']
Dokument 434: ['fight', 'fair']
Dokument 435: ['frankly', 'reservations', 'speaking', 'lot', 'danish', 'consumer', 'home', 'meat', 'quality']
Dokument 436: ['satisfied', 'quality']
Dokument 437: ['scraps', 'danes', 'sent', 'left', 'denmark', 'said', 'common', 'best', 'export', 'meat']
Dokument 438: ['better', 'meat', 'quality', 'poland']
Dokument 439: ['broader', 'problem']
Dokument 440: ['earn', 'expensive', 'buy', 'better', 'quality', 'people', 'food']
Dokument 441: []
Dokument 442: ['prepares', 'wife', 'meal', 'concerned', 'health', 'products', 'polish']
Dokument 443: ['absolutely']
Dokument 444: ['conversation', 'thank']
Dokument 445: ['indication', 'geographical', 'vodka', 'polish']
Dokument 446: ['indication', 'geographical', 'protected', 'treaty', 'vodka', 'accession', '2004', 'union', 'european', 'polish']
Dokument 447: ['vodkas', 'introduces', 'wódka', 'flavoured', 'reference', 'definition', 'polska', 'indication', 'act', 'geographical']
Dokument 448: ['vodka', 'triticale', 'oats', 'wódka', 'barley', 'definition', 'labelled', 'wheat', 'polska', 'accordance']
Dokument 449: ['furthermore', 'entire', 'process', 'place', 'production', 'poland']
Dokument 450: ['vodkas', 'vodka', 'production', 'distinguishing', 'wódka', 'owe', 'traditionally', 'flavoured', 'definition', 'polska']
Dokument 451: ['geographical', 'distinguishing', 'owe', 'characteristics', 'products', 'indications', 'principle', 'determine', 'category', 'origin']
Dokument 452: ['protection', 'product', 'abuse', 'monopoly', 'unfair', 'kind', 'reputation', 'manufacturers', 'provides', 'competition']
Dokument 453: ['enables', 'providing', 'communication', 'method', 'knowledge', 'instrument', 'origin', 'consumers', 'production', 'products']
Dokument 454: ['misleads', 'names', 'true', 'primarily', 'registered', 'protected', 'origin', 'consumers', 'use', 'commission']
Dokument 455: ['reference', 'purposes', 'registration', 'commercial', 'covered', 'means', 'used', 'products']
Dokument 456: ['similar', 'translation', 'expressions', 'indicated', 'accompanied', 'flavour', 'style', 'true', 'type', 'origin']
Dokument 457: ['wódka', 'reported', 'bilateral', 'concluded', 'polska', 'indication', 'geographical', 'agreements', 'protect', 'polish']
Dokument 458: ['andrzej', 'szumowski', 'interview', 'association', 'vodka', 'president', 'polish']
Dokument 459: ['cheers', 'polish']
Dokument 460: ['shrouded', 'mythology', 'legend', '600', 'tradition', 'national', 'years', 'polish']
Dokument 461: ['feasts', 'groaning', 'pickles', 'meads', 'mentioning', 'hospitality', 'talk', 'sausages', 'beverages', 'tables']
Dokument 462: ['complement', 'landscape', 'vodka', 'culinary', 'poland']
Dokument 463: ['scotch', 'becherovka', 'frenchmen', 'gin', 'whiskey', 'cognac', 'utmost', 'british', 'sake', 'champagne']
Dokument 464: ['deny', 'search', 'roots', 'significance', 'brands', 'force', 'try', 'global', 'polish']
Dokument 465: ['cradle', 'huge', 'offers', 'image', 'opportunities', 'excellent', 'vodka', 'potential', 'country', 'polish']
Dokument 466: ['exactly', 'appear', 'traditions', 'vodka', 'did', 'culinary', 'polish', 'poland']
Dokument 467: ['documented', 'fifteenth', 'earliest', 'mentions', 'date', 'century']
Dokument 468: ['overgrown', 'literature', 'legend', 'hundreds', 'drink', 'customs', 'history', 'life', 'tradition', 'social']
Dokument 469: ['cultivation', 'crops', 'cereal', 'potatoes', 'importance', 'vodka', 'great', 'country', 'agricultural', 'production']
Dokument 470: ['refined', 'beverage', 'availability', 'capacities', 'alcoholic', 'systematically', 'contributed', 'high', 'production']
Dokument 471: ['heights', 'excellence', 'raised', 'vodka', 'thanks', 'quality', 'polish']
Dokument 472: ['introducing', 'definition', 'indication', 'january', 'act', 'force', 'came', 'geographical', '13', 'vodka']
Dokument 473: ['distilling', 'fact', 'industry', 'country', 'important']
Dokument 474: ['milestone', 'breakthrough', 'major', 'vodka', 'producers', 'polish']
Dokument 475: ['alcoholic', 'beverages', 'act', 'vodka', 'thanks', 'national', 'polish']
Dokument 476: ['vodka', 'ceased', 'poland']
Dokument 477: ['obliges', 'regulates', 'fork', 'strictly', 'farm', 'vodka', 'way', 'polish']
Dokument 478: ['triticale', 'oats', 'named', 'barley', 'wheat', 'potatoes', 'rye', 'manufactured', 'domestic', 'materials']
Dokument 479: ['tool', 'beverage', 'organizations', 'alcoholic', 'manufacturers', 'act', 'legal', 'interests', 'association', 'protect']
Dokument 480: ['precise', 'definition', 'competitiveness', 'allows', 'domestic', 'vodka', 'consumers', 'increase', 'foreign']
Dokument 481: ['swedes', 'finns', 'russians', 'say', 'strong', 'competition']
Dokument 482: ['fame', 'olympus', 'solution', 'alcoholic', 'beverages', 'chance', 'legal', 'access', 'global', 'thanks']
Dokument 483: ['tequila', 'mexican', 'inferior', 'scottish', 'cognac', 'sake', 'japanese', 'vodka', 'polish']
Dokument 484: ['barmen', 'celebrities', 'thing', 'collaboration', 'promotion', 'government', 'needs', 'institutions', 'industry', 'good']
Dokument 485: ['afford', 'absence', 'manufacturers', 'domestic', 'markets', 'foreign', 'food']
Dokument 486: ['image', 'outside', 'responsible', 'promotion', 'need', 'institutions', 'country', 'economic', 'support']
Dokument 487: ['embassies', 'reigned', 'join', 'drinks', 'forces', 'parties', 'stands', 'polish', 'vodka', 'ensure']
Dokument 488: ['law', 'consumer', 'benefit', 'new']
Dokument 489: ['primarily', 'solutions', 'meet', 'efforts', 'needs', 'consumers', 'new']
Dokument 490: ['attached', 'nowadays', 'importance', 'great', 'quality', 'food', 'products']
Dokument 491: ['dozen', 'certificates', 'industry', 'including', 'meat', 'high', 'quality', 'food', 'poland']
Dokument 492: ['willing', 'showing', 'worldwide', 'pay', 'trend', 'origin', 'guarantee', 'product', 'consumers', 'important']
Dokument 493: ['proper', 'certificate', 'introduced', 'act', 'case', 'vodka']
Dokument 494: ['beverage', 'crops', 'native', 'alcoholic', 'cereal', 'potatoes', 'manufactured', 'recipes', 'old', 'using']
Dokument 495: ['specificity', 'accordance', 'original', 'tradition', 'vodka', 'produced', 'product', 'region', 'polish']
Dokument 496: ['vodka', 'intends', 'indications', 'introduce', 'association', 'polish', 'programme']
Dokument 497: ['insufficient', 'act']
Dokument 498: ['indication', 'meet', 'act', 'requirements', 'vodka', 'able', 'producers', 'use', 'polish']
Dokument 499: ['beverage', 'alcoholic', 'brands', 'want', 'domestic', 'turn', 'interests', 'promote', 'protect', 'vodka']
Dokument 500: ['signed', 'constantly', 'brands', 'growing', 'programme']
Dokument 501: ['cradle', 'familiar', 'integrate', 'image', 'want', 'vodka', 'poland']
Dokument 502: ['flagship', 'just', 'vodka', 'country', 'polish']
Dokument 503: ['thriving', 'branch', 'economy']
Dokument 504: ['distilling', 'branch', 'sector', 'important', 'market', 'food', 'poland']
Dokument 505: ['billion', 'pln', 'excise', '93', '44', 'vat', 'revenues', 'close', 'responsible', 'jobs']
Dokument 506: ['vodkas', 'distribution', '90', 'industry', 'production']
Dokument 507: ['usa', 'fourth', 'russia', 'ukraine', 'vodka', 'largest', 'world', 'market', 'eu']
Dokument 508: ['litres', 'million', '330', 'exported', '50', 'vodka', 'produced', 'today', 'poland']
Dokument 509: ['131', 'euro', 'amounted', 'value', '2011', 'export', 'million']
Dokument 510: ['65', 'reached', 'euro', 'vodka', 'worth', 'half', 'markets', 'foreign', '2012', 'million']
Dokument 511: ['corresponding', 'means', 'compared', 'increase', 'time', 'year']
Dokument 512: ['vodka', 'instead', 'coming', 'hope', 'called', 'production', 'years', 'polish', 'poland']
Dokument 513: ['grounded', 'hit', 'flagship', 'hope', 'vodka', 'position', 'export']
Dokument 514: ['construct', 'brands', 'chance', 'vodka', 'national', 'food']
Dokument 515: ['continuing', 'evidenced', 'popularity', 'enjoy', 'constantly', 'balance', 'increasing', 'foreign', 'world', 'trade']
Dokument 516: ['palates', 'asians', 'conquer', 'europeans', 'manufacturers', 'fruits', 'domestic', 'milk', 'meat', 'products']
Dokument 517: ['believe', 'cucumber', 'pickled', 'soon', 'tables', 'sausage', 'set', 'vodka', 'home', 'foreign']
Dokument 518: ['complemented', 'perfectly', 'kefir', 'cottage', 'breakfast', 'cheese', 'polish']
Dokument 519: ['conversation', 'thank']
Dokument 520: ['increases', 'agri', 'export', 'food', 'products', 'polish']
Dokument 521: ['diversify', 'hold', 'continue', 'sales', 'markets', 'trade', 'member', 'union', 'states', 'products']
Dokument 522: ['america', 'middle', 'asia', 'north', 'east', 'far', 'active', 'europe', 'poland']
Dokument 523: ['countriestalk', 'ambassadors', 'asian', 'popularity', 'food', 'countries', 'polish']
Dokument 524: ['favourite', 'specialties', 'food', 'polish']
Dokument 525: ['popular', 'consumers', 'country']
Dokument 526: ['popular', 'country', 'food', 'products', 'polish']
Dokument 527: ['stores', 'available']
Dokument 528: ['attempting', 'exhausted', 'list', 'variety', 'dishes']
Dokument 529: ['nutritious', 'tasty', 'dishes', 'traditional', 'products', 'poland']
Dokument 530: ['appeal', 'favorite', 'plum', 'limit', 'chocolate', 'żurek', 'honey', 'greater', 'soup', 'dishes']
Dokument 531: ['locally', 'crop', 'buckwheat', 'produced', 'poland']
Dokument 532: ['soba', 'prepares', 'happens', 'serves', 'residence', 'noodles', 'chef', 'japanese', 'dumplings', 'guests']
Dokument 533: ['buckwheat', 'japanese', 'similar', 'taste']
Dokument 534: ['sufficient', 'japanese', 'delicious', 'natural', 'information', 'consumers', 'food', 'products', 'polish']
Dokument 535: ['foods', 'performed', 'enjoy', 'efficient', 'japanese', 'marketing', 'recognition', 'campaign', 'high', 'quality']
Dokument 536: ['feathers', 'informed', 'appreciate', 'japanese', 'come', 'produced', 'consumers', 'good', 'quality', 'poland']
Dokument 537: ['witness', 'ceramic', 'enjoying', 'shall', 'japanese', 'żurek', 'near', 'soup', 'dishes', 'future']
Dokument 538: ['boleslawiec', 'pottery', 'popularity', 'growing']
Dokument 539: ['268', 'operates', 'japanese', 'capital', 'companies', 'poland']
Dokument 540: ['interactions', 'strenghten', 'japan', 'commercial', 'exchange', 'hope', 'activity', 'develop', 'business', 'culinary']
Dokument 541: ['agro', 'cigarettes', 'constitute', 'japan', 'exports', 'pork', 'main', 'food', 'products', 'polish']
Dokument 542: ['soup', 'accessed', 'canned', 'instant', 'borsch', 'currants', 'pickles', 'stores', 'berries', 'black']
Dokument 543: ['żubrówka', 'liqueurs', 'beverages', 'vodka', 'popular', 'fruit', 'traditional', 'including']
Dokument 544: ['amounted', 'eur', 'million', '105', '71', 'preliminary', 'japan', 'data', 'according', '2011']
Dokument 545: ['japan', 'exported', 'pork', 'main', 'product']
Dokument 546: ['favourite', 'żurek', 'soup']
Dokument 547: ['trouble', 'worries', 'told', 'away', 'żurek', 'friends', 'just', 'polish']
Dokument 548: ['saying', 'love', 'żurek']
Dokument 549: ['specialities', 'sausages', 'think', 'delicious', 'especially', 'meat', 'products']
Dokument 550: ['recommending', 'juice', 'worth', 'milk', 'products', 'polish']
Dokument 551: ['establishments', 'meat', 'exporting', 'certificates', 'china', 'obtained', 'pork', 'end', 'poultry', 'year']
Dokument 552: ['exerting', 'colleagues', 'facilitate', 'certificates', 'efforts', 'encourage', 'companies', 'polish']
Dokument 553: ['flavour', 'unique', 'popular', 'good', 'meat', 'quality', 'countries', 'products', 'european', 'polish']
Dokument 554: ['loved', 'believe', 'chinese', 'recognized', 'near', 'future', 'consumers', 'products']
Dokument 555: ['supermarkets', 'actually', 'chinese', 'cities', 'varieties', 'expected', 'medium', 'especially', 'small', 'food']
Dokument 556: ['beijing', 'guangzhou', 'cities', 'big', 'brands', 'available', 'like', 'polish']
Dokument 557: ['supermarkets', 'beijing', 'guangzhou', 'city', 'entered', 'successfully', 'juice', 'smoked', 'polish', 'meat']
Dokument 558: ['bars', 'vodka', 'popular', 'polish']
Dokument 559: ['culture', 'enrich', 'component', 'chinese', 'china', 'culinary', 'export', 'important', 'food', 'polish']
Dokument 560: ['appearing', 'dining', 'anticipate', 'chinese', 'table', 'families', 'food', 'polish']
Dokument 561: ['amounted', 'eur', 'million', 'preliminary', '66', '43', 'china', 'data', 'according', '2011']
Dokument 562: ['whey', 'concentrated', 'products', 'china', 'animal', 'exported', 'cream', 'origin', 'milk', 'main']
Dokument 563: ['golonka', 'kiełbasa', 'bigos', 'like']
Dokument 564: ['chopin', 'counts', 'favorite', 'don', 'consumed', 'know', 'vodka', 'especially', 'product', 'food']
Dokument 565: ['koreans', 'suit', 'kiełbasa', 'think', 'sausage', 'taste', 'polish']
Dokument 566: ['fans', 'course', 'vodka']
Dokument 567: ['korea', 'pork', 'popular', 'product', 'food', 'polish']
Dokument 568: ['valued', 'quality']
Dokument 569: ['koreans', 'stores', 'buy']
Dokument 570: ['emphasis', 'places', 'safety', 'particular', 'commission', 'food', 'european']
Dokument 571: ['control', 'liability', 'fodder', 'hygiene', 'ensured', 'substances', 'producer', 'apart', 'animals', 'ensuring']
Dokument 572: ['wholesome', 'varied', 'consisting', 'choose', 'diet', 'safe', 'consumer', 'right', 'food', 'european']
Dokument 573: ['accurate', 'composition', 'clear', 'processing', 'information', 'use', 'food']
Dokument 574: ['priority', 'policies', 'placed', 'european', 'safety', 'order', 'ensure', 'public', 'health', 'level']
Dokument 575: ['regulations', 'law', 'directives', 'member', 'hygiene', 'applies', 'provisions', 'required', 'legal', 'directly']
Dokument 576: ['govern', 'strictly', 'laws', 'foodstuffs', 'provisions', 'placed', 'met', 'requirements', 'national', 'union']
Dokument 577: ['food', 'meets', 'placed', 'safe', 'fully', 'law', 'requirements', 'union', 'market', 'countries']
Dokument 578: ['qualities', 'borders', 'recognition', 'wide', 'gained', 'thanks', 'consumers', 'taste', 'union', 'european']
Dokument 579: ['animal', 'veterinary', 'monitored', 'food', 'inspection', 'supervision', 'origin', 'used', 'veterinarian', 'chief']
Dokument 580: ['samples', 'pigs', 'collects', 'rabbits', 'horses', 'cow', 'sheep', 'inspection', 'cattle', 'supervision']
Dokument 581: ['banned', 'pollution', 'medicinal', 'compounds', 'scope', 'veterinary', 'environmental', 'testing', 'includes', 'use']
Dokument 582: ['inspection', 'tests', 'veterinary', 'animal', 'primarily', 'aimed', 'ensuring', 'force', 'carried', 'origin']
Dokument 583: ['inspection', 'inspectorate', 'food', 'inspections', 'exercised', 'seed', 'correct', 'sanitary', 'supervision', 'ensures']
Dokument 584: ['control', 'services', 'fvo', 'positively', 'food', 'assessed', 'inspection', 'constant', 'veterinary', 'office']
Dokument 585: ['food', 'reaches', 'eagerly', 'fvo', 'inspectors', 'missions', 'purchased', 'indicate', 'maintained', 'veterinary']
Dokument 586: ['enshrined', 'fork', 'reality', 'reflected', 'supervision', 'principle', 'farm', 'fully', 'law', 'food']
Dokument 587: ['successes', 'agri', 'export', 'food', 'polish']
Dokument 588: ['sugar', 'fruit', 'fish', 'syrups', 'wares', 'tinned', 'preserved', 'dominated', 'cocoa', 'cigarettes']
Dokument 589: ['value', 'commodities', 'ca', 'amounts', 'sold', '50', 'sales', 'abroad', 'agri', 'total']
Dokument 590: ['agri', 'commodities', 'food', 'dynamics', 'recipients', 'sale', 'despite', 'biggest', 'growth', 'main']
Dokument 591: ['altogether', 'grew', '17', '14', 'sales', 'compared', 'amounted', 'abroad', 'agri', 'value']
Dokument 592: ['incessant', 'commodities', 'balance', 'brought', 'agri', 'positive', '2003', 'group', 'trade', 'food']
Dokument 593: ['amounted', 'eur', 'billion', '2012']
Dokument 594: ['concentrated', 'agri', 'trade', 'years', 'market', 'food', 'european', 'polish']
Dokument 595: ['prevail', 'albeit', 'decreasing', 'slightly', 'structure', 'share', 'export', 'member', 'union', 'states']
Dokument 596: ['alia', 'inter', 'looking', 'outside', 'markets', 'result', 'policy', 'europe', 'new']
Dokument 597: ['chocolate', 'commodities', 'cigarettes', 'products', 'sold', 'poultry', 'dairy', 'main', 'beef', 'meat']
Dokument 598: ['commonwealth', 'independent', 'members', 'agri', 'important', 'states', 'market', 'food', 'products', 'polish']
Dokument 599: ['cis', 'amounted', 'value', 'export', '2012', 'countries']
Dokument 600: ['resulted', 'pork', 'significant', 'apples', 'dairy', 'situation', 'value', 'increase', 'export', 'products']
Dokument 601: ['federal', 'republic', 'main', 'germany', 'partner', 'trade', 'years', 'poland']
Dokument 602: ['exceeded', 'sales', 'agri', 'germany', 'value', 'eur', 'billion', '2012', 'food', 'products']
Dokument 603: ['ca', '22', 'previous', 'means', 'compared', '11', 'share', 'agri', 'increase', 'total']
Dokument 604: ['value', 'eur', 'million', 'mainly', 'fruit', 'rape', '547', '268', '245', 'seed']
Dokument 605: ['trade', 'amounting', 'britain', 'sales', 'second', 'agri', 'value', 'great', 'partner', 'eur']
Dokument 606: ['signifies', 'comparison', 'previous', '20', 'share', 'growth', 'total', 'level', 'export', 'year']
Dokument 607: ['cocoa', 'britain', 'containing', 'chocolate', 'exported', 'mainly', 'poultry', 'great', 'meat', 'products']
Dokument 608: ['recipient', 'czech', 'republic', 'agri', 'food', 'products', 'polish']
Dokument 609: ['commodiies', 'ca', 'january', 'november', 'sold', 'czech', 'amounted', 'value', 'eur', 'billion']
Dokument 610: ['signifies', 'previous', 'compared', 'share', 'growth', 'total', 'level', 'export', 'year']
Dokument 611: ['rapeseed', 'recipient', 'cigarettes', 'bakery', 'cakes', 'oil', 'cheeses', 'pork', 'mainly', 'czech']
Dokument 612: ['recipient', 'fourth', 'russia', 'agri', 'important', '2012', 'food', 'products', 'polish']
Dokument 613: ['966', 'sold', 'amounted', 'goods', 'value', 'eur', 'million', 'market']
Dokument 614: ['signifies', 'ca', '32', 'comparison', 'previous', 'share', 'growth', 'total', 'level', 'export']
Dokument 615: ['cocoa', 'containing', 'chocolate', 'frozen', 'cheeses', 'russia', 'exported', 'mushrooms', 'apples', 'goods']
Dokument 616: ['eur', 'million', '516', '885', '949', 'recipients', 'places', 'slovakia', '800', 'netherlands']
Dokument 617: ['cigarettes', 'sold', 'mainly', 'vodka', 'poultry', 'france', 'meat']
Dokument 618: ['recipients', 'cigarettes', 'netherlands', 'italy', 'mainly', 'beef', 'polish']
Dokument 619: ['player', 'american', 'middle', 'asia', 'north', 'east', 'far', 'active', 'markets', 'new']
Dokument 620: ['singapore', 'vietnam', 'alia', 'inter', 'japan', 'china', 'agreed', 'access', 'markets', 'conditions']
Dokument 621: ['growth', 'export', 'trade', 'saudi', 'arabia', 'cocoa', 'wheat', 'containing', 'observed', 'chocolate']
Dokument 622: ['export', 'emirates', 'doubled', 'arab', 'cocoa', 'cigarettes', 'containing', 'chocolate', 'united', 'mainly']
Dokument 623: ['libya', 'yemen', 'syria', 'arab', 'countries', 'alia', 'inter', 'observed', 'apart', 'mentioned']
Dokument 624: ['asian', 'sign', 'exporters', 'entrepreneurs', 'opening', 'markets', 'good', 'polish']
Dokument 625: ['fillets', 'whey', 'vietnam', 'powder', 'observed', 'resulting', 'sales', 'growth', 'milk', 'increased']
Dokument 626: ['improves', 'visibly', 'japan', 'balance', 'growing', 'pork', 'export', 'trade', 'country', 'meat']
Dokument 627: ['export', 'port', 'edible', 'offal', 'china', 'contributed', 'growth', 'value', 'meat', 'polish']
Dokument 628: ['listed', 'ireland', 'grew', 'regions', 'export']
Dokument 629: ['doubled', 'ireland', 'export', 'year']
Dokument 630: ['developments', 'optimism', 'ground', 'polish', 'results', 'agri', 'foreign', 'good', 'export', 'trade']
Dokument 631: ['year', 'voice', 'chair', 'weekly', '1989', 'honorary', 'language', 'english', 'presenting', 'institution']
Dokument 632: ['award', 'given', 'year', 'food', 'polish']
Dokument 633: ['explanation', 'distinction', 'stated', 'exceptional', 'taste', 'quality']
Dokument 634: ['eur', 'billion', 'editors', 'tripled', 'highlighted', 'exceeding', 'exchange', 'past', 'balance', '17']
Dokument 635: ['bold', 'gentlemen', 'ladies', 'decisions', 'make', 'good', 'time']
Dokument 636: ['food', 'fair', 'trade', 'polagra', 'poznań', 'city', 'issue', 'wielkopolska', 'previous', 'presented']
Dokument 637: ['2013', 'year', 'new']
Dokument 638: ['starts', 'traditionally', 'season', 'week', 'berlin', 'green', 'exhibition', 'fair', 'new']
Dokument 639: ['latest', 'meet', 'achievements', 'events', 'excellent', 'present', 'opportunity', 'industry', 'people']
Dokument 640: ['understood', 'widely', 'politicians', 'atmosphere', 'equal', 'official', 'meet', 'issues', 'responsible', 'importance']
Dokument 641: ['started', 'difficult', 'particularly', 'just', 'important', 'year']
Dokument 642: ['entering', 'lot', 'hope', 'concerns']
Dokument 643: ['prolonged', 'crisis', 'economy']
Dokument 644: ['decisions', 'awaiting', 'bold', 'opinion', 'just', 'make', 'good', 'time']
Dokument 645: ['issue', 'decided', 'future', 'common', 'policy', 'agricultural']
Dokument 646: ['richest', 'remind', 'dawn', 'countries', 'moment', 'extent', '90', 'allocated', 'community', 'today']
Dokument 647: ['deal', '40', 'cap', 'entire', 'difficult', 'just', 'negotiations', 'budget']
Dokument 648: ['ficult', 'understading', 'dif', 'talking', 'discussions', 'shown', 'gdp', 'come', 'budget', 'area']
Dokument 649: ['unequal', 'stress', 'wish', 'challenges', 'effectively', 'despite', 'competition', 'conditions', 'farmers', 'polish']
Dokument 650: ['disadvantage', 'permanently']
Dokument 651: ['titles', 'arguments', 'maintenance', 'historical', 'understand', 'payment', 'times', 'crisis']
Dokument 652: ['agriculture', 'affecting', 'doubts', 'certainly', 'criteria', 'persons', 'movement', 'contributed', 'payments', 'modern']
Dokument 653: ['dependent', 'works', 'unfortunately', 'strongly', 'multiannual', 'cap', 'reform', 'rate', 'negotiations', 'financial']
Dokument 654: ['understand', 'clearly', 'distribution', 'multiannual', 'clear', 'method', 'decisions', 'parliament', 'resources', 'cap']
Dokument 655: ['rompuy', 'van', 'raise', 'proposals', 'recent', 'concerns', 'summit', 'course', 'president', 'situation']
Dokument 656: ['cap', 'budget', 'achieving', 'expense', 'pillar', 'puts', 'documents', 'objectives', 'proposal', 'question']
Dokument 657: ['postulate', 'fundamental', 'regarding', 'maintain', 'cap', 'reform']
Dokument 658: ['budgetary', 'developmentoriented', 'subordinated', 'expense', 'maintaining', 'stress', 'legislative', 'actual', 'principle', 'proposals']
Dokument 659: ['bureaucracy', 'inconsistent', 'simplification', 'head', 'complex', 'proposals', 'idea', 'cap', 'growth']
Dokument 660: ['refers', 'payments', 'direct']
Dokument 661: ['oppose', 'intensity', 'stress', 'allocation', 'distant', 'historical', 'wish', 'volume', 'strongly', 'resulting']
Dokument 662: ['equalisation', 'minor', 'adjustment', 'proposed', 'payments', 'direct', 'financial', 'commission']
Dokument 663: ['hoc', 'appeal', 'decades', 'ending', 'ad', 'subsequent', 'objectives', 'establishment', 'reaching', 'plans']
Dokument 664: ['weather', 'depend', 'nature', 'conditions', 'specific', 'agriculture', 'industry']
Dokument 665: ['keeping', 'mind', 'decisions', 'making', 'worth', 'specific']
Dokument 666: ['oscar', 'won', 'agricultural']
Dokument 667: ['arma', 'unprecedented', 'promotional', 'won', 'campaign', 'success', 'competition', 'international']
Dokument 668: ['50th', 'directorate', 'celebrate', 'anniversary', 'awards', 'communication', 'organised', 'cap', 'competition', 'rural']
Dokument 669: ['oscars', 'enjoys', 'referred', 'great', 'agricultural']
Dokument 670: ['forever', 'arma', 'went', 'campaign', 'history', 'eu']
Dokument 671: ['database', 'directorate', 'contains', 'inhabitants', 'communication', 'entered', 'entire', 'field', 'general', 'able']
Dokument 672: ['follow', 'campaign', 'example', 'good', 'countries']
Dokument 673: ['nominated', 'prizes', 'round', 'categories', 'compete', 'accordance', 'final', 'allowed', 'competition', 'rules']
Dokument 674: ['winning', 'arma', 'stages', 'appreciated', 'prestigious', 'final', 'category', 'communication', 'innovative', 'campaign']
Dokument 675: ['communication', 'eminent', 'nomination', 'jury', 'specialists', 'arma', 'round', 'composed', 'independent', 'awards']
Dokument 676: ['tvp', 'aired', 'motives', 'ranczo', 'consisted', 'episodes', 'arma', 'introducing', 'tv', 'fifth']
Dokument 677: ['protagonists', 'dialogues', 'rdp', 'series', 'issues', 'included', 'way', '2007', '2013']
Dokument 678: ['films', 'trailers', 'encouraging', 'watch', 'episodes', 'showing', 'promoted', 'series', 'short', 'making']
Dokument 679: ['watched', 'episode', 'disseminate', 'viewers', 'ranczo', 'rdp', 'tv', 'fifth', 'paid', '65']
Dokument 680: ['gingerbread', 'tradition']
Dokument 681: ['character', 'christmas', 'special', 'unique', 'poland']
Dokument 682: ['solemnly', 'holiday', 'celebrated', 'easter', 'christmas']
Dokument 683: ['slavic', 'holiday', 'date', 'traditions', 'family', 'time']
Dokument 684: ['spiritual', 'festivities', 'atmosphere', 'experiences', 'preparation', 'joint', 'family', 'company', 'unique']
Dokument 685: ['ancient', 'customs', 'element', 'traditions', 'importance']
Dokument 686: ['decorating', 'rituals', 'christmas', 'tree']
Dokument 687: ['homes', 'cookies', 'occasion', 'gingerbread', 'purpose', 'baked', 'special']
Dokument 688: ['layered', 'spicy', 'jam', 'dark', 'appear', 'cakes', 'christmas', 'tables', 'honey', 'cake']
Dokument 689: ['pastries', 'history', 'long']
Dokument 690: ['thirteenth', 'records', 'word', 'appears', 'gingerbread', 'date', 'century', 'later', 'time', 'years']
Dokument 691: ['guild', 'guarded', 'pastry', 'closely', 'recipe']
Dokument 692: ['gingerbread', 'craft', 'eighteenth', 'fifteenth', 'practically', 'works', 'art', 'century', 'developed']
Dokument 693: ['years', 'feature', 'mature', 'preparing', 'dough', 'times', 'special', 'process']
Dokument 694: ['birth', 'wedding', 'illustrated', 'bake', 'child', 'gingerbread', 'dough', 'times', 'importance', 'fact']
Dokument 695: ['dowry', 'bride', 'leaven', 'treated']
Dokument 696: ['contain', 'valuable', 'cake', 'did']
Dokument 697: ['honey', 'mixture', 'crushed', 'coarsely', 'slavic', 'wheat', 'cakes', 'gingerbread', 'come']
Dokument 698: ['sweetener', 'publicly', 'honey', 'available', 'used']
Dokument 699: ['peppery', 'pierne', 'fourteenth', 'spice', 'gingerbread', 'began', 'add', 'changed', 'century', 'later']
Dokument 700: ['alcohol', 'spices', 'flour', 'honey', 'ingredients', 'main']
Dokument 701: ['exact', 'composition', 'preparation', 'method', 'protected', 'course', 'particularly']
Dokument 702: ['leaven', 'lies', 'secret', 'believed', 'mature', 'biggest', 'better']
Dokument 703: ['cloth', 'clay', 'pot', 'aged', 'dough', 'usually', 'covered']
Dokument 704: ['manner', 'guaranteed', 'centuries', 'special', 'unique', 'product', 'production']
Dokument 705: ['gingerbread', 'birthplace', 'toruń', 'museum', 'learned', 'specifically', 'delicacy', 'producing', 'say', 'located']
Dokument 706: ['traditional', 'features', 'gingerbread', 'resulting', 'heritage', 'application', 'methods', 'entered', 'list', 'managed']
Dokument 707: ['gingerbread', 'szczecin', 'żywiec', 'mroga', 'ornamental', 'stoneware', 'jewish', 'carrot', 'silesian', 'lublin']
Dokument 708: ['differ', 'pastries', 'characteristics', 'composition', 'slightly', 'regions', 'various', 'production', 'poland']
Dokument 709: ['nuts', 'gingerbread', 'iced', 'shapes', 'decorated', 'cookies', 'carrots', 'jam', 'dried', 'various']
Dokument 710: ['gingerbread', 'home', 'today']
Dokument 711: ['fun', 'shapes', 'baking', 'dough', 'preparation', 'variety', 'involved', 'creation', 'family', 'great']
Dokument 712: ['culmination', 'decoration', 'fun', 'stop', 'cookies', 'gingerbread', 'christmas', 'tree', 'does']
Dokument 713: ['atmosphere', 'christmas', 'charm', 'remembers', 'scent', 'unrepeatable', 'rooms', 'smells', 'creates', 'cleaned']
Dokument 714: ['broth', 'finally', 'festival', 'type', 'rosół', 'known', 'dishes', 'best', 'traditional', 'polish']
Dokument 715: ['tomaszkowice', 'recreation', 'park', 'festival', 'mid', 'kraków', 'near', 'culture', 'october', 'rosół']
Dokument 716: ['dolina', 'raby', 'edition', 'organised', 'action', 'association', 'rosół', 'competition', 'second', 'local']
Dokument 717: ['inspirations', 'lesser', 'book', 'author', 'heritage', 'experience', 'culinary', 'based', 'poland']
Dokument 718: ['czerniecki', 'popularising', 'mentioning', 'language', 'stanisław', 'crucial', 'played', 'culture', 'worth', 'culinary']
Dokument 719: ['festival', 'rosół', 'promoting', 'event', 'traditional', 'market', 'development', 'food']
Dokument 720: ['cultivate', 'broaden', 'strenghten', 'bonds', 'communities', 'knowledge', 'aim', 'spread', 'rosół', 'dish']
Dokument 721: ['amateurs', 'tastiest', 'jury', 'evaluated', 'expert', 'professionals', 'category', 'guests', 'participants', 'selected']
Dokument 722: ['homemade', 'pie', 'pierogi', 'apart', 'rosół', 'honey', 'day', 'presented', 'bread', 'dish']
Dokument 723: ['confectioners', 'visitor', 'cooker', 'lesser', 'cooks', 'festival', 'association', 'rosół', 'offered', 'prepared']
Dokument 724: ['homemade', 'richly', 'pie', 'decorated', 'lard', 'exquisite', 'inhabitants', 'apart', 'delicacies', 'table']
Dokument 725: ['claimed', 'tastiest', 'lard', 'extremely', 'guests', 'available', 'popular', 'products']
Dokument 726: ['fired', 'mogilany', 'wood', 'tastier', 'lisiecka', 'commune', 'oven', 'inhabitants', 'kiełbasa', 'baked']
Dokument 727: ['ambiance', 'homely', 'stomachs', 'enjoy', 'delicacies']
Dokument 728: ['turin', 'salone', 'del', 'gusto', 'slow', 'fair', 'food', 'poland']
Dokument 729: ['polish', 'rome', 'salone', 'gusto', 'stall', 'del', 'embassy', 'slow', 'organised', 'fair']
Dokument 730: ['stall', 'products', 'farms', 'presented', 'regional', 'organic', 'traditional', 'polish']
Dokument 731: ['animations', 'oscypek', 'attractions', 'press', 'tasting', 'juices', 'visitors', 'numerous', 'discover', 'fresh']
Dokument 732: ['chefs', 'shows', 'events', 'popular', 'prepared', 'culinary', 'polish']
Dokument 733: ['clarified', 'cranberry', 'braised', 'saffron', 'caps', 'syrup', 'lisiecka', 'boletes', 'oscypek', 'king']
Dokument 734: ['accents', 'fair', 'international', 'polish']
Dokument 735: ['stall', 'marshal', 'lesser', 'presenting', 'office', 'voivodeship', 'specialties', 'prepared', 'regional', 'poland']
Dokument 736: ['stall', 'marshal', 'lesser', 'presenting', 'office', 'voivodeship', 'specialties', 'prepared', 'regional', 'poland']
Dokument 737: ['cow', 'meads', 'sheep', 'slow', 'marked', 'polska', 'organisation', 'presence', 'promoting', 'milk']
Dokument 738: ['ninth', 'year', 'salone', 'del', 'gusto', 'hosted', 'slow', 'exhibitors', 'edition', 'visitors']
Dokument 739: ['diabetes', 'food']
Dokument 740: ['celebrated', 'solemn', 'diabetics', 'dinners', 'thursday', 'diabetes', 'atmosphere', 'dinner', 'occasion', 'series']
Dokument 741: ['university', 'oldest', 'sciences', 'life', 'held', 'warsaw', 'agricultural', 'polish']
Dokument 742: ['university', 'oldest', 'sciences', 'life', 'held', 'warsaw', 'agricultural', 'polish']
Dokument 743: ['celebrated', 'solemn', 'diabetics', 'dinners', 'thursday', 'diabetes', 'atmosphere', 'dinner', 'occasion', 'series']
Dokument 744: ['koryciński', 'ser', 'marshal', 'specialty', 'korycin', 'deputy', 'brought', 'cheese', 'region']
Dokument 745: ['enlisted', 'valued', 'delicacy', 'centuries', 'list', 'regions', 'cheese', 'local', 'product', 'traditional']
Dokument 746: ['housewives', 'kind', 'korycin', 'produce', 'podlasie', 'located', 'know', 'way', 'today', 'cheese']
Dokument 747: ['deputy', 'szymański', 'baszko', 'mieczysław', 'alojzy', 'marshal', 'rector', 'zofia', 'attraction', 'szalczyk']
Dokument 748: ['chokeberries', 'szalczyk', 'zofia', 'dessert', 'plums', 'composed', 'dark', 'chocolate', 'covered']
Dokument 749: ['responding', 'undertaking', 'noble', 'diabetics', 'dinners', 'thursday', 'needs', 'people']
Dokument 750: ['healthy', 'habits', 'lifestyle', 'eating', 'aim', 'promote', 'organic', 'traditional', 'high', 'quality']
Dokument 751: ['treating', 'lectures', 'nutrition', 'diabetes', 'diagnostics', 'interesting', 'methods', 'modern', 'healthy', 'meeting']
Dokument 752: ['band', 'kapela', 'pleasures', 'sensory', 'artistic', 'concert', 'cymes', 'dessert', 'apart', 'guests']
Dokument 753: ['diabetics', 'dinners', 'born', 'thursday', 'ago', 'idea', 'years']
Dokument 754: ['poniatowski', 'salons', 'gathering', 'entertainment', 'literary', 'utility', 'august', 'paris', 'owing', 'combines']
Dokument 755: ['schools', 'subordinate', 'title', 'week', 'campaign', 'october', 'participation', 'bread', 'ministry', 'rural']
Dokument 756: ['reflect', 'occasion', 'week', 'diet', 'care', 'start', 'bread', 'health']
Dokument 757: ['hero', 'flour', 'fermented', 'rye', 'campaign', 'bread', 'main', 'year']
Dokument 758: ['milled', 'motivating', 'properly', 'emphasis', 'grain', 'kind', 'flour', 'fermented', 'rye', 'eat']
Dokument 759: ['crisps', 'snacks', 'chips', 'pasta', 'replaced', 'cereal', 'diet', 'bread', 'young', 'traditional']
Dokument 760: ['diseases', 'osteoporosis', 'helpful', 'cardiovascular', 'forget', 'preventing', 'diabetes', 'beneficial', 'type', 'types']
Dokument 761: ['enthusiasm', 'idea', 'type', 'promoting', 'particularly', 'healthy', 'bread', 'received', 'country']
Dokument 762: ['proves', 'reaction', 'vital', 'problem', 'bread', 'fact', 'positive']
Dokument 763: ['devoting', 'attention', 'teachers', 'lot', 'proved', 'campaign', 'partners', 'excellent', 'time']
Dokument 764: ['grains', 'classes', 'rye', 'practical', 'baked', 'bread', 'various', 'students']
Dokument 765: ['habits', 'visited', 'eating', 'school', 'promote', 'employees', 'healthy', 'order', 'served', 'local']
Dokument 766: ['performances', 'theme', 'sure', 'tables', 'schools', 'organised', 'bread', 'make', 'value', 'work']
Dokument 767: ['golądkowo', 'undersecretary', 'nalewajk', 'tadeusz', 'combined', 'schools', 'organised', 'events', 'took', 'ministry']
Dokument 768: ['rye', 'bread', 'intersting', 'ferment', 'labels', 'fibre', 'read', 'learned', 'facts', 'qualities']
Dokument 769: ['welcome', 'salt', 'guests', 'old', 'tradition', 'bread', 'according', 'polish']
Dokument 770: ['kaliningrad', 'food', 'polish']
Dokument 771: ['kaliningrad', 'held', 'fair']
Dokument 772: ['businessmen', 'numerously', 'kaliningrad', 'exhibitors', 'residents', 'came', 'stand', 'exhibition', 'popular', 'region']
Dokument 773: ['demonstrations', 'stand', 'days', 'exhibition', 'took', 'cuisine', 'culinary', 'place', 'polish']
Dokument 774: ['sauce', 'thyme', 'oven', 'cooks', 'cervical', 'proves', 'award', 'wild', 'lamb', 'dumplings']
Dokument 775: ['polishrussian', 'food', 'possibilities', 'conference', 'russia', 'developing', 'events', 'forum', 'held', 'terms']
Dokument 776: ['kaliningrad', 'warmia', 'mazury', 'traffic', 'pomerania', 'chosen', 'concluded', 'border', 'agreement', 'december']
Dokument 777: ['does', 'like', 'taste', 'poland']
Dokument 778: ['marinated', 'game', 'fermented', 'cabbage', 'smoked', 'mushrooms', 'tastes', 'like', 'fish', 'meat']
Dokument 779: ['smells', 'beetroots', 'borscht', 'marjoram', 'flour', 'fermented', 'garlic', 'rye', 'horseradish', 'dried']
Dokument 780: ['snippet', 'gammon', 'seasoned', 'marjoram', 'żurek', 'garlic', 'horseradish', 'kiełbasa', 'sausage', 'eggs']
Dokument 781: ['kiełbasa', 'course']
Dokument 782: ['kiełbasa', 'weapon', 'speak', 'secret', 'choose', 'unique', 'culinary', 'product', 'taste', 'polish']
Dokument 783: ['referring', 'word', 'britain', 'reason', 'kiełbasa', 'united', 'sausage', 'used', 'great', 'good']
Dokument 784: ['undoubtedly', 'bread', 'unique', 'product', 'polish']
Dokument 785: ['yes', 'game', 'mushroom', 'fish']
Dokument 786: ['yes', 'game', 'mushroom', 'fish']
Dokument 787: ['vendace', 'simplest', 'chanterelles', 'dill', 'instance', 'horseradish', 'sauce', 'fried', 'butter', 'smoked']
Dokument 788: ['shouldn', 'merely', 'perceived', 'underestimated', 'forget', 'addition', 'vegetables']
Dokument 789: ['wieprzowina', 'złotnicka', 'marjoram', 'podhale', 'tasting', 'lamb', 'wielkopolska', 'greater', 'pork', 'apples']
Dokument 790: ['wieprzowina', 'złotnicka', 'marjoram', 'podhale', 'tasting', 'lamb', 'wielkopolska', 'greater', 'pork', 'apples']
Dokument 791: ['shouldn', 'merely', 'perceived', 'underestimated', 'forget', 'addition', 'vegetables']
Dokument 792: ['varieties', 'incredible', 'cultivating', 'abounds', 'artists', 'dozens', 'producing', 'kinds', 'tomatoes', 'true']
Dokument 793: ['devote', 'liken', 'gastronomers', 'new', 'shades', 'painting', 'lives', 'allowing', 'colour', 'creating']
Dokument 794: ['fascinating', 'coulours', 'shapes', 'abundance', 'goes', 'tastes', 'food']
Dokument 795: ['foreigner', 'chop', 'schabowy', 'kotlet', 'broth', 'win', 'heart', 'chance', 'rosół', 'pork']
Dokument 796: ['fusion', 'complexity', 'questions', 'proves', 'culture', 'tastes', 'culinary', 'polish']
Dokument 797: ['descendant', 'consomme', 'schnitzel', 'originate', 'austrian', 'schabowy', 'kotlet', 'version', 'pierogi', 'east']
Dokument 798: ['rich', 'traditions', 'history', 'country', 'poland']
Dokument 799: ['influences', 'transit', 'permanent', 'tradition', 'various', 'culinary', 'place', 'foreign', 'country']
Dokument 800: ['swiss', 'inspirations', 'influences', 'scandinavian', 'mention', 'south', 'north', 'comes', 'making', 'czech']
Dokument 801: ['value', 'great']
Dokument 802: ['influences', 'remained', 'hand', 'subject', 'cuisine', 'unique', 'local', 'products']
Dokument 803: ['borscht', 'kotlet', 'schabowy', 'pierogi', 'żurek', 'sure', 'exceptional', 'right', 'rosół', 'unique']
Dokument 804: ['ambience', 'homely', 'ingredients', 'prepared', 'local', 'place', 'good', 'taste']
Dokument 805: ['poland', 'capon', 'housewife', 'kotlet', 'schabowy', 'pierogi', 'experienced', 'cooked', 'true', 'try']
Dokument 806: ['bieszczady', 'beaten', 'mountains', 'track', 'places', 'wild', 'discover', 'things', 'example']
Dokument 807: ['bieszczady', 'beaten', 'mountains', 'track', 'places', 'wild', 'discover', 'things', 'example']
Dokument 808: ['heart', 'looking', 'close', 'nature', 'located', 'europe', 'people', 'poland']
Dokument 809: ['od', 'reigns', 'queen', 'influences', 'popularity', 'soups', 'tables', 'despite', 'rosół', 'cuisine']
Dokument 810: ['attachment', 'tradition', 'result']
Dokument 811: ['memory', 'identity', 'certain', 'family', 'home', 'particular', 'culinary', 'taste', 'country']
Dokument 812: ['codes', 'code', 'language', 'kind', 'just', 'like']
Dokument 813: ['nation', 'code', 'remember', 'composed', 'matter', 'elements', 'live', 'home', 'taste', 'region']
Dokument 814: ['pâté', 'puree', 'pierogi', 'żurek', 'fermented', 'potato', 'cabbage', 'mentioned', 'rosół', 'taste']
Dokument 815: ['sunday', 'kotlet', 'schabowy', 'remember', 'meals', 'cooked', 'true', 'rosół', 'home', 'people']
Dokument 816: ['sunday', 'tomato', 'left', 'eat', 'rosół', 'day', 'soup', 'based']
Dokument 817: ['bigos']
Dokument 818: ['hunting', 'reflects', 'instance', 'traditions', 'associated', 'various', 'dish']
Dokument 819: ['ages', 'composed', 'ingredients', 'tradition', 'present', 'various', 'dishes']
Dokument 820: ['dish', 'really', 'idea', 'bigos', 'opinion']
Dokument 821: ['cabbage', 'guideline', 'fermented', 'bigos', 'general', 'raw', 'based']
Dokument 822: ['necessarily', 'add', 'types', 'various', 'meat']
Dokument 823: ['necessarily', 'maybe', 'gammon', 'plums', 'game', 'wine']
Dokument 824: ['preferences', 'endless', 'depending', 'possibilities', 'available', 'funds']
Dokument 825: ['conquer', 'bigos', 'europe']
Dokument 826: ['laughter', 'yes']
Dokument 827: ['yes', 'say']
Dokument 828: ['yes']
Dokument 829: ['certainly', 'bigos', 'try', 'special', 'dish', 'poland']
Dokument 830: ['consuming', 'realise', 'luxurious', 'expensive', 'say', 'dish', 'time', 'people']
Dokument 831: ['good', 'luxurious', 'plums', 'mention', 'kinds', 'requires', 'fermented', 'kiełbasa', 'wine', 'bigos']
Dokument 832: ['good', 'luxurious', 'plums', 'mention', 'kinds', 'requires', 'fermented', 'kiełbasa', 'wine', 'bigos']
Dokument 833: ['time', 'finest', 'plus', 'couple', 'valuable', 'element', 'bigos', 'days', 'takes', 'make']
Dokument 834: ['time', 'finest', 'plus', 'couple', 'valuable', 'element', 'bigos', 'days', 'takes', 'make']
Dokument 835: ['makes', 'unique', 'dish']
Dokument 836: ['soup', 'unthinkable', 'proud', 'żurek', 'flour', 'fermented', 'true', 'makes', 'tasty', 'basis']
Dokument 837: ['fermented', 'sorrel', 'truly', 'wait', 'marinated', 'discovered', 'cucumbers', 'interesting', 'wild', 'dried']
Dokument 838: ['varied', 'typical', 'autumn', 'winter', 'tastes', 'cuisine', 'make']
Dokument 839: ['snack', 'serpent', 'sunroot', 'rutabaga', 'kale', 'root', 'roots', 'radish', 'piece', 'little']
Dokument 840: ['abounds', 'kinds', 'cuisine', 'various', 'meat', 'polish']
Dokument 841: ['increasingly', 'apart', 'lamb', 'pork', 'goose', 'poultry', 'popular', 'beef', 'traditional']
Dokument 842: ['jagnięcina', 'kołudza', 'gęś', 'podhalańska', 'biała', 'kołudzka', 'breeds', 'mind', 'podhale', 'lamb']
Dokument 843: ['menus', 'standard', 'element', 'successful', 'chance', 'markets', 'foreign', 'products']
Dokument 844: ['certainly']
Dokument 845: ['modernity', 'finds', 'inspiration', 'tradition', 'order', 'unique', 'way', 'country']
Dokument 846: ['sheep', 'rich', 'breeding', 'geese', 'tradition', 'poland']
Dokument 847: ['exporter', 'large', 'quality', 'products']
Dokument 848: ['hesitation', 'kind', 'recommend', 'lamb', 'think', 'product', 'best', 'europe', 'polish']
Dokument 849: ['feeding', 'stress', 'sheep', 'rearing', 'vital', 'characterised', 'final', 'breeding', 'importance', 'geese']
Dokument 850: ['begin', 'fascination', 'lemongrass', 'soy', 'matured', 'openness', 'appreciate', 'ham', 'italian', 'sauce']
Dokument 851: ['hams', 'sausages', 'excellent']
Dokument 852: ['grandmas', 'likes', 'pizza', 'mothers', 'sunday', 'dinners', 'cooked', 'eat', 'long', 'prepared']
Dokument 853: ['culinary', 'search', 'reconstruction', 'identity', 'experience', 'today', 'countries']
Dokument 854: ['culinary', 'search', 'reconstruction', 'identity', 'experience', 'today', 'countries']
Dokument 855: ['local', 'traditional', 'combinations', 'buying', 'suppliers', 'seasonal', 'chefs', 'ways', 'brand', 'directly']
Dokument 856: ['rediscovering', 'gastronomy', 'notice', 'identity', 'chefs', 'trend', 'culinary', 'national', 'polish']
Dokument 857: ['happening', 'scandinavia', 'spain']
Dokument 858: ['rene', 'redzepi', 'forecast', 'discovered', 'plus', 'recent', 'history', 'come', 'culinary', 'time']
Dokument 859: ['time', 'matter', 'short', 'think']
Dokument 860: ['identifying', 'branding', 'lot', 'comes', 'course', 'needs', 'especially', 'products']
Dokument 861: ['packaging', 'crucial', 'element']
Dokument 862: ['currant', 'let', 'unique', 'example', 'fruit']
Dokument 863: ['currants', 'vitamins', 'rich', 'source', 'major', 'producers', 'poland']
Dokument 864: ['equals', 'health', 'blackcurrant', 'product']
Dokument 865: ['packaging', 'right', 'product']
Dokument 866: ['talk', 'trends', 'mention', 'organic', 'health', 'products']
Dokument 867: ['europeans', 'increasingly', 'farms', 'general', 'popular', 'organic', 'poles', 'products']
Dokument 868: ['awarness', 'fashion', 'matter', 'eat']
Dokument 869: ['final', 'dynamic', 'materials', 'raw', 'product', 'organic', 'export', 'trade', 'market', 'development']
Dokument 870: ['final', 'dynamic', 'materials', 'raw', 'product', 'organic', 'export', 'trade', 'market', 'development']
Dokument 871: ['awareness', 'think', 'consumers']
Dokument 872: ['better', 'tend', 'informed', 'look', 'eat', 'quality', 'food', 'products']
Dokument 873: ['awareness', 'results', 'producers']
Dokument 874: ['want', 'provide', 'producers', 'high', 'quality', 'products']
Dokument 875: ['creating', 'pride', 'pleasure', 'art', 'like', 'work', 'products']
Dokument 876: ['garde', 'avant', 'ordinary', 'industry', 'people', 'food']
Dokument 877: ['ecosystems', 'aspect', 'don', 'focused', 'mean', 'perspective', 'business']
Dokument 878: ['inadequate', 'habits', 'eating', 'resulting', 'looking', 'problems', 'consumers', 'health', 'world']
Dokument 879: ['diet', 'proper', 'serve', 'looking', 'basis', 'good', 'products']
Dokument 880: ['lot', 'offer', 'area', 'producers', 'polish']
Dokument 881: ['lunch', 'readers', 'sum', 'foreigners', 'serve', 'let', 'especially']
Dokument 882: ['żurek']
Dokument 883: ['minced', 'pierogi', 'sour', 'cream', 'meat']
Dokument 884: ['meantime', 'powdered', 'vendace', 'dessert', 'strawberries', 'fried', 'cream', 'sugar']
Dokument 885: ['simple', 'meal']
Dokument 886: ['tasty']
Dokument 887: ['yes']
Dokument 888: ['maybe', 'gigot', 'confit', 'marjoram', 'podhale', 'roasted', 'lamb', 'fried', 'mushrooms', 'apples']
Dokument 889: ['linseed', 'herrings', 'cloves', 'łącko', 'oil', 'apples', 'good']
Dokument 890: ['quite', 'feast']
Dokument 891: ['laughter', 'yes', 'certainly']
Dokument 892: ['jovial', 'nice', 'tables', 'eat', 'covered', 'tradition', 'food', 'polish']
Dokument 893: ['baverages', 'alcohol', 'feast', 'kinds', 'comes', 'offer']
Dokument 894: ['wines', 'vodkas', 'cordials', 'meads', 'beers', 'different', 'local']
Dokument 895: ['lot', 'discover', 'poland']
Dokument 896: ['thank']
Dokument 897: ['queen', 'undoubtedly', 'soups', 'rosół', 'polish']
Dokument 898: ['appreciated', 'centuries', 'old', 'known', 'dishes', 'best', 'people', 'polish']
Dokument 899: ['prepare', 'ways', 'rosół', 'various']
Dokument 900: ['appreciated', 'centuries', 'old', 'known', 'dishes', 'best', 'people', 'polish']
Dokument 901: ['prepare', 'ways', 'rosół', 'various']
Dokument 902: ['unchanged', 'remained', 'day', 'ingredients', 'poultry', 'beef']
Dokument 903: ['boils', 'carefully', 'procedure', 'art', 'cooking', 'preparing', 'rosół', 'following']
Dokument 904: ['flank', 'zielononóżka', 'hen', 'cleaned', 'pot', 'breed', 'piece', 'instance', 'water', 'cold']
Dokument 905: ['heat', 'boil', 'simmer', 'leave', 'bring', 'reduce']
Dokument 906: ['skimming', 'scum', 'szumowiny', 'coagulated', 'removing', 'protein', 'broth', 'step', 'called', 'meat']
Dokument 907: ['bubbles', 'simmer', 'occasionally', 'appear', 'air', 'single', 'soup']
Dokument 908: ['peppercorns', 'allspice', 'peeled', 'leeks', 'leaf', 'grilled', 'roots', 'bay', 'carrots', 'parsley']
Dokument 909: ['peppercorns', 'allspice', 'peeled', 'leeks', 'leaf', 'grilled', 'roots', 'bay', 'carrots', 'parsley']
Dokument 910: ['greens', 'savoy', 'tied', 'phase', 'quarter', 'parsley', 'cooking', 'add', 'cabbage']
Dokument 911: ['pinch', 'season', 'salt', 'sugar']
Dokument 912: ['hours', 'ready', 'rosół', 'approximately']
Dokument 913: ['sieve', 'broth', 'obtain', 'clear', 'soup']
Dokument 914: ['automatically', 'associate', 'noodles', 'boiled', 'dumplings', 'rosół', 'poles']
Dokument 915: ['farina', 'garnish', 'lovers', 'potatoes', 'rosół']
Dokument 916: ['carrot', 'sprinkled', 'slices', 'broth', 'aromatic', 'parsley', 'cooked', 'particularly', 'soup', 'served']
Dokument 917: ['exquisite', 'soups', 'serve', 'rosół', 'basis', 'dish']
Dokument 918: ['soup', 'imagination', 'krupnik', 'tomato', 'commonly', 'barley', 'uses', 'limited', 'prepare', 'cook']
Dokument 919: ['soup', 'imagination', 'krupnik', 'tomato', 'commonly', 'barley', 'uses', 'limited', 'prepare', 'cook']
Dokument 920: ['soup', 'imagination', 'krupnik', 'tomato', 'commonly', 'barley', 'uses', 'limited', 'prepare', 'cook']
Dokument 921: ['exaggeration', 'queen', 'saying', 'soups', 'rosół', 'polish']
Dokument 922: ['hunters', 'pheasant', 'versions', 'mentioning', 'game', 'rosół', 'worth', 'based', 'meat']
Dokument 923: ['pronounced', 'coulour', 'darker', 'gains', 'aroma', 'flavour', 'soup']
Dokument 924: ['seventeenth', 'dates', 'breeding', 'century', 'geese', 'tradition', 'poland']
Dokument 925: ['appreciated', 'reasons', 'type', 'poultry']
Dokument 926: ['insulation', 'thermal', 'digestible', 'feathers', 'gains', 'easily', 'qualities', 'reason', 'recognition', 'fat']
Dokument 927: ['oblivion', 'returns', 'tables', 'years', 'polish']
Dokument 928: ['natural', 'terrain', 'harmony', 'wielka', 'kołuda', 'feed', 'animal', 'institute', 'farming', 'nature']
Dokument 929: ['closest', 'recipients', 'neighbours', 'poultry', 'main', 'germany']
Dokument 930: ['campaigns', 'manufacturers', 'marketing', 'cause', 'promotional', 'efforts', 'growing', 'goose', 'consumers', 'polish']
Dokument 931: ['birds', 'weighing', 'kg', 'usually', 'young']
Dokument 932: ['melts', 'quite', 'roasted', 'lot', 'fat', 'delicious', 'goose', 'process']
Dokument 933: ['noting', 'olive', 'comparable', 'oil', 'fat', 'worth']
Dokument 934: ['ideal', 'lard', 'sauces', 'cooking', 'apart', 'making', 'excellent']
Dokument 935: ['rub', 'cleaned', 'inside', 'marjoram', 'salt', 'outside', 'goose']
Dokument 936: ['night', 'fridge', 'spend', 'prepared']
Dokument 937: ['filling', 'prepared', 'different']
Dokument 938: ['classic', 'slices', 'offal', 'cut', 'plums', 'apples', 'used']
Dokument 939: ['grill', 'pouring', 'hot', 'laying', 'frying', 'pan', 'glass', 'baked', 'water', 'goose']
Dokument 940: ['turning', 'melted', 'pouring', 'frequent', 'pot', 'roasted', 'requires', 'fat', 'relatively']
Dokument 941: ['roasting', 'minutes', 'cover', '15']
Dokument 942: ['browned', 'beautifully', 'skin', 'crispy', 'allows']
Dokument 943: ['mandatorily', 'roast', 'complete', 'buckwheat', 'roasted', 'cooked', 'sour', 'serve', 'red', 'slightly']
Dokument 944: ['feasting', 'steaming', 'savouring', 'platter', 'juicy', 'piece', 'choice', 'start', 'meat']
Dokument 945: ['kuyavian', 'pomeranian', 'tables', 'goose', 'polish']
Dokument 946: ['lady', 'anna', 'komorowska', 'patronage', 'honorary', 'organized', 'campaign', 'republic', 'event', 'national']
Dokument 947: ['ceremonial', 'martin', 'ended', 'bronisław', 'dinner', 'komorowski', 'st', 'november', 'campaign', 'day']
Dokument 948: ['noticeable', 'appeared', 'kuyavian', 'eating', 'pomeranian', 'voivodeship', 'promotional', 'trend', 'achievements', 'goose']
Dokument 949: ['inquire', 'journalists', 'convince', 'cooks', 'shops', 'managed', 'culinary', 'product', 'consumers']
Dokument 950: ['culinary', 'festivities', 'workshops', 'independence', 'competitions', 'organized', 'day', 'goose', 'popular', 'framework']
Dokument 951: ['stared', 'originally', 'lifestyle', 'press', 'appears', 'electronic', 'programs', 'kuyavian', 'plans', 'media']
Dokument 952: ['stared', 'originally', 'lifestyle', 'press', 'appears', 'electronic', 'programs', 'kuyavian', 'plans', 'media']
Dokument 953: ['świętokrzyskie', 'breed', 'establish', 'voivodeship', 'type', 'decided', 'goose', 'local', 'producers', 'farmers']
Dokument 954: ['centers', 'zootechnics', 'wielka', 'kołuda', 'kuyavian', 'pomeranian', 'voivodeship', 'institute', 'located', 'goose']
Dokument 955: ['breeding', 'kołuda', 'goose', 'research', 'bielińska', 'halina', 'emphasizes', 'doctor', 'manages', 'wielka']
Dokument 956: ['breeding', 'enlarge', 'ground', 'decided', 'material', 'growing', 'result']
Dokument 957: ['breeding', 'kłopotek', 'eugeniusz', 'wives', 'distributed', 'adds', 'chicks', 'associations', 'experimental', '400']
Dokument 958: ['let', 'goose']
Dokument 959: ['little', 'contains', 'fat', 'additional', 'called']
Dokument 960: ['thing', 'clear', 'let', 'fat', 'goose', 'meat']
Dokument 961: ['oat', 'leading', 'goose', 'organic', 'producers', 'best', 'european', 'poland']
Dokument 962: ['janikowo', 'county', 'zootechnics', '98', 'biała', 'wielka', 'kołudzka', 'kołuda', 'bred', 'experimental']
Dokument 963: ['institute', 'breeding', 'material', 'farms', 'goose', 'based', 'market', 'poland']
Dokument 964: ['chicks', 'weeks', 'delivered', '17', '16', 'goose', 'farmers']
Dokument 965: ['weigh', 'kilograms', 'finished', 'breeding', 'geese', 'process']
Dokument 966: ['approaches', 'martin', 'late', 'st', 'autumn', 'purchase', 'day', 'farms', 'geese', 'poultry']
Dokument 967: ['german', 'sold', 'mainly', 'geese', 'market']
Dokument 968: ['amounts', 'tonnes', '20', 'thousand', 'total', 'number']
Dokument 969: ['fairly', 'demands', 'ordered', 'attention', 'stage', 'lot', 'care', 'goose', 'production', 'market']
Dokument 970: ['proud', 'oat', 'crucial', 'brand', 'maintain', 'goose', 'highest', 'product', 'quality']
Dokument 971: ['proud', 'oat', 'crucial', 'brand', 'maintain', 'goose', 'highest', 'product', 'quality']
Dokument 972: ['fodder', 'fed', 'oats', 'pastures', 'bred', 'oat', 'meadows', 'orchards', 'geese', 'natural']
Dokument 973: ['corral', 'restoring', 'kuyavian', 'implement', 'pomeranian', 'voivodeship', 'program', 'population', 'geese', 'does']
Dokument 974: ['corral', 'breed', 'encourage', 'action', 'geese', 'did', 'farmers']
Dokument 975: ['utilizing', 'wastes', 'corral', 'plots', 'gardens', 'perfect', 'fields', 'breeding', 'vegetable', 'geese']
Dokument 976: ['fallow', 'remove', 'strawberry', 'wild', 'fields', 'plants', 'geese', 'land', 'help', 'use']
Dokument 977: ['music', 'painting', 'feed', 'families', 'presented']
Dokument 978: ['landscape', 'countryside', 'associated', 'goose', 'polish']
Dokument 979: ['reintroduce', 'biała', 'kołudzka', 'farms', 'goose', 'like', 'polish']
Dokument 980: ['wives', 'associations', 'started', 'promotional', 'sales', 'geese', 'march', 'farmers', 'region', '2012']
Dokument 981: ['villages', 'kuyavian', 'delivered', 'pomeranian', 'voivodeship', 'geese', '15', 'thousand']
Dokument 982: ['pleased', 'wives', 'easy', 'associations', 'ladies', 'came', 'brought', 'life', 'farms', 'geese']
Dokument 983: ['kuyavian', 'inhabitants', 'pomeranian', 'buy', 'encourage', 'regions', 'geese', 'like', 'region']
Dokument 984: ['cook', 'goose']
Dokument 985: ['kołudzka', 'proven', 'recipe', 'goose']
Dokument 986: ['easiest', 'experiments', 'recipes', 'think', 'goose', 'like', 'best']
Dokument 987: ['unintentionally', 'spoiled', 'succulent', 'crispy', 'aromatic', 'goose', 'meat']
Dokument 988: ['gatherings', 'martin', 'easter', 'st', 'prepare', 'christmas', 'meetings', 'day', 'course', 'family']
Dokument 989: ['evenings', 'tend', 'dark', 'feast', 'autumn', 'cook', 'winter', 'usually', 'goose', 'long']
Dokument 990: ['serving', 'count', 'comes', 'friends', 'tasty', 'know', 'family', 'goose', 'dishes']
Dokument 991: ['cookbooks', '17th', 'representative', 'mentioned', 'century', 'old', 'dishes', 'polish']
Dokument 992: ['cookbooks', '17th', 'representative', 'mentioned', 'century', 'old', 'dishes', 'polish']
Dokument 993: ['surprised', 'ingredient', 'basic', 'cabbage', 'days', 'poles']
Dokument 994: ['seasoned', 'cooks', 'vinegar', 'parsley', 'flavour', 'add', 'wine', 'bigos', 'onion', 'balance']
Dokument 995: ['seasoned', 'cooks', 'vinegar', 'parsley', 'flavour', 'add', 'wine', 'bigos', 'onion', 'balance']
Dokument 996: ['bigos', 'thaddeus', 'poem', 'marvellous', 'pots', 'warmed', 'wondrous', 'sir', 'descriptions', 'wrote']
Dokument 997: ['bigos', 'thaddeus', 'poem', 'marvellous', 'pots', 'warmed', 'wondrous', 'sir', 'descriptions', 'wrote']
Dokument 998: ['bigos', 'thaddeus', 'poem', 'marvellous', 'pots', 'warmed', 'wondrous', 'sir', 'descriptions', 'wrote']
Dokument 999: ['ages', 'recipes', 'changed']
Dokument 1000: ['remains', 'bigos', 'cabbage', 'day', 'ingredients', 'basis', 'main', 'time']
Dokument 1001: ['remains', 'bigos', 'cabbage', 'day', 'ingredients', 'basis', 'main', 'time']
Dokument 1002: ['naturally', 'recipe', 'bigos', 'real', 'home', 'different']
Dokument 1003: ['proportions', 'preserve', 'equal', 'preparing', 'basic', 'cabbage', 'rules', 'dish', 'meat']
Dokument 1004: ['50', 'goes', 'bacon', 'kinds', 'fermented', 'cabbage', 'sausage', 'smoked', 'pork', 'raw']
Dokument 1005: ['50', 'goes', 'bacon', 'kinds', 'fermented', 'cabbage', 'sausage', 'smoked', 'pork', 'raw']
Dokument 1006: ['boletes', 'prunes', 'seasoning', 'king', 'bay', 'instance', 'add', 'cook', 'dried', 'forest']
Dokument 1007: ['placing', 'layers', 'pot', 'prepare', 'bigos', 'ingredients', 'best']
Dokument 1008: ['stirring', 'simmer', 'occasionally', 'long', 'time']
Dokument 1009: ['properly', 'gives', 'dry', 'aroma', 'dark', 'mixed', 'colour', 'red', 'add', 'wine']
Dokument 1010: ['repeat', 'simmering', 'cool', 'freeze', 'contain', 'gradually', 'element', 'recipes', 'bigos', 'old']
Dokument 1011: ['repeat', 'simmering', 'cool', 'freeze', 'contain', 'gradually', 'element', 'recipes', 'bigos', 'old']
Dokument 1012: ['reheat', 'claim', 'tastier', 'experts', 'times']
Dokument 1013: ['snowdrift', 'mountains', 'pot', 'spring', 'left', 'bigos', 'days', 'old', 'areas', 'rural']
Dokument 1014: ['cabbage', 'preservation', 'condition', 'christmas', 'resulted', 'fermented', 'method', 'raw', 'fact', 'available']
Dokument 1015: ['easier', 'christmas', 'meats', 'necessary', 'various', 'prepared', 'products']
Dokument 1016: ['freezer', 'year', 'round', 'nowadays', 'rest', 'kept', 'christmas', 'bigos', 'tastes', 'especially']
Dokument 1017: ['podhale', 'lamb', 'region']
Dokument 1018: ['environmentally', 'beautiful', 'podhale', 'interesting', 'having', 'rich', 'culture', 'cuisine', 'region']
Dokument 1019: ['unique', 'taste']
Dokument 1020: ['sheep', 'lamb', 'pohale', 'mountain', 'breed', 'exceed', 'podhale', 'days', '60', 'does']
Dokument 1021: ['obtaining', 'carcasses', 'weight', 'kg', 'lamb']
Dokument 1022: ['fed', 'breast', 'animals', 'milk']
Dokument 1023: ['fatness', 'juiciness', 'carcass', 'podhale', 'characterised', 'lamb', 'exceptional', 'low']
Dokument 1024: ['springy', 'texture', 'pink', 'distinguished', 'soft', 'colour', 'light']
Dokument 1025: ['distinguishable', 'venison', 'feature', 'smell', 'game', 'characteristic', 'similar', 'unique', 'taste', 'meat']
Dokument 1026: ['excellent', 'meat', 'quality']
Dokument 1027: ['enjoys', 'podhale', 'customers', 'reputation', 'lamb', 'domestic', 'excellent', 'foreign']
Dokument 1028: ['grazing', 'cultivating', 'mountain', 'identify', 'sheep', 'hundreds', 'podhale', 'brand', 'lamb', 'built']
Dokument 1029: ['gourmets', 'recognition']
Dokument 1030: ['tenderness', 'peculiar', 'smell', 'appreciate', 'lamb', 'unique', 'especially', 'consumers', 'meat']
Dokument 1031: ['highland', 'dietary', 'specialty', 'values', 'caused', 'cuisine', 'taste', 'quality']
Dokument 1032: ['protected', 'designations', 'register', 'indications', 'geographical', 'origin']
Dokument 1033: ['protected', 'origin', 'product', 'registered', 'imitation', 'false', 'register', 'packaging', 'products', 'relating']
Dokument 1034: ['eco', 'safety', 'taste']
Dokument 1035: ['uses', 'bodiversity', 'welfare', 'friendly', 'ensures', 'practices', 'supports', 'processes', 'animal', 'environment']
Dokument 1036: ['regulated', 'provisions', 'principles', 'relevant', 'organic', 'production']
Dokument 1037: ['biological', 'adequate', 'approach', 'principles', 'processes', 'management', 'based']
Dokument 1038: ['matured', 'hen', 'juicy', 'sun', 'fragrant', 'tomatoes', 'rosół', 'real', 'apples', 'eggs']
Dokument 1039: ['description', 'aromas', 'naturally', 'wonderful', 'composition', 'characteristic', 'tastes', 'unique', 'dishes', 'based']
Dokument 1040: ['defense', 'fostering', 'careful', 'maintained', 'breeds', 'selection', 'practices', 'immune', 'animals', 'breeding']
Dokument 1041: ['pests', 'enemies', 'preventive', 'rotation', 'careful', 'mechanical', 'resistant', 'maintained', 'physical', 'proper']
Dokument 1042: ['animal', 'birth', 'hatch', 'consideration', 'manage', 'welfare', 'bred', 'moment', 'ecological', 'relation']
Dokument 1043: ['gmo', 'exclude', 'genetically', 'modified', 'organisms', 'principles', 'organic', 'use', 'production']
Dokument 1044: ['conditions', 'adapt', 'sanitary', 'practices', 'differences', 'idea', 'breeding', 'farming', 'climate', 'process']
Dokument 1045: ['animal', 'plant', 'recycle', 'production', 'wastes', 'consideration', 'resource', 'ecological', 'producer', 'decisions']
Dokument 1046: ['soil', 'resources', 'nonrenewable', 'nourish', 'ecosystem', 'erosion', 'biological', 'fertility', 'minimum', 'diversity']
Dokument 1047: ['dynamic', 'organic', 'agriculture', 'development', 'poland']
Dokument 1048: ['23800', '2286', 'grew', 'times', 'farms', 'organic', '2003', '2011', 'number', 'years']
Dokument 1049: ['supervised', 'authorised', 'certification', 'bodies', 'farms', '10']
Dokument 1050: ['fulfils', 'verify', 'farm', 'aim', 'control', 'requirements', 'given', 'related', 'organic', 'production']
Dokument 1051: ['270', 'plants', 'end', 'processing', 'organic', '2011', 'food', 'poland']
Dokument 1052: ['organic', 'bear', '1st', 'logo', 'accordance', 'july', 'control', '2010', 'requirements', 'production']
Dokument 1053: ['beef', 'good', 'polish']
Dokument 1054: ['conditional', 'polish', 'future', 'beef', 'market']
Dokument 1055: ['conditional', 'ultimately', 'course', 'consumers']
Dokument 1056: ['loyal', 'customers', 'purchase']
Dokument 1057: ['pleasure', 'willing', 'eating', 'pay', 'possible', 'beef']
Dokument 1058: ['examples', 'strategies', 'marketing', 'significant', 'given', 'changes', 'positive', 'impact', 'sector', 'country']
Dokument 1059: ['branding', 'strategies', 'successfully', 'previous', 'standards', 'basis', 'implemented', 'implementation', 'quality']
Dokument 1060: ['tended', 'adapting', 'strategies', 'marketing', 'course', 'change', 'situation', 'specific', 'market']
Dokument 1061: ['processors', 'distributors', 'reference', 'strategies', 'elements', 'jointly', 'interested', 'range', 'wide', 'consumer']
Dokument 1062: ['brand', 'beef', 'satisfying', 'wellrecognised', 'strategy', 'requires', 'marketing', 'tasty', 'consumer', 'building']
Dokument 1063: ['understood', 'answered', 'uniqueness', 'sense', 'asked', 'gives', 'satisfaction', 'advantage', 'surveys', 'brand']
Dokument 1064: ['purely', 'emotional', 'functional', 'understood', 'involves', 'brand', 'benefits', 'way', 'specific', 'beef']
Dokument 1065: ['surely', 'loyalty', 'understood', 'confidence', 'brand', 'bring', 'building', 'way', 'beef', 'consumers']
Dokument 1066: ['customer', 'make', 'possible', 'beef', 'polish']
Dokument 1067: ['certainly']
Dokument 1068: ['beef', 'pleasure', 'bringing', 'confidence', 'consistent', 'eating', 'requires', 'strategic', 'making', 'polish']
Dokument 1069: ['meaning', 'word', 'special']
Dokument 1070: ['time', 'standardised', 'repetitive', 'expression', 'certified', 'purchased', 'piece', 'highest', 'guarantee', 'beef']
Dokument 1071: ['beef', 'scotland', 'australia', 'certified', 'convinced', 'ireland', 'money', 'make', 'future', 'producers']
Dokument 1072: ['path', 'indications', 'certainly', 'success', 'difficult', 'long', 'possible', 'beef', 'culinary', 'polish']
Dokument 1073: ['beef', 'qmp', 'confidence', 'wants', 'strategy', 'marketing', 'implementing', 'bring', 'community', 'specific']
Dokument 1074: []
Dokument 1075: ['beef', 'project', 'entitled', 'production', 'meeting', 'optimising', 'hab', 'manager', 'scottish', 'wierzbicka']
Dokument 1076: ['culinary', 'shelf', 'usefulness', 'wierzbicka', 'agnieszka', 'repetitive', 'qmp', 'obtaining', 'satisfaction', 'prof']
Dokument 1077: ['understand', 'beef', 'quality', 'wierzbicki', 'determines', 'says', 'prooptibeef', 'jerzy', 'cattle', 'try']
Dokument 1078: ['point', 'produce', 'expected', 'beef', 'consumers', 'products', 'polish']
Dokument 1079: ['assumes', 'prooptibeef', 'proves', 'practical', 'studies', 'using', 'business', 'results', 'project', 'beef']
Dokument 1080: ['talk', 'relationship', 'wierzbicki', 'adds', 'decline', 'simple', 'consumption', 'price', 'president', 'beef']
Dokument 1081: ['perception', 'depends', 'pay', 'able', 'beef', 'product', 'consumers']
Dokument 1082: ['standardisation', 'quality', 'qmp', 'regards', 'satisfaction', 'expectations', 'terms', 'beef', 'product', 'consumers']
Dokument 1083: ['expect', 'prooptibeef', 'indicate', 'results', 'project', 'beef', 'consumers', 'research']
Dokument 1084: ['diverse', 'quality', 'repetitive', 'relation', 'price', 'second']
Dokument 1085: ['polkinghorne', 'rod', 'satisfactory', 'australia', 'seeking', 'determine', 'stressed', 'consumer', 'know', 'beef']
Dokument 1086: ['deliberate', 'expedient', 'shopping', 'contemporary', 'want', 'consumers']
Dokument 1087: ['remembered', 'sell', 'plate', 'meal', 'ready', 'account', 'taking', 'eat', 'fact', 'beef']
Dokument 1088: ['piece', 'approach', 'specific', 'beef', 'product']
Dokument 1089: ['added', 'expected', 'includes', 'today', 'consumers', 'value']
Dokument 1090: ['steaks', 'goulash', 'burgers', 'roast', 'sell', 'broth', 'ready', 'tasty', 'eat', 'need']
Dokument 1091: ['change', 'rebuild', 'deliciousness', 'mindset', 'wierzbicki', 'stresses', 'jerzy', 'openness', 'confidence', 'chain']
Dokument 1092: ['segment', 'quick', 'standing', 'qmp', 'emphasis', 'little', 'achieve', 'regarding', 'visible', 'consumer']
Dokument 1093: ['antibiotics', 'garlic', 'horseradish', 'onion', 'natural', 'polish']
Dokument 1094: ['healing', 'renowned', 'extraordinary', 'properties', 'garlic', 'horseradish', 'onion', 'taste']
Dokument 1095: ['antiseptic', 'antibacterial', 'cause', 'effect', 'major']
Dokument 1096: ['horseradish']
Dokument 1097: ['horseradish', 'poland']
Dokument 1098: ['legendary', 'viking', 'scurvy', 'deficiencies', 'root', 'vitamin', 'referred', 'prevented', 'reason', 'main']
Dokument 1099: ['vikings', 'travelled', 'horseradish', 'supply', 'large']
Dokument 1100: ['obligatory', 'constituted', 'ingredient', 'meals']
Dokument 1101: ['warming', 'folk', 'strongest', 'meals', 'horseradish', 'effect', 'medicines', 'addition', 'important']
Dokument 1102: ['lemons', 'vitamin', 'contains']
Dokument 1103: ['gourmands', 'spice', 'treat', 'great', 'fish', 'meat']
Dokument 1104: ['kidneys', 'digestive', 'metabolism', 'stimulates', 'liver', 'adding', 'meals', 'horseradish', 'juice', 'work']
Dokument 1105: ['vitamin', 'immunity', 'preserves', 'horseradish', 'human', 'large', 'thanks', 'increase']
Dokument 1106: ['digesting', 'proteins', 'metabolism', 'stimulates', 'adding', 'helps', 'animal', 'horseradish', 'meat']
Dokument 1107: ['gallbladder', 'liver', 'horseradish', 'recommended', 'diseases']
Dokument 1108: ['onion']
Dokument 1109: ['dawn', 'mediterranean', 'men', 'cultivated', 'east', 'onion']
Dokument 1110: ['pharaoh', 'slaves', 'egyptians', 'tombs', 'constructed', 'epidemics', 'believed', 'feed', 'prevent', 'onion']
Dokument 1111: ['arouse', 'expectoration', 'appetite', 'digestion', 'stimulate', 'blood', 'reduce', 'sugar', 'promote', 'today']
Dokument 1112: ['externally', 'ulcers', 'folk', 'treat', 'uses', 'medicine', 'onion']
Dokument 1113: ['cultivated', 'ha', 'onion', '24', 'thousand', 'area', 'poland']
Dokument 1114: ['crops', '600', 'exported', 'onion', 'tonnes', '11', 'thousand']
Dokument 1115: ['ranks', 'netherlands', 'onion', 'spain', 'europe', 'production', 'poland']
Dokument 1116: ['calorific', 'minerals', 'vitamins', 'contains', 'composition', 'valuable', 'rich', 'onion', 'low', 'value']
Dokument 1117: ['silicon', 'bones', 'calcium', 'contains', 'build', 'strengthen', 'necessary']
Dokument 1118: ['teenagers', 'ingredient', 'elderly', 'meals', 'makes', 'recommended', 'onion', 'people']
Dokument 1119: ['antitoxic', 'iodine', 'sulphur', 'antibacterial', 'potassium', 'properties', 'content', 'onion', 'thanks', 'high']
Dokument 1120: ['cirrhosis', 'suffering', 'obesity', 'patients', 'severe', 'recommended', 'onion', 'people']
Dokument 1121: ['healthiest', 'tolerated', 'body', 'human', 'raw', 'served', 'best']
Dokument 1122: ['acetic', 'disturb', 'acid', 'sprinkled', 'metabolism', 'salads', 'vinegar', 'containing', 'body', 'onion']
Dokument 1123: ['deficiency', 'scurvy', 'vitamin', 'ages', 'medicine', 'onion', 'used', 'high']
Dokument 1124: ['garlic']
Dokument 1125: ['illnesses', 'antibiotic', 'properties', 'easily', 'medicine', 'garlic', 'treated', 'diseases', 'available', 'natural']
Dokument 1126: ['bile', 'mould', 'stops', 'reduces', 'bacteria', 'stimulates', 'blood', 'pressure', 'production']
Dokument 1127: ['flatulence', 'parasites', 'tract', 'digestive', 'fighting', 'gives', 'treatment', 'medical', 'results', 'good']
Dokument 1128: ['vascular', 'bowel', 'internally', 'calcification', 'obstruction', 'flatulence', 'tract', 'parasites', 'digestive', 'blood']
Dokument 1129: ['stimulate', 'metabolism', 'blood', 'regular', 'consumption', 'amounts', 'garlic', 'pressure', 'reduce', 'small']
Dokument 1130: ['strokes', 'attacks', 'heart', 'prevent']
Dokument 1131: ['garlic', 'climatic', 'grows', 'soil', 'directed', 'favour', 'farming', 'supply', 'conditions', 'processing']
Dokument 1132: ['amateur', 'garlic', 'popular', 'farmers']
Dokument 1133: ['breeds', 'native', 'geese', 'poland']
Dokument 1134: ['hens', 'genetic', 'laying', 'ducks', 'currently', 'resources', 'covered', 'geese', 'protection', 'programme']
Dokument 1135: ['national', 'cuban', 'kielce', 'roman', 'kartuzy', 'subcarpathian', 'rypin', 'zator', 'biłgoraj', 'conservation']
Dokument 1136: ['geese', 'low', 'good', 'hatch', 'zator', 'swan', 'intensity', 'chicks', 'laying', 'flesh']
Dokument 1137: ['northern', 'characterised', 'body', 'structure', 'strong', 'geese', 'foreign']
Dokument 1138: ['station', 'dworzyska', 'waterfowl', 'genetic', 'conservation', 'flocks', 'wielkopolskie', 'belonging', 'breeds', 'kept']
Dokument 1139: ['450', 'flocks', '250', 'size', 'heads']
Dokument 1140: ['4600', 'covers', 'geese', 'protection', 'total', 'programme']
Dokument 1141: ['geese', 'good', 'smallscale', 'cygnoides', 'anser', 'uncontrolled', 'swan', 'asian', 'resistance', 'indicators']
Dokument 1142: ['south', 'permanent', 'element', 'culture', 'tradition', 'rural', 'eastern', 'poland']
Dokument 1143: ['good', 'kartuzy', 'survival', 'resistance', 'flesh', 'utilisation', 'adverse', 'carcasses', 'feed', 'content']
Dokument 1144: ['kaszuby', 'preserving', 'play', 'farming', 'culture', 'role', 'large']
Dokument 1145: ['high', 'adaptability', 'subcarpathian', 'kielce', 'zator', 'desired', 'resistance', 'flesh', 'chemical', 'lublin']
Dokument 1146: ['good', 'high', 'rypin', 'feathers', 'resistance', 'reproduction', 'flesh', 'breeds', 'adverse', 'carcasses']
Dokument 1147: ['geese', 'anser', 'cygnoides', 'biłgoraj', 'asian', 'derived', 'valuable', 'particularly']
Dokument 1148: ['good', 'slaughter', 'survival', 'flesh', 'utilisation', 'carcasses', 'feed', 'characterised', 'content', 'fat']
Dokument 1149: ['adapted', 'breeds', 'rearing', 'separate', 'protected', 'origin', 'geese', 'conditions', 'foreign', 'group']
Dokument 1150: ['flock', 'phenotypic', 'genetic', 'consolidated', 'landes', 'reproduction', 'qualities', 'characterised', 'existing', 'currently']
Dokument 1151: ['request', 'extinct', 'landes', 'park', 'hatching', 'restore', 'passed', 'creation', 'population', 'geese']
Dokument 1152: ['flock', 'roman', 'kept', 'geese', 'europe', 'poland']
Dokument 1153: ['pectoral', 'muscles', 'weight', 'characterised', 'body', 'developed', 'geese', 'large']
Dokument 1154: ['high', 'reproductive', 'femoral', 'pectoral', 'muscles', 'fibre', 'intensity', 'laying', 'slovak', 'breed']
Dokument 1155: ['pastures', 'utilise', 'predisposes', 'feeding', 'rearing', 'ground', 'meadows', 'having', 'holdings', 'geese']
Dokument 1156: ['anymore', 'conservation', 'flocks', 'populations', 'occur', 'regions', 'representatives', 'geese', 'polish']
Dokument 1157: ['globally', 'bird', 'utility', 'perfectly', 'populations', 'diversified', 'adapted', 'native', 'environmental', 'climate']
Dokument 1158: ['traits', 'phenotypic', 'amateur', 'attraction', 'rearing', 'diversity', 'large']
Dokument 1159: ['biodiversity', 'maintained', 'practical', 'reasons', 'cultural']
Dokument 1160: ['generational', 'breeders', 'testimony', 'inextricably', 'multi', 'landscape', 'breeds', 'communities', 'native', 'linked']
Dokument 1161: ['counts', 'taste']
Dokument 1162: []
Dokument 1163: ['serve', 'table', 'organic', 'products']
Dokument 1164: ['everyday', 'favourite', 'bakery', 'buy', 'bread', 'organic']
Dokument 1165: ['meats', 'buy', 'cold', 'include', 'organic', 'products']
Dokument 1166: ['week', 'buy', 'try']
Dokument 1167: ['lucky', 'window', 'offering', 'consider', 'outside', 'right', 'organic', 'place', 'meat', 'market']
Dokument 1168: ['memories', 'pleasant', 'associate', 'food']
Dokument 1169: ['reasons', 'think', 'buy', 'organic', 'food']
Dokument 1170: ['child', 'like', 'organic', 'taste', 'food', 'products']
Dokument 1171: ['counts', 'taste']
Dokument 1172: ['taste']
Dokument 1173: []
Dokument 1174: ['doesn', 'tastes', 'healthy', 'good']
Dokument 1175: ['favourite', 'places', 'buy', 'organic', 'food']
Dokument 1176: ['marketplace', 'shopping', 'favourite', 'chance']
Dokument 1177: ['disappointed', 'sell', 'advice', 'count', 'professional', 'quality', 'products']
Dokument 1178: ['growing', 'poultry', 'polish']
Dokument 1179: ['fifth', 'exporter', 'netherlands', 'uk', 'previous', 'poultry', 'half', 'markets', 'france', 'germany']
Dokument 1180: ['96', 'import', 'tonnes', 'poultry', 'thousand', 'increase', 'products']
Dokument 1181: ['142', 'ranges', 'cheaper', 'imported', 'purchase', 'costs', 'poultry', 'lower', 'processing', '2011']
Dokument 1182: ['eur', '1064', 'million', '190', 'balance', 'poultry', 'positive', 'foreign', '2011', 'trade']
Dokument 1183: ['poultry', 'half', 'export', 'meat', 'year', 'continuing', '83', 'differences', 'price', '80']
Dokument 1184: ['germany', 'outlet', 'remains', '37', 'type', 'tonnes', 'largest', '15', 'thousand', 'increased']
Dokument 1185: ['tonnes', 'thousand', '33', '23', 'uk', '50', 'spain', '11', 'increased', 'export']
Dokument 1186: ['tonnes', 'thousand', 'thousands', '54', '41', 'bulgaria', 'slovakia', 'lithuania', '22', '16']
Dokument 1187: ['tonnes', 'thousand', 'hong', 'kong', 'cis', '26', 'decreased', '14', 'compared', 'poultry']
Dokument 1188: ['tonnes', 'half', 'thousand', 'export', 'chicken', 'products', '17', '22', '18', 'poultry']
Dokument 1189: ['kg', 'eur', '86', 'turkey', 'price', 'decreased', 'previous', '18', 'prices', 'higher']
Dokument 1190: ['revenue', 'poultry', '19', 'result', 'increased', 'export', 'products']
Dokument 1191: ['heads', 'million', 'half', 'export', 'chicks', 'cis', '33', '23', 'live', '30']
Dokument 1192: ['cents', '39', 'head', 'prices', 'compared', 'euro', 'lower', 'amounted', 'half', '2011']
Dokument 1193: ['revenue', 'volume', '16', 'similar', 'amounted', 'result', 'increase', 'export']
Dokument 1194: ['import', 'tonnes', 'thousand', '17', 'poultry', 'half', 'increased', 'meat', '2012']
Dokument 1195: ['79', '33', 'purchase', 'kg', 'price', 'previous', 'amounted', 'lower', 'eur', 'year']
Dokument 1196: ['99', 'import', 'came', '27', 'eu']
Dokument 1197: ['weight', 'import', 'similar', 'tonnes', 'poultry', 'half', 'thousand', 'product', 'level', '2011']
Dokument 1198: ['kg', 'price', 'eur', '39', '43', 'imported', 'live', '60', 'poultry', '12']
Dokument 1199: ['heads', 'million', 'purchases', 'import', 'live', 'reduction', 'decreased', 'mainly', 'czech', '30']
Dokument 1200: ['heads', 'import', 'million', 'slovakia', 'did', 'germany', 'increased']
Dokument 1201: ['broilers', 'purchased', 'weighing', 'kg', 'import', 'mentioned', '60', 'costs', 'share', 'countries']
Dokument 1202: ['gram', 'chicks', 'austria', 'imported', 'denmark', 'hand', 'netherlands']
Dokument 1203: ['tonnes', 'poultry', 'thousand', '610', 'offal', 'weight', 'live', 'expected', '50', 'product']
Dokument 1204: ['tonnes', 'thousand', 'half', '2013', '290', '320', 'rise', 'probably', '30', '20']
Dokument 1205: ['ranges', 'cheap', 'easy', 'import', 'mainly', 'tonnes', 'access', '100', 'processing', 'thousand']
Dokument 1206: ['12377', 'predicted', 'tonnes', 'poultry', 'thousand', 'increase', 'production', 'eu']
Dokument 1207: ['eur', '1166', 'million', 'rise', 'balance', 'compared', 'poultry', '100', 'positive', 'foreign']
Dokument 1208: ['production', 'expensive', 'feed', 'demand', 'type', 'relatively', 'materials', 'low', 'greater', 'pork']
Dokument 1209: ['specialties', 'tastes', 'better', 'regional']
Dokument 1210: ['gentlemen', 'ladies']
Dokument 1211: ['fair', 'trade', 'finished', 'food', 'polagra', 'recently', 'exhibition', 'events', 'largest', 'central']
Dokument 1212: ['wielkopolska', 'resident', 'pleased', 'proud', 'edition', 'organized', 'particularly', 'land', 'fair', 'agricultural']
Dokument 1213: ['polagra', 'nearly', 'held', '30', 'fair', 'trade', 'years']
Dokument 1214: ['suggestions', 'adaptation', 'evolution', 'constant', 'resulted', 'meet', 'gained', 'offer', 'experience', 'needs']
Dokument 1215: ['special', 'event', 'highest', 'today', 'level']
Dokument 1216: ['fair', 'trade', 'international', 'hotels', 'gastro', 'gastronomy', 'taropak', 'logistics', 'hotel', 'invest']
Dokument 1217: ['draw', 'attention', 'like']
Dokument 1218: ['list', 'long', 'regional', 'products', 'polish']
Dokument 1219: ['proud', 'heritage', 'true']
Dokument 1220: ['evoke', 'childhood', 'contributes', 'sweets', 'flavors', 'producing', 'combination', 'ham', 'original', 'recipes']
Dokument 1221: ['appear', 'tables', 'specialties', 'tastes', 'better', 'especially', 'regional', 'used', 'polish']
Dokument 1222: ['forgotten', 'distant', 'parts', 'exhibitors', 'places', 'heritage', 'bring', 'protect', 'present', 'abroad']
Dokument 1223: ['embedded', 'native', 'art', 'cooking', 'republic', 'poland']
Dokument 1224: ['contemporary', 'beautifully', 'differ', 'opinion', 'common', 'europe']
Dokument 1225: ['support', 'preserving', 'equal', 'heritage', 'rich', 'traditions', 'history', 'culinary', 'based', 'best']
Dokument 1226: ['grounds', 'nationality', 'divided', 'applies', 'supporting', 'farmers']
Dokument 1227: ['climatic', 'soil', 'diversity', 'differences', 'required', 'resulting', 'farm', 'management', 'conditions', 'based']
Dokument 1228: ['demands', 'meet', 'able', 'present', 'europe']
Dokument 1229: ['equal', 'fact', 'common', 'europe']
Dokument 1230: ['marketplace', 'competitiveness', 'community', 'global', 'way', 'agriculture']
Dokument 1231: ['nearest', 'remember', 'feed', 'future', 'increase', 'number', 'people']
Dokument 1232: ['suffers', 'eighth', 'fao', 'hunger', 'accordance', 'nearly', 'population', 'world']
Dokument 1233: ['impossible', 'easy', 'mean', 'challenges', 'does', 'meeting']
Dokument 1234: ['eve', 'regarding', 'attention', 'pay', 'issue', 'decisions', 'making', 'future', 'common', 'policy']
Dokument 1235: ['submitted', 'comments', 'proposed', 'regulations', 'far', 'prepared', '000', 'commission', 'european']
Dokument 1236: ['unfavorable', 'climatic', 'dependent', 'severe', 'decisions', 'make', 'need', 'conditions', 'crisis', 'economy']
Dokument 1237: ['thinking', 'monolith', 'bonds', 'nationality', 'start', 'free', 'terms', 'agriculture', 'european']
Dokument 1238: ['afflict', 'disasters', 'affecting', 'respect', 'borders', 'various', 'natural', 'areas', 'different', 'farmers']
Dokument 1239: ['dividing', 'solve', 'proves', 'simple', 'problems', 'old', 'example', 'farmers', 'new', 'union']
Dokument 1240: ['mrs', 'anna', 'komorowska', 'lady', 'patronage', 'honorary', 'interview', 'cooking', 'cook', 'traditions']
Dokument 1241: ['surprised', 'chosen', 'suwałki', 'region']
Dokument 1242: ['food', 'recognizable', 'wiżajny', 'landscape', 'beautiful', 'sejny', 'wonderful', 'mention', 'cheeses', 'delicious']
Dokument 1243: ['wonderful', 'nations', 'combination', 'traditions', 'living', 'culinary', 'region']
Dokument 1244: ['heart', 'close', 'particularly', 'region']
Dokument 1245: ['choosing', 'patronage', 'believe', 'pleasure', 'suwałki', 'taken', 'promotion', 'excellent', 'project', 'great']
Dokument 1246: ['traditions', 'globalization', 'influx', 'nations', 'face', 'promote', 'tastes', 'market', 'polish']
Dokument 1247: ['compete', 'italian', 'french', 'cuisine', 'polish']
Dokument 1248: ['chinese', 'italian', 'french', 'tastes', 'known', 'polish']
Dokument 1249: ['course']
Dokument 1250: ['barrier', 'constitutes', 'sale', 'promoting', 'product', 'world']
Dokument 1251: ['ones', 'advantages', 'cuisine', 'organic', 'polish']
Dokument 1252: ['housekeepers', 'familiar', 'distinguished', 'artificial', 'recipes', 'living', 'specialties', 'ingredients', 'old', 'fact']
Dokument 1253: ['cake', 'cepelinai', 'skilandis', 'noticed', 'wish', 'potato', 'tree', 'specialties', 'countries', 'polish']
Dokument 1254: ['propagate', 'explore', 'tourists', 'tastes', 'cuisine', 'make', 'foreign', 'world', 'important', 'poland']
Dokument 1255: ['occasions', 'try', 'promote', 'cuisine', 'various', 'polish']
Dokument 1256: ['kuyavianpomeranian', 'palace', 'banquets', 'presidential', 'kashubian', 'pomeranian', 'voivodeship', 'november', 'tastes', 'goose']
Dokument 1257: ['traditions', 'brought', 'home', 'culinary', 'common']
Dokument 1258: ['traditions', 'various']
Dokument 1259: ['szpekuchy', 'kresowe', 'rolls', 'love', 'easter', 'bacon', 'yeast', 'onion', 'family', 'tastes']
Dokument 1260: ['close', 'particularly', 'tradition', 'cuisine', 'related', 'polish']
Dokument 1261: ['single', 'want', 'tradition']
Dokument 1262: ['highland', 'silesia', 'really', 'potatoes', 'cheeses', 'rich', 'delicious', 'cuisine', 'dishes', 'regional']
Dokument 1263: ['pâtés', 'differ', 'ones', 'french', 'polish']
Dokument 1264: ['tinctures', 'polish']
Dokument 1265: ['endlessly', 'list', 'just']
Dokument 1266: ['specialties', 'protected', 'designations', 'constitute', 'indications', 'guaranteed', 'brand', 'registered', 'geographical', 'origin']
Dokument 1267: ['zagłoba', 'onufry', 'mead', 'trilogy', 'zest', 'recalled', 'henryk', 'sienkiewicz', 'royal', 'character']
Dokument 1268: ['honey', 'popular', 'today', 'product', 'polish']
Dokument 1269: ['smallgoods', 'hunter', 'valued', 'mention', 'highly', 'cheeses', 'sausage', 'excellent', 'especially', 'france']
Dokument 1270: ['list', 'protected', 'local', 'enlarged', 'lazdijai', 'cross', 'symbol', 'grows', 'designations', 'register']
Dokument 1271: ['local', 'decent', 'homelands', 'earning', 'communities', 'recognized', 'finally', 'creating', 'brand', 'income']
Dokument 1272: ['adorned', 'virgin', 'glow', 'orange', 'yellow', 'summer', 'autumn', 'forests', 'beginning', 'end']
Dokument 1273: ['color', 'emerges', 'favorite', 'sun', 'background', 'brown', 'yellow', 'kurka', 'green', 'mushrooms']
Dokument 1274: ['approaching', 'plural', 'harvest', 'kurka', 'sign', 'kurki', 'certain']
Dokument 1275: ['kurka', 'forests', 'poland']
Dokument 1276: ['mistaken', 'poisonous', 'impossible', 'appearance', 'unusual', 'mushroom', 'ones', 'makes']
Dokument 1277: ['picking', 'gentlemen', 'ladies', 'mushroom', 'let']
Dokument 1278: ['champetre', 'reservation', 'bistro', 'street', 'charles', 'saint', 'week', 'eat', 'make']
Dokument 1279: ['luxemburg', 'renowned', 'restaurants', 'austria', 'kurki', 'netherlands', 'italy', 'mushrooms', 'spain', 'served']
Dokument 1280: ['directions', 'delicacy', 'exported', 'mushrooms', 'real', 'world', 'europe', 'poland']
Dokument 1281: ['consumed', 'included', 'mushrooms', 'need', 'countries', 'products']
Dokument 1282: ['gourmand', 'kitchen', 'mushroom', 'appreciate', 'applications', 'real', 'especially', 'good', 'taste']
Dokument 1283: ['custard', 'classic', 'kurka', 'base', 'ingredient', 'sauce']
Dokument 1284: ['kurki', 'served', 'disregard', 'winters', 'harshest', 'wonderfully', 'keeps', 'enthusiasts', 'hours', 'scrambled']
Dokument 1285: ['scrambled', 'kurki', 'hard', 'fried', 'butter', 'eggs']
Dokument 1286: ['buns', 'filling', 'pan', 'pierogi', 'stuffed', 'kurki', 'compete', 'cakes', 'tasty']
Dokument 1287: ['unlike', 'kurka', 'flavor', 'mushroom']
Dokument 1288: ['leftover', 'pour', 'sink', 'totally', 'wrong', 'frying', 'juice']
Dokument 1289: ['leftover', 'pour', 'sink', 'totally', 'wrong', 'frying', 'juice']
Dokument 1290: ['dente', 'waiting', 'al', 'slice', 'breast', 'pasta', 'chicken', 'poured', 'glass', 'aromatic']
Dokument 1291: ['dente', 'waiting', 'al', 'slice', 'breast', 'pasta', 'chicken', 'poured', 'glass', 'aromatic']
Dokument 1292: ['marinate', 'freeze', 'simmer', 'vinegar', 'kurki', 'delicious']
Dokument 1293: ['blanche', 'freezing', 'bitter', 'grow', 'kurki', 'necessary']
Dokument 1294: ['loose', 'suitable', 'drying', 'appearance', 'smell', 'kurka', 'tasty']
Dokument 1295: ['grind', 'spice', 'add', 'later', 'example', 'meat']
Dokument 1296: ['spiced', 'unlimited', 'practically', 'matches', 'champagne', 'extraordinary', 'kurka', 'kurki', 'fine', 'meals']
Dokument 1297: ['spiced', 'unlimited', 'practically', 'matches', 'champagne', 'extraordinary', 'kurka', 'kurki', 'fine', 'meals']
Dokument 1298: ['kurki', 'saddle', 'creamy', 'mascarpone', 'fancy', 'zander', 'rice', 'pepper', 'stuffed', 'menu']
Dokument 1299: ['bon', 'appétit', 'wishes', 'mushroom', 'heart', 'capital', 'europe', 'poland']
Dokument 1300: ['dublin', 'shop', 'fairs', '2012']
Dokument 1301: ['markets', 'equally', 'capture', 'recipients', 'mark', 'maintain', 'presence', 'pdż', 'far', 'goods']
Dokument 1302: ['2012', 'shop', 'dublin', 'fairs', 'department', 'september', 'organized', 'ireland', 'stand', '27']
Dokument 1303: ['coincidence', 'irish', 'direction', 'chosen']
Dokument 1304: ['market', 'ca', 'goal', 'inhabitants', 'big', 'present', 'producers', 'europe', 'food']
Dokument 1305: ['felt', 'wealthiest', 'irish', 'island', 'green', 'despite', 'citizens', 'crisis', 'europe']
Dokument 1306: ['direction', 'reason', 'ireland', 'promotion', 'important', 'food', 'polish']
Dokument 1307: ['people', 'statistics', 'island', 'irish', '120', 'declared', 'office', 'living', 'central', 'data']
Dokument 1308: ['ireland', 'currently', 'biggest', 'migration', 'group', 'poles']
Dokument 1309: ['shelves', 'attempt', 'buyers', 'irish', 'shops', 'capacity', 'reasons', 'natural', 'main', 'place']
Dokument 1310: ['shop', 'fairs', 'opportunity', 'great', '2012']
Dokument 1311: ['dublin', 'rds', 'royal', 'annually', 'ireland', 'exhibition', 'biggest', 'society', 'held', 'event']
Dokument 1312: ['visible', 'fairs', 'edition', 'presence', 'particularly', 'polish']
Dokument 1313: ['attractive', 'lot', 'visitors', 'stand', 'exhibition', 'opinion', 'biggest']
Dokument 1314: ['m2', 'labeled', 'mark', '60', 'pdż', 'presented', 'produced', '20', 'area', 'companies']
Dokument 1315: ['persuade', 'tastings', 'organizing', 'presentations', 'trying', 'cooking', 'entrepreneurs', 'numerous', 'visitors', 'stand']
Dokument 1316: ['representatives', 'taurus', 'fanex', 'sandwiches', 'mróz', 'pizzas', 'maxtop', 'toasted', 'sokołów', 'sauces']
Dokument 1317: ['stand', 'information', 'trade', 'cooperation', 'dega', 'turek', 'zm', 'mamut', 'sm', 'wratislavia']
Dokument 1318: ['ireland', 'mr', 'poland', 'crowley', 'eamonn', 'nawrot', 'marcin', 'ambassador', 'emphasized', 'presence']
Dokument 1319: ['manages', 'shop', 'signing', 'contracts', 'fairs', 'lead', 'near', 'valuable', 'contacts', 'lot']
Dokument 1320: ['irish', 'emphasized', 'exceeded', 'expectations', 'partners', 'producers']
Dokument 1321: ['sit', 'treat', 'table', 'butter', 'cold', 'breakfast', 'bread', 'milk', 'cheese', 'meat']
Dokument 1322: ['proverbial', 'run', 'manufacturers', 'tables', 'bread', 'thanks', 'farmers', 'food', 'products']
Dokument 1323: ['thank', 'effort', 'today', 'like']
Dokument 1324: ['greeting', 'symbol', 'inauguration', 'stanisław', 'achieve', 'kalemba', 'ceremony', 'let', 'visitors', 'agreement']
Dokument 1325: ['fair', 'international', 'polagra', 'gastro', 'tech', 'taropak', 'catering', 'coherent', 'food', 'presentation']
Dokument 1326: ['industries', 'hold', 'food', 'bakery', 'confectionery', 'latest', 'range', 'wide', 'technologies', 'achievements']
Dokument 1327: ['amenities', 'novelties', 'exhibitions', 'catering', 'hotel', 'feature', 'restaurant', 'solutions', 'equipment', 'modern']
Dokument 1328: ['exhibitors', 'participated', 'edition', '500', '27', 'fair', 'year', 'countries']
Dokument 1329: ['viewed', 'presentations', '46', 'visitors', '21', '000', 'countries']
Dokument 1330: ['flavours', 'guaranteed', 'shows', 'popular', 'fair', 'great', 'food', 'polish']
Dokument 1331: ['fragrance', 'flavor', 'emphasized', 'kalemba', 'unique', 'minister', 'high', 'quality', 'products', 'polish']
Dokument 1332: ['thematic', 'space', 'divided', 'polagra', 'exhibition', 'fair', 'areas', 'year', 'food']
Dokument 1333: ['traders', 'food', 'diverse', 'presents', 'drink', 'exhibition', 'offer', 'popular', 'products']
Dokument 1334: ['wine', 'spirits', 'spirit', 'presenting', 'tasting', 'wide', 'exhibition', 'offer', 'place', 'industry']
Dokument 1335: ['commerce', 'franchising', 'store', 'presents', 'latest', 'solutions', 'exhibition', 'equipment', 'area']
Dokument 1336: ['preceding', 'press', 'enjoy', 'emphasized', 'reputation', 'kalemba', 'conference', 'opening', 'increasing', 'fact']
Dokument 1337: ['makes', 'basis', 'opportunity', 'great', 'sector', 'development', 'food', 'poland']
Dokument 1338: ['added', 'balance', 'amounted', 'positive', 'trade', 'minister', 'eur', 'agricultural', 'billion', 'year']
Dokument 1339: ['added', 'balance', 'amounted', 'positive', 'trade', 'minister', 'eur', 'agricultural', 'billion', 'year']
Dokument 1340: ['achieve', 'level', 'eur', 'billion', 'year']
Dokument 1341: ['output', 'quarter', 'nearly', 'reached', '15', 'value', 'level', 'export', 'eur', 'agricultural']
Dokument 1342: ['ms', 'nalewajk', 'tadeusz', 'zofia', 'szalczyk', 'mr', 'conference', 'attended', 'deputy', 'ministers']
Dokument 1343: ['medals', 'inauguration', 'gold', 'products', 'polagra', 'ceremony', 'oil', 'cold', 'awarded', '17']
Dokument 1344: ['medals', 'inauguration', 'gold', 'products', 'polagra', 'ceremony', 'oil', 'cold', 'awarded', '17']
Dokument 1345: ['submitted', 'medals', 'gold', 'contest', 'hundreds', 'thousands', 'granted', 'best', 'products']
Dokument 1346: ['displayed', 'impressed', 'manner', 'products', 'visitors', 'fair', 'great']
Dokument 1347: ['aureus', 'acanthus', 'reflect', 'strategy', 'prize', 'stands', 'marketing', 'exhibition', 'awarded', 'competition']
Dokument 1348: ['ministry', 'acanthus', 'statuette', 'aureus', 'reflected', 'strategy', 'marketing', 'stand', 'exhibition', 'granted']
Dokument 1349: ['statuette', 'ms', 'zofia', 'szalczyk', 'deputy', 'received', 'minister']
Dokument 1350: ['stands', 'exhibition', 'fair', 'ministry']
Dokument 1351: ['discover', 'great', 'illustrated', 'food', 'bearing', 'idea', 'pl', 'label', 'pdż', 'presented']
Dokument 1352: ['promoted', 'stand', 'organic', 'products']
Dokument 1353: ['helpdesk', 'pavilion', 'indications', 'devoted', 'stand', 'geographical', 'located', 'regions', 'promotion', 'eu']
Dokument 1354: ['original', 'recipes', 'according', 'regional', 'traditional', 'taste', 'products']
Dokument 1355: ['162', 'labels', 'food', 'gala', 'polagra', 'ceremony', '37', 'pdż', 'awarded', 'major']
Dokument 1356: ['solemn', 'character', 'stanisław', 'opened', 'kalemba', 'ceremony', 'stressed', 'supply', 'role', 'event']
Dokument 1357: ['elite', 'safely', 'say', 'sector', 'food']
Dokument 1358: ['reputation', 'built', 'thanks', 'food', 'products', 'polish']
Dokument 1359: ['tested', 'food', 'emphasized', 'centuries', 'recipes', 'materials', 'delicious', 'plants', 'raw', 'processing']
Dokument 1360: ['elements', 'contribute', 'added', 'results', 'international', 'good', 'trade', 'work', 'minister', 'poland']
Dokument 1361: ['preliminary', 'trend', 'maintain', 'data', 'half', 'positive', 'trade', 'agricultural', 'year', 'food']
Dokument 1362: ['exceeded', 'eur', 'billion', 'balance', 'positive', 'value', 'level', 'export', 'products']
Dokument 1363: ['year', 'achieve', 'seen', 'previous', 'end', 'said', 'data', 'better', 'results', 'minister']
Dokument 1364: ['accentuated', 'diversifying', 'destinations', 'exporters', 'kalemba', 'continue', 'fact', 'producers', 'export', 'minister']
Dokument 1365: ['slight', 'indicates', '77', 'wider', 'decrease', 'reach', '75', 'range', 'participation', 'according']
Dokument 1366: ['agricultural', 'profitable', 'output', 'quarter', 'amounts', 'nearly', 'trend', 'poland', 'said', 'value']
Dokument 1367: ['submit', 'categories', 'contest', '15', 'producers', 'year', 'products']
Dokument 1368: ['160', 'gala', 'expert', 'ceremony', 'committee', 'label', 'selected', 'pdż', 'awarded', 'quality']
Dokument 1369: ['drinks', 'products', 'cold', 'selected', 'included', 'honey', 'dairy', 'fruit', 'meat']
Dokument 1370: ['diplomas', 'conferring', 'distinction', '45', 'manufacturers', 'stressed', 'pdż', 'management', 'importance', 'employees']
Dokument 1371: ['unchangeable', 'evening', 'confirm', 'distinction', 'flavor', 'carry', 'range', 'unique', 'highest', 'quality']
Dokument 1372: ['exciting', 'foodstuffs', 'bearing', 'admitted', 'stanisław', 'mr', 'diversity', 'kalemba', 'rich', 'label']
Dokument 1373: ['nalewajk', 'tadeusz', 'szalczyk', 'zofia', 'gala', 'accompanied', 'ceremony', 'deputy', 'ministers', 'minister']
Dokument 1374: ['folklore', 'highquality', 'richness', 'showing', 'culture', 'provided', 'tradition', 'event', 'opportunity', 'food']
Dokument 1375: ['szafran', 'ensemble', 'graced', 'dance', 'sung', 'łany', 'song', 'concert', 'justyna', 'poetry']
Dokument 1376: ['programme', 'contest', 'recognized', 'organiser', 'gala', 'foundation', 'promotional', 'exceptional', 'discover', 'achievements']
Dokument 1377: ['przybył', 'marking', 'chairman', 'krzysztof', 'medal', '20th', 'anniversary', 'gala', 'contribution', 'mr']
Dokument 1378: ['przybył', 'thanked', 'krzysztof', 'mr', 'efforts', 'promote', 'minister', 'food', 'polish']
Dokument 1379: ['honoured', 'chairman', 'contest', 'emphasized', 'winners', 'label', 'pdż', 'producers', 'number', 'poland']
Dokument 1380: ['food', 'launched', 'discover', 'provide', 'initiative', 'rural', 'information', 'consumers', 'agriculture', 'great']
Dokument 1381: ['awarded', 'reliability', 'ensures', 'constantly', 'label', 'maximum', 'origin', 'guarantees', 'high', 'quality']
Dokument 1382: ['venue', 'foodstuffs', 'promoted', 'polagra', 'event', 'high', 'important', 'quality', 'food']
Dokument 1383: ['titled', 'press', 'conference', 'flavour', 'promotional', 'campaign', 'delicious', 'october', 'day', 'held']
Dokument 1384: ['50th', 'marks', 'anniversary', 'implementing', 'common', 'policy', 'agricultural', '2012', 'year', 'eu']
Dokument 1385: ['1962', 'touring', 'specially', 'occasion', 'shown', 'achievements', 'exhibition', 'cap', 'present', 'prepared']
Dokument 1386: ['exchanging', 'discussing', 'venue', 'past', 'cap', 'experience', 'future', 'fair', 'common', 'great']
Dokument 1387: ['mr', 'fair', 'international', 'byrt', 'mariusz', 'migas', 'andrzej', 'chairman', 'inauguration', 'stanisław']
Dokument 1388: ['fascinated', 'multimedia', 'answers', 'cow', 'questions', 'visitors', 'history', 'cap', 'provided']
Dokument 1389: ['featured', 'tags', 'hang', 'attach', 'wishes', 'wish', 'concerning', 'tree', 'visitors', 'exhibition']
Dokument 1390: ['fairer', 'contained', 'attached', 'wish', 'kalemba', 'subsidies', 'tree', 'apple', 'farmers', 'minister']
Dokument 1391: ['slogans', 'says', 'puts', 'colour', 'exhibition', 'life', 'agriculture']
Dokument 1392: ['bike', 'ride', 'milkshake', 'slogan', 'mix', 'background', 'drink', 'kalemba', 'forests', 'fields']
Dokument 1393: ['milkshake', 'visitors', 'later', 'served', 'eu']
Dokument 1394: ['fair', 'hall', 'polagra', 'poznań', 'seen', 'exhibition', 'international', 'eastern', 'food']
Dokument 1395: ['celebrations', 'anniversary', 'organized', 'campaign', 'cap', 'events', 'major', 'information', 'union', 'european']
Dokument 1396: ['exhibition', 'sial', 'food', 'prestigious', 'biggest', 'agri', 'international', 'world']
Dokument 1397: ['sial', 'exhibition', '2012', 'poland']
Dokument 1398: ['distributors', 'targeted', 'event', 'abroad', 'france', 'consumers', 'producers', 'food', 'products']
Dokument 1399: ['cycles', 'sial', 'paris', 'kind', 'organized', 'exhibition', 'event', 'france', 'agri', 'industry']
Dokument 1400: ['americas', 'africa', 'attracted', 'asia', 'visitors', 'great', 'europe', 'companies', 'products', 'polish']
Dokument 1401: ['mrirw', 'mark', 'discover', 'stand', 'granted', 'ministry', 'rural', 'agriculture', 'great', 'taste']
Dokument 1402: ['clients', 'meetings', 'business', 'place', 'producers', 'international', 'food', 'polish']
Dokument 1403: ['agency', 'neighboured', 'mrirw', 'stands', 'stand', 'investment', 'information', 'foreign', 'agricultural', 'market']
Dokument 1404: ['agency', 'industry', 'eastern', 'provinces', 'food', 'specialities', 'stand', 'promoting', 'polish', 'poland']
Dokument 1405: ['polish', 'garot', 'judged', 'guillaume', 'orłowski', 'tasted', 'tomasz', 'ambassador', 'food', 'visited']
Dokument 1406: ['tenderloin', 'meads', 'roasted', 'recognition', 'gained', 'beef', 'minister', 'polish']
Dokument 1407: ['crowds', 'attracted', 'baking', 'cooking', 'delicacies', 'visitors', 'live', 'try', 'bread', 'polish']
Dokument 1408: ['parp', 'enterprise', 'organized', 'exchange', 'exhibition', 'agency', 'industry', 'cooperation', 'companies', 'development']
Dokument 1409: ['importers', 'broadly', 'distributors', 'defined', 'intended', 'units', 'exchange', 'operating', 'producers', 'industry']
Dokument 1410: ['discuss', 'perfect', 'establish', 'contacts', 'delicious', 'tastes', 'experience', 'business', 'share', 'place']
Dokument 1411: ['sial', 'exhibition', 'popularize', 'paris', 'dimension', 'opportunity', 'france', 'international', 'great', 'world']
Dokument 1412: ['eat', 'know']
Dokument 1413: ['love', 'sincerer', 'food']
Dokument 1414: ['shaw', 'aphorism', 'george', 'bernard', 'evidences', 'eating', 'centuries', 'importance', 'people', 'food']
Dokument 1415: ['complement', 'meal', 'condition', 'day', 'good']
Dokument 1416: ['accompanying', 'integral', 'days', 'life']
Dokument 1417: ['organic', 'recognizable', 'leaf', 'labeled', 'awareness', 'raise', 'logo', 'campaign', 'aims', 'euro']
Dokument 1418: ['olympian', 'athlete', 'artur', 'jumper', 'actress', 'magdalena', 'theater', 'kumorek', 'partyka', 'film']
Dokument 1419: ['campaign', 'channels', 'ambassadors', 'spots', 'advertising', 'viewed', 'task', 'participating', 'holding', 'official']
Dokument 1420: ['secrets', 'łapanowski', 'grzegorz', 'exploring', 'additionally', 'products', 'ongoing', 'expert', 'reports', 'prepare']
Dokument 1421: ['organic', 'dietitian', 'tube', 'hornberger', 'blog', 'rafał', 'channels', 'regularly', 'lifestyle', 'nutrition']
Dokument 1422: ['press', 'publications', 'appear', 'farming', 'campaign', 'field', 'popular', 'organic', 'polish']
Dokument 1423: ['websites', 'official', 'visit']
Dokument 1424: ['cuisine', 'like', 'polish']
Dokument 1425: ['rally', 'champion', 'french', 'bryan', 'bouffier', 'driver', 'time', 'polish']
Dokument 1426: ['peugeot', 's1600', '206', 'sheer', 'satisfactory', 'coincidence', 'wanted', 'car', 'sport', 'polska']
Dokument 1427: ['rajd', 'rzeszowski', 'debut', 'successful', '2004']
Dokument 1428: ['peugeot', '207', 's2000', 'wanted', 'car', 'sport', 'polska', 'later', '2007', 'new']
Dokument 1429: ['panseri', 'navigator', 'races', 'rallies', 'xavier', 'supposed', 'championship', 'consequence', 'car', 'rally']
Dokument 1430: ['panseri', 'navigator', 'races', 'rallies', 'xavier', 'supposed', 'championship', 'consequence', 'car', 'rally']
Dokument 1431: ['adventure', 'beginning', 'experience', 'great', 'poland']
Dokument 1432: ['champion', 'winner', 'vice', 'car', 'rally', 'occurred', 'look', '2008', '2010', '2009']
Dokument 1433: ['true', 'improved', 'living', 'way']
Dokument 1434: ['number', 'houses', 'new', 'impressed', 'really', 'undertakings', 'construction', '2004', 'companies']
Dokument 1435: ['cars', 'kilometers', 'roads', 'ones', 'built', 'changed', 'poles', 'new']
Dokument 1436: ['rally', 'carlo', 'monte', 'drivers', 'winning', 'prestigious', 'makes', 'best', '2011', 'europe']
Dokument 1437: ['victory', 'driver', 'rally', 'life', 'change', 'did']
Dokument 1438: ['climbing', 'bar', 'mountain', 'say', 'set', 'highest', 'possible', 'like', 'higher']
Dokument 1439: ['interviewed', 'driver', 'everyday', 'rally', 'recognized', 'media', 'sure', 'life']
Dokument 1440: ['won', 'days', 'day', 'life', 'course', 'best']
Dokument 1441: ['favorite', 'spend', 'month', 'dishes', 'half', 'year', 'poland']
Dokument 1442: ['general', 'cuisine', 'like', 'polish']
Dokument 1443: ['think', 'special']
Dokument 1444: ['variety', 'cuisine', 'like', 'health', 'good', 'polish']
Dokument 1445: ['compliment', 'frenchman', 'doesn', 'sounds', 'hearing', 'real', 'like']
Dokument 1446: ['constitute', 'ingredients', 'basis', 'highest', 'use', 'good', 'quality', 'products']
Dokument 1447: ['wonderfully', 'tomatoes', 'example', 'taste', 'polish']
Dokument 1448: ['zander', 'enjoy', 'eating', 'particular', 'fish', 'polish']
Dokument 1449: ['simple', 'soups', 'żurek', 'say', 'concerned', 'bigos', 'tasty', 'polish', 'far', 'dish']
Dokument 1450: ['simple', 'soups', 'żurek', 'say', 'concerned', 'bigos', 'tasty', 'polish', 'far', 'dish']
Dokument 1451: ['unquestioned', 'leader', 'effectively', 'promoting', 'france', 'national', 'food']
Dokument 1452: ['footsteps', 'achieve', 'matter', 'follow', 'success', 'did', 'france', 'best', 'poland']
Dokument 1453: ['larger', 'think', 'promote', 'scale', 'export', 'europe', 'food', 'polish']
Dokument 1454: ['entrust', 'emphasize', 'task', 'cooks', 'think', 'best', 'quality', 'products', 'polish']
Dokument 1455: ['racing', 'predominantly', 'car', 'discipline', 'sports', 'countryside', 'taking', 'place']
Dokument 1456: ['homeboy', 'die', 'town', 'treat', 'southern', 'inhabitants', 'come', 'france']
Dokument 1457: ['personally', 'village', 'connected', 'qualities', 'feel']
Dokument 1458: ['don', 'city', 'clear', 'let', 'like']
Dokument 1459: ['aromas', 'countryside', 'life', 'like', 'quality']
Dokument 1460: ['heartedness', 'countrymen', 'moved', 'deeply', 'simple']
Dokument 1461: ['finest', 'advertising', 'suit', 'rally', 'consider', 'say', 'let', 'quality', 'food', 'polish']
Dokument 1462: ['sounds', 'idea', 'like', 'good']
Dokument 1463: ['eating', 'advantages', 'promote', 'like', 'europe', 'food', 'polish', 'poland']
Dokument 1464: ['ask', 'cook', 'early', 'far', 'dishes', 'polish']
Dokument 1465: ['ask', 'cook', 'early', 'far', 'dishes', 'polish']
Dokument 1466: ['starring', 'cook', 'promotional', 'taking', 'campaign', 'french', 'known']
Dokument 1467: ['experience', 'great']
Dokument 1468: ['worked', 'chef', 'russia', 'excellent']
Dokument 1469: ['ready', 'challenges']
Dokument 1470: ['thank', 'interview']
Dokument 1471: ['cook', 'raw']
Dokument 1472: ['visited', 'chefs', 'best', 'world', 'poland']
Dokument 1473: ['exploring', 'appreciated', 'ingredients', 'tastes', 'using', 'dishes', 'high', 'quality', 'products', 'polish']
Dokument 1474: ['gifts', 'picked', 'tried', 'gathered', 'inspiration', 'cooking', 'met', 'suwałki', 'delicacies', 'forest']
Dokument 1475: ['gifts', 'picked', 'tried', 'gathered', 'inspiration', 'cooking', 'met', 'suwałki', 'delicacies', 'forest']
Dokument 1476: ['baggage', 'ideas', 'stay', 'resulted', 'experiences', 'days', 'new']
Dokument 1477: ['dumplings', 'organizers', 'stew', 'croissants', 'hunter', 'impressed', 'pickles', 'sweets', 'martin', 'st']
Dokument 1478: ['jaczno', 'sensation', 'skilandis', 'specially', 'caused', 'meeting', 'prepared', 'local', 'producers']
Dokument 1479: ['documenting', 'film', 'presentation', 'creation', 'points', 'process', 'meeting']
Dokument 1480: ['bread', 'sourdough', 'oven', 'tree', 'guests', 'baked', 'cake', 'opportunity', 'prepared', 'traditional']
Dokument 1481: ['yoghurts', 'nearby', 'lakes', 'caught', 'cheeses', 'smoked', 'farms', 'produced', 'local', 'fish']
Dokument 1482: ['local', 'farmers', 'picking', 'visits', 'purchasing', 'discussions', 'straight', 'tasting', 'numerous', 'produce']
Dokument 1483: ['inspired', 'flavors', 'wonderful', 'resulted', 'suwałki', 'creation', 'cuisine', 'dishes', 'polish']
Dokument 1484: ['venison', 'unusual', 'pike', 'sour', 'fruits', 'rye', 'dumplings', 'forest', 'farms', 'soup']
Dokument 1485: ['amaro', 'restaurant', 'pole', 'guide', 'michelin', 'modest', 'star', 'wojciech', 'atelier', 'aromas']
Dokument 1486: ['enchanted', 'discriminating', 'satisfy', 'hospitality', 'countryside', 'flavors', 'diversity', 'jointly', 'agreed', 'participants']
Dokument 1487: ['stars', 'rene', 'ashamed', 'michelin', 'redzepi', 'pointed', 'restaurant', 'chef', 'suwałki', 'farms']
Dokument 1488: ['believes', 'farms', 'family', 'future', 'agriculture']
Dokument 1489: ['reaching', 'recipe', 'nature', 'problems', 'opinion', 'management', 'global', 'based', 'agriculture', 'traditional']
Dokument 1490: ['scattered', 'assured', 'restaurants', 'flavors', 'visited', 'chefs', 'suwałki', 'reach', 'world', 'region']
Dokument 1491: ['register', 'protected', 'traditional', 'patron', 'designations', 'marked', 'presenting', 'indications', 'guaranteed', 'registered']
Dokument 1492: ['amaro', 'participant', 'owner', 'modest', 'wojciech', 'atelier', 'interview', 'chef', 'cook', 'warsaw']
Dokument 1493: ['dinner', 'farewell', 'welcome', 'atelier', 'amaro', 'suwałki', 'held', 'region']
Dokument 1494: ['gump', 'evening', 'final', 'cook', 'forest', 'raw', 'called', 'dish']
Dokument 1495: []
Dokument 1496: ['idea', 'come', 'does']
Dokument 1497: ['film', 'believed', 'character', 'comparison', 'main', 'people', 'poland']
Dokument 1498: ['adversities', 'going', 'despite']
Dokument 1499: ['globally', 'constantly', 'known', 'cuisine', 'work']
Dokument 1500: ['forest', 'truly', 'aromas', 'flavors', 'filled', 'additionally', 'dish']
Dokument 1501: ['conveyed', 'peculiar', 'character', 'said', 'way', 'dish', 'place', 'best', 'people']
Dokument 1502: ['nice']
Dokument 1503: ['reactions', 'observe', 'chefs', 'days', 'opportunity']
Dokument 1504: ['tried', 'manufacturers', 'observed', 'met', 'preparation', 'say', 'visitors', 'specialties', 'polish', 'did']
Dokument 1505: ['delighted', 'chefs', 'general']
Dokument 1506: ['captivated', 'dormant', 'arise', 'influences', 'rich', 'nature', 'ingredients', 'land', 'tradition', 'potential']
Dokument 1507: ['huge', 'map', 'jointly', 'agreed', 'variety', 'create', 'ingredients', 'cuisine', 'opportunity', 'unique']
Dokument 1508: ['outs', 'ins', 'marinating', 'pickling', 'sourdough', 'exactly', 'got', 'techniques', 'smoking', 'huge']
Dokument 1509: ['cir', 'edition', 'history', 'today', 'polish']
Dokument 1510: ['showing', 'started', 'think', 'polish', 'potential', 'project', 'use', 'country', 'food', 'products']
Dokument 1511: ['maintain', 'traditions', 'need', 'culinary', 'country']
Dokument 1512: ['generations', 'inspiration', 'power', 'source']
Dokument 1513: ['secondly', 'bioproduction', 'eco', 'cultivation', 'farming', 'ensure', 'natural', 'support']
Dokument 1514: ['thirdly', 'profitability', 'manufacturers', 'create', 'markets', 'conditions']
Dokument 1515: ['logistics', 'success', 'key']
Dokument 1516: ['education', 'fourthly', 'young', 'people']
Dokument 1517: ['patterson', 'daniel', 'feast', 'began', 'cold', 'called', 'dish', 'fish']
Dokument 1518: ['impressed', 'admitted', 'buckwheat', 'introduction', 'way', 'use', 'taste']
Dokument 1519: ['jelly', 'californian', 'roe', 'flavor', 'typical', 'buckwheat', 'chef', 'combination', 'dish', 'form']
Dokument 1520: ['trzopek', 'rené', 'redzepi', 'piotr', 'created', 'called', 'dish']
Dokument 1521: ['kitchen', 'rené', 'combination', 'chance', 'poles', 'work']
Dokument 1522: ['minds', 'rené', 'inspired', 'sour', 'rye', 'brought', 'soup', 'known', 'dish', 'poles']
Dokument 1523: ['soup', 'incredibly', 'named', 'straight', 'scandinavian', 'author', 'impressive', 'meadows', 'forests', 'sour']
Dokument 1524: ['mauro', 'colagreco', 'bambi', 'named', 'served', 'dish']
Dokument 1525: ['dressed', 'tartare', 'deer', 'personally', 'chef', 'delicious']
Dokument 1526: ['berries', 'buckthorn', 'nuts', 'raspberries', 'fruits', 'forest', 'herbs', 'sea', 'served', 'meat']
Dokument 1527: ['gether', 'adria', 'albert', 'polakko', 'gazpacho', 'amazing', 'flavors', 'composition', 'created', 'various']
Dokument 1528: ['gazpacho', 'weather', 'author', 'summer', 'beautiful', 'said', 'dish', 'time', 'poland']
Dokument 1529: ['translucent', 'garnished', 'stock', 'cucumber', 'tomato', 'version', 'seeds', 'horseradish', 'soup', 'vodka']
Dokument 1530: ['basil', 'vodka', 'unique', 'prepared']
Dokument 1531: ['ana', 'rôs', 'curtain', 'woman', 'iron', 'dozen', 'chefs', 'came', 'created', 'poland']
Dokument 1532: ['socialism', 'era', 'slovenian', 'reference', 'history', 'especially', 'culinary', 'polish']
Dokument 1533: ['generally', 'raspberries', 'beets', 'mixed', 'hard', 'vegetable', 'juice', 'times', 'smoked', 'raw']
Dokument 1534: ['whitefish', 'pieces', 'horseradish', 'sauce', 'apple', 'served']
Dokument 1535: ['père', 'bise', 'le', 'eve', 'named', 'christmas', 'dish', 'taste', 'polish']
Dokument 1536: []
Dokument 1537: ['reminiscent', 'compote', 'flavor', 'christmas', 'dumplings', 'smoked', 'ingredients', 'apples']
Dokument 1538: ['dumplings', 'stock', 'claude', 'bosi', 'crayfish', 'inspired', 'pike', 'author', 'presenting', 'fold']
Dokument 1539: ['kobe', 'leftovers', 'implies', 'recyclage', 'desramaults', 'dish']
Dokument 1540: ['surprise', 'idea', 'taste']
Dokument 1541: ['parsley', 'natural', 'peels', 'buttermilk', 'sauce', 'dish', 'products']
Dokument 1542: ['acacia', 'garnished', 'collected', 'nearby', 'leaves', 'forest']
Dokument 1543: ['tree', 'cake', 'drew', 'housekeepers', 'modest', 'wojciech', 'evening', 'specialist', 'amaro', 'inspiration']
Dokument 1544: ['inquired', 'eagerly', 'atelier', 'version', 'amaro', 'chef', 'recipe', 'tree', 'cake', 'prepared']
Dokument 1545: ['spit', 'rotating', 'stated', 'amaro', 'delicacy', 'suwałki', 'hard', 'open', 'work', 'region']
Dokument 1546: ['forest', 'spruce', 'hazelnuts', 'emulsion', 'amazed', 'bison', 'gump', 'pine', 'aromas', 'grass']
Dokument 1547: ['smoked', 'gauthier', 'purée', 'alexandre', 'celeriac', 'heresy', 'celery', 'grilled', 'slowly', 'oven']
Dokument 1548: ['heresy', 'usually', 'smoked', 'fish', 'meat']
Dokument 1549: ['smokehouse', 'praise', 'oven', 'author', 'suwałki', 'stressed', 'dish']
Dokument 1550: ['cenard', 'masterpiece', 'régionales', 'aizpitarte', 'la', 'aux', 'saveurs', 'ficelle', 'iñaki', 'le']
Dokument 1551: ['labor', 'fireplace', 'poetry', 'intensive', 'turned', 'baked', 'times', 'modern', 'way', 'unique']
Dokument 1552: ['iñaki', 'sources', 'suwałki', 'successfully', 'reached', 'cuisine']
Dokument 1553: ['cemetery', 'ben', 'pet', 'buried', 'zealand', 'shewry', 'song', 'don', 'presentation', 'title']
Dokument 1554: ['suddenly', 'disappeared', 'shewry', 'notice', 'did']
Dokument 1555: ['intently', 'danced', 'listened', 'guests']
Dokument 1556: ['waits', 'meters', 'invited', 'away', 'dozen', 'dinner', 'turned', 'soon', 'participants', 'come']
Dokument 1557: ['adventure', 'sources', 'return', 'real', 'dish']
Dokument 1558: ['boar', 'pit', 'dug', 'stones', 'onions', 'hot', 'stewed', 'typically', 'ground', 'beets']
Dokument 1559: ['amazing', 'natural']
Dokument 1560: ['vagina', 'delices', 'wiżajny', 'straight', 'dessert', 'delicacies']
Dokument 1561: ['nilsson', 'pronounce', 'magnus', 'district', 'lake', 'unforgettable', 'village', 'ended', 'flavors', 'foreigners']
Dokument 1562: ['pine', 'ice', 'chilled', 'stone', 'yolk', 'flour', 'egg', 'cream', 'delicious', 'served']
Dokument 1563: ['organizer', 'alessandro', 'porcelli', 'edition', 'cook', 'event', 'raw', 'project', 'polish']
Dokument 1564: ['trip', 'amazing']
Dokument 1565: ['satisfied', 'chefs']
Dokument 1566: ['dinner', 'inspiration', 'preparing', 'final', 'did', 'dishes']
Dokument 1567: ['oh', 'yes', 'doubt']
Dokument 1568: ['amazing', 'tasting', 'meetings', 'nature', 'products']
Dokument 1569: ['bosi', 'claude', 'dumplings', 'dish', 'prepared']
Dokument 1570: ['drew', 'presenting', 'fold', 'inspiration', 'dumplings']
Dokument 1571: ['housekeeper', 'asked', 'chef', 'prepare', 'dish', 'help', 'local', 'time']
Dokument 1572: ['fold', 'dumplings', 'came', 'help']
Dokument 1573: ['inspiring', 'appeared', 'meetings']
Dokument 1574: ['welcomed', 'kindly']
Dokument 1575: ['huge', 'met', 'representatives', 'community', 'received', 'local', 'people', 'support']
Dokument 1576: ['wanted', 'provide', 'possible', 'information', 'work', 'products']
Dokument 1577: ['organizing', 'cook', 'changed', 'past', 'raw', 'project', 'years']
Dokument 1578: ['editions', 'edition', 'comparison', 'new', 'polish']
Dokument 1579: ['local', 'interaction', 'experienced', 'residents', 'traditions', 'culture']
Dokument 1580: ['interaction', 'revealed', 'masterpieces', 'inspiration', 'chefs', 'valuable', 'looking', 'meetings', 'program', 'specialties']
Dokument 1581: ['thank', 'interview']
Dokument 1582: ['rustic', 'korycin', 'cheese']
Dokument 1583: ['kneading', 'custom', 'popularized', 'swiss', '17th', 'method', 'century', 'according', 'half', 'second']
Dokument 1584: ['swedish', 'deluge', 'kumiałka', 'battle', 'forces', 'lithuanian', 'korycin', 'near', 'river', 'took']
Dokument 1585: ['stories', 'legends', 'preserved', 'rustic', 'korycin', 'times', 'cheese']
Dokument 1586: ['mercenaries', 'troops', 'tradition', 'according', 'local', 'countries', 'polish']
Dokument 1587: ['kumiała', 'wounded', 'soldiers', 'recuperate', 'manor', 'battle', 'ceased', 'stayed', 'sounds', 'switzerland']
Dokument 1588: ['maturing', 'cow', 'secret', 'shared', 'preparing', 'remained', 'said', 'milk', 'cheese', 'good']
Dokument 1589: ['maturing', 'cow', 'secret', 'shared', 'preparing', 'remained', 'said', 'milk', 'cheese', 'good']
Dokument 1590: ['coagulate', 'enzyme', 'proper', 'involved', 'fresh', 'using', 'make', 'milk']
Dokument 1591: ['locals', 'newcomers', 'calf', 'grated', 'stomachs', 'taught', 'powder', 'pre', 'dried', 'produce']
Dokument 1592: ['calf', 'fed', 'mother', 'milk', 'young']
Dokument 1593: ['cellars', 'threshed', 'straw', 'flail', 'stacked', 'stone', 'ripened', 'rye', 'cheeses']
Dokument 1594: ['weeks', 'aged']
Dokument 1595: ['corrugated', 'texture', 'acclaimed', 'surface', 'flattened', 'sphere', 'distinguished', 'characteristic', 'shape', 'highly']
Dokument 1596: ['moist', 'elastic', 'spaced', 'holes', 'evenly', 'numerous', 'cheese', 'small']
Dokument 1597: ['milk', 'unpasteurized', 'rennet', 'additives', 'owes', 'aroma', 'salt', 'korycin', 'table', 'fresh']
Dokument 1598: ['nigella', 'cumin', 'chili', 'paprika', 'lovage', 'oregano', 'basil', 'versions', 'dill', 'pepper']
Dokument 1599: ['ripening', 'cheese', 'ripened', 'rustic', 'depending', 'described', 'aged', 'korycin', 'fresh', 'days']
Dokument 1600: ['ripening', 'cheese', 'ripened', 'rustic', 'depending', 'described', 'aged', 'korycin', 'fresh', 'days']
Dokument 1601: ['cheese', 'distinctive', 'undoubtedly', 'unusual', 'rustic', 'producing', 'reputation', 'korycin', 'values', 'having']
Dokument 1602: ['absence', 'heavy', 'characterized', 'industry']
Dokument 1603: ['processing', 'industrial', 'existing', 'plants', 'especially', 'related', 'milk', 'agri', 'food']
Dokument 1604: ['wooded', 'purposes', 'land', 'used', 'agricultural']
Dokument 1605: ['whereof', 'grassland', 'municipality', 'pastures', 'podlaskie', 'adjusted', 'evidenced', 'cultivated', 'meadows', '35']
Dokument 1606: ['whereof', 'grassland', 'municipality', 'pastures', 'podlaskie', 'adjusted', 'evidenced', 'cultivated', 'meadows', '35']
Dokument 1607: ['stocks', 'cattle', 'voivodeship', 'second', 'country']
Dokument 1608: ['cube', 'liter', 'fifth', 'provides', 'butter', 'produced', 'milk', 'region', 'market', 'poland']
Dokument 1609: ['rustic', 'korycin', 'sale', 'past', 'butter', 'sold', 'farms', 'mainly', 'produced', 'raw']
Dokument 1610: ['title', 'year', 'cheese', 'taste', 'pearl', 'multiple', 'winner', 'contest', 'award', 'polagra']
Dokument 1611: ['festival', 'autumn', 'korycin', 'held', 'cheese', '2004']
Dokument 1612: ['kept', 'rustic', 'korycin', '2005', 'entered', 'list', 'cheese', 'rural', 'agriculture', 'traditional']
Dokument 1613: ['sought', 'rustic', 'northern', 'increasingly', 'korycin', 'known', 'central', 'especially', 'cheese', 'poland']
Dokument 1614: ['safety', 'food', 'polish']
Dokument 1615: ['commercial', 'products', 'incorrectly', 'adulterated', 'inappropriate', 'quality', 'exercised', 'detected', 'labeled', 'ijhars']
Dokument 1616: ['irregularities', 'ijhars', 'discovered', 'controls', 'outcome', 'plans', 'analysis', 'account', 'taking', 'previous']
Dokument 1617: ['complaints', 'observations', 'suggestions', 'consideration', 'ijhars', 'consumption', 'obtained', 'takes', 'participation', 'groups']
Dokument 1618: ['organoleptic', 'sampling', 'parameters', 'chemical', 'physical', 'involve', 'controls', 'tests', 'laboratory', 'evaluation']
Dokument 1619: ['parameters', 'assessed', 'compliance', 'check', 'tests', 'laboratory', 'declaration', 'producer', 'regulations', 'relevant']
Dokument 1620: ['labeling', 'correctness', 'checking', 'involves', 'tasks', 'commercial', 'control', 'product', 'quality']
Dokument 1621: ['products', 'carcass', 'spirits', 'refer', 'specified', 'checking', 'ijhars', 'olive', 'compliance', 'controls']
Dokument 1622: ['controls', 'opposite', 'irregularities', 'food', 'ijhars', 'internet', 'outcome', 'products', 'concerning', 'published']
Dokument 1623: ['protect', 'provided', 'opportunity', 'regional', 'producers', 'traditional', 'sector', 'accession', 'agricultural', 'food']
Dokument 1624: ['specifications', 'conducts', 'verify', 'speciality', 'names', 'ijhars', 'bear', 'designations', 'compliance', 'controls']
Dokument 1625: ['residue', 'pesticide', 'labeled', 'cereals', 'ecological', 'choose', 'view', 'concerns', 'vegetables', 'consumers']
Dokument 1626: ['ecological', 'manifests', 'continually', 'stage', 'farming', 'growing', 'producers', 'number', 'development', 'poland']
Dokument 1627: ['ecological', 'entity', 'verify', 'really', 'producing', 'subject', 'control', 'order', 'process', 'production']
Dokument 1628: ['chopin', 'chinese']
Dokument 1629: ['brand', 'brands', 'dairy', 'highest', 'value', 'sector', 'food']
Dokument 1630: ['acknowledge', 'noticeable', 'industries', 'trends', 'lowest', 'creating', 'brands', 'brand', 'strengthening', 'rate']
Dokument 1631: ['industry', 'industries', 'cereal', 'meat']
Dokument 1632: ['brands', 'meat', 'reflection', 'rank', 'choice', 'image', 'guaranteed', 'focus', 'creation', 'needs']
Dokument 1633: ['rank', 'concerns', 'mentioned', 'market', 'polish']
Dokument 1634: ['poor', 'unfortunately', 'brands', 'recognition', 'strong', 'world', 'market', 'polish']
Dokument 1635: ['wants', 'recognized', 'brands', 'promoting', 'associated', 'agency', 'help', 'country', 'agricultural', 'market']
Dokument 1636: ['paul', 'pope', 'chopin', 'ambassadors', 'valued', 'maria', 'john', 'recognized', 'curie', 'skłodowska']
Dokument 1637: ['image', 'specialties', 'promotion', 'known', 'today', 'used', 'poles', 'polish']
Dokument 1638: ['sectoral', 'implement', 'specialties', 'agency', 'promotion', 'ministry', 'economy', 'agricultural', 'cooperation', 'programme']
Dokument 1639: ['going']
Dokument 1640: ['directed', 'divided', 'promotion', 'medium', 'groups', 'enterprises', 'activities']
Dokument 1641: ['organisation', 'missions', 'trainings', 'complex', 'fairs', 'participation', 'enterprises', 'group', 'economic']
Dokument 1642: ['preparation', 'promotional', 'materials', 'specialties', 'promoting', 'second', 'activities', 'information', 'industry', 'food']
Dokument 1643: ['foreign', 'dissemination', 'journalists', 'visits', 'conferences', 'assume', 'sectoral', 'media', 'operators', 'wide']
Dokument 1644: ['covered', 'markets', 'activities', 'foreign']
Dokument 1645: ['seek', 'producers', 'support']
Dokument 1646: ['join', 'programme']
Dokument 1647: ['ama', 'emirates', 'arab', 'china', 'russia', 'campaign', 'united', 'ukraine', 'cover', 'markets']
Dokument 1648: ['fruit', 'vegetable', 'tea', 'coffee', 'pastry', 'pasta', 'cereals', 'cocoa', 'beverages', 'confectionery']
Dokument 1649: ['missions', 'seminars', 'planned', 'accompanied', 'exhibition', 'participation', 'events', '2015', '16', 'implemented']
Dokument 1650: ['activities', 'declare', 'component', 'planned', 'eligible', 'obtain', '28', '75', 'promotional', 'financing']
Dokument 1651: ['participation', 'ama', 'filed', 'shall', 'declaration', 'application', 'financing', 'day', 'later', 'event']
Dokument 1652: ['leaflets', 'brochures', 'boars', 'ama', 'spots', 'component', 'finance', 'shall', 'commercial', 'promotional']
Dokument 1653: ['auxiliary', 'rental', 'prises', 'hiring', 'space', 'enter', 'completely', 'personnel', 'preparation', 'organised']
Dokument 1654: ['organise', 'condition', 'cost', 'making', 'participation', 'order', 'programme']
Dokument 1655: ['downloaded', 'arr', 'gov', 'detailed', 'sectoral', 'invite', 'forms', 'visit', 'ones', 'www']
Dokument 1656: ['hearts', 'win', 'specialties', 'opinion', 'consumers', 'foreign', 'polish']
Dokument 1657: ['heritage', 'wide', 'culinary', 'poland']
Dokument 1658: ['poorly', 'known', 'abroad', 'time']
Dokument 1659: ['indigenous', 'alcohols', 'sweets', 'pastry', 'win', 'fruits', 'sweet', 'meats', 'cheeses', 'cold']
Dokument 1660: ['admire', 'praise', 'rule', 'according', 'countries', 'products']
Dokument 1661: ['polonus', 'homeland', 'ordinary', 'attraction', 'tourists', 'visiting', 'advantages', 'specialties', 'world', 'country']
Dokument 1662: ['guarantee', 'good']
Dokument 1663: ['specialties', 'agency', 'promotion', 'implemented', 'agricultural', 'market', 'polish']
Dokument 1664: ['sentence', 'summarize', 'conversation', 'nations', 'brands', 'say', 'let', 'know', 'geese', 'poles']
Dokument 1665: ['cereals', 'source', 'healthy', 'food']
Dokument 1666: ['banner', '8th', 'krir', 'grains', 'chambers', 'september', 'held', 'healthy', 'event', 'council']
Dokument 1667: ['grain', 'foods', 'picnic', 'inhabitants', 'eating', 'advantages', 'offered', 'warsaw', 'opportunity', 'unique']
Dokument 1668: ['dietitians', 'groats', 'everyday', 'pasta', 'wheat', 'introduce', 'diet', 'encourage', 'bread', 'poles']
Dokument 1669: ['overweight', 'cardiovascular', 'regulate', 'digestive', 'diabetes', 'shown', 'meal', 'recent', 'prevent', 'reduce']
Dokument 1670: ['fiber', 'fit', 'dietary', 'improves', 'digestion', 'grain', 'helps', 'look', 'ingredients', 'bread']
Dokument 1671: ['sterols', 'phytoestrogens', 'phosphorus', 'calcium', 'potassium', 'iron', 'vitamin', 'grain', 'vitamins', 'consists']
Dokument 1672: ['sensible', 'draw', 'significance', 'grain', 'picnic', 'cereal', 'attention', 'series', 'diet', 'organized']
Dokument 1673: ['sensible', 'draw', 'significance', 'grain', 'picnic', 'cereal', 'attention', 'series', 'diet', 'organized']
Dokument 1674: ['krir', 'chambers', 'grain', 'cereal', 'financed', 'promotion', 'fund', 'implemented', 'project', 'council']
Dokument 1675: ['agricultural', 'arr', 'appropriation', 'chambers', 'regards', 'administered', 'crops', 'consisting', 'cereal', 'contribute']
Dokument 1676: ['agricultural', 'arr', 'appropriation', 'chambers', 'regards', 'administered', 'crops', 'consisting', 'cereal', 'contribute']
Dokument 1677: ['presidents', 'spała', 'war', 'residence', 'summer', 'second', 'world', 'polish']
Dokument 1678: ['kwaśniewski', 'aleksander', 'refer', '2000', 'dożynki', 'beautiful', 'brought', 'life', 'tradition', 'president']
Dokument 1679: ['ignacy', '1927', '1938', 'mościcki', 'presidential', 'dożynki', 'organized', 'president']
Dokument 1680: ['holiday', 'undoubtedly', 'agricultural', 'important', 'year']
Dokument 1681: ['starości', 'starosta', 'loaf', 'plural', 'thanked', 'accepting', 'komorowski', 'effort', 'flour', 'hard']
Dokument 1682: ['crops', 'serve', 'society', 'said', 'common', 'good', 'year']
Dokument 1683: ['promised', 'shared', 'bread']
Dokument 1684: ['dream', 'retrofitted', 'reflects', 'ear', 'farmer', 'proof', 'countryside', 'generations', 'gives', 'bronisław']
Dokument 1685: ['divine', 'providence', 'favorable', 'spała', 'thank', 'circumstances', 'meet', 'families', 'nature', 'said']
Dokument 1686: ['awakening', 'dormant', 'countryside', 'noted', 'potential', 'energy', 'polish']
Dokument 1687: ['presidential', 'wreaths', 'jack', 'palace', 'thanked', 'promised', 'dożynki', 'lay', 'speech', 'bronisław']
Dokument 1688: ['agriculture', 'treasure', 'speech', 'burden', 'countryside', 'stanisław', 'noted', 'kalemba', 'rural', 'minister']
Dokument 1689: ['stood', 'producers', 'good', 'minister', 'quality', 'food', 'polish']
Dokument 1690: ['excess', 'intermediaries', 'informal', 'emphasized', 'agreements', 'money', 'farmers']
Dokument 1691: ['burdened', 'slotting', 'charged', 'unauthorized', 'cooperatives', 'extended', 'periods', 'stanisław', 'fees', 'kalemba']
Dokument 1692: ['incoming', 'organizational', 'forms', 'announced', 'strengthening', 'different', 'producers', 'agricultural']
Dokument 1693: ['renowned', 'recognized', 'crops', 'consists', 'encouraged', 'healthy', 'abroad', 'good', 'export', 'minister']
Dokument 1694: ['heritage', 'dożynki', 'presidential', 'tasty', 'achievements', 'cultural', 'healthy', 'present', 'opportunity', 'culinary']
Dokument 1695: ['exaggeration', 'spała', 'linked', 'say', 'tasty', 'tradition', 'culinary', 'years', 'food']
Dokument 1696: ['renowned', 'couple', 'promoting', 'events', 'healthy', 'home', 'example', 'food']
Dokument 1697: ['gourmands', 'attracts', 'spała', 'festival', 'mid', 'october', 'abroad', 'year', 'poland']
Dokument 1698: ['kulinarny', 'spalski', 'festiwal', 'lifestyle', 'spała', 'festival', 'purpose', 'promote', 'events', 'healthy']
Dokument 1699: ['kulinarny', 'spalski', 'festiwal', 'lifestyle', 'spała', 'festival', 'purpose', 'promote', 'events', 'healthy']
Dokument 1700: ['gourmands', 'attracts', 'spała', 'festival', 'mid', 'october', 'abroad', 'year', 'poland']
Dokument 1701: ['presidential', 'dożynki', 'traditionally', 'housewives', 'chefs', 'delicacies', 'participants', 'prepared', 'best', 'taste']
Dokument 1702: ['export']
Dokument 1703: ['period', '317', 'analogous', 'sale', 'january', 'july', 'comparison', 'amounted', '12', 'agri']
Dokument 1704: ['countries', 'sale', '11', 'value', '10', 'increased', 'including', 'new', 'member', 'union']
Dokument 1705: ['049', 'sold', 'goods', 'total', 'eur', 'million', 'market', 'eu']
Dokument 1706: ['143', 'commonwealth', 'cis', 'proportion', 'seven', 'independent', '32', 'month', 'amounted', 'value']
Dokument 1707: ['uruguay', '175', 'paraguay', 'realised', 'mercosur', 'argentina', 'analysed', 'brazil', 'increase', 'period']
Dokument 1708: ['period', '930', 'proportion', 'january', 'july', 'sold', 'approximately', 'agri', 'germany', 'increase']
Dokument 1709: ['675', 'britain', 'sold', 'took', 'goods', 'second', 'place', 'great', 'eur', 'million']
Dokument 1710: ['january', 'july', '18', 'means', 'compared', 'increase', 'period', '2011']
Dokument 1711: ['eur', 'million', '572', '509', '494', '605', '597', 'federation', 'dominant', 'russian']
Dokument 1712: ['importers', 'federation', 'britain', 'russian', 'primary', '28', 'sale', 'january', 'july', 'recorded']
Dokument 1713: ['brazil', 'malta', 'cis', 'considerable', 'austria', 'relation', 'recorded', 'ireland', 'increase', 'export']
Dokument 1714: ['import']
Dokument 1715: ['period', '445', 'indicates', 'analogous', 'seven', 'month', 'comparison', 'brought', 'agri', 'increase']
Dokument 1716: ['130', 'analogous', 'comparable', 'import', 'brought', 'goods', 'period', '2011', 'eur', 'million']
Dokument 1717: ['import', '68', 'constituted', '70', 'share', 'agri', 'value', 'total', 'year', 'food']
Dokument 1718: ['836', '1st', 'purchase', 'entered', '16', '11', 'approximately', 'amounted', 'value', 'increased']
Dokument 1719: ['365', 'analogous', 'cis', 'proportion', 'import', '60', 'amounted', 'value', 'period', 'increased']
Dokument 1720: ['cis', 'import', 'structure', 'general', 'amounted', 'year']
Dokument 1721: ['677', 'imported', 'came', 'amounted', 'agri', 'germany', 'value', 'eur', 'million', 'food']
Dokument 1722: ['eur', 'million', '337', '335', '398', '614', 'argentina', 'denmark', 'import', 'netherlands']
Dokument 1723: ['belgium', 'considerable', 'import', 'italy', 'czech', 'republic', 'share', 'france']
Dokument 1724: ['balance', 'period', 'eur', '084', '872', 'million', 'analogous', '72', 'plus', 'january']
Dokument 1725: ['919', 'turnovers', 'plus', 'balance', 'amounted', 'positive', 'eur', 'million', 'countries', 'eu']
Dokument 1726: ['370', 'plus', 'january', 'july', 'comparison', 'amounted', 'value', 'period', '2011', 'eur']
Dokument 1727: ['eur', 'million', '476', '279', '316', '253', '561', 'turnovers', 'britain', 'russia']
Dokument 1728: ['paradise', 'straight', 'fruit', 'poland']
Dokument 1729: ['endowed', 'richly', 'thousands', 'nature', 'known', 'apples', 'fact', 'years']
Dokument 1730: ['szczepan', 'pieniążek', 'pomology', 'floriculture', 'skierniewice', 'scientist', 'distinguished', 'renowned', 'war', 'founded']
Dokument 1731: ['sights', 'sides', 'admire', 'grójec', 'basin', 'krakow', 'impressive', 'head', 'orchards', 'road']
Dokument 1732: ['encompasses', 'alwa', 'grójeckie', 'jabłka', 'ligol', 'varieties', 'brand', '28', 'including']
Dokument 1733: ['superb', 'class', 'apples', 'quality']
Dokument 1734: ['dyeing', 'turgidity', 'pulp', 'comply', 'regarding', 'standards', 'highest']
Dokument 1735: ['acidic', 'grójec', 'apples', 'average', 'area', 'national']
Dokument 1736: ['valley', 'journey', 'leads', 'łącko', 'south', 'field', 'apple']
Dokument 1737: ['distinct', 'owe', 'valley', 'łącko', 'micro', 'climate', 'apples', 'specific', 'taste']
Dokument 1738: ['slopes', 'degrees', 'orchards', 'located', '15']
Dokument 1739: ['temperature', 'distribution', 'favourable', 'turn', 'results', 'year']
Dokument 1740: ['lends', 'distinct', 'mountain', 'note', 'feature', 'łącko', 'characteristic', 'green', 'apples', 'called']
Dokument 1741: ['lends', 'distinct', 'mountain', 'note', 'feature', 'łącko', 'characteristic', 'green', 'apples', 'called']
Dokument 1742: ['łącko', '2005', 'entered', 'list', 'october', 'apples', 'traditional', 'products']
Dokument 1743: ['architectonically', 'potentates', 'charming', 'grójec', 'orchard', 'sandomierz', 'łącko', 'owners', 'joined', 'regions']
Dokument 1744: ['supplied', 'tons', '700', '600', 'fields', 'recent', 'domestic', 'vegetable', 'apples', 'largest']
Dokument 1745: ['orchardists', 'świętokrzyskie', 'footsteps', 'grójec', 'sandomierz', 'colleagues', 'łącko', 'follow', 'voivodeship', 'located']
Dokument 1746: ['associating', 'noticed', 'benefits']
Dokument 1747: ['establishing', 'producer', 'numerous', 'groups']
Dokument 1748: ['agriculture', 'sandomierz', 'restructuring', 'supported', 'farming', 'structural', 'modernisation', 'agency', 'changes', 'fruit']
Dokument 1749: ['acts', 'hand', 'performing', 'patient', 'statutory', 'tasks', 'providing', 'professional', 'payment', 'agency']
Dokument 1750: ['sandomierski', 'sandomierz', 'sad', 'effectiveness', 'entrepreneurs', 'excellent', 'example', 'business', 'producers', 'group']
Dokument 1751: ['tons', 'russia', 'exported', 'ukraine', 'mainly', 'apples', 'abroad', 'thousand', 'year']
Dokument 1752: ['sandomierski', 'turbid', 'sad', 'produces', 'naturally', 'juice', 'apple', '100']
Dokument 1753: ['pressing', 'rare', 'cold', 'fresh', 'apply', 'technology', 'fruit', 'use', 'poland']
Dokument 1754: ['ripe', 'juicy', 'manufactured', 'exceptional', 'juice', 'apple', 'way', 'fruit', 'taste']
Dokument 1755: ['additives', 'preservatives', 'contain', 'colour', 'water', 'sugar', 'does', 'important']
Dokument 1756: ['opt', 'sandomierz', 'healthy', 'production', 'food']
Dokument 1757: ['consume', 'drive', 'motivating', 'turbid', 'serve', 'juice', 'opinion', 'apples', 'natural', 'local']
Dokument 1758: ['magnesium', 'cellulose', 'b3', 'b2', 'b1', 'phosphorus', 'turbid', 'mineral', 'potassium', 'calcium']
Dokument 1759: ['magnesium', 'cellulose', 'b3', 'b2', 'b1', 'phosphorus', 'turbid', 'mineral', 'potassium', 'calcium']
Dokument 1760: ['heard', 'keeps', 'doctor', 'british', 'saying', 'away', 'famous', 'day', 'apple']
Dokument 1761: ['działają', 'dziennie', 'zbawiennie', 'dwa', 'zdrowie', 'na', 'jabłka', 'sandomierz', 'version', 'away']
Dokument 1762: ['want', 'healthy']
Dokument 1763: ['counteract', 'hypertension', 'cholesterol', 'pills', 'bad', 'drink', 'instead', 'let', 'taking', 'juice']
Dokument 1764: ['perceive', 'ally', 'watch', 'weight', 'women', 'juice', 'apple']
Dokument 1765: ['reign', 'late', 'base', 'summer', 'ingredient', 'autumn', 'meals', 'tables', 'numerous', 'polish']
Dokument 1766: ['cheap', 'vitamins', 'source', 'relatively', 'apples']
Dokument 1767: ['suit', 'bound', 'foreigners', 'taste', 'number']
Dokument 1768: ['roll', 'pear', 'warm', 'layer', 'marmalade', 'breakfast', 'apple', 'cover']
Dokument 1769: ['babuni', 'granny', 'dżem', 'marmalade', 'best']
Dokument 1770: ['duck', 'dinner', 'roasted', 'let', 'apples', 'order']
Dokument 1771: ['respectable', 'ashamed', 'duck', 'restaurant', 'poland']
Dokument 1772: ['szarlotka', 'whipped', 'pie', 'dessert', 'ask', 'let', 'cream', 'apple']
Dokument 1773: ['fritters', 'racuchy', 'eat', 'apple']
Dokument 1774: ['sprinkle', 'powdered', 'let', 'sugar', 'better', 'taste']
Dokument 1775: ['piece', 'advice', 'finally', 'buy', 'juice', 'polish', 'apple', 'apples', 'good']
Dokument 1776: ['price', 'worth']
Dokument 1777: ['autumn', 'delicious', 'polish']
Dokument 1778: ['zone', 'dominant', 'tree', 'species', 'climate', 'apple', 'fruit', 'production']
Dokument 1779: ['planting', 'trees', 'orchards', 'constitute', 'apple', 'largest', 'area', 'fruit', 'poland']
Dokument 1780: ['producer', 'china', 'comes', 'united', 'apples', 'largest', 'world', 'country', 'union', 'states']
Dokument 1781: ['influenced', 'factors', 'apple', 'increase', 'production', 'poland']
Dokument 1782: ['intensification', '1986', 'frosty', '1987', 'planting', 'trees', 'losses', 'nearly', 'winter', 'stand']
Dokument 1783: ['redevelopment', 'fructification', 'productive', 'entering', 'planted', 'fast', 'orchards', 'modern', 'potential', 'period']
Dokument 1784: ['fructification', 'orchards', 'achieved', 'years']
Dokument 1785: ['fruit', 'changeable', 'adjusted', 'elements', 'expectations', 'consumer', 'variety', 'structure', 'growing', 'technology']
Dokument 1786: ['varieties', 'withdrawn', 'mcintosh', 'szampion', '1990s', 'jonagold', 'gala', 'orchards', 'gradually', 'introduced']
Dokument 1787: ['shaded', 'mutagenic', 'mutants', 'blush', 'spontaneously', 'gaining', 'jonagold', 'formed', 'skin', 'deeply']
Dokument 1788: ['jonagored', 'mutants', 'jonagold', 'popular']
Dokument 1789: ['jonaprince', 'mutant', 'planting', 'red', 'recent', 'large', 'common', 'years']
Dokument 1790: ['replacement', 'colourful', 'sports', 'gala', 'crop', 'influenced', 'factors', 'variety', 'similar']
Dokument 1791: ['blush', 'fruit', 'gala', 'fuzzy', 'stripped', 'schniga', 'mitchgla', 'intense', 'dark', 'grown']
Dokument 1792: ['institute', 'research', 'pomology', 'horticulture', 'floriculture', 'ligol', 'growers', 'planted', 'planting', 'initially']
Dokument 1793: ['ha', '500', '400', '000', 'gloster', 'idared', 'lobo', 'cortland', 'szampion', 'jonagold']
Dokument 1794: ['increase', 'consequence', 'planting', 'western', 'russia', 'structure', 'apple', 'particular', 'markets', 'fruit']
Dokument 1795: ['kg', 'person', 'production', 'horticulture', 'decreasing', '2002', 'approx', 'profitability', 'consumption', 'factors']
Dokument 1796: ['possesses', 'crop', 'exporter', 'leading', 'stressed', 'apple', 'largest', 'area', 'europe', 'poland']
Dokument 1797: ['hail', 'vegetation', 'exceptionally', 'occurred', 'season', 'favourable', 'damage', 'despite', 'regions', 'apple']
Dokument 1798: ['forming', 'orchards', 'crop', 'proportion', 'season', 'majority', 'previous', 'fruit', 'good', 'higher']
Dokument 1799: ['2011', 'anticipated', 'crops', '21', 'comparison', 'apple', 'compared', 'tonnes', '2009', 'approximately']
Dokument 1800: ['markets', 'rest', 'russian', 'satisfaction', 'ukrainian', 'demand', 'needed', 'domestic', 'exported', '40']
Dokument 1801: ['400', '800', 'recent', 'tonnes', 'apples', 'amounted', 'addition', 'thousand', 'export', 'years']
Dokument 1802: ['solar', 'shade', 'vegetation', 'temperature', 'sun', 'facilitated', 'exposure', 'ripening', 'weather', 'skin']
Dokument 1803: ['sugars', 'acidity', 'favourably', 'flesh', 'influenced', 'content', 'extent', 'responsible', 'apple', 'conditions']
Dokument 1804: ['trees', 'pathogens', 'pest', 'scab', 'troublesome', 'seasons', 'easier', 'pressure', 'control', 'previous']
Dokument 1805: ['remnants', 'pesticides', 'anticipated', 'shall', 'problems', 'fruit']
Dokument 1806: ['obviously', 'remnants', 'pests', 'parameters', 'chemical', 'compounds', 'orchards', 'meant', 'domestic', 'supply']
Dokument 1807: ['euro', '2012', 'food', 'polish']
Dokument 1808: ['edition', 'exceptional', 'food', 'polish']
Dokument 1809: ['hosts', 'season', 'turn', 'euro', '2012', 'poland']
Dokument 1810: ['lovers', 'football', 'feast']
Dokument 1811: ['pitch', 'watch', 'fans', 'thousands', 'football', 'teams', 'going', 'come', 'poland']
Dokument 1812: ['fans', 'football', 'live']
Dokument 1813: ['strength', 'matches', 'feed', 'team', 'order', 'need', 'support']
Dokument 1814: ['specialties', 'certain', 'offer', 'culinary', 'poland']
Dokument 1815: ['quality', 'unparalleled', 'increasingly', 'excellent', 'popular', 'consumers', 'value', 'taste', 'high', 'food']
Dokument 1816: ['quality', 'unparalleled', 'increasingly', 'excellent', 'popular', 'consumers', 'value', 'taste', 'high', 'food']
Dokument 1817: ['breakfasts', 'sport', 'meals', 'guests', 'offer', 'like', 'ministry', 'traditional', 'polish']
Dokument 1818: ['monet', 'fan', 'luncheon', 'zone', 'grass', 'example', 'form']
Dokument 1819: ['abounds', 'vegetables', 'young', 'fruit', 'time', 'year', 'poland']
Dokument 1820: ['chanterelle', 'magnificent', 'radish', 'chives', 'class', 'strawberries', 'cucumbers', 'appreciated', 'tomatoes', 'famous']
Dokument 1821: ['bread', 'forgetting', 'crusts', 'endless', 'wholemeal', 'crispy', 'aromatic', 'dark', 'white', 'list']
Dokument 1822: ['bread', 'forgetting', 'crusts', 'endless', 'wholemeal', 'crispy', 'aromatic', 'dark', 'white', 'list']
Dokument 1823: ['luxuriant', 'grazing', 'extra', 'cows', 'meadows', 'class', 'tasty', 'butter', 'spread', 'produced']
Dokument 1824: ['watering', 'prefer', 'hot', 'mouth', 'chives', 'bacon', 'scrambled', 'meals', 'soups', 'ham']
Dokument 1825: ['chanterelle', 'scrambled', 'mushrooms', 'eggs', 'young']
Dokument 1826: ['enriched', 'sporting', 'sensation', 'borsch', 'soured', 'magnificent', 'radish', 'yoghurt', 'chives', 'beets']
Dokument 1827: ['certified', 'doubts', 'dynamically', 'cooks', 'representative', 'developing', 'farms', 'local', 'organic', 'use']
Dokument 1828: ['locations', 'tournament', 'football', 'perfect', 'occasion', 'specialties', 'promote', 'held', 'dishes', 'different']
Dokument 1829: ['hospitality', 'reputation', 'centuries', 'guests', 'wide', 'traditional', 'world', 'country', 'countries']
Dokument 1830: ['hospitality', 'reputation', 'centuries', 'guests', 'wide', 'traditional', 'world', 'country', 'countries']
Dokument 1831: ['traces', 'geographic', 'location', 'openness', 'consequence', 'hospitality', 'nations', 'heritage', 'influence', 'includes']
Dokument 1832: ['certain', 'features', 'fans', 'visiting', 'characteristic', 'cuisine', 'dishes', 'traditional']
Dokument 1833: ['chickens', 'turkeys', 'magnificent', 'ducks', 'excellent', 'beef', 'culinary']
Dokument 1834: ['chops', 'hocks', 'hams', 'remember', 'sausages', 'exceptional', 'pork', 'excellent']
Dokument 1835: ['difficulty', 'finding', 'venison', 'gourmets', 'centuries', 'rate', 'dishes', 'prepared', 'poland']
Dokument 1836: ['fish', 'saltwater', 'freshwater', 'lovers', 'abundance', 'offer']
Dokument 1837: ['pike', 'sander', 'trout', 'tench', 'perch', 'sour', 'encourage', 'cream', 'try']
Dokument 1838: ['lavaret', 'unforgettable', 'vendace', 'eel', 'smoked', 'taste']
Dokument 1839: ['moderation', 'brewed', 'kvass', 'refreshments', 'stronger', 'beverages', 'mention', 'trying', 'beer', 'excellent']
Dokument 1840: ['moderation', 'brewed', 'kvass', 'refreshments', 'stronger', 'beverages', 'mention', 'trying', 'beer', 'excellent']
Dokument 1841: ['whilst', 'really', 'football', 'teams', 'want', 'encourage', 'tastes', 'good', 'support', 'poland']
Dokument 1842: ['recommends', 'sport', 'minister', 'food', 'polish']
Dokument 1843: ['agriculture', 'uefa', 'sawicki', 'marek', 'discussed', 'attended', 'organised', 'euro', 'end', 'present']
Dokument 1844: ['cities', 'broad', 'concept', 'host', 'discussed', 'teams', 'stay', 'going', 'forum', 'promotion']
Dokument 1845: ['ministry', 'arranged', 'sport', 'tourism', 'implementation', 'project', 'rural', 'institutions', 'agriculture', 'cooperation']
Dokument 1846: ['achieved', 'actions', 'promotion', 'euro', 'using', 'main', '2012', 'food', 'polish']
Dokument 1847: ['picnics', 'sell', 'fairs', 'organisation', 'polish', 'producers', 'traditional', 'products']
Dokument 1848: ['showcases', 'typical', 'breakfast', 'action', 'promotion', 'second', 'product', 'new', 'polish']
Dokument 1849: ['accommodation', 'hotels', 'menus', 'item', 'fans', 'restaurants', 'planned', 'football', 'players', 'cities']
Dokument 1850: ['english', 'breakfast', 'welcome', 'unparalleled', 'guests', 'ingredients', 'polish', 'like']
Dokument 1851: ['ministry', 'sport', 'composition', 'supported', 'pl', 'tourism', 'breakfast', 'organised', 'competition', 'rural']
Dokument 1852: ['tournament', 'attractions', 'guests', 'hope', 'breakfast', 'organised', 'polish', 'foreign']
Dokument 1853: ['evoking', 'feature', 'certainly', 'permanent', 'culture', 'association', 'promoting', 'positive', 'country']
Dokument 1854: ['taste', 'polish']
Dokument 1855: ['motto', 'going', 'promotional', 'campaign', 'polish', 'tastes', 'euro', 'held', 'good', '2012']
Dokument 1856: ['invite', 'visiting', 'guests', 'breakfast', 'like', 'foreign', 'polish', 'poland']
Dokument 1857: ['taste']
Dokument 1858: ['menu', 'choose', 'cooking', 'rich', 'traditions', 'breakfast', 'aim', 'polish', 'competition', 'present']
Dokument 1859: ['subjected', 'jury', '180', 'subsequently', 'internet', 'voting', 'chosen', 'offers', 'dishes', '15']
Dokument 1860: ['offers', 'selected', 'popular']
Dokument 1861: ['chives', 'cottage', 'ham', 'butter', 'served', 'cheese', 'leg', 'liverwurst', 'partridge', 'mousse']
Dokument 1862: ['supplemented', 'suggested', 'establishing', 'standard', 'experts', 'breakfast', 'set', 'products', 'polish']
Dokument 1863: ['minister', 'press', 'sport', 'conference', 'tourism', '18', 'presented', 'rural', 'agriculture', 'development']
Dokument 1864: ['abundance', 'presents', 'composed', 'menu', 'characteristic', 'tastes', 'rate', 'traditional', 'products', 'polish']
Dokument 1865: ['year', 'intense', 'presence', 'exhibition', 'events', 'polish', 'promotion', 'representatives', 'agri', 'ministry']
Dokument 1866: ['barcelona', 'alimentaria', 'held', 'march', 'fair']
Dokument 1867: ['seoul', 'food', 'hotel', 'presented', 'fair', 'april', 'trade', 'high', 'quality', 'polish']
Dokument 1868: ['achievements', 'promote', 'events', 'polish', 'forum', 'present', 'opportunity', 'producers', 'international', 'food']
Dokument 1869: ['wholesome', 'barcelona', 'alimentaria', 'food', 'polish', 'promotion', 'held', 'fair', 'place', 'international']
Dokument 1870: ['spanish', 'formal', 'inauguration', 'royal', 'couple', 'leadership', 'held']
Dokument 1871: ['sawicki', 'marek', 'participated', 'ceremony', 'agriculture', 'minister', 'polish']
Dokument 1872: ['exhibited', 'admired', 'm2', 'alcohols', 'royal', 'sweets', 'couple', 'processed', 'juices', 'stand']
Dokument 1873: ['galicia', 'juan', 'baptista', 'sousa', 'consul', 'vieites', 'honorary', 'alimentaria', 'vice', 'wonderful']
Dokument 1874: ['enterprise', 'fair', 'offering', 'occasion', 'series', 'learn', 'contacts', 'establish', 'experiences', 'network']
Dokument 1875: ['400', 'participated', 'mark', 'having', 'meetings', 'pdż', 'representatives', '20', 'business', 'industry']
Dokument 1876: ['attracted', 'visitors', 'great', 'companies', 'products', 'polish']
Dokument 1877: ['mard', 'stand', 'highest', 'taste', 'quality', 'products', 'polish']
Dokument 1878: ['contractors', 'meeting', 'place', 'producers', 'international', 'food', 'polish']
Dokument 1879: ['slogan', 'alimentaria', 'tastes', 'fair', '2012', 'polish', 'poland']
Dokument 1880: ['seoul', 'fair', 'trade']
Dokument 1881: ['fair', 'seoul', 'korea', 'southeast', 'food', 'hotel', 'asia', 'oldest', 'south', 'event']
Dokument 1882: ['attracts', 'asia', 'exhibitors', 'europe']
Dokument 1883: ['8th', '11th', 'held', 'fair', 'year']
Dokument 1884: ['asia', 'korea', 'partners', 'main', 'trade', 'polish']
Dokument 1885: ['dynamically', 'developing', 'country', 'cooperation']
Dokument 1886: ['fourfold', 'sales', 'compared', '2010', 'increased', '2011', 'food']
Dokument 1887: ['trade', 'records', 'korea', 'south', 'balance', 'agri', 'positive', 'food', 'products', 'poland']
Dokument 1888: ['korean', 'promoted', 'years', 'market', 'food', 'polish']
Dokument 1889: ['cheeses', 'milling', 'yoghurts', 'korean', 'sweets', 'exporting', 'cottage', 'products', 'confectionery', 'processed']
Dokument 1890: ['cheeses', 'milling', 'yoghurts', 'korean', 'sweets', 'exporting', 'cottage', 'products', 'confectionery', 'processed']
Dokument 1891: ['sawicki', 'marek', 'attended', 'ceremony', 'opening', 'fair', 'minister']
Dokument 1892: ['żywność', 'dobrą', 'poznaj', 'seoul', 'mark', 'stands', 'program', 'discover', 'presented', 'highest']
Dokument 1893: ['pursued', 'employers', 'promoted', 'campaign', 'pork', 'tradition', 'beef', 'based', 'producers', 'industry']
Dokument 1894: ['chefs', 'presented', 'excellent', 'prepared', 'culinary', 'great', 'quality', 'food', 'polish']
Dokument 1895: ['treats', 'sawicki', 'personally', 'korean', 'marek', 'guests', 'took', 'prepared', 'minister', 'national']
Dokument 1896: ['glass', 'milk', 'health']
Dokument 1897: ['glass', 'increasingly', 'program', 'popular', 'milk', 'poland']
Dokument 1898: ['glasses', 'drunk', 'commencement', 'attending', 'kindergartens', 'schools', 'children', 'milk', '2004', 'billion']
Dokument 1899: ['milk', 'flavored', 'cheese', 'yoghurt', 'natural', 'fromage', 'frais', 'liter', 'equivalent', 'cottage']
Dokument 1900: ['milk', 'drinking', 'flavored', '82', 'consumed', 'pupils', 'yoghurt', 'educational', 'white', 'school']
Dokument 1901: ['glass', 'funded', 'program', 'milk', 'funds', 'national', 'eu']
Dokument 1902: ['juices', 'fruit', 'vegetable', 'fresh', 'radishes', 'elementary', 'peppers', 'pears', 'pupils', 'classes']
Dokument 1903: ['product', 'receives', 'participating', 'child', 'consumption', 'program', 'vegetable', 'prepared', 'direct', 'fruit']
Dokument 1904: ['fruit', 'vegetables', 'accompanying', 'consumption', 'eating', 'educational', 'participate', 'program', 'school', 'selected']
Dokument 1905: ['891', '733', 'involves', 'primary', 'schools', 'program', 'school', 'children', 'thousand', '2011']
Dokument 1906: ['fourth', 'program', 'largest', 'budget', 'countries', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 1907: ['amounts', '75', 'financed', 'school', '25', '12', 'budget', '2011', 'funds', 'eur']
Dokument 1908: ['guests', 'euro', 'especially', '2012']
Dokument 1909: ['championships', 'exceptional', 'ukraine', 'euro', 'held', 'present', 'opportunity', '2012', 'quality', 'food']
Dokument 1910: ['football', 'supporters', 'matches', 'host', 'tourists', 'occasion', 'visit', 'going', 'encourage', 'try']
Dokument 1911: ['mazovia', 'situated', 'pomerania', 'silesia', 'south', 'north', 'western', 'wielkopolska', 'located', 'regions']
Dokument 1912: ['mazovia', 'warsaw', 'journey', 'city', 'let', 'start', 'capital', 'main', 'culinary', 'polish']
Dokument 1913: ['soup', 'kurpie', 'breadcrumbs', 'giblets', 'fafernuchy', 'pea', 'cylindrical', 'mazovia', 'beet', 'chicken']
Dokument 1914: ['cuisine', 'mazovian', 'integral', 'diverse', 'course', 'warsaw']
Dokument 1915: ['favored', 'court', 'routes', 'location', 'varied', 'royal', 'map', 'city', 'centuries', 'past']
Dokument 1916: ['style', 'warsaw', 'tripe', 'almonds', 'israeli', 'soned', 'ginger', 'thinly', 'carp', 'stomachs']
Dokument 1917: ['dumpling', 'specializes', 'mazovia', 'restaurant', 'visit', 'stay', 'preparing', 'dumplings', 'warsaw']
Dokument 1918: ['dumplings', 'dish', 'popular', 'poland']
Dokument 1919: ['fillings', 'stuffing', 'kinds', 'dumplings', 'different']
Dokument 1920: ['mazowiecka', 'sójka', 'mazovian', 'pie', 'origin', 'traditional']
Dokument 1921: ['millet', 'inch', 'stuffing', 'groats', 'pie', 'sauerkraut', 'filled', 'bacon', 'yeast', 'roasted']
Dokument 1922: ['cake', 'iced', 'cheese', 'confectioneries', 'strudel', 'donuts', 'raisins', 'spicy', 'rose', 'poppy']
Dokument 1923: ['mazovia', 'orchard', 'largest', 'europe']
Dokument 1924: ['16th', 'orchard', 'date', 'traditions', 'century']
Dokument 1925: ['grójeckie', 'appetizing', 'registry', 'jabłka', 'indications', 'entered', 'geographical', 'protected', 'apples', '2011']
Dokument 1926: ['colorful', 'juicy', 'diverse', 'aromatic', 'trying', 'apples', 'worth', 'taste', 'polish']
Dokument 1927: ['kurpiowski', 'protected', 'nadwislanka', 'wiśnia', 'nadwiślanka', 'mazovian', 'designation', 'miód', 'cherry', 'indication']
Dokument 1928: ['poznań', 'wielkopolska', 'hosts', 'heart', 'city', 'euro', '2012']
Dokument 1929: ['potato', 'primarily', 'wielkopolska', 'land', 'known', 'dishes']
Dokument 1930: ['ingredient', 'noodles', 'soups', 'basic', 'specialties', 'region']
Dokument 1931: ['ślepe', 'blind', 'ryby', 'potato', 'wielkopolska', 'soup', 'called', 'dish', 'popular', 'used']
Dokument 1932: ['multitude', 'noodles', 'potato', 'famous', 'wielkopolska', 'types', 'region']
Dokument 1933: ['szagówki', 'sztaplarki', 'kulanki', 'names', 'just']
Dokument 1934: ['differs', 'smell', 'shape', 'taste']
Dokument 1935: ['plyndze', 'potato', 'wielkopolska', 'mentioned', 'dish', 'popular']
Dokument 1936: ['grated', 'pancakes', 'flour', 'potatoes', 'potato', 'oil', 'fried', 'eggs', 'raw']
Dokument 1937: ['potatoes', 'skins', 'gzik', 'inextricably', 'finely', 'chives', 'chopped', 'mixed', 'cooked', 'curd']
Dokument 1938: ['boiled', 'knuckle', 'peas', 'sauerkraut', 'roasted', 'trying', 'wielkopolska', 'pork', 'excellent', 'worth']
Dokument 1939: ['beer', 'tastes', 'dish', 'regional', 'great']
Dokument 1940: ['peas', 'beans', 'sauerkraut', 'wielkopolska', 'cabbage', 'vegetable', 'fresh', 'cuisine', 'popular', 'traditional']
Dokument 1941: ['popular', 'parzybroda', 'cabbage', 'fresh', 'soup', 'called']
Dokument 1942: ['modra', 'roast', 'duck', 'eaten', 'red', 'wielkopolska', 'cabbage', 'tastes', 'addition', 'called']
Dokument 1943: ['ducks', 'consequently', 'flavor', 'diversity', 'famous', 'breeding', 'geese', 'dishes', 'long', 'region']
Dokument 1944: ['cattle', 'furthermore', 'wielkopolska', 'breeding', 'developed', 'dairy']
Dokument 1945: ['cheese', 'curd', 'hard', 'delicious', 'produced', 'milk']
Dokument 1946: ['caraway', 'fried', 'butter', 'cheese']
Dokument 1947: ['durable', 'refrigerators', 'interesting', 'obtained', 'original', 'wielkopolska', 'fried', 'way', 'cheese', 'product']
Dokument 1948: ['yearn', 'sweetness', 'snail', 'glanc', 'szneki', 'bit', 'iced', 'supporters', 'happen', 'shaped']
Dokument 1949: ['martin', 'st', 'croissaynt', 'świętomarciński', 'rogal', 'specialty', 'poznań', 'linked', 'famous', 'date']
Dokument 1950: ['hint', 'hangs', 'almond', 'buns', 'orange', 'iced', 'poppy', 'smell', 'stuffed', 'aroma']
Dokument 1951: ['croissants', 'actually', 'quantities', 'popularity', 'smaller', 'baked', 'great', 'year']
Dokument 1952: ['wielkopolska', 'croissants', 'martin', 'st', 'heritage', 'fried', 'culinary', 'cheese']
Dokument 1953: ['indications', 'recognition', 'registered', 'gained', 'list', 'geographical', 'protected', 'protection', 'international', 'union']
Dokument 1954: ['kaliskie', 'wafers', 'andruty', 'covered', 'similar', 'special', 'protection', 'region']
Dokument 1955: ['camelina', 'olej', 'rydzowy', 'specialty', 'guaranteed', 'oil', 'registered', 'wielkopolska', 'systems', 'regional']
Dokument 1956: ['pomerania', 'gdańsk']
Dokument 1957: ['lying', 'stop', 'journey', 'pomerania', 'gdańsk', 'cities', 'visitors', 'major', 'sea', 'euro']
Dokument 1958: ['seaside', 'location', 'undoubtedly', 'influenced', 'pomeranian', 'traditions', 'variety', 'includes', 'cuisine', 'dishes']
Dokument 1959: ['sprats', 'frequently', 'caught', 'sea', 'baltic', 'fish']
Dokument 1960: ['chips', 'usually', 'served', 'today', 'small', 'form']
Dokument 1961: ['mackerel', 'flounder', 'crayfish', 'eel', 'herring', 'cod', 'provides', 'variety', 'sea', 'baltic']
Dokument 1962: ['marinated', 'vinegar', 'enjoy', 'herring']
Dokument 1963: ['caraway', 'typical', 'tasting', 'pomeranian', 'rye', 'bread', 'served', 'dish', 'regional', 'great']
Dokument 1964: ['cult', 'eel', 'pomerania', 'trying', 'cold', 'usually', 'smoked', 'baltic', 'worth', 'fish']
Dokument 1965: ['kilometers', 'kashubia', 'pomerania', 'gdańsk', 'located', '50', 'land']
Dokument 1966: ['kashubian', 'explore', 'strongly', 'encourage', 'tastes', 'cuisine']
Dokument 1967: ['hills', 'hidden', 'wooded', 'charming', 'gentle', 'coast', 'kashubia', 'lakes', 'baltic']
Dokument 1968: ['fish', 'pikes', 'pikeperches', 'perches', 'sprats', 'eels', 'flounder', 'herrings', 'freshwater', 'cranberries']
Dokument 1969: ['dishes', 'turnips', 'ducks', 'kashubia', 'potatoes', 'geese', 'poultry', 'popular', 'especially']
Dokument 1970: ['gherkins', 'marinades', 'pickles', 'kashubian', 'means', 'cuisine', 'especially', 'great']
Dokument 1971: ['kashubia', 'style', 'cod', 'meatballs', 'noting', 'eel', 'liver', 'kashubian', 'herring', 'tasting']
Dokument 1972: ['pickle', 'kashubia', 'hearing', 'vinegar', 'spices', 'herring', 'style', 'fried', 'onion']
Dokument 1973: ['fish', 'polewka', 'rybna', 'crucian', 'meatballs', 'roach', 'freshwater', 'carp', 'perch', 'prepare']
Dokument 1974: ['filled', 'dumplings', 'fish']
Dokument 1975: ['herrings', 'pieces', 'kashubia', 'cut', 'scrambled', 'include', 'eggs', 'served', 'popular', 'small']
Dokument 1976: ['socalled', 'kaszubska', 'okrasa', 'kashubia', 'generations', 'filled', 'stuffed', 'inhabitants', 'delicacies', 'smoked']
Dokument 1977: ['generously', 'layer', 'seasoned', 'salt', 'herbs', 'covered']
Dokument 1978: ['okrasa', 'layers', 'chopped', 'fat', 'goose', 'raw', 'meat']
Dokument 1979: ['seasoning', 'sauces', 'soups', 'spread', 'just', 'bread', 'used']
Dokument 1980: ['okrasa', 'entered', 'list', 'traditional', 'national', 'products']
Dokument 1981: ['weddings', 'sznurowana', 'occasions', 'kashubian', 'goose', 'special', 'served', 'dish', 'regional']
Dokument 1982: ['crumble', 'kashubian', 'yeast', 'cake']
Dokument 1983: ['młodzowy', 'crumble', 'cakes', 'cake', 'popular']
Dokument 1984: ['recipe', '300', 'preparation', 'old', 'years']
Dokument 1985: ['kaszubska', 'kaszëbskô', 'malëna', 'truskawka', 'writing', 'hearts', 'forgotten', 'strawberry', 'kashubian', 'products']
Dokument 1986: ['wrocław', 'hosting', 'silesia', 'fourth', 'city', 'euro', 'lower', '2012', 'polish']
Dokument 1987: ['silesia', 'borders', 'city', 'czech', 'republic', 'lower', 'main', 'germany', 'region']
Dokument 1988: ['complicated', 'influenced', 'strongly', 'traditions', 'history', 'land', 'culinary']
Dokument 1989: ['heterogeneous', 'borderlands', 'slavic', 'cuisines', 'austrian', 'combines', 'flavors', 'silesia', 'reason', 'german']
Dokument 1990: ['sensations', 'varied', 'wrocław', 'tourists', 'interesting', 'coming', 'experience', 'culinary']
Dokument 1991: ['noodles', 'hollow', 'flattened', 'sphere', 'respecting', 'silesian', 'middle', 'restaurant', 'wrocław', 'characteristic']
Dokument 1992: ['noodles', 'hollow', 'flattened', 'sphere', 'respecting', 'silesian', 'middle', 'restaurant', 'wrocław', 'characteristic']
Dokument 1993: ['separate', 'considered', 'eat', 'dish', 'meat']
Dokument 1994: ['collops', 'wrapped', 'cucumber', 'silesian', 'bacon', 'stuffed', 'noodles', 'pickled', 'sauce', 'onion']
Dokument 1995: ['silesian', 'soups', 'sour', 'rye', 'soup', 'order']
Dokument 1996: ['derives', 'known', 'dish', 'region', 'poland']
Dokument 1997: ['sourdough', 'seasoned', 'bacon', 'marjoram', 'boiled', 'sour', 'garlic', 'rye', 'slightly', 'white']
Dokument 1998: ['accent', 'cinnamon', 'crumble', 'yeast', 'meal', 'sure', 'sweet', 'dough', 'try', 'end']
Dokument 1999: ['wrocław', 'coffee', 'dessert', 'typical', 'centuries', 'known', 'served']
Dokument 2000: ['silesia', 'wrocław', 'visiting', 'specialties', 'try', 'lower', 'opportunity', 'local', 'great', 'region']
Dokument 2001: ['apricots', 'thyme', 'rabbit', 'soaked', 'stew', 'seasoned', 'pepper', 'plums', 'recommend', 'dried']
Dokument 2002: ['carp', 'highly', 'recommended', 'dishes']
Dokument 2003: ['carp', 'lutheran', 'wrocław', 'specialty', 'dark', 'cooked', 'ways', 'sauce', 'beer', 'known']
Dokument 2004: ['speaking', 'silesia', 'beer', 'tradition', 'lower', 'long', 'production']
Dokument 2005: ['liquor', 'tasting', 'brands', 'offered', 'worth', 'local']
Dokument 2006: ['kminówka', 'enjoys', 'alcoholic', 'beverages', 'reputation', 'strong', 'popular', 'good']
Dokument 2007: ['favorable', 'soil', 'silesia', 'wine', 'climate', 'developed', 'lower', 'conditions', 'region', 'production']
Dokument 2008: ['13thcentury', 'dates', 'tradition', 'region']
Dokument 2009: ['grape', 'linden', 'honeydew', 'acacia', 'meads', 'buckwheat', 'juices', 'red', 'white', 'honey']
Dokument 2010: ['liquors', 'meads', 'alcohol', 'alcoholic', 'containing', 'beverages', 'original', '18', 'produced', '12']
Dokument 2011: ['honey', 'heather', 'speaking', 'silesian', 'indication', 'forests', 'registered', 'geographical', 'mentioned', 'protected']
Dokument 2012: ['journey', 'visiting', 'regions', 'poland', 'particularly', 'tastes', 'worth', 'make', 'culinary', 'different']
Dokument 2013: ['invite', 'table']
Dokument 2014: ['leśniak', 'suggestions', 'tomasz', 'football', 'meals', 'team', 'cook', 'prepared', 'national', 'poland']
Dokument 2015: ['sheraton', 'corner', 'clubs', 'hosts', 'observe', 'hotel', 'krakow', 'composed', 'menu', 'paid']
Dokument 2016: ['breakfasts', 'noticeable']
Dokument 2017: ['iberico', 'hash', 'spaniards', 'beacon', 'beans', 'england', 'brown', 'dutch', 'class', 'menu']
Dokument 2018: ['cheese', 'toppings', 'quark', 'salty', 'representation', 'accents', 'cottage', 'menu', 'football', 'focus']
Dokument 2019: ['smoked', 'lean', 'oatmeal', 'native', 'forms', 'ham', 'ingredients', 'eggs', 'various', 'served']
Dokument 2020: ['specialties', 'originality', 'hams', 'ahead', 'tasting', 'say', 'various', 'unique', 'terms', 'especially']
Dokument 2021: ['fresh', 'onion', 'greasy', 'cress', 'fennel', 'quark', 'linseed', 'peeled', 'cucumber', 'radish']
Dokument 2022: ['veal', 'shank', 'started', 'ago', 'meal', 'chefs', 'tables', 'kingdom', 'polish', 'tastes']
Dokument 2023: ['sportsmen', 'veal', 'menu', 'used', 'taste', 'quality']
Dokument 2024: ['thickeners', 'unnecessary', 'formed', 'recipe', 'crucial', 'preparation', 'sauce', 'ingredients', 'natural', 'use']
Dokument 2025: ['physically', 'fragrant', 'sauces', 'forms', 'perfect', 'cooking', 'light', 'diet', 'final', 'stage']
Dokument 2026: ['rich', 'lightness', 'beetroots', 'fibre', 'contributes', 'groats', 'completing', 'vitamins', 'composition', 'meal']
Dokument 2027: ['choice', 'meals', 'preparing', 'territory', 'left', 'coming', 'continue', 'tradition', 'natural', 'based']
Dokument 2028: ['suggestion', 'sportsmen', 'beetroot', 'veal', 'stewed', 'shank', 'buckwheat', 'sauce', 'vegetable', 'cuisine']
Dokument 2029: ['pieces', 'celery', 'carrot', 'shank', 'pepper', 'sauce', 'veal', 'small', 'piece', 'salt']
Dokument 2030: ['pepper', 'bind', 'laurel', 'myrtle', 'running', 'pickle', 'bone', 'adding', 'clean', 'shank']
Dokument 2031: ['fridge', 'hours', '24']
Dokument 2032: ['olive', 'little', 'separate', 'fry', 'oil', 'vegetables', 'prepared', 'small', 'meat']
Dokument 2033: ['olive', 'shank', 'little', 'fry', 'chopped', 'tomatoes', 'add', 'oil', 'vegetables', 'small']
Dokument 2034: ['container', 'shank', 'place', 'high']
Dokument 2035: ['add', 'tender', 'stew', 'shank', 'parsley', 'leaves', 'water', 'cover', 'vegetables', 'meat']
Dokument 2036: ['dense', 'filter', 'sieve', 'tender', 'cooling', 'blended', 'mix', 'mass', 'sauce', 'meat']
Dokument 2037: ['sauce', 'manner', 'perfect', 'types', 'basis', 'prepared']
Dokument 2038: ['safety', 'quality', 'food', 'polish']
Dokument 2039: ['systems', 'quality', 'union', 'food', 'european', 'polish']
Dokument 2040: ['systems', 'applied', 'regulations', 'developed', 'rules', 'based', 'country', 'quality', 'union', 'food']
Dokument 2041: ['illegally', 'designation', 'registration', 'specialty', 'indication', 'guaranteed', 'territory', 'allowed', 'registered', 'geographical']
Dokument 2042: ['assigning', 'unauthorized', 'designation', 'protects', 'product', 'producers', 'use']
Dokument 2043: ['fasola', 'miód', '2009', '2011', '2012', 'dunajca', 'sejneńszczyzny', 'piękny', 'łoździejszczyzny', 'podkarpacki']
Dokument 2044: ['miód', 'jabłka', 'drahimski', 'łąckie', 'kołacz', 'szydłowska', 'śliwka', 'śląski', 'krakowski', 'smażony']
Dokument 2045: ['kiełbasa', 'trójniak', 'staropolskie', 'czwórniak', 'półtorak', 'jałowcową', 'dwójniak', 'myśliwska', 'kabanosy', 'miody']
Dokument 2046: ['34', 'registered', 'systems', 'total', 'high', 'quality', 'union', 'food', 'products', 'european']
Dokument 2047: ['proper', 'pgi', 'tsg', 'pdo', 'assuring', 'confirming', 'element', 'functioning', 'control', 'systems']
Dokument 2048: ['binding', 'integrated', 'farming', 'systems', 'organic', 'production', 'quality', 'union', 'food', 'countries']
Dokument 2049: ['authorizing', 'issuing', 'controls', 'certificates', 'certification', 'scope', 'institution', 'bodies', 'conduct', 'farming']
Dokument 2050: ['farming', 'organic', 'compliant', 'fertilizers', 'hormones', 'modified', 'genetically', 'residues', 'pollution', 'organisms']
Dokument 2051: ['fulfilling', 'foodstuffs', 'marked', 'logo', 'ecological', 'requirements', 'special']
Dokument 2052: ['ip', 'integrated', 'modern', 'production', 'quality', 'food']
Dokument 2053: ['attestation', 'ip', 'methodology', 'certificate', 'official', 'obtained', 'takes', 'based', 'place', 'production']
Dokument 2054: ['levels', 'nitrate', 'noxious', 'assures', 'metals', 'residues', 'ip', 'methodology', 'heavy', 'substances']
Dokument 2055: ['holding', 'manner', 'sustainable', 'environment', 'goods', 'used', 'time']
Dokument 2056: ['systems', 'regional', 'quality', 'food', 'polish']
Dokument 2057: ['exceptionally', 'habits', 'valued', 'characterized', 'characteristics', 'derived', 'rich', 'traditions', 'variety', 'cultural']
Dokument 2058: ['identified', 'spreading', 'clients', 'wider', 'characteristics', 'worth', 'specific', 'information', 'products']
Dokument 2059: ['programme', 'promoting', 'ministry', 'rural', 'agriculture', 'polish', 'tradycja', 'qafp', 'jakość', 'owsiana']
Dokument 2060: ['pdż', 'programme', 'longest', 'discover', 'operating', 'great', '2004', 'food']
Dokument 2061: ['ministry', 'rural', 'agriculture', 'programme', 'development']
Dokument 2062: ['foods', 'standard', 'meet', 'promoting', 'safety', 'requirements', 'high', 'quality', 'food']
Dokument 2063: ['distinguish', 'convince', 'foods', 'clients', 'designed', 'mass', 'manner', 'industrial', 'meet', 'strengthen']
Dokument 2064: ['informs', 'client', 'safe', 'tasty', 'fact', 'important', 'products']
Dokument 2065: ['products', 'labelling', 'confirm', 'gain', 'logo', 'trust', 'hand', 'consumer', 'pdż', 'sales']
Dokument 2066: ['client', 'easy', 'meets', 'packaging', 'placed', 'label', 'pdż', 'similar', 'requirements', 'make']
Dokument 2067: ['pdż', 'programme', 'colleague', 'meet', 'label', 'awarded', 'opinion', 'receive', 'requirements', 'positive']
Dokument 2068: ['achieving', 'assumed', 'connected', 'constant', 'aimed', 'wide', 'pdż', 'promotion', 'effects', 'activities']
Dokument 2069: ['communications', 'realized', 'department', 'promotion', 'ministry', 'rural', 'agriculture', 'development']
Dokument 2070: ['products', 'meat', 'legumes', 'seafood', 'fats', 'nutritional', 'root', 'pastry', 'foodstuffs', 'drinks']
Dokument 2071: ['anita', 'szczykutowicz', 'brief', 'conversation', 'invited', 'director', 'phd', 'department', 'communication', 'promotion']
Dokument 2072: ['stands', 'red', 'promotional', 'having', 'label', 'white', 'discover', '500', 'events', 'aims']
Dokument 2073: ['pdż', 'broadcasted', 'television', 'repeatedly', 'spots', 'tv', 'label', 'presented', 'programmes', 'popular']
Dokument 2074: ['informative', 'brings', 'assumed', 'intensive', 'conducted', 'campaign', 'promotion', 'results', 'programme', 'years']
Dokument 2075: ['information', 'increased', 'firms', 'leads', 'labelled', 'products', 'mark', 'conducted', 'pdż', 'sold']
Dokument 2076: ['shops', 'looking', 'label', 'consumer', 'shows', 'pdż', 'opinion', 'consumers', 'research', 'products']
Dokument 2077: ['label', 'signs', 'recognisable', 'trusted', 'sign', 'pdż', 'promotion', 'consumers', 'quality', 'polish']
Dokument 2078: ['properly', 'labelled', 'label', 'tasty', 'materials', 'pdż', 'know', 'package', 'raw', 'guarantees']
Dokument 2079: ['shops', 'marked', 'learn', 'label', 'pdż', 'order', 'products']
Dokument 2080: ['record', 'available', 'products']
Dokument 2081: ['tab', 'pol', 'zywnosci', 'zywnosc', 'jakosc', 'dobra', 'minrol', 'gov', 'poznaj', 'http']
Dokument 2082: ['directory', 'publication', 'bearing', 'works', 'preparing', 'edition', 'conducted', 'currently', 'pdż', 'products']
Dokument 2083: ['remind', 'shortly', 'readers', 'applying', 'principles', 'label', 'discover', 'great', 'food']
Dokument 2084: ['food', 'manufacturer', 'size', 'participate', 'operating', 'discover', 'promotion', 'company', 'agri', 'great']
Dokument 2085: ['manufacturer', 'submit', 'documents', 'enabling', 'assessment', 'application', 'interested', 'necessary', 'ministry', 'rural']
Dokument 2086: ['label', 'multistage', 'ihars', 'authorizing', 'finished', 'granting', 'assessment', 'evaluation', 'decision', 'pdż']
Dokument 2087: ['manufacturer', 'procedure', 'entitled', 'control', 'use', 'period', 'years']
Dokument 2088: ['continents', 'fairs', 'devoted', 'greatest', 'pdż', 'present', 'place', 'europe', 'programme', 'food']
Dokument 2089: ['sign', 'labelled', 'pdż', 'know', 'events', 'able', 'place', 'international', 'taste', '2012']
Dokument 2090: ['barcelonie', 'salima', 'grune', 'brno', 'woche', 'alimentaria', 'korea', 'berlin', 'fairs', 'label']
Dokument 2091: ['evaluated', 'attracted', 'attention', 'highly', 'lot', 'visitors', 'taste', 'quality']
Dokument 2092: ['expose', 'exhibitions', 'fairs', 'plan', 'pdż', 'awarded', 'international', 'important', 'year', 'food']
Dokument 2093: ['fair', 'international', 'food', 'sial', 'trade', 'brasil', 'hanoi', 'paulo', 'sao', 'salon']
Dokument 2094: ['warsaw', 'university', 'educates', 'gardens', 'specialists', 'picnic', 'fairs', 'pdż', 'events', 'promotion']
Dokument 2095: ['varsovians', 'numerously', 'colourful', 'interesting', 'attended', 'families', 'tasty', 'event']
Dokument 2096: ['quarterly', 'meantime', 'readers', 'marked', 'red', 'buy', 'encourage', 'program', 'white', 'label']
Dokument 2097: ['disappointed', 'taste', 'quality']
Dokument 2098: ['picnic', 'discover', 'great', 'food']
Dokument 2099: ['collaboration', 'oldest', 'organised', 'event', 'university', 'ministry', 'rural', 'agriculture', 'agricultural', 'development']
Dokument 2100: ['żywność', 'dobrą', 'poznaj', 'gardens', 'picnic', 'fourth', 'sciences', 'discover', 'life', 'held']
Dokument 2101: ['picnic', 'acquired', 'nearly', 'label', 'discover', 'took', '50', 'presented', '100', 'great']
Dokument 2102: ['traditional', 'methods', 'materials', 'polish', 'apply', 'presented', 'raw', 'goods', 'producers', 'best']
Dokument 2103: ['waldemar', 'pawlak', 'picnic', 'visited', 'stands', 'prime', 'deputy', 'proved', 'said', 'event']
Dokument 2104: ['crowds', 'picnic', 'visited', 'families', 'came', 'warsaw', 'citizens']
Dokument 2105: ['attractions', 'surprised', 'visitors', 'event', 'popular', 'number']
Dokument 2106: ['games', 'parents', 'tasting', 'competitions', 'apart', 'numerous', 'shows', 'children', 'took', 'culinary']
Dokument 2107: ['attractions', 'acquired', 'interesting', 'promotional', 'organisations', 'presented', 'financial', 'funds', 'trade', 'number']
Dokument 2108: ['milk', 'milky', 'garden', 'island', 'green', 'delicious', 'university', 'products']
Dokument 2109: ['amazed', 'unparalleled', 'island', 'diversity', 'variety', 'pork', 'dishes', 'beef', 'taste', 'meat']
Dokument 2110: ['poultry', 'variations', 'town', 'learned', 'visited', 'delicacies', 'person']
Dokument 2111: ['meat', 'taste', 'horse', 'town', 'encouraged', 'lamb', 'types', 'try', 'polish']
Dokument 2112: ['leek', 'tomato', 'love', 'entitled', 'continued', 'vegetable', 'action', 'fruit', 'polish']
Dokument 2113: ['promoted', 'school', 'agency', 'fruit', 'agricultural', 'programme', 'market', 'eu']
Dokument 2114: ['tasted', 'specialties', 'regional', 'organic', 'traditional', 'polish']
Dokument 2115: ['frequently', 'awarded']
Dokument 2116: ['products', 'entitled', 'label', 'discover', 'vegetable', 'awarded', 'dairy', 'present', 'fruit', 'great']
Dokument 2117: ['exactly', 'presentation', 'selected', 'groups', 'fact', 'products']
Dokument 2118: ['desserts', 'czarnków', 'cheeses']
Dokument 2119: ['cheese', 'semolina', 'sandwich', 'czaruś', 'cheesecake', 'custard', 'raspberry', 'rice', 'dessert', 'fried']
Dokument 2120: ['region', 'cooperatives', 'czarnków', 'seat', '20th', 'km', '65', 'started', 'okręgowa', 'operation']
Dokument 2121: ['90s', 'installed', 'breakthrough', 'moment', 'lines', 'cooperative', 'beginning', 'took', 'technology', 'dairy']
Dokument 2122: ['adapted', 'plants', 'production', 'chodzież', 'demands', 'modernized', 'czarnków', 'constantly', 'fully', 'cooperative']
Dokument 2123: ['authorisations', 'countries', 'certificates', 'achieved', 'allow', 'export', 'europe', 'products', 'eu']
Dokument 2124: ['milk', 'reception', 'receptacle', 'cars', 'milking', 'cooling', 'equipped', 'purchases', 'specialist', 'obtaining']
Dokument 2125: ['poviats', 'kujawsko', 'pomorskie', 'lubuskie', 'purchases', 'wielkopolskie', 'litres', 'voivodeships', 'covering', 'processes']
Dokument 2126: ['quality', 'exhibitions', 'haccp', 'obtaining', 'technological', 'products', 'enables', 'frequently', 'receiving', 'fairs']
Dokument 2127: ['sokołów', 'meat', 'products']
Dokument 2128: ['sokołów', 'podlaski', 'seat']
Dokument 2129: ['tarnów', 'dębica', 'robaków', 'czyżew', 'koło', 'podlaski', 'comprises', 'sokołów', 'jarosław', 'seven']
Dokument 2130: ['multi', 'profile', 'establishment', 'plant', 'production']
Dokument 2131: ['brand', 'known', 'best', 'market', 'polish']
Dokument 2132: ['conducts', 'facilities', 'activity', 'modern', 'company', 'business', 'poland']
Dokument 2133: ['categories', 'broad', 'lines', 'enabling', 'customers', 'offer', 'various', 'abroad', 'processing', 'national']
Dokument 2134: ['ifs', '9001', 'corroborated', 'iso', 'brc', 'haccp', 'sokołów', 'recognized', 'certificates', 'offers']
Dokument 2135: ['meat', 'hams', 'pork', 'raw', 'beef', 'scalded', 'steamed', 'halfcarcasses', 'roasting', 'tinned']
Dokument 2136: ['export', 'authorizations', 'sells', 'sokołów', 'revenues', 'amounts', 'sale', 'numerous', 'markets', 'thanks']
Dokument 2137: ['main', 'market', 'eu']
Dokument 2138: ['authorization', 'kazakhstan', 'emirates', 'arab', 'usa', 'divisions', 'korea', 'south', 'japan', 'russia']
Dokument 2139: ['nasz', 'sad', 'group']
Dokument 2140: ['apples', 'produced', 'delectable', 'produvarieties', 'boskop', 'spółdzielcza', 'lobo', 'cortland', 'szampion', 'grupa']
Dokument 2141: ['owoców', 'grójecki', 'producentów', 'spółdzielcza', 'orchardists', 'grupa', '2001', 'nasz', 'sad', 'founded']
Dokument 2142: ['output', 'distance', 'close', 'decided', 'benefit', 'warsaw', 'capital', 'producers', 'market']
Dokument 2143: ['eliminating', 'intermediaries', 'shops', 'manner', 'started', 'established', 'activity', 'warsaw', 'business', 'cooperation']
Dokument 2144: ['achieving', 'enabled', 'competitiveness', 'increasing', 'prices', 'offer', 'higher', 'products']
Dokument 2145: ['broadening', 'nasz', 'sad', 'stage', 'activity', 'group', 'trade', 'market', 'development', 'european']
Dokument 2146: ['increased', 'aiming', 'sorting', 'realized', 'storage', 'series', 'creating', 'centre', 'members', 'modern']
Dokument 2147: ['disposition', 'comprises', 'orchard', 'storage', '21', 'holdings', 'basis', 'present', 'group', 'member']
Dokument 2148: ['surface', 'orchard', 'amounts', '300', 'ha', 'holdings', 'associated', 'total', 'group']
Dokument 2149: ['sortingstorage', 'nasz', 'constitutes', 'sad', 'facilities', 'modern', 'today', 'group', 'poland']
Dokument 2150: ['timeliness', 'deliveries', 'clients', 'reliable', 'offering', 'professional', 'service', 'partner', 'trade', 'high']
Dokument 2151: ['globalgap', 'brc', 'confirming', 'certificates', 'group', 'high', 'quality', 'products']
Dokument 2152: ['friendly', 'safe', 'environment', 'technology', 'consumers', 'production', 'products']
Dokument 2153: ['african', 'sells', 'england', 'scandinavian', 'countries', 'denmark', 'france', 'germany', 'fruit', 'group']
Dokument 2154: ['exquisite', 'tomatoes']
Dokument 2155: ['warzyw', 'szklarniowych', 'koktajlowe', 'malinowe', 'admiro', 'janów', 'producentów', 'sp', 'grupa', 'vegapol']
Dokument 2156: ['puławy', 'janów', 'vegapol', 'route', 'seat', 'established', 'warsaw', 'central', '2003', 'group']
Dokument 2157: ['veritable', 'specializes', 'domain', 'greenhouse', 'cultivation', 'master', 'company']
Dokument 2158: ['assure', 'edge', 'cultivations', 'cutting', 'applies', 'technologies', 'order', 'highest', 'group', 'quality']
Dokument 2159: ['cultivations', 'biological', 'founded', 'mind', 'efforts', 'having', 'environment', 'vegetable', 'vegetables', 'protection']
Dokument 2160: ['group', 'eurepgap', 'norms', 'vegapol', 'fulfil', 'orchard', 'cultivation', 'certificate', 'applied', 'methods']
Dokument 2161: ['greenhouse', 'vegapol', 'complex', 'ha', 'associated', '30', 'producers']
Dokument 2162: ['bigger', 'exporter', 'fresh', 'vegetables', 'producers', 'group', 'products', 'poland']
Dokument 2163: ['constitute', 'tomatoes', '90', 'company', 'produced', 'vegetables']
Dokument 2164: ['koktajl', 'durability', 'hardness', 'cluster', 'characterized', 'tomatoes', 'exceptional', 'produced', 'unique', 'taste']
Dokument 2165: ['colouring', 'stages', 'tomatoes', 'various', 'prepared']
Dokument 2166: ['vegapol', 'length', 'constitute', 'cucumbers', 'offered', 'medium', 'second', 'long', 'product']
Dokument 2167: ['particles', 'turbidity', 'sediment', 'pasteurization', 'pulp', 'pressing', 'keeping', 'remains', 'aroma', 'fine']
Dokument 2168: ['preservatives', 'characterized', 'manner', 'contain', 'values', 'water', 'juice', 'sugar', 'does', 'produced']
Dokument 2169: ['frozen', 'vegetables', 'fruit']
Dokument 2170: ['shortened', 'considerably', 'route', 'beneficial', 'table', 'frozen', 'land', 'thanks', 'quality', 'food']
Dokument 2171: ['pips', 'string', 'rosettes', 'broccoli', 'cauliflower', 'spinach', 'beans', 'cherries', 'food', 'strawberries']
Dokument 2172: ['unifreeze', 'domain', 'produces', 'producer', 'frozen', 'experience', 'highest', 'long', 'thanks', 'quality']
Dokument 2173: ['appreciated', 'company', 'international', 'market', 'polish']
Dokument 2174: ['unifreeze', 'cultivated', 'brand', 'materials', 'land', 'produced', 'raw', 'high', 'quality', 'products']
Dokument 2175: ['certificate', 'eurepgap', 'integrated', 'company', 'production']
Dokument 2176: ['cultivations', '2000', 'commune', 'territory', 'conducted', 'nature', 'covered', 'programme']
Dokument 2177: ['edge', 'cutting', 'combined', 'frozen', 'exceptional', 'material', 'technology', 'raw', 'highest', 'results']
Dokument 2178: ['emblem', 'spinach', 'bricks', 'distinction', 'leaves', 'awards', 'prestigious', 'frozen', 'numerous', '2008']
Dokument 2179: ['absolutely', 'innovative', 'unique', 'product', 'form']
Dokument 2180: ['arises', 'portioned', 'bricks', 'consumption', 'allows', 'need', 'form']
Dokument 2181: ['searching', 'bricks', 'nutritional', 'functional', 'spinach', 'constitutes', 'clients', 'leaves', 'expectations', 'values']
Dokument 2182: ['nature', 'quality']
Dokument 2183: ['colorful', 'mosaic', 'varied']
Dokument 2184: ['shades', 'forming', 'colours', 'plots', 'patterns', 'arranged', 'shapes', 'mix', 'meadows', 'lakes']
Dokument 2185: ['looks', 'air', 'like', 'poland']
Dokument 2186: ['interesting', 'range', 'close']
Dokument 2187: ['fragmentation', 'chemicalization', 'predisposition', 'homes', 'demand', 'allows', 'produce', 'natural', 'organic', 'small']
Dokument 2188: ['organic', 'characterized', 'dynamics', 'constant', 'farming', 'farms', 'growth', 'processing', 'area', 'sector']
Dokument 2189: ['specializing', 'times', 'organic', 'farmers', '2003', '10', 'period', 'increased', '2011', 'number']
Dokument 2190: ['31st', 'certification', 'bodies', '23', 'december', 'control', 'covered', 'farms', 'thousand', 'organic']
Dokument 2191: ['means', 'compared', '2010', '15', 'increase']
Dokument 2192: ['voivodeships', 'northern', 'leaders', 'farms', 'terms', 'number', 'eastern', 'poland']
Dokument 2193: ['2452', '3041', 'warmian', 'masurian', '3113', 'podlaskie', 'west', 'voivodeships', 'pomeranian', 'registered']
Dokument 2194: ['576', 'hectares', 'cultivated', 'accordance', 'regulations', 'farming', 'end', 'thousand', 'organic', 'area']
Dokument 2195: ['area', 'arable', 'fold', 'land', 'approximately', 'organic', '2003', 'agriculture', 'total', 'used']
Dokument 2196: ['dynamic', 'plants', 'growth', 'processing', 'organic', '2003']
Dokument 2197: ['267', '22', '2003', '2011']
Dokument 2198: ['nearby', 'cities', 'located', 'areas', 'large', 'rural']
Dokument 2199: ['masovian', '55', '39', 'lublin', '28', 'voivodeship', 'currently', 'plants', 'greater', 'processing']
Dokument 2200: ['organic', 'labeled', 'applicable', 'legislation', 'accordance', 'produced', 'ensure', 'national', 'important', 'production']
Dokument 2201: ['inspection', 'certification', 'producer', 'subject']
Dokument 2202: ['organic', 'conventional', 'nutrition', 'obtained', 'farming', 'despite', 'comparison', 'prices', 'healthy', 'popular']
Dokument 2203: ['exported', 'organic', 'food', 'countries', 'polish', 'eu']
Dokument 2204: ['organic', 'owing', 'products', 'compete', 'successfully', 'high', 'quality', 'countries', 'polish']
Dokument 2205: ['organic', 'affixed', 'labelling', 'buyers', '1st', 'packaging', 'logo', 'products', 'introduced', 'july']
Dokument 2206: ['meets', 'inspection', 'imposed', 'certification', 'concerning', 'mark', 'requirements', 'guarantee', 'product', 'organic']
Dokument 2207: ['ecological', 'diversity']
Dokument 2208: ['farm', 'ecology', 'angielczyk', 'mirosław', '1st', 'mr', 'category', 'environment', 'won', 'competition']
Dokument 2209: ['time', 'title', 'farm', 'won', '2009', 'second']
Dokument 2210: ['koryciny', 'podlaskie', 'mirosław', 'angielczyk', 'village', 'mr', 'farm', 'voivodeship', 'located']
Dokument 2211: ['ha', 'area', 'cultivated', '41', 'covers', '38']
Dokument 2212: ['23', 'hawthorn', 'barberry', 'rose', 'cultivation', 'wild', 'species', 'ha', 'herbs', 'area']
Dokument 2213: ['wild', 'buffalo', 'legally', 'grass', 'demand', 'garlic', 'protected', 'market']
Dokument 2214: ['moisture', 'soil', 'proper', 'appropriate', 'light', 'farm', 'species', 'technologies', 'order', 'ensure']
Dokument 2215: ['dary', 'natury', 'house', 'cultivated', 'processed', 'plant', 'herbs']
Dokument 2216: ['herbal', 'organic', 'apiarian', 'sprouts', 'oils', 'bath', 'herbals', 'pressed', 'teas', 'liqueurs']
Dokument 2217: ['herbs', 'habitats', 'certified', 'house', 'cultivation', 'materials', 'farms', 'course', 'raw', 'natural']
Dokument 2218: ['flora', 'fauna', 'abundant', 'clean', 'extremely', 'forests', 'environment', 'old', 'areas']
Dokument 2219: ['forest', 'rudka', 'ranges', 'natury', 'dary', 'inspectorate', 'collected', 'herbal', 'certificate', 'materials']
Dokument 2220: ['habitat', 'harvesting', 'paid', 'attention', 'environmental', 'herbs', 'special', 'natural', 'protection']
Dokument 2221: ['childhood', 'angielczyk', 'mr', 'herbs']
Dokument 2222: ['nature', 'communing', 'joy', 'transformed', 'love', 'career', 'professional']
Dokument 2223: ['sold', 'known', 'countries', 'products', 'european', 'poland']
Dokument 2224: ['oneman', 'steady', 'solid', 'dynamic', 'developed', 'company', 'business', 'large', 'work']
Dokument 2225: ['certificate', '80', 'covered', 'product', 'organic', 'production']
Dokument 2226: ['flax', 'rydzowy', 'dary', 'natury', 'false', 'distinguished', 'specialty', 'guaranteed', 'oil', 'manufactured']
Dokument 2227: ['grasses', 'legumes', 'cereals', 'feed', 'crops', 'animal', 'farm', 'basis', 'form']
Dokument 2228: ['greenleg', 'guinea', 'fowls', 'kuropatwiana', 'hucul', 'goats', 'wrzosówka', 'zielononóżka', 'horses', 'hens']
Dokument 2229: ['colonies', 'bees', 'apiary', 'consisting', '40']
Dokument 2230: ['garden', 'podlaski', 'ziołowy', 'botanical', 'ogród', 'herb', 'tourist', 'attraction', 'integral', 'farm']
Dokument 2231: ['comprises', 'covers', 'species', 'ha', 'plants', '500', 'area', '10']
Dokument 2232: ['ginseng', 'asia', 'native', 'species', 'plants', 'growing', 'conditions', 'polish']
Dokument 2233: ['garden', 'visited', 'free']
Dokument 2234: ['herbs', 'compose', 'blend', 'seedlings', 'dried', 'buy', 'plants']
Dokument 2235: ['flowers', 'shrubs', 'caring', 'garden', 'adds', 'podlaskie', 'angielczyk', 'mirosław', 'landscape', 'carefully']
Dokument 2236: ['stay', 'healthy']
Dokument 2237: ['1998', 'founded', 'company']
Dokument 2238: ['ecological', 'specialising', 'affluent', 'currants', 'establishing', 'focused', 'raspberries', 'soft', 'strawberries', 'demand']
Dokument 2239: ['nestle', 'hipp', 'heinz', '1999', 'baby', 'supplying', 'ecological', 'soon', 'began', 'fruits']
Dokument 2240: ['rise', 'certificates', 'ecological', 'observed', 'following', 'high', 'quality', 'years', 'food', 'poland']
Dokument 2241: ['prompted', 'selling', 'symbio', 'producing', 'domestic', 'start', 'market', 'products']
Dokument 2242: ['muesli', 'flakes', 'nuts', 'cookies', 'oat', 'jams', 'fruits', 'juices', 'dried', 'added']
Dokument 2243: ['offer', 'supplier', 'widest', 'symbio', 'expanded', 'polska', 'ecological', 'time', 'market', 'products']
Dokument 2244: ['production', 'export', 'retail', 'symbio', 'divided', 'distribution', 'primary', 'basic', 'domestic', 'currently']
Dokument 2245: ['buys', 'acquired', 'primary', 'processes', 'resources', 'farms', 'exports', 'company', 'organic', 'polish']
Dokument 2246: ['verts', 'pumpkins', 'haricots', 'courgettes', 'blackberries', 'chokeberries', 'leeks', 'blueberries', 'onions', 'currants']
Dokument 2247: ['squash', 'mash', 'freeze', 'processed', 'frozen', 'dried', 'mainly', 'form', 'products']
Dokument 2248: ['usa', 'receivers', 'england', 'switzerland', 'yoghurt', 'austria', 'netherlands', 'plants', 'italy', 'main']
Dokument 2249: ['vegetable', 'added', 'sugar', 'distributes', 'flours', 'flakes', 'rice', 'marmalade', 'nuts', 'retail']
Dokument 2250: ['shops', 'hypermarket', 'luxury', 'chains', 'super', 'food', 'selling', 'available', 'organic', 'products']
Dokument 2251: ['england', 'symbio', 'jams', 'bulgaria', 'preserves', 'sweden', 'juices', 'exported', 'lithuania', 'italy']
Dokument 2252: ['faithful', 'readers', 'symbio', 'enthusiasts', 'encourage', 'try', 'products']
Dokument 2253: ['wholemeal', 'packed', 'ray', 'domestica', 'pattypans', 'prunus', 'courgettes', 'ripe', 'syrup', 'peculiar']
Dokument 2254: ['attested', 'hormones', 'originate', 'chemicals', 'fertilisers', 'antibiotics', 'artificial', 'symbio', 'crop', 'ingredients']
Dokument 2255: ['gmos', 'colourings', 'preservatives', 'artificial', 'include', 'products']
Dokument 2256: ['treasures', 'silesia', 'lower']
Dokument 2257: ['abundant', 'forests', 'country', 'poland']
Dokument 2258: ['untainted', 'brambles', 'blackberries', 'pure', 'chemicals', 'blueberries', 'cranberries', 'naturally', 'raspberries', 'berries']
Dokument 2259: ['continues', 'tradition', 'processing', 'area']
Dokument 2260: ['processed', 'wild', 'forest', '60', 'mushrooms', 'biggest', 'company', 'fruit', 'important', 'production']
Dokument 2261: ['mushrooms', 'dried', 'sterilized', 'marinated', 'preserves', 'forest', 'herbs', 'include', 'fruit']
Dokument 2262: ['dried', 'vegetables', 'fruit', 'preserves', 'farms', 'organic', 'products']
Dokument 2263: ['cleanliness', 'enabled', 'compliance', 'certification', 'forests', 'environmental', 'environment', 'materials', 'apply', 'provide']
Dokument 2264: ['renewed', 'sp', 'ekogwarancja', 'runoland', 'lublin', 'compliance', 'issued', 'certificate', 'certification', '2005']
Dokument 2265: ['meets', 'plant', 'law', 'current', 'requirements', 'eu']
Dokument 2266: ['canada', 'runoland', 'nearly', 'united', 'sold', 'mainly', 'half', 'export', 'production', 'states']
Dokument 2267: ['2000', 'runoland', 'usa', 'certification', 'exporter', 'authorities', 'granted', 'received', 'direct', 'health']
Dokument 2268: ['nop', 'usa', 'selling', 'certificate', 'allows', 'company', '2009', 'received', 'organic', 'products']
Dokument 2269: ['preservatives', 'chemical', 'runoland', 'involve', 'uses', 'manufacturing', 'methods', 'does', 'traditional']
Dokument 2270: ['grandma', 'pantry', 'like', 'taste', 'products']
Dokument 2271: ['sanitary', 'controls', 'laboratory', 'company', 'requirements', 'terms', 'production', 'quality']
Dokument 2272: ['obtain', 'tasty', 'healthy', 'order', 'best', 'quality', 'products']
Dokument 2273: ['let', 'try']
Dokument 2274: ['expertly', 'edible', 'abundant', 'silesia', 'forests', 'species', 'delicious', 'mushrooms', 'lower', 'prepared']
Dokument 2275: ['suilluses', 'armillarias', 'boletuses', 'chanterelles', 'boletes', 'preparations', 'marinated', 'runoland', 'bay', 'offers']
Dokument 2276: ['boletes', 'bay', 'blend', 'sterilized', 'boletuses', 'chanterelles', 'additives', 'distinctive', 'salted', 'flavor']
Dokument 2277: ['runoland', 'come', 'course', 'organic']
Dokument 2278: ['flavor', 'aroma', 'forest', 'variety', 'fruit']
Dokument 2279: ['berry', 'explore', 'jam', 'encourage', 'forest', 'organic', 'taste']
Dokument 2280: ['organic', 'berry', 'additives', 'spices', 'jam', 'berries', 'used', 'production']
Dokument 2281: ['berry', 'jam', 'completely', 'makes', 'forest', 'healthy', 'natural']
Dokument 2282: ['elderberry', 'mousse', 'blueberries', 'cranberries', 'plum', 'cherries', 'vinegar', 'plums', 'jam', 'strawberries']
Dokument 2283: ['stringent', 'reviewed', 'ekogwarancja', 'runoland', 'ensures', 'products', 'certification', 'systematically', 'manufactured', 'body']
Dokument 2284: ['taste', 'quality']
Dokument 2285: ['precursors', 'dukla', 'podkarpackie', 'jasiołka', 'considered', 'plant', 'processing', 'organic', 'traditional', 'region']
Dokument 2286: ['1996', 'goes', 'earlier', 'origin', 'times', 'established', 'family', 'company']
Dokument 2287: ['podkarpacie', 'products', 'entered', '23', 'exceptional', 'list', 'particularly', 'traditional', 'region']
Dokument 2288: ['dukla', 'sausage', 'homelike', 'brawn', 'compatriot', 'pate', 'pudding', 'liver', 'black', 'trying']
Dokument 2289: ['grandfather', 'mentioned', 'sausage', 'great']
Dokument 2290: ['patented', 'product', 'poland']
Dokument 2291: ['pork', 'liver', 'ham', 'sausage', 'produced', 'unique', 'meat']
Dokument 2292: ['hardwood', 'blends', 'smoke', 'smoking', 'jasiołka', 'carefully', 'spices', 'flavor', 'products', 'comes']
Dokument 2293: ['wonder', 'prizes', '150', 'awards', 'nearly', 'successful', 'won', 'international', 'national', 'products']
Dokument 2294: ['nationwide', 'ekogwarancja', 'jasiołka', 'compliance', 'issued', 'certificate', 'certification', 'plant', 'body', '2006']
Dokument 2295: ['jasiołka', 'appreciated', 'known', 'products', 'poland']
Dokument 2296: ['bangkok', 'thailand', 'devotees', 'winning', 'belgium', 'tasting', 'participated', 'fairs', 'kingdom', 'successfully']
Dokument 2297: ['dukla', 'kingdom', 'slovakia', 'successfully', 'border', 'developing', 'outside', 'united', 'czech', 'republic']
Dokument 2298: ['jasiołka', 'goes', 'china']
Dokument 2299: ['conquer', 'jasiołka', 'plant', 'processing', 'world', 'taste', 'meat', 'quality', 'products']
Dokument 2300: ['comparison', 'sales', '2010', '11', 'amounted', 'abroad', '15', 'agri', 'value', 'increased']
Dokument 2301: ['eur', 'million', '636', '565', '744', 'achieved', 'kingdom', 'russia', 'balance', 'united']
Dokument 2302: ['increased', 'sales', 'value', '10', 'union', 'states', 'countries', 'european', 'eu']
Dokument 2303: ['grew', '13', 'sales', '11', 'new', 'member', 'states', 'food', 'polish']
Dokument 2304: ['79', '78', 'overall', 'slightly', 'decreased', 'structure', 'sold', '11', 'eu', 'amounted']
Dokument 2305: ['431', 'quantities', 'greatest', 'comparison', 'sold', '2010', 'worth', 'approximately', '11', 'growth']
Dokument 2306: ['export', 'realized', 'accounted', '23', 'previous', 'germany', 'total', 'agricultural', 'year', 'food']
Dokument 2307: ['mainly', 'fruit', 'fish', 'preserved', 'biscuits', 'wafers', 'powder', 'quantities', 'raspberries', 'cigarettes']
Dokument 2308: ['023', 'occupied', 'kingdom', 'united', 'sold', 'worth', 'position', 'goods', 'second', 'eur']
Dokument 2309: ['meant', 'comparison', 'previous', 'share', 'growth', 'total', 'export', 'year']
Dokument 2310: ['chocolate', 'products', 'salted', 'kingdom', 'exported', 'united', 'included', 'pork', 'mainly', 'poultry']
Dokument 2311: ['recipient', 'kingdom', 'united', 'biggest', 'czech', 'republic', 'agri', 'food', 'products', 'polish']
Dokument 2312: ['009', 'sold', 'czech', 'goods', 'value', '2011', 'eur', 'million', 'market']
Dokument 2313: ['meant', 'comparison', 'previous', '18', 'share', 'growth', 'total', 'export', 'year']
Dokument 2314: ['canola', 'pastries', 'recipient', 'bakery', 'cakes', 'oil', 'pork', 'mainly', 'czech', 'republic']
Dokument 2315: ['eur', 'million', '851', '777', '859', '806', 'subsequent', 'places', 'russia', 'netherlands']
Dokument 2316: ['527', 'commonwealth', 'cis', 'independent', 'compared', '2010', '11', 'amounted', 'growth', 'value']
Dokument 2317: ['mainly', 'resulted', 'live', 'cabbage', 'pork', 'significant', 'apples', 'poultry', 'vegetables', 'situation']
Dokument 2318: ['agrifood', 'constituted', 'cis', 'sales', 'total', '10', 'export', 'countries', 'products']
Dokument 2319: ['chocolate', 'fruit', 'syrup', 'biscuits', 'wafers', 'dominated', 'bakery', 'products', 'confectionery', 'juices']
Dokument 2320: ['abovementioned', 'constituted', '46', 'goods', 'total', 'export']
Dokument 2321: ['food', 'achieve', 'customers', 'crucial', 'appreciated', 'results', 'foreign', 'good', 'export', 'high']
Dokument 2322: ['gentlemen', 'ladies']
Dokument 2323: ['passed', 'office', 'took', 'rural', 'agriculture', 'minister', 'year', 'development']
Dokument 2324: ['busy', 'time']
Dokument 2325: ['election', 'introduce', 'systematically', 'announced', 'solutions', 'campaign', 'government', 'new']
Dokument 2326: ['civilised', 'land', 'trade', 'agricultural']
Dokument 2327: ['good', 'renewable', 'non', 'land', 'particular']
Dokument 2328: ['special', 'protection', 'countries']
Dokument 2329: ['applied', 'solutions', 'currently', 'similar', 'adopted', 'member', 'union', 'states', 'european', 'poland']
Dokument 2330: ['farmer', 'acts', 'chain', 'strengthening', 'entire', 'package', 'position', 'prepared', 'food']
Dokument 2331: ['inequality', 'applies', 'problem', 'farmers', 'polish']
Dokument 2332: ['ministers', 'unanimously', 'farmer', 'conclusions', 'regarding', 'chain', 'december', 'fisheries', 'adopted', 'position']
Dokument 2333: ['unfair', 'fighting', 'conclusions', 'practices', 'chain', 'proposals', 'strengthening', 'include', 'position', 'farmers']
Dokument 2334: ['playing', 'highlighted', 'actors', 'unfair', 'legislative', 'conclusions', 'practices', 'chain', 'achieved', 'supply']
Dokument 2335: ['level', 'complemented', 'voluntary', 'regulatory', 'approach', 'regulations', 'initiatives', 'national', 'member', 'states']
Dokument 2336: ['standing', 'review', 'face', 'decisions', 'key', 'common', 'policy', 'agricultural']
Dokument 2337: ['align', 'challenge', 'levels', 'key', 'farmers', 'union', 'support', 'european']
Dokument 2338: ['speak', 'equal', 'competition', 'conditions', 'possible']
Dokument 2339: ['solve', 'problems']
Dokument 2340: ['topics', 'implementing', 'issue', 'climate', 'difficult', 'package']
Dokument 2341: ['shifting', 'accept', 'burden', 'climate', 'entire', 'difficult', 'related', 'activities', 'agriculture']
Dokument 2342: ['compromise', 'objectives', 'sustainable', 'climate', 'production', 'food']
Dokument 2343: ['observe', 'inflow', 'manufactured', 'hand', 'increasing', 'systems', 'requirements', 'farmers', 'market', 'products']
Dokument 2344: ['conditions', 'speak', 'equal', 'competition']
Dokument 2345: ['begins', 'year', 'new']
Dokument 2346: ['solving', 'identified', 'hopes', 'entering', 'problems', 'far']
Dokument 2347: ['concept', 'review', 'solutions', 'chance', 'develop', 'common', 'policy', 'good', 'agricultural', '2020']
Dokument 2348: ['alignment', 'convinced', 'efficient', 'sustainable', 'opportunities', 'competition', 'global', 'agriculture', 'development', 'european']
Dokument 2349: ['beginning', 'cycle', 'exhibition', 'events', 'fair', 'year', 'new']
Dokument 2350: ['week', 'opened', 'berlin', 'green', 'usually', 'fair']
Dokument 2351: ['type', 'events', 'biggest', 'agri', 'sector', 'food']
Dokument 2352: ['participated', 'years', 'poland']
Dokument 2353: ['gains', 'steadily', 'recognition', 'world', 'food']
Dokument 2354: ['gustatory', 'familiar', 'qualities', 'opportunity', 'fair', 'high', 'quality']
Dokument 2355: ['visit', 'encourage', 'stand', 'tastes', 'good', 'polish', 'poland']
Dokument 2356: ['warmly', 'begins', 'wish', 'plans', 'true', 'come', 'best', 'year', 'new']
Dokument 2357: ['winter', 'white']
Dokument 2358: ['kraków', '1940', 'wielkie', 'piaski', 'village', 'administrative', 'borders', 'city', 'near', 'located']
Dokument 2359: ['wawel', 'villages', 'surrounding', 'royal', 'village', 'piaszczańska', 'outstanding', 'delivered', 'kraków', 'centuries']
Dokument 2360: ['pork', 'wet', 'rock', 'curing', 'coarsely', 'marinade', 'loin', 'herbal', 'semi', 'ground']
Dokument 2361: ['cm', 'brown', 'cherry', 'length', '45', 'colour', 'light', 'red', 'sausage', '25']
Dokument 2362: ['cloves', 'allspice', 'juniper', 'feature', 'broth', 'bay', 'berries', 'sausages', 'leaves', 'makes']
Dokument 2363: ['fats', 'eliminate', 'commonly', 'spices', 'flavour', 'enhance', 'animal', 'negative', 'herbs', 'human']
Dokument 2364: ['smoking', 'piaszczańska', 'step', 'kiełbasa', 'important', 'production']
Dokument 2365: ['beech', 'deciduous', 'alder', 'oak', 'wood', 'trees', 'purpose', 'used']
Dokument 2366: ['moderate', 'juniper', 'smoking', 'berries', 'branches', 'element', 'stage', 'sausage', 'additional', 'specific']
Dokument 2367: ['pioneers', 'smoking', 'piaszczańska', 'manufacturers', 'kiełbasa', 'way']
Dokument 2368: ['municipalities', 'małopolskie', 'wieliczka', 'górne', 'świątniki', 'piaszczańska', 'kraków', 'city', 'kiełbasa', 'voivodeship']
Dokument 2369: ['relationship', 'legend', 'confirmed', 'reputation', 'geographical', 'produced', 'area']
Dokument 2370: ['1899', 'kraków', 'seweryn', 'ethnographic', 'ethnographer', 'lviv', 'tales', 'literary', 'legends', 'museum']
Dokument 2371: ['reign', 'casimir', 'legend', 'piaski', 'king', 'sausages', 'kraków', 'residents', 'sold', 'produced']
Dokument 2372: ['city', 'butchers', 'prohibit', 'envied', 'piaski', 'convinced', 'earnings', 'kraków', 'residents', 'bring']
Dokument 2373: ['complaint', 'guards', 'promised', 'metres', 'piaski', 'carrying', 'selling', 'king', 'enter', 'residents']
Dokument 2374: ['hid', 'outsmarting', 'hole', 'carved', 'guards', 'stick', 'piaski', 'inside', 'king', 'residents']
Dokument 2375: ['stick', 'kijacy', 'casimir', 'holders', 'inside', 'selling', 'sausages', 'kraków', 'allowed', 'brought']
Dokument 2376: ['survived', 'today']
Dokument 2377: ['conquers', 'surrounding', 'gourmets', 'piaszczańska', 'kraków', 'centuries', 'kiełbasa', 'currently', 'increasing', 'tastes']
Dokument 2378: ['kijak', 'owes', 'popularity', 'aroma', 'art', 'recognition', 'original', 'history', 'unique', 'related']
Dokument 2379: ['confirmation', 'distinctions', 'perception', 'piaszczańska', 'qualities', 'competitions', 'fairs', 'flavour', 'awards', 'kiełbasa']
Dokument 2380: ['piaszczańska', 'registration', 'indication', 'application', '2016', 'kiełbasa', 'july', 'geographical', 'protected', '15']
Dokument 2381: ['homely', 'tasty', 'healthy']
Dokument 2382: ['salmon', 'soup', 'unique']
Dokument 2383: ['zachodniopomorskie', 'kołobrzeg', 'municipality', 'km', 'dygowo', 'south', 'residents', 'east', 'voivodeship', 'located']
Dokument 2384: ['year', 'regret', 'saturday', 'attracts', 'gourmets', 'feast', 'dygowo', 'july', 'salmon', 'organised']
Dokument 2385: ['year', 'regret', 'saturday', 'attracts', 'gourmets', 'feast', 'dygowo', 'july', 'salmon', 'organised']
Dokument 2386: ['10th', 'edition', 'july', '16', 'held', 'event', 'year']
Dokument 2387: ['soup', 'feast', 'dygowo', 'style', 'salmon', 'course', 'special', 'served', 'main']
Dokument 2388: ['cookbook', 'eventually', 'contains', 'recipes', 'lot', 'salmon', 'soup']
Dokument 2389: ['dygowo', 'salmon', 'uniqueness', 'parsęta', 'flows', 'ingredient', 'consists', 'southern', 'style', 'river']
Dokument 2390: ['salmon', 'soup', 'difference', 'fundamental', 'dygowo', 'style', 'basic', 'types']
Dokument 2391: ['things']
Dokument 2392: ['parsęta', 'cooked', 'catch', 'salmon', 'soup', 'need']
Dokument 2393: ['morning', 'riverside', 'anglers', 'dawn', '130', 'grounds', 'went', 'july', '16', 'fishing']
Dokument 2394: ['river', 'meanders', 'rushes', 'slows', 'fallen', 'coastal', 'chose', 'trees', 'positions', 'hope']
Dokument 2395: ['lasted', 'angling', '11']
Dokument 2396: ['returned', 'statue', 'anglers', 'officially', 'weighed', 'winner', 'measured', 'dygowo', 'caught', 'salmon']
Dokument 2397: ['dygowo', 'precious', 'guarded', 'salmons', 'treasure', 'arts', 'speciality', 'master', 'started', 'delivered']
Dokument 2398: ['master', 'leave', 'dygowo', 'kingdom', 'let', 'centre', 'time']
Dokument 2399: ['triathlon', 'race', 'dygowo', 'salmon', 'held']
Dokument 2400: ['km', 'kayak', 'sail', 'ride', 'bike', 'competed', 'players', 'run', 'attended', '100']
Dokument 2401: ['celebrate', 'physical', 'feast', 'effort', 'salmon', 'time']
Dokument 2402: ['course', 'dygowo', 'style', 'salmon', 'soup', 'main']
Dokument 2403: ['gourmets', 'year', 'appear', 'regions', 'known', 'local', 'new', 'polish']
Dokument 2404: ['farmed', 'gentle', 'parsęta', 'regulated', 'distinctive', 'swift', 'owes', 'clean', 'extremely', 'naturally']
Dokument 2405: ['farmed', 'gentle', 'parsęta', 'regulated', 'distinctive', 'swift', 'owes', 'clean', 'extremely', 'naturally']
Dokument 2406: ['seduces', 'unforgettable', 'unusual', 'soup', 'using', 'fish', 'taste']
Dokument 2407: ['leek', 'celeriac', 'champignons', 'peppers', 'carrots', 'contains', 'parsley', 'potatoes', 'range', 'salmon']
Dokument 2408: ['putting', 'pot', 'slightly', 'fried', 'added', 'raw']
Dokument 2409: ['dill', 'completed', 'composition', 'sour', 'cream']
Dokument 2410: ['haughty', 'saëns', 'composer', 'camille', 'saint', 'delicate', 'swan', 'proud', 'beautiful', 'composed']
Dokument 2411: ['thing', 'visiting', 'dygowo', 'recipe', 'salmon', 'certain', 'soup', 'worth', 'order', 'according']
Dokument 2412: ['mid', 'july', 'possible', 'year']
Dokument 2413: ['planning', 'dygowo', 'worth', 'time']
Dokument 2414: ['sure', 'year']
Dokument 2415: ['branded', 'peartree', 'industrially', 'smoke', 'knows', 'trees', 'leaves', 'meats', 'tree', 'cold']
Dokument 2416: ['exaggerate']
Dokument 2417: ['choose', 'sausage', 'industrial', 'methods', 'having', 'know', 'does', 'using', 'produced', 'home']
Dokument 2418: ['pudding', 'lard', 'applies', 'black', 'ham']
Dokument 2419: ['appreciate', 'home', 'taste', 'poles', 'products']
Dokument 2420: ['gain', 'manufactured', 'income', 'holdings', 'additional', 'opportunity', 'farmers', 'great', 'food', 'products']
Dokument 2421: ['spouses', 'household', 'regards', 'includes', 'members', 'special', '2014', 'investments', 'agri', 'processing']
Dokument 2422: ['destined', 'principle', 'type', 'success', 'activity']
Dokument 2423: ['rdp', '300', 'maximum', '2014', 'implementation', 'received', 'pln', 'thousand', 'aid', '2020']
Dokument 2424: ['incurred', 'implements', 'farmer', 'restructuring', 'finance', 'eligible', 'modernisation', 'agency', 'costs', 'called']
Dokument 2425: ['processing', 'machinery', 'storage', 'alia', 'inter', 'purchase', 'preparing', 'intended', 'equipment', 'granted']
Dokument 2426: ['purchasing', 'control', 'apparatus', 'measuring', 'finished', 'preventing', 'semi', 'manufacture', 'storage', 'products']
Dokument 2427: ['production', 'processing', 'preserving', 'fruit', 'meat', 'alia', 'covers', 'inter', 'potatoes', 'juices']
Dokument 2428: ['cucumbers', 'produced', 'recognised', 'pickled', 'industrial', 'brands', 'methods', 'hope', 'supply', 'holdings']
Dokument 2429: ['applies', 'honey', 'bread', 'milk', 'cheese']
Dokument 2430: ['industrially', 'food', 'matches', 'invite', 'doubt', 'qualities', 'let', 'tourism', 'holdings', 'produced']
Dokument 2431: ['harvested', 'snow', 'crown', 'alps', 'peaks', 'flaunt', 'proudly', 'apiary', 'freshly', 'decorated']
Dokument 2432: ['headcheese', 'sparkling', 'subtle', 'tempting', 'board', 'pudding', 'colours', 'mosaic', 'redness', 'aromatic']
Dokument 2433: ['appétit', 'bon']
Dokument 2434: ['palate', 'time']
Dokument 2435: ['vanity', 'joy', 'hunger', 'loved', 'difficulty', 'satisfy', 'intellectual', 'pleasure', 'ones', 'meal']
Dokument 2436: ['gaining', 'recognition', 'markets', 'foreign', 'food', 'polish']
Dokument 2437: ['obtained', '22', 'regions', 'access', 'various', 'markets', 'world', 'year', 'products']
Dokument 2438: ['african', 'kazakhstan', 'south', 'china', 'major', 'markets']
Dokument 2439: ['food', 'autumn', 'polagra', 'poznań', 'seen', 'achievements', 'fair', 'international', 'industry', 'trade']
Dokument 2440: ['feast', 'fair', 'industry', 'traditional', 'food']
Dokument 2441: ['presenting', 'primarily', 'achievements', 'exhibition', 'largest', 'central', 'fair', 'industry', 'europe', 'eastern']
Dokument 2442: ['attractive', 'event']
Dokument 2443: ['exhibitors', '200', 'nearly', '30', 'fair', 'countries']
Dokument 2444: ['marks', 'fine', 'try', 'receive', 'representatives', 'tradition', 'company', 'fair', 'quality', 'food']
Dokument 2445: ['193', 'marks', '48', 'received', 'producers', 'products']
Dokument 2446: ['programme', 'food', 'identify', 'easier', 'fine', 'try', 'making', 'highest', 'rural', 'consumers']
Dokument 2447: ['freshest', 'harvest', 'immediately', 'jams', 'perfect', 'aroma', 'interesting', 'preserves', 'october', 'just']
Dokument 2448: ['accompanying', 'food', 'gourmets', 'dedicated', 'polagra', 'regions', 'tastes', 'fair', 'regional', 'producers']
Dokument 2449: ['voivodeships', 'exhibitors', '200', '2016', 'delicacies', 'recipes', '16', 'presented', 'old', 'according']
Dokument 2450: ['breads', 'wines', 'cordials', 'honeys', 'jams', 'mass', 'voivodeships', 'exhibitors', 'advantage', 'cakes']
Dokument 2451: ['generation', 'components', 'manufacture', 'passed', 'derived', 'recipes', 'holdings', 'family', 'using', 'highest']
Dokument 2452: ['chamber', 'products', 'governments', 'heritage', 'winners', 'self', 'selected', 'regions', 'competition', 'tastes']
Dokument 2453: ['chamber', '2000', 'wonderful', 'original', 'think', 'proved', 'organised', 'representatives', 'competition', 'offered']
Dokument 2454: ['cheese', 'generation', 'wilderness', 'kabanos', 'twirls', 'kolaches', 'heather', 'redykołka', 'hunter', 'oscypek']
Dokument 2455: ['character', 'stressed', 'regions', 'tastes', 'international']
Dokument 2456: ['ginseng', 'rice', 'korean', 'hams', 'specialities', 'olive', 'italian', 'oil', 'red', 'delicacies']
Dokument 2457: ['appetite', 'podlasie']
Dokument 2458: ['mazowsze', 'lechites', 'sie', 'podla', 'separated', 'wall', 'russia', 'border', 'lithuania', 'located']
Dokument 2459: ['clash', 'teutonic', 'ruthenian', 'yotvingian', 'influences', 'lithuanian', 'land', 'used', 'polish']
Dokument 2460: ['nations', 'visible', 'centuries', 'old', 'republic']
Dokument 2461: ['lithuanians', 'jews', 'belarusians', 'karaites', 'tatars', 'germans', 'preserved', 'heritage', 'rich', 'podlasie']
Dokument 2462: ['determines', 'mosaic', 'magnificent', 'tourist', 'attractiveness', 'nature', 'real', 'tastes', 'addition', 'great']
Dokument 2463: ['inhabiting', 'multiculturalism', 'richness', 'undergrowth', 'cradle', 'bug', 'venison', 'narew', 'lakes', 'biebrza']
Dokument 2464: ['carrots', 'meat', 'kugel', 'kreplech', 'tykocin', 'obligatorily', 'gefilte', 'czenaki', 'samogitian', 'jeleniewo']
Dokument 2465: ['lithuania', 'dish', 'wandering', 'regarded', 'caucasus', 'crimea', 'changing', 'centuries', 'ingredients', 'today']
Dokument 2466: ['bread', 'traditional', 'motules', 'flags', 'augustów', 'puńsk', 'wholemeal', 'brown', 'sweet', 'baked']
Dokument 2467: ['crumpets', 'belarusian', 'pampuszki', 'gryczaniki', 'sūris', 'oładzie', 'obuolių', 'filled', 'lithuanian', 'buckwheat']
Dokument 2468: ['kumpia', 'kindziuk', 'pates', 'bone', 'game', 'lithuanian', 'ham', 'meats', 'cold', 'pork']
Dokument 2469: ['forgotten', 'treasury', 'recipes', 'technologies', 'unique', 'region']
Dokument 2470: ['narewka', 'gródek', 'refrigerators', 'chimney', 'immersed', 'salted', 'lard', 'vicinity', 'marinated', 'couple']
Dokument 2471: ['cucumbers', 'barrels', 'kruszewo', 'immersed', 'crispy', 'narew', 'ago', 'pickled', 'river', 'tasty']
Dokument 2472: ['generation', 'kruszewo', 'speciality', 'sauerkraut', 'passed', 'wonderful', 'cucumbers', 'recipes', 'addition', 'according']
Dokument 2473: ['potato', 'supraśl', 'champion', 'title', 'housewives', 'baking', 'compete', 'famous', 'podlasie', 'sausage']
Dokument 2474: ['potato', 'dumplings', 'kapuściaki', 'flatbread', 'kakory', 'farszynki', 'cepeliny', 'kartacze', 'lentils', 'blinis']
Dokument 2475: ['dish', 'lenten', 'kissel', 'bielsk', 'overcooked', 'oatmeal', 'podlaski', 'eve', 'poured', 'consumed']
Dokument 2476: ['supper', 'gruszownik', 'compote', 'pears', 'onions', 'eve', 'eaten', 'chopped', 'christmas', 'dried']
Dokument 2477: ['meats', 'cold', 'mushrooms', 'fish']
Dokument 2478: ['fish', 'surprising', 'undergrowth', 'occupied', 'abundant', 'lakes', 'forests', 'rivers', 'podlasie', 'land']
Dokument 2479: ['lipsk', 'swamps', 'puree', 'cranberries', 'cordials', 'manufacture', 'grow', 'jam', 'biebrza', 'forests']
Dokument 2480: ['abundantly', 'bug', 'drawn', 'treasury', 'inhabitants', 'herbs', 'real', 'areas', 'local']
Dokument 2481: ['herbal', 'fabulous', 'koryciny', 'cordials', 'specialities', 'famous', 'including']
Dokument 2482: ['grass', 'bison', 'immemorial', 'spirit', 'registry', 'białowieża', 'vicinity', 'drinks', 'sweet', 'famous']
Dokument 2483: ['abounding', 'axis', 'bug', 'podlasie', 'fish']
Dokument 2484: ['crucians', 'tench', 'fished', 'bream', 'catfish', 'eel', 'pike', 'large', 'people']
Dokument 2485: ['rafting', 'gloger', 'zygmunt', 'abundance', 'narew', 'biebrza', 'noted', 'rivers', 'report', 'podlasie']
Dokument 2486: ['ides', 'scubele', 'burbots', 'roach', 'bream', 'mentions', 'perch', 'pike']
Dokument 2487: ['crayfish', 'river', 'spinycheek', 'stray', '19th', 'catfish', 'replaced', 'narew', 'lakes', 'imported']
Dokument 2488: ['crayfish', 'river', 'spinycheek', 'stray', '19th', 'catfish', 'replaced', 'narew', 'lakes', 'imported']
Dokument 2489: ['beaver', 'scaly', 'tail', 'lent', 'consumed', 'delicacy', 'treated', 'like', 'fish', 'time']
Dokument 2490: ['łomża', 'skustele', 'inns', 'rajgród', 'restaurants', 'narew', 'biebrza', 'dishes', 'prepared', 'traditional']
Dokument 2491: ['eel', 'scales', 'potted', 'pate', 'marinade', 'rajgród', 'bream', 'perch', 'zander', 'dill']
Dokument 2492: ['glacial', 'cousin', 'hańcza', 'wigry', 'whitefish', 'vendace', 'lakes', 'deep', 'smaller', 'catch']
Dokument 2493: ['devil', 'monastery', 'friars', 'undertones', 'devilish', 'tempting', 'lake', 'wigry', 'legend', 'whitefish']
Dokument 2494: ['prohibition', '19th', 'wigry', 'quantity', 'whitefish', 'catch', 'early', 'century', 'end', 'small']
Dokument 2495: ['restocked', 'sought', 'rare', 'war', 'population', 'fish']
Dokument 2496: ['wigry', 'lentil', 'folwark', 'stary', 'soczewiaki', 'zander', 'serves', 'park', 'catfish', 'vendace']
Dokument 2497: ['cake', 'characteristic', 'suwałki', 'region', 'decorative', 'spit', 'knots', 'exceptionally', 'baumkuchen', 'germans']
Dokument 2498: ['settlers', 'prussian', 'bankuchen', 'baumkuchen', 'integral', 'northern', 'probably', 'lithuanian', 'centuries', 'borders']
Dokument 2499: ['anthill', 'interesting', 'cake']
Dokument 2500: ['leafs', 'crisp', 'enchants', 'pyramid', 'soaked', 'raisins', 'sprinkled', 'anthill', 'appearance', 'poppy']
Dokument 2501: ['cake', 'northeastern', 'decorativeness', 'wedding', 'anthill', 'apart', 'sękacz', 'currently', 'popular', 'poland']
Dokument 2502: ['daughter', 'anthill', 'mother', 'passed', 'sejny', 'lithuanian', 'preparing', 'method', 'families', 'cake']
Dokument 2503: ['cake', 'horseshoe', 'stuliściec', 'karaitic', 'trakai', 'metre', 'layered', 'chimney', 'puńsk', 'raisins']
Dokument 2504: ['rolling', 'stretched', 'kneaded', 'pillow', 'hour', 'wedding', 'layers', 'filled', 'delicacy', 'requires']
Dokument 2505: ['biebrza', 'mazurek', 'drowned', 'bake', 'surfaces', 'housewives', 'yeast', 'baking', 'ready', 'dough']
Dokument 2506: ['wedding', 'inherently', 'newlyweds', 'happiness', 'figurines', 'married', 'ceremonial', 'korowaj', 'pastry', 'couple']
Dokument 2507: ['siemiatycze', 'fashion', 'korowaj', 'ordered', 'workshops', 'numerous', 'podlasie', 'cake', 'today', 'regional']
Dokument 2508: ['honeys', 'collected', 'białowieża', '17th', 'certificates', 'territory', 'appreciated', 'cheeses', 'early', 'forest']
Dokument 2509: ['lipiec', 'praised', 'henryk', 'sienkiewicz', 'honey', 'region']
Dokument 2510: ['uplifted', 'melliferous', 'crowns', 'lime', 'wrote', 'białowieża', 'trees', 'extremely', 'gave', 'aroma']
Dokument 2511: ['multiflorous', 'ecologically', 'lazdijai', 'vicinity', 'designations', 'honeys', 'clean', 'register', 'meadows', 'lithuanian']
Dokument 2512: ['beekeepers', 'honeys', 'jointly', 'promoting', 'unique', 'example', 'positive', 'international', 'cooperation']
Dokument 2513: ['conducive', 'valleys', 'immemorial', 'overgrown', 'succulent', 'cows', 'bug', 'grass', 'cattle', 'situated']
Dokument 2514: ['attraction', 'rustic', 'famous', 'cheeses', 'podlasie', 'holdings', 'today', 'culinary', 'small', 'region']
Dokument 2515: ['cheeses', 'janowski', 'klinek', 'swojski', 'rennet', 'koryciński', 'wiżajny', 'cows', 'ripened', 'narew']
Dokument 2516: ['krynki', 'kruszyniany', 'mineral', 'commune', 'tatar', 'village', 'situated', 'belarus', 'northern', 'famous']
Dokument 2517: ['diaspora', 'mosque', 'settlement', 'dates', 'tatar', 'historic', '17th', 'century', 'history', 'open']
Dokument 2518: ['nourished', 'tatars', 'heritage', 'tourism', 'farms', 'agri', 'culinary', 'local']
Dokument 2519: ['stuffed', 'meat', 'kolduny', 'pieremiacze', 'triangular', 'pouches', 'samsa', 'mutton', 'tatar', 'shaped']
Dokument 2520: ['cake', 'helical', 'listkowiec', 'multilayer', 'mutton', 'goosemeat', 'pierekaczewnik', 'poppy', 'stuffed', 'yeast']
Dokument 2521: ['pierekaczewnik', 'speciality', 'guaranteed', 'registered', 'traditional', 'eu']
Dokument 2522: ['biebrza', 'primeval', 'swamps', 'survived', 'valley', 'unchanged', 'complex', 'valuable', 'tastes', 'unique']
Dokument 2523: ['photographers', 'trackers', 'paradise', 'bird', 'anglers', 'life', 'scientists']
Dokument 2524: ['czarna', 'canal', 'netta', 'hańcza', 'flowing', 'augustów', 'route', 'lovers', 'sports', 'favourite']
Dokument 2525: ['housewives', 'inspiration', 'river', 'environment', 'source', 'culinary', 'local']
Dokument 2526: ['restaurants', 'biebrza', 'delicacies', 'tourism', 'farms', 'served', 'agri', 'local']
Dokument 2527: ['marshes', 'cranberries', 'unusual', 'biebrza', 'characterised', 'taste']
Dokument 2528: ['goniądz', 'venison', 'exquisite', 'served', 'products']
Dokument 2529: ['land', 'wizna', 'grodno', 'białystok', 'region']
Dokument 2530: ['settled', 'ethnic', 'left', 'heritage', 'rich', 'cultural', 'groups', 'culinary', 'social']
Dokument 2531: ['nomenclature', 'monuments', 'architecture', 'survived', 'ancient', 'recipes', 'specific', 'culinary']
Dokument 2532: ['trail', 'handicraft', 'shutters', 'trails', 'stork', 'tatar', 'thematic', 'tourists', 'open']
Dokument 2533: ['trail', 'specialities', 'travelling', 'latest', 'podlasie', 'try', 'create', 'initiative', 'possible', 'culinary']
Dokument 2534: ['germans', 'like', 'taste', 'food', 'polish']
Dokument 2535: ['appreciated', 'arena', 'native', 'manufacturing', 'application', 'original', 'recipes', 'highly', 'technologies', 'materials']
Dokument 2536: ['noting', 'factor', 'competitiveness', 'price', 'technologies', 'worth', 'industry', 'new', 'poland']
Dokument 2537: ['strengths', 'reflected', 'changing', 'processed', 'highly', 'technologies', 'return', 'structure', 'innovation', 'benefit']
Dokument 2538: ['incessantly', 'ignore', 'assessing', 'bringing', 'balance', 'fact', 'results', 'agri', 'positive', '2003']
Dokument 2539: ['goods', 'agri', 'embargo', 'federation', 'food', 'russian', 'customers', 'introduction', 'maintain', 'managed']
Dokument 2540: ['agri', 'customer', 'concentrated', 'food', 'federal', 'sent', '80', 'sold', 'polish', 'major']
Dokument 2541: ['supplying', 'trading', 'comes', 'major', 'partners', 'germany', 'food', 'poland']
Dokument 2542: ['suppliers', 'fifth', 'ranked', 'german', '2015', 'largest', 'share', 'agri', 'level', 'country']
Dokument 2543: ['eur', 'billion', 'reached', '24', '2015', 'sales', 'value', 'total', 'country', 'countries']
Dokument 2544: ['compared', 'year', 'rose', 'rise', 'fold', 'meant', 'previous', 'sales', 'value', 'accession']
Dokument 2545: ['neighbour', 'agrifood', 'sent', 'western', '22', 'entire', 'value', 'export', 'polish']
Dokument 2546: ['period', 'viii', '2016', 'reached', '2015', 'goods', 'agri', 'germany', 'value', 'export']
Dokument 2547: ['industries', 'confectionery', 'customers', 'interested', 'vegetable', 'german', 'mainly', 'dairy', 'fruit', 'fish']
Dokument 2548: ['goods', 'fish', '840', 'quantity', 'accounted', 'german', 'sold', '2015', 'sales', 'largest']
Dokument 2549: ['dominated', 'herring', 'accounted', 'processed', 'turn', 'salmon', '60', 'smoked', '25', 'product']
Dokument 2550: ['394', 'item', 'meant', 'sales', 'poultry', 'amounted', 'share', 'second', 'value', 'level']
Dokument 2551: ['meat', 'chicken', 'referred', 'turkey', 'sales', '30', 'goose', 'half', '15', 'value']
Dokument 2552: ['occupied', 'hand', 'dairy', 'place', 'products']
Dokument 2553: ['sales', '295', 'representing', '2015', 'amounted', 'germany', 'eur', 'million']
Dokument 2554: ['cream', 'sales', 'milk', 'powder', 'curd', 'fresh', '24', 'half', 'cheese', 'value']
Dokument 2555: ['282', 'bakery', 'confectionery', 'brought', 'german', 'sales', 'great', 'level', 'group', 'eur']
Dokument 2556: ['biscuits', 'pastrybased', 'pies', 'crackers', 'snacks', 'salty', 'chips', 'spicy', 'sponge', 'wafers']
Dokument 2557: ['chocolate', 'products', 'cocoa', 'containing', 'recognition', 'won', 'german', 'consumers']
Dokument 2558: ['chocolate', '257', 'filled', 'kinds', '70', '2015', 'sales', 'various', 'amounted', 'product']
Dokument 2559: ['225', 'exporters', 'turn', 'brought', 'mushrooms', 'vegetables', 'germany', 'export', 'eur', 'million']
Dokument 2560: ['vegetables', 'champignons', '38', 'frozen', 'dried', '17', '27']
Dokument 2561: ['183', 'recognised', 'evidenced', 'considered', 'juices', 'western', 'neighbours', 'sales', 'product', 'fruit']
Dokument 2562: ['acclaimed', 'refer', '70', 'add', 'juice', 'apples', 'markets', 'value', 'world', 'polish']
Dokument 2563: ['sold', '171', 'italy', '2015', 'beef', 'product', 'germany', 'trade', 'eur', 'billion']
Dokument 2564: ['156', 'quantity', 'frozen', 'turn', 'sold', 'previous', 'largest', 'amounted', 'germany', 'fruit']
Dokument 2565: ['frozen', 'cherries', 'raspberries', 'strawberries', '28', '14', 'sales', 'largest']
Dokument 2566: ['germany', 'customer', 'flavours', 'grow', 'appreciate', 'hope', 'polish', 'agri', 'consumers', 'trade']
Dokument 2567: ['foam', 'story']
Dokument 2568: ['producer', 'beer', 'poland']
Dokument 2569: ['ancient', 'drink', 'beer']
Dokument 2570: ['sumer', 'mesopotamia', 'ians', 'bc', 'manufactured', 'early', '000']
Dokument 2571: ['spelt', 'material', 'raw']
Dokument 2572: ['ancestors', 'cereal', 'used']
Dokument 2573: ['anonymus', 'gallus', 'chronicler', 'appears', 'mention', 'beer', 'history', 'polish']
Dokument 2574: ['clergyman', 'geographer', 'jan', 'historian', 'długosz', 'diplomat', 'chronicler', 'described', 'golden', 'drink']
Dokument 2575: ['beginnings', 'notes', 'spelt', 'barley', 'wheat', 'presenting', 'instead', 'wine', 'beer', 'used']
Dokument 2576: ['hops', 'grades', 'millet', 'ages', 'middle', 'beer', 'making', 'mainly', 'better', 'used']
Dokument 2577: ['collapsed', 'partitions', 'traditions', 'times', 'old', 'polish', 'poland']
Dokument 2578: ['transformations', '90s', '20th', 'vistula', 'beer', 'century', 'making', 'developed', 'political', 'industry']
Dokument 2579: ['ranked', 'beer', 'terms', 'today', 'europe', 'production']
Dokument 2580: ['hectolitres', 'million', 'foam', '39', '43', 'golden', 'drink', '2016', '21', '2015']
Dokument 2581: ['contemporary', 'breweries', 'familiar', 'trends', 'dynamic', 'associated', 'local', 'small', 'development']
Dokument 2582: ['pasteurised', 'cultures', 'enthusiasts', 'beers', 'huge', 'containing', 'dark', 'light', 'range', 'live']
Dokument 2583: ['breweries', 'parallel', 'ideas', 'ways', 'recipes', 'return', 'innovative', 'old', 'develop', 'regional']
Dokument 2584: ['restored', 'rare', 'beers', 'reason', 'traditions', 'consumer', 'relatively', 'old', 'local']
Dokument 2585: ['specialists', 'followed', 'recognition', 'development']
Dokument 2586: ['beer', 'world', 'cup', 'bronze', 'medal', 'mentioning', 'beers', 'competitions', 'awarded', 'largest']
Dokument 2587: ['beer', 'portals', 'dedicated', 'beers', 'ranked', '2016', 'making', 'biggest', '20', 'according']
Dokument 2588: ['emergence', 'drinks', 'beers', 'resulted', 'dynamic', 'beer', 'promoting', 'events', 'regional', 'local']
Dokument 2589: ['hop', 'festival', 'beer', 'chmielaki', 'bieńkowskie', 'koźlaki', 'krasnostawskie', 'krasnystaw', 'makers', 'harvest']
Dokument 2590: ['lovers', 'latest', 'learn', 'beer', 'events', 'thanks', 'products']
Dokument 2591: ['tourism', 'development', 'undoubtedly', 'contribute', 'beer', 'agri']
Dokument 2592: ['small', 'region', 'breweries', 'quantities', 'beers', 'heritage', 'manufactured', 'exceptional', 'traditions', 'associated']
Dokument 2593: ['routes', 'deal', 'certainly', 'near', 'wine', 'beer', 'case', 'future']
Dokument 2594: ['try', 'happens', 'strength', 'diversified', 'beers', 'occasion', 'composition', 'interesting', 'flavour', 'excellent']
Dokument 2595: ['brewery', 'amber', 'breweries', 'local']
Dokument 2596: ['manufactures', 'beers', 'seven', 'fine', 'mark', 'try', 'quality', 'food']
Dokument 2597: ['credible', 'reliable', 'choose', 'award', 'mark', 'helps', 'given', 'agri', 'rural', 'information']
Dokument 2598: ['treasure', 'black', 'coal', 'berries', 'dark', 'hard', 'chokeberry', 'mainly', 'health', 'years']
Dokument 2599: ['aging', 'continents', 'residents', 'fight', 'herbs', 'society', 'old', 'healthy', 'age', 'diseases']
Dokument 2600: ['america', 'homeland', 'grows', 'vicinity', 'lakes', 'north', 'wild', 'chokeberry', 'great']
Dokument 2601: ['scandinavia', 'gardens', '20th', 'russia', 'beginning', 'century', 'brought', 'europe']
Dokument 2602: ['1978', 'planted', 'lublin', 'experimental', 'fields', 'chokeberry', 'region', 'poland']
Dokument 2603: ['chokeberry', 'fruit', '1984', 'growers', 'section', 'crop', 'attractive', 'considered', 'established', 'processing']
Dokument 2604: ['dynamically', 'producer', 'developing', 'chokeberry', 'largest', 'fruit', 'world', 'production', 'poland']
Dokument 2605: ['variety', 'eggert', 'melanocarpa', 'galicjanka', 'nero', 'aronia', 'plantations', 'setting', 'black', 'grown']
Dokument 2606: ['highyields', 'mechanical', 'harvesting', 'seedlings', 'selection', '40', 'possibility', 'guarantee', 'thanks', 'fruit']
Dokument 2607: ['environmentally', 'friendly', 'plant', 'chokeberry']
Dokument 2608: ['spraying', 'toxic', 'accumulate', 'traces', 'pesticides', 'pests', 'require', 'contain', 'elements', 'usually']
Dokument 2609: ['bush', 'height', 'reaching', 'chokeberry']
Dokument 2610: ['vegetatively', 'plantation', 'propagated', 'bushes', 'nurseries', 'tendency', 'seedlings', 'selection', 'intensive', 'seeds']
Dokument 2611: ['environmentallyfriendly', 'nurseries', 'seedlings', 'recommend', 'high', 'quality', 'polish']
Dokument 2612: ['seedlings', 'developed', 'yearold', 'vegetative', 'robustly', 'root', 'annual', 'basic', 'material', 'sold']
Dokument 2613: ['juice', 'plantations', 'concentrate', 'picked', 'processed', '40', '50', 'tonnes', 'thousand', 'fruit']
Dokument 2614: ['additive', 'concentrate', 'colouring', 'widely', 'juice', 'chokeberry', 'processing', 'fruit', 'industry', 'used']
Dokument 2615: ['food', 'aversion', 'synthetic', 'colourings', 'colouring', 'increasingly', 'application', 'popular', 'natural', 'industry']
Dokument 2616: ['jellies', 'gels', 'fillings', 'pleasant', 'marmalade', 'plum', 'beautiful', 'jams', 'jam', 'confectionery']
Dokument 2617: ['pectins', 'valuable', 'apple', 'addition', 'products']
Dokument 2618: ['bioactive', 'drying', 'lyophilised', 'technique', 'compounds', 'anthocyanins', 'fast', 'demand', 'recently', 'maintain']
Dokument 2619: ['cosmetic', 'functional', 'pharmaceutical', 'composition', 'beneficial', 'valuable', 'effect', 'makes', 'having', 'material']
Dokument 2620: ['unpalatable', 'eaten', 'style', 'fight', 'hope', 'chokeberry', 'life', 'raw', 'diseases']
Dokument 2621: ['antioxidant', 'polyphenolic', 'compounds', 'properties', 'content', 'strong', 'particularly', 'high']
Dokument 2622: ['kg', 'polyphenols', 'anthocyanins', 'contain', 'content', 'chokeberry', '20', 'fruit', '10']
Dokument 2623: ['catechins', 'phenolic', 'acids', 'chlorogenic', 'acid', 'polyphenolic', 'compounds', 'anthocyanins', 'contain', 'types']
Dokument 2624: ['better', 'explored', 'biological', 'properties', 'increasingly', 'interested', 'world', 'science']
Dokument 2625: ['object', '90s', 'intense', 'red', 'wine', 'early', 'studies']
Dokument 2626: ['attack', 'paradox', 'reduces', 'heart', 'effect', 'promoting', 'french', 'called', 'risk', 'health']
Dokument 2627: ['antioxidant', 'components', 'remain', 'properties', 'condition', 'healthy', 'help', 'fruit', 'good', 'years']
Dokument 2628: ['content', 'chokeberry', 'elderberry', 'blueberries', 'currants', 'polyphenols', 'compounds', 'anthocyanins', 'black', 'leader']
Dokument 2629: ['hue', 'anthocyanins', 'berries', 'black', 'dark']
Dokument 2630: ['red', 'owes', 'beautiful', 'dark', 'colour', 'wine', 'juice', 'chokeberry', 'similar']
Dokument 2631: ['chemical', 'hundreds', 'compounds', 'subject', 'carried', 'chokeberry', 'studies', 'present', 'scientific', 'fruit']
Dokument 2632: ['volunteers', 'cell', 'cultures', 'experimental', 'animals', 'carried', 'healthy']
Dokument 2633: ['arteriosclerosis', 'recommendable', 'preparations', 'prevention', 'chokeberry', 'products']
Dokument 2634: ['circulatory', 'premature', 'cardiac', 'death', 'cause', 'know', 'major', 'diseases']
Dokument 2635: ['stroke', 'attack', 'lowers', 'component', 'blood', 'permanent', 'heart', 'diet', 'pressure', 'chokeberry']
Dokument 2636: ['drinking', 'paradox', 'regular', 'observed', 'effect', 'juice', 'chokeberry', 'similar', 'france', 'polish']
Dokument 2637: ['prevention', 'cancers']
Dokument 2638: ['carcinogenic', 'metastases', 'mice', 'polyphenols', 'experiments', 'cancers', 'shown', 'smaller', 'receiving', 'diet']
Dokument 2639: ['neurodegenerative', 'prevention', 'diseases']
Dokument 2640: ['parkinson', 'alzheimer', 'impairment', 'function', 'brain', 'takes', 'age', 'diseases', 'result', 'place']
Dokument 2641: ['extracts', 'slowed', 'administering', 'polyphenolic', 'compounds', 'anthocyanins', 'rich', 'effective', 'changes']
Dokument 2642: ['glucose', 'tolerance', 'chlorogenic', 'supplement', 'acid', 'diabetics', 'increases', 'content', 'diet', 'chokeberry']
Dokument 2643: ['pancreatic', 'insulin', 'stimulate', 'cells', 'anthocyanins', 'produce', 'able']
Dokument 2644: ['uv', 'radiation', 'protect']
Dokument 2645: ['photooxidative', 'creams', 'polyphenols', 'skin', 'stress', 'chokeberry', 'protect']
Dokument 2646: ['rays', 'erythema', 'harmful', 'uv', 'gels', 'exposure', 'skin', 'exceeding', 'anthocyanins', 'dose']
Dokument 2647: ['eyesight', 'improve']
Dokument 2648: ['cataract', 'fragility', 'macular', 'capillary', 'pathological', 'microcirculation', 'antioxidants', 'slow', 'anthocyanins', 'diet']
Dokument 2649: ['eyesight', 'drivers', 'problem', 'professional', 'past', 'good']
Dokument 2650: ['eye', 'staring', 'strain', 'lasting', 'monitors', 'computer', 'problem', 'long', 'social']
Dokument 2651: ['regeneration', 'athletes', 'cyclists', 'rowers', 'physical', 'administered', 'observe', 'intense', 'effort', 'faster']
Dokument 2652: ['chokeberry', 'candied', 'attendants', 'pilots', 'miles', 'lyophilised', 'flight', 'earning', 'recommend', 'juice']
Dokument 2653: ['cosmic', 'spending', 'exposed', 'height', 'radiation', 'km', 'ground', 'hours', 'hundreds', 'annually']
Dokument 2654: ['harmful', 'antioxidants', 'reduced', 'diet', 'using', 'effects']
Dokument 2655: ['sickness', 'poisonings', 'chemicals', 'radiation', 'preparations', 'assist', 'effectively', 'treatment', 'chokeberry', 'fruit']
Dokument 2656: ['disaster', 'chernobyl', 'fukushima', 'happen', 'regardless', 'polyphenols', 'practice', 'valuable', 'effect', 'knowledge']
Dokument 2657: ['dictated', 'production', 'buying', 'profitability', 'customers', 'leader', 'price', 'reduction', 'low', 'chokeberry']
Dokument 2658: ['growers', 'chokeberry', 'fruit', 'aronia', 'negotiate', 'behalf', 'mission', 'contracts', 'polska', 'beneficial']
Dokument 2659: ['chokeberry', 'harvesters', 'enormous', 'gathered', 'seedlings', 'varieties', 'grown', 'knowledge', 'recipes', 'produce']
Dokument 2660: ['fruit', 'teas', 'lyophilised', 'jams', 'proper', 'diet', 'valuable', 'juices', 'produce', 'tasty']
Dokument 2661: ['developing', 'achievements', 'promoting', 'worth', 'fruit', 'world', 'country', 'production']
Dokument 2662: ['łapanowski', 'grzegorz', 'fork', 'founder', 'talking', 'chef', 'foundation', 'famous', 'school', 'president']
Dokument 2663: ['plate', 'winter']
Dokument 2664: ['phrase', 'hear', 'thinking', 'plate', 'winter']
Dokument 2665: ['question', 'winter', 'like', 'great']
Dokument 2666: ['plates', 'diversified', 'season', 'winter', 'good']
Dokument 2667: ['inspiring', 'reflection', 'map', 'climate', 'opinion', 'vegetables', 'place', 'poland']
Dokument 2668: ['happy', 'expanded', 'makes', 'range', 'significantly', 'winter', 'fact', 'vegetables']
Dokument 2669: ['beets', 'covers', 'potatoes', 'cabbage']
Dokument 2670: ['beets', 'attention', 'pay', 'variety']
Dokument 2671: ['colourful', 'swede', 'salsify', 'carrots', 'beets', 'black', 'buy', 'market']
Dokument 2672: ['jerusalem', 'artichoke', 'ago', 'popular', 'years']
Dokument 2673: ['sprout', 'renaissance', 'brussels', 'vegetable', 'great']
Dokument 2674: ['blanched', 'ways', 'cooked', 'baked', 'prepared']
Dokument 2675: ['cistus', 'tuber', 'salad', 'kale', 'divided', 'leaves', 'type', 'winter', 'cold', 'just']
Dokument 2676: ['cistus', 'tuber', 'salad', 'kale', 'divided', 'leaves', 'type', 'winter', 'cold', 'just']
Dokument 2677: ['rooted', 'deeply', 'pickled', 'kinds', 'flagship', 'element', 'course', 'tradition', 'vegetables', 'culinary']
Dokument 2678: ['mentioned', 'vegetables']
Dokument 2679: ['resort', 'happy', 'stereotypes', 'fatty', 'heavy', 'talking', 'makes', 'winter', 'cuisine', 'especially']
Dokument 2680: ['colourful', 'green', 'healthy']
Dokument 2681: ['heavy', 'winter', 'course', 'does', 'cuisine', 'need']
Dokument 2682: ['different', 'chickpeas', 'turns', 'suddenly', 'tens', 'lentils', 'peas', 'spelt', 'groats', 'beans']
Dokument 2683: ['basket', 'window', 'beautifully', 'diversified', 'weather', 'soil', 'colourful', 'poured', 'corresponding', 'slightly']
Dokument 2684: ['skillfully', 'beautiful', 'plate', 'approach', 'products']
Dokument 2685: ['jerusalem', 'artichoke', 'celery', 'colourful', 'cut', 'plate', 'carrots', 'beets', 'wonderful', 'ways']
Dokument 2686: ['meat', 'relies', 'famous', 'course', 'poland']
Dokument 2687: ['quality', 'rely', 'abundance', 'today', 'consumers', 'world', 'meat', 'high']
Dokument 2688: ['duckmeat', 'goosemeat', 'menu', 'permanent', 'element', 'november', 'produce', 'pork', 'particularly', 'long']
Dokument 2689: ['rooted', 'deeply', 'pickled', 'preserves', 'element', 'mentioned', 'general', 'tradition', 'culinary', 'products']
Dokument 2690: ['grandmothers', 'mothers', 'winter']
Dokument 2691: ['trendy', 'pickling', 'simply', 'cucumbers', 'home']
Dokument 2692: ['think', 'trend', 'come', 'did']
Dokument 2693: ['pantry', 'cucumbers', 'pickled', 'famous', 'cabbage', 'modern', 'vegetables', 'popular']
Dokument 2694: ['domanowski', 'researcher', 'says', 'jarosław', 'simply', 'things', 'history', 'old', 'culinary', 'new']
Dokument 2695: ['pickled', 'issue', 'think', 'way', 'vegetables']
Dokument 2696: ['case', 'fermentation', 'flavours', 'ripening', 'ingredient', 'build', 'ways', 'meats', 'cheeses', 'wine']
Dokument 2697: ['simplest', 'stewed', 'pickled', 'cooked', 'baked', 'cabbage', 'example']
Dokument 2698: ['expanding', 'possibilities', 'completely', 'obtain', 'flavour', 'range', 'culinary', 'new']
Dokument 2699: ['saying', 'direction', 'definition', 'trend', 'field', 'given', 'development']
Dokument 2700: ['word', 'definition', 'think', 'key', 'development']
Dokument 2701: ['deeper', 'aspect', 'specialised', 'art', 'going', 'culinary']
Dokument 2702: ['premium', 'talking', 'class', 'want', 'produce', 'vegetables']
Dokument 2703: ['talking', 'focus', 'meat', 'quality']
Dokument 2704: ['techniques', 'obtain', 'true', 'variety', 'using', 'vegetables', 'processing', 'product', 'new', 'development']
Dokument 2705: ['pickle', 'cucumbers', 'cabbage', 'addition']
Dokument 2706: ['radishes', 'example']
Dokument 2707: ['sort', 'inspiration', 'tomatoes', 'say', 'apples', 'eastern']
Dokument 2708: ['baron', 'aleksander', 'pickle', 'shown', 'chefs', 'warsaw']
Dokument 2709: ['wholesome', 'pickled', 'diet', 'tasty', 'terms', 'vegetables', 'important']
Dokument 2710: ['bombs', 'pantry', 'vitamin', 'contains', 'valuable', 'winter', 'particularly', 'traditional', 'polish']
Dokument 2711: ['blackcurrant', 'raspberry', 'sauerkraut', 'plums', 'beets', 'dried', 'juice', 'example']
Dokument 2712: ['cuisine', 'use']
Dokument 2713: ['sauerkraut', 'beets', 'cucumbers', 'pickled', 'garlic', 'like']
Dokument 2714: ['traditional']
Dokument 2715: ['yes']
Dokument 2716: ['honest', 'closest', 'pickled', 'heart', 'vegetables', 'traditional']
Dokument 2717: ['experiments', 'simply', 'appreciate', 'chance', 'eat', 'delicious', 'opinion', 'dishes', 'like', 'traditional']
Dokument 2718: ['fact', 'crispness', 'freshness', 'feeling', 'vitamins', 'sour', 'rich', 'source', 'juice', 'addition']
Dokument 2719: ['freshness', 'combination', 'winter', 'dishes', 'meat', 'important']
Dokument 2720: ['counterpoint', 'heavy', 'dishes']
Dokument 2721: ['accompaniment', 'glow', 'pressed', 'acidity', 'crispness', 'bit', 'breaking', 'freshly', 'rapeseed', 'tens']
Dokument 2722: ['sauerkraut', 'idea', 'soup', 'use', 'great']
Dokument 2723: ['beet', 'ingredient', 'finally', 'pickled', 'flagship', 'soups', 'sour', 'juice', 'polish']
Dokument 2724: ['miss', 'waiting', 'borsch', 'mother', 'mean', 'christmas', 'table', 'long', 'best', 'taste']
Dokument 2725: ['warm', 'pot', 'recommend', 'severe', 'want', 'winter', 'particularly']
Dokument 2726: ['compote', 'happy', 'spices', 'drink', 'dried', 'fruit']
Dokument 2727: ['resurrecting', 'drink', 'think', 'tasty', 'worth']
Dokument 2728: ['evokes', 'pleasant', 'associations', 'atmosphere', 'christmas', 'addition', 'traditional']
Dokument 2729: ['cooked', 'dried', 'fruit', 'good']
Dokument 2730: ['honeydew', 'cinnamon', 'pinch', 'frosty', 'ginger', 'podkarpacie', 'lots', 'cloves', 'absolutely', 'perfect']
Dokument 2731: ['relies', 'beef', 'poland']
Dokument 2732: ['exporter', 'non', 'meat', 'important', 'countries', 'eu']
Dokument 2733: ['beef', 'deadweight', '600', 'animals', 'live', '2015', 'tonnes', 'amounted', 'thousand', 'export']
Dokument 2734: ['tonnes', 'thousand', '69', '74', '64', 'exporters', 'spain', 'largest', 'markets', 'france']
Dokument 2735: ['occupied', 'fourth', '63', 'tonnes', 'thousand', 'place', 'export', 'poland']
Dokument 2736: ['export', 'evidences', 'concentration', '56', '54', 'accounted', '28', 'add', 'ireland', 'relatively']
Dokument 2737: ['beef', 'export', 'countries', 'animals', 'live', 'non', 'total', 'products', 'eu']
Dokument 2738: ['beef', 'export', 'animals', 'live', '13', '18', '2014', 'amounted', 'example', 'share']
Dokument 2739: ['remaining', 'internal', 'sold', 'union', 'market', 'european']
Dokument 2740: ['export', 'ranged', '32', 'similar', 'share', 'situation', 'beef', 'total', '10', '2011']
Dokument 2741: ['beef', 'accounted', 'animals', 'live', '2015', '12', 'total', 'export', 'products', 'polish']
Dokument 2742: ['uzbekistan', 'kong', 'hong', 'kazakhstan', 'herzegovina', 'bosnia', 'israel', 'countries', 'turkey', 'customers']
Dokument 2743: ['export', 'period', 'herzegovinain', 'deadweight', 'bosnia', 'countries', '62', 'accounted', '33', '2016']
Dokument 2744: ['increase', 'larger', '28', '16', 'amounted', 'average', 'export', 'eu']
Dokument 2745: ['differed', 'forefront', 'belonging', 'occurred', 'exporters', 'significantly', 'changes', 'increase', 'period', 'export']
Dokument 2746: ['46', 'remained', 'changed', '2015', 'tonnes', 'half', 'beef', 'thousand', 'germany', 'level']
Dokument 2747: ['tonnes', 'thousand', '36', '43', '37', 'ireland', 'decreased', 'spain', 'france', '15']
Dokument 2748: ['exporter', '2016', 'half', 'markets', 'beef', 'result', 'country', 'products', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 2749: ['beef', '246', 'offal', 'weight', 'seven', '2016', 'animals', 'live', 'months', 'previous']
Dokument 2750: ['beef', 'export', 'meat', 'resultant', 'chilled', 'offal', 'cattle', 'frozen', 'decreased', '16']
Dokument 2751: ['export', 'chilled', 'quantitative', 'dominant', 'occupied', 'frozen', '90', 'fresh', 'structure', 'position']
Dokument 2752: ['netherlands', 'exported', 'italy', 'mainly', 'germany', 'including', 'meat', 'countries', 'eu']
Dokument 2753: ['herzegovina', 'israel', 'bosnia', 'customers', 'major', 'countries']
Dokument 2754: ['beef', 'accounts', 'animals', '80', 'live', 'export', 'production', 'products', 'poland']
Dokument 2755: ['exporting', 'union', 'countries', 'european']
Dokument 2756: ['beef', 'proportion', 'consumption', 'relatively', 'low', 'results', 'level', 'export', 'high', 'production']
Dokument 2757: ['price', 'depreciation', 'zloty', 'cattle', 'difference', 'promoted', 'relation', 'recently', 'polish', 'euro']
Dokument 2758: ['slowly', 'decreasing', 'difference', 'relatively', 'prices', 'large']
Dokument 2759: ['price', 'r3', 'cattle', 'expressed', 'aged', '2016', 'category', '17', 'months', '24']
Dokument 2760: ['beef', 'driving', 'animals', 'force', 'live', 'term', 'long', 'export', 'production', 'development']
Dokument 2761: ['tonnes', 'thousand', '325', '475', 'deadweight', '46', '2015', '2003', 'increased', 'production']
Dokument 2762: ['2016', 'higher']
Dokument 2763: ['highest', 'quality', 'products']
Dokument 2764: ['promotes', 'food', 'fine', 'run', 'try', 'ministry', 'rural', 'agriculture', '2004', 'programme']
Dokument 2765: ['mark', '200', 'manufactured', 'beginning', '500', 'granted', 'producers', 'programme', 'products']
Dokument 2766: ['inalterability', 'quality', 'tested', 'distinguished', 'packaging', 'fine', 'placed', 'choose', 'mark', 'helps']
Dokument 2767: ['fine', 'mark', 'try', 'granted', 'quality', 'food']
Dokument 2768: ['controlled', 'labelled', 'constantly', 'products']
Dokument 2769: ['193', 'marks', '48', 'given', 'producers', 'year', 'products']
Dokument 2770: ['682', 'ogrodowa', 'osmgarwolin', 'wola', '410', 'rębkowska', '1946', 'garwolin', '08', 'osm']
Dokument 2771: ['cooperative', 'prizes', 'produces', 'curd', 'numerous', 'butter', 'creation', 'awarded', 'dairy', 'cheese']
Dokument 2772: ['garwoliński', 'extra', 'natural', 'garwolińska', 'carton', '1l', 'garwolin', 'buttermilk', 'vacuum', 'greaseproof']
Dokument 2773: ['siedlce', 'cooperative', '1931', '632', 'kazimierzowska', '110', '08', 'combines', 'okręgowa', 'art']
Dokument 2774: ['siedlce', 'cooperative', '1931', '632', 'kazimierzowska', '110', '08', 'combines', 'okręgowa', 'art']
Dokument 2775: ['introduces', 'solely', 'preservatives', 'adding', 'acting', 'customers', 'manufacturing', 'environment', 'concern', 'ingredients']
Dokument 2776: ['curd', 'fat', 'cheese', 'wedge', 'block', 'medium', 'low', 'cheesecakes', 'minced', 'paper']
Dokument 2777: ['humerczyk', 'os', 'huszczak', 'rataje', 'dębowe', 'chodzież', '282', '64', '67', 'ago']
Dokument 2778: ['specialises', 'producing', 'fried', 'promoting', 'healthy', 'natural', 'cheese', 'product', 'high', 'quality']
Dokument 2779: ['combining', 'conforms', 'frying', 'applicable', 'method', 'technology', 'standards', 'modern', 'cheese', 'traditional']
Dokument 2780: ['combining', 'conforms', 'frying', 'applicable', 'method', 'technology', 'standards', 'modern', 'cheese', 'traditional']
Dokument 2781: ['200', 'fried', 'cheese', 'caraway', 'natural']
Dokument 2782: ['00', 'koło', '63', 'cooperative', '48', 'osmkolo', '1930', '272', '09', '262']
Dokument 2783: ['nowadays', 'experienced', 'continues', 'ensuring', 'technologies', 'traditions', 'modern', 'company', 'using', 'dairy']
Dokument 2784: ['powder', 'advanced', 'line', 'plant', 'launched', '2006', 'butter', '2008', 'largest', 'milk']
Dokument 2785: ['22000', 'iso', 'koło', 'conforms', 'osm', 'defined', 'standard', '2005', 'management', 'safety']
Dokument 2786: ['cream', 'soured', '18', '12', 'milk']
Dokument 2787: ['środa', 'jana', 'wielkopolska', 'dairy', 'newest', '285', 'com', 'daszyńskiego', 'invests', 'średzka']
Dokument 2788: ['środa', 'jana', 'wielkopolska', 'dairy', 'newest', '285', 'com', 'daszyńskiego', 'invests', 'średzka']
Dokument 2789: ['stracciatella', 'sprinkles', 'buttermilk', 'strawberry', 'kefir', 'chocolate']
Dokument 2790: ['lazur', '762', 'skalmierzyce', 'nowe', '62', '48', '460', 'kaliska', '58', '44']
Dokument 2791: ['elaborated', 'blue', 'exquisite', 'recipe', 'original', 'cheeses', 'supply', 'allow', 'company', 'experience']
Dokument 2792: ['błękitny', 'lazur', 'blue', 'cheese']
Dokument 2793: ['włocławek', '1935', 'kujawska', 'wysoka', '236', '07', '87', '54', '43', 'ul']
Dokument 2794: ['włocławekand', 'aleksandrów', 'kujawski', 'founded', 'owners', 'land', 'area']
Dokument 2795: ['packaging', 'noted', 'delicious', 'modern', 'excellent', 'taste', 'quality']
Dokument 2796: ['norm', 'conform', 'rigorous', 'requirements', 'new', 'products', 'polish']
Dokument 2797: ['curd', 'fat', 'plastic', 'wrap', 'medium', 'cubes', 'cheese', 'wedge', 'kujawski', 'kefir']
Dokument 2798: ['konin', '63', '48', '47', 'poznańska', '1912', '242', '510', '245', '243']
Dokument 2799: ['collecting', 'producing', '90', 'dairy', 'highest', 'quality', 'years', 'products']
Dokument 2800: ['milk', 'creams', 'haccp', 'modernized', 'drinks', 'ensures', 'processed', 'curd', 'cheeses', 'butter']
Dokument 2801: ['82', 'fat', 'butter']
Dokument 2802: ['286', 'łobżenica', '67', '48', 'wyrzyska', '1892', '310', 'osmlobzenica', '89', '00']
Dokument 2803: ['piła', 'łobżenica', 'district', 'commune', 'cooperative', 'currently', 'largest', 'dairy', 'place', 'work']
Dokument 2804: ['modernizing', 'introducing', 'lines', 'constantly', 'enhance', 'takes', 'worth', 'order', 'various', 'processing']
Dokument 2805: ['curd', 'fat', 'medium', 'cheese']
Dokument 2806: ['tomyśl', 'nowy', '44', '61', 'cooperative', '48', '22', 'tomysl', '1945', 'kolejowa']
Dokument 2807: ['1967', 'quality', 'distinctions', 'decorations', 'medals', 'products', 'customers', 'principle', 'mark', 'manufacturing']
Dokument 2808: ['machines', 'storage', 'uses', 'recipes', 'stage', 'control', 'modern', 'experience', 'processing', 'based']
Dokument 2809: ['wielkopolski', 'fried', 'cheese', 'mascrem', 'milkfat', 'wielkopolskie', '82', 'caraway', 'butter', 'spread']
Dokument 2810: ['wielogłowy', 'dominik', '311', 'zpm', 'zakład', '443', 'dąbrowa', 'mlecznego', 'przetwórstwa', 'biuro']
Dokument 2811: ['collecting', 'wholesale', 'firm', 'nearby', 'initial', 'limited', 'activities', 'milk', 'farmers']
Dokument 2812: ['line', 'bottling', 'drinks', 'manufacturing', 'curd', 'cream', 'created', 'later', 'milk', 'cheese']
Dokument 2813: ['dairy', 'wellknown', 'supplementing', 'sącz', 'outlet', 'nowy', 'wholesale', 'nowadays', 'products', 'appreciated']
Dokument 2814: ['łemkowyna', 'kefir', 'curd', 'fat', 'cream', '18', 'medium', 'natural', 'cheese', 'organic']
Dokument 2815: ['bukowiec', '284', '46', '67', '48', 'wyszyny', 'gramowscy', 'danmis', 'spółka', 'jawna']
Dokument 2816: ['bought', 'specialised', 'supervision', 'constant', 'veterinary', 'farms', 'milk']
Dokument 2817: ['healthful', 'location', 'qualities', 'methods', 'breeding', 'unique', 'ensure', 'natural', 'taste', 'products']
Dokument 2818: ['goat', 'yoghurt', 'blueberry', 'peach', 'strawberry']
Dokument 2819: ['255', 'czarnków', '67', 'cooperative', '48', 'kościuszki', 'osmczarnkow', '105', 'exclusively', '58']
Dokument 2820: ['fulfilment', 'principal', 'constant', 'concerning', 'manufacturing', 'expectations', 'aim', 'activity', 'requirements', 'dairy']
Dokument 2821: ['chilling', 'milking', 'machines', 'buys', 'equipped', '700', 'cooperative', 'farms', 'modern', 'milk']
Dokument 2822: ['tankers', 'collection', 'specialised', 'achieve', 'makes', 'highest', 'possible', 'product', 'direct', 'quality']
Dokument 2823: ['cream', '100', 'cheese', 'vanilla', 'banana', 'peach', 'raspberry', 'flavoured', 'cherry', 'strawberry']
Dokument 2824: ['grodzisk', '755', 'mazowiecki', '48', '22', 'osmgm', '825', '05', 'traugutta', '1944']
Dokument 2825: ['dairy', 'enjoying', 'trust', 'reputation', 'producer', 'appreciated', 'consumer', 'excellent', 'known', 'industry']
Dokument 2826: ['mission', 'firm', 'ensures', 'constantly', 'improve', 'care', 'safety', 'technology', 'high', 'production']
Dokument 2827: ['1993', 'mozzarella', 'specialised', 'producing', 'cheeses', 'cooperative']
Dokument 2828: ['mozzarella', 'kefir', '125', 'flavoured', 'light', 'grodziski', 'mini', 'brine', '220', 'strawberry']
Dokument 2829: ['skierniewice', '46', 'cooperative', '48', 'dairy', '833', 'sobieskiego', 'osmskierniewice', '834', '96']
Dokument 2830: ['rawa', 'żyrardów', 'łowicz', 'districts', 'employing', 'skierniewice', '150', '1000', 'composed', 'moment']
Dokument 2831: ['powdered', 'skierniewice', 'contacts', 'cooperative', 'markets', 'milk', 'thanks', 'world', 'export', 'trade']
Dokument 2832: ['1990s', 'modernized', 'developed', 'production']
Dokument 2833: ['ware', 'mozzarella', 'moment', 'cheese', 'important']
Dokument 2834: ['mozzarella', 'brine', 'balls', '125', '230', '250', 'smoked', '100']
Dokument 2835: ['kamos', 'kamienna', 'góra', 'towarowa', '744', 'enjoying', '58', 'firm', 'sekretariat', '400']
Dokument 2836: ['buys', 'suppliers', 'nowadays', '140', 'composed', '90', 'members', 'milk']
Dokument 2837: ['fulfilling', 'belongs', 'extra', 'rigorous', 'class', 'requirements', 'milk', 'eu']
Dokument 2838: ['suppliers', 'carefully', 'manufacture', 'cooperative', 'selected', 'members', 'milk', 'products']
Dokument 2839: ['cheese', 'blue', 'firm', 'couple', 'drinks', 'lines', 'curd', 'modern', 'milk', 'processing']
Dokument 2840: ['unalterable', 'preserving', 'qualities', 'efficiency', 'improved', 'taste', 'work']
Dokument 2841: ['kamiennogórski', 'blue', 'cheese']
Dokument 2842: ['cancelled', 'alternative', 'recommendation', 'reimbursement', 'vouchers', 'travellers', 'passengers', 'package', 'offered', 'covid']
Dokument 2843: ['faqs', 'asked', 'questions', 'frequently', 'beneficiaries', 'participants']
Dokument 2844: ['agenda', 'heart', 'modernisation', 'universities', 'european']
Dokument 2845: ['unless', 'stated', 'erasmus', 'funding', 'received', 'projects', 'programme', 'eu']
Dokument 2846: ['webinar', 'eden', 'series', 'pandemic', 'education', 'time']
Dokument 2847: ['corps', 'affecting', 'solidarity', 'taking', 'erasmus', 'available', 'changes', 'activities', 'place', 'coronavirus']
Dokument 2848: ['seeks', 'practice', 'promote', 'policy', 'europe']
Dokument 2849: ['horizon', 'funding', 'project', 'received', 'programme', '2020', 'eu']
Dokument 2850: ['lessons', 'astronomy', 'dutch', 'english', 'teachers', 'primary', 'online', 'discover', 'school', 'available']
Dokument 2851: ['fellows', 'msca', 'effort', 'date', 'making', 'pandemic', 'provide', 'information', 'projects', 'impact']
Dokument 2852: ['lab', 'ecosystem', 'teachers']
Dokument 2853: ['stem', 'education', 'scientix', 'maths', 'policymakers', 'promotes', 'collaboration', 'engineering', 'teachers', 'supports']
Dokument 2854: ['printable', 'suggested', 'lesson', 'teaching', 'accompanied', 'goals', 'materials']
Dokument 2855: ['educational', 'materials']
Dokument 2856: ['download', 'app', 'penji', 'planet', 'required', 'protects']
Dokument 2857: ['young', 'olds', 'intergenerational', 'seeks', 'fun', 'older', 'adults', 'skills', 'approach', 'values']
Dokument 2858: ['insects', 'cartoon', 'biocontrol', 'animated', 'videos', 'explaining', 'spectacular', 'minute', 'video', 'ups']
Dokument 2859: ['overview', 'tools', 'educational']
Dokument 2860: ['eden', 'distance', 'learning', 'network', 'european']
Dokument 2861: ['tools', 'funded', 'distance', 'learning', 'discover', 'erasmus', 'innovative', 'created', 'promoting', 'resources']
Dokument 2862: ['inquiry', 'lab', 'facilitates', 'laboratories', 'applications', 'learning', 'schools', 'online', 'initiative', 'use']
Dokument 2863: ['ict', 'stimulate', 'curriculum', 'approaches', 'objectives', 'learning', 'schools', 'improve', 'resources', 'open']
Dokument 2864: ['association', 'eadtu', 'flexible', 'teaching', 'institutional', 'distance', 'leading', 'online', 'open', 'universities']
Dokument 2865: ['open', 'learners', 'gamified', 'female', 'background', 'entrepreneurship', 'mind', 'online', 'innovative', 'promote']
Dokument 2866: ['marie', 'msca', 'curie', 'skłodowska', 'actions', 'funding', 'project', 'received', 'eu']
Dokument 2867: ['sundial', 'marie', 'msca', 'curie', 'skłodowska', 'actions', 'funding', 'received', 'eu']
Dokument 2868: ['distance', 'learning', 'exists', 'eden', 'understanding', 'professionals', 'network', 'knowledge', 'improve', 'share']
Dokument 2869: ['moos', 'registration', 'required', 'learning', 'platform']
Dokument 2870: ['registration', 'required', 'online', 'course']
Dokument 2871: ['eadtu', 'teaching', 'distance', 'association', 'universities', 'european']
Dokument 2872: ['registration', 'required', 'learning', 'platform']
Dokument 2873: ['smart', 'bio', 'biodiversity', 'talent', 'inclusive', 'blended', 'objectives', 'sustainable', 'strategy', 'line']
Dokument 2874: ['learning', 'arope', 'interactive', 'ict', 'programming', 'exclusion', 'technological', 'explore', 'poverty', 'skills']
Dokument 2875: ['msca', 'community', 'information', 'coronavirus']
Dokument 2876: ['creations', 'engaging', 'creative', 'develops', 'approaches', 'art', 'funded', 'project', 'based', 'education']
Dokument 2877: ['telecoms', 'digital', 'vital', 'media', 'play', 'role']
Dokument 2878: ['initiate', 'coordinate', 'complement', 'aspect', 'deal', 'pandemic', 'working', 'measures', 'coronavirus', 'commission']
Dokument 2879: ['digital', 'plan', 'action', 'education']
Dokument 2880: ['hackathon', 'digital', 'education']
Dokument 2881: ['education', 'upcoming', 'digital', 'review', 'mid', 'plan', 'learning', 'levels', 'online', 'action']
Dokument 2882: ['digital', 'education', 'hackathon', 'foster', 'awards', 'challenges', 'solutions', 'creation', 'global', 'age']
Dokument 2883: ['content', 'related']
Dokument 2884: ['digital', 'education', 'sets', 'plan', 'challenges', 'meet', 'opportunities', 'action', 'age', 'help']
Dokument 2885: ['includes']
Dokument 2886: ['national', 'contribute', 'financing', 'addition', '15', 'programme', 'countries', 'eu']
Dokument 2887: ['delegated', 'acts', 'implementing', '2016', 'adopted', 'end']
Dokument 2888: ['community', 'activities']
Dokument 2889: ['monitor', 'track', 'planned', 'programmes', 'data', 'used']
Dokument 2890: ['shoes', 'shampoo', 'soap', 'clothing', 'items', 'personal', 'essential', 'includes', 'use', 'food']
Dokument 2891: ['approach', 'cohesion', 'similar', 'used', 'funds']
Dokument 2892: ['addressing', 'introducing', 'amendments', 'entered', 'force', 'covid', '19', 'specific', 'april', 'crisis']
Dokument 2893: ['earmarked', 'fead', 'real', '2014', 'terms', 'period', 'billion', '2020']
Dokument 2894: ['national', 'approves', 'delivery', 'governmental', 'leading', 'decisions', 'individual', 'assistance', 'non', 'organisations']
Dokument 2895: ['evaluations', 'collected', 'rely', 'comparable', 'consistent', 'authorities', 'data', 'good', 'national', 'quality']
Dokument 2896: ['fead', 'community']
Dokument 2897: ['organisations', 'national', 'governmental', 'transparent', 'defined', 'objective', 'criteria', 'bodies', 'selected', 'non']
Dokument 2898: ['integrate', 'deprived', 'material', 'assistance', 'non', 'society', 'authorities', 'better', 'help', 'national']
Dokument 2899: ['money', 'available']
Dokument 2900: ['level', 'evaluations', 'perform', 'managing', 'does', 'authorities', 'state', 'member', 'commission', 'eu']
Dokument 2901: ['fiches', 'summary', 'fead', 'implementation', 'level', 'country', 'national']
Dokument 2902: ['fead', 'case', 'studies']
Dokument 2903: ['deprived', 'fead', 'supports', 'basic', 'material', 'actions', 'assistance', 'fund', 'provide', 'aid']
Dokument 2904: ['reports', 'summary', 'annual', 'achievements', 'parliament', 'council', 'level', 'commission', 'european', 'eu']
Dokument 2905: ['assistance', 'items', 'distributed', 'depending', 'wish', 'combination', 'choose', 'basic', 'obtained', 'type']
Dokument 2906: ['evaluate', 'responsibility', 'derived', 'fund', 'share', 'aid', 'member', 'states', 'commission', 'european']
Dokument 2907: ['precondition', 'addressing', 'deprived', 'esf', 'fead', 'follow', 'job', 'basic', 'supported', 'training']
Dokument 2908: ['simplifications', 'consolidated', '2018', 'version', 'amended', 'online', 'available']
Dokument 2909: ['deprived', 'fead', 'providing', '2016', 'network', 'established', 'assistance', 'community', 'open', 'membership']
Dokument 2910: ['deprived', 'fead', 'fund', 'aid', 'european']
Dokument 2911: ['organisations', 'partner', 'distribute', 'ask', 'buy', 'directly', 'goods', 'help', 'food']
Dokument 2912: ['organisations', 'purchases', 'purchase', 'supply', 'fund', 'authorities', 'make', 'goods', 'partner', 'national']
Dokument 2913: ['exclusion', 'steps', 'poverty', 'fead', 'help', 'social', 'people', 'support']
Dokument 2914: ['funded', 'snapshot', 'catalogues', 'highlight', 'potentially', 'complement', 'fead', 'initiatives', 'fund', 'programmes']
Dokument 2915: ['hand', 'inclusion', 'poverty', 'guidance', 'material', 'assistance', 'needs', 'help', 'measures', 'social']
Dokument 2916: ['managing', 'tasks', 'monitoring', 'guidance', 'supports', 'evaluation', 'authorities', 'commission']
Dokument 2917: ['fead', 'does', 'work']
Dokument 2918: ['legal', 'basis']
Dokument 2919: ['managing', 'fead', 'authorities', 'national']
Dokument 2920: ['linking', 'project', 'people']
Dokument 2921: ['welcomes', 'stemming', 'tackling', 'fighting', 'steps', 'bulgaria', 'focus', 'taken', 'impact', 'social']
Dokument 2922: ['mismi', 'hit', 'supporting', 'cohesion', 'covid', '19', 'project', 'policy']
Dokument 2923: ['remember', 'crisis', 'period', 'important']
Dokument 2924: ['roadmap', 'containment', 'lifting', 'communication', 'measures', 'coronavirus', 'european']
Dokument 2925: ['unnecessary', 'delays', 'burden', 'administrative', 'avoid', 'reduce', 'measure', 'help']
Dokument 2926: ['receiving', 'mid', 'advances', 'start', 'october', 'farmers']
Dokument 2927: ['topped', 'minimis', 'aid']
Dokument 2928: ['minimise', 'inspectors', 'physical', 'circumstances', 'contact', 'crucial', 'exceptional', 'current', 'farmers']
Dokument 2929: ['nonetheless', 'difficulties', 'pressure', 'facing', 'increasing', 'producers', 'farmers']
Dokument 2930: ['instruments', 'flexibility', 'rural', 'use', 'financial', 'development']
Dokument 2931: ['favourable', 'schedules', 'operational', '200', 'beneficiaries', 'payment', 'low', 'rates', 'costs', 'benefit']
Dokument 2932: ['areas', 'rural', 'direct', 'farmers', 'support']
Dokument 2933: ['efficient', 'chain', 'supply', 'food']
Dokument 2934: ['simplification', 'flexibility', 'cap', 'increased', 'measures']
Dokument 2935: ['passage', 'granted', 'goods', 'agri', 'including', 'food', 'products']
Dokument 2936: ['increase', 'flow', '85', 'cash', 'supports', '70', 'advances', '75', 'income', 'cap']
Dokument 2937: ['collaborate', 'continue', 'necessary', 'ensure', 'producers', 'farmers', 'health', 'measures', 'europe', 'people']
Dokument 2938: ['unparalleled', 'effect', 'having', 'society', 'economy', 'outbreak', 'coronavirus']
Dokument 2939: ['resilience', 'food', 'europeans', 'showing', 'continues', 'safe', 'provide', 'following', 'agri', 'sector']
Dokument 2940: ['advances', 'payments', 'higher']
Dokument 2941: ['aid', 'farm', 'maximum', 'benefit', '100', '000', 'temporary', 'farmers', 'framework', 'state']
Dokument 2942: ['possible', 'processing', 'farmers', 'aid', 'higher', 'state', 'companies', 'food']
Dokument 2943: ['crossing', 'border', 'designated', 'lanes', 'minutes', 'checks', 'exceed', 'green', 'points', 'key']
Dokument 2944: ['marketing', '800', 'maximum', 'benefit', 'processing', '000', 'companies', 'food']
Dokument 2945: ['amid', 'supporting', 'sectors', 'agriculture', 'coronavirus', 'food']
Dokument 2946: ['actor', 'feeding', 'chain', 'difficulties', 'face', 'hard', 'supply', 'despite', 'working', 'farmers']
Dokument 2947: ['eligibility', 'checks', 'met', 'carry', 'ensure', 'conditions', 'countries', 'eu']
Dokument 2948: ['tending', 'harvesting', 'functions', 'planting', 'critical', 'seasonal', 'season', 'workers', 'current', 'terms']
Dokument 2949: ['workplace', 'qualify', 'mobile', 'critical', 'guidelines', 'published', 'fight', 'practical', 'reach', 'workers']
Dokument 2950: ['closely', 'monitor', 'sectoral', 'contact', 'close', 'organisations', 'situation', 'countries', 'eu']
Dokument 2951: ['deadline', 'extended', 'offering', 'month', 'application', 'income', 'payments', 'rural', 'farmers', 'time']
Dokument 2952: ['operational', 'costs', 'guarantees', 'loans']
Dokument 2953: ['maintaining', 'remains', 'priorities', 'security', 'commission', 'food', 'european']
Dokument 2954: ['strong', 'security', 'food']
Dokument 2955: ['actors', 'involved', 'actions', 'necessary', 'taken', 'commission', 'support']
Dokument 2956: ['deadline', 'extension', 'applications', 'payment', 'cap']
Dokument 2957: ['lanes', 'coordinating', 'closely', 'creating', 'green', 'single', 'functioning', 'goods', 'ensure', 'market']
Dokument 2958: ['orientation', 'priorities', 'allow', 'management', 'funding', 'addition', 'crisis', 'measures']
Dokument 2959: ['concrete', 'difficulties', 'practical', 'facing', 'range', 'cap', 'certain', 'aims', 'requirements', 'meeting']
Dokument 2960: ['specific', '000', 'ceiling', 'approval', 'prior', 'type', 'cases', '25', 'granted', '20']
Dokument 2961: ['janusz', 'wojciechowski', 'commissioner', 'agriculture', 'european']
Dokument 2962: ['flexibility', 'cap']
Dokument 2963: ['marathon', 'real']
Dokument 2964: ['recover', 'overcome', 'crisis']
Dokument 2965: ['partnerships', 'solid', 'strengthened', 'immediate', 'neighbourhood', 'eu']
Dokument 2966: ['speed', 'qualifications', 'professional', 'recognition', 'workers', 'health']
Dokument 2967: ['checks', 'network', 'consumer', 'carried', 'authorities', 'protection', 'national', 'cooperation']
Dokument 2968: ['marathon', 'pledging', 'continue']
Dokument 2969: ['invite', 'contribute']
Dokument 2970: ['launch', 'raise', 'unprecedented', 'objective', 'relevant', 'organisations', 'partners', 'money', 'global', 'health']
Dokument 2971: ['engage', 'explore', 'practices', 'businesses', 'develop', 'citizens', 'best', 'financial', 'sector', 'commission']
Dokument 2972: ['movements', 'monitored', 'closely', 'adverse', 'avoid', 'price', 'consumer', 'effects']
Dokument 2973: ['deploy', 'corner', 'produce', 'develop', 'need', 'vaccine', 'world']
Dokument 2974: ['brought', '17', '500', 'home', '000', 'april', 'citizens', '2020', 'eu']
Dokument 2975: ['calls', 'europeans', 'preserving', 'protecting', 'single', 'medicines', 'access', 'ensure', 'april', 'public']
Dokument 2976: ['stranded', 'declared', '600', 'short', 'outside', 'beginning', 'travellers', 'term', 'eu', '000']
Dokument 2977: ['activate', 'support', 'quickly', 'proposed', 'emergency', 'instrument', 'directly', 'healthcare', 'systems', '14']
Dokument 2978: ['samples', 'concentrated', 'quantity', 'check', 'test', 'required', 'highly', 'material', 'control', 'small']
Dokument 2979: ['banking', 'households', '28', 'businesses', 'supporting', 'package', 'april', '2020', 'eu']
Dokument 2980: ['allowed', 'milk', 'sector', 'withdraw', 'collectively', 'flower', 'plan', 'potatoes', 'example', 'production']
Dokument 2981: ['lift', 'devices', 'vat', 'temporarily', 'duties', 'customs', 'protective', 'import', 'decided', 'equipment']
Dokument 2982: ['2020', 'recession', 'forecast', 'spring', 'recovery', 'economic']
Dokument 2983: ['citizens', 'benefitted', 'serbia', 'historically', 'switzerland', 'flights', 'turkey', 'norway', 'efforts', 'brought']
Dokument 2984: ['rakuten', 'cdiscount', 'ads', 'bing', 'microsoft', 'yahoo', 'google', 'amazon', 'aliexpress', 'ebay']
Dokument 2985: ['outlined', 'broadly', 'balkans', 'contribution', 'ahead', 'autumn', 'plan', 'longer', 'western', 'leaders']
Dokument 2986: ['beating', 'fronts', 'sustained', 'requires', 'actions', 'response', 'global', 'coronavirus']
Dokument 2987: ['mobilises', 'neighbouring', 'croatia', '21', 'italy', 'april', '2020', 'support', 'countries', 'eu']
Dokument 2988: ['mothership', 'recovery', 'der', 'leyen', 'von', '16', 'president', 'budget', 'april', 'europe']
Dokument 2989: ['europe', 'soul', 'brighter', 'tomorrow', 'shine', 'passionate', 'plea', 'courage', 'concluded', 'solidarity']
Dokument 2990: ['dispatched', 'bergamo', 'corps', 'nurses', 'coordination', 'norway', 'doctors', 'coordinated', 'romania', 'team']
Dokument 2991: ['republic', 'kosovo', 'albania', 'hashemite', 'tunisia', 'jordan', 'herzegovina', 'montenegro', 'bosnia', 'macedonia']
Dokument 2992: ['healthcare', '14', 'budget', 'april', 'sector', 'billion', '2020', 'support', 'eu']
Dokument 2993: ['shortages', 'issued', 'guidance', 'address', 'communication', 'provides', 'workers', 'help', 'health', 'member']
Dokument 2994: ['refocus', 'proposes', 'derogation', 'stabilise', 'storage', 'flexibility', 'priorities', 'private', 'exceptional', 'grant']
Dokument 2995: ['donations', 'crowd', 'foundations', 'individuals', 'fund', 'make', 'possible', 'member', 'states']
Dokument 2996: ['deploying', 'track', 'commitment', 'producing', 'developing', 'vaccine']
Dokument 2997: ['23', 'exceptional', 'april', 'measures', 'sector', 'agricultural', '2020', 'food', 'support']
Dokument 2998: ['firepower', 'generate', 'der', 'leyen', 'von', 'necessary', 'said', 'able', 'president', 'need']
Dokument 2999: ['neighbouring', '22', 'assistance', 'package', 'april', 'financial', 'billion', '2020', 'countries']
Dokument 3000: ['rebooting', 'resuming', 'safely', 'tourism', 'takes', 'action', '13', 'travel', 'europe', '2020']
Dokument 3001: ['renewables', 'renovation', 'restoration', 'clean', 'sustainable', 'nature', 'scale', 'investments', 'transport', 'large']
Dokument 3002: ['restoring', 'transportation', 'restore', 'strategy', 'recommendation', 'criteria', 'approach', 'overall', 'movement', 'tourism']
Dokument 3003: ['europe', 'mothership', 'driving', 'digital', 'recovery', 'green', 'budget', 'economy', 'eu']
Dokument 3004: ['businesses', 'help', 'locked', 'reopen', 'lift', 'precautions', 'holidays', 'respecting', 'recommendations', 'tourists']
Dokument 3005: ['shortages', 'helps', 'address', 'workers', 'health', '2020', 'member', 'states', 'commission']
Dokument 3006: ['pacific', '98', 'stranded', 'swiftly', '900', 'africa', 'asia', 'ongoing', 'coming', 'bring']
Dokument 3007: ['privacy', 'apps', 'voluntary', 'tracing', 'respecting', 'completely', 'approach', 'fully', '16', 'april']
Dokument 3008: ['gear', 'medication', 'hospitals', 'capacity', 'distribution', 'patients', 'methods', 'protective', 'instrument', 'movement']
Dokument 3009: ['budget', 'corona', 'adapt', 'circumstances', 'seven', 'post', 'term', 'long', 'crisis', 'year']
Dokument 3010: ['360', 'disinfectant', 'litres', 'austria', 'mechanism', 'italy', 'offered', 'medical']
Dokument 3011: ['coordinating', 'beginning', 'selected', 'response', 'common', 'projects', 'crisis', 'outbreak', 'coronavirus', 'commission']
Dokument 3012: ['postponing', '03', 'devices', 'duties', 'lifting', 'customs', 'regulation', 'protective', 'equipment', 'medical']
Dokument 3013: ['sharing', 'platform', 'researchers', 'data', '20', 'april', '2020', 'new', 'coronavirus']
Dokument 3014: ['01', 'reliable', 'testing', 'material', 'control', 'develop', 'scientists', 'april', '2020', 'new']
Dokument 3015: ['decisive', 'shock', 'responses', 'recession', 'swift', 'came', 'despite', 'pandemic', 'major', 'experience']
Dokument 3016: ['deprived', 'fishermen', 'receive', 'farmers', 'aid', 'support']
Dokument 3017: ['securing', 'jumpstart', 'investing', 'procurement', 'meant', 'single', 'supporting', 'jobs', 'equipment', 'euro']
Dokument 3018: ['transportation', 'swift', 'allocation', 'shortages', 'issued', 'adequate', 'vital', 'guidelines', 'medicines', 'supply']
Dokument 3019: ['globe', 'humanitarian', 'sanitary', 'providing', 'address', 'fight', 'assistance', 'needs', '15', 'public']
Dokument 3020: ['macedonia', 'montenegro', 'solidarity', 'delivered', 'resceu', 'north', 'masks', 'action', '11', '2020']
Dokument 3021: ['delivers', 'batch', 'solidarity', 'masks', 'action', 'workers', 'health', '2020', 'million', 'commission']
Dokument 3022: ['mobilisation', 'resolve', 'join', 'worldwide', 'governments', 'hope', 'civil', 'society', 'global', 'need']
Dokument 3023: ['lenders', 'listed', 'participating', 'finance', 'banks', 'website', 'directly', 'businesses', 'apply', 'access']
Dokument 3024: ['screenings', 'advertisements', 'subjected', 'misleading', 'platforms', 'content', 'recently', 'launched', 'online', 'ensure']
Dokument 3025: ['unity', 'extraordinary', 'showed', 'der', 'leyen', 'von', 'said', 'president', 'today', 'common']
Dokument 3026: ['blankets', 'tents', 'mattresses', 'serbia', 'austria', 'migrants', 'receive', 'country']
Dokument 3027: ['partnering', 'allocating', 'speed', 'pharmaceutical', 'tackle', 'tools', 'diagnostics', 'larger', 'treatments', 'proposals']
Dokument 3028: ['devices', 'medical', 'postpone', 'delays', 'saving', 'potentially', 'avoiding', 'lives', 'critical', 'shortages']
Dokument 3029: ['overalls', 'gloves', 'cheaper', 'availability', 'critical', 'masks', 'protective', 'import', 'decision', 'cases']
Dokument 3030: ['inclusive', 'responses', 'sustained', 'robust', 'facilitating', 'swift', 'limiting', 'path', 'unprecedented', 'economies']
Dokument 3031: ['pledging', 'launch', 'effort', 'global']
Dokument 3032: ['correct', 'timing', 'phasing', 'stabilise', 'fulfilled', 'require', 'containment', 'capacity', 'capacities', 'coordinated']
Dokument 3033: ['health', 'cater', '3billion', 'solidarity', 'systems', 'worth', 'initiative', 'needs', 'member', 'states']
Dokument 3034: ['research', 'urgently', '122', 'mobilised', 'needed', 'horizon', 'innovation', 'programme', '2020', 'million']
Dokument 3035: ['bluetooth', 'aggregated', 'save', 'proximity', 'voluntarily', 'privacy', 'apps', 'epidemiological', 'secure', 'supplying']
Dokument 3036: ['pledges', 'goal', 'initial', 'reach', 'worth', 'billion']
Dokument 3037: ['diagnostic', 'tests', 'supports', 'treatments', 'prevent', 'spread', 'systems', 'innovation', 'medical', 'develop']
Dokument 3038: ['tackling', 'balkans', '29', 'steps', 'western', 'april', 'crisis', '2020', 'coronavirus', 'commission']
Dokument 3039: ['obstacles', 'remove', 'fronts', 'save', 'ursula', 'standing', 'lives', 'professionals', 'leyen', 'von']
Dokument 3040: ['affirms', 'weather', 'availability', 'professionals', 'patients', 'communication', 'maintain', 'movement', 'rights', 'safety']
Dokument 3041: ['calls', 'availability', 'medicines', 'response', 'global', 'eu', 'ensure', '15', 'april', 'billion']
Dokument 3042: ['deployed', '07', 'corps', 'italy', 'medical', 'april', '2020', 'eu']
Dokument 3043: ['risks', 'unemployment', 'mitigating', 'support', 'mitigate', 'sure', 'quickly', 'emergency', 'launched', 'workers']
Dokument 3044: ['profound', 'speed', 'unprecedented', 'solidarity', 'requires', 'scale', 'response', 'impact', 'crisis', 'coronavirus']
Dokument 3045: ['117', 'diagnostics', 'treatments', '12', 'granted', '2020', 'million', 'coronavirus']
Dokument 3046: ['donors', 'universal', 'raised', 'worldwide', 'response', 'access', 'global', 'vaccines', 'billion', '2020']
Dokument 3047: ['redirect', 'proposed', 'structural', 'response', 'available', 'funds', 'coronavirus']
Dokument 3048: ['clarifies', 'speeds', 'professions', 'facilitates', 'nurses', 'practice', 'doctors', 'freedom', 'guidance', 'qualifications']
Dokument 3049: ['roadmap', 'recommendations', 'containment', 'lifting', 'forward', 'principles', 'european', 'key', 'president', 'council']
Dokument 3050: ['support', 'mask', 'delivery', 'recovery', 'mitigate', 'purchase', 'consequences', 'funded', 'masks', 'immediate']
Dokument 3051: ['copernicus', 'satellite', 'activated', 'monitor', 'map', 'facilities', 'italy', 'addition', 'activities', 'health']
Dokument 3052: ['scam', 'rogue', 'committed', 'false', 'actors', 'claims', 'protecting', 'online', 'promoting', 'pandemic']
Dokument 3053: ['response', 'trillion', 'collective', 'impressive', 'needed', 'leyen', 'der', 'von', 'despite', 'parliament']
Dokument 3054: ['accurately', 'negatives', 'assess', 'false', 'designed', 'tests', 'avoid', 'material', 'functioning', 'control']
Dokument 3055: ['accompany', 'tracing', 'phase', 'capacity', 'expanded', 'capacities', 'contact', 'treatments', 'care', 'testing']
Dokument 3056: ['considerations', 'flexible', 'distancing', 'epidemiological', 'containment', 'criteria', 'approach', 'application', 'allows', 'tourism']
Dokument 3057: ['deliver', 'prevention', 'diagnostics', 'treatments', 'von', 'der', 'leyen', 'bring', 'want', 'said']
Dokument 3058: ['instalments', 'weekly', 'weeks', 'delivered', 'masks', 'coming', 'additional', 'million']
Dokument 3059: ['mobilising', 'confirming', 'substantial', 'solidarity', 'strong', 'package', 'financial', 'eu']
Dokument 3060: ['instalments', 'weekly', 'weeks', 'delivered', 'masks', 'coming', 'emergency', 'instrument', 'additional', 'million']
Dokument 3061: ['shipments', 'eu', 'coordinates', 'requests', 'finances', 'neighbouring', 'delivery', 'mechanism', 'fight', 'civil']
Dokument 3062: ['pledges', 'invited', 'target', 'reach', 'organisations', 'make', 'help', 'world', 'billion', 'countries']
Dokument 3063: ['batch', 'delivered', 'masks', 'healthcare', '17', 'uk', 'protect', 'workers', 'medical', 'million']
Dokument 3064: ['2020', '7½', '2021', 'forecast', 'grow', 'contract', 'spring', 'projects', 'economy', 'economic']
Dokument 3065: ['fix', 'frameworks', 'eu', 'interpretative', 'prudential', 'accounting', 'quick', 'banking', 'households', 'lending']
Dokument 3066: ['leyen', 'von', 'der', 'bring', 'leaders', 'said', 'president', 'need', 'world', 'people']
Dokument 3067: ['doubles', 'prevening', 'scams', 'protecting', '30', 'april', 'consumers', '2020', 'commission', 'european']
Dokument 3068: ['consular', 'repatriation', 'flights', 'intense', 'carrying', 'bring', 'managed', 'restrictions', 'funding', 'home']
Dokument 3069: ['launches', 'pledging', 'effort', '27', 'partners', 'global', 'april', '2020', 'eu']
Dokument 3070: ['roadmap', 'containment', 'lifting', '15', 'april', 'measures', '2020', 'european']
Dokument 3071: ['disinformation', 'fighting', 'dedicated', 'launch', 'section', 'linked', '30', 'march', 'outbreak', '2020']
Dokument 3072: ['122', 'boosted', 'additional', 'funding', '19', 'research', '2020', 'million', 'coronavirus']
Dokument 3073: ['lies', 'balkans', 'clearly', 'assist', 'responsibility', 'von', 'der', 'leyen', 'western', 'partners']
Dokument 3074: ['revamped', 'recovery', 'plan', 'shape', 'heart', '24', 'term', 'long', 'budget', 'april']
Dokument 3075: ['preserve', 'sure', 'favourable', 'families', 'jobs', 'assistance', '100', 'provide', 'granted', 'terms']
Dokument 3076: ['fallout', 'macro', 'limit', 'neighbourhood', 'enlargement', 'proposed', 'aim', 'assistance', 'partners', 'package']
Dokument 3077: ['recovery', 'magnitude', 'thorough', 'deliver', 'trusted', 'tested', 'clearly', 'tasks', 'soon', 'assessment']
Dokument 3078: ['medical', 'million', 'initially', 'allocation', 'tools', 'stockpile', 'distribution', 'receiving', 'resceu', '300']
Dokument 3079: ['imi', 'track', 'diagnostics', 'fast', 'treatments', 'private', 'proposals', 'aimed', 'launched', 'medicines']
Dokument 3080: ['batch', 'delivered', 'masks', 'healthcare', '17', 'uk', 'protect', 'workers', 'medical', 'million']
Dokument 3081: ['tackling', 'proposal', 'targeted', 'strategy', 'team', 'efforts', 'comes', 'response', 'pandemic', 'addition']
Dokument 3082: ['data', 'clinical', 'research', 'sequences', 'collect', 'trials', 'dna', 'structures', 'epidemiological', 'protein']
Dokument 3083: ['lend', 'impacts', 'banking', 'mitigate', 'banks', 'continue', 'package', 'money', 'adopted', 'ensure']
Dokument 3084: ['investments', 'furthering', 'bulk', 'resilience', 'autonomy', 'deal', 'digital', 'improving', 'policies', 'transition']
Dokument 3085: ['sending', 'items', 'gloves', 'herzegovina', 'disinfectant', 'montenegro', 'macedonia', 'bosnia', 'balkans', 'austria']
Dokument 3086: ['equipment', 'procuring', 'finances', 'reserve', 'host', 'romania', 'resceu', 'purchase', 'masks', 'responsible']
Dokument 3087: ['cet', '3pm', 'ebs', 'monday', 'pledging', 'host', 'follow', 'leyen', 'von', 'der']
Dokument 3088: ['medical', 'detection', 'repurpose', 'surveillance', 'prevention', 'tools', 'digital', 'supplies', 'vital', 'funded']
Dokument 3089: ['global', 'kick', 'pledging', 'forces', 'diagnostics', 'worldwide', 'effort', 'joining', 'treatments', 'start']
Dokument 3090: ['countdown', 'starts', 'monday', 'marathon', 'pledging', 'final', 'response', 'global', '2020', 'coronavirus']
Dokument 3091: ['loaded', 'endeavour', 'protecting', 'single', 'right', 'balance', 'necessary', 'grants', 'investments', 'loans']
Dokument 3092: ['toolbox', 'warning', 'privacy', 'tracing', 'voluntary', 'forward', 'guidelines', 'contact', 'respect', 'establish']
Dokument 3093: ['data', 'microscopy', 'genomic', 'cloud', 'store', 'analyse', 'clinical', 'findings', 'wide', 'platform']
Dokument 3094: ['swiftly', 'proposed', 'exceptional', 'markets', 'following', 'measures', 'sector', 'agricultural', 'outbreak', 'coronavirus']
Dokument 3095: ['fund', 'european', 'unlock', 'relief', 'hit', 'consequences', 'strategic', 'businesses', 'funding', '100']
Dokument 3096: ['authoritative', 'updated', 'rely', 'sources', 'information', 'important']
Dokument 3097: ['expressions', 'pledge', 'ursula', 'contributes', 'der', 'leyen', 'von', 'launched', 'response', 'global']
Dokument 3098: ['tasked', 'collective', 'videoconference', 'shaping', 'european', 'leaders', '23', 'response', 'following', 'april']
Dokument 3099: ['million', '45m', '117', 'pharmaceutical', 'bringing', '72', 'initially', '45', 'medicines', 'innovative']
Dokument 3100: ['emergency', 'measures', 'utmost', 'treaties', 'expense', 'fundamental', 'weeks', 'principles', 'address', 'values']
Dokument 3101: ['batches', 'deliveries', 'montenegro', 'macedonia', 'reserve', 'croatia', 'delivered', 'resceu', 'masks', 'north']
Dokument 3102: ['harm', 'likely', 'severe', 'cause', 'french', 'economy']
Dokument 3103: ['complements', 'existing', 'measure', 'scheme', 'new']
Dokument 3104: ['relating', 'includes', 'rules', 'aid', 'state', 'eu']
Dokument 3105: ['netherlands']
Dokument 3106: ['acquisition', 'disposal', 'waste', 'facilities', 'supported', 'infectious']
Dokument 3107: ['announced', 'citizens', 'measures', 'companies', 'member', 'states', 'support']
Dokument 3108: ['foresee', 'turnover', 'decline', 'compensation', 'levels', 'danish', 'authorities', 'according', 'level']
Dokument 3109: ['compensated', 'bear', 'fixed', 'continue', 'costs', 'particular']
Dokument 3110: ['research', 'experimental', 'covers', 'fundamental', 'industrial', 'projects', 'scheme', 'development']
Dokument 3111: ['estimated', 'micro', '300', '17', 'benefit', 'approximately', 'enterprises', 'small', 'support']
Dokument 3112: ['novel', 'infection', 'virus', 'significant', 'impact', 'outbreak', 'economic']
Dokument 3113: ['31', 'june', 'granted', 'scheme', '2020', 'support']
Dokument 3114: ['significant', 'saving', 'deterioration', 'flow', 'cash', 'placed', 'lead', 'proposed', 'cost', 'staff']
Dokument 3115: ['french', 'disturbance', 'remedy', 'targeted', 'line', 'principles', 'treaty', 'set', 'measure', 'economy']
Dokument 3116: ['normal', 'intra', 'connectivity', 'hub', 'airport', 'thirds', 'copenhagen', 'scandinavian', 'circumstances', 'air']
Dokument 3117: ['clients', 'supplying', 'insurance', 'protects', 'credit', 'payment', 'non', 'goods', 'risk', 'services']
Dokument 3118: ['subsidisation', 'fund', 'covid', 'grants', '19', 'guarantee', 'direct', 'form']
Dokument 3119: ['bicro', 'hamag', 'croatian', 'innovations', 'managed', 'agency', 'smes', 'investments', 'scheme']
Dokument 3120: ['excluded', 'exceeding', 'damage', 'risk', 'aid', 'state']
Dokument 3121: ['75', 'financed', 'fund', 'available', 'large', 'regional', 'measures', 'scheme', 'million', 'development']
Dokument 3122: ['repatriation', 'air', 'played', 'essential', 'start', 'role', 'equipment', 'medical', 'transport', 'france']
Dokument 3123: ['danish', 'accessible', 'smes', 'active', 'sectors', 'scheme']
Dokument 3124: ['intermediation', 'aade', 'disbursed', 'authority', 'revenue', 'independent', 'banks', 'advances', 'repayable', 'directly']
Dokument 3125: ['travel', 'cancellations', 'loan', 'reimbursement', 'provides', 'case', 'travellers', 'aims', 'fund', 'guarantee']
Dokument 3126: ['luxembourg', 'sized', 'medium', 'open', 'enterprises', 'sectors', 'large', 'small', 'scheme', 'support']
Dokument 3127: ['month', '000', '350', 'february', '26', 'revenues', 'micro', 'report', 'decrease', 'expected']
Dokument 3128: ['erosion', 'absence', 'bankruptcy', 'sudden', 'likely', 'air', 'face', 'risk', 'business', 'france']
Dokument 3129: ['nominal', 'amended', '800', 'cover', '100', 'particular', 'risk', 'guarantees', 'loans', '000']
Dokument 3130: ['uk', 'withdrawal', 'background', 'continues', 'transition', 'body', 'law', 'agreement', 'entire', 'apply']
Dokument 3131: ['channelled', 'credit', 'guarantees', 'institutions']
Dokument 3132: ['claw', 'activated', 'condor', 'actually', 'exceed', 'furthermore', 'mechanism', 'suffered', 'damage', 'german']
Dokument 3133: ['entail', 'meaning', 'tfeu', '107', 'article', 'measures', 'aid', 'state', 'support']
Dokument 3134: ['compliance', 'rules', 'funds', 'state', 'possibly', 'member', 'esif', 'decide', 'structural', 'financing']
Dokument 3135: ['000', '400', '300', 'persons', 'self', 'close', 'employed', 'jobs', 'expected', 'employees']
Dokument 3136: ['federal', 'banks', 'promotional', 'german', 'authorities', 'implemented', 'guarantee', 'regional', 'support']
Dokument 3137: ['quantify', 'approval', 'prior', 'damage', 'method', 'subject', 'used', 'commission']
Dokument 3138: ['egap', 'credit', 'managed', 'agency', 'czech', 'export', 'scheme']
Dokument 3139: ['fund', 'european', 'scheme', 'notably', 'shared', 'approval', 'financed', 'management', 'guarantee', 'following']
Dokument 3140: ['million', 'estimated', 'fishery', 'aquaculture', '40', 'takes', '30', 'grants', 'schemes', 'budget']
Dokument 3141: ['cvr', 'damages', 'proven', 'register', 'compensation', 'decline', 'entitled', 'revenues', 'suffered', 'private']
Dokument 3142: ['banka', 'českomoravská', 'cmzrb', 'rozvojová', 'záruční', 'bank', 'promotional', 'managed', 'czech', 'scheme']
Dokument 3143: ['turnover', 'closed', 'monthly', 'administrative', 'dropped', 'eligible', 'decision', '50', 'compared', 'march']
Dokument 3144: ['quantified', 'condor', 'exact', 'accounts', 'airline', 'suffered', 'damage', 'operating', 'based', 'result']
Dokument 3145: ['cofag', 'gmbh', 'vehicle', 'des', 'finanzierungsagentur', 'bundes', 'purpose', 'allows', 'assistance', 'grant']
Dokument 3146: ['tax', 'covid19', 'credits', 'payroll', 'vat', 'corresponding', 'advance', 'declared', 'act', 'danish']
Dokument 3147: ['companies', 'scheme', 'targets', 'venture', 'focuses', 'stages', 'early', 'having', 'capital', 'second']
Dokument 3148: ['renault', 'nonetheless', 'concluded', 'favour', 'assessment', 'line', 'measure', 'conditions', 'temporary', 'framework']
Dokument 3149: ['exhausted', 'explored', 'demonstrated', 'obtain', 'means', 'potential', 'liquidity', 'markets', 'france']
Dokument 3150: ['charleroi', 'liege', 'defer', 'concession', 'airports', 'fees', 'principle', 'operators', 'payment', 'accessible']
Dokument 3151: ['kfw', 'kreditanstalt', 'für', 'wiederaufbau', '550', 'guaranteed', 'bank', 'loan', 'german', 'granted']
Dokument 3152: ['taxes', 'licence', '2021', 'defer', 'airlines', 'principle', 'pay', 'january', 'payment', 'accessible']
Dokument 3153: ['exhausted', 'explored', 'demonstrated', 'finland', 'obtain', 'means', 'potential', 'liquidity', 'markets']
Dokument 3154: ['union', 'forestry', 'assessed', 'tfeu', 'guidelines', 'european', '107', 'article', 'treaty', 'functioning']
Dokument 3155: ['estonian', 'administered', 'foundation', 'implemented', 'second', 'rural', 'public', 'scheme', 'development', 'support']
Dokument 3156: ['paid', 'reimbursed', 'deferred', 'payroll', 'instalments', 'adoption', 'vat', 'view', 'facilities', 'tax']
Dokument 3157: ['france', 'air', 'airline', 'network', 'operating', 'major']
Dokument 3158: ['finnair', 'airline', 'finland', 'network', 'operating', 'major']
Dokument 3159: ['quickest', 'refunds', 'reimbursements', 'organisers', 'travellers', 'aims', 'liquidity', 'ensure', 'possible', 'travel']
Dokument 3160: ['applied', 'territory', 'uk', 'grants', 'sectors', 'direct', 'form', 'scheme']
Dokument 3161: ['authorities', 'devolved', 'administering', 'channelled', 'budgets', 'involving', 'bodies', 'governments', 'levels', 'allows']
Dokument 3162: ['banks', 'company', 'provide', 'portfolios', 'enable', 'quickly', 'types', 'liquidity', 'needs', 'guarantees']
Dokument 3163: ['airlines', 'notified', 'sweden', '11', 'guarantee', 'april', 'approved', 'state', 'scheme', '2020']
Dokument 3164: ['debt', 'obligations', '31', 'intended', 'maximum', 'december', 'existing', 'months', 'cover', 'period']
Dokument 3165: ['micro', 'sized', 'smes', 'medium', 'open', 'enterprises', 'large', 'small', 'companies', 'scheme']
Dokument 3166: ['production', 'diversifying', 'capable', 'manufacture', 'products', 'produce', 'existing', 'increasing', 'relevant', 'open']
Dokument 3167: ['capable', 'brussels', 'carry', 'accessible', 'sized', 'medium', 'business', 'capital', 'enterprises', 'activities']
Dokument 3168: ['extension', 'enables', 'banks', 'promotional', 'existing', 'covered', 'authorities', 'granted', 'particular', 'regional']
Dokument 3169: ['loans', 'consist', 'favorable', 'provision', 'granting', 'estimated', '75', 'existing', 'schemes', 'terms']
Dokument 3170: ['subsequently', 'czk', '37', 'approximately', 'budget', 'increased', 'billion', 'million']
Dokument 3171: ['months', 'option', 'overdrafts', 'bonds', 'maturity', 'debt', 'fixed', 'extension', 'obligations', 'intended']
Dokument 3172: ['499', 'italian', 'self', 'employed', 'workers', 'employees', 'affected', 'approved', 'aid', 'outbreak']
Dokument 3173: ['cease', 'obliged', 'renault', 'limit', 'lines', 'emergency', 'close', 'spread', 'activity', 'sales']
Dokument 3174: ['cease', 'obligation', 'preserve', 'employers', 'compensation', 'emergency', 'despite', 'reduce', 'jobs', 'benefit']
Dokument 3175: ['sizes', 'intensive', 'accessible', 'innovation', 'measure', 'especially', 'research', 'companies']
Dokument 3176: ['guarantee', 'guarantees', 'loans', 'credendo', 'maturity', 'substitute', 'previously', 'belgian', 'offers', 'eligible']
Dokument 3177: ['sustainability', 'maltese', 'consequently', 'mitigate', 'pressure', 'liquidity', 'measure', 'financial', 'companies']
Dokument 3178: ['yearly', 'exceeding', 'turnover', 'beneficiaries', 'having', 'maximum', 'employees', '10', 'companies', 'million']
Dokument 3179: ['wider', 'chain', 'aimed', 'sized', 'smes', 'active', 'medium', 'open', 'enterprises', 'agri']
Dokument 3180: ['businesses', 'expected', 'benefit', 'schemes', '000']
Dokument 3181: ['advance', 'losses', 'independent', 'advantage', 'tax', 'repayable', 'grant', 'cover', 'granted', 'addition']
Dokument 3182: ['damages', 'compensation', 'entitled', 'suffered', 'operators', 'certain', 'scheme']
Dokument 3183: ['slovak', 'imposed', 'operations', 'employers', 'compensate', 'revenues', 'persons', 'self', 'allow', 'restrictions']
Dokument 3184: ['care', 'health', 'increase', 'requiring', 'avoiding', 'support', 'faced', 'corresponding', 'providers', 'youth']
Dokument 3185: ['authorities', 'federal', 'levels', 'allows', 'german', 'government', 'granted', 'measure', 'regional', 'local']
Dokument 3186: ['5000', 'bpifrance', 'respectively', 'lines', 'enabling', 'commercial', 'credit', 'bank', 'french', 'employees']
Dokument 3187: ['companies', 'refinancing', 'safeguard', 'operations', 'larger', 'objective', 'ii', 'self', 'sized', 'employed']
Dokument 3188: ['foundation', 'implemented', 'public', 'kredex', 'estonian', 'administered', 'second', 'rural', 'scheme', 'development']
Dokument 3189: ['experience', 'expect', 'decline', 'turnover', 'revenue', 'repayable', 'advances', 'accessible', 'ireland', 'compared']
Dokument 3190: ['loans', 'thresholds', 'underlying', '90', '25', 'provide', 'schemes', 'guarantees', 'million']
Dokument 3191: ['activities', 'restricted', 'amusement', 'recreation', 'retail', 'sports', 'undertakings', 'passenger', 'tourism', 'culture']
Dokument 3192: ['microcredit', 'derives', 'venture', 'equity', 'external', 'subsidised', 'netherlands', 'accessible', 'source', 'financing']
Dokument 3193: ['forestry', 'aquaculture', 'accessible', 'fisheries', 'active', 'sectors', 'different', 'agriculture', 'companies', 'scheme']
Dokument 3194: ['revolving', '137', 'facility', 'sweden', 'credit', 'approximately', 'guarantee', 'million']
Dokument 3195: ['traders', 'belgian', 'short', 'self', 'accessible', 'sized', 'employed', 'smes', 'term', 'medium']
Dokument 3196: ['pension', 'finnair', 'covering', 'notified', 'finland', '600', 'loan', '90', 'fund', 'granted']
Dokument 3197: ['undertakings', 'greek', 'intermediaries', 'exception', 'eligible', 'banks', 'aquaculture', 'non', 'fund', 'active']
Dokument 3198: ['mobilise', '150', 'expected', 'scheme', 'million']
Dokument 3199: ['loans', 'institutions', 'financial', 'intermediaries', 'subsidised', 'credit', 'concerns', 'directly', 'granted', 'measure']
Dokument 3200: ['state', 'credendo', 'behalf', 'acting', 'turnover', 'represent', 'annual', 'credit', 'accessible', 'agency']
Dokument 3201: ['czechia', 'capable', 'carrying', 'accessible', 'relevant', 'sectors', 'projects', 'companies']
Dokument 3202: ['453', 'rebate', 'rent', 'sek', 'swedish', 'approximately', 'approved', 'billion', 'scheme', 'million']
Dokument 3203: ['materials', 'supplied', 'fertilisers', 'mineral', 'stabilise', 'flow', 'planting', 'cash', 'seeds', 'enable']
Dokument 3204: ['tourism', 'extractive', 'iv', 'restaurants', 'iii', 'manufacturing', 'organisation', 'ii', 'agency', 'apply']
Dokument 3205: ['disturbance', 'remedy', 'greek', 'designed', 'difficulties', 'facing', 'smes', 'liquidity', 'result', 'temporary']
Dokument 3206: ['sectors', 'employing', 'internationally', 'traded', 'turnover', 'applies', 'undertakings', 'manufacturing', 'ireland', '500']
Dokument 3207: ['maltese', 'laid', 'finance', 'wage', 'employers', 'employees', 'costs', 'measure', 'outbreak', 'coronavirus']
Dokument 3208: ['rents', 'cover', 'grants', 'direct', 'public', 'form', 'companies', 'support']
Dokument 3209: ['solutions', '3d', 'paramedical', 'printing', 'logistics', 'facilitate', 'applications', 'technologies', 'innovative', 'aim']
Dokument 3210: ['tax', 'payroll', 'liabilities', 'deferrals', 'vat', 'relation', 'similar', 'measures', 'form']
Dokument 3211: ['greek', 'greece', 'applies', 'territory', 'advances', 'repayable', 'active', 'open', 'measure', 'sectors']
Dokument 3212: ['sizes', 'applies', 'territory', 'ireland', 'open', 'companies', 'scheme']
Dokument 3213: ['protecting', 'infected', 'operators', 'healthcare', 'treatment', 'italy', 'necessary', 'medical', 'provide', 'help']
Dokument 3214: ['amendment', 'equity', 'allows', 'guarantees', 'loans', 'approved', 'form', 'aid']
Dokument 3215: ['allow', 'continue', 'activities', 'crisis', 'scheme']
Dokument 3216: ['companies', 'exception', 'finland', 'primary', 'territory', 'fishery', 'aquaculture', 'apply', 'active', 'open']
Dokument 3217: ['self', 'employed', 'managers', 'employ', 'severely', '800', 'payment', 'person', 'employees', 'provide']
Dokument 3218: ['guarantees', 'form', 'state', 'waiving', 'fee', 'ismea', 'owned', 'applicable', 'ii', 'awarded']
Dokument 3219: ['suspended', 'offs', 'lay', 'preserve', 'reduced', 'avoid', 'significantly', 'aim', 'employees', 'business']
Dokument 3220: ['zero', 'latvian', 'support', 'supervision', 'institution', 'administration', 'service', 'operating', 'rate', 'granted']
Dokument 3221: ['bear', 'manufacture', 'capacities', 'eligible', '80', 'create', 'relevant', 'costs', 'cover', 'investment']
Dokument 3222: ['loans', 'premiums', 'subsidisation', 'partial', 'issuance', 'eligible', 'initial', 'possibility', 'provided', 'offer']
Dokument 3223: ['state', 'scandinavian', 'sas', 'airline', 'swedish', 'favour', 'line', '107', 'article', 'treaty']
Dokument 3224: ['sas', 'norway', 'airline', 'sweden', 'denmark', 'network', 'operating', 'major']
Dokument 3225: ['liabilities', 'loss', 'revenues', 'enable', 'short', 'despite', 'pandemic', 'caused', 'term', 'smes']
Dokument 3226: ['fisheries', 'aquaculture', 'water', 'farming', 'active', 'islands', 'shellfish', 'mainland', 'cyprinid', 'salmonid']
Dokument 3227: ['ismea', 'zero', 'owned', 'service', 'institute', 'rate', 'granted', 'loans', 'form', 'agricultural']
Dokument 3228: ['scheme', 'sustaining', 'traded', 'internationally', 'enterprise', 'undertakings', 'manufacturing', 'ireland', 'operating', 'called']
Dokument 3229: ['state', 'shareholder', 'subordinated', 'ii', 'loan', 'french', 'company', 'measure', 'guarantee', 'loans']
Dokument 3230: ['mitigating', 'tenants', 'sudden', 'imposed', 'shortages', 'limit', 'lithuanian', 'facing', 'operating', 'spread']
Dokument 3231: ['sas', 'norway', 'airline', 'sweden', 'denmark', 'network', 'operating', 'major']
Dokument 3232: ['germany', 'scheduling', 'imposition', 'partly', 'condor', 'destination', 'cancellation', 'flights', 'charter', 'limit']
Dokument 3233: ['rejsegarantifonden', 'facility', 'loan', 'danish', 'fund', 'guarantee', 'april', 'travel', 'temporary', 'approved']
Dokument 3234: ['latvian', '23', 'march', 'temporary', 'approved', 'measures', 'framework', 'aid', 'state', 'commission']
Dokument 3235: ['350', 'follows', 'measure', 'guarantee', 'april', 'approved', 'scheme', '2020', 'million']
Dokument 3236: ['equity', 'quasi', 'bulgarian', 'investments', 'public', 'form', 'scheme', 'support']
Dokument 3237: ['enables', 'granting', 'immediate', 'favourable', 'businesses', 'real', 'cover', 'open', 'working', 'needs']
Dokument 3238: ['guarantees', 'hellenic', 'hdb', 'issuance', 'intermediaries', 'bank', 'implemented', 'measure', 'loans', 'financial']
Dokument 3239: ['esif', 'financed', 'structural', 'available', 'measures', 'funds', 'scheme', 'support', 'eu']
Dokument 3240: ['grants', 'direct', 'public', 'form', 'support']
Dokument 3241: ['sas', 'losses', 'suffered', 'resulting', 'operating', 'reduction', 'start', 'significant', 'services', 'high']
Dokument 3242: ['disappearing', 'heavily', 'tenants', 'retail', 'hotel', 'decreasing', 'restaurants', 'designed', 'revenues', 'saw']
Dokument 3243: ['flows', 'cash', 'airlines', 'pressure', 'aim', 'reduce', 'scheme']
Dokument 3244: ['hit', 'defined', 'hungary', 'consequences', 'accessible', 'certain', 'particularly', 'medium', 'active', 'grants']
Dokument 3245: ['für', 'kreditanstalt', 'wiederaufbau', 'banks', 'subsidised', 'commercial', 'bank', 'promotional', 'close', 'allow']
Dokument 3246: ['scheme', 'coronavirus', 'support', 'approval', 'relevant', 'czech', 'grants', 'related', 'activities', '15']
Dokument 3247: ['form', 'channelled', 'favourable', 'rates', 'granted', 'grants', 'loans', 'direct', 'institutions', 'financial']
Dokument 3248: ['loans', 'darlehen', 'bundesregelung', 'amended', 'granting', 'enabling', 'beneficiaries', 'favourable', 'subsidised', 'allow']
Dokument 3249: ['mobilise', '200', 'expected', 'measure', 'million']
Dokument 3250: ['certain', 'exemption', 'credits', 'paying', 'compensatory', 'deferred', 'taxes', 'wage', 'fees', 'contributions']
Dokument 3251: ['designated', '56685', 'sa', 'cancellation', 'targeted', 'compensate', 'suffered', 'organisers', 'damage', '107']
Dokument 3252: ['floriculture', 'horticulture', 'compensates', 'collapse', 'dutch', 'specialty', 'revenue', 'loss', 'demand', 'potato']
Dokument 3253: ['borrower', 'subsidy', 'covering', 'initial', 'loan', 'rates', 'costs', 'rate', 'lower', 'result']
Dokument 3254: ['renault', 'consisting', 'mitigate', 'loan', 'french', 'measure', 'guarantee', 'impact', 'approved', 'group']
Dokument 3255: ['greece', 'territory', 'apply', 'smes', 'open', 'sectors', 'affected', 'outbreak', 'scheme', 'coronavirus']
Dokument 3256: ['970', 'million', '130', 'dkk', 'support', 'budget', 'affected', 'public', 'total', 'outbreak']
Dokument 3257: ['loans', 'facilitating', 'finances', 'contrary', 'beneficiaries', 'activity', 'access', 'general', 'liquidity', 'working']
Dokument 3258: ['tax', 'payments', 'vi', 'deferrals', 'iv', 'wage', 'iii', 'subsidies', 'ii', 'advances']
Dokument 3259: ['giulia', 'venezia', 'friuli', 'support', 'forestry', 'sizes', 'difficulties', 'fishery', 'italian', 'facing']
Dokument 3260: ['specific', 'occurrences', 'commission', 'damages', 'approve', 'assessed', 'tfeu', 'compensate', 'enables', '107']
Dokument 3261: ['gowns', 'goggles', 'suits', 'devices', 'ventilators', 'masks', 'italian', 'personal', 'supply', '22']
Dokument 3262: ['scheme', 'banks', 'commercial', 'grant', 'granted', 'working', 'schemes', 'capital', 'guarantee', 'investment']
Dokument 3263: ['wallonia', 'carrying', 'capable', 'advances', 'repayable', 'relevant', 'active', 'open', 'grants', 'direct']
Dokument 3264: ['demonstrated', 'targeted', 'difficulties', 'having', 'reduction', 'activity', 'significant', 'temporary', 'financial', 'outbreak']
Dokument 3265: ['grants', 'form', 'support']
Dokument 3266: ['slovak', 'wage', 'employer', 'subsidy', 'laid', 'personnel', 'finance', 'undertakings', 'contributions', 'allow']
Dokument 3267: ['care', 'services', 'support', 'providers', 'dutch', 'youth', 'offering', 'pandemic', 'home', 'health']
Dokument 3268: ['billion', '142', 'yearly', 'czk', 'revenue', 'represent', 'accessible', 'exports', 'sales', 'approximately']
Dokument 3269: ['agency', 'hipa', 'nonprofit', 'competent', 'profit', 'hungarian', 'managed', 'businesses', 'non', 'promotion']
Dokument 3270: ['420', 'million', 'postponement', 'compensates', 'sek', 'cancellation', 'revenue', 'swedish', 'loss', '38']
Dokument 3271: ['rent', 'public', 'estate', 'rebates', 'exemptions', 'slovenian', 'tenants', 'bodies', 'commercial', 'managed']
Dokument 3272: ['56685', 'sa', '107', 'article', '21', 'french', 'schemes', 'march', 'approved', 'aid']
Dokument 3273: ['modifications', 'approved', '2020', 'kleinbeihilfen', 'bundesregelung', 'support', 'amendments', 'earlier', 'tax', 'light']
Dokument 3274: ['granting', 'enable', 'immediate', 'favourable', 'loan', 'businesses', 'german', '24', 'cover', 'working']
Dokument 3275: ['sectors', 'support', 'fishery', 'aquaculture', 'advances', 'repayable', 'purpose', 'structural', 'using', 'grants']
Dokument 3276: ['injections', 'equity', 'sufficient', 'subsidised', 'repayable', 'advances', 'ensuring', 'maintain', 'aims', 'liquidity']
Dokument 3277: ['lithuanian', 'financial', 'paying', 'maintaining', 'disturbance', 'support', 'remedy', 'freight', 'managing', 'risks']
Dokument 3278: ['normally', 'borne', 'borrower', 'partially', 'intended', 'interests', 'cover', 'grants', 'measure', 'loans']
Dokument 3279: ['exceptions', 'helping', 'enhancing', 'defined', 'severely', 'bulgaria', 'maintain', 'start', 'continue', 'certain']
Dokument 3280: ['million', 'coronavirus', '140', 'finance', 'devoted', 'facilities', 'testing', '90', 'relevant', '50']
Dokument 3281: ['million', 'hrk', 'croatian', 'croatia', 'fishery', 'aquaculture', '30', 'approximately', 'context', 'approved']
Dokument 3282: ['companies', 'viability', 'seek', 'services', 'model', 'support', 'grants', 'business', 'related', 'products']
Dokument 3283: ['advance', 'beneficiaries', 'repayable', 'operating', 'allow', 'takes', 'caused', 'difficult', 'costs', 'cover']
Dokument 3284: ['bear', 'manufacture', 'capacities', 'eligible', 'create', 'relevant', '50', 'costs', 'cover', 'grants']
Dokument 3285: ['maltese', 'ventilators', 'protective', 'personal', 'relevant', 'equipment', '11', '12', 'investments', 'vaccines']
Dokument 3286: ['yearly', 'revenue', 'represent', 'accessible', 'exports', '20', 'measure', 'guarantees', 'loans', 'form']
Dokument 3287: ['czk', '37', 'sized', 'relevant', 'czech', 'smes', 'medium', 'approximately', 'investments', 'enterprises']
Dokument 3288: ['sek', 'million', 'damages', 'compensation', 'revenue', 'approx', 'losses', 'covering', '600', 'entitled']
Dokument 3289: ['capable', 'carry', 'open', 'enterprises', 'activities', 'sectors', 'scheme']
Dokument 3290: ['aeronautical', 'deferring', 'taxes', 'tfeu', 'airlines', '31', '107', 'payment', 'article', 'functioning']
Dokument 3291: ['support', '11', 'schemes', 'affected', 'outbreak', 'companies', 'coronavirus', 'polish']
Dokument 3292: ['travel', 'packages', 'cancelled', 'subsequent', 'imposed', 'circumstances', 'covers', 'exceptional', 'danish', 'restrictions']
Dokument 3293: ['906', 'sek', 'approx', 'beneficiary', 'maximum', 'granted', '000', '10', 'aid', 'million']
Dokument 3294: ['consequence', 'difficulties', 'facing', 'structural', 'access', 'open', 'funds', 'outbreak', 'companies', 'scheme']
Dokument 3295: ['scheme', 'greek', 'approval', 'undertakings', 'aquaculture', 'self', 'accessible', 'employed', 'adopted', 'guarantee']
Dokument 3296: ['capital', 'loans', 'million', '255', 'bgn', 'bulgarian', 'ad', 'bulgaria', 'micro', 'funded']
Dokument 3297: ['ups', 'flemish', 'subordinated', 'loan', 'sized', 'start', 'scale', 'medium', 'active', 'particular']
Dokument 3298: ['finnish', 'selective', 'injections', 'equity', 'advance', 'tax', 'repayable', 'advances', 'advantages', 'payments']
Dokument 3299: ['occurrences', 'tfeu', 'compensate', 'criteria', 'assessment', 'damage', '107', 'exceptional', 'article', 'set']
Dokument 3300: ['loans', '000', 'sector', 'aid', 'state', 'temporaire', 'cadre', 'safeguards', 'regime', 'channel']
Dokument 3301: ['constraints', 'ease', 'faced', 'helping', 'intended', 'continue', 'liquidity', 'activities', 'measures', 'companies']
Dokument 3302: ['care', 'home', 'health', 'incentivising', 'replacing', 'requested', 'hospitals', 'dutch', 'providers', 'treatments']
Dokument 3303: ['fishery', 'line', 'aquaculture', 'credit', 'takes', 'affected', 'form', 'sector', 'outbreak', 'companies']
Dokument 3304: ['accelerate', 'enhance', 'directly', 'relevant', 'granted', 'grants', 'direct', 'form', 'aid', 'research']
Dokument 3305: ['working', 'capital', 'originated', 'partially', 'intermediaries', 'eligible', 'immediate', 'businesses', 'cover', 'measure']
Dokument 3306: ['airlines', 'swedish', 'loan', 'guarantee', 'affected', 'approved', 'outbreak', 'scheme', 'coronavirus', 'commission']
Dokument 3307: ['licence', 'lease', 'providers', 'implement', 'purchase', 'applications', 'allow', 'grants', 'direct', 'health']
Dokument 3308: ['medical', 'disinfectants', 'drugs', 'diagnostic', 'clothing', 'hospital', 'devices', 'ventilators', 'tools', 'treatments']
Dokument 3309: ['entwicklungs', 'forschungs', 'investitionsbeihilfen', 'und', 'bundesregelung', 'accelerate', 'enhance', 'directly', 'relevant', 'aims']
Dokument 3310: ['shareholder', 'progressively', 'backed', 'lifted', 'vital', 'recovery', 'obtain', 'requires', 'air', 'face']
Dokument 3311: ['catering', 'latvian', '35', 'difficulties', 'fishery', 'facing', 'school', 'sectors', 'approved', 'agricultural']
Dokument 3312: ['revolving', 'sas', 'favour', 'facility', 'credit', 'guarantee', 'form', 'state', 'support']
Dokument 3313: ['medicinal', 'relevant', 'investments', 'coronavirus', 'infrastructures', 'upscaling', 'respond', 'umbrella', 'iii', 'products']
Dokument 3314: ['guarantees', 'loans', 'aid', 'state', 'companies', 'safeguards', 'channel', 'provision', 'austria', 'iii']
Dokument 3315: ['companies', 'fishery', 'providing', 'focus', 'active', 'liquidity', 'guarantees', 'areas', 'sectors', 'processing']
Dokument 3316: ['million', 'compensates', 'dkk', '107', 'maximum', 'danish', 'article', '60', 'particularly', 'company']
Dokument 3317: ['brussels', 'capital', 'region', 'sizes', 'accessible', 'active', 'measure', 'sector', 'companies', 'support']
Dokument 3318: ['compensating', 'partially', 'loss', 'eligible', 'beneficiaries', 'income', 'aims', 'potential', 'measure', 'outbreak']
Dokument 3319: ['moratorium', 'debt', 'banks', 'italian', 'sized', 'supporting', 'smes', '25', 'medium', 'march']
Dokument 3320: ['developers', '88', 'huf', 'hungarian', 'wage', '31', 'subsidies', 'researchers', 'active', 'approximately']
Dokument 3321: ['exporting', 'turnover', 'annual', 'accessible', 'french', 'guarantees', 'form', 'billion', 'state', 'companies']
Dokument 3322: ['hungarian', '900', 'context', 'budget', 'economy', 'total', 'approved', 'measures', 'aid', 'outbreak']
Dokument 3323: ['working', 'capital', 'investment', 'loans', 'favourable', 'subsidised', 'rates', 'guarantees', 'public', 'form']
Dokument 3324: ['loans', 'support', 'providing', 'subsidised', 'rates', 'polish', 'grant', 'liquidity', 'able', 'authorities']
Dokument 3325: ['affected', 'sector', 'outbreak', 'million', 'floricultural', 'traders', 'negatively', 'horticultural', 'growers', 'compensate']
Dokument 3326: ['insurers', 'coverage', 'willing', 'insurance', 'maintain', 'given', 'risk', 'impact', 'higher', 'outbreak']
Dokument 3327: ['loans', 'subsidised', 'rates', 'granted', 'guarantees', 'public', 'form', 'scheme', 'support']
Dokument 3328: ['insurance', 'notified', 'supporting', 'guarantee', 'affected', 'germany', 'trade', 'state', 'outbreak', 'companies']
Dokument 3329: ['sizes', 'containment', 'strongly', 'individuals', 'self', 'operating', 'accessible', 'employed', 'adopted', 'current']
Dokument 3330: ['support', 'estonian', 'notified', 'estimated', 'estonia', '75', 'schemes', 'budget', 'affected', 'temporary']
Dokument 3331: ['company', 'huf', 'owned', 'maximum', 'approximately', 'provide', 'guarantees', 'loans', 'billion', 'state']
Dokument 3332: ['malta', 'sizes', 'address', 'purpose', 'liquidity', 'needs', 'companies', 'scheme']
Dokument 3333: ['56714', 'sa', '107', 'article', '21', 'german', 'schemes', 'march', 'approved', 'aid']
Dokument 3334: ['luxembourgish', 'luxembourg', '27', 'march', 'context', 'economy', 'approved', 'aid', 'state', 'outbreak']
Dokument 3335: ['kleinbeihilfen', 'bundesregelung', 'advance', 'tax', 'repayable', 'advantages', 'payment', 'takes', 'grants', 'direct']
Dokument 3336: ['770', 'confinement', 'bgn', 'bulgarian', 'preserving', 'wage', 'subsidies', 'approximately', 'employment', 'sectors']
Dokument 3337: ['hungarian', 'bank', 'provided', 'working', 'capital', 'guarantees', 'investment', 'loans', 'form', 'state']
Dokument 3338: ['repayable', 'advances', 'public', 'form', 'scheme', 'support']
Dokument 3339: ['bundesregelung', '2020', 'darlehen', 'kleinbeihilfen', 'amendments', 'german', '11', 'schemes', 'april', 'affected']
Dokument 3340: ['billion', 'advances', 'repayable', '75', '27', '16', 'approximately', 'pln', 'budget', 'april']
Dokument 3341: ['coronavirus', 'luxembourg', 'relevant', 'investments', 'related', 'april', 'temporary', 'approved', 'framework', 'aid']
Dokument 3342: ['garantiqa', 'existing', 'provided', 'working', 'capital', 'guarantees', 'investment', 'loans', 'public', 'form']
Dokument 3343: ['vækstfonden', '296', 'dkk', 'ups', 'subsidised', 'loan', 'danish', 'managed', 'start', 'rates']
Dokument 3344: ['estonian', 'schemes', 'aid', 'commission', 'approval', '30', 'additional', 'march', 'following', 'affected']
Dokument 3345: ['finnair', 'backed', 'progressively', 'lifted', 'vital', 'recovery', 'obtain', 'requires', 'face', 'restrictions']
Dokument 3346: ['loans', 'aid', 'national', 'spanish', 'umbrella', 'consists', 'tax', 'providing', 'subsidised', 'repayable']
Dokument 3347: ['tackle', 'aid', 'state', 'coronavirus', 'support', 'loans', 'outbreak', 'safeguards', 'upscaling', 'channel']
Dokument 3348: ['56709', 'sa', 'limiting', 'issuing', 'severely', 'risks', '107', 'operating', 'danish', 'article']
Dokument 3349: ['walloon', 'intention', 'deferral', 'owed', 'concession', 'airport', 'airports', 'belgium', 'notified', 'fees']
Dokument 3350: ['negatively', 'freight', 'territory', 'road', 'lithuania', 'apply', 'smes', 'active', 'open', 'transport']
Dokument 3351: ['partnerships', 'severely', 'individuals', 'self', 'income', 'employed', 'members', 'end', 'lower', 'affected']
Dokument 3352: ['continuation', 'ensuring', 'businesses', 'aim', 'cover', 'current', 'liquidity', 'needs', 'help', 'activities']
Dokument 3353: ['insurers', 'willing', 'insurance', 'issue', 'given', 'risk', 'impact', 'higher', 'outbreak', 'economic']
Dokument 3354: ['scheduling', 'imposition', 'partly', 'cancellation', 'flights', 'sas', 'compensate', 'suffered', 'damage', 'linked']
Dokument 3355: ['continuity', 'counter', 'walloon', 'airports', 'preserve', 'sufficient', 'damage', 'ensuring', 'activity', 'aims']
Dokument 3356: ['brussels', 'capital', 'region', 'belgian', '27', 'grant', 'related', 'april', 'direct', 'projects']
Dokument 3357: ['self', 'employed', 'managers', 'greek', 'individuals', '500', '11', 'sectors', 'affected', 'small']
Dokument 3358: ['exporting', 'turnover', 'annual', 'accessible', 'french', 'guarantees', 'loans', 'form', 'billion', 'state']
Dokument 3359: ['export', 'contingent', 'tied', 'lending', 'contracts', 'concrete', 'guarantees', 'activities', 'form', 'aid']
Dokument 3360: ['322', 'schem', 'million', 'hrk', 'croatian', '450', 'micro', 'subsidised', 'loan', 'sized']
Dokument 3361: ['danish', 'constraints', 'ease', 'deferrals', 'comparable', 'granting', 'difficulties', 'tax', 'facing', 'sized']
Dokument 3362: ['maltese', '22', 'grants', 'related', 'investment', 'april', 'direct', 'approved', 'research', 'outbreak']
Dokument 3363: ['companies', 'difficulties', 'micro', 'facing', 'structural', 'sized', 'access', 'smes', 'medium', 'open']
Dokument 3364: ['slovak', 'preserving', 'emergency', 'individuals', 'self', '21', 'supporting', 'employed', 'taken', 'employment']
Dokument 3365: ['bank', 'loans', 'gospodarstwa', 'krajowego', 'provision', 'consists', 'working', 'capital', 'guarantees', 'investment']
Dokument 3366: ['export', 'contingent', 'lending', 'guarantees', 'activities', 'form', 'aid', 'companies', 'support']
Dokument 3367: ['outbreak', 'inflicted', 'continuity', 'counter', 'preserve', 'remains', 'damage', 'activity', 'liquidity', 'available']
Dokument 3368: ['state', 'condor', '550', 'charter', 'airline', 'favour', 'guaranteed', 'line', 'loan', 'german']
Dokument 3369: ['limiting', 'issuing', 'severely', 'associated', 'aims', 'current', 'risk', 'loans', 'affected', 'impact']
Dokument 3370: ['temporary', 'cbils', 'interruption', 'coronavirus', 'separate', 'difficulties', 'loan', 'having', 'sized', 'uk']
Dokument 3371: ['173', 'million', 'bgn', '88', 'bulgarian', 'micro', '13', 'approximately', 'context', 'small']
Dokument 3372: ['austrian', 'sized', '17', 'smes', 'medium', 'schemes', 'context', 'enterprises', 'guarantee', 'april']
Dokument 3373: ['million', '110', '22', '500', 'approximately', 'context', 'pln', 'april', 'economy', 'approved']
Dokument 3374: ['500', 'billion', 'czk', 'lending', '18', 'employees', 'czech', 'approximately', 'guarantees', '15']
Dokument 3375: ['compensating', 'partly', 'airline', 'suffered', 'damage', 'aims', 'measure', 'outbreak', 'coronavirus']
Dokument 3376: ['export', 'contingent', 'tied', 'lending', 'contracts', 'concrete', 'eligible', 'measure', 'activities', 'form']
Dokument 3377: ['loan', 'danish', 'start', 'schemes', 'context', 'temporary', 'approved', 'framework', 'outbreak', 'companies']
Dokument 3378: ['hungarian', 'billion', 'huf', '550', '55', 'approximately', 'context', 'economy', 'approved', 'aid']
Dokument 3379: ['italian', 'context', 'economy', 'approved', 'aid', 'outbreak', 'scheme', 'coronavirus', 'commission', 'support']
Dokument 3380: ['repaid', 'reusing', 'programming', 'instruments', 'paid', 'financed', 'structural', 'resources', 'various', '2007']
Dokument 3381: ['reinsurance', '903', 'insurance', 'belgian', 'credit', '18', 'rules', 'context', 'approved', 'trade']
Dokument 3382: ['coverage', 'loan', 'guarantee', 'notification', 'submitted', '70', '90', 'provides', '21', 'greater']
Dokument 3383: ['midcaps', 'portuguese', 'sized', '22', 'smes', 'medium', 'schemes', 'march', 'enterprises', 'guarantee']
Dokument 3384: ['slovenian', 'support', 'umbrella', 'dozen', 'measure', 'affected', 'measures', 'including', 'outbreak', 'companies']
Dokument 3385: ['maximum', 'aid', 'complies', 'respects', 'duration', 'developers', 'intensity', 'qualify', 'lay', 'iii']
Dokument 3386: ['dutch', 'loan', '22', 'context', 'guarantee', 'april', 'economy', '10', 'approved', 'billion']
Dokument 3387: ['support', 'dutch', 'providers', 'offering', 'care', 'certain', 'home', 'services', 'april', 'temporary']
Dokument 3388: ['enabling', 'providing', 'maintain', 'start', 'continue', 'aims', 'liquidity', 'investments', 'activities', 'employment']
Dokument 3389: ['finnish', 'finnair', 'consisting', '600', 'mitigate', 'loan', 'company', 'measure', '19', 'guarantee']
Dokument 3390: ['helping', 'enabling', 'immediate', 'continue', 'aims', 'means', 'access', 'smes', 'cover', 'active']
Dokument 3391: ['belgian', 'brussels', 'aquaculture', '24', 'context', 'capital', 'sectors', 'april', 'regional', 'temporary']
Dokument 3392: ['insurance', 'face', 'credit', 'german', 'rules', 'guarantee', 'approved', 'trade', 'aid', 'state']
Dokument 3393: ['reinsurance', '903', 'buyers', 'avoiding', 'reducing', 'advance', 'insurance', 'ensures', 'belgian', 'continues']
Dokument 3394: ['slovenia', 'difficulties', 'facing', 'active', 'open', 'schemes', 'result', 'impact', 'outbreak', 'companies']
Dokument 3395: ['spanish', 'self', 'employed', '24', 'workers', 'schemes', 'march', 'guarantee', 'affected', 'temporary']
Dokument 3396: ['loans', 'support', 'providing', 'subsidised', 'rates', 'grant', 'liquidity', 'authorities', 'able', 'guarantees']
Dokument 3397: ['backed', 'renault', 'lifted', 'vital', 'recovery', 'requires', 'face', 'fully', 'restrictions', 'expected']
Dokument 3398: ['companies', 'active', 'consist', 'arising', 'overcome', 'provision', 'cash', 'difficulties', 'fishery', 'aquaculture']
Dokument 3399: ['walloon', 'loan', 'active', 'guarantee', 'affected', 'region', 'outbreak', 'companies', 'scheme', 'coronavirus']
Dokument 3400: ['aid', 'coronavirus', 'form', 'relevant', 'investment', 'seal', 'offs', 'infrastructures', 'upscaling', 'deferrals']
Dokument 3401: ['finnish', 'fishery', 'primary', 'aquaculture', '40', 'schemes', 'context', 'sectors', 'budget', 'temporary']
Dokument 3402: ['450', '11', 'approximately', 'context', 'pln', 'temporary', 'economy', 'approved', 'framework', 'billion']
Dokument 3403: ['guarantees', 'loans', 'form', 'state', 'scheme', 'support']
Dokument 3404: ['wallonia', 'belgian', '25', '12', 'related', 'temporary', 'approved', 'framework', 'aid', 'research']
Dokument 3405: ['shortage', 'coronavirus', 'imposition', 'destination', 'limit', 'finland', 'suffered', 'resulting', 'introduced', 'reduction']
Dokument 3406: ['billion', 'gbp', 'partnerships', 'individuals', 'self', 'employed', 'uk', 'members', 'approximately', '11']
Dokument 3407: ['2020', 'extending', '22', 'german', 'adopted', 'march', 'context', 'april', 'temporary', 'economy']
Dokument 3408: ['insurance', 'credit', 'domestic', 'french', '12', 'rules', 'context', 'guarantee', 'april', '10']
Dokument 3409: ['venezia', 'giulia', 'friuli', 'forestry', 'fishery', 'italian', '21', '50', 'context', 'sectors']
Dokument 3410: ['deferring', 'concession', 'walloon', 'airports', 'belgian', 'fees', 'mitigate', 'payment', '11', 'april']
Dokument 3411: ['modification', 'prolongation', 'repercussions', 'previously', 'micro', 'line', 'self', 'employed', 'rules', 'enterprises']
Dokument 3412: ['impaired', 'immediate', 'businesses', 'aim', 'cover', 'effects', 'working', 'schemes', 'needs', 'capital']
Dokument 3413: ['continuation', 'enhancing', 'severely', 'external', 'micro', 'ensuring', 'financing', 'aims', 'access', 'smes']
Dokument 3414: ['sizes', 'accessible', 'active', 'sector', 'companies', 'support']
Dokument 3415: ['banks', 'commercial', 'mainly', 'smes', 'granted', 'guarantee', 'loans', 'affected', 'outbreak', 'companies']
Dokument 3416: ['belgian', 'loan', '11', 'rules', 'context', 'guarantee', 'april', 'economy', 'approved', 'aid']
Dokument 3417: ['million', 'czk', '200', 'czech', 'approximately', 'related', 'activities', 'temporary', 'approved', 'framework']
Dokument 3418: ['corporates', 'umbrella', 'kingdom', 'sized', 'united', 'uk', 'smes', 'medium', 'enterprises', 'large']
Dokument 3419: ['continuation', 'limiting', 'issuing', 'enhancing', 'severely', 'risks', 'external', 'ensuring', 'financing', '500']
Dokument 3420: ['250', 'crucial', 'point', 'businesses', 'supporting', 'financing', 'aims', 'needs', 'measure', 'budget']
Dokument 3421: ['sized', 'takes', 'smes', 'medium', 'grants', 'enterprises', 'affected', 'small', 'form', 'outbreak']
Dokument 3422: ['forestry', 'fishery', 'italian', 'aquaculture', 'sized', '21', 'smes', 'medium', 'context', 'enterprises']
Dokument 3423: ['czechia', 'lending', 'exporting', 'notified', 'guarantee', 'large', 'affected', 'temporary', 'framework', 'outbreak']
Dokument 3424: ['slovenian', '30', 'schemes', 'april', 'affected', 'temporary', 'approved', 'framework', 'outbreak', 'companies']
Dokument 3425: ['acute', 'maltese', 'subsidy', 'shortages', 'facing', '40', '14', 'current', 'rate', 'liquidity']
Dokument 3426: ['notified', 'banks', 'italy', 'granted', 'working', 'capital', 'guarantee', 'investment', 'loans', 'affected']
Dokument 3427: ['tax', 'repayable', 'advances', 'advantages', 'grants', 'direct', 'public', 'form', 'support']
Dokument 3428: ['latvian', 'primary', 'active', '12', 'affected', 'temporary', 'approved', 'sector', 'framework', 'agricultural']
Dokument 3429: ['state', 'revolving', '137', 'scandinavian', 'sas', 'airline', 'favour', 'facility', 'line', 'credit']
Dokument 3430: ['insurance', 'face', 'credit', 'danish', 'rules', 'guarantee', '15', 'approved', 'trade', 'aid']
Dokument 3431: ['loans', 'subsidised', 'guarantees', 'form', 'state', 'scheme', 'support']
Dokument 3432: ['finnvera', 'plc', 'owned', 'specialised', 'managed', 'financing', 'company', 'implemented', 'affected', 'state']
Dokument 3433: ['aid', 'state', 'commission', 'approve', 'disturbance', 'remedy', 'assessed', 'tfeu', 'enables', '107']
Dokument 3434: ['flemish', '250', 'belgian', 'financed', 'context', 'temporary', 'approved', 'framework', 'region', 'outbreak']
Dokument 3435: ['continuation', 'limiting', 'issuing', 'severely', 'ensuring', 'associated', 'activity', 'aims', 'current', 'risk']
Dokument 3436: ['weathering', 'continuity', 'epidemic', 'tenants', 'distancing', 'sudden', 'slow', 'preserving', 'recommendations', 'decrease']
Dokument 3437: ['2020', 'tfeu', 'respectively', 'amended', '107', 'directly', 'article', 'treaty', 'functioning', 'adopted']
Dokument 3438: ['excluding', 'shortages', 'micro', 'difficulties', 'facing', 'self', 'sized', 'employed', 'workers', 'smes']
Dokument 3439: ['100', '000', 'underlying', 'guarantees', 'loans', 'respectively', '120', 'limited', 'aquaculture', 'fisheries']
Dokument 3440: ['czech', 'guarantee', 'activities', 'large', 'affected', 'temporary', 'approved', 'export', 'framework', 'outbreak']
Dokument 3441: ['liberal', 'professions', 'luxembourg', '24', 'march', 'affected', 'temporary', 'impact', 'approved', 'framework']
Dokument 3442: ['walloon', 'belgian', 'financed', '30', 'context', 'guarantees', 'april', 'temporary', 'approved', 'framework']
Dokument 3443: ['billion', 'compensates', 'dkk', 'partially', 'tfeu', 'turnover', 'losses', 'suffered', '107', 'self']
Dokument 3444: ['aid', 'state', 'urgent', 'shareholder', 'consisting', 'air', 'loan', 'french', 'company', 'liquidity']
Dokument 3445: ['fishery', 'italian', 'sized', 'smes', '30', 'medium', 'context', 'enterprises', 'sectors', 'small']
Dokument 3446: ['portuguese', 'fishery', 'aquaculture', 'context', 'april', 'temporary', 'approved', 'sector', 'framework', 'outbreak']
Dokument 3447: ['midsize', 'french', '11', 'rules', 'guarantee', 'activities', 'affected', 'small', 'approved', 'export']
Dokument 3448: ['corporates', 'umbrella', 'sized', 'french', 'smes', 'medium', '20', 'enterprises', 'france', 'large']
Dokument 3449: ['immediate', 'businesses', 'cover', 'working', 'particular', 'needs', 'capital', 'help', 'investment']
Dokument 3450: ['tax', 'repayable', 'advances', 'advantages', 'grants', 'direct', 'public', 'form', 'scheme', 'support']
Dokument 3451: ['floricultural', 'greek', 'primary', 'active', 'affected', 'temporary', '10', 'approved', 'framework', 'aid']
Dokument 3452: ['solutions', 'validation', 'diagnostic', 'respond', 'treatments', 'aim', 'current', 'vaccines', 'health', 'crisis']
Dokument 3453: ['allowing', 'enhancing', 'severely', 'maintain', 'start', 'continue', 'aims', 'access', 'liquidity', 'investments']
Dokument 3454: ['portuguese', '140', 'ventilators', 'protective', 'personal', 'testing', 'relevant', 'equipment', 'vaccines', 'investment']
Dokument 3455: ['billion', '350', 'huf', 'hungarian', '17', 'approximately', 'context', 'april', 'economy', 'approved']
Dokument 3456: ['compensating', 'flows', 'temporarily', 'reducing', 'cash', 'airlines', 'suffered', 'damage', 'pressure', 'aims']
Dokument 3457: ['incentives', 'overcoming', 'uncertainty', 'gap', 'ups', 'creating', 'private', 'ensuring', 'developing', 'created']
Dokument 3458: ['difficulties', 'facing', 'accessible', 'sized', 'smes', 'medium', 'schemes', 'enterprises', 'large', 'small']
Dokument 3459: ['accelerate', 'enhance', 'directly', 'aim', 'relevant', 'scheme', 'production', 'coronavirus', 'products']
Dokument 3460: ['lithuanian', 'schemes', 'context', 'april', 'temporary', 'economy', '10', 'approved', 'framework', 'aid']
Dokument 3461: []
Dokument 3462: ['stay', 'home', 'possible']
Dokument 3463: ['mean', 'safe', 'meet', 'does', 'people']
Dokument 3464: ['infect', 'people']
Dokument 3465: ['feel', 'fine', 'symptoms']
Dokument 3466: ['told', 'isolate', 'home']
Dokument 3467: ['don', 'stay', 'places', 'school', 'home', 'public', 'work']
Dokument 3468: ['stay', 'practical', 'healthy', 'information']
Dokument 3469: ['sneezing', 'meters', 'coughing', 'away']
Dokument 3470: ['symptoms']
Dokument 3471: ['dangerous', 'people']
Dokument 3472: ['treatment', 'available', 'vaccine']
Dokument 3473: ['crowds', 'supermarkets', 'peak', 'hours', 'avoid', 'transport', 'public', 'people']
Dokument 3474: ['wash', 'seconds', 'soap', 'solution', 'hands', 'regularly', 'disinfectant', 'alcohol', 'water', '20']
Dokument 3475: ['tell', 'procedure', 'follow']
Dokument 3476: ['bin', 'disposed', 'tissues', 'preferably', 'closed', 'separate', 'masks', 'used']
Dokument 3477: ['advice', 'care', 'symptoms', 'develop', 'services', 'local', 'health']
Dokument 3478: ['generally', 'illness', 'mild', 'adults', 'infection', 'children', 'especially', 'young']
Dokument 3479: ['washed', 'textiles', 'towels', 'bleach', 'linens', 'touched', 'bed', 'solution', 'cleaned', 'regularly']
Dokument 3480: ['unnoticed', 'mild', 'infected', 'symptoms', 'develop', 'people']
Dokument 3481: ['toilets', 'disinfect', 'touched', 'surfaces', 'clean', 'frequently', 'particularly', 'home']
Dokument 3482: ['emergency', 'phone', 'nearest', 'department', 'symptoms', 'number']
Dokument 3483: ['treat', 'medicine', 'date', 'prevent', 'specific', 'vaccine', 'coronavirus']
Dokument 3484: ['etiquette', 'practising', 'hygiene', 'distancing', 'physical', 'strict', 'cough', 'hand', 'protect', 'important']
Dokument 3485: ['touching', 'washing', 'eyes', 'hands', 'nose', 'mouth', 'avoid']
Dokument 3486: ['anxious', 'feel', 'stressed', 'coronavirus']
Dokument 3487: ['difficulty', 'breathing', 'monitor', 'fever', 'cough', 'self', 'symptoms', 'including', 'coronavirus']
Dokument 3488: ['exceptional', 'epidemic', 'understand', 'requires', 'quickly', 'bring', 'end', 'situation', 'possible', 'measures']
Dokument 3489: ['infect', 'mild', 'symptoms']
Dokument 3490: ['caring', 'know', 'coronavirus']
Dokument 3491: ['affects', 'underlying', 'elderly', 'conditions']
Dokument 3492: ['vaccines', 'diagnostics', 'treatments', 'takes', 'supporting', 'possible', 'time', 'research', 'development', 'eu']
Dokument 3493: ['phone', 'talk', 'online', 'friends', 'continue', 'family']
Dokument 3494: ['protect']
Dokument 3495: ['contaminating', 'people', 'breathing', 'droplets', 'keeping', 'away', 'virus', 'reduce', 'include', 'risk']
Dokument 3496: ['crook', 'dispose', 'sneeze', 'elbow', 'nose', 'tissue', 'immediately', 'mouth', 'cough', 'cover']
Dokument 3497: ['distancing', 'social']
Dokument 3498: ['distressed', 'anxious', 'loved', 'news', 'steps', 'feel', 'avoid', 'ones', 'cause', 'practical']
Dokument 3499: ['interpreted', 'broadly', 'category']
Dokument 3500: ['pandemic', 'travel', 'eu']
Dokument 3501: ['liechtenstein', 'states', 'iceland', 'switzerland', 'norway', '26', 'schengen', 'includes', '27', 'associated']
Dokument 3502: ['prolonged', '15']
Dokument 3503: ['brexit', 'nationals', '31', 'transition', 'treated', 'uk', 'end', '12', 'way', 'citizens']
Dokument 3504: ['information']
Dokument 3505: ['websites', 'authorities', 'available', 'information', 'national', 'member', 'states']
Dokument 3506: ['restriction', 'ireland', 'currently', 'apply', 'does', 'travel']
Dokument 3507: ['members', 'family', 'citizen', 'prove', 'able', 'eu']
Dokument 3508: ['list', 'relevant', 'authorities', 'national', 'member', 'states']
Dokument 3509: ['kingdom', 'united', 'citizens']
Dokument 3510: ['irish', 'residents', 'citizens']
Dokument 3511: ['days', '180', 'generally', 'extended', 'stay', 'visa', '90', 'allow', 'total', 'period']
Dokument 3512: ['restrict', 'spreading', 'virus', 'prevent', 'aim', 'spread', 'protect', 'eu', 'public', 'health']
Dokument 3513: ['holders', 'schengen', 'visa', 'currently', 'eu']
Dokument 3514: ['transport', 'haulage', 'personnel', 'engaged', 'extent', 'staff', 'necessary', 'goods']
Dokument 3515: ['imperative', 'travelling', 'reasons', 'passengers', 'family']
Dokument 3516: ['onward', 'transportation', 'flights', 'availability', 'transit', 'reduced', 'commercial', 'means', 'cover', 'given']
Dokument 3517: ['seasonal', 'workers', 'agriculture']
Dokument 3518: ['unexpectedly', 'expired', 'documents', 'extended', 'stay', 'abroad', 'travel']
Dokument 3519: ['restrict', 'coordinated', 'initial', 'recommendation', 'external', 'agreed', 'borders', 'essential', 'days', 'action']
Dokument 3520: ['airport', 'transit', 'regarding', 'visa', 'continue', 'apply', 'requirements', 'rules']
Dokument 3521: ['entering', 'aim', 'restrictions', 'reduce', 'travellers', 'travel', 'number', 'union', 'european']
Dokument 3522: ['diplomats', 'exercise', 'military', 'humanitarian', 'functions', 'personnel', 'staff', 'workers', 'organisations', 'international']
Dokument 3523: ['extension', 'recommended', 'days', 'restrictions', '30', 'travel', 'area', '2020', 'commission', 'eu']
Dokument 3524: ['transit', 'airport', 'transfer', 'road', 'member', 'states', 'eu']
Dokument 3525: ['ministries', 'interior', 'websites', 'affairs', 'relevant', 'authorities', 'available', 'information', 'foreign', 'national']
Dokument 3526: ['claiming', 'asylum']
Dokument 3527: ['residence', 'nationality', 'periods', 'limited', 'permanent', 'includes', 'state', 'years', 'member']
Dokument 3528: ['airports', 'transit', 'schengen', 'located', 'associated', 'state', 'member', 'states', 'eu']
Dokument 3529: ['transit', 'non', 'area', 'country', 'airports', 'travelling', 'schengen', 'located', 'passengers', 'eu']
Dokument 3530: ['visa', 'expiry', 'holders', 'extension', 'leave', 'ask', 'schengen', 'contact', 'stay', 'short']
Dokument 3531: ['exempt', 'restriction', 'schengen', 'ireland', 'members', 'family', 'citizens', 'travel', 'area', 'temporary']
Dokument 3532: ['suspending', 'temporarily', 'countries', 'schengen', 'essential', 'associated', 'non', 'travel', 'area', 'member']
Dokument 3533: ['professionals', 'elderly', 'care', 'healthcare', 'researchers', 'health']
Dokument 3534: ['stay', 'compelled', 'waived', 'competent', 'authorisations', '180', 'extend', 'nationals', 'validity', 'extended']
Dokument 3535: ['professionals', 'medical']
Dokument 3536: ['personnel', 'restrictions', 'apply', 'transport', 'travel', 'temporary']
Dokument 3537: ['deemed', 'possession', 'passport', 'expired', 'proof', 'constitute', 'means', 'current', 'situation']
Dokument 3538: ['residents', 'non', 'term', 'eu', 'long', 'citizens']
Dokument 3539: ['members', 'family', 'eu', 'citizens', 'valid', 'possession', 'passport', 'citizen', 'prove', 'enter']
Dokument 3540: ['returning', 'nationality', 'country', 'state']
Dokument 3541: ['waived', 'permitted', 'nationals', 'schengen', 'stay', 'remained', 'visa', '90', 'day', 'area']
Dokument 3542: ['exempt', 'nationals', 'restriction', 'uk', 'members', 'family', 'travel', 'temporary', 'time']
Dokument 3543: ['members', 'family', 'citizens', 'eu']
Dokument 3544: ['citizens', 'returning', 'schengen', 'essential', 'restrictions', 'associated', 'apply', 'non', 'eu', 'travel']
Dokument 3545: ['summary', 'notam', 'airmen', 'eurocontrol', 'flight', 'daily', 'notice', 'entitled', 'passenger', 'website']
Dokument 3546: ['exempt', 'restriction', 'following', 'travel', 'area', 'temporary', 'eu']
Dokument 3547: ['seasonal', 'workers']
Dokument 3548: ['refoulement', 'humanitarian', 'respecting', 'principle', 'reasons', 'persons', 'non', 'need', 'protection', 'international']
Dokument 3549: ['states', 'homes', 'exempt', 'nationals', 'restriction', 'travelling', 'schengen', 'return', 'associated', 'members']
Dokument 3550: ['citizens', 'returning', 'purposes', 'schengen', 'associated', 'members', 'family', 'home', 'states', 'eu']
Dokument 3551: ['need', 'travel', 'humanitarian', 'reasons', 'persons', 'essential', 'restrictions', 'apply', 'protection', 'temporary']
Dokument 3552: ['seeking', 'nationality', 'returning', 'residence', 'considered', 'reach', 'home', 'citizens', 'state', 'member']
Dokument 3553: ['returning', 'residence', 'nationality', 'citizens', 'country', 'state', 'member', 'eu']
Dokument 3554: ['professionals', 'function', 'elderly', 'travelling', 'essential', 'care', 'healthcare', 'restrictions', 'apply', 'researchers']
Dokument 3555: ['reside', 'citizen', 'seeking', 'returning', 'nationality', 'considered', 'reach', 'families', 'members', 'family']
Dokument 3556: ['function', 'essential', 'restrictions', 'apply', 'need', 'travel', 'temporary', 'including', 'people']
Dokument 3557: ['travel', 'function', 'seasonal', 'essential', 'restrictions', 'workers', 'apply', 'need', 'temporary', 'agriculture']
Dokument 3558: ['nationality', 'onward', 'irrespective', 'residence', 'returning', 'transit', 'allowed', 'members', 'family', 'citizens']
Dokument 3559: ['deliveries', 'planned']
Dokument 3560: ['donors', 'contributions', 'additional', 'make', 'member', 'states']
Dokument 3561: ['emergency', 'instrument', 'budget', 'billion', 'support', 'eu']
Dokument 3562: ['deployments', 'finances', 'budget', 'eu']
Dokument 3563: ['probability', 'risks', 'case', 'low', '100', 'impact', 'high']
Dokument 3564: ['stakeholders', 'cooperates', 'closely', 'works', 'parliament', 'authorities', 'implementation', 'national', 'member', 'states']
Dokument 3565: ['capacities', 'resceu', '100', 'develop', 'grants', 'commission', 'european']
Dokument 3566: ['emergencies', 'enables', 'mechanism', 'civil', 'help', 'protection', 'member', 'union', 'states', 'eu']
Dokument 3567: ['tackle', 'ongoing', 'european', 'existing', 'public', 'health', 'crisis', 'measures', 'national', 'important']
Dokument 3568: ['operational', 'significantly', 'costs', '100', 'citizens', 'affected', 'member', 'states', 'eu']
Dokument 3569: ['spent', 'greatest', 'bring', 'decisions', 'takes', 'action', 'money', 'order', 'impact', 'commission']
Dokument 3570: ['380', 'stockpile', 'medical', 'million']
Dokument 3571: ['unspent', 'pre', 'allocated', 'cohesion', 'related', 'possible', 'use', 'measures', 'policy', 'funds']
Dokument 3572: ['react', 'crises', 'hosted', 'stockpile', 'quickly', 'allows', 'current', 'eu', 'future', 'health']
Dokument 3573: ['envelopes', 'national']
Dokument 3574: ['medical', 'support', 'secure', 'unemployed', 'purchase', 'professionals', 'pay', 'businesses', 'jobs', 'equipment']
Dokument 3575: ['330', 'distributed', 'croatia', 'romania', 'distribution', 'resceu', 'masks', 'coming', 'protective', 'strategic']
Dokument 3576: ['emergency', 'instrument', 'response', 'crisis', 'coronavirus', 'support']
Dokument 3577: ['anticipate', 'exit', 'acute', 'recovery', 'mitigate', 'consequences', 'immediate', 'provides', 'healthcare', 'pandemic']
Dokument 3578: ['77', 'capacities', 'stockpile', 'transition', 'resceu', 'medical', 'related', 'million']
Dokument 3579: ['procures', 'hosting', 'behalf', 'state', 'member', 'union']
Dokument 3580: ['deployment', 'coordinates', 'manages', 'exercise', 'stockpile', 'resceu', 'medical', '100', 'funds', 'development']
Dokument 3581: ['capacities', 'medical', 'aerial', 'firefighting', 'evacuation', 'reserve', 'wider', 'stockpile', 'enabling', 'resceu']
Dokument 3582: ['helps', 'needed', 'emergency', 'instrument', 'support']
Dokument 3583: ['masks', 'million', 'purchased', 'batch', 'earmarked', 'delivered', 'date', 'material', 'healthcare', '17']
Dokument 3584: ['envelopes', 'totalling', 'tackle', 'spend', '54', 'flexibility', 'needed', 'entire', 'pandemic', 'cohesion']
Dokument 3585: ['hazard', 'resort', 'activated', 'layer', 'constitutes', 'reserve', 'mechanism', 'resceu', 'address', 'type']
Dokument 3586: ['equipment', 'therapeutics', 'swift', 'ventilators', 'supplies', 'stockpile', 'enables', 'distribution', 'laboratory', 'personal']
Dokument 3587: ['pools', 'solidarity', 'address', 'quickly', 'emergency', 'strategic', 'instrument', 'efforts', 'resources', 'needs']
Dokument 3588: ['serbia', 'iceland', 'montenegro', 'macedonia', 'turkey', 'host', 'norway', 'stockpile', 'mechanism', 'transition']
Dokument 3589: ['bilaterally', 'deliveries', 'nurses', 'stocks', 'sent', 'doctors', 'mechanism', 'teams', 'civil', 'come']
Dokument 3590: ['transporting', 'equipment', 'medical', 'cargo', 'assist', 'personnel', 'teams', 'needed', 'patients', 'protective']
Dokument 3591: ['medical', '220', 'mobile', 'capacities', 'personnel', 'operational', 'response', 'assistance', 'granted', 'total']
Dokument 3592: ['mechanism', 'reserve', 'umbrella', 'stockpile', 'distribution', 'resceu', 'european', 'strategic', 'net', 'created']
Dokument 3593: ['unprecedented', 'worldwide', 'restrictions', 'current', 'travel']
Dokument 3594: ['fund', 'smes', 'investment', 'support', 'european']
Dokument 3595: ['business', 'surveys_en', 'andconsumer', 'economyeuro', 'databases', 'statistics', 'info', 'indicators', 'europa', 'latest']
Dokument 3596: ['maximise', 'informed', 'implement', 'encouraged', 'recommendation', 'parties', 'interested', '27', 'order', 'effects']
Dokument 3597: ['sufficiently', 'robust', 'private', 'set', 'effective', 'protection', 'public', 'sector']
Dokument 3598: ['13', '2020']
Dokument 3599: ['attractiveness', 'characteristics', 'considered', 'vouchers', 'additional', 'increase']
Dokument 3600: ['standstill', 'parts', 'caused', 'travel', 'world', 'europe']
Dokument 3601: ['fare', 'irrespective', 'availability', 'difference', 'price', 'subject']
Dokument 3602: ['characteristics', 'recommended', 'vouchers']
Dokument 3603: ['insolvency', 'protection']
Dokument 3604: ['recommendation', 'promoting', 'implementation']
Dokument 3605: ['disturbance', 'remedy', '107', 'article', 'treaty', 'economy', 'member', 'states']
Dokument 3606: ['characteristics', 'described', 'recommendation', 'vouchers', 'cover', 'present']
Dokument 3607: ['designing', 'advice', 'regard', 'stands', 'ready', 'issues', 'assistance', '25', 'provide', 'measures']
Dokument 3608: ['involve', 'notified', 'granted', 'conditions', 'aid', 'state', 'market', 'commission', 'support']
Dokument 3609: ['supporting', 'measures']
Dokument 3610: ['section', 'granting', 'limited', 'allows', 'guarantees', 'loans', 'temporary', 'public', 'period', 'framework']
Dokument 3611: ['data', 'epidemiological', 'largely', 'lifted', 'depend', 'containment', 'criteria', 'things', 'developing', 'conditions']
Dokument 3612: ['facto', 'unfair', 'eco', 'burden', 'sharing', 'operators', 'result', 'travel']
Dokument 3613: ['matter', 'subject']
Dokument 3614: ['curtailment', 'economic', 'impacts', 'prospects', 'employers', 'reduced', 'seen', 'income', 'passengers', 'travellers']
Dokument 3615: ['approval', 'prior', 'nature', 'implemented', 'schemes', 'member', 'states', 'commission']
Dokument 3616: ['coverage', 'claims', 'undertakings', 'reimbursement', 'passengers', 'travellers', 'benefit']
Dokument 3617: ['double', 'chargeback', 'card', 'parallel', 'refund', 'ultimately', 'issuance', 'voucher', 'lead', 'credit']
Dokument 3618: ['whilst', 'accept', 'section', 'covers', 'provisions', 'assessment', 'account', 'taking', 'vouchers', 'travellers']
Dokument 3619: ['ease', 'ultimately', 'organisers', 'lead', 'carriers', 'problems', 'interests', 'travellers', 'passengers', 'liquidity']
Dokument 3620: ['aid', 'overcompensation', 'playing', 'aviation', 'granting', 'beneficiaries', 'view', 'decisions', '23', 'account']
Dokument 3621: ['bookings', 'report', 'range', '90', 'reduction', 'tourism', '60', 'compared', 'sectors', 'travel']
Dokument 3622: ['specify', 'attached', 'indicate', 'validity', 'vouchers', 'rights', 'period']
Dokument 3623: ['63', 'eei', 'declined', 'indicator', 'record', 'lowest', 'expectations', 'euro', 'employment', 'april']
Dokument 3624: ['validity', 'minimum', 'vouchers', 'months', '12', 'period']
Dokument 3625: ['201318', '1407', 'minimis', 'granting', 'regulation', 'line', 'operators', 'addition', 'transport', 'sectors']
Dokument 3626: ['strive', 'faith', 'burden', 'cooperate', 'sharing', 'chain', 'operators', 'pandemic', 'caused', 'covid']
Dokument 3627: ['organisers', 'carriers', 'insolvent', 'refund', 'claims', 'protected', 'passengers', 'travellers', 'receive', '14']
Dokument 3628: ['acceptance', 'alternative', 'attractive', 'reimbursement', 'vouchers', 'making', 'passengers', 'travellers', 'money', '15']
Dokument 3629: ['rights', 'cancellations', 'passenger', 'regulations', 'event', 'provide']
Dokument 3630: ['undertakings', 'transport', 'sectors', 'travel', 'recognises', 'applies', 'principle', '22', 'affected', 'temporary']
Dokument 3631: ['roadmap', 'containment', 'measures_en', 'liftingcoronavirus', 'info', 'lifting', 'europa', 'https', 'european', 'ec']
Dokument 3632: ['passenger', 'rail', 'source', 'ago', '90', 'compared', 'services', 'year', 'cruise', 'emsa']
Dokument 3633: ['package', 'similarly', 'postponement', 'substitute', 'contract', 'proposed', 'example', 'changes', 'travel', '10']
Dokument 3634: ['sharp', 'modes', 'standstill', 'faced', 'complete', 'operations', 'decline', 'carriers', 'nearly', 'transport']
Dokument 3635: ['request', 'transport', 'days', 'ticket', 'waterways', 'bus', 'rail', 'coach', 'inland', 'month']
Dokument 3636: ['recommendation', 'adopted']
Dokument 3637: ['tours', 'organisers', 'package', 'providers', 'carriers', 'having', 'tourism', 'services', 'impact']
Dokument 3638: ['insolvency', 'carrier', 'organiser', 'protected', 'vouchers', '16', 'end']
Dokument 3639: ['national', 'enforcement', 'informing', 'cooperate', 'recommendation', 'parties', 'bodies', 'contribute', 'passenger', 'concerned']
Dokument 3640: ['19', 'regards', 'operators', '21', 'adopted', 'additional', 'current', 'covid', 'liquidity', 'needs']
Dokument 3641: ['dedicated', '107', 'directly', 'article', 'vouchers', 'treaty', 'set', 'schemes', 'example', 'guarantee']
Dokument 3642: ['requests', 'refund', 'bookings', 'cancellations', 'exceed', 'travellers', 'far', 'level', 'new']
Dokument 3643: ['points', '27', '25', 'temporary', 'framework']
Dokument 3644: ['consequent', 'leisure', 'pervasive', 'rest', 'domestic', 'march', 'business', 'travel', 'impact', 'international']
Dokument 3645: ['information', 'trader', 'stored', 'durable', 'store', 'personally', 'reproduction', 'unchanged', 'reference', 'purposes']
Dokument 3646: ['unable', 'vast', 'cancellations', 'led', 'citizens', 'travel', 'number']
Dokument 3647: ['recommends', 'flexibility', 'consider', 'response', 'provided', 'cohesion', 'smes', 'additional', 'using', 'working']
Dokument 3648: ['designing', 'regardless', 'provider', 'service', 'travellers', 'passengers', 'benefit', 'schemes', 'ensure', 'member']
Dokument 3649: ['approval', 'constitute', 'prior', 'implemented', 'aid', 'state', 'member', 'states', 'commission']
Dokument 3650: ['launched', 'investment', 'european', 'cosme', 'commission', 'recommends', 'intermediaries', 'consider', 'facility', 'bank']
Dokument 3651: ['transferable', 'passenger', 'cost', 'vouchers', 'additional', 'transport', 'services']
Dokument 3652: ['interpretative', 'guidelines', 'passenger', 'regulations', 'developing', 'rights', '18', 'adopted', 'covid', '11']
Dokument 3653: ['esi', '1985', 'dropping', 'sentiment', 'indicator', 'monthly', 'strongest', 'record', 'respectively', 'decline']
Dokument 3654: ['liquidity', 'support', 'decide', 'operators', 'general', 'provide', 'schemes', 'transport', 'need', 'sectors']
Dokument 3655: ['reimbursement', 'does', 'operator', 'liquidation', 'relief', 'involve', 'carry', 'longer', 'extent', 'takes']
Dokument 3656: ['validity', 'period', 'minimum', 'reimbursement', 'vouchers', 'redeemed', 'pertain', 'notably', 'characteristics', 'wish']
Dokument 3657: ['loans', 'speedy', 'urgent', 'zero', 'nominal', 'equity', 'covering', 'manner', 'address', '800']
Dokument 3658: ['26', 'undertakings', 'encouraged', 'consider', 'operators', 'activity', 'liquidity', 'schemes', 'needs', 'available']
Dokument 3659: ['package', 'termination', 'undue', 'unavoidable', 'delay', 'trip', 'refund', 'cancelled', 'extraordinary', 'circumstances']
Dokument 3660: ['legislation', 'voucher', 'reimbursement', 'money', 'form', 'union']
Dokument 3661: ['traveller', 'stating', 'confirming', 'refund', 'accept', 'voucher', 'right', 'possible']
Dokument 3662: ['warnings', 'bans', 'borders', 'resulted', 'restrictions', 'pandemic', 'covid', '19', 'travel', 'national']
Dokument 3663: ['loans', 'faced', 'remedy', 'allowing', 'shortages', 'instance', 'tax', 'subsidised', 'advantages', 'aims']
Dokument 3664: ['propose', 'acceptance', 'voluntary', 'traveller', 'circumstances', 'alternative', 'recommendation', 'organisers', 'carriers', 'passenger']
Dokument 3665: ['months', 'liquidity', 'justification', 'compatibility', 'support', 'actual', 'periods', 'alia', 'inter', 'enabling']
Dokument 3666: ['booking', 'detailed', 'route', 'carriers', 'original', 'service', 'allow', 'vouchers', 'passengers', 'ensure']
Dokument 3667: ['202021', 'april20', 'amended', 'cover', 'additional', 'temporary', 'measures', 'framework', 'aid']
Dokument 3668: ['pricing', 'minimum', 'alia', 'covering', 'possibilities', 'inter', 'subsidies', '800', 'subject', 'provides']
Dokument 3669: ['reimbursement', 'recalled', 'cash', 'choice', 'voucher', 'passengers', 'form', 'commission']
Dokument 3670: ['deprive', 'reimbursement', 'possibility', 'right', 'travellers', 'money', 'does']
Dokument 3671: ['voucher', 'transferability', 'pertain', 'range', 'using', 'available', 'services', 'used', 'time']
Dokument 3672: ['agrees', 'voucher', 'passenger', 'reimbursement', 'means', 'possible']
Dokument 3673: ['limitation', 'applicable', 'moment', 'provisions', 'legal', 'subject', 'right', 'time']
Dokument 3674: ['info', 'europa', 'https', 'ec', 'response', '2020', 'sites', '89i', 'transportation_en', 'traveleu']
Dokument 3675: ['cancelled', 'alternative', 'reimbursement', 'vouchers', 'travellers', 'passengers', 'pandemic', 'package', 'offered', 'covid']
Dokument 3676: ['adoption', 'consider', 'attractive', 'line', 'operators', 'aim', 'vouchers', 'making', 'passengers', 'travellers']
Dokument 3677: ['unsustainable', 'entailed', 'flow', 'cancellations', 'cash', 'revenue', 'numerous', 'led', '13', 'pandemic']
Dokument 3678: ['scope', 'notified', 'assessment', '107', 'subject', 'directly', 'article', 'treaty', 'individual', 'covered']
Dokument 3679: ['insolvency', 'accept', 'described', 'characteristics', 'recommendation', 'instead', 'passenger', 'encourage', 'reimbursement', 'consumer']
Dokument 3680: ['service', 'vouchers', 'additional', 'lump', 'booked', 'originally', 'sum', 'issuing', 'consider', 'elements']
Dokument 3681: ['business', 'prepaid', 'insolvent', 'arise', 'voucher', 'problem', 'organisers', 'carriers', 'reimbursement', 'receive']
Dokument 3682: ['package', 'accepting', 'substitute', 'traveller', 'cost', 'lower', 'changes', 'result', 'quality']
Dokument 3683: ['organiser', 'traveller', 'voucher', 'reimbursement', 'offer', 'context', 'form']
Dokument 3684: ['satisfied', 'claims', 'decide', 'equal', 'view', 'operators', 'passenger', 'ensuring', 'reimbursement', 'consumer']
Dokument 3685: ['ensure', 'travel', 'satisfied', 'regardless', 'claims', 'provider', 'directive', 'resulting', 'service', 'operators']
Dokument 3686: ['extending', 'bookings', 'entities', 'consider', 'organisers', 'carriers', 'possibility', 'vouchers', 'use', 'group']
Dokument 3687: ['months', '12', 'validity', 'issuance', 'ask', 'voucher', 'longer', 'concerned', 'reimbursement', 'right']
Dokument 3688: ['2013', 'l352', 'articles', '108', '1407', 'minimis', 'oj', 'regulation', 'application', '107']
Dokument 3689: ['package', 'exacerbated', 'prepaid', 'reimburse', 'traveller', 'organisers', 'price', 'reimbursement', 'problems', 'receive']
Dokument 3690: ['cost', 'package', 'additional', 'transferable', 'agree', 'providers', 'transfer', 'traveller', 'vouchers', 'included']
Dokument 3691: ['unwto', 'restrictions', 'global', 'travel', '2019', 'int', 'impose', 'emergencies', 'novel', '96']
Dokument 3692: ['opts', 'agent', 'transmit', 'intermediary', 'carrier', 'organiser', 'traveller', 'voucher', 'passenger', 'information']
Dokument 3693: ['voucher', 'redeemed', 'reimburse', 'automatically', 'validity', 'traveller', 'organisers', 'latest', 'carriers', 'point']
Dokument 3694: ['intermediary', 'travel', 'agency', 'booked', 'bookings', 'cancelled', 'organisers', 'carriers', 'service', 'allow']
Dokument 3695: ['19', 'connection', 'informal', 'directive', 'guidance', 'published', 'application', 'website', 'package', 'covid']
Dokument 3696: ['passengers', 'travellers', 'issuer', 'reimbursed', 'impacts', 'setting', 'insolvency', 'limiting', 'actively', 'consider']
Dokument 3697: ['vouchers', 'sufficiently', 'robust', 'insolvency', 'carrier', 'reliable', 'organiser', 'described', 'characteristics', 'presenting']
Dokument 3698: ['directive', 'article', 'package', '11', 'travel']
Dokument 3699: ['2004', 'regulation', '261', 'denied', 'boarding', 'repealing', 'eec', 'delay', '295', 'establishing']
Dokument 3700: ['council12', '2302', 'directive', 'parliament', '2015', 'european', 'eu']
Dokument 3701: ['proportionality', 'ensure']
Dokument 3702: ['carrier', 'organiser', 'payment', 'vouchers', '22', 'travellers', 'passengers', 'package', 'offered', 'able']
Dokument 3703: ['flow', 'cash', 'resulting', 'reduction', 'pandemic', 'covid', '19']
Dokument 3704: ['date', 'expiry', 'bookings', 'respect', 'service', 'payment', 'takes', 'vouchers', 'passengers', 'travellers']
Dokument 3705: ['directive', '2015', 'council', 'parliament', 'travel', '314', '326', 'arrangements', 'eec', 'repealing']
Dokument 3706: ['minus', 'quarter', 'eur', 'billion', 'tour', 'ectaa', 'agents', 'preliminary', 'estimates', 'turnover']
Dokument 3707: ['bankruptcy', 'carrier', 'claims', 'organiser', 'finally', 'decide', 'reimbursement', 'travellers', '24', 'passengers']
Dokument 3708: ['cancellations', 'address', 'linked', 'pandemic', 'costs', 'smes', 'covid', 'liquidity', 'working', 'needs']
Dokument 3709: ['liquidity', 'tickets', 'caps', 'reimburse', 'cancelled', 'dedicated', 'lines', 'mid', 'address', 'pandemic']
Dokument 3710: ['bankruptcy', 'carrier', 'claims', 'organiser', 'decide', 'reimbursement', 'travellers', 'passengers', 'cover', 'following']
Dokument 3711: ['redemption', 'partial', 'remaining', 'voucher', 'concerned', 'reimbursement', 'case', 'previous']
Dokument 3712: ['refundable', 'requests', 'issuance', 'traveller', 'voucher', 'consider', 'organisers', 'earlier', 'carriers', 'passenger']
Dokument 3713: ['commission']
Dokument 3714: ['terminations', '2302', 'contract', 'directive', 'reasons', 'linked', 'taking', 'article', '2015', 'pandemic']
Dokument 3715: ['operators', 'vouchers', 'liquidity', 'likelihood', 'opt', 'relief', 'accepting', 'constitute', 'improving', 'instead']
Dokument 3716: ['package', 'terminated', 'equivalent', 'book', 'contract', 'organisers', 'type', 'allow', 'vouchers', 'travellers']
Dokument 3717: ['2011', 'regulation', '181', 'bus', 'amending', '55', 'coach', 'oj', 'february', 'concerning']
Dokument 3718: ['2007', '1371', '315', 'rail', 'obligations', 'oj', 'regulation', 'ec', '23', 'october']
Dokument 3719: ['resumption', 'available5', 'timeline', 'confinement', 'follows', 'clear', 'tourism', 'allow', 'transport', 'services']
Dokument 3720: ['2010', 'regulation', 'waterway', '1177', '334', 'amending', 'inland', 'travelling', 'oj', 'concerning']
Dokument 3721: ['health', '2020', 'organization', 'declared', 'characterised', 'emergency', 'january', 'concern', 'pandemic', '30']
Dokument 3722: ['article', 'read', 'cancellation', 'carrier', 'organiser', 'combination', 'provisions', 'regulation', 'reasons', 'linked']
Dokument 3723: ['164', 'amendment', 'oj', 'communication', '13', 'current', 'covid', '19', 'temporary', 'economy']
Dokument 3724: ['service', 'transport', 'travel', 'booked', 'intermediary', 'carrier', 'passenger', 'agency', 'package']
Dokument 3725: ['292', 'thereof', 'regard', 'having', 'article', 'treaty', 'functioning', 'particular', 'union', 'european']
Dokument 3726: ['91i', 'oj', 'communication', 'current', 'covid', '20', '19', 'temporary', 'economy', 'measures']
Dokument 3727: ['entry', 'force', 'april', '2020']
Dokument 3728: ['approving', 'decisions', '27', 'took', '18', 'measures', 'national']
Dokument 3729: ['promptly', 'react', 'requests', 'changes', 'programme', 'member', 'states', 'commission', 'support']
Dokument 3730: ['temporary', 'economy', 'framework', 'support']
Dokument 3731: ['adina', 'vălean', 'ioana', 'commission', 'member']
Dokument 3732: ['guidelines', 'border', 'management', 'presented', 'related', 'health', 'measures', 'member', 'states', 'commission']
Dokument 3733: ['sustained', 'indicating', 'hospitalisations', 'stabilisation', 'epidemiological', 'criteria', 'reduction', 'cases', 'period', 'number']
Dokument 3734: ['cafés', 'gradation', 'restaurants', 'sport', 'centres', 'possible', 'activities', 'social']
Dokument 3735: ['mobilising', '15', 'billion', 'eu']
Dokument 3736: ['reaffirmed', 'commitment', 'international', 'cooperation']
Dokument 3737: ['measures', 'specificities', 'geographic', 'broader', 'coverage', 'extended', 'lifting', 'gradually', 'account', 'taking']
Dokument 3738: ['undermining', 'assets', 'biotechnology', 'openness', 'preserve', 'critical', 'aim', 'general', 'medical', 'eu']
Dokument 3739: ['remain', 'sure', 'essential', 'treatment', 'aim', 'right', 'protect', 'make', 'available', 'goods']
Dokument 3740: ['standardization', 'committee', 'european', 'electrotechnical', 'devices', 'protective', 'personal', 'certain', 'standards', 'equipment']
Dokument 3741: ['revamped', 'commission', 'updated', 'proposal', 'recovery', 'plan', 'multiannual', 'term', 'develop', 'long']
Dokument 3742: ['easing', 'aviation', 'environment', 'covid', '19', 'impact', 'industry', 'outbreak']
Dokument 3743: ['deadline', 'payments', '15', 'extension', 'extended', 'offering', 'applications', 'month', 'application', 'payment']
Dokument 3744: ['president', 'g20', 'michel', 'underlined', 'charles', 'committed', 'videoconference', 'tackling', 'vulnerable', 'extraordinary']
Dokument 3745: ['incompatible', 'lifted', 'law', 'restrictions', 'union']
Dokument 3746: ['stockpiles', 'hosting', 'romania', 'resceu', 'germany', 'countries']
Dokument 3747: ['gather', 'reporting', 'robust', 'develop', 'data']
Dokument 3748: ['reports', 'submission', 'postponed', 'rdps', 'giving', 'postponement', 'submit', 'deadline', 'annual', 'authorities']
Dokument 3749: ['agreements', 'partnership', 'amend', 'modify', 'rdps', 'administrative', 'lifting', 'amendments', 'procedures', 'required']
Dokument 3750: ['fly', 'ghost', 'slots', 'release', 'aircraft', 'aviation', 'avoiding', 'flights', 'emissions', 'airlines']
Dokument 3751: ['connectivity', 'progressive', 'restoration', 'guidelines', 'covid', 'transport', '19', 'services']
Dokument 3752: ['swiftly', 'easily', 'degree', 'ensuring', 'internal', 'start', 'action', 'safety', 'help', 'place']
Dokument 3753: ['hardest', 'hit', 'aquaculture', 'fishing', 'sectors']
Dokument 3754: ['repatriation', 'stranded', 'message', 'leyen', 'von', 'der', 'president', 'abroad', 'march', '19']
Dokument 3755: ['stockpiling', 'distributing', 'procurement', 'supplies', 'resceu', 'supporting', 'joint', 'equipment', 'member', 'states']
Dokument 3756: ['launches', 'experts', 'team', 'scientific', 'commission', 'european']
Dokument 3757: ['warning', 'apps', 'privacy', 'tracing', 'mobile', 'contact', 'respect', 'create', 'data', 'use']
Dokument 3758: ['capacity', 'tracking', 'detect', 'isolate', 'tracing', 'appropriate', 'monitoring', 'quickly', 'infected', 'individuals']
Dokument 3759: ['livelihoods', 'mobilises', '02', 'lives', 'protect', 'response', 'euro', 'april', 'coronavirus', 'commission']
Dokument 3760: ['passenger', 'rail', 'source', 'ago', '90', 'compared', 'services', 'longdistance', 'year', 'emsa']
Dokument 3761: ['personal', 'protective', 'ensuring', 'supply', 'equipment', 'eu']
Dokument 3762: ['cov', 'sars', 'virus', 'caused', 'covid', 'called', '19', 'disease', 'coronavirus']
Dokument 3763: ['educators', 'explore', 'platforms', 'teachers', 'range', 'online', 'covid', '19', 'outbreak']
Dokument 3764: ['border', 'designate', 'lane', 'trans', 'crossings', 'crossing', 'requested', 'green', 'network', 'internal']
Dokument 3765: ['redirected', 'unused', 'corona', 'announced', 'enable', 'fight', 'der', 'leyen', 'von', '60']
Dokument 3766: ['response', 'mandate', 'videoconference', 'coordinate', 'step', 'leaders', 'actions', 'covid', '19', 'received']
Dokument 3767: ['moving', 'freight', 'advice', 'issued', 'guidelines', 'implementing', 'practical', 'border', 'management', 'pandemic']
Dokument 3768: ['foreseen', 'flexibility', 'enable', 'adopted', 'covid', 'rules', 'context', '19', 'temporary', 'use']
Dokument 3769: ['pledge', 'includes', 'billion', 'commission']
Dokument 3770: ['resuming', 'protocols', 'progressive', 'establishments', 'hospitality', 'guidance', 'tourism', 'covid', '19', 'services']
Dokument 3771: ['assets', 'video', 'message', 'critical', 'guidelines', 'leyen', 'von', 'der', 'protect', 'technology']
Dokument 3772: ['vehicles', 'freight', 'carrying', 'open', 'goods']
Dokument 3773: ['phased', 'restoring', 'controls', 'coordinated', 'lifting', 'freedom', 'approach', 'internal', 'movement', 'border']
Dokument 3774: ['vaccine', 'tübingen', 'curevac', 'developer', 'highly', '80', 'innovative', 'scale', 'offered', 'germany']
Dokument 3775: ['campaigns', 'hygiene', 'awareness', 'sustained', 'distancing', 'practices', 'efforts', 'encourage', 'virus', 'prevent']
Dokument 3776: ['billions', 'euros', 'economies', '31', 'face', 'worth', 'schemes', 'march', 'based', 'temporary']
Dokument 3777: ['sweep', 'advertisements', 'screening', 'platforms', 'online']
Dokument 3778: ['shields', 'kits', 'overalls', 'goggles', 'hospitals', 'gloves', 'ventilators', 'vital', 'professionals', 'masks']
Dokument 3779: ['measures', 'resurgence', 'readiness', 'continuously', 'monitored', 'strict', 'containment', 'return', 'strong', 'certain']
Dokument 3780: ['ventilators', 'stockpile', 'resceu', 'masks', 'protective', 'strategic', 'decided', 'create', 'pandemic', 'equipment']
Dokument 3781: ['reflections', 'guide', 'containment', 'lifting', 'elements', 'gradually', 'following', 'measures', 'member', 'states']
Dokument 3782: ['lanes', 'continuous', 'flow', 'green', 'ensuring', 'goods', 'eu']
Dokument 3783: ['keeping', 'protecting', 'essential', 'goods', 'available', 'services', 'health']
Dokument 3784: ['schengen', 'associated', 'family', 'citizens', 'states']
Dokument 3785: ['stockpile', 'resceu', 'equipment', 'medical']
Dokument 3786: ['weeks', 'follow', 'coming', 'proposals', 'additional']
Dokument 3787: ['addressed', 'exceptional', 'created', 'needs', 'situation', 'specific', 'measures']
Dokument 3788: ['coordinate', 'delivery', 'finance', 'ukraine', 'assistance', 'eu']
Dokument 3789: ['curevac', 'offers', 'innovative', 'financing', 'company', 'vaccines', 'commission']
Dokument 3790: ['scaled', 'fight', 'emergency', 'january', 'launched', 'covid', '19', 'outbreak', 'commission']
Dokument 3791: ['virologists', 'epidemiologists', 'formulate', 'advisory', 'panel', 'composed', 'coordinated', 'guidelines', 'brought', 'management']
Dokument 3792: ['stepping', 'address', 'funding', 'research', 'coronavirus']
Dokument 3793: ['names', 'finance', 'website', 'access', 'available', 'information', 'institutions']
Dokument 3794: ['protective', 'increasing', 'equipment', 'production']
Dokument 3795: ['equipment', 'ppe', 'requiring', 'authorisation', 'availability', 'steps', 'supplies', 'personal', 'protective', 'subject']
Dokument 3796: ['funded', '100', 'eu']
Dokument 3797: ['track', 'fast', 'introduction', 'treatments', 'medicines', 'develop', 'vaccines']
Dokument 3798: ['concrete', 'crucial', 'taken', 'measures', 'support']
Dokument 3799: ['global', 'kick', 'pledging', 'forces', 'starting', 'effort', 'joining', 'start', 'response', 'partners']
Dokument 3800: ['bringing', '31', 'supported', 'decided', '18', 'additional', 'march', 'project', 'projects', 'number']
Dokument 3801: ['mobilised', 'balkans', 'announced', 'jointly', 'european', 'western', 'bank', 'benefit', 'investment', 'citizens']
Dokument 3802: ['fund', 'european', 'unlocked', 'efsi', 'eif', 'strategic', 'investments', 'guarantee', 'investment', 'billion']
Dokument 3803: ['change', 'does', 'coronavirus']
Dokument 3804: ['steps', 'adequate', 'protective', 'medicines', 'taking', 'supply', 'necessary', 'equipment', 'ensure', 'europe']
Dokument 3805: ['organisational', 'moving', 'recommends', 'flows', 'steps', 'supplies', 'personnel', 'operational', 'guidance', 'essential']
Dokument 3806: ['clarify', 'profession', 'speed', 'nurses', 'allowing', 'practice', 'doctors', 'guidance', 'qualifications', 'professional']
Dokument 3807: ['work']
Dokument 3808: ['cargo', 'calls', 'operations', 'air', 'crisis', 'member', 'coronavirus', 'states', 'commission', 'support']
Dokument 3809: ['medical', '100t', '440', 'suits', 'facilitated', 'delivery', 'luxembourg', 'delivered', 'kg', 'china']
Dokument 3810: ['forecast', 'spring', 'published', '2020', 'economic', 'commission', 'european']
Dokument 3811: ['continent', 'food', 'remains', 'chain', 'priorities', 'ensuring', 'supply', 'security', 'effective', 'commission']
Dokument 3812: ['video', 'message', 'der', 'leyen', 'von', 'border', 'management', 'president', 'related', 'health']
Dokument 3813: ['2013', '352', 'articles', '108', '1407', 'minimis', 'oj', 'regulation', 'application', '107']
Dokument 3814: ['freely', 'supplies', 'standards', 'medical', 'available', 'european']
Dokument 3815: []
Dokument 3816: ['ecdc']
Dokument 3817: ['guidelines', 'regarding', 'tourism']
Dokument 3818: ['response', 'centred', 'fiscal', 'banking', 'socio', 'tools', 'coordinated', 'flexibility', 'mitigate', 'immediate']
Dokument 3819: ['allegedly', 'beware', 'scams', 'infections', 'cure', 'online', 'prevent', 'related', 'coronavirus', 'products']
Dokument 3820: ['regard', 'committee', 'having', 'opinion', 'social', 'economic', 'european']
Dokument 3821: ['appropriate', 'need', 'measures', 'aid', 'state']
Dokument 3822: ['actions', 'include']
Dokument 3823: ['setting', 'counter', 'coordinated', 'response', 'impact', 'economic', 'coronavirus']
Dokument 3824: ['version', 'decision', 'available', 'public']
Dokument 3825: ['checks', 'spot', 'leeway', 'timing', 'eligibility', 'physical', 'met', 'carry', 'reduction', 'requirements']
Dokument 3826: ['updated', 'tables', 'available', 'information', 'new']
Dokument 3827: ['confinement', 'phasing', 'tools', 'strategies', 'stages', 'testing', 'effectively', 'aim', 'pandemic', 'using']
Dokument 3828: ['committee', 'exchange', 'launched', 'platform', 'online', 'regions', 'covid', '19', 'european']
Dokument 3829: ['million', '45m', '117', 'pharmaceutical', 'bringing', '72', 'initially', '45', 'medicines', 'innovative']
Dokument 3830: ['1071', 'regulation', 'ec', 'parliament', '2009', 'council', 'european']
Dokument 3831: ['applicability', '107', 'article', 'treaty', 'functioning', 'union', 'european']
Dokument 3832: ['assessing', 'situation', 'commission']
Dokument 3833: ['difficult', 'situation', 'outbreak', 'coronavirus']
Dokument 3834: ['activity', 'field', 'commission']
Dokument 3835: ['slot', 'usage', 'alleviate', 'airport', 'temporarily', 'obligations', 'targeted', 'airlines', 'announced', 'legislation']
Dokument 3836: ['preparedness', 'management', 'health', 'crisis']
Dokument 3837: ['supports', 'wide', 'variety', 'initiatives', 'including', 'eu']
Dokument 3838: ['expertise', 'collection', 'use']
Dokument 3839: ['keeps', 'moving', 'freight', 'air', 'essential', 'ensuring']
Dokument 3840: ['lend', 'mitigate', 'banks', 'aim', 'continue', 'package', 'significant', 'money', 'ensure', 'help']
Dokument 3841: ['includes']
Dokument 3842: ['involve', '140', 'teams', 'funded', 'horizon', '48', 'budget', 'total', 'eur', 'research']
Dokument 3843: ['statement', 'latest', 'address', 'von', 'leyen', 'der', 'president', 'measures', 'coronavirus']
Dokument 3844: ['29', 'brussels', '2020']
Dokument 3845: ['108i', 'oj', '13', '2020']
Dokument 3846: ['chain', 'supply', 'measures', 'food', 'support']
Dokument 3847: ['gather', 'deployment', 'universal', 'collaborative', 'diagnostics', 'treatments', 'aim', 'significant', 'funding', 'ensure']
Dokument 3848: ['ecosystem', 'tourism', 'importance', 'europe']
Dokument 3849: ['digital', 'skills', 'force', 'labour']
Dokument 3850: ['allegedly', 'beware', 'scams', 'cure', 'infection', 'online', 'prevent', 'related', 'coronavirus', 'products']
Dokument 3851: ['proportionate', 'discriminatory', 'refusal', 'entry', 'decision', 'non', 'needs']
Dokument 3852: ['ai', 'detecting', 'supercomputers', 'analytical', 'assets', 'intelligence', 'patterns', 'artificial', 'treatments', 'power']
Dokument 3853: ['1a']
Dokument 3854: ['escape', 'clause', 'pact', 'activation', 'proposed', 'stability', 'general', 'growth', 'commission']
Dokument 3855: ['replied', 'proactively', 'reynders', 'positively', 'commissioner', 'platforms', 'took', 'measures', 'cooperation']
Dokument 3856: ['introduction']
Dokument 3857: ['video', 'message', 'von', 'leyen', 'der', 'president', 'economy', 'measures', 'support']
Dokument 3858: ['marie', 'msca', 'skłodowska', 'curie', 'applications', 'actions', 'covid', '19', 'related']
Dokument 3859: ['2001', '2016', 'restrictive', 'directed', 'entities', 'oj', 'regulation', 'persons', 'council', 'measures']
Dokument 3860: ['regulation', 'parliament', 'council', 'european']
Dokument 3861: ['needs', 'guarantees', 'health']
Dokument 3862: ['statutory', 'instrument', 'new']
Dokument 3863: ['platforms', 'learning', 'online', 'resources', 'coronavirus']
Dokument 3864: ['clusters', 'capacity', 'helping', 'industrial', 'increase', 'production']
Dokument 3865: ['announced', 'contribute', 'team', 'response', 'pandemic', 'funding', 'share', 'today', 'europe', 'coronavirus']
Dokument 3866: ['quick', 'accelerate', 'discovery', 'sharing', 'allow', 'data', 'results', 'research']
Dokument 3867: ['35', 'old', 'years']
Dokument 3868: ['1a004', 'entry', 'particular']
Dokument 3869: ['2020', '3125', 'brussels', 'final', '13']
Dokument 3870: ['840', '1000', 'losses', 'eur', 'billion']
Dokument 3871: ['references', 'syria', 'guidance', 'legal']
Dokument 3872: ['stakeholders', 'cooperation']
Dokument 3873: ['partnerships', 'solid', 'strengthened', 'immediate', 'neighbourhood', 'eu']
Dokument 3874: ['platform', 'erasmus', 'results', 'project']
Dokument 3875: ['consular', 'assistance', 'abroad', 'citizens', 'eu']
Dokument 3876: ['inclusion', 'affairs', 'employment', 'social']
Dokument 3877: ['56685', 'designated', 'cancellation', 'targeted', 'compensate', 'organisers', 'suffered', 'damage', 'participants', 'events']
Dokument 3878: ['supercomputers', 'intelligence', 'artificial', 'data']
Dokument 3879: ['utmost', 'expense', 'treaties', 'fundamental', 'principles', 'values', 'emergency', 'set', 'importance', 'measures']
Dokument 3880: ['gaps', 'clinical', 'management']
Dokument 3881: ['budget', 'corona', 'adapt', 'circumstances', 'seven', 'post', 'term', 'long', 'crisis', 'year']
Dokument 3882: ['sanctions', 'map', 'eu']
Dokument 3883: ['warns', 'fundamental', '31', 'respect', 'principles', 'values', 'der', 'leyen', 'von', 'emergency']
Dokument 3884: ['tourists', 'travellers']
Dokument 3885: ['question', 'derogations', 'applications', 'joint', '18', 'general', '19']
Dokument 3886: ['exemptions', 'restrictions', 'travel']
Dokument 3887: ['registration', 'required', 'online', 'course']
Dokument 3888: ['question', 'concerning', 'applications', 'joint', '18']
Dokument 3889: ['06', 'businesses', '100', '000', 'april', 'billion', '2020', 'support', 'european']
Dokument 3890: ['apps', 'mobile', 'using', 'data']
Dokument 3891: ['marie', 'msca', 'curie', 'skłodowska', 'actions', 'funding', 'project', 'received', 'eu']
Dokument 3892: ['questions', 'question', '25', '19']
Dokument 3893: ['updates', 'assessments', 'respond', 'frequent', 'epidemiological', 'produces', 'issuing', 'technical', 'guidance', 'rapid']
Dokument 3894: ['erasmus', 'impact', 'coronavirus']
Dokument 3895: ['africa', 'assistance']
Dokument 3896: ['procurement', 'secure', 'read', 'procedures', 'protective', 'personal', 'joint', 'equipment', 'europe', 'eu']
Dokument 3897: ['distance', 'learning', 'exists', 'eden', 'understanding', 'professionals', 'network', 'knowledge', 'improve', 'share']
Dokument 3898: ['weeks', 'address', 'emergency', 'past', 'taken', 'caused', 'health', 'crisis', 'measures', 'outbreak']
Dokument 3899: ['marie', 'msca', 'skłodowska', 'curie', 'actions', 'impact', 'coronavirus']
Dokument 3900: ['authorisations', 'required', 'personal', 'protective', 'equipment', 'export']
Dokument 3901: ['staying', 'safe', 'online']
Dokument 3902: ['proportionality', 'ensure']
Dokument 3903: ['esif', 'financed', 'structural', 'available', 'measures', 'funds', 'scheme', 'support', 'eu']
Dokument 3904: ['limiting', 'issuing', 'severely', 'associated', 'aims', 'current', 'risk', 'loans', 'affected', 'impact']
Dokument 3905: ['sa', '107', 'danish', 'article', '21', 'march', 'approved', 'aid', 'scheme', '2020']
Dokument 3906: ['preparedness', 'planning', 'surveillance', 'guidance', 'limited', 'laboratory', 'includes', 'response', 'outbreak', 'support']
Dokument 3907: ['2020', 'amended', 'adopted', 'schemes', 'march', '19', 'april', 'temporary', 'approved', 'framework']
Dokument 3908: ['operational', 'costs', 'guarantees', 'loans']
Dokument 3909: ['envelopes', 'totalling', 'tackle', 'spend', '54', 'flexibility', 'needed', 'entire', 'pandemic', 'cohesion']
Dokument 3910: ['summary', 'notam', 'airmen', 'eurocontrol', 'flight', 'daily', 'notice', 'entitled', 'passenger', 'website']
Dokument 3911: ['2020', 'amended', 'adopted', 'march', '19', 'april', 'temporary', 'approved', 'framework', 'aid']
Dokument 3912: ['loans', 'measure', 'guarantees', 'public', 'form', 'support', 'polish']
Dokument 3913: ['equipment', 'clothing', 'medicinal', 'hospital', 'ventilators', 'protective', 'include', 'medical', 'vaccines', 'including']
Dokument 3914: ['sace', 'owned', 'granted', 'affected', 'institutions', 'financial', 'aid', 'state', 'outbreak', 'companies']
Dokument 3915: ['team', 'response', 'coronavirus', 'commission', 'european']
Dokument 3916: ['directive', 'article', 'package', '11', 'travel']
Dokument 3917: ['austrian', 'liquidity', 'context', 'april', 'temporary', 'economy', 'approved', 'framework', 'outbreak', 'scheme']
Dokument 3918: ['immediate', 'businesses', 'cover', 'working', 'needs', 'capital', 'help', 'investment', 'scheme']
Dokument 3919: ['query', 'right', 'information']
Dokument 3920: ['granted', 'grants', 'working', 'capital', 'guarantees', 'investment', 'loans', 'direct', 'form', 'state']
Dokument 3921: ['attempt', 'sum', 'perspective', 'report', 'political', '10', 'membership', 'economic', 'years', 'poland']
Dokument 3922: ['change', 'did', 'europe', 'answer', 'authors', 'question', 'intended', 'poland', 'following', '10']
Dokument 3923: ['coherent', 'aspects', 'integrate', 'publication', 'image', 'comprehensive', 'purpose', 'political', 'different', 'social']
Dokument 3924: ['chapters', 'modes', 'methodology', 'differ', 'presentation', 'matter', 'subject']
Dokument 3925: ['rigid', 'deliberately', 'complexity', 'authors', 'reflect', 'chosen', 'subject', 'use', 'form']
Dokument 3926: ['perspectives', 'presents', 'influenced', 'report', 'shows', 'changed', 'poland', 'eu', 'membership', 'state']
Dokument 3927: ['perspectives', 'presents', 'influenced', 'report', 'shows', 'changed', 'poland', 'eu', 'membership', 'state']
Dokument 3928: ['country', 'feeling', 'evolution', 'looking', 'decade', 'interests', 'responsible', 'project', 'national', 'time']
Dokument 3929: ['player', 'regard', 'status', 'considered', 'changed', 'significant', 'held', 'country', 'high', 'time']
Dokument 3930: ['performed', 'certainly', 'favourable', 'fields', 'net', 'political', 'result', 'membership', 'eu']
Dokument 3931: ['economic', 'demonstrate', 'influenced', 'aims', 'membership', 'social', 'country', 'development', 'eu']
Dokument 3932: ['shows', 'joined', 'opportunities', 'compared', 'offered', 'eu', 'data', '2007', 'use', 'best']
Dokument 3933: ['mobilisation', 'owe', 'entrepreneurs', 'single', 'internal', 'presence', 'initiative', 'effective', 'use', 'great']
Dokument 3934: ['attempt', 'compare', 'later', 'poland', 'effects', 'present', '2003', 'membership', 'country', 'years']
Dokument 3935: ['attempt', 'compare', 'later', 'poland', 'effects', 'present', '2003', 'membership', 'country', 'years']
Dokument 3936: ['poverty', 'decrease', 'successful', 'rates', 'significant', 'effects', 'eu', 'unemployment', 'effective', 'markets']
Dokument 3937: ['uneven', 'distribution', 'favourable', 'hand', 'migration', 'benefits', 'effects', 'citizens']
Dokument 3938: ['certainly', 'net', 'according', 'positive', 'result', 'membership', 'poles', 'eu']
Dokument 3939: ['polls', 'confirm', 'opinion', 'expected', 'far', 'better', 'situation', 'citizens', 'public', '2003']
Dokument 3940: ['informative', 'description', 'authors', 'assumed', 'publication', 'past', 'decade', 'value', 'high']
Dokument 3941: ['comparing', 'consisted', 'statistical', 'fears', 'relating', 'analysis', 'expressed', 'fields', 'concerns', 'changed']
Dokument 3942: ['sceptics', 'arguments', 'inability', 'attempted', 'referendum', 'collapse', 'losing', 'sovereignty', 'review', 'increases']
Dokument 3943: ['certainty', 'unfounded', 'say', 'concerns', 'proved']
Dokument 3944: ['simulation', 'chapter', 'presents', 'look', 'joined', 'scientific', 'today', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 3945: ['explicit', 'poorer', 'earn', 'rates', 'unemployment', 'results', 'poles', 'higher', 'poland']
Dokument 3946: ['capitalised', 'fully', 'opportunities', 'offered', 'membership', 'eu']
Dokument 3947: ['success', 'citizens', 'polish']
Dokument 3948: ['isolation', 'analyse', 'difficult', 'effects', 'accession', 'eu']
Dokument 3949: ['situation', 'compare', 'obtaining', 'joining', 'cases', 'current', 'way', 'information', 'eu']
Dokument 3950: ['approach', 'temporal', 'comparative', 'comparing', 'approaches', 'purposes', 'occurred', 'analysis', 'account', 'taking']
Dokument 3951: ['beginning', 'included', '2014', 'data', 'possible']
Dokument 3952: ['date', 'year', 'starting', 'final', 'report', 'december', 'adopted', '2003', 'accession', '2013']
Dokument 3953: ['date', 'year', 'starting', 'final', 'report', 'december', 'adopted', '2003', 'accession', '2013']
Dokument 3954: ['beginning', 'included', '2014', 'data', 'possible']
Dokument 3955: ['statistical', 'complete', 'concluded', 'latest', 'report', 'processes', 'events', '2014', 'available', 'april']
Dokument 3956: ['macroeconomic', 'report', '24', 'presented', '2014', 'data', 'march', 'main']
Dokument 3957: ['poland', 'excluding', 'malta', 'cyprus', 'status', 'assessment', 'european', 'joined', 'comparison', 'central']
Dokument 3958: ['uniform', 'stress', 'approach', 'purpose', 'term', 'order', 'central', 'area', 'used', 'europe']
Dokument 3959: ['comparisons', 'excluding', 'late', 'croatia', 'report', 'july', 'joined', 'includes', '27', 'eu']
Dokument 3960: ['authors', 'thought', 'spheres', 'selective', 'aspects', 'publication', 'influenced', 'focus', 'account', 'given']
Dokument 3961: ['attempted', 'specialist', 'understood', 'complex', 'interested', 'issues', 'present', 'membership', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 3962: ['abstract', 'everyday', 'phenomena', 'noticeable', 'institutional', 'processes', 'legal', 'influence', 'life', 'set']
Dokument 3963: ['written', 'departments', 'publication', 'affairs', 'department', 'ministry', 'foreign', 'cooperation', 'economic', 'union']
Dokument 3964: ['mfa', 'crowning', 'summing', 'analytical', 'drafted', 'assessing', 'follow', 'office', 'reports', 'committee']
Dokument 3965: ['mfa', 'ministries', 'aspects', 'agencies', 'report', 'responsible', 'includes', 'relevant', 'government', 'data']
Dokument 3966: ['remarks', 'forget', 'comments', 'useful', 'contribution', 'external', 'experts', 'proved']
Dokument 3967: ['player', 'course', 'significant', 'political', 'years', 'union', 'european', 'poland']
Dokument 3968: ['fearful', 'losing', 'sovereignty', 'hope', 'joined', '2004', 'state', 'new', 'member', 'eu']
Dokument 3969: ['fearful', 'losing', 'sovereignty', 'hope', 'joined', '2004', 'state', 'new', 'member', 'eu']
Dokument 3970: ['influential', 'celebrate', 'knows', 'pursue', 'acts', 'responsibility', 'decade', 'interests', 'strong', '2014']
Dokument 3971: ['learned', 'line', 'influence', 'interests', 'needs', 'impact', 'years', 'polish', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 3972: ['knowing', 'gain', 'stands', 'supported', 'idea', 'internal', 'market', 'poland']
Dokument 3973: ['engaged', 'assumption', 'convinced', 'debates', 'acting', 'actively', 'eurozone', 'debate', 'reform', 'key']
Dokument 3974: ['engaged', 'assumption', 'convinced', 'debates', 'acting', 'actively', 'eurozone', 'debate', 'reform', 'key']
Dokument 3975: ['energy', 'investing', 'protect', 'security', 'better', 'policy', 'years', 'eu']
Dokument 3976: ['gaining', 'momentum', 'continued', 'strategic', 'ukraine', 'response', 'energy', 'process', 'crisis', 'form']
Dokument 3977: ['shaping', 'pursuing', 'actively', 'specifically', 'applied', 'neighbourhood', 'eu', 'membership', 'policy', 'eastern']
Dokument 3978: ['hardest', 'prospects', 'multiannual', 'won', 'achievements', 'poland', 'term', 'key', '2014', 'negotiations']
Dokument 3979: ['hardest', 'prospects', 'multiannual', 'won', 'achievements', 'poland', 'term', 'key', '2014', 'negotiations']
Dokument 3980: ['pln', 'billion', '441', 'cuts', 'negotiated', 'successfully', 'despite', 'major', 'compared', '19']
Dokument 3981: ['alliance', 'thought', 'belonging', 'consistently', 'strategy', 'friends', 'cohesion', 'implemented', 'based', 'institutions']
Dokument 3982: ['burning', 'bridges', 'tough', 'came', 'negotiations', 'financial', 'poland']
Dokument 3983: ['predictable', 'reputation', 'won', 'responsible', 'strong', 'position', 'political', 'country', 'poland']
Dokument 3984: ['economic', 'unlike', 'societies', 'performance', 'stability', 'hard', 'times', 'possible', 'political', 'integration']
Dokument 3985: ['ahead', 'successful', 'contributed', 'interests', 'presidency', 'effective', 'implementation', 'half', 'second', 'investment']
Dokument 3986: ['cooperating', 'rooted', 'deeply', 'favourable', 'net', 'added', 'poland', 'experience', 'fact', 'process']
Dokument 3987: ['considers', 'vote', 'meps', 'party', 'favour', 'crucial', 'european', 'influence', 'issues', 'effectively']
Dokument 3988: ['ep', 'meps', 'representing', 'effectively', 'presence', 'interests', 'polish', 'importance', 'largest', 'context']
Dokument 3989: ['singlehandedly', 'knowing', 'player', 'coalitions', 'achieved', '28', 'team', 'building', 'effective', 'union']
Dokument 3990: ['pooling', 'combined', 'votes', 'visegrad', 'instrument', 'influence', 'particularly', 'effective', 'france', 'germany']
Dokument 3991: ['group', 'visegrad', 'successful', 'today', 'regional', 'eu']
Dokument 3992: ['witnessed', 'reinvigorated', 'consultations', 'triangle', 'weimar', 'positions', 'issues', 'forum', 'key', 'france']
Dokument 3993: ['performance', 'positive', 'impact', 'membership', 'country', 'economic', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 3994: ['purchasing', 'relative', 'capita', 'power', 'gdp', 'joined', '27', 'standards', '2009', '11']
Dokument 3995: ['164', 'exports', '25', 'lower', 'pln', 'value', 'billion', '2013', 'polish']
Dokument 3996: ['pln', 'billion', '2013', '36', 'expenditures', '200', 'turn', 'lower', '12', 'capital']
Dokument 3997: ['38', 'unemployment', 'lower', 'employment', '10', 'higher']
Dokument 3998: ['words', 'unemployed', 'half', 'number', 'higher', 'million']
Dokument 3999: ['recap', 'slower', 'earning', 'pace', 'entered', 'developing', 'economy', 'work', 'people', 'union']
Dokument 4000: ['marked', 'stage', 'beginning', 'accession', 'country', '2004', 'important', 'economic', 'union', 'development']
Dokument 4001: ['unrestrained', 'absence', 'borders', 'looking', 'presence', 'study', 'taken', 'access', 'worth', 'eu']
Dokument 4002: ['gate', 'looked', 'eve', 'majority', 'better', 'citizens', 'world', 'accession', 'union', 'european']
Dokument 4003: ['grim', 'readying', 'critics', 'sacrifices', 'hardship', 'painted', 'parts', 'accompanied', 'joining', 'enlargement']
Dokument 4004: ['generations', 'enjoy', 'standard', 'living', 'higher', 'poland']
Dokument 4005: ['apparent', 'earlier', 'effects', 'positive', 'accession', 'eu']
Dokument 4006: ['indicators', 'occur', 'quickly', 'improved', 'significantly', 'decade', 'expected', 'key', 'did', 'changes']
Dokument 4007: ['eu', 'payer', 'spend', 'unfounded', 'expressed', 'entered', 'net', 'concerns', 'effectively', 'proved']
Dokument 4008: ['translate', 'automatically', 'structures', 'performance', 'standard', 'shown', 'joining', 'improved', 'living', 'does']
Dokument 4009: ['presents', 'opportunity', 'guarantee', 'membership', 'development', 'eu']
Dokument 4010: ['capitalise', 'decides', 'depends', 'conduct', 'fully', 'opportunity', 'policy', 'country', 'economic']
Dokument 4011: ['joined', 'opportunities', 'balance', 'compared', 'offered', 'eu', 'better', '2007', 'use', 'membership']
Dokument 4012: ['joining', 'leader', 'gdp', '48', 'grew', 'growth', 'economic', 'eu']
Dokument 4013: ['outperformed', 'slovakia', 'region', 'countries', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 4014: ['test', 'passed', 'global', 'crisis', 'economy', 'important', 'economic', 'poland']
Dokument 4015: ['recession', 'avoid', '2009', 'country', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 4016: ['gdp', '2008', '20', 'total', 'increased', '2013', 'poland']
Dokument 4017: ['performance', 'far', 'best', 'eu']
Dokument 4018: ['thirds', 'pace', 'faster', 'reach', 'helped', 'growth', 'average', 'level', 'economic', 'development']
Dokument 4019: ['wealthier', 'overtaken', 'hungary', '10', 'accession', 'country', 'years', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 4020: ['cent', 'amounted', 'purchasing', '66', 'capita', 'power', 'gdp', '48', 'points', '27']
Dokument 4021: ['cent', 'amounted', 'purchasing', '66', 'capita', 'power', 'gdp', '48', 'points', '27']
Dokument 4022: ['accompanied', 'major', 'changes', 'growth', 'labour', 'economic', 'market']
Dokument 4023: ['million', 'inactive', 'economically', 'presence', 'created', 'employed', 'jobs', 'members', 'groups', 'half']
Dokument 4024: ['poverty', 'people', 'million', 'exclusion', 'lifted', '2005', 'improved', 'significantly', 'decreased', 'risk']
Dokument 4025: ['rapid', 'investments', 'economy', 'economists', 'confidence', 'inflow', 'private', 'resulting', 'gdp', 'modernisation']
Dokument 4026: ['mid', 'perspective', 'structure', 'expected', 'term', 'changes', 'economy']
Dokument 4027: ['economists', 'predicted', 'sustainable', 'enlargement', 'gradually', 'come', '30', 'effects', '20', 'long']
Dokument 4028: ['underlying', 'assumptions', 'turned', 'true', 'economic']
Dokument 4029: ['boom', 'followed', 'consumption', 'saw', 'structural', 'changes', 'investment', 'membership', 'years', 'poland']
Dokument 4030: ['share', 'higher', 'fdis', 'spurred', 'technological', 'progress', 'inflow', 'productivity', 'generation', 'processed']
Dokument 4031: ['rankings', 'rising', 'outcome', 'systematically', 'annual', 'visible', 'competitiveness', 'gradually', 'changes', 'poland']
Dokument 4032: ['position', '33rd', 'imd', '48th', 'center', 'moved', 'ranking', 'competitiveness', 'instance', 'world']
Dokument 4033: ['eased', 'fluctuations', 'cycle', 'consistent', 'net', 'responsible', 'business', 'possible', 'result', 'membership']
Dokument 4034: ['bank', 'guarantee', 'authority', 'supervision', 'independent', 'efficient', 'establish', 'stability', 'managed', 'fund']
Dokument 4035: ['pitfalls', 'saved', 'prudential', 'oversight', 'banking', 'movement', 'free', 'effective', 'capital', 'sector']
Dokument 4036: ['constitution', 'overspending', 'ceiling', 'debt', 'placed', 'effectively', 'protected', 'public', 'country', 'polish']
Dokument 4037: ['model', 'implementing', 'using', 'effective', 'place', 'policy', 'funds', 'country', 'development', 'eu']
Dokument 4038: ['thresholds', 'deficit', 'run', 'exceeded', 'account', 'safety', 'current', 'did', 'membership', 'years']
Dokument 4039: ['moderate', 'specifically', 'increases', 'competitive', 'remained', 'costs', 'labour', 'thanks', 'economy']
Dokument 4040: ['inflation', 'major', 'did', 'impact', 'accession', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 4041: ['prudent', 'slower', 'recession', 'critical', 'experienced', 'went', 'effective', 'growth', 'thanks', 'crisis']
Dokument 4042: ['credibility', 'image', 'improved', 'thanks', 'membership', 'financial', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 4043: ['rating', 'bbb', 'fitch', 'upgraded', 'poor', 'agencies', 'standard', 'credit', '2007', 'poland']
Dokument 4044: ['securities', 'aftermath', 'treasury', 'credibility', 'return', 'led', 'rate', 'lower', 'increase', 'accession']
Dokument 4045: ['pays', 'debt', 'service', 'government', 'public', 'polish']
Dokument 4046: ['reducing', 'reached', 'june', 'contributed', 'rates', 'costs', 'cent', 'investment', 'level', 'country']
Dokument 4047: ['pillars', 'persons', 'movement', 'opportunities', 'offered', 'free', 'goods', 'capital', 'services', 'common']
Dokument 4048: ['million', 'firms', '500', 'biggest', 'free', 'home', '20', 'consumers', 'area', 'world']
Dokument 4049: ['improbable', 'join', 'mark', 'entrepreneurs', 'recently', 'make', 'common', '2003', 'market', 'polish']
Dokument 4050: ['lent', 'credibility', 'products', 'particular', 'membership', 'agricultural', 'polish', 'eu']
Dokument 4051: ['countries', 'effectively', 'exports', 'increased', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 4052: ['doubled', 'decade', 'exports', 'share', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 4053: ['highest', 'netherlands', 'second', 'increase', 'region', 'countries', 'eu']
Dokument 4054: ['joining', 'exported', 'times', 'eu', 'goods', '2013']
Dokument 4055: ['originated', 'consolidated', 'leadership', 'exporter', 'exported', 'joined', '27', 'biggest', 'position', 'central']
Dokument 4056: ['investing', 'attractiveness', 'significantly', 'increased', 'accession', 'country']
Dokument 4057: ['aggregate', '405', 'inflow', 'exceeded', 'investments', 'pln', 'direct', 'value', 'foreign', '2004']
Dokument 4058: ['ended', 'invested', 'euro', 'fact', 'country']
Dokument 4059: ['investors', 'desired', 'destination', 'rest', 'decade', 'central', 'particular', 'investment', 'europe', 'eastern']
Dokument 4060: ['assessing', 'note', 'facts', 'resulting', 'internal', 'achievements', 'presence', 'taken', 'poland', 'particular']
Dokument 4061: ['goods', 'trillion', 'unprecedented', 'seen', 'movement', 'exported', 'success', 'worth', 'free', 'pln']
Dokument 4062: ['twice', 'gdp', 'value', 'poland']
Dokument 4063: ['sectors', 'automotive', 'furniture', 'appliances', 'electronic', 'provider', 'industrial', 'exporters', 'leading', 'service']
Dokument 4064: ['gdp', 'cent', 'pln', 'trade', 'billion', 'deficit', 'impressive', 'surplus', 'turned', 'entrepreneurs']
Dokument 4065: ['billion', 'pln', 'eur', 'exceeds', '135', '550', 'profit', 'firms', '37', 'balance']
Dokument 4066: ['countries', 'delivered', 'leader', 'came', 'joined', 'poland', 'cent', '30', 'central', 'eu']
Dokument 4067: ['160', 'saw', 'rapid', 'cent', 'growth', 'services', 'value', 'increase', 'export', 'region']
Dokument 4068: ['visible', 'trend', 'tourism', 'transport', 'business', 'especially', 'sectors', 'support']
Dokument 4069: ['number', 'boom', 'firms', 'twice', 'exporting', 'fast', 'productivity', 'seen', 'right', 'grew']
Dokument 4070: ['earned', 'fifth', 'revenues', 'exports', 'result', '2013', 'companies', 'polish']
Dokument 4071: ['generated', 'revenues', 'internal', '80', 'presence', 'exports', 'cent', 'thanks', 'market', 'eu']
Dokument 4072: ['eu', 'present', 'common', 'membership', 'companies', 'years', 'market', 'polish']
Dokument 4073: ['tapped', 'means', 'significant', 'offered', 'potential', 'market', 'development']
Dokument 4074: ['000', 'member', 'placement', 'states', 'lecturers', 'classes', 'gave', '120', 'benefited', '37']
Dokument 4075: ['000', 'delegated', '230', 'creating', 'movement', 'possibility', 'jobs', 'workers', 'offered', '100']
Dokument 4076: ['000', 'delegated', '230', 'creating', 'movement', 'possibility', 'jobs', 'workers', 'offered', '100']
Dokument 4077: ['pln', 'billion', '137', 'dozen', 'times', 'investments', 'direct', '2003', 'increased', '2012']
Dokument 4078: ['shipyard', 'isn', 've', 'wall', 'seen', 'lot']
Dokument 4079: ['million', '630', 'trips', '140', 'tourists', 'foreigners', 'years', 'poland']
Dokument 4080: ['ceo', 'wants', 'airlines', 'gdańsk', '2005', 'cost', 'low', 'largest', 'said', 'europe']
Dokument 4081: ['284', 'spent', 'travellers', 'pln', 'foreign', 'total', 'billion', 'poland']
Dokument 4082: ['connections', 'flight', 'warszawa', 'cities', 'times', '2014', 'direct', 'world', 'accession', 'poland']
Dokument 4083: ['air', '185', 'millions', 'enabled', 'traffic', 'entry', 'liberalisation', 'airports', 'airlines', 'passed']
Dokument 4084: ['million', 'member', 'trips', 'states', 'travelled', '82', '66', 'tourists', 'represented', '75']
Dokument 4085: ['fourfold', 'roaming', 'phone', 'dropped', 'legislation', 'rates', 'data', 'implementation', 'thanks', 'poland']
Dokument 4086: ['60', 'cent', 'increased', 'number', 'high', '2013']
Dokument 4087: ['roaming', 'travelling', 'cent', '2007', 'services', 'citizens', 'used', 'polish', 'eu']
Dokument 4088: ['site', 'construction', 'decade', 'poland']
Dokument 4089: ['modernise', 'helping', 'rapidly', 'played', 'major', 'role', 'funds', 'country', 'eu']
Dokument 4090: ['volume', '75', 'grew', '13', 'investment', 'total', '2004']
Dokument 4091: ['51', 'funded', 'cohesion', '2009', 'investments', 'public', '2011', 'policy', 'poland']
Dokument 4092: ['fears', 'despite', 'contributed', 'eu', 'received', 'budget', 'membership', 'year', 'poland']
Dokument 4093: ['principal', 'beneficiary', 'net', '2009', 'budget', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 4094: ['billion', 'deducting', '61', '250', 'ago', 'contributions', 'received', 'pln', 'accession', 'eur']
Dokument 4095: ['billion', 'zloty', 'pln', 'eur', '375', '125', '92', 'paid', '31', 'means']
Dokument 4096: ['remain', 'outcome', 'beneficiary', 'likely', 'multiannual', 'net', 'shows', 'biggest', 'negotiations', '2014']
Dokument 4097: ['perspective', 'history', 'cohesion', 'current', 'funding', 'received', 'financial', 'policy', 'framework', 'country']
Dokument 4098: ['spent', 'received', 'funds', '2004', '2013', 'poland']
Dokument 4099: ['implemented7', '160', 'implemented', '000', 'thanks', 'projects', 'funds', '2004', '2013', 'eu']
Dokument 4100: ['km', 'sewage', 'built', '683', '808', 'expressways', '673', 'motorways', 'constructed', 'modernised']
Dokument 4101: ['85', '62', '600', 'entrepreneurs', 'carried', 'funding', 'approximately', 'received', 'pln', 'projects']
Dokument 4102: ['benefited', 'funds', 'companies', 'eu']
Dokument 4103: ['implementation', 'results', '551', '215', 'programme11', 'technologies', 'just', 'produced', 'enterprises', 'following']
Dokument 4104: ['972', '2960', 'incubators', 'ideas', 'supported', 'introduced', 'innovative', 'addition', 'called', 'services']
Dokument 4105: ['payments', 'direct', '53', 'benefited', 'farms', '12', 'average', 'received', 'pln', 'budget']
Dokument 4106: ['payments', 'direct', '53', 'benefited', 'farms', '12', 'average', 'received', 'pln', 'budget']
Dokument 4107: ['362', 'beneficiary', 'eligible', '38', 'means', 'average', 'pln']
Dokument 4108: ['billion', '117', 'modernised', '29', 'nearly', 'significantly', 'agri', 'received', 'pln', 'farmers']
Dokument 4109: ['labs', 'equipped', 'computer', 'schools', 'close', 'helped', 'change', 'half', 'thousand', 'funds']
Dokument 4110: ['workstations', '250', 'computer', 'created', '000', 'total']
Dokument 4111: ['preschool', 'preschools', 'generating', 'furthermore', 'places', '200', '800', 'units', 'set', 'additional']
Dokument 4112: ['security', 'benefit', 'access', 'eu', 'markets', 'labour', 'thanks', 'membership', 'social', 'poles']
Dokument 4113: ['bigger', 'anticipated', 'migrations', 'phenomenon', 'prior', 'enlargement', 'movement', 'proved', 'led', 'workers']
Dokument 4114: ['fundamental', 'principle', 'advantage', 'persons', 'internal', 'movement', 'taken', 'free', 'large', 'poles']
Dokument 4115: ['relating', 'reduced', 'pre', 'taking', 'legal', 'emigration', 'possibility', 'risk', 'natural', 'employment']
Dokument 4116: ['labour', 'market', 'think', 'accessible', 'turn', 'led', 'change', 'just', 'way', 'positive']
Dokument 4117: ['rzeszow', 'london', 'perfectly', 'feared', 'run', 'choose', 'job', 'western', 'jobs', 'members']
Dokument 4118: ['conclusive', 'assess', 'socio', 'migrations', 'certainly', 'perspective', 'big', 'seen', 'net', 'relatively']
Dokument 4119: ['tensions', 'doubt', 'run', 'short', 'opening', 'helped', 'reduce', 'markets', 'labour', 'europe']
Dokument 4120: ['transfers', 'money', 'billion16', '145', 'offset', 'equivalent', 'drop', 'economically', '36', 'migrants']
Dokument 4121: ['leave', 'bulgaria', 'romania', 'latvia', 'seen', 'recently', 'emigration', 'lithuania', 'scale', 'compared']
Dokument 4122: ['leave', 'bulgaria', 'romania', 'latvia', 'seen', 'recently', 'emigration', 'lithuania', 'scale', 'compared']
Dokument 4123: ['euroenthusiasm', 'conclusive', 'achievement', 'mentioning', 'performance', 'report', 'polish', 'good', 'important', 'economic']
Dokument 4124: ['hardly', 'pro', 'labelled', 'ago', 'members', 'community', 'poles', 'years', 'european']
Dokument 4125: ['shortly', 'believed', '42', 'membership', 'good', 'poles', 'accession', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 4126: ['euroenthusiasm', 'aware', 'steadily', 'increasingly', 'grew', 'benefits', 'poles', 'accession', 'year', 'polish']
Dokument 4127: ['nation', 'realise', 'fail', 'travelled', 'road', 'clear', 'decade', 'age', 'groups', 'long']
Dokument 4128: ['envy', 'millions', 'sentiments', 'openness', 'pro', 'trust', 'valuable', 'capital', 'thanks', 'poles']
Dokument 4129: ['position', '10', 'membership', 'years', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 4130: ['regarded', 'historic', 'pre', 'opportunity', 'future', 'investment', 'period', 'membership', 'accession', 'union']
Dokument 4131: ['driven', 'belief', 'politically', 'aspirations', 'sustainable', 'strengthen', 'ensure', 'growth', 'integration', 'economic']
Dokument 4132: ['affect', 'matters', 'authority', 'credibility', 'raise', 'decide', 'goal', 'saw', 'strategic', 'chance']
Dokument 4133: ['indispensable', 'architecture', 'politically', 'location', 'economically', 'stronger', 'play', 'geographical', 'making', 'major']
Dokument 4134: ['saw', 'opportunity', 'guarantee', 'eu']
Dokument 4135: ['depend', 'conduct', 'decided', 'success', 'policy', 'accession', 'poland']
Dokument 4136: ['persisted', 'opponents', 'supporters', 'fears', 'concerns', 'hand', 'process', 'integration', 'social', 'level']
Dokument 4137: ['realistic', 'stemmed', 'sentiments', 'poor', 'quite', 'economically', 'view', 'catch', 'developed', 'need']
Dokument 4138: ['hoped', 'discrimination', 'integrationists', 'opponents', 'worse', 'feared', 'whilst', 'pro', 'sovereignty', 'loss']
Dokument 4139: ['ropes', 'homework', 'doing', 'spent', 'learning', 'membership', 'cooperation', 'years', 'european']
Dokument 4140: ['jump', 'train', 'moving', 'mechanisms', 'fast', 'complex', 'run', 'play', 'joining', '50']
Dokument 4141: ['midst', 'determined', 'systemic', 'status', 'trying', 'priorities', 'transformation', 'leaders', 'catch', 'terms']
Dokument 4142: ['stride', 'priority', 'opportunities', 'key', 'offered', 'benefits', 'make', 'integration', 'best', 'time']
Dokument 4143: ['decision', 'gained', 'making', 'centre', 'importance', 'political', '10', 'important', 'years', 'union']
Dokument 4144: ['decision', 'gained', 'making', 'centre', 'importance', 'political', '10', 'important', 'years', 'union']
Dokument 4145: ['lobby', 'influential', 'ending', 'knows', 'brussels', 'decade', 'interests', 'strong', 'state', 'member']
Dokument 4146: ['implement', 'successfully', 'strategic', 'interests', 'used', 'membership', 'national', 'eu']
Dokument 4147: ['prospects', 'outcome', 'crucial', 'term', 'long', 'development', 'poland']
Dokument 4148: ['moment', 'multiannual', 'negotiations', 'eu', 'budget', '10', 'membership', 'important', 'years']
Dokument 4149: ['learned', 'furthermore', 'shape', 'interests', 'needs', 'according', 'impact', 'world', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 4150: ['agendas', 'game', 'entered', 'negative', 'terms', 'positive', 'european', 'poland']
Dokument 4151: ['energy', 'invested', 'enhance', 'successfully', 'security', 'example', 'policy', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 4152: ['ran', 'shale', 'pooling', 'convince', 'legislative', 'capable', 'gas', 'contrary', 'table', 'hand']
Dokument 4153: ['shouldering', 'develops', 'debates', 'direction', 'responsibility', 'taking', 'taken', 'key', 'active', 'eu']
Dokument 4154: ['attitude', 'reforming', 'eurozone', 'debate', 'participation', 'example', 'poland']
Dokument 4155: ['manifested', 'eu', 'plays', 'formulating', 'standing', 'external', 'shape', 'enhance', 'leading', 'environment']
Dokument 4156: ['player', 'coincidence', 'big', 'recent', 'political', 'years', 'poland']
Dokument 4157: ['advancement', 'things', 'contributed']
Dokument 4158: ['situation', 'crisis', 'good', 'economic']
Dokument 4159: ['recession', 'pursue', 'easier', 'fact', 'effective', 'crisis', 'policy', 'country', 'european', 'poland']
Dokument 4160: ['prior', 'grew', '20', '2007', 'crisis', 'economy', '2012', 'year', 'polish']
Dokument 4161: ['shrank', 'gdp', 'time', 'eu']
Dokument 4162: ['eurozone', 'slovakia', 'growing', '11', 'second', 'best', 'country']
Dokument 4163: ['ridden', 'phenomenon', 'seen', 'crisis', 'europe', 'economic', 'poland']
Dokument 4164: ['stability', 'political']
Dokument 4165: ['predictability', 'enhance', 'stability', 'position', 'did', 'political', 'crisis', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 4166: ['cabinet', 'autumn', 'office', 'single', 'seen', 'government', 'changes', '2007', 'time', 'member']
Dokument 4167: ['prospect', 'bankruptcy', 'fell', 'governments', 'problems', 'economic']
Dokument 4168: ['government', 'ansip', 'reinfeldt', 'andrus', 'fredrik', 'angela', 'longest', 'serving', 'tusk', 'merkel']
Dokument 4169: ['sworn', '45', 'autumn', 'office', 'seen', 'prime', 'ministers', 'government', '2007', 'council']
Dokument 4170: ['teamwork', 'ability', 'coalitions', 'skills', 'form']
Dokument 4171: ['alongside', 'ep', 'legislative', 'votes', 'body', '27', 'second', 'council', 'union', 'poland']
Dokument 4172: ['votes', 'uk', 'italy', 'spain', 'france', 'germany']
Dokument 4173: ['pool', 'impacting', 'votes', 'coalitions', 'starting', 'point', 'building', 'council', 'good', 'commission']
Dokument 4174: ['coalitions', 'trust', 'built', 'gained', 'create', 'partners', 'experience', 'able', 'effective', 'poland']
Dokument 4175: ['leverage', 'pooling', 'equivalent', 'useful', 'votes', 'hungary', 'visegrad', 'slovakia', 'influence', 'proved']
Dokument 4176: ['meps', 'strongest', 'parliament', 'share', 'political', 'group', 'european']
Dokument 4177: ['epp', 'parliamentarians', '274', 'ep', 'meps', 'party', 'strongest', '29', '54', 'european']
Dokument 4178: ['multiply', 'votes', 'shape', 'allowed', 'issues', 'decided', 'effectively', 'entire', 'position', 'group']
Dokument 4179: ['enrooting', 'institutional', 'experience', 'process', 'cooperation', 'european']
Dokument 4180: ['channels', 'win', 'trust', 'communication', 'stability', 'helped', 'create', 'growing', 'experience', 'eu']
Dokument 4181: ['successful', 'contributed', 'presidency', 'half', 'second', '2011', 'poland']
Dokument 4182: ['running', 'assumed', 'responsibility', 'times', 'difficult', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 4183: ['professionalism', 'activeness', 'leadership', 'demonstrated']
Dokument 4184: ['club', 'learned', 'test', 'passed', 'things', 'member', 'eu']
Dokument 4185: ['crucial', 'pay', 'european', 'proved', 'parliament', 'experience', 'presidency', 'council', 'cooperation', 'commission']
Dokument 4186: ['strong', 'integration', 'public', 'support']
Dokument 4187: ['averaging', '75', 'stable', 'relatively', 'public', 'high', 'union', 'support', 'countries', 'european']
Dokument 4188: ['succumbed', 'declining', 'populism', 'scepticism', 'dozen', 'phenomenon', 'ireland', 'points', 'percentage', 'growing']
Dokument 4189: ['conducting', 'capitalised', 'enthusiasm', 'successful', 'euro', 'active', 'policy', 'european', 'poland']
Dokument 4190: ['concluding', 'result', '10', 'good', 'years', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 4191: ['performed', 'fields', 'better', 'poland']
Dokument 4192: ['unfavourable', 'manage', 'voting', 'lisbon', 'instance', 'introduced', 'prevent', 'treaty', 'change', 'did']
Dokument 4193: ['ghg', 'legally', 'targets', 'likewise', 'underestimated', 'binding', 'emissions', 'risks', 'agreed', 'ambitious']
Dokument 4194: ['positions', 'filling', 'viewed', 'sufficient', 'progress', 'mid', 'perspective', 'key', 'particular', 'institutions']
Dokument 4195: ['weaken', 'inside', 'influence', 'effectively', 'potential', 'commission']
Dokument 4196: ['position', 'acta', 'failed', 'taught', 'mechanisms', 'initial', 'dialogue', 'improve', 'case', 'decade']
Dokument 4197: ['withdrawing', 'steer', 'undermine', 'hour', 'patent', '11th', 'situations', 'directive', 'image', 'clear']
Dokument 4198: ['doubt', 'decade', 'success', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 4199: ['success', 'taken', 'granted', 'eu']
Dokument 4200: ['wary', 'excessive', 'optimism']
Dokument 4201: ['accomplishments', 'rooted', 'foundations', 'solid', 'deeply', 'built', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 4202: ['usual', 'longer', 'maintain', 'strong', 'continue', 'position', 'able', 'business']
Dokument 4203: ['pro', 'secure', 'leader', 'hard', 'responsible', 'active', 'order', 'position', 'needs', 'work']
Dokument 4204: ['voting', 'remain', 'lisbon', 'advantage', 'eurozone', 'introduced', 'outside', 'treaty', 'change', 'fact']
Dokument 4205: ['lot', 'change', 'union', 'european']
Dokument 4206: ['agenda', 'contrary', 'goals', 'rule', 'possibility', 'nature', 'interests', 'specific', 'eu']
Dokument 4207: ['learn', 'past', 'experience']
Dokument 4208: ['enroot', 'investing', 'gain', 'experience', 'process', 'membership', 'european', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 4209: ['years', 'overall', 'changed', '2014', 'context', '10', 'framework', '2004', 'europe', 'eu']
Dokument 4210: ['abruptly', 'operates', 'dramatically', 'institutional', 'changed', 'decade', 'context', 'political', 'economic', 'eu']
Dokument 4211: ['adaptation', 'deal', 'joined', 'just', 'process', 'natural', '2007', '2004', 'member', 'states']
Dokument 4212: ['bar', '21st', 'surprised', 'challenges', 'century', 'decade', 'brought', 'scale', 'set', 'high']
Dokument 4213: ['eurozone', 'faster', 'integration', 'crisis', 'economic']
Dokument 4214: ['factor', 'doubt', 'change', 'crisis', '10', 'membership', 'important', 'economic', 'years', 'poland']
Dokument 4215: ['bare', 'diminished', 'weaknesses', 'laid', 'prospects', 'economies', 'structural', 'crisis', 'member', 'states']
Dokument 4216: ['eurozone', 'gdp', 'decreased', '2009']
Dokument 4217: ['sharply', 'alarming', 'periphery', 'heights', 'greece', 'reaching', '26', 'grew', '27', '2008']
Dokument 4218: ['stake', 'block', 'integrity']
Dokument 4219: ['clearly', 'encouraged', 'shown', 'hand', 'modernisation', 'change', 'need', 'crisis']
Dokument 4220: ['dozen', 'carry', 'reforms', 'opportunity', 'possible', 'years']
Dokument 4221: ['impulse', 'governance', 'comprehensive', 'strong', 'reform', 'provided', 'economic', 'eu']
Dokument 4222: ['revived', 'destabilisation', 'tendencies', 'build', 'eurozone', 'face', 'hand', 'based', 'new', 'eu']
Dokument 4223: ['evident', 'peak', 'divisions', 'challenge', 'eurozone', 'real', 'particularly', 'presidency', 'half', 'risk']
Dokument 4224: ['tendency', 'counter', 'invest', 'outcome', 'eurozone', 'influence', 'effectively', 'reform', 'non', 'capital']
Dokument 4225: ['integration', 'drive', 'deepen', 'direction', 'eurozone', 'determine', 'future']
Dokument 4226: ['treaty', 'reform', 'years', 'story', 'lasted', 'ending', 'relating', 'legal', 'changed', '10']
Dokument 4227: ['constitutional', 'acceded', 'drafting', 'ambitions', 'connected', 'treaty', 'political', 'great', 'time', 'poland']
Dokument 4228: ['referendums', 'crises', 'turned', 'soon', 'mid', 'expectations', '2005', 'negative', 'netherlands', 'history']
Dokument 4229: ['eventually', 'lisbon', 'agreed', 'entered', 'force', 'treaty', 'end', '2009', '2007']
Dokument 4230: ['deferred', 'unfavourable', 'sphere', 'introduced', 'decision', 'internal', 'involved', 'treaty', 'making', 'change']
Dokument 4231: ['powers', 'voting', 'majority', 'involved', 'parliament', 'increasing', 'changes', 'period', '10', 'important']
Dokument 4232: ['implied', 'exert', 'meps', 'influence', 'possibility', 'parliament', 'greater', 'better', 'cooperation', 'european']
Dokument 4233: ['coalition', 'gained', 'building', 'importance', 'member', 'states']
Dokument 4234: ['shoulder', 'responsibility', 'heads', 'greater', 'role', 'government', 'increased', 'state']
Dokument 4235: ['worried', 'concurrently', 'respond', 'necessarily', 'losing', 'lisbon', 'shown', 'introduced', 'jobs', 'treaty']
Dokument 4236: ['doors', 'accuse', 'knocking', 'tensions', 'argument', 'discussions', 'marked', 'institutional', 'internal', 'past']
Dokument 4237: ['debates', 'big', 'financial', 'strategically', 'nfp', 'mff', 'saw', 'perspective', 'multiannual', 'interests']
Dokument 4238: ['waged', 'contexts', 'debates', 'different']
Dokument 4239: ['expansion', 'prosperity', '2005', 'held', 'budget', '2003', 'time', 'economic', 'eu']
Dokument 4240: ['embraced', 'austerity', 'wake', 'cuts', 'imposed', 'accompanied', 'pressure', '2010', 'make', 'second']
Dokument 4241: ['crisis', 'blame', 'spurred', 'concurrently', 'causing', 'enlargement', 'debate', '2007', '2004', 'eu']
Dokument 4242: ['economic', 'drivers', 'doubts', 'raised', 'south', 'effectiveness', 'recent', 'cohesion', 'growth', 'situation']
Dokument 4243: ['determination', 'defend', 'respective', 'willing', 'changed', 'cohesion', 'negotiations', 'budget', 'policy', 'countries']
Dokument 4244: ['thinking', 'play', 'leading', 'friends', 'success', 'cohesion', 'role', 'negotiations', 'group', 'work']
Dokument 4245: ['political', 'interpreted', 'waning', 'reflects', 'ambitions', 'ultimately', 'atmosphere', 'sign', 'outcome', 'reduced']
Dokument 4246: ['budget', 'negotiating', 'ended', '2005', 'makes', 'success', 'greater', 'negotiations', 'eu', '2007']
Dokument 4247: ['diversified', 'divisions', 'new', 'eu']
Dokument 4248: ['reshaped', 'fundamentally', 'permanently', 'relations', 'crisis', 'economic', 'countries']
Dokument 4249: ['conservative', 'division', 'economically', 'south', 'north', 'competitive', 'gained', 'importance', 'effective']
Dokument 4250: ['eu', 'member', 'currency', 'states', 'evident', 'division', 'eurozone', 'came', '17', '18']
Dokument 4251: ['blurred', 'new', 'member', 'states', 'gradual', 'malta', 'division', 'slovenia', 'cyprus', 'latvia']
Dokument 4252: ['legitimacy', 'performed', 'economies', 'play', 'provided', 'role', 'additional', 'opportunity', 'addition', 'crisis']
Dokument 4253: ['politically', 'strengthened', 'doubt', 'beneficiary', 'condition', 'biggest', 'political', 'germany', 'crisis', 'good']
Dokument 4254: ['tandem', 'steam', 'observers', 'weaknesses', 'leadership', 'run', 'opinion', 'german', 'french', 'france']
Dokument 4255: ['aaa', 'bond', 'symbolically', '201320', 'yield', 'widening', 'rating', 'spreads', 'losing', 'confirmed']
Dokument 4256: ['direction', 'rest', 'decided', 'different', 'eu']
Dokument 4257: ['decisionmaking', 'hub', 'aspire', 'kingdom', 'processes', 'united', 'did']
Dokument 4258: ['cameron', 'david', 'communites', 'exit', 'referendum', '44', '2017', 'announced', 'prime', 'january']
Dokument 4259: ['led', 'existing', 'reassessment', 'axes', 'alliances', 'revision', 'division', 'coalitions', 'positions', 'policy']
Dokument 4260: ['pass', 'test', 'did', 'institutions', 'european']
Dokument 4261: ['overlapped', 'comply', 'managing', 'lisbon', 'changing', 'institutional', 'challenges', 'treaty', 'reform', 'rules']
Dokument 4262: ['fitness', 'criticised', 'wobble', 'tendency', 'test', 'leaders', 'crisis', 'important', 'european']
Dokument 4263: ['disagreeing', 'entirely', 'competencies', 'criticism', 'lay', 'bearing', 'founded', 'consequences', 'sources', 'crisis']
Dokument 4264: ['undermined', 'egotisms', 'nonetheless', 'strengthened', 'trust', 'citizens', 'institutions', 'crisis', 'national', 'eu']
Dokument 4265: ['resorting', 'compact', 'verge', 'fiscal', 'balancing', 'treaties', 'governmental', 'inter', 'led', 'turn']
Dokument 4266: ['room', 'manoeuvre', 'makers', 'treaties', 'lack', 'limited', 'decision', 'action', 'basis', 'european']
Dokument 4267: ['instead', 'began', 'method', 'decision', 'operating', 'making', 'community', 'basis', 'eu', 'new']
Dokument 4268: ['looked', 'method', 'concern', 'community', 'used', 'countries', 'poland']
Dokument 4269: ['ecb', 'test', 'passed', 'institution', 'bank', 'central', 'crisis', 'european']
Dokument 4270: ['draghi', 'spoken', 'mario', 'symbolic', 'summer', 'words', 'famous', 'stage', 'takes', 'history']
Dokument 4271: ['prevailing', 'new', '1950s', 'feeling', 'combating', 'ambitions', 'fulfilled', 'inspired', 'communities', 'goals']
Dokument 4272: ['stirred', 'embrace', 'formulate', 'decades', 'mission', 'ambitions', 'organisation', 'debate', 'future', 'new']
Dokument 4273: ['globalisation', 'agenda', 'shaped', 'external', 'began', 'increasingly', 'factors', 'process', 'political', 'including']
Dokument 4274: ['warming', 'agenda', 'fight', 'issue', 'major', 'global', 'political', 'result', 'years', 'eu']
Dokument 4275: ['ets', 'foundations', 'emissions', 'laid', 'trading', 'enlargement', 'carried', 'negotiations', 'eu', '2003']
Dokument 4276: ['3x20', 'voted', 'binding', 'unanimously', 'momentum', 'accept', 'goals', 'ambitious', 'gained', 'reduction']
Dokument 4277: ['climate', '2008', 'provided', 'package', 'basis', 'negotiations', 'energy', 'called']
Dokument 4278: ['electricity', 'coal', 'mix', 'specifically', 'big', 'generation', 'debate', 'account', '90', 'comparison']
Dokument 4279: ['global', 'narrative', 'fiasco', 'copenhagen', 'ended', 'leadership', 'vital', 'climate', '2009', 'negotiations']
Dokument 4280: ['restrained', 'ambitions', 'expensive', 'crisis', 'economic', 'eu']
Dokument 4281: ['adopt', '2030', 'goes', 'feel', 'goals', 'pressure', 'debate', 'ambitious', 'continue', 'following']
Dokument 4282: ['surge', 'badly', 'disillusionment', 'euroscepticism', 'scepticism', 'witnessed', 'connection', 'poor', 'affect', 'unprecedented']
Dokument 4283: ['elites', 'disillusioned', 'populist', 'europeans', 'increasingly', 'brussels', 'home']
Dokument 4284: ['especially', 'worrisome', 'falling', 'leaders', 'far', 'process', 'france', 'integration', 'public', 'support']
Dokument 4285: ['declared', '41', 'favour', '60', 'later', 'french', 'just', '2012', 'year', 'support']
Dokument 4286: ['drop', 'points', 'percentage', 'fall', 'finland', '32', 'sweden', 'leaders', '23', 'netherlands']
Dokument 4287: ['dislike', 'xenophobic', 'sentiments', 'immigrants', 'attitudes', 'atmosphere', 'ground', 'kind', 'breeding', 'provides']
Dokument 4288: ['waning', 'respective', 'reason', 'positions', 'forum', 'presented', 'change', 'eu', 'member', 'states']
Dokument 4289: ['comparatively', 'populism', 'resistant', 'acceptance', 'cycle', 'turned', 'changing', 'stable', 'influence', 'relatively']
Dokument 4290: ['agenda', 'represented', 'carry', 'difficult', 'capital', 'positive', 'political', 'policy', 'high', 'important']
Dokument 4291: ['accomplish', 'acting', 'coalition', 'changing', 'methods', 'building', 'school', 'europe', 'state', 'member']
Dokument 4292: ['day', 'shares', 'conducting', 'questions', 'asked', 'basic', 'interests', 'process', 'policy', 'european']
Dokument 4293: ['support']
Dokument 4294: ['interested', 'initiative']
Dokument 4295: ['block', 'suit', 'proposal', 'choice', 'jointly', 'left', 'does']
Dokument 4296: ['team', 'integration', 'work', 'european']
Dokument 4297: ['interests', 'skilful', 'argumentation', 'coincide', 'succeed', 'postulates', 'demonstrate', 'compromise', 'word', 'understanding']
Dokument 4298: ['european', 'allies', 'ability', 'coalitions', 'build', 'look', 'parliament', 'success', 'key', 'especially']
Dokument 4299: ['hoc', 'themes', 'ad', 'agenda', 'depending', 'coalitions', 'built', 'nature', 'interests', 'basis']
Dokument 4300: ['basic', 'element', 'process', 'political']
Dokument 4301: ['unanimous', 'veto', 'qualified', 'multiplied', 'consent', 'ms', 'require', 'enhanced', 'lisbon', 'majority']
Dokument 4302: ['allies', 'forces', 'majority', 'rule', 'look', 'member', 'states']
Dokument 4303: ['passive', 'alliances', 'join', 'coalition', 'built', 'remained', 'leaders', 'membership', 'years', 'member']
Dokument 4304: ['ended', 'coalition', 'perspective', '2005', 'friends', 'led', 'cohesion', 'spain', 'negotiations', 'example']
Dokument 4305: ['grouped', 'fiddle', 'liberal', 'draft', 'deepening', 'coalition', 'directive', 'played', 'interested', 'internal']
Dokument 4306: ['initiating', 'skilled', 'lobbying', 'leadership', 'game', 'coalitions', 'effectively', 'interests', 'took', 'role']
Dokument 4307: ['progress', 'looking', 'decade', 'significant', 'area', 'poland']
Dokument 4308: ['suited', 'quite', 'direction', 'forward', 'coalitions', 'expectations', 'built', 'lot', 'helped', 'process']
Dokument 4309: ['votes', 'poland', 'positioned', 'comfortably', 'initiate', 'outset', 'desired', 'nice', 'voting', 'base']
Dokument 4310: ['exceptionality', 'socially', 'pursuing', 'rely', 'economically', 'big', 'issues', 'nature', 'interests', 'developed']
Dokument 4311: ['mobilised', 'specificity', 'look', 'action', 'interests']
Dokument 4312: ['climate', 'battlefield', 'willing', 'renewable', 'coalition', 'build', 'goals', 'left', 'ambitious', 'case']
Dokument 4313: ['good', 'poland', 'credibility', 'image', 'reputation', 'condition', 'power', 'stability', 'lot', 'strengthen']
Dokument 4314: ['leader', 'assuming', 'instrumental', 'features', 'credibility', 'enhanced', 'coalition', 'multiannual', 'friends', 'proved']
Dokument 4315: ['leader', 'assuming', 'instrumental', 'features', 'credibility', 'enhanced', 'coalition', 'multiannual', 'friends', 'proved']
Dokument 4316: ['presiding', 'lesson', 'managing', 'affairs', 'successful', 'presidency', 'eu', 'investment', 'council', 'great']
Dokument 4317: ['circle', 'initiation', 'taught', 'enter', 'allowed', 'responsible', 'presidency', 'process', 'integration']
Dokument 4318: ['level', 'learned', 'expert', 'build', 'initiatives', 'groups', 'working', 'political', 'support']
Dokument 4319: ['engage', 'benefiting', 'momentum', 'continued', 'created', 'initiatives', 'presidency']
Dokument 4320: ['presidency', 'gave', 'rise', 'visegrad', 'successful', 'v4', 'initiatives', 'joint', 'polish', 'council']
Dokument 4321: ['resting', 'responsibility', 'coalition', 'view', 'multiannual', 'point', 'friends', 'interests', 'poland', 'cohesion']
Dokument 4322: ['spain', 'cooperated', 'payers', 'malta', 'portugal', 'slovenia', 'croatia', 'cyprus', 'greece', 'romania']
Dokument 4323: ['credible', 'initiator', 'played', 'leader', 'role', 'group', 'poland']
Dokument 4324: ['argument', 'competing', 'negotiate', 'accepted', 'coalition', 'instead', 'leaders', 'try', 'group', 'funds']
Dokument 4325: ['spain', 'group', 'lobbied', 'advocating', 'quo', 'payers', 'election', 'cabinet', 'cuts', 'worked']
Dokument 4326: ['negotiations', 'group', 'intact', 'feat', 'sensitivity', 'size', 'stage', 'remained', 'subject', 'success']
Dokument 4327: ['cohesion', 'friends', 'group', 'mff', 'examples', 'shape', '13', 'initiatives', 'members', 'taken']
Dokument 4328: ['dated', 'document', 'multiannual', 'financed', 'friends', 'june', 'joint', 'cohesion', 'investments', 'financial']
Dokument 4329: ['spending', 'addressing', 'ahead', 'declaration', 'multiannual', 'issue', 'friends', 'june', 'joint', 'cohesion']
Dokument 4330: ['cohesion', 'defending', 'communiqué', 'dated', 'promotes', 'instrument', 'friends', 'joint', 'position', 'investments']
Dokument 4331: ['financing', 'dated', 'eligibility', 'parameters', 'vat', 'pre', 'november', 'friends', 'rates', 'cohesion']
Dokument 4332: ['cohesion', 'group', '2012', 'calling', 'concluding', 'mff', 'prague', 'declaration', 'approach', 'ambitious']
Dokument 4333: ['2012', 'bucharest', 'barroso', 'bratislava', 'ministerial', 'attended', 'prime', 'meetings', 'june', 'october']
Dokument 4334: ['unions', 'attended', 'brussels', 'november', 'summit', '13', 'organisations', 'representatives', 'event', 'business']
Dokument 4335: ['summits', 'mff', 'february', 'devoted', 'met', 'heads', 'november', 'friends', 'directly', 'start']
Dokument 4336: ['manifestation', 'unity', 'unusual', 'important']
Dokument 4337: ['negotiations', 'persevere', 'earlier', 'friends', 'cohesion', 'end', 'did', 'group']
Dokument 4338: ['specifically', 'bulgaria', 'romania', 'coalition', 'hungary', 'represented', 'latvia', 'estonia', 'slovakia', 'lithuania']
Dokument 4339: ['worked', 'package', 'scaled', 'disadvantage', 'assumptions', 'countries', 'approach', 'original', 'climate', 'energy']
Dokument 4340: ['nicolas', 'presided', 'sarkozy', 'gdańsk', 'heads', 'organisation', 'european', 'december', 'french', '2008']
Dokument 4341: ['emission', 'allowances', 'auctioning', 'succeeded', 'derogation', 'greenhouse', 'electricity', 'winning', 'ultimately', 'mandatory']
Dokument 4342: ['cop15', 'alliance', 'maintaining', 'copenhagen', 'risks', 'avoid', 'single', 'preparation', 'helped', 'climate']
Dokument 4343: ['avoided', 'emissions', 'target', 'successfully', 'reduction', 'involved', 'increasing', '30', 'risk', '2020']
Dokument 4344: ['principle', 'pay', 'polluters', 'gain', 'ability', 'instead', 'climate', 'developing', 'assistance', 'rules']
Dokument 4345: ['co2', 'prospering', 'richer', 'obligated', 'emissions', 'scenario', 'countries', 'avoid', 'pay', 'levels']
Dokument 4346: ['multiplied', 'examples', 'coalitions', 'built', 'successful', 'initiatives', 'effective', 'polish']
Dokument 4347: ['launch', 'initiated', 'sweden', 'supported', 'project', 'political', 'partnership', 'important', 'eastern', 'member']
Dokument 4348: ['democratisation', 'endowment', 'arab', 'societies', 'assist', 'southern', 'initiated', 'spring', 'neighbourhood', 'processes']
Dokument 4349: ['themes', 'engaged', 'coalitions', 'building', 'promoting', 'growth', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 4350: ['spur', 'letters', 'dealing', 'signed', 'heads', 'initiatives', 'government', 'growth', 'specific', 'level']
Dokument 4351: ['visegrad', 'group', 'good', 'causes', 'satisfaction', 'outcome', 'hungary', 'greatest', 'brand', 'slovakia']
Dokument 4352: ['unexpectedly', 'formulating', 'pursuing', 'visegrad', 'v4', 'interests', 'forum', 'effective', 'group', 'europe']
Dokument 4353: ['period', 'mistrust', 'rivalry', 'momentum', 'dose', 'initial', 'left', 'pre', 'gained', 'v4']
Dokument 4354: ['constructive', 'maximise', 'exert', 'doubts', 'respective', 'influence', 'effectively', 'v4', 'members', 'process']
Dokument 4355: ['converging', 'models', 'bound', 'sharing', 'addressed', 'issues', 'v4', 'interests', 'similar', 'social']
Dokument 4356: ['possessed', 'voting', 'allowing', 'factor', 'power', 'decision', 'effectively', 'v4', 'making', 'eu']
Dokument 4357: ['votes', 'hungary', 'slovakia', 'czech', 'republic', 'france', 'germany', 'number', 'poland']
Dokument 4358: ['leverage', 'exerting', 'tool', 'voting', 'jointly', 'power', 'decisions', 'influence', 'taken', 'excellent']
Dokument 4359: ['agree', 'consultations', 'regular', 'positions', 'contacts', 'levels', 'v4', 'later', 'forum', 'presented']
Dokument 4360: ['v4', 'prime', 'ministers', 'approximately', 'fora', 'year', 'twice', 'consultations', 'holding', 'regular']
Dokument 4361: ['foreign', 'meetings', 'ministers', 'videoconferences', 'ahead', 'affairs', 'deputy', 'council']
Dokument 4362: ['sector', 'councils', 'consultations', 'ahead', 'ministers', 'eu']
Dokument 4363: ['affairs', 'meetings', 'videoconferences', 'ahead', 'deputy', 'responsible', 'times', 'ministers', 'general', 'approximately']
Dokument 4364: ['coreper', 'level', 'ongoing', 'expert', 'permanent', 'ii', 'v4', 'representatives', 'groups', 'working']
Dokument 4365: ['focused', 'visegrad', 'strategic', 'issues', 'v4', 'importance', 'cooperation', 'countries']
Dokument 4366: ['guaranteed', 'faster', 'v4', 'negotiations', 'budget', 'place', 'development', 'support', 'eu']
Dokument 4367: ['thought', 'v4', 'negotiations', 'develop', 'common', 'important', 'countries', 'poland']
Dokument 4368: ['vigorous', 'nfp', 'engaged', 'v4', 'negotiations', '2007', 'cooperation', '2013', 'countries']
Dokument 4369: ['cuts', 'envelope', 'successes', 'smaller', 'introduction', 'rule', 'relatively', 'cohesion', 'developed', 'small']
Dokument 4370: ['likewise', 'mff', 'shaped', 'friends', 'effectively', 'v4', 'forum', 'cohesion', 'position', '2014']
Dokument 4371: ['large', 'envelope', 'idea', 'forum', 'cohesion', 'general', 'ensure', 'budget', 'policy', 'eu']
Dokument 4372: ['fighting', 'characteristic', 'v4', 'interests', 'forum', 'similar', 'effective', 'specific', 'region', 'countries']
Dokument 4373: ['recoverable', 'decommitments', 'claiming', 'examples', 'vat', 'appropriate', 'scope', 'eligible', 'relation', 'rule']
Dokument 4374: ['tool', 'joining', 'obtained', 'integration', 'regional', 'new', 'eu']
Dokument 4375: ['raised', 'visegrad', 'successfully', 'issue', 'forum', 'security', 'energy', 'guarantees', 'group', 'eu']
Dokument 4376: ['drove', 'cutting', 'gas', 'supplies', 'solidarity', 'january', 'russia', 'strong', 'caused', '2009']
Dokument 4377: ['energy', 'diversify', 'tried', 'identify', 'supplies', 'v4', 'areas', 'cooperation', 'countries']
Dokument 4378: ['budapest', 'adoption', 'discussion', 'february', 'declaration', 'visegrad', 'summit', 'led', '2010', 'energy']
Dokument 4379: ['v4', 'established', 'security', 'energy', 'group', 'level', 'high']
Dokument 4380: ['draw', 'instrumental', 'gas', 'reaching', 'map', 'road', 'visegrad', 'agreement', 'need', 'regional']
Dokument 4381: ['half', '2nd', '1st', 'map', 'goals', 'road', 'v4', 'presidency', 'main', '2013']
Dokument 4382: ['accepted', 'warszawa', 'map', 'road', 'june', 'summit', 'v4', '16', '2013', 'countries']
Dokument 4383: ['integrating', 'crowning', 'gas', 'efforts', 'v4', 'continue', 'presidency', 'markets', 'region', 'national']
Dokument 4384: ['v4', 'optimum', 'market', 'connections', 'basing', 'continuation', 'establishment', 'gas', 'coordinated', 'map']
Dokument 4385: ['memorandum', 'dealing', 'drafted', 'understanding', 'operations', 'hungarian', 'september', 'forum', 'presidency', '2013']
Dokument 4386: ['margins', 'document', 'signed', 'brussels', 'issues', 'december', 'responsible', 'ministers', '12', 'energy']
Dokument 4387: ['represent', 'east', 'relations', 'neighbours', 'v4', 'especially', 'area', 'region', 'cooperation']
Dokument 4388: ['visegrad', 'eastern', 'partnership', 'programme', 'v4eap', 'launch', 'establishment', 'prague', 'dimension', 'resulted']
Dokument 4389: ['aspirations', 'balkans', 'attention', 'devoted', 'western', 'neighbours', 'promotion', 'integration', 'cooperation', 'eastern']
Dokument 4390: ['v4', 'manifestation', 'intense', 'coordination', 'holding', 'represented', 'bodies', 'meetings', 'selected', 'partners']
Dokument 4391: ['respective', 'consultations', 'ahead', 'turned', 'bodies', 'leaders', 'meetings', 'v4', 'particularly', 'ministers']
Dokument 4392: ['agree', 'positions', 'instrument', 'issues', 'negotiations', 'common', 'used', 'important', 'support', 'eu']
Dokument 4393: ['v4', 'group', 'reaffirmed', 'manifestation', 'presentation', 'coordination', 'practice', 'conclusions', 'deepening', 'increasingly']
Dokument 4394: ['recognisable', 'coordinated', 'reputation', 'gained', 'v4', 'actions', 'thanks', 'good', 'years', 'eu']
Dokument 4395: ['reckoned', 'leaders', 'force', 'v4', 'european']
Dokument 4396: ['hollande', 'merkel', 'warszawa', 'chancellor', 'visegrad', 'prime', 'summit', 'participation', 'ministers', 'president']
Dokument 4397: ['competiveness', 'monetary', 'connection', 'capabilities', 'unity', 'defence', 'discussion', 'economies', 'devoted', 'european']
Dokument 4398: ['triangle', 'weimar', 'reinvigoration', 'potentially', 'created', 'france', 'areas', 'germany', 'membership', 'cooperation']
Dokument 4399: ['formula', 'finding', 'devoted', 'effective', 'cooperation', 'years', 'eu']
Dokument 4400: ['reinvigorated', 'triangle', 'weimar', '2010']
Dokument 4401: ['president', 'break', 'sarkozy', 'merkel', 'chancellor', 'warszawa', 'komorowski', 'february', 'triangle', 'weimar']
Dokument 4402: ['vis', 'francois', 'decisive', 'hollande', 'election', 'format', 'enhanced', 'moment', 'triangle', 'weimar']
Dokument 4403: ['reinvigorated', 'finding', 'eurozone', 'opening', 'significantly', 'agreement', 'contributed', 'outside', 'reforms', 'change']
Dokument 4404: ['important', 'agreeing', 'consultations', 'triangle', 'represented', 'weimar', 'positions', 'issues', 'forum', 'common']
Dokument 4405: ['overestimate', 'format', 'hard', 'importance']
Dokument 4406: ['abdicate', 'tending', 'voluntarily', 'driving', 'britain', 'remain', 'force', 'role', 'especially', 'france']
Dokument 4407: ['better', 'represent', 'relations', 'interests', 'entire', 'partners', 'central', 'effective', 'group', 'region']
Dokument 4408: ['chancellor', 'visegrad', 'prime', 'summit', 'organised', 'participation', 'ministers', 'event', 'president', 'march']
Dokument 4409: ['monetary', 'competiveness', 'defence', 'devoted', 'summit', 'future', 'economy', 'cooperation', 'economic', 'union']
Dokument 4410: ['advisors', 'chancellor', 'intensive', 'regular', 'triangle', 'weimar', 'dialogue', 'affairs', 'contacts', 'european']
Dokument 4411: ['align', 'boost', 'mff', 'issued', 'grow', 'strategies', 'triangle', 'weimar', 'competitiveness', 'declaration']
Dokument 4412: ['diplomacy', 'chiefs', 'intensive', 'dialogue', 'conducted']
Dokument 4413: ['csdp', 'defence', 'paid', 'triangle', 'attention', 'weimar', 'developing', 'security', 'special', 'common']
Dokument 4414: ['concrete', 'enhancing', 'triangle', 'forward', 'effectiveness', 'weimar', 'proposals', 'aimed', 'actions', 'field']
Dokument 4415: ['csdp', 'exerting', 'format', 'tool', 'weimar', 'pressure', 'develop', 'served', 'institutions', 'member']
Dokument 4416: ['paris', 'defence', 'hosted', 'november', 'italy', 'spain', 'ministers', 'meeting', 'france', '15']
Dokument 4417: ['security', 'aspiration', 'defence', 'assume', 'issued', 'responsibility', 'expressed', 'declaration', 'european', 'ambitious']
Dokument 4418: ['december', 'reflected', 'meetings', 'council', '2013', '2012', 'european']
Dokument 4419: ['varying', 'frequency', 'albeit', 'format', 'weimar', 'come', 'ministers']
Dokument 4420: ['climate', 'comprise', 'warszawa', 'signing', 'triangle', 'saw', 'weimar', 'latest', 'environment', 'agreement']
Dokument 4421: ['pnr', 'interior', 'statement', 'hosted', 'krakow', 'protecting', 'borders', 'july', '24', 'joint']
Dokument 4422: ['triangle', 'weimar', 'krakow', 'february', 'industrial', 'conference', 'met', 'turn', 'took', 'ministers']
Dokument 4423: ['presidency', 'eu', 'influenced', 'successful', 'instrument', 'past', 'major', 'poland', 'half', 'second']
Dokument 4424: ['challenge', 'chance']
Dokument 4425: ['lacked', 'longstanding', 'experience', 'presidency', 'member', 'states', 'eu']
Dokument 4426: ['trio', 'task', 'cyprus', 'lisbon', 'test', 'provisions', 'denmark', 'treaty', 'difficult', 'presidency']
Dokument 4427: ['accomplish', 'wanted', 'objectives', 'short', 'ambitious', 'relatively', 'set', 'period']
Dokument 4428: ['importantly', 'plans', 'implementing', 'proved', 'difficult', 'especially', 'time', 'eu']
Dokument 4429: ['issues', 'burner', 'shifted', 'putting', 'pan', 'discussion', 'focus', 'crisis', 'economic', 'european']
Dokument 4430: ['integrity', 'doubt', 'eu']
Dokument 4431: ['deepened', 'divisions', 'member', 'states', 'eu']
Dokument 4432: ['troubles', 'currency', 'determined', 'largely', 'actions', 'global', 'markets', 'situation', 'common', 'european']
Dokument 4433: ['obstacle', 'represented', 'eurozone', 'outside', 'presidency', 'fact', 'poland']
Dokument 4434: ['objectives', 'achieve', 'priorities', 'presidency', 'did']
Dokument 4435: ['effective', 'work']
Dokument 4436: ['legislative', 'acts', '54', 'progress', '64', 'bring', 'stage', 'conducted', 'issues', 'course']
Dokument 4437: ['summaries', 'resolutions', 'declarations', 'comprises', 'conclusions', 'dozen', 'reports', 'list', '48', 'adopted']
Dokument 4438: ['attained', 'dealt', 'goals', 'issues', 'presidency', 'poland']
Dokument 4439: ['keeping', 'poland', 'shoring', 'safeguarded', 'door', 'unity', 'bearing', 'preserve', 'proposal', 'mind']
Dokument 4440: ['integrity', 'promoted', 'approach', 'idea', 'community', 'presidency', 'europe', 'polish', 'eu']
Dokument 4441: ['negotiations', 'agreement', 'eu', 'crisis', 'trade', 'pack', 'oblast', 'defended', 'integrity', 'round']
Dokument 4442: ['presidency', 'pursuit', 'importance', 'poland', 'effective', 'following', 'investment', 'years']
Dokument 4443: ['operates', 'valuable', 'gained', 'experience', 'eu']
Dokument 4444: ['attain', 'logic', 'acting', 'goals', 'allowed', 'know', 'presidency', 'way', 'better', 'according']
Dokument 4445: ['image', 'improve', 'helped', 'presidency', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 4446: ['presiding', 'assigned', 'chair', 'notably', 'manage', 'task', 'experienced', 'administration', 'proved', 'just']
Dokument 4447: ['accomplished', 'merits', 'task', 'organisation', 'successfully', 'terms', 'poland']
Dokument 4448: ['surprise', 'came', 'eu']
Dokument 4449: ['backdrop', 'impression', 'ridden', 'optimism', 'left', 'especially', 'crisis', 'good', 'europe', 'polish']
Dokument 4450: ['leader', 'proved', 'takes', 'presidency', 'european', 'poland']
Dokument 4451: ['responsibility', 'took', 'crisis', 'time', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 4452: ['2011', 'minister', 'donald', 'tusk', 'sikorski', 'radosław', 'speech', 'showed', 'berlin', 'address']
Dokument 4453: ['extends', 'eu', 'summing', 'impacting', 'formal', 'noting', 'structures', 'informal', 'operations', 'policies']
Dokument 4454: ['evolved', 'deciding', 'influencing', 'continuously', 'awareness', 'processes', 'decision', 'possibility', 'accession']
Dokument 4455: ['importance', 'posts', 'countrymen', 'fellow', 'assume', 'helping', 'priority', 'decision', 'centres', 'key']
Dokument 4456: ['beginning', 'growing', 'employees', 'membership', 'number']
Dokument 4457: ['lobbying', 'informed', 'emphasis', 'agencies', 'careers', 'candidates', 'consistent', 'mechanism', 'competitions', 'preparing']
Dokument 4458: ['agencies', 'institutions', '679', '327', '352', 'employ', 'december', 'eu', 'working', 'total']
Dokument 4459: ['440', 'representative', 'institution', 'december', 'largest', 'working', 'poles', '2013', 'commission', 'european']
Dokument 4460: ['169', '785', 'ast', '384', 'administrators', 'assistants', 'ad', 'represents', 'men', 'positions']
Dokument 4461: ['agents', '243', 'contract', 'ec', 'staff', 'poles', 'member', 'states']
Dokument 4462: ['sixth', 'rank', 'belgium', 'taking', 'uk', 'italy', 'spain', 'terms', 'france', 'employment']
Dokument 4463: ['underrepresented', 'relative', 'demographic', 'potential', 'countries', 'poland']
Dokument 4464: ['ad16', '731', 'ad9', 'occupy', 'entitle', 'administrator', '113', 'managerial', 'grades', 'ad']
Dokument 4465: ['942', '883', '278', '732', 'tenfold', '928', '327', '933', '203', 'servants']
Dokument 4466: ['poses', 'dearth', 'managerial', 'grade', 'servants', 'challenge', 'characterised', 'positions', 'successful', 'structure']
Dokument 4467: ['recruiting', 'interim', 'lapsed', 'senior', 'servants', 'filling', 'earmarked', 'extraordinary', '31', 'transition']
Dokument 4468: ['positions', 'poles', 'directorates', 'satisfactory', '74', 'peak', 'target', 'divisions', 'middle', 'filled']
Dokument 4469: ['juxtaposition', 'disproportion', 'apparent', 'exceeding', 'target', 'smaller', 'transition', 'met', 'quotas', 'end']
Dokument 4470: ['recruited', 'directorates', 'posts', 'failed', 'rank', 'officials', 'director', 'ec', 'quota', '16']
Dokument 4471: ['directors', 'poles', 'represented', 'serve', 'positions', 'service', 'hand', 'civil', 'general', 'high']
Dokument 4472: ['cabinets', 'people', 'advisors', 'commissioners', 'cabinet', 'programming', 'commissioner', 'divisions', 'head', 'represented']
Dokument 4473: ['ranking', 'drafting', 'analyses', 'documents', 'administrative', 'shaped', 'placed', 'ones', 'positions', 'decision']
Dokument 4474: ['middleranking', 'servants', 'rise', 'civil', 'group', 'level', 'time', 'years']
Dokument 4475: ['secretariat', 'staffed', '104', 'assistants', 'agents', '57', 'officials', 'contract', '45', 'general']
Dokument 4476: ['general', 'pole', 'occupies', 'rompuy', 'directorate', 'van', 'cabinet', 'divisions', 'director', 'heads']
Dokument 4477: ['hit', 'cosmetics', 'export', 'new']
Dokument 4478: ['cosmetics', 'gained', 'strong', 'position', 'market', 'poland']
Dokument 4479: ['cosmetics', 'notification', 'adoption', 'expanded', 'directive', 'internal', 'presence', 'standards', 'potential', 'eu']
Dokument 4480: ['cosmetic', 'marketing', 'times', 'membership', 'years', 'products', 'eu']
Dokument 4481: ['eur', 'billion', 'cosmetics', 'fold', 'grown', 'overall', 'exports', '2003', 'accession', '2013']
Dokument 4482: ['eur', 'billion', 'average', '15', 'increase', 'year']
Dokument 4483: ['eur', 'billion', 'pace', 'faster', 'grew', 'exports', 'countries']
Dokument 4484: ['market', 'cosmetic', 'momentum', 'steadily', 'hit', 'cosmetics', '35', 'brands', 'prestigious', 'reached']
Dokument 4485: ['cosmetics', '6th', 'valued', 'gave', 'poland', 'position', 'eur', 'billion', '2012', 'production']
Dokument 4486: ['recording', 'cosmetics', 'annually', 'dynamic', 'recently', 'uk', 'italy', 'biggest', 'spain', 'average']
Dokument 4487: ['undisputed', 'cosmetics', 'leader', 'eu', '10', 'export', 'countries', 'poland']
Dokument 4488: ['commodities', 'constituted', 'exported', 'half', 'group', '2013', 'products', 'polish']
Dokument 4489: ['shows', 'potential', 'share', 'region', 'country', 'higher', 'economic', 'poland']
Dokument 4490: ['cosmetics', '14', 'czech', 'cent', 'republic', 'share', 'second', 'export']
Dokument 4491: ['connected', 'cosmetics', 'greater', 'innovation', 'growing', 'industry', 'production', 'polish']
Dokument 4492: ['expenditure', 'allocate', 'works', 'fourth', 'employed', 'person', 'innovation', '20', 'sector', 'research']
Dokument 4493: ['electronics', 'consumer', 'polish']
Dokument 4494: ['lcd', 'screens', 'sets', 'electronics', 'tv', 'manufacturers', 'exporters', 'big', 'consumer', 'joined']
Dokument 4495: ['companies', 'microenterprises', 'employing', 'electronics', '700', 'manufacturing', 'persons', '90', 'industry', '2012']
Dokument 4496: ['52', 'manufacturing', 'employed', '000', 'total', 'industry', 'sector', 'people']
Dokument 4497: ['dominate', 'electronics', 'consumer', 'called', 'producers', 'group']
Dokument 4498: ['accounted', 'exceeded', 'sale', 'recent', 'sold', 'sales', '20', 'goods', 'pln', 'value']
Dokument 4499: ['screens', 'subassemblies', 'lcds', 'plasma', 'manufacturer', 'electronics', 'sets', 'tv', 'components', 'inflow']
Dokument 4500: ['screen', 'million', 'monitors', 'sets', 'pieces', 'tv', 'ca', 'manufactured', 'produced', '20']
Dokument 4501: ['marketed', 'considerable', '80', 'abroad', 'especially', 'production', 'eu']
Dokument 4502: ['projectors', 'monitors', 'sets', 'tv', 'relative', '300', 'exports', 'worth', '2003', 'eur']
Dokument 4503: ['slovakia', 'recently', 'exported', '10', 'group', 'products', 'eu']
Dokument 4504: ['services', 'sector', 'development']
Dokument 4505: ['hastened', 'generating', 'characteristic', 'trend', 'gdp', 'importance', 'growing', 'developed', 'services', 'sector']
Dokument 4506: ['companies', 'profiles', 'entrepreneurship', 'review', 'operating', 'shows', 'existing', 'offered', 'based', 'services']
Dokument 4507: ['companies', 'profiles', 'entrepreneurship', 'review', 'operating', 'shows', 'existing', 'offered', 'based', 'services']
Dokument 4508: ['insurance', 'ca', 'trading', 'importance', '30', 'transport', 'business', 'services', 'financial', 'high']
Dokument 4509: ['operate', '12', 'enterprises', 'sectors', 'polish']
Dokument 4510: ['ones', 'tourism', 'provided', 'services', 'important', 'countries', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 4511: ['effect', 'internal', 'integration', 'important', 'market', 'eu']
Dokument 4512: ['added', '100', 'growth', 'sectors', 'result', 'value', 'increased', 'country', '2004', 'important']
Dokument 4513: ['stimulated', 'microenterprises', 'attributed', 'substantial', 'additionally', 'capital', 'especially', 'growth', 'employment', 'services']
Dokument 4514: ['services', 'consulting', 'accounting', 'technical', 'visible', 'respect', 'professional', 'single', 'legal', 'presence']
Dokument 4515: ['generate', '50', 'provided', 'groups', 'services', 'value', 'eu']
Dokument 4516: ['tourist', 'generated', 'provider', 'additionally', 'tourism', 'half', 'services', 'eur', '2004', 'billion']
Dokument 4517: ['reflects', 'foreigners', 'increased', 'country']
Dokument 4518: ['internationalisation', 'transport']
Dokument 4519: ['stabilisation', 'evident', 'possibilities', 'road', 'internal', 'offered', 'position', 'transport', 'effective', 'example']
Dokument 4520: ['noticed', 'dominated', 'carriers', 'quickly', 'service', 'recent', 'potential', 'sector', 'years', 'market']
Dokument 4521: ['threefold', 'participating', 'road', 'grew', '25', 'eu', 'transport', 'following', '000', 'accession']
Dokument 4522: ['leader', 'road', 'carriers', 'quickly', 'transport', 'international', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 4523: ['tkm', 'ca', 'billion', 'outperformed', '133', 'tonne', 'kilometres', '53', '66', 'clearly']
Dokument 4524: ['tkm', 'ca', 'services', 'billion', 'transport', 'transborder', '222', '307', 'cabotage', '199']
Dokument 4525: ['000', 'km', 'transport', 'services', 'stake', 'ending', 'transit', 'starting', 'distance', 'carriers']
Dokument 4526: ['hauling', 'represented', 'distance', 'russia', 'major', 'baltic', 'transport', 'goods', 'long', 'countries']
Dokument 4527: ['domination', 'visible', 'carriers', 'regional', 'level', 'market', 'polish']
Dokument 4528: ['hauled', 'transported', 'tonne', 'undisputed', 'practically', 'carriers', 'leaders', 'polish', 'central', 'goods']
Dokument 4529: ['category', 'times', 'czech', 'republic', 'lower', 'transport', 'second', 'services', 'value', 'poland']
Dokument 4530: ['threefold', 'grown', 'transport', 'services', 'sector', '2004', 'poland']
Dokument 4531: ['slowly', 'grew', 'sector', 'region', 'time', 'countries']
Dokument 4532: ['trading', 'easier', 'goods']
Dokument 4533: ['fundamentally', 'marketed', 'changed', 'rules', 'accession', 'products', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 4534: ['defines', 'conformity', 'connected', 'assessment', 'safe', 'adopted', 'requirements', 'use', 'products', 'eu']
Dokument 4535: ['product', 'marking', 'conformity', 'indicates', 'meets', 'ce', 'placed', 'assessment', 'basic', 'carried']
Dokument 4536: ['legislative', 'marketed', 'acts', 'substantial', 'respect', 'apply', '20', 'number', 'products', 'eu']
Dokument 4537: ['worsen', 'bankruptcies', 'mass', 'lead', 'pre', 'concerns', 'costs', 'requirements', 'meeting', 'situation']
Dokument 4538: ['easier', 'turned', 'entrepreneurs', 'new', 'market', 'products']
Dokument 4539: ['corroborate', 'marking', 'ce', 'labelled', 'review', 'concerns', 'did', 'data', 'goods', 'number']
Dokument 4540: ['impede', 'indirectly', 'ce', 'evidence', 'showed', 'post', 'condition', 'clear', 'requirements', 'did']
Dokument 4541: ['chart', 'branches', 'entities', '2005', 'presented', 'example', '2012']
Dokument 4542: ['operated', 'fewer', 'appliances', 'electrical', 'businesses', 'production']
Dokument 4543: ['specified', 'nominal', 'branches', '2005', 'value', 'higher', '2012', 'production']
Dokument 4544: ['appliances', 'production', 'computers', 'optical', '88', '71', '117', 'electronic', 'electrical', 'respectively']
Dokument 4545: ['entities', 'consolidations', 'production', 'suggest', 'fastest', 'appliances', 'electrical', 'expanded', 'decline', 'branches']
Dokument 4546: ['production', 'cleaners', 'washing', 'machines', 'refrigerators', 'vacuum', 'looks', 'fell', '200', '500']
Dokument 4547: ['cost', 'conformity', 'ce', 'certificate', 'prior', 'assessment', 'enlargement', 'slightly', 'similar', 'following']
Dokument 4548: ['necessity', 'modernising', 'generate', 'lines', 'implementing', 'entrepreneurs', 'technologies', 'cases', 'costs', 'additional']
Dokument 4549: ['easier', 'regulations', 'goods', 'trade', 'companies', 'new', 'market', 'polish', 'eu']
Dokument 4550: ['applicable', 'benefited', 'longer', 'meet', 'domestic', 'individual', 'requirements', 'make', 'goods', 'markets']
Dokument 4551: ['formalities', 'limitations', 'simplified', 'ce', 'labelled', 'marketing', 'eu', 'goods', 'used', 'market']
Dokument 4552: ['separate', 'certificates', 'exporters', 'longer', 'domestic', 'apply', 'authorities', 'particular', 'today', 'result']
Dokument 4553: ['evidence', 'increasingly', 'exporters', 'overall', 'benefit', 'changes', 'increase', 'trade', 'member', 'states']
Dokument 4554: ['ce', 'chart', 'labelled', 'shows', 'exports', 'groups', 'member', 'states', 'products', 'eu']
Dokument 4555: ['pln', 'billion', 'upward', 'approx', 'trend', 'growing', 'exports', '2003', 'total', 'period']
Dokument 4556: ['pln', 'billion', 'upward', 'approx', 'trend', 'growing', 'exports', '2003', 'total', 'period']
Dokument 4557: ['economic', 'fluctuations', 'cycle', 'dynamics', 'likely', 'exports', 'caused', 'global', 'crisis', 'including']
Dokument 4558: ['unlawful', 'adopting', 'imports', 'advantage', 'regulations', 'domestic', 'operating', 'outside', 'biggest', 'eu']
Dokument 4559: ['imported', 'met', 'manufactured', 'essential', 'regulations', 'requirements', 'state', 'member', 'states', 'countries']
Dokument 4560: ['pisa', 'oecd', 'doing', 'categories', 'student', 'furthermore', 'assessment', 'better', 'international', 'programme']
Dokument 4561: ['reading', 'interpretation', 'oecd', 'moved', 'finland', 'skills', 'positions', 'ireland', 'average', 'place']
Dokument 4562: ['mathematics', 'pisa', 'ranks', 'finland', 'estonia', 'improved', 'netherlands', 'addition', 'best', '2012']
Dokument 4563: ['reasoning', 'finland', 'estonia', 'sciences', 'comes', 'natural', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 4564: ['14th', 'ranking', 'came', 'global', 'poland']
Dokument 4565: ['competence', 'societal', 'lecturers', 'pupils', 'graduates', 'beneficial', 'beneficiaries', 'educational', 'primarily', 'levels']
Dokument 4566: ['adapt', 'actively', 'involved', 'took', 'modern', 'active', 'needs', 'example', 'economy', 'work']
Dokument 4567: ['alia', 'inter', 'educational', 'erasmus', 'structural', 'offer', 'access', 'programmes', 'given', 'popular']
Dokument 4568: ['educational', 'contacts', 'open', 'international', 'accession', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 4569: ['ensured', 'mobile', 'pupils', 'teaching', 'run', 'methods', 'experiences', 'knowledge', 'exchange', 'staff']
Dokument 4570: ['benefited', 'approach', 'staff', 'academic', 'students']
Dokument 4571: ['students', 'gained', 'access', 'terms', 'universities', '2004', 'member', 'states', 'countries', 'polish']
Dokument 4572: ['pay', 'tuition', 'fees', 'means', 'free', 'citizens', 'local', 'students', 'education', 'polish']
Dokument 4573: ['eurobarometer', 'spend', 'larger', 'purposes', 'decide', 'accessible', 'training', '13', 'abroad', 'data']
Dokument 4574: ['occupies', 'places', 'category', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 4575: ['afford', 'reason', 'cost', 'families', 'relatively', 'abroad', 'main', 'young', 'poles', 'education']
Dokument 4576: ['savings', '65', 'stay', 'private', 'fund', 'abroad', 'students', 'funds', 'eu']
Dokument 4577: ['erasmus', 'popular']
Dokument 4578: ['recognisable', 'europeans', 'erasmus', 'popular', 'young']
Dokument 4579: ['coverage', 'educational', 'participate', 'exchange', 'wide', 'effects', 'programmes', 'opportunity', 'received', 'integration']
Dokument 4580: ['324', '151', 'doubled', 'charter', 'holding', 'erasmus', 'university', 'institutions', '2003', 'number']
Dokument 4581: ['placements', 'systematically', 'erasmus', 'study', 'growing', 'means', 'abroad', 'students', 'number']
Dokument 4582: ['lecturers', 'teaching', 'increasing', 'universities', 'number', 'european', 'polish']
Dokument 4583: ['221', 'went', 'study', '16', 'academic', 'young', 'poles', '2013', '2012', 'year']
Dokument 4584: ['158', 'initial', 'decided', 'erasmus', 'comparison', 'study', 'abroad', 'thousand', 'period', 'membership']
Dokument 4585: ['chose', 'portugal', '120', 'approx', 'uk', 'took', 'italy', 'spain', 'france', 'universities']
Dokument 4586: ['chose', 'portugal', '120', 'approx', 'uk', 'took', 'italy', 'spain', 'france', 'universities']
Dokument 4587: ['years', 'outset', 'fold', 'saw', 'recent', 'decided', '500', 'study', '000', '2003']
Dokument 4588: ['portugal', '42', 'admitted', 'turkey', '500', 'spain', 'france', 'universities', 'germany', 'foreign']
Dokument 4589: ['students', 'number', 'pace', 'additionally', 'observed', 'going', 'interesting', 'faster', 'coming', 'trend']
Dokument 4590: ['destination', 'proves', 'attractive', 'tourism', 'business', 'education', 'poland']
Dokument 4591: ['steady', 'studying', 'interested', 'trend', 'abroad', 'young', 'poles']
Dokument 4592: ['placements', 'ranks', 'job', 'went', 'comes', 'erasmus', 'study', 'abroad', 'students', 'period']
Dokument 4593: ['5th', 'table', 'come', 'italy', 'spain', 'france', 'germany', 'place', 'region', 'eu']
Dokument 4594: ['benefiting', 'teachers', 'erasmus', 'polish']
Dokument 4595: ['taught', 'meant', '26', 'staff', '500', 'academic', 'access', 'open', 'universities', '2003']
Dokument 4596: ['442', '946', 'fold', '2003', 'increase', '2004']
Dokument 4597: ['training', '651', '800', 'staff', 'decided', 'growing', '2008', 'academic', '2007', '000']
Dokument 4598: ['training', '651', '800', 'staff', 'decided', 'growing', '2008', 'academic', '2007', '000']
Dokument 4599: ['rise', 'coming', 'staff', 'academic', 'period', 'number', 'poland']
Dokument 4600: ['749', '138', 'lecturers', 'stood', 'visited', 'close', '14', '000', '2003', 'total']
Dokument 4601: ['gives', '500', 'total', 'people']
Dokument 4602: ['473', '155', 'larger', 'coming', 'staff', 'training', 'increasing', '2008', 'academic', '2007']
Dokument 4603: ['ranked', 'going', 'recent', 'staff', 'academic', 'abroad', 'terms', 'number', 'europe', 'years']
Dokument 4604: ['99', 'utilisation', 'leader', 'recent', 'erasmus', 'using', 'average', 'today', 'budget', 'funds']
Dokument 4605: ['illustrates', 'chart', 'allocated', 'funds']
Dokument 4606: ['structural', 'fund', 'funds', 'education', 'erdf', 'esf', 'european', 'using', 'eu', 'following']
Dokument 4607: ['structural', 'fund', 'funds', 'education', 'erdf', 'esf', 'european', 'using', 'eu', 'following']
Dokument 4608: ['lecture', 'halls', 'expand', 'laboratories', 'educational', 'things', 'infrastructure', 'modern', 'investments', 'possible']
Dokument 4609: ['tailor', 'adjust', 'fields', 'helped', 'financing', 'study', 'modern', 'programmes', 'needs', 'called']
Dokument 4610: ['educational', 'construction', 'financed', 'modernisation', 'infrastructure', 'funds', 'eu']
Dokument 4611: ['secondary', 'upper', 'tertiary', 'esf', 'funded', 'primary', 'pre', 'levels', 'concerned', 'school']
Dokument 4612: ['centres', 'education', 'computer', 'pre', 'school', 'institutions', 'equip', 'stations', 'libraries', 'psychology']
Dokument 4613: ['educational', 'fields', 'models', 'expand', 'foster', 'graduate', 'post', 'skills', 'improve', 'staff']
Dokument 4614: ['erdf', 'funded', 'educational', 'construction', 'modernisation', 'infrastructure', 'investments', '2007', 'thousand', '2013']
Dokument 4615: ['830', '160', 'alia', 'inter', 'beneficiaries', 'included', 'implemented', 'institutions', 'projects', 'education']
Dokument 4616: ['went', 'supporting', 'activity', 'funds', 'research', 'development', 'eu']
Dokument 4617: ['erdf', 'infrastructure', 'allocated', 'activity', '15', '2007', 'pln', 'projects', 'billion', '2013']
Dokument 4618: ['commercialisation', 'esf', 'things', 'training', 'contributed', 'management', 'financing', 'results', 'scientific', 'research']
Dokument 4619: ['employees', 'sector', 'amp', 'completed', 'training', 'thousand']
Dokument 4620: ['faculties', 'spent', 'raising', 'graduates', 'play', 'knowledge', 'things', 'role', 'fund', 'money']
Dokument 4621: ['study', 'fields', 'students', 'traineeships', 'compensatory', 'tailor', 'curricula', 'visits', 'draw', 'internships']
Dokument 4622: ['choosing', 'tailor', '2008', 'programmes', 'students', 'poland']
Dokument 4623: ['mathematical', 'degrees', 'candidates', '32', 'technical', 'line', 'expectations', 'went', 'sciences', 'percentage']
Dokument 4624: ['raising', 'teaching', 'qualifications', 'devoted', 'staff', 'resources', 'fund', 'social', 'european', 'polish']
Dokument 4625: ['instructors', '243', 'vocational', 'teachers', 'practical', 'training', 'covered', 'general', 'project', '000']
Dokument 4626: ['examiners', 'traineeships', 'qualify', 'internships', 'participate', 'opportunity', 'companies']
Dokument 4627: ['promising', 'languages', 'counselling', 'ict', 'continuing', 'graduate', 'post', 'teachers', 'career', 'distance']
Dokument 4628: ['esf', 'vocational', 'financed', 'measures', 'education']
Dokument 4629: ['vocational', 'examinations', 'core', 'curriculum', 'modernise', 'helped', 'structure', 'change', 'education', 'support']
Dokument 4630: ['illustrate', 'broader', 'instruments', 'scope', 'account', 'allocated', 'entire', 'necessary', 'funding', 'available']
Dokument 4631: ['02', 'entities', 'operational', 'perspective', '28', 'structural', '18', '2014', 'programmes', 'scientific']
Dokument 4632: ['expenditures', 'education', 'higher']
Dokument 4633: ['discussed', 'apart', 'source', 'structural', 'main', 'investment', 'budget', 'public', 'funds', 'education']
Dokument 4634: ['2005', '2012', 'nominal', '99', 'relative', 'little', '65', 'expenditures', 'decreased', 'gdp']
Dokument 4635: ['exception', 'expenditures', 'table', 'decade', 'data', 'investment', 'institutions', 'increased', 'education', 'higher']
Dokument 4636: ['barely', 'relative', 'table', 'recent', 'shows', 'changed', 'turn', 'entire', 'percentage', 'population']
Dokument 4637: ['evolution', 'sector', 'agricultural']
Dokument 4638: ['inundated', 'eurosceptics', 'unable', 'cheaper', 'food', 'saying', 'west', 'prior', 'pressure', 'face']
Dokument 4639: ['inundated', 'eurosceptics', 'unable', 'cheaper', 'food', 'saying', 'west', 'prior', 'pressure', 'face']
Dokument 4640: ['eurosceptic', 'cohort', 'suffer', 'feared', 'referendum', 'eve', 'considerable', 'losses', 'income', 'scale']
Dokument 4641: ['farmer', 'beneficiary', 'polish']
Dokument 4642: ['eloquent', 'unjustified', 'proof', 'fears', 'decade', 'integration', 'poland']
Dokument 4643: ['policy', 'instruments', 'commercial', 'created', 'cap', 'common', 'social', 'agricultural', 'quality', 'economic']
Dokument 4644: ['introducing', 'laid', 'implementing', 'treaty', 'cap', 'payments', 'provided', 'long', 'conditions', 'direct']
Dokument 4645: ['cap', 'hallmarks', 'channelling', 'earmarked', 'purpose', '23', '40', 'average', '2007', 'rural']
Dokument 4646: ['prior', 'began', 'requirements', 'process', 'meeting', 'agriculture', 'accession', 'polish', 'eu']
Dokument 4647: ['complicated', 'satisfy', 'expensive', 'producing', 'animal', 'proved', 'conditions', 'processing', 'products']
Dokument 4648: ['achieved', 'competitiveness', 'single', 'improved', 'gained', 'farming', 'polish', 'standards', 'access', 'better']
Dokument 4649: ['eu', 'puts', 'surplus', 'continues', 'enlargement', 'agri', 'rural', 'use', 'increase', 'funds']
Dokument 4650: ['refunded', 'allocation', '70', 'far', '2007', 'rural', '2013', 'development', 'commission', 'european']
Dokument 4651: ['gone', 'charge', 'products', 'allowed', 'prices', 'real', '25', 'terms', 'integration', 'farmers']
Dokument 4652: ['tripled', 'incomes', 'efficient', 'nearly', 'better', 'conditions', 'farmers', 'use', '2003', 'funds']
Dokument 4653: ['fold', 'prices', 'land', 'increased', 'agricultural']
Dokument 4654: ['buying', 'incomes', 'mass', 'foreigners', 'polish', 'growing', 'land', 'farmers']
Dokument 4655: ['ha', 'average', 'area', 'agricultural', '93', '81', '76', '2002', 'expanded', '59']
Dokument 4656: ['ha', 'average', 'area', 'agricultural', '93', '81', '76', '2002', 'expanded', '59']
Dokument 4657: ['modernisation', 'areas', 'rural', 'poland']
Dokument 4658: ['modernising', 'played', 'major', 'role', 'agriculture', 'membership', 'polish', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 4659: ['abandoned', 'pillar', 'adjusted', '1st', 'imposed', 'instruments', 'issues', 'concerned', 'quotas', 'cap']
Dokument 4660: ['cross', 'welfare', 'cultivation', 'compliance', 'animal', 'methods', 'environment', 'breeding', 'return', 'protect']
Dokument 4661: ['rural', 'pillar', '2nd', 'considerable', 'benefited', 'cap', 'areas', 'funds', 'development']
Dokument 4662: ['plants', 'standards', 'eu', 'processing', 'liberalised', 'barrier', 'quantitative', 'eliminating', 'sanitary', 'imposed']
Dokument 4663: ['brought', 'potential', 'great', 'production', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 4664: ['ranking', 'volume', 'table', 'shows', 'key', 'terms', 'agricultural', 'countries', 'products', 'poland']
Dokument 4665: ['29', 'december', 'areas', 'received', 'budget', 'rural', 'total', 'eur', '2004', 'billion']
Dokument 4666: ['payments', 'half', 'direct']
Dokument 4667: ['subsidies', 'farming', 'cap', 'payments', 'offered', 'lower', 'areas', '15', 'rural', 'value']
Dokument 4668: ['negotiated', 'subsidies', 'agreed', 'reached', 'possibility', 'increasing', '100', 'negotiations', 'accession', '2013']
Dokument 4669: ['payments', 'budgets', 'guaranteed', 'transfers', 'called', 'rural', 'thanks', 'increase', 'funds', 'national']
Dokument 4670: ['vulnerability', 'exposed', 'epidemics', 'instrumental', 'weather', 'branches', 'changing', 'subsidies', 'animals', 'ensuring']
Dokument 4671: ['staying', 'profitability', 'farming', 'income', 'low', 'payments', 'farms', 'level', 'important', 'union']
Dokument 4672: ['output', 'equal', 'overall', '2006', 'payments', 'taken', '19', 'direct', 'agricultural', 'eu']
Dokument 4673: ['farmers', 'competitors', 'stricter', 'hygienic', 'incur', 'adds', 'humanitarian', 'welfare', 'sanitary', 'compensation']
Dokument 4674: ['53', 'payments', 'prices', 'current', 'received', 'pln', 'budget', 'direct', 'farmers', '2004']
Dokument 4675: ['calculations', 'indicated', 'june', 'payments', 'presented', '2014', '2013']
Dokument 4676: ['362', 'approx', 'beneficiary', 'receiving', '38', 'payments', 'farms', 'average', 'pln', 'direct']
Dokument 4677: ['rural', 'development']
Dokument 4678: ['13', 'prices', 'current', 'implementation', '2007', 'received', 'budget', 'rural', 'policy', 'eur']
Dokument 4679: ['subsidy', 'beneficiary', 'biggest', 'eu', '15', 'today', 'received', 'total', 'policy', 'country']
Dokument 4680: ['adding', 'mandatory', 'overall', 'comes', '17', 'funding', 'rural', 'public', 'value', 'policy']
Dokument 4681: ['assigned', 'diversification', '34', 'competitiveness', 'environment', '40', 'supporting', 'allocated', '19', 'protection']
Dokument 4682: ['local', 'axis', 'development', 'organise', 'communities', 'strategies', 'implement', 'jointly', 'supports', 'leader']
Dokument 4683: ['eur', 'billion', 'favoured', 'agro', 'retirement', 'finance', 'environmental', 'early', 'modernisation', 'allocated']
Dokument 4684: ['73', '857', 'negotiated', '57', 'date', '2007', 'received', 'funds', 'eur', '2013']
Dokument 4685: ['73', '857', 'negotiated', '57', 'date', '2007', 'received', 'funds', 'eur', '2013']
Dokument 4686: ['91', 'issued', 'concluded', 'beneficiaries', 'january', 'decisions', 'agreements', 'allocated', '22', 'funding']
Dokument 4687: ['constructed', 'thousand', '000', 'ha', 'waste', 'km', '29', 'agricultural', 'water', 'covered']
Dokument 4688: ['bonus', 'pln', 'thousand', '000', 'agricultural', 'programme', '2013', 'running', 'modernised', 'generated']
Dokument 4689: ['32', 'cap', 'receive', 'prices', 'current', '2014', 'implementation', 'budget', 'eur', 'billion']
Dokument 4690: ['seven', 'previous', 'real', 'terms', 'eur', 'billion', 'higher', 'years']
Dokument 4691: ['arrangements', 'rapid', 'multiannual', 'create', 'continue', '2014', 'opportunity', 'areas', 'rural', 'agriculture']
Dokument 4692: ['reductions', 'pillar', 'expenditures', 'continues', 'beneficiaries', 'despite', 'cap', 'biggest', 'particularly', 'second']
Dokument 4693: ['allocate', '42', 'plans', 'government', 'areas', 'rural', 'agriculture', 'funds', 'eur', 'billion']
Dokument 4694: ['funds', 'eur', 'billion', 'interventions', 'aside', '32', 'mentioned', 'cap', 'includes', 'cohesion']
Dokument 4695: ['compare', '39', 'allocated', 'amounted', 'areas', '2007', 'rural', 'agriculture', 'funds', 'eur']
Dokument 4696: ['strength', 'grows', 'food', 'polish']
Dokument 4697: ['exaggerated', 'voiced', 'fears', 'unfounded', 'turned', 'farmers', 'accession', 'polish', 'poland']
Dokument 4698: ['eur', 'billion', 'fivefold', 'overall', '20', 'agri', '2003', 'increased', 'export', 'accession']
Dokument 4699: ['threaten', 'exporters', 'come', 'did', 'farmers', 'agricultural', 'member', 'states', 'food', 'polish']
Dokument 4700: ['contrary', 'sure', 'quickly', 'built', 'strong', 'position', 'market', 'products', 'european', 'polish']
Dokument 4701: ['grew', '20', 'agri', 'export', '2004', '2013', 'year', 'food', 'products', 'poland']
Dokument 4702: ['quarters', 'exports', 'worth', 'present', '15', 'sector', 'eur', 'billion', '2013', 'market']
Dokument 4703: ['eur', 'billion', 'surplus', '2003', 'increased', 'trade', '2013', 'member', 'states', 'poland']
Dokument 4704: ['eu10', 'surplus', 'biggest', 'trade', 'states', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 4705: ['boast', 'surplus', 'hungary', 'significant', 'trade', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 4706: ['deteriorate', 'note', 'seen', 'let', 'balance', 'trade', 'region', '2004', 'countries', 'eu']
Dokument 4707: ['dominant', 'exporter', 'producer', 'comparison', 'central', 'agri', 'europe', 'eastern', 'food', 'countries']
Dokument 4708: ['43', 'accounted', 'exports', 'average', 'region', '2004', '2013', 'countries', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 4709: ['hungary', 'eur', 'billion', 'versus', 'twice', 'exporter', 'exported', 'exports', 'biggest', 'worth']
Dokument 4710: ['export', 'products', 'polish']
Dokument 4711: ['tobacco', 'preparations', 'meat', 'substitutes', 'edible', 'food', 'cereals', 'offal', 'ca', 'products']
Dokument 4712: ['commodity', 'observed', 'comparison', 'exports', 'significant', 'groups', '2003', 'increase']
Dokument 4713: ['9000', '8000', 'tobacco', 'cereals', 'greatest', 'recorded', 'exports', 'increase', '2004', '2013']
Dokument 4714: ['tobacco', 'cereal', 'exports', 'share', 'total', 'period', 'increased', 'agricultural', 'products', 'eu']
Dokument 4715: ['meat', 'cee', 'edible', 'offal', 'situated', 'exporter', 'largest', 'region', 'states', 'poland']
Dokument 4716: ['originated', '36', '59', 'exports', 'compared', 'half', '2003', 'region', '2013', 'poland']
Dokument 4717: ['preparations', 'vegetables', 'fruit', 'fish', '50', 'exports', 'share', 'meat', 'products', 'poland']
Dokument 4718: ['tobacco', 'exporter', 'addition', 'main', '2004', 'products', 'european', 'poland']
Dokument 4719: ['10', 'grew', '50', 'share', '2003', 'export', '2013', 'products', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 4720: ['hinder', 'food', 'strict', 'competitive', 'helped', 'safety', 'standards', 'requirements', 'did', 'make']
Dokument 4721: ['revival', 'adjusting', 'focused', 'sanitary', '2002', 'veterinary', 'recorded', '2006', 'requirements', 'investment']
Dokument 4722: ['true', '80', 'dairy', 'investments', 'industry', 'meat']
Dokument 4723: ['improve', 'usually', 'investments', 'following', 'production', 'quality', 'years', 'new', 'market', 'products']
Dokument 4724: ['expired', 'phase', 'agreed', 'intended', '2006', 'plants', 'end', 'negotiations', 'period', 'accession']
Dokument 4725: ['wanted', 'meet', 'plants', 'requirements', 'markets', 'export', 'products', 'eu']
Dokument 4726: ['discredit', 'rasff', 'irregularities', 'warning', 'mass', 'media', 'exporters', 'reports', 'early', 'recorded']
Dokument 4727: ['cases', '275', '517', '181', '362', 'filed', 'reported', 'regard', 'reports', 'italy']
Dokument 4728: ['production', 'real', 'value', 'increase', 'agricultural', 'quantitative', 'faster', '50', 'prices', 'growth']
Dokument 4729: ['output', 'reported', 'drop', 'average', 'value', 'period', '10', 'region', 'member', 'states']
Dokument 4730: ['insufficient', 'worsening', 'worse', 'attributed', 'actors', 'performance', 'chain', 'modernisation', 'comparison', 'position']
Dokument 4731: ['maintained', 'output', 'slightly', 'stable', 'currently', 'real', '15', '2003', 'value', 'level']
Dokument 4732: ['paid', 'grown', 'produce', '24', 'prices', 'real', 'terms', 'farmers', '2003']
Dokument 4733: ['fuel', 'inputs', 'fertilisers', 'electrical', 'fast', 'seeds', 'power', 'grown', 'nearly', '21']
Dokument 4734: ['risen', 'connected', 'extent', 'past', 'resources', 'prices', 'energy', 'large', 'years']
Dokument 4735: ['inputs', 'suppliers', 'incomes', 'raise', 'improvement', 'encouraged', 'prices', 'addition', 'farmers', 'agricultural']
Dokument 4736: ['higher', 'generated', 'incomes', 'sale', 'led', 'greater', 'costs', 'prices', 'farmers', 'production']
Dokument 4737: ['prices', 'noting', 'ready', 'faster', 'intended', 'sale', 'worth', 'received', 'consumers', 'farmers']
Dokument 4738: ['middlemen', 'bargaining', 'strengthened', 'relation', 'power', 'means', 'processing', 'farmers', 'companies']
Dokument 4739: ['fluctuation', 'income', 'agricultural']
Dokument 4740: ['farmers', 'higher', 'yielded', 'output', 'incomes', 'subsidies', 'overall', 'opening', 'payment', 'prices']
Dokument 4741: ['unpaid', 'index', 'eurostat', 'incomes', 'uses', 'owners', 'farm', 'income', 'employed', 'real']
Dokument 4742: ['290', 'index', 'assumed', 'later', '100', '2003', 'increased', 'years', 'poland']
Dokument 4743: ['index', 'doubled', 'subsidies', 'payment', 'mentioned', 'prices', 'related', 'product', 'direct', 'increase']
Dokument 4744: ['89', 'eu9', 'incomes', 'relation', 'grew', '11', 'context', 'average', '15', 'farmers']
Dokument 4745: ['stagnant', 'remained', '2009', '2013']
Dokument 4746: ['productivity', 'holdings', 'agricultural', 'higher']
Dokument 4747: ['agricultural', 'census', 'reflected', 'confirmed', 'mentioned', 'structure', 'holdings', '2010', 'general', 'changes']
Dokument 4748: ['holdings', 'decrease', 'ha', 'number', '20', 'changes', 'area', 'agricultural', 'smallest', 'census']
Dokument 4749: ['concurrently', '37', 'ha', 'recorded', 'holdings', '50', 'biggest', 'growth', 'area', 'number']
Dokument 4750: ['agricultural', '42', 'ha', 'managed', '48', 'holdings', 'points', 'percentage', 'change', 'land']
Dokument 4751: ['ha', 'holdings', 'percentage', 'accounts', '70', 'close', '15', 'area', 'high', 'agricultural']
Dokument 4752: ['ha', 'average', 'area', 'increased', '93', '81', 'belonging', 'corresponding', '76', '2002']
Dokument 4753: ['agricultural', 'expenses', 'census', 'exclusively', 'cutting', 'families', 'produce', 'living', 'shows', 'holdings']
Dokument 4754: ['occurred', 'huge', 'beneficial', 'productivity', 'despite', 'structural', 'poland', 'means', 'potential', 'changes']
Dokument 4755: ['holdings', 'capable', 'competitive', 'significantly', 'increased', 'accession', 'number', 'development', 'eu']
Dokument 4756: ['000', 'threefold', 'esu', '77', 'representing', 'estimated', 'seen', '2006', 'grew', 'greater']
Dokument 4757: ['agricultural', '34', '35', 'holdings', 'times', 'share', 'value', 'increased', 'group', 'national']
Dokument 4758: ['149', 'esu', 'competitive', 'holdings', '27', 'potential', 'thousand']
Dokument 4759: ['competitive', 'holdings', '295', 'estimated', 'short', '000', 'total', 'period', 'number', 'time']
Dokument 4760: ['esu', '51', 'belonging', '74', 'case', 'holdings', '16', 'develop', 'opportunity', 'half']
Dokument 4761: ['generated', '65', 'holdings', 'agricultural', 'national', 'production']
Dokument 4762: ['agricultural', 'concentration', 'measured', 'continuous', 'branches', 'improvement', 'ongoing', 'producer', 'organisation', 'sale']
Dokument 4763: ['bargaining', 'buyers', 'offers', 'power', 'sale', 'greater', 'joint', 'negotiations', 'product']
Dokument 4764: ['1300', 'separate', 'regulations', 'vegetable', 'apply', 'present', 'groups', 'producers', 'fruit', 'sector']
Dokument 4765: ['steadily', 'growing', 'number', '2004']
Dokument 4766: ['389', '224', '157', 'registered', '2010', 'groups', '2011', '2013', 'new']
Dokument 4767: ['crated', 'pig', 'oilseed', 'predominantly', 'crop', 'cereal', 'poultry', 'groups', 'producers']
Dokument 4768: ['102', '225', 'producer', 'vegetable', 'organisations', 'groups', 'fruit', 'sector']
Dokument 4769: ['20', 'share', 'sector', 'market']
Dokument 4770: ['input', 'chart', 'presents', 'concerning', 'data', 'labour', 'sector', 'agricultural', 'polish']
Dokument 4771: ['input', 'slightly', 'lower', 'labour', '2003', '2012']
Dokument 4772: ['marginal', 'performed', 'remaining', 'owners', 'external', 'families', 'holdings', 'employment', 'labour', 'level']
Dokument 4773: ['chart', 'presents', 'productivity', 'farming', 'changes']
Dokument 4774: ['utilised', 'crop', 'defined', 'productivity', 'animal', 'ha', 'case', 'area', 'value', 'agricultural']
Dokument 4775: ['123', 'spiked', 'productivity', 'seen', 'highest', 'increase', '2004', 'agricultural', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 4776: ['1554', 'productive', 'slovenia', 'makes', 'ha', 'second', 'today', 'level', 'eur', 'state']
Dokument 4777: ['ha', 'production', '3113', 'efficiency', '50', 'land', 'average', 'germany', 'value', 'eur']
Dokument 4778: ['competitive', 'processing', 'sector']
Dokument 4779: ['branch', 'competitive', 'decade', 'agri', 'processing', 'industry', 'economy', 'food', 'polish', 'poland']
Dokument 4780: ['pln', 'billion', '101', '135', 'real', 'sales', 'terms', '2003', 'increased', '2012']
Dokument 4781: ['000', '434', '424', 'dropped', 'slightly', 'employees', 'employment', 'period']
Dokument 4782: ['profitable', 'branch', 'past', 'economy', 'industry', '10', 'years', 'food']
Dokument 4783: ['ratio', 'roe', 'indicator', 'profitability', '14', '2003', 'increased', '2012']
Dokument 4784: ['fell', 'remained', '2008', 'crisis', '10', 'years', 'year']
Dokument 4785: ['profitability', 'relation', 'competitiveness', 'factors', 'materials', 'contributed', 'prices', 'raw', 'lower', 'high']
Dokument 4786: ['smaller', 'advantage', 'differences', 'prices', 'significant', 'agricultural', 'production', 'member', 'states', 'poland']
Dokument 4787: ['demand', 'land', 'agricultural', 'polish']
Dokument 4788: ['demand', 'grown', 'significantly', 'making', 'prices', 'land', 'accession', 'agricultural', 'higher', 'poland']
Dokument 4789: ['increasing', 'agricultural', 'acreage', 'motivation', 'prospect', 'receiving', 'demand', 'factors', 'farming', 'developing']
Dokument 4790: ['outskirts', 'farmland', 'towns', 'routes', 'traffic', 'situated', 'factor', 'purposes', 'near', 'case']
Dokument 4791: ['fivefold', 'agencies', 'property', 'individuals', 'agency', 'sold', 'provided', 'prices', 'land', 'government']
Dokument 4792: ['6080', 'trading', 'private', 'western', 'ha', 'price', 'neighbours', 'poland', 'land', 'lower']
Dokument 4793: ['eur', 'länder', '9593', '424', 'slightly', 'ha', 'price', '14', 'land', 'average']
Dokument 4794: ['eu15', 'dynamically', 'belgium', 'difference', 'grown', 'denmark', 'netherlands', 'poland', 'prices', 'significant']
Dokument 4795: ['permit', 'pursuant', 'negotiate', 'interior', 'issued', 'transition', 'purchase', 'requires', 'right', 'treaty']
Dokument 4796: ['expensive', 'remains', 'central', 'europe', 'state', 'eastern', 'poland']
Dokument 4797: ['780', '292', 'privately', 'owned', 'relative', 'romania', 'increases', 'slovakia', 'price', 'recorded']
Dokument 4798: ['ha', '000', 'eur', 'eu9', 'slovakia', 'prices', 'czech', 'land', 'republic', 'increased']
Dokument 4799: ['area', 'agricultural', '281', '03', 'interior', 'purchased', 'indicate', 'represents', 'foreigners', 'property']
Dokument 4800: ['256', 'totals', 'perpetual', 'usufruct', 'shares', 'hold', 'forestry', 'additionally', 'acquired', 'foreigners']
Dokument 4801: ['property', 'real', 'permit', 'lease', 'interior', 'parts', 'northern', 'depending', 'foreigners', 'purchase']
Dokument 4802: ['agricultural', 'governing', 'shaping', 'trading', 'property', 'act', 'provided', 'rules', '2003']
Dokument 4803: ['land', 'exercises', 'supervisory', 'refusal', 'exercise', 'trading', 'relation', 'property', 'sale', 'body']
Dokument 4804: ['tendering', 'chambers', 'procedure', 'role', 'adopted', 'increased', 'measures', 'agricultural', '2013']
Dokument 4805: ['fictitious', 'transactions', 'violations', 'bogus', 'occurring', 'buyers', 'planted', 'amended', 'carry', 'persons']
Dokument 4806: ['quotas', 'production', 'eu']
Dokument 4807: ['adjust', 'mechanisms', 'designed', 'demand', 'establish', 'supply', 'quotas', 'production', 'eu']
Dokument 4808: ['stable', 'maintain', 'prices', 'help', 'farmers', 'products']
Dokument 4809: ['quoting', 'economically', 'instruments', 'sugar', 'milk', 'sectors', 'important']
Dokument 4810: ['phasing', 'deadline', 'agreed', 'quotas', 'cap', 'reform', 'negotiations', 'framework', '2004', '2020']
Dokument 4811: ['quota', 'elimination', 'deadline', '2017', 'mechanism', 'october', 'sugar', '2015', 'milk', 'april']
Dokument 4812: ['isoglucose', 'starch', 'applicable', 'potato', 'quotas', 'products', 'eu']
Dokument 4813: ['quota', 'milk', 'individual', 'producers', 'purchasers', 'socalled', 'deliver', 'wholesale', 'fixed', 'selling']
Dokument 4814: ['quota', 'tonnes', '464', 'million', '964', 'specifies', 'wholesale', 'limit', 'represent', 'treaty']
Dokument 4815: ['successive', 'negotiated', 'successfully', 'quota', 'cap', 'reforms', 'tonnes', 'milk', '10', 'higher']
Dokument 4816: ['64', 'exceeded', '2005', 'cost', 'quota', '2006', 'milk', 'producers', 'eur', 'million']
Dokument 4817: ['minimally', 'penalty', 'exceeded', 'resulted', 'quota', '13', '15', 'eur', '2012', 'million']
Dokument 4818: ['specialisation', 'indirect', 'productivity', 'quota', 'result', 'agriculture', 'sector', 'higher', 'polish']
Dokument 4819: ['cows', 'number', 'herd', 'keeping', 'efficiency', 'animals', 'decreased', 'average', 'farmers', 'increased']
Dokument 4820: ['milk', 'chart', 'evidence', 'effectiveness', 'gradually', 'shows', 'quotas', 'increasing', 'prices', 'polish']
Dokument 4821: ['reflection', 'mechanism', 'experts', 'say', 'quota', 'past', 'prices', 'global', 'markets', 'milk']
Dokument 4822: ['produce', 'quotas', 'right', 'sugar', 'tonnes', 'terms', 'given', 'total', 'million', 'poland']
Dokument 4823: ['reformed', 'organisation', 'pressure', '2006', 'sugar', 'world', 'trade', 'market', 'commission', 'european']
Dokument 4824: ['tariff', 'barriers', 'parts', 'earlier', 'prices', 'world', 'high', 'higher', 'market', 'european']
Dokument 4825: ['designed', 'sugar', 'reform', 'eu', 'lower', 'production']
Dokument 4826: ['sugar', 'voluntarily', 'beet', 'limit', 'encourage', 'established', 'end', 'producers', 'farmers', 'production']
Dokument 4827: ['restructuring', 'exchange', 'assistance', 'offered', 'financial']
Dokument 4828: ['resulted', 'overall', 'quota', 'reduction', '13', 'sugar', '24', 'reform', 'tonnes', 'production']
Dokument 4829: ['corresponding', 'quota', 'decreased', '16', 'tonnes', 'million', 'poland']
Dokument 4830: ['sugar', 'regulation', 'negative', 'reform', 'effects', 'positive', 'industry', 'market', 'polish']
Dokument 4831: ['speeding', 'unquestionable', 'restructuring', 'advantages', 'modernisation', 'sugar', 'process', 'industry', 'poland']
Dokument 4832: ['sugar', 'refineries', 'modernised', 'standards', 'produced', 'present', 'large', 'polish']
Dokument 4833: ['refineries', 'owing', 'effectiveness', 'competitive', 'modernisation', 'contributed', 'sugar', 'polish', 'costs', 'lower']
Dokument 4834: ['sugar', 'importer', 'transformed', 'outcomes', 'beet', 'fall', 'net', 'negative', 'farming', 'reform']
Dokument 4835: ['closing', 'refineries', 'compensated', 'partially', 'restructuring', 'cost', 'numerous', 'carried', 'sugar', 'means']
Dokument 4836: ['proves', 'chart', 'beets', 'quota', '2006', 'contributed', 'sugar', 'prices', 'increase', '2004']
Dokument 4837: ['moderately', 'imports', 'grow', 'lowest', 'opened', 'dropped', 'month', 'reached', '2006', 'start']
Dokument 4838: ['abolish', '2017', 'effect', 'decision', 'quota', 'october', 'cap', 'come', 'taken', 'negotiations']
Dokument 4839: ['abolish', '2017', 'effect', 'decision', 'quota', 'october', 'cap', 'come', 'taken', 'negotiations']
Dokument 4840: ['protests', 'beet', 'supported', 'decision', 'led', 'association', 'sugar', 'processing', 'producers', 'industry']
Dokument 4841: ['euroenthusiasts', 'farmers', 'polish']
Dokument 4842: ['eurosceptical', 'farmers', 'social', 'group', 'accession', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 4843: ['polled', '39', 'strongly', '37', 'supported', 'integration', 'group', 'europe', 'poland']
Dokument 4844: ['attitude', 'completely', 'changed', 'eu', '10', 'membership', 'years']
Dokument 4845: ['grown', 'relatively', 'farmers', 'public', 'higher', 'support', 'eu']
Dokument 4846: ['2003', 'spiked', '71', 'notice', 'compare', 'surveys', '37', 'reached', 'carried', 'points']
Dokument 4847: ['equals', 'opposed', 'drop', 'phenomenon', 'observed', 'big', '21', 'points', 'percentage', '16']
Dokument 4848: ['surveys', 'results', 'covering', 'conducted', 'entire', 'population', 'similar', 'current', 'farmers', 'polish']
Dokument 4849: ['transformation', 'fisheries', 'sector']
Dokument 4850: ['restructuring', 'deep', 'starting', 'point', 'modernisation', 'fisheries', 'sector', 'accession', '2004', 'polish']
Dokument 4851: ['adopting', 'marine', 'meant', 'protecting', 'regulations', 'legal', 'led', 'fisheries', 'included', 'resources']
Dokument 4852: ['toughest', 'adjusting', 'organisms', 'protecting', 'challenges', 'facing', 'living', 'fisheries', 'management', 'sea']
Dokument 4853: ['fishing', 'adjusted', 'largely', 'technical', 'reduced', 'fleet', '37', 'numerous', 'restrictions', 'related']
Dokument 4854: ['impacted', 'catches', 'quantity', 'restructuring', 'decreased', 'fisheries', 'sea', 'baltic', '15', 'period']
Dokument 4855: ['overall', 'despite', 'changes', 'positive', 'result', 'sector']
Dokument 4856: ['fish', 'funds', 'reorganisation', 'seaport', 'invested', 'expanded', 'modernisation', 'infrastructure', 'investments', 'processing']
Dokument 4857: ['fish', '190', 'catch', 'decreased', 'processing', 'result', 'value', 'increased', 'sector', '2004']
Dokument 4858: ['relation', 'overall', 'fisheries', 'jobs', 'offered', '12', '000', '2003', 'increased', 'sector']
Dokument 4859: ['fisheries', 'financial', 'support']
Dokument 4860: ['eur', 'million', '201', '936', '734', '2006', 'fishing', '2007', 'received', 'industry']
Dokument 4861: ['cofunding', 'amounting', 'fisheries', '25', 'received', 'public', 'total', 'eur', 'billion', 'state']
Dokument 4862: ['94', 'appropriation', 'utilised', '2006', 'budget', 'financial', '2004', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 4863: ['4124', 'amounting', 'funding', 'received', 'pln', 'projects', 'billion']
Dokument 4864: ['104', 'sake', '91', 'follows', 'latvia', 'estonia', 'lithuania', 'comparison', 'baltic', '100']
Dokument 4865: ['received', 'beneficiary', '26', '17', 'poland', 'spain', 'largest', '2007', 'funds', 'aid']
Dokument 4866: ['eur', 'million', '84', '125', '54', 'latvia', 'estonia', 'lithuania', 'just', 'received']
Dokument 4867: ['2013', 'envelope', 'utilised', '31', '75', 'end', 'implemented', '2007', 'thousand', 'budget']
Dokument 4868: ['utilisation', 'follows', '63', '70', 'latvia', 'estonia', 'lithuania', '60', 'end', 'funding']
Dokument 4869: ['modernise', 'fishing', 'industry', 'seaport', 'coastal', 'activation', 'inland', 'communities', 'designed', 'fishermen']
Dokument 4870: ['657', 'harbours', 'ports', 'port', 'expansion', 'invested', 'modernisation', 'infrastructure', 'pln', '2004']
Dokument 4871: ['wharfs', 'breakwaters', 'port', 'roads', 'transportation', 'storage', 'purchase', 'facilities', 'construction', 'modernisation']
Dokument 4872: ['624', 'benefitted', 'worth', 'investments', 'processing', 'pln', 'industry', 'total', 'million']
Dokument 4873: ['586', 'aquaculture', 'received', 'pln', 'sector', 'million']
Dokument 4874: ['fish', 'ports', 'transportation', 'inland', 'modernise', 'specialised', 'ships', 'facilities', 'buy', 'breeding']
Dokument 4875: ['environmentally', 'techniques', 'friendly', 'practices', 'breeding', 'granted', 'traditional', 'fish', 'support']
Dokument 4876: ['local', '773', 'sum', 'strategies', 'selected', 'action', 'fisheries', 'allocated', 'receive', 'funding']
Dokument 4877: ['reducing', 'size', 'catch']
Dokument 4878: ['adjust', 'organisms', 'marine', 'meant', 'fisheries', 'access', 'sea', 'rules', 'protection', 'common']
Dokument 4879: ['fishing', 'particular', 'use', 'gears', 'requirement', 'observing', 'mesh', 'nets', 'banned', 'catching']
Dokument 4880: ['engine', 'boat', 'permitted', 'tonnage', 'power', 'maximum', 'set', 'rules', 'eu']
Dokument 4881: ['officially', 'ship', 'marine', 'quantities', 'reported', 'constituted', '67', 'owners', 'caught', 'decreased']
Dokument 4882: ['fished', 'sprat', 'herring', 'cod', 'species', 'concerned', 'salmon', 'important']
Dokument 4883: ['fish', 'flat', 'observed', 'catch', 'types', 'case', 'growth', 'impact', 'total']
Dokument 4884: ['11th', 'catches', 'eurostat', 'size', 'data', 'terms', 'based', '2011', 'state', 'member']
Dokument 4885: ['tonnes', '179', '806', 'fleet', 'caught', 'amounted', 'share', '000', 'total', 'fish']
Dokument 4886: ['tonnes', '000', '156', 'statistics', '137', 'sake', '78', 'caught', 'latvia', 'estonia']
Dokument 4887: ['860', 'quantity', 'caught', '18', 'spain', 'tonnes', 'largest', 'share', '000', 'total']
Dokument 4888: ['catch', 'portugal', 'clearly', 'sizes', 'majority', 'latvia', 'decrease', 'recorded', 'shows', 'comparison']
Dokument 4889: ['problematic', 'quotas', 'fishing']
Dokument 4890: ['utilisation', 'economically', 'changing', 'species', 'quotas', 'sea', 'baltic', 'fishing', 'membership', 'fish']
Dokument 4891: ['pelagic', 'sprat', 'herring', 'applies', 'cod', 'species', 'fish']
Dokument 4892: ['fleets', 'fishing', 'withdrawal', 'adjustment', 'marine', 'huge', 'fishermen', 'operation', 'reasons', 'allocated']
Dokument 4893: ['fishing', 'ships', 'exceed', 'continued', 'cod', 'opportunities', 'number']
Dokument 4894: ['excessively', 'fished', 'stocks', 'fishermen', 'cod', 'sea', 'baltic', 'years', 'countries']
Dokument 4895: ['unreported', 'catches', 'grew', 'scale', '2004']
Dokument 4896: ['adhere', 'strictly', 'limits', 'introduce', 'agreed', 'species', 'catch', 'quotas', 'protect', 'necessary']
Dokument 4897: ['banned', 'ec', 'case', '2008', 'fishing', 'half', 'second', '2007', 'poland']
Dokument 4898: ['introduced', 'course', '2009', 'called', 'period', 'years', 'poland']
Dokument 4899: ['supposed', 'profitability', 'size', 'quotas', 'fishing', 'ensure']
Dokument 4900: ['attributing', 'threeyear', 'authorised', 'ships', 'cod', 'catch', 'quotas', 'individual', 'fishing', 'based']
Dokument 4901: ['compensations', 'gave', 'cod', 'fleet', 'species', 'exchange', 'allowed', 'catch', 'fishing', 'financial']
Dokument 4902: ['cod', 'fishing', 'utilised', 'lifted', 'quantities', 'limits', 'caught', 'quota', 'quotas', '60']
Dokument 4903: ['lowest', '20', 'level', 'years']
Dokument 4904: ['stemmed', 'ship', 'utilised', 'lack', 'periods', 'owners', 'cod', 'species', 'quota', 'allocated']
Dokument 4905: ['cod', 'emphasise', 'factory', 'deteriorating', 'trawlers', 'sprat', 'feed', 'fishermen', 'catch', 'activity']
Dokument 4906: ['complex', 'fact', 'situation']
Dokument 4907: ['quantities', 'profitability', 'cod', 'caught', 'reasons', 'decrease', 'low']
Dokument 4908: ['migration', 'conditions', 'contrasted', 'unfavourable', 'stocks', 'reproduction', 'corresponding', 'dependent', 'lack', 'sprat']
Dokument 4909: ['fishing', 'sprat', 'herring', 'significant', 'removal', 'pelagic', 'catching', 'ship', 'utilisation', 'lack']
Dokument 4910: ['pelagic', 'effectiveness', 'improved', 'fishing', 'period', 'fish']
Dokument 4911: ['profitable', 'species', 'fishing']
Dokument 4912: ['modernising', 'ships', 'visible', 'using', 'effects', 'positive', 'funds', 'eu']
Dokument 4913: ['utilised', 'sprat', 'herring', 'past', 'quotas', '100', 'fishing', 'thanks', 'years']
Dokument 4914: ['fleet', 'reduction', 'fishing']
Dokument 4915: ['unsuitably', 'stocks', 'relation', 'fleet', 'developed', 'sea', 'baltic', 'fishing', 'large', 'fish']
Dokument 4916: ['fleets', 'corresponded', 'size', 'reduce', 'necessary', 'baltic', 'fishing', 'conditions', 'natural']
Dokument 4917: ['systematic', 'solve', 'fishermen', 'problem', 'benefit', 'way', 'possible', 'thanks', 'accession', 'eu']
Dokument 4918: ['units', 'fishing', '792', 'numbered', 'scrapping', '1248', 'tool', 'vessels', 'compensation', 'dropped']
Dokument 4919: ['units', 'fishing', '792', 'numbered', 'scrapping', '1248', 'tool', 'vessels', 'compensation', 'dropped']
Dokument 4920: ['vessel', 'floating', 'vessels', 'depending', 'extent', 'category', 'reduction', 'different', 'affected']
Dokument 4921: ['fishing', 'trawlers', 'ships', 'vessels', '65', '63', 'deep', 'dropped', '22', 'sea']
Dokument 4922: ['518', 'decommissioned', 'ships', 'compensation', 'fishing', 'help', '2012', 'eu']
Dokument 4923: ['undertaken', 'activities', 'membership', 'years']
Dokument 4924: ['decommissioned', 'visible', 'units', 'took', 'course', '2009', 'related', 'place', 'increase', 'number']
Dokument 4925: ['fleet', 'ways', 'reduction', 'sea', 'fishing', 'good', 'poland']
Dokument 4926: ['pressure', 'effect', 'reduction', 'resources', 'sea', 'baltic', 'human', 'natural', 'important']
Dokument 4927: ['unreported', 'visibly', 'catches', 'dropped', 'number']
Dokument 4928: ['ship', 'incomes', 'owners', 'remained', 'quotas', 'individual', 'did', 'fishing', 'industry', 'increased']
Dokument 4929: ['fishing', 'profitability', 'effectiveness', 'improved', 'activities']
Dokument 4930: ['failure', 'operate', 'utilisation', 'relating', 'observed', 'continued', 'units', 'negative', 'quotas', 'problems']
Dokument 4931: ['fell', '49', 'employment', 'sector', '2004', '2012']
Dokument 4932: ['loss', 'problems', 'jobs', 'fisheries', 'sector']
Dokument 4933: ['extensive', 'limitations', 'tonnage', 'decommissioned', 'undertaken', '64', 'fleet', '2005', 'reduction', 'decreased']
Dokument 4934: ['smallerscale', 'reductions', 'carried', 'sea', 'baltic', 'fishing', 'countries']
Dokument 4935: ['smallest', 'finland', 'reduced', 'fleet', 'extent', 'country']
Dokument 4936: ['boom', 'processing', 'industry']
Dokument 4937: ['dynamic', 'positive', 'processing', 'integration', 'impact', 'industry', 'fish', 'development', 'european', 'polish']
Dokument 4938: ['conditions', 'quality', 'strict', 'marked', 'sanitary', 'storage', 'improvement', 'distribution', 'factors', 'improved']
Dokument 4939: ['trading', 'competitive', 'won', 'partners', 'abroad', 'processing', 'result', 'industry', 'new', 'polish']
Dokument 4940: ['advanced', 'facilities', 'solutions', 'concerned', 'breeding', 'innovative', 'plants', 'technology', 'modern', 'especially']
Dokument 4941: ['modernised', 'compete', 'effectively', 'greater', 'share', 'processing', 'industry', 'market', 'european']
Dokument 4942: ['rapidly', 'volume', 'grown', 'plants', 'processing', 'value', 'fish', '2004', 'production']
Dokument 4943: ['190', 'relative', 'volume', '40', 'grew', '2003', 'value', 'increased', '2012', 'production']
Dokument 4944: ['authorised', 'plants', '306', 'inspectorate', 'listed', 'kept', 'register', 'products', 'veterinary', '75']
Dokument 4945: ['83', 'plants', 'processing', 'increased', 'fish', 'number']
Dokument 4946: ['fishermen', 'employees', 'processing', 'industry']
Dokument 4947: ['evolution', 'reflected', 'structure', 'fisheries', 'taken', 'change', 'employment', 'place', 'sector', '2004']
Dokument 4948: ['relative', 'overall', 'fisheries', 'jobs', '12', 'thousand', '2003', 'industry', 'increased', 'number']
Dokument 4949: ['favourable', 'trend', 'covered', 'employment', 'processing', 'industry', 'fish']
Dokument 4950: ['dynamic', 'responsible', 'industry', 'development']
Dokument 4951: ['profitability', 'early', 'recorded', 'led', 'creation', 'jobs', 'plants', 'results', 'thousand', '2003']
Dokument 4952: ['employed', '18', 'processing', 'thousand', 'industry', 'fish', '2012', 'people']
Dokument 4953: ['represents', '67', '26', 'employed', 'fisheries', 'thousand', 'sector', 'people']
Dokument 4954: ['compensated', 'drop', '49', '45', 'jobs', 'sea', 'fishing', 'available', 'employment', 'processing']
Dokument 4955: ['fishermen', 'loss', 'fleet', 'reduction', 'led', 'jobs', 'fishing']
Dokument 4956: ['2012', 'fell', '49', 'jobs', 'employment', 'thousand', '2004']
Dokument 4957: ['employ', 'continued', 'thousand', 'trade']
Dokument 4958: ['demand', 'fish', 'polish']
Dokument 4959: ['fish', 'appreciate', 'come', 'consumers', 'products', 'european', 'polish']
Dokument 4960: ['eur', '236', '400', 'exported', '2003', 'value', 'increased', 'fish', 'billion', '2013']
Dokument 4961: ['fish', 'eur', '72', 'grown', 'import', 'maintain', 'managed', 'balance', 'positive', '2003']
Dokument 4962: ['116', 'surplus', '30', 'amounted', '2003', 'trade', 'eur', '2013', 'million', 'poland']
Dokument 4963: ['116', 'surplus', '30', 'amounted', '2003', 'trade', 'eur', '2013', 'million', 'poland']
Dokument 4964: ['accounts', '91', 'exports', 'today', 'polish', 'eu']
Dokument 4965: ['fish', 'sells', 'market', 'products', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 4966: ['74', 'imports', 'demand', 'account', 'domestic', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 4967: ['157', 'deficit', 'closed', 'fisheries', 'scale', 'global', 'total', 'sector', 'trade', 'eur']
Dokument 4968: ['eur', 'billion', '323', '480', 'totalling', 'products', 'imported', 'exported', 'worth', 'poland']
Dokument 4969: ['exports', '91', 'accounted', 'estonia', '70', 'latvia', 'lithuania', 'just', 'total', '2013']
Dokument 4970: ['traded', 'baltic', 'like', 'states', 'countries', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 4971: ['share', '87', '66', 'imports', 'respectively', 'greatest', 'latvia', 'estonia', 'overall', 'import']
Dokument 4972: ['trade', 'unlike', 'balance', 'baltic', 'global', 'fishing', 'terms', 'positive', 'sector', 'states']
Dokument 4973: ['republics', 'ussr', 'resulted', 'relations', 'close', 'trade']
Dokument 4974: ['labour', 'poles', 'market', 'european']
Dokument 4975: ['changes', 'labour', 'market', 'polish']
Dokument 4976: ['labour', 'transformed', 'opened', 'european', 'major', 'way', 'markets', 'poles', 'accession', 'union']
Dokument 4977: ['estimate', 'exact', 'difficult', 'labour', 'impact', 'accession', 'market', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 4978: ['situation', 'economic', 'capabilities', 'depend', 'employers', 'neighbourhood', 'processes', 'overall', 'taking', 'employees']
Dokument 4979: ['labour', 'foreign', 'market', 'indicators', 'entrepreneurship', 'shaped', 'policies', 'size', 'things', 'structural']
Dokument 4980: ['caution', 'considering', 'assessed', 'labour', 'integration', 'impact', 'market', 'eu']
Dokument 4981: ['fall', 'biggest', 'unemployment']
Dokument 4982: ['reveals', 'indicators', 'diverse', 'dynamics', 'closer', 'look', 'central', 'unemployment', 'changes', 'employment']
Dokument 4983: ['slovenia', 'hungary', 'significantly', 'grew', 'unemployment', 'especially', '2004', '2013']
Dokument 4984: ['falling', 'stable', 'unemployment', 'situation', 'region', 'countries']
Dokument 4985: ['considering', 'unemployed', 'ranked', 'came', 'comparison', 'did', 'especially', 'region', 'accession', 'number']
Dokument 4986: ['2003', 'dropped', 'rate', 'unemployment', 'half', '19', '10', '2013', 'poland']
Dokument 4987: ['coincided', '64', 'aged', 'participation', '15', 'labour', 'increased', '2004', '2012', 'people']
Dokument 4988: ['particularly', 'context', 'situation', 'employment', 'young', 'important', 'people']
Dokument 4989: ['coincided', 'unlike', 'improvement', 'fall', 'general', 'unemployment', 'situation', 'labour', 'young', 'people']
Dokument 4990: ['historically', '41', 'initial', 'dropped', 'reached', 'low', '17', 'points', '27', 'percentage']
Dokument 4991: ['acute', 'problem', 'latest', 'crisis', 'economic']
Dokument 4992: ['twice', 'participants', 'population', 'compared', 'rate', 'unemployment', 'age', 'working', 'labour', 'common']
Dokument 4993: ['25', 'people', '55', '74', 'aged', '23', 'spain', 'example', 'average', 'period']
Dokument 4994: ['2004', 'eu9', 'exception', 'youth', 'grow', 'saw', 'slovakia', 'lithuania', 'joined', 'unemployment']
Dokument 4995: ['entire', 'taken', 'context', 'changes', 'positive', 'labour', 'place', '10', 'region', 'years']
Dokument 4996: ['slowdown', 'economic', 'moderate', 'assessment', 'structural', 'scale', '2008', 'reforms', 'rate', 'growth']
Dokument 4997: ['professional', 'selected', 'grew', 'active', 'unemployment', 'groups', 'countries']
Dokument 4998: ['downturn', 'experienced', 'advantage', 'played', 'economic', 'member', 'states', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 4999: ['eliminate', 'distance', 'helped', 'reduce', 'entire', 'rate', 'terms', 'employment', 'region', 'countries']
Dokument 5000: ['64', 'average', '61', '59', 'aged', 'participation', 'rate', 'eu', '15', 'labour']
Dokument 5001: ['entire', 'similar', 'unemployment', 'average', 'level', '2013', 'union', 'countries', 'european', 'poland']
Dokument 5002: ['jobs', 'new']
Dokument 5003: ['preceded', 'ranked', 'job', 'creation', 'terms', 'second', 'germany', '2004', '2012', 'poland']
Dokument 5004: ['net', 'jobs', 'new', 'represented', 'created', '21', 'entire', 'total', 'million', 'eu']
Dokument 5005: ['considering', 'luxembourg', 'cyprus', 'ranked', 'size', 'category', 'population', 'poland']
Dokument 5006: ['generate', 'job', '800', 'helped', 'contributed', 'structural', 'creation', 'jobs', 'growth', '000']
Dokument 5007: ['generate', 'job', '800', 'helped', 'contributed', 'structural', 'creation', 'jobs', 'growth', '000']
Dokument 5008: ['160', 'establish', 'structural', '000', 'used', 'funds', '2004', '2012', 'companies', 'eu']
Dokument 5009: ['market', 'factor', 'movement', 'internal', 'free', 'positive', 'labour', 'services', 'impact', 'people']
Dokument 5010: ['000', '230', 'generated', 'jobs', 'employees', 'smes', 'additional', '100', 'able', 'second']
Dokument 5011: ['fluctuating', 'represented', 'challenges', 'levels', 'unemployment', 'employment', 'social', 'accession', 'economic', 'poland']
Dokument 5012: ['low', 'theories', 'adjustment', 'supposed', 'productivity', 'force', 'non', 'standards', 'term', 'unemployment']
Dokument 5013: ['fortunately', 'coincided', 'improvement', 'true', 'overall', 'concerns', 'turn', 'did', 'situation', 'labour']
Dokument 5014: ['2008', 'record', 'fell', 'experienced', 'dynamic', 'low', 'unemployment', 'growth', 'employment', 'level']
Dokument 5015: ['reversed', 'unfortunately', 'trend', 'start', 'crisis', 'financial', 'year']
Dokument 5016: ['crisis', 'unharmed', 'escaping', 'substantially', '1998', 'fell', 'smaller', 'russia', 'changed', 'relatively']
Dokument 5017: ['stable', 'grew', 'points', 'percentage', '2010', 'rate', 'unemployment']
Dokument 5018: ['eurostat', 'unemployment', 'according', '10', '2013']
Dokument 5019: ['severe', 'stable', 'took', 'caused', 'mainly', 'changes', 'growth', 'labour', 'thanks', 'crisis']
Dokument 5020: ['slowing', 'longterm', 'sufficiently', 'sudden', 'adjusted', 'manner', 'sustainable', 'avoid', 'unemployment', 'labour']
Dokument 5021: ['indirectly', 'construction', 'directly', 'did', 'employment', 'impact', 'crisis', 'industry', 'level', 'sector']
Dokument 5022: ['unchanged', 'vocational', 'remained', 'groups', 'situation']
Dokument 5023: ['confirms', 'lasting', 'saw', 'regulations', 'changes', 'long', 'enterprises', 'following', 'positive', 'labour']
Dokument 5024: ['opting', 'hourly', 'flexibly', 'layoffs', 'adjusting', 'weekly', 'salaries', 'reducing', 'mass', 'instead']
Dokument 5025: ['improved', 'structure', 'following', 'employment', 'sectors', 'different', 'economy', 'accession', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 5026: ['56', '52', '31', '28', 'employed', 'services', '2003', 'industry', 'period', 'increased']
Dokument 5027: ['sector', 'million', 'quarter', 'employed', 'services', 'industry', 'poles', '2013']
Dokument 5028: ['fallen', 'systematically', 'recent', 'employed', '18', '12', 'share', 'agriculture', 'time', 'years']
Dokument 5029: ['quarter', 'employed', 'sector', '2013', 'million', 'people']
Dokument 5030: ['flexibility', 'labour', 'market']
Dokument 5031: ['flexible', 'operational', 'mitigate', 'financed', 'things', 'helped', 'involved', 'structure', 'initiatives', 'reforms']
Dokument 5032: ['labour', 'uncertainty', 'market', 'translated', 'unfortunately', 'flexibility', 'greater', 'higher']
Dokument 5033: ['contract', 'mandate', 'fixed', 'contracts', 'reaching', '26', 'past', 'employees', 'term', 'highest']
Dokument 5034: ['employees', 'social', 'worsens', 'weakens', 'motivation', 'retirement', 'contracts', 'invest', 'raise', 'employers']
Dokument 5035: ['weakens', 'stability', 'security', 'social', 'country']
Dokument 5036: ['employment', 'finding', 'chances', 'fixed', 'increases', 'stable', 'hand', 'later', 'term', 'form']
Dokument 5037: ['forms', 'alternative', 'true', 'unemployment', 'given', 'employment']
Dokument 5038: ['mitigate', 'improved', 'financed', 'domestic', 'helped', 'structural', 'reforms', 'global', 'investments', 'labour']
Dokument 5039: ['adjustments', 'sudden', 'deeper', 'led', 'unemployment', 'growth', 'labour', 'higher', 'market', 'support']
Dokument 5040: ['activation', 'unemployed']
Dokument 5041: ['funds', 'infrastructural', 'effect', 'looking', 'structural', 'supporting', 'promoting', 'increasing', 'special', 'implemented']
Dokument 5042: ['preservation', 'employee', 'activation', 'raising', 'esf', 'unemployed', 'qualifications', 'job', 'contributed', 'creation']
Dokument 5043: ['grew', '2007', 'number', '2013', 'million']
Dokument 5044: ['702', 'esf', 'unemployed', 'supported', '2006', '000', '2004', 'people']
Dokument 5045: ['training', 'completing', '56', 'involving', 'declared', 'unemployed', 'courses', 'relation', 'respondents', 'surveys']
Dokument 5046: ['attending', '42', 'courses', 'continued', 'surveys', 'job', 'training', 'set', '14', '16']
Dokument 5047: ['work', 'rynek', 'wszystkich', 'otwarty', 'dla', 'completing', '57', 'unemployed', 'looking', 'months']
Dokument 5048: ['vocational', 'skills', 'successfully', 'develop', 'situation', 'help', 'citizens', 'used', 'funds', 'good']
Dokument 5049: ['64', 'steadily', 'reaching', '59', 'aged', 'entered', 'grew', '2010', 'average', '15']
Dokument 5050: ['employment', 'crisis', 'balanced', 'induced', 'rise', 'occurred', 'vocational', 'activity', 'growing', 'difficult']
Dokument 5051: ['labour', 'market', 'oldest', '38', 'stands', 'improve', 'helped', '48', 'participation', '12']
Dokument 5052: ['77', '54', 'aged', 'went', '24', 'activity', 'average', 'employment', '10', 'increased']
Dokument 5053: ['retirement', 'age', 'people', 'extend', 'men', 'limit', 'additionally', '67', 'pre', 'women']
Dokument 5054: ['counteracted', 'retirement', 'early']
Dokument 5055: ['uniformed', 'unfortunately', 'fully', 'reform', 'employees', 'cover', 'did', 'services', 'farmers']
Dokument 5056: ['challenges', 'facing', 'young', 'people']
Dokument 5057: ['youngest', 'lowest', 'recorded', 'participation', 'age', 'labour', '2003', 'increase', 'group', '2012']
Dokument 5058: ['24', 'stood', '32', 'aged', 'participants', 'average', '15', 'labour', 'higher', 'people']
Dokument 5059: ['marginalisation', 'exclusion', 'youngest', 'leads', 'poverty', 'source', 'concern', 'unemployment', 'situation', 'social']
Dokument 5060: ['youngest', 'addressed', 'reason', 'programmes', 'age', 'labour', 'group', 'market']
Dokument 5061: ['affects', 'problem', 'social', 'member', 'union', 'states', 'european']
Dokument 5062: ['perspektywa', 'młodych', 'dla', 'vocational', 'crucial', 'played', 'structural', 'role', 'young', 'funds']
Dokument 5063: ['placement', 'job', 'training', 'subsidising', 'consultancy', 'guidance', 'courses', 'career', 'included', 'set']
Dokument 5064: ['aid', '341', 'completing', 'youngest', '52', 'benefited', 'job', '300', '2006', 'mentioned']
Dokument 5065: ['42', 'participants', 'turn', 'set', 'company', '11', '2007', 'aid', 'work', '2013']
Dokument 5066: ['claimed', 'useful', '86', 'prove', 'finding', 'chances', 'admitted', 'showed', '46', 'permanent']
Dokument 5067: ['activating', 'unemployed']
Dokument 5068: ['faces', 'market', 'challenges', 'improved', 'rates', 'participation', 'general', 'situation', 'labour', 'polish']
Dokument 5069: ['ageing', 'progressive', 'account', 'population', 'process', 'important', 'polish']
Dokument 5070: ['activating', 'younger', 'older', 'groups', 'age']
Dokument 5071: ['continuous', 'follows', 'annually', 'adequate', 'efficient', 'estimated', 'rapid', 'decrease', 'employees', 'human']
Dokument 5072: ['signifies', 'standard', 'living', 'low', 'population', 'unemployment', 'high']
Dokument 5073: ['heavily', 'dependent', 'qualifications', 'age', 'employment', 'poland']
Dokument 5074: ['unemployed', 'education', 'shorter', 'wait', 'remain', 'increases', 'directly', 'age', 'related', 'employment']
Dokument 5075: ['attributed', 'educated', 'lowest', 'rate', 'employment', 'poland']
Dokument 5076: ['moving', 'closer', 'unemployment', 'terms', 'average', 'education', 'higher', 'people', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 5077: ['struck', 'faces', 'register', 'unemployed', 'problem', 'job', 'looking', 'age', 'working', 'work']
Dokument 5078: ['million', 'inactivity', 'dropped', '13', '14', 'rate', 'just', '2003', '2013', 'people']
Dokument 5079: ['different', 'posed', 'territorial', 'challenge', 'diversity', 'levels', 'regions', 'rate', 'unemployment', 'related']
Dokument 5080: ['poviat', 'szydłowiecki', 'gap', '38', '35', 'poznań', 'wide', 'points', 'percentage', 'level']
Dokument 5081: ['mazurskie', 'warmińsko', 'wielkopolskie', 'difference', 'voivodeships', 'lowest', 'voivodeship', 'reached', '21', 'points']
Dokument 5082: ['post', 'migration', 'poles', 'accession', 'union', 'european']
Dokument 5083: ['opened', 'european', 'labour', 'citizens', 'accession', 'union', 'market', 'polish', 'poland']
Dokument 5084: ['considered', 'greatest', 'persons', 'movement', 'workers', 'benefits', 'free', 'accession', 'eu']
Dokument 5085: ['lively', 'demographic', 'debate', 'subject', 'migration', 'significant', 'situation', 'today', 'impact', 'public']
Dokument 5086: ['unequivocal', 'waves', 'subsequent', 'balance', 'costs', 'migration', 'benefits']
Dokument 5087: ['evades', 'economic', 'macro', 'demographic', 'simple', 'micro', 'assessment', 'structure', 'family', 'migration']
Dokument 5088: ['migration', 'measure']
Dokument 5089: ['voiced', 'uncontrolled', 'immigrants', 'societies', 'inflow', 'enlargement', 'western', 'concern', 'labour', '2004']
Dokument 5090: ['limits', 'introduce', 'freedom', 'governments', 'movement', 'decided', 'workers', 'time']
Dokument 5091: ['states', 'sweden', 'kingdom', 'ireland', 'united', 'old', 'able', 'poles', 'work', '2004']
Dokument 5092: ['later', 'portugal', 'late', 'luxembourg', 'belgium', 'greece', 'austria', 'lowest', 'opened', 'finland']
Dokument 5093: ['iceland', 'switzerland', 'gave', 'norway', '2006', 'outside', '2009', 'eu', 'opportunity', 'integration']
Dokument 5094: ['wasn', 'abstract', 'historically', 'phenomenon', 'migration', 'labour', 'poles', '2004']
Dokument 5095: ['stood', 'emigrants', 'old', 'eu', 'working', 'accession', 'number', 'time', 'million', 'people']
Dokument 5096: ['predominantly', '90', 'cases', 'migration', 'labour']
Dokument 5097: ['forecasts', 'intra', 'nonetheless', 'politicians', 'exceeded', 'expectations', 'experts', 'enlargement', 'scale', 'migration']
Dokument 5098: ['emigrate', 'numbers', 'note', 'showed', 'surveys', 'pre', 'let', 'large', 'social', 'poles']
Dokument 5099: ['poll', '2001', 'leave', 'probably', 'declared', 'showed', 'certainly', 'respondents', '23', 'conducted']
Dokument 5100: ['dispute', 'assessment', 'point', 'debate', 'scale', 'major', 'migration', 'today']
Dokument 5101: ['permanently', 'emigrated', 'estimate', 'actually', 'difficult', 'poles', 'poland']
Dokument 5102: ['different', 'methodologies', 'interpretations', 'incomparability', 'sending', 'registration', 'receiving', 'migrants', 'systems', 'data']
Dokument 5103: ['estimates', 'emigration', 'scale', 'course', 'various', 'polish']
Dokument 5104: ['stays', 'census', 'statistical', 'estimated', 'office', 'left', 'emigrants', 'provided', 'central', 'abroad']
Dokument 5105: ['picture', 'fluid', 'returning', 'nature', 'relatively', 'migration', 'present', 'data', 'number', 'high']
Dokument 5106: ['unregistered', 'estimate', 'residence', 'permanent', 'surveys', '200', 'went', 'abroad', '000', 'period']
Dokument 5107: ['oscillate', 'postaccession', 'assumed', 'emigrants', 'population', 'share', 'total', 'polish']
Dokument 5108: ['exaggerated', 'staying', 'media', 'report', 'poles', 'million', 'member', 'states', 'eu']
Dokument 5109: ['irregular', 'enlargement', 'beginning', 'migration', 'just', 'eu', 'especially', 'poles']
Dokument 5110: ['wave', 'far', 'biggest', 'migration', '2007', '2004']
Dokument 5111: ['remigration', 'slowed', 'rise', 'gradually', 'emigration']
Dokument 5112: ['million', '86', '72', 'emigrants', 'slightly', 'decreased', '2010', '2007', 'increase', 'number']
Dokument 5113: ['remigrants', 'seasonal', 'left', 'migrants', 'total', 'including', 'work', '2004', 'million', 'people']
Dokument 5114: ['differed', 'depending', 'scale', 'migration', 'region', 'polish', 'poland']
Dokument 5115: ['statistically', 'opolskie', 'świętokrzyskie', 'podkarpackie', 'emigrated', 'voivodeships', 'greatest', 'abroad', 'poles', 'number']
Dokument 5116: ['exception', 'trends', 'migration', 'central', 'terms', 'europe', 'eastern', 'poland']
Dokument 5117: ['population', 'proportionally', 'latvia', 'recorded', 'emigration', 'lithuania', 'greater', 'scale', '11']
Dokument 5118: ['wave', 'experienced', 'emigration', 'caused', 'baltic', '2009', 'second', 'crisis', 'economic', 'states']
Dokument 5119: ['bulgarians', 'romanians', 'youngest', 'mass', 'romania', 'bulgaria', 'emigration', 'involved', 'members', '15']
Dokument 5120: ['emigrate', 'began', 'reasons', 'related', '2007', 'citizens', 'work', 'accession', 'states', 'eu']
Dokument 5121: ['did', 'poles']
Dokument 5122: ['emigrants', 'destinations', 'chosen', '37', 'united', '20', 'germany', 'common', 'accession', 'states']
Dokument 5123: ['willingly', 'cso', 'went', '23', 'netherlands', 'ireland', 'uk', 'italy', '30', 'germany']
Dokument 5124: ['dropped', 'emigration', 'rate', '12', 'time']
Dokument 5125: ['command', 'english', 'immediate', 'factors', 'opening', 'hand', 'ireland', 'relatively', 'uk', 'cultural']
Dokument 5126: ['educated', 'destinations', 'chosen', 'ireland', 'uk', 'young', 'people']
Dokument 5127: ['job', 'wages', 'easy', 'destination', 'finding', 'availability', 'agencies', 'consisting', 'branches', 'offers']
Dokument 5128: ['neighbour', 'destinations', 'attractive', 'continued', 'emigrants', 'western', 'germany', 'accession', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 5129: ['germany', 'systematically', 'official', 'opening', 'growing', 'working', 'labour', '2011', 'poles', 'number']
Dokument 5130: ['choosing', 'educated', 'destination', 'older', 'profile', 'emigrants', 'relatively', 'different', 'germany', 'polish']
Dokument 5131: ['fears', 'contrary', 'pre', 'did', 'markets', 'labour', 'foreign', 'poles', 'accession']
Dokument 5132: ['immigration', 'emigrants', 'rates', 'compared', 'groups', 'especially', 'employment', 'high', 'polish']
Dokument 5133: ['exceed', 'rates', 'employment', 'poland']
Dokument 5134: ['illustrate', 'slightly', 'rate', 'unemployment', '10', 'increased', '2004', 'higher', '2013', 'member']
Dokument 5135: ['peak', 'wave', 'went', 'hand', 'decreased', 'emigration', 'major', 'unemployment', '2007', 'crisis']
Dokument 5136: ['destinations', 'greece', 'recorded', 'migration', 'spain', 'significant', 'unemployment', 'especially', 'main', 'increase']
Dokument 5137: ['000', 'ranged', 'greece', 'migrants', 'decade', '13', '20', 'accession', 'number', 'polish']
Dokument 5138: ['slightly', 'spain', 'situation', 'different']
Dokument 5139: ['84', 'spain', '2009', 'working', '000', 'people']
Dokument 5140: ['deteriorated', 'left', 'severe', '2010', 'situation', 'labour', 'crisis', 'country', 'economic', 'market']
Dokument 5141: ['staying', 'temporarily', 'emigrants', '37', 'spain', 'present', '000', 'polish']
Dokument 5142: ['tabloids', 'states', 'emphasised', 'born', 'mass', 'contrary', 'media', 'reports', 'emigrants', 'netherlands']
Dokument 5143: ['benefits', 'inclined', 'london', 'academics', 'confirms', 'states', 'brings', 'budgets', 'losses', 'migrants']
Dokument 5144: ['migrants', 'transfers', 'financial']
Dokument 5145: ['eu', 'outcome', 'migrants', 'transfers', 'poland', 'migration', 'money', 'working', 'positive', 'poles']
Dokument 5146: ['transferred', 'estimates', '36', 'quarter', 'migrants', 'bank', 'poland', 'end', 'according', 'second']
Dokument 5147: ['year', 'amounting', '33', 'saw', 'increases', 'transfers', 'money', 'eu', 'average', 'large']
Dokument 5148: ['transferred', 'sum', 'record', 'emigrants', '2007', 'eur', 'billion', 'polish', 'poland']
Dokument 5149: ['remittances', 'fall', 'began', 'transfers', 'remained', 'slightly', '80', 'later', 'money', 'amounted']
Dokument 5150: ['partial', 'deterioration', 'decreasing', 'wage', 'resulted', 'things', '2008', 'migration', 'change', 'working']
Dokument 5151: ['fluctuations', 'remittances', 'factor', 'amounts', 'stable', 'despite', 'investments', 'growth', 'like', 'direct']
Dokument 5152: ['migrants', 'stayed', 'impacting', 'remitted', 'factor', 'additionally', 'crucial', 'families', 'income', 'money']
Dokument 5153: ['level', 'economic', 'robust', 'factor', 'constant', 'consumption', 'reasons', 'remained', 'global', 'growth']
Dokument 5154: ['migrants', 'transfers', 'benefit', 'fund', 'did', 'poles', 'polish', 'poland']
Dokument 5155: ['5th', 'earnings', 'peak', 'ranking', 'recipients', 'inflow', 'ranked', 'emigrants', 'transfers', 'bank']
Dokument 5156: ['populated', 'mexico', 'philippines', 'inhabited', 'transferring', 'india', 'countries', 'ranked', 'china', 'private']
Dokument 5157: ['remitted', 'earnings', 'constituted', 'migrants', 'gdp', '2007', 'total', 'states', 'polish', 'eu']
Dokument 5158: ['definitely', 'transfers', 'gdp', 'central', 'highest', 'share', 'europe', 'eastern', 'countries']
Dokument 5159: ['budget', 'poland', 'eu', 'remitted', 'flows', 'earnings', 'dozen', 'emigrants', 'net', 'allocated']
Dokument 5160: ['versus', 'remittances', 'statement', 'expenditures', 'reduced', 'revenues', 'private', 'negative', 'significantly', 'balance']
Dokument 5161: ['stabilisation', 'exchange', 'transfers', 'significantly', 'contributed', '2008', 'rate', 'foreign']
Dokument 5162: ['impacted', 'earned', 'billions', 'household', 'budgets', 'emigrants', 'poles', 'eu']
Dokument 5163: ['towns', 'intensity', 'west', 'situated', 'voivodeships', 'inhabitants', 'characterised', 'went', 'migration', 'money']
Dokument 5164: ['households', 'benefited', 'migrants', 'transfers', 'million', 'people', 'polish']
Dokument 5165: ['disposable', '1996', 'remittances', 'households', 'estimated', 'account', 'income', 'real', 'increase', 'foreign']
Dokument 5166: ['inequality', 'slight', 'poverty', 'visible', 'migrants', 'effect', 'reduction', 'income', 'activity', 'scale']
Dokument 5167: ['transfers', 'earnings', 'sent', 'represent', 'official', 'private', 'migrants', 'home']
Dokument 5168: ['remitted', 'estimates', 'constitute', '67', '33', 'organisation', 'migration', 'money', 'international']
Dokument 5169: ['private', 'transfers', 'greater', 'real', 'situation', 'impact', 'social', 'economic', 'poland']
Dokument 5170: ['migration', 'labour', 'impact', 'market', 'polish']
Dokument 5171: ['emigration', 'major', 'labour', 'impact', 'poles', '2004', 'member', 'states', 'market', 'polish']
Dokument 5172: ['terms', 'analysed', 'remuneration', 'changing', 'rates', 'unemployment', 'employment', 'impact', 'level']
Dokument 5173: ['minor', 'limited', 'emigration', 'relatively', 'employment', 'impact', 'level', 'poland']
Dokument 5174: ['surveys', 'contribute', 'decrease', 'directly', 'migration', 'term', 'did', 'unemployment', 'according', 'long']
Dokument 5175: ['emigration', 'scale', 'observable', 'vocationally', 'college', 'albeit', 'phenomena', 'estimate', 'comparable', 'fell']
Dokument 5176: ['changes', 'conclude', 'derived', 'job', 'creation', '2008', 'biggest', 'mainly', 'situation', 'employment']
Dokument 5177: ['did', 'definitive', 'visibly', 'translate', 'vocational', 'cause', 'decrease', 'emigration', 'activity', 'term']
Dokument 5178: ['260', 'unemployed', '2006', 'decreased', '24', 'age', '15', '000', 'young', '2003']
Dokument 5179: ['change', 'vocational', 'consequences', 'emigration', 'regions', 'activity', 'did', 'poles', 'member', 'states']
Dokument 5180: ['świętokrzystkie', 'opolskie', 'podkarpackie', 'constituted', 'voivodeships', '35', 'emigrants', 'went', 'population', '25']
Dokument 5181: ['shortages', 'experienced', 'construction', 'particular', 'sectors', 'labour', 'result', 'sector']
Dokument 5182: ['qualified', 'drain', 'outflow', 'familiar', 'brain', 'problem', 'western', 'highly', 'emigration', 'workers']
Dokument 5183: ['percentage', 'average', 'national']
Dokument 5184: ['degree', 'left', 'migrants', '16', 'academic', '20', 'poland']
Dokument 5185: ['speaking', 'english', 'live', 'decided', 'ireland', 'uk', 'countries']
Dokument 5186: ['labour', 'argue', 'talent', 'drain', 'educated', 'necessarily', 'surplus', 'researchers', 'context', 'market']
Dokument 5187: ['emerging', 'wage', 'phenomenon', 'pressure', 'emigration', 'mentioned', 'context']
Dokument 5188: ['shortage', 'earnings', 'little', 'emigration', 'case', 'workers', 'caused', 'did', 'increase', 'level']
Dokument 5189: ['immediately', 'salaries', '2006', 'just', 'increased', 'accession', '2004']
Dokument 5190: ['term', 'impact', 'conclusion', 'salaries', 'leads', 'limited', 'short', 'migration', 'medium', 'employment']
Dokument 5191: ['demographic', 'migration', 'effects']
Dokument 5192: ['demographic', 'crucial', 'structure', 'migration', 'society', 'labour', 'impact']
Dokument 5193: ['ageing', 'immigration', 'fertility', 'extremely', 'keeping', 'inflow', 'rapidly', 'relatively', 'low', 'rate']
Dokument 5194: ['emigrated', 'younger', '70', '40', 'shows', 'emigration', 'structure', '2004', 'polish', 'poland']
Dokument 5195: ['assuming', 'deteriorate', 'migrants', 'return', 'structure', 'population', 'age', 'temporary', 'polish', 'poland']
Dokument 5196: ['stability', 'negative', 'impact', 'country', 'economic']
Dokument 5197: ['professionally', 'outflow', 'lowers', 'chances', 'preserving', 'stable', 'security', 'active', 'growth', 'young']
Dokument 5198: ['forecast', 'youngest', 'demographic', 'proportion', 'contains', 'elements', 'structure', '16', 'society', 'age']
Dokument 5199: ['forecast', 'youngest', 'demographic', 'proportion', 'contains', 'elements', 'structure', '16', 'society', 'age']
Dokument 5200: ['stabilise', 'extent', 'security', 'social']
Dokument 5201: ['lowers', 'fertility', 'emigration', 'low', 'particularly', 'rate', 'young', 'poles', 'important']
Dokument 5202: ['myth', 'dispel', 'women', 'children', 'abroad', 'polish']
Dokument 5203: ['wales', '394', 'female', 'fertility', 'populations', 'wrong', 'england', 'leads', 'conclusions', 'simple']
Dokument 5204: ['wales', '394', 'female', 'fertility', 'populations', 'wrong', 'england', 'leads', 'conclusions', 'simple']
Dokument 5205: ['husbands', 'prompted', 'wives', 'men', 'thousands', 'leave', 'women', 'families', 'live', 'children']
Dokument 5206: ['separation', 'families', 'emigration', 'led', 'major', 'impact', 'polish']
Dokument 5207: ['coined', 'orphanhood', 'sociologists', 'term', 'euro', 'new']
Dokument 5208: ['phenomenon', 'complex']
Dokument 5209: ['hand', 'emigration', 'situations', 'psychological', 'parent', 'parents', 'doubt', 'child', 'reason', 'effect']
Dokument 5210: ['parent', 'parents', 'went', 'children', '2010', '100', 'abroad', 'according', 'ministry', '000']
Dokument 5211: ['explained', 'families', 'emigration', 'nature', 'scale', 'polish', 'eu']
Dokument 5212: ['cases', 'parents', 'represent', 'went', '22', 'migration', 'abroad', 'labour']
Dokument 5213: ['looked', 'vast', 'parent', 'child', 'majority', 'went', 'cases', 'abroad']
Dokument 5214: ['alternating', 'separation', 'alternate', 'fluid', 'periods', 'families', 'living', 'nature', 'migration']
Dokument 5215: ['family', 'disrupt', 'alternating', 'solely', 'assessed', 'lives', 'migrations', 'view', 'point', 'negative']
Dokument 5216: ['definitely', 'permanent', 'placed', 'care', 'children', 'security', 'family', 'risk']
Dokument 5217: ['1299', 'emigrated', 'foster', 'peak', 'parents', 'placed', 'care', 'children', 'migration', '2007']
Dokument 5218: ['orphans', 'rising', 'actual', 'scale', 'euro', 'number']
Dokument 5219: ['beck', 'gernsheim', 'marrying', 'ulrich', 'elisabeth', 'sociologists', 'formation', 'marriages', 'foreigners', 'mixed']
Dokument 5220: ['statistical', 'marriages', 'office', 'entered', 'central', 'abroad', 'data', 'according', '10', 'poles']
Dokument 5221: ['marriages', 'mixed', '16', 'large', '000', 'number']
Dokument 5222: ['estimating', 'subsequently', 'solely', 'marriages', 'represents', 'actual', 'phenomenon', 'noted', 'registered', 'scale']
Dokument 5223: ['family', 'multicultural', 'arising', 'functions', 'marriages', 'diversity', 'mixed', 'bring', 'problems', 'cultural']
Dokument 5224: ['divorces', 'aspect', 'represents', 'negative', 'emigration', 'growing', 'number']
Dokument 5225: ['migration', 'academy', 'post', 'clear', 'point', 'committee', 'sciences', 'families', 'polish', 'studies']
Dokument 5226: ['2011', 'divorces', '1990', 'exact', '52', 'occurred', 'half', '2004']
Dokument 5227: ['divorce', 'zachodnio', 'correlations', 'indexes', 'dolnośląskie', 'pomorskie', 'warmińsko', 'mazurskie', 'lubuskie', 'voivodeships']
Dokument 5228: ['enthusiasts', 'poles', 'europe']
Dokument 5229: ['considers', 'successes', 'achieved', 'century', 'population', 'half', 'accession', 'country', 'important', 'union']
Dokument 5230: ['regaining', 'momentous', '1918', 'alongside', 'significance', 'evidenced', 'independence', 'historical', 'transition', 'mentioned']
Dokument 5231: ['enthusiasm', 'euro', 'polish']
Dokument 5232: ['stimulus', 'civilisational', 'leap', 'men', 'consider', 'women', 'community', 'changes', 'main', 'social']
Dokument 5233: ['evoked', 'apprehension', 'emotional', 'expectation', 'responses', 'historical', 'mixed', 'enlargement', 'types', 'events']
Dokument 5234: ['apprehension', 'causes', 'fulfilled', 'unfounded', 'turned', 'expectations', 'proved', 'success', 'great', 'years']
Dokument 5235: ['macroeconomic', 'statistics', 'evidence', 'surveys', 'social']
Dokument 5236: ['irrational', 'groundless', 'harboured', 'pragmatic', 'fears', 'majority', 'expectations', 'overall', 'proved', 'poles']
Dokument 5237: ['grandchildren', 'desire', 'vote', 'secure', 'referendum', 'prospects', 'explained', 'yes', 'children', 'better']
Dokument 5238: ['expect', 'gain', 'admitted', 'personal', 'benefits', 'did', '2003', 'great', 'poles', 'accession']
Dokument 5239: ['thirds', 'admitted', 'saw', 'personal', 'close', 'decade', 'later', 'benefits', 'integration', 'poles']
Dokument 5240: ['gains', 'possibilities', 'lifting', 'borders', 'movement', 'erasmus', 'mentioned', 'greater', 'access', 'free']
Dokument 5241: ['dampened', 'eroded', 'mood', 'optimism', 'hit', 'significantly', 'problems', 'euro', 'public', 'crisis']
Dokument 5242: ['indicates', 'temporary']
Dokument 5243: ['institutes', 'enthusiasm', 'decrease', 'registered', 'opinion', 'symptoms', 'certain', 'euro', '2009', 'public']
Dokument 5244: ['polls', 'grows', 'union', 'support', 'european']
Dokument 5245: ['ranged', 'surveys', 'conducted', '90', '60', 'later', 'just', 'according', '2004', 'years']
Dokument 5246: ['brief', 'survey', 'steadily', 'systematically', 'analysis', 'shows', 'grew', 'results', '2007', 'poles']
Dokument 5247: ['expectation', 'depth', 'optimism', 'analyses', 'enthusiasm', 'reason', 'overall', 'gained', 'led', 'euro']
Dokument 5248: ['perception', 'slightly', 'changed', '2008', 'situation', 'different', 'economic', 'union', 'european']
Dokument 5249: ['immediately', 'continues', 'eu', 'integration', 'period', 'level', 'poles', 'accession', 'higher', 'support']
Dokument 5250: ['satisfaction', 'leaders', 'comes', 'poles', 'europe', 'eu']
Dokument 5251: ['novelty', 'slight', 'losing', 'fall', 'eu', 'integration', 'result', 'membership', 'support']
Dokument 5252: ['unknown', 'possibilities', 'freedom', 'earlier', 'associated', 'eu', 'opportunity', 'travel', 'poles', 'work']
Dokument 5253: ['protracted', 'disastrous', 'escalating', 'mood', 'worsening', 'greece', 'media', 'reports', 'played', 'caused']
Dokument 5254: ['late', '83', 'went', 'early', '2014', 'public', 'membership', 'high', '2013', 'support']
Dokument 5255: ['ukrainians', 'inspirations', 'pro', 'east', 'european', 'gained', 'presence', 'community', 'context', 'situation']
Dokument 5256: ['gfk', 'polonia', '83', 'respondents', 'supported', 'december', '14', 'studies', 'according', 'membership']
Dokument 5257: ['accession', 'lbs', 'społecznych', 'badań', 'repeated', 'laboratorium', 'voted', 'opposed', 'referendum', 'laboratory']
Dokument 5258: ['voted', 'accession', 'referendum', '77', 'actual', 'noted', 'favour', '23', 'slightly', 'results']
Dokument 5259: ['brought', 'benefits', 'eu']
Dokument 5260: ['stemming', 'advantages', 'personal', 'regional', 'membership', 'level', 'poles', 'national', 'eu']
Dokument 5261: ['exceed', 'expressed', 'expectations', 'points', 'percentage', 'benefits', 'eu', '20', 'integration', '2003']
Dokument 5262: ['points', 'percentage', 'positive', 'level', '74', 'lives', '56', '76', '61', 'proportion']
Dokument 5263: ['measurable', 'developments', 'illustrated', 'distant', 'infrastructure', 'benefits', 'context', 'country', 'economic']
Dokument 5264: ['jump', 'recognised', 'widely', 'enthusiasm', 'probably', 'euro', 'effects', 'result', 'membership', 'eu']
Dokument 5265: ['train', 'lifting', 'represented', 'immediate', 'borders', 'opportunities', 'study', 'context', 'different', 'member']
Dokument 5266: ['dispelled', 'giving', 'belief', 'doubts', 'raised', 'majority', 'earlier', 'concerns', 'effectively', 'decade']
Dokument 5267: ['overly', 'optimistic', 'spheres', 'asked', 'little', 'joining', 'life', 'potential', 'specific', 'april']
Dokument 5268: ['suffer', 'pointed', 'likely', '41', 'respondents', 'cent', 'result', 'agriculture', 'membership']
Dokument 5269: ['56', 'sovereignty', '43', '49', '38', 'culture', 'expected', 'security', 'positive', 'impact']
Dokument 5270: ['illustrate', 'answers', 'vast', 'attitudes', 'question', 'later', 'change', '10', 'social', 'years']
Dokument 5271: ['surveyed', 'spheres', 'critical', 'decreased', 'grew', 'percentage', 'life', 'changes', 'integration', 'support']
Dokument 5272: ['affects', 'difference', 'concerns', 'key', 'way', 'agriculture', 'membership', 'polish', 'eu']
Dokument 5273: ['69', 'advantageous', 'respondents', 'view', 'times', 'changes', 'areas', 'rural', '2003']
Dokument 5274: ['believing', 'points', 'percentage', 'community', '20', 'positive', 'impact', 'economy', 'increased', 'poles']
Dokument 5275: ['opinions', 'percentage', 'positive', 'favourably', 'noticed', 'aspects', 'viewed', 'twice', 'sovereignty', 'losses']
Dokument 5276: ['interference', 'reluctance', 'stem', 'partly', 'budgets', 'comply', 'restriction', 'opinions', 'concept', 'freedom']
Dokument 5277: ['imposes', 'prominently', 'penalties', 'aspect', 'features', 'sovereignty', 'reports', 'commission', 'european', 'poland']
Dokument 5278: ['perceived', 'attitudes', 'dynamics', 'understand', 'advantages', 'looking', 'eu', 'way', 'possible', '2004']
Dokument 5279: ['opportunities', 'notice', '72', 'youth', '49', 'likely', '63', 'beneficial', 'image', 'respondents']
Dokument 5280: ['tenth', 'domains', 'opinions', 'stronger', 'influence', 'positive', 'membership', 'year', 'eu']
Dokument 5281: ['points', 'percentage', 'increase', 'living', 'conditions', 'towns', 'believed', 'cities', '33', 'changing']
Dokument 5282: ['negatively', 'affecting', '45', 'hand', 'living', 'relatively', 'prices', 'costs', 'held', 'large']
Dokument 5283: ['illustrates', 'opinions', 'chart', 'dynamics', 'advantages', '2004', '2013', 'eu']
Dokument 5284: ['enthusiasts', 'euro', 'poles']
Dokument 5285: ['translates', 'actual', 'benefits', 'fact', 'poles', 'accession', 'high', 'support', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 5286: ['enthusiasts', 'described', 'strong', 'compared', 'euro', 'poles', 'member', 'states', 'eu']
Dokument 5287: ['pew', 'tank', 'survey', 'center', 'confirmed', 'seven', 'kingdom', 'think', 'conducted', 'united']
Dokument 5288: ['68', 'poll', 'union', '58', 'remaining', 'noted', '46', 'favour', 'respondents', 'greatest']
Dokument 5289: ['deteriorated', 'sentiment', 'older', 'satisfaction', 'surveys', 'entire', 'points', 'percentage', 'global', 'eu']
Dokument 5290: ['foreseeable', 'unlikely', 'reversed', 'trend', 'said', 'better', 'future', 'results', 'average', 'poland']
Dokument 5291: ['foreseeable', 'unlikely', 'reversed', 'trend', 'said', 'better', 'future', 'results', 'average', 'poland']
Dokument 5292: ['sociological', 'polling', 'cvvm', 'tárki', 'cbos', 'survey', 'outcomes', 'slovak', 'hungarian', 'visegrad']
Dokument 5293: ['fifths', 'cbos', '58', '78', 'believe', 'respondents', 'benefited', 'joining', 'close', 'presence']
Dokument 5294: ['czechs', 'slovaks', 'hungarians', '44', '43', '60', 'similar', 'benefits', 'countries']
Dokument 5295: ['abstract', 'reference', 'concept', 'institution', 'clear', 'longer', 'point', 'real', 'poles', 'eu']
Dokument 5296: ['identity', 'majority', 'apart', 'say', 'poles', 'european', 'polish']
Dokument 5297: ['59', 'average', 'feel', '67', 'eu', 'citizens', 'poles', 'new', 'union', 'countries']
Dokument 5298: ['rights', 'know', 'eu', 'average', 'citizens', 'poles']
Dokument 5299: ['figure', '56', '43', '45', 'stands', 'knowledge', 'say', 'eu', 'citizens', 'poland']
Dokument 5300: ['quite', 'impressive', 'fifth', 'entire', 'fact', 'given', 'result', 'best', 'state', 'years']
Dokument 5301: ['changing', 'groups', 'specific', 'membership', 'social', 'time', 'people', 'union', 'support', 'polish']
Dokument 5302: ['variables', 'profession', 'affect', 'attitudes', 'income', 'key', 'include', 'age', 'education', 'eu']
Dokument 5303: ['opponents', 'voters', 'supporters', 'demographic', 'parties', 'differences', 'despite', 'points', '27', 'percentage']
Dokument 5304: ['extreme', 'difference', 'fold', 'cases', 'students']
Dokument 5305: ['groups', 'social', 'classifications', 'methodological', 'examined', 'analyse', 'dynamics', 'reasons', 'looking', 'things']
Dokument 5306: ['people', 'elementary', 'pensions', 'supporters', 'disability', 'housewives', 'noted', 'old', 'groups', 'age']
Dokument 5307: ['endorsed', 'pensioners', 'elementary', '89', '78', '81', 'housewives', 'december', 'membership', 'poles']
Dokument 5308: ['quite', 'impressive', 'fears', 'question', 'pay', 'earlier', 'cost', 'data', 'groups', 'given']
Dokument 5309: ['believes', 'politicians', 'owners', 'big', 'benefited', 'farms', 'public', 'accession', 'union', 'european']
Dokument 5310: ['76', 'respectively', 'respondents', 'beneficiaries', '70', 'seen', 'membership']
Dokument 5311: ['56', 'lawyers', 'freelance', 'journalists', 'artists', '57', 'officials', '41', 'owners', 'service']
Dokument 5312: ['points', 'percentage', '19', 'interestingly', 'viewed', 'unemployed', '35', 'increasingly', 'beneficiaries', '37']
Dokument 5313: ['points', 'percentage', 'pensioners', 'lost', 'lesser', 'believed', '57', 'shops', 'smaller', 'owners']
Dokument 5314: ['groups', 'beliefs', 'overlaps', 'notably', 'consequences', 'opinion', 'representatives', 'held', 'general', 'specific']
Dokument 5315: ['tends', 'sceptical', 'benefited', 'think', 'integration', 'farmers', 'impact', 'public', 'membership', 'social']
Dokument 5316: ['exception', 'farmers']
Dokument 5317: ['spike', 'mentioning', '32', 'seen', 'past', 'decade', 'points', 'biggest', 'worth', 'membership']
Dokument 5318: ['backed', 'opposed', '39', 'september', '37', 'farmers', '2003', 'membership', 'poland']
Dokument 5319: ['endorse', '71', '21', 'later', 'accession', 'years']
Dokument 5320: ['ardent', 'advocates', 'particular', 'students', 'membership', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 5321: ['overwhelming', 'polls', '93', 'november', 'opinion', 'according', 'membership', '2013', 'support', 'eu']
Dokument 5322: ['76', 'means', 'average', 'result', 'students', 'support', 'eu']
Dokument 5323: ['students', 'aware', '81', 'capitalised', '76', '56', 'shared', 'aged', 'joining', 'opinion']
Dokument 5324: ['abound', 'enthusiasts', 'entrepreneurs', 'euro']
Dokument 5325: ['recognise', 'broadly', 'defined', 'majority', 'benefits', 'large', 'integration', 'direct']
Dokument 5326: ['noticeably', 'running', '86', 'stood', '76', 'favour', 'november', 'businesses', 'percentage', 'average']
Dokument 5327: ['favourably', 'doing', 'rest', 'respectively', '49', 'likely', '63', 'respondents', 'view', 'internal']
Dokument 5328: ['scenario', 'alternative', 'poland']
Dokument 5329: ['imagine', 'outside', 'difficult', 'today', 'membership', 'country', 'years', 'union', 'european']
Dokument 5330: ['pause', 'wonder', 'joined', 'presence', 'granted', 'like', 'world', 'poles', 'union', 'poland']
Dokument 5331: ['link', 'fail', 'past', 'decade', 'changes', 'positive', 'membership', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 5332: ['confront', 'happened', 'remaining', 'scenario', 'alternative', 'appreciate', 'fully', 'outside', 'poland', '2004']
Dokument 5333: ['today', 'like', 'poland']
Dokument 5334: ['paint', 'hypothetical', 'scenario', 'objective', 'analysis', 'outside', 'necessary', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 5335: ['luckily', 'identify', 'adverse', 'indirectly', 'scenario', 'clearly', 'grow', 'improving', 'faster', 'factors']
Dokument 5336: ['smaller', 'poles', 'poland', 'economic', 'hypothetical', 'fewer', 'migrated', 'scenario', 'contribution', 'facts']
Dokument 5337: ['compiled', 'indices', 'actual', 'obtained', 'past', 'compared', 'data', 'way', 'results', '10']
Dokument 5338: ['directions', 'exercise', 'explored', 'affected', 'economy', 'membership', 'eu']
Dokument 5339: ['theoretical', 'union', 'development', 'illustrated', 'differences', 'analysis', 'outside', 'scale', 'european', 'poland']
Dokument 5340: ['examined', 'strictly', 'talking', 'defined', 'noted', 'ways', 'single', 'beginning', 'end', 'event']
Dokument 5341: ['impact', 'expressing', 'numerical', 'easy', 'task', 'complex', 'determine', 'volume', 'transfers', 'say']
Dokument 5342: ['elaborated', 'purposes', 'model', 'analysis', 'account', 'takes', 'effects', 'direct', 'accession', '2004']
Dokument 5343: ['ensuing', '1991', 'gradual', 'signing', 'began', 'single', 'agreement', 'agreements', 'association', 'benefits']
Dokument 5344: ['cautious', 'assumptions', 'reason', 'impact', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 5345: ['simplifies', 'economic', 'connections', 'reflect', 'reality', 'model', 'extent', 'fact', 'results']
Dokument 5346: ['focused', 'analysis', 'introduction', 'single', 'brought', 'effects', 'important', 'market']
Dokument 5347: ['substantially', 'aspects', 'nonetheless', 'furthermore', 'complex', 'institutional', 'analysis', 'concerning', 'address', 'legal']
Dokument 5348: ['altered', 'predictable', 'perception', 'confirmed', 'enhancing', 'image', 'stable', 'significantly', 'changes', 'membership']
Dokument 5349: ['token', 'consideration', 'doing', 'estimates', 'schengen', 'persons', 'movement', 'tourism', 'importance', 'key']
Dokument 5350: ['beggars', 'belief', 'persons', 'looking', 'movement', 'legal', 'things', 'far', 'certain', 'order']
Dokument 5351: ['joined', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 5352: ['slowly', 'grown', 'joined', 'points', 'percentage', 'average', 'economy', '2004', '2013', 'year']
Dokument 5353: ['effact', 'gdp', 'real', 'lower', '2013', 'poland']
Dokument 5354: ['gdp', '620', 'corresponds', 'aggregate', 'actually', 'generated', 'entire', 'lower', 'pln', 'period']
Dokument 5355: ['350', 'practice', 'capita', 'annual', 'income', 'means', 'lower', 'pln']
Dokument 5356: ['narrowed', 'pps', 'gap', 'mere', 'actually', 'consequently', 'capita', 'gdp', 'did', 'average']
Dokument 5357: ['croatia', 'scenario', 'similar', 'today', 'economic', 'development', 'poland']
Dokument 5358: ['jobless', '113', 'salary', 'monthly', 'outside', 'lower', 'half', 'average', 'pln', '2013']
Dokument 5359: ['variants', 'sums', 'theoretical', 'actual', 'table', 'outside', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 5360: ['short', '17', '18', 'rate', 'investment', '2013', 'poland']
Dokument 5361: ['stood', '59', 'capita', '67', 'instead', 'gdp', 'average', 'eu']
Dokument 5362: ['pln', '614', 'salary', 'late', '500', 'average', '2013']
Dokument 5363: ['pln', '639', '478', 'billions', 'instead', 'exported', 'worth', 'goods', 'billion', '2013']
Dokument 5364: ['optimistic', 'sounds', 'measured', 'eurostat', '14', 'rate', 'unemployment', 'especially', '10']
Dokument 5365: ['leaving', 'jobless', 'aside', 'worse', 'earning', 'economically', 'words', 'shape', 'advantages', 'security']
Dokument 5366: ['quickly', 'outside', 'did', 'eu', 'develop', 'poland']
Dokument 5367: ['underpinning', 'unequivocally', 'cautious', 'suggest', 'assumptions', 'simplified', 'analysis', 'transfers', 'positive', 'impact']
Dokument 5368: ['transfers', 'growth', 'impact', 'ratio', 'wane', 'stop', 'proportionally', 'bound', 'dynamics', 'mean']
Dokument 5369: ['shortly', 'attached', 'considerable', 'inflow', 'initial', 'joining', 'importance', 'investments', 'especially', 'foreign']
Dokument 5370: ['raised', 'saw', 'volume', 'quickly', 'gdp', '2008', 'investments', 'capital', 'positive', 'impact']
Dokument 5371: ['capital', 'fdi', 'minimal', 'entailed', 'accumulation', 'influx', 'rapid', 'reduction', 'joined', 'resources']
Dokument 5372: ['gdp', 'migrations', 'capita', 'negative', 'positive', 'impact']
Dokument 5373: ['jargon', 'households', 'sent', 'private', 'migrants', 'transfers', 'hand', 'income', 'money', 'home']
Dokument 5374: ['outflow', 'migrations', 'meant', 'force', 'hand', 'labour']
Dokument 5375: ['intensified', 'albeit', 'turn', 'open', 'positive', 'small', 'direct', 'impact', 'foreign', 'economy']
Dokument 5376: ['polish', 'pin', 'boosted', 'technologically', 'profits', 'indirect', 'rising', 'indirectly', 'advanced', 'invested']
Dokument 5377: ['dependencies', 'define', 'aware', 'clearly', 'entrepreneurs', 'employees', 'difficult', 'polish']
Dokument 5378: ['largely', 'took', 'migration', 'changes', 'labour', 'place', 'membership', '2004', 'market', 'polish']
Dokument 5379: ['points', 'percentage', 'rate', 'average', 'figure', 'remaining', 'migrations', 'factors', 'remained', 'account']
Dokument 5380: ['salaries', 'approx', 'faster', 'grew', 'employees', 'average', 'integration', 'thanks', 'eu']
Dokument 5381: ['better', 'wages', 'indices', 'accumulation', 'orientation', 'importantly', 'ensuing', 'broader', 'enhanced', 'productivity']
Dokument 5382: ['effect', 'led', 'far', 'investments', 'economy', 'membership', 'polish', 'eu']
Dokument 5383: ['scenario', 'expenditures', 'alternative', '13', 'investment', 'higher', '2013']
Dokument 5384: ['expenditures', '200', 'joined', 'lower', 'investment', 'large', 'pln', 'economy', '2004', 'billion']
Dokument 5385: ['productivity', 'volume', 'demand', 'contributed', 'far', 'changes', 'capital', 'positive', 'impact', 'economy']
Dokument 5386: ['joblessness', 'influx', 'translated', 'largely', 'demand', 'helped', 'turn', 'caused', 'money', 'additional']
Dokument 5387: ['eu', 'begun', 'analyses', 'estimates', 'dry', 'consistent', 'productivity', 'consequences', 'sources', 'earlier']
Dokument 5388: ['eu', 'begun', 'analyses', 'estimates', 'dry', 'consistent', 'productivity', 'consequences', 'sources', 'earlier']
Dokument 5389: ['smaller', 'coming', 'date', 'scale', 'continue', 'positive', 'impact', 'membership', 'years', 'eu']
Dokument 5390: ['prices', 'effects', 'accession', 'eu']
Dokument 5391: ['dramatically', 'concern', 'prices', 'goods', 'services', 'increase']
Dokument 5392: ['inflation', 'slovenia', 'lowest', 'recorded', 'past', 'decade', 'czech', 'republic', 'central', 'europe']
Dokument 5393: ['inflationary', 'impulse', 'recorded', 'membership', 'year', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 5394: ['waned', 'inflation', 'rapidly', 'gradually', 'decreased', 'following', 'years']
Dokument 5395: ['inflation', 'rate', 'cent', 'annualised', '1989', 'historically', 'monthly', 'transition', 'democratic', 'remained']
Dokument 5396: ['impoverishment', 'deterioration', 'mass', 'poverty', 'status', 'face', 'material', 'concern', 'society', 'poland']
Dokument 5397: ['poverty', 'standard', 'living', 'recorded', 'reduction', 'contributed', 'decade', 'significant', 'growth', 'citizens']
Dokument 5398: ['poverty', 'line', '2005', 'living', 'decreased', 'population', 'compared', '2012', 'million']
Dokument 5399: ['exclusion', 'poverty', 'dropped', 'risk', 'citizens', 'social', 'number', 'million', 'polish']
Dokument 5400: ['disparities', 'wealth', 'decreasing', 'systematically', '2004', 'poland']
Dokument 5401: ['lose', 'obligation', 'comply', 'west', 'abolition', 'duties', 'customs', 'exporters', 'concern', 'competition']
Dokument 5402: ['threat', 'reality', 'shown', 'entrepreneurs', 'opportunity', 'accession', 'polish', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 5403: ['opportunity', 'use', 'good', 'country']
Dokument 5404: ['import', 'cent', 'approximately', 'increased', 'export', '220', '160', 'steadily', 'volume', 'faster']
Dokument 5405: ['eur', 'billion', '114', 'historical', '38', 'reached', 'compared', 'goods', '2003', 'level']
Dokument 5406: ['improved', 'significantly', 'balance', 'eu', 'trade', 'accession', 'member', 'states', 'poland']
Dokument 5407: ['approximately', 'trade', 'eur', 'billion', 'deficit', 'record', 'surplus', 'turned', 'recorded', '24']
Dokument 5408: ['deficits', 'recording', 'regularly', 'owes', 'dynamic', 'non', 'eu', 'given', 'growth', 'result']
Dokument 5409: ['duties', 'abolition', 'customs', 'decrease', 'concern', 'pln', 'budget', 'result', 'trade', 'billion']
Dokument 5410: ['duties', 'customs', 'budget', 'disproportionately', 'profits', 'abolition', 'losses', 'experienced', 'smaller', 'exporters']
Dokument 5411: ['barriers', 'trade', 'tariff', 'duties', 'abolition', 'customs', 'prevented', 'kingdom', 'allowed', 'united']
Dokument 5412: ['cent', 'approximately', 'products', 'tariff', 'industrial', '16', 'rate', 'average', 'period', 'including']
Dokument 5413: ['gdp', 'cent', 'trade', 'deficit', 'barriers', 'abolition', 'surplus', 'turned', 'entrepreneurs', 'single']
Dokument 5414: ['revenues', 'balancing', 'exceeding', 'duties', 'customs', 'sources', 'significantly', 'previous', 'increased', '2004']
Dokument 5415: ['oriented', 'profit', 'imports', 'immediate', 'material', 'concern', 'raw', 'capital', 'foreign']
Dokument 5416: ['supermarkets', 'work']
Dokument 5417: ['ruin', 'scale', 'small', 'trade', 'poland']
Dokument 5418: ['attractiveness', 'inflow', 'resulted', 'significant', 'investments', 'investment', 'increased', 'membership', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 5419: ['exceeded', '100', 'value', 'total', 'eur', 'billion']
Dokument 5420: ['sectors', 'automotive', 'furniture', 'household', 'appliances', 'electronic', 'consequently', 'exporters', 'leading', 'recent']
Dokument 5421: ['translated', 'rising', 'inflow', 'industrial', 'needed', 'modernisation', 'rates', 'capital', 'employment', 'foreign']
Dokument 5422: ['linkages', 'aroused', 'concerns', 'recorded', 'increase', 'accession', 'production', 'countries']
Dokument 5423: ['imports', 'dependent', 'material', 'central', 'raw', 'eastern', 'countries', 'european', 'poland']
Dokument 5424: ['enterprises', 'small', 'trading', 'manufacturing', 'sized', 'scale', 'medium', 'called', 'capital', 'use']
Dokument 5425: ['firms', 'larger', 'prospects', 'revenues', 'providing', 'managed', 'growth', 'employment', 'services', 'increase']
Dokument 5426: ['concern', 'goods', 'situation', 'services', 'companies', 'member', 'states', 'market', 'polish', 'poland']
Dokument 5427: ['endangered', 'competitive', 'companies', 'member', 'states', 'polish', 'eu']
Dokument 5428: ['flooded', 'market', 'products', 'polish', 'eu']
Dokument 5429: ['collapse', 'businesses', 'small']
Dokument 5430: ['capitalised', 'faced', 'challenge', 'performance', 'businesses', 'entire', 'develop', 'situation', 'financial', 'sector']
Dokument 5431: ['upward', 'fluctuations', 'showed', 'trend', 'despite', 'income', 'enterprises', '2003', 'total', '2012']
Dokument 5432: ['cent', '148', 'demonstrates', 'gathered', '120', 'improving', 'performance', 'analysis', 'faster', 'businesses']
Dokument 5433: ['fear', 'dominated', 'unfounded', 'big', 'force', 'proved', 'polish', 'enterprises', 'small', 'foreign']
Dokument 5434: ['employees', 'cent', 'corporations', '99', '49', '250', 'micro', 'big', 'non', 'enterprises']
Dokument 5435: ['employees', 'cent', 'corporations', '99', '49', '250', 'micro', 'big', 'non', 'enterprises']
Dokument 5436: ['sized', '27', 'cent', 'medium', 'enterprises', 'average', 'small', '2003', 'increased', 'number']
Dokument 5437: ['micro', 'enterprises', '52', 'established', 'cent', 'thousand', 'increased', 'accession', 'number', 'poland']
Dokument 5438: ['conclude', 'maintained', 'beneficiaries', 'strong', 'largest', 'position', 'enterprises', 'local', 'small', 'accession']
Dokument 5439: ['expansion', 'translated', 'single', 'exports', 'access', 'increase', 'production', 'market']
Dokument 5440: ['quarter', 'instance', 'exported', 'companies', 'products', 'polish']
Dokument 5441: ['fifth', 'derived', 'revenues', 'exports', '2012', 'companies', 'polish']
Dokument 5442: ['harmonisation', 'invest', 'technologies', 'sized', 'concern', 'standards', 'medium', 'enterprises', 'small', 'research']
Dokument 5443: ['collapse', 'result']
Dokument 5444: ['necessity', 'deal', 'expenditures', 'concerned', 'modernisation', 'competition', 'order', 'increase', 'companies', 'eu']
Dokument 5445: ['fears', 'unfounded', 'proved']
Dokument 5446: ['single', 'competitive', 'efforts', 'modernisation', 'potential', 'increased', 'companies', 'market', 'polish']
Dokument 5447: ['financed', 'funds', 'eu']
Dokument 5448: ['85', 'funding', 'amounted', 'pln', 'projects', 'billion', 'eu']
Dokument 5449: ['62', 'entrepreneurs', 'modernisation', 'carried', 'thousand', 'projects', '2004', '2013', 'polish']
Dokument 5450: ['thousand', 'financial', 'perspective', '27', 'provided', 'smes', '25', '2007', 'total', 'including']
Dokument 5451: ['hindered', 'labelling', 'ce', 'contrary', 'trading', 'marketing', 'helped', 'eu', 'rules', 'goods']
Dokument 5452: ['advantageous', 'obligation', 'comply', 'exporters', 'proved', 'standards', 'new']
Dokument 5453: ['intended', 'differentiate', 'products', 'longer', 'domestic', 'markets', 'market', 'eu']
Dokument 5454: ['cheaper', 'notified', 'bodies', 'gained', 'possibility', 'polish', 'provided', 'services', 'use', 'accession']
Dokument 5455: ['unfair', 'imports', 'domestic', 'protected', 'non', 'better', 'market', 'eu']
Dokument 5456: ['settlements', 'eu']
Dokument 5457: ['payer', 'net', 'concern', 'poland']
Dokument 5458: ['payer', 'expressed', 'net', 'concerns', 'despite', 'accession', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 5459: ['contributed', 'eu', 'received', 'budget', 'membership', 'year']
Dokument 5460: ['beneficiary', 'net', 'biggest', 'funding', 'eu', 'member', 'states']
Dokument 5461: ['61', 'amounts', 'transfers', 'balance', 'positive', 'financial', 'eur', 'billion', 'year', 'poland']
Dokument 5462: ['total', 'eur', 'billion', '92', 'euros', 'contributed', 'means', 'euro', '30', 'received']
Dokument 5463: ['corresponded', '02', 'gdp', 'poland', 'cent', '15', 'received', 'budget', 'eur', 'billion']
Dokument 5464: ['funds', 'eu']
Dokument 5465: ['waste', 'concern', 'funds', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 5466: ['160', 'carried', 'decade', 'cohesion', 'programmes', 'eu', 'thousand', 'thanks', 'projects', 'membership']
Dokument 5467: ['thousand', 'policy', 'funds', 'kilometres', 'cohesion', 'programming', 'build', 'implementing', 'sewage', 'modernise']
Dokument 5468: ['ecb', 'incur', 'rebate', 'enormous', 'adjustment', 'arising', 'eib', 'contributions', 'structural', 'concern']
Dokument 5469: ['commitments', 'assume', 'joining', 'agreed', 'financial', 'number', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 5470: ['eur', 'million', 'rebate', 'contribute', 'european', 'bank', 'costs', 'fund', '705', '103']
Dokument 5471: ['eib', 'total', 'eur', 'billion', '1991', 'liabilities', '92', 'profits', '36', 'transfers']
Dokument 5472: ['cent', 'management', '15', 'telecommunications', 'development', 'urban', 'sewage', 'waste', 'solid', 'spent']
Dokument 5473: ['ebi', 'beneficiary', 'biggest', 'sixth', 'new', 'member', 'states', 'poland']
Dokument 5474: ['commitments', 'nations', 'united', 'based', 'international', 'level', 'poland']
Dokument 5475: ['aid', 'edf', 'corresponded', 'contribution', 'official', 'poland', 'cent', '10', '2011', '2012']
Dokument 5476: ['fisheries', 'agriculture']
Dokument 5477: ['considerably', 'cheap', 'deteriorate', 'limits', 'concern', 'costs', 'competition', 'situation', 'areas', 'rural']
Dokument 5478: ['considerably', 'cheap', 'deteriorate', 'limits', 'concern', 'costs', 'competition', 'situation', 'areas', 'rural']
Dokument 5479: ['unemployment']
Dokument 5480: ['suppliers', 'force', 'farmers', 'market', 'polish', 'eu']
Dokument 5481: ['foreigners', 'buy', 'land', 'polish']
Dokument 5482: ['agrifoodstuffs', 'sceptical', 'fold', 'expressed', 'concerns', 'despite', 'polish', 'population', 'exports', 'society']
Dokument 5483: ['eur', 'billion', 'foodstuffs', 'exports', 'amounted', '15', 'agri', '2003', '2013', 'poland']
Dokument 5484: ['imports', 'rapidly', 'maintain', 'managed', 'balance', 'increasing', 'just', 'positive', 'trade', 'poland']
Dokument 5485: ['surplus', 'increased', 'eur', 'billion', '2013']
Dokument 5486: ['managed', 'real', 'half', 'farmers', 'value', 'increase', '2004', 'production', 'polish']
Dokument 5487: ['190', 'capita', 'income', 'decade', 'real', 'cent', 'increased', 'agricultural']
Dokument 5488: ['limits', 'suffered', 'regulations', 'farmers', 'polish', 'eu']
Dokument 5489: ['tonnes', 'thousand', '964', 'referred', 'quota', 'managed', 'treaty', 'milk', '000', 'increase']
Dokument 5490: ['volatility', 'buying', 'fulfilled', 'reduced', 'quota', 'price', 'prices', 'role', 'milk', 'increased']
Dokument 5491: ['672', 'gained', 'produce', 'right', 'sugar', 'tonnes', 'thousand', 'total', 'accession', 'poland']
Dokument 5492: ['wto', 'gave', 'pressure', '2006', 'sugar', 'reform', 'market', 'commission', 'european']
Dokument 5493: ['quota', 'decreased', '13', '24', 'cent', 'tonnes', 'result', 'production', 'million', 'eu']
Dokument 5494: ['405', 'reduced', 'quota', '16', 'cent', 'tonnes', 'thousand', 'poland']
Dokument 5495: ['quota', 'abolished', '2017', 'october', 'sugar', '2015', 'milk', 'april']
Dokument 5496: ['regulated', 'forces', 'means', 'sectors', 'market']
Dokument 5497: ['prices', 'industry', 'tariff', 'beet', 'depend', 'external', 'sugar', 'growing', 'global', 'future']
Dokument 5498: ['agricultural', 'lands', '281', 'hectares', 'bought', '03', 'accounts', 'unfounded', 'properties', 'foreigners']
Dokument 5499: ['agricultural', 'owning', '256', 'perpetual', 'lands', 'usufruct', 'hectares', 'benefiting', 'shares', 'bought']
Dokument 5500: ['disappear', 'cuts', 'fisheries', 'concern', 'significant', 'production', 'poland']
Dokument 5501: ['powerful', 'send', 'metres', 'waters', 'length', 'vessels', '30', 'fishing', 'member', 'states']
Dokument 5502: ['vessels', 'poland']
Dokument 5503: ['fleet', 'reduction', 'covered', 'just', 'fishing', 'programme', 'member', 'states', 'poland']
Dokument 5504: ['sprat', 'limits', 'herring', 'cod', 'units', 'allowed', 'catch', 'quotas', 'salmon', 'sea']
Dokument 5505: ['landing', 'notes', 'applicable', 'sale', 'entire', 'control', 'eu']
Dokument 5506: ['cent', 'fishing', 'conformed', 'imposed', 'limits', 'technical', 'reduced', 'fleet', '37', 'decreased']
Dokument 5507: ['applying', 'sprat', 'section', 'herring', 'fishermen', 'initial', 'transformation', 'catch', 'quotas', 'structural']
Dokument 5508: ['fleet', 'fully', 'catch', 'quotas', 'modernisation', 'apply', 'fishing', 'today', 'thanks', 'eu']
Dokument 5509: ['metres', 'considerably', 'length', 'vessels', 'swedish', 'recently', 'stable', 'danish', 'decreased', '24']
Dokument 5510: ['vessels', 'landed', 'metres', 'length', 'sprat', 'swedish', 'danish', '24', '2012', 'polish']
Dokument 5511: ['dynamic', 'allowed', 'investments', 'possible', 'processing', 'thanks', 'increase', 'industry', 'fish', 'funds']
Dokument 5512: ['cent', 'production', '190', 'volume', '40', 'value', 'increased', '2004', '2012']
Dokument 5513: ['risen', '83', 'plants', 'cent', 'processing', 'fish', 'number', '2004', 'polish']
Dokument 5514: ['rising', 'employment', 'sector', 'time']
Dokument 5515: ['created', 'jobs', 'processing', 'thousand', '2003', 'industry', 'fish']
Dokument 5516: ['sector', 'accounted', '67', 'exceeded', 'persons', 'employed', 'fisheries', 'entire', '18', 'cent']
Dokument 5517: ['employment', 'sector', 'cent', 'compensated', 'consequently', '49', '45', 'consider', 'decrease', 'fisheries']
Dokument 5518: ['migration', 'labour', 'market']
Dokument 5519: ['dramatically', 'concern', 'unemployment', 'increase']
Dokument 5520: ['facts', 'simple', 'favourable', 'domestic', 'situation', 'today', 'labour', 'accession', 'market', 'eu']
Dokument 5521: ['cent', 'eurostat', 'decreased', 'unemployment', 'according', '19', '10', 'years']
Dokument 5522: ['expressed', 'decrease', 'percentage', 'biggest', 'unemployment', 'period', 'region']
Dokument 5523: ['cent', '51', '59', 'rate', 'employment', 'increased', 'time']
Dokument 5524: ['created', 'jobs', 'million', 'poland']
Dokument 5525: ['erosion', 'concern', 'family', 'migration', 'result', 'traditional']
Dokument 5526: ['orphans', 'euro', 'increase', 'number']
Dokument 5527: ['migrations', 'strongly', 'influence', 'structure', 'family']
Dokument 5528: ['separated', 'temporarily', 'family', 'means', 'migration', 'economic']
Dokument 5529: ['estimated', 'problem', 'concerned', 'children', '2010', '100', 'approximately', 'ministry', 'thousand', 'education']
Dokument 5530: ['emigrates', 'parent', 'child', 'care', 'takes', 'usually']
Dokument 5531: ['migrations', 'parent', 'frequent', 'parents', 'account', '22', 'cent']
Dokument 5532: ['danger', 'alternative', 'care', 'children', 'biggest']
Dokument 5533: ['minor', 'phenomenon', 'relatively', 'poland']
Dokument 5534: ['concern', 'unemployment', 'employment', 'increase', 'poles', 'member', 'states', 'eu']
Dokument 5535: ['opening', 'opportunities', 'offered', 'markets', 'labour', 'use', 'good', 'poles', 'member', 'states']
Dokument 5536: ['migrants', 'relatively', 'rates', 'compared', 'groups', 'particular', 'employment', 'high', 'polish']
Dokument 5537: ['kingdom', 'netherlands', 'united', 'rate', 'example', 'employment', 'poles', 'higher', 'poland']
Dokument 5538: ['slightly', 'rate', 'unemployment', '2004', 'higher', '2013', 'member', 'states', 'eu']
Dokument 5539: ['rose', '2005', 'decreased', '2009', 'global', 'crisis', 'economic']
Dokument 5540: ['immigration', 'destinations', 'greece', 'recorded', 'significant', 'spain', 'unemployment', 'main', 'increase', 'poles']
Dokument 5541: ['politics', 'identity', 'society', 'national']
Dokument 5542: ['concern', 'benefit', 'accession', 'eu']
Dokument 5543: ['languages', 'speak', 'profitable', 'politicians', 'young', 'foreign', 'people']
Dokument 5544: ['universal', 'ago', 'proved', 'decade', 'expected', 'benefits', 'membership', 'eu']
Dokument 5545: ['profited', 'chosen', 'just', 'groups', 'social', 'poles', 'accession', 'eu']
Dokument 5546: ['opening', 'possibility', 'new', 'renovation', 'passport', 'kindergartens', 'roads', 'travelling', 'ones', 'resulting']
Dokument 5547: ['advantage', 'benefits', 'citizens', 'polish']
Dokument 5548: []
Dokument 5549: ['polish', 'businessmen', 'countryside', 'unprecedented', 'enter', 'initiated', 'subsidies', 'modernisation', '500', 'scale']
Dokument 5550: ['prospects', 'generations', 'surveys', 'effect', 'june', 'expected', 'eu', 'particular', 'better', 'second']
Dokument 5551: ['socio', 'improvement', 'situation', 'country', 'economic']
Dokument 5552: ['prove', 'generations', 'fifth', 'beneficial', 'respondents', 'expressed', 'opinion', '22', 'cent', 'future']
Dokument 5553: ['bs', 'translate', '110', 'respondents', 'possibility', 'expected', 'study', 'cent', 'access', 'abroad']
Dokument 5554: ['prove', 'benefited', 'surveys', 'expected', 'today', 'integration', '10', 'poles', 'accession', 'years']
Dokument 5555: ['declare', 'thirds', '61', 'feel', 'respondents', 'advantages', 'brought', 'cent', 'accession', 'eu']
Dokument 5556: ['unii', 'opinii', 'europejskiej', 'temat', 'badanie', 'społecznych', 'na', 'laboratorium', 'badań', 'abolition']
Dokument 5557: ['pensions', 'disability', 'decrease', 'concern', 'old', 'age']
Dokument 5558: ['deteriorate', 'elderly', 'situation', 'result', 'people']
Dokument 5559: ['regulate', 'activity', 'field', 'does', 'state', 'union', 'european']
Dokument 5560: ['accession', 'pensions', 'indirect', 'disability', 'improvement', 'influence', 'increasing', 'poland', 'old', 'general']
Dokument 5561: ['accession', 'pensions', 'indirect', 'disability', 'improvement', 'influence', 'increasing', 'poland', 'old', 'general']
Dokument 5562: ['pln', '1862', 'calculating', '3080', 'pensions', 'disability', 'base', '62', '80', 'old']
Dokument 5563: ['pensioner', 'inflation', '32', 'buy', 'means', 'cent', 'rate', 'today', 'increase', 'accession']
Dokument 5564: ['class', 'concern', 'second', 'citizens', 'poles', 'eu']
Dokument 5565: ['citizens', 'fledged', 'fully', 'union', 'european', 'polish']
Dokument 5566: ['freely', 'periods', 'carry', 'introduced', 'entire', 'day', 'activity', 'able', 'eu', 'protection']
Dokument 5567: ['elections', 'vote', 'residence', 'obtained', 'right', 'citizens', 'local', 'country', 'polish']
Dokument 5568: ['rights', 'citizens', 'intervened', 'violated', 'court', 'justice', 'regardless', 'live', 'protected', 'cases']
Dokument 5569: ['independence', 'sovereignty', 'decision', 'concern', 'making', 'institutions', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 5570: ['predictions', 'sceptics', 'independence', 'sovereignty', 'unfounded', 'proved', 'euro', 'institutions', 'poland', 'eu']
Dokument 5571: ['policies', 'independent', 'goals', 'remained', 'influence', 'country', 'development', 'eu']
Dokument 5572: ['geopolitical', 'unprecedented', 'strengthening', 'contributed', 'position', 'poland']
Dokument 5573: ['legalised', 'marriage', 'euthanasia', 'abortion', 'sex', 'cloning', 'concern', 'human']
Dokument 5574: ['moral', 'norms', 'excessive', 'liberalisation', 'consequence', 'unfounded', 'concerns', 'proved', 'related', 'accession']
Dokument 5575: ['legalise', 'abortion', 'euthanasia', 'marriage', 'cloning', 'sex', 'force', 'expected', 'human', 'poland']
Dokument 5576: ['foetus', 'permissibility', 'abortion', 'planning', 'amended', '2002', 'act', 'family', 'human', 'conditions']
Dokument 5577: ['legalised', 'marriage', 'euthanasia', 'sex', 'cloning', 'allowing', 'provisions', 'introduced', 'human', 'poland']
Dokument 5578: ['aforementioned', 'impose', 'undertaken', 'steps', 'relating', 'solutions', 'legal', 'issues', 'eu', 'institutions']
Dokument 5579: ['azerbaijan', 'historic', 'armenia', 'belarus', 'moldova', 'georgia', 'ukraine', 'opportunity', 'partnership', 'eastern']
Dokument 5580: ['closer', 'chance', 'offered', 'political', 'integration', 'time', 'economic', 'union', 'countries', 'european']
Dokument 5581: ['launching', 'irrespective', 'aspire', 'reaching', 'count', 'closer', 'choose', 'far', 'reforms', 'home']
Dokument 5582: ['massive', 'breakthrough', 'applying', 'previously', 'count', 'assistance', 'membership', 'countries', 'eu']
Dokument 5583: ['freedom', 'rule', 'respect', 'values', 'ambitious', 'law', 'democracy', 'rights', 'human', 'based']
Dokument 5584: ['longest', 'peace', 'continent', 'prosperity', 'values', 'history', 'known', 'given', 'period', 'europe']
Dokument 5585: ['wants', 'neighbours', 'success', 'share', 'eastern', 'union', 'european']
Dokument 5586: ['pace', 'depends', 'scope', 'primarily', 'reforms', 'partner', 'countries']
Dokument 5587: ['societies', 'count', 'ambitious', 'additional', 'political', 'funds', 'support']
Dokument 5588: ['attainment', 'genuine', 'civilization', 'leap', 'prosperity', 'comparable', 'enjoyed', 'effect', 'stability', 'western']
Dokument 5589: ['condition']
Dokument 5590: ['modernize', 'economies', 'build', 'democratic', 'institutions', 'partner', 'countries']
Dokument 5591: ['deepened', 'agreement', 'association', 'possible', 'thanks', 'partner', 'cooperation', 'new', 'countries', 'eu']
Dokument 5592: ['replace', 'agreement', 'existing', 'partnership', 'cooperation']
Dokument 5593: ['economic', 'historical', 'ties', 'considered', 'experiences', 'facing', 'account', 'problems', 'similar', 'common']
Dokument 5594: ['does', 'mean', 'differences', 'account', 'cultural', 'political', 'eu']
Dokument 5595: ['ethnic', 'consistently', 'contrary', 'diversity', 'supports', 'cultural', 'region', 'eu']
Dokument 5596: ['eastern', 'tighten', 'mutual', 'trust', 'differences', 'helps', 'relations', 'partners', 'increase', 'level']
Dokument 5597: ['initiatives', 'implemented', 'partnership', 'eastern']
Dokument 5598: ['facilitate', 'key', 'measure', 'citizens', 'travel', 'partner', 'union', 'countries', 'european']
Dokument 5599: ['visa', 'regimes', 'longerterm', 'easing', 'visas', 'abolishing', 'gradual', 'step', 'fees', 'perspective']
Dokument 5600: ['launching', 'precondition', 'capabilities', 'administrative', 'initiated', 'institutional', 'enhance', 'reforms', 'programmes', 'effective']
Dokument 5601: ['sme', 'integrated', 'flagship', 'border', 'initiatives', 'management', 'implemented', 'called', 'development', 'support']
Dokument 5602: ['historic', 'appreciate', 'come', 'importance', 'organisations', 'potential', 'international', 'great', 'financial', 'partnership']
Dokument 5603: ['eap', 'expressed', 'outside', 'supporting', 'projects', 'union', 'countries', 'european']
Dokument 5604: ['relied', 'authored', 'transformation', 'sweden', 'experiences', 'project', 'political', 'partnership', 'eastern', 'economic']
Dokument 5605: ['attaches', 'driving', 'democratic', 'force', 'civil', 'importance', 'society', 'change', 'great', 'programme']
Dokument 5606: ['effective', 'transparent', 'administration', 'rule', 'values', 'law', 'reform', 'implementation', 'guarantees', 'partnership']
Dokument 5607: ['outset', 'democratic', 'establish', 'aimed', 'relations', 'neighbours', 'changes', 'possible', 'best', 'eastern']
Dokument 5608: ['advocated', 'formulating', 'coordinated', 'policy', 'union', 'countries', 'european']
Dokument 5609: ['crowns', 'efforts', 'partnership', 'eastern']
Dokument 5610: ['surprisingly', 'enhancement', 'priorities', 'presidency', 'council', '2011', 'policy', 'union', 'european', 'polish']
Dokument 5611: ['transition', 'institution', 'played', 'building', 'role', 'key', 'process', 'effective', 'international', 'support']
Dokument 5612: ['substantial', 'sharing', 'offering', 'kind', 'assistance', 'just', 'experience', 'financial', 'form', 'partner']
Dokument 5613: ['closing', 'union', 'gap', 'european', 'neighbours', 'concern', 'common', 'social', 'europe', 'eastern']
Dokument 5614: ['fore', 'happens', 'forces', 'west', 'sure', 'come', 'political', 'affected', 'social']
Dokument 5615: ['sikorski', 'radosław', 'affairs', 'republic', 'foreign', 'minister', 'poland']
Dokument 5616: ['geographic', 'sense', 'historic', 'azerbaijan', 'armenia', 'belarus', 'moldova', 'georgia', 'ukraine', 'cultural']
Dokument 5617: ['sets', 'apart', 'democracy', 'mainly', 'level', 'economic', 'union', 'development', 'countries', 'european']
Dokument 5618: ['postwar', 'eastward', 'deepened', 'waves', 'division', 'visible', 'differences', 'enlargement', '2007', '2004']
Dokument 5619: ['advocated', 'putting', 'deeper', 'bearing', 'countries', 'proposal', 'mind', 'hungary', 'strongly', 'transformation']
Dokument 5620: ['knew', 'toilsome', 'extremely', 'democracy', 'building', 'strong', 'free', 'process', 'best', 'economy']
Dokument 5621: ['sort', 'modernization', 'prospect', 'motivation', 'aware', 'external', 'helps', 'facing', 'right']
Dokument 5622: ['argued', 'convince', 'pursue', 'kind', 'jointly', 'east', 'ambitious', 'partners', 'reforms', 'offer']
Dokument 5623: ['sorts', 'cope', 'exposed', 'crises', 'continue', 'difficult', 'region']
Dokument 5624: ['neighbouring', 'feel', 'negative', 'result', 'impact', 'union', 'european']
Dokument 5625: ['nearest', 'links', 'bound', 'historical', 'forging', 'ties', 'closer', 'interested', 'neighbours', 'cultural']
Dokument 5626: ['1995', 'barcelona', 'mediterranean', 'engaged', 'early', 'called', 'process', 'cooperation', 'countries']
Dokument 5627: ['situated', 'borders', 'neighbourhood', 'close', 'later', 'covered', 'policy', 'years', 'countries', 'european']
Dokument 5628: ['cohesive', 'modernization', 'reforms', 'initiative', 'political', 'economic', 'countries', 'eu']
Dokument 5629: ['disproportions', 'prompt', 'elimination', 'enhanced', 'western', 'opportunities', 'potential', 'order', 'common', 'policy']
Dokument 5630: ['successive', 'consistently', 'governments', 'supported', 'efforts', 'modernisation', 'partners', 'eastern', 'polish']
Dokument 5631: ['modernize', 'forefront', 'societies', 'implement', 'encouraged', 'reforms', 'said', 'political', 'economic', 'countries']
Dokument 5632: ['vision', 'consistent', 'enhancing', 'engaged', 'ties', 'look', 'aimed', 'neighbours', 'did', 'activities']
Dokument 5633: ['policy', 'forging', 'plus', 'step', 'forward', 'enabling', 'neighbourhood', 'presidency', 'eu', 'initiative']
Dokument 5634: ['cohesive', 'azerbaijan', 'armenia', 'concept', 'belarus', 'moldova', 'addressed', 'soon', 'georgia', 'began']
Dokument 5635: ['signal', 'eastward', 'send', 'irrespective', 'inside', 'assist', 'going', 'enlargement', 'debate', 'want']
Dokument 5636: ['privileged', 'division', 'lack', 'lead', 'left', 'concerned', 'initiative', 'europe', 'new', 'countries']
Dokument 5637: ['constructing', 'advantage', 'sweden', 'neighbourhood', 'ambitious', 'decided', 'create', 'initiative', 'project', 'policy']
Dokument 5638: ['modernization', 'selective', 'support', 'broad', 'replaced', 'plan', 'comprehensive', 'existing', 'reform', 'reforms']
Dokument 5639: ['reaching', 'decided', 'far', 'possible', 'political', 'integration', 'thanks', 'partner', 'economic', 'union']
Dokument 5640: ['foreign', 'minister', 'diplomacy', 'bildt', 'carl', 'radosław', 'sikorski', 'win', 'swedish', 'heads']
Dokument 5641: ['dynamically', 'begin', 'helped', 'developing', 'initiative']
Dokument 5642: ['requested', 'details', 'accepted', 'unanimously', 'draft', 'proposal', 'swedish', 'european', 'june', 'council']
Dokument 5643: ['concrete', 'concerning', 'proposals', 'december', '2008', 'presented', 'partnership', 'eastern', 'commission', 'european']
Dokument 5644: ['governance', 'vital', 'borders', 'communication', 'stability', 'better', 'eastern', 'economic', 'union', 'development']
Dokument 5645: ['pointed', 'experienced', 'play', 'transformation', 'processes', 'role', 'key', 'project', 'partnership', 'eastern']
Dokument 5646: ['unanimously', 'integral', 'expressed', 'european', 'ambitious', '2009', 'march', 'project', 'council', 'foreign']
Dokument 5647: ['unanimously', 'integral', 'expressed', 'european', 'ambitious', '2009', 'march', 'project', 'council', 'foreign']
Dokument 5648: ['assured', 'governance', 'conclusions', 'east', 'stability', 'strategic', 'summit', 'importance', 'promotion', 'march']
Dokument 5649: ['equality', 'sense', 'responsibility', 'partners', 'based', 'common', 'partnership', 'eastern']
Dokument 5650: ['values', 'based', 'common']
Dokument 5651: ['glad', 'announce', 'curtain', '20th', 'iron', 'anniversary', 'prague', 'fall', 'year']
Dokument 5652: ['topolanek', 'mirek', 'prague', 'prime', 'czech', 'republic', '2009', 'minister']
Dokument 5653: ['launch', 'commitment', 'priorities', 'czech', 'republic', 'presidency', 'possible', 'partnership', 'eastern', 'eu']
Dokument 5654: ['officially', 'prague', 'attended', 'launched', 'summit', 'representatives', '2009', 'initiative', 'partner', 'member']
Dokument 5655: ['heads', 'attendance', 'european', 'parliament', 'major', 'government', 'addition', 'political', 'institutions', 'including']
Dokument 5656: ['representatives', 'provide', 'present', 'institutions', 'financial', 'partnership', 'support']
Dokument 5657: ['founding', 'document', 'conclusion', 'prague', 'declaration', 'basic', 'leaders', 'summit', 'adopted', 'partnership']
Dokument 5658: ['document', 'obligations', 'interests', 'based', 'common', 'partnership', 'eastern', 'states']
Dokument 5659: ['transparent', 'manner', 'jointly', 'fully', 'developed']
Dokument 5660: ['fundamental', 'principles', 'law', 'freedoms', 'commitments', 'respecting', 'governance', 'relating', 'sustainable', 'rule']
Dokument 5661: ['accelerate', 'eap', 'objective', 'concerned', 'association', 'create', 'necessary', 'process', 'conditions', 'main']
Dokument 5662: ['concluding', 'deepen', 'fulfil', 'bilateral', 'foundation', 'agreed', 'aimed', 'interested', 'participants', 'summit']
Dokument 5663: ['deep', 'comprehensive', 'agreements', 'create', 'free', 'areas', 'trade', 'new']
Dokument 5664: ['economic', 'sustainable', 'essential', 'mentioned', 'open', 'markets', 'political', 'integration', 'partner', 'development']
Dokument 5665: ['peacefully', 'settle', 'disputes', 'eap', 'ties', 'strengthen', 'encourage', 'aims', 'partner', 'countries']
Dokument 5666: ['visas', 'stresses', 'facilitation', 'conclusion', 'complete', 'mobility', 'abolition', 'objective', 'declaration', 'visa']
Dokument 5667: ['energy', 'secure', 'regard', 'strengthening', 'stable', 'supply', 'developing', 'materials', 'security', 'aims']
Dokument 5668: ['energy', 'boosting', 'renewable', 'improving', 'efficiency', 'sources', 'aimed', 'use']
Dokument 5669: ['representatives', 'held', 'formal', 'countries', 'prague', 'month', 'meetings', 'summit', 'december', 'involved']
Dokument 5670: ['initiated', 'practical', 'implementation', 'policy']
Dokument 5671: ['fundamental', 'closer', 'issue', 'bring', 'initiative', 'terms', 'partner', 'partnership', 'eastern', 'union']
Dokument 5672: ['bear', 'mind', 'values', 'basis', 'just', 'served', 'growth', 'integration', 'cooperation', 'economic']
Dokument 5673: ['angela', 'merkel', 'chancellor', 'september', 'summit', 'german', '30', 'warsaw', '2011', 'partnership']
Dokument 5674: ['bilateral', 'objective', 'levels', 'strengthen', 'main', 'political', 'partner', 'partnership', 'cooperation', 'eastern']
Dokument 5675: ['azerbaijan', 'armenia', 'belarus', 'stages', 'moldova', 'georgia', 'account', 'takes', 'ukraine', 'reforms']
Dokument 5676: ['west', 'deepening', 'ties', 'plans', 'different']
Dokument 5677: ['tighter', 'aspire', 'interested', 'integration', 'cooperation', 'eu']
Dokument 5678: ['individually', 'select', 'gives', 'degree', 'opportunity', 'integration', 'partnership', 'eastern']
Dokument 5679: ['tie', 'forefront', 'countries', 'choice', 'strategic', 'democracy', 'developed', 'free', 'make', 'future']
Dokument 5680: ['reforms', 'support']
Dokument 5681: ['properly', 'enhanced', 'administration', 'condition', 'introduction', 'ambitious', 'functioning', 'individual', 'reforms', 'prepared']
Dokument 5682: ['cib', 'institution', 'comprehensive', 'building', 'includes', 'programmes', 'implementation', 'partnership', 'eastern']
Dokument 5683: ['existed', 'completely', 'neighbourhood', 'far', 'initiative', 'policy', 'new', 'european']
Dokument 5684: ['cope', 'arising', 'obligations', 'improving', 'administration', 'agreements', 'better', 'meeting', 'partner', 'new']
Dokument 5685: ['path', 'efficient', 'helped', 'institutions', 'membership', 'union', 'development', 'countries', 'european', 'poland']
Dokument 5686: ['external', 'process', 'possible', 'support']
Dokument 5687: ['candidate', 'invested', 'considerable', 'resources', 'reforms', 'human', 'financial', 'commission', 'countries', 'european']
Dokument 5688: ['suffice', 'phare', 'performing', '1990', 'administration', 'nearly', 'say', 'responsible', 'allocated', 'covered']
Dokument 5689: ['enabled', 'efficiently', 'complex', 'independent', 'democratic', 'conduct', 'service', 'strengthening', 'ambitious', 'turn']
Dokument 5690: ['crowned', 'accession', '2004', 'union', 'european', 'poland']
Dokument 5691: ['consolidates', 'strongest', 'reliable', 'steadily', 'position', 'today', 'partner', 'union', 'countries', 'european']
Dokument 5692: ['puts', 'emphasis', 'strengthening', 'using', 'experience', 'institutions', 'partner', 'partnership', 'eastern', 'countries']
Dokument 5693: ['transparent', 'administration', 'effectively', 'creation', 'functioning', 'assistance', 'costs', 'guarantees', 'possible', 'use']
Dokument 5694: ['170', 'institutional', 'comprehensive', 'building', 'allocated', '2011', 'eur', 'programme', '2013', 'million']
Dokument 5695: ['comprising', 'reinforced', 'depth', 'drawn', 'detailed', 'efficient', 'administration', 'assessment', 'list', 'functioning']
Dokument 5696: ['initiated', 'plans', 'institutional', 'individual', 'reform', 'prepared', 'projects', 'partner', 'countries']
Dokument 5697: ['render', 'advisory', 'vast', 'experts', 'individual', 'field', 'excellent', 'additional', 'experience', 'especially']
Dokument 5698: ['engage', 'democratic', 'successful', 'fully', 'building', 'free', 'process', 'institutions', 'partner', 'market']
Dokument 5699: ['politicians', 'officials', 'played', 'civil', 'role', 'society', 'significant', 'institutions']
Dokument 5700: ['sitting', 'competent', 'honest', 'monitor', 'transparent', 'politicians', 'officials', 'operation', 'efficient', 'responsible']
Dokument 5701: ['abovementioned', 'facilitate', 'tasks', 'obtain', 'determine', 'contact', 'construction', 'interested', 'involved', 'functioning']
Dokument 5702: ['ultimate', 'recognise', 'closest', 'goal', 'mechanism', 'georgia', 'meet', 'effective', 'possible', 'help']
Dokument 5703: ['baramidze', 'giorgi', 'kiev', 'georgia', 'prime', 'deputy', 'ukraine', 'forum', '2010', 'april']
Dokument 5704: ['agreements', 'association']
Dokument 5705: ['agreements', 'cooperation', 'replace', 'conclusion', 'stronger', 'existing', 'association', 'possible', 'thanks', 'partner']
Dokument 5706: ['agreements', 'cooperation', 'replace', 'conclusion', 'stronger', 'existing', 'association', 'possible', 'thanks', 'partner']
Dokument 5707: ['ties', 'legislation', 'agreements', 'create', 'strong', 'standards', 'basis', 'include', 'implementation', 'areas']
Dokument 5708: ['ties', 'legislation', 'agreements', 'create', 'strong', 'standards', 'basis', 'include', 'implementation', 'areas']
Dokument 5709: ['privileged', 'relations', 'position', 'provide', 'partner', 'union', 'countries', 'european']
Dokument 5710: ['commitments', 'signed', 'reaching', 'decide', 'agreements', 'far', 'partners', 'make', 'union', 'european']
Dokument 5711: ['commencement', 'precondition', 'subsequent', 'progress', 'rule', 'respect', 'strengthening', 'relations', 'law', 'democracy']
Dokument 5712: ['deep', 'comprehensive', 'free', 'areas', 'trade', 'dcftas', 'forging', 'relating', 'ties', 'closer']
Dokument 5713: ['commit', 'introducing', 'criteria', 'condition', 'principles', 'meet', 'relevant', 'free', 'partner', 'market']
Dokument 5714: ['economic', 'assumes', 'lasting', 'chances', 'prosperity', 'stronger', 'ties', 'increases', 'rapid', 'contribute']
Dokument 5715: ['effort', 'greatest', 'achievements', 'free', 'integration', 'economic', 'member', 'union', 'states', 'market']
Dokument 5716: ['standardised', 'abolished', 'simplified', 'controls', 'procedures', 'customs', 'regulations']
Dokument 5717: ['freely', 'money', 'goods', 'like', 'services', 'state', 'people']
Dokument 5718: ['billions', 'generate', 'hundreds', 'euros', 'helped', 'income', 'jobs', 'create', 'additional', 'data']
Dokument 5719: ['unlimited', 'selling', '500', 'access', 'consumers', 'companies', 'million', 'market', 'eu']
Dokument 5720: ['barriers', 'abolition', 'compete', 'opening', 'markets', 'enterprises', 'result', 'trade', 'national']
Dokument 5721: ['choice', 'greater', 'means', 'prices', 'lower', 'consumers']
Dokument 5722: ['ensured', 'constant', 'enjoy', 'deep', 'economies', 'comprehensive', 'rapid', 'western', 'possibility', 'agreements']
Dokument 5723: ['influx', 'conducting', 'processes', 'fully', 'modernisation', 'technology', 'necessary', 'benefit', 'modern', 'access']
Dokument 5724: ['alignment', 'regulations', 'agreements', 'standards', 'cover', 'goods', 'services', 'partner', 'trade', 'countries']
Dokument 5725: ['obvious', 'reasons', 'subject', 'conditions', 'integration', 'number', 'economic']
Dokument 5726: ['wto', 'organisation', 'membership', 'world', 'trade']
Dokument 5727: ['mobility', 'security']
Dokument 5728: ['liberalisation', 'bilateral', 'wish', 'priority', 'rapidly', 'enhance', 'visa', 'area', 'partner', 'cooperation']
Dokument 5729: ['visa', 'facilitated', 'issuance', 'countries', 'abolition', 'procedures', 'count', 'introduce', 'fees', 'legislation']
Dokument 5730: ['partner', 'nonetheless', 'facilitate', 'countries', 'introduce', 'borders', 'stability', 'necessary', 'security', 'reforms']
Dokument 5731: ['illegal', 'establishment', 'covering', 'integrated', 'fight', 'border', 'management', 'includes', 'systems', 'migration']
Dokument 5732: ['establishment', 'procedures', 'borders', 'includes', 'control', 'aid', 'high', 'quality', 'eu']
Dokument 5733: ['computerisation', 'documents', 'sufficient', 'appropriate', 'achieve', 'adequate', 'degree', 'needed', 'border', 'infrastructure']
Dokument 5734: ['police', 'crime', 'justice', 'corruption', 'countries', 'effectiveness', 'fight', 'borders', 'organised', 'systems']
Dokument 5735: ['immigrants', 'readmission', 'illegal', 'conclude', 'finally', 'allow', 'agreements', 'necessary']
Dokument 5736: ['security', 'energy']
Dokument 5737: ['tasks', 'reform', 'energy', 'main', 'sector', 'partnership', 'eastern', 'support']
Dokument 5738: ['deepening', 'field', 'security', 'energy', 'help', 'increase', 'partner', 'cooperation', 'union', 'countries']
Dokument 5739: ['solve', 'largely', 'depends', 'neighbours', 'problems', 'energy', 'future', 'eastern']
Dokument 5740: ['obsolete', 'dependent', 'imported', 'knowledge', 'materials', 'infrastructure', 'raw', 'common']
Dokument 5741: ['consumption', 'unclear', 'foster', 'corruption', 'belarus', 'gas', 'capita', 'power', 'functioning', 'ukraine']
Dokument 5742: ['severely', 'economies', 'efficiency', 'competitiveness', 'factors', 'turn', 'reduce', 'countries']
Dokument 5743: ['gains', 'integrate', 'significance', 'ability', 'energy', 'fact', 'given', 'markets', 'partnership', 'eastern']
Dokument 5744: ['harmonisation', 'collaboration', 'contracts', 'enter', 'transit', 'legislation', 'strengthen', 'supply', 'infrastructure', 'term']
Dokument 5745: ['energy', 'emphasis', 'renewable', 'efficiency', 'sources', 'initiatives', 'increasing', 'partnership', 'eastern']
Dokument 5746: ['dependence', 'imported', 'materials', 'reduce', 'raw', 'help', 'partner', 'countries']
Dokument 5747: ['saved', 'deepening', 'aimed', 'money', 'investments', 'used', 'development']
Dokument 5748: ['supporting', 'social', 'economic', 'development']
Dokument 5749: ['capita', 'income', 'times', 'lower', 'average', 'partnership', 'eastern', 'countries', 'eu']
Dokument 5750: ['differences', 'supporting', 'reduce', 'help', 'economic', 'union', 'development', 'european']
Dokument 5751: ['partner', 'disparities', 'countries', 'reduce', 'regions', 'help', 'projects', 'partnership', 'eastern', 'development']
Dokument 5752: ['poorest', 'richest', 'capita', 'issue', 'gdp', 'times', 'key', 'country', 'higher']
Dokument 5753: ['hinders', 'territorial', 'extremely', 'lack', 'compensate', 'differences', 'cohesion', 'social', 'important', 'cooperation']
Dokument 5754: ['domain', 'huge', 'experience', 'union', 'european']
Dokument 5755: ['development', 'deprived', 'helps', 'degree', 'infrastructure', 'resources', 'regions', 'covered', 'cohesion', 'human']
Dokument 5756: ['mechanisms', 'experience', 'make', 'use', 'social', 'partner', 'policy', 'economic', 'union', 'countries']
Dokument 5757: ['modelled', 'pilot', 'focus', 'supporting', 'infrastructure', 'cohesion', 'human', 'medium', 'programmes', 'implemented']
Dokument 5758: ['modelled', 'pilot', 'focus', 'supporting', 'infrastructure', 'cohesion', 'human', 'medium', 'programmes', 'implemented']
Dokument 5759: ['plays', 'governments', 'opportunities', 'role', 'key', 'offered', 'effective', 'regional', 'local', 'use']
Dokument 5760: ['untapped', 'represents', 'cities', 'east', 'regions', 'previous', 'partners', 'experience', 'potential', 'great']
Dokument 5761: ['accelerating', 'socio', 'efficient', 'administration', 'play', 'transformation', 'creating', 'governments', 'strengthening', 'democracy']
Dokument 5762: ['border', 'eastern', 'unwavering', 'friendliness', 'attention', 'view', 'east', 'country', 'union', 'european']
Dokument 5763: ['closer', 'eastern', 'faraway', 'deeper', 'consistently', 'favour', 'bring', 'relations', 'developing', 'neighbours']
Dokument 5764: ['diplomatic', 'corps', 'bronisław', 'komorowski', 'annual', 'january', '21', 'republic', 'warsaw', 'president']
Dokument 5765: ['existed', 'multilateral', 'deepening', 'ties', 'date', 'neighbours', 'form', 'partner', 'policy', 'cooperation']
Dokument 5766: ['pace', 'dependent', 'scope', 'mentioned', 'individual', 'reforms', 'partner', 'countries']
Dokument 5767: ['mobilizing', 'forums', 'effect', 'initiatives', 'participation', 'joint', 'additional', 'programmes', 'cooperation']
Dokument 5768: ['awakens', 'speeds', 'spirit', 'action', 'joint', 'reforms', 'competition']
Dokument 5769: ['fare', 'observe', 'countries', 'possibilities', 'advantage', 'taking', 'decided', 'neighbours', 'offered', 'changes']
Dokument 5770: ['pragmatic', 'dimension', 'primarily', 'actions', 'joint']
Dokument 5771: ['mistakes', 'exchanges', 'avoiding', 'learn', 'experiences', 'meetings']
Dokument 5772: ['standards', 'fastest', 'adaptation', 'deepen', 'bilateral', 'goal', 'achieve', 'ties', 'easier', 'efficient']
Dokument 5773: ['regular', 'efficient', 'meetings', 'necessary', 'highest', 'ensure', 'level', 'cooperation']
Dokument 5774: ['heads', 'governments', 'meet', 'leaders', 'meetings', 'held', 'ministers', 'foreign', 'partner', 'years']
Dokument 5775: ['foreign', 'policy', 'dialogues', 'commissioner', 'informal', 'representative', 'affairs', 'neighbourhood', 'enlargement', 'security']
Dokument 5776: ['commissioners', 'dialogue', 'meetings', 'relevant', 'set', 'cover', 'ministers', 'specific', 'sector', 'partner']
Dokument 5777: ['convergence', 'governance', 'multilateral', 'thematic', 'dimension', 'scope', 'policies', 'platforms', 'contacts', 'stability']
Dokument 5778: ['coordinating', 'discussing', 'planning', 'concept', 'consists', 'platforms', 'operation', 'actions']
Dokument 5779: ['senior', 'ministries', 'spheres', 'twice', 'thematic', 'bringing', 'officials', 'prague', 'platforms', 'accordance']
Dokument 5780: ['realistic', 'assesses', 'appropriate', 'ongoing', 'progress', 'priorities', 'platform', 'action', 'set', 'adopted']
Dokument 5781: ['asylum', 'judiciary', 'panels', 'dcfta', 'sme', 'thematic', 'corruption', 'regulatory', 'integrated', 'expert']
Dokument 5782: ['dealt', 'analyse', 'matters', 'recommendations', 'review', 'platforms', 'respect', 'proposals', 'action', 'develop']
Dokument 5783: ['complementary', 'panels', 'trainings', 'workshops', 'seminars', 'multilateral', 'thematic', 'forms', 'platforms', 'expert']
Dokument 5784: ['energy', 'management', 'effects', 'combat', 'man', 'internationally', 'disasters', 'tangible', 'sme', 'renewable']
Dokument 5785: ['flagship', 'dynamic', 'initiatives', 'key', 'basis', 'provide', 'implementation', 'growth', 'areas', 'projects']
Dokument 5786: ['smooth', 'puts', 'effort', 'lot', 'initiatives', 'implementation', 'union', 'european']
Dokument 5787: ['stability', 'democracy', 'justice', 'governance', 'priority', 'freedom', 'platform', 'internal', 'issues', 'rights']
Dokument 5788: ['judiciary', 'fighting', 'corruption', 'improving', 'administration', 'focus', 'decided', 'functioning', 'reform', 'public']
Dokument 5789: ['accountability', 'responsibilities', 'freedoms', 'commitment', 'mutual', 'shared', 'fundamental', 'rule', 'respect', 'principles']
Dokument 5790: ['hand', 'acknowledgement', 'progressing', 'aspirations', 'commitment', 'leave', 'goes', 'doubt', 'choice', 'deep']
Dokument 5791: ['catherine', 'ashton', 'strasbourg', 'statement', 'advance', 'representative', 'affairs', 'september', 'summit', '27']
Dokument 5792: ['advancement', 'structures', 'countries', 'stages', 'democratic', 'stable', 'problems', 'creation', 'associated', 'reforms']
Dokument 5793: ['enforced', 'construction', 'shows', 'effectively', 'experience', 'citizens', 'institutions', 'member', 'states', 'eu']
Dokument 5794: ['failures', 'administration', 'functioning', 'state']
Dokument 5795: ['independent', 'media', 'needed', 'effectively', 'control', 'authorities']
Dokument 5796: ['critically', 'fulfilment', 'elections', 'promises', 'review', 'democratic', 'respect', 'necessary', 'authorities']
Dokument 5797: ['oversight', 'wants', 'create', 'civil', 'society', 'conditions', 'services', 'institutions', 'public', 'increase']
Dokument 5798: ['judicial', 'reforming', 'count', 'systems', 'help', 'partner', 'countries']
Dokument 5799: ['streamline', 'independence', 'operation', 'strengthen', 'influence', 'aim', 'political']
Dokument 5800: ['paralyses', 'deters', 'hampers', 'attaches', 'investors', 'smooth', 'corruption', 'considerable', 'introduction', 'fight']
Dokument 5801: ['corruption', 'offices', 'ministries', 'anti', 'followed', 'strategies', 'fight', 'preparation', 'receive', 'assistance']
Dokument 5802: ['specialised', 'anti', 'governmental', 'corruption', 'organisations', 'non', 'implemented', 'programme']
Dokument 5803: ['engaged', 'played', 'platform', 'role', 'council', 'work', 'europe', 'important', 'cooperation']
Dokument 5804: ['integrated', 'flagship', 'introduction', 'platform', 'border', 'management', 'includes', 'initiative', 'programme']
Dokument 5805: ['facilitating', 'procedures', 'enhance', 'movement', 'border', 'infrastructure', 'passengers', 'security', 'aims', 'similar']
Dokument 5806: ['absolutely', 'introduction', 'visa', 'border', 'management', 'systems', 'covered', 'standards', 'necessary', 'free']
Dokument 5807: ['introduction', 'conditioned', 'border', 'agreement', 'management', 'standards', 'free', 'trade', 'european']
Dokument 5808: ['man', 'disasters', 'flagship', 'fight', 'establish', 'linked', 'platform', 'effects', 'initiative', 'natural']
Dokument 5809: ['stimulation', 'economic', 'approximation', 'convergence', 'macroeconomic', 'socio', 'policies', 'legislation', 'priorities', 'environmental']
Dokument 5810: ['smes', 'panels', 'harmonisation', 'focused', 'specifically', 'regulatory', 'mind', 'expert', 'primarily', 'environmental']
Dokument 5811: ['inception', 'formation', 'central', 'integration', 'economic', 'union', 'european']
Dokument 5812: ['viable', 'binds', 'conflicts', 'disputes', 'prosperity', 'simply', 'extent', 'provides', 'individual', 'similar']
Dokument 5813: ['conclude', 'eventually', 'agreements', 'aims', 'free', 'areas', 'partner', 'trade', 'countries', 'eu']
Dokument 5814: ['introduce', 'encouraged', 'standards', 'investment', 'trade', 'countries', 'eu']
Dokument 5815: ['partner', 'boosts', 'encourages', 'enterprise', 'countries', 'invest', 'helps', 'private', 'operators', 'functioning']
Dokument 5816: ['development', 'driving', 'entrepreneurship', 'supports', 'strongly', 'private', 'force', 'chance', 'initiatives', 'partner']
Dokument 5817: ['sme', 'enabling', 'flagship', 'facility', 'initiatives', 'medium', 'enterprises', 'small', 'programme', 'development']
Dokument 5818: ['derive', 'minimum', 'wants', 'external', 'sure', 'negative', 'maximum', 'competition', 'benefits', 'experience']
Dokument 5819: ['economies', 'offers', 'competitiveness', 'improve', 'businesses', 'programmes', 'partner', 'countries']
Dokument 5820: ['combating', 'multilateral', 'eap', 'dimension', 'helps', 'environmental', 'strengthen', 'climate', 'actions', 'joint']
Dokument 5821: ['field', 'developed', 'transport', 'cooperation']
Dokument 5822: ['smooth', 'welfare', 'raising', 'residents', 'functioning', 'necessary', 'free', 'market']
Dokument 5823: ['physically', 'psychological', 'symbolic', 'finally', 'feel', 'integrated', 'european', 'importance', 'able', 'thanks']
Dokument 5824: ['security', 'energy']
Dokument 5825: ['energy', 'approximation', 'diversification', 'harmonisation', 'renewable', 'regulatory', 'policies', 'priorities', 'efficiency', 'sources']
Dokument 5826: ['resource', 'route', 'situated', 'asia', 'transit', 'strategic', 'russia', 'central', 'energy', 'partnership']
Dokument 5827: ['energy', 'obsolete', 'dependent', 'intensive', 'imported', 'face', 'materials', 'problems', 'infrastructure', 'similar']
Dokument 5828: ['energy', 'interconnections', 'provision', 'mutual', 'enable', 'network', 'strengthening', 'assistance', 'event', 'able']
Dokument 5829: ['diversification', 'enhancing', 'efficiency', 'requires', 'supply', 'materials', 'security', 'raw', 'energy', 'use']
Dokument 5830: ['energy', 'resource', 'diversification', 'puts', 'emphasis', 'renewable', 'supplies', 'efficiency', 'use', 'increased']
Dokument 5831: ['requires', 'technology', 'benefit', 'significant', 'investments', 'financial', 'partner', 'union', 'support', 'countries']
Dokument 5832: ['lowering', 'multilateral', 'implement', 'joint', 'costs', 'investments', 'possible', 'regional', 'level', 'cooperation']
Dokument 5833: ['build', 'close', 'strong', 'term', 'energy', 'long', 'sector', 'europe', 'cooperation', 'eastern']
Dokument 5834: ['mutually', 'diverse', 'supplies', 'transit', 'beneficial', 'stable', 'create', 'provide', 'energy', 'opportunity']
Dokument 5835: ['seamless', 'infrastructure', 'course', 'modern', 'does', 'guarantee', 'cooperation']
Dokument 5836: ['harmonise', 'legislation', 'necessary']
Dokument 5837: ['energy', 'accelerating', 'electricity', 'harmonisation', 'works', 'gas', 'practice', 'renewable', 'legislation', 'efficiency']
Dokument 5838: ['people', 'contacts']
Dokument 5839: ['fullest', 'intercultural', 'focuses', 'exchanges', 'boosting', 'regard', 'addressed', 'dialogue', 'platform', 'issues']
Dokument 5840: ['depends', 'extent', 'success', 'participation', 'reforms', 'active', 'large', 'citizens']
Dokument 5841: ['overcoming', 'stereotypes', 'getting', 'societies', 'lead', 'contacts', 'exchange', 'joint', 'know', 'experience']
Dokument 5842: ['societies', 'quickly', 'learn', 'act', 'effectively', 'benefit', 'result', 'country', 'people']
Dokument 5843: ['intends', 'inhabitants', 'closer', 'bring', 'partner', 'partnership', 'eastern', 'member', 'states', 'countries']
Dokument 5844: ['intercultural', 'ties', 'closer', 'dialogue', 'establish', 'building', 'civil', 'cultural', 'society', 'help']
Dokument 5845: ['relationships', 'emotions', 'prejudices', 'ordinary', 'determine', 'neighbours', 'experience', 'country', 'people']
Dokument 5846: ['mentality', 'sensitivity', 'thinking', 'distant', 'understand', 'inhabitants', 'ways', 'learn', 'know', 'regions']
Dokument 5847: ['resolution', 'tolerance', 'alleviate', 'conflicts', 'emerging', 'identity', 'losing', 'leads', 'mutual', 'easier']
Dokument 5848: ['reality', 'appeared', 'true', 'concerns', 'turn', 'did', 'member', 'states', 'eu']
Dokument 5849: ['heavily', 'investing', 'contrary', 'heritage', 'traditions', 'culture', 'promoting', 'member', 'union', 'states']
Dokument 5850: ['case', 'partner', 'countries']
Dokument 5851: ['reason', 'created', 'culture', 'partnership', 'programme', 'eastern', 'commission', 'european']
Dokument 5852: ['objective', 'strengthen', 'cultural', 'main', 'sectors', 'institutions', 'partner', 'countries']
Dokument 5853: ['cultural', 'formulation', 'facilitating', 'intended', 'reform', 'programmes', 'implemented', 'conditions', 'help', 'institutions']
Dokument 5854: ['wealth', 'ultimately', 'cultural', 'access', 'provide', 'citizens', 'partnership', 'programme', 'eastern', 'member']
Dokument 5855: ['projects', 'cultural', 'conserving', 'consortiums', 'transnational', 'minorities', 'monuments', 'artists', 'restoring', 'youth']
Dokument 5856: ['cultural', 'assistance', 'reforming', 'count', 'civil', 'organisations', 'society', 'government', 'financial', 'level']
Dokument 5857: ['audience', 'widest', 'strengthened', 'appropriate', 'residents', 'reach', 'create', 'cultural', 'offer', 'able']
Dokument 5858: ['disabled', 'minorities', 'eliminate', 'barriers', 'elderly', 'helps', 'developing', 'initiatives', 'cultural', 'society']
Dokument 5859: ['tear', 'barriers', 'west', 'attractive', 'outside', 'promote', 'cultural', 'necessary', 'projects', 'world']
Dokument 5860: ['euros', 'ambitious', 'allocated', '12', 'total', 'programme', 'million']
Dokument 5861: ['unit', 'rmcb', 'specially', 'kiev', 'monitored', 'seat', 'capacity', 'monitoring', 'building', 'created']
Dokument 5862: ['seminars', 'organizing', 'round', 'workshops', 'begin', 'tables', 'near', 'future']
Dokument 5863: ['begun', 'unit', 'analysis', 'cultural', 'industry', 'work', 'partnership', 'state', 'eastern', 'countries']
Dokument 5864: ['2nd', 'totalling', 'euros', 'mid', 'stage', 'selected', 'financing', 'receive', 'implementation', '15']
Dokument 5865: ['covering', '2015', 'implemented', 'projects', 'partnership', '2012', 'eastern', 'countries']
Dokument 5866: ['worked', 'enhancing', 'possibilities', 'supports', 'residents', 'contacts', 'offered', 'using', 'programmes', 'popular']
Dokument 5867: ['editions', 'eap', 'devoted', 'action', 'culture', 'partners', '2010', 'special', '2009', '2007']
Dokument 5868: ['twinning', 'schools', 'developed', 'universities', 'cooperation']
Dokument 5869: ['students', 'education', 'higher', 'programme', 'mundus', 'tempus', 'broaden', 'facilitates', 'intercultural', 'boost']
Dokument 5870: ['youth', 'planned', 'launched', 'partnership', 'programme', 'eastern']
Dokument 5871: ['semester', 'popularising', 'boosting', 'mobility', 'effort', 'devoted', 'aimed', 'presidency', 'second', 'council']
Dokument 5872: ['youth', 'sport', 'initiated', 'shape', 'generation', 'debate', 'culture', 'field', 'programmes', 'education']
Dokument 5873: ['creative', 'forward', 'published', 'report', 'proposals', 'november', 'possibility', 'erasmus', 'partners', 'cover']
Dokument 5874: ['boosting', 'space', 'view', 'knowledge', 'creation', 'innovation', 'field', 'common', 'education', 'cooperation']
Dokument 5875: ['commencing', 'phd', 'scholarship', 'sciences', 'june', 'established', 'poland', 'studies', 'human', 'citizens']
Dokument 5876: ['socio', 'raising', 'goal', 'vocational', 'skills', 'citizens', 'level', 'partner', 'education', 'programme']
Dokument 5877: ['eventually', '120', 'cover', 'programme', 'people']
Dokument 5878: ['expression', 'parliaments', 'practices', 'goal', 'freedom', 'build', 'trust', 'enable', 'dialogue', 'respect']
Dokument 5879: ['jacek', 'wolski', 'saryusz', 'mep', 'polish']
Dokument 5880: ['smooth', 'consistently', 'successful', 'levels', 'ensuring', 'ambitious', 'functioning', 'reforms', 'cover', 'government']
Dokument 5881: ['parliaments', 'government', 'example', 'place', 'level', 'cooperation']
Dokument 5882: ['parliamentary', 'partnership', 'eastern', 'assembly', 'euronest', 'inaugurated', 'parliaments', 'dimension', 'dialogue', 'established']
Dokument 5883: ['parliamentary', 'partnership', 'eastern', 'assembly', 'euronest', 'inaugurated', 'parliaments', 'dimension', 'dialogue', 'established']
Dokument 5884: ['facilitated', 'ngos', 'implementation', 'partnership', 'cooperation', 'eastern', 'union', 'european']
Dokument 5885: ['enforcing', 'governmental', 'policies', 'play', 'civil', 'increasing', 'control', 'organisations', 'non', 'reforms']
Dokument 5886: ['civil', 'society', 'countries', 'partner', 'partnership', 'eastern', 'union', 'brings', 'serves', 'governmental']
Dokument 5887: ['brussels', 'december', 'forum', 'held', '2009', 'meeting']
Dokument 5888: ['ngos', 'attended', '200', 'representatives']
Dokument 5889: ['steering', 'coordinates', 'appointed', 'committee', 'organisations', 'activities', 'partner', 'union', 'countries', 'european']
Dokument 5890: ['november', 'poznan', 'bringing', 'ngos', 'berlin', '300', 'close', 'took', 'forum', 'representatives']
Dokument 5891: ['motto', 'democratic', 'reforms', 'meeting', 'integration', 'partnership', 'european']
Dokument 5892: ['dimensions', 'fastest', 'status', 'committee', 'supported', 'gained', 'growing', 'initiative', 'social', 'partnership']
Dokument 5893: ['drafted', 'assess', 'institution', 'offers', 'legislation', 'governments', 'committee', 'interested', 'regions', 'representatives']
Dokument 5894: ['topeople', 'committee', 'primarily', 'relations', 'democracy', 'partnership', 'eastern', 'people', 'development', 'support']
Dokument 5895: ['enforcing', 'thirds', 'clear', 'governments', 'makes', 'regulations', 'responsible', 'local', 'eu']
Dokument 5896: ['strategic', 'initiatives', 'long', 'partnership', 'important', 'eastern', 'union', 'european']
Dokument 5897: ['revealed', 'oversee', 'fulfil', 'functions', 'involvement', 'introduce', 'true', 'civil', 'society', 'potential']
Dokument 5898: ['carl', 'bildt', 'swedish', 'brussels', 'november', 'civil', 'forum', '16', 'society', '2009']
Dokument 5899: ['ngos', 'strategy', 'determine', 'going', 'met', 'east', 'committee', 'levels', 'june', 'organised']
Dokument 5900: ['ngos', 'strategy', 'determine', 'going', 'met', 'east', 'committee', 'levels', 'june', 'organised']
Dokument 5901: ['corleap', 'poznan', 'initiated', 'conference', 'september', 'held', 'authorities', 'meeting', 'regional', 'local']
Dokument 5902: ['local', 'counterparts', 'permanent', 'conference', 'serve', 'governments', 'platform', 'regional', 'partnership', 'cooperation']
Dokument 5903: ['eap', 'community', 'open', 'business', 'framework', 'cooperation']
Dokument 5904: ['attended', 'governments', 'entrepreneurs', 'leaders', 'forum', 'representatives', 'business', 'institutions', 'partner', 'countries']
Dokument 5905: ['sopot', 'september', 'organized', 'forum', 'business', '2011', 'partnership', 'time', 'eastern']
Dokument 5906: ['discuss', 'occasion', 'establish', 'contacts', 'experiences', 'exchange', 'joint', 'potential', 'investments', 'business']
Dokument 5907: ['questionedboth', 'played', 'role', 'business', 'today', 'partner', 'world', 'partnership', 'eastern', 'member']
Dokument 5908: ['dialogue', 'challenges', 'light', 'entrepreneurs', 'facing', 'today', 'economy', 'europe', 'important']
Dokument 5909: ['involvement', 'politicians', 'assistance', 'community', 'business', 'need']
Dokument 5910: ['hurdles', 'overcome', 'build', 'jobs', 'create', 'know', 'order', 'better', 'growth']
Dokument 5911: ['herman', 'rompuy', 'van', 'sopot', 'september', 'forum', '30', 'president', 'business', 'council']
Dokument 5912: ['farther', 'faster', 'want']
Dokument 5913: ['honestly', 'surprised', 'achieved', 'short', 'know', 'time']
Dokument 5914: ['štefan', 'fu', 'le', 'sopot', 'commissioner', 'informal', 'neighbourhood', 'enlargement', '24', '2010']
Dokument 5915: ['reality', 'rapidly', 'dynamic', 'partnership', 'eastern', 'development']
Dokument 5916: ['dozens', 'multilateral', 'bilateral', 'deepening', 'flagship', 'launched', 'carried', 'initiatives', 'implementation', 'projects']
Dokument 5917: ['liberalisation', 'issue', 'visa', 'key', 'process', 'partnership', 'eastern', 'development']
Dokument 5918: ['tangible', 'benefit', 'effects', 'citizens', 'partner', 'countries']
Dokument 5919: ['readmission', 'facilitation', 'advanced', 'concluded', 'moldova', 'stage', 'visa', 'agreements', 'ukraine', 'cooperation']
Dokument 5920: ['liberalisation', 'carrying', 'phase', 'plans', 'lead', 'visa', 'beginning', 'action', 'implementation', '2011']
Dokument 5921: ['footsteps', 'moldova', 'georgia', 'ukraine', 'following']
Dokument 5922: ['visa', 'readmission', 'facilitation', 'opened', 'dialogue', 'georgia', 'entered', 'force', 'june', 'agreements']
Dokument 5923: ['liberalization', 'consequently', 'plan', 'soon', 'georgia', 'visa', 'action', 'receive']
Dokument 5924: ['facilitation', 'azerbaijan', 'armenia', 'began', 'visa', 'early', 'agreements', 'negotiations', '2012']
Dokument 5925: ['belarus', 'offer', 'reply', 'enter', 'forward', 'similar', 'negotiations', 'union', 'european']
Dokument 5926: ['border', 'ibm', 'streamline', 'additionally', 'travelling', 'integrated', 'facilities', 'introduction', 'training', 'building']
Dokument 5927: ['agreements', 'simultaneously', 'dcfta', 'conclude', 'undertaken', 'intensive', 'deep', 'comprehensive', 'efforts', 'association']
Dokument 5928: ['negotiations', 'initialled', 'negotiation', 'chapter', 'dcfta', 'finished', 'phase', 'progress', 'moldova', 'starting']
Dokument 5929: ['dcfta', 'armenia', 'began', 'negotiations', 'march', '2012']
Dokument 5930: ['economies', 'strengthen', 'taken', 'measures', 'partnership', 'eastern', 'countries']
Dokument 5931: ['establishing', 'sme', 'invest', 'improving', 'flagship', 'facility', 'east', 'contacts', 'network', 'launched']
Dokument 5932: ['ebi', 'sme', 'facility', 'element', 'instrument', 'bank', 'participation', 'implemented', 'initiative', 'investment']
Dokument 5933: ['eib', 'lines', 'opened', 'moldova', 'georgia', 'facility', 'credit']
Dokument 5934: ['prepared']
Dokument 5935: ['promising', 'energy', 'areas', 'sector', 'cooperation']
Dokument 5936: ['efficiency', 'launched', 'environmental', 'energy', 'initiative', 'protection', 'increase']
Dokument 5937: ['energy', 'covenant', 'carbon', 'dioxide', 'mayors', 'subscribed', 'intelligent', 'target', 'emissions', 'percent']
Dokument 5938: ['energy', 'covenant', 'carbon', 'dioxide', 'mayors', 'subscribed', 'intelligent', 'target', 'emissions', 'percent']
Dokument 5939: ['cities', 'joined', 'partnership', 'eastern', 'countries']
Dokument 5940: ['energy', 'modernise', 'efficiency', 'environment', 'ukraine', 'provided', 'implemented', 'opportunity', 'project', 'sector']
Dokument 5941: ['extended', 'partnership', 'time', 'eastern', 'countries']
Dokument 5942: ['eap', 'strongly', 'developing', 'cultural', 'cooperation', 'union', 'countries', 'european']
Dokument 5943: ['objective', 'strengthen', 'cultural', 'main', 'sectors', 'institutions', 'partner', 'countries']
Dokument 5944: ['ambitious', 'culture', 'implemented', '2011', 'partnership', 'programme', 'eastern']
Dokument 5945: ['cultural', 'formulation', 'grounds', 'intended', 'opportunities', 'reform', 'benefit', 'offered', 'programmes', 'implemented']
Dokument 5946: ['unit', 'programme', 'rmcb', 'kiev', 'seat', 'coordination', 'selection', 'capacity', 'monitoring', 'evaluation']
Dokument 5947: ['eeca', 'deals', 'salto', 'caucasus', 'resource', 'opened', 'centre', 'warsaw', 'central', 'young']
Dokument 5948: ['hopes', 'youth', 'play', 'functioning', 'centre', 'role', 'significant', 'partnership', 'programme', 'eastern']
Dokument 5949: ['eastern', 'orchestra', 'musicians', 'arts', 'performing', 'seat', 'lublin', 'series', 'organized', 'platform']
Dokument 5950: ['congress', 'lublin', 'culture', 'october', 'took', 'place', '2011', 'partnership', 'eastern']
Dokument 5951: ['mobility', 'editions', 'conferences', 'possibilities', 'dimension', 'annual', 'discussed', 'series', 'devoted', 'ways']
Dokument 5952: ['adequate', 'funding', 'implementation', 'possible', 'partnership', 'eastern']
Dokument 5953: ['partnership', 'implementations', 'enpi', 'euros', 'neighbourhood', 'european', 'instrument', 'allocated', '2010', 'total']
Dokument 5954: ['comprises', 'sum', 'multilateral', 'eap', 'bilateral', 'initiatives', 'individual', 'funding', 'programmes', 'total']
Dokument 5955: ['supporting', 'enpi', 'principal', 'systemic', 'countries', 'path', 'economies', 'sustainable', 'goals', 'transformation']
Dokument 5956: ['mechanisms', 'existing', 'takes', 'financing', 'project', 'different', 'place', 'financial', 'partnership', 'eastern']
Dokument 5957: ['rights', 'human', 'focuses', 'respect', 'enhance', 'instrument', 'democracy', 'civil', 'society', 'projects']
Dokument 5958: ['investment', 'sector', 'nif', 'serves', 'facility', 'private', 'neighbourhood', 'environmental', 'infrastructure', 'promote']
Dokument 5959: ['nif', 'earmarked', '700', 'euros', '2007', '2013', 'million', 'commission', 'european']
Dokument 5960: ['bank', 'reconstruction', 'european', 'greater', 'offered', 'particular', 'investment', 'institutions', 'projects', 'international']
Dokument 5961: ['ebi', 'euros', 'facility', 'bank', 'provides', 'partners', '2010', 'funding', 'investments', 'prepared']
Dokument 5962: ['entrepreneurs', 'bank', 'directly', 'apply', 'investment', 'funds', 'european']
Dokument 5963: ['feasibility', 'eaptatf', 'assessments', 'ebi', 'opinions', 'eap', 'capacities', 'planned', 'euros', 'expert']
Dokument 5964: ['eaptatf', 'euros', 'contributed', 'million', 'poland']
Dokument 5965: ['eed', 'endowment', 'affairs', 'democracy', 'december', 'established', 'council', 'foreign', '2011', 'european']
Dokument 5966: ['eed', 'democratic', 'purpose', 'change', 'support']
Dokument 5967: ['forwarding', 'mandate', 'eed', 'consist', 'endowment', 'foundations', 'ngos', 'organizations', 'primary', 'activity']
Dokument 5968: ['budgets', 'endowment', 'contributions', 'financed', 'democracy', 'national', 'european', 'eu']
Dokument 5969: ['civil', 'society', 'enp', 'ncsf', 'facility', 'neighbourhood', 'covered', 'used', 'support', 'countries']
Dokument 5970: ['pluralism', 'observations', 'ncsf', 'election', 'organizing', 'boosting', 'involvement', 'ngos', 'media', 'dialogue']
Dokument 5971: ['dimensions', 'ncsf', 'enpi', 'southern', 'euros', 'equal', 'amounts', 'allocated', '22', 'fund']
Dokument 5972: ['receive', 'non', 'funding', 'possible', 'eu']
Dokument 5973: ['corporations', 'organizations', 'entities', 'financed', 'eea', 'programmes', 'business', 'international', 'member', 'states']
Dokument 5974: ['visegrad', 'ivf', 'v4eap', 'activity', 'fund', 'example', 'international', 'partnership', 'programme', 'eastern']
Dokument 5975: ['bratislava', 'inauguration', 'prague', 'official', 'prime', 'decision', 'june', 'summit', 'v4', 'took']
Dokument 5976: ['transformation', 'democratization', 'v4eap', 'systemic', 'countries', 'priority', 'enables', 'experiences', 'v4', 'civil']
Dokument 5977: ['expresses', 'initiator', 'satisfaction', 'successful', 'project', 'great', 'partnership', 'eastern', 'poland']
Dokument 5978: ['prosperous', 'stable', 'united', 'europe', 'programme']
Dokument 5979: ['27', 'partner', 'member', 'states', 'countries']
Dokument 5980: ['initiator', 'consistently', 'strongly', 'want', 'involved', 'development']
Dokument 5981: ['tusk', 'donald', 'september', 'prime', 'summit', '30', 'warsaw', '2011', 'minister', 'partnership']
Dokument 5982: ['nato', '1989', 'successes', 'friendly', 'build', 'trust', 'transformation', 'relations', 'stable', 'neighbours']
Dokument 5983: ['people', 'sought', 'facilitate', 'contacts', 'strengthen', 'cooperation', 'economic', 'poland']
Dokument 5984: ['endeavoured', 'continent', 'division', 'lines', 'appear', 'enlargement', 'leading', 'ensure', 'period', 'accession']
Dokument 5985: ['geremek', 'launching', '1998', 'bronisław', 'dimension', 'professor', 'creation', 'negotiations', 'called', 'foreign']
Dokument 5986: ['convention', 'lobbying', 'actively', 'consistently', 'participated', 'east', 'partners', 'future', 'europe', 'poland']
Dokument 5987: ['abolishing', 'concrete', 'fees', 'visa', 'ukraine', 'taken', 'citizens', 'measures']
Dokument 5988: ['kwasniewski', 'riga', 'aleksander', '2002', 'proposed', 'president', 'initiative', 'called']
Dokument 5989: ['crime', 'terrorism', 'broad', 'involving', 'transformation', 'fight', 'processes', 'supported', '17', 'regional']
Dokument 5990: ['enlarged', 'shape', 'proposals', 'relations', 'neighbours', 'partners', 'presented', 'ministry', '2003', 'foreign']
Dokument 5991: ['attempted', 'presidency', 'central', 'develop', 'initiative', 'common', 'use', 'policy', 'european', 'poland']
Dokument 5992: ['emphasizing', 'giving', 'dimension', 'aimed', 'strong', 'human', 'addition', 'political', 'integration', 'social']
Dokument 5993: ['individual', 'coherent', 'flexible', 'countries', 'proposed', 'relations', 'early', 'develop', 'ensure', 'policy']
Dokument 5994: ['cope', 'privileged', 'dividing', 'wall', 'feared', 'continent', 'enlargement', 'east', 'neighbours', 'problems']
Dokument 5995: ['nearest', 'cut', 'proved', 'neighbours', 'poland']
Dokument 5996: ['showing', 'contrary', 'effectively', 'promote', 'taken', 'changes', 'positive', 'use', 'measures', 'membership']
Dokument 5997: ['engaged', 'strongly', 'preparation', 'implementation', 'partnership', 'eastern', 'poland']
Dokument 5998: ['enrich', 'worked', 'societies', 'elements', 'additional', 'initiative', 'partner', 'new', 'support', 'countries']
Dokument 5999: ['madrid', 'seminar', 'january', 'organised', 'spain', '2010', 'presidency', 'authorities', 'international', 'partnership']
Dokument 6000: ['ideas', 'forward', 'modernisation', 'neighbours', 'additional', 'time', 'eastern', 'new', 'union', 'support']
Dokument 6001: ['group', 'coordination', 'establishment', 'friends', 'known', 'information', 'partnership', 'eastern']
Dokument 6002: ['foreign', 'convened', 'invitation', 'sopot', 'radosław', 'sikorski', 'informal', 'establishment', 'affairs', 'agreed']
Dokument 6003: ['canada', 'switzerland', 'coordination', 'informal', 'turkey', 'norway', 'japan', 'interested', 'russia', 'supporting']
Dokument 6004: ['donors', 'ready', 'act', 'provide', 'initiative', 'financial', 'support', 'countries', 'eu']
Dokument 6005: ['vicinity', 'ready', 'participate', 'stand', 'located', 'especially', 'projects', 'partnership', 'eastern', 'countries']
Dokument 6006: ['achievement', 'belonging', 'informed', 'objectives', 'kept', 'progress', 'group', 'partnership', 'eastern', 'countries']
Dokument 6007: ['ideas', 'participate', 'receive', 'able', 'share', 'information', 'projects']
Dokument 6008: ['allocates', 'goals', '2010', 'government', '100', 'implemented', 'implementation', 'share', 'large', 'different']
Dokument 6009: ['encouraging', 'commit', 'raising', 'win', 'continues', 'trying', 'stage', 'financing', 'promote', 'additional']
Dokument 6010: ['presidency', 'partnership', 'eastern', 'priority', 'polish', 'key', 'half', 'second', 'council', '2011']
Dokument 6011: ['process', 'benefited', 'experiences', 'want', 'partners', 'benefit', 'just', 'share', 'integration', 'best']
Dokument 6012: ['dictatorship', 'ruled', 'communist', 'stood', 'solidarity', 'movement', 'joined', 'rights', '10', 'poles']
Dokument 6013: ['holding', 'force', 'currently', 'united', 'presidency', 'today', 'member', 'union', 'european']
Dokument 6014: ['eastern', 'succeeded', 'addressing', 'radosław', 'sikorski', 'prosperity', 'gathered', '29', 'stronger', 'occasion']
Dokument 6015: ['cooperation', 'willingness', 'agencies', 'consistent', 'deepening', 'dimension', 'neighbourhood', 'strengthen', 'programmes', 'specific']
Dokument 6016: ['2nd', '29', 'september', 'summit', 'took', '30', 'warsaw', 'place', '2011', 'partnership']
Dokument 6017: ['attended', 'heads', '27', 'representatives', 'government', 'highest', 'institutions', 'partner', 'state', 'member']
Dokument 6018: ['opted', 'belarus', 'summit']
Dokument 6019: ['sends', 'implementations', 'message', 'deeper', 'favour', 'declaration', 'practical', 'joint', 'strong', 'partners']
Dokument 6020: ['declaration', 'summit', 'joint', 'adopted', 'warsaw']
Dokument 6021: ['common', 'partner', 'partnership', 'text', 'underscoring', 'reiterating', 'announcing', 'readiness', 'aspirations', 'confirm']
Dokument 6022: ['reaffirms', 'regime', 'deepen', 'declaration', 'establish', 'visa', 'efforts', 'free', 'based', 'sector']
Dokument 6023: ['terminating', 'announcement', 'specifies', 'dcftas', 'deep', 'moldova', 'comprehensive', 'declaration', 'georgia', 'agreement']
Dokument 6024: ['civil', 'society', 'acknowledgement', 'endowment', 'instruments', 'noted', 'strongly', 'expressed', 'supports', 'facility']
Dokument 6025: ['trainings', 'public', 'academy', 'officials', 'noted', 'addressed', 'administration', 'multiannual', 'summit', 'creation']
Dokument 6026: ['terminated', 'declarations', 'pursuant', 'dcftas', 'inaugurated', 'dcfta', 'covers', 'deep', 'moldova', 'comprehensive']
Dokument 6027: ['founding', 'sopot', 'conference', 'successful', 'efforts', 'took', 'set', 'forum', 'presidency', 'business']
Dokument 6028: ['3rd', 'hosted', 'furthermore', 'poznań', 'conference', 'organized', 'civil', 'forum', 'society', 'presidency']
Dokument 6029: ['euronest', 'assembly', 'parliamentary', 'formal', 'held', 'presidency', 'meeting', 'partnership', 'eastern', 'polish']
Dokument 6030: ['senior', 'sectoral', 'officials', 'deepening', 'series', 'view', 'experts', 'organized', 'meetings', 'ministers']
Dokument 6031: ['conference', 'ministers', 'education', 'trafficking', 'tariffs', 'directors', 'crimes', 'chiefs', 'drug', 'combating']
Dokument 6032: ['basing', 'currently', 'taken', 'presidency', 'working', 'specific', 'measures', 'sector', 'work', 'cooperation']
Dokument 6033: ['partnership', 'eastern', 'plots', 'roadmap', 'autumn', 'run', 'things', 'created', 'forum', 'implementation']
Dokument 6034: ['elimination', 'continent', 'divisions', 'war', 'post', 'lead', 'final', 'launched', 'activities', 'union']
Dokument 6035: ['belonged', 'soviet', 'ussr', 'collapse', 'ago', 'left', 'problems', '20', 'region', 'years']
Dokument 6036: ['strategically', 'accelerate', 'sufficient', 'count', 'enable', 'transformation', 'conduct', 'located', 'relevant', 'reforms']
Dokument 6037: ['square', 'million', 'inhabited', 'kilometres', '75', 'cover', 'partnership', 'eastern', 'people', 'countries']
Dokument 6038: ['represents', 'huge', 'potential']
Dokument 6039: ['closer', 'relations', 'chance', 'building', 'better', 'use', 'union', 'european']
Dokument 6040: ['flowing', 'apparent', 'deepening', 'potential', 'integration', 'partner', 'cooperation', 'countries']
Dokument 6041: ['deeper', 'partners', 'benefits', 'project', 'integration', 'partnership', 'eastern']
Dokument 6042: ['powerful', 'players', 'count', 'political', 'world', 'union', 'support', 'countries', 'european']
Dokument 6043: ['operate', 'entry', 'lisbon', 'stage', 'force', 'effectively', 'treaty', 'international', 'eu']
Dokument 6044: ['substantial', 'ongoing', 'reforms', 'offered', 'political', 'partnership', 'eastern', 'economic', 'support', 'countries']
Dokument 6045: ['perform', 'authority', 'structures', 'transparent', 'introduction', 'life', 'standards', 'benefit', 'make', 'better']
Dokument 6046: ['peoples', 'raise', 'standard', 'living', 'reforms', 'make', 'possible', 'economic']
Dokument 6047: ['economy', 'plunged', 'span', 'gone', 'decades', 'command', 'quick', 'demonstrated', 'pace', 'path']
Dokument 6048: ['broke', 'homework', 'saw', 'proved', '2009', 'did', 'growth', 'positive', 'crisis', 'financial']
Dokument 6049: ['switzerland', 'path', 'norway', 'enjoy', 'status', 'follow', 'chance', 'neighbours', 'similar', 'future']
Dokument 6050: ['vision', 'showed', 'attractive', 'dynamic', 'partnership', 'eastern', 'development', 'countries']
Dokument 6051: ['tangible', 'dozens', 'soon', 'produce', 'start', 'implemented', 'results', 'projects', 'partner', 'countries']
Dokument 6052: ['stimulating', 'societies', 'closer', 'exchange', 'relations', 'civil', 'activity', 'cultural', 'society', 'result']
Dokument 6053: ['enable', 'common', 'partnership', 'eastern', 'people', 'union', 'countries', 'european']
Dokument 6054: ['stereotypes', 'overcome', 'negative', 'help']
Dokument 6055: ['corners', 'bolstering', 'miles', 'convince', 'distant', 'away', 'thousands', 'play', 'distance', 'contacts']
Dokument 6056: ['dreams', 'fringes', 'aspirations', 'located', 'citizens', 'europe', 'eastern', 'countries']
Dokument 6057: ['visa', 'regime', 'liberalisation', 'eventually', 'consistently', 'reason', 'lead', 'introduction', 'developed', 'free']
Dokument 6058: ['incentive', 'continue', 'reforms', 'citizens', 'partner', 'countries']
Dokument 6059: ['tangible', 'proof', 'produce', 'benefits']
Dokument 6060: ['commit', 'essential', 'fully', 'reforms', 'implementation', 'partnership', 'eastern', 'union', 'countries', 'european']
Dokument 6061: ['materialise', 'wane', 'wait', 'easily', 'efforts', 'political']
Dokument 6062: ['undergone', 'systemic', 'require', 'transformation', 'produce', 'know', 'reforms', 'special', 'effects', 'time']
Dokument 6063: ['tough', 'leap', 'institutional', 'real', 'change', 'economic', 'development']
Dokument 6064: ['wane', 'commitment', 'efforts', 'does', 'ensure', 'use', 'best', 'partner', 'union', 'countries']
Dokument 6065: ['attractive', 'encourage', 'modernisation', 'continue', 'march', 'projects', 'countries']
Dokument 6066: ['alternative', 'road', 'difficult', 'long']
Dokument 6067: ['proximity', 'doubt', 'close', 'direct', 'impact', 'europe', 'eastern', 'member', 'states', 'countries']
Dokument 6068: ['erupting', 'uncontrolled', 'crises', 'affect', 'lack', 'outcome', 'lead', 'reforms', 'migration', 'social']
Dokument 6069: ['democratisation', 'creates', 'stability', 'interested', 'possibility', 'modernisation', 'supporting', 'greater', 'partners', 'region']
Dokument 6070: ['perspectives', 'setting', 'involvement', 'depend', 'remember', 'progress', 'democratic', 'rule', 'primarily', 'law']
Dokument 6071: ['prejudge', 'shape', 'final', 'relations', 'covered', 'does', 'policy', 'partnership', 'eastern', 'union']
Dokument 6072: ['membership', 'promise', 'exclude', 'fulfil', 'apply', 'necessary', 'does', 'able', 'future', 'conditions']
Dokument 6073: ['asked', 'laureates', 'nobel', 'prize', 'recipe', 'success', 'scientists', 'young']
Dokument 6074: ['talked', 'mysteries', 'solving', 'spectacular', 'failure', 'chemistry', 'discovery', 'physics', 'step', 'laureates']
Dokument 6075: ['wisdom', 'masters', 'enthusiasm', 'mature', 'greatest', 'ambitious', 'special', 'event', 'meeting', 'today']
Dokument 6076: ['generations', 'barbara', 'mature', 'kudrycka', 'dialogue', 'said', 'opportunity', 'needs', 'unique', 'young']
Dokument 6077: ['peer', 'ideas', 'kudrycka', 'inspiration', 'run', 'interesting', 'stressed', 'debate', 'encourage', 'basis']
Dokument 6078: ['protests', 'democratic', 'generation', 'transformation', 'hard', 'led', 'period', 'work', 'poland']
Dokument 6079: ['country', 'arena', 'educated', 'generation', 'appreciated', 'competitive', 'ambitious', 'turn', 'global', 'today']
Dokument 6080: ['proud', 'came', 'added', 'warsaw', 'minister', 'science', 'people']
Dokument 6081: ['follows', 'prize', 'team', 'usually', 'success', 'activity', 'researchers', 'result', 'international', 'programme']
Dokument 6082: ['remember', 'open', 'need', 'cooperation']
Dokument 6083: ['rarely', 'reached', 'success']
Dokument 6084: ['stressing', 'theodor', 'hänsch', 'nobel', 'prize', 'expressed', 'professor', 'opinion', 'similar', 'end']
Dokument 6085: ['exciting', 'thing', 'discovery']
Dokument 6086: ['passion', 'subjects', 'stated', 'explore', 'moment', 'really', 'true', 'reach', 'need']
Dokument 6087: ['mobile', 'effort', 'worth']
Dokument 6088: ['noble', 'laureates', 'prize', 'meeting', 'scientists', 'young']
Dokument 6089: ['personages', 'reflections', 'matters', 'outstanding', 'community', 'researchers', 'opportunity', 'unique', 'share', 'world']
Dokument 6090: ['civic', 'workshop', 'accompanying', 'discuss', 'academy', 'challenges', 'facing', 'platform', 'involved', 'summit']
Dokument 6091: ['baltimore', 'carol', 'hopkins', 'genetics', 'molecular', 'greider', 'biology', 'john', 'director', 'medicine']
Dokument 6092: ['california', 'university', '1983', 'ba', 'santa', 'ph', 'berkeley', '1987', 'barbara', 'received']
Dokument 6093: ['ends', 'chromosome', 'maintains', 'elizabeth', 'blackburn', '1984', 'enzyme', 'telomeres', 'telomerase', 'discovered']
Dokument 6094: ['cloned', '1988', 'harbor', 'rna', 'component', 'moved', 'telomerase', 'characterized', 'spring', 'laboratory']
Dokument 6095: ['cell', 'telomere', 'senescence', 'length', 'death', 'expanded', 'cancer', 'focus', 'role', 'include']
Dokument 6096: ['human', 'harley', 'calvin', 'shorten', 'telomeres', 'progressively', 'cells', 'showed', 'primary']
Dokument 6097: ['work', 'roles', 'maintenance', 'cellular', 'senescence', 'telomere', 'telomerase', 'cancer', 'play', 'idea']
Dokument 6098: ['investigator', '1994', 'harbor', '1992', 'appointed', 'greider', 'associate', 'dr', 'spring', 'laboratory']
Dokument 6099: ['1997', 'johns', 'carol', 'hopkins', 'genetics', 'molecular', 'biology', 'greider', 'moved', 'laboratory']
Dokument 6100: ['appointed', 'professor', 'oncology', '1999', '2001', 'genetics', 'molecular', 'biology']
Dokument 6101: ['telomerase', 'biochemistry', 'rna', 'johns', 'secondary', 'hopkins', 'determined', 'continued', 'structure', 'study']
Dokument 6102: ['telomere', 'mouse', 'shortest', 'dysfunction', 'cell', 'triggers', 'dna', 'expanded', 'showed', 'model']
Dokument 6103: ['award', '1999', 'lounsbery', 'passano', 'richard', 'gardiner', 'rosenstiel', '1998', 'greider', 'telomerase']
Dokument 6104: ['academy', 'sciences', 'elected', 'arts', 'greider', 'american', 'dr', '2003', 'national']
Dokument 6105: ['shortening', 'szostak', 'physiology', 'jack', 'blackburn', 'elizabeth', 'enzyme', 'telomeres', 'progressive', 'discovery']
Dokument 6106: ['kent', 'brian', 'cellular', 'physiology', 'molecular', 'stanford', 'kobilka', 'department', 'medicine', 'professor']
Dokument 6107: ['focusing', 'confometrx', 'receptors', 'coupled', 'biotechnology', 'founder', 'protein', 'company']
Dokument 6108: ['university', 'cum', 'minnesota', 'laude', 'duluth', 'yale', 'earned', 'biology', 'chemistry', 'bachelor']
Dokument 6109: ['duke', 'missouri', 'β2', 'postdoctoral', 'barnes', 'residency', 'receptor', 'adrenergic', 'completion', 'fellow']
Dokument 6110: ['kobilka', 'stanford', '1989', 'moved']
Dokument 6111: ['howard', 'hhmi', 'hughes', 'investigator', '1987', 'institute', 'medical', '2003']
Dokument 6112: ['pharmacology', 'abel', '1994', 'therapeutics', 'kobilka', 'recipient', 'american', 'experimental', 'john', 'award']
Dokument 6113: ['robert', 'receptors', 'lefkowitz', 'coupled', 'protein', 'chemistry', 'nobel', 'prize', 'won', 'work']
Dokument 6114: ['seminal', 'spectroscopy', 'laser', 'hänsch', 'widely', 'contributions', 'professor', 'field', 'known']
Dokument 6115: ['laser', 'dye', 'narrowband', 'tunable', 'gases', 'doppler', 'atomic', 'cooling', 'spectroscopy', 'invention']
Dokument 6116: ['rydberg', 'proton', 'hydrogen', 'shift', 'deuteron', 'radii', 'yielded', 'charge', 'accurate', 'ground']
Dokument 6117: ['frequency', 'pioneered', 'ultrashort', 'pulses', 'comb', 'revolutionary', 'measuring', 'technique', 'light', 'recently']
Dokument 6118: ['atoms', 'atom', 'quantum', 'ultracold', 'chip', 'coworkers', 'neutral', 'beam', 'microfabricated', 'lattices']
Dokument 6119: ['like', 'mott', 'particle', 'bose', 'lattice', 'insulator', 'einstein', 'superfluid', 'condensate', 'quantum']
Dokument 6120: ['glauber', 'precision', 'roy', 'comb', 'theodor', 'spectroscopy', 'technique', 'optical', 'frequency', 'hall']
Dokument 6121: ['moderators', 'invite', 'laureates', 'nobel', 'debate', 'scientists', 'meeting', 'young']
Dokument 6122: ['łódź', 'medical', 'university']
Dokument 6123: ['research', 'progresses', 'interdisciplinary', 'fast', 'nations', 'learn', 'influence', 'cases', 'groups', 'scientists']
Dokument 6124: ['advise', 'interdisciplinary', 'steps', 'path', 'ask', 'teams', 'career', 'opinion', 'making', 'science']
Dokument 6125: ['laureate', 'multiple', 'discipline', 'nobel', 'learn', 'focus', 'hope', 'interests', 'develop', 'according']
Dokument 6126: ['agh', 'technology', 'university', 'science']
Dokument 6127: ['science', 'figures', 'prominent', 'opinions', 'laureates', 'discussion', 'perfect', 'nobel', 'prize', 'starting']
Dokument 6128: ['raise', 'laureates', 'discussion', 'nobel', 'prize', 'professional', 'issue', 'want', 'researchers', 'young']
Dokument 6129: ['scientists', 'necessities', 'weaknesses', 'answers', 'questions', 'mobility', 'teams', 'career', 'opportunities', 'start']
Dokument 6130: ['colleagues', 'invite', 'nobel', 'prize', 'play', 'leading', 'winners', 'role', 'event', 'unique']
Dokument 6131: ['outlook', 'boost', 'sure', 'encourage', 'participation', 'energy', 'meeting', 'future', 'positive', 'work']
Dokument 6132: ['news', 'september', 'reached', 'scientific', 'public', 'important']
Dokument 6133: ['nuclear', 'cern', 'zalewska', 'elected', 'agnieszka', 'pas', 'physics', 'organization', 'prof', 'kraków']
Dokument 6134: ['audit', 'auditor', 'supreme', 'organization', 'office', 'external', 'june', 'selected', '2015', '2013']
Dokument 6135: ['esa', 'space', 'effort', 'joined', 'agency', '2012', 'years', 'european', 'poland']
Dokument 6136: ['dordain', 'exchanged', 'jacques', 'jean', 'pawlak', 'waldemar', 'esa', 'director', 'september', 'prime']
Dokument 6137: ['ratified', 'esa', 'bronisław', 'komorowski', 'signed', 'november', 'agreement', 'parliament', 'polish', 'president']
Dokument 6138: ['astronomers', 'past', 'brought', 'success', 'year', 'polish']
Dokument 6139: ['stars', 'planets', 'milky', 'ogle', 'demonstrated', 'researchers', 'warsaw', 'working', 'way', 'university']
Dokument 6140: ['observatory', 'eso', 'southern', 'announced', 'published', 'january', 'nature', 'result', 'research', 'european']
Dokument 6141: ['ogle', 'astronomers', 'analysed', 'phenomena', 'discovered', 'contribution', 'significant', 'warsaw', 'project', 'poles']
Dokument 6142: ['guiana', 'vega', 'rocket', 'kourou', 'february', 'launched', 'french', 'european']
Dokument 6143: ['pw', 'satellites', 'sat', 'orbit', 'satellite', 'built', 'carried', 'included', 'technology', 'warsaw']
Dokument 6144: ['descent', 'orbit', 'controlled', 'test', 'objective', 'new']
Dokument 6145: ['probe', 'curiosity', 'landed', 'mars', 'engineers', 'august', 'american', 'contribution', 'construction', 'famous']
Dokument 6146: ['detectors', 'spectrometers', 'nasa', 'vigo', 'infrared', 'ożarów', 'fitted', 'mazowiecki', 'rover', 'sa']
Dokument 6147: ['orbiting', 'planet', 'planets', 'giant', 'destroyed', 'sun', 'star', 'discovered', 'team', 'red']
Dokument 6148: ['monica', 'nicolaus', 'adamów', 'astrophysical', 'letters', 'copernicus', 'journal', 'august', 'toruń', 'astronomy']
Dokument 6149: ['discoveries', 'findings', 'brought', 'significant', 'number', '2012', 'year']
Dokument 6150: ['discoverer', 'died', 'site', 'illness', '33', 'june', 'age', 'unique', 'long', 'years']
Dokument 6151: ['species', 'butterflies', 'junction', 'frog', 'endemic', 'tramen', 'venezuelan', 'venezuela', 'guyana', 'expedition']
Dokument 6152: ['university', 'museum', 'archaeology', 'archaeological', 'ethnography', 'princeton', 'bristol', 'łódź', 'discovery', 'usa']
Dokument 6153: ['acm', 'collegiate', 'programming', 'organizing', 'faced', 'task', 'contest', 'prestigious', 'difficult', 'warsaw']
Dokument 6154: ['programmers', 'of112', 'petersburg', 'st', 'teams', 'best']
Dokument 6155: ['famelab', 'finals', 'representative', 'took', 'world', 'time', 'polish']
Dokument 6156: ['audience', 'monika', 'koperska', 'cheltenham', 'jagiellonian', 'winner', 'festival', 'award', 'edition', 'taking']
Dokument 6157: ['ośrodek', 'krajowy', 'wiodący', 'naukowy', 'status', 'leading', 'july', 'awarded', 'centre', 'know']
Dokument 6158: ['receiving', '50', 'pln', 'institutions', 'years', 'million']
Dokument 6159: ['erc', 'grants', 'scientists', 'received', 'council', 'research', 'european', 'polish']
Dokument 6160: ['olko', 'justyna', 'dr', 'euros', 'starting', 'awarded', 'grant', 'warsaw', 'university', 'million']
Dokument 6161: ['nahua', 'indian', 'culture', 'study', 'use', 'funds']
Dokument 6162: ['popularly', '21st', 'nobel', 'prize', 'foundation', 'awarded', 'polish', 'known', 'science', 'time']
Dokument 6163: ['mąkosza', 'mieczyslaw', 'palczewski', 'wipszycka', 'wojtkowski', 'ewa', 'professors', 'krzysztof', 'maciej', 'winners']
Dokument 6164: ['jeziorski', 'poloński', 'sobczak', 'lech', 'bogumił', 'professors', 'jerzy', 'awards', 'received', 'minister']
Dokument 6165: ['surgeries', 'pioneering', 'doctors', 'conducted', '2012', 'polish']
Dokument 6166: ['kajetany', 'implant', 'implanted', 'center', 'ear', 'hearing', 'generation', 'near', 'june', 'warsaw']
Dokument 6167: ['procedure', 'fourth', 'world', 'poland']
Dokument 6168: ['valve', 'surgery', 'damaged', 'mitral', 'replacement', 'cardiac', '79', 'hospital', 'białystok', 'female']
Dokument 6169: ['cancer', 'ovarian', 'greatly', 'extend', 'doctors', 'applied', 'patients', 'treatment', 'centre', 'life']
Dokument 6170: ['drug', 'intravenously', 'concentration', '1000', 'anti', 'administered', 'cancer', 'obtained', '75', 'treatment']
Dokument 6171: ['cord', 'katowice', 'umbilical', 'mesenchymal', 'pioneering', 'stem', 'cells', 'wrocław', 'conducted', 'treatment']
Dokument 6172: ['transplantation', 'graft', 'threatening', 'marrow', 'versus', 'bone', 'reaction', 'host', 'patients', 'life']
Dokument 6173: ['ineffective', 'drugs', 'therapy', 'percent', 'severe', 'cases', '15', '10', 'used']
Dokument 6174: ['started', 'independent', 'heart', 'action']
Dokument 6175: ['70', 'innovation', 'billion', 'european']
Dokument 6176: ['exceeds', '70', 'budget', 'eur', 'billion', 'programme']
Dokument 6177: ['communist', 'era', 'race', 'whilst', 'war', 'ahead', 'post', 'went', 'far', 'difficult']
Dokument 6178: ['apparatus', 'infrastructure', 'history', 'excellent', 'investments', 'highest', 'thanks', 'education', 'higher', 'science']
Dokument 6179: ['expended', '26', 'end', '2007', 'pln', 'billion']
Dokument 6180: ['unusually', 'talented', 'generation', 'young']
Dokument 6181: ['leavers', 'believes', 'aspire', '40', 'school', 'society', 'education', 'higher', 'science', 'year']
Dokument 6182: ['thousand', 'numbers', 'dynamically', '140', 'ago', 'staff', 'developing', 'group', 'research', 'year']
Dokument 6183: ['higher', 'race', 'positions', 'global', 'highest', 'science', 'time']
Dokument 6184: ['opens', 'horizon', 'added', 'opportunity', 'minister', 'science', '2020']
Dokument 6185: ['programme', 'largest', 'world', 'new', 'eu']
Dokument 6186: ['race', 'competitiveness', 'enhance', 'strengthen', 'expected', 'global', 'position', 'science', 'european']
Dokument 6187: ['disadvantaged', 'strike', 'simplified', 'instruments', 'introduce', 'model', 'things', 'balance', 'financing', 'regions']
Dokument 6188: ['concept', 'comprehensive', 'solutions', 'makes', 'technologies', 'financing', 'innovation', 'implementation', 'scientific', 'different']
Dokument 6189: ['research', 'funding', 'based', 'pioneer', 'pillars', 'societal', 'excellence', 'leadership', 'industrial', 'challenges']
Dokument 6190: ['keyword', 'simplification', 'programme']
Dokument 6191: ['tape', 'streamlined', 'quinn', 'máire', 'geoghegan', 'commissioner', 'procedures', 'faster', 'red', 'horizon']
Dokument 6192: ['commercialization', 'offers', 'size', 'interested', 'solutions', 'stressed', 'businesses', 'innovative', 'opportunities', 'financing']
Dokument 6193: ['research', 'ambition', 'demonstrations', 'worked', 'barbara', 'concept', 'kudrycka', 'tests', 'laboratory', 'comprehensive']
Dokument 6194: ['brazil', 'stated', 'economies', 'japan', 'compete', 'china', 'strong', 'needs', 'today', 'world']
Dokument 6195: ['actively', 'horizon', 'involved', '2020', 'development', 'poland']
Dokument 6196: ['decisions', 'presidency', 'council', 'important', 'polish', 'eu']
Dokument 6197: ['simpler', 'simplified', 'track', 'fast', 'procedures', 'model', 'applications', 'evaluation', 'control', 'thanks']
Dokument 6198: ['competing', 'assist', 'contact', 'point', 'successfully', 'horizon', 'programmes', 'available', 'scientists', 'funds']
Dokument 6199: ['settling', 'mentoring', 'writing', 'underway', 'consultation', 'model', 'operation', 'elements', 'contact', 'applications']
Dokument 6200: ['academic', '2014', 'universities', 'science', '2013', 'year', 'new']
Dokument 6201: ['wider', 'mature', 'challenges', 'focus', 'competitive', 'facing', 'opening', 'studies', 'academic', 'offer']
Dokument 6202: ['science', 'research', 'enhanced', 'focus', 'stressed', 'centres', 'opportunities', 'come', 'benefit', 'need']
Dokument 6203: ['brings', 'developments', 'academic', 'general', '2014', 'universities', 'science', '2013', 'year', 'new']
Dokument 6204: ['autonomy', 'curricula', 'profile', 'qualifications', 'practical', 'study', 'benefit', 'general', 'basis', 'develop']
Dokument 6205: ['courses', 'degree', 'selected', 'offer', 'academic', 'education', 'high', 'quality', 'year', 'new']
Dokument 6206: ['teaching', 'perfect', 'methods', 'improve', 'receive', 'studies', 'pln', 'quality', 'million']
Dokument 6207: ['prestigious', 'units', 'category', 'receive', 'scientific', 'best', 'time']
Dokument 6208: ['knows', 'flagship', 'leading', 'centres', 'institutions', 'national', 'science', 'research', 'polish']
Dokument 6209: ['sciences', 'earth', 'knows', 'forestry', 'veterinary', 'selected', 'life', 'academic', 'area', 'agriculture']
Dokument 6210: ['select', 'experts', 'centres', 'best', 'international', 'group']
Dokument 6211: ['sciences', 'pharmacy', 'concluded', 'edition', 'medicine', 'july', 'centres', 'selected', 'area', 'health']
Dokument 6212: ['strengthen', 'know', 'receive', 'potential', 'pln', '10', 'science', 'million', 'year', 'years']
Dokument 6213: ['revision', 'underway', 'law', 'financing', 'work', 'education', 'higher', 'science']
Dokument 6214: ['extend', 'mature', 'addressed', 'studies', 'offer', 'students']
Dokument 6215: ['ownership', 'envisage', 'inventions', 'amendments', 'rights', 'granted', 'scientists', 'results', 'scientific', 'projects']
Dokument 6216: ['procurement', 'amendments', 'law', 'adopted', 'government', 'public']
Dokument 6217: ['competing', 'challenge', 'perspective', 'preparation', 'major', 'academic', '2014', 'financial', 'funds', 'education']
Dokument 6218: ['offers', '70', 'horizon', 'scientific', 'eur', 'billion', 'programme', 'research', '2020']
Dokument 6219: ['operational', 'benefit', 'programmes', 'able', 'scientists', 'new', 'polish']
Dokument 6220: ['science', 'centre', 'national', 'seeking', 'instrumental', 'agencies', 'foundation', 'implementing', 'institute', 'expected']
Dokument 6221: ['debated', 'compet', 'yesterday', 'mediterranean', 'basin', 'closed', 'strengthening', 'ministers', 'eu', 'meeting']
Dokument 6222: ['mediterranean', 'developments', 'southern', 'plan', 'view', 'stressed', 'recent', 'mentioned', 'neighbours', 'action']
Dokument 6223: ['believe', 'strengthen', 'added', 'innovation', 'position', 'based', 'world', 'minister', 'cooperation', 'research']
Dokument 6224: ['debates', 'agenda', 'horizon', 'included', 'financing', 'come', 'innovation', 'council', 'programme', 'research']
Dokument 6225: ['begin', 'adopted', '2014', 'implementation', 'programme']
Dokument 6226: ['allocation', 'reach', '80', 'end', '2014', 'eur', 'billion', '2020', 'years', 'union']
Dokument 6227: ['cypriot', 'issue', 'debate', 'horizon', 'key', 'presidency', 'according', 'minister', 'education', 'higher']
Dokument 6228: ['remuneration', 'addressed', 'issue', 'involved', 'researchers', 'implemented', 'projects', 'framework', 'programme']
Dokument 6229: ['adequate', 'address', 'solutions', 'issue', 'horizon', 'programme', '2020']
Dokument 6230: ['presidencies', 'happen', 'sure', 'said', 'present', 'future']
Dokument 6231: ['erc', 'mission', 'enhancing', 'adequate', 'levels', 'issue', 'innovation', 'society', 'funding', 'particular']
Dokument 6232: ['efta', 'states', 'attended', 'association', 'ministers', 'free', 'meeting', 'council', 'trade', 'research']
Dokument 6233: ['trio', 'cyprus', 'informal', 'denmark', 'ministers', 'present', 'meeting', 'poland']
Dokument 6234: ['venue', 'cyprus', 'holding', 'presidency', 'meeting', 'council', 'eu']
Dokument 6235: ['freedom', 'competitiveness', 'council', 'services', 'bases', 'compet', 'discuss', 'matters', 'sectoral', 'technological']
Dokument 6236: ['degree', 'doctor', 'technical', 'sciences', 'university', 'science', '1981', 'dsc', 'queensland', 'pas']
Dokument 6237: ['australian', 'academy', '2004', 'science', 'member']
Dokument 6238: ['queensland', '1988', 'nominated', '1990', 'computer', 'department', 'professor', 'associated', 'position', 'university']
Dokument 6239: ['1995', 'strategies', 'doctoral', 'director', 'studies', '2007', 'research', 'development']
Dokument 6240: ['research', 'australian', 'allocation', 'head', 'committee', 'fund', 'term', 'implementation', 'long', 'council']
Dokument 6241: ['authored', 'journals', 'orłowska', 'publications', 'prof', '300', 'nearly', 'scientific', 'international']
Dokument 6242: ['presided', 'conferences', 'computer', 'applied', '50', 'scientific', 'international', 'science']
Dokument 6243: ['doctors', 'promoted', 'computer', '32', 'date', 'science']
Dokument 6244: ['spending', 'increases', 'universities', 'financial', 'support']
Dokument 6245: ['goes', 'incomes', 'lowest', 'money', 'students']
Dokument 6246: ['ratajczak', 'undersecretary', 'marek', 'goes', 'really', 'prof', 'difficult', 'money', 'said', 'way']
Dokument 6247: ['undergraduate', 'graduate', 'brought', 'reform', 'changes', 'students', 'financial', 'aid', 'number', 'education']
Dokument 6248: ['percent', '2010', '10']
Dokument 6249: ['proportions', 'allowances', 'distributed', 'scholarships', 'changed', 'reform', 'money', 'grants', 'best', 'students']
Dokument 6250: ['percent', 'aids', 'allocating', 'replaced', 'forms', 'equal', 'distribution', 'principle', 'scholarships', '40']
Dokument 6251: ['eligibility', 'raised', 'criteria', 'income', 'apply', 'grants', 'social']
Dokument 6252: ['592', 'entitling', 'student', 'net', 'maximum', 'income', 'october', 'grant', 'family', 'pln']
Dokument 6253: ['net', 'pln', '782', 'threshold', '850', 'raise', 'decide', 'november', 'maximum', 'universities']
Dokument 6254: ['students', 'doctoral', 'subsidies', 'receive', 'universities', 'budget', 'financial', 'state', 'support']
Dokument 6255: ['declining', 'expenditures', 'despite', 'increasing', '2009', 'universities', 'students', 'number']
Dokument 6256: ['pln', 'billion', '664', '559', 'million', 'reach', 'compared', '2009', '2012']
Dokument 6257: ['801', '034', '533', '933', '2009', 'students', '2011']
Dokument 6258: ['divide', 'forms', 'subsidies', 'money', 'various', 'universities', 'support']
Dokument 6259: ['students', 'social', 'allowance', 'housing', 'disabled', 'allowances', 'combines', 'rector', 'previously', 'doctoral']
Dokument 6260: ['artistic', 'grade', 'rector', 'replaced', 'performance', 'award', 'scholarship', 'scholarships', 'achievements', 'academic']
Dokument 6261: ['graduate', 'scholarship', 'achivements', 'rector', 'combined', 'outstanding', 'post', 'starting', 'apply', 'academic']
Dokument 6262: ['students', '1000', 'doctoral', 'receive', '100', 'year']
Dokument 6263: ['pln', 'thousand', 'students', 'doctoral', 'scholarships', '25', '15', 'new']
Dokument 6264: ['instalment', 'paid']
Dokument 6265: ['1300', 'scholarship', 'month', '2008', 'pln', 'period', '2011', 'minister']
Dokument 6266: ['introduced', 'opportunities', 'reform', 'additional', 'education', 'higher', 'new', 'support']
Dokument 6267: ['diamond', 'grant', 'programme']
Dokument 6268: ['shorten', 'talented', 'careers', 'enable', 'conduct', 'highly', 'grants', 'students', 'science', 'research']
Dokument 6269: ['amounting', '200', 'awarded', '100', 'grants', 'universities', 'pln', 'thousand', 'students', '2012']
Dokument 6270: ['ordered', 'courses', 'receive', '2008', 'government', 'implemented', 'students', 'programme', 'support']
Dokument 6271: ['52', 'scholarships', 'universities', 'received', 'thousand', 'students', '2011']
Dokument 6272: ['1000', 'scholarship', 'month', 'maximum', 'pln']
Dokument 6273: ['legal', 'students', 'doctoral', 'entities', 'granting', 'governments', 'introduced', 'individuals', 'reform', 'basis']
Dokument 6274: ['scholarships', 'tax', 'awarded', 'free', 'foundations', 'associations', 'individuals', 'income', 'pln', 'thousand']
Dokument 6275: ['allocation', 'doctoral', 'changed', 'rules', 'students', 'financial', 'support']
Dokument 6276: ['undergraduate', 'support', 'previously', 'subsidy', 'exceed', 'graduate', 'awarded', 'money', 'university', 'students']
Dokument 6277: ['embark', 'innovators', 'prestigious', 'winners', 'training', '500', 'universities']
Dokument 6278: ['university', 'berkeley', 'california', 'innovators', 'stanford', 'internships', 'leave', 'edition', 'month', 'winners']
Dokument 6279: ['college', 'kudrycka', 'criteria', 'hard', 'funding', 'based', 'level']
Dokument 6280: ['universities', 'preference', 'desire', 'depends', 'criteria', 'met', 'longer', 'stable', 'hard', 'employees']
Dokument 6281: ['statutory', 'thursday', 'barbara', 'kudrycka', 'determine', 'debate', 'achievements', 'parliament', 'grant', 'said']
Dokument 6282: ['verifiable', 'accurate', 'determine', 'highly', 'achievements', 'awarded', 'order', 'data', 'particular', 'university']
Dokument 6283: ['emphasized', 'surveys', 'employees', 'value', 'minister', 'science']
Dokument 6284: ['allegation', 'bureaucratic', 'responded', 'reforming', 'laws', 'administrative', 'burden', 'led', '2010', 'universities']
Dokument 6285: ['does', 'drawn', 'read', 'conclusions', 'constantly', 'reports', 'improve', 'functioning', 'results', 'prepared']
Dokument 6286: ['select', 'demographic', 'explained', 'kudrycka', 'decline', 'teaching', 'review', 'courses', 'continued', 'staff']
Dokument 6287: ['programs', 'courses', 'allows', 'create', 'reform', 'study', 'universities', '2011']
Dokument 6288: ['qualifications', 'framework', 'national']
Dokument 6289: ['current', 'civilization', 'respond', 'analyse', 'courses', 'consider', 'date', 'allows', 'problems', 'study']
Dokument 6290: ['argued', 'grant', 'pln', 'minister', 'million']
Dokument 6291: ['pis', 'pointed', 'representative', 'primarily', 'maintain', 'field', 'offer', 'current', 'position', 'universities']
Dokument 6292: ['acquire', 'graduates', 'employers', 'skills', 'professional', 'work']
Dokument 6293: ['teach', 'trades', 'pis', 'simple', 'representative', 'said', 'universities']
Dokument 6294: ['education', 'higher', 'science', 'forthcoming', 'divide', 'colleges', 'wants', 'explained', 'vocational', 'schools']
Dokument 6295: ['proportionally', 'salaries', 'improvement', 'debate', 'material', 'brought', 'researchers', 'did', 'conditions', 'universities']
Dokument 6296: ['salaries', 'increasing', 'researchers']
Dokument 6297: ['907', 'purpose', 'allocated', 'said', 'pln', 'minister', '2013', 'million']
Dokument 6298: ['hrynkiewicz', 'józefa', 'divided', 'competitions', 'researchers', 'said', 'age']
Dokument 6299: ['age', 'justified', 'dividing', 'older', '35', 'community', 'research', 'years']
Dokument 6300: ['research', 'pis', 'disciplines', 'acquired', 'representative', 'comes', 'experience', 'said', 'age', 'implementation']
Dokument 6301: ['explained', 'addressed', 'competitions', '35', 'scientists', 'minister', 'science']
Dokument 6302: ['solely', 'competitions', '35', 'open', 'scientists']
Dokument 6303: ['habilitation', 'scientist', 'compete', '40', 'achievements', 'old', '25', 'years']
Dokument 6304: ['answered', 'footsteps', 'competitions', 'compete', 'introduced', 'special', 'following', 'young', 'minister', 'people']
Dokument 6305: ['obrębski', 'accidents', 'rońda', 'investigation', 'aircraft', 'rectors', 'specialists', 'statement', 'explained']
Dokument 6306: ['statements', 'rectors', 'inspired']
Dokument 6307: ['statements', 'emphasised', 'minister']
Dokument 6308: ['deputy', 'ministers', 'ministry', 'science', 'new']
Dokument 6309: ['council', 'committee', 'digitisation', 'cooperate', 'participate', 'ministers', 'central', 'scientists', 'scientific', 'young']
Dokument 6310: ['implementation', 'education', 'higher', 'bologna', 'oversee', 'coordinate', 'concerning', 'qualifications', 'introduction', 'reform']
Dokument 6311: ['cooperate', 'programs', 'agreements', 'initiatives', 'field', 'implementation', 'international', 'education', 'higher', 'countries']
Dokument 6312: ['nałecz', 'adviser', 'privately', 'tomasz', 'wife', 'bronisław', 'komorowski', 'prof', 'heritage', 'history']
Dokument 6313: ['trio', 'oversee', 'cyprus', 'affairs', 'denmark', 'european', 'presidency', 'particular', 'council', 'framework']
Dokument 6314: ['affairs', 'european', 'committees', 'parliamentary', 'programs', 'tasks', 'participate', 'resulting', 'committee', 'responsible']
Dokument 6315: ['closer', 'responsible', 'innovation', 'business', 'policy', 'work', 'science', 'cooperation', 'development']
Dokument 6316: ['technology', 'headed', 'uam', 'park', 'adam', 'mickiewicz', 'transfer', 'director', 'foundation', 'deputy']
Dokument 6317: ['chemistry', 'author', 'monographs', 'organosilicon', 'patents', 'commercialisation', 'entrepreneurship', 'publications', 'transfer', 'instruments']
Dokument 6318: ['polskie', 'stronnictwo', 'ludowe', 'psl', 'party', 'deputy', 'recommended', 'position', 'minister', 'people']
Dokument 6319: ['confident', 'new', 'determination', 'challenges', 'face', 'deputy', 'necessary', 'ministers', 'important']
Dokument 6320: ['education', 'higher', 'science', 'emphasised', 'colleagues', 'barbara', 'kudrycka', 'wish', 'success', 'work']
Dokument 6321: ['prof', 'loba', 'undersecretaries', 'zbigniew', 'witold', 'jurek', 'entrusted', 'banach', 'marciniak', 'maciej']
Dokument 6322: ['secretary', 'assume', 'maria', 'orłowska', 'finance', 'prof', 'deputy', 'previous', 'position', 'minister']
Dokument 6323: ['actions', 'taken', 'key', 'ministry', 'education', 'higher', 'science']
Dokument 6324: ['premium', 'ii', 'units', 'funding', 'rules', 'research', 'quality', 'new']
Dokument 6325: ['organizational', 'administrative', 'base', 'helping', 'hand', 'apply', 'researchers', 'develop', 'grants', 'universities']
Dokument 6326: ['chances', 'graduates', 'increasing', 'labour', 'students', 'market']
Dokument 6327: ['adapt', 'requirements', 'needs', 'universities', 'labour', 'education', 'market']
Dokument 6328: ['programme', 'marketable', 'competencies', 'pilot', 'entitled', 'skills', 'launched', '2014', 'develop', 'ministry']
Dokument 6329: ['choose', 'web', 'portal', 'college', 'parents', 'easier', 'creating', 'resulted', 'field', 'study']
Dokument 6330: ['vi', 'inventions', 'innovations', 'idea', 'industry', 'market', 'polish']
Dokument 6331: ['instruments', 'innovations', 'stage', 'provides', 'financing', 'innovation', 'set', 'developed', 'grants', 'process']
Dokument 6332: ['intermediary', 'acting', 'strengthening', 'currently', 'working', 'business', 'ministry', 'institutions', 'science']
Dokument 6333: ['humanities', 'performing', 'proposed', 'developing', 'supporting', 'actions', 'package', 'polish']
Dokument 6334: ['subjects', 'curriculum', 'necessarily', 'student', 'choose', 'october', 'field', '2015', 'study', 'general']
Dokument 6335: ['humanities', 'graduates', 'skills', 'implementing', 'preparation', 'requirements', 'better', 'labour', 'programme', 'market']
Dokument 6336: ['specificity', 'humanities', 'addressed', 'evaluation', 'units', 'sciences', 'change', 'rules', 'better', 'social']
Dokument 6337: ['academia', 'consultation', 'evaluation', 'committee', 'units', 'developed', 'rules', 'research', 'new']
Dokument 6338: ['humanities', 'continued', 'national', 'programme', 'development']
Dokument 6339: ['internationalization', 'universities', 'foreign', 'students', 'education', 'higher', 'polish']
Dokument 6340: ['oecd', 'ranking', 'lowest', 'places', 'concerned', 'presence', 'takes', 'far', 'according', 'universities']
Dokument 6341: ['undertaken', 'actions', 'include', 'ministry']
Dokument 6342: ['ukraine', 'programme', 'talented', 'annual', 'continues', 'scholarships', 'erasmus', '500', 'government', 'implementation']
Dokument 6343: ['agreements', 'scientific', 'ministry', 'cooperation', 'malaysia', 'oman', 'qatar', 'saudi', 'india', 'arabia']
Dokument 6344: ['signed', 'bilateral', 'qualifications', 'china', 'recognition', 'agreement', 'october', 'academic', 'poland']
Dokument 6345: ['students', 'curriculums', 'ministerial', 'respective', 'doctoral', 'presented', 'groups', 'working', 'university', 'foreign']
Dokument 6346: ['ready', 'study']
Dokument 6347: ['inventors', 'creativity', 'allowing', 'schools', 'centres', 'established', 'academic', 'programmes', 'better', 'university']
Dokument 6348: ['going', 'currently', 'programmes']
Dokument 6349: ['university', 'tutors', 'opens', 'inventors', 'pupils', 'laboratories', 'young', 'programme']
Dokument 6350: ['academic', 'perform', 'hold', 'discussions', 'experiments', 'pupils', 'teachers', 'carry', 'projects', 'research']
Dokument 6351: ['educate', 'creativity', 'trends', 'teachers', 'accordance', 'centres', 'academic', 'present']
Dokument 6352: ['test', 'teaching', 'teachers', 'learn', 'methods', 'schools', 'centres', 'operating', 'modern', 'academic']
Dokument 6353: ['handle', 'classroom', 'tense', 'passions', 'teamwork', 'situations', 'pupils', 'instance', 'skills', 'learn']
Dokument 6354: ['stone', 'zloty', 'multi', 'laid', 'foundation', 'investment', 'million']
Dokument 6355: ['sports', 'pomerania', 'laboratories', 'gdańsk', 'opened', 'visit', 'centre', 'technology', 'modern', 'academic']
Dokument 6356: ['construction', 'science', 'polish', 'poland']
Dokument 6357: ['province', '124', 'pomeranian', 'cost', 'recently', 'investments', 'pln', 'billion']
Dokument 6358: ['education', 'higher', 'lately', 'modernized', 'lena', 'amazing', 'kolarska', 'bobińska', 'professor', 'said']
Dokument 6359: ['gdańsk', 'oliwa', 'edifice', 'campus', 'suburb', 'biotechnology', 'construction', 'nearly', 'institute', '60']
Dokument 6360: ['emphasized', 'educational', 'conduct', 'coming', 'centres', 'infrastructure', 'modern', 'end', 'investments', 'fact']
Dokument 6361: ['university', 'cooperates', 'gdańsk', 'determine', 'instance', 'levels', 'schools', 'nature', 'professor', 'added']
Dokument 6362: ['modern', 'boast', 'lecture', 'halls', 'sports', 'laboratories', 'centres', 'universities', 'polish']
Dokument 6363: ['ceremony', 'attended', 'opening', 'today', 'minister', 'science']
Dokument 6364: ['warehouse', 'reagents', 'waste', 'chemical', 'pomerania', 'kolarska', 'bobińska', 'opened', 'visit', 'professor']
Dokument 6365: ['honours', 'australian', 'vice', 'orłowska', 'university', 'minister']
Dokument 6366: ['confer', 'senate', 'title', 'orłowska', 'early', 'decided', 'professor', 'academic', 'highest', 'university']
Dokument 6367: ['gowin', 'base', 'brussels', 'economy', 'minister', 'science']
Dokument 6368: ['economical', 'basing', 'jarosław', 'gowin', 'innovations', 'idea', 'prime', 'deputy', 'government', 'policy']
Dokument 6369: ['economical', 'ensured', 'jarosław', 'gowin', 'base', 'innovations', 'want', 'technologies', 'modern', 'policy']
Dokument 6370: ['strict', 'shall', 'expressed', 'hope', 'influence', 'scientists', 'institutions', 'cooperation', 'union', 'development']
Dokument 6371: ['reflect', 'admitted', 'acquired', 'scope', 'program', 'horizon', 'presence', 'polish', 'researchers', 'potential']
Dokument 6372: ['remuneration', 'continuation', 'gowin', 'participating', 'announced', 'aimed', 'horizon', 'increasing', 'scientists', 'activities']
Dokument 6373: ['projects', 'inequity', 'evaluating', 'applying', 'barriers', 'phenomenon', 'mentioned', 'geographical', 'participation', 'organisations']
Dokument 6374: ['ignored', 'gowin', 'according', 'new', 'states', 'eu']
Dokument 6375: ['projects', 'unequal', 'evaluated', 'pointed', 'chances', 'limits', 'managing', 'sizes', 'prime', 'deputy']
Dokument 6376: ['jarosław', 'gowin', 'barriers', 'referred', 'significant', 'business', 'science', 'cooperation', 'poland']
Dokument 6377: ['unused', 'treasury', 'reserve', 'related', 'large', 'state', 'companies']
Dokument 6378: ['kghm', 'invested', 'apart', 'company']
Dokument 6379: ['sure', 'change', 'situation']
Dokument 6380: ['treasury', 'plan', 'know', 'minister', 'state', 'new']
Dokument 6381: ['amsterdam', 'unofficial', 'compet', 'yesterday', 'represented', 'competitiveness', 'prime', 'deputy', 'meeting', 'council']
Dokument 6382: ['councils', 'council', 'sector', 'union', 'european']
Dokument 6383: ['monument', 'unveiling', 'maria', 'curie', 'skłodowska', 'ceremony', 'warsaw']
Dokument 6384: ['commemorating', 'sculpture', 'unveiled', 'miasto', 'nowe', '4th', 'presidents', 'maria', 'skłodowska', 'curie']
Dokument 6385: ['marie', 'curie', 'actions', 'sklodowska', 'h2020', 'horizon2020', 'bears', 'http', 'en', 'msca']
Dokument 6386: ['commemorate', 'scientist', 'roots', 'named', 'polish', 'presidency', '2011', 'programme', 'union', 'european']
Dokument 6387: ['research', 'finances', 'scientist', 'named', 'advanced', 'scholarship', 'conducted', 'training', 'outside', 'scientists']
Dokument 6388: ['pension', 'remuneration', 'marie', 'careers', 'facilitate', 'curie', 'skłodowska', 'attractive', 'goals', 'ensuring']
Dokument 6389: ['regardless', 'directed', 'career', 'scientists', 'scientific', 'area', 'level', 'programme', 'research']
Dokument 6390: ['consortia', 'proposed', 'individual', 'offered', 'scientists', 'different', 'institutions', 'projects', 'best', 'financial']
Dokument 6391: ['encourage', 'scientific', 'mission', 'exact', 'careers', 'path', 'choose', 'generation', 'prestigious', 'conduct']
Dokument 6392: ['phd', 'msca', 'shall', 'addressed', '25', 'funding', 'granted', 'main', '000', 'projects']
Dokument 6393: ['italian', 'ministers', 'education', 'higher', 'science', 'cooperation', 'polish']
Dokument 6394: ['enrico', 'letta', 'intergovernmental', 'donald', 'tusk', 'consultations', 'concluded', 'italian', 'prime', 'ministers']
Dokument 6395: ['agenda', 'education', 'higher', 'science', 'cooperation', 'time']
Dokument 6396: ['week', 'horizon', 'financing', 'adopted', 'framework', 'programme', 'research', '2020', 'new', 'eu']
Dokument 6397: ['hold', 'having', 'influence', 'july', 'creation', 'italy', 'presidency', '2014', 'particular', 'council']
Dokument 6398: ['bilateral', 'goal', 'priorities', 'opening', 'debate', 'meeting', 'main', 'area', 'education', 'higher']
Dokument 6399: ['science', 'research', 'collecting', 'identify', 'priority', 'parties', 'teams', 'agreed', 'interested', 'centres']
Dokument 6400: ['italian', 'research', 'expecting', 'send', 'institutes', 'join', 'list', 'implemented', 'scientists', 'prepared']
Dokument 6401: ['research', 'prospective', 'rectors', 'scope', 'discussed', 'workers', 'science', 'cooperation', 'countries']
Dokument 6402: ['italian', 'education', 'research', 'carrozza', 'chiara', 'space', 'maria', 'priorities', 'creating', 'european']
Dokument 6403: ['italian', 'declared', 'scholarships', 'erasmus', 'promote', 'apply', 'government', 'abroad', 'universities', 'students']
Dokument 6404: ['space', 'priority', 'enable', 'learn', 'italian', 'leading', 'practical', 'exchange', 'centres', 'training']
Dokument 6405: ['innovation', 'french', 'forum', 'second', 'science', 'polish']
Dokument 6406: ['science', 'french', 'organising', 'agh', 'embassy', 'krakow', 'edition', '2016', 'institute', 'taking']
Dokument 6407: ['french', 'cooperation', 'research', 'highlight', 'perspectives', 'branches', 'innovations', 'strategic', 'horizon', 'aim']
Dokument 6408: ['french', 'projects', 'cnrs', 'lia', 'polonium', 'laboratories', 'engaged', 'teams', '300', 'nearly']
Dokument 6409: ['session', 'plenary', 'titled', 'sessions', 'parallel', 'inaugurated', 'theme', 'parts', 'consists', 'innovations']
Dokument 6410: ['sessions', 'theme', 'discussed', 'issues', 'following']
Dokument 6411: ['programme', 'polonium', 'minute', 'step', 'mutual', 'presentations', 'horizon', 'scientific', 'projects', '10']
Dokument 6412: ['minute', 'presentations', 'innovations', 'power', '15', 'industry', 'research']
Dokument 6413: ['eco', 'discussion', 'innovations', 'green', 'technologies']
Dokument 6414: ['minute', 'branch', 'space', 'technological', 'presentations', '15', 'scientific', 'science', 'cooperation']
Dokument 6415: ['reindustrialisation', 'discussion', 'innovations', 'development']
Dokument 6416: ['vienna', 'robotchallenge', 'constructors', 'championship', 'best', 'polish']
Dokument 6417: ['triumphed', 'contestants', 'robot', 'championship', 'time', 'european', 'polish']
Dokument 6418: ['medals', 'constructors', 'silver', 'bronze', 'gold', 'won']
Dokument 6419: ['russians', 'ranked', 'competition', 'second']
Dokument 6420: ['autonomous', 'vienna', 'robots', 'championship', 'mobile', 'presents', 'kind', 'considered', 'greatest', 'prestigious']
Dokument 6421: ['championships', 'robotchallenge', 'held', '2004']
Dokument 6422: ['displayed', 'robots', '31', 'thousand', 'countries']
Dokument 6423: ['contestants', 'robots', '60', 'presented', 'competition', 'polish']
Dokument 6424: ['competed', 'robot', 'constructors', 'categories', '15', '2013']
Dokument 6425: ['sumo', 'mini', 'contestants', 'silver', 'bronze', 'medals', 'gold', 'category', 'awarded', 'polish']
Dokument 6426: ['humanoid', 'sumo', 'ranked', 'success', 'competition', 'second', 'poles']
Dokument 6427: ['medal', 'category', 'bronze', 'gold', 'freestyle', 'follower', 'puck', 'collect', 'autonomous', 'silver']
Dokument 6428: ['robotchallenge', 'org', 'http', 'detailed', 'visit', 'www', 'competition', 'results', 'information']
Dokument 6429: ['engineers', 'train', '120', 'prestigious', 'allows', 'centres', 'field', 'abroad', 'young', 'poland']
Dokument 6430: ['nuclear', 'engineering', 'fields', 'energy', 'engineers', 'graduates', 'graduate', 'courses', 'degree', 'environmental']
Dokument 6431: ['candidates', 'stage', 'board', 'qualify', 'invited', 'interview', 'selection', 'criteria', 'selected', 'according']
Dokument 6432: ['recruitment', 'electronic', 'candidates', 'register', 'february', '28', 'launched', 'recommended', '2015', 'universities']
Dokument 6433: ['training', 'brokers', 'innovators', 'nuclear', 'alia', 'inter', 'line', 'implementing', 'website', 'resources']
Dokument 6434: ['identification', 'op', 'hc', 'exploitation', 'shale', 'nuclear', 'trainings', 'internships', 'gas', 'operational']
Dokument 6435: ['odd', 'prra', 'ac', 'guui', 'cttiic', 'iddeelliin', 'nee', 'es', 'ggooo', 'ce']
Dokument 6436: ['pologne', 'hubert', 'curien', 'polonium', 'program', 'france']
Dokument 6437: ['lays', 'caseby', 'guideline', 'adapted', 'programs', 'depending', 'planned', 'practices', 'cases', 'general']
Dokument 6438: ['guideline', 'accepted', 'fixed', 'subject', 'agreement', 'cooperative', 'rules', 'according', 'project']
Dokument 6439: ['responsiveness', 'discoveries', 'drawn', 'freedom', 'flexibility', 'protecting', 'carry', 'allow', 'joint', 'researchers']
Dokument 6440: ['agrees', 'researcher', 'behalf', 'collaborative', 'party', 'join', 'acting', 'participating', 'organizations', 'principles']
Dokument 6441: ['confidentiality', 'undertake', 'approve', 'accept', 'sign', 'ask', 'parties', 'principles', 'staff', 'agreement']
Dokument 6442: ['publications', 'presentations']
Dokument 6443: ['belong', 'researcher', 'obtaining', 'publications', 'findings', 'presentations', 'organizations', 'mention', 'parties', 'involved']
Dokument 6444: ['intellectual', 'findings', 'property', 'protection']
Dokument 6445: ['research', 'intellectual', 'findings', 'derived', 'parties', 'property', 'principles', 'carried', 'agreements', 'joint']
Dokument 6446: ['parties', 'collaborative', 'remain', 'acquired', 'shall', 'prior', 'property', 'rights', 'time', 'research']
Dokument 6447: ['collaborative', 'derived', 'principle', 'rights', 'data', 'research']
Dokument 6448: ['parties', 'belong', 'intellectual', 'relating', 'shall', 'property', 'jointly', 'original', 'staff', 'carried']
Dokument 6449: ['undertakes', 'pass', 'collaborative', 'party', 'findings', 'derived', 'parties', 'required', 'carry', 'order']
Dokument 6450: ['unless', 'respective', 'inventions', 'owned', 'proportion', 'shall', 'contributions', 'parties', 'jointly', 'agreement']
Dokument 6451: ['inventions', 'protection', 'define', 'patents', 'patent', 'filed', 'subsequent', 'party', 'procedure', 'transfer']
Dokument 6452: ['royalties', 'unless', 'distributed', 'stated', 'findings', 'transfer', 'proportion', 'shall', 'contributions', 'parties']
Dokument 6453: ['money', 'science']
Dokument 6454: ['690', 'risen', 'zlotys', 'expenditures', '2015', 'million']
Dokument 6455: ['percent', '10', 'year']
Dokument 6456: ['wednesday', 'completed', '2015', 'government', 'budget', 'work']
Dokument 6457: ['priority', 'budget', 'science', 'year']
Dokument 6458: ['kopacz', 'ewa', 'parliamentary', 'formed', 'majority', 'prime', 'won', 'day', 'months', 'government']
Dokument 6459: ['intense', 'half', 'ministry', 'education', 'higher', 'science', 'time', 'year']
Dokument 6460: ['manifesto', 'promises', 'fulfilled', 'undertaken', 'department', 'mentioned', 'initiatives', 'government', 'education', 'higher']
Dokument 6461: ['research', 'belongs', 'depends', 'category', 'directly', 'grant', 'government', 'given', 'scientific', 'quality']
Dokument 6462: ['parametric', 'depend', 'evaluation', 'units', 'financing', 'present', 'research']
Dokument 6463: ['parametric', 'continued', 'evaluation', 'units', 'rules', 'ministry', 'work', 'research', 'new']
Dokument 6464: ['specificity', 'humanities', 'address', 'evaluation', 'proposed', 'committee', 'units', 'include', 'better', 'changes']
Dokument 6465: ['internationalization', 'components', 'evaluation', 'innovation', 'cover', 'level']
Dokument 6466: ['depth', 'comments', 'draft', 'discussion', 'regulation', 'brought', 'prepared', 'ministry', 'received', 'based']
Dokument 6467: ['expenditures', 'significantly', 'previous', '2015', 'according', 'budget', 'education', 'higher', 'year']
Dokument 6468: ['jump', 'percent', '10']
Dokument 6469: ['900', 'percent', 'receive', 'pln', 'increase', 'education', 'higher', 'million']
Dokument 6470: ['research', 'negotiated', 'history', 'centre', 'making', 'innovation', 'ministry', 'financial', 'partnership', 'national']
Dokument 6471: ['operational', 'intelligent', 'approx', 'allocated', 'programmes', '11', 'regional', 'eur', 'billion', 'programme']
Dokument 6472: ['research', 'development', 'iv', 'expansion', 'focused', 'personnel', 'iii', 'undertakings', 'teams', 'funded']
Dokument 6473: ['regard', 'launched', 'actions', 'end', 'year']
Dokument 6474: ['modules', 'formula', 'internationalization', 'consists', 'tradition', 'programme', 'new', 'development']
Dokument 6475: ['80', 'allocated', 'previous', 'pln', 'programme', 'year', 'years', 'million']
Dokument 6476: ['competency', 'prepared', 'ministry', 'programme', 'development']
Dokument 6477: ['thinking', 'classes', 'soft', 'skills', 'communication', 'team', 'innovative', 'develop', 'called', 'students']
Dokument 6478: ['competences', 'acquire', 'desired', 'employers', 'result', 'young', 'people']
Dokument 6479: ['private', 'available', 'universities', 'public', 'programme']
Dokument 6480: ['continued', '2020']
Dokument 6481: ['benefit', 'universities', 'economy', 'students', 'programme', 'polish']
Dokument 6482: ['ukraine', 'studying', 'thereof', '450', 'started', 'erasmus', 'students', 'programme', 'polish', 'poland']
Dokument 6483: ['erasmus', 'underlie', 'complete', 'obligations', 'institution', 'scholarship', 'principles', 'allow', 'study', 'similar']
Dokument 6484: ['zones', 'conflict', 'renowned', 'war', 'ukrainian', 'enabling', 'democratic', 'intended', 'ukraine', 'study']
Dokument 6485: ['economics', 'covers', 'administration', 'fields', 'primarily', 'management', 'study', 'studies', 'following', 'programme']
Dokument 6486: ['ministry', 'toddler', 'filed', 'applications', '60', 'developed', 'called', 'university', 'universities', 'labour']
Dokument 6487: ['clubs', 'soon', 'care', 'centres', 'day', 'children', 'means', 'open', 'universities', 'new']
Dokument 6488: ['students', 'responsibilities', 'combine', 'phd', 'school', 'employees', 'family', 'aims', 'university', 'help']
Dokument 6489: ['quit', 'situations', 'careers', 'forces', 'parents', 'child', 'having', 'prevent', 'school', 'young']
Dokument 6490: ['acts', 'legal', 'months', 'working', 'following', 'ministry', 'education', 'higher', 'science']
Dokument 6491: ['outstanding', 'amendments', 'participate', '2016', 'parliament', 'studies', 'adopted', 'government', 'able', 'thanks']
Dokument 6492: ['science', 'emphasises', 'pro', 'strongly', 'principles', 'january', 'act', 'law', 'financing', '2015']
Dokument 6493: ['precisely', 'specify', 'organise', 'provisions', 'purpose', 'act', 'adopted', '2010']
Dokument 6494: ['examination', 'language', 'enable', 'act', 'centres', 'creation', 'adopted', 'government', 'abroad', 'changes']
Dokument 6495: ['command', 'confirm', 'language', 'levels', 'interested', 'able', 'european', 'polish']
Dokument 6496: ['transposed', 'purposes', 'passed', '63', 'directive', 'legislation', 'educational', 'animals', 'act', 'january']
Dokument 6497: ['compromise', 'represent', 'animal', 'solutions', 'act', 'organisations', 'researchers', 'adopted', 'protection']
Dokument 6498: ['senators', 'deputies', 'readiness', 'compromise', 'involvement', 'lena', 'cooperate', 'commitment', 'bobińska', 'kolarska']
Dokument 6499: ['minimizes', 'suffering', 'introduces', 'reduces', 'experiments', 'ongoing', 'animal', 'experiences', 'law', 'greater']
Dokument 6500: ['eso', 'ratify', 'observatory', 'intergovernmental', 'astronomy', 'southern', 'agreed', 'agreement', 'parliament', 'organisations']
Dokument 6501: ['astrophysicists', 'universe', 'astronomers', 'observe', 'class', 'allow', 'study', 'equipment', 'researchers', 'use']
Dokument 6502: ['amendments', 'force', 'came', 'october', '2014']
Dokument 6503: ['studies', 'university', 'dual', 'combine', 'allowing', 'combined', 'inter', 'study', 'students', 'work']
Dokument 6504: ['consolidation', 'associations', 'prepare', 'favourable', 'conduct', 'allow', 'joint', 'researchers', 'able', 'investments']
Dokument 6505: ['organizes', 'invention', 'commercialization', 'easier', 'regarding', 'act', 'rules', 'market']
Dokument 6506: ['scientist', 'discovery', 'assume', 'contract', 'property', 'establish', 'rights', 'rules', 'university', 'research']
Dokument 6507: ['competitions', 'horizon', 'success', 'poles', 'programme', '2020']
Dokument 6508: ['places', 'average', 'result', 'eu']
Dokument 6509: ['genuinely', 'pleased', 'success']
Dokument 6510: ['38', 'competitions', 'horizon', 'know', 'results', 'programme', '2020']
Dokument 6511: ['seventh', 'funded', 'involved', 'project', 'poles']
Dokument 6512: ['ordinating', '11', 'scientists', 'projects', 'international', 'important', 'research', 'polish']
Dokument 6513: ['teaming', 'supports', 'horizon', '11', 'implemented', 'addition', 'ministry', 'projects', 'education', 'higher']
Dokument 6514: ['teaming', 'partnerships', 'enter', 'leading', 'strategic', 'chance', 'centres', 'scientific', 'thanks', 'institutions']
Dokument 6515: ['delighted', 'news']
Dokument 6516: ['competitions', 'low', 'success', 'participation', 'rates', 'used']
Dokument 6517: ['internationalize', 'new', 'says', 'lena', 'bobińska', 'kolarska', 'obtain', 'participate', 'professor', 'initiatives']
Dokument 6518: ['pact', 'sign', 'proposed', 'june', 'horizon', 'researchers', '2020']
Dokument 6519: ['institutes', 'undertaken', 'branches', 'effectiveness', 'competitions', 'prestigious', 'encourage', 'actions', 'initiatives', 'researchers']
Dokument 6520: ['emphasizes', 'enjoy', 'efforts', 'effects', 'today', 'minister', 'science']
Dokument 6521: ['horizon', '2020', 'scholars', 'motivate', 'pact', 'reach', 'initiative', 'ministry', 'funds', 'science']
Dokument 6522: ['344', 'pact', 'signed', 'units', 'far', 'research']
Dokument 6523: ['casually', 'departments', 'deeply', 'matter', 'obtain', 'clear', 'treated', 'units', 'involved', 'actions']
Dokument 6524: ['spallation', 'founding', 'source', 'members', 'european', 'poland']
Dokument 6525: ['spallation', 'involving', 'ess', 'operation', 'supports', 'construction', 'source', 'participation', 'government', 'project']
Dokument 6526: ['founding', 'ess', 'status', 'granted', 'member', 'poland']
Dokument 6527: ['neutrons', 'technologically', 'strongest', 'advanced', 'ess', 'matter', 'source', 'study', 'largest', 'used']
Dokument 6528: ['lund', 'swedish', 'built']
Dokument 6529: ['organization', 'recently', 'joined', 'large', 'international', 'research', 'poland']
Dokument 6530: ['cornerstone', 'laid', 'facility', 'october', '2014']
Dokument 6531: ['involves', '17', 'project', 'countries', 'european']
Dokument 6532: ['expansion', 'participating', 'ess', 'contribute', 'knowledge', 'innovative', 'technology', 'implementation', 'based', 'area']
Dokument 6533: ['entities', 'technical', 'participate', 'fully', 'technologies', 'involved', 'modern', 'potential', 'able', 'project']
Dokument 6534: ['teamwork', 'successes', 'greatest', 'usually', 'scientific', 'result']
Dokument 6535: ['internationalization', 'education', 'important']
Dokument 6536: ['translates', 'produces', 'directly', 'scale', 'global', 'results', 'large', 'best', 'cooperation', 'research']
Dokument 6537: ['transfer', 'furthermore', 'knowledge', 'benefit', 'developed', 'industry', 'world', 'europe', 'cooperation', 'countries']
Dokument 6538: ['host', 'sweden', 'denmark', 'covered', 'half', 'countries']
Dokument 6539: ['2025', '140', 'annually', 'ess', 'operation', 'cost', 'start', 'expected', 'eur', 'million']
Dokument 6540: ['earliest', 'begin', 'minimum', 'contribution', 'kind', '70', '2016', 'payment']
Dokument 6541: ['intelligent', 'contribution', 'operational', 'sources', 'financed', 'ministry', 'budget', 'funds', 'science', 'programme']
Dokument 6542: ['allot', 'annually', 'estimated', 'project', 'eur', 'million', 'poland']
Dokument 6543: ['1959', 'peaceful', 'fulbright', 'advancement', 'understanding', 'mutual', 'friendly', 'designed', 'assist', 'initiated']
Dokument 6544: ['proficiency', 'executive', 'vision', 'demonstrate', 'organization', 'leadership', 'candidates', 'mature', 'capacity', 'director']
Dokument 6545: ['competences', 'details', 'attached', 'document', 'obligations', 'scope', 'qualifications', 'expectations', 'essential']
Dokument 6546: ['award', 'diamond', 'ceremony', '2015', 'grant']
Dokument 6547: ['ceremony', 'experiences', 'winners', 'meet', 'exchange', 'opportunity', 'good', 'time']
Dokument 6548: ['essence', 'diamond', 'grant', 'said', 'students', 'minister', 'science']
Dokument 6549: ['striving', 'excellence', 'pursue', 'helping', 'introduce', 'career', 'goals', 'professional', 'clear', 'introduced']
Dokument 6550: ['institutes', 'bobińska', 'kolarska', 'ceremony', 'contribute', 'chance', 'professor', 'researchers', 'said', 'universities']
Dokument 6551: ['dedicated', 'pursue', 'outstanding', 'plan', 'award', 'career', 'diamond', 'prestigious', 'grant', 'academic']
Dokument 6552: ['win', 'scholarship', 'country', 'year', 'people']
Dokument 6553: ['disciplines', '78', 'representing', 'selected', 'receive', 'grant', 'students', 'year']
Dokument 6554: ['humanities', '41', 'sciences', 'involved', 'students', 'social']
Dokument 6555: ['thesis', 'undergraduate', 'bachelor', 'completed', 'cycle', 'phd', 'diamond', 'degree', 'start', 'right']
Dokument 6556: ['competition', 'bachelor', 'degree', 'allowed', 'individuals', 'history', 'abroad', 'received', 'time', 'year']
Dokument 6557: ['diamond', 'awarded', 'grant', '2012']
Dokument 6558: ['353', '63', 'supported', 'won', 'grants', 'pln', 'students', 'state', 'research', 'million']
Dokument 6559: ['editions', 'laureates', 'diamond', 'winners', 'association', 'established', 'grant']
Dokument 6560: ['interdisciplinary', 'conferences', 'organise', 'inter', 'establish', 'opportunity', 'university', 'great', 'cooperation']
Dokument 6561: ['publications', 'diamond', 'scholarships', 'awards', 'winners', 'credit', 'numerous', 'achievements', 'grant', 'scientific']
Dokument 6562: ['numbers', 'diamond', '2015', 'grant']
Dokument 6563: ['63', 'diamond', 'beginning', 'allocated', 'grant', 'competition', 'scientists', 'ministry', 'pln', 'young']
Dokument 6564: ['353', 'diamond', 'winners', 'beginning', 'grant', 'competition', 'number']
Dokument 6565: ['edition', 'allocated', '14', 'competition', 'money', 'pln', 'million', 'year']
Dokument 6566: ['humanities', 'representing', '41', 'diamond', 'winners', 'sciences', 'grant', 'social', 'number']
Dokument 6567: ['representing', 'diamond', 'medicine', 'winners', 'sciences', '21', 'life', 'grant', 'including', 'number']
Dokument 6568: ['exact', 'representing', 'engineering', 'diamond', 'winners', 'sciences', '16', 'grant', 'number']
Dokument 6569: ['representing', 'diamond', 'winners', 'grant', 'warsaw', 'university', '15', 'number']
Dokument 6570: ['jagiellonian', 'representing', 'diamond', 'winners', 'grant', '14', 'university', 'number']
Dokument 6571: ['celebrate', 'successes', 'laureates', 'generation', 'future', 'new']
Dokument 6572: ['laureates', 'teams', 'generation', 'future', 'ministry', 'programme']
Dokument 6573: ['engagements', 'algorithmic', '6th', 'silver', 'medal', 'ranked', 'award', 'generation', 'team', 'winners']
Dokument 6574: ['mechanics', 'klimek', 'kociumak', 'podium', 'andrychowicz', 'marcin', 'mathematics', 'maciej', 'tomasz', 'faculty']
Dokument 6575: ['9th', 'jagiellonian', 'medal', 'bronze', 'compete', 'ranked', 'award', 'team', 'winners', 'won']
Dokument 6576: ['rounds', 'qualifying', 'finals', 'pass', 'qualify', 'teams', 'regional', 'polish']
Dokument 6577: ['kerry', 'constructors', 'meets', 'john', 'scientists', 'young', 'polish']
Dokument 6578: ['yesterday', 'kerry', 'innovators', 'john', 'met', 'aimed', 'participants', '500', 'promote', 'innovation']
Dokument 6579: ['university', 'berkeley', 'california', 'fellowships', 'stanford', 'raised', 'shared', 'month', 'issues', 'experience']
Dokument 6580: ['centres', '320', 'fellowships', 'transfer', 'leading', 'staff', 'members', 'technology', 'granted', 'scientists']
Dokument 6581: ['comercialise', 'practitioners', 'fellowships', 'visits', 'classes', 'outstanding', 'run', 'learn', 'successfully', 'participants']
Dokument 6582: ['totals', '35', 'pln', 'budget', 'programme', 'million']
Dokument 6583: ['mars', 'hyperion', 'secretary', 'rover', 'białystok', 'talented', 'showed', 'university', 'students', 'state']
Dokument 6584: ['robot', 'kerry', 'constructed', 'tested', 'john', 'skills', 'students']
Dokument 6585: ['urc', 'scored', '493', 'score', 'hyperion', 'rover', 'challenge', 'prestigious', 'team', 'won']
Dokument 6586: ['freedom', 'announced', 'competitions', 'winners', 'science']
Dokument 6587: ['wanted', '25', 'able', 'best', 'years']
Dokument 6588: ['clinical', 'really', 'achieved', 'medicine', 'lot', 'science']
Dokument 6589: ['lena', 'kolarska', 'bobińska', 'announced', 'competition', 'results', 'minister']
Dokument 6590: ['choices', 'voters', 'achievement', 'chose', 'internet', 'quarter', 'century', '25', 'important', 'science']
Dokument 6591: ['popularization', 'relevance', 'announcing', 'bobińska', 'kolarska', 'winners', 'stressed', 'things', 'achievements', 'competition']
Dokument 6592: ['enter', 'constantly', 'dialogue', 'learn', 'society', 'open', 'need', 'science']
Dokument 6593: ['friendly', 'open', 'science']
Dokument 6594: ['audiology', 'phoniatrics', 'otosurgeon', 'otolaryngology', 'skarżyński', 'specialist', 'class', 'professor', 'world']
Dokument 6595: ['person', 'deaf', '1992', 'restore', 'hearing', 'operation', 'conduct']
Dokument 6596: ['hearing', 'loss', 'world', 'adult', 'operated', 'partial', 'patient', '2002', 'child', 'operation']
Dokument 6597: ['method', 'employs', 'skarżyński', 'specialty', 'considered', 'known', 'world', 'polish']
Dokument 6598: ['inborn', 'implants', 'cochlear', 'defects', 'otolaryngology', 'deafness', '1992', 'complete', 'completely', 'acquired']
Dokument 6599: ['skarżyński', 'declared', 'caught', 'centres', 'professor', 'position', 'international', '10', 'years', 'european']
Dokument 6600: ['speech', 'hearing', 'centre', 'international', 'renamed', 'founder', 'skarżyński', 'director', 'institution', 'professor']
Dokument 6601: ['kiejtany', 'correction', 'hearing', 'operations', 'conducted', 'biggest', 'present', 'world', 'number']
Dokument 6602: ['magellanic', 'stunning', 'galaxy', 'cloud', 'accuracy', 'measurement', 'determined', 'nearby', 'distance', 'team']
Dokument 6603: ['astronomical', 'measurement', 'universe', 'evolution', 'factor', 'distance', 'learning', 'entire', 'key', 'basis']
Dokument 6604: ['bogdan', 'marciniec', 'won', 'professor', 'place']
Dokument 6605: ['chemist', 'mickiewicz', 'adam', 'outstanding', 'poznań', 'university']
Dokument 6606: ['catalysis', 'nonorganic', 'metallic', 'organometallic', 'organosilicon', 'marciniec', 'chemistry', 'authority', 'discipline', 'knowledge']
Dokument 6607: ['holds', 'books', '170', '380', 'patent', 'patents', 'english', 'technological', '42', 'publications']
Dokument 6608: ['spin', 'mościce', 'unisil', 'tarnowo', '14', 'implemented', 'university']
Dokument 6609: ['park', 'technological', 'poznań', 'created', 'science', 'polish']
Dokument 6610: ['hosts', 'laboratories', 'ones', '80', 'building', 'companies']
Dokument 6611: ['commercialize', 'meets', 'business', 'results', 'scientific', 'place', 'young', 'work', 'science', 'people']
Dokument 6612: ['tremendous', 'marciniec', 'stated', 'challenge', 'professor', 'business', 'integration', 'science']
Dokument 6613: ['technology', 'włodzimierz', 'strupiński', 'itme', 'graphene', 'voters', 'electronic', 'dr', 'internet', 'manufacturing']
Dokument 6614: ['alter', 'graphene', 'completely', 'nature', 'material', 'technology', 'new']
Dokument 6615: ['1959', 'peaceful', 'fulbright', 'advancement', 'understanding', 'mutual', 'friendly', 'designed', 'assist', 'initiated']
Dokument 6616: ['letter', 'email', 'mizrach', 'cv', '6th', 'fulbright', 'english', 'directed', 'accompanied', 'pl']
Dokument 6617: ['intergovernmental', 'consultations', 'barbara', 'kudrycka', 'german', 'minister', 'education', 'higher', 'science', 'polish']
Dokument 6618: ['science', 'german', 'talks', 'topics', 'foundation', 'financing', 'polish', 'ministers', 'main', 'germany']
Dokument 6619: ['representation', 'powers', 'wider', 'proper', 'foundation', 'decision', 'agreement', 'making', 'grant', 'ensure']
Dokument 6620: ['discussed', 'things', '2014', 'meeting', 'budget', '2020', 'years', 'eu']
Dokument 6621: ['2020', 'provisions', 'issue', 'debate', 'horizon', 'financing', 'german', 'position', '2014', 'important']
Dokument 6622: ['breaking', 'envisages', 'record', '80', 'allocated', 'eur', 'billion', 'europe', 'programme', 'research']
Dokument 6623: ['facilities', 'joined', 'research', 'european', 'polish']
Dokument 6624: ['research', 'wroclaw', 'eit', 'agrophysics', 'prestige', 'hr', 'excellence', 'academy', 'logo', 'sciences']
Dokument 6625: ['conduction', 'distinction', 'entities', 'standards', 'offer', 'granted', 'given', 'highest', 'employment', 'research']
Dokument 6626: ['research', 'researchers', 'hr', 'recruitment', 'specified', 'institutes', 'code', 'excellence', 'charter', 'logo']
Dokument 6627: ['researchers', 'attractiveness', 'logo', 'strategy', 'element', 'aimed', 'resources', 'increasing', 'human', 'working']
Dokument 6628: ['260', 'logo', 'nearly', 'far', '30', 'granted', 'institutions', 'countries']
Dokument 6629: ['compete', 'evaluation', 'stability', 'employees', 'organisations', 'means', 'way', 'employment', 'best', 'level']
Dokument 6630: ['code', 'charter']
Dokument 6631: ['researchers', 'hire', 'specifies', 'charter', 'obligations', 'providing', 'rights', 'organisations', 'scientific', 'institutions']
Dokument 6632: ['scientific', 'mobility', 'career', 'care', 'concern', 'researchers', 'conditions', 'young', 'work', 'development']
Dokument 6633: ['recruitment', 'researches', 'obeyed', 'describes', 'hiring', 'code', 'equal', 'providing', 'conduct', 'treatment']
Dokument 6634: ['rule', 'gender', 'discriminating', 'informing', 'transparent', 'language', 'contest', 'stages', 'procedures', 'career']
Dokument 6635: ['logo', 'obtain']
Dokument 6636: ['endorsement', 'code', 'distinction', 'charter', 'step', 'obtain', 'declaration']
Dokument 6637: ['realises', 'evaluate', 'entity', 'recommendations', 'extent', 'commission', 'european']
Dokument 6638: ['entity', 'improvement', 'plans', 'strategy', 'operation', 'analysis', 'enable', 'internal', 'necessary', 'develop']
Dokument 6639: ['rtd', 'document', 'sent', 'charter', 'europa', 'ec', 'prepared', 'eu']
Dokument 6640: ['accepting', 'periods', 'week', 'applications', 'application', 'set', 'number', 'commission']
Dokument 6641: ['year']
Dokument 6642: ['polonez', 'internships', 'scientists', 'foreign', 'poland']
Dokument 6643: ['polonez', '4050', 'soft', 'managing', 'courses', 'series', 'skills', 'month', 'opportunities', 'grant']
Dokument 6644: ['nsc', 'fall', 'proposals', 'centre', 'open', 'national', 'science']
Dokument 6645: ['attract', 'conduct', 'highest', 'scientists', 'need', 'level', 'world', 'research']
Dokument 6646: ['willing', 'return', 'grant', 'benefit', 'working', 'universities', 'citizens', 'foreign', 'polish', 'poland']
Dokument 6647: ['willingness', 'hear', 'prof', 'frequently', 'emphasized', 'regarding', 'accompanied', 'career', 'return', 'concern']
Dokument 6648: ['conduct', 'want', 'provide', 'scientists', 'conditions', 'best', 'research', 'poland']
Dokument 6649: ['flywheel', 'intellectual', 'kolarska', 'bobińska', 'innovative', 'building', 'said', 'capital', 'economy', 'social']
Dokument 6650: ['mobility', 'pursuing', 'plus', 'outstanding', 'promote', 'studies', 'researchers', 'programmes', 'activities', 'ministry']
Dokument 6651: ['dynamically', 'growing', 'foreign', 'students', 'number', 'years', 'poland']
Dokument 6652: ['doktor', 'phd', 'degree', 'pl', 'apply', 'grant', 'researchers', 'experience', 'employment', 'world']
Dokument 6653: ['couldn', 'fulfill', 'applicants', 'prior', 'condition', 'application', 'live', 'months', 'study', '12']
Dokument 6654: ['gross', '4050', 'salary', 'monthly', 'internships', 'units', 'receive', 'apply', 'researchers', 'euro']
Dokument 6655: ['laureates', 'announced', 'awards', 'minister', 'science']
Dokument 6656: ['scientists', 'prominent', 'academics', 'masters', 'prestigious', 'awards', 'known', 'results', 'received', 'young']
Dokument 6657: ['roles', 'play', 'scientists', 'social']
Dokument 6658: ['models', 'inventors', 'teachers', 'achievements', 'role', 'society', 'academic', 'thanks']
Dokument 6659: ['leap', 'forward', 'stressed', 'recently', 'great', 'minister', 'science', 'polish']
Dokument 6660: ['increasingly', 'involved', 'scientists', 'projects', 'international', 'polish']
Dokument 6661: ['emerging', 'flagship', 'participate', 'technologies', 'projects', 'programme', 'new', 'european']
Dokument 6662: ['outputs', 'honoured', 'arena', 'impressive', 'prestigious', 'awards', 'achievements', 'known', 'scientists', 'scientific']
Dokument 6663: ['research', 'categories', 'awards', 'basic', 'granted', 'economy', 'social', 'development']
Dokument 6664: ['phenomena', 'understanding', 'works', 'progress', 'fundamental', 'award', 'learning', 'winners', 'technologies', 'contributed']
Dokument 6665: ['science', 'quoted', 'journals', 'whilst', 'ranking', 'worldwide', 'published', 'centres', 'known', 'said']
Dokument 6666: ['teaching', 'awards', 'achievements', 'handed', 'minster', 'tutoring', 'lifetime', 'organizational', 'outstanding', 'teachers']
Dokument 6667: ['dissertations', 'manuals', 'supervised', 'authored', 'curricula', 'breakthrough', 'doctoral', 'interesting', 'study', 'academic']
Dokument 6668: ['subjects', 'masters', 'talented', 'identify', 'barbara', 'kudrycka', 'interesting', 'knowledge', 'professor', 'offer']
Dokument 6669: ['councils', 'science', 'nominated', 'committees', 'faculty', 'statutory', 'academy', 'ngos', 'candidates', 'representing']
Dokument 6670: ['erasmus', 'ukraine', 'polish']
Dokument 6671: ['available', 'students', 'ukrainians', 'military', 'ukrainian', 'scholarships', 'proposed', 'live', 'ukraine', '2015']
Dokument 6672: ['minister', 'education', 'science', 'serhiy', 'kvit', 'lena', 'ukrainian', 'bobińska', 'kolarska', 'scholarship']
Dokument 6673: ['permanent', 'foundation', 'stable', 'democracy', 'functioning', 'based', 'institutions']
Dokument 6674: ['behaviors', 'attitudes', 'involves', 'democracy', 'change', 'people', 'development']
Dokument 6675: ['delegation', 'discussions', 'shared', 'ukrainian', 'experiences', 'today', 'poland']
Dokument 6676: ['programs', 'ago', 'scholarship', 'educational', 'supported', 'western', 'united', 'situation', 'time', 'states']
Dokument 6677: ['directing', 'ukraine', 'aid']
Dokument 6678: ['ideas', 'democratic', 'scholarship', 'hope', 'return', 'added', 'come', 'ukraine', 'develop', 'young']
Dokument 6679: ['erasmus', 'programs', 'complete', 'ideas', 'scholarship', 'built', 'program', 'allow', 'studies', 'similar']
Dokument 6680: ['renown', 'democratic', 'intended', '500', 'ukraine', 'capital', 'university', 'institutions', 'social', 'year']
Dokument 6681: ['studies', 'economics', 'administration', 'fields', 'program', 'management', 'includes', 'following', 'european']
Dokument 6682: ['directed', 'phd', 'scholarships', 'ukraine', 'students']
Dokument 6683: ['mln', 'cost', 'program', 'pln', '10']
Dokument 6684: ['expenses', 'bachelor', 'master', 'phd', 'courses', 'stay', 'living', 'financing', 'polish', 'cover']
Dokument 6685: ['donetsk', 'experiencing', 'lugansk', 'crimea', 'military', 'directed', 'primarily', 'program', 'currently', 'regions']
Dokument 6686: ['bakalaureat', 'semester', 'commence', 'charge', 'bachelor', 'completed', 'ukrainian', 'starting', 'degree', 'winter']
Dokument 6687: ['expenses', '900', 'scholarship', 'living', 'receive', 'pln']
Dokument 6688: ['bachelor', 'commence', 'completed', 'master', '400', 'fourth', 'degree', 'january', 'stage', 'program']
Dokument 6689: ['preference', 'applicants', 'lost', 'military', 'directed', 'ability', 'scholarships', 'residents', 'ukraine', 'given']
Dokument 6690: ['grateful', 'scholarship', 'program', 'offered', 'support']
Dokument 6691: ['schooling', 'tertiary', 'stay', 'scholarships', 'democracy', 'standards', 'society', 'experience', 'develop', 'related']
Dokument 6692: ['tertiary', 'act', 'education', 'research', 'reformation', 'commented', 'kvit', 'revolutionary', 'autonomy', 'ukrainian']
Dokument 6693: ['useful', 'ukrainian', 'www', 'website', 'pl', 'poland', 'special', 'available', 'prepared', 'ministry']
Dokument 6694: ['ukrainian', 'www', 'pl', 'uk', 'available', 'poland']
Dokument 6695: ['istanbul', 'eaie', 'ministry', 'education', 'higher', 'science', '2013']
Dokument 6696: ['seventh', 'initiative', 'year']
Dokument 6697: ['fair', 'education', 'tbilisi', 'studijos', 'vilnius', 'overseas', 'almaty', 'nafsa', 'kyiv', 'apaie']
Dokument 6698: ['education', 'eaie', 'conference', 'experts', 'european', '75', 'participants', 'association', 'largest', 'meeting']
Dokument 6699: ['networking', 'helping', 'establish', 'element', 'partners', 'event', 'develop', 'international', 'important', 'cooperation']
Dokument 6700: ['enjoyed', 'visitors', 'stand', 'located', 'central', 'fair', 'area', 'great']
Dokument 6701: ['thirty', 'eaie', 'participated', 'representatives', 'event', 'universities', 'total', 'polish']
Dokument 6702: ['seventeen', 'fdes', 'rectors', 'conference', 'schools', 'stand', 'representatives', 'academic', 'present', 'universities']
Dokument 6703: ['kraków', 'consortium', 'establishments', 'stand', 'study', 'presented', 'education', 'higher']
Dokument 6704: ['turkish', 'bilateral', '600', 'relations', 'tradition', 'long', 'area', 'education', 'cooperation', 'years']
Dokument 6705: ['ankara', 'affaires', 'counselor', 'chargé', 'krawczyk', 'piotr', 'charge', 'embassy', 'ceremony', 'contribute']
Dokument 6706: ['turkish', 'applying', 'choice', 'erasmus', 'participation', 'students', 'country', 'programme', 'year', 'poland']
Dokument 6707: ['education', 'krawczyk', 'piotr', 'turkish', 'establishments', 'gives', 'added', 'benefit', 'potential', 'opportunity']
Dokument 6708: ['coordinator', 'ulusal', 'keynote', 'ilyas', 'modalities', 'ajansi', 'ulgur', 'speaker', 'highlighted', 'turkish']
Dokument 6709: ['panel', 'concluded', 'discussion', 'representatives', 'meeting', 'universities', 'polish']
Dokument 6710: ['education', 'internationalisation', 'dealing', 'eaie', 'governmental', 'organisation', 'non', 'international', 'higher']
Dokument 6711: ['attracting', 'eaie', '85', 'exhibitors', 'conference', 'city', '300', 'organized', 'participants', '500']
Dokument 6712: ['education', 'international', 'exchanges', 'establishing', 'profile', 'student', 'contacts', 'experts', 'exchange', 'participation']
Dokument 6713: ['eaie', 'prague', 'held', 'year']
Dokument 6714: ['parliament', '2015', 'adopted', 'budget']
Dokument 6715: ['opportunities', 'scientists', 'young', 'minister', 'science']
Dokument 6716: ['specifics', 'pays', 'topics', 'look', 'unique', 'region', 'research']
Dokument 6717: ['fighting', 'career', 'added', 'better', 'scientists', 'future', 'young', 'science', 'development', 'polish']
Dokument 6718: ['disbursed', 'percent', '40', 'centre', 'funds', 'national', 'science']
Dokument 6719: ['research', 'lider', 'spends', 'obligation', 'statutory', '120', 'centre', 'does', 'said', 'implementation']
Dokument 6720: ['reserved', 'statutory', 'explained', 'grant', '100', 'scientists', 'universities', 'pln', 'young', 'funds']
Dokument 6721: ['acquire', 'ability', 'quickly', 'effectively', 'means', 'scientists', 'young', 'funds']
Dokument 6722: ['good', 'write', 'realize', 'phd', 'carry', 'purpose', 'money', 'said', 'research']
Dokument 6723: ['careers', 'barbara', 'kudrycka', 'prof', 'priorities', 'stressed', 'reform', 'promotion', 'meeting', 'scientists']
Dokument 6724: ['minister', 'appointed', 'surprised', 'outstanding', 'award', 'regulation', 'scholarships', 'allowed', 'scientists', 'young']
Dokument 6725: ['reminded', 'discount', '51', 'graduate', 'percent', 'introduced', 'government', 'transport', 'public', 'students']
Dokument 6726: ['laboratories', 'facilities', 'educational', 'opening', 'added', 'modern', 'minister', 'science', 'poland']
Dokument 6727: ['invested', '800', 'podlasie', 'infrastructure', 'scientific', 'pln', 'million']
Dokument 6728: ['exceeds', '26', 'said', 'investments', 'pln', 'value', 'million', 'poland']
Dokument 6729: ['workshop', 'białystok', 'commercialisation', 'matters', 'discussed', 'strengthening', 'included', 'scientists', 'business', 'need']
Dokument 6730: ['białowieża', 'noted', 'perspective', 'look', 'focus', 'purpose', 'environment', 'forest', 'carried', 'allocated']
Dokument 6731: ['elżbieta', 'maria', 'orłowska', 'visiting', 'japan', 'professor']
Dokument 6732: ['science', '4th', 'elżbieta', 'secretary', 'industries', 'orłowska', 'maria', 'nations', 'map', 'changing']
Dokument 6733: ['kyoto', 'grips', 'delegation', 'graduate', 'japan', 'institute', 'organised', 'october', 'studies', 'held']
Dokument 6734: ['research', 'panel', 'makers', 'speech', 'vice', 'substantial', 'competitive', 'recently', 'stressed', 'environment']
Dokument 6735: ['corporate', 'cit', 'commercialisation', 'foster', 'informed', 'transfer', 'choice', 'tax', 'entrepreneurs', 'recently']
Dokument 6736: ['japan', 'participated', 'stressed', 'forum', 'eu', 'needs', 'state', 'new', 'member', 'poland']
Dokument 6737: ['look', 'event', 'information']
Dokument 6738: ['science', 'jubilee', 'roundtable', '10th', 'vice', 'participated', 'october', 'technology', 'ministers', 'meeting']
Dokument 6739: ['consultants', 'participated', 'affairs', '27', 'representatives', 'ministers', 'government', 'meeting', 'world', 'science']
Dokument 6740: ['whilst', 'orłowska', 'mobility', 'mutual', 'matter', 'choice', 'trust', 'extent', 'professor', 'opportunities']
Dokument 6741: ['pointed', 'transformation', 'recently', 'taken', 'reforms', 'implemented', 'place', 'poland']
Dokument 6742: ['science', 'japanese', 'units', 'managed', 'supporting', 'centre', 'joint', 'implemented', 'projects', 'national']
Dokument 6743: ['seminar', 'strengths', 'titled', 'expanding', 'embassy', 'goal', 'innovations', 'japanese', 'japan', 'image']
Dokument 6744: ['speech', 'friendly', 'goal', 'japan', 'ranked', 'strategic', 'stressed', 'innovation', 'government', 'world']
Dokument 6745: ['talks', 'october', 'took', 'place']
Dokument 6746: ['talks', 'swedish', 'scientific', 'cooperation', 'polish']
Dokument 6747: ['lund', 'spallation', 'involvement', 'ess', 'operation', 'discussed', 'sweden', 'construction', 'source', 'set']
Dokument 6748: ['accelerator', 'solaris', 'synchrotron', 'jagiellonian', 'radiation', 'cooperate', 'kraków', 'sweden', 'building', 'centre']
Dokument 6749: ['research', 'infrastructures', 'ess', 'map', 'road', 'infrastructure', 'included', 'project', 'large', 'european']
Dokument 6750: ['microscope', 'neutron', 'envisages', 'powerful', 'operate', 'construction', 'source', 'project', 'large', 'like']
Dokument 6751: ['pharmacology', 'disciplines', 'biology', 'experiments', 'chemistry', 'physics', 'laboratories', 'ess', 'engineering', 'material']
Dokument 6752: ['ess', 'participation', 'benefit', 'project', 'institutions', 'industry', 'research', 'polish', 'poland']
Dokument 6753: ['world', 'research', 'train', 'laboratory', 'conduct', 'staff', 'opportunities', 'standards', 'open', 'unique']
Dokument 6754: ['talks', 'discussed', 'perspective', 'ministers', 'context', 'area', 'financial', 'research', 'development', 'european']
Dokument 6755: ['harmoniously', 'applied', 'equal', 'treated', 'basic', 'stressed', 'develop', 'terms', 'need', 'sector']
Dokument 6756: ['careers', 'graduates', 'discussed', 'skills', 'practical', 'developing', 'jobs', 'ministers', 'addition', 'need']
Dokument 6757: ['talents', 'socially', 'creativity', 'entrepreneurship', 'join', 'belarus', 'norway', 'forward', 'finland', 'engaged']
Dokument 6758: ['expanding', 'participants', 'ukraine', 'year']
Dokument 6759: ['balticlab', 'cbss', 'motivations', 'passions', 'cv', 'org', 'submit', 'words', 'joining', 'november']
Dokument 6760: ['israel', 'scientific', 'cooperation', 'poland']
Dokument 6761: ['signing', 'israel', 'vice', 'bronisław', 'komorowski', 'participated', 'visit', 'took', 'republic', 'president']
Dokument 6762: ['optics', 'specializing', 'tech', 'genetics', 'military', 'israel', 'electronics', 'physics', 'engineering', 'computer']
Dokument 6763: ['seminar', 'summary', 'qualifications', 'recognition', 'foreign', 'poland']
Dokument 6764: ['omc', 'coordination', 'determine', 'method', 'open', 'framework', 'work', 'cooperation']
Dokument 6765: ['consultation', 'amendments', 'began', 'law', 'public', 'education', 'higher']
Dokument 6766: ['supplement', 'amendments', 'entered', 'force', 'october', 'reform', '2011']
Dokument 6767: ['education', 'diploma', 'expertise', 'curriculum', 'specialist', 'formal', 'graduate', 'acquired', 'adults', 'courses']
Dokument 6768: ['vocational', 'academic', 'dual', 'envisages', 'profiles', 'approaches', 'draft', 'practical', 'schools', 'law']
Dokument 6769: ['obliged', 'establishments', 'profile', 'applied', 'month', 'practical', 'training', 'studies', 'ensure', 'students']
Dokument 6770: ['property', 'rights', 'scientists', 'transferring', 'equally', 'commercialization', 'outcomes', 'profitable', 'inventions', 'granting']
Dokument 6771: ['stresses', 'momentum', 'finally', 'innovation', 'way', 'effective', 'minister', 'science', 'polish']
Dokument 6772: ['amendment', 'draft', 'goals', 'solutions', 'important']
Dokument 6773: ['lifelong', 'facilitating', 'adults', 'learning', 'studies', 'access', 'programme']
Dokument 6774: ['upgrade', 'tailored', 'shorter', 'span', 'advantageous', 'graduate', 'qualifications', 'particularly', 'able', 'working']
Dokument 6775: ['expanding', 'improving', 'studies', 'offer', 'education', 'quality']
Dokument 6776: ['offer', 'profile', 'studies', 'education', 'higher', 'enrollment', 'expand', 'diversify', 'thought', 'applied']
Dokument 6777: ['organize', 'obliged', 'profile', 'applied', 'vocational', 'schools', 'regulations', 'training', 'months', 'studies']
Dokument 6778: ['envisaged', 'alternate', 'dual', 'practical', 'training', 'study', 'studies', 'following']
Dokument 6779: ['defining', 'plagiarism', 'graduation', 'anti', 'work']
Dokument 6780: ['work', 'dissertation', 'design', 'graduation', 'necessarily', 'computer', 'published', 'art', 'construction', 'article']
Dokument 6781: ['graduation', 'works', 'repository', 'plagiarism', 'defended', 'obliged', 'anti', 'check', 'schools', 'using']
Dokument 6782: ['comply', 'establishments', 'reliable', 'student', 'candidates', 'follow', 'legal', 'law', 'concerned', 'rights']
Dokument 6783: ['student', 'rights', 'better', 'protection']
Dokument 6784: ['excessive', 'fees', 'allowed', 'protect', 'costs', 'course', 'studies', 'students', 'new']
Dokument 6785: ['specify', 'signing', 'deadline', 'contracts', 'candidates', 'payments', 'studies', 'terms', 'related', 'students']
Dokument 6786: ['contract', 'model', 'published', 'website', 'payment', 'school', 'terms']
Dokument 6787: ['student', 'decree', 'postulates', 'pass', 'laying', 'laws', 'concerning', 'met', 'school', 'response']
Dokument 6788: ['periodical', 'specifying', 'decree', 'teachers', 'evaluation', 'method', 'academic', 'minister', 'science']
Dokument 6789: ['exams', 'secondary', 'rector', 'planned', 'earlier', 'scholarships', 'scholarship', 'final', 'school', 'awarded']
Dokument 6790: ['outcomes', 'inventions', 'owners', 'property', 'rights', 'scientists', 'scientific', 'projects', 'research']
Dokument 6791: ['commercialization', 'offering', 'proposed', 'aimed', 'encourage', 'benefits', 'changes', 'scientists', 'results', 'direct']
Dokument 6792: ['bell', 'dg', 'dr', 'john', 'director', 'opening', 'innovation', 'research', 'commission', 'european']
Dokument 6793: ['jpi', 'hdhl', 'pamela', 'byrne', 'upcoming', 'uniqueness', 'chair', 'plans', 'results', 'including']
Dokument 6794: ['tbc', 'wur', 'foodball', 'feskens', 'mi', 'edith', 'et', 'rdi', 'nutrition', 'human']
Dokument 6795: ['nutrition', 'collaboration', 'security', 'european']
Dokument 6796: ['dedipac', 'accomplishments', 'thematic', 'areas']
Dokument 6797: ['coordinated', 'priorities', 'programmes', 'research']
Dokument 6798: ['era', 'opening', 'wide', 'world']
Dokument 6799: ['kosef', 'pas', 'exchange', 'scientists']
Dokument 6800: ['industrialization', 'korea', 'technologies', 'offered', 'polish']
Dokument 6801: ['reviewed', 'korea', 'final', 'proposals', 'competitive', 'decision', 'basis', 'projects', 'support']
Dokument 6802: ['sides', 'seminars', 'conferences', 'workshops', 'organization', 'agreed', 'joint', 'support']
Dokument 6803: ['borne', 'cooperating', 'topics', 'case', 'resources', 'costs', 'specific', 'institutions']
Dokument 6804: ['coordinators', 'speakers', 'sub', 'details', 'consultation', 'venue', 'topics', 'mutual', 'selection', 'shall']
Dokument 6805: ['neutrons', 'technologically', 'strongest', 'advanced', 'ess', 'matter', 'source', 'study', 'largest', 'used']
Dokument 6806: ['buildings', 'heavily', 'lena', 'invest', 'invested', 'kolarska', 'bobińska', 'opening', 'recent', 'infrastructure']
Dokument 6807: ['employers', 'form']
Dokument 6808: ['kraków', 'city']
Dokument 6809: ['assistant', 'position']
Dokument 6810: ['discipline', 'electrical', 'engineering']
Dokument 6811: ['posted']
Dokument 6812: ['power', 'delivery', 'electrical', 'engineering', 'words', 'key', 'quality']
Dokument 6813: ['description', 'comments', 'expectations', 'field']
Dokument 6814: ['requirements']
Dokument 6815: ['electrical', 'master', 'engineering', 'degree']
Dokument 6816: ['matlab', 'simulink', 'ability', 'work']
Dokument 6817: ['industrial', 'participation', 'projects', 'research']
Dokument 6818: ['science', 'metals', 'faculty', 'agh', 'engineering', 'computer', 'industrial', 'technology', 'university']
Dokument 6819: ['materials', 'alloys', 'characterization', 'deformation', 'recrystallization', 'wear', 'failure', 'iron', 'phase', 'analysis']
Dokument 6820: ['degree', 'indexed', 'jcr', 'acknowledged', 'dsc', 'habilitation', 'journals', 'publications', 'phd', 'published']
Dokument 6821: ['krakow', 'city']
Dokument 6822: ['discipline', 'physics', 'material', 'science']
Dokument 6823: ['expires', '02', '2017', '28']
Dokument 6824: ['website']
Dokument 6825: ['words', 'key']
Dokument 6826: ['entrepreneurship', 'innovation', 'universities', 'support', 'polish']
Dokument 6827: ['03', '2017', 'july']
Dokument 6828: ['thoroughly', 'analyses', 'careers', 'graduates', 'ministry', 'education', 'higher', 'science']
Dokument 6829: ['determining', 'tool', 'candidates', 'courses', 'soon', 'improved', 'chance', 'receive', 'provide', 'highest']
Dokument 6830: ['spectrum', 'discoveries', 'breakthrough', 'impressive', 'fields', 'making', 'active', 'scientists', 'polish']
Dokument 6831: ['miękinia', 'audience', 'monday', 'widest', 'jarosław', 'gowin', 'findings', 'week', 'adults', 'kraków']
Dokument 6832: ['2017', 'february', '15']
Dokument 6833: ['science', 'promoted', 'deputy', 'uk', 'minister', 'polish']
Dokument 6834: ['wednesday', '2017', 'february', '15']
Dokument 6835: ['łukasz', 'commented', 'szumowski', 'impressed', 'active', 'young', 'people']
Dokument 6836: ['thriving', 'colleges', 'british', 'student', 'organizations', 'really', 'added', 'universities', 'european', 'polish']
Dokument 6837: ['geoengineering', 'faculty', 'mining', 'agh', 'krakow', 'institution', 'technology', 'university', 'science']
Dokument 6838: ['cracow', 'krakow', 'city']
Dokument 6839: ['associate', 'professor', 'position']
Dokument 6840: ['geology', 'mining', 'discipline', 'engineering']
Dokument 6841: ['expires', '2018', '02', '26']
Dokument 6842: ['economics', 'mining', 'words', 'engineering', 'marketing', 'key', 'industry', 'production']
Dokument 6843: ['ph', 'procedure']
Dokument 6844: ['lectures', 'seminars', 'conducting', 'classes', 'experience', 'including']
Dokument 6845: ['positive', 'employee', 'assessment', 'job', 'opinion', 'previous']
Dokument 6846: ['wydzialu', 'wybrane', 'gorn', 'uchwaly', 'rada', 'rady', 'edu', 'wydzial', 'geoengineering', 'http']
Dokument 6847: ['recommendations', 'accordance', 'women', 'offered', 'national']
Dokument 6848: ['ecdc', 'papillomavirus', 'en', 'factsheet', 'check', 'europa', 'https', 'www', 'website', 'human']
Dokument 6849: ['options', 'consulted', 'provider', 'advice', 'healthcare', 'treatment', 'specific']
Dokument 6850: ['vaccination', 'routine', 'schedule', 'accordance', 'hpv', 'takes', 'usually', '14', 'age', 'place']
Dokument 6851: ['genitals', 'infect', '40']
Dokument 6852: ['sexually', 'transmitted', 'worldwide', 'infection', 'common']
Dokument 6853: ['away', 'cause', 'hpv', 'does']
Dokument 6854: ['viruses', 'hpv', 'types', '100']
Dokument 6855: ['condoms', 'transmission', 'preventing', 'virus', '100', 'effective', 'use']
Dokument 6856: ['ways', 'treated', 'virus', 'hpv', 'treatment', 'problems', 'caused', 'different', 'health']
Dokument 6857: ['cancer', 'womb', 'neck', 'breast', 'affect', 'cervical', '44', 'aged', 'women', '15']
Dokument 6858: ['medication', 'surgery', 'warts', 'genital', 'treated', 'using']
Dokument 6859: ['obvious', 'disappears', 'causing', 'infection', 'hpv', 'problems', 'cases', 'symptoms']
Dokument 6860: ['treatable', 'diagnosed', 'screening', 'cancers', 'treated', 'early', 'hpv', 'programmes', 'related', 'specific']
Dokument 6861: ['persist', 'listed', 'cause', 'infection', 'complications', 'hpv', 'years']
Dokument 6862: ['condom', 'surrounding', 'occasionally', 'skin', 'infect', 'hpv', 'protected']
Dokument 6863: ['hpv', 'boys', 'sexes', 'girls', 'warts', 'infections', 'anal', 'genital', 'cervical', 'consequently']
Dokument 6864: ['sexual', 'transmitted', 'contact', 'hpv', 'virus', 'mainly', 'direct']
Dokument 6865: ['cancer', 'classified', 'cervical', 'cause', 'women', 'hpv', 'types', '14', 'risk', 'high']
Dokument 6866: ['sexually', 'contracting', 'hpv', 'active', 'risk']
Dokument 6867: ['infection', 'papillomavirus', 'viral', 'sexually', 'transmitted', 'contact', 'infected', 'hpv', 'person', 'mainly']
Dokument 6868: ['cervical', 'cancer', 'cervix', 'precancerous', 'identified', 'screening', 'tissue', 'described', 'treated', 'early']
Dokument 6869: ['hpv', 'risk']
Dokument 6870: ['cancers', 'neck', 'anal', 'genital', 'men', 'head', 'cause', 'women', 'hpv', 'types']
Dokument 6871: ['penile', 'vaginal', 'vulvar', 'neck', 'anal', 'cervical', 'cancers', 'head', 'cancer', 'types']
Dokument 6872: ['hpv']
Dokument 6873: ['warts', 'anal', 'genital', 'cause', 'hpv', 'types', 'low', 'risk']
Dokument 6874: ['hpv', 'symptoms']
Dokument 6875: ['warts', 'genital', 'anal']
Dokument 6876: ['treated', 'hpv']
Dokument 6877: ['prevented', 'hpv']
Dokument 6878: ['complications', 'hpv']
Dokument 6879: ['systems', 'norms', 'factors', 'governments', 'account', 'legal', 'cultural', 'health', 'national']
Dokument 6880: ['schedules', 'eea', 'vaccination', 'eu']
Dokument 6881: ['mandatory', 'recommended', 'vaccination']
Dokument 6882: ['mandatory', 'vaccinating', 'countries', 'required', 'eea', 'children', '12', 'diseases', 'vaccines', 'different']
Dokument 6883: ['implements', 'immunisation', 'eea', 'country', 'programme', 'eu']
Dokument 6884: ['scheduler', 'mandatory', 'vaccination', 'information', 'vaccine', 'countries']
Dokument 6885: ['mandatory', 'vaccination', 'coverage', 'achieved', 'eea', 'rates', 'non', 'high', 'countries', 'eu']
Dokument 6886: ['decides', 'voluntary', 'mandatory', 'territory', 'eea', 'vaccination', 'country', 'eu']
Dokument 6887: ['recommended', 'eea', 'offer', 'basis', 'vaccination', 'countries', 'eu']
Dokument 6888: ['ecdc', 'en', 'facts', 'check', 'europa', 'https', 'www', 'website', 'pertussis', 'information']
Dokument 6889: ['factsheets']
Dokument 6890: ['appear', 'days', 'infection', '21', 'usually', 'symptoms', 'later', '10']
Dokument 6891: ['night', 'recur', 'frequent', 'occur', 'initially', 'day', 'months']
Dokument 6892: ['dose', 'age', 'fourth', 'seven', 'recommended', 'months', '24', '11', 'years']
Dokument 6893: ['schedule', 'doses', 'accordance', 'primary', 'usually', 'months', 'course', 'age', 'given', 'vaccination']
Dokument 6894: ['information', 'judgement', 'contained', 'expertise', 'substitute', 'note', 'factsheet', 'professional', 'intended', 'purpose']
Dokument 6895: ['somewhat', 'adolescents', 'milder', 'immunised', 'generally', 'partially', 'adults', 'symptoms', 'children', 'different']
Dokument 6896: ['adolescents', 'boosters', 'baby', 'born', 'temporarily', 'pregnancy', 'adults', 'protects', 'recommend', 'women']
Dokument 6897: ['complete', 'immunisation', 'prevent', 'pertussis', 'way', 'important']
Dokument 6898: ['infant', 'fits', 'gets', 'coughing', 'frequent', 'phase', 'severe', 'gradually', 'months', 'better']
Dokument 6899: ['antibiotics', 'treat', 'prevent', 'pertussis', 'spread', 'disease', 'used']
Dokument 6900: ['throat', 'bacteria', 'nose', 'mouth', 'infected', 'person', 'caused']
Dokument 6901: ['episodes', 'coughs', 'occur', 'begin', 'weeks', 'rapid', 'numerous', 'early', 'treatment', 'course']
Dokument 6902: ['harder', 'diagnose', 'infants', 'pertussis', 'groups', 'young']
Dokument 6903: ['siblings', 'infant', 'bacteria', 'household', 'carrying', 'older', 'infect', 'parents', 'frequently', 'bring']
Dokument 6904: ['seizures', 'encephalopathy', 'pneumonia', 'brain', 'death', 'complications', 'include', 'disease']
Dokument 6905: ['forms', 'infants', 'severe', 'pertussis']
Dokument 6906: ['combination', 'vaccination', 'haemophilus', 'poliomyelitis', 'influenzae', 'hepatitis', 'tetanus', 'diphtheria', 'pertussis', 'usually']
Dokument 6907: ['booster', 'unprotected', 'transmission', 'baby', 'delivered', 'soon', 'recommend', 'women', 'reduce', 'risk']
Dokument 6908: ['mucous', 'vomiting', 'expulsion', 'episodes', 'followed', 'frequently', 'clear', 'end']
Dokument 6909: ['whooping', 'cough', 'known']
Dokument 6910: ['pertussis', 'risk']
Dokument 6911: ['individual', 'mild', 'infected', 'pertussis', 'spread', 'symptoms', 'disease', 'form']
Dokument 6912: ['lungs', 'bacterial', 'airways', 'involving', 'highly', 'infectious', 'pertussis', 'disease']
Dokument 6913: ['rectal', 'hernias', 'prolapse', 'ribs', 'inability', 'broken', 'breathe', 'older', 'periods', 'adults']
Dokument 6914: ['contracting', 'status', 'vaccinated', 'date', 'pertussis', 'risk', 'disease', 'vaccination', 'vaccine']
Dokument 6915: ['resemble', 'runny', 'sneezing', 'grade', 'nose', 'initially', 'fever', 'cough', 'mild', 'cold']
Dokument 6916: ['whoop', 'fits', 'stops', 'brief', 'coughing', 'breathing', 'followed', 'periods', 'typical', 'infants']
Dokument 6917: ['crowing', 'pitched', 'whoop', 'episodes', 'coughs', 'characterized', 'followed', 'cough', 'weeks', 'rapid']
Dokument 6918: ['pertussis', 'symptoms']
Dokument 6919: ['pertussis']
Dokument 6920: ['unvaccinated', 'infants', 'mother', 'severe', 'pertussis', 'particularly']
Dokument 6921: ['prevented', 'pertussis']
Dokument 6922: ['complications', 'pertussis']
Dokument 6923: ['airborne', 'coughs', 'droplets', 'infected', 'pertussis', 'spread', 'person', 'produced']
Dokument 6924: ['treated', 'pertussis']
Dokument 6925: ['sensitive', 'eyes', 'light', 'red']
Dokument 6926: ['⁰c', 'seventh', 'temperature', '41', 'reach', 'day']
Dokument 6927: ['measles', 'protection', 'vaccination']
Dokument 6928: ['dose', 'schedule', 'accordance', 'month', 'given', 'second', 'vaccination', 'national']
Dokument 6929: ['adults', 'infected', 'complications', 'children', '30', 'measles', 'develop']
Dokument 6930: ['death', 'lead', 'complications', 'disease']
Dokument 6931: ['unprotected', 'infect', 'estimated', 'person', '18', 'measles', '12', 'average', 'people']
Dokument 6932: ['antibiotics', 'virus', 'caused', 'measles', 'effective']
Dokument 6933: ['dose', 'months', '18', 'age', 'given', '10', 'countries', 'european']
Dokument 6934: ['immunocompromised', 'mortality', 'younger', 'persons', 'individuals', 'cases', 'rate', 'measles', 'age', 'highest']
Dokument 6935: ['symptoms', 'personality', 'neuromuscular', 'muscle', 'mental', 'spasms', 'gradual', 'deterioration', 'include', 'changes']
Dokument 6936: ['hours', 'virus', 'contaminated', 'surfaces', 'droplets', 'remain', 'remains', 'containing', 'air', 'infectious']
Dokument 6937: ['supplementary', 'exposure', 'mmr', 'dose', 'travelling', 'infants', 'months', 'receive', 'measles', 'age']
Dokument 6938: ['spreads', 'unvaccinated', 'easily', 'individuals', 'measles']
Dokument 6939: ['supplementary', 'dose', 'doses', 'aimed', 'included', 'months', 'age', 'protection', 'vaccination', 'national']
Dokument 6940: ['begins', 'lasting', 'spreads', 'rash', 'seven', 'red', 'body', 'face', 'days', 'entire']
Dokument 6941: ['pneumonia', 'death', 'cause', 'measles', 'related', 'common']
Dokument 6942: ['gums', 'cheeks', 'spots', 'inside', 'appear', 'white', 'small']
Dokument 6943: ['appear', 'infection', 'days', 'usually', 'symptoms', 'measles', '12', '10']
Dokument 6944: ['doses', 'needed', 'maximum', 'protection', 'vaccine']
Dokument 6945: ['swelling', 'injection', 'reactions', 'redness', 'site', 'reported', 'fever', 'mild']
Dokument 6946: ['measles', 'getting', 'vaccinated', 'age', 'risk', 'disease']
Dokument 6947: ['diarrhoea', 'infections', 'ear', 'include']
Dokument 6948: ['uncertain', 'quarantine', 'ill', 'status', 'avoid', 'contacts', 'close', 'variety', 'school', 'employed']
Dokument 6949: ['supportive', 'hydration', 'recover', 'anti', 'fever', 'medicines', 'treatment', 'include', 'people']
Dokument 6950: ['neurological', 'encephalitis', 'develops', 'inflammation', 'tissue', 'patient', 'disability', 'brain', 'permanent', 'condition']
Dokument 6951: ['rash', 'days', 'transmit', 'appears', 'appeared', 'infected', 'usually', 'person', 'measles']
Dokument 6952: ['infection', 'measles', 'sclerosing', 'panencephalitis', 'persistent', 'nerves', 'degenerate', 'subacute', 'sspe', 'rarely']
Dokument 6953: ['infections', 'bacterial', 'ear', 'antibiotics', 'treat', 'pneumonia', 'complications', 'measles', 'develop', 'used']
Dokument 6954: ['outbreaks', 'mmr', 'earlier', 'life', 'given', 'vaccine']
Dokument 6955: ['treatment', 'measles', 'specific']
Dokument 6956: ['measles', 'risk']
Dokument 6957: ['mmr', 'safe', 'effects', 'effective', 'vaccine']
Dokument 6958: ['contracted', 'contagious', 'viral', 'widely', 'highly', 'spread', 'measles', 'age', 'disease']
Dokument 6959: ['sspe', 'cure', 'leads', 'death']
Dokument 6960: ['years', 'sspe', 'typically', 'patient', 'appears', 'seen', 'infection', 'measles', 'average', 'affected']
Dokument 6961: ['measles']
Dokument 6962: ['runny', 'resemble', 'nose', 'fever', 'cough', 'initial', 'mild', 'cold', 'symptoms']
Dokument 6963: ['days', 'disappears', 'rash', 'typically', 'recipients', 'mild', 'infectious', '14', 'non', 'measles']
Dokument 6964: ['complication', 'pneumonia', 'death', 'patients', 'led', 'potential', 'measles']
Dokument 6965: ['symptoms', 'measles']
Dokument 6966: ['measles', 'mumps', 'rubella', 'vaccine', 'mmr', 'combination', 'protects', 'german']
Dokument 6967: ['prevented', 'measles']
Dokument 6968: ['sneezes', 'airborne', 'coughs', 'droplets', 'infected', 'virus', 'spread', 'person', 'measles', 'produced']
Dokument 6969: ['complications', 'measles']
Dokument 6970: ['treated', 'measles']
Dokument 6971: ['lifetime', 'lasts', 'immunity', 'usually', 'years']
Dokument 6972: ['vaccines', 'work']
Dokument 6973: ['varies', 'length', 'disease', 'vaccine', 'time']
Dokument 6974: ['complications', 'person', 'risk']
Dokument 6975: ['bacterium', 'virus', 'inactivated', 'weakened', 'killed', 'greatly', 'causes', 'contain', 'usually', 'disease']
Dokument 6976: ['protects', 'immunised', 'unvaccinated', 'infants', 'immunity', 'vaccinated', 'individual', 'community', 'vaccination', 'young']
Dokument 6977: ['cells', 'triggers', 'marrow', 'bone', 'bacterium', 'blood', 'involving', 'immune', 'body', 'virus']
Dokument 6978: ['immunity', 'vaccinated', 'community', 'work', 'people']
Dokument 6979: ['right', 'activate', 'kill', 'antibodies', 'bacterium', 'cells', 'protecting', 'quickly', 'immune', 'produce']
Dokument 6980: ['proteins', 'agent', 'kill', 'antibodies', 'infectious', 'special', 'help']
Dokument 6981: ['antigen', 'called']
Dokument 6982: ['disease', 'memory', 'causing', 'stimulates', 'immune', 'body', 'response', 'specific', 'vaccine']
Dokument 6983: ['disease', 'contrast', 'expose', 'unvaccinated', 'getting', 'immune', 'person', 'people']
Dokument 6984: ['bacterium', 'remember', 'actual', 'contact', 'immune', 'infectious', 'comes', 'virus', 'person', 'later']
Dokument 6985: ['trained', 'agent', 'kill', 'antibodies', 'causing', 'cells', 'immune', 'make', 'disease']
Dokument 6986: ['antigen', 'recognises', 'immune', 'person', 'given', 'vaccine', 'foreign']
Dokument 6987: ['twitter', 'facebook', 'mail', 'linked']
Dokument 6988: ['catch']
Dokument 6989: ['diphtheria']
Dokument 6990: ['lifelong', 'immunity', 'provide', 'vaccines']
Dokument 6991: ['measles', 'number', 'exist', 'missed', 'teenagers', 'younger', 'child', 'adults', 'catch', 'eea']
Dokument 6992: ['extra', 'dose', 'vaccinated', 'usually', 'increasing', 'person', 'know', 'certain', 'does', 'effects']
Dokument 6993: ['missed', 'doses', 'recommended', 'did', 'vaccination', 'number', 'people']
Dokument 6994: ['catch', 'organised', 'programmes', 'diseases', 'specific', 'vaccination']
Dokument 6995: ['intervals', 'adolescence', 'adulthood', 'booster', 'regular', 'doses', 'immunity', 'recommend', 'longer', 'maintain']
Dokument 6996: ['nationally', 'consult', 'vaccinations', 'ups', 'check', 'needed', 'professional', 'catch', 'recommended', 'case']
Dokument 6997: ['vaccination', 'records', 'involve', 'born', 'schedules', 'looking', 'person', 'place']
Dokument 6998: ['boosters', 'catch', 'vaccination']
Dokument 6999: ['chickenpox', 'varicella', 'check', 'test', 'immune', 'rubella', 'person', 'diseases', 'possible']
Dokument 7000: ['immunity', 'decreases', 'waning', 'known', 'provide', 'vaccines', 'time']
Dokument 7001: ['medicines', 'agency', 'european']
Dokument 7002: ['departments', 'divided', 'policies', 'develop', 'specific', 'areas', 'commission']
Dokument 7003: ['impartiality', 'mechanisms', 'ema', 'ecdc', 'order', 'ensure', 'place', 'commission', 'european']
Dokument 7004: ['drawing', 'implements', 'legislation', 'european', 'proposals', 'decisions', 'responsible', 'parliament', 'council', 'new']
Dokument 7005: ['arm', 'executive', 'politically', 'independent', 'commission', 'european', 'eu']
Dokument 7006: ['shares', 'closely', 'practice', 'works', 'regulatory', 'ema', 'partners', 'vaccines', 'information', 'international']
Dokument 7007: ['impair', 'independence', 'matters', 'indirectly', 'deal', 'duties', 'performance', 'experts', 'personal', 'staff']
Dokument 7008: ['conform', 'overview', 'mechanisms', 'effectiveness', 'provides', 'safety', 'standards', 'highest', 'available', 'ensure']
Dokument 7009: ['maintains', 'interactive', 'scheduler', 'showing', 'schedules', 'ecdc', 'platform', 'online', 'vaccination', 'vaccine']
Dokument 7010: ['efficacy', 'ensures', 'ema', 'safety', 'vaccines', 'quality']
Dokument 7011: ['contents', 'experts', 'communication', 'developing', 'involved', 'organisations', 'scientific']
Dokument 7012: ['networking', 'involve', 'thousands', 'ema', 'organisation', 'experts', 'activities', 'europe']
Dokument 7013: ['defences', 'ecdc', 'strengthening', 'aimed', 'infectious', 'agency', 'diseases', 'scientific', 'europe', 'eu']
Dokument 7014: ['europa', 'https', 'ec', 'health', 'safety_en', 'overview_en', 'info', 'departments', 'read', 'eu']
Dokument 7015: ['prevention', 'centre', 'control', 'disease', 'european']
Dokument 7016: ['impartiality', 'declare', 'compromise', 'required', 'organisation', 'experts', 'personal', 'staff', 'business']
Dokument 7017: ['accurate', 'evidence', 'objective', 'purpose', 'website', 'date', 'general', 'provide', 'vaccines', 'main']
Dokument 7018: ['medicines', 'agency', 'decentralized', 'supervision', 'monitoring', 'ema', 'evaluation', 'european', 'responsible', 'safety']
Dokument 7019: ['scientific', 'health', 'eurosurveillance', 'spectrum', 'core', 'microbiology', 'journal', 'epidemic', 'preparedness', 'intelligence']
Dokument 7020: ['safety', 'health', 'dg', 'food', 'laws', 'departments', 'monitoring', 'responsible', 'implementation', 'related']
Dokument 7021: ['committees', 'ema', 'carry', 'experts', 'scientific', 'work']
Dokument 7022: ['european', 'sante', 'dg', 'prevention', 'specifically', 'ema', 'department', 'ecdc', 'website', 'medicines']
Dokument 7023: ['vaccine', 'hesitancy', 'procurement', 'tackle', 'preventable', 'coordination', 'strengthen', 'improve', 'innovation', 'aims']
Dokument 7024: ['monitors', 'develops', 'outbreaks', 'surveillance', 'preventable', 'immunisation', 'confirmed', 'advice', 'regular', 'ecdc']
Dokument 7025: ['examine', 'assess', 'committees', 'marketed', 'ema', 'risks', 'benefits', 'data', 'available', 'scientific']
Dokument 7026: ['ema', 'visit', 'europa', 'https', 'www', 'information', 'eu']
Dokument 7027: ['finalising', 'consulted', 'contents', 'versions', 'language', 'website', 'eea', 'organisations', 'representatives', 'public']
Dokument 7028: ['visit', 'europa', 'https', 'www', 'ecdc', 'information', 'eu']
Dokument 7029: ['2018', 'preventable', 'strengthened', 'recommendation', 'december', 'developed', 'adopted', 'initiative', 'diseases', 'following']
Dokument 7030: ['uptake', '2018', 'preventable', 'recommendation', 'strengthen', 'improve', 'december', 'adopted', 'diseases', 'council']
Dokument 7031: ['sore', 'throat']
Dokument 7032: ['recommends', 'organization', 'healthcare', 'workers', 'vaccination', 'health', 'world']
Dokument 7033: ['symptoms', 'include', 'common']
Dokument 7034: ['antivirals', 'progressing', 'generally', 'rapidly', 'severe', 'recommended', 'cases']
Dokument 7035: ['vaccinate', 'recommendations', 'follow', 'pregnant', '59', 'aged', 'women', 'months', 'children', 'healthy']
Dokument 7036: ['000', 'h1n1', 'pdm09', '123', '203', 'deaths', 'socio', 'burden', 'accounted', 'worldwide']
Dokument 7037: ['hospitalisation', 'mortality', 'epidemics', 'associated', 'rates', 'high']
Dokument 7038: ['prevent', 'influenza', 'way', 'effective', 'vaccination']
Dokument 7039: ['adults', 'infected', 'slightly', 'children']
Dokument 7040: ['frail', 'illness', 'elderly', 'infants', 'severe', 'complications', 'certain', 'medical', 'groups', 'risk']
Dokument 7041: ['touch', 'tissues', 'secretions', 'hands', 'surfaces', 'spread', 'people']
Dokument 7042: ['infected', 'animals', 'influenza']
Dokument 7043: ['infected', 'gets', 'influenza', 'symptoms', 'population', 'approximately', 'develop', '20', 'year', 'people']
Dokument 7044: ['epidemics', 'occurs', 'regular', 'season', 'annual', 'winter', 'influenza', 'europe']
Dokument 7045: ['influenza', 'euromomo', 'deaths', 'seasons', 'mortality', 'participating', '2017', 'estimated', '2016', 'network']
Dokument 7046: ['infection', 'settings', 'nursing', 'severity', 'antiviral', 'homes', 'shown', 'safe', 'medicines', 'prevent']
Dokument 7047: ['person', 'transmitted', 'easily', 'influenza']
Dokument 7048: ['vaccination', 'encourages', 'coverage', 'seasonal', 'recommendation', 'improve', 'healthcare', 'influenza', 'workers', 'council']
Dokument 7049: ['admission', 'needing', 'intensive', 'adults', 'pre', 'care', 'existing', 'children', 'medical', 'age']
Dokument 7050: ['unwell', 'infected', 'virus', 'influenza']
Dokument 7051: ['emerge', 'pandemics', 'novel', 'occasionally', 'viruses', 'epidemics', 'seasonal', 'cause', 'influenza', 'addition']
Dokument 7052: ['uncomplicated', 'spontaneously', 'resolve', 'onset', 'week', 'cases', 'symptoms']
Dokument 7053: ['cases', 'avian', 'swine', 'humans', 'infected', 'animals', 'influenza']
Dokument 7054: ['onset', 'antiviral', 'illness', 'rapidly', 'safe', 'medicines', 'treatment', 'influenza', 'taken', 'effective']
Dokument 7055: ['rapid', 'spread', 'influenza', 'pandemic', 'human', 'world', 'new']
Dokument 7056: ['problems', 'chronic', 'lungs', 'airways', 'diabetes', 'elderly', 'seasonal', 'recommend', 'heart', 'immune']
Dokument 7057: ['human', 'flu', 'pandemics', 'strain', 'transmit', 'humans', 'efficiently', 'happen', 'appears', 'infect']
Dokument 7058: ['influenza', 'update', 'evolve', 'viruses', 'yearly', 'seasonal', 'constantly', 'needed', 'vaccines']
Dokument 7059: ['worsening', 'condition', 'pre', 'infection', 'existing', 'influenza', 'medical', 'risk', 'conditions', 'following']
Dokument 7060: ['influenza', 'respiratory', 'flu', 'contagious', 'illness', 'infection', 'virus', 'caused']
Dokument 7061: ['severity', 'varies', 'widely', 'illness', 'severe', 'symptoms', 'disease']
Dokument 7062: ['bacterial', 'antibiotics', 'patients', 'treated', 'infection', 'complications', 'cases', 'influenza', 'develop', 'need']
Dokument 7063: ['secretions', 'breathe', 'fluid', 'released', 'droplets', 'cough', 'contact', 'patients', 'infectious', 'mainly']
Dokument 7064: ['influenza', 'risk']
Dokument 7065: ['prevented', 'influenza']
Dokument 7066: ['infecting', 'minimises', 'fluids', 'bed', 'plenty', 'advised', 'manage', 'staying', 'rest', 'drink']
Dokument 7067: ['encephalitis', 'inflammation', 'pneumonia', 'brain', 'complications', 'influenza', 'include']
Dokument 7068: ['influenza']
Dokument 7069: ['seek', 'advised', 'worse', 'advice', 'continues', 'condition', 'patients', 'medical']
Dokument 7070: ['symptoms', 'influenza']
Dokument 7071: ['complications', 'influenza']
Dokument 7072: ['treated', 'influenza']
Dokument 7073: ['spread', 'influenza']
Dokument 7074: ['microbiology', 'clinical', 'infection']
Dokument 7075: ['vaccinating', 'benefits']
Dokument 7076: ['decisions', 'vaccines', 'different', 'use', 'countries', 'european']
Dokument 7077: ['combined', 'established', 'safety', 'studies', 'benefits', 'vaccines', 'scientific', 'based', 'use']
Dokument 7078: ['factors', 'disease', 'conditions', 'based', 'local', 'common', 'economic']
Dokument 7079: ['national', 'decide', 'funded', 'systems', 'individual', 'programmes', 'vaccines', 'vaccination', 'health', 'countries']
Dokument 7080: ['people', 'planning', 'parts', 'recommended', 'protect', 'term', 'groups', 'addition', 'diseases', 'risk']
Dokument 7081: ['ages', 'eea', 'include', 'programmes', 'diseases', 'given', 'vaccines', 'specific', 'vaccination', 'national']
Dokument 7082: ['infectious', 'protect', 'diseases', 'given', 'vaccine']
Dokument 7083: ['protect', 'disease', 'vaccines']
Dokument 7084: ['scheduler', 'immunisation', 'websites', 'official', 'visit', 'ecdc', 'eea', 'programmes', 'vaccination', 'information']
Dokument 7085: ['safety', 'standards', 'quality']
Dokument 7086: ['18th', 'kingdom', 'century', 'united', 'developed', 'vaccine']
Dokument 7087: ['tests', 'effectiveness', 'evaluation', 'european', 'eea', 'safety', 'ensure', 'results', 'scientific', 'area']
Dokument 7088: ['rare', 'effects']
Dokument 7089: ['continuously', 'monitored', 'remains', 'safe', 'effective', 'ensure', 'vaccine']
Dokument 7090: ['vaccines', 'evaluating', 'carefully', 'risks', 'consider', 'experts', 'healthy', 'benefits', 'potential', 'particular']
Dokument 7091: ['bacteria', 'viruses', 'target', 'caused', 'mainly', 'diseases']
Dokument 7092: ['marketed', 'approval', 'manufactured', 'protect', 'vaccine', 'used', 'people']
Dokument 7093: ['pain', 'injection', 'redness', 'site', 'fever', 'mild', 'include']
Dokument 7094: ['defend', 'defences', 'teaching', 'immune', 'body', 'person', 'disease', 'vaccines', 'specific', 'natural']
Dokument 7095: ['lived', 'mild', 'short', 'medicine', 'usually', 'experience', 'effects', 'vaccine', 'people']
Dokument 7096: ['prevent', 'spread', 'community', 'diseases', 'help']
Dokument 7097: ['contracting', 'worldwide', 'highly', 'infectious', 'protect', 'way', 'diseases', 'effective', 'vaccines', 'used']
Dokument 7098: ['protecting', 'evaluation', 'greater', 'far', 'benefits', 'potential', 'diseases', 'needs', 'risk', 'vaccine']
Dokument 7099: ['somalia', '1977', 'occurring', 'naturally', 'recorded', 'case', 'known']
Dokument 7100: ['deadly', 'smallpox', 'disease', 'vaccine']
Dokument 7101: ['ongoing', 'develop', 'diseases', 'vaccines', 'research']
Dokument 7102: ['undergo', 'rigorous', 'testing', 'vaccine', 'used', 'new']
Dokument 7103: ['virus', 'ebola', 'hiv', 'immunodeficiency', 'underway', 'recently', 'protect', 'developed', 'human', 'disease']
Dokument 7104: ['weighed', 'reactions', 'regulators', 'check', 'benefits', 'risk']
Dokument 7105: ['aluminium', 'example']
Dokument 7106: ['include']
Dokument 7107: ['antigens', 'components', 'addition', 'vaccine']
Dokument 7108: ['controlled', 'substances', 'consistently', 'shown', 'safe', 'levels', 'present', 'ensure']
Dokument 7109: ['response', 'adjuvants', 'sustained', 'stronger', 'faster', 'immune', 'improve', 'making', 'vaccine', 'time']
Dokument 7110: ['stabilisers', 'sodium', 'chloride', 'excipients', 'inactive', 'preservatives', 'unchanged', 'keeping', 'storage', 'remain']
Dokument 7111: ['ovalbumin', 'neomycin', 'antibiotic', 'trace', 'protein', 'substances', 'amounts', 'manufacturing', 'eggs', 'process']
Dokument 7112: ['trigger', 'sensitive', 'allergic', 'substances', 'reaction', 'declared', 'patients', 'healthcare', 'presence', 'workers']
Dokument 7113: ['egg', 'allergies', 'people', 'precautions', 'allergy', 'leaflet', 'trace', 'amounts', 'certain', 'package']
Dokument 7114: ['twitter', 'facebook', 'mail', 'linked']
Dokument 7115: ['analyses', 'sources', 'data', 'including']
Dokument 7116: ['possible', 'detected', 'ensures', 'risks', 'soon', 'managed']
Dokument 7117: ['regulators', 'shared', 'information']
Dokument 7118: ['parents', 'professionals', 'reports', 'patients', 'healthcare']
Dokument 7119: ['checks', 'ema', 'safety', 'available', 'vaccines', 'information', 'europe', 'new']
Dokument 7120: ['pharmacovigilance', 'managing', 'monitoring', 'risks', 'medicines', 'safety', 'called', 'process']
Dokument 7121: ['vaccine', 'continually', 'monitor', 'ema', 'medicines', 'eea', 'agency', 'authorities', 'effects', 'received']
Dokument 7122: ['suspected', 'pharmaceutical', 'authority', 'regulatory', 'professionals', 'patients', 'report', 'medicines', 'healthcare', 'effects']
Dokument 7123: ['causal', 'link', 'assesses', 'suspected', 'carefully', 'ema', 'determine', 'effects', 'vaccine']
Dokument 7124: ['anxiety', 'illness', 'given', 'vaccine']
Dokument 7125: ['information']
Dokument 7126: ['reporting', 'monitoring', 'safety', 'effects', 'vaccine']
Dokument 7127: ['unrelated', 'coincidence', 'rule', 'helps', 'factors', 'possibility', 'caused', 'vaccine']
Dokument 7128: ['suspected', 'information', 'prescribing', 'leaflet', 'database', 'drug', 'adverse', 'reaction', 'reports', 'report']
Dokument 7129: ['suspected', 'publicly', 'database', 'drug', 'adverse', 'reported', 'reaction', 'reports', 'effects', 'available']
Dokument 7130: ['restrict', 'updated', 'guidance', 'healthcare', 'workers', 'certain', 'provide', 'groups', 'example', 'vaccine']
Dokument 7131: ['reporting', 'monitoring', 'safety', 'effects', 'vaccine']
Dokument 7132: ['read']
Dokument 7133: ['trusted', 'sources']
Dokument 7134: ['links', 'section', 'websites', 'provides', 'organisations', 'health', 'international', 'level', 'national']
Dokument 7135: ['triggers', 'bacterium', 'cells', 'blood', 'involving', 'immune', 'virus', 'set', 'response', 'unique']
Dokument 7136: ['recommended', 'age', 'vaccines', 'different']
Dokument 7137: ['undergo', 'rigorous', 'developer', 'testing', 'vaccine', 'approved', 'eu']
Dokument 7138: ['stages', 'protect', 'life', 'vaccines', 'different', 'people']
Dokument 7139: ['mild', 'individuals', 'usually', 'healthy', 'disease']
Dokument 7140: ['vaccinate']
Dokument 7141: ['accurate', 'evidence', 'objective', 'purpose', 'website', 'date', 'provide', 'vaccines', 'main', 'vaccination']
Dokument 7142: ['consequences', 'protects', 'individuals', 'diseases', 'vaccination']
Dokument 7143: ['portal', 'vaccination', 'information', 'european']
Dokument 7144: ['approval', 'vaccines', 'union', 'european']
Dokument 7145: ['vulnerable', 'protects', 'vaccinated', 'persons', 'diseases', 'vaccination']
Dokument 7146: ['viral', 'infection', 'rubella', 'german', 'measles']
Dokument 7147: ['community', 'benefits', 'vaccination']
Dokument 7148: ['individuals', 'benefits', 'vaccination']
Dokument 7149: ['lungs', 'bacterial', 'airways', 'involving', 'highly', 'infectious', 'pertussis', 'disease']
Dokument 7150: ['ongoing', 'contain', 'website', 'does', 'covid', '19', 'vaccines', 'specific', 'information', 'development']
Dokument 7151: ['whooping', 'cough', 'known']
Dokument 7152: ['avoid', 'vaccination']
Dokument 7153: ['caregivers', 'immunocompromised', 'indirectly', 'vaccinated', 'patients', 'fully', 'protected', 'members', 'benefit', 'family']
Dokument 7154: ['allergy', 'exposure', 'minutes', 'occurs', 'source', 'usually']
Dokument 7155: ['vaccine', 'contraindicated', 'listed', 'allergic', 'substances', 'ingredients', 'active', 'information', 'product']
Dokument 7156: ['anaphylaxis', 'extreme', 'shock', 'swelling', 'breathing', 'difficulty', 'rare', 'allergic', 'reaction', 'rapid']
Dokument 7157: ['treatment', 'immunisations', 'completion', 'patient', 'risks', 'prior', 'needed', 'infection', 'recommended', 'start']
Dokument 7158: ['childbearing', 'discuss', 'pregnancy', 'provider', 'women', 'recommended', 'healthcare', 'age', 'vaccines']
Dokument 7159: ['routinely', 'bearing', 'child', 'effort', 'reach', 'women', 'recommended', 'receive', 'age', 'vaccines']
Dokument 7160: ['immune', 'oral', 'transplant', 'organ', 'steroids', 'chemotherapy', 'disorders', 'deficiencies', 'varicella', 'typhoid']
Dokument 7161: ['contraindicated', 'mumps', 'pregnancy', 'rubella', 'measles', 'vaccines']
Dokument 7162: ['vaccine', 'definitively', 'ruled', 'anaphylactic', 'unless', 'allergic', 'reaction', 'cause', 'experiences', 'certain']
Dokument 7163: ['vaccine', 'contraindication', 'anaphylactic', 'allergic', 'reaction', 'doses', 'receiving', 'history']
Dokument 7164: ['discussing', 'contraindications', 'provider', 'healthcare', 'need', 'vaccines', 'specific']
Dokument 7165: ['vaccine', 'meaning', 'contraindications', 'contraindicated', 'provider', 'receiving', 'discussed', 'healthcare', 'receive', 'certain']
Dokument 7166: ['include']
Dokument 7167: ['depends', 'effectiveness', 'factors', 'individual', 'number']
Dokument 7168: ['97', 'lifelong', '99', 'typically', 'doses', 'effectiveness', 'provides', 'receive', 'children', 'healthy']
Dokument 7169: ['infect', 'likely']
Dokument 7170: ['medicine', 'vaccinated', 'person', '100', 'effective', 'vaccine']
Dokument 7171: ['contact', 'previous', 'disease']
Dokument 7172: ['disability', 'death', 'permanent', 'cause', 'prevent', 'problems', 'diseases', 'vaccines', 'health']
Dokument 7173: ['vaccine', 'continually', 'monitor', 'ema', 'medicines', 'eea', 'agency', 'authorities', 'effects', 'received']
Dokument 7174: ['circumstances', 'doses', 'receiving', 'recommended', 'person', 'disease', 'vaccine']
Dokument 7175: ['determines', 'ability', 'effectiveness', 'prevent', 'disease', 'specific', 'vaccine']
Dokument 7176: ['milder', 'cases', 'symptoms', 'person', 'vaccination']
Dokument 7177: ['preventing', 'mumps', 'mmr', 'highly', 'rubella', 'measles', 'effective', 'example', 'disease', 'vaccine']
Dokument 7178: ['diseases', 'conditions']
Dokument 7179: ['vaccine']
Dokument 7180: ['decreasing', 'sufficient', 'immunity', 'developing', 'person', 'disease', 'protection', 'time']
Dokument 7181: ['correctly', 'authorised', 'preventing', 'administered', 'protecting', 'population', 'effective', 'disease', 'vaccines']
Dokument 7182: ['given', 'vaccine']
Dokument 7183: ['circumstances', 'account', 'systems', 'just', 'different', 'health']
Dokument 7184: ['timeframes', 'appropriate', 'schedules', 'adequate', 'given', 'ensure', 'vaccines', 'protection', 'national']
Dokument 7185: ['mean', 'schedules', 'differences', 'better', 'vaccination']
Dokument 7186: ['ensured', 'eea', 'protection', 'level', 'country', 'eu']
Dokument 7187: ['factors', 'disease', 'prevalence', 'resilience', 'structures', 'driving', 'trends', 'burden', 'differences', 'healthcare']
Dokument 7188: ['age', 'vaccine', 'timing', 'differ', 'exact', 'doses', 'combination', 'vaccinated', 'type', 'children']
Dokument 7189: ['national', 'schedule', 'immunisation', 'eea', 'responsible', 'vaccination', 'public', 'health', 'policy', 'including']
Dokument 7190: ['vaccination', 'childhood', 'schedules', 'eea', 'include', 'countries', 'eu']
Dokument 7191: ['scheduler', 'schedules', 'ecdc', 'eea', 'vaccination', 'information', 'vaccine', 'national', 'countries', 'eu']
Dokument 7192: ['identical', 'organise', 'countries', 'schedules', 'differences', 'eea', 'similar', 'way', 'vaccination', 'different']
Dokument 7193: ['twitter', 'facebook', 'mail', 'linked']
Dokument 7194: ['occurs', 'influenza', 'europe']
Dokument 7195: []
Dokument 7196: ['vaccination', 'thanks']
Dokument 7197: ['polio', 'transmission', 'ended', 'parts', 'world', 'including', 'europe']
Dokument 7198: ['social', 'people', 'pressures', 'burdens', 'psychological', 'productive', 'pursue', 'reducing', 'enabling', 'governments']
Dokument 7199: ['ring', 'dots', 'estimate', 'paler', 'outer', 'conservative', 'darker', 'inner', 'maximum', 'shows']
Dokument 7200: ['societal', 'wider', 'benefits', 'programmes', 'vaccination']
Dokument 7201: ['cancerous', 'growths', 'prevents', 'cancers', 'pre', 'types', 'certain', 'example', 'vaccination', 'development']
Dokument 7202: ['uninfected', 'dots', 'indicate', 'previously', 'unvaccinated', 'minimum', 'connected', 'infected', 'maximum', 'person']
Dokument 7203: ['eliminate', 'significantly', 'reduce', 'cases', 'diseases', 'vaccination', 'number', 'new']
Dokument 7204: ['eradicated', 'smallpox', 'worldwide']
Dokument 7205: ['immunity', 'herd', 'referred', 'community', 'known']
Dokument 7206: ['communities', 'helps', 'prevent', 'spread', 'disease', 'vaccination']
Dokument 7207: ['dot', 'represent', 'centre', 'person', 'disease', 'affected']
Dokument 7208: ['immunity', 'attained', 'acquire', 'opposed', 'preventable', 'getting', 'way', 'diseases', 'disease', 'vaccination']
Dokument 7209: ['hpv', 'humanpapilloma', 'vaccinating', 'cervical', 'cancers', 'infection', 'virus', 'prevent', 'caused', 'help']
Dokument 7210: ['easily', 'vaccinated', 'infectious', 'spread', 'percentage', 'population', 'diseases', 'large']
Dokument 7211: ['hepatitis', 'vaccinating', 'liver', 'cancer', 'infection', 'prevent', 'caused', 'term', 'long', 'help']
Dokument 7212: ['prevents', 'getting', 'severe', 'symptoms', 'disease', 'vaccination', 'people']
Dokument 7213: ['mmr', 'safe', 'effective', 'vaccine']
Dokument 7214: ['eliminated', 'measles', 'countries', 'european']
Dokument 7215: ['obvious', 'immediately', 'getting', 'vaccinated', 'term', 'benefits', 'long']
Dokument 7216: ['millions', 'hundreds', 'worldwide', 'protect', 'diseases', 'vaccines', 'used', 'year', 'people']
Dokument 7217: ['stopped', 'outbreaks', 'vaccinated', 'return', 'diseases', 'related', 'people']
Dokument 7218: ['lasts', 'spasms', 'weeks', 'cough', 'severe', 'cause', 'usually']
Dokument 7219: ['infants', 'doses', 'received', 'vaccine', 'dtp', 'polio', 'tetanus', '86', '2018', 'diphtheria']
Dokument 7220: ['immunisation', 'pertussis', 'programmes', 'vaccination', 'national', 'eu']
Dokument 7221: ['diseases', 'forgotten', 'rare', 'consequences', 'negative', 'infectious', 'today', 'vaccination', 'thanks']
Dokument 7222: ['given', 'ill', 'cure', 'unlike', 'getting', 'illness', 'prevent', 'treatment', 'usually', 'healthy']
Dokument 7223: ['resurgence', 'outbreaks', 'decline', 'observed', '2016', 'eea', 'october', 'rates', 'measles', 'vaccination']
Dokument 7224: ['hospitalisation', 'infants', 'younger', 'increases', 'lead', 'complications', 'months', 'risk']
Dokument 7225: ['seizures', 'encephalopathy', 'pneumonia', 'brain', 'death', 'complications', 'include', 'disease']
Dokument 7226: ['threatening', 'life', 'measles']
Dokument 7227: ['pain', 'injection', 'redness', 'site', 'infants', '20']
Dokument 7228: ['minor', 'causes', 'whooping', 'cough', 'protects', 'children', 'effects']
Dokument 7229: ['measles', 'mumps', 'mmr', 'protects', 'rubella', 'german', 'vaccine']
Dokument 7230: ['factsheet', 'pertussis', 'information']
Dokument 7231: ['airways', 'whooping', 'affecting', 'cough', 'pertussis', 'disease']
Dokument 7232: ['twitter', 'facebook', 'mail', 'linked']
Dokument 7233: ['occur', 'symptoms', 'include']
Dokument 7234: ['infected', 'rubella', 'symptoms', '50', 'experience', 'people']
Dokument 7235: ['rash', 'red']
Dokument 7236: ['dose', 'months', '18', 'age', 'given', '10', 'countries', 'european']
Dokument 7237: ['glands', 'lymph', 'swollen', 'ears', 'head']
Dokument 7238: ['rubella', 'protection', 'vaccination']
Dokument 7239: ['mild', 'individuals', 'usually', 'healthy', 'disease']
Dokument 7240: ['swelling', 'injection', 'reactions', 'redness', 'site', 'reported', 'fever', 'mild']
Dokument 7241: ['joints', 'pain', 'inflammation', 'adults']
Dokument 7242: ['days', 'disappears', 'rash', 'typically', 'recipients', 'mild', 'infectious', '14', 'non', 'measles']
Dokument 7243: ['pregnant', 'pregnancy', 'check', 'status', 'plan', 'vaccinated', 'women', 'rubella', 'vaccination']
Dokument 7244: ['rubella', 'risk']
Dokument 7245: ['congenital', 'rubella', 'anomalies', 'miscarriage', 'woman', 'syndrome', 'crs', 'gets', 'baby', 'pregnancy']
Dokument 7246: ['rubella', 'symptoms']
Dokument 7247: ['prevented', 'rubella']
Dokument 7248: ['miscarriage', 'likelihood', 'babies', 'crs', 'pregnant', 'contracting', 'unvaccinated', 'pregnancy', 'consequences', 'lead']
Dokument 7249: ['mumps', 'rubella', 'measles', 'vaccine', 'mmr', 'combination', 'protects']
Dokument 7250: ['contracting', 'mmr', 'vaccinated', 'rubella', 'risk', 'disease', 'vaccine']
Dokument 7251: ['sneezes', 'airborne', 'coughs', 'droplets', 'infected', 'virus', 'rubella', 'spread', 'person', 'produced']
Dokument 7252: ['disabilities', 'cataracts', 'crs', 'deafness', 'baby', 'lead', 'learning']
Dokument 7253: ['treated', 'rubella']
Dokument 7254: ['complications', 'rubella']
Dokument 7255: ['volunteers', 'thousands']
Dokument 7256: ['protocols', 'regulators', 'procedures', 'follow', 'set', 'programme']
Dokument 7257: ['purity']
Dokument 7258: ['optimal', 'dose']
Dokument 7259: ['manufactured']
Dokument 7260: ['ingredients', 'excipients', 'inactive', 'including']
Dokument 7261: ['regulators', 'medicines', 'eea', 'agency', 'include', 'countries', 'european', 'eu']
Dokument 7262: ['involves', 'tests', 'laboratory', 'animals']
Dokument 7263: ['safe', 'vaccine']
Dokument 7264: ['checking', 'testing', 'includes', 'vaccine', 'quality']
Dokument 7265: ['responding', 'immune', 'participants', 'systems', 'vaccine']
Dokument 7266: ['adhere', 'humans', 'authorisation', 'strict', 'clinical', 'followed', 'concept', 'initial', 'testing', 'standards']
Dokument 7267: ['does', 'vaccine', 'work']
Dokument 7268: ['submits', 'authorisation', 'developer', 'regulatory', 'marketing', 'application', 'medicines', 'testing', 'end', 'authorities']
Dokument 7269: ['undergo', 'rigorous', 'developer', 'regulatory', 'evaluation', 'testing', 'authorities', 'scientific', 'vaccine', 'approved']
Dokument 7270: ['stringent', 'acceptance', 'released', 'batch', 'defined', 'criteria', 'required', 'conduct', 'pre', 'testing']
Dokument 7271: ['batches', 'correctly', 'released', 'tests', 'run', 'sure', 'manufactured', 'expected', 'make', 'vaccines']
Dokument 7272: ['trustworthy', 'inspections', 'developer', 'regulatory', 'sure', 'carry', 'medicines', 'provides', 'authorities', 'make']
Dokument 7273: ['short', 'term', 'effects', 'common']
Dokument 7274: ['effects']
Dokument 7275: ['vaccine', 'approve', 'regulators', 'risks', 'tests', 'evaluation', 'greater', 'benefits', 'results', 'scientific']
Dokument 7276: ['vaccine', 'developer', 'tests', 'effects']
Dokument 7277: ['vaccine', 'phases', 'trials', 'numbers', 'clinical', 'developer', 'larger', 'phase', 'tests', 'people']
Dokument 7278: ['effects', 'common']
Dokument 7279: ['consequences', 'protects', 'individuals', 'diseases', 'example', 'vaccination', 'health']
Dokument 7280: ['spells', 'recur', 'coughing', 'causing', 'whooping', 'infants', 'cough', 'pertussis', 'months', 'particularly']
Dokument 7281: ['amputation', 'survivors', 'diagnosis', 'impairment', 'meningococcal', 'prompt', 'neurological', 'kills', 'occur', 'hearing']
Dokument 7282: ['seizures', 'encephalopathy', 'pneumonia', 'brain', 'death', 'complications', 'include', 'disease']
Dokument 7283: ['kills', 'diphtheria', 'treatment', '10', 'people']
Dokument 7284: ['diarrhoea', 'contagious', 'encephalitis', 'inflammation', 'ear', 'tissue', 'pneumonia', 'brain', 'highly', 'infection']
Dokument 7285: ['rubella', 'cataracts', 'disabilities', 'syndrome', 'deafness', 'babies', 'mothers', 'congenital', 'suffer', 'born']
Dokument 7286: ['cdc', 'meas', 'pubs', 'html', 'pinkbook', 'gov', 'pink', 'book', 'https', 'www']
Dokument 7287: ['examples', 'getting', 'immunisation', 'considered', 'persons', 'list', 'included', 'includes', 'programmes', 'diseases']
Dokument 7288: ['meningococcal', 'factsheet', 'ecdc', 'disease', 'en', 'europa', 'https', 'www', 'eu']
Dokument 7289: ['syndrome', 'congenital', 'ecdc', 'rubella', 'en', 'factsheet', 'facts', 'europa', 'https', 'www']
Dokument 7290: ['ecdc', 'pertussis', 'en', 'factsheet', 'facts', 'europa', 'https', 'www', 'eu']
Dokument 7291: ['diphtheria', 'ecdc', 'en', 'factsheet', 'facts', 'europa', 'https', 'www', 'eu']
Dokument 7292: ['immunity', 'herd', 'referred', 'community', 'known']
Dokument 7293: ['vulnerable', 'indirectly', 'protect', 'way', 'disease', 'vaccines']
Dokument 7294: ['tetanus', 'way', 'ensure', 'protection', 'vaccination', 'direct']
Dokument 7295: ['social', 'people', 'pressures', 'burdens', 'psychological', 'productive', 'pursue', 'immunisation', 'reducing', 'furthermore']
Dokument 7296: ['measles', 'vaccine', '95', 'mumps', 'mmr', 'doses', 'immunity', 'protects', 'recommend', 'vaccinated']
Dokument 7297: ['vaccinated', 'allergic', 'components', 'easily', 'instance', 'spread', 'benefit', 'means', 'community', 'disease']
Dokument 7298: ['diseases', 'mates', 'vulnerable', 'spreading', 'colleagues', 'reducing', 'protects', 'vaccinated', 'persons', 'friends']
Dokument 7299: ['bites', 'dog', 'cat', 'injuries', 'encountered', 'tetanus', 'example', 'common', 'including']
Dokument 7300: ['people', 'weak', 'babies', 'elderly', 'cancer', 'vaccinated', 'reasons', 'patients', 'immune', 'systems']
Dokument 7301: ['occurs', 'immunity', 'immune', 'infectious', 'population', 'community', 'disease', 'people']
Dokument 7302: ['person', 'disease', 'unlikely', 'immune', 'infectious', 'spread', 'population', 'people']
Dokument 7303: ['rely', 'immunity', 'infectious', 'community', 'diseases', 'people']
Dokument 7304: ['recommendations', 'regional', 'level', 'state', 'countries']
Dokument 7305: ['factsheets', 'stage', 'included', 'later']
Dokument 7306: ['outbreaks', 'recent', 'measles', 'data', 'member', 'states', 'eu']
Dokument 7307: ['verified', 'submitted', 'surveillance', 'ecdc', 'data', 'disease', 'based', 'information', 'member', 'states']
Dokument 7308: ['routine', 'targeted', 'schedules', 'groups', 'vaccines', 'specific', 'vaccination']
Dokument 7309: ['information', 'wonder', 'accurate', 'evidence', 'supported', 'scientific', 'people', 'development']
Dokument 7310: ['safety', 'vaccine', 'vsn', 'reliable', 'organization', 'websites', 'network', 'net', 'provides', 'established']
Dokument 7311: ['user', 'options', 'filter', 'criteria', 'provides', 'disease', 'information', 'period', 'time']
Dokument 7312: ['websites', 'official', 'eea', 'countries', 'eu']
Dokument 7313: ['trusted', 'links', 'facilitate', 'section', 'websites', 'sources', 'provides', 'organisations', 'access', 'order']
Dokument 7314: ['nurses', 'doctors', 'professionals', 'patients', 'ensuring', 'care', 'recommended', 'healthcare', 'right', 'receive']
Dokument 7315: ['consult', 'factsheets', 'prevented', 'learn', 'diseases', 'available', 'vaccination']
Dokument 7316: ['links', 'websites', 'official', 'european', 'eea', 'organisations', 'vaccination', 'information', 'area', 'public']
Dokument 7317: ['circulating', 'lost', 'internet', 'media', 'available', 'vaccination', 'information', 'social', 'people']
Dokument 7318: ['teenagers', 'elderly', 'infants', 'adults', 'recommended', 'children', 'groups', 'age', 'vaccines', 'different']
Dokument 7319: ['fever', 'circulate', 'typhoid', 'vaccinations', 'yellow', 'infectious', 'regions', 'certain', 'diseases', 'example']
Dokument 7320: ['information', 'accuracy', 'judge', 'looking', 'difficult', 'related', 'health', 'quality']
Dokument 7321: ['nowadays', 'prevented', 'diseases', 'vaccination']
Dokument 7322: ['chronic', 'recommendations', 'provide', 'diseases', 'people']
Dokument 7323: ['vsn', 'vaccinesafetynet', 'org', 'links', 'websites', 'https', 'www', 'network', 'available', 'information']
Dokument 7324: ['specific', 'populations', 'ages', 'schedules', 'recommend', 'eea', 'vaccines', 'vaccination', 'national', 'countries']
Dokument 7325: ['disease', 'overview', 'spreads', 'factsheet', 'facts', 'prevented', 'treated', 'complications', 'provides', 'symptoms']
Dokument 7326: ['mates', 'reduces', 'spreading', 'colleagues', 'friends', 'neighbours', 'school', 'members', 'family', 'community']
Dokument 7327: ['diseases', 'atlas', 'surveillance', 'diphtheria', 'preventable', 'ecdc', 'infectious', 'rubella', 'provides', 'pertussis']
Dokument 7328: ['measles', 'situation', 'eu']
Dokument 7329: ['ongoing', 'develop', 'diseases', 'vaccines', 'research']
Dokument 7330: ['factsheets', 'preventable', 'currently', 'diseases', 'available', 'vaccine']
Dokument 7331: ['infection', 'papillomavirus', 'viral', 'sexually', 'transmitted', 'contact', 'hpv', 'mainly', 'human', 'direct']
Dokument 7332: ['vaccinations', 'entry', 'require', 'proof', 'granting', 'certain', 'country', 'countries']
Dokument 7333: ['given', 'vaccine']
Dokument 7334: ['prevented', 'hpv']
Dokument 7335: ['consequences', 'protected', 'diseases', 'vaccination', 'thanks', 'health', 'people']
Dokument 7336: ['boosters', 'catch', 'vaccination']
Dokument 7337: ['vaccinesafetynet', 'org', 'visit', 'https', 'network', 'information']
Dokument 7338: ['pertussis', 'risk']
Dokument 7339: ['complications', 'influenza']
Dokument 7340: ['prevented', 'measles']
Dokument 7341: ['twitter', 'facebook', 'mail', 'linked']
Dokument 7342: ['rubella', 'symptoms']
Dokument 7343: ['complications', 'pertussis']
Dokument 7344: ['reporting', 'monitoring', 'safety', 'effects', 'vaccine']
Dokument 7345: ['orenstein', 'plotkin', 'offit', 'source', 'vaccines']
Dokument 7346: ['contraindications', 'provider', 'receiving', 'discussed', 'healthcare', 'possible', 'vaccine']
Dokument 7347: ['cancerous', 'growths', 'prevents', 'cancers', 'pre', 'types', 'certain', 'example', 'vaccination', 'development']
Dokument 7348: ['papillomavirus', 'hpv', 'human']
Dokument 7349: ['contraindicated', 'meaning', 'receive', 'certain', 'vaccine', 'people']
Dokument 7350: ['feverishness', 'fever']
Dokument 7351: ['safety', 'health', 'dg', 'food', 'laws', 'departments', 'monitoring', 'responsible', 'implementation', 'related']
Dokument 7352: ['vaccination', 'time']
Dokument 7353: ['consequences', 'protects', 'individuals', 'diseases', 'example', 'vaccination', 'health']
Dokument 7354: ['prevented', 'measles']
Dokument 7355: ['complications', 'measles']
Dokument 7356: ['treated', 'measles']
Dokument 7357: ['complications', 'pertussis']
Dokument 7358: ['onset', 'antiviral', 'illness', 'rapidly', 'safe', 'medicines', 'treatment', 'influenza', 'taken', 'effective']
Dokument 7359: ['vaccinate', 'recommendations', 'follow', 'pregnant', '59', 'aged', 'women', 'months', 'children', 'healthy']
Dokument 7360: ['spread', 'measles']
Dokument 7361: []

Teraz potrafimy już w lepszy sposób wyciągać terminy z dokumentów. Spróbujmy jeszcze czegoś widowiskowego - wygenerujmy tzw. chmurę słów z tekstu przy użyciu biblioteki WordCloud dla artykułu z BBC News (

sudo pip install wordcloud

pip install wordcloud
Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable
Collecting wordcloud
  Downloading wordcloud-1.9.3-cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl.metadata (3.4 kB)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.6.1 in /home/michal/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from wordcloud) (1.24.4)
Requirement already satisfied: pillow in /home/michal/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from wordcloud) (10.3.0)
Requirement already satisfied: matplotlib in /home/michal/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from wordcloud) (3.5.2)
Requirement already satisfied: cycler>=0.10 in /home/michal/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from matplotlib->wordcloud) (0.11.0)
Requirement already satisfied: fonttools>=4.22.0 in /home/michal/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from matplotlib->wordcloud) (4.33.3)
Requirement already satisfied: kiwisolver>=1.0.1 in /home/michal/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from matplotlib->wordcloud) (1.4.2)
Requirement already satisfied: packaging>=20.0 in /home/michal/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from matplotlib->wordcloud) (21.3)
Requirement already satisfied: pyparsing>=2.2.1 in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (from matplotlib->wordcloud) (2.4.7)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.7 in /home/michal/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from matplotlib->wordcloud) (2.9.0.post0)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.7->matplotlib->wordcloud) (1.16.0)
Downloading wordcloud-1.9.3-cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl (511 kB)
   ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 511.1/511.1 kB 3.4 MB/s eta 0:00:00[36m0:00:01m eta 0:00:01
[?25hInstalling collected packages: wordcloud
Successfully installed wordcloud-1.9.3
Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.
from wordcloud import WordCloud
text = """"This is where it happened," says Felipe Luis Codesal, opening the gate to a three-hectare field on his farm in Zamora, north-west Spain.

One night last November, a pack of wolves got through the fence surrounding the field and attacked Mr Codesal's sheep, many of which were pregnant. When he arrived the next morning, he found 11 animals had been killed. Over the following days, he says, another 36 sheep died from injuries sustained in that attack and miscarriages it triggered.

Mr Codesal fears that such attacks will become even more commonplace if a proposed change to laws protecting the Iberian wolf comes into force.

The leftist coalition government plans to prevent the Iberian wolf from being hunted anywhere by categorising it as an endangered species. The reform is yet to be implemented and could see changes.

Iberian wolves from the Iberian Wolf Centre in Robledo de Sanabria on February 21, 2020 in Zamora, Spain
image captionSpain has Europe's biggest wolf population: These Iberian wolves are kept at Zamora's Iberian wolf centre
"It's like in a nightclub when there's a fire," says Mr Codesal of the wolf attack. "There's a stampede and people get trodden on and hurt. This is the same."

He was not entitled to any compensation and estimates that the financial losses he suffered from this incident totalled around €12-14,000

"It's not even about the money," he says. "It's emotional, because the animals are part of my family."

A 'historic' change?
The region of Castilla y León is the habitat for most of Spain's wolves. Figures gathered by the local government showed that they killed 3,774 sheep and cows in the region in 2019.

Felipe Luis Codesal's farm is just north of the Duero river, which marks a natural border between north-west Spain and the rest of the country. Until now, it has been legal to hunt wolves north of the Duero, under a strict quota system, because that is where they are most prevalent.

South of the river they have been protected.

Conservationist groups have welcomed the government plan. When it was unveiled in February, the Ecologistas en Acción organisation hailed it as a "historic day".

But Mr Codesal, who is a member of the UPA association of smallholder farmers, warns the reform will ruin livestock owners by allowing the wolf population to spiral out of control and roam uncontrolled. The UPA is unconvinced by measures included in the plan to subsidise the installation of fences and the use of guard dogs in livestock farming areas.

Biggest wolf numbers in Europe
The Iberian wolf was close to being wiped out in the middle of the 20th Century. But it enjoyed a resurgence on the back of new hunting regulations introduced in the 1970s and the migration of Spaniards away from rural areas also encouraged its spread down from the north-western corner of the country.

In recent years, wolves have moved into areas such as the Guadarrama mountains north of Madrid and near the city of Ávila, to the west of the capital.

There are now some 2,500 Iberian wolves: around 2,000 are in Spain - the largest wolf population in western Europe - and the rest in Portugal.

wordcloud = WordCloud(background_color="white", max_words=5000, contour_width=3, contour_color='steelblue')

Ćwiczenie 4: Wykonaj chmurę słów dla całego korpusu z ćwiczenia nr 1.

f = open("korpusy/korpus", "r")
wordcloud = WordCloud(background_color="white", max_words=5000, contour_width=3, contour_color='steelblue')

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