* Fixed flaky tests
* Refactored ui_test commans-line, added documentation
* Attempt to build a workflow with cypress
* Fixed CI UX tests build
* Changed cyprss actions for pull-request
* Merged Cypress workflow into the regular PR target workflow
* Refactored Github workflows to include Cypress Tests
* Revert Ci build to pull_request_target
* Refactor HTTP code into a common utility class
Centralizes the six (slightly) different implementations to use
a common Apache HTTP Client 5 implementation which implements our
strategies for retries, timeouts, error handling, etc.
Apache HTTP Client 5 adds support for Retry-After headers, HTTP/2,
and a bunch of other stuff under the covers.
Moves request delay to a request interceptor and fixes calculation
of the delay (again). Increase retries from 1x to 3x and use delay*2
as the default retry interval, if no Retry-After header. Uses an
exponential backoff strategy for multiple retries.
* Reuses HTTP client across requests
* Use IOException instead of Exception for HTTP errors
* Update CI badge in README.md after #3378
* Fix permissions issue with Coveralls token
* Run jobs for Java 8 and 14.
Temporarily re-hook the workflow to the pull_request event to test the setup.
* Publish coverage for master builds too
* Only keep JRE 8 and 14 in the build matrix.
For #3377.
* Run tests in GitHub Actions on each PR
* Attempt to fix Postgres configuration
* Set explicit password for Postgres on GitHub Actions
* Set explicit password for MySQL and MariaDB
* Fix credentials for postgres and mysql
* Fix duplicate id in GitHub workflow
* Fix creation of test_db on MySQL
* Revert back to GH Action MySQL service
* Populate initial test databases
* Fix syntax of workflow file
* Reorder steps to give more time for MySQL to boot
* Run MySQL database as a service, forward ports to config
* Reformat MySQL options
* Fix YAML syntax
* Add missing 'steps' field
* Fix connection to MySQL and Postgres
* Add back explicit database creation steps
* Force TCP/IP connection for postgres
* Remove explicit creation of test database for postgres
* Fix Postgres and Mariadb configs
* Fix parameter spelling for mariadb
* Display MariaDB test configuration
* Fix more inconsistent parameter names
* Fix more inconsistent parameter names
* Attempt to use Coveralls maven plugin instead of GH action
* Fix workflow file
* Enable submission to coveralls
* Supply coveralls token
* Remove Travis-specific configuration files
* Also update appveyor script after rename of SQL files
* Reintroduce packaging/test_pom.xml used by Appveyor
* Update filenames in appveyor.yml
* Fix: Preventing addition of any empty cells with whitespaces while importing Xml data with Tests : Issue #1095
* Chore: Using 'CharMatcher' to match whitespace pattern instead of using custom regex : Issue #1095
* Update expressions.md
No function reference just yet, nor text for Jython and Clojure. This will all likely be split out into multiple pages, but for now, it's all one for ease of discussion.
* Adding some functions structure for discussion
* Small tweaks
* Accept edits first, duh
* Shortening shorthands
* Update expressions.md
* Tweaks forever
* Adding table of math functions
* Typos, Clojure examples, cross() recipe
* Formatting and language
* Misc clarifications
* Splitting the pages
* Update grelfunctions.md
* Formatting + resolving comments
* Removing a table hack
* Update grelfunctions.md
* Update grelfunctions.md
* Update grelfunctions.md
* Added columnName
* Update grelfunctions.md
* Update grelfunctions.md
* Update expressions.md
* Forgot to fix some links when I split the pages
* Regex updates