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Import Items

Here you can find instructions about import items using TAO platform.


The feature is disabled by default. It can be enabled by the feature flag FEATURE_FLAG_TABULAR_IMPORT_ENABLED.

Tabular Import with CSV Template

We currently support only multiple-choices questions.

field required qti compliant allowed values Default value existent on tao Comments
name yes yes String - - Valid QTI string
language - yes String Default setting - Valid QTI language
shuffle - - 0 or 1 0 - Whenever or not shuffle choices
max_choices - - Numeric 0...N 0 - 0 means unlimited
min_choices - - Numeric 0...N 0 - -
question yes yes String - - String, including QTI compatible XHTML elements
choice_1...choice_N yes yes String - - String, including QTI compatible XHTML elements
choice_1_score...choice_N_score yes - Numerical - - MUST be 1 to 1 with the previous field
correct_answer - - List of choices - List of choices separated by ","
metadata_{property_alias} - - - - Matching properties based on existent property alias

Score setup

How the score is set on the QTI Item based on the import fields.

  • match_correct: In case there are empty choice_N_score and correct_answer is provided.
  • map_response: In case there is more than one choice_N_score.
  • none: In case there is only empty choice_N_score fields and no correct_answer.
    • If max_choices = 0 (unlimited), it will be the sum of all choice_N_score without include negative values.
    • If max_choices = 1, it will be the higher choice_N_score value.
    • If max_choices = 2..N, it will be higher possible sum of choice_N_score.



  • Only single/multiple choice interactions are supported.
  • Only those types of metadata are supported:
    • Text Short Field
    • Text Long Box
    • Text HTML editor
  • Only metadata properties with the attribute “alias” will be considered.