change project structure, add a* template

This commit is contained in:
matixezor 2021-04-25 17:10:12 +02:00
parent 1de3c78fd3
commit f777afba56
6 changed files with 101 additions and 58 deletions

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@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
import queue
from typing import List
import pygame as pg
from node import Node
from tile import Tile
def successor(field: List[List[Tile]], x: int, y: int, direction: int):
kody klawiszy:
:a -> 97
:d -> 100
:w -> 119
neighbours = []
coord = 'x' if direction in (1, 3) else 'y'
shift = -1 if direction in (0, 3) else 1
neighbours.append((x, y, (direction - 1) % 4, pg.K_a))
neighbours.append((x, y, (direction + 1) % 4, pg.K_d))
if coord == 'x' and 0 <= x + shift <= 9 and field[y][x + shift].number not in (2, 3):
neighbours.append((x + shift, y, direction, pg.K_w))
elif coord == 'y' and 0 <= y + shift <= 9 and field[y + shift][x].number not in (2, 3):
neighbours.append((x, y + shift, direction, pg.K_w))
return neighbours
def breadth_first_search(field: List[List[Tile]], start_x: int, start_y: int, start_direction: int):
explored = []
node_queue = queue.Queue()
node_queue.put(Node(start_x, start_y, start_direction))
while not node_queue.empty():
node = node_queue.get()
if field[node.y][node.x].mine:
path = []
actions = []
while node.parent:
path.append((node.x, node.y))
node = node.parent
return path[::-1], actions[::-1]
for x, y, direction, action in successor(field, node.x, node.y, node.direction):
neighbour_node = Node(x, y, direction, node, action)
node_queue_list = list(node_queue.queue)
if neighbour_node in explored or neighbour_node in node_queue_list:
return False, False

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from agent import Agent
from game_ui import GameUi
from const import ICON, IMAGES
from environment import Environment
from BFS import breadth_first_search
from search_algoritms.BFS import breadth_first_search
from tilesFactory import TilesFactory

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
import queue
from typing import List
from node import Node
from tile import Tile
from .helpers import successor, get_path_actions
def breadth_first_search(field: List[List[Tile]], start_x: int, start_y: int, start_direction: int):
explored = []
node_queue = queue.Queue()
node_queue.put(Node(start_x, start_y, start_direction))
while not node_queue.empty():
node = node_queue.get()
if field[node.y][node.x].mine:
return get_path_actions(node)
for x, y, direction, action in successor(field, node.x, node.y, node.direction):
neighbour_node = Node(x, y, direction, node, action)
node_queue_list = node_queue.queue
if neighbour_node in explored or neighbour_node in node_queue_list:
return False, False

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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
from typing import List, Tuple
from operator import itemgetter
from node import Node
from tile import Tile
from .helpers import successor, get_path_actions
def a_star(field: List[List[Tile]], start_x: int, start_y: int, start_direction: int, goal):
explored = []
node_queue: List[Tuple[int, Node]] = [(1, Node(start_x, start_y, start_direction))]
# do kolejki dodawać krotke (priorytet, obiekt)
while node_queue:
priority, node = node_queue.pop(0)
# przy get wyciąga element z najniższą wartością priorytetu
if field[node.y][node.x] == goal:
return get_path_actions(node)
for x, y, direction, action in successor(field, node.x, node.y, node.direction):
neighbour_node = Node(x, y, direction, node, action)
neighbour_priority = calculate_priority(node, goal)
if neighbour_node not in explored and all(neighbour_node not in queue_tuple for queue_tuple in node_queue):
node_queue.append((neighbour_priority, neighbour_node))
node_queue = sorted(node_queue, key=itemgetter(0))
elif (index := [
index for index, queue_tuple in enumerate(node_queue) if neighbour_priority > queue_tuple[0]
node_queue[index] = (neighbour_priority, neighbour_node)
node_queue = sorted(node_queue, key=itemgetter(0))
return False, False

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
from typing import List
import pygame as pg
from tile import Tile
from node import Node
def successor(field: List[List[Tile]], x: int, y: int, direction: int):
kody klawiszy:
:a -> 97
:d -> 100
:w -> 119
neighbours = []
coord = 'x' if direction in (1, 3) else 'y'
shift = -1 if direction in (0, 3) else 1
neighbours.append((x, y, (direction - 1) % 4, pg.K_a))
neighbours.append((x, y, (direction + 1) % 4, pg.K_d))
if coord == 'x' and 0 <= x + shift <= 9 and field[y][x + shift].number not in (2, 3):
neighbours.append((x + shift, y, direction, pg.K_w))
elif coord == 'y' and 0 <= y + shift <= 9 and field[y + shift][x].number not in (2, 3):
neighbours.append((x, y + shift, direction, pg.K_w))
return neighbours
def get_path_actions(node: Node):
path = []
actions = []
while node.parent:
path.append((node.x, node.y))
node = node.parent
return path[::-1], actions[::-1]